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Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid St. Joseph Newsleader St. Joseph, MN 56374 Permit No. 21 ECRWSS Postal Customer

Newsleader Sartell

Friday, Dec. 13, 2013 Volume 18, Issue 49 Est. 1995

Town Crier

Senior Connection shows ‘Argo’ Dec. 13

The Sartell Senior Connection will show “Argo,” a thriller based on the rescue of six diplomats from Iran at 6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 13 at 212 3rd Ave. N., Sartell. Free admission. Popcorn will be served for a donation and you provide your own beverage. All ages are welcome. See you at the movies.

Great River Chorale presents ‘Gloria’

Great River Chorale will perform its 13th annual holiday concert “Gloria” in collaboration with the Concert Choir and Choristers of the Cantabile Girls Choir Program. The concert will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 15 in St. Mary’s Cathedral, 25 8th Ave. S., St. Cloud. It features seasonal music, audience carols and narrations, and will conclude with John Rutter’s Gloria for choir, brass, percussion and organ. General admission tickets may be purchased in advance online at or by phone at 320-515-4472. For more information, www.thenewsleaders. com and click on Criers.

‘Christmas in the Barn’ set Dec. 23, 24

Discover the Christmas story in a new way this year at the seventh annual “Christmas in the Barn” service at 7 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 23 and 24. This unique experience offers a simple narration and re-enactment of the Christmas story with familiar hymns, handmade ice candles and hot apple cider in the rustic, relaxed atmosphere of an old barn, located at the Chad and Amy Leither barn, four miles south of St. Joseph on CR 2. Signs are posted. Attendees are encouraged to dress appropriately and bring blankets if needed, as the barn is not heated. For more information, visit www. and click on “Christmas in the Barn” or call Peace Lutheran Church at 320-685-7656.

A ‘Very Merry Prep Christmas’ to help children in need Dec. 16

St. John’s Prep School’s Theatre Department presents a “Very Merry Prep Christmas” at 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 16 at the Stephen B. Humphrey Theater on the St. John’s University campus. Prep students will take the stage with a fun show packed with electrifying holiday entertainment, spectacular variety acts and lots of Christmas songs. Admission to the event is a new, unwrapped toy. All donations will be given to Catholic Charities’ Toys for Tots. For additional criers, visit and click on Criers.

Postal Patron

Baby dolls bring instant delight to elderly by Dennis Dalman

Two newborn babies, Ruby and Jack, continue to warm the hearts of residents and staff at Country Manor in Sartell. Residents hold the babies, feed the babies, burp the babies, coo at the babies. The babies, however, are not real. They are dolls. But they are dolls so lifelike that people who see them always do a double-take, wondering how in the world could a doll take on the very looks and essence of a genuine flesh-and-blood baby. Jack and Ruby, as the dolls have been named, are at the center of many therapy sessions, especially for people experiencing memphoto by Dennis Dalman ory loss. For years, nursLila Fasen, who lived for many years in LeSauk Township, enjoys memo- ing homes have noticed the ries of her own children as she holds “Baby Ruby” at Country Manor. Lila salutary effects children and and her husband, Alvin, both live at Country Manor. dogs have in interactions

with elderly residents. Such interactions can actually decrease blood pressure and boost good emotions. Those same positive results happen when Ruby and Jack are brought into a room. At a recent session with three female residents, the two babies were the center of attention. “Oh, they’re just great,” said Peg Maurer, as a therapist handed her Ruby to hold. Maurer’s face beamed with delight as she held the baby, complete with bonnet and pacifier. “So cute,” Maurer said, smiling down at the baby’s face. Similar reactions occurred when the others took turns holding Jack and Ruby. “Precious” said Lila Fasen, smiling radiantly. Fasen’s husband, Alvin, Dolls • page 3

‘Man behind camera’ honored by city council by Dennis Dalman

Ted Venske, the official Sartell City Council videographer, was honored Monday night by council members for his three years of dedicated videotaping. Mayor Joe Perske thanked him for all the work he’s done and presented him with a gift

certificate to Coborn’s. “We really appreciate it,” Perske said, calling Venske the “guy behind the camVenske era.” Then each council member shook Venske’s hand and also

