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Newsleader Sartell
Friday, Oct. 3, 2014 Volume 19, Issue 39 Est. 1995
Town Crier Sartell schools to hold special ed meeting
The Sartell Special Education Advisory Committee will meet between 6 and 8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 6 at the District Service Center, 212 3rd Ave. N. This meeting is open to all parents of students served in special education in the Sartell-St. Stephen School District.
County parks to offer disabled persons hunt
A deer hunt for people with disabilities will take place in November at two Stearns County parks, Rockville Park and Nature Preserve and Spring Hill County Park. Hunters will be able to use shotguns, bows or crossbows. Hunters need to apply and will be selected and supervised by Midwest Outdoors Unlimited for each of the hunts. The mission of the group is to provide outdoor recreational activities for Disabled American Veterans, disabled individuals and disabled youth in Minnesota. Completed applications must be returned by Friday, Oct. 10. For more information, visit and click on Oct. 3 Criers.
Register to vote online
Stearns County residents may register to vote online. The online voter registration application was developed by the Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State and can be accessed at www.mnvotes. org, or on the Stearns County website at Voters may register or update their existing registration information online. Advanced registration is open until Tuesday, Oct. 14. Paper applications are still available for people who wish to use them to register to vote. Contact the Stearns County Auditor-Treasurer’s office at 320-656-3920, or email with any questions or for additional information.
Postal Patron
Bearson’s family Blazing color shares fond memories announces autumn by Dennis Dalman
Thomas G re g o r y Bearson enjoyed basketball so much he played the game practically ‘round the clock, in Bearson all weather and probably even in his dreams, said his father, Greg, during his son’s funeral Monday at St. Francis Xavier Church in Sartell. Bearson, 18, a North Dakota State University student, died as the result of “homicidal violence” in the Fargo-Moorhead area sometime between Sept. 21-23 (see related story). More than 1,000 people attended his funeral, officiated by Father Tim Baltes. Bearson’s mother, Deb, recalled how Tom was born on a bitterly cold day (Jan.
6, 1996). Everyone remarked about the baby’s bright blue eyes. He developed into a good boy and a young man with a heart of gold, she said. And he was such a thoughtful and loving son that at a party when he was very young he declined to eat any peanut-butter chocolate candy because he knew his mother was allergic to peanuts and then he wouldn’t be able to give her kisses. Bearson’s older sister, Maddie, – his only sibling – said she had learned much from her younger brother, who was a kind of mentor to her in many ways. “I am proud to be his sister,” she said. Another speaker was Dave Angell, a former Sartell coach, who told the congregation a story of disappointment that later turned into triumph. Bearson and the Sabres were playing a game against Albany Bearson • page 6
by Dennis Dalman
A city match of $100,000 for a Mighty Ducks application was unanimously approved by the Sartell City Council at its last meeting. The grant request for the Bernick’s Arena is $200,000, which requires a one-to-one match. Bernick’s Arena operators are committed to provid-
ing $100,000 of the matching amount and requested the city provide $100,000, said Sartell City Administrator Mary Degiovanni. All told, the grant with matching funds would total $400,000. The city’s share of the money would come from the park department fund via local-option half-cent sales-tax funds, Degiovanni noted. “My guess is it (the Mighty Ducks grant process) will be
Quit tobacco through the Outpatient Nicotine Dependence Program at St. Cloud Hospital. The next session is from 5:306:30 p.m. beginning Tuesday, Oct. 7 and runs for five consecutive weeks at the CentraCare Heart and Vascular Center. Deadline to register is Monday, Oct. 6. For more information, visit www. and click on Oct. Criers.
See inside for our firefighter salute!
A burst of color on a maple tree at a residence in east Sartell is sure proof that autumn has arrived. The first day of fall was Sept. 23. This beautiful tree is in a yard at the intersection of 8th Street NE and 2nd Avenue NE.
Sartell approves Mighty Ducks grant application
Quit smoking sessions start
For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.
photo by Dennis Dalman
photo by Dennis Dalman
Jenny Hill of Sartell admires woven baskets at the Millstream Arts Festival Sunday in St. Joseph. Main street was closed to traffic as dozens of arts-and-crafts vendors set up their wares, attracting thousands of people to the annual event, which was blessed by beautiful warm fall weather.
extremely competitive,” Degiovanni told the council. The decisions as to which facilities will get the grant will be determined by the Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission. In a memo to the council, Degiovanni outlined the history of the city’s involvement with the Bernick’s Arena. In 2003, the city approved $377,000 in property-tax abatement to help the $2.5-million arena get built.
The city also used $250,00 in local-option half-cent sales-tax revenue for site improvements at the site in Pinecone Regional Park. The construction of the arena was accomplished thanks to donations large and small and thousands of hours of voluntary labor and in-kind contributions, as well as a Mighty Ducks grant. Grant • page 3
by Dennis Dalman
tered in the street and on the grounds of St. Joseph Catholic Church. Dozens of white tents housed vendors who offered for sale a stunning variety of art works and craft items: paintings, prints, woven baskets, pottery, jewelry, photography, glassware, wood carvings, stained glass, textiles, folk art and metal sculptures. Arts-and-crafts exhibitors included many local artists, as well as others from as far away as Minneapolis. On the west end of main Festival • page 11
Millstream Festival livens up main street Main street in St. Joseph, closed to traffic, was a swirl of activity with a riot of color, the aromas of food, live music and curb-to-curb arts and crafts Sept. 28 during the annual Millstream Arts Festival. The warm fall weather was made-to-order for festival-going. The event turned out to be a resounding success, attracting thousands of visitors who leisurely saun-
Sartell Newsleader •
Thank You
A huge thank you from the Sartell Senior Connection goes out to all the volunteers, and for the many donations which con-
tributed to a successful “Celebration of Fall” sale on Sept. 20th. All of the proceeds support SSC activities.
CMAB awards grants to area organizations Thirteen regional organizations were recently awarded grants from the Central Minnesota Arts Board totaling more than $77,000. Ten local projects include the following: St. Cloud Arts Commission, $6,000, for the research and development of a public art project that would connect Lake George to Downtown St. Cloud through the 10th Avenue Viaduct and Minnesota Highway 23; Great River Educational Theatre, $8,000 for the musical “Peter Pan,” to be held Jan. 9-18 at Escher Auditorium at the College of St. Benedict; The Center for Service Learning and Social Change, $6,000, to engage spoken-word artist Julia Dinsmore to hold a series of workshops with area youth empowering participants to give voice to issues of homelessness, hunger and diversity through Spoken Word Poetry; St. John’s University - Fine Arts, $8,000 for performances and residencies with Black Violin that work primarily with incarcerated youth from Prairie Lakes Youth Detention Facility and Veterans from the St. Cloud VA March 2628; Visual Arts Minnesota, $5,765, for the 15th annual Essential Art Exhibition and Celebration for artists from throughout the state of Minnesota to exhibit high quality artwork in 2D and 3D. The exhibition will run from Jan.-Feb. 15 with an art reception and community celebration from 6-8 p.m. Jan. 9 at the Paramount Theatre Lobby Gallery in St. Cloud; St. Cloud Symphony Orches-
tra, $6,000, “Moments in Time” Concert conducted by Dr. Clinton Smith at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 25 in Ritsche Auditorium, St. Cloud State University; Youth Chorale of Central Minnesota, $2,695, “ A Choral Community” concert that features a variety of Central Minnesota community and church choirs Sunday, Oct. 26 in Ritsche Auditorium, SCSU; Paramount Arts Resource Trust, $6,000, to host a ceramic workshop with nationally acclaimed ceramic artists Kathy King and Julia Galloway June 15-19 at the Paramount Visual Arts Center. Participants from the workshop will exhibit their final pieces during the August 2015 Art Crawl; Minnesota Center Chorale, $3,870, “A Civil War Portrait” featuring folk music from the Civil War era with special guests Cristina Seaborn and Paul Imholte that will include a pre-concert presentation at 3 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 2 in Calvary Community Church, St. Cloud; and, Chamber Music Society of St. Cloud, $6,000, the Schubert Ensemble Concerts and Residency. A formal concert will be held 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 14 at the First United Methodist Church with a free family concert held at 1 p.m. in the St. Cloud Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. The residency will provide elementary through high school students with an introduction to and instruction about classical and contemporary chamber music, specifically string quartets. Three other grants were award-
If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the Sartell Police Department at 320-251-8186 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 320-255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Kelsey Nestel receives Fulbright award Stoppers offers rewards up to Kelsey Nestel, granddaughter of ment, as well as demonstrated lead- $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those Lorna and Bud Nestel of Sartell, ership potential. The Fulbright Program is the responsible for crimes. has been awarded a Fulbright U.S. Student Program grant to Korea for flagship international educational Sept. 14 an English teaching assistantship. exchange program sponsored by the 6:48 a.m. Twin Rivers Court. She is currently a student at James U.S. government and is designed Unwanted person. A complaint Madison University, Harrisonburg, to increase mutual understanding was made regarding a female Va. Nestel is one of more than 1,800 between the people of the United sleeping in her vehicle, in a busiU.S. citizens who will travel abroad States and the people of other counness lot. The female agreed to for the 2014-15 academic year tries. The Program operates in more leave the area without incident. through the Fulbright U.S. Student than 155 countries worldwide. For 5:06 p.m. 19th Avenue S. Program. Recipients of Fulbright further information, visit www.theSuspicious vehicle. A report was grants are selected on the basis of and click on Oct. made regarding an unknown moacademic and professional achieve- 3 People, under the Social tab.
