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Newsleader Sartell

Friday, Dec. 6, 2013 Volume 18, Issue 48 Est. 1995

Town Crier Senior Connection hosts St. Cloud Area Fun Singers

The St. Cloud Area Fun Singers, sponsored by the Senior Connection, will brighten the holiday with both cheerful songs and humorous anecdotes at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 10 at Celebration Lutheran Church, 1500 Pinecone Road N. Their outstanding presentation brings both smiles and tears with traditional and familiar holiday songs. Everyone is invited to come enjoy the afternoon fun. Refreshments will be served.

First United Methodist hosts Laura Caviani concert

Celebrate the holidays with a new CD release from Laura Caviani: “Holly, Jolly and Jazzy,” featuring unique arrangements of such classics as “The Holly and the Ivy,” “Joy to the World,” “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” and “Silent Night” to name a few. She will appear with her trio at 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 8 at her home church First United Methodist church, 1107 Pinecone Road S., Sartell. A free-will offering will be accepted, and a portion of the proceeds will go toward upgrading the new church’s music library. For more information, call 320251-0804 or visit and click on Criers.

Monthly workshop helps friends, family create intervention plan

Does a loved one suffer from alcohol or drug addiction? Come to a free intervention workshop facilitated by trained specialists. Workshops are scheduled from 9 a.m. to noon the first Saturday of each month at Recovery Plus, 713 Anderson Ave., St. Cloud. Learn to use “care-frontation,” avoid enabling, and learn how to develop and implement an intervention plan. The next sessions will be Dec. 7, Jan. 4 and Feb. 1. No registration required. For more information, visit, call 320-229-3760 or 800-742-4357.

Postal Patron

Restaurants, businesses pitch in through philanthroFEED by Dennis Dalman

The Salvation Army in east St. Cloud has a unique way of combining philanthropy with serving meals to those in need. The program is called PhilanthroFEED. For years, the Salvation Army has provided free meals to sometimes hundreds of people each day. Some are homeless, some are unemployed, many have come to a difficult place in their lives and all are in need of sustenance. One day, Salvation Army Director Jim Muellenbach and staff were discussing ways to bring more people in the area into direct contact with Salvation Army clients. It would be good, they agreed, if generous people who give contributions could see up close and personally how their contributions are so important and how they are Feed • page 5

For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.


Batteries Plus

Dr. Stacy Hinkemeyer, clinical director at PineCone Vision Center, Sartell, helps fill a plate for a meal recipient Dec. 3 during a PhilanthroFEED at the Salvation Army, St. Cloud. Erika Kimber, optical supervisor at PineCone Vision, is in the forefront.

Credit union trumpets importance of financial fitness by Dennis Dalman

Moderation in spending can lead to financial fitness just as moderation in eating can lead to physical health. The employees of the St. Cloud Federal Credit Union and its two branches, including the Sartell one, have launched a program they call “Financial

Fitness.” It’s an effort to help all of their customers better manage money to bring their lives into balance financially. They believe when a good financial balance is achieved, other elements important to a balanced life (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) will more easily come into a harmonious balance. Recently, the Newsleader

Dec. 6 fundraiser set for young ambassador by Dennis Dalman

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Ayleigh Hammond, a sixthgrader at Sartell Middle School, is raising money for her two-week ambassador journey to London and Paris next summer.

At age 12, Ayleigh Hammond of Sartell will be one of the alltime youngest American ambassadors to Paris and London. Currently, Ayleigh, a sixthgrader at Sartell Middle School, is raising money for her planned ambassadorial journey. Now 11, the Sartell girl has been chosen for the “People to People” program to represent the United States next summer during a two-week young ambassador trip to those two European cities. Started by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in the 1950s, the purpose of the People to People program is to alFundraiser • page 4

interviewed three credit-union employees at the Sartell branch office about Financial Fitness – Duane Otremba, vice president of marketing; Tammy Butler, Sartell office supervisor; and Bridget Deutz, social-media marketing coordinator. “Financial fitness means more than just getting out of debt,” Deutz said. “It’s a lifestyle, like eating healthy every day. It’s a cycle, an ongoing process.” Many people, Butler said, live paycheck to paycheck, which means they can be just one paycheck away from disaster, unless they have prepared for financial fitness. Most importantly, all three heartily agree, it’s never too early or too late to create a financial-fitness plan. And it does not matter whether someone makes a lot of money or not very much money; financial-fitness planning is good for everyone who does it, they added. The following is a basic outline of how the plan works:

At the table

First, a family should reserve a quiet, non-busy evening to sit down together at the kitchen or dining-room table. Children should be involved, too, at least in the part of

the process that involves their spending habits. The family should gather every bill or receipt in the house. All bills and their amounts should be written down in a notebook. Then the family should work on a very detailed expenditures list. Ideally, all family members should save every single receipt for every single purchase for a month before tackling the expenditure list. Every cent of spending should be accounted for and written on the list, right down to that cup of coffee on the way to work or quick snacks purchased on the go. Otremba said most people would be amazed at how much they spend in a month on such “small” expenses like cans of pop, cups of coffee or snacks. Next, the family should list other expenses that will occur throughout the year, such as estimated income taxes paid, property taxes, medical needs, school supplies and fees and money for various gifts, including Christmas, birthdays, weddings and more. Family members should be brutally honest and thorough when they make the detailed lists. Once the lists are completed, they should be scrutinized carefully. Then another list should be made of absolutely Credit • page 3

Sartell Newsleader •


Friday, Dec. 6, 2013


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Residents Margaret “Peg” Maurer and Berniece Wipper enjoy a morning of trick or treating with Kids Country children. Country Manor Health Care and Rehab Center celebrated Halloween with a variety of “spook-tacular” events. Festivities were enjoyed by the young and young at heart all through the holiday week. Known as one of the most anticipated and talked about times on campus, employees, residents, clients and children from the Kids Country Child Care and Learning Center joined forces to celebrate with many traditional Halloween activities. The roar of residents’ laughter was heard throughout the morning as they enjoyed skits secretly prepared and performed by each department. The

“Haunted Mansion” was especially loved for its intricate attention to detail and large cast of theatrical characters. Pumpkin carving and staff costume contests brought the occasion to life with an array of creativity and clever Halloween attire. A highlight for many guests remained the excitement of the adorable trickor-treaters from Kids Country who energetically paraded around campus, dressed to impress, proudly accepting compliments from their “grandmas and grandpas.” An abundance of tricks, treats and Halloween greets were enjoyed by all that participated in this year’s festivities.

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The Storm’n Sabres U10B-Green team enjoyed a couple of season highlights last week. On Nov. 23, the team was privileged to have former NHL great Theo Fleury as a guest bench coach. Here he is pictured with team members (front row) Anna Lundeen; (middle row, left to right) Alexis McGinnis, Kelly Jo Carriere, Kailee Falconer, Bailey Reiter and Chloe Reiter; and (back row) Isabelle Rogholt, Peyton Mathiasen, Abigail Dingmann, Theo Fleury, Grace Falconer and Callie Pakkala. Not pictured were Coaches Jeremy Mathiasen, Jason Falconer and Shawn Lundeen. Fleury talked to both Storm’n Sabre U10B teams before their game about the lessons he learned as a hockey player including teamwork, practice, never giving up and respect. It was a tremendous opportunity for all. On Nov. 30, the team celebrated a 6-0 shutout victory over Willmar with goals scored by five different players. The team is looking forward to their first tournament coming up on Dec. 13 in White Bear Lake.

Nancy L. Euteneuer, 66 Sartell July 7, 1947 - Dec. 1, 2013 Nancy Lou Euteneuer, 66, of Sartell, died Dec. 1. Her funeral was held Dec. 5 at the Williams Dingmann Family Funeral Home in St. Cloud. The Rev. Al Stangl officiated and burial will be at a later date at North Star Cemetery in St. Cloud. Euteneuer was born in St. Cloud to Adolf and Etta (Friend)

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Joe Gill (left) receives the Outstanding Agricultural Reporting Award from Minnesota Farmers Union President Doug Peterson. Joe Gill of Sartell recently re- him for his work and service to rural ceived the Outstanding Agricultural Minnesota.” Reporting Award from Minnesota Gill has worked at KASM Farmers Union at their 72nd State 1150AM Radio in Albany since the summer of 1999 and as the farm Convention. “Joe continually proves his dedi- director since 2009. He also works cation to the stories which impact as the radio traffic manager and Minnesota agriculturalists,” said does sports broadcasting for Albany Doug Peterson, Minnesota Farmers High School Sports. He is also a Union president. “He does a great member of the National Association job at serving the agriculture com- of Farm Broadcasters. munity, which is why Minnesota Joe and his wife Denise live in Farmers Union wanted to honor Sartell with their two children.


