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Newsleader Sartell
Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 Volume 17, Issue 49 Est. 1995
Town Crier Everyone’s a member in December
At the Minnesota Street Market, everyone is a member in December. Enjoy member discounts, PLUS spend $50, receive a gift certificate for $10 to the Market; spend $100, receive a gift certificate for $25. Use our handy online shopping form for holiday shopping. Gift sets available. Eat good food from the Market! Hours are 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday. Downtown St. Joseph.
St. Joseph Winter Farmers’ Market set
The St. Joseph Winter Farmers’ Market will be held from 3 to 6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 14 in the fellowship hall of Resurrection Lutheran Church, St. Joseph. Angela Ringsmuth and Emmett Doyle will perform holiday music including vocals, guitar, piano and accordion. Many vendors will be present with locally produced goods that make great gifts, including holiday gift baskets, garden produce from storage, artisan breads, cookies, fudge, lefse, meats (chicken, lamb, beef, pork), goat cheese, sunflower oil, herbal teas, honey, handmade soaps and much more. Homemade soup will be offered by the church youth group as a fundraiser.
Postal Patron
Singers bring lots of fun to audiences by Dennis Dalman
In their many performances, it’s obvious to audience members why “Fun” is the key word in St. Cloud Area Fun Singers. It’s because the singers and their audiences have lots of fun at their hour-long concerts, which combine lively tunes, folksy humor and plenty of surprises. The “Fun Singers” are 37 senior citizens, 13 of them from Sartell, who perform about 45 concerts during their season, which runs from September through May. The group is especially active in December when it gives holiday performances at nursing homes, assisted-living complexes, service clubs and churches throughout the area, including frequent performances at Celebration Lutheran Church in Sartell. The singers are led by musical director Becky Adams and pianist Sharron Schlagel. One must be 55 or older to join the group. The oldest member is Tom Clark, 93, of Sartell. Clark’s special friend, Violet Singers • page 3
photo by Dennis Dalman
The St. Cloud Area Fun Singers perform at Ridgeway Place, an assisted-living complex in Sauk Rapids. The choir is comprised of 37 members, 13 of them from Sartell, including Joyce O’Driscoll (right) who serves as emcee of the popular choir’s shows. Sandy Hurd of Sartell also serves as emcee for about half of the performances.
Snowfall sets record for Dec. 9 date
by Dennis Dalman
Sartell residents woke up Sunday to a record snowfall – more than 11 inches. The snow fell steadily through GriefShare starts Jan. 2 Hope Covenant Church will the night, starting at about midoffer “GriefShare,” a 13-week night, and continued to fall support group to help those who throughout most of Sunday. have suffered the death of a Travel was virtually suspendloved one. The session will begin Wednesday, Jan. 2 and meet ev- ed in the wee hours of Sunday
and during the day. Temperatures plunged, winds increased, making visibility a problem for motorists. There were reports of some accidents and vehicles in ditches, but there were no serious injuries or deaths in the area. Thanks to early warnings, most would-be motorists wisely decided not to drive anywhere. The snowfall was an all-time record for that date, Dec. 9, in
ery Wednesday night from 6:15-8 p.m. at the church at 336 4th Ave. S., St. Cloud. To register, call 2574673. More information can be found at
Toys for Tots donations = free Northstar rides
Northstar Link, Metro Transit and BNSF Railway have teamed up to offer free rides on select bus and train trips this Friday and Saturday, Dec. 14 and 15, in exchange for donations to Toys for Tots. For the commute on Friday morning, Dec. 14, and for the Holidazzle trip Saturday afternoon, Dec. 15, people boarding Northstar Link buses with new, unwrapped toys to donate will ride for free and receive a ticket for a free return trip. The train schedule is available at or by calling 612-373-3333. For more information about Toys for Tots, visit
photo by Dennis Dalman
Bethany Fristad of Sartell (right) speaks passionately about her organzation, “Firefleyes,” which held a fundraiser Dec. 8 at the Boy Scouts’ Building in Sartell. Fristad is the founder and director of “Firefleyes,” which helps orphans in Sierra Leone, Africa and also, more recently, helps in the fight against malaria in Ecuador. At the left is friend Jane Bishop of Tomah, Wis.; and vendor assistant Avery Atkinson of Sartell.