torcycle parked on private property. When officers arrived, the motorcycle could not be located.
contributed photos
Miller wins awards at State Fair Claire Miller, Sartell High School student, recently earned first place in Drawing – pastel and second and third place in Drawing – charcoal in the 10th-grade Education Division Art at the 2014 Minnesota State Fair. Miller received a $1,500 CMAB Mentorship Grant to work with Yudong Shen, a renowned Chinese ink and oil painter. The mentorship goal was focused on improving observational drawing skills and quick drawing techniques to a college portfolio. These awards will be added to an already growing list. Miller has been receiving awards from the State Fair since 2012, as well as, Gold and Sil-
ver Key Awards from the Scholastic Art and Writing Contests and Top 10 Winner North American Celebrating Art Fall 2013. The Student Arts Mentorship program supports intensive, specialized learning experiences between Region 7W students and arts professionals (mentors). Students may apply for up to $2,000 to fund a minimum of 30-hours of study over a maximum of six months. For more information about the Central Minnesota Arts Board grant opportunities and services go to or call the office toll free at 1-866-3457140.
Friday, Oct. 3, 2014
ed to the Elk River Arts Alliance, and the Buffalo Community Theater and Orchestra. Three criteria are used in evaluating applications: artistic quality and merit; ability of the organization to carry out the proposal; and the needs of the community. Organizations may apply for up to $6,000 with a 30-percent match requirement for any one project or combined projects totaling no more than $6,000 in any one grant round. Organizations may apply for up to $8,000 with a 50-percent match requirement one time in any of the three grant rounds. Funding for these CMAB Grants is provided through an appropriation from the Minnesota State Legislature with money from the state’s general fund, and its arts and cultural heritage fund created by the voters of Minnesota. The Central Minnesota Arts Board supports collaborative and innovative arts opportunities through partnerships and financial investments in Stearns, Benton, Sherburne and Wright counties as one of 11 Regional Arts Councils designated by the Minnesota State Arts Board. We work with community partners to increase access to the unique cultural assets of Minnesota. Visit Arts and Events Click and Go Guide to see a full listing of these arts events and more. For more information about the Central Minnesota Arts Board visit or call the office toll free at -866345-7140.
Sept. 15 9:14 a.m. 7th Street N. Assault. A report was made regarding an adult female hitting another adult female with an object. When officers arrived, both females stated it was an accident and she did not mean to strike the female. They stated they needed no assistance. 11:29 p.m. 7th Street N. Juvenile problem. While on patrol, an officer witnessed two male juveniles hide behind a dumpster. The juveniles were located and issued curfew violation citations. The males were also transported to their residence and left in the custody of their parents.
Sept. 17 2:23 a.m. 7th Street N. Suspicious activity. While on patrol, an officer saw a resident’s trunk left open on their vehicle. The officer checked the area and secured the vehicle. 6:29 p.m. 4th Street N. Traffic stop. After checking a vehicle’s registration, it was found the driver had a suspended license. The driver stated he was aware of his status. He was issued a citation and the vehicle was towed from the area. Sept. 18 8:37 a.m. Kings Way. Property damage. A report was made regarding a residence being egged Blotter • page 6
Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.
Newstands Country Store and Pharmacy Holiday on Riverside Drive Holiday on 7th Street N House of Pizza JM Speedstop
Little Dukes on Pinecone Sartell City Hall Sartell-St. Stephen School District Offices Walgreens
Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon
Operations Manager Logan Gruber
Production Manager Tara Wiese
Editor Dennis Dalman
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Friday, Oct. 3, 2014
Sartell Newsleader •
from front page In the 10 years since it was built, Degiovanni noted, the city has not contributed any more money to the arena and its operations, other than routine site maintenance at the park. Operated by the Sartell Youth Hockey Association, the arena has been self-supporting and makes enough to cover its annual operating costs of about $250,000 annually. The arena has become a site for a wide variety of events: hockey, pleasure iceskating, soccer, lacrosse and gymnastics. It’s also used as a venue for events and charitable causes that include concerts, roller derbies and hobby shows. The grant and matching funds would allow the arena’s operators to make several much-needed capital improvements, including refrigerant replacement, monitoring system and compressor drives; elevator; upgraded bleachers; air-quality improvement; additional locker rooms; and a water softener and related water-circulation system. The Mighty Ducks grant program began in Minnesota in the early 1990s when the legislature began to understand the
Information and registration
Saturday, Oct. 4 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Sartell Bernick’s Arena
Loaner equipment check-out Free open skate with Johnnies, Lumberjacks and HS Sabre players. Meet our sponsors.
GIRLS HOCKEY DAY Saturday, Oct. 11 Noon-1:30 p.m.
Sartell Bernick’s Arena Skate with Storm’n Sabres. Free on-ice games and prizes. Fun for all girls. Bring a friend new to the sport get a free T-shirt!
Family Owned and Operated Hearing Center photo from Winkelman Building Corp. website
The Bernick’s Arena in Sartell, built 10 years ago, is operated by the Sartell Youth Hockey Association. Operators are hoping for a Mighty Ducks state grant to do capital improvements at the facility. need for winter sports facilities for youth. At that time, hockey gained in popularity as a sport for both boys and girls. Since then, more than $18 million was granted to help cities build ice facilities, creating 61 sheets of new ice across the state. This year, 2014, a new Mighty Ducks bill was introduced in the legislature to help cities and hockey associations replace expensive refrigeration systems for indoor arenas. That
is because starting in 2020, the U.S. government will impose a ban on the importation of Freon, a common refrigerant, because of environmental concerns. Freon, a trade name of DuPont Chemical, can be used in gas or liquid form in refrigerants and for aerosol propellants. Freon contains chlorofluorocarbons, which are believed to cause ozone depletion and, thus, global warming.