Athen on July 7, 1947. She grew up and finished school in central Minnesota. She married Ron A. Euteneuer on April 24, 1971 at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Waite Park. She and Ron lived in Sartell since 1977. She worked as a bookkeeper at Gopher Bargain Center in St. Cloud for 36 years and was a partner with her husband Ron in a family investment business. She enjoyed bowling, bingo, playing cards (poker) and going to the casino. She was a wonderful cook and a great provider. Euteneuer was a funny, charismatic, selfless person who cared very deeply for her family and friends. She was dedicated to the care and wellbe-

ing of her family including her mother prior to her death. She was full of life and had a zest to do things and make people laugh; she was always the life of the party. She will be deeply missed. Survivors include her husband Ron; children, Darrin (Megan) Euteneuer of Minneapolis; Denise (Perry) Streit of Waite Park; Devin (Paul) Acrea of Minneapolis; one brother and three sisters. She was preceded in death by her parents, and one brother. Special thank you to the staff at the St. Cloud Hospital and her adopted daughter, Laura Wentland, for their compassion and support to Nancy.

Blotter If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the Sartell Police Department at 2518186 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. Nov. 20 10:27 a.m. Theft. Wal-Mart. A report came from Oklahoma stating

a female’s credit card was used in the Sartell store. Officers were able to locate video from the store showing the male using her card to purchase gift cards. Those gift cards were cancelled and Wal-Mart returned the money to the female victim. 5:19 p.m. Disorderly. Willow Lane. An emergency call was placed requesting assistance with an autistic male hitting himself and destroying property. An officer arrived and was able to speak with the male who was able to remain calm.

Nov. 21 10:39 a.m. Motorist assist. Village Avenue. A request was made regarding keys locked inside a vehicle. Officers arrived and were able to unlock the vehicle. 2:13 p.m. Traffic stop. Pinecone Road. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 59 mph in a posted 40-mph zone. The driver stated he was unaware of his speed. He was issued a citation and released.

Blotter • page 4

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.

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Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen

Editor Dennis Dalman

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Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke Delivery Glen Lauer

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, Dec. 6, 2013

Credit from front page essential expenses that must be paid, such as bills. Yet another list should include all of the expenditures that can be eliminated. This does not mean they will all be dropped, but it will give the family a way to prioritize such expenditures, dumping the ones that really are not necessarily wanted. This list-making can take place over a period of various evenings in, say, a week’s time, but the process should not be delayed much longer than that. When scrutinizing the lists and coming up with a budget, it’s important to see the “bigger picture,” Deutz said. Otremba added it’s also most helpful if people can be objective and honest about their own financial situation from the very start of the listmaking and budgeting process. Many people unconsciously kid themselves about just how much they spend, greatly underestimating the problem.

Setting a budget

Once the lists have been made, in impeccable detail, a family should create a detailed budget plan, written down, and then stick to it. This includes the children. A very important part of the budget plan is to set aside savings, even if it’s a minimal amount each week. Those savings should be used as a rainy-day fund or for emergencies, and the money should never be raided for anything else not vitally needed. It’s also recommended, however, to set up a “fun” savings account for a family trip or something else exciting in the future. Another vital budget agreement in the family should be never to use a credit card for anything but emergency expenses. Stick to the budget strictly every day, then review how the budgeting process went in

about three-months time, finetuning it and making necessary adjustments. The key is to stick to the budget no matter what, through thick and thin. Family members should pull together and encourage one another in positive ways during the ongoing budget process. They should sit down at the table and discuss how the budgeting is going – what is hardest, what is easiest. All ideas, suggestions and questions should be written down.

Pay yourself

“Pay yourself first,” Deutz recommends. By that, she doesn’t mean take money up front and go on a spending spree. Paying yourself means setting aside a set amount of money from each paycheck, even if it’s only a few dollars, for a retirement fund or for a savings account that can be designated under various categories such as Rainy Day Fund, Home Repair Savings, Vacation Fund or other. Children, too, should have accounts set up for them and get into the practice of saving, even if it’s just piggy-bank change. “Small change can make a big difference in time,” Butler said. Another way to save is to be sure to take advantage of a 401k plan if an employer offers one. The sooner you start one, the better. It’s the easiest, most painless way to save money over a period of time.

Cutting, cutting

If a family is truly honest and objective in planning a budget, they will find many ways to cut expenses and ways to save (or at least not spend) so much money. Here is a list of ways to cut expenses: quit smoking; quit gambling; take to work a homemade lunch; cut down or quit drinking coffee and pop during the day; shop at budget “dollar” stores when possible; don’t buy children “designer”

products; get as much mileage as possible from the old car instead of trading it in for a new – or newer – one; do not use credit cards unless absolutely necessary; cut down on the number of times one dines at restaurants or eats at fastfood places; make your own household cleaning products that are less expensive and environmentally friendly, as well – there are many ideas on how to do that online; if possible, a homeowner might consider paying off a mortgage or paying a bit extra – say, an extra $100 – on the mortgage principal payment each month – by doing that, a person can save a bundle over time as it pays down the amount subject to interest; shop around for the best prices, including insurancecompany premiums; clip and use coupons at grocery stores; and consider switching phone companies or getting a better deal on cell-phone service. Those are just some savings ideas. Each family, depending on their spending habits and lifestyles, will quickly find dozens if not hundreds of ways to not spend money. However, to discover those ways, all family members must be upfront and honest in separating their “needs” from their “wants.”


