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Newsleader Sartell

Friday, Nov. 22, 2013 Volume 18, Issue 46 Est. 1995

Town Crier Winter Market opens Nov. 23

The Sartell Farmers’ Market is in full swing. It will be open at 10 a.m. Saturday Nov. 23 at Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N, Sartell. Stop in for all your favorites to add to your Thanksgiving dinner. Winter Market features locally raised meats, eggs, canned goods, lefse, coffee, tea, baked goods, vegetables and much more. “Foods grown close to home taste better!”

Volunteer for the Salvation Army

The Salvation Army needs volunteers now and after the holidays. Volunteers will assist the volunteer coordinator with Salvation Army programs and office duties. The time and shifts for this position can be very flexible but would like volunteers to commit to a minimum of two shifts per week, at least until after the holidays. For more information on this and other United Way volunteer opportunities, visit

SCSU features mustache challenge

Movember, a worldwide movement to draw attention to men’s health issues, will be commemorated on the St. Cloud State University campus with activities that include a challenge event to attempt to break the world record for the most fake mustaches worn at a single event. On Saturday, Nov. 23, the Movember planning team invites community members to attend the men’s hockey game against Colorado College to participate in an attempt to break a Guinness World Record. Last year in Grand Rapids, Mich., 1,544 people wore fake mustaches at one time. St. Cloud State’s goal is to reach 4,000 fake mustaches at once. Following the game fans in fake mustaches will be asked to come together on the ice and join the challenge. For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.

Postal Patron

‘Waxwork’ inventors speak about their great inventions by Dennis Dalman

The United States is a country of ingenious inventors and landmark inventions, a fact underscored by dozens of Pine Meadow Elementary School fourth-graders during a special event Nov. 7. On that day, in the school’s gymnasium, the students and their teachers created what they called “The Great Inventors Wax Museum.” All around the gymnasium, standing next to the walls, were student “wax figures” dressed up as famous inventors, mostly American ones but also some from other countries in the long march of history. Each student/inventor stood there “frozen” like waxwork figures until one or more visitors would come up and shake the hand of an inventor. That was the signal for each waxwork to become animated to tell about their lives and Inventors • page 12

photos by Dennis Dalman

Above: Ruth Wakefield (played by Zoe Goetz) invented the Toll House chocolate-chip cookie quite by accident one day in 1930 at her inn in Massachusetts. Top right: Johannes Gutenberg (Quentin Sigurdson) invented the movable-type printing press in Germany in the 15th Century. The invention made possible the widespread advent of literacy throughout Europe and elsewhere. Right: Ben Franklin (Ryan Joyce) was a founding father of the United States, an ambassador to Paris, founder of the U.S. Postal Service and an inventor of many things, as well as the discoverer of electricity.

Parents should plan for winter school emergencies by Dennis Dalman

Howling blizzards, arctic cold, near-zero visibility – all are factors that could cause disruptions to schools in the coming winter. That is why the SartellSt. Stephen School District is

asking all parents to be weatheraware, to plan for emergencies and to work with schools for the safety of all concerned. The district recently announced its updated policy on weather-related closings, delays and dismissals so parents know what to expect.

Mike Spanier, interim superintendent for Sartell schools, said the district – as always – will coordinate closely with the Sauk Rapids-Rice and St. Cloud school districts, as well as all parochial schools, concerning weather-related emergencies. All districts, he said, will rely

on updated weather information provided by the St. Cloud State University meteorology service. SCSU meteorologists release frequent weather forecasts and advise schools as to what is likely coming in the way of dangerous weather conditions. Winter • page 9

by Dennis Dalman

who doesn’t paint but joins the others as she works on her intricate cross-stitching projects. Throughout his long life, Wasdyke’s urges to paint would come and go. He vividly recalls the time he and Shirley lived in an apartment in Baltimore when the walls were starkly blank. Wasdyke went out and bought a print reproduction by Maurice Utrillo, a famous French painter. Then Wasdyke took out his box of oil paints he’d been given by his father and “touched up” the print, making it look more like an oil painting instead of a flat print. It was just what the blank wall had been begging for. Wasdyke met his wife-tobe when he was in the U.S. Navy, stationed in Kansas at the Olathe Air Base. The two met at Rockers College near the Painting • page 3

Wasdyke’s paintings reflect his varied, interesting life

photo by Dennis Dalman

Jim Wasdyke of Sartell paints a musical-themed oil painting featuring a violin, an instrument he enjoys playing. To his left is another oil painter, Sartell resident Judy Frampton. Wasdyke’s wife, Shirley (right) joins the painters as she does her crosstitch. The visual artists meet every Wednesday at 9 a.m. at the Sartell Senior Connection Center in the Sartell-St. Stephen School District Services Building. Any artists, from beginners to accomplished pros, are welcome to join the Wednesday get-togethers.

When Jim Wasdyke was a kid in math class in New Jersey during WWII, he wasn’t paying much attention to math. Instead, he would daydream and draw pictures of German war planes being shot down. His attraction to drawing and painting never left him. Now, decades later, Wasdyke doesn’t have to contend with any math class. He can paint to his heart’s content whenever he pleases, and he enjoys painting from 9-11:30 a.m. every Wednesday at the Sartell Senior Connection Center in the School District Office Building. Wasdyke is usually joined by three other artists: Judy Frampton, a Sartell painter; Darlene Ostendorf, a painter from Waite Park; and Jim’s wife, Shirley,

Sartell Newsleader •

2 If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the Sartell Police Department at 251-8186 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. Nov. 2 12:55 a.m. Traffic stop. 25th Avenue S. After checking a vehicle’s registration, it was found the driver had a revoked license. The driver stated she was aware of her status. She was issued a citation and the vehicle was towed. Nov. 3 1:31 a.m. Suspicious person. Brianna Drive. A complaint was made regarding a male attempting to enter a residence. The male was located walking down the road. He was found to be intoxicated and lost. The male was left in the care of a friend. 11:05 a.m. Traffic stop. Sixth Street N. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 53 mph in a posted 30-mph zone. The driver stated she was unaware of her speed. She was issued a citation and released. Nov. 4 12:47 p.m. Theft. 14th Avenue E. A snowblower was taken from an outdoor storage area. 4:55 p.m. Theft. Walmart. A female was witnessed attempting to leave the store with unpaid merchandise. The female denied the theft and became hostile. It was found she did have an arrest warrant. She was placed under arrest and transported to Stearns County Jail without incident. Nov. 5 8:38 a.m. Warrant. 14th Avenue E. An arrest warrant was issued for an adult male. The male was located and placed under arrest without incident. 2:19 p.m. Disorderly male. Amber Avenue S. An emergency