• Free Hearing Screenings • Hearing Aid Sales & Service • Clean & Check All Hearing Aid Brands
320-258-4494 or 1-888-407-4327 161 19th St. S. • Ste. 111 • Sartell
Sartell Newsleader •
Our View Bearson in prime of youth had life snatched from him Words are utterly inadequate to express the shock, sadness and terror when someone’s child disappears or is found murdered. That is what happened to Thomas Gregory Bearson of Sartell when he was first reported as missing Sept. 21 in Fargo, and then found deceased two days later in Moorhead, the victim of “homicidal violence,” as the police described it. Only 18 years old, Bearson had just begun nursing studies at North Dakota State University when his life was so tragically, viciously snatched from him. It’s often been said children should never die before their parents do. It’s every parents’ worst nightmare that something bad will befall one or more of their children. That imagined nightmare, shockingly, becomes all too real for too many parents, including the parents of Tom Bearson. The sudden death is bad enough, but the nightmare aspect is even worse when the death was caused by murder. Bearson’s terrible, untimely end has affected everyone who has heard about it, especially his family, friends, school chums, teachers, coaches and the members of St. Francis Xavier Church in Sartell, of which Bearson was a member. He also attended St. Francis Xavier Elementary School where his mother, Deb, is a teacher. It was very moving to see and hear the memorial service at the church as so many people gathered to honor Tom and to mourn his unthinkable loss. What is doubly sad is the service had been intended as a prayer-and-hope ceremony for finding Tom after his unexplained disappearance, but as it turned out, tragically, his death was announced on the day of the memorial service. It tugs at the mind to think how Bearson would have been a successful young man leading a long, happy and productive life. By all accounts, he was very intelligent, talented, kind, charming and disciplined – skills which so many had a chance to observe on the basketball court with “Tommy,” one of the outstanding Sartell Sabre players. We hope the perpetrator(s) of this senseless, cruel, violent crime are apprehended soon. Bearson’s family and friends will need to have that kind of closure. Such an unknown can gnaw at the hearts of loved ones, the way it has for the parents of Jacob Wetterling, 11 years old when he was kidnapped in St. Joseph 25 years ago. That terrible unknown also eats away at the parents of Joshua Guimond, a St. John’s University student from Maple Lake who “disappeared” 12 years ago while walking in the dark on the SJU campus. Those are just three local tragedies. Imagine all the grieving parents, siblings, spouses and friends whose loved ones have been killed or who just “disappeared” without a trace. That kind of grieving never ends. As Patty Wetterling, mother of Jacob, once said, “The hurt never goes away. We learned to go on, but that hurt is always there inside.” Our hearts go out to the loved ones of Tom Bearson, especially to his parents and his sister. We hope they can find some kind of solace eventually during the difficult, grieving days ahead.
Fairness and ethics
Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.
Friday, Oct. 3, 2014
Corporate inversions sap America’s strength Wouldn’t it be nice to set up an address in a foreign country, then when tax time rolls around you could tell Uncle Sam, “Sorry, but since I have a foreign address, I don’t owe you as much money.” That’s what some American corporations are doing – and getting away with – through a process called “inversion.” Well, OK, it’s not as simple as just getting a foreign address, but – in essence – it amounts to the same thing. Corporations are avoiding paying U.S. taxes because of headquarters (addresses) in foreign countries. However, what sounds like tax fraud is perfectly legal. We should ask ourselves why. But that “why” is easily answered: The U.S. Congress, in cahoots with tax attorneys and corporations, has devised a tax code riddled with loopholes for the benefit of the super-rich. The hired tax experts then twist and stretch to widen every possible loophole. It’s all legal, unfortunately. Fortunately, the U.S. Treasury Department, President Barack Obama and some members of Congress (sad to say, only some) say they intend to tighten some of these inversion rules. Here’s how an inversion works: An American company is restructured so its “parent” becomes a foreign corporation. A recent example is Burger King, which is purchasing Tim Hortons Inc. of Canada, a coffee-and-donut shop chain. Such arrangements amount to a kind of tax shell game, and the bag of tricks consists of internal loans, stock purchases and other financial sleight-of-hand maneuvers so the new “inverted” company can avoid paying U.S. taxes the way it would have
Dennis Dalman Editor before the inversion. It’s all very complicated, all very legal, and the reason the tax code is so infernally complicated is because it depends upon purposeful complexity to create a labyrinthine framework in which these sneaky loopholes can exist. It also requires the hiring of countless numbers of tax experts and attorneys whom only the loopholers can afford. In the past 31 years, 70 corporations have “inverted,” with half of those in just the past five years. It’s estimated the lost corporate taxes will cost Americans nearly $20 billion during the next 10 years. Three companies now considering the inversion process are Pfizer, Walgreens and Medtronic. In a recent speech aimed at inversions, President Obama called for a new “Economic Patriotism,” in which corporations would become loyal to helping strengthen an American middle class and creating economic conditions for all, not just for some. That clarion call, corporate-economic patriotism, has been sounded before, to no avail, as so many owners of American corporate giants, made strong by generations of American workers, shipped those jobs overseas lured by low wages. That off-sourcing is a kissin’ cousin to inver-
sioning. Both harm American workers and taxpayers. Both harm America, period. Let’s hope the Treasury Department puts the screws to the inversion process. But chances are such corporations will find other loopholes in their place. What’s really needed – badly needed and longoverdue – is comprehensive reform of the entire tax code to make it simple, understandable by all and fair across the board. And yes, such a code could include lowering the corporate tax rate, as long as those corporations won’t be allowed to squirm and wiggle their way out of paying their fair share. Some corporations, coddled so long by congressional lackeys, pay virtually no taxes whatsoever. For years, tax reform was on the highpriority list in the U.S. Congress, but it kept being pushed to the back burner, along with so much other vitally important legislation – immigration reform, to name just one. The current congress, paralyzed by do-nothings and obstructionists, doesn’t even have the guts to debate the strikes against ISIS in Syria and Iraq. How, then, is it going to take on tax reform? And even if it does, we should shudder to think how – tasked with closing loopholes but still beholden to their rich contributors – legislators will close some loopholes, only to cook up even more loopholes in their place this time around. The bottom line is without draconian campaign reform – disconnecting money and voting – tax reform won’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell. And neither will anything else that could strengthen the working people and the middle class in this country.