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Employees of the St. Cloud Federal Credit Union are helping customers balance their lives and finances through a program they call “Financial Fitness.” Three of the Sartell branch employees are (left to right) Duane Otremba, vice president of marketing; Tammy Butler, Sartell office supervisor; and Bridget Deutz, social-media marketing coordinator.


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Don’t be afraid

An individual or family should never feel ashamed or afraid to ask for help in trying to attain financial fitness, Otremba said. Being in financial straits is nothing to be ashamed of, Butler added. “Don’t be afraid to ask for help,” Deutz said. “Sometimes bad things happen to good people.” All three agreed that seeking the help of a trained financialfitness advisor is usually the best way to go simply because an advisor/financial counselor is much more adept at being objective about any particular financial situation. Thus, the problem will come into focus for the one seeking the service.


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Sartell Newsleader •


Fundraiser from front page low young people from various countries to spend time with one another, to explore one another’s governments, cultures and societies. The ultimate objective is to promote good will, understanding and world peace. A fundraiser for Ayleigh’s trip will take place from 6-9 p.m. Friday, Dec. 6 at Celebration Lutheran Church in Sartell. The fundraiser is dubbed “Parents Night Out,” a chance for any parents to bring their children for three-hours of expert and supervised day care so the parents can spend some time by themselves, perhaps holiday shopping for their kids, for example. There is a charge per child. There will be games, movies and crafts for children of all ages to keep them happily busy. People do not need reservations; they can just drop their kids off at the church. Ayleigh herself, along with many adults, will be one of the many babysit-

Blotter from page 2

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Friday, Dec. 6, 2013

ters, as she has done a lot of babysitting. Ayleigh and her parents, Kevin and Amy, are still not sure who nominated their daughter to become a People to People ambassador. All they know at this point is that last summer Ayleigh received an invitation to do an interview for the program, which she did at St. Cloud State University. She was later informed she had been accepted – one of a number of ambassadors from Minnesota and other states. Accompanied by adult chaperones, they will fly to London and later journey to Paris where they will stay in hotels and meet with young Londoners and Parisians throughout their busy days. They will also do some cultural touring in both cities, such as a visit to the House of Parliament in England and to the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre art museum in Paris. “I’m really excited about the trip,” Ayleigh said. Ayleigh’s ambassador trip will be her second trip to those two cities, although she doesn’t

remember the first trip. She was only 3 years old when she went there with her family eight years ago. Her father hails from Peterborough in England, a city 80 miles north of London. He met Amy when both were at a summer camp in the Adirondack Mountains in New York. They hit it off well together, started dating and married in 1997. Later, they decided to move to the Upper Midwest to be closer to Amy’s family. Amy was born in Bismarck, N.D. The couple eventually chose Sartell to set up home. Kevin is a student studying highereducation administration at SCSU. Amy is a registered nurse at Country Manor in Sartell. Both parents are very proud of their daughter for being chosen as an ambassador, as well as for her other achievements. Ayleigh enjoys gymnastics, soccer in summer league, Academics Triathlon and 4-H. Last year she sang with the St. Cloudbased Cantabile Choir, and she still sings with the Celebration Church Choir.

Nov. 22 9:28 p.m. Domestic. 17th Avenue N. An emergency call was placed from a female requesting officer assistance because her husband had attacked her. There was evidence showing there was a physical fight and the male was placed under arrest without incident.

laneous items taken from an unlocked vehicle. 4:51 p.m. Welfare check. Lawrence Circle. A report was made regarding juveniles on a frozen pond. An officer arrived and spoke with the boys who agreed to get off the water as it was not yet safe.