Red-kettle donations down for this time of year by Dennis Dalman

When people see Salvation Army bell-ringers standing in front of area stores, they often think of holiday presents for the needy or of aid during natural disasters. Most probably do not think – or know about – the following reasons for the Salvation Army red-kettle donations: The 12 to 15 homeless families currently on a waiting list for the emergency shelter. The 180-200 free community meals served every day to anyone who needs one. The scores of breakfasts and suppers served every day

of the week to clients who are staying temporarily at the shelter. The 240 tons of food distributed from the Salvation Army every year. What’s more, people might not know about the agency giving away free coats, hats, mittens and school supplies. “We’re not just a holiday organization; we’re open 12 months a year,” said Jim Muellenbach of Sartell, who is the Salvation Army’s community development director. The agency’s executive officer is Major Lee Morrison. This holiday season, there are about 150 bell-ringers in seven cities served by the SalKettle • page 5

thanked him. “I felt pretty good about it,” Venske told the Newsleader later. “I was surprised because I wasn’t expecting it. Public works director Brad Borders told me about it before the meeting, so I knew beforehand but I sure wasn’t expecting it. Recognition is always nice. It brought up my self-esteem.”

Venske has had a long spell of unemployment – five years to be exact. That is one reason why, three years ago, after seeing a want ad on the Internet, he decided to contact the City of Sartell, which was seeking someone who could video city council meetings for live broadcast via local cable TV. Venske • page 4

photo by Dennis Dalman

Josh Smithers of St. Cloud rings the Salvation Army red-kettle bell in front of Walmart in Sartell. On a bitterly cold Dec. 10, Smithers rang the bell from 3-8 p.m. His twin brother, Justin, also rang the kettle bell at the same time on the west entrance of Walmart. The Smither twins’ mother, Shannon, is the coordinator for 150 bell-ringers this season in the greater St. Cloud area.

Sartell Newsleader •


Friday, Dec. 13, 2013

People Isaac Eickhoff, son of Amy and William Eickhoff of Sartell, was recently inducted into the Bethel University Honors Program for the 2013-14 school year. Bethel’s Honors Program is a broad-based, liberal arts program that combines four all-honors classes, individual work with professors in two additional courses, and an ongoing program of social events, cultural activities, speakers and forum presentations. Students must commit to two honors courses their freshman year and maintain a minimum grade-point average of 3.3, rising to 3.4 by the end of their sophomore year.

contributed photo

Two Sartell Middle School Academic Triathlon teams competed in their first meet Dec. 6 at Kennedy Community School in St. Joseph. The teams placed first and second. The second-place team consisted of (front row, left to right) Brad Kalla, Janagan Ramanathan, Elaine Lo and Adrienne Gefre. The first-place team consisted of (back row) Jaden Nguyen, Mallory Daniels, Ella Krauel and Amber Pietrowski.



Three PineCone Vision doctors recently attended the American Academy of Optometry’s 92nd annual meeting in Seattle. Drs. Sara Bierwerth, Nicholas Colatrella and Stacy Hinkemeyer attended. Bierwerth received a fellowship from the American Academy of Optometry. Fellowships are awarded to optometrists who have met rigorous qualifications and demonstrated contributions to optometry or vision science. Both Drs. Nicholas Colatrella and Stacy Hinkemeyer are also Academy Fellows. “We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Bierwerth as a Fellow,” said owner and medical director Dr. Colatrella. Colatrella, PineCone Vision Center owner and medical director, was also honored by his peers for his work and leadership as a founding member of the Anterior Segment Section. The mission of the Anterior Segment Section is to promote collaboration between researchers and clinicians with an interest in anterior segment disorders of the eye. Members promote excellence in the care of patients with anterior segment conditions through professional education and by advancing clinical research. Doc-


tors identify new questions for research as well as disseminate knowledge, not only to the fellows of the Section, but to the entire Academy and profession of optometry. “We share critical cases and clinical information,” says Dr. Colatrella. “As chairperson I am able to bring over 500 fellows together to focus on anterior segment disorders and make strides in this key area.” The conference included more than 250 hours of lectures and workshops for optometrists and vision scientists. Attendees benefitted from scientific research presentations and special-interestgroup symposia. The plenary session discussed groundbreaking ocular regenerative therapies with stem cells. While there, Colatrella, owner and medical director, collaborated to produce an optometrist video resource on sutureless amniotic membranes. The video can be viewed at http://eyetubeod. com/series/daily-coverage-seattle-2013/bekusadig/. PineCone Vision Center is a state-of-the-art comprehensive eye-care provider with a team of vision-care specialists and a professional staff providing the best eye-care solutions available.