call was placed regarding an outof-control adult male. Officers arrived and the male became highly agitated and was placed under arrest and transported to Stearns County Jail. Nov. 6 10:44 a.m. Traffic stop. Pinecone Road. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 67 mph in a posted 40-mph zone. The driver stated she wasn’t aware of her speed. She was issued a citation and released. 9:54 p.m. Domestic. 11th Avenue E. An emergency call was placed requesting help for a male and female physically fighting. Officers arrived and found evidence of a physical fight. The male was placed under arrest and transported to Stearns County Jail. Nov. 7 1:24 p.m. School bus stop-arm violation. Sartell Lane. A report was made regarding a vehicle failing to stop when the bus stop arm and lights were activated. The driver admitted to not stopping because she did not see it. A citation was issued. 10:17 p.m. Suspicious vehicle. Trentwood Drive. A report was made regarding a suspicious vehicle parked on the road with two people inside. An officer spoke with the driver and found they had stopped to talk and were about to leave. Nov. 8 5:08 p.m. Traffic stop. 4th Avenue N. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 40 mph in a 30-mph zone and failing to stop at a stop sign. It was also found the driver had a revoked license. The driver stated he was aware of all of the violations. Citation was issued for all violations and the vehicle was released to a valid driver. 10:42 p.m. Verbal. 7th Street N. A report was made regarding a male and female arguing. Officers arrived and spoke with the female who stated the argument

was only verbal and did not become physical. The male had left the residence. Nov. 9 1:32 a.m. Noise. Sundance Road. A complaint was made regarding the amount of noise coming from a residence. An officer arrived and spoke with the resident who was upset about the complaint. He was issued a citation for the violation. 9 p.m. Noise. Heritage Drive. A complaint was made regarding the amount of noise coming from a residence; possibly an argument. An officer arrived and heard a family laughing and talking.

Friday, Nov. 22, 2013

Substitute-teacher training available People who have had a hankering to teach but who could not because they lack full teaching credentials will have a chance to fulfill their dreams through the Limited Short-Call Substitute program. All that is required is a fouryear bachelor’s degree. Resource Training and Solutions, now based in Sartell, will host a two-day program, Dec. 9-10, to prepare individuals on how to apply to become short-term substitute teachers. Under Minnesota law, limited short-call substitute teachers’ licenses are granted only if teachers who hold regular teaching licenses are

Nov. 10 5:08 p.m. DWI. Pinecone Road. A driver was witnessed traveling without their headlights turned on. The officer detected the odor of alcoholic beverages and conducted field sobriety testing. The driver was unable Four Sartell students are to complete the testing and was studying abroad during the fall placed under arrest and transportsemester through the Office for ed to Stearns County Jail without Education Abroad at the Colincident. lege of St. Benedict, St. Joseph, and St. John’s University, ColNov. 11 2:03 a.m. Welfare check. Riv- legeville. They are the following: erside Avenue. An emergency Jessica Alkire, daughter of Mary call was placed stating there was and Doug Alkire, who is a junior a male lying on the side of the English major at CSB studying in road. An officer arrived and was the London program; Austin Barable to wake him up. He was re- kley, son of Julie and Jim Barkley, who is a junior Hispanic studies leased to a sober party. 12:21 p.m. Suspicious activ- major at SJU studying in the Chile ity. 2½ Street. A report was made program; Ali Mick, daughter of regarding a vehicle sitting outside Jane and Doug Mick, who is a a residence running all morning. senior communication major at An officer arrived and spoke to CSB studying in the Galway prothe resident who stated he was gram; and Brandon Morine, son of Jenni and Rob Morine, who is a not aware it had been running. junior biology major at SJU studying in the Greco-Roman program. Nov. 12 The College of St. Benedict 1 p.m. Theft. Evergreen Drive. and St. John’s University are A report was made regarding a ranked No. 2 nationally among stolen purse. Officers were able baccalaureate institutions with to locate the suspect with surveilstudents who participate in midlance video from the location. length study abroad programs acHe admitted to the theft and was cording to the annual report on inplaced under arrest without international education, Open Doors cident. 2013, published by the Institute of International Education. The two schools, which shared the No. 2 spot with Colgate University, Hamilton, N.Y., had 360 students study abroad on mid-length programs during the 2011-12 school year, the latest year measured by IIE. There are 20 semester-long programs administered by CSB and SJU, 16 of which are facultyled. For more information, visit

not available or if a district is experiencing a hardship in securing an adequate number of licensed teachers. Short-term substitute teaching licenses are issued for up to two years. Training will cover such topics as a substitute teacher’s role in the classroom and district, basics of classroom management and instruction, basics of child development and communication skills. To register for the training, call Deb Thomes at Resource Training and Solutions at 320255-3236 or toll-free at 1-888447-7032. Anyone interested can also visit its website at

People click on People.


Sarah Evans of Sartell was recently named to the spring dean’s list for academic achievement during the academic year of 2012-13. This was the result of earning a 3.5 (A) or higher semester grade-point average while carrying at least 12 credit hours. Three Sartell-St. Stephen High School athletes were recently named to the Class A Boys’ and Girls’ Soccer All-Tournament Teams by Wells Fargo, the premier corporate sponsor of the Minnesota State High School League. They are Kyle Erickson, Colin Johnson and Sophie VanSurksum. The award recognizes student athletes who demonstrate exceptional sportsmanship, team commitment, athletic ability and leadership during the state high school tournaments. Athletes are selected to the Wells Fargo All-Tournament Team by a panel of coaches attending the tournament. Sixteen awards are presented in both Girls’ and Boys’ Class A Soccer. The Sartell Area Chamber of Commerce recently elected a new board of directors. They are the following: Walker Brown, Cheri Carlson, Chris Dolney, Jessica Houle, Jenifer Odette, Mark Ostendorf and Juli Sieben. Outgoing board members included Shawna Hanson and Nathan Tykwinski.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.

Newstands Country Store and Pharmacy Holiday on Riverside Drive Holiday on 7th Street N House of Pizza JM Speedstop

Little Dukes on Pinecone Sartell City Hall Sartell-St. Stephen School District Offices Walgreens

Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon

Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen

Editor Dennis Dalman

Design/Layout Tara Wiese

Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke Delivery Glen Lauer

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

Friday, Nov. 22, 2013

Sartell Newsleader •


olin, another example of painting from his own life. Both Jim and Shirley are well known in the Sartell area for their musical talents. They often play, free, for Sartell Senior Connection members, for residents at Country Manor and for the people at Legends, an assistedliving complex in Sartell. Shirley plays a Q-Chord, an electronic version of the autoharp. Jim plays fiddle. Both took up instruments when they lived in Idaho, at the coaxing of Jim’s brother, a fiddler. “In Idaho you couldn’t swing a cat without hitting a fiddler, there’s so many of them there,” Jim said. “Shirley

plays chords, I play the melodies.” And when they put down their instruments, there’s always their other hobbies to keep them happily occupied – Jim with his painting, Shirley with her cross-stitching. Anyone is welcome to attend “Visual Wednesdays” at 9 a.m. at the Sartell Senior Connection Center. Even people who have never painted before can bring a box of paints, a canvas or two and have a go at it. Other visual artists are also welcome. No registration is required. Just show up and have a good time.

CHRISTMAS T REES Cut your ow n or pre-cut! All varietie s!


photo by Dennis Dalman

Darlene Ostendorf of Waite Park enjoys coming to the Sartell Senior Connection Center every Wednesday where she paints in the company of others during “Visual Arts” morning.

