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Newsleader Sartell

Friday, Dec. 21, 2012 Volume 17, Issue 50 Est. 1995

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SMA helps keep music in school district by Dennis Dalman

Town Crier ‘Christmas in barn’ sets two services

The 6th annual “Christmas in the Barn” service will be held at 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 23 and 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 24 at the home of Chad and Amy Leither, approximately 4 miles north of Cold Spring on County Road 2. Signs will be posted. This unique service offers a simple narration and re-enactment of the Christmas story with familiar hymns, handmade ice candles, hot apple cider and the rustic atmosphere of an old barn. Attendees are encouraged to dress appropriately and bring blankets if needed, as the barn is not heated. For more information, contact Peace Lutheran Church at (320) 685-7656 or

GriefShare starts Jan. 2

Hope Covenant Church will offer “GriefShare,” a 13-week support group to help those who have suffered the death of a loved one. The session will begin Wednesday, Jan. 2 and meet every Wednesday night from 6:15-8 p.m. at the church at 336 4th Ave. S. in St. Cloud. To register, call 257-4673. More information can be found at

Nominate family docs for state award

The Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians wants you to tell us why your family physician should be named 2013 Minnesota Family Physician of the Year. This award is presented annually to a doctor who specializes in family medicine. This doctor should represent the highest ideals of the specialty. Dr. Andrew Burgdorf of Buffalo, Minn., was honored in 2012. Nominations will be accepted in writing through Jan. 4. For more information, visit

Newsleader closed Dec. 21-28

The Newsleader office will be closed Dec. 21-28. A Dec. 28 edition will not be published. The office will reopen on Dec. 31 and will resume weekly publications beginning Jan. 4.

See our Greetings page inside INSERT: Pine Cone Vision Center

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A percussion group at Sartell Middle School practices on drums and xylophones.

Music is one of the crowning glories of the Sartell-St. Stephen School District, and Jody Pasell wants to keep it that way. Pasell, who has had a lifetime passion for all things musical, is president of the Sartell Music Association, which raises about $10,000 annually to help music programs in all grades in Sartell schools. Although the school district and its board members have always been very supportive of music programs, school budgets are tight, as they are in almost all school districts. The Sartell Music Association, keenly aware of pinched school finances, has long filled certain gaps and needs in the programs. What concerns Pasell, however, is if contributions dwindle or more money can’t be realized through fundraisers, the SMA might have to cut back on some of its projects. For example, the SMA gives two $1,000 scholarships to two SMA • page 5

Sartell man responds to horror through poetry The killings of school children and teachers in Connecticut continues to elicit powerful responses Herschbach nationwide – sorrow, outrage, tears, calls for reforms and, in the case of a Sartell man, poetry. Dennis Herschbach was so disturbed and saddened by the cold-blooded killings he felt compelled to channel his emotions into the form of poetry. Before moving to Sartell a few years ago, Herschbach had been a high-school teacher for many years at Two Harbors on Minnesota’s North Shore. He is the award-winning author of four books – most recently a suspense-mystery novel entitled “Convergence at Two Harbors.” His other books are a prosepoetry meditation on the loss of a loved one, “Grief Journey;” a memoir about growing up, “Brown Sugar Syrup and Jack Pine Sand;” and a book of po-

etry inspired by Two Harbors, “South First and Lakefront.” The following are Herschbach’s two poems about his reactions to the school shootings.

Dec. 14, 2012 by Dennis Herschbach I know that the willow weeps, its branches draped down, sweeping the ground like a mother’s hair when she mourns, forming a canopy where children once played games of come find me. I know that the ice groans in the face of bitter north winds piling slabs like blue-glass on shore, plates that grind against each other in a cold too bitter to bear. I know that rocks slide down mountain slopes tearing saplings from shallow soil before they’ve had time to

root. Seems they cannot be stopped, move under their own weight, follow an entrenchment like the blind following the blind who cannot hear. I know that the river floods. Like the tears of a father

cannot be dammed, will make no difference when the flood is forgotten. These answers I know – but today, I don’t know the question; I don’t know the question. Poetry • page 12

Schools continue as usual in wake of tragic shootings by Dennis Dalman

Administrators and teachers in Sartell’s public schools met before classes began Monday to share Oak Ridge t h o u g h t s Elementary Principal about school Randy Husmann safety. They also met after the school day to share any ideas of how school safety policies can

be strengthened. No definite conclusions were drawn or adopted, but school safety will certainly be revisited by administration, staff, teachers, parents and school board members in the future. In fact, school emergency procedures at the schools are always in a state of being fine-tuned and reviewed. The horrific killings of 20 school children and six adults in Newtown, Conn. on the morning of Dec. 14 by a school shooter continue to sadden and Schools • page 5

Sartell Newsleader •


Friday, Dec. 21, 2012

Big reward offered to help solve Decker’s murder A $100,000 reward is being offered to anyone who can supply tips leading to the arrest of the killer or killers in the death of Cold Spring-Richmond Police Officer Thomas Decker.

He was gunned down in Cold Spring the night of Nov. 29. Investigators are seeking the whereabouts of a 22-gauge shotgun they believe was used

in the shooting. They are also trying to find out from the public any information about a black van or mini-van with a loud muffler that was seen near Winner’s Sports Bar at the

time of the slaying. Anyone with information should call the Cold Spring Police Department at 320-6858666 or call the Stearns County Sheriff’s Office at 320-251-4240.