Letter to editor
Working smoke alarms save lives Bruce West Minnesota State Fire Marshal
When was the last time you tested the smoke alarms in your home? If you’re like many people, you may not even remember. Smoke alarms have become such a common feature of U.S. households they’re often taken for granted and aren’t tested and maintained. Data from 776 Minnesota fire departments shows four people died last year in homes without smoke alarms or in homes with inoperable smoke alarms. These deaths could have been prevented. As a member of the fire service for 35 years, I’ve seen the devastating effects of fire first-hand. Witnessing a family’s
anguish after a loved one has been killed in a fire is heartbreaking. Fire Prevention Week is Oct. 5-11 and this year’s theme is “Working Smoke Alarms Save Lives: Test Yours Every Month!” The Minnesota State Fire Marshal Division and fire officials statewide want to educate the public about the true value of working smoke alarms. I hope all Minnesota residents participate in their local Fire Prevention Week activities and make sure there are working smoke alarms installed throughout their homes. Here are some tips to get you started: • Install smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside each separate sleeping area and on every level of the home, including
the basement • Interconnect all smoke alarms throughout the home. When one sounds, they all sound • Test alarms each month by pushing the test button • Replace all smoke alarms when they are 10 years old or sooner if they do not respond properly • Make sure everyone in the home knows the sound of the smoke alarm and understands what to do when they hear it • And, practice your family fire escape plan. To learn more about Fire Prevention Week, visit
This is probably not going to end well Like most of you, I watch a little television. While watching news from almost any station we are invariably treated on occasion to a Los Angeles freeway car chase. Somebody will steal a car or try to run from an accident or just have open warrants. Whatever the reason, they decide to run from police while the news and police helicopters go up and record every move made by the perpetrator. Usually a battalion of police cars gets in on the chase. Speeds often reach more than 100 mph and other drivers on the freeway system are put at risk. I think to myself as I watch the drama unfold, this is probably not going to end well. And, almost without fail, the inevitable happens. The subject of the chase either stops because of car failure, tire failure or – worst-case scenario – car crash. In many cases people are killed or maimed in these car chases. One could almost predict the end result well before it happens. The point of all this, is the situation we are facing today in the world. ISIS or ISIL, whatever you want to call them, is like the car being chased on the freeway. It’s going to cause some mayhem. It may even cause some to die, but in the end it’s going to end badly for them. The reality is groups like ISIS or al-Qaeda are like ants at a picnic. They, in light of the bigger picture, are little more than irritants. And, like the
Ron Scarbro Guest Writer ants, they will be squashed like the bugs they are. The world is not going to put up with murderous thugs running around killing and beheading people. For a time they will be news. They will cause some to fear. But, like the killer thugs before them, they will disappear from the Earth and be relegated to the dung heap of yesterday’s killers like Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein and so many others. The world has not been kind to heinous killers in the past and it will not likely be in the future. Instead of wringing our hands and worrying about this latest bunch and others in the future, there are things we as a country can do to mitigate this threat. ISIS is being funded by petrol dollars. Countries like Saudi Arabia and others of their ilk are using their oil money to fund groups like ISIS. What if we got off our duffs and began a serious effort to become energy independent? Drill our own oil. Extract natural gas from the deep recesses where it’s hiding. Open up the
Keystone pipeline to move the oil already discovered more cheaply to the refineries. Get off the backs of coal miners. Let them produce the energy that is basically at our fingertips. If Sheik Abdullah What’s-HisName had to face life without his oil billions, he might be a little more reluctant to fund terrorist groups. Even Vladimir Putin would have to reconsider his position of trying to take over the Ukraine. His only power comes from the fact he provides the Europeans with natural gas. How much power would he have if Europeans had other sources for their energy? The inconvenient truth is we have massive energy reserves. We have coal, oil and natural gas. Additionally, we have the brainpower to continue to find and produce alternate forms of energy and new products with better energy efficiency. ISIS’s reign of terror will end badly – and soon. Al-Qaeda will disappear. The car chase will come to an end. Smart choices on the part of our government could speed that process along. Scarbro is retired and spends most of his free time with his grandchildren having moved from Sartell to St. Simons Island, Ga.. Writing and commenting on the news of the day is a pastime. Visit his weekly blog at for more commentary.
Friday, Oct. 3, 2014
Sartell Newsleader •
Repurposed old barn ‘initiated’ with wedding reception by Dennis Dalman
While repairing part of his old barn, a stunned Dave Traut at first couldn’t believe his eyes when he spotted a hammer in the wall. Instantly, he knew just which hammer it was – the one his father, Cyril, had accused the children of losing 47 years ago. Traut was 10 years old at the time, helping his father do repairs on the old barn. “My first thought when I found that hammer,” said Dave, chuckling, “is that I was disappointed I couldn’t tell my father, ‘Hey, dad, guess what I found?’” The hammer is a red, fiberglass-handled hammer, which at that time was just the cat’s meow of hammers. Cyril had received it as a gift from his wife, and he was so happy to have it and so disappointed when it went missing. Traut found the hammer when he was repairing some boards on the east side of the 90-year-old barn. It was part of a very labor-intensive project that involved thousands of hours of work by Traut, his family, relatives and friends. Their goal was to restore and repurpose the old barn, which was built in 1924 by Traut’s grandfather, Ed Traut. Dave and his wife, Judy, and their children have lived for many years across from the old barn, on CR 19 in west Sartell. It was one of their four children, Sarah, who convinced her father to hasten the barn restoration. “I’d like to have my wedding reception in that barn,” she said to her father about a year ago. “Well, that’s a great idea,” he said, “but . . . “
That “but” implied all the work it would take to get the barn ready for the Sept. 20, 2014 wedding. But Traut got busy in his spare time and on weekends, although he had to take a long break to recover from rotor-cuff surgery on his right arm. One of the hardest tasks was to jack-hammer all the very thick concrete slabs on the floor of the old dairy barn. Next came many restoration projects on the first floor and in the haymow area on the second floor. At times, everyone, including Dave, wondered if it could ever possibly be done on time. “It was like taking a trip,” he said. “You’d better enjoy the journey because you don’t know if you’ll reach your destination or what you’ll find there.” But, as luck and hard work would have it, it was spruced up and decorated for the reception night Sept. 20 when Sarah married Lex Anderson in the family yard across the road. About 200 people attended the wedding reception with a catered dinner and dancing in the haymow area upstairs. A good time was had by one and all. The Andersons live in Big Lake. Lex is a lineman for Xcel Energy, and Sarah is an employee of Nix Café in that city. She hopes soon to get a job as an elementary teacher. The Trauts’ other children are Jeanne Baker, an elementary teacher who lives in Ham Lake; Brian, a well driller for his father’s company (Traut Wells in Waite Park); and Laura, who just graduated from the University of Minnesota, Rochester; and plans to be a dermatologist.
contributed photos
Top: Aglow with thousands of lights, the dance floor and the bar (background) is located in the haymow section of the restored Traut barn. At left: Sarah and Lex Anderson stand by a barn door in the place they held their wedding reception. They were married in her parents’ Dave and Judy Traut’s yard right across the road from the old barn. photo by Dennis Dalman
Above: Dave Traut holds the longlost red fiberglass-handled hammer, which – to his astonishment – he found recently in the wall of his grandfather’s old barn. That hammer, which belonged to his father, had been missing for 47 years.
Barn • page 12
‘Cookout’ was successful Almost 250 senior citizens – people 55 and older – attended the recent ‘Cookout with Cops,’ an annual event sponsored by the Sartell Police Department. Sartell Police Chief Jim Hughes told the city council at its last meeting the cookout was
a great success. Now in its seventh year, the annual cookout took place at St. Francis Xavier Church’s Gathering Place. Besides hot dogs, hamburgers and other treats, the event featured several speakers. Hughes said the guest speakers were very
happy with the quality of the sound system. Mayor Joe Perske said he also enjoyed the event, and this year, now that he’s older than 55, he could eat his hamburger without embarrassment, he added with a smile.
Sartell Newsleader •
Bearson from front page
High School when, to Bearson’s great disappointment, he missed a shot that could have won the game for the team. Angell told him such a failure can be a teachable moment. The next year, during a game vs. Albany again, Bearson made a shot that won the game for the Sartell Sabres. Besides recalling his love of basketball, speakers at the
funeral noted Bearson was a young man who was a good friend to many and a loving family member who had a promising future. After the funeral, a cousin, Ryan Walsh, read a family statement to the press outside the church. In the statement, the family thanked law-enforcement investigators, family, friends and relatives for an outpouring of support. The family also thanked the media for respecting family privacy during a time of such grief and sadness.
Friday, Oct. 3, 2014 The family is hoping the perpetrator(s) can be arrested so “justice can be served.” Tom Bearson touched so many people, the statement read, that “that thought brings us strength.” The family members have so many times asked themselves, “Why Tom?” “The only thing we can come up with is the basketball team in heaven must have needed a point guard.” The statement ended with the family urging all parents “to hug your children and tell them you love them.”
Investigation of Bearson death continues
contributed by “In memory of Tom Bearson” Facebook page
Bearson played basketball while attending high school in Sartell. During Bearson’s funeral, Dave Angell, a former Sartell coach, told the congregation a story of disappointment that later turned into triumph. Bearson and the Sabres were playing a game against Albany High School when, to Bearson’s great disappointment, he missed a shot that could have won the game for the team. Angell told him such a failure can be a teachable moment. The next year, during a game vs. Albany again, Bearson made a shot that won the game for the Sartell Sabres.