the greater St. Cloud area, according to St. Cloud State University’s meteorological service. The snowfall beat the record of Dec. 9, 1961, which amounted to only 5.1 inches, according to SCSU meteorologist Bob Weisman. The last time there was more snow on one calendar day in the area was on March 1, 1965, when 14.5 inches of snow fell and again that same month
on March 17, with 13 inches of snow. So far this winter, St. Cloud has received 14.8 inches of snow, which is at this date 2.8 inches above average and more than half of the 27.4 inches of snow that fell last winter, which was virtually snowless until toward the end of the season. Temperatures were in the sinRecord • page 2
by Dennis Dalman
organizer of the event, Amy Braig-Lindstrom, said she was overwhelmed and elated by the excellent turnout for the first Winter Farmers’ Market. The city-hall venue, she said, was ideal. Originally, the event was slated for the golf pro building on the site of Pine Cone Regional Park, but later city staff and the city council decided the city-hall locale might be an even better location. Braig-Lindstrom agreed. The dozen or so vendors, too, were happy with the venue, and all expressed their happiness with the great turnout. Hundreds Vendors • page 4
Vendors have field day Saturday in Sartell
It seemed to be “Vendors’ Saturday” in Sartell Dec. 8 as vendors set up their wares on two ends of the city – the debut of the Winter Farmers’ Market in Sartell City Hall to the north and the fourth annual Firefleyes Market Place 2012 in the Boy Scouts’ Building to the south. Both events were happening simultaneously, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., although the Firefleyes one was open until 3 p.m. The Winter Farmers’ Market is an extension of the summer farmers’ market in Sartell. The
Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, Dec. 14, 2012
In Business
Array Services Group encourages healthier living
from front page gle digits, teens and 20s most of the week. They are expected to remain brisk for the foreseeable future, according to all weather reports. No additional major snowfalls are yet on the horizon for Sartell and the surrounding area.
If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the Sartell Police Department at 251-8186 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. Nov. 28 8:26 a.m. Damage to Property. Veterans Park. Damage was done to the gazebo in the park. A spindle was kicked out and taken and part of the seating was ripped out. 3:28 p.m. Theft. Walmart. A female was witnessed attempting to leave the store with unpaid merchandise. She admitted to the theft. A citation was issued and she was released.
Array Services Group, a leader in revenue cycle, accounts receivable management and call-center solutions, recently finished a six-month weight-loss challenge in its strides to promote healthier living among employees. Array began the challenge in June with more than 100 participating in the contest; by
11:34 p.m. Traffic Stop. 2nd Street S. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 40 MPH in a posted 30 MPH zone. The driver was not aware of his speed. He was issued a citation and released. Nov. 29 11:11 a.m. Traffic Stop. Riverside Avenue. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 49 mph in a posted 30-mph zone. The driver was aware of her speed. A citation was issued and she was released. 1:20 p.m. Traffic Stop. Riverside Avenue. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 49 mph in a posted 30-mph zone. The driver was not aware of her speed. A citation was issued and she was released. 3:38 p.m. Traffic Complaint. 7th Street N. A complaint was made regarding a driver who
the end of November, participants had lost a total of 1,024.4 pounds. “Array has always strived to be a healthy company and we always do challenges like this to keep employees active and healthy,” said Greg Bockrath, wellness coach at Array. The challenge included nutritional information, personal coach-
ing, monthly weigh-ins, “lunch ‘n’ learn” seminars and prizes. “Losing weight was something I knew I wanted to do, but this challenge provided me the motivation to do it now,” said Becky Pelkey, winner of the weight-loss challenge. “The fact Array offered the motivation, education, support and a vacation to get healthy is
has been driving through the crosswalk when the crossing guard is assisting children across the road. Nov. 30 6:38 p.m. Traffic Stop. Riverside Avenue. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 56 mph in a posted 40-mph zone. The driver was not aware of her speed. A citation was issued and she was released. 11:15 p.m. Traffic Stop. Riverside Avenue. A vehicle was witnessed failing to stop at a stop sign. The driver admitted to the violation. She was issued a citation and released. Dec. 1 8:44 a.m. Found Property. Cheval Drive. A checkbook was found lying on the road. The owners were contacted and it was returned.