Federated challenge donates $300,000 to BBBS of Central Minnesota The Federated Insurance Foundation recently presented a check for $300,000 to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Minnesota based in St. Cloud. The donation comes from funds that were raised this past summer at the Federated Challenge for Kids of Minnesota. The two-day event, hosted by Federated and Wells Fargo Bank, was held in the Twin Cities area. Co-chaired by Federated Insurance Chairman Al Annexstad and his wife Cathy, the Federated Challenge has raised several million dollars in recent years to support the work of the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization in Minnesota. Since 2005, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Minnesota has received $1.9 million from the Federated Challenge, which represents the largest single source

of funding in the organization’s history. “We extend our deepest appreciation to Al and Cathy Annexstad for leading the Federated Challenge to be a major difference in the lives of the 800+ youth we serve annually,” noted Jackie Scholl Johnson, executive director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Minnesota. “While many people agree our children need our help, the Annexstads and Federated are doing something very meaningfully about it. Al and Cathy are incredible people doing extra-ordinary good. They are nationally recognized leaders in philanthropy and have inspired many others to do the same. Because of their generosity, Big Brothers Big Sisters is able to match more youth who are facing adversity

with a safe, caring and guiding mentor.” Three agencies of the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization currently serve Minnesota: the Twin Cities, Central Minnesota and Southern Minnesota in Owatonna. Together these agencies serve more than 5,000 children in the state, with several hundred more on waiting lists to be matched with adult mentors. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Minnesota was established in 1969 and helps youth to realize their potential by providing positive growth experiences through one-to-one mentoring relationships. To learn how you can become involved in the life of a child, as a mentor, volunteer or donor, call (320) 253-1616 or visit www.

If any readers have tips concerning crimes, they should call the Sartell Police Department at 251-8186 or Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 255-1301 or access its tip site at Crime Stoppers offers rewards up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for crimes.

so he is able to run where there are street lights. 7:55 p.m. Suspicious activity. Riverside Avenue. A report was made of lights on inside a house that has been vacant. Officers found it was being cleaned by the realty company.

running with a sleeping male inside. Upon contact, officers found the male was waiting for his son to get off work.

Dec. 5 12:20 a.m. Suspicious vehicle. Le Sauk Drive. A report was made of two vehicles that had parked in a dirt lot and shut off their lights. Officers found they were just talking and would be leaving shortly. 2:45 p.m. Juvenile check. 20th Avenue N. A report was made a small child got off at the wrong stop and no adult was going to be home. The child went to a neighbor’s home. Dec. 6 5:43 p.m. Suspicious vehicle. 5th Street N. A complaint was made regarding a suspicious vehicle parking behind the school. Officers waited for the owner to return and found he parks there

Dec. 7 12:57 a.m. Assault. Evergreen Drive. A complaint was made regarding an unknown male punching another male in the face and then running out of the building. The complainant did not want to file any charges. 6:12 p.m. Theft. Walmart. A female was witnessed attempting to leave the store with unpaid merchandise. She was issued a citation and a trespass notice and released. 11:11 p.m. Loud music. Cypress Circle. A complaint was made regarding loud music coming from a vehicle. Officers found a male was warming up his vehicle and had the music turned up loud. He turned down the music and left. 11:54 p.m. Suspicious vehicle. 14th Avenue N.E. A vehicle was witnessed parked and

People may also call Tri-County Crime Stoppers at 255-1301. People from outside of the area can call Crime Stoppers tollfree at 1-800-255-1301.

The Sartell boys seventh-grade basketball team nabbed firstplace honors at the Anoka Winter Classic Dec. 2 by defeatin North St. Paul , 50-42. The members of the team are (front row, left to right) Cole Zunker, Riley Hartwig, Evan DeMorett, Ben Rohlfs, Nick Daffinrud; (back row) Coach Gordy Meyer, Jay Bertelson, Ryan Fernholz, Trysten Bommersbach, Jordan Och, Trent Meyer and Coach Brad Rohlfs.


Dec. 8 1:16 a.m. Parking violation. Utah Road. Winter-parking citation issued. 1:42 a.m. Parking violation. 17th Street N. Winter-parking citation issued. 1:52 a.m. Parking violation. Whippoorwill Way. Winter-parking citation issued. 1:53 a.m. Parking violation. 14th Street N. Winter-parking citation issued. 2 a.m. Parking violation. 12th Street N. Winter-parking citation issued. 2:01 a.m. Parking violation. Whippoorwill Way. Winter-parking citation issued. 2:03 a.m. Parking violation. 11th Street N. Winter-parking citation issued. 2:21 a.m. Parking violation. Madison Court. Winter-parking citation issued. 2:36 a.m. Parking violation. Pebble Creek Drive. Winter-parking citation issued. 2:46 a.m. Parking violation.

Boulder Drive. Winter-parking citation issued. 2:53 a.m. Parking violation. Boulder Drive. Winter-parking citation issued. 3:01 a.m. Parking violation. Boulder Drive. Winter-parking citation issued. 3:13 a.m. Parking violation. 23rd Avenue N. Winter-parking citation issued. 3:20 a.m. Parking violation. 23rd Avenue N. Winter-parking citation issued. 3:27 a.m. Parking violation. 23rd Avenue N. Winter-parking citation issued. 7:36 a.m. Vandalism. 5th Avenue N,; 7th Street N,; Oak Hill Court; 5th Avenue N.; 10th Avenue N.; Village Avenue; 11th Avenue E. Multiple cars’ tires were slashed sometime during the night. Dec. 9 12:14 a.m. Traffic Stop. Pinecone Road. Officer witnessed two vehicles erratically driving through the school’s parking lot and onto the roadway. One driver denied doing donuts and the other admitted to the offense. One citation was issued

and the other driver was released, although he later received a citation for committing the same offense in another location. Dec. 10 1:20 a.m. Parking violation. Washington Court. Winter-parking citation issued. 1:31 a.m. Parking violation. Grizzly Lane. Winter-parking citation issued. 1:43 a.m. Parking violation. Utah Road. Winter-parking citation issued. 5:29 a.m. Parking violation. Brianna Drive. Winter-parking citation issued. 8:48 p.m. Domestic. Walmart. A complaint was made regarding a male and female arguing in front of the store. Once officers arrived, the couple calmed down and they were able to leave. 9:18 p.m. Juvenile complaint. DeZurik. A complaint was made regarding juvenile males attempting to build a ramp and snowboard behind the building. Officer spoke with the males and they left without incident.