Blotter from page 2
Noise. A complaint was made regarding loud noises coming from a residence. An officer spoke with the resident and issued a citation.
Sept. 19 sometime overnight. 7:22 a.m. 5th Avenue E. Ve11:12 p.m. 2nd Avenue N. hicle theft. A report was made
Two missing objects – a white Nike tennis shoe and a silver-colored iPhone – are possible clues into what happened to Thomas Gregory Bearson of Sartell, whose body was found Sept. 23 in Moorhead. Investigators have widely disseminated a request for anybody who finds one or both of those objects to notify them immediately. The tennis shoe (a left shoe) is a white Nike Air Jordan, size 9-1/2; the silver phone is an iPhone5. Bearson, the Moorhead police have said, died as a result of “homicidal violence.” He was a student studying nurs-
ing at North Dakota State University in Fargo when he was reported missing Sept. 21. After widespread searching for him, his body was found in the lot of an RV business the morning of Sept. 23 in Moorhead. The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension is assisting in the investigation. Information about how Bearson died has not been released by authorities, who may not know exactly what happened until all test results have been completed by the Ramsey County Medical Examiner’s Office. Students at Sartell High School have established a fund
in memory of Tom Bearson for his family. On Sept. 26, there was a moment of silence and prayer to honor Bearson at the Sartell Sabres’ football game, and players wore “T.B” (Tom Bearson) stickers on their helmets in honor of the former outstanding Sabre basketball player. Anyone with information as to what may have happened to Bearson should call the Red River Regional Dispatch Center at 701-451-7660. The Sartell Police Department could also be contacted so any information could be passed on to the proper investigators. The Sartell P.D. number is 320-251-8186.
regarding a tackle box taken from a boat sometime overnight. 5:58 p.m. Pinecone Road. Juvenile problem. A report was made regarding five juveniles lying in the roadway. An officer spoke with the boys, who denied
lying in the road. They were asked to leave.
Fight. A report was made regarding two adult males fighting in a business parking lot. Officers arrived and there was no one in the area.
Sept. 20 4:14 a.m. 8th Avenue N. Domestic. A report was made regarding a male and female arguing. Officers arrived and spoke with both parties who denied anything becoming physical and stated they needed no assistance. 10:09 p.m. 7th Street N. Personal assist. A report was made regarding an adult female left at a business with a child. The female refused to tell officers what happened. An officer transported her to a family’s residence. Sept. 21 2:11 a.m. Riverside Avenue.
Sept. 22 9:34 a.m. Riverside Avenue. Traffic stop. After checking a vehicle’s registration, it was found the driver had a revoked license and an arrest warrant. The driver stated he was aware of his license status. He was placed under arrest without incident. 10:29 p.m. Sunset Avenue. Loud music. A complaint was made regarding loud music coming from a residence. The resident agreed to turn down the music without incident.
Friday, Oct. 3, 2014
Sartell Newsleader •
Sherlock evolved through the decades by Dennis Dalman
Contrary to popular belief, Sherlock Holmes didn’t come ready-made with a smoking pipe and magnifying glass. Those famous props were added much later, as was his most famous expression, “Elementary, dear Watson.” All kinds of fun facts about Holmes surfaced Sept. 9 at Country Manor in Sartell when author Jeff Falkingham entertained visitors to Drakes Fine Food and Spirits bar and restaurant, which from now on will be open to the public, as well as Country Manor residents. Drakes opened in May, part of the Waterford Apartments addition to Country Manor, a complex of 40 high-quality apartments for senior living. Recently, said Drakes manager Kim Foshaug, it was decided to invite the public in during its open hours, 11 a.m.-9 p.m. seven days a week. “Our biggest seller is our walleye,” Foshaug said. “Our bread pudding is our signature dessert.” Other menu choices include Baked Pasta Alfredo, Shrimp Pasta, Drakes Chicken Boursin, salmon, deluxe hamburgers and lots of salad, including spinach with mango vinaigrette. The head chef is Kasey Davis of Sartell, formerly of Champlin. Davis, Foshaug and others – mostly Country Manor residents – gathered to hear Falkingham share facts and insights about Sherlock Holmes, perhaps the most famous fictional character in all of literature. And it’s no wonder the fame,
with books about Holmes having been translated into 60 languages and having sold at least 100 million copies during the past 125 years since Holmes was “born” under the pen of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. During his presentation, Falkingham dressed as Dr. Watson, who is the narrator of the Holmes novels and stories. At his side, Sherlock Holmes was portrayed by Al Pfeifle of Sartell. There were two presentations Sept. 9, and a woman, Judy Boe from Wisconsin, portrayed Holmes for the second show. Doyle, born in Edinburgh, Scotland, became an eye doctor who practiced in London. Also an author, he wrote historical photo by Dennis Dalman fiction and science fiction, but Joe Pfeifle of Sartell (left) as Sherlock Holmes and Jeff Falkingham as Dr. Watson spoof a bit it was his creation of sly, bril- during their presentation at Drakes Fine Food and Spirits restaurant and bar in Sartell. The place liant London detective Sher- is now open to the public, as well as residents of Country Manor in which it is located. lock Holmes that brought him immediate and lasting fame. Doyle wrote four Holmes novels, including A Study in Scarlet and The Hound of the Baskervilles, as well as 56 short stories featuring Holmes and his sidekick and roommate Dr. John Watson, a surgeon. At one point, Doyle wearied of writing his Holmes stories and finally “killed him off” in a story, the victim of his archenemy, Professor James Moriarty. Shocked readers, however, raised an uproar about the Students all over the country will come together at local athletic fields to share in a night of hope….Fields death (thrown from the top of a of Faith. Students inviting students. Sharing their own faith stories, reading Scripture, and challenging waterfall). Doyle, pressured reeach other to follow Jesus Christ. Fields of Faith is sponsored by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. lentlessly by his reading public, felt compelled to “resurrect” Holmes, explaining in the next story that Holmes had faked his death just to trick Moriarty and get him off his trail. The first visual image of Holmes was created in 1891 Sartell HS Football Field (rain location Sartell MS) Holmes • page 10 Doors open at 6 p.m. for autographs and questions for Anne Schleper 7-8 p.m. worship, student testimonials and speaker Anne Schleper
One day. One message. One stand.
Fields of Faith Event Wednesday, Oct. 8 from 6-8 p.m.
For more information visit:
Featuring Olympic Hockey star
Anne Schleper!
We are deeply grateful for our 2014 donors! THANK YOU! Alexis Adelman Emily Baxa Amcon Block Anderson Trucking Anejox Mexican Restaurant Atlas Family Chiropractic Blue Line Sports Bar & Grill Trysten Bommersbach Celebration Lutheran Church Coborn’s Inc. Crafts Direct Ann & Jeff Deters Doman Family
Beth & Dave Driste Emily Dryste Louann Dummich Family Jorah Forthun Girltime Getaway Granite City Motor Cars Head First Salon Heartland Glass JK Self Storage Nick Koubsky Liberty Bank Little Caesars Pizza Jessi & Craig Mabis
Michelle Kenric Hair Studio Miller Auto Center Motors and More Avery Mumm Cole Nelson Julie & Jeff Nelson Nemeth Orthodontics Newman Center Aimey & Rob Notsch Dalton Notsch Brooklyn Olson Persona Dental Plaza Park Bank
Dylan Pringle Rejuv Medical Riverside Evangelical Church St. Francis Xavier Church Sartell Pediatrics JP Schlecht John Schmidt Luke Schmidt Tina & Paul Schmidt Scott Powers Consulting Spirit 92.9 The Waters Church Wolters Kluwer
Sartell Newsleader •
Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, Oct. 3, 2014 Friday, Oct. 3, 2014
Sartell Firefighters!
