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Newsleader Sartell

Friday, Dec. 20, 2013 Volume 18, Issue 50 Est. 1995

Town Crier

Farmers’ market hosts holiday activities Dec. 20

The St. Joseph Winter Farmers’ Market hosts folk singer, songwriter Cathie English on Friday, Dec. 20. Decorate a natural ornament at the “Kids Kraft” table with Lisa Wallin. Shop the market for local goods for your last-minute gifts – maple syrup, honey, candles, soaps, popcorn, herbal tea, preserved goods, massage oils, candies, artisan bread, holiday cookies, eggs, produce from storage and much more – available for your holiday celebration. Market is open from 3-6 p.m. and is located in Resurrection Lutheran Church fellowship hall, 610 N. CR 2, St. Joseph.

Community Ed offers swim instructor course

Sartell-St. Stephen Community Education is offering the Red Cross Water Safety Instructor Course for those 16 years old and older from 6-9 p.m. Friday, Jan. 10 and from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 11 and 12 at the Sartell Middle School. This is the Red Cross certification to become a swim instructor. Participants must attend all three class dates to be certified. Please call Sartell-St. Stephen Community Education at 320-253-4036 for more information and to register.

Postal Patron

Children wowed by PME’s ‘Winter Wonderland’ by Dennis Dalman

When Pine Meadow Elementary kindergartners entered “Winter Wonderland” Dec. 17, they “oohed” and “ahhed” as if they had just seen Santa land in his sleigh. “Wow!” many of them blurted out, wide-eyed. “I just can’t believe my eyes!” said one little girl. “This is awesome!” a little boy exclaimed. The Pine Meadow gym had been transformed, as if by busy overnight elves, into a Winter Wonderland complete with many strings of lights, illuminated Christmas trees, a log home, a big Grinch’s Cave and a vast sky with more than 700 paper snowflakes. Some children rubbed their eyes as if they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Their rather homely gymnasium had been transformed into a colorful photo by Dennis Dalman and magical Santa Land. And Pine Meadow kindergartner Andrae Asmus beams as he emerges from the Winter Wonderland 0-% s PAGE “Ice Cave” Dec, 17.

Scam call causes sweaty panic – at first by Dennis Dalman

At first, Francis Gomes of Sartell was so rattled by the phone call, he broke out in a Tales of the Carols sweat. set Dec. 20 He was utterly incredulous “Tales Of The Carols,” two muwhen the official-sounding sicians who will play music and woman on the other end of share the stories behind many beloved holiday songs, will be held from 4-5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 20 at the Al Ringsmuth Public Library, Waite Park. The program will be presented by orchestral musicians Carrie Vecchione and Rolf Erdahl who play the oboe and bass. They are professional music educators, and as a duo they perform as Pages of Music. Everyone is welcome. The event is funded in part with money from Minnesota’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund. 320-253-9359.

Newsleader closed Dec. 23-27

The Newsleader office will be closed Dec. 23-27. A Dec. 27 edition will not be published. The office will reopen on Dec. 30 and will resume weekly publications beginning Jan. 3. Deadline for the Jan. 3 edition is Monday, Dec. 30.

See inside for our holiday greeting page! INSERT:

PineCone Vision Center

the line told him the police would soon be at his house, his assets would be seized, his driver’s license revoked and a lien placed on his property. “What did you say?!” he asked her in a state of utter disbelief, not believing his ears. It took a few more minutes until Gomes realized it was an

absolutely vicious telephone scam attempt. At that point, he played along with the woman, hoping to learn more so he could inform the police. This is what happened: On Friday, Dec. 13, there was a voice message on Gomes’ home phone, telling him to call the Internal Revenue Ser-

vice immediately about “tax issues.” Gomes’s wife, Shikha, called the number, and a woman said she must talk to a Mr. Francis Gomes. When Gomes returned home that day, he called the number. Another woman answered who 3CAM s PAGE

by Dennis Dalman

vivors of the Nazi war-crimes trial in Nuremberg, Germany. Tillemans, a sergeant in the U.S. Army, served as one of the clerk typists at that trial, as well as at the war-crimes trial at Dachau, site of a Nazi death camp. At Kay’s Kitchen, Czech’s wife noticed her husband’s instant fascination with the flyer. She suggested they should attend the birthday party at Tillemans’ home in St. Joseph. She also suggested he might consider doing a documentary about the man. After meeting Tillemans, Czech was convinced the man would be the perfect subject for a riveting documentary, Tillemans * page 9

Tillemans, subject of documentary

A lunch at Kay’s Kitchen in St. Joseph three years ago led to a television documentary about a local man renowned for sharing his firsthand knowledge of Nazi war crimes. Chuck Czech is a producer at KSMQ, the public television station in Austin. When he and his wife stopped at Kay’s Kitchen three years ago, he nophoto by Dennis Dalman Larry Tillemans, shown here in his Country Manor apartment, has ticed a flyer on the wall about given more than 450 talks about the importance of remembering a public open-house birthday the Holocaust and its more than 10 million victims. Next to Til- party for a man by the name lemans is one of his posters he displays during his presentations. of Larry Tillemans. The flyTillemans, who lived for many years in St. Joseph, was a clerk er included a few mentions typist for the U.S. Army who typed up and prepared transcripts about how Tillemans is one during the trials of Nazi war criminals at the end of World War II. of the only known living sur-

Sartell .EWSLEADER s


Friday, Dec. 20, 2013


contributed photo

Congratulations to the Stock Market Game team of (left to right) Zachary Ittel (seventh grade), Tyler Anderson (eighth grade), Austin Haus (eighth grade) and Sarah Owens (seventh grade), who placed first in the region out of 55 teams. The team placed 71st out of 1,154 teams nationwide. Students who participate in the Stock Market Game are given a virtual $100,000 to invest during a period of 14 weeks. Under the direction of volunteer John Elliott, students research various stocks and make choices to buy and sell. The Stock Market Game is sponsored by BestPrep, Sartell Middle School and the Sartell-St. Stephen Education Foundation.


Goltz Twins Emri Elizabeth and Remi Mae Goltz, daughters of Jeremy and Sara Goltz, Sartell, were born at 6:43 p.m. and 6:53 p.m. respectively on Thursday, Oct. 31 in St. Cloud Hospital. Emri weighed 6 pounds 4 ounces and measured 18 inches; Remi weighed 5 pounds 10 ounces and measured 19 inches. The girls join a brother, Boden, 2. Grandparents are Judy and Shawn Granzow of Paynesville, Minn.; Danny Lieser of Marty, Minn.; and Rose and Lynn Goltz, Tracy, Minn. Great-grandparents are Doris Hess of Paynesville; Eileen Lieser of Elrosa, Minn.; and Janice Goltz of Balaton, Minn.