Sartell Pediatrics was recently honored with a performance award from HealthPartner. These awards are part of HealthPartners’ “Partners in Excellence” program, which strives to improve the quality of the patient’s experience and the affordability of healthcare in Minnesota. Sartell Pediatrics received recognition for outstanding measures taken to manage the costs of medical care and increase generic drug utilization for their primary care patients. The clinic is a member of Integrity Health Network. HealthPartners, based in Bloomington, Minn., serves more than 1.4 million medical and dental health plan members nationwide, and is the top-ranked commercial plan in Minnesota. IHN is the largest, most comprehensive network of independent care providers in the region. Independent clinics are not owned by a corporate system, If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the Sartell Police Department at 251-8186 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. Nov. 27 2:06 a.m. Assault. Evergreen Drive. An emergency call was placed stating a male had pulled a knife on several employees of a business. Officers arrived and the male was placed under arrest and transported to Stearns County Jail without incident. 11:59 p.m. Traffic stop. Division Street W. A driver was witnessed looking at his phone and swerving into another lane of traffic. The driver stated his phone was not a distraction. He was

but by the physicians who live and work in their communities. St. Cloud Orthopedics hosted its annual Jingle Bell 5k on Nov. 23. More than 250 people turned out to run or walk the 5k in 13 degrees F. to raise money and donate toys for the Marine Corps’ Toys for Tots program. More than 500 toys were donated during the event. Two hundred twenty-three runners participated in the 5k, some as young as 7 years old. The walkers started before 9 a.m. and the last walker 87-year-old Irene Pundsack finished soon after the last runner crossed the finish line; however, it did not phase her as she completed the 5k in 1 hour and 35 minutes, her personal best. Pundsack broke a hip two-anda-half months before the 5k and broke the other hip a year prior. “Eugene signed me up without me knowing… ‘He said you’re signed up for the Jingle Bell walk’… and I said ‘What?!?!’” Pundsack said. Eugene is her son who also walked with her during the 5k. The last time she walked the 5k she completed it in 1 hour and 54 minutes – before her last broken hip. “She recovered better this time…she knew after the first broken hip, she could do it again, and Amy [aquatic therapist at the Sports Center] got her into shape for it,” Eugene said. Pundsack had other family members walk with her as well


issued a citation and released. Nov. 28 3:25 p.m. Theft. Walmart. A female was witnessed attempting to leave the store with unpaid merchandise. She was eventually detained and denied the theft. The female was placed under arrest and transported to Stearns County Jail without further incident. 11:36 p.m. Dog complaint. Victory Loop. A complaint was made regarding a dog that had been barking for a period of time. Officers contacted the homeowner and he gave officers permission to enter his home and put the dog inside. Nov. 29 6:59 p.m. Domestic. 3rd Street E. An emergency call was placed stating a female had sprayed mace in the residence and had cut a tire of a family member’s vehicle. After calming down, the female

including her other son David, daughter Susie, granddaughter Michele, grandson-in-law Scott, and a friend Connie. With the news she was signed up for the 5k, Pundsack told her granddaughter she had to walk it with her. “Grandma said if I can do it… so can you,” Michele said. Michele had knee surgery two weeks before the walk. “I talked to Scott [her husband] and told him, grandma told me I have to do the Jingle Bell with her…so I talked to Chad [physical therapist at the Sports Center] and he told me if grandma said you have to…you have to…you can’t say no to grandma,” Michele said about how she was roped into the 5k. Pundsack and her family started the walk together and finished together. Pundsack said she hopes she will be back next year. St. Cloud Orthopedics has the only orthopedic specialists in the area. They treat more than 9,000 new patients and a total of more than 20,000 patients each year. Dr. Edward LaFond, brought the orthopedic specialty to Central Minnesota, founded St. Cloud Orthopedic Associates Ltd. in 1955. In 1977, the Physical Therapy department was opened, which is now called the Orthopedic Sports Center. St. Cloud Orthopedics provides patients with complete musculoskeletal health care with the goal of improving the quality, cost and access of care for patients and their families. eventually admitted to the assault and destroying the property. Family members did not want any charges pressed. Officers provided the family with information of where they can receive help. Nov. 30 12:06 a.m. Domestic. 11th Avenue E. A report was made regarding a male and female arguing and throwing items in a residence. Officers arrived and both parties stated the argument was only verbal and they did not need officer assistance. 4:29 a.m. Welfare check/ agency assist. 321st Street. A report was made regarding a male lying in the middle of the road. An officer arrived and was able to wake the intoxicated male. He was unable to explain why he was lying in the road and could not find someone to care for him. He was transported to detox and left in their care.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.