Nov. 23 3:53 a.m. Assault. Wal-Mart. An adult male stated an unknown female approached him and punched him in the face. There was evidence of an assault. The female was located and identified with the store’s security cameras. She was issued a citation for assault and the officer transported her to a safe location for shelter. 8:31 a.m. Vehicle theft. 11th Avenue E. Three separate reports were filed regarding items stolen from unlocked vehicles sometime during the overnight. Nov. 24 10:50 a.m. Vehicle theft. 11th Avenue E. A report was made regarding a firearm and other miscel-

Nov. 25 6:49 p.m. Traffic stop. Sartell Lane. After checking a vehicle’s registration, it was found the driver had a cancelled license with an ignition interlock requirement. The vehicle was not equipped with the interlock equipment and the driver stated she was unaware her license was cancelled. She was placed under arrest and transported to Stearns County Jail without incident. Nov. 26 4:31 p.m. DWI. Scout Drive. An employee reported an adult male inside a business who was slurring his words and unsteady on his feet. He was unable to successfully complete sobriety testing and was placed under arrest without incident.

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Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, Dec. 6, 2013


Feed from front page vital in helping others. A staff member suggested restaurant owners might like to cater a free meal in lieu of cash contributions. Someone else said, “Why not encourage other businesses to help out too? They could sponsor a lunch or team up with a restaurant to help cater a lunch. Someone in the marketing field came up with a name: PhilanthroFEED. The idea caught on. Shawn Mason, owner of Texas Roadhouse in St. Cloud, said when he brought up the idea, his staff instantly volunteered. Mason wasn’t surprised as he and his staff have always emphasized the importance of community involvement. The food establishment’s catered lunches were a hit with Salvation Army clients. Wendy Lang, marketing director of the Legends at Heritage Place in Sartell, also decided to join the PhilanthroFEED effort by sponsoring lunches. Lang said she loves

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Jim Muellenbach, community development director of the Salvation Army, explains the PhilanthroFEED concept. to see children and something that makes their day a little brighter, such as when they walk away happy with a full stomach. Earlier this week, employees and doctors from PineCone Vision Center in Sartell, also took part in PhilanthroFEED. They gathered at the Salvation Army lunchroom to serve lunch to all of the clients. The volunteerism is just one community activity PineCone Vision Center is doing during its sixth annual

“Season of Giving.” Muellenbach said he is overwhelmed by how so many individuals and businesses came together to make the PhilanthroFEED program such a success. One meal a week catered or sponsored by a restaurant or business is the equivalent of $25,000 in food costs per year for the Salvation Army. Anyone interested in learning more about PhilanthroFEED should call the Salvation Army at 320-257-7436.

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Wendy Lang, marketing director of Legends at Heritage Place, Sartell, speaks passionately about PhilanthroFEED, a project she helped create at the Salvation Army.

Sartell Newsleader •


Friday, Dec. 6, 2013

Opinion Our View Pod poisonings should remind us to do household safety inventories

They’re convenient, but they’re also dangerous – even potentially deadly. They’re called “laundry pods, and they’ve made the news in recent weeks because since 2012, poison-control centers nationwide have received reports of nearly 7,700 pod-related poisonings of children ages 5 and younger. There has been at least one pod-caused death widely reported. At a battered women’s shelter in Kissimee, Fla., a boy less than 1 year old grabbed a pod that was in a laundry basket on a bed where the child had been sleeping. The mother saw the child eating the pod and dialed 911. The boy was rushed to the hospital but later died. The National Center for Disease Control in Atlanta called the pod poisonings “an emerging health hazard” and just recently issued a widespread safety alert about the pods. It’s true liquid and powdered laundry detergents have also been ingested by children, but usually they cause only mild stomach upsets and/or vomiting. The pods, however, can cause excessive vomiting, lethargy and gasping for breath. In some cases, victims stopped breathing and needed ventilation support. Pods, at this point, have only about a 6 percent share of the laundry-detergent market, according to Consumer Reports, and yet the pods are responsible for a hugely disproportionate share of detergent-poisoning illnesses. The reason for that? Most believe it’s because the pods resemble brightly colored and alluring pieces of candy. Children, naturally, want to taste the bright “candies.” Fortunately, most laundry-detergent companies who make the pods are now working on ways to make packages child-proof, to put warning labels on them for parents and to make the pods appear less like delicious, brightly colored candies. Even if those changes are made, parents should still keep containers of laundry pods in a high cupboard, preferably locked, or at least inaccessible to little ones. In the meantime, the news about laundry pods should remind all parents to do a childsafety inventory of all household products. Such potentially toxic products include all soaps and detergents, ammonia, bleach, cleansers, paints and varnishes, scent products, deodorants and virtually any kind of cleaning products. Many of those products do have child-safety caps on them, but as many adults know, children are often more adept at opening such products than their parents are. Compared to even a decade ago, there has been a proliferation of products dangerous to children and pets. Therefore, now is a good time, before the new year arrives, to do a thorough inventory of each home and apartment for such potentially toxic (or even lethal) products. They should be placed in out-of-the-way places: the highest shelves out of sight of children, in locked cabinets or – whenever possible – in locked storage sheds. Let’s start the new year right by keeping all children safe and sound.