Claude Dingmann Asst. Chief, 34 years
Ken Heim, Chief 29 years
Jim Sattler, Asst. Chief 26 years
Jerry Raymond, Captain 23 years
Mark Guggenberger 22 years
Randy Giles, Captain 18 years
Dennis Ertl 17 years
Darrell Kruchten 17 years
Jim “Butch” Rieland Fire Marshall, 16 years
Bill Weihs 15 years
William Sieben Captain, 21 years
Marty Radi 19 years
Dale Bidinger 19 years
Wayne Harrison Training Officer, 13 years
Lucas Dingmann 9 years
Kellen Hemmesch Secretary, 13 years
St. Stephen Firefighters! Ryan Fitzthum 6 years
Mark Heinen 6 years
Ben Kockler 6 years
Dave Nicoll 6 years
Aaron Thomes 5 years
Brady Olmscheid 5 years
Not pictured are new members: Matt Fox Adam Imholte Spencer Malley Todd Grundhoefer 3 years
Dave Hengel 3 years
Chris Eagle 3 years
Rick Lyon 2 years
Mitch Kockler 3 years
Troy Hoekstra 4 years
Brian Heim 2 years
Front row (left to right): Jeff Blenkush, 17 years (captain); Jason Paggen, 15 years; Brian Quaal, 20 years (captain); Gene Skaj, 31 years (assistant chief); (middle row): David Trobec, 15 years; Adam Seifermann, 2 years; Jason Trobec, 9 years; Lauren Hoeschen, 5 years; Chris Hoeschen, 7 years; Steve Trobec, 11 years; and Al Vouk, 42 years; Back row: Ralph Barhorst, 41 years; Jeff Drais, 17 years (fire chief); Aaron Rudolph, 19 years (captain); Eric Gillitzer, 1 year; Joe Gordon, 5 years; Jamie Gummert, 2 years; Mike Ringstad, 5 years; John Knettel, 6 years; Jim Schumer, 37 years; and Jeff Supan, 20 years. Not pictured: Rodger Bellinger, 15 years (captain); Jeff Jefferson, 9 years; Keith Patrick, 10 years; and Paul Patrick, 14 years.
Open house activities include: • Tour the station • Visit with firefighters • Climb aboard the trucks • See the gear, equipment and tools
Open Houses
4-7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 9
Sartell Fire Station • 220 4th Ave. S.
10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 11
St. Stephen Fire & Rescue Station, 2 6th Ave. S.E.
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320-253-6822 320-363-7233 320-252-6175 320-685-7215
Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, Oct. 3, 2014
‘Branding’ effort Holmes produces logo from page 7
contributed graphic
This is the “Hub” logo for the Sartell branding effort.
contributed logo
This is the “Edge” logo for the Sartell branding effort.
A thriving business area of Sartell will soon have a new “branding” logo. For several months, a Neighborhood Marketing Committee has been meeting and doing research into how best to market that area, which is in south Sartell in the Epic Center-Medical Complex area to the west and east sides of Hwy. 15. Currently, a logo has been designed, but there are two sets of words to choose from that go with the logos. One says “Sartell Edge on 15.” The other says “Sartell Hub on 15.” Under both logos are the words “Business. Healthcare. Tech-
nology.” The committee is expected to make its final choice soon. Businesses were encouraged to vote online for their favorite of the two logos. There are nearly 60 businesses in that area of Sartell, which borders north St. Cloud. Branding is a process of bringing an instantly recognizable identity to a place or area – giving it a “brand name” for the purposes of marketing, advertising and consumer recognition. The committee plans to continue exploring other ways to “brand” and promote that area.
when an edition of Holmes was illustrated by British artist Sidney Paget. He evoked an image of Holmes as a tall thin man who wore a deerstalker’s hat and a shoulder cape. That image stuck with the public, and Paget drew hundreds more of them as the novels and stories appeared, serialized, in The Strand magazine in Britain. So many actors have portrayed Holmes on stage, in movies and on TV that they are virtually impossible to count. Among the most famous stage actors were William Gillette, a hugely popular British actor, who performed in theaters far and wide as Holmes from 1899-1930. It was Gillette who introduced the famous drooping smoking pipe to Holmes. From the very beginning of movies in the silent-movie era, Holmes was a hit with audiences in 20-minute black-andwhite movies. The first film was produced in 1914 starring James Braggington, an English actor. Another Brit, Clive Brook, starred as Holmes in the first “talkie” movie, and Brook – also a writer and director – is credited with introducing the “Elementary, dear Watson” line for Holmes. Probably the most famous actor to portray Holmes in movies and TV was Basil Rathbone in a prolific five-year period from 1939-1946. Other actors who have taken on the role of Holmes on stage and/or screen include Peter Cushing, Leonard Nimoy, George C. Scott, Charlton Heston, Frank Langella, Jeremy Brett, Robert Downey Jr. and literally hundreds more, professional and amateur – most recently Benedict Cumberbatch in “Sherlock” a TV series by the British Broadcasting Corp. The reason for Falkingham’s wealth of knowledge and trivia about Holmes and Watson is because he has written two historical novels, based in Minnesota, in which a guest detective from London, Sherlock Holmes, travels to Minnesota
Apartments IN SARTELL. Two-bedroom apartment. Spacious. Many newly remodeled! Pets Welcome. Heat paid, fireplace, d/w, balconies. Quiet, residential area. $649-$719. Garage included!
Call 320-281-5101.
Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, Oct. 3, 2014 to solve some serious crimes, including murders committed by a serial killer. Falkingham’s first novel takes place in his home town of Browns Valley, the second in St. Paul. Unlike the Doyle novels and stories, however, Falkingham chose a strikingly different narrator from the very proper and stiffupper-lip Dr. Watson. Falkingham chose a 12-year-old boy as his first narrator, one whose speech is very colorful with touches of street slang. In the second novel, that same boy narrator has become a 22-year-old man. Someone described Falkingham’s Holmes novels as “Minnesota history disguised as murder mysteries.” It’s a description Falkingham likes. Both books combine factual history with mystery. His goal, he said, is to inspire young people to take an interest in history, especially local history. Falkingham’s first novel is entitled Sherlock Holmes and the County Courthouse Caper. His second is Sherlock Holmes: In Search of the Source. Both have four-andone-half star ratings on, where both books can be purchased.
Festival from front page street a dozen or so food vendors served a tantalizing array of finger foods and beverages to hungry and thirsty festival-goers. Live entertainment included Paul Imholte on dulcimer and fiddle, the Stearns County Pachanga Society, the CSB/SJU Jazz Ensemble, Random Road and David Jones. The Granite City Cloggers again performed at Millstream, as they have in past years. One of the new features Sunday was “The Bookend,” a large tent wherein local authors sold their books, autographed them and chatted with readers. There were also paper-making and printing demonstrations. Authors included Marilyn Salzl Brinkman of St. Joseph; Larry Schug of Avon; and Sartell writers Dennis Herschbach, Bill Morgan and Milissa Nelson.
Minnie Mouse is a spayed 3 ½ year old cat that came to the shelter because her owner had too many cats. This meek and mild soul is a bit shy with new people, but responds well to gentle conversation. She loves to be petted and enjoys attention. At times, Minnie can get quite playful with a cat track toy or chasing jingle balls around the room. You can meet Minnie at the adoption center at PetSmart in Waite Park. She qualifies for the Name Your Own Price sale and would be FREE to a senior citizen or veteran. “Helping one animal won’t change the world … but it will change the world for that one animal!” Dogs - 13 Puppies - 1
Cats - 29 Kittens - 41
Rabbits - 1 Guinea Pigs - 4
Tri-County Humane Society 735 8th St. NE • PO Box 701 St. Cloud, MN 56302
Hours: Monday-Thursday Noon-6 p.m., Friday Noon-8 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. & Sunday Noon-5 p.m.