Newstands Country Store and Pharmacy Holiday on Riverside Drive Holiday on 7th Street N House of Pizza JM Speedstop

Little Dukes on Pinecone Sartell City Hall Sartell-St. Stephen School District Offices Walgreens

Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon

Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen

Editor Dennis Dalman

Design/Layout Tara Wiese

Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke Delivery Glen Lauer

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, Dec. 13, 2013



photo by Dennis Dalman

from front page who is also a Country Manor resident, sat in his wheelchair near his wife. Then it was his turn to hold Ruby. “She’s a keeper,” he said. “I think I’ll take her home.” Resident Dell Bialke reached out to hold one of the babies. Then she smiled and made cooing sounds. “What a sweetheart,” she said. Even though the residents know Jack and Ruby are just dolls, their amazing lifelike looks are like instant memory triggers to their own babies they held and nurtured many years ago. Shawn Galloway, director of therapeutic recreation, said the dolls have stunned staff with how effective they are as therapy enhancers. They have an instant calming, relaxing effect on residents who see or hold them, Galloway said. The dolls also tend to open up residents, the way buds bloom into flowers, so sometimes clammed-up people will begin to talk, to remember, to share thoughts and feelings – even to sing. One woman, holding a doll, began to sing “You Are My Sunshine” to the “baby.” One of the daughters of a resi-

Dell Bialke, who hails from Foley, holds “Baby Jack” at Country Manor while she shares a laugh with the staff of Country Manor.

dent at Country Manor was so astonished by the positive changes she noticed in her mother she told staff she is going to order another doll that can be enjoyed by all residents. Galloway is the one who started the doll therapy. It has been such an unqualified success, the program will be expanded – with two more dolls. Jacqui Hartman, volunteer coordinator, said the dolls are “amazing mood enhancers” that can give a sense of value and belonging to those who hold them. “The staff gets enjoyment from the dolls, too,” she said. “It’s a communal thing. There is so much positive energy going on.” Jack and Ruby are just two of the many dolls created by Daryl and Cindy Lindbloom of St. Jo-

seph whose at-home business is called “Loving Hearts Nursery.” During a trip out East, the Lindblooms stopped at a doll market and saw some incredibly lifelike dolls that astonished them. Later, they did some research and decided to make some of the dolls themselves. The process is highly technical, a virtual art form that combines vinyl, sculpture, delicate painting and all kinds of fine-tuning so that each “baby” is completely unique, just like a real baby. The Lindblooms, whose goal in doll-making is to bring comfort to people, custommake the dolls for mothers whose children have died, for nursing homes and for doll collectors. They make premature babies, infants and toddlers. It takes 30 to 40 hours to make a baby doll.

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Sartell Newsleader •


Venske from front page “I’d never videotaped before, but I though why not try it?” Venske said. “I thought it would be a good way to get to meet

new people, to maybe network for a job. I also wanted to keep some of my college skills and work skills in practice.” A young Sartell man named Brian Lommel helped train Venske during the council meetings. Since then, his videotaping is not only on the local Sartell

St. Stephen

Lighting Contest Night Tuesday, Dec. 17

6 p.m. ~ Arrive at City Hall for Christmas songs with the Church of St. Stephen Choir & cocoa 6:30 p.m. ~ Board a Trobec’s Bus to tour St. Stephen and look at the Christmas Lights Afterward return to City Hall to vote for Lighting Contest Winners! St. Stephen City Hall • 2 6th Ave SE

cable channel, but now it’s also shown on the city’s computer website the next day. There is an entire series of Venske’s videotaped council meetings on that website. All viewers have to do is click on the date they want to see and – presto! – the meeting, gavel to gavel, is there on the computer screen complete with quality sound. “I pretty much learned on the go,” Venske said. “This is the second system we’ve had. It’s called a Human Machine Interface system because all you have to do is touch the screen to control the camera. I also have a laptop where I can adjust the volume of the microphones.” The latter is crucial because the volume of council members’ or audience members’ voices varies widely, from soft to loud. Venske wants to be sure people who watch and listen to the tapes will understand, hopefully,

every word uttered at a meeting. “I’m continually monitoring that volume,” he said. “I’ve really got to pay attention and be on my toes because when people speak, I turn the camera toward them. I’ve got to anticipate that.” “I really enjoy the work,” he said. Born in Randall, Venske graduated from Little Falls High School in 1978. He then went on to earn three degrees. In the late 1970s, he earned a diploma in the construction-electrical program at St. Cloud Technical and Community College. After that, he attended St. Cloud State University and took off several quarters of school to make tuition money, working at Camp Ripley and at a grocery store in Randall. In 1986, he graduated with an engineering technology degree, with an emphasis on production