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

Take stock, do research before adopting pets As Christmas approaches, some parents are probably considering buying a dog or cat as a “gift” for their children. Such a sweet sentiment, however, is not necessarily a good idea. While it’s wonderful, ideally, for a family to adopt a pet as one of its beloved members, all families should carefully consider the time, expenses and potential problems related to pet ownership. It should be obvious dogs and cats are not stuffed cuddly toys to be placed in a toy box when not wanted. Two winters ago in my neighborhood, a family, before moving out, abandoned all of their 10 cats (yes, 10 cats!) to the cruel, cold outdoor world. Neighbors and I did what we could to help those pitiful cats who wandered through yards, frantically seeking hunger, warmth, a new home. Some of them we managed to live-trap and bring to the humane society and to a farmer near Sartell. Some we couldn’t catch. That next spring, one cat that managed to survive gave birth to six kittens we found traipsing around in our backyards. Three we took to the humane society, next-door neighbor Marty kept two; I kept one. We neighbors are still angry about that family who convinced themselves cats are “naturally” wild and will survive nicely in the outdoor world. They won’t. How would those people like it if they were dumped off in a blizzard miles from home? That family must have enjoyed having cats – lots of cats – around the house – that

Dennis Dalman Editor is, until the cats became unwanted and disposable. Therefore, the first rule when considering adoption is to be sure the dog, cat or other pet will be truly wanted for the long term, not just as a cute, cuddly Christmas-time whim. So many “cute puppies” and “adorable kittens” are, to some people, not quite as “cute” or “adorable” when they are full grown. Sadly, so many of them become ignored, uncared for, abused or abandoned. There are other reasons never to adopt animals on a whim. From personal experience, I know all too well the challenges pets can bring. There are expenses (pet food, kitty litter, spaying and neutering, vaccinations, other veterinary bills now and then). I’ve had two cats for eight years. The stray kitten I took in 16 months ago is now a good cat, but she’s scratched up many a rug and other household objects. The other two cats I’d had declawed years ago, before I learned declawing is not recommended. However, I would warn all prospective cat owners cats’ scratching behavior can be a problem. I also have one dog. The summer before last, a young woman in the neighborhood could not handle a 6-month-old puppy she’d bought. She was hardly ever

home and so the poor pup was often left alone. I bought “Daisy” from her. It was a skinny, nervous, cute little black Schipperke. She settled down here happily. But I quickly discovered Daisy is a “chewer.” She’s a canine paper shredder. She’s chewed to bits-and-pieces dozens of ink pens. She’s chewed the white fluffy stuffing out of countless quilts. Daisy is also untrainable. I’ve tried everything. I even took her to a pottytraining course. It didn’t work. So she relies upon the “pee-pee pads” I put down daily in one corner of the house. Some of these pet challenges can be exasperating. But one thing’s for sure: I will never abandon or sell these pets. From the get-go, I vowed never to give up on them. I’m glad they’re here in the house – safe, warm, happy – unlike the many abandoned creatures in this cold world. I certainly don’t intend in this column to discourage pet adoption. On the contrary, I am a passionate adoption supporter. However, I do want to warn wellmeaning people to do some soul-searching and lots of research before adopting. A good place to start is the Tri-County Humane Society in east St. Cloud. All of the cats and dogs there are spayed, neutered, vaccinated and implanted with identity chips before adoption. The Society’s excellent staff and volunteers are eager to share accurate information about what pet-care entails – the joys and the challenges. Call them at 320-252-0896.

Christmas elves pay secret visit to Newsleader office After a long Thanksgiving weekend, I walked into the Newsleader office Monday morning, greeted the staff in my usual way and exclaimed, “Who put up the Christmas tree? What a nice surprise.” Smack in the middle of the front window stood a 5-foot tall imitation Christmas tree with brand new cinnamon-colored balls and baubles hung on its many branches. The two ladies in the office, Tara, our graphic designer, and Kathryn, my sales assistant, gave me a blank stare and Tara said slack-jawed, “We thought you did.” I assured them I’d been out of town for the holiday and only returned Sunday evening. “Well that’s strange,” Tara said, “I asked Kathy when I came in this morning if she was the culprit, but she’s denying the whole thing.” Kathryn said adamantly, “I didn’t do it.” Tara and I looked at each other and decided either she was telling the truth or she definitely could hold her poker face. “Then,” Tara said, “when Kathy said it wasn’t her, I assumed you and the kids had come in over the course of the weekend and put up the tree and ornaments.” I said, “Well I know it wasn’t me, but who would do that – pay for a fake tree and all the bells and whistles? And who else has access to the office besides us three?” We started to wonder out loud. Could it be the renters in the basement? No they don’t have access to the upstairs office. Could it be a past employee who may not