Garrity Gerber recently joined Heartland Glass Co. as an estimator and sales representative. G e r b e r graduated from St. Cloud State University in 2006 with a degree in management and has eight years of experience in both glass and parts manufacturing industries. He has held various roles in the glass industry, including estimator, IT manager and territory manager. His most recent role was marketing manager for a local manufacturer, where he managed the inside sales team and sales forecasts by product segment. In his new role, Gerber has worked on Force America in Alexandria and Apostolic Christian Church in Hancock. His new position does not require as much travel as previous roles. “I work on significant and interesting projects,� Gerber said, “but also get to go home at the end of the day, which has been a great change for my family.� Gerber and his family reside in Sartell. In his free time, he enjoys fishing, downhill skiing and hunting for pheasant and deer.

contributed photo

The Sartell PeeWee B2 team participated in the Blue Devils Showdown Hockey Tournament in November in Mora. This was the team’s first tournament of the season. They worked very hard and brought home there first trophy and came home as the consolation champions. Most Valuable Player went to Case Leach. Way to go team! Team members include the following (front row) Goalie Riley Hauck, (second row, left to right) David Trnka, Brady Baxter, Case Leach, Brett Thayer and Max Ehlen; (third row) Jakob Navratil, Cooper Peterson, Austin Freeman, Jacob Wieland and Zach Elliott; and (back row) Coaches Steve Thayer, Mike Trnka, Tom Freeman and Sean Moynan. Not pictured: Noah Pretzer.

contributed photo

Students at St. Francis Xavier School gathered more than 200 toys that were given to Toys for Tots which is sponsored by the Marine Corps Reserve. Students at SFX rallied around the idea of giving toys to children in their community. The students in the picture are Allayna, Ellen, Grant, Breanna, Nathan, Maggie Rose, Annie Mae, Mackenzie, Matthew, Frankie, Jacob and Trevor. Four Sartell students recently graduated from Minnesota State University, Mankato. They and their major are as follows: Caitlyn

Cardetti, bachelor’s degrees in human biology and psychology, cum laude; Nicole Carlson, bachelor’s degree in nursing, summa cum

laude; Krista Heim, bachelor’s degree in elementary education, summa cum laude; and Leah Janson, bachelor’s degree in psychology.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc.

Newstands Country Store and Pharmacy Holiday on Riverside Drive Holiday on 7th Street N House of Pizza JM Speedstop

Little Dukes on Pinecone Sartell City Hall Sartell-St. Stephen School District Offices Walgreens

Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon

Contributing Writer Cori Hilsgen

Editor Dennis Dalman

Design/Layout Tara Wiese

Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke Delivery Glen Lauer

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Friday, Dec. 20, 2013

Sartell .EWSLEADER s


New Little Caesar’s does brisk business in Sartell by Dennis Dalman

photo by Dennis Dalman

The new Little Caesar’s in Sartell is located on 2nd Street S. just west of the post office.

The new Little Caesar’s pizza place in Sartell is a dream-cometrue for its owners, Marty and Day- Malinen na Malinen. It has been doing a brisk, steady business ever since it recently opened. To the Malinens, the new business has the “right feel.” That’s because Marty designed the business, and Dayna was born and raised just blocks

from the place – growing up on Sartell Street. Her maiden name was Leyk. Marty also designed the other Little Caesar’s places he and his wife own and operate – ones in St. Cloud, Brainerd and Willmar. Many Sartell residents know the Malinens well because they’d opened the Little Caesar’s in 2007 in the mall at 2nd Street near Pinecone Road in Sartell. They had leased that place for almost seven years. Their newly built business is located just west of the Sartell Post Office, 135 2nd St. S. Marty said he is proud of his new place because he owns

Abbey releases list of 18 ‘credibly’ accused clergy by Dennis Dalman

A list of 18 St. John’s Abbey priests or monks, living and deceased, has been released by the Abbey. All men on the list, which was released Dec. 9, are those who have been “credibly” accused of sexual misconduct. The list’s release was in response to a lawsuit filed recently against a former monk who is accused of repeatedly molesting boys years ago. Part of the lawsuit called upon St. John’s Abbey to release a list of “credibly” accused monks and priests, past or present. The monk, Fr. Francis Hoefgen, is accused by a man known as “Doe 27” of sexually abusing him when he was a boy in the Hastings Catholic parish. In 1983, Hoefgen, who was serving in Cold Spring’s St. Boniface at that time, was accused of abusing a boy in that city. No legal proceedings followed that charge. Hoefgen is no longer a priest or monk and lives in Minneapolis. The release of the list by St. John’s Abbey came just a

week after the Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis released a similar list containing 34 priests. The names of three former St. John’s Abbey priests were on that list: Hoefgen, Cosmas Dahlheimer and Brennan Maiers. The names on the lists do not mean necessarily that those men sexually abused young people. Rather, the lists’ names are those of priests or monks who have been “credibly” accused of such illegal conduct. Some had been accused of watching pornography via the Internet or of having improper behavior with another adult. St. John’s Abbey, again under pressure, years earlier released the names of priests and monks back in 2002 and again in 2011. Brother Aelred Senna, a spokesman for the abbey, said the list is the best effort to identify those who “likely” made offenses against minors, even though some complaints could not be substantiated. He said placing their names on the list was a way for the Abbey to “acknowledge pain suffered by victims.”

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In a similar development, a lawsuit filed Dec. 9 against a priest in Duluth is calling on that diocese to release the names of 17 priests accused of molesting minors. The lawsuit was filed by a man who claims he was sexually abused when he was a boy in that diocese in the 1970s. A legislative change earlier this year removed the statute of limitations on sexual-abuse cases involving minors – thus, the spate of recent lawsuits by men who claim they’d been abused by clergy as long as 20 and 30 years ago. Nine of the monks on the St. John’s Abbey list are living there under supervised plans that forbid them contact with minors. Seven of the men named on the list are deceased and two are no longer members of the clergy and no longer have anything to do with the abbey. Jeff Anderson of Anderson and Associates, Twin Cities, is one of the world’s best-known attorneys who prosecutes cases of clergy abuse of children, including the case filed against Hoefgen.

“The release of this (abbey) list is a big step forward,” he said. “It’s the right thing to do, and it’s never too late to do the right thing. We are glad St. John’s released the list so communities are safer. This disclosure helps us and the survivors come together because we all want the same thing – for kids to be protected and the truth to be known. This action is a step in that direction.” Anderson and his clients have almost always included in their lawsuits a demand that lists of offenders be published. The names of the “likely” and “credible” offenders on the St. John’s Abbey list are the following: Those who are living: Michael Bik, Richard Eckroth, Thomas Gillespie, Francis Hoefgen (no longer a monk at the abbey), John Kelly (no longer a monk at the abbey), Maiers, Finian McDonald, Dunstan Moorse, James Phillips, Francisco Schulte and Allen Tarlton. Those who are deceased: Andre Bennett, Robert Blumeyer, Dahlheimer, Othmar Hohmann, Dominic Keller, Pirmin Wendt and Bruce Wollmering.

the lot and the building, and he designed it just the way he wanted it to be: huge windows all along its south side, a very large lobby with benches and a wide-open kitchen where customers can see workers preparing the food. Customers can walk in or use the drivethrough window. The Malinens’ son, John, 37, who lives in Willmar, is – #AESAR S s PAGE