Dec. 3 2:35 a.m. Alarm. 14th Avenue E. An audible alarm was triggered. Officers arrived and secured the building without incident. 8:30 a.m. Illegal Dumping. Pinecone Road. A complaint was made regarding a person illegally dumping their garbage in the dumpster. 11:35 a.m. Suspicious Person. 21st Avenue N. A complaint was made regarding an unknown person taking pictures of a home. Officers contacted the registered owner of the vehicle and found that they were a home appraiser, and they were taking pictures of homes in the area. Dec. 4 1:45 a.m. Traffic Stop. Pinecone Road. A vehicle was ob-
amazing; I could not pass up the opportunity to take part in the challenge.” Winners of the challenge were determined by percentage of total weight lost and between Natalie Johnson, Emily Swendra and Becky Pelkey winning was determined by a mere one-hundredth of a percent.
served driving with a large unsecured tarp covering the license plate. The driver was unaware the tarp had come loose and agreed to fix it. The driver was unable to provide proof of insurance and was issued a citation and released. 8:57 a.m. Traffic Stop. Pinecone Road. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 59 mph in a posted 40-mph zone. The driver was aware of his speed. He was issued a citation and released. 9:12 a.m. Traffic Stop. Pinecone Road. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 56 mph in a posted 40-mph zone. The driver was aware of his speed. He stated he was not aware his license had been cancelled. A citation was issued for the speed and driving after cancellation. The vehicle was then towed and he was
People Cassandra Schroer, a Sartell High School senior, has been accepted for admission at Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato, Minn. Schroer is the daughter of Elizabeth and Paul Schroer, Sartell.
Apartments IN SARTELL. Two-bedroom apartment. Spacious. Many newly remodeled! Pets Welcome. Heat paid, fireplace, d/w, balconies. Quiet, residential area. Free cable! $619-$669. Garage included!
Call 320-281-5101. Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc. Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon
Newstands Country Store and Pharmacy Holiday on Riverside Drive Holiday on 7th Street N House of Pizza JM Speedstop
Little Dukes on Pinecone Sartell City Hall Sartell-St. Stephen School District Offices Walgreens
Editor Dennis Dalman
Contributing Writers TaLeiza Calloway Cori Hilsgen
Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke
Design/Layout Tara Wiese
Delivery Glen Lauer
P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.
Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, Dec. 14, 2012
Singers from front page Halverson, also of Sartell, is a member of the group. There are friends in the group, like Sandy Hurd and Joyce O’Driscoll of Sartell, who have been close friends since their days together at Cathedral High School. O’Driscoll and Hurd share emcee duties for the singing group. There are two sisters in the Fun Singers – Hurd and Jackie Reisinger of St. Cloud. And there is a husband-wife duo – John and Lois Barron of St. Cloud, who have been married for 58 years. At a Dec. 7 concert at Ridgeview Place, an assisted-living complex in Sartell, the singers entertained a big room full of residents with a wide variety of holiday tunes. The music, now and then, was interspersed with good clean jokes, like the one about a woman trying to drill holes in the ice to try icefishing. She kept hearing a loud voice saying, “There are no fish
beneath that ice!” Finally, after more attempted drilling and more warnings, the voice finally said, “I told you there are NO fish under that ice! This is the skating-rink attendant speaking.” The Fun Singers perform a variety of songs to suit the seasons. For instance, for St. Patrick’s Day performances, they dress in lots of green and sing Irish tunes. During the past election season, they gussied themselves up in red-white-and-blue and performed patriotic tunes and election-type tunes such as “Happy Days are Here Again” (President Franklin Roosevelt theme), “High Hopes” (President John F. Kennedy theme), and “Deep in the Heart of Texas” (in homage to President George W. Bush). For other concerts, they focus on old Americana classics like “Bicycle Built for Two,” “Sidewalks of New York” and “Little Brown Jug,” during which a brown jug gets passed from member to member. Sandy Hurd joined the Fun Singers • page 7
Family Owned and Operated Hearing Center
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Funds established for Decker family Several funds have been established for the benefit of the family of the Cold SpringRichmond police officer shot to death Nov. 29 in an apparent ambush. Thomas Decker, 31, died after being shot twice while making a call to check on a report of a man who might be suicidal. The incident happened in a parking lot-alleyway behind a building in downtown Cold Spring. The man the officer came to check on lived in an apartment above Winner’s Bar in that building. That man was
arrested but was later released for lack of evidence. An intensive investigation continues. Decker is the father of four children from a previous marriage. He and Becky Decker’s children are Kelly, 8; Jade, 7; Justin, 6; and Devon, 5. Decker and wife Alicia were married scarcely a year before his murder. People may contribute to one or more of the following funds: Tom Decker Memorial Fund, First National Bank of Cold Spring, P.O. Box 416,
Cold Spring, Minn. 56320. Tom Decker Memorial Fund, State Bank of Cold Spring, P.O. Box 415, Cold Spring, Minn. 56320. Tom Decker Memorial Fund, Central Minnesota Credit Union, 202 Red River Ave. S., Cold Spring, Minn. 56320. Tom Decker Memorial Fund at Wells Fargo banks at all of its area locations. Decker Kids Memorial Fund, Bremer banks at all of its area locations.
Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, Dec. 14, 2012
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photos by Dennis Dalman
Above left: Creating and selling fanciful, whimsical headwear is a family affair for Kelly Carlson of Rice, her family and friends. Carlson was one of many vendors selling items at the “Firefleyes” event Dec. 8 at the Boy Scouts’ Building in Sartell, an event that raised money to help prevent deadly malaria in Ecuador, South America. From left to right are Jody Navratil of Sartell, a friend of Gilbert’s who helps create the items, Ava Gilbert (Carlson’s daughter), Kelly Carlson and Mary Gilbert of Sartell, Kelly’s mother and Ava’s grandmother. The Carlson headgear business is called “It’s a Girlie Girl Thing.” Above right: Lynn Carlson and her husband, Tom, sell their homemade jams and jellies at the Winter Farmers’ Market in Sartell. The Carlsons, who hail from Milaca, are owners of “Lynn’s Glass Art and Garden Edibles.” Lynn also creates stained-glass art. The Dec. 8 debut of the market attracted hundreds of people, a turn-out that overwhelmed its organizer, Amy Braig-Lindstrom of Sartell.
Vendors from front page of people came to sample or to buy wares at the market – everything from homemade “peanut brizzle” (similar to
peanut brittle) to specialty meats, from jams and jellies to a stunning variety of homemade cookies, from handmade lefse to teas and coffees. The vendor event, Firefleyes, at the Boy Scout Building was also a success. It was a fundraiser for an effort to end the ravages of malaria in Ecuador, a country on the west coast of South America. Nearly 30 vendors sold their specialty wares and donated funds to the “Firefleyes” cause. They included all manner of handcrafted items, specialty foods, photography, art works, homewares, clothing,
accessories and much more. What’s needed to avoid malaria, which is spread by certain kinds of mosquitoes, are mosquito nets. The Firefleyes founder and director is Bethany Fristad of Sartell. After mission trips to Sierra Leone in Africa with her church, Celebration Lutheran Church, Fristad was inspired to start Firefleyes in 2009 to bring a little joy into the lives of impoverished children in that country – many of them orphans of parents who died of AIDS. The “little joy” takes the form of soccer balls and baby dolls, which are collected
and donated to children, most of whom have never had even the simplest of toys. Soccer is so universally popular that children go wild with joy when they get soccer balls delivered. Fristad operates Firefleyes with the help of a Nashville woman, Regina Rigney, who is the executive director. Fristad is a student at Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa where she is studying communication arts with a minor in social entrepreneurship. Anyone who would like to donate to Firefleyes may do so via its website at
Brighten someone else’s holidays by donating to Salvation Army by Dennis Dalman
There are plenty of ways to make someone else’s Christmas brighter through the local Salvation Army – ringing the bells, giving toys or donating to the food shelf. Bell ringers Salvation Army bell ringers are still needed to help collect money in the iconic red kettles. The goal this year is to raise
$220,000. To volunteer as a bell-ringer, call Brenda at 2524552. Toys Toys will be accepted by the Salvation Army through Friday, Dec. 14. They will be distributed at the St. Cloud Armory Dec. 20-21. Toys can be delivered to the Salvation Army from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Parents or guardians who need toys for their children should sign up at the Salvation Army or call
252-4552. Food shelf Actual food items are always welcome at the Salvation Army Food Shelf, but even better are cash/check donations. Written to ”Food Shelf Charity Challenge,” checks may be mailed to Salvation Army, 400 Hwy. 10 S., St. Cloud, MN 56304 or donate online at For the entire story, please visit
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Friday, Dec. 14, 2012
Sartell Newsleader •
At this holiday season our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our success possible. It is in this spirit we say, thank you and best wishes for a happy holiday!
Got a comment?