There’s No Place Like Home!
You can help the elderly by providing care in their homes. Our CAREGivers provide light housekeeping, meal preparation, transportation, personal cares if needed and a friendly smile. Flexible day, evening, overnight and 24-hour shifts. If you have experience in caring for the elderly either personally or professionally, we want to hear from you.
photos by Dennis Dalman
Above: As if awaiting a parade, children and parents enjoy their snacks and beverages curbside at the Millstream Arts Festival Sept. 28 in downtown St. Joseph. At right: Maggie Eli of St. Anna, an art major at the College of St. Benedict, shows browsers the art of paper-making in the book tent at the Millstream Arts Festival in St. Joseph Sept. 28. At right is Eric Reicher of Sartell.
Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, Oct. 3, 2014
contributed photos
Left: Dave Traut smiles proudly with two of his three daughters, Jeanne (left) and the newlywed Sarah. Above: This is the 90-year-old barn that Dave Traut, family and friends restored and repurposed, a very labor-intensive project that took many months. On Sept. 20, Traut’s daughter, Sarah, held her wedding reception in the barn after being married at her childhood home right across the road from the barn.
Barn from page 5
The Barn
Ed and Mary Traut lived in Sartell all of their lives in an area that was entirely agricultural in the early years of the century. They built their dairy barn in 1924. Ed was a truck driver, as well as a farmer, and he also sold work horses at his farm. The old barn is a treasure trove of remarkable stories for those who grew up in its vicinity. For example, John “Jack” Pierskalla lives not too far away to the north of the barn. His father, Isadore, also lived in that area. Isadore and Mary, Dave Traut’s grandmother (Ed’s wife), were brother and sister. When Ed was building the barn in 1924, he invited his brother-in-law Isadore to help with the project. While working there for many days, Isadore took a liking to a woman named Cornelius, who was the Trauts’ housekeeper. The “liking” soon had him head over heels in love, and he married Cornelius. Dave said many people walk
or jog by on CR 19 and some will stop to talk when they see him or other Traut family members on the property by the old barn. They share stories about how the barn had been part of their lives, too, or people they know who tell wonderful stories about the old barn and the people from years ago. Traut said he is always astonished about “what a small world this is.”
Longer life
The restored, repurposed grand old barn has a new lease on life as it approaches its centennial year. Traut is going to make it available to relatives and friends if they want to hold special events in it, such as reunions or weddings. In fact, already another wedding is scheduled there for the near future – the union of family friend Shanna Rogers with Randy Beckstrom, the manager of the Sartell Muskies baseball team.
Open House
The Trauts will host an open house at the barn from 2-5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 25. The public is welcome to attend.
REAL ESTATE PLAT BOOKS with 911 addresses, legal descriptions. Stearns County. Other counties available by order. Available at the Newsleaders, 32 1st Ave. NW, St. Joseph. Regular price $40; $30 spiral bound. NO REFUNDS. tfn-f
Freelancers sought
The Newsleaders seeks freelance writers and photographers to cover town-specific events/meetings/personalities. Freelancers are paid per story/photo. If interested, please email a resume and a few writing/photo samples to
The Newsleaders
Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, Oct. 3, 2014
Budget would mean 2.4-percent tax increase by Dennis Dalman
A preliminary budget for 2015 was approved on a 3-2 vote by the Sartell City Council at its Sept. 8 meeting. The budget calls for a 7-percent increase (with a 2.4-percent levy increase), which represents $75,000 in cuts and transfers compared with the preliminary budget drawn up earlier, at an Aug. 11 budget meeting. The total budget reductions are $240,000 compared to a preliminary budget drawn up in July. If this preliminary budget becomes final in December, Sartell City Administra-
tor Mary Degiovanni said the levy to support that budget would translate into an estimated $14-$32 more per year in taxes for homeowners whose homes are valued between the range of $150,000 to $350,000; and $14 to $175 higher for multi-family and commercial buildings valued up to $1 million. That estimate could change based on new valuation rates. Another factor is tax-capacity rates for Sartell have not yet been announced by the state. The amount of the preliminary budget is $6,191,865. The amount for the general fund in that budget is $4,315,400. The preliminary levy toward that budget
Sartell man dies in accident A Sartell man died after an early-morning two-car accident Thursday, Sept. 18 three miles south of St. Rosa. Charles Norman Stuns Jr., 30, was pronounced dead that morning after arriving via ambulance at the Melrose Hospital. The driver of the other vehicle, Juan Ramirez, 42, of Long Prairie, was injured and admitted to the hospital in Melrose. According to an accident report by the Stearns County Sheriff’s Department, the collision occurred at 6:15 a.m. at the intersection of CR 35 and CR 37 in Millwood Township.
The report states a 2002 Dodge Stratus driven by Ramirez, traveling southbound on CR 35 struck the 2000 Chevrolet Cavalier driven by Stuns and traveling westbound on CR 37. Both vehicles sustained severe damage. The accident is under investigation by the Stearns County Sheriff’s Department. Besides sheriff’s department deputies, those responding to the accident scene included the Minnesota State Patrol, the Melrose Ambulance Service and the Freeport Fire Department and Rescue Unit.
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amount is $5,081,453. The budget includes debt service for bonds issued in 2007, 2008 and 2009 for a total of $743,000 for debt service. At their Sept. 8 meeting, council members decided to amend the budget by restoring city dues for memberships in both the League of Greater Minnesota Cities and the St. Cloud Greater Development Corp. Council members Amy Braig-Lindstrom, Steve Hennes and David Peterson all said they think those dues (a total of $25,000) should be restored to the budget for 2015. Degiovanni noted the preliminary budget is just that
– preliminary. It could be subject to further cuts and/ or additions, depending on the council’s wishes. A final budget will be adopted by the council in December. Braig-Lindstrom said she is concerned about budget cuts because Sartell needs to get back to its condition “before the bubble burst” – meaning a long recession and repeated state cuts to local government aid. Braig-Lindstrom told her colleagues she worries about a lack of funding for infrastructure projects and safety. There is not enough staff, she said, to keep up with problems presented by weeds, storm-water drainage, park needs and police work.
Degiovanni said city staff and she herself were aware of how there is a divided feeling on the council between cutting the budget and increasing it. In a memo to the council, Degiovanni stated the proposed budget tries to balance those two council attitudes. “There are still some tough decisions to make,” she said, noting if the council decides to fund some things, it will have to cut other things. She noted the budget calls for an increase in $180,000 for public-safety needs, $80,000 more for public works (mainly for seal-coating projects) and $139,000 more for capital funding.
Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, Oct. 3, 2014
Sartell author’s novel chosen as ‘Top Choice’ by Dennis Dalman
A first novel penned by a Sartell woman is getting quite the buzz, and its author, Milissa Nelson has been out and Nelson about, greeting her reading public and signing autographed copies of her book. On Sept. 28, Nelson signed copies during the Millstream Arts Festival in downtown St. Joseph. Nelson will also meet the public and sign more books at Barnes and Noble in St. Cloud from 1-3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 18. Nelson’s Seasons of Raina was chosen as a “Top Choice” by LitPick, a website dedicated to novels for preteens and teenagers. The site includes reviews of such books by a “global community of students.”