Friday, Dec. 13, 2013 management and electronics. In 1996, he enrolled in the Alexandria Technical College and two years later earned an associate degree in supervisory management. During his schooling years, he used his electronic skills at Douglas Machine in Alexandria. After graduating, he continued to work for Douglas Machine until 2001 at which time he moved back to the St. Cloud area. After working at Komo Machine in Sauk Rapids, he and many other workers there were laid off because of a decline in international customer orders. Venske’s last paid job was with Jet Edge in St. Michael. He worked there as an electrician on motor-control panels for machines at Park Industries, a granite company. His long spell of unemployment depleted Venske’s savings; he is now drawing upon retirement funds to get by. In the meantime, he is anything but idle. He loves to read, mainly science-fiction novels and news magazines; he enjoys movies and attending all kinds of activities in the St. Cloud area; he is a member of the Minnesota Renewable Energy Society; and meets once a month with a group called SR (Sauk Rapids) Green, a group of people dedicated to improving the sustainable quality of life in the Sauk Rapids area. Venske is still seeking work, looking for a job so he can use his considerable engineering skills. “I would like to work for a city or a corporation so I can use the skills I learned in school and from experience,” he said. “I’ve taken courses most recently in computerized-aided drafting. It’s important to keep up with all those skills.” Venske also enjoys singing. He is a member of the Minnesota Central Chorale, a choir that will give its annual “Cabaret” Christmas dinner concert at 5:30 p.m. Dec. 13 and 14, at the Great Hall building at St. John’s University. For tickets to that concert, go to the chorale’s website at

Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, Dec. 13, 2013

Kettle from front page vation Army: Sartell, St. Joseph, St. Cloud, Waite Park, Sauk Rapids, Clearwater, St. Augusta. The ringers work anywhere from one hour to 10 hours, depending on the time they can spare, said Shannon Smithers, special-events coordinator. This year’s goal is to raise between $225,000 and $230,000, and so far that goal is about $30,000 short for this time of year, Smithers noted. Last year, the grand total raised was $219,000. Smithers said she is always impressed by the sheer variety of bell-ringers, who represent a veritable cross section of the community

at large: Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, mayors, church groups, parents with young children, hockey teams, college sororities, student councils, service organizations and more. The red kettles and bellringers can be seen in front of the following stores: all Coborn’s stores, Cash Wise stores, Shopkos, Walmarts, Sam’s Club, Fleet Farm, Byerly’s, Macy’s and J.C. Penney at the Crossroads Mall. Smithers said one reason donations may be down is because more and more people are carrying debit cards or just checks instead of cash or loose change. Some kind people, she noted, still contribute by writing out a check and dropping it in the red kettle. Others will get cash from a purchase or ATM and drop it off. Still others write a

check to the Salvation Army and bring it or mail it to the East St. Cloud headquarters. Bell-ringing volunteers are always needed, Smithers noted. Many bell-ringers make their “work” lots of fun by ringing in groups, bringing recorded music along, and a few might want to sing holiday songs or play instruments, she added. “It’s easy to do,” she said. “All you’ve got to do is ring a bell, smile and wish people a happy holiday.” Money raised during the red-kettle bell-ringing season makes spirits bright all year long, said Muellenbach, who gave summaries of the agency’s many services: shelter, toy store, warm clothing and food shelf. To read the story in its entirety, visit


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Sartell City Hall 125 Pinecone Road N.


Concerns grow about safety on Pinecone Road South

by Dennis Dalman

There are increasing concerns about pedestrian and motorist safety on Pinecone Road S., and the Sartell City Council is determined to do something about it. In recent years, that area has grown increasingly into two functions at its southernmost portion: residential to the west of the road, business to the east (especially in the Pinecone Marketplace mall area.)

At a recent council meeting, Sartell City Engineer Mike Nielson outlined some of the problems as council members added concerns of their own. One individual with severe visual impairment, Nielson said, lives in the residential area on the west side of Pinecone Road S. near the PineCone Marketplace area, near Troop Drive. The individual must get to the bus stop on the east side of Pinecone Road, which is a safety Concerns • page 8

Sartell Newsleader •


Friday, Dec. 13, 2013

Opinion Our View

List of ‘likely’ abusers a step in right direction

Even though we knew it was imminent, the release of a list about priests and monks who had “likely” sexually abused children is still a shocker. It’s one thing to hear nameless statistics about clergy abuse, but it’s quite another to see this list of names, actual men who used their positions of authority to prey upon trusting boys or girls. For many years, reports of clergy abuse were hidden in the shadows of parishes, and abusers were often transferred to other parishes or sent for psychological counseling out East, with some of them returning to parishes throughout the nation, where they continued their patterns of sexual and physical abuse. Here in central Minnesota, which has always been predominantly Catholic, this never-ending news of clergy abuse is sad news, indeed. Think of all of the good, kind and loving clergy who would never so much as consider harming a child, and then think how those good people who “wear the collar” have been tainted somewhat through guilt-by-association and clouds of suspicion in the minds of parishioners and the public at large. It’s an example of rotten apples spoiling the barrel. This clergy abuse, so often hushed up and unreported to the public, has gone on for many decades and most probably longer than that. In the “old” days, children most often did not report such abuse for fear of embarrassment or fear of not being believed. And, in fact, many times parents and others did not believe those children, thinking mistakenly no clergyman would ever stoop to such a sin, such a crime. The Catholic Church, based in Vatican City in Rome, is one of the oldest religious institutions in world history, nearly 2,000 years old. However, even many of its popes lived in denial, refusing to acknowledge child abuse was a problem worldwide within the shadowy recesses of the churches. In recent years, progress has been made. More cases have been reported, and many offenders have had to face the consequences of their crimes against children. More Catholic leaders, including the new Pope Francis, have vowed to deal strictly and immediately with reports of child abuse. Printing lists of those who “likely” abused is a step in the right direction. But it’s not enough. Policies must be implemented and then enforced to assure every report of child abuse at the hands of clergy will be reported and dealt with through civilian law agencies, not just within the church in a hush-hush manner. As one of the world’s great institutions, the Catholic Church must purge and cleanse itself, to renew its vows to protect its parishioners, including – of course – its children. Adopting a zero-tolerance policy toward abuse would renew the Catholic Church and give it and all involved with it a renewal of spiritual unity and strength.

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Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

Goodbye, Mandela: ‘When will we ever learn?’ Why does it take this slow world so long to learn the lessons taught by visionaries like Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela? That lesson, briefly, is this: That violence begets violence and leads to misery; that peace when given a chance can have happy results for all. You would think after all the wars, border conflicts, nationalist eruptions and savage killings in the past century, people everywhere would shout, “Enough!” But butchery continues. There is a grisly list of conflicts, post World War II, whose very names conjure up unimaginable horrors: China, Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Chile, Nigeria, Algeria, Uganda, Ethiopia, Bosnia-Serbia-Croatia, terrorist attacks, Darfur . . . well, there is virtually no end to this grim litany of slaughter. South Africa could easily have turned into a major bloodbath. Apartheid, an evil form of segregation, had brought about vicious behavior from the white police goons who enforced that system of oppression. Apartheid, like many oppressive forms of governance in Africa, was a direct result of the years of colonial dictatorships imposed by European powers on that vast continent. What is so amazing – even to the point of “miraculous” – is that three of the greatest leaders of all time emerged to save the day: Ghandi in British-dominated India, King in the Jim Crow racist American South and Mandela in South Africa. What they all had in common was a passionate, fearless commitment to non-violence in their finest hours. All three were indeed visionaries, and yet they were not starry-eyed dreamers. On the contrary, they were rigorously practical, dealing with ev-

Dennis Dalman Editor er-changing social and political realities on a day-to-day basis. They didn’t willy-nilly wish peace into existence; they made it happen through negotiations based on sheer strength of character – namely, their courage, integrity and compassion. Mandela said, “Your freedom and mine cannot be separated.” He also said something about hatred being like someone drinking poison while hoping it will kill the enemy. What Ghandi, King and Mandela all had in common, most of all, was their deep understanding of how forms of oppression and violence harm both the victims and the perpetrators. They knew it’s the victims who suffer most directly, most hideously. But they also understood freedom can also “free” the perpetrators from their own system-imposed behaviors. People who commit violence against their fellow human beings turn into crippled, twisted, self-loathing people. There are exceptions, such as the lineup of notorious sociopathic monsters in history, who never feel any guilt or shame. However, in general, people understand on some level it’s not normal or acceptable to treat others with contempt and the use of violence just to maintain an imposed “system.” How in the world could Mandela become such a serene and forgiving man after spending 27 cruel years in prison? He was also painfully aware of how many of his people had been

persecuted, tortured and killed by the apartheid powers that be. How could he not have longed for the bloodiest of vengeance should he ever be freed from prison? But he didn’t. Instead, he somehow channeled those years of suffering into a force for good, knowing revenge would just cause more suffering and death for everyone involved in an eruptive conflict, most of all among the victims of apartheid. Mandela often said the success of democracy in South Africa was the result of many people and many forces. That is true. World pressure on the apartheid regime had a salutary shaming effect on those in power. Two of the reasons for that shaming effect were the visions and realities brought into the world by those two other great pioneers for peace: Ghandi and King, and long before them, great American author-philosopher Henry David Thoreau – he of “Walden’s Pond” who advocated non-violence as a force for social and political change. Thoreau was a direct influence on Ghandi, King and Mandela. One of the classic folk songs from the 1960s is “Where Have All the Flower Gone?” It’s so famous even now most people are aware of its haunting refrain. The singer asks where have all the flowers gone, girls gone, soldiers gone, graveyards gone? To which, after every question, is another persistent question: “Oh, when will they ever learn? Oh, when will they ever learn?” As the great Nelson Mandela is laid to rest after 95 heroic years in this weary world, we should be actively seeking an answer to that urgent question, “Oh, when will we ever learn?”

My Christmas wish list: peace, tolerance, love

From my earliest memories, Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. As a child I remember Christmas was first and foremost a religious holiday. Secondly, it was about the Christmas tree and the presents. Then, of course, the food. How I have always loved the feasts that accompany this time of the year. As a child I always made up a Christmas wish list. As I grew older I never lost my appreciation for the magic of Christmas. I love the music. I love the decorations, the lights, the feelings in the air. There has always seemed to be a special attitude where people care more about each other. Then I became a father. I got to experience the joy of my little children coming down the hall looking with awe and wonder at the lighted Christmas tree and the presents all around. Anyone who has ever doubted the existence of Santa Claus need only look into the faces of the little ones on Christmas Day. Even Scrooge would melt at the sight. We would ask our children to prepare a Christmas wish list also. Now I am a grandfather and it’s as if a circle has been completed. It’s easy to become a child again. Today I

Ron Scarbro Guest Writer look into the future my grandchildren will have. I look at the world they will inherit. I look at what we are leaving them. I wonder if they and their children will ever get to experience the simple Christmases I’ve enjoyed. Frankly, I am worried. So I have decided to put together another Christmas wish list. Number one on that list is simply world peace. I realize there are many different peoples in our world. There are many different religions. There are rich countries and there are poor countries. So, with all the diversity that exists, how can we all “just get along?” Probably the first thing that must occur is tolerance. Everybody isn’t going to be a Christian. Everybody is not going to be a Muslim. Everybody is not going to be an atheist. That doesn’t mean we must destroy anyone and everyone with whom we disagree. More people have been killed

in the name of religion than anything I know. Most border disputes have as their origin religious differences. And so I wish for peace through tolerance. Perhaps if we all were more tolerant, the happy greeting of “Merry Christmas” would not be so offensive to some. Perhaps it would be received as it’s offered, just a happy greeting at Christmas time. Sadly, some cannot see the forest for the Christmas trees. Maybe what we all need is a good dose of tolerance. Next then on my Christmas wish list is love. Imagine how this world would look if there was more love for each other. What better time of the year than Christmas to extend that love. In order to be loved, however, one must be able to love. And so, at the risk of offending a tiny minority of the “habitually offended,” my final wish is this. Out of love for my fellow man and tolerance for our differences, may you and yours have peace through love. May you be tolerant and enjoy the blessing of that tolerance. And may you all have a very Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.

The Newsleaders P.O. Box 324 St. Joseph, MN 56374 Email:

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Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, Dec. 13, 2013 Friday, Dec. 13 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Holiday Party, 6:30-9:30 p.m., 5-, 6-, 7-grade students, entertainment, dancing, games, prize drawings, food, drink and more, Rockville Parish Center, Broadway Street, Rockville. Saturday, Dec. 14 Christmas cookie, candy and gift sale, 9:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m., today and Sunday, Dec. 15, 9-10:30 a.m., Immaculate Conception Church, 145 2nd Ave. NE, Rice, 320-393-2725. Sartell Farmers’ Winter Market, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road N. Holiday Shopping Expo & Craft Fair, 10 a.m.-2 p.m, Avon Elementary School, 410 Avon Ave., Avon. Holiday Shopping Expo/Craft Show, 10 a.m.-3 p.m, Westwood Church, 5719 Walnut Dr., St. Cloud, 320-333-2004. Wreaths For the Fallen, 11 a.m. ceremony starts, 11:20 a.m. wreath placement on each veteran’s grave, Minnesota State Veterans Cemetery, Little Falls. 218-829-6622. www.


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Community Calendar

Sunday, Dec. 15 Great River Chorale “Gloria”, 3 p.m., St. Mary’s Cathedral, 25 8th Ave. S., St. Cloud, 320-515-4472. Monday, Dec. 16 St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club meeting, 7 p.m., American Legion in St. Joseph. “A Very Merry Prep Christmas,” 7 p.m., festive variety show presented by the St. John’s Prep Theater Department. Admission is donation of a new, unwrapped toy for Catholic Charities Toys for Tots. Stephen B. Humphrey Theater, St. John’s University campus, Collegeville, 320-363-3112. Tuesday, Dec. 17 55+ Driver Improvement program (eight-hour first-time course), 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Life Assembly of God, 2409 Clearwater Road, St. Cloud. 1-888-234-1294. Forever Fit, a senior fitness class, 1:30 p.m., exercise for older adults adaptable for all fitness levels. Church of St. Joseph Parish Center, St. Joseph. 320-363-4588. 55+ Driver Improvement program (four-hour refresher course),

5-9 p.m., Apollo High School, 100 44th Ave. N., St. Cloud, 1-888-2341294. St. Stephen Lighting Contest Night, 6 p.m., Chrismas songs and cocoa, 6:30 board bus to look at the Christmas lights, return to vote for lighting contest winners, City Hall, 2 6th Ave. SE, St. Stephen. Wednesday, Dec. 18 Drawn to Christmas, 6:30 p.m., Pastor Paul Oman will paint a largerthan-life size mural of various Advent stories before your eyes. Free event, donations of new socks, hats, mittens and food shelf items will be collected. Super Supper served from 5-6:30 pm. Celebration Lutheran Church, 1500 Pine Cone Rd., Sartell.

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Saturday, Dec. 21 Community meal, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., hot chicken meal available onsite or for delivery. Call if you know someone who could benefit. Sponsored by Resurrection Lutheran Church, 610 CR. 2, St. Joseph, and Sonrise Lutheran Church, 140 Stratford St., Avon. 320-363-4232 or 320-356-9220. “Stop Kiss”, 7:30 p.m., presented by SCSU Department of Theater, Arena Stage of the Performing Arts Center at St. Cloud State University. Tickets $10 general admission, $7 for students and seniors. 320-308-4636 or

LEgal notICE

Manor, Sartell. SUMMARY ORDINANCE NO. 13-04 Forever Fit, a senior fitness class, 1:30 p.m., exercise for older AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY FEE SCHEDULE adults adaptable for all fitness levels. Church of St. Joseph Parish Center, The Council of the City of Sartell at the office of the City Clerk at the hereby ordains: Sartell City Hall. St. Joseph. 320-363-4588. “Stop Kiss”, 7:30 p.m., presented by SCSU Department of Theater, Summary PASSED BY THE SARTELL


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Friday, Dec. 20 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church, 610 CR 2 N., St. Joseph. “Stop Kiss”, 7:30 p.m., presented by SCSU Department of Theater, Arena Stage of the Performing Arts Center at St. Cloud State University. Tickets $10 general admission, $7 for students and seniors. 320-308-4636 or

The following official summary of the ordinance referred to has been Thursday, Dec. 19 Coffee and Conversation, a se- approved by the City Council of Sartell as clearly informing the public nior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country of the intent and effect of the ordinance:



Arena Stage of the Performing Arts Center at St. Cloud State University. Tickets $10 general admission, $7 for students and seniors. 320-308-4636 or


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The 2014 Schedule of City fees is hereby adopted. The fees adopted include Administrative and Publications, Licensing, Cemetery, Development-Related, Police and Fire, Equipment and Facility Rental, and Utility Service Fees.


Effective Date That this ordinance is effective Jan. 1, 2014.


A printed copy of the entire ordinance itemizing all City fees is available for inspection by any person during regular office hours



/s/Joe Perske MAYOR ATTEST:

Publish: Dec. 13, 2013


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Concerns from page 5 hazard. The council plans to ask the Metro Transit Commission if it can add one or more bus stops on the west side of Pinecone Road. Other options include possibly adding some pedestrian-cross signals and sidewalks from the residential area to the south, up to CR 120. There are up to six lanes of

Affordable Housing

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traffic on that section of Pinecone Road, Nielson noted, and the speed limit is 45 mph. Council member Sarah Jane Nicoll said she has heard complaints about not only pedestrian safety but also motorist safety. Vehicles entering that road to take a left north on Pinecone can often experience worries about safety. It’s the same situation when some motorists want to take a left out of Pinecone Marketplace (where the Coborn’s Super Store is located), the

council noted. The safety concerns are complicated by the fact traffic has hugely increased on Pinecone Road S. in recent years. It’s now as high as 13,000 vehicles per day, Nielson noted. In addition, there are a lot of people walking and even in wheelchairs in that area, he added. The council agreed to discuss those problems and possible solutions at its next work session.


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Friday, Dec. 13, 2013

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