Painting from front page air base, began dating and married in 1979. She was a medical technician at the college. They moved to Washington, D.C., Baltimore, then to Kansas City, where they lived for 25 years, raising their three children. Wasdyke was an associate professor of information technology. Kansas City was the headquarters for the Hallmark Greeting Card Co., and as a result the city was swarming with artists, many of whom gave teaching sessions at the college. Thanks to that artistic ambience, Wasdyke’s yen for art was renewed once again, especially after his grown children had left home. After Kansas City, the Wasdykes moved to California, then “bounced around” and ended up in Idaho for 10 years, she working in a hospital, he

serving as a substitute teacher. Finally, as Wasdyke puts it, the mountains out there were getting “too tall for me.” One of Jim’s sons lives in Minneapolis, so Jim and Shirley decided to check out the Upper Midwest – Wisconsin and Minnesota. They’d driven through St. Cloud once before and liked the area, so they finally settled down 13 years ago in Sartell. Wasdyke has lived an unusual, exciting life, including working with U.S. Army computer simulations during the Vietnam War. He has flown in a Navy jet and has even ridden in the nuclear submarine the Nautilus. Now fully retired, Wasdyke leads a pleasant, more sedentary life. And a big part of that life is his oil painting. His subject matter is as rich and varied as his interesting life in so many places: landscapes of various states, an English setter, a cottonwood tree, an old Chevy truck and

a dog by a tree, donkeys on a farm, bears, mountain lions, an albatross, flowers, a sailing boat and some copies of classic paintings like Picasso’s “Girl Holding Dove.” For quite a few years, Wasdyke painted with other seniors at the St. Cloud Whitney Center until the Sartell Senior Connection formed. He and Shirley were two of the very first founding members of the Connection. “Oil painting is very forgiving,” he said. “If you don’t like what you’ve done, you can take a pallet knife and scrape the paint off before it dries. I get a lot of satisfaction from painting. I like to take my time and then do a lot of detail. I go slow; I take my time.” Usually, Wasdyke makes a pencil sketch first on the white canvas, then he begins painting. He still cherishes the big paint box his father gave him so many years ago. His latest painting is of a vi-

Compost site open for two more days The Sartell Compost Site has had its open dates extended for two more days – Saturday, Nov. 23 and Saturday, Nov. 30, weather permitting. Those who bring yard waste

to the site must have their 2013 compost-site permits affixed to their vehicles in order to gain access to the site. People may bring grass clippings, leaves, small branches

and twigs and garden refuse. Customers are also welcome to take home loads of finished compost.

Sunday, Nov. 24

9 a.m-5 p.m.

Get your tree and wreaths before Thanksgiving!

Hours: ing Open ay, Frid 29! Nov.

Thursday & Friday 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday & SunDay 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Closed Monday-wednesday

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c can andy the es fo kid r s!


P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. NW • St. Joseph, MN 56374 • 320-363-7741


Our View Like RomneyCare, ObamaCare is going through birth pains If the Affordable Care Act’s website is not functioning well by the eve of Dec. 1, those who abhor that law will say “told you so – it’s a train wreck.” But whoa! The train has barely left the station. A derailment is not inevitable, much as the law’s opponents would like to think so. They gloat, they salivate, they applaud at every ObamaCare glitch that comes down the track. But, at this point, those who hated ObamaCare from the very beginning, since its passage in 2010, do have some new ammunition in their arsenal. Yes, the website rollout was an unmitigated disaster. Why the president and his staff did not demand testing of that website beforehand is inexcusable since it is the very key to the program’s success. As if that weren’t bad enough, insurance cancellations began, countering the president’s repeated reassurances that people who have and like their insurance can keep that insurance when the ACA begins. Issues of bad planning, incompetence and the credibility of the president have surfaced. It’s understandable the doubters – including some doubting Democrats – have new questions and second thoughts. The president, during an awkward press conference last week, admitted his mistakes and apologized, saying it’s incumbent upon him to regain the trust of the American people. Before we give ObamaCare its last rites, let’s remind ourselves of the pluses that have already happened: insurance companies barred from refusing people with pre-existing conditions; allowing children to stay on parents’ polices until they are 26; policies required to include – at the very minimum – such benefits as preventive care, maternity care; prohibitions against gender discrimination; and no annual or lifetime dollar limits. Another huge plus of the ACA is an expansion of Medicaid to states from the federal government now covers millions more people living at the poverty level. Some states led by Republican governors, refused to accept the Medicaid expansion, thus cutting off their noses to spite their faces and leaving millions of their citizens without access to care. One reason for recent insurance-policy cancellations is they do not meet the standards required by ObamaCare as listed above. Another reason is healthinsurance companies have long been known to cancel policies at any time and to raise rates often, with annual increases amounting to 14-20 percent. The ACA is one of the most ambitious programs ever launched in this nation. As such, like Social Security and Medicare, it’s bound to go through its birth pains, just as RomneyCare, on which ObamaCare was based, had its share of early glitches in Massachusetts. The hurdles are not over. One hurdle is how many young and healthier people will enroll in plans through the insurance-exchange markets? That could ultimately make or break the program. The bleak alternative to ObamaCare is this: Up to 40 million Americans will remain unable to afford insurance, and the rest of us will have to pay for their emergency care, indirectly, through increased hospital costs, increased insurance premiums and increased taxes. ACA detractors claim ObamaCare itself will cause –not solve – those bad outcomes. Instead of licking their chops about a “train wreck,” ObamaCare opponents should get on track to help people buy affordable insurance. We should be hoping the ACA succeeds instead of longing so eagerly for its demise.

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, Nov. 22, 2013

Opinion JFK murder turned TV set into box of doom Fifty years ago today, Nov. 22, I skipped school. Sitting in a comfortable chair, I propped my feet up against the side of the old kerosene stove and began reading Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town,” an assignment for 10th-grade English class at Tech High School. I kept glancing up from the book to the glum light coming through the bay windows of the living room. Bare oak branches shivered against the gray sky. It was a good day to be home, reading by the toasty stove in my creaky, cozy old house in south St. Cloud. I could hear the radio playing in the kitchen. All of a sudden, there was a news bulletin – something about President John F. Kennedy having been shot in Texas. Right away I figured he’d been hunting with Vice President Lyndon Johnson at his Texas ranch. Minor wound from a stray bullet. I shifted my focus back to “Our Town.” Minutes later, I was stunned to hear: “The president of the United States is dead.” Felled by an assassin’s bullet in Dallas. Ma came hurrying from the kitchen to tell me what I’d already heard. I remember looking out at those bare oak branches against that dreary sky, which looked suddenly much gloomier and ominous. I knew instantly that something dark and ugly had shattered our world. That bright young hope, Kennedy, had been extinguished in a split second. Then disbelief took over. “This just can be true,” Ma and I kept saying. “There must be some mistake. He can’t really be dead.”