Sartell .EWSLEADER s


Our View

Please be generous in season of giving ‘Tis the season to be jolly. And generous. It’s disappointing to learn the local, St. Cloud-based Salvation Army is behind by about $30,000 on its red-kettle donations this season. The agency hopes to raise between $225,000 and $230,000. Last year the bellringers raised an impressive $219,000. Those funds are vital for operating many services at the Salvation Army. As Jim Muellenbach, community-development director for the Salvation Army, stated in a news story in the Sartell and St. Joseph Newsleaders last week, “We’re not just a holiday organization; we’re open 12 months a year.” Many people do not know that. Or forget that. They assume the Salvation Army is just a seasonal service to help feed needy people or to get toys to needy families. And the agency, indeed, does a great job in those important tasks. But, as Muellenbach pointed out, there are so many other tremendous services the agency offers. There is the 69-bed shelter in East St. Cloud that provides critical emergency shelter for people down on their luck, including quite a few families with children – some on a waiting list. The agency distributes annually more than 5,000 warm coats, hats and mittens, which is a crucial need in this region’s cold weather. The Salvation Army’s Food Shelf distributes, year-round, 240 tons of food to people who are hurting. It provides school supplies, including backpacks, to children whose parents are hardstrapped for money or who are completely broke. And, of course, in keeping with the season, there is the Toy Store program in which parents or guardians can choose toys for their children at a central location. Muellenbach said his job at the Salvation Army is by far the most rewarding job he’s ever had. That’s because not a day goes by but what he doesn’t see directly the result of people’s generosity and the agency’s services. And that heartwarming result is people getting back on their feet with a renewed spirit of hope and determination. Success stories abound, Muellenbach noted. It’s amazing what a “hand up” (as opposed to a “hand out”) can do to change the course of people’s lives. That ancient adage, “There but for fortune go you and I,” is so true. Muellenbach sees the truth of it every day when he meets people who were doing just fine just weeks before but who, through some calamity or combination of calamities, bring them to seek help at the Salvation Army. Such calamities include loss of a job, divorce or death, medical problems, mental problems or other forms of just plain rotten bad luck. It’s good to remember those people during this season of giving. Please be generous to the Salvation Army and to other charities.

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

Friday, Dec. 20, 2013

Opinion What’s sadder than a kid without a toy? Every Christmas season the twins Ken and Sandra cross my mind. They were two of the students in my third-grade class at Washington Elementary School in south St. Cloud way back in the 1950s. Christmas was always an exciting time in grade school. Our little heads were filled with happy thoughts of the toys “Santa” would be bringing us on Christmas Eve and the equally happy thought of getting days off from school, a chance to stay home and play endlessly with our new toys. Our school was always decorated top to bottom with Christmas images – its hallway walls lined with our color-crayon drawings, the huge tree in the vestibule sparkling with ornaments and the colored-paper chain garlands we students made, the gymnasium filled with the joyous singing at the Christmas concert. I can still remember, in third-grade, enjoying the concert, then walking in single file like ducklings down the highly-waxed green-tiled hallway back to our classroom. There, the teacher had arranged all the desks in a circle. It was gift-giving time. A week earlier we had plucked names out of a hat, and each student would then get a present from a mystery giver. Eagerly, we took our seats in our circle. The teacher distributed the colorfully wrapped gifts to the recipients. Then, bristling with excitement, each of us opened our presents, one at a time.

Dennis Dalman Editor My gift, I quickly noticed, looked somehow shabby sad. It was wrapped clumsily with what looked like oldand-faded birthday paper, the creases from some previous box still visible on it. I could tell instantly, from its shape and feel, it was some kind of coloring book. The gift said, “To Dennis from Ken.” I looked over at Ken and smiled and waved. He smiled back blushing, bashful, like he always did. Ken and Sandra, sad to say, were practically aliens in our classroom. They lived right across the street, their ramshackle gloomy old house on 8th Street, visible right through our big row of classroom windows. Those twins were so obviously living in poverty. They came to school looking vaguely unwashed, with tousled hair, always wearing hand-me-downs – Ken with worn corduroy pants way too big for him, Sandra with dresses that looked like they’d been handmade from faded flowery sheets. I felt so sorry for them because they always looked so nervous, as if they were ready to cry any minute. I would go out of my way to try to be nice to them. But they were so shy, it was hard to get through their skittish

reserve. “Dennis, it’s your turn,” Mrs. Dripp, the teacher, said. At that, I quickly opened the present. Sure enough, it was a connectthe-dots book. But, like the wrapping, it looked worn, used. I riffled through the pages and instantly saw the dull-gray smudge marks of erasures. Oh no! Poor Kenny or his parents couldn’t afford to buy a present, so he gave me his own connect-thedots book, having worked so hard to erase all the pencil lines. I looked across at Ken, who was looking so scared and so embarrassed, his head down. “Hey, Kenny!” I said. “Gee, thanks. This is just what I wanted.” I could see his visible relief. He smiled bashfully, blushing. “You’re welcome,” he said. Sandra was also looking over at the gift. She, too, seemed to brighten and smile. They say it’s not the gift that counts; it’s the thought. Well, that’s how I felt about Ken’s gift. He must have been up half the night, erasing, erasing, erasing those pencil lines. Every Christmas season, I remember Ken and his connect-the-dots gift. They remind me of how many children in poor families don’t have merry Christmases. Some don’t even get a single gift. And what is sadder than a kid without a toy on Christmas Day?

Jury selection can be nerve-wracking experience Jury duty can be a nerve-wracking experience. Before I took the bench, I was called to serve as a juror multiple times, and even though I was very familiar with the process and what would be expected of me, I was a little nervous each time. This is what you can expect as a juror when you first enter the courtroom. The judge reads a few introductory remarks and tells you a bit about the case. The panel then stands together and takes an oath: Do you swear you will truthfully answer all questions about your qualifications to serve as a juror, so help you God? Next, the clerk calls the names of those who are to be seated in the jury box with the initial panel. The judge and the lawyers then begin their questioning to select a jury. It was the process of jury selection I found intimidating as a juror, and I think that is true for many people who are called for jury duty. We don’t take this oath in our day-to-day lives. Neither are we generally expected to reveal personal information in a room full of people. The oath sets a tone of solemnity in the courtroom, and it holds us accountable for what we are about to say. In jury selection, we don’t make ordinary small talk about yesterday’s Vikings game or what happened on Dancing with the Stars. Potential jurors are asked probing questions about their lives. I found this process daunting as a juror. What would be asked of me? What would I have to reveal about myself? What if I had to say something embarrassing? What if I forgot to mention something important? It helps to know a bit about what to expect and to know why our justice system allows such vigorous analysis of our jurors.