The novel was also recently selected for the Read Local program in Marshall. On, the book received a four and one-half star rating. Nelson, who grew up in Barrett, Minn. and in Colorado, is a graduate of the University of Colorado with a degree in music education. She is currently a stay-at-home mom but has just signed up to be a substitute music teacher for the Sartell-St. Stephen School District. She and her husband, Chris Stark, have two daughters – Megan, a sixthgrader at Sartell Middle School, and Cora, a third-grader at Oak Ridge Elementary School. A new book, which will continue the story of Raina, is expected to be published next year. Seasons of Raina is a familyfriendly novel, set in the 1970s, about a young teenaged girl overwhelmed by stressful changes: moving to a new state (Minnesota), starting a new school
and living with an aunt, uncle and their eight children. An only child, her parents had made arrangements for her to stay with a rural Minnesota family because they had run out of resources and wanted their daughter’s life to be easier after she had experienced merciless bullying in Denver. In her new whirlwind life, she begins to take part in athletics, music, all the while getting to know her sibling-like cousins. The novel evokes the four seasons of her life-changing experiences. Raina’s timid personality and her loner status are challenged at every turn, but with sheer pluck and determination she learns to overcome photo by Dennis Dalman obstacles and establish an inner Milissa Nelson of Sartell holds a copy of her award-winning novel, Seasons of Raina, in the book tent at the Millstream Arts strength. Festival in St. Joseph Sept. 28. Nelson, who grew up in Barrett, The following is a review by a Minn. and in Colorado, wrote the book with a young readerreader on LitPick: ship in mind. It’s the story of a shy young girl having to make “If there were a book that many stressful adjustments in life. never ended, this would be the book I would choose,” wrote a lationship to her cousins. Some I am the oldest of six children young reader in Jackson, Mo. of them were younger and some I liked that Raina was in such a “I really liked Raina and her re- of the cousins were older. Since large family.”
Voters can vote absentee in person or via mail by Dennis Dalman
Applications for absentee ballots for the Nov. 4 general election can be obtained through the Stearns County Administration Center or, for those living in Benton County, the Benton County Administration Center. The ballots can be had in person, via fax or through postal mail. Absentee ballots allow people to vote, by mail or in person, before an official election date if
those people cannot make it to the polls on that date for whatever reason. Some, for example, are confined to home because of illness while others will be out of town that day. People who live in Stearns County may cast their absentee ballots in person at the AuditorTreasurer Office in the Stearns County Administration Center, Room 148, 705 Courthouse Square in downtown St. Cloud. The hours are 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. Those who live in the west-
ern half of Stearns County may find it more convenient to cast absentee ballots at the clerk’s office in Melrose, which has been designated as an alternate location. The office, at 225 East 1st St. N., is open from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. The clerk’s number is 320-256-4278. Those who live in Benton County can vote absentee in person at the Benton County Administrative Center, 531 Dewey St. in Foley. Its hours are 8 a.m.4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. For those who want to get
an absentee ballot by mail or have one faxed, they can get an absentee-ballot application online or by calling to request one. The easy-to-fill-out application can then be returned via mail, by fax or in person, and an absentee ballot will be given or sent to the applicant. Here is how to get an absentee-ballot application: If living in Stearns County, go online to AbsenteeVoting. Then, scroll down under “Absentee Ballot
Process” to “Absentee Ballot Application” printed in light blue. Click on that. You will see an application that can then be downloaded, filled out and mailed. You can also call the government administrative center to have one sent to your home. The number to call is 320-656-3920. If living in Benton County, go online to and then type in Absentee Ballot Application and follow the prompts. The applications can also be requested via phone by calling 320-968-5000.
Class A CDL Delivery Driver • HOME NIGHTLY Apply online at Pre-employment physical and drug screen required.
Friday, Oct. 3, 2014
Sartell Newsleader •
Some may be eligible for tax refund by Dennis Dalman
Steve Hennes, a member of the Sartell City Council, wants all residents to know what could turn out to be good news – that some may be eligible for a state homestead-credit refund, in some cases $1,000 or more. At the last council meeting, Hennes said he learned about it in a bulletin from the League of Greater Minnesota Cities. He said he and his wife filled out the form online and received a refund. Too many people, he said, do not know about the special refund. Many taxpayers assumed they would not be eligible for such refunds this year and so they did not file for them. But legislative changes last May – a month after the April taxes due date – expanded and boosted the refund and so taxpayers should now double-check to see if they are eligible so they can still file for refunds by Aug. 15, 2015. In late August 2014, the Min-
nesota Department of Revenue distributed notices to taxpayers that they may be eligible for at least a $1,000 state-paid refund under the homestead credit refund program. However, that DOR notification was sent only to homeowners who are likely eligible for at least a $1,000 homestead credit refund and those who have not previously filed for the refund. Those homeowners received a mailed notice. Many homeowners who were not notified by the DOR may be eligible for refunds smaller than $1,000. The only way they will know is if they apply. There are also potential refunds available for renters for the portion of rent they paid deemed applicable to property taxes landlords paid on the property. In addition, a special property-tax refund is possible for some homeowners who have seen large property-tax increases. Taxpayers have until Aug. 15, 2015 to file for a homestead-
credit refund based on their 2013 household income and their 2014 property taxes. To determine eligibility or to apply for refunds mentioned above, go to www.revenue.state. Then type “Homeowners” in the Search box. To the upper right, you will see a link to “Property Tax Refund Online Filing System.” Click on that. The following are the basic eligibility criteria for applying for the homestead-tax credit: total household income for 2013 is less than $105,500; the taxpayer owned and lived in the home Jan. 2, 2014; the taxpayer was a full-year or part-time resident of Minnesota in 2013; and the taxpayer is not claimed as a dependent for income-tax purposes. The homestead-credit refund, which used to be called “property-tax refund,” was expanded by the Minnesota Legislature in 2013 as part of the omnibus tax bill. In the 2014 omnibus tax bill, the legislature increased the refund available to each homeowner by 3 percent.
Part of a vendors’ event set for 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 25 at The Waters Church will raise some funds for the proposed dog park in Sartell’s Pinecone Central Park. Proceeds from a silent auction at the start of the event
will go toward the dog park. Businesses who participate will each donate items for the silent auction. Currently, there are more than a dozen vendors signed up, including home-based businesses, other local busi-
nesses, crafters and entertainment. There is still room for more vendors. The deadline for registration is Wednesday, Oct. 15. For more information, call Lisa at 320-266-0812.
Vendors’ event to help dog park
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Community Calendar
Saturday, Oct. 4 Human trafficking, personal stories of struggle and triumph (may not be suitable for young audiences), 8:30 a.m. coffee, 9 a.m.-noon program, Celebration Lutheran Church, 1500 Pine Cone Road N., Sartell. 320-255-0488. Johnnie Homecoming Football Game, St. John’s Johnnies vs Hamline University, 1 p.m., Clemens Stadium, St. John’s University. Sunday, Oct. 5 Breakfast with the Firefighters, free will donations accepted, 8:30 a.m.-noon, St. Stephen Church Hall, 103 Central Ave. S., St. Stephen, MN. Monday, Oct. 6 Market Monday, 3-6 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pine Cone Road N., Sartell. Sartell Special Education Advisory Committee, meeting open to all parents of students served in special education in District 748. 6-8 p.m., District Service Center, 212 3rd Ave. N., Sartell. 320-656-3701. Sartell Lions Club, 7 p.m., up-
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Thursday, Oct. 9 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. Firefighters Open House, 4-7 p.m., Sartell Fire Hall, 220 4th Ave. S., Sartell. 55+ Driver Improvement program, (four-hour refresher course), 5-9 p.m., Gilleland Chevrolet-Geo Inc., 93019 Division St., St. Cloud. 1-888-234-1294. Saturday, Oct. 11 Firefighters Open House, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., St. Stephen Fire Hall, 2 6th Ave. SE., St. Stephen.
Stop by and fill out an application at: 1374 105th St. NW, Rice, MN
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Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, Oct. 3, 2014