Post it on our website at
Now Hiring: Freelancers sought photo by Dennis Dalman
Angie Reisinger, one of the stars of “Catalog Bride,” arrives at the premiere of the movie at Trobec’s Bar.
Trobec’s Bar hosts premiere of ‘Catalog Bride’ by Dennis Dalman
About 100 people gathered at Trobec’s Bar Tuesday night for the world premiere of “Catalog Bride,” a movie conceived and directed by Ben Ferche of St. Stephen. The audience took its leisurely time eating big steak suppers, sipping drinks and chatting merrily. Then there was a stir in the crowd when
it was announced one of the movie’s two stars, Angie Reisinger of Sauk Rapids, was about to arrive in a sleigh pulled by a horse. In the frosty air, a gaggle of papparazzi jostled on the sidewalk in front of Trobec’s Bar, their camera flashes brightly flickering, as Reisenger stepped down to the curb. Then her co-star, Ben Ferche, gallantly accompanied her into the bar where groups of people gathered ‘round to
greet her. Excitement mounted as people finished their suppers. Then, finally, shortly after 8 p.m., the movie began. It’s the story of a mail-order bride who comes from Texas to Minnesota in 1852. The opening sequence shows the bride in a carriage pulled through the woods by a spotted horse. She is coming to marry a man named Ben, a MinneBride • page 7
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Expires: January 3, 2013
The Newsleaders seeks freelance writers and photographers to cover town-specific events/ meetings/personalities. Freelancers are paid per story/photo. If interested, please email a resume and a few writing/photo samples to janellev@
32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph
Sartell Newsleader •
Our View
Follow 12 good tips for safe winter driving Last Sunday’s monster snowstorm, which brought treacherous road conditions, should have been a good reminder to all of us in central Minnesota to take stock of the hazards of winter driving. After last winter’s lack of snow, many of us have forgotten just how dangerous winter driving can be. It takes preparation and constant caution to be safe on winter roadways. Here are 12 winter-driving tips that are highly recommended by all auto associations: 1. Make sure your vehicle gets a check-up. That should include the condition of all belts, fill-ups of anti-freeze solution and windshield-wiper fluid, proper air pressure in tires, good battery strength and all-around condition of the motor. 2. On slippery roads, always slow down and prepare to brake cautiously well ahead of any potential crisis. Pump the brakes gently to test the road surface. Do that especially when approaching intersections so your vehicle doesn’t slip and slide into the path of other vehicles. 3. When the vehicle starts to slip and slide, don’t slam on the brakes. Steer in the direction of the slide and pump the brakes gently. 4. If the weather turns nasty while driving and visibility decreases drastically, take the nearest exit and wait out the storm, if possible, in a cafe, a motel or even in your vehicle. 5. Always stay tuned to media weather forecasts, which means plan all trips – even local ones – with weather conditions added into your plans. If it’s not advisable to drive, don’t! If necessary, take the keys away from teenagers, many of whom seem to enjoy driving in blizzards. 6. Scrutinize your own driving habits. Driving while distracted, intoxicated, sleepy or unbuckled are always dangerous habits in whatever weather. They can be absolutely deadly on winter roads, especially if the roads are slippery or there are whiteout visibility problems. 7. Be courteous. Slow down, signal your turns, keep a safe distance from the vehicle ahead, avoid rapid zigzag lane changes, slow down before stops. Never show “road rage.” By being a level-headed, courteous driver, you will set a good example. 8. When possible, avoid taking back roads. In some cases, those roads are the last to be plowed. And if you should go into a ditch, stay in your vehicle until help arrives. 9. Always fill up the gas tank before taking a trip – even local ones. 10. Bring along a fully charged cell phone, if possible. 11. Let others know where you are going and when you intend to return. 12. Last but not least, make a survival kit to carry in your trunk. It should contain a charged flashlight or flares, first-aid supplies, some change for phone calls, a bright-red cloth strip to tie to your antenna, candy bars or granola bars, Sternotype heat canisters, candles, matches and books (especially puzzle books) to keep adults and children preoccupied during what could be very long waits. Along with the survival kit, take along a jug of water in the back seat and one or two heavyduty blankets or sleeping bags to keep you warm if you become stranded. Following all of those tips will make for a safe and sound winter for all motorists.
Opinion Hooray! Winter makes a comeback When I woke up last Sunday, the room was filled with angelic white light – that kind of light that can mean only one thing: new-fallen snow. I got up and looked out the windows. Snow! Still softly falling, it had blanketed everything. There were drifts in the yard and wind-molded snow sculptures on the Christmas displays. The branches of the pine trees were drooping, festooned with heavy bunches of snow. From the kitchen window, I saw two happy neighbor kids, like little Eskimos, busily building a big igloo snow fort. The world had turned, overnight, into a Christmas card. It was dazzling. My three cats – Sheba, Tiny and Lucy – were dazzled, too. They sat on the window sills and stared with that quiet, wide-eyed intensity, as only cats can. Daisy the dog suddenly began to bark. Someone must be at the door. Just then I heard scraping sounds. I looked out the living room windows. Sure enough, there they were. The earlymorning elves were in high gear, snowblowing and shoveling just about everybody’s car ports, including mine. The night before, those “elves” – Kermit and Richard – had been gloomy prophets of wintry doom. In tones of dread, they’d warned the rest of us we’d better batten down the hatches because what’s coming is going to be very, very serious. We are about to be “buried” by snow and more snow. “You better watch out!” said Kermit, rapidly wagging his warning finger.
Dennis Dalman Editor “This one’s going to be bad.” “No!” I exclaimed with feigned fright. “Really?” “REALLY bad!” he said. Inside, I was chuckling with glee. The more dire Kermit’s winter warnings become, the happier he gets. You can see, just beneath his doomy exterior, the little kid inside, rubbing his hands together, hoping for a Monster Blizzard, knowing he can stay home from school and play all day happily in his snow pants – building snow forts, throwing snowballs, shoveling sidewalks. Richard, who is even older than Kermit, is a pea in the same pod. He turns into a 10-year-old kid with a shovel. From the warmth of my living room, I like to poke my head out the front door and yell, “Would you two please slow down?! You shouldn’t be doing that. You’re too OLD!” Then they pause for a second, lean on their shovels and shout from their frostpinched faces, “Look who’s talkin’!” Alas, along with blizzards comes football. After shoveling, the elves scurried to the neighbor’s house. There, they began screaming at players on the TV screen who were fighting over an odd-
shaped ball. Richard’s wife, Marty, to escape the football insanity, fled toward my house, but she got stuck in a snow bank, waddling and wobbling, falling again and again, until finally she freed herself. I opened my front door and there stood what looked like a panting, snow-covered Nanook of the North. “Oh, I hope nobody saw me,” she said, a wintry blush crossing her face. After last year’s snowless winter, we Minnesota kids (little and big) are eager for a real winter. I can just hear those unused snowmobiles revving up. I can just imagine some big “kids” even hoping their vehicles won’t start so they can finally use the jumper cables they bought last year. I shiver to think of teenagers daring to drive somewhere, anywhere, just because there’s a blizzard going on. Parents, having been-there-done-that, know all too well the futility of their warnings: “You kids do NOT drive anywhere. Stay put!” Ah yes, young and old, foolish and wise, let’s rejoice. Hooray! Here we are together again in the middle of a good, old-fashioned Minnesota blizzard. After last year, we almost forgot what we missed. We are, however, fickle Minnesotans one and all, which means on the day after Christmas, if not sooner, we’ll all be complaining about the vicious winter weather. But in the meantime, let’s welcome the return of winter. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
Letters to editor
Let’s thank our unsung heroes
Joyce Gelle, Sartell
During this season of Thanksgiving and now Christmas, my thoughts turn to those persons in our community who are our unsung heroes – namely, Police Chief Jim Hughes and the staff of the Sartell Police Department and Fire Chief Ken Heim and the staff of the Sartell Fire
Department. During the Verso paper-mill fire that demanded their highest skills, they met those challenges through their outstanding endeavors. They also answer our everyday emergency medical calls, prevent and deal with crime and in so many other ways help the public. During the past five years there have been senior citizens’
“Cookouts with Cops,” “Seniors and Law Enforcement Working Together” and open houses by the fire and police departments to educate children and families. Our unsung heroes stand ready to serve. I wish to extend my thanks and to send my best wishes for the holidays to all of these public servants and their families.
Foundation president asks all to foster Culture of Caring Steve Joul, president Central Minnesota Community Foundation
Central Minnesota was recently rocked by some terrible tragedies in Cold Spring and Little Falls. These tragedies remind us families in our communities face difficult challenges that are multifaceted and impact us all. Amidst these challenging times, it may be difficult to see the silver lining this holiday season. Glimmers of hope I believe, though, exist in the outpouring of generosity amidst these tragedies. Whether it’s a gathering of friends and families or the financial support given to help those affected, all serve to show how we as a community care for one another. I believe caring for one another is one of the key values of the greater central Fairness and ethics Minnesota community. At the CommuNewsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are nity Foundation during this holiday seaaccountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve son, there are a variety of ways you can fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.
Friday, Dec. 14, 2012
engage in that culture of caring. The Norman C. Skalicky Foundation is once again providing a $50,000 match to help fill area food shelves. Donors this year are encouraged to make their donations by Dec. 31 directly to Catholic Charities, the St. Cloud Salvation Army or the St. Joseph Community Food Shelf to the attention of “Food Shelf Charity Challenge.” Mailing addresses, websites and more info about the challenge are available at Another opportunity to give back is by supporting the Foundation’s annual Campaign for Philanthropy. Each year we ask those closest to the Foundation to provide the much-needed support that helps the Foundation carry out its work of growing philanthropic resources for the greater community. We would also like to invite you to a celebration of the season. On Thursday, Dec. 20, we are hosting the Foundation’s Annual Holiday Social from 5-8 p.m. at
the Holiday Inn and Suites in St. Cloud. This year we will also have a special recognition of the Foundation’s Director of Finance and Investments Connie Viere, who will be retiring Dec. 31 after 11 years of service. If you can join us, please RSVP to Jeni at 320-257-9726 or As we enter this holiday season with all the fanfare and excitement the season brings, we ask you all to remember the families in central Minnesota who may not be experiencing the same festive atmosphere this year. We also want to thank you for your continued generosity in caring for the greater central Minnesota community. You make central Minnesota a great place to call home. P.S: As a reminder for individuals looking to distribute year-end grants through their funds, we would appreciate those requests being submitted by Monday, Dec. 17 to allow time for those grants to meet the year-end deadline.
Send your opinions to: The Newsleaders • P.O. Box 324 • St. Joseph, MN 56374 or email us at
Sartell Newsleader •
Friday, Dec. 14, 2012
Singers from page 3 Singers about four years ago, after she retired from her job with a St. Cloud-based telephone company, where she’d worked during a period of 40 years. She grew up in St. Cloud but has lived in Sartell for many years where she raised a family with her husband, Ron. “For me, and I think for most of us (the singers), we like it because we bring a kind of musical ministry to people,” Hurd said. “Eighty-five percent of the places where we perform are nursing homes, and the people really enjoy our performances.” The Fun Singers do shows in a 40-mile radius of St. Cloud,
including the cities of St. Joseph, Waite Park, Kimball, Holdingford, Annandale, Pierz, Milaca and sometimes as far as Alexandria. Annually, the group logs more than 2,000 volunteer hours. Each member pays $20 membership dues to belong. Some places where they perform offer a small stipend, and fundraisers now and then help group members buy their vests and other needed items. Recently, they purchased a keyboard for when they perform in places without a piano. They must also raise money for the only two paid positions – the musical director and pianist. The group is sponsored by the St. Cloud, St. Stephen-Sartell and Sauk Rapids-Rice community education programs and the Retired Senior Volunteer Program, of which all of the singers are members.
Six people joined in just the past week, a fact that delights Hurd because not all members can make every concert so additional members are always welcome. The Sartell members of the Fun Singers are Hurd, O’Driscoll, Clark, Halverson, Helen DeLong, Lue Earkins, Jan Fischer, Regina Lahr, Carol Partch, Elmer Rakotz, Geri Stang, Renee Stang and Carole Wood. Their upcoming performances include Friday, Dec. 14 at 10:15 a.m., United Methodist Church in St. Cloud; two performances at Legends, an assisted-living complex in Sartell; and Skylight Gardens, another assisted-living complex in St. Cloud. Anyone interested in joining the Fun Singers should call director Becky Adams at 320-2020361.
in St. Joseph.
Ave. N., Waite Park. 320-253-9359.
Tuesday, Dec. 18 “Indians and Cowboys-Rethinking the History of the American West,” for seniors 55+, 9:3011:30 a.m., Whitney Senior Center, 1527 Northway Drive, St. Cloud. Blood drive, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-RED CROSS or visit Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., Moose Lodge, 1300 Third St. N., Waite Park.1-800-RED CROSS or visit
Thursday, Dec. 20 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. “A Man and a Woman,” foreign film, for seniors 55+, 9:3011:30 a.m., Whitney Senior Center, 1527 Northway Drive, St. Cloud. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-RED CROSS or visit Holiday Music Sing-along, 1 p.m., Whitney Senior Center, 1527 Northway Drive, St. Cloud. Bring a plate of cookies to share. Hot chocolate and coffee will be provided. Register at 255-7245.
Community Calendar
Friday, Dec. 14 Weight-loss surgery informational seminar, 2 p.m., CentraCare Clinic-River Campus. Registration required. (320) 240-2828. Sunday, Dec. 16 Living Nativity, 5-7:30 p.m., Messiah Lutheran Church, 320 4th Ave. N., Sartell.
Monday, Dec. 17 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-RED CROSS or visit Sartell-St. Stephen School Board meeting, 6:30 p.m., District Offices, Sartell. St. Joseph Rod and Gun Club meeting, 7 p.m., American Legion
Wednesday, Dec. 19 Harpist Amy Filipczak will play the Celtic harp, 5 to 6 p.m., Al Ringsmuth Public Library, 235 5th
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Bride from page 5 sota farmer, who ordered her from a catalog. In those days, women were scarce in Minnesota territory. Ben is played by Ben Ferche. The bride no more than gets to the farm, however, when Ben has a nasty accident. A tree falls on him in the woods. The dog Shep barks frantically. Ben’s son hurriedly seeks his father, knowing something is wrong. He comes across Ben, pinned under a tree. There are gobs and buckets of blood everywhere as Ben wiggles, blubbers, squirms, pants, rolls his eyes, twitches and convulses in a death agony. The spotted horse named Banche (pronounced Banshee) brings Ben’s body home to the grief-stricken bride. They put Ben in a wooden coffin. Then Ben’s son delivers a passionate speech about the good land and how the Creator, not men, own it; and about bounteous harvests; and about the U.S. Constitution and about how all men are created equal and should have bountiful harvests well into the future. By the end of his speech,
Ben’s son is fairly shouting about freedom and other sundry platitudes. A soldier, dressed in modern military garb, is the only attendant at the outdoor funeral, besides Ben’s son and the bereaved bride. Suddenly, whoa! A shocking thing happens. The bell attached to the top of the coffin begins to tinkle loudly. The bride faints onto the ground. Alas! Ben is alive! He steps out of the coffin. He and his bride sit on a bench next to the yellow brick house, and Ben tells her over and over what a “razzle-dazzle” future they will have together. The horse, standing nearby, nods in agreement. The movie was filmed mostBride • page 8
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Sartell Newsleader •
Bride from page 7 ly on Ferche’s Century Farm in rural St. Stephen, the farm on which he was born and raised. During an interview before the premiere, Ferche told the Newsleader “Catalog Bride” is only his second video production. For many years, Ferche managed a real-estate rental business, but a few years ago he got a sudden hanker-
photo by Dennis Dalman
Ben Ferche of St. Stephen and Angie Reisinger of Sauk Rapids are the two co-stars in “Catalog Bride,” which Ferche conceived and directed.
Now Hiring!
Administrative Assistant
The Newsleaders is seeking a part-time administrative assistant, 30+ hours/week. Math, typing, and computer skills required. Duties include customer service, circulation, billing, postal reports, typing, data processing and other duties as requested. Will train. Come join our fast-paced, deadline-driven, fun team. Email a resume and cover sheet to janellev@ 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph
ing to make a video about a mail-order bride. He hired the services of Jim Mcallister’s Tel-A-Vision Productions in St. Joseph. The movie was completed just three weeks ago. Ferche said the first parts and some of the last parts of “Catalog Bride” were meant to be comedic, although the elegy by Ben’s son was meant to be serious, an homage to his father and grandfather and their life of hard work on the farm. The comedy parts certainly worked with the audience.
Friday, Dec. 14, 2012 There was lots of laughter throughout the movie, especially during the death-agony scene, which Ferche obviously enjoyed doing in a veritable fit of overacting. The ringing bell on the coffin also brought gales of laughter, as did Ben’s rambling monologue about how the future is going to be so razzle-dazzle for him and his new bride. Several times, Banche the Spotted Horse earned laughter and applause from the audience. Banche, indeed, proved himself to be a star in his own right.