Janelle Von Pinnon Publisher have turned in the keys? Why would they want to do such a nice favor? Tara said, “I’ll call Glen (our delivery driver) and ask him if he planned it all.” But when she called she only got a voicemail message. “Maybe it was Dennis (our editor),” Tara said. “You know how much he loves Christmas and is always decorating his own place so nicely.” But when Dennis answered the phone, he was as surprised as the rest of us. “Maybe we have Christmas elves who secretly did the deed,” he said. “Or maybe Kathryn’s just a super good actress.” Then Glen stopped by because he happened to be in the area when he received the earlier message. We all stood around for a while, mystified by the whole thing. Then we decided if we couldn’t figure out who had done it, maybe we needed to get the police involved because someone had definitely been in the building during the weekend. “But there’s no sign of forced entry,” I said. “And if someone did break in, why would they do such a nice thing and not take anything else when they left?” I couldn’t fathom pressing charges against a “pay it forward” burglar. Then Glen piped up, “Maybe your

husband did it as a goodwill gesture on his part.” My husband did have to work Friday so was not with us for Thanksgiving weekend, but I assured all of them he doesn’t have access to the building either unless I give him my key when he’s helping with maintenance and the like. Finally, it dawned on me, my 19-yearold daughter, Rajahna, had been helping with administrative duties during the summer while one of the staff was on medical leave and may have kept her key. When I contacted her later that day, and when I asked her if she knew anything about the tree, she sheepishly said, “Maybe. What if I did?” Then she finally confessed and said, “Merry Christmas! I was having a hard time deciding what to get you for Christmas, and I know how much you love a tree for the holidays, so Noah (her boyfriend) and I came in Sunday evening and put together the tree and decorated it for you and everyone at the office to enjoy.” “What a thoughtful thing to do, I said. “Thank you.” Later Dennis said, “Well I’m glad it turned out to be Rajahna. It was either that, or Kathryn deserves an Oscar for her straight-faced performance.” It was good to have the riddle solved. We’d been so stumped we were thinking about publishing in the paper a thank-you note to such a mysterious Christmas burglar who, instead of taking things, gives such good cheer.

Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, Dec. 6, 2013 Friday, Dec. 6 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. “The Aging Brain”, 9:30-11 a.m., information related to normal aging versus not normal aging, discussion includes depression and dementia. Church of St. Joseph, Heritage Hall, 12 W. Minnesota St., St. Joseph. Post-Polio Support and Education Group, 10:30 a.m.-noon, lunch and evalutation of the year, Ace Bar & Grill, 423 St. Germain St. E., St. Cloud. “Encounters in the Republic of Heaven…all the colours of speech…,” eight-channel surround sound opera in four acts, noon, free and open to the public, room 158, Performing Arts Center, St. Cloud State University, 320-308-3291. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church, 610 CR 2 N., St. Joseph. Saturday, Dec. 7 Holiday Vendor Fair, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., fundraiser for the Central Min-

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Community Calendar

nesota Sexual Assault Center, Center Square Mall, 601 1st St. S., St. Cloud (outside Herberger’s store). For more info Intervention workshop, 9 a.m.noon, alcohol- or drug-addiction intervention workshop facilitated by trained specialists. Free. No registration required. Recovery Plus, 713 Anderson Ave., St. Cloud, 1-800-7424357 or visit “How do you give a birthday party for a King?”, Aglow Gathering 9:30 a.m. retired music therapist Annette Aleshire will lead praise and worship, breakfast buffet, Michael’s Restaurant, 510 Hwy. 10, St. Cloud. Winter Wonderland activities, 1-4 p.m., Lake George. Santa Fun Run, 4 p.m., downtown St. Cloud. Winter Nights and Lights Parade, 5 p.m., downtown St. Cloud.

Sartell. 320-251-0804.

Monday, Dec. 9 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Sartell City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 320-253-2171.