Dennis Dalman Editor Our TV set was on the fritz. All we had were occasional radio updates blaring from the kitchen. Later that day, we Dalmans all walked a block south down the alley to our good friends, the Fahnhorsts. And that is where we “camped out,” more or less, for three days – in front of their black-and-white console TV where we became instant conspiracy theorists. Our first theory: It was the Soviet communists, and the killing of Kennedy was the first phase of their takeover plot. Our second theory (this is embarrassing to admit): Lyndon Johnson planned the assassination so he could take over as president. Our third theory: There must have been more people involved other than that Harvey Lee whatever-his-name is. (We were getting the news in dribs and drabs, and several times newsmen got Oswald’s name wrong.) I vividly remember Ricky Fahnhorst calling me after I’d gone home for lunch, “Hey, Denny, guess what?! That Oswald they captured? Somebody just shot him! Right on TV. Live TV!” I ran down the alley, back to the Fahnhorsts, back to the morbid-butfascinating TV marathon. Later, there was the funeral with its haunting images: the riderless horse, the muffled drum beats, the caisson

with the flag-draped casket, Jackie walking next to Robert Kennedy, a black veil covering her face. Riveted by the TV reports, we discussed and argued our three theories for hours, for days. It’s hard to believe it’s been 50 years. For three days, that TV set was like a box of doom, coughing up one dreadful image after another. Years later, in 2004, during a trip to Texas, I visited Dealey Plaza in Dallas, where Kennedy was killed, and I went up to the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository building and looked out the window from where Lee Harvey Oswald shot the president. The Dealey Plaza trip was an eerie déjà vu; I felt as if I’d been there before. In a sense I had been there – via the barrage of TV images throughout the years. So, who shot JFK? For decades, I’ve read and heard all the theories, including the ones we cooked up in front of that TV set 50 years ago. My strongest hunch is Oswald was the lone assassin. Conspiracy theories, if you ask me, are mainly hatched by people who want to keep reliving, in the most morbid ways, those dark days. And yet, who knows? There were enough strange coincidences and sinister goings-on back in those Cold War days to keep conspiracy theorists busy for a long time to come. In another 50 years, that murder will probably still be scrutinized and maybe even solved, proof-positive, once and for all. In any case, the assassination of Kennedy is yet another proof that life can be stranger – far stranger – than fiction.

Letters to editor

Reader says ‘thanks’ for addressing mental health issues Kevin Kluesner, St. Joseph Thank you for publishing two articles and a letter to the editor about mental illness, Nov. 15. My family has suffered from the suicides of my sister, Amy, 22, in 1985; and my brother, Michael, 38, in 1997. For the past 28 years my

parents, Al and Mary, have worked in many capacities to educate the public to prevent suicides and lessen the stigma of mental illness. Unfortunately, the rate of suicide has not declined since my sister’s death. However, I believe as a society we have made progress in lessening the stigma of mental illness. Orga-

nizations like, www., (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention) and (Suicide Awarness Voices of Education) are doing important work. Mike Stringer and Wendy and Steve Hennes are to be commended for their efforts. God bless them.

Reader celebrates public education after attending reunion Nancy Streng, St. Joseph This summer I, as many others do at predictable five-year intervals, attended my high school class reunion. I went to connect with past friends but also to meet others I didn’t know very well even though we occupied the place at the same time in our shared history. At one point in the evening, someone gathered my high school classmates into elementary school cohorts to be photographed.

I noticed the fun people had remembering elementary school even though each person’s path, following elementary school, was very different. Some of the elementary school cohorts were huge but when my cohort was called only two of us were present. Still, a respectable turn out considering there were only five in my class at the tiny country elementary school where I attended. In fact, the enrollment for my entire elementary school was only 60 students! As

I left the reunion, I was thankful for many things – friends, memories, but mostly public education. I was quieted by thoughts of where I would be, today, if not for public education. Where else, but in America, can a child from even remote and obscure places still receive a free and appropriate education? American Education Week is officially celebrated for one week, every year, in November, but I, for one, celebrate daily.

Send it to: The Newsleaders P.O. Box 324 St. Joseph, MN 56374

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Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, Nov. 22, 2013


Santa-to-Senior program brings cheer to elderly by Dennis Dalman Many lonely and needy senior citizens will get some holiday cheer this season, thanks to a program known as “Be a Santa to a Senior.”

The program collects, wraps and delivers gifts to needy seniors in the greater St. Cloud and central Minnesota area. It started Nov. 11 and will run through Dec. 13. This is how the program works: On Nov. 11, Christmas trees

were placed at area stores and businesses. The trees will be decorated with ornaments, each of which features the first name of a senior and gifts that might be appropriate for him or her. Shoppers can then choose an ornament from the tree, buy the items listed

and return them unwrapped to the store with the ornament attached. Retail employees, lots of volunteers and other “Santa helpers” will then wrap the gifts, which will be delivered to the seniors in time before Christmas Day.

The “Be a Santa to a Senior” program was started by Home Instead Senior Care, a network based in Omaha, Neb. that has locally owned franchises throughout the country, including one in Waite Park. Home Instead Senior

Santa • page 11

LEgal notICE

REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING SARTELL-ST. STEPHEN PUBLIC SCHOOLS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 748 OCT. 21, 2013 DISTRICT CENTER BOARD ROOM c. Accept the following donations: The regular school board meeting of Independent School District 748 was called to order at 7 p.m. by Chair Michelle Meyer. Members presName To Donation Purpose ent: Meyer; Mary McCabe, vice chair; Jason Nies, clerk/ treasurer; Pam Raden, director; Krista Durrwachter, director; Dan Riordan, director; Liberty Savings Bank – Sartell Middle School $1,000 SMS Band program Mary Lindell, student representative and Mike Spanier, interim superMark Bragelman, president intendent. Joyce O’Hara on behalf Sartell-St. Stephen School Electric Sartell Middle School 6th-grader of Anthony Ebensteiner District #748 Wheelchair who is in need of wheelchair A motion was made by Nies and seconded by Riordan to approve the Family - $6,519 assistance. agenda. All in favor. Motion carried. Chair Meyer thanked staff, guests and students for attending the board meeting at 7 p.m. Nick Cotrella, from PineCone Vision, Sartell reported on the 5K run that was sponsored by them and other local businesses. A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Riordan to approve consent items a-d as presented below: a. Minutes of the meeting held on Sept. 16, 2013. b. Checks in the amount of $3,300,332.00 as presented: General Fund 1,689,517.17 Food Service Fund 201,428.26 Transportation Fund 142,804.19 Community Service Fund 54,624.53 Capital Expenditure Fund 128,823.41 Building Fund 1,082,765.38 Summer Rec Agency Fund 369.06 Check numbers 153321 to 153847 Receipts in the amount of $2,874,662.14 as presented: General Fund 2,463,255.99 Food Service Fund 173,070.75 Transportation Fund 24,695.94 Community Service Fund 133,218.23 Capital Expenditure Fund 21,471.26 Building Fund 32.99 Debt Service Fund 45,443.31 Summer Rec Agency Fund 13,473.67 Receipts 38926 to 39053 Wire transfers in the amount of $4,216.72 as presented: General Fund 2,600.62 Food Service Fund 1,236.07 Community Service Fund 380.03 Wire transfers 201300016 to 201300025

Sabres All Sports Booster Club

Sartell High School


Weight coach

Sabres All Sports Booster Club

Sartell High School


Medical bags

Sabres All Sports Booster Club

Sartell High School

$15,983.75 Scoreboard

Gordy and Michelle Sartell-St. Stephen School Meyer Flexible Fund of District #748 the Central Minnesota Community Foundation


Welcome Back staff breakfast

Sartell Education As- Sartell-St. Stephen School sociation Sartell Public District #748 Schools


Panera – New teacher workshop

Sartell Youth Basketball Sartell Middle School Association


Purchase of backboards for basketball stands in south gym

Hanadee Alameldin & Sartell Middle School Emadeldin Abdalla


SPED department

Diane Forberg

Sartell High School


White bowties for the Men’s Choir performance dress wear.