From the Bench

Sarah Hennesy District Court Judge In my courtroom, I begin by asking jurors general questions. Most are fairly innocuous and easy to answer, such as “Do you know the parties or their lawyers? Have you heard of the case? Have you served on a jury before?” Some questions get personal: “Have you been the victim of a crime? Have you or a close relative been convicted of a crime?” When I am done asking questions, the lawyers take their turns. They might ask if a juror has a problem with police officers or whether a juror is biased against someone because of his or her race. Jurors may then be excused from the panel based on their answers to certain questions. I watch jurors struggle with these questions week after week. For some people, it can be very difficult — even painful — to answer these questions. It takes courage and self-awareness to answer openly and honestly. Why do we allow such personal questions? It’s because parties are entitled to have their cases decided by jurors who can reach a verdict based on the evidence they hear in court and not based on any preconceived ideas about the parties or the case. Let’s say you are the defendant in a civil case. You own a small business, and one of your female employees is suing you for sexual harassment. Do you think a woman who has been sexually harassed by her supervisor would be a

good juror in your case? Wouldn’t you want to know of her experience and have the chance to question her to see if she might be prejudging you based on her experience? The justice system relies on jurors who make decisions based on the facts before them, not on preconceived ideas about people. Rest assured, you are not expected to come into court without any prejudices. It is understood we all have preconceived ideas based on our experiences. If you have a personal opinion that might affect your decision about a verdict, there is no shame in letting the judge and lawyers know. It is, in fact, your civic duty to do so. The judge and attorneys are responsible for conducting jury selection and asking questions to make sure the parties end up with a jury that will make a decision based on the merits of the case. The questions you answer help them decide whether the case before the court is the kind of a case in which you can set aside personal opinions that might affect your verdict and make your decision based on the evidence you see and hear. You might be a good choice to serve as a juror for one type of case but not for another. The juror who has suffered sexual harassment at work may not be a good fit for a sexual harassment case but may be a good selection for another type of case. Keep in mind that being excused or “struck” from a jury does not mean you have said or done anything wrong. If it’s any consolation, I have been struck from the panel every time. Sarah E. Hennessy is a district-court judge based in the Mille Lacs County Courthouse in Milaca.

Friday, Dec. 20, 2013

Sartell .EWSLEADER s



If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the Sartell Police Department at 2518186 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes. Dec. 1 12:45 a.m. Curfew. 2nd Street N. While on patrol, an officer noticed four juvenile males walking. The males stated they were not aware of curfew and they were sleeping over at a friend’s house. The officer transported the boys back to the residence and contacted all guardians regarding the violations. 5:27 p.m. Traffic stop. Pinecone Road. A vehicle was witnessed traveling 58 mph in a posted 45mph zone. The driver stated she was aware of her speed. She was issued a citation and released. Dec. 2 3:58 p.m. Vehicle in ditch. 4th Street N. While on patrol an officer noticed a vehicle in the ditch. The officer assisted the driver in removing the vehicle. 4:04 p.m. Vehicle in ditch. 1st Street S. While on patrol an officer noticed a vehicle in the ditch. The officer assisted the driver in removing the vehicle. 6:32 p.m. CO alarm. 12th Street N. A report was made regarding a residential carbon-monoxide alarm. Officers arrived and did verify. Xcel was contacted. Dec. 4 1:08 p.m. Vehicle assist. Trentwood Drive. A request was made

to help a driver unlock his vehicle that did have a small child inside it. An officer arrived and was able to unlock the doors. 7:41 p.m. Snowmobile complaint. 1st Avenue N. Several complaints were made regarding a male riding a snowmobile at a high rate of speed in an alleyway. An officer arrived and was able to locate a male who stated he was driving earlier. He was notified of the city ordinance regarding driving a snowmobile within city limits. Dec. 5 12:40 p.m. Traffic stop. CR 133. A complaint was made regarding a vehicle that still had snow covering three windows and the rear window. An officer was able to locate the vehicle. The driver cleaned off his car without incident. 8:34 p.m. Stalled vehicle. Hwy. 15. A vehicle was stalled. Officer provided safety lights until tow truck arrived. Dec. 6 4:14 p.m. Warrant arrest. 1st Street N. An arrest warrant was issued for an adult male. He was located at a residence and taken into custody without incident. 10:10 p.m. Theft. 11th Avenue N. A report was made regarding an ice auger taken from a garage. Dec. 7 2:34 p.m. Domestic assault. 2nd Street S. An emergency call was placed stating a younger adult male had taken another adult male’s phone and became physical. The younger male was placed under arrest and transported to Stearns County Jail without incident. 7:33 p.m. Welfare check. CR

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120. A report was made regarding an adult male standing outside with no shirt, no shoes and wet pants. Officers arrived and he was speaking incoherently and he also refused to tell officers any personal information. He was transported to St. Cloud Hospital. 11:31 p.m. Warrant arrest. Lowell Lane. An arrest warrant was issued for an adult male. He was located and taken into custody without incident. Dec. 8 7:21 a.m. Domestic assault. 7th Street S. An emergency call was placed stating that an adult male and adult female were arguing and it became physical. Officers arrived and found injuries on the female. The male was placed under arrest and transported to Stearns County Jail without incident. 1:59 p.m. Theft. Wal-Mart. An adult female was witnessed attempting to leave the store with unpaid merchandise. She attempted to deny the theft. She was issued a citation and released. Dec. 9 10:16 p.m. Traffic stop. Hwy. 15. After checking a vehicle’s registration, it was found the driver had an active arrest warrant. He was placed under arrest and taken to Stearns County Jail without incident. Dec. 10 5:08 p.m. Vehicle in ditch. Pine-

cone Road. While on patrol, an officer found a vehicle stuck in the snow. The officer and driver were able to free the vehicle. Dec. 15 2:39 a.m. Traffic crash with injuries. Co. Rd. 12/Merlin Road. A motorist called in a vehicle in the ditch. They checked the vehicle and found it was on its roof. The occupants were trapped inside and yelling for help. Stearns County Sheriff’s Office, Melrose

and St. Martin Fire Departments and Melrose Ambulance responded to the crash. The three occupants, a 19-year-old female from Cold Spring, a 20-year-old female from Sartell and a 21-year-old male from Paynesville were extracted and taken to the Melrose hospital by ambulance. One person was later airlifted to the St. Cloud Hospital. The Stearn’s County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the crash.


B&B Inn in state papers. Guest suspects solve crimes during banquet often interrupted by fits of laughter.


Sartell .EWSLEADER s

Friday, Dec. 20, 2013

photo by Dennis Dalman

Kindergartners Jaiden Haskamp (left) and Renee Wilson giggle as they take the sled ride at Winter Wonderland Dec. 17 at Pine Meadow Elemtnary School.

Charity Challenge matches up to $75,000 for food shelves The Norman C. Skalicky Foundation and the Central Minnesota Community Foundation recently announced a 50-percent increase in the annual Charity Challenge match for local food shelves to help more people in need this holiday season. The Skalicky Foundation will match

every dollar donated to three area food shelves up to $75,000 this holiday season. A reduction in the foodstamp program that went into effect earlier this month is compounding the need. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 previously had pro-

vided additional dollars for the program. The change means a family of four with food stamps will receive $36 less a month. Donations for the Charity Challenge need to be received by Dec. 31. For more information, visit www.thenewsleaders. com and click on Criers.