Sunday, Dec. 8 Laura Caviani Trio, 4 p.m., Holly, Jolly and Jazzy CD release concert, free will offering. First United Methodist Church, 1107 Pinecone Rd. S.,

Tuesday, Dec. 10 55+ Driver Improvement program (four-hour refresher course), 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Life Assembly of God, 2409 Clearwater Road, St. Cloud, 1-888-234-1294. Blood drive, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Sartell Chamber of Commerce, 11:45 a.m., Westside Learning Center, Sartell. 320-253-2171. Forever Fit, a senior fitness class, 1:30 p.m., exercise for older adults adaptable for all fitness levels. Church of St. Joseph Parish Center, St. Joseph. 320-363-4588. 55+ Driver Improvement program (eight-hour first-time course),



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5-9 p.m., today and Dec. 11, Apollo High School, 1000 44th Ave. N., St. Cloud, 1-888-234-1294. Holistic Moms Network, 7-8:30 p.m., Good Earth Co-op, St. Cloud. 320-252-2489. “Blue Planet,” 7-8:30 p.m., free monthly film series reveals the Earth as only 300 people have ever seen it: from space, presented by the Charles A. Lindberg Historic Site, 1620 Lindbergh Drive. 320-616-5421. Lecture on the U.S. Constitution, 7 p.m. big screen, one-hour DVD lecture, free coffee and light snacks. American Legion Post #328, 101 W. Minnesota St., St. Joseph. Wednesday, Dec. 11 St. Joseph Area Chamber of Commerce, 11:30 a.m., Gorecki Dining and Convention Center, College of St. Benedict. Advanced registration required. Thursday, Dec. 12 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell.

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Forever Fit, a senior fitness class, 1:30 p.m., exercise for older adults adaptable for all fitness levels. Church of St. Joseph Parish Center, St. Joseph. 320-363-4588. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Friday, Dec. 13 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Holiday Party, 6:30-9:30 p.m., 5-, 6-, 7-grade students, entertainment, dancing, games, prize drawings, food, drink and more, Rockville Parish Center, Broadway Street, Rockville. Saturday, Dec. 14 Sartell Farmers’ Winter Market, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N. Wreaths For the Fallen, 11 a.m. ceremony starts, 11:20 a.m. wreath placement on each veteran’s grave, Minnesota State Veterans Cemetery, Little Falls. 218-829-6622. www.


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Meet Larry, an all-white odd-eyed kitten. He’s 5-months-old and is neutered. Larry came to the shelter with a littermate because his owner had too many animals. Larry’s right eye is green while his left eye is blue. The odd-eyed effect is not a disease or a problem, but a genetic quirk. So don’t hesitate to adopt if you are lucky enough to fall in love with Larry. In Turkey, odd-eyed cats are considered a national treasure. “Helping one animal won’t change the world … but it will change the world for that one animal!” Dogs - 13 Puppies - 1 Fancy Mouse - 1

Cats - 23 Kittens - 46

Rabbits - 9 Gerbils - 5

Tri-County Humane Society 735 8th St. NE • PO Box 701 St. Cloud, MN 56302


Hours: Monday-Thursday Noon-6 p.m., Friday Noon-8 p.m., Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. & Sunday Noon-5 p.m.


Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, Dec. 6, 2013

Great River Chorale to perform ‘Gloria’ Dec. 15 by Dennis Dalman

Famed British composer John Rutter’s “Gloria” will be performed as the grand finale of the annual holiday concert by the St. Cloud-based Great River Chorale at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 15 at St. Mary’s Cathedral in downtown St. Cloud. The concert is named “Gloria” after the Rutter work.

Guest artists at the concert will be the Concert Choir and Choristers of St. Cloud State University’s Cantabile Girls’ Choirs. Members of the choirs hail from throughout central Minnesota, including the Sartell and St. Joseph areas. “Gloria,” Rutter’s 15-minute, three-movement composition for orchestra and choir has been performed throughout the world as one of the

staples during the Christmas season. Rutter is widely acclaimed for the many carols he has written. He was commissioned to write an anthem for the royal wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton in 2011 in London’s Westminster Abbey. The Great River Chorale, founded in 2001, performs concerts year-round, often with area and regional guest artists. It also occasionally

gives free outreach concerts, which were described by one critic as “vibrant singing, thrilling brass, inspiring narrations and sing-along carols.” The Great River Chorale has been featured on Classical Minnesota Public Radio’s Regional Spotlight program and was recently named the principal choral partner of the St. Cloud Symphony Orchestra. There are 45 singing members of the Great River Cho-

rale. Its current artistic director is Dr. Mary Geston, an adjunct professor of music at the University of Northwestern in St. Paul. She has been a guest conductor in places as far away as South Korea and Taiwan. To order tickets for “Gloria,” go to the chorale’s website at and click where it says “Tickets.”

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