Published each Friday by Von Meyer Publishing Inc. Publisher/Owner Janelle Von Pinnon

Newstands Country Store and Pharmacy Holiday on Riverside Drive Holiday on 7th Street N House of Pizza JM Speedstop

Little Dukes on Pinecone Sartell City Hall Sartell-St. Stephen School District Offices Walgreens

Editor Dennis Dalman

Contributing Writers TaLeiza Calloway Cori Hilsgen

Advertising Sales Assistant Kathryn Bjorke

Design/Layout Tara Wiese

Delivery Glen Lauer

P.O. Box 324 • 32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph, Minn. 56374 Phone (320) 363-7741 • Fax (320) 363-4195 • E-mail address: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ST. JOSEPH NEWSLEADER, P.O. Box 324, St. Joseph, MN 56374.

Friday, Dec. 21, 2012

Sartell Newsleader •

Mayor Perske to ring for homeless today Kettle totals will be matched by anonymous donor

Joe Perske is among five local mayors who, with the help of their communities, will vie for the title “2012 Top Bell Ringing Mayor” during the Salvation Army’s third annual Mayors’ Bell Ringing Challenge today, Dec. 21. Perske, who is defending his 2011 crown, will ring from 4-8 p.m. at the Walmart in Sartell. He is determined to maintain the crown he won last year while 2010 Champion St. Cloud Mayor Dave Kleis is vowing to “take it back.” Each Mayor will have his kettle early, so individual donations can be dropped off at their respective city halls prior to their scheduled ringing time. This is a joint effort of the mayors and their citizens to make sure everyone in our area has the opportunity to have a great Christmas. “It has been a challenging year for the families, but working together, we were able to make it a very merry Christmas for many families hit hardest,” said Major Lee Morrison. In addition to the help and support of communities members, the mayors will be helped by a “matching grant” from an anonymous donor who has agreed to match all the money raised by all the mayors which should more than double last year’s totals. Money raised by the mayors

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and their communities will be used to support the local Salvation Army’s Shelter and Food Programs. Throughout Christmas, the Salvation Army of St. Cloud helps families by giving away thousands of Christmas toys and food baskets to families in need. “There is a great desire in our community to reach out to others and to have a positive impact,” said Bill Kimball, advisory board chair of the St. Cloud Salvation Army. “This is demonstrated in the fact our Mayors are working together to make this a merry Christmas for all.” Since 1898, the Salvation Army has been providing social and spiritual services to the St. Cloud area and surrounding communities with a mission to give people purpose, hope and redemption. In the last year, the St. Cloud Area Salvation Army has provided more than 17,000 emergency shelter nights to families and individuals. (10 percent children) The volunteer kitchen staff served nearly 30,000 community lunch meals. To volunteer with the Salvation Army or to make a credit-card donation, call 320-252-4552. Checks made out to the Salvation Army can be sent to 400 Hwy. 10 S, St Cloud, MN 56304. Visit for more information or to make an online donation.

Ringing for a cause contributed photo

Sartell Middle School Student Council members rang the Salvation Army Bell on Tuesday, Dec. 11. Pictured are the following: Dahlia Bender, Emma Janu, Kalley VandeVrede, Drake Lalim, Karen Radi, Ezra Forthun, Hannah Congdon, Alexia Magedanz, Ashley Bieniek and Duane Sprague.


Sartell Newsleader •


Our View

Congress must act to ban assault weapons Gun control should no longer be the topic of “conversation,” “dialogue” or “debate.” There’s been enough of that verbal hand-wringing after every incident of gun-slaughter. The hot-topic words then dissipate into inaction – until the next shooter goes crazy and kills more people. Instead, gun control should be the topic of immediate legislative action. The U.S. Congress must tighten gun laws and it must do it now. The hideous slaughter of 20 precious children in Connecticut by yet another deranged gunman is the final straw. Enough is enough. Something must be done. Now! Not later. The sale of assault weapons must be banned, the sale of multi-bullet clips must be limited or banned, and gun shows must be forced to run a background check of every customer and/or be fined or put out of business. Gun proponents will argue the gunman who killed the children was using guns purchased legally by his mother, which means, ironically, he killed her with one of her own guns before murdering children and adults at the school. Be that as it may, the time is now to act against the insane proliferation of guns and ammunition in this gun-crazed society. Hunting, target shooting, legitimate gun-collecting as a hobby, guns for self-protection – all well and fine. But there is absolutely no need to make available assault weapons and multi-ammo clips which allow these twisted fiends to kill so many people in a matter of seconds. We keep hearing that lame old excuse: “If he’s elected, he’ll take our huntin’ guns away!” How many decades have we heard that nonsense, and yet some hunters who still have all their hunting guns intact are still giving voice to that tiresome old line. And, of course, that “line” (read “lie”) is heavily promulgated by the leadership of the National Rifle Association, one of the biggest lobbying groups in United States history. The NRA has blackmail power over virtually every candidate for office. If a candidate even mentions the subject of gun control, the NRA and its followers ramp up efforts to defeat that candidate. As a result, a muzzling cowardice silences just about every senator and congressperson. The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the “Right to Bear Arms,” is definitely an American right. But, like just about every right we have, it is not an unlimited right. For instance, freedom of speech does not allow us to yell fire in a crowded movie theater or to incite riots with inflammatory language. The right (and privilege) to drive does not allow us to speed or drive in the wrong lane. The notion the “Right to Bear Arms” means a lunatic proliferation of deadly assault weapons is a ludicrous presumption, and it’s one that should be squelched once and for all. These lobbyists who work so tirelessly against reasonable, vitally necessary restrictions on guns and gun ownership should be ashamed of themselves. They should join the ranks of so many Americans trying mightily to make our country – and all of its children – safer by limiting this contemptible proliferation of guns, guns, guns. Gun control, of course, won’t stop all violence, but the proper kind of gun control – especially a ban on assault weapons – would go a long way to helping make us all safer. Let’s contact our legislators and insist they vote for gun-control measures that have long been proposed but that have been languishingly defeated because of the ever-present gun lobby.

Fairness and ethics

Newsleader staff members have the responsibility to report news fairly and accurately and are accountable to the public. Readers who feel we’ve fallen short of these standards are urged to call the Newsleader office at 363-7741. If matters cannot be resolved locally, readers are encouraged to take complaints to the Minnesota News Council, an independent agency designed to improve relationships between the public and the media and resolve conflicts. The council office may be reached at 612-341-9357.