Little Caesar’s specializes, of course, in reasonably priced pizzas. A current offer is a large pepperoni for only $5. The place also sells Crazy Bread, Cheesy Bread and chicken wings, all of which come in eight varieties. Marty, who also has a career as a professional piano tuner, said he is most proud of how

all of Little Caesar’s ingredients are as fresh as can be. The pizza dough is made right on the premises, and the pizza sauce is made from fresh tomatoes direct from California. The business hours for the place are from 11 a.m.-10 pm. Mondays-Saturdays; and from 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Sundays.

from page 3 with his parents – an operator of their four Little Caesar stores. The Sartell pizza shop employs about two dozen workers.

Friday, Dec. 20, 2013

PME from front page then the fun began. The Wonderland was actually an activity fun course during which the students had a blast while getting a very good physical workout. They weaved a course through a line of trees, shimmied through the Grinch Cave labyrinth, crawled through the Rainbow Tunnel, did some cross-country skiing, rode sleds, hopped down Candy Cane Lane and even had a chance to go ice fishing. The activities were, of course, virtual reality but a triumph of imagination. During a two-day period, Dec. 16-17, all of the 700-plus students (grades kindergarten through fourth grade, had a chance to spend time in Winter Wonderland. It has been an annual tradition at the school

Sartell .EWSLEADER s for many years, but this year it was especially decked out and very elaborate. Oak Ridge Elementary in Sartell also hosts a Winter Wonderland. The Pine Meadow “elves” who transformed the gym into a place of wonder and magic are physical-education teachers Gene Severson and Matt Hagen. They spent almost 14 hours putting the Wonderland together. One of the most time-consuming tasks was to take the 700 paper snowflakes the school’s children all made and hang all of them from strings from horizontal wires that criss-crossed the entire gym about 10 feet above the floor. The results of Hagen’s and Severson’s hard work was an eye-popping riot of color from one end of the gym to the other. The children responded to the magic, having a ball in the Winter Wonderland.

Snow removal help sought Volunteers are needed to help with snow shoveling and other outdoor chores to help people remain independent in their homes. Responsibilities include volunteer orientation, snow-removal services, be respectful of the care receiver’s home and

aware of safety procedures. Volunteers must maintain client confidentiality. For information on this and other United Way volunteer opportunities, visit and click on Criers.

Visions of sugar plums danced in their heads contributed photo

Ten-year-old Sartell dancer Tierney Hammer was among 30 local youth and adult dancers who joined the professional cast of the Minnesota Ballet with the full College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University Orchestra to perform Tchaikovsky’s unforgettable score “The Nutcracker,” Dec. 14 at the Escher Auditorium on the CSB campus. Tierney was cast in the primary role of Clara. She is a dancer with Company North Crest. The dancers rehearsed under the direction of local ballet instructors Ana Freire and Erika Jaguiella. “The Nutcracker” is a timeless ballet that tells the story of Clara and her Nutcracker Prince as they embark on a thrilling adventure to the Land of Sweets, dancing with the Sugar Plum Fairy and fighting the menacing Mouse King. Set in turn-of-the-20th-century Manhattan, this production featured remarkable dancing, dazzling costumes and larger-than-life staging. Other Sartell dancers who performed include the following: Alyssa, Andrew and James Brennhofer; Elliott Hammer; Briehyn and Taya Lewandowski; and Makayla and Taylor Pearson.


Sartell .EWSLEADER s


Friday, Dec. 20, 2013


REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING OF SARTELL-ST. STEPHEN PUBLIC SCHOOLS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 748 NOV. 18, 2013, DISTRICT CENTER BOARD ROOM The regular school board meeting of Independent School District 748 was called to order at 7 p.m. by Vice Chair Mary McCabe. Members present: McCabe; Jason Nies, clerk/ treasurer; Pam Raden, director; Krista Durrwachter, director; Shawn Sullivan, student representative and Mike Spanier, interim superintendent. Members absent: Michelle Meyer, chair, and Dan Riordan, director.

The City of St. Stephen City Council will hold its business meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2014 due to the Jan. 1 holiday. The meeting will begin at its regular time of 7 A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Raden to approve p.m. the agenda with the following additions: A4d - retirement of Karla M. Sattler. Moved Action Item #4 - Approve 2013 Audit Report and Report /s/ Cris Drais Item #5 United Way Report to accommodate presenters schedules. All City of St. Stephen City Clerk in favor. Motion carried. Dated: Dec. 10, 2013 Publish: Dec. 20, 2013 CITY OF ST. STEPHEN PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held in the St. Stephen City Hall Council Chamber at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 8 for the purpose of discussing a conditional-use permit application accepted by the City Council submitted by Tom J. Vouk to use existing buildings as seasonal storage. Property Address: 15 Central Ave. N., St. Stephen Property Number: 90.55830.0001 Section 24 Township 126 Range 029 You are invited to attend this public hearing. All comments, written or oral, will be heard. Comments can be mailed to: 26th Ave. SE, St. Stephen, MN 56375 or via email: /s/Cris Drais City of St. Stephen City Clerk Dated: Dec. 17, 2013 Publish: Dec. 20, 2013

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A motion was made by Nies and seconded by Raden to approve consent items a-d as presented below: a. Minutes of the meeting held on Oct. 21, 2013. b. Checks in the amount of $2,221,063.46 as presented: General Fund 1,795,413.38 Food Service Fund 149,953.29 Transportation Fund 120,530.27 Community Service Fund 56,939.33 Capital Expenditure Fund 94,244.56 Building Fund 3,982.63 Check numbers 153848 to 154250 Receipts in the amount of $5,761,014.72 as presented: General Fund 3,294,409.36 Food Service Fund 213,278.27 Transportation Fund 11,541.33 Community Service Fund 147,262.41 Capital Expenditure Fund 72,347.45 Building Fund 15.04 Debt Service Fund 2,020,660.86 Summer Rec Agency Fund 1,500.00 Receipts 39054 to 39185 Wire transfers in the amount of $8,398.29 as presented: General Fund 539.18 Food Service Fund 7,302.29 Community Service Fund 556.82 Wire transfers 201300026 to 201300032 c. Accept the following donations: $1,250 from St. Cloud Times Media (Media in Education Program) for Student Tablet or Computer at the ISD #748 and $5,000 from Sartell Fastpitch for Softball Field Improvements for the Sartell High School d. Accept the resignations of Nicole Pride, SMS, student supervisor, effective 11-07-13. The retirement of Karla M. Sattler, ORE, teacher, effective 06-05-14.

Student Representative Report: Shawn Sullivan, senior at Sartell High School Girls’ Swimming and Diving team is at the state tournament Nov. 18-20. National Honor Society is sponsoring a “No Shave November” fundraiser where students are able to add money to jars. Funds raised will go to families in need in the community. The High School Student Council is collecting Coborn’s turkey stamps in hopes to accumulate stamps to provide turkeys to families in need. Several winter sports and activities have started. Sartell Middle School hosted 61 veterans for lunch for Veterans Day. Sartell Middle School Conferences are coming up during the next week. An activity night will be held for 5th- and 6th-graders at Sartell Middle School. PME and ORE have upcoming book fairs. Both elementary buildings are supporting holiday food and toy drives. Superintendent Report: Mike Spanier, interim superintendent Sartell Middle School hosted two assemblies on Veterans’ Day to honor veterans and educate middle-school students about the day. Several fall athletic teams and individuals participated in the state tournaments: Boys’ Soccer Team Girls’ Soccer Team Football Cross Country Running: Blake Anderson – Boys’ Cross Country Running Shelby Hall – Girls’ Cross Country Running Girls’ Swimming and Diving The PME Wax Museum hosted several students and families to come learn about famous inventors based on 4th-graders’ research and acting as the inventor in a ‘wax museum’ fashion. This project also supports the implementation of 21st Century skills, aligned with PME’s site goals. Sartell High School hosted its annual Academic Breakfast and recognized more than 250 students. The District launched its use of Skylert by sharing a monthly enewsletter about district-wide events. School Board Committee Reports: Negotiations Committee and has another one scheduled.

Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Curriculum and instruction continue to support a standards-aligned curriculum through a continuous curriculum cycle and teacher-leader involvement. The district’s new teacher induction program supports teachers new to the district through assigning a mentor/coach to each teacher for three years in partnership with SCUS’s Teacher Preparation Initiative. Through the full-access technology integration, SMS turned two labs into classrooms and PME has turned a lab into a classroom which has allowed for optimizing the use of space available. Tech Coaches are staff members who have designated blocks of time to work with teachers and staff to support curriculum integraThere has been a greater use of Schoology as staff continues to get staff development, support and opportunities to enhance curriculum. United Way Report: Betty Schnettler, vice president of community impact for United Way, shared her thanks to the overall district for the continued support and partnerships with the United Way of Central Minnesota. Report on District Building Goals: Kay Nelson, director of learning services, along with several building and teacher leaders, presented district and building improvement goals for the 2013-14 school year. Early Childhood Education – Kim Larsen and Katie Werle Pine Meadow Elementary – Justin Foss and Kellie Turner Oak Ridge Elementary – Tina Perry and Paul Moe Sartell Middle School – Cari Ritter and Rachael Schelonka Sartell High School – Terri Benson and Deb Rollings A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Raden to REVIEW AND ACCEPT THE AUDIT FOR YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2013 AS PRESENTED. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by Nies and seconded by Durrwachter to HAVE SECOND READINGS AND APPROVE THE REVISED POLICIES 418, 422, 524, 601, 603, 613, 707, 802 and 902. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by Durrwachter and seconded by Raden to APPROVE THE PERSONNEL OMNIBUS RESOLUTION. All in favor. Motion carried. New Employees or Changes: 1. Vanessa Axtell, SMS lunchroom supervisor, @12.65/hr. two hours per day replacing Nicole Pride. 2. Tara Gottschling, SHS assistant gymnastics, #3,174/ BS1, (9.5%), new position added for academic year 2013-14. 3. Jorden Nelson, SHS substitute teach, $3,174/BS1, (65 days), amended contract – LTS for Michele Nelson 4. Janet Skinner, PME playground supervisor, $12.65/ per hour, two hours per day, replacing Terri Johnson. 5. Michael Symanietz, SMS JH boy’s swimming, $2,121/BS 1 (6.35%), replacing Chris Almen Sjogren 6. Lori Traut, ECSE para, $19.95/per hr – 46 hrs total – new position Leave of Absence: 7. Therese Nierengarten, SMS teacher, Oct. 22, 2013 - Nov. 22, 2013. A motion was made by Raden and seconded by Nies to APPROVE THE RESOLUTION RATIFYING THE AWARD OF THE SALE, DETERMINING THE FORM AND DETAILS, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIION, DELIVERY AND REGISTRATION, AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BUILDING BONDS, SERIES 2014A. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by Nies and seconded by Raden to APPROVE THE CONTRACT WITH THE SARTELL PRINCIPALS ASSOCIATION. Annual Board Organizational Meeting has been set for Monday, Jan. 6, 2014 at 7 p.m. Schedule Work Session and Committee Meetings: Dec. 2 at 4:15 p.m. – Board Work Session – Board Goal Development, District Service Center Dec. 4 at 4:15 p.m. – Policy Committee, District Service Center Dec. 11 at 4:15 p.m. – Finance and Operations, District Service Center Dec. 16 at 7 p.m. – Regular Board Meeting, District Service Center Dec. 19 at 7:30 a.m. – Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction Committee, District Service Center Jan. 6 at 7 p.m. – Organizational Meeting, District Service Center

The Board discussed and had the second reading of the new policy 523. A motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:14 p.m. was made by Nies and seconded by Durrwachter. All in favor. Motion carried. /s/ Jason Nies, Clerk/Treasurer Dec. 16, 2013 Publish: Dec. 20, 2013

Friday, Dec. 20, 2013

Tillemans from front page made possible by a grant from the Minnesota Legacy Amendment. Czech eventually enlisted the help of David Klassen, a freelancer who co-produced the film with Czech. It took them three years to complete the documentary, entitled “The Typist.” A few weeks ago, at Country Manor in Sartell, where Tillemans now lives, a virtual “movie premiere” took place with Tillemans as the center of attention. All of Tillemans’ six children, from throughout the nation, gathered with other special guests in Country Manor’s Oak Community Room to watch “The Typist,” a 56-minute tribute to Tillemans. There was rousing applause and even a few tears after the showing. The movie features scenes of Tillemans talking to audiences, something he has done 450 times in the past 20 years. Talks in schools, service organizations, churches, synagogues, jails and prisons. His basic message, one that he vowed to keep hammering home, is “Never forget!” He was – and is – determined to remind people what happened in Europe during World War II when Hitler’s

Sartell .EWSLEADER s Nazis were responsible for the vicious and systematic extermination of millions of people. Tillemans is disgusted some people claim the Holocaust did not exist. One of those deniers is the former leader of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Tillemans vividly remembers U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower’s first reactions when his troops came upon the stacks of bodies and the skeletal survivors in the Dachau death camp. Eisenhower insisted German villagers be brought to the camp so they could see the horror of what had happened there. Eisenhower also ordered troops to film and document the horrors because, as he predicted, someday some “S.O.B. is going to say it never happened.” When Tillemans, who lived in Minneota, was a student in a high-school typing class, he of course had no clue that just a couple years later, he would by typing up page after page of testimony about some of the worst atrocities in the history of the world. At Nuremberg and Dachau, after typing up transcripts of unimaginably heinous crimes and seeing horrific slides of mass murder at the trials, Tillemans would often go back to his barracks at night and cry, unable to sleep. “It took me a long time to get over the hate I felt

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in my heart and my soul and my mind for them doing what they did,” Tillemans said. “You can’t hold that hate in you if you’re a Christian, and later I learned to forgive them.” But he vowed never to forget what he had read and heard and witnessed. “Never forget!” became a heartrending plea from all death-camp survivors. And it’s a plea Tillemans took to heart. Using photos, news clippings and memories, he has shared the historical truth of the Holocaust with countless thousands of people. For his untiring efforts, he has won grateful praise from many, including the famed Nazi hunter Eli Rosenbaum, who has spent time getting to know Tillemans. Rosenbaum, now with the U.S. Department of Justice, wrote a letter to Tillemans after viewing the documentary. “This stellar documentary . . . will ensure your powerful and crucial messages of tolerance, faith and humanity live on forever. I hope the film becomes a staple of classroom instruction throughout Minnesota, and beyond. Thank you so much for the gift of your inspiring moral leadership and for according me the

very high honor of being your friend.” “The Typist” includes interviews with Tillemans’ family members and with those who have honored him for his tireless work. Another former soldier, Gerry Boe of Crosslake, is also featured in the movie. Boe, who also attended the movie at Country Manor, was a regimental sergeant who helped organize the daily protocol at the warcrimes trials. One part of the documentary explores the alcoholism Tillemans battled for years until one night in a Fergus Falls jail, he began to pray, inspired by a priest at Dachau who died of disease helping doomed and dying prisoners. After that prayer, Tillemans experienced new strength. Besides his hundreds of talks about the Holocaust, he has given just as many talks about his struggles with alcohol and his strong belief in the power of prayer and of human kindness. “The Typist” was broadcast for the first time Nov. 20 in southern Minnesota. It will likely be broadcast on public-TV stations throughout Minnesota in the near future. It can also be viewed on YouTube at:

9 watch?v=aEvn5zE6FsY. About two years ago, Tillemans, who is now 87, sold his house near St. Joseph and – because of some health concerns – moved to Country Manor Villa apartments in Sartell. He lost his wife, Josie, about three years ago. He now suffers from vertebrae problems and, reluctantly, has had to give up his talks. Even in his bouts of illnesses, ailments and pain, Tillemans never complains and, in fact, his family members say his humor and good cheer seem to increase under adversity. He loves to smile, give gentle wisecracks and laugh with a deep-down merriment. Tillemans sloughed off pain and difficulties. “It comes with the territory,” he is fond of saying, keeping troubles at bay, accepting whatever comes his way. He cannot give his talks, anymore, and he accepts that, too, as “part of the territory.” However, he is still eager to share a video of his presentations with anyone who will watch, listen and learn. Tillemans can be reached at 320-203-7357 or via letter at Larry Tillemans, Country Villa #261, 520 1st St. NE, Sartell, MN 56377.

Sartell .EWSLEADER s


Scam from front page said she was the supervisor of the other woman who had called. She told Gomes there were serious discrepancies in his tax filings and Gomes had apparently been hiding tax information from the years 2001 to 2011. She said it had reached a point that the police would arrest him at home and his wife at her place of employment. The IRS, she said, would confiscate his bank accounts, driver’s license, credit cards and a lien would be placed on everything he owns. Gomes broke into a sweat. “I have, as far as I know never done anything illegal,� he told her. “I have always been sincere and prompt when it comes to my taxes. Anything wrong would have to be from a lack of knowledge on my part, but whatever it was, it was certainly not intentional.� She accused him of ignoring previous warnings from the IRS. She said one day, a messenger was sent to the Gomes residence but no one was home. Gomes asked the woman how much he owed in back taxes. The amount, she said, was $3,322. “Do you have that much in your account?� she asked. “Well, I’d probably have to go to the bank to get an emergency loan,� he said. Again and again, she practically demanded, “Well, can you get that money from the bank? Can you get that loan as soon as possible? This must be paid right away or the police will come. If you can’t get that money to us, everything you

own will be seized within two hours.� By that time, Gomes was certain it was a scam, and he began to play along. Next, the woman insisted he go to the nearest Walmart store and get a money order in the amount of $3,322. Then she gave him a list of codes and numbers to send in with the money order. “Can you get that money?� she asked, demandingly. “Well, I don’t know,� he said. “I think you are trying to trick me!� she said, trying to suppress her anger. “No!� Gomes told her. “I think it’s YOU who are trying to trick me.� At that point, the woman burst into a verbal paroxysm of foul curse words and hung up the phone. Gomes called the Sartell Police Department. The dispatcher informed him they have heard of similar scams, but unfortunately there is virtually nothing they can do as the scam crooks are operating from out of state or overseas, and they are almost impossible to catch. Gomes is still a bit stunned by how shaky he became when first hearing the woman’s spiel. “She sounded so official, so genuine,� he said, adding he should have known in an instant it was a scam, but he was so shocked by her accusations and threats it took him off guard, emotionally. When Shikha came home, he told her what transpired. “It’s a good thing you didn’t go to Walmart!� she said. Later, Gomes called the Sartell Newsleader, hoping to share his story so others will be on guard against that – or similar – phone scams.

Call to Gomes typical of threat-fear phone scams by Dennis Dalman

A scam call from con crooks to a Sartell man is a classic example of all the elements that constitute a telephone scam. (See related story.) Unlike con calls that inform people they’ve won prizes, trips or inherited money, the call to Francis Gomes was one of threats, using fear as the hook. Typically, in a threat-fear call, the con artist brings up a lightning-quick series of accusations in such an official-sounding voice the victim thinks the call must be legitimate no matter how outrageous it sounds. That was the case with Gomes. The charges took him for a loop and rocked his reasoning powers for a time. After the accusations, in this case unpaid taxes or tax fraud, the con proceeds with threats: arrests, confiscations, bank accounts seized and more. By that time, a victim might feel as helpless as a bug pinned to a wall.

Then, the con quickly moves into what the victim can do to avoid all the nasty things that will certainly happen if he or she does not cooperate. And the “cooperation� always involves sending money by credit card, by wire or by check or money order immediately. Or else! Fortunately, Gomes smelled the scam a couple minutes into the call. Wisely, he played along to find out more details so he could report the information. For many years, police departments have conducted public seminars, advising people how to avoid scams via telephone, mail, in-person and on the Internet. The following are seven vital tips everyone should memorize: 1. Never give banking information or any kind of personal information, such as credit-card numbers or Social Security numbers, to anyone who makes any kind of solicitation. 2. Remember financial institutions, the Social Security Administration and the In-

Once again, the Sartell Post Office achieved its “Breast Cancer� stamp goal this year, selling $1,799-worth of the stamps, the third highest in Minnesota and part of Wisconsin and tops for the central Minnesota area. It’s all “thanks to the Sartell

customers,� said Sartell Postmaster Terry Niehaus. The statewide contest included cities in a postal region of Minnesota and part of western Wisconsin among post offices of similar size. The winner was Cumberland, Wis. followed by Chaska and

You are invited! Christmas Eve Candlelight Service from 6-7 p.m.


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5 p.m. The Nativity of the Lord WITH CHOIRS AND CANDLE LIGHTING

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ternal Revenue Service will never call people out of the blue with threats or to request information. Such communications will occur only through official mail. 3. If in doubt about a call, tell the person you’ll call back, then get a call-back number and check it with the bona-fide number of the place they claim to be representing, such as the IRS. 4. Most telephone crooks won’t sound like sleazy, creepy crooks. They will sound very official as if they are totally in control and know what they are talking about. 5. Beware of threats and promises. Legitimate callers will never unleash a barrage of threats nor will they make exorbitant promises – the moon and stars – if only you’ll send them that money right away. 6. If something sounds too good to be true, be assured it is, and don’t fall for it. 7. Never do business via phone unless you yourself initiate the call and know who you have just called.

Sartell P.O. excels in sales of breast-cancer stamps

106 2nd Ave. N.W. St. Joseph 320-282-2262

Christmas Eve Services

Friday, Dec. 20, 2013


Sartell. For many years, Sartell was the top Breast Cancer stamp seller or very near the top. Breast Cancer stamps cost a few pennies more than regular Class A stamps, and the money from their sales goes to breast-cancer research.

Friday, Dec. 20, 2013

Sartell .EWSLEADER s

Community Calendar Friday, Dec. 20 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. St. Joseph Farmers’ Market, 3-6 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church, 610 CR 2 N., St. Joseph. “Best Christmas Pageant Ever,” 7 p.m., performed by the Eastside Boys and Girls Club. Admission is a free-will donation. Santa will make an appearance after the show. 320252-7616. “Stop Kiss,” 7:30 p.m., presented by SCSU Department of Theater, Arena Stage of the Performing Arts Center at St. Cloud State University. Tickets $10 general admission, $7 for students and seniors. 320-3084636 or Saturday, Dec. 21 Community meal, 11 a.m.2 p.m., hot chicken meal available onsite or for delivery. Call if you know someone who could benefit. Sponsored by Resurrection Lutheran Church, 610 CR. 2, St. Joseph, and Sonrise Lutheran Church, 140 Stratford St., Avon. 320-363-4232 or 320356-9220. “Stop Kiss,” 7:30 p.m., presented by SCSU Department of Theater, Arena Stage of the Performing Arts Center at St. Cloud State University. Tickets $10 general admission, $7 for students and seniors. 320-3084636 or Sunday, Dec. 22 “Stop Kiss,” 7:30 p.m., presented by SCSU Department of Theater, Arena Stage of the Performing Arts Center at St. Cloud State University. Tickets $10 general admission, $7 for students and seniors. 320-3084636 or

Monday, Dec. 23 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Blood drive, 3-8 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church, 610, N. CR 2, St. Joseph. 1-800-733-2767. Christmas in the Barn, 7 p.m., narration and re-enactment of the Christmas Story with hymns, handmade ice candles and hot apple cider. 4 miles S. of St. Joseph on CR 2. Signs will be posted. 320-685-7656. Sartell City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 320-253-2171. “Stop Kiss,” 7:30 p.m., presented by SCSU Department of Theater, Arena Stage of the Performing Arts Center at St. Cloud State University. Tickets $10 general admission, $7 for students and seniors. 320-3084636 or Tuesday, Dec. 24 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. “Stop Kiss,” 2:00 p.m., presented by SCSU Department of Theater, Arena Stage of the Performing Arts Center at St. Cloud State University. Tickets $10 general admission, $7 for students and seniors. 320-3084636 or Christmas in the Barn, 7 p.m., narration and re-enactment of the Christmas Story with hymns, handmade ice candles and hot apple cider. 4 miles S. of St. Joseph on CR 2. Signs will be posted. 320-685-7656. Thursday, Dec. 26 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain



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St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Friday, Dec. 27 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Blood drive, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Miller Auto Plaza, 2930 2nd St. S., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Monday, Dec. 30 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Tuesday, Dec. 31 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Thursday, Jan. 2 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell. Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-733-2767. Great River Regional Coin Club, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Miller Auto Marine Sports Plaza, 2930 2nd St. S., St. Cloud. Friday, Jan. 3 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., American Red Cross, 1301 W. St.. Germain St., St. Cloud. 1-800-7332767. Saturday, Jan. 4 Intervention workshop, 9 a.m.noon, alcohol- or drug-addiction intervention workshop facilitated by trained specialists. Free. No registration required. Recovery Plus, 713 Anderson Ave., St. Cloud, 1-800742-4357 or visit


City levy means flat, decreased taxes by Dennis Dalman

Sartell residents and businesses might want to do a double-take about the estimated-tax notices they received in the mail in November. The Sartell City Council, at a public hearing, revised the estimated preliminary budget from November, and it is now officially lower. The lower amount was possible through judicious cuts as well as more revenue than anticipated, including, at long last, some aid from the state. Most will find their taxes will be the same or less for 2014. In some cases, if property values have increased, there may be increases in taxes, but most people’s will not increase, said Sartell Financial Director Mary Degiovanni. At its last meeting, the Sartell City Council approved a budget for 2014 of $5,774,233 and a tax levy of $4,703,608. The difference between the levy and budget amount will be covered by a combination of revenue, including fees for city services and $110,000 in local government aid from the state, the first time in many years Sartell and other cities will receive any state aid. Another plus for the city

was the state’s decision to exempt many city purchases from the sales tax. That, Degiovanni said, will save Sartell about $37,600 in general-fund dollars and another $30,000 in other fund balances. The tax levy for 2014 is about $160,000 less than estimated in the preliminary budget from last month. Degiovanni noted Sartell still has the lowest propertytax rate of all the five cities in the greater St. Cloud area. The Sartell City Council voted unanimously at its last meeting to approve the 2014 budget and tax levy. Council member Sarah Jane Nicoll, who made the motion for approval, said she was thrilled to see the city holding the tax flat this year for the first time in years. Member David Peterson, who seconded the motion, thanked the city staff for their hard work to keep the levy down. He called it a “wonderful job” of fiscal responsibility. Member Steve Hennes noted there was no spoken or written testimony at the public hearing, which he said is a sign the city “must be doing something right” when it comes to budgeting and taxation.



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Sartell .EWSLEADER s Happy holidays from all of us at


Wishing you the very best this holiday season!


Friday, Dec. 20, 2013 Wishing you a holiday filled with wide-eyed wonder and excitement!


A toast to you - thanks for your continued patronage.


Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday season!


(Behind Coborn’s in the Industrial Park)

Yuletide wishes from all of us at

What’s Christmas without all the trimmings? We won’t be truly ready for the holidays until we say “thanks� to all of you!




Holiday greetings from

Wishing you the very best this holiday season!


May your home be decorated with laughter, love, and peace.

We hope your holidays abound with good cheer and good things!



Wishing you the kind of holidays that warm the heart.

May all your hopes and dreams be realized during this season of wonder and celebration.


Warm wishes, smiles on every face and special moments with friends and family; may your holiday season be filled with all this and more!


Best wishes for a joyous season and a very happy new year!


Wishing you the kind of holidays that warm your heart and make you smile.


Hoping the warm glow of Christmas surrounds you throughout the year from all of us at




God’s blessings on all, including you.


Happy holidays from


May the light of Christmas shine through while you attend church this Christmas season. From all of us at


Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season!


Wishing you a merry Christmas and a safe new year


Wishing you a merry Christmas from all of us at


Here’s hoping you find miles of smiles and happy times this yuletide season.


A warm cup of cheer to you from


The happiest of holidays to you!


We hope your holidays are overflowing with joy and happiness.


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