Miller Auto

Sartell-St. Stephen Community Education


Purchase 50 mini pumpkins for the October 30 ECFE Pumpkin Party

Angel Fund Donation

Sartell-St. Stephen School District #748


Technology Fees


Pediatric recovery couch for SMS, Pediatric recovery couch for DSC preschool area, Braun Thermoscan with base, Braun Thermoscan probe covers, four blankets for SHS

PineCone Vision Center Sartell-St. Stephen School and Dentistry for District #748 Children

Board • page 8



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Sartell Newsleader •

Friday,Nov. 22, 2013

Friday, Nov. 22, 2013

SHOP LOCALLY Local business owners invest in the community and have a vested interest in its future.

Buying local creates more jobs.

Sartell Newsleader •

Support our small businesses

17 years of loyalty to the transportation industry.

Buying local helps support community organizations.

Tree removal • Branch & brush removal Storm clean up • Woodmizer Sawmill

“Serving Central Minnesota” TMT Tree Service, LLC St. Joseph, MN 56374

St. Joseph, MN

Local businesses support other local businesses.

contributed photos

Above: The Thiele family recently purchased Hinkemeyer’s Tree Farm near Rice. It is now known officially as Hinkemeyer Tree Farm, without the possessive apostrophe. Randy and Cheryl Thiele, who live in Chanhassan, have three children (left to right) London, Jaden and Olivia. Cheryl is the daughter of Floyd and Janice Hinkemeyer, who have owned and operated the 40-acre tree farm for 30 years. At right: Cheryl Thiele and her father, Floyd Hinkemeyer, bundle a tree at Hinkemeyer Tree Farm. Cheryl and her husband, Randy, purchased the 30-year-old business from Cheryl’s parents and will operate it starting Sunday, Nov. 24.

A 30-year-old family business, Hinkemeyer’s Tree Farm near Rice, has been sold, but it will remain part of the family tradition because its new owner is Cheryl Thiele, one of the Hinkemeyers’ two daughters. Cheryl and her husband, Randy Thiele, recently purchased the tree farm from Cheryl’s parents. During an interview with the Newsleader, Cheryl and her father talked about the many years of the business and some of the changes the Thieles intend to make. Many residents throughout central Minnesota have long been familiar with Hinkemeyer’s Tree Farm, a place where customers can saw down their choice of trees. Visiting Hinkemeyer’s has become a virtual holiday tradition not just for getting a tree but for the ambience of the business – families with children pulled on sleds, the cozy toasty shop filled with colorful Christmas gifts, wreathes, mistletoe, scented candles and the nostalgic aroma of spicy punch. The business was started three decades ago by Floyd and Janice Hinkemeyer, who recently built a house across the township road from the property. Floyd was a school counselor for many years at Pierz (Minn.) High School. The tree farm is located on CR 2 about five miles east of Rice. “It’s a big change,” Floyd

said. “But we’re so glad it’s still going to be in the family. Cheryl bought our old house and the 40 acres with the trees.” Even though Floyd and Janice are now retired, they will still enjoy occasional visits to the treefarm business so they can chat with their long-time customers or lend a hand now and then to their daughter and son-in-law. The Thieles live in Chanhassen, Minn. Cheryl is a stay-athome mom with three young children: London, Jaden and Olivia. Randy works for a computer service that sets up computer tests for companies that allow companies to determine the strengths of applicants for jobs. Both of the Thieles will be at their tree farm during the busy pre-Christmas selling season. One change the Thieles made was to rename the business by taking the “s” from the Hinkemeyer name. They did so, Cheryl said, just so there would be no bookkeeping confusion from the previous ownership and the new ownership. The official name is now “Hinkemeyer Tree Farm.” Another change is the new large glass window on the gift shop from which customers can view the vast fields of trees: balsam, Frasier and Canaan firs; Scotch and Norway pines; white and blue spruce. There are about 25,000 trees planted on the 40acre farm, but only about 3,000 are ready for cutting down every Christmas season. Other changes the Thieles will

introduce are a lunch-vending wagon and horse-drawn rides beginning Nov. 29, the day after Thanksgiving. Early birds will have a chance to get their trees early during a special pre-sale opening from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 24. “It’s an honor to carry on this family tradition,” Cheryl said. “Keeping it in the family – that’s the most important thing. I grew up with it. I don’t know what Christmas would be like if I wasn’t selling trees.” Cheryl and her older siblings, Chad and Camie, helped with tree sales ever since they were young children. “Most people have no idea how much work and details go into this business,” Cheryl said, noting it requires year-round work, including such tasks as weeding and insect control. “There’s a lot to it and so many background details my parents are still teaching us.” The tree-farm business can also bring surprises, like a gopher that kept “excavating” recently by the tree shed. The Hinkemeyer Tree Farm will be open from 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays; and from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. It will be closed Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The tree farm employs 15 employees at peak times. Its number is 320-393-2854. The address is 12675 22nd Ave. NE, Rice.

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Tree farm changes ownership but remains family tradition by Dennis Dalman

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Friday, Nov. 22, 2013

Winter from front page A careful analysis of threatening weather conditions will result in judgment calls that can do one of three things: closings of all schools, delays in the start of the school day or early dismissals. Spanier noted most people think of emergency weather as heavy snowfall, ice storms and extreme winds. But fog, he added, can also be dangerous for children getting to and from schools safely. Low visibility, whether through blinding snow or dense fog, is always a consideration in weather-related school safety, Spanier added. If a weather-related decision is made through coordination of all schools in the area, the school districts will contact all local media, including social media, to broadcast the decision. Parents are advised to keep

Sartell Newsleader • tuned in, especially to local radio reports, on days when there are winter watches or warnings of potentially hazardous weather on the way. Weather decisions will be posted also on the school district’s website, on Facebook and on Twitter. School closings or late-school start times will, if at all possible, be announced the night before by superintendents of all three school districts in the area. However, when a weather-related decision (closing or late start) must be made in the mornings, school districts will make every effort to announce it before 6 a.m. Spanier noted it’s important for parents and students to remember if there is a school closing, late start or early dismissal, all student activities will be cancelled for that day and evening, including Kidstop, community-education classes, early-childhood programs, adult basic education and area Learning Center classes.

“Winter weather and emergency situations are not predictable, and they may happen at any time,” states the Sartell-St. Stephen School District weather policy. “The purpose of the weather-related closing plan is to assist parents/guardians and students to be better prepared to deal with emergency situations and reduce their effects.” Parent/guardian preparations are thus vital to the overall effort, Spanier noted. Such preparations should include making special childcare arrangements and planning for them ahead of time, just in case. School districts, working together, will go to great pains to make prudent weather-related school decisions, although the ultimate decision is always up to parents/guardians, the policy notes. “Ultimately,” Spanier said, “it’s the parent/guardian who should make the final decision whether a child should attend school during severe weather.”


Conservation Corps accepts applications Young adults, ages 18 to 25, are encouraged to apply for one of 160 positions available with Conservation Corps Minnesota and Iowa. Conservation Corps is currently accepting applications for AmeriCorps field crew leader and member positions for the 2014 program year. Positions are available statewide. Priority application deadline is Wednesday, Dec. 4. Corps members receive on-the-job training in naturalresource management and put

those skills into practice working on habitat restoration projects throughout the midwest. Crew members also receive a living stipend, health insurance, student-loan forbearance during the service term and a post-service AmeriCorps Education Award that may be used for college expenses or to repay qualified student loans. For more information, visit www.thenewsleaders. com and click on Criers.


Lia Sophia Jewelry & Thirty-One Gifts Friday, Nov. 29 • 7-11 a.m. Liquid Assets 1019 2nd. St. S. #600 • Sartell

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Sartell Newsleader •


Friday, Nov. 22, 2013

Hydroelectric facility can be sold separately by Dennis Dalman

The hydroelectric operation, formerly owned by Verso Paper in Sartell, can now be sold separately by its new owner, AIM Development. The Sartell City Council, as a Nov. 13 meeting, voted unani-


mously to grant a request from AIM to sell the hydroelectric facility as a separate entity from the other former Verso property at the site. AIM purchased all of that property from Verso after Verso decided to shut down operations permanently. A fire and explosion, which took the life of a Verso worker, spelled

the end for paper-mill operations at that site, which had been functioning for more than 100 years under various names and ownerships. The hydroelectric plant will be only one of a few structures that will remain after AIM finishes its demolition at the site by the end of next year. AIM

has sold much of the equipment at the site through auctions. It is now in the process of dismantling the structures, whose materials will be sold for recycling at a variety of places far and wide. AIM hopes to sell the site for a new purpose and wants the option of selling the hydroelec-

tric facility separately, which the council approved. Whoever buys the facility could sell the electricity to a third party or use it for some other operation at the site. The electricity is generated by the force of water falling over the dam in the Mississippi River.

New Employees or Changes:

from page 5






Durten Braun



$22.65 per hr/2.5 hrs New Assignment – from per day Media Aide at SMS to SHS


Carol Cummins



$13.49 per hr /5.25 Replacing Roger Reder hrs per day R1, Step1


Dave Driste


Head girls softball

$5,103 BS10 (12.5%) Head girls softball


Shirley Emerson ECFE Para

$14.99 per hr/3 hrs Replacing Joan Miller per day RIV, Step 1


Julia Grundhauser SMS

SMS yearbook

$746.00/BS1 (2.25%) Replacing Sarah Coles


Julia Grundhoefer



$12.65 per hr/2hrs Replacing Kristine per day R1, Step1 Schroers


Deb Hahn


Dishwasher/kitchen $13.49 per hr/2.5 hrs Replacing asst. per day R1, Step 1 Schmidt


Scott Hentges


JV boys basketball

$4,376/BS11 (10.5%) Replacing Mike Sieben


Bridget Hooley


SMS yearbook

$746.00/BS1 (2.25%) Replacing Sarah Coles

10. Sam Jarnot


Assistant boys basketball

$3,482/BSI,$33,158 Replacing Marcus Oistad (10.5%)

11. Emily Jensen


Assistant speech

$1,492/BS1 (4.5%)

Replacing Cara Sandquist

Superintendent Report: Mike Spanier, interim superintendent • The Crucible was performed last week and received great reviews due to the hard work of our students and staff. • Four SHS students were appointed to the Stearns County Youth Task Force: Grace Kuhl, Brooke Radi, Rachel Stroh and Chase Sobania. • The Sartell-St. Stephen Education Foundation hosted its 12th annual Toast to Autumn which was a huge success raising more than $68,000. • Continued donations come in from the Sartell Booster Club which supports the track and football scoreboard which was enhanced due to the partnership with the Booster Club. • The Sartell-St. Stephen School District is partnering with Safe Routes to Schools, BLEND and the Centracare Foundation and focusing on pedestrian and biking safety to Sartell Middle School and Pine Meadow Elementary School in collaboration with the city and law enforcement. • The Sartell-St. Stephen School District, along with Sauk-RapidsRice and St. Cloud Area Schools, is part of Partner for Student Success which is a group of community and business leaders who are working together to ensure student success throughout our communities.

12. Terri Johnson


Student supervisor

$15.48 per hr/3.5 hrs per day R1, Step 5

Position added

13. Justine Kirkham


5th- & 6th-grade $746/BS1 (2.25%) Knowledge Bowl

Replacing Terry Hurd

14. Justine Kirkham


5th- & 6th-grade Academic Triathlon

$746/BS1 (2.25%)

Vacant from last year

15. Nick Koubsky


9th-grade boys basketball

$2,769/BS1, (8.35%) Added 2013-2014

16. Allison Kuklok


Student supervisor

$12.65 per hr/2 hrs Replacing Kristen Yang per day R1, Step 1

17. Brian Larson

SMS/ Custodian SHS

$18.88 per hr/8 hrs Replacing Gaylen Bicking per day R3, Step 5

18. Jennifer Leagjeld

Trans. Van Driver

$18.15 per hr Van New position Route/ Step 1

19. Kadie Mathews


Student Supervisor

$13.44 per hr R1, Step 2 Replacing Allison Kuklok

20. Alex Nelson


Assistant Girls Hockey

$3,150/BS1 (9.5%) Previously hired through *outside funded Sauk Rapids

School Board Committee Reports:

21. Judy Ohman


Student Supervisor

$15.48 per hr/3.5 hrs Position added per day R1, Step 5

d. Accept the resignations of Lisa Sanderson, SMS food service, effective 10-04-13; Joan Miller, ECFE, para, effective 09-26-13; Roger Reder, PME, custodial, effective 09-20-13 and, Guadalupe Schmidt, SHS food service, effective 09-20-13. Student Representative Report: Mary Lindell, senior at Sartell High School • Students met with the superintendent search firm last week to discuss the search and shared • thoughts about the search, the needs of the district and qualities to look for in a superintendent. • On Oct. 8, SMS and SHS students participated in We Day at the Xcel Energy Center that brought students and educators together to empower youth to create positive change. • The Boys and Girls Soccer teams are both headed to the state tournament which will be taking place this week. • There are several key athletic events coming up including girls swimming, cross-country, football and volleyball competitions. • The National Honor Society trick-or-treat Halloween food drive will take place this weekend. • The Halloween Dance will be held on Friday, Nov. 1.

Technology Committee • The committee reflected on the rollout of the full access plan this year and discussed the first month of implementation. • The group discussed the use of Schoology and how to support its use, parameters and consistency across classrooms. • Ideas were shared on how to continue to increase and enhance access and further professional development. District Art Curriculum: Deb Rollings, SHS art teacher, and Myranda Urick, PME art teacher, presented on the District Art Curriculum. Community Education: Mark Grelson and Ann Doyscher-Domres provided an overview and update on the happenings in Community Education. A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Riordan to HAVE SECOND READINGS AND APPROVE THE REVISED POLICIES 425, 509, 515, 604, and 610. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Riordan to APPROVE THE PERSONNEL OMNIBUS RESOLUTION. All in favor. Motion carried.

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22. Marcus Oistad


Head Boys Basketball $5,302BS5 (14.5%)

23. Beau Penk



$14.99 per hr/6.25 hrs New position per day RIV, Step 1

24. Margie Pikus


Para Sped

$14.99 per hr/3.5 hrs New position per day RIV, Step 1

25. Guadelupe Schmidt


Food Service

$12.65 per hr/ 2 hrs Blom vacancy per day R1, Step 1

26. Kristine Schroers



$14.99 per hr/7 hrs New position per day RIV, Step 1

27. Valerie Steiner



$13.49 per hr R1. Replacing Deb Hahn Step 1

28. Katherine Stewart


5th & 6th Grade Volleyball Coach


29. Tyler Thieschafer



$14.99 per hr/7 hrs New position per day RIV, Step 1

30. Joshua Vorpahl



$14.99 per hr/6.25 hrs New position per day RIV, Step 1

Replacing Dave Angell

Replacing Tiffany Heathcoate

Leaves of Absence: Name




Expected Duration


Teresa Jean Heck ORE


Leave of absence

Dec. 16, 2013 to Feb. 18, 2014


Michele Nelson


Leave of absence

Nov. 2, 2013 to Dec. 2, 2013



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Board • page 10

News Tips?

Call the Newsleader at 363-7741


Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, Nov. 22, 2013

Taylor honored for work in renewable heating, cooling Board

contributed photo

John Taylor of Sartell (right) is congratulated by former St. Paul Mayor George Latimer after Taylor was honored for his contributions to renewable heating and cooling systems that are state-of-the-art environmentally friendly technologies. Latimer was one of the founders of integrated heating and cooling systems in St. Paul, which are now acclaimed far and wide. by Dennis Dalman

A Sartell resident, John Taylor, has been honored as a leader in the nation’s largest integrated hot-water energy system that put St. Paul at the forefront of environmentally sound heating and cooling systems. Taylor, who is currently serving as board chair for EverGreen Energy, recently received the George Latimer Leadership Award. Latimer, a former St.

Paul mayor, is credited with forming the public-private partnership that led to formation of the cutting-edge energy systems in St. Paul. In 1982, Latimer chose Taylor to replace him as chair of District Energy St. Paul. That company, along with District Cooling, is a parent company of the for-profit Ever-Green Energy, which is now celebrating its 15th anniversary. The St. Paul-based integrated energy systems have won

international acclaim for their state-of-the-art approaches to cooling and heating systems. Basically, Energy-Green designs systems that heat a multitude of buildings (such as colleges, hospitals, office complexes) by pumping hot water from a central source through underground pipes. The water is recirculated back to the source for reheating and re-use. A similar system cools buildings in warm weather. Born in St. Paul, Taylor is a graduate of St. John’s University, Collegeville, for which he serves as associate vice president of institutional advancement. In 1982, Mayor Latimer asked Taylor to join the justformed District Energy board of directors. He served on the District Energy and District Cooling boards for 18 years, including several years as board chair. In 2000, Taylor began his service on the board of EverGreen Energy and became its chair in 2006. “We’ve had really great leaders both at District Energy and – more recently – Ever-Green Energy,” Taylor said. “Just outstanding leadership.” Taylor and his colleagues played a huge role in developing stable cooling systems that are vital for data centers, such as at universities and some businesses.

“John (Taylor) has provided consistent, unwavering leadership, support and counsel over the last three decades and instigated major strategic accomplishments,” said William Mahlum, a key player in development of District Energy St. Paul. Thanks to development pioneered by District Energy and District Cooling, EverGreen Energy technologies are now being applied in places throughout North America, including integrated heating and cooling projects in Burlington and Montpelier, Vt.; Ottawa, Canada; the Honolulu, Hawaii Seawater Air Conditioning Project and, closer to home, the North Loop Project in Hennepin County and the South Loop Project in Bloomington. Some of Ever-Green’s projects involved advanced technologies, such as solar heating, bio-mass fuels, deep-water cooling and thermal storage. The company has been recognized throughout the world for its giant strides in energy efficiency and reduction of carbon-based fuels for heating and cooling. Ever-Green has won dozens of prestigious awards, including the Environmental Initiative Award in 2005 from the Minnesota Environmental Initiative and a Presidential Citation from President George W. Bush in 2001.

from page 8 A motion was made by Nies and seconded by McCabe to APPROVE THE SARTELL-ST. STEPHEN SCHOOL DISTRICT #748 EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Nies to APPROVE THE RESOLUTION OF SARTELL-ST. STEPHEN SCHOOL BOARD SUPPORTING FORM AN APPLICATION TO MINNESOTA STATE HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE FOUNDATION. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by Raden and seconded by Nies to APPROVE THE RESOLUTION RATIFYING THE AWARD OF THE SALE, DETERMINING THE FORM AND DETAILS, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIION, DELIVERY AND REGISTRATION, AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BUILDING BONDS, SERIES 2013A. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by Nies and seconded by McCabe to APPROVE THE CONTRACT WITH THE MINNESOTA SCHOOL EMPLOYEE ASSOCIATION (MSEA). All in favor. Motion carried. Schedule Work Session and Committee Meetings: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment - Oct. 29 at 7:30 a.m. Board Work Session – Superintendent Search Update – Oct. 29 at 4:15 p.m. Policy Committee – Nov. 6 at 4:15 p.m. Board Work Session – Board Goal Development – Dec. 2 at 4:15 p.m. The board reviewed the following policies: 503, 504, 506, 526, 527, 602, 609, 703 and 801. The board had first of two readings of revisions of Policies: 418, 422, 524, 601, 602, 603, 613, 707, 802 and 902. The board discussed and had the first reading of the new policy 523.

Do your holiday shopping with us!

Chair Meyer entertained a motion to close the meeting pursuant to Minnesota Statue Section 13D.03. Motion made by McCabe and seconded by Riordan to close the meeting at 8:40 p.m. All in favor. Motion carried.

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A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by McCabe to reopen the meeting at 9:13 a.m.

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A motion to adjourn the meeting at 9.14 p.m. was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Riordan. All in favor. Motion carried. ________________________

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Jason Nies, Clerk/Treasurer, Oct. 21, 2013 Publish: Nov. 22, 2013

Friday, Nov. 22, 2013

Community Calendar

Friday, Nov. 22 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Blood drive, 1-7 p.m., Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints, 1420 29th Ave. N., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church, 610 CR 2 N., St. Joseph. This week’s musical guest is Swedish cellist, Thomas Schonberg. Zonta Christmas House, 3-9 p.m., fundraiser to support women and childrens’ programs, 2607 Regal Road, St. Cloud. “The Good Woman of Setzuan,” 7:30 p.m., presented by CSB/SJU Theater Department, Gorecki Theater, Benedicta Arts Center, College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph. Tickets call 363-5777. “Stop Kiss,” a play written by American playwright Diana Son and produced off-Broadway in 1998, 7:30 p.m, Arena Stage, Performing Arts Center, St. Cloud State University. Saturday, Nov. 23 Zonta Christmas House, 9 a.m.4 p.m., fundraiser to support women and childrens’ programs, 2607 Regal Road, St. Cloud. Sartell Farmers’ Winter Market, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N.


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Sartell Newsleader •

Canada Drug Center is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail-order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75% on all your medication needs. Call today. 1-800-406-9568 for $10 off your first prescription and free shipping. (MFPA)

Holiday Boutique, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., more than 30 vendors, silent auction, free admittance, Celebration Lutheran Church, 1500 Pine Cone Road, Sartell. “The Good Woman of Setzuan,” 7:30 p.m., presented by CSB/SJU Theater Department, Gorecki Theater, Benedicta Arts Center, College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph. Tickets call 363-5777. “Stop Kiss,” a play written by American playwright Diana Son and produced off-Broadway in 1998, 7:30 p.m., Arena Stage, Performing Arts Center, St. Cloud State University. Sunday, Nov. 24 Love of Christ Celebrates 20th Anniversary, 10:45 a.m. service, luncheon and program noon-2 p.m. 1971 Pinecone Road, St. Cloud. “The Good Woman of Setzuan,” 2 p.m., presented by CSB/SJU Theater Department, Gorecki Theater, Benedicta Arts Center, College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph. Tickets call 363-5777. “Stop Kiss,” a play written by American playwright Diana Son and produced off-Broadway in 1998, 2 p.m., Arena Stage, Performing Arts Center, St. Cloud State University. “Pictures at an Exhibition” St. Cloud State University’s Wind Ensemble performs once this season, 3 p.m., Stewart Hall, Ritsche Audito-

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Freelancers sought

The Newsleaders seeks freelance writers and photographers to cover town-specific events/meetings/personalities. Freelancers are paid per story/photo. If interested, please email a resume and a few writing/photo samples to

rium, St. Cloud State University. Monday, Nov. 25 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Sartell City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 320-253-2171. Tuesday, Nov. 26 Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Forever Fit, a senior fitness class, 1:30 p.m., exercise for older adults adaptable for all fitness levels. Church of St. Joseph Parish Center, St. Joseph. 320-363-4588. Thursday, Nov. 28 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. Forever Fit, a senior fitness class, 1:30 p.m., exercise for older adults adaptable for all fitness levels. Church of St. Joseph Parish Center, St. Joseph. 320-363-4588.

Friday, Nov. 29 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. (Complimentary T-shirt for presenting donors, while supplies last.)


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Santa from page 5

Care is dedicated to finding, maintaining and staffing in-home care for senior citizens. “Be a Santa to a Senior” has brought a touch of holiday cheer to many seniors. One of them was an 87-year-old woman named Mary, as told in a story on the Home Instead Senior Care website. Mary was at a nursing home when a Santa-to-Senior deliverer brought her a card and a gift. Mary was overwhelmed by the kindness. The next Christmas, deliverers brought Mary another card and gift and noticed she only had one card on her bulletin board, the very one they’d brought her the Christmas before. The deliverers had a talk with Mary’s caretakers who said, with sadness in their voices, that Mary never gets any mail or cards. That card, they said, was the only mailed item she’d received in the past year. They said Mary cherished the card and would read it over and over. The caregivers said that one card warmed Mary’s heart with the memory of total strangers making her Christmas a bit special. The “Be a Santa to a Senior” program has 60,000 volunteers nationwide who make possible the giving of 1.2-million gifts for more than 700,000 seniors. An


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estimated 27 percent of people 65 or older (10.8 million people) are widowed, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. About 11.8 million non-institutionalized people 65 and older live alone. The following is a list of where shoppers can find “Be a Santa to a Senior” trees on display: The Walgreen’s stores in Sartell, St. Cloud, Waite Park and Sauk Rapids; Cash Wise Foods in Waite Park; and Duet Internet and Phone at the Crossroads Mall in St. Cloud. The “Be a Santa to a Senior” participating partners in the greater St. Cloud area are: Carefree Living, David F. Day Apartments, Good Shepherd Senior Community, Mother of Mercy Campus of Care, Ridgeview Place, Nature’s Point, Talahi Care Center, Sterling House of Sauk Rapids, Sterling Park, Sterling Park Commons, The Legends at Heritage Place and the Minnesota Department of Corrections at St. Cloud. “Be a Santa to a Senior” gives back to older adults in our area, many of whom have had significant, positive influences on our lives,” said Daniel Arnold, owner at the Waite Park Home Instead Senior Care office. “During this season of giving, we encourage shoppers to buy a little extra to say thank you to these community members.” For more information about the program, visit BeaSantatoaSenior. com or call 320-258-3055.

MISCELLANEOUS SAVE on Cable TVInternet-Digital PhoneSatellite. You’ve got a choice! Options from ALL major service providers. Call us to learn more! CALL today. 1-877-867-1734. (MFPA)

HEALTH SAFE STEP WALK-IN TUB: Alert for Seniors: bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic jets. Less than 4” Step-In. Wide door. Antislip floors. American made. Installation included. Call 888743-6845 for $750 off. (MFPA)

Sartell area Youth BaSketBall aSSociation SAYBA Inhouse Basketball

Boys and Girls Grades K-4

Saturdays, Dec. 7 & 14 Jan. 4, 11 & 25 Feb. 1

Sartell Middle School

$40 online by Dec. 3 $50 at door on first day Find times for each grade level and online registration at

Patches is an 8-year-old spayed Coonhound mix. She came to the shelter because she moved to the city from a country home and the new neighbors didn’t appreciate her hound-like serenading. Patches was trained to hunt raccoons and coyotes and they said she was quite good at it. She did great with other dogs, is housetrained, and did best when kept on a schedule. Patches loves riding in the car and going for walks. In recognition of National Senior Pet Month, all dogs over 8 years old are 25% off. “Helping one animal won’t change the world … but it will change the world for that one animal!” Dogs - 13 Puppies - 6

Cats - 30 Kittens - 29

Rabbits - 3 Gerbils - 6

Tri-County Humane Society 735 8th St. NE • PO Box 701 St. Cloud, MN 56302


Hours: Monday-Thursday Noon-6 p.m., Friday Noon-8 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. & Sunday Noon-5 p.m.


Sartell Newsleader •

photos by Dennis Dalman

Far left: Thanks to Alexander Graham Bell (Michael Thieschafer), millions of people can now gab and do business on telephones. At left: Most people would still be spending nights with dim candelight or kersosene lamps if it weren’t for Thomas Alva Edison (Alex Ehrlichman), who invented the light bulb, among many other useful objects.

Inventors from front page

their inventions. After each “waxwork” would give a short summary, “it” would again lapse into immobility. One of the waxworks was Ruth Wakefield, played by Zoe Goetz. A Massachusetts native, Wakefield invented the “Toll House” chocolate-chip cookie in 1930. She and her husband had purchased a tourist lodge, called a “toll house,” in Whit-

Friday, Nov. 22, 2013 man, Mass. Wakefiield was known for the delicious foods she served to her guests at the inn. One day, she had run out of powdered baking chocolate when making cookies. So she decided to break up a bar of chocolate into little bits and add them to the dough. Instead of melting, as she thought they would, they remained in pieces in the cookies. The new kind of cookie was an instant hit with her visitors and, in short order, with cookie lovers throughout the world. To this day, Wakefield’s accidental invention is known as “Toll House,” with the famous recipe printed on the back of every bag of Nestle’s chocolate chips. Some of the other waxwork inventors at “The Great Inventors Wax Museum” were Eli Whitney (played by Jacob Schroeder), inventor of the cotton gin; Sir Isaac Newton (played by Noah Lutsen), who explained gravity among many other discoveries; Thomas Edison (played by Alex Ehrlichman), inventor of the light bulb and a thousand other useful items; Alexander Graham Bell (played by Michael Thieschafer), inventor of the telephone; and Johannes Gutenberg (played by Quentin Sigurdson), inventor of the printing press.

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