Friday, Dec. 21, 2012

Opinion It’s Dec. 21. Where is everybody? Hello? Hello? Is anybody there? Hello? I’m writing this column on Dec. 13, eight days before the end of the world. With any luck, it will appear in the Friday, Dec. 21 Newsleader. Unless, of course, the end of the world shuts down the printing press, not to mention all writers and readers – forever. Dec. 21 is supposed to be Doomsday. There are three theories that predict the Last Day. One claims the Earth will be ruined due to a gravitational effect caused by the alignment between the sun and a black hole in the center of our galaxy. I imagine that will cause us to be squeezed into little dots or stretched out like taffy strands. Another theory says a reversal of the north and south magnetic poles will cause chaos and destruction. Sounds to me like just another normal day on Poor Planet Earth. A third theory is the “Mayan” prediction that time will run out Dec. 21, causing an immediate halt to the planet and ruining my vacation plans. Scientists are refuting all those theories, claiming they are all nonsense. But – hey – what do scientists know? They’re the eggheads who came up with that ridiculous theory of global warming. Anybody who watches the Fox Channel knows that’s a bunch of baloney.

Dennis Dalman Editor For the past few days, I’ve quit making Do Lists; I’m not paying any bills; housework is out of the question; any plans beyond the next hour I’ve put on permahold. Why do anything? If the Final Cancellation comes Friday, why bother now with such pathetic little human endeavors? I have spent a lot of time lately, however, debating about what to have for my last meal. I’ve decided on a late dinner for Dec. 20, a few hours before midnight when I assume the Big Kaput will happen. I’m going to have a rotisserieroasted chicken, along with mashed potatoes and asparagus with hollandaise sauce. For dessert, I’m going to eat – piece by piece – an entire pumpkin pie covered with ReddiWhip. (The pie is already ready. I made it this morning.) As I digest that dinner, I’ll pop open a bottle or two of champagne. Friends and neighbors will join me. We’ll all toast to what a heck of a life it’s been as we await the ultimate Send-Off. Then, as we watch the clock, seeing the last precious earthly minutes tick-tock away, we’ll all toast again,

clanking our glasses as we kiss our butts goodbye. Many years ago, when I was a kid, I saw a movie called “On the Beach.” It was about a group of Australians living their last hours before a nuclear holocaust. That film disturbed me deeply, and I thought for days about what I would do if I knew The End was nigh. I concluded I would break into a candy store and eat all the candy I could get my hands on. In ninth grade, I was sitting in civics class, my eyes fixed upon the classroom clock, wondering if at any second, at about 1:20 p.m., we students and the creaky old teacher would disintegrate. That was during the Cuban Missile Crisis. How dumb to be sitting in a civics class at the edge of the End of the World. This time around, I wish I had a better “End” idea than eating a roast chicken and gobbling down a pumpkin pie in terminal gluttony. It would be better to make some kind of extravagant final gesture, like waving from the top of the Eiffel Tower or wind-surfing in the air of the Grand Canyon. But, lacking travel money, the piggy dinner will have to do. If we get lucky and the world doesn’t end, we can all celebrate, but I’ll be somewhat disappointed because, once again, here come the do lists, the house chores, the billpaying and my dreaded and futile annual New Year’s diet plan.

Winters don’t scare Minnesotans. I’ve joined the club. When I told my family I was moving to Minnesota four years ago, they asked me, “Why? Don’t you know how cold it is there?” They asked me that in August shortly before I had planned to move here for work. I had been to Minnesota prior to moving but only during the summer. While I had heard winters were brutal, I really didn’t know what was in store. The first time schools closed due to the wind chill, I asked my boss at the time if I was still supposed to report to work. That’s the thing about being a journalist. The colder it gets, the more information reporters need to get to readers about how long the cold will last and if this is the coldest it’s been in years. My car wouldn’t start, so he picked me up and brought me to work. I wrote the first of many weather stories that day. When I tell people I’m from Ohio, they say, “Oh, it gets cold there, too, with Lake Erie, right?” Yes, it does. It gets really cold in Cleveland at times. However, when it snows in Cleveland and we hit below-zero temperatures, it doesn’t last for four days as it does here in Minnesota.

TaLeiza Calloway Reporter The cold lingers here and just when you start to thaw, it hits you again – the cold, that is. That has been my observation in the four years I’ve lived here. After the first snow storm, I called my mother and told her one thing, “Minnesotans are tough.” The colder it gets and the more snow that falls, the more Minnesotans go out. It’s as if it’s raining instead of snowing. They are fearless. Well, after three winters here, I’m becoming a Minnesotan. The fear I once felt about driving in the snow and ice has started to dwindle. Longjohns are a consistent part of my wardrobe between the months of October and March. I have my snow brush and shovel in my car at all times. I keep de-icer in my trunk in case my doors freeze – something that has happened to me on several occasions. Not fun.

I keep water and snacks in my car in case I get stuck somewhere without food. I have a flashlight in the glove compartment. It took me awhile to get to this point of winter accommodation, but here I am. I’ve learned it’s all in the preparation. I knew I was becoming more of a Minnesotan when 11 inches of snow fell, and I only complained once. I used to be so shocked at how awful the winters are here. Now, I might make a comment or two, grab my shovel and go about my day. Yep, Minnesota has become my home – even if it is a tundra-like climate for several months out of the year. The cold is not going to subside just because I want it to. There are people who have lived here all their lives and complain more than I do. There are some who live here and actually like the winters. “Like” is not a word I think I could ever use to describe how I feel about Minnesota winters. I’m still determining what that word is. In the meantime, I’ve learned to prepare for winter early, to gripe less and bundle up. After all, that’s the Minnesota way!

Send your opinions to: The Newsleaders • P.O. Box 324 • St. Joseph, MN 56374 or email us at

Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, Dec. 21, 2012

Schools from front page shooter continue to sadden and outrage the world. Randy Husman, principal of Oak Ridge Elementary School in Sartell, said administrators and staff at Sartell schools became aware, via Internet sources, about the shootings right after they happened, but nobody at the time had a clue just how horrific the killings were or how many had died. Later, the full force of the awful news devastated all who heard it at the schools. Sartell’s two elementary schools, Oak Ridge and Pine Meadow, are functioning well, Husman said. All of the teachers, administrators and other staff members are very careful not to alarm students. A school social worker is available for students at both schools if students and/or their parents need to talk about the Connecticut tragedy. Husman and other education experts are recommending parents do not bring up the subject unless their children ask questions, express fears or show signs of insecurity. Then parents should assure the students they will be safe in their own schools and that what happened is children were hurt in a faraway school by a person who did bad things. Husman said parents should not overelaborate; they should keep their answers simple, always with reassurances to the children that everyone loves them and they will be safe in their schools. Husman also recommends parents or guardians limit the television and computer time of elementary-aged children during the coming week or so, as photos and news about the victims and the perpetrator will be ever-present. Parents and

other adults who express horrror, sadness or outrage about the killings should do so away from children. Experts say children who see parents in stressful emotional states will begin to worry they are not safe. Children who do not know anything about the shootings should not be told about them, experts advise, and if parents must talk about the tragedy, they should keep it simple, vague and then minimize it as a faraway sad thing that happened. Parents, for instance, should say the children were “hurt,” not killed. Husman said all schools in Sartell have had emergency plans in place for years in the unthinkable occurrence an intruder would try to wreak havoc. He said emergency lock-down and exit drills take place five times a year in the schools. In some cases, teachers are notified in advance of the drills; at other times, they are not told beforehand. In addition, the schools have many other plans that would fall into place immediately in case of an emergency, including instant contact with all emergency agencies and safety protocols within the schools that involve aspects that cannot be released to the general public. The best response to the Connecticut shootings, Husman said, is to do activities with children to keep them happy and busy. Family togetherness while doing fun things, he said, is one of the best ways to make children feel safe and secure. The shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School took the lives of 12 girls and eight boys – most of them firstgraders. Six female adults who worked in the school, including its principal, also died while trying to protect the children from the 20-year-old shooter. Two adults were injured and are now recuperating and do-

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ing well. The shooter took his own life at the school. Before he went to the school, he shot and killed his mother, then took three of her guns (one of them an assault rifle, two others handguns) to the school where he shot his way in through a barrier and began his indiscriminate slaughter. As of press time Wednesday, the investigation into the incident was still underway, with details still sketchy or unknown about many factors, including the killer’s possible motives. The incident sent shock waves throughout the nation, causing many to call for bans on assault weapons, beefed-up school security and a new emphasis on help for the mentally ill. President Barack Obama delivered an impassioned speech during a memorial service Sunday in Newtown for those who died in the vicious attack. “Can we honestly say we’re doing enough to keep our children – all of them – safe from harm?” Obama asked the audience. “I think the answer is no. If we don’t get that right, we don’t get anything right.” As personal news of the victims was released to the public, the sad news became even sadder as people learned the names of each victim, saw photos of their smiling faces and heard about the talents, hobbies and hopes of each child. It was the latest of the many school shootings that have plagued the nation in recent years. The worst, in terms of number of victims (32), was the Virginia Tech incident in which a lone gunman went on a killing spree on the campus. Many people, however, are calling the Connecticut shootings the “worst” in the nation’s history because of the number of children murdered, as well as six heroic school staff members.

SMA from front page deserving graduating seniors each spring. The SMA Board might have to forego giving one of those scholarships in the future. Pasell said the school district has been extremely grateful for SMA’s projects. In return, Pasell said she is grateful the Sartell-St. Stephen School District has always strongly supported music programs, unlike other school districts that, when in a financial bind, tend to target music and the arts as the first victims of the budget axe. Pasell and other SMA members on the six-member board are proud of the SMA’s accomplishments throughout the years. For example, the two holiday concerts on the night

5 of Dec. 17 were huge successes and fine examples of how music flourishes in Sartell schools. The concerts, entitled “Songs of the Season,” featured singers accompanied by an orchestra the SMA hired, at a cost of $1,500. At this point, Sartell does not have its own orchestra. But happily, that may change in the coming years. Just this school year, an orchestra strings class was begun at Sartell Middle School by the new director, Dave Lumley. That is expected to rapidly become a seed program that will grow each year until there is a full-fledged and successful Sartell-St. Stephen School Orchestra. The following is a list of some of the many ways the SMA has contributed in recent years and this year, too, to the success of music in Sartell schools: • Donates $1,500 annually SMA • page 6



Sartell Newsleader •

• Purchased costume dresses for the girls choir. • Bought a wireless stereo system needed by the middlefrom front page school choir director, Kay Nelson. The SMA also hired a mufor the Artist in Residency pro- sical assistant for the middlegram, which recently featured school choir concert Dec. 13. • Purchased instruments Native American dancers performing at the elementary to start a “Crackerjack-style” schools. It also funds guest small drumline for Sartell students, plus a curriculum conductors now and then. • Purchased enough basic showing how to set up such instruments – including tri- a drumline, so popular in paangles, bells and drums – so rades. • As mentioned above, the all children at the elementaryschool level have their own to SMA gives two $1,000 scholarships each spring. play. Pasell is excited about the • Helps buy band instruments for the Sartell Marching “Sartell’s Got Talent” show set for Feb. 9. This year, the theme Band.

will be “Beach Boys,” and students and some adults will perform variety music (instrumentals, singing, groups, solos) for the first hour. That will be followed by band director Lumley’s band performance of Beach-Boy-type songs from the 1960s. After that, there will be more musical performances and skits by students and adults. There will be cash prizes for the top three acts. It’s an ideal time, Pasell said, for parents to hear the musical numbers their children have been working on so hard for so long, in preparation for the regional Solo and Ensemble contest coming up later. There is no venue yet announced for the “Sartell’s Got Talent” show, but it will be announced in the media, including the Sartell Newsleader, in the near future. Other musical events Pasell hopes parents and the general public look for are the high school “Jazz Extravaganza” in February and the elementary schools’ “Music in Our Schools” concerts this spring. More details about them will be announced later. Pasell said the SMA could really use a few more board members and volunteers, not to mention monetary contributions to help it continue its projects for the schools’ musical programs. To find out how to join or to contribute, go to the school site’s web-

Friday, Dec. 21, 2012

contributed photo

A line of tuba players rehearses in the band room at Sartell Middle School. site at On the blue tab bar above, click on “Community.” Then, within the pull-down menu, click on “Sartell Music Association.” There, a membership form can be downloaded. Anyone interested in the SMA can also email the organization at Pasell, a data analyst at the St. Cloud Veterans Administration Hospital, loves to play piano and flute. Music is definitely a hereditary trait, she believes. Her daughter, Hanna, who is a chemistry student at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, also plays piano and flute. Her other daughter, Taylor, a junior at Sartell High School, plays piano, guitar and

sings in the high school’s concert choir and with the Youth Chorale of Central Minnesota. Although Pasell’s husband, Bryan, does not play an instrument, he loves music and has been unstintingly supportive of his family’s musical pursuits, Passel added. “Music is so important for learning,” she said. “They’ve proven it’s good for both parts of the brain and helps students learn other subjects. And it’s a lifelong pleasure people can enjoy. So many people at the Monday-night concert did not have kids in school. They attended it because they wanted to appreciate the music. That shows how important music is to people.”

Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, Dec. 21, 2012

Wishing you the very best this holiday season!

Arlington Place

Happy holidays from


21 16th Ave. S.E., St Joseph • 363-1313

2380 Troop Drive, Ste. 201, Sartell • 258-3915

Yuletide wishes from all of us at

Happy holidays from all of us at

8505 Ridgewood Road, St. Joseph • 363-6999

15 Minnesota St., Ste. 107, St. Joseph • 433-4326


A toast to you - thanks for your continued patronage.


35 N. College Ave., St. Joseph • 271-0274

Best wishes for a happy holiday season!

Chem-Dry of St. Cloud 320-252-9799


ST. JOSEPH LIQUOR SHOPPE Hwy. 75, St. Joseph • 363-8636

Happy Holidays from

St. Joseph Meat Market 26 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph • 363-4913

Season’s greetings from all of us in

Happy holidays from all of us at


St. Joseph • 363-5011 Collegeville • 363-2011

Happy holidays from

College of saint BenEDICT & saint John’s University

Happy holidays to you and yours

Michael contardo, dds 26 2nd Avenue NW, St. Joseph • 363-4468

With all Best Wishes for a Joyous Season and a Very Happy New Year!


250 Riverside Ave. N., Sartell • 259-2000

Wishing you a Merry Christmas from all of us at


Ken Hiemenz, president P. O. Box 374, St. Joseph • 363-8803

STEARNS COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. 21 Court House Square, St. Cloud • 251-5920

May the light of Christmas shine through while you attend church this Christmas season. From all of us at

STONEHOUSE STAINED GLASS 438 1st St. SE, Avon • 356-9211

Happy holidays from

Welch Dental

151 19th Street S., Ste. B • Sartell • 229-2233

8914 Ridgewood Court, St. Joseph • 363-7453

Happy holidays from all of us at

Wishing You a Merry Christmas from all of us at

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McDonald’s St. Joseph

1180 East Elm St. • St. Joseph • 320-363-4223

Happy holidays from all of us at


32 First Avenue NW, St. Joseph • 363-7741




Sartell Newsleader • LEgal notICES

Friday, Dec. 21, 2012

REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING SARTELL-ST. STEPHEN PUBLIC SCHOOLS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 748 NOV. 26, 2012 DISTRICT CENTER BOARD ROOM The regular school board meeting of Independent School District 748 implementation. Breitkreutz also spoke about network and technology support levels at the schools. was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair Dan Riordan. Members present: Riordan; Greg Asfeld, clerk; Lesa Kramer, treasurer; Mary McCabe, Superintendent Hill introduced a draft proposal for a collective-bargaining model for future negotiations. The director; Michelle Meyer, director; Chris Gross, director; and Joseph Board discussed next steps in determining how to proceed with future collective-bargaining processes. Hill, superintendent. Members absent: None. The Board took a recess at 8:50 p.m. The meeting began again at 8:55 p.m. A motion was made by Kramer and seconded by McCabe to approve the agenda with the following changes: addition of the public forum oppor- Business Services Director Steve Wruck introduced Kara Gaffy from KDV who completed the audit of the fistunity before the consent agenda; add to personnel resolution for Heck, cal year ending June 30, 2012. Gaffy presented the audit results. A motion was made by Kramer and seconded Stang and Myers; move check #149465 from consent agenda to separate by McCabe to review and accept the audit for year ending June 30, 2012 as presented. All in favor. Motion carried. item to follow consent. All in favor. Motion carried. Kramer updated the Board on an agreement reached with the Principals Association. Business Services DirecRiordan congratulated newly elected members and welcomed Board tor Wruck and Human Resources Director Nicole Hylen answered questions. A motion was made by Meyer Member Michelle Meyer who began service on the Board at this meeting. and seconded by Asfeld to approve the contract with the Sartell-St. Stephen Principals Association for 20112013. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion was made by Asfeld and seconded by Gross to approve consent items a-c as presented below: A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Gross to approve the SHS Spanish Club fundraiser for travel to Cost Rica in June, 2013. All in favor. Motion carried. a. Minutes of the meeting held on Oct. 15, 2012 and the special meeting held on Nov. 16, 2012 A motion was made by Meyer and seconded by Kramer to have third reading and approve new Policies 507, b. Checks in the amount of $3,440,161.21 as presented: 508 AND 524. The Board discussed notification to parents regarding opting out of internet activities. All in General 1,723,088.03 favor. Motion carried. Food Service 165,696.51 A motion was made by Kramer and seconded by McCabe to have second reading and approve revised Policies Transportation 195,698.98 514, 516 and 525. All in favor. Motion carried. Community Service 52,556.04 Capital Expenditure 177,712.17 A motion was made by Meyer and seconded by Asfeld to remove Policies 509.2, 528 and 606.1. All in favor. Building Fund 1,124,331.06 Motion carried. Summer Rec Agency 1,078.42 Check numbers 149282 to 149915. A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Meyer to schedule the annual board organizational meeting at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 7. All in favor. Motion carried. Receipts in the amount of $5,229,461.03 as presented: General Fund 3,796,626.91 The Board noted a Policy Committee meeting to be held on Dec. 11 at the District Service Center. Food Service Fund 190,804.59 Transportation Fund 25,777.02 A motion was made by McCabe and seconded by Kramer to approve the personnel omnibus resolution. Community Service Fund 108,995.36 New Employees or Changes: Capital Expenditure Fund 4,075.67 Building Fund 168.72 Name Bldg. Position Compensation Change Debt Service Fund 1,103,012.76 1. Sherry PME Cashier, 2.5 hrs/day R1 S1, $13.49 Increase in .25 hr/day due to Receipts 37798-37922 Ritter-Ramer increased need Wire transfers in the amount of $34,321.34 as presented: 2. Molly Carey SHS Asst dance, 4.175% BS1, $1,384 New position, outside funded General Fund 30,182.35 3. Emily Meyer SHS Spanish, 41.67% BA S1, $13,817 Replacing Thomas Stang Food Service Fund 2,782.58 Community Service Fund 1,356.41 4. Leah Olk PME LTS elem ed BS S1, $181.19/ Covering leave of Angela day Seutter Wire transfers 201200019-201200027 5. Anna Burbridge PME LTS elem ed BS S1, $181.19/ Covering leaves of Megan c. Accept the resignations of Lynn Fitzhum, SMS para, effective 12day Brown and Karen Wolford 01-12; Jessi Mabis, food services, effective 11-21-12; Shannon Mill6. Wendy Goltz DSC SLP LTS MS S1, $229.73/ Covering leaves of Jacqi er, supervision, effective 11-12-12; Theresa Skalla, spec. ed. para, Schultz and Marcia Gaetz day effective 10-16-12; Debbie Anderson, student supervisor, effective PME Playground supervi- $12.50 Replacing Judy Ohman 10-16-12; Roxanne Yasgar, ORE para, effective 10-15-12; and Jamie 7. Annette Binder sion, 2hrs/day Kelley, food Sservices, effective 11-21-12; and the retirement of Michael Glauner, substitute bus driver, effective 01-15-13; and Patti 8. Rich Schimenek SHS Strength training, BS2, $1,139 New position, outside funded 3.35% Lutz, SHS health teacher, effective 02-20-13. SHS

Asst boys 9.5%

10. Ryan Voss


Asst girls basketball, BS3, $3,661 10.5%

Replacing Kristen Hansen

Vote on consent agenda. All in favor. Motion carried.

11. Karlye Barron


9th-grade girls basket- BS1, $2,769 ball, 8.35%

Replacing Ryan Voss

A motion was made by Kramer and seconded by Meyer to table payment of check number 149465 until the board treasurer views itemized bill for services. The Board discussed allowing for the Treasurer to review an itemized bill to be provided and allowing for payment to be released upon favorable review. All in favor. Motion carried.

12. Christopher Almen-Sjogren


JH boys swim, 6.35% BS1, $2,106

Replacing Tim Leehahl

13. Lynn Wegner


Asst boys swim, 9.5% BS1, $3,150

Replacing Landon Misler

14. Nancy Walters


SRGF para

R4 S1, $14.99

Replacing Denise Waldvogel

15. Denise Waldvogel ORE

Para, 6.25 hrs/day


Change assignment from DSC para to new ORE para, increase of 14.75 hrs/wk

16. Sandy Harrison


Student supervision

R1 S1, $12.65

Replacing Karen Butler

17. Amal Ayyub


Para, 4.5 hrs/day

R4 S1, $14.99

Replacing Michelle Gacke

18. Melissa Anderson DSC

ECSE, 7 hrs/wk

R4 S1, $14.99

New position

19. Judy Ohman


Door greeter/student Range IV S5, Replacing Denise Waldvogel supervision, 3.5 hrs/day $15.48

20. Jon Christensen


LTS music

BS S1, $181.19/day Covering leave of Amy Hart

21. Kim Larsen


ECFE teacher


22. Kadie Mathews


Lunchroom supervisor $12.50

Replacing Shannon Miller

23. Teresa Heck


LTS elementary ed, BA S1, $18,300 101 days

Replacing Cindy Helgerson

24. Thomas Stang


LTS Spanish

25. Mathew Myers


9th-grade basketball, BS1, $2,729 8.35%

McCabe noted a correction in the minutes from the Oct. 15, 2012 meeting removing reference to a personnel plan in the motion for approval of a superintendent contract. The Board agreed to this correction.

During School Board Committee reports, Kramer reported on a Finance Committee meeting and McCabe reported on an Operations Committee meeting. Assessment Coordinator Amy Trombley presented results of state testing and compared most recent results with previous years. Early Childhood Director Barb Eckberg, Special Education Director Marlene Grindland and Pine Meadow Elementary Principal Greg Johnson updated the Board on the early childhood program and the transition to the new space at the District Service Center. Several teachers from each school building and from ECFE/ECSE presented site-academic-improvement plans for their schools and how goals were formed. Principals thanked the teachers for work on these goals. Assessment Coordinator Trombley reviewed the results of the Vision 2015 Fall Survey. Information Technology Director Kyle Breitkreutz reviewed progress on the District Information Technology Plan and discussed next steps in


Bruce Thompson

hockey, BS1, $3,150

Replacing Ben Bengston, outside funded

Additional 66 hours/year for added class

BS S1, $181.19/ Covering leave of Jennifer day Madrigal New position, outside funded

Board • page 9

Friday, Dec. 21, 2012

Sartell Newsleader •

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 PROJECT A. ISD 748 Parking Lot Reconstruction Project – High School, Middle School and District Service Center 212 3rd Ave. N., Sartell, MN 56377 1.2 OWNER A. Sartell-St. Stephen ISD 748 212 3rd Ave. N., Sartell, MN 56377 1.3 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER A. Winkelman Building Corp., 340 Highway 10 S., St. Cloud, MN 56304 1.4 PRE-BID MEETING A. Site Visitation: Bidders may visit Project site to familiarize themselves with local conditions after checking in with Owner at Administrative Office before visiting Project site. Owner will maintain continuous occupancy during construction. 1.5 BIDS DUE A. 2 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2013. 1.6 PLACE DUE A. Submit bids to the attention of Steve Wruck at District Offices located at 212 3rd Ave. N, Sartell, MN 56377. B. Bids will be opened in public and will be accepted by sealed envelope. 1.7 TYPE OF BIDDING, AND CLASSES OF WORK A. Owner will accept proposals from Bidders for the separate prime contract awards for the Parking Lot Reconstruction at Sartell High School, Sartell Middle School and District Service Center. The specific contract packages are delineated in Section: Description of Base Bid and Alternates. 1.8

AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTS Drawings and specifications are on file at the following locations: 1.) The office of the Construction Manager, Winkelman Building Corp. in St. Cloud, Minn. 2.) St. Cloud Builders Exchange 3.) Minneapolis Builders Exchange 4.) Reed Construction Data

1.9 DOCUMENTS DEPOSIT A. Documents may be obtained from Thomas Reprographics (formally Albinson’s) on deposit of (one hundred fifty) dollars ($150) per set made payable to Winkelman Building Corp. Please call ahead to the office of Thomas Reprographics (320-656-1300) for the release of the prints to you. Return documents to the office of Winkelman Building 340 Highway 10 S, St. Cloud, MN. Deposit is refundable upon return of Documents (Spec book(s), plans/drawings and all Addendum(s), in good condition, to Construction Manager’s office WITHIN 14 DAYS AFTER CONTRACT HAS BEEN AWARDED. Failure to submit Bid or to return Documents, as indicated, will result in forfeiture of deposit. B. Documents requiring mailing will be charged an additional twenty-five dollars ($25) per set non-refundable, made out to Thomas Reprographics. C. Bidding documents will be posted on website for downloading. Contact Winkelman Building Corp. with questions regarding access to this website. 1.10

BIDDING DOCUMENTS A. Persons requiring Documents other than as above may purchase them. No refunds on purchased items. Bidder is solely responsible for selection of Drawing sheets and completeness of their Bid. Submit request in writing or by phone. For purchase of complete sets, Drawing sheets or Specification sheets, contact Architect.

1.11 BID SECURITY: A. Prime Contract Bidders shall submit certified check or surety bond, payable to Owner, in amount of 5 percent of Bid. Surety must be authorized to do business in State of Minnesota. Bid security to be guarantee that Bidder will not withdraw bid without owner’s consent. Bids to be valid for 30 days. 1.12 PERFORMANCE BOND A. Performance Bond is required for contracts $75,000 and higher. 1.13 REJECTION A. Owner reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to wa ive Bidding formalities, and to award prime contracts to Bidder that Owner finds to their best advantage. B. Each Bidder agrees to waive any claim it has or may have against Owner, Architect, engineer, and their respective employees, arising out of or in connection with administration, evaluation or recommendation of any Bid. 1.14 PRIOR APPROVAL A. This Contract has a 7-calendar day prior approval clause for product Substitutions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3 - EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION Publish: Dec. 21, 2012 & Jan. 4, 2013


LEgal notICEs


from page 8

Leaves of Absence: Name




Expected Duration

26. Jennifer Madrigal


Spanish teacher

Leave of Absence 11-25-12 to 01-21-13

27. Kristin Hanson


PE teacher

Leave of Absence 09-04-12 to 10-17-12

28. Angela Seutter


1st-grade teacher

Leave of Absence 02-22-13 to 05-31-13

29. Karen Wolford


1st-grade teacher

Leave of Absence 03-07-13 to 05-31-13

30. Amy Hart


Music teacher

Leave of Absence 10-23-12 to 01-23-2013

31. Therese Nierengarten


Social worker

Leave of Absence Extension of leave through 01-21-13

All in favor. Motion carried. The Board completed official reviews of Policies 527 and 531. The Board had first readings of revisions of Policies 529 and 535. The Board had the second of three readings of proposed new Policy 519 and the first of three readings of proposed new Policy 534. A motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:43 p.m. was made by Gross and seconded by Asfeld. All in favor. Motion carried. __________________________________________ Greg Asfeld, Clerk Publish: Dec. 21, 2012 The following official summary of the ordinance referred to has been approved by the City Council of Sartell as clearly informing the public of the intent and effect of the ordinance: SUMMARY ORDINANCE NO. 12-03 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY FEE SCHEDULE The Council of the City of Sartell at the office of the City Clerk at the hereby ordains: Sartell City Hall. Summary The 2013 Schedule of City fees is hereby adopted. The fees adopted include Administrative and Publications, Licensing, Cemetery, Development-Related, Police and Fire, Equipment and Facility Rental and Utility Service Fees. Effective Date That this ordinance is effective on Jan. 1, 2013. A printed copy of the entire ordinance itemizing all City fees is available for inspection by any person during regular office hours

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Sartell Newsleader •


Friday, Dec. 21, 2012

Heroin ‘dragon’ rears its head in central Minnesota by Dennis Dalman

Just as the use of methamphetamines began to decline in central Minnesota, the use of another highly dangerous drug, heroin, began to increase. In just the past 18 months, there have been 20 heroin overdoses in the greater St. Cloud area, and seven of those were fatal, according to Dan Miller of the Sartell Police Department, an investigator for the Central Minnesota Violent Offenders Task Force. Miller said none of those deaths occurred in Sartell, although heroin usage can happen virtually anywhere. In Minnesota, heroin use from 2010 to 2011 increased by a staggering 1,500 percent, and arrests for selling and/or using heroin were up by 95 percent, involving about 200 offenders, Miller noted. It’s a stunning change from three or four years ago, when drug investigators didn’t hear the word “heroin” brought up very often in the course of their work. Most heroin users are in the 18-30 age group, Miller said, although they can range from

younger than that to senior citizens. The drug contributