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Friday, Nov. 6, 2015 Volume 20, Issue 44 Est. 1995
Town Crier
Sartell Winter Market open Saturday, Nov. 7
Sartell’s Winter Market is open from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. (winter hours) Saturday, Nov. 7 at Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N. Get to know your farmer. Vendors want you to enjoy their products and are happy to share their knowledge and answer any questions you have. The market is also expanding the board of directors. Applications will be available at the market on Nov. 7 and 21 or by email request Board terms begin Jan. 1.
Senior Connection hosts warden Nov. 10
Warden Colin Gau of the St. Cloud Reformatory will give a brief history, general information and an update about the facility’s current missions and programs at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 10 at the District Service Center, 212 Third Ave. N, Sartell. The Sartell Senior Connection is sponsoring the event. Refreshments will be served.
Benton County Sheriff seeks input on survey
The Benton County Sheriff’s Office is seeking input from Benton County citizens to help shape law-enforcement services in the 21st century. Members of the public are invited to participate in an on-line survey to provide their thoughts and input on this topic to help shape this vision. The survey may be accessed at: Anyone with additional thoughts or questions on this subject is invited to contact Sheriff Troy Heck by telephone at 320-968-7201 or by email at troy.
Veterans’ Day events planned Nov. 8, 11
The ninth annual Veterans’ Day Parade to honor the men and women who have served our country in the armed forces will be held at 1 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 8. The parade begins on the west side of the VA Medical Center and proceeds east across 44th Avenue, concluding on the north side of Apollo High School. On Wednesday, Nov. 11, the St. Cloud Metropolitan Veterans Council is sponsoring a Veterans’ Day program at 1:30 p.m. in Building 8 (the Auditorium) at the St. Cloud VA. Veterans, their families and members of the public are invited to attend.
Culligan Lily’s Wings, Burgers & Things
contributed photos
Above left: The Sabre boys’ soccer team gathers around in a huddle during a game this season. Above right: The Sabre girls’ soccer team huddles before a game in September against the Moorhead Spuds.
Girls’ and boys’ soccer teams fall in state quarterfinals by Logan Gruber
The Sartell girls’ and boys’ soccer teams went to state this past week, though both fell in the quarterfinal round to Benilde-St. Margeret’s School by a score of 0-4, and Breck School by a score of 1-3, respectively. The girls ended with a record of 14-5-2, the
boys, 11-3-4.
Girls’ Soccer
According to the Minnesota State High School League roster, the girls’ team will graduate seven seniors this year, and there are only two ninth-graders on the team. The girls had a record of 10-3 in the Central Lakes standings, which included wins against
teams like Sauk Rapids-Rice, Willmar, St. Cloud Apollo and St. Cloud Tech. Teams like Alexandria and Brainerd gave them a harder time, though the Sabres gave them a run for their money.
Boys’ Soccer
The boys’ team will graduate 12 seniors this year, while there is only one ninth-grader
on the team. The boys had a record of 8-2-2 in the Central Lakes standings, which included wins against teams like Fergus Falls, Sauk Rapids-Rice, St. Cloud Apollo, Brainerd and Alexandria. Teams like St. Cloud Tech gave the boys a loss and a tie, as did Willmar. For a salute to the Sabre soccer teams, see back page.
Eerie similarities persist in Wetterling case by Dennis Dalman
What was trumpeted by widespread media as a break in the Jacob Wetterling case turned out to be, in fact, not a break at all, Jacob though a press conference in St. Paul left no
doubt there are at least some similarities to an Annandale man arrested for possessing child pornography and the man who abducted Wetterling 26 years ago. Daniel James Heinrich, 52, was arrested Oct. 28 and charged with several counts of receiving and possessing child pornography. He has recently and in the past repeatedly denied having abducted Wetterling. Heinrich is in the Sherburne County Jail, Elk River, and is expected to be indicted on child-pornography
charges in federal court. For a statement from Jacob’s parents, Dr. Jerry and Patty Wetterling, as well as a meeting with the media, see related story in today’s paper. At the press conference, law-enforcement officials, including Stearns County Sheriff John Sanner, emphasized Heinrich has not been arrested or charged in any way in connection with the Wetterling case, although he remains a “person of interest.” However, this is not the first
time Heinrich was named as a person of interest in the Wetterling disappearance Oct. 22, 1989 when the boy was 11 years old. Years ago, Heinrich, who was living in Paynesville at that time, had been under suspicion as having assaulted at least five boys in that city, groping them sexually before letting them go. The incidents occurred in a time frame between 1986-1989. Several of the boys he allegedly groped were riding bicycles in the city. Jacob • page 6
About 500 quilts displayed Many hands make light work at Haehn Campus Center by Cori Hilsgen
The St. Cloud Heritage Quilters’ “Silver Threads and Golden Needles” quilt show held Oct. 10-11 at the College of St. Benedict’s Haehn Campus Center drew hundreds of people. The event featured about 500 quilts on display, as well as raffle prizes, vendors’ booths and more. All the quilts on display were made by guild members, and the vendors also had quilts on display at their booths. Organizer Marjorie LaTour said the show was held at CSB
because of its central location, large space, ample parking and good lighting. “They have been very accommodating to us through(out) the years the show has been held there,” LaTour said. “We produce a show every two years – usually the second weekend in October.” Sauk Rapids members Shirlee Haraldson and Jean Gilbertson discussed the show. Co-chair Haraldson has been a member for 10 years and charter member Gilberston has been a member for 25 years. “There is such a great variety of quilts,” Haraldson said. Quilts • page 2
photo by Carolyn Bertsch
Cub Scouts from Pack 94 and Troop 11, Den 3, along with church youth, gather together on the grounds of Messiah Lutheran Church in Sartell to rake leaves on the cool, rainy morning of Oct 31. From left to right are: Elias Finnern, 6, of Sartell; Tony Orbeck, of Sartell; Fletcher Orbeck, 8, of Sartell; Duncan Orbeck, 6, of Sartell; Michaela Voigt of St. Cloud; Cody Brott, 11, of St. Cloud; Russell Brott, 13, of St. Cloud; Xavia Finnern, 5, of Sartell; and Pastor Brady Finnern, of Sartell.
Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •
Quilts from front page
photo by Cori Hilsgen
Sartell resident Mary Proell helps with the set-up before the quilt show. Proell has been a member of the guild for about 10 years.
“You have several quilts which all have the same pattern, but they don’t look like the same quilt because everyone’s interpretation of color and fabric is different. Everyone does their own variation.” “Months and months of work comes down to one weekend,” Gilbertson said. “It’s similar to planning a wedding. It’s awesome to see all the members’ work in one place.” Sartell resident Mary Proell has been a member of the guild for 10 years, and this is the fourth quilt show she has participated in. “There are so many talented people in this group,” Proell said. “People with an artistic
flair who use unusual techniques and mediums, such as hand-dying their own fabrics. It makes the quilts more fun to see because they are so unusual.” In honor of its 25th anniversary, the guild’s show honored its charter members with a special exhibit, as well as a featured raffle quilt from the first quilt show held in 1992. The charter members’ exhibit included something made their first year and something recently made. Charter members included Jan Steeves, Sue Beckman, Jean Gilbertson, Sandy Kollman, Vonetta Kennedy and Ann Dobos. Deceased charter member Paula Lanphier’s quilts were also on display. Lanphier died the week before the show’s opening. “The charter members have never lost their love and enthu-
Friday, Nov. 6, 2015 siasm of quilting,” Gilbertson said. Chris Hoover was the show’s featured quilter who created the raffle quilt, “A Few of our Favorite Blocks.” Hoover, who began quilting in 1989, said she loves quilting and wants to share her passion with other quilters who are free to use her patterns and make them their own. Hoover has always loved to draw and has created a career out of her designs called Whirligig Designs. She credits founding members Steeves as being influential in encouraging her to start publishing her patterns. The St. Cloud Heritage Quilters was started when charter members Steeves and Beckman met at a fabric store in St. Cloud and realized they had a shared interest in quilting. They decided they would start a quilt guild and invited two other neighbors to join them. Together, they planned the first guild meeting for November 1989 at North Junior High School. Beckman put up a flyer at the Stearns History Museum, and many of the original members saw the ad there. They had 26 members on their list at the first meeting. The guild has grown from the original 20 members to about 150. The mission of the group is dedicated to furthering the love and art of quilt-making. “Through the guild you will find numerous opportunities and activities to grow in your love of quilting, share your talents, improve your skills and make new friends who share your passion,” LaTour said. Displayed groupings at the show included a kids’ corner, season/holiday, garment/ quilted item, art quilts, featherweight group, 2014 mystery quilt, 2015 row robin group and undercolor club group. Ribbons were presented in the following categories: small quilts (less than 300 inches), large quilts (more than 300 inches), kids corner (for ages 15 or younger), garment/ Quilts • page 11
Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •
Friday, Nov. 6, 2015
People SSEF continues to see success at 14th annual Toast to Autumn More than 200 guests were in attendance at the 14th Annual Toast to Autumn, sponsored by the Sartell-St. Stephen Education Foundation. Held at Blackberry Ridge Event Center on Oct. 8, Toast to Autumn is a premiere event for SSEF and continues to gain momentum each year. The night was focused on providing continued support and leading-edge opportunities for the students and families of the Sartell-St. Stephen School District. Through the generous support of community businesses and individuals, SSEF has been able to raise over $86,000 so far in 2015! This is a record amount raised in
one year by SSEF. These funds will continue to support amazing programs within the district including Sabre Splash, academic extensions, the Sartell Middle School Learning Lab, student centered media centers and sound field systems for our youngest learners. More grant information, as well as descriptions of each, can be found online at SSEF’s mission is to support leading-edge programming for the students of District 748. SSEF has given back over $237,000 in grants and scholarships to students within the district since 1998. To find out more about the foundation, visit
Metro Bus was recently named the Minnesota Public Transit Association’s 2015 Minnesota Transit System of the Year. The agency also received the Management Innovation Award for its Mobility Training Center project.
“These awards recognize our employees’ commitment and dedication to providing top-notch service,” said Ryan Daniel, executive director of Metro Bus. “It’s an honor to be recognized by our peers.”
If you have a tip concerning a crime, call the Sartell Police Department at 320-251-8186 or TriCounty Crime Stoppers at 320255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes.
residence when she found her service door open and a previously unlocked door was now locked. An officer cleared the residence and secured the service door. The officer also provided safety information on how the resident could better secure their home.
Oct. 21 2:55 p.m. Traffic stop. 19th Avenue N. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 56 mph in a 40-mph zone. The driver stated she was unaware of the posted speed limit. She was issued a citation and released. Oct. 22 7:23 a.m. Damaged property. Knottingham Drive. A complaint was made regarding an unknown person driving over a resident’s lawn sometime during the night. 2:13 p.m. Welfare check. CR 78. An officer was waved down and requested to check on an elderly female walking by a park. The elderly female seemed in good health and stated she needed no assistance. The officer followed up with a nurse at her residence who stated they would make sure she arrived back safely. 9:17 p.m. Suspicious activity. Victory Loop. A resident requested an officer check her
Oct. 23 7:58 a.m. Traffic stop. Seventh Street N. While on patrol, an officer witnessed a vehicle speeding with expired tabs and found the driver had a suspended license. The driver stated she was unaware of the expired tabs and suspended license. An officer transported her children to school while another officer transported her and her infant to her nearby residence. She was issued a citation for the violations. 4:46 p.m. Assist. CR 78. An adult male requested assistance with safety lights while they attempted to repair their tire that had fallen off. There were multiple calls from others stating the vehicle was in a dangerous location. An officer provided safety lights and assisted the driver with putting the tire back on. 9:34 p.m. Noise complaint. 10th Avenue N. A complaint was made regarding a car alarm sounding every 5-10 minutes and then stopping. An officer sat in the Blotter • page 8
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Scoutmaster Kevin Schatz presents Travis Schroeder with his Eagle Scout badge. Travis Schroeder, son of Louann Dummich and Aaron Schroeder, was recently awarded the honor of Eagle Scout during a court of honor held Oct. 25. Schroeder, a senior at Sartell High School, began his scouting career in 2005 with Troop 211, first as a Cub Scout then progressing through the required ranks. Throughout the years, he has enjoyed multiple leadership and travel opportunities including Boundary Waters canoe trips, and backpacking trips along Isle Royale and across the Big Horn mountains. It
is also through Scouting Schroeder developed an interest in robotics, which he hopes will lead to a STEM-related career in the future. His leadership and planning skills culminated in his Eagle Scout Service Project which entailed improving a bridge inside Mississippi River County Park by rebuilding the wing walls to prevent further soil erosion. Stearns County Commissioner Mark Bromenschenkel attended the ceremony to offer special recognition and thanks to Schroeder on behalf of the community.
This “Keep Calm and Bling On” pumpkin, created by Dentistry for Children of Sartell, took third place at the Fall Appreciation Party, sponsored by Central Minnesota Orthodontics for local dental offices, held Oct. 22 at Molitor’s Haunted Acres in Sauk Rapids.
contributed photo
Drs. Rebecca Hanson and Kyle Knudsen of Central Minnesota Orthodontics, hosted the Fall Appreciation Party for local dental offices.
contributed photo
Sister Amnesia (back center) and the kids (left to righ) Max Marek, Kendall Heydman, Karla Reichel (sister Amnesia), Lauren Heydman, Ellie Wigham and Dawson Pope are several of the actors from the Great Northern Theatre Company’s performance of Nuncrackers: the Nunsense Christmas Musical, another in the series of Nunsense comedies that have become so popular. Shows are Thursday-Sunday, Nov. 12-14 and Nov. 19-21 with a Sunday matinee on Nov. 15. Show times are as follows: 6 p.m. social hour, 7 p.m. dinner and 8 p.m. show. Matinee times are 1 p.m. social, 2 p.m. dinner and 3 p.m. show. Nuncrackers: In this show, the sisters of Mt. St. Helen’s, in their efforts to keep the convent going, are producing their first ever Christmas special for cable TV. Visit for a ticket order form or more information. Call 320 241-4682 to order tickets.
Central Minnesota Orthodontics hosted its Fall Appreciation Party for all of its partnering dental offices in the area on Oct. 22 at Molitor’s Haunted Acres. With their invitations, guests received a pumpkin in which they were invited to carve, decorate, paint or do whatever their creative minds could think of. These pumpkins were then presented at the party in a contest, and the top three creations won a prize.
A correction is needed for the caption for middle photo on page 7 of the Oct. 30 Sartell Newsleader. There are three photos on the left side of the page that go with a story headlined “Lions celebrate 50th birthday.” In that middle photo, the award-winning man, second from the left, is Lions member Jack Paulsen.
Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc. Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon Editor: Dennis Dalman Admin. Assistant Cady Sehnert
Newsstands Coborn’s - Riverside Country Store & Pharmacy Hardee’s Holiday - Riverside House of Pizza
Little Dukes - Pinecone Sartell City Hall School District Offices SuperAmerica Walgreens
Operations Manager Logan Gruber Contributing Writers Cori Hilsgen Steven Wright
Production Manager Tara Wiese Delivery Bruce Probach Greg Hartung
Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.
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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •
Our View
Wetterlings make sure ‘Jacob’s Hope’ lives on After 26 years, one can still hear the sound of heartbreak in the voices of Jerry and Patty Wetterling. On an autumn afternoon, Nov. 3, the Wetterlings met with many members of the media at the edge of their driveway to share their feelings. The week before, an Annandale man was arrested for possessing child pornography. That man, Daniel Heinrich, is still considered a person of interest in the abduction of 11-year-old Jacob Wetterling Oct. 22, 1989. As Patty Wetterling said in her meeting with the media, Heinrich’s arrest brought more questions. In the past 26 years, the Wetterlings have been haunted and hounded by questions and more questions: Who? Why? Where is Jacob? Does anybody know? What are some people not telling? That anguish, that sorrow, that heartbreak still reverberates in the voices of the Wetterlings every time they talk about the loss of their son. But along with the heartbreak, one can also hear a passionate hope and determination in their voices. They are absolutely committed to the cause of child safety. In nearly three decades, the abduction of their son, so near to their home, has led to many good changes: legal, social and psychological. The name “Jacob Wetterling” has truly become a clarion call for child safety, for emergency alerts, for the tracking of dangerous people and – last but not least – for hope. Hope for Jacob’s return and hope for all the children in the world who are neglected, abused, abandoned, abducted. It is unpleasant for the Wetterlings to have to confront again and again the brutal, ugly facts of the latest arrest of a child abuser, such as the case of Daniel Heinrich, who may or may not be responsible for Jacob’s disappearance. It was especially painful Nov. 3, an autumn day so like the one when Jacob was viciously taken by that masked gunman 26 years ago, so close to home, on an autumn evening when he, his brother and a friend did something as blithely everyday-happy as bicycling to a nearby convenience store to get a movie video to watch back home. After all these years, the Wetterlings have constantly emphasized the fact that we, all human beings, should consider any child as everybody’s child. We should cherish and protect all of them, anywhere and everywhere. The arrest of Heinrich on child-pornography charges is yet another horrible reminder of the insidious dangers that lurk, ready to harm children, even in our comfortable midst. And wisely, the Wetterlings not only warn about such dangers, but they also know so deep in their hearts that we must remake the world, every day, a step at a time, so all children anywhere, everywhere are valued, loved, cherished and made safe. We cannot hear that message often enough. It is, in fact, what “Jacob’s Hope” is all about.
Friday, Nov. 6, 2015
Opinion Support efforts to degrade, destroy ISIS The phrase “easier said than done” could have been invented for theories about how to fix that catastrophe called the Middle East. There will soon be 50 American military Special Forces personnel at work in northern Syria to help Kurdish fighters and others (a so-called Syrian Arab Coalition) weaken, if not destroy, ISIS. The Monday-morning generals are crying foul: too little too late, advisors really mean boots on the ground; it’s too many troops; not enough troops; Obama is just buying time until the next administration inherits the mess. After Syrian dictator Assad used poisonous gas against civilians a few years ago, Obama wanted to intervene in a limited military way. The Republican-led Congress screamed foul. How dare he try to use force in Syria without congressional consent? Even though congressional consent for anything, anything Obama proposed, was not to be forthcoming. And, since then, so many times Obama has been slammed for not using military force, after they wouldn’t let him use force to begin with. Should we laugh or cry? Obama has been attacked from rightleft-and-center for being incompetent when it comes to foreign policy. All of his critics, most notably Sen. John McCain, have their own ideas of how to weaken and defeat ISIS. It’s worth noting the obvious – that none of these experts is President of the United States. None has the grave responsibility of dealing with the Hydra-headed monster in the Middle East. If they were in charge, you can bet they wouldn’t be so know-it-all, because this convoluted cauldron of Hell is not a football game; it’s not a board game; it’s not a video game. There are no established rules to go by; it’s a frightening brand-new “game,” a simmering catastrophe.
Letter to editor
Dennis Dalman Editor I’m the first to admit some Obama critics might have some merit in their criticisms. As a sideline distant observer to these horrors, I myself have no clue how to do anything about them. I, too, have sometimes wondered if Obama is out of his league, if he is too tentative, too passive, too unwilling to use force against such butchery. Did his promise to withdraw troops from Iraq precipitate the rise of the sadism of ISIS and other extremists? Perhaps it did. But that, after all, is what was demanded by most Americans: withdrawal from those countries and no more boots on the ground. Pressures from every direction placed Obama between a rock and hard place. It’s time all these Monday-morning generals should stop nipping at his heels; they and all Americans should rally ‘round any effort to degrade and destroy ISIS, but only with participation of other nations. Going it alone, as we and other nations have learned in too many wars, is bound to fail. As a history buff, I know the Russian invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980s was a brutal folly, leading to the upsurge of the radical Taliban and the harboring and training of terrorists in that country, including Osama bin Laden. I know America’s intervention in Vietnam in the late 1950s (with just a few advisors) led to hundreds of thousands of boots on the ground and a long and divisive war. I also know the border lines of so many Middle East countries were imposed by colonial and post-colonial European powers and the United
States in the 20th Century, mainly because of King Oil. Blaming President George Bush II or President Barack Obama for the mess is maybe partly true. One did too much, one did too little? However, let’s quit blaming our presidents and ourselves. It’s ISIS who are the guilty ones, using “religious” precepts as their demented excuses for beheadings and crucifixions, torture of every description; the rape of women and children; the vicious persecution and painful deaths of Christians rivaling what the ancient Romans did to them in the Colosseum; the slaughter of Muslims who do not fit their notions of theological “purity;” the mindless destruction of priceless antiquities at “idolatrous” historical sites. It’s one of the most ruthless rampages in the history of the world. The millions of refugees from Syria are a heart-breaking testament to the unspeakable cruelties of both Assad and of ISIS. Vicious mass killers always get the axe, eventually. They kill themselves. They cannot last because their baseless mindset is morally and politically bankrupt from Day One. But what a crying shame they cause such widespread misery before their overdue demise! Meantime, let us fervently hope the 50 Special Forces will at least help weaken them, put them on the run. And more than that, we had better hope other Middle East countries, like our “pal” Saudi Arabia, gear up for battle because those countries, in such lethal proximity, have most to fear in this neo-barbarian assault against civilization. The biggest hope and efforts of all should be for ongoing multilateral diplomatic agreements to end the horrors, but it’s so hard these days to keep such hopes for peace alive.
Sartell Great River library rally set for Nov. 9 Sartell Friends of the Library The Friends of the Library would like to clarify what it is we are trying to accomplish related to a Sartell Great River Regional Library Branch. We believe libraries are a place for all ages to learn, grow, explore, read and collaborate. We believe they are essential elements of healthy communities and are imperative for human development, community advancement and optimal wellness. We believe they
should be as much of a priority as the other spaces that are currently being planned for in the proposed community center (for example, gyms and a senior center). We are not asking the city to cease planning a community center or including gyms or senior center spaces at the south site. What we are asking is the city begin planning a GRR Library to be located at City Hall to be paid for with half-cent sales-tax dollars with construction to begin concurrently with the
community center in 2016. Secondly, we ask the city work with us to discuss layout and size to ensure the GRRL facility can provide adequate service to all ages and interests. In an attempt to increase community awareness and to make the Sartell City Council fully aware of the community’s support for a GRR Library, we are asking citizens to attend a peaceful rally at 5:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 9 at the City Hall before the start of the city-council meeting.
One veteran reflects on his life, service
I joined the Army when I was 17 years old. I was still in high school with two weeks left until graduation. A school pal of mine started me thinking about enlisting. He found out if we joined together we could enter on the “buddy system,” which would have guaranteed we would serve together for our full enlistment. We also knew at our age and with our good health, it would be just a matter of a few months until we had to register for the draft. We were told by the recruiters, draftees didn’t have a choice of jobs or area of the world where they would The ideas expressed in the letters to serve. Well, we bought it. It turns the editor and of the guest columnists out our “buddy system” guarantee do not necessarily reflect the views of lasted only through basic training of eight weeks and then we were the Newsleaders. shipped out thousands of miles
Ron Scarbro Guest Writer apart. I guess the Army wasn’t required to adhere to “truth in advertising” policies. Oh well, it was too late now. I wasn’t particularly patriotic back then. I was proud to serve. I believe it was important to do my part. Most of my friends and acquaintances also served. Besides it was an opportunity to see the world. I was living in a tiny country town in east Tennessee and I had limited prospects. Here was a
chance for adventure and growth. There were no hot wars going on so I thought I would be safe. I was a good soldier. I learned things I never would have had the opportunity to learn any other way. I became proficient with the rifle and other weapons. I was a radio/teletype operator and quite enjoyed my time in the Army. I managed to serve for three years without any hot wars breaking out and was glad of that. There were events that could have turned badly but thankfully cooler heads prevailed and we stayed out of any war. The reality was at any moment things could have gotten hot but we were ready to fight and die if necessary for our country. Veteran • page 9
Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •
Friday, Nov. 6, 2015
Little ghouls, goblins scare up good time in Rice by Dennis Dalman
Accompanied by their parents, little ghouls and goblins enjoyed a safe and happy Halloween on Rice’s Main Street Oct. 30, the day before official Halloween. The second annual event, dubbed “Trick or Treat on Main Street,” sponsored by the Rice Area Chamber of Commerce, was again a huge success, with a steady stream of trick-or-treaters traipsing from one business to another, all of which gave generous fists-full of candy and even
some non-sweet treats, like little flashlights. At least two dozen Rice area businesses participated in the event. Although the afternoon was chilly, with a nippy wind, nobody young or old seemed to mind. Children sported just about every costume imaginable: a little lamb, a firefighting dalmatian, a skunk, Batman, Spiderman, several clowns, a couple of fairy princesses, a pint-sized police girl, Dracula, a honey bee, lots of witches, a Ninja warrior, skeletons galore and more. It was obvious parents and the children themselves
spent many hours planning and then donning their costumes, many of them handmade. Outside of the Old Creamery Café, Carol Propper of St. Stephen sat in a chair next to a small cackling rubber witch and gave candy to the costumed children. She admitted it was a bit chilly to be sitting in the wind, but she said seeing the delighted children made any discomfort all worth it. “They are all so cute,” she said, smiling. “And they’re having such a good time! Their parents, too.”
Registration open for Jingle Bell Run by Dennis Dalman
The 18th annual Jingle Bell 5k/1k run will include the 1k Fun Kids’ Run so more people can participate and enjoy the event, which is slated for Saturday, Nov. 21 in Sartell. “Jingle Bell” raises money for Central Minnesota Toys for Tots, and all funds raised and toys purchased remain in the central Minnesota area. Registration is open until Sunday, Nov. 8 to participate, and there is a registration discount if the participant donates a toy. After the Nov. 8 registra-
tion deadline, people can still register right up to the time of both events for a fee. Registration can be done online at: jinglebellrun.itsyourrace. com. The Jingle Bell races will take place right by St. Cloud Orthopedics in the Sartell Medical Campus, 1901 Connecticut Ave. S. The following is a schedule participants should note: Friday, Nov. 20: From 5:30-8 p.m., packets should be picked up and registration can be done, both at St. Cloud Orthopedics. Saturday, Nov. 21: Starting at 7:30 a.m. will be packet-pickup and same-day registration at St.
Cloud Orthopedics; 8:30 a.m., start of 1k Kids’ Fun Run; 9 a.m., start of 5k run/walk; 10 a.m. awards ceremony The major sponsors of the Jingle Bell event are St. Cloud Orthopedics, CentraCare Bone and Joint Center, BLEND and Agency 128. For more information, call Shelley of St. Cloud Orthopedics at 320-202-5525 or email sgerds@st.cloudorthopedics. com. For more about Toys for Tots or to donate to it, go to www. and then click on where it says “Find Your Local Toys for Tots Program.”
photo by Dennis Dalman
Matthew Honken of Sartell, a firefighting dalmation, along with his police officer sister, Vanessa, go trick-or-treating on Main Street in Rice Oct. 30. They were accompanied by their mother, Carmen Honken, to the second annual event during which Rice-area businesses gave candy and other treats to children during the afternoon daylight hours. Sponsored by the Rice Area Chamber of Commerce, the “Trick or Treat on Main Street” event was a big success, attracting hundreds of children and their parents.
to all of the 2015 SSEF Sponsors! Central Lakes Oral Surgery Central Minnesota Pediatric Dentists Edina Realty Sartell – Brandon Johnson and Heidi Voigt Gilleland Chevrolet Heathcote, Adam and Tiffany Hellie, Joe and Amy Holiday Inn – St. Cloud Holland & Frank $2,500 iiw Minnesota BankVista Laudenbach, Beth and Tim C.H. Robinson Ledge Wealth Management Centrasota Oral Surgeons – Ryan Morris Leen, Steve and Penny Riverside Dental – Ellen Morris Nies, Jason & Kim North Central Bus & Equipment $1,000 Persona Dental Advantage 1 Insurance Agency Peterson, Todd and Rumiko Array Services Group PineCone Vision Center Plaza Park Bank BerganKDV Raden, Pam and Scott Blackberry Ridge Golf Course Rueter, Greg and Teresa Congdon, Robert and Tammi Sartell Education Association Country Manor Campus Schneider Orthodontics Cunningham Group Architecture/iiw Minnesota Schuchard, Tim and Amy Ferns, Doug and Tammy Schwiebert, Jeff and Deb Kenning, Scott and Jennifer Sexton, Fred and Delphine Mallory, Jason and Maria St. Cloud Federal Credit Union McGrew, Andrea and Chris State Farm Insurance Spanier, Mike and Kathy The Meyer Family Fund St. Cloud Morning Optimist Club Tillemans Family Fund Trombley, Matt and Amy Tjaden, Kim and Joe Nguyen US Bank $500 Vonderahe, Melinda and Adam Akervik, Trevor and Tiffany Wells Fargo Auto Value Parts Stores Williams/INTEGRACARE Clinic Bremer Bank Yapel Orthodontics
Visit us at to learn more about the Sartell-St. Stephen Education Foundation! $5,000 Granite Logistics Mahowald Insurance Agency LLC Winkelman Building Corp.
$250 360 Chiropractic American Family Insurance - Philip Peichel Batteries Plus Bulbs Bernick’s Blue Line Sports Bar & Grill Boys and Girls Clubs/Kidstop Central Minnesota Community Foundation Clark, Wendi and Paul D.J. Bitzan Jewelers Dean, Stephanie Degiovanni, Mary DeZURIK Gold’n Plump Great River Bowl & Partners Pub Hansen Flooring Gallery Harthan, Jean and Kevin Helgeson, Don and Sue Shepard Hindka, Dinesh and Chanchal Holmgren, Aaron and Leah Hovda, Sarah and Mike Huse Othodontics Hyytinen-Trobec Family Dental Joul, Steve and Brenda Jurgens, Jerry and Karen Liveringhouse, John and Sarah McDonnell, Toni and Rowan McDowall Co. Miller, Tonya and Jim Nahan, Patrick and Emily Nemeth Orthodontics Pinkerton, Jon and Brett Rasmussen, Anita
Rodness, Jim and Bonnie Schluchter Investment Advisors St. Cloud Orthopedics State Farm Insurance – Dan Anderson Stinson Leonard Street Tautges, Glen and Richason, Jennifer Thompson, Chris and Sarah Thompson, Becky and Ryan Tri-County Abstract Trobec’s Bus Service Honorable Mention Amazon Smile Babich, Sonja and Chris Benson Funeral Home Caspers, Barb and Carl House of Pizza/Pacific Wok ISD 748 Staff Campaign Kremers, Al and Yvonne Lawson Family Dental Miles, Kay and Bruce Nelson, Kay Peitso, Marilyn and Peder Hegland In Memory of Robert Schaffer Stutsman, Caroline and Mike Dr. Kay and Dr. Roger Worner Wruck, Steve In-Kind Donations Beaver Island Brewing Co. Johnson Brother’s Liquor Robert’s Fine Jewelry St. Cloud Floral Times Media
Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •
contributed photos
Above left: The Wetterling family (clockwise) Jerry, Patty, Amy (13), Jacob (11), Trevor (10) and Carmen (6) during a vacation the summer of 1988. Above right: Patty and Jerry Wetterling join Doug Wood of Sartell, author of the song, “Jacob’s Hope,” at a candle and song rally at Lake George, Nov. 18, 1989.
Jacob from front page In years past, law enforcement tried to find solid connections between Heinrich and the Wetterling abduction but connections were impossible to prove. A July 28, 2015 search of Heinrich’s Annandale home, however, did establish one fact about the Cold Spring cases. A previous sample of Heinrich’s DNA matched that of the incident of a man who attacked, abducted and sexually assaulted a 12-yearold Cold Spring boy in January 1989, 10 months before Wetterling’s disappearance. At the Oct. 29 press conference, officials said Heinrich could not be charged with that crime because the statute of limitations has passed.
Press conference
Those who spoke at the Oct. 29 press conference in St. Paul were Richard Thornton of the FBI, a special agent at the Minneapolis FBI office; U.S. Attorney Andrew Luger; Drew Evans, superintendent of the Minnesota
Bureau of Criminal Apprehension; and Stearns County Sheriff John Sanner. The officials gave details about the search of Heinrich’s house and what was (and was not) found there. Heinrich, they said, is facing multiple serious charges of possessing child pornography. They assured those gathered that the Wetterling case is very much in an open-investigation status and that they and others are determined to solve the case sooner or later. A statement from Wetterling’s parents was also read, although they did not attend the press conference. (See related story.)
Chilling similarities
There are chilling similarities between the Wetterling case and Heinrich, as discovered by law enforcement: • The man who abducted Wetterling has a low, gruff, whispery voice, according to Jacob’s brother and friend, who were with him at the time the masked man took him away. Several Cold Spring boys who had been attacked and groped – and the boy who had been taken into the car – said their attacker had a low,
gruff, whispery voice. The boy abducted in Cold Spring bore a remarkable resemblance to Jacob Wetterling, abducted Heinrich 10 months later. • During the search of Heinrich’s house in Annandale, there were many videos found that were apparently surreptitiously filmed of boys riding bicycles, playing at playgrounds and delivering newspapers, among other ordinary day-to-day activities. Several of the boys in Cold Spring were knocked off their bicycles by a man, some in an alley behind a pizza restaurant. Wetterling, his brother and friend were riding bicycles when the man stopped them and abducted Jacob. • In at least one of the Cold Spring incidents, the attacker asked the boys their names and ages. The man who abducted Wetterling also asked the three boys their ages. • In one of the Cold Spring assault cases, a boy was attacked
Friday, Nov. 6, 2015
in the stairwell of an apartment building. The boy was grabbed and thrown down the stairs. He began to scream, and the man, who was wearing a mask, said to be quiet or he would kill him. He groped the boy and talked in a deep, low whisper, asking what grade the boy was in. He then took the boy’s wallet and left on foot. • In another case, a man, after groping the young victim, cut off some of the boy’s head hair with a jagged knife and then kept the hair and the boy’s stocking cap – a cap with the letter “I” on it and hearts all around the edge of the cap. • The 12-year-old who was abducted and sexually assaulted Jan. 13, 1989 in Cold Spring told authorities a man forced him to get into a car while he was walking home after ice-skating. The man then drove him to a rural area where the boy was violently sexually assaulted. Then the man pushed the boy from the car into a ditch and told him if he turned around to look he would be shot to death. The man who abducted Wetterling said a similar thing to Jacob’s brother and friend. He told them to run into the woods and if they turned to look they would be shot. • The man who assaulted the Cold Spring boy was wearing military fatigues and black boots, possibly combat boots. The raspy voiced masked gunman who abducted Wetterling was described by the two other children as wearing dark clothing and black boots. All of those similarities could be coincidences, but they have been enough to keep Heinrich under scrutiny as a person of interest.
House search
The warrant affidavit was presented to a judge from the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office. The judge then approved the warrant for the July 28 search of Heinrich’s home, which spelled out many items searchers said they could reasonably be expected to find in the house, including many items related to Wetterling. Such items, however, were not
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found. In the search-warrant application to the judge, the following Wetterling-related items were listed: • A red hockey jacket with the name “Jacob” stitched on the front. • A red T-shirt with the name “Wetterling” printed on the back. • Other items, including socks, that Wetterling was wearing at the time of the abduction. • The warrant application also contained a request to get a saliva swab sample from Heinrich, which was granted by the judge. The search, however, did uncover a veritable stash of child pornography. They included 19 ring-binders of pornographic images of young boys, a computer hard-drive of many more images and a large collection of video tapes showing boys involved in everyday activities: delivering newspapers, riding bicycles, playing at playgrounds and more. Law enforcement officials said the videos appear to have been filmed by Heinrich, probably with a camera that had been hidden- or filmed from a concealed place. No images of Wetterling turned up in the extensive inventory of photos and videos in Heinrich’s home. Heinrich’s Annandale residence is at 55 Myrtle Ave. S., about one block from a middle school.
Jacob gone
On the night of Oct. 22, 1989, at about 9:15 p.m. 11-year-old Jacob Wetterling, his brother and a friend were on their way home from a convenience store where they had gone, with parents’ permission, to get a video movie. While riding their bicycles home on a rural road south of the store, a man appeared, apparently from a ditch where he had been hiding. It was later learned he almost certainly had a vehicle waiting nearby on a side road. The man was wearing a mask and carrying a handgun. He told the boys to throw their bikes in the ditch and then lie down in the ditch. He asked each boy his age. Then he told Jacob’s brother and the friend to run into the woods and not look back. When the two did look back not long after that, the man and Jacob were gone. A massive search turned up nothing. The abduction left the people of St. Joseph in a state of horror and shock, and soon the news traveled through the state and nation and even worldwide. At the time and since then, it has become perhaps the most famous case of child abduction, partly because of the efforts of the Wetterlings to bring attention to the cause of child safety, abduction prevention, emergency alerts and changes in laws regarding child molestations and abductions. The Wetterlings’ efforts inspired the creation of the Jacob Wetterling Foundation, with its motto of “Jacob’s Hope.”
Friday, Nov. 6, 2015
Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •
photo by Dennis Dalman
Patty Wetterling speaks to reporters, who gathered at the Wetterling home to hear their reactions to the arrest of an Annandale man who has been charged with possession of child pornography. Behind Patty is her husband, Jerry, who also spoke to the reporters.
Wetterlings respond to Heinrich’s arrest; ask for information by Dennis Dalman
Silence is not an option when it comes to the abduction, exploitation and brutalization of children, said Patty Wetterling, mother of Jacob Wetterling, the boy who was abducted by a masked gunman 26 years ago near St. Joseph. The Wetterlings, like law-enforcement officials last week, did not connect Jacob’s disappearance to a “person of interest” arrested Oct. 28, although the connection remains an open question. “I refuse to be silenced by this man,” she said at a Nov. 3 meeting with the media.
She was referring to the man recently arrested. That man, Daniel Heinrich of Annandale, was on law enforcement’s radar as far back as Oct. 22, 1989, when Jacob Wetterling was abducted. He has been charged with multiple counts of possessing child pornography. (See related story). Dr. Jerry and Patty Wetterling sent out an invitation to all media to meet them at their home southeast of St. Joseph at 12:15 p.m. Nov. 3. And the media were happy to oblige, coming from far and wide. Shortly before noon, the roads leading to the Wetterling home were lined with news vehicles from TV, radio, newspapers and social media.
On a warm November day, a large cluster of media people gathered as the Wetterlings, arm in arm, walked down their sloping driveway to address those gathered. They talked for 10 minutes and did not take any reporters’ questions. After the meeting, they walked arm in arm back up the driveway to their home, the same one they lived in when their son was abducted on the road leading to that home 26 years ago. The Wetterlings thanked the media for keeping the abduction issue alive for 26 years, and they thanked the victims of sexual abuse in Cold Spring in the late 1980s, who came forward to describe what hap-
pened to them when a man, out of nowhere, attacked and groped them. In one case, a boy was abducted and sexually assaulted in the man’s vehicle. Fortunately, after the assaultive trauma he endured, he was set free and has since talked about it, many years later, as an adult man. That victim, because of a recent DNA match to the crime, has been confirmed as the one abducted and sexually assaulted by Heinrich, the man arrested last week. During their 10-minute visit with the media Nov. 3, the Wetterlings’ message was that good people must continue to work together not just to find missing children but to pre-
vent the abuse of children to begin with. The man who was arrested for possessing child pornography is one example of how pervasive the problem is, with “millions of images” of children exploited for sex being distributed, Patty noted. Jerry said some people likely have a “little piece” of information about Jacob’s abduction, and if that little piece is added to other little pieces, it could make a big difference and result in “bringing Jacob back home.” Patty emphasized the importance of creating a world in which children are nurtured and safe, a world based Arrest • page 9
Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •
Great Northern Theatre Company Proudly Presents This is the first “TV Special” taped by the sisters in their convent basement studio for Cable Access. It stars the nuns you love plus Father Virgil and some of Mt. Saint Helen’s most talented students. Nuncrackers: The Nunsense Christmas Musical! Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday (matinee) Nov. 12, 13, 14 & 15 and Thursday, Friday & Saturday Nov. 19, 20 & 21 Show times: Social Hour 6 p.m., Dinner 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m. Matinee: Social hour 1 p.m., Dinner 2 p.m, Show 3 p.m.
Dinner Choices: Pork Loin with Maple Glaze OR Parmesan Chicken with Herb Cream Sauce. All meals include Autumn Harvest Salad, Prince Edward Vegetable Blend, Herb Roasted Baby Bakers, Baguette and Dessert. Special needs accommodated. Call House Manager at 320 241-4682 to discuss.
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SATURDAYS 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Riviera Road robberies investigated by Logan Gruber
The Stearns County Sheriff’s Office is investigating burglaries and thefts in the area of Riviera Road in LeSauk Township. At around 3 a.m. Nov. 2, a resident on Riviera Road reported their garage door opening. When the resident investigated, they found the overhead door partially open and also noticed the remote opener was missing from one of their vehicles parked in their driveway.
Held at The Great Blue Heron, Cold Spring
Nov. 7 & 21, Dec. 5 & 19 Jan. 9, Feb. 20 March 12, April 9
Sartell City Hall
125 Pinecone Road N.
Friday, Nov. 6, 2015
from page 3 area for a long period of time and did not hear any alarm. No further action was taken. Oct. 24 7:32 a.m. Gunshot. Pinecone Road. A report was made regarding gunshots heard from an unknown location. An officer checked the area and was unable to locate anyone within city limits. 3:34 p.m. Theft. Pinecone Road S. A report was made regarding items taken from a locked vehicle. The rear passenger window was broken and multiple items were taken from the back seat. 11:05 p.m. Vandalism. 15th Street N. A report was made regarding a garage door being egged sometime while the resident was out of town.
A responding deputy found a vehicle parked along the roadway which was occupied by an 18-year-old St. Cloud female. Deputies smelled the odor of marijuana and conducted a search of the vehicle. They found drug paraphernalia and also located many items in and around the vehicle which appeared to not belong to this female. After speaking with local residents they determined some of these items – a bicycle, chainsaw and other tools – were missing from unlocked garages. Deputies towed the vehicle, and seized and inven-
toried the items. Investigators believe many of the items were stolen from garages and vehicles in that area. A reverse 911 call was placed to all residents on Riviera Road to notify them of the investigation. If people from the area notice any property missing, they are encouraged to call the sheriff’s office at 320-251-4240. As of press time on Wednesday, investigators are still attempting to locate a male acquaintance of this female who may have been involved in entering the garages while she waited in the car.
Oct. 25 12:32 p.m. Domestic. Utah Road. A report was made regarding an adult male and an adult female arguing. Officers arrived and found evidence of a physical fight. An adult female was placed under arrest without incident. 8:06 p.m. Agency assist. 13th Street Circle. Officers assisted Sauk Rapids Police Department with a domestic involving numerous people. An adult male was placed under arrest and an adult female was issued a citation. 9:34 p.m. Assist. Lowell Lane. Resident requested officers come speak to a juvenile male who had asked to move out of his house. Officers spoke with the juvenile’s mother and father and found the mother was not able to care for herself or the child. She was transported to the St. Cloud Hospital and the child was left in the care of his father.
Road. A complaint was made regarding a male riding his bike and attempting to do tricks. Traffic was slowing and moving over in an attempt to avoid him. An officer checked the area and was unable to locate the male. 6:16 pm. Accident. First Street N. Multiple reports were made regarding a motorcyclist crashing. Officers checked the area but were unable to locate the crash. The complainants reported the driver denied medical care and drove away although he was injured. The officer attempted to locate the registered owner but was unsuccessful.
Oct. 26 1:25 p.m. Hazard. Pinecone
Oct. 27 1:26 a.m. Suspicious vehicle. 23rd Avenue N. While on patrol, an officer witnessed a vehicle drive in an area and park. The officer made contact with the driver, who stated he was playing a gps game and needed to park in the area to collect points. The officer did verify the game and no further action was taken.
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Friday, Nov. 6, 2015
Arrest from page 7 on the Golden Rule in which mutual respect is valued and modeled. Hope, she said, is an active verb. “You don’t sit back and hope something will happen,” she said. “It’s all of you (people) showing up.” Every child, she added, is “our” child, everybody’s child. Days earlier, before their in-person meeting with the media, the Wetterlings, who were in Colorado at the time visiting their son, daughter-inlaw and a grandchild, released the following statement: The Wetterling family would like to thank all involved in the investigation of Danny Heinrich and his crimes against children. The search for Jacob is an ongoing investigation and we will watch and learn with everyone else. Right now we know what is being reported. We know what you all know. For 26 long years, we have said somebody knows something. If you know anything about this man, his ties to St. Joseph and his victimization of children in 1989 or since, please call the Stearns County Sheriff’s Department at 320259-3700 or 320-656-6625. We also need to point out the obvious. Child pornogra-
CRAFT-VENDOR SALE Saturday, Nov. 7 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Waite Park American Legion Post 428 17 2nd Ave. N., St. Cloud Hourly Door Prizes!
Next sale: VFW 4847 Dec. 5. Watch for future ad.
Crafters & Vendors Wanted Resurrection Lutheran Church
Christmas Craft Sale Saturday, Dec. 5 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Exhibit space is still available. Contact Lisa at 320-363-1056 or Fees go to support Youth and Family Ministries.
Apartments IN SARTELL. Two-bedroom apartment. Spacious. Many newly remodeled! Pets Welcome. Heat paid, fireplace, d/w, balconies. Quiet, residential area. $669-729. Garage included!
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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader • phy is a devastating, harmful criminal activity. If you know of anyone who is engaged in looking at, producing or sharing child pornography, please call the police or the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (1-800-THELOST) so these people do not harm another child. We are so grateful for the prayers, the support and the Hope shared in our search for Jacob and the search for answers. Who took Jacob? Where is he? What happened? Today we ask for a little time. We will be available for comment next week but ask for some space at this point in time. We have no further comment. With hope, Patty and Jerry Wetterling
Veteran from page 4 Nobody wanted that, but we were ready. The Army made sure of that. Today, at age 75, I look back. I know for a fact I got so much more than I ever gave to my country. Almost every day someone thanks me for my service. Sometimes I’m embarrassed by the thought, but I appreciate it none the less. I was a kid looking for adventure. I saw my “buddy system” friend only once during our enlistments in Germany. He and I were there for a school. We had a few moments together and then we went our separate ways. We both had our
adventure. Now with all that behind me, I reflect on the past. I was saddened by the reception our Vietnam veterans experienced when they returned from that war. Like they had a choice of where to serve. I am heartened, though, by our apparent change of attitude concerning those returning from the Middle East. Maybe we, as a country, have grown up. I hope so. I am also disappointed by the fact so few people serve in the military today. Few of our elected leaders have served and fewer yet understand what it even means. Perhaps if they did, our world would be better off. I know they would be better leaders. Nov. 11 we celebrate our veterans with a day of remembrance. Thank a vet-
9 eran if you see one. Pray for our troops and know this: Freedom is not free. Thank God you live in the “Land of the Free.” Scarbro is retired and spends most of his free time with his grandchildren having moved from Sartell to St. Simons Island, Ga.. Writing and commenting on the news of the day is a pastime. Visit his weekly blog at for more commentary.
THE NEWSLEADERS seeks freelance writers and photographers to cover town-specific events/meetings/personalities. Freelancers are paid per story/photo. If interested, please email a resume and a few writing/photo samples to
10 Is your event listed? Send your information to: Newsleader Calendar, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374; fax it to 320-363-4195; or, e-mail it to Friday, Nov. 6 Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., College of St. Benedict. 37 S. College Ave., St. Joseph. St. Joseph Area Historical Society open, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Old City Hall, 25 First Ave NW. Ladies Night Out Vendor and Craft Event, 4-8 p.m., Sauk Rapids
Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •
Community Calendar
VFW, 901 N. Benton Drive, Sauk Rapids. Art Crawl, 5-9 p.m., downtown, St. Cloud.
Saturday, Nov. 7 NAMI Minnesota State Conference, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., St. Paul River Centre, 175 W. Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul. 651-645-2948. Holiday Craft and Bake Sale, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., St. John’s University (the Great Hall), 2850 Collegeville Plaza, Collegeville. Celebration of the Arts, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Avon Community Church, 204
Avon Ave. N., Avon. “Mississippi Freedom Summer,” a History Club presentation, 10-11 a.m., Stearns History Museum, 235 33rd Ave. S., St. Cloud. 320-253-8424. Saturday Storytime, registration required, 11-11:45 a.m., Waite Park Public Library, 253 N. Fifth Ave. 320253-9359. Bakers’ Acres, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Minnesota Street Co-op, 27 W. Minnesota St., St. Joseph. Benton County Historical Society, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., 218 First St. N., Sauk Rapids. 320-253-9614. Read to Buster, registration required, noon-12:45 p.m., Waite Park Public Library, 253 N. Fifth Ave. 320253-9359. St. John’s Bible pages on display, now through mid-December, noon-4 p.m. Saturdays, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, Hill Museum and Monastic Library, St. John’s University, 2850 Abbey Plaza, Collegeville. 320-3633351. 320-363-3514. Cultural Night, 5-8 p.m., Atwood Memorial Center Ballroom, 720 Fourth Ave. S., St. Cloud. 320-3082104.
Sunday, Nov. 8 Bingo, 1 p.m., St. Francis Xavier School, 308 Second St. N., Sartell. Monday, Nov. 9 Benton County Historical Society, Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., 218 First St. N., Sauk Rapids. 320253-9614. 55+ Driver Improvement Program (four-hour refresher course), 5-9 p.m., Apollo High School, 1000 44th Ave. N., St. Cloud. 1-888-234-1294. We Need a Library advocacy group rally outside city hall prior to AUTOMOBILES/MOTORCYCLES WANTED MOTORCYCLES: TOP CASH PAID! For Old Motorcycles! 1900-1980. DEAD OR ALIVE! 920-371-0494 (MCN) ADOPTION A LOVING, hands-on, childless couple seeks to adopt. Warm, laughter filled home. Financial security. Expenses PAID. Judi & Jamie at 1-888-492-6077 (MCN) A childless married couple wishes to adopt. Hands-on mom & devoted dad. Large family. Expenses PAID. Felicia & Tom. 1-844-2861066 (MCN) **ADOPTION:** At-Home Mom, Financial Security, Outdoor Adventures, Music, Unconditional LOVE awaits. 1-800-567-9772 Expenses paid *Denise & Corey* (MCN) A childless married couple (ages 34 & 35) seek to adopt. Will be full-time mom & devoted dad. Financial security. Expenses PAID. Call/Text: Katie & Adam 1-800-790-5260 (MCN) Are you pregnant? Considering adoption? A caring financially secure married couple seeks to adopt. Will be hands-on mom & devoted dad. Expenses paid. Danielle & Ben. 1-888597-0737 (MCN) PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Call Us First! Living expenses, Housing, Medical and continued support afterwards. Choose Adoptive Family of Your Choice. Call 24/7. ADOPT CONNECT 1-866951-1860 (Void in IL & IN) (MCN)
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council meeting, 5:30-6 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N. 302222-7970. Sartell City Council, 6 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N. 320-253-2171.
Tuesday, Nov. 10 Sartell Chamber of Commerce, 11:30 a.m., Waters Church, 1227 Pinecone Road. 320-258.6061. Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction, 6-8:30 p.m., CentraCare Health Plaza, 1406 Sixth Ave. N., St. Cloud. 320-290-2155. Cyber Safety: Catching up with High Tech Kids (presented by Dave Eisenmann, director of instructional technology and media services at Minnetonka Public Schools), 6:30-8 p.m., Sauk Rapids-Rice Middle School (Door 4), 901 First St. S., Sauk Rapids. Holistic Moms Network, 7-8:30 p.m., Good Earth Co-op, 2010 Veterans Drive, St. Cloud. 320-252-2489. Wednesday, Nov. 11 St. Joseph Area Chamber of Commerce, 11:30 a.m., St. Joseph Community Fire Hall, 323 Fourth Ave. NE. Plato’s Republic Book Group, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Central Perk Coffee Shop, 906 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. Thursday, Nov. 12 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., St. Cloud Veterans Hospital, CD135 Volunteer Services. Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, 520 First St. NE, Sartell. Sartell-Sauk Rapids Moms’ Club, 9-10:30 a.m., Celebration Lutheran Church, 1500 Pinecone Road N., Sartell. Healthy for the Holidays, 4:306:30 p.m., CentraCare Health Admin-
Friday, Nov. 6, 2015 istrative Support Building, 1600 CR 134, St. Cloud. Surgery Open House, 6-8 p.m., St. Cloud Hospital, 1406 Sixth Ave. N., St. Cloud. 320-251-2700, ext. 54468. Finish Northstar Public Gathering, 7-9 p.m., River’s Edge Convention Center, 10 Fourth Ave. S., St. Cloud. 320-339-1941. Friday, Nov. 13 Deadline for submissions for Live United Essay Contest, submit essays to United Way of Central Minnesota (Essay Contest), 3001 Clearwater Road, Suite 201, St. Cloud. Saturday, Nov. 14 Holiday Bazaar, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Church of St. Paul, 1125 11th Ave. N., St. Cloud. 320-251-4831. Winter Market, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N. 55+ Driver Improvement Program (four-hour refresher course), 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Miller Auto Plaza (Community Room), 2930 Second St. S., St. Cloud. 1-888-234-1294. Fall Widow Shopping Wonderland, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Sal’s Bar and Grill, 109 W. Minnesota St., St. Joseph. Wildwood Ranch maple sugar candy demo, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Minnesota Street Co-op, 27 W. Minnesota St., St. Joseph. St. John’s Bible pages on display, now through mid-December, noon-4 p.m. Saturdays, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, Hill Museum and Monastic Library, St. John’s University, 2850 Abbey Plaza, Collegeville. 320-3633351. 320-363-3514. Central Minnesota Chapter of the Federation of the Blind of Minnesota, 12:30 p.m., American Legion, 17 Second Ave. N., Waite Park.
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Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •
Friday, Nov. 6, 2015
Quilts from page 2 quilted item, seasonal/holiday, original design and first-time exhibitor at show. People could register to have quilts appraised by Sue Harmon, who is certified by the American Quilters Society. Harmon said there are three reasons people usually request an appraisal of a quilt. They include for insurance-replacement value, donation value and fair-market value. “I wrote appraisals for 26 quilts during the two days of the quilt show,” Harmon said. “The majority of the quilts were newly made using design patterns that are on the market at quilt shops, with a few of the quilts designed by the maker. The St. Cloud Heritage Quilters and quilters from around the area are very creative. I can’t say one was more impressive than another as they were all intriguing quilts.” All of the quilts Harmon appraised during the weekend were for the purpose of insurance-replacement value, which is based either on comparable sales or cost to reconstruct. “We are so thrilled everyone came to the show to view our quilts,” LaTour said. “There was one lucky person who won the raffle quilt and 40 other people who won the other raffle prizes or one of the baskets.” The quilters group donates to various charity projects, and many of the quilts on display
will be donated to charitable organizations. “We select different charities every year for our service project,” LaTour said. “This year we are making quilts for Anna Marie’s and Quilts of Valor. For many years we have also made tote bags for the Coborn Cancer Center. In past years we have donated quilts to Breaking Free, Stearns County Public Health Programs, Eagle’s Nest in Sauk Centre, Project Linus and Independence Center.” The quilters meet on the first Thursday of the month at the Love of Christ Lutheran Church on Pinecone Road S. in St. Cloud. Meetings usually last about two hours and include a business meeting, show-andtell, break and a program or speaker. “It is a nice, once-a-month, social event with no pressure,” Proell said. “We learn so much from each other through the show-and-tell. It’s very inspirational. It’s a great group of
Fall Widows Wonderland Vendor Expo Saturday, Nov. 14 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Silent Auction
Proceeds to benefit:
Sal’s Bar & Grill
109 W. Minnesota St., St. Joseph Drink specials & food available!
Bird Houses & Feeders • Jamberry Nails • Mary Kay Monat • Norwex • Origami Owl • Pampered Chef Scentsy • Tastefully Simple • Thirty-One Gifts Tupperware • Young Living Oils And many more!
women of all ages.” Proell said she became a better quilter when she joined the group. She gave an example of seeking ideas for the border of the quilt and said she always got better ideas from the group than if she tried to do it by herself. Proell said the group involved a lot of teamwork. Small groups of members often go on quilting retreats and attend other social events together. Guild members come from St. Cloud and surrounding areas, including Sartell, Sauk Rapids, St. Joseph and Rice. They also come from areas farther away such as Avon, Becker, Brainerd, Clear Lake, Clearwater, Cold Spring and more. Members extend an open invitation to anyone, from all skill levels who would like to join. For more information, visit the website or facebook. com/stcloudheritagequilters.
There’s No Place Like Home! You can help the elderly by providing care in their homes. Our CAREGivers provide light housekeeping, meal preparation, transportation, personal cares if needed and a friendly smile. Flexible day, evening, overnight and 24-hour shifts available to begin immediately. Paid training! If you have experience in caring for the elderly either personally or professionally, we want to hear from you.
Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader •
Friday, Nov. 6, 2015
Sabres Girls’ & Boys’ Soccer Teams on their excellent season and making it to state!
photos courtesy of ISD 748
These businesses salute you on a job well done! ABC Seamless of St. Cloud 301 4th Ave. S., Sartell 320-259-7650
Brenny Transportation Inc. 8505 Ridgewood Road, St. Joseph 320-363-6999
Coborn’s - Open 24 Hours
Two convenient Sartell locations! 707 1st Ave. N. • 320-253-3400 1725 Pinecone Road S. • 320-258-4342
250 Riverside Ave. N. Sartell • 320-259-2000
GNP Company 320-251-3570
Interstate All Battery Center Sartell • 320-252-5442
Lillians of St. Cloud 824 W. St .Germain St. St. Cloud • 320-257-0199
Pinecone Vision Center 2180 Troop Drive Sartell • 320-258-3915
Reliable Rolloff & Transfer 8232 Delta Circle, St. Joseph 320-363-1194
Republic Services
700 40th Ave. NE. Sauk Rapids • 320-252-9608
St. Francis Xavier Church & School 219 2nd St. N. • P.O. Box 150 Sartell • 320-252-1363
Sartell Area Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 82 Sartell • 320-258-6061
Sartell-St. Stephen Newsleader 320-363-7741
Trobec’s Bus
NOW HIRING DRIVERS! 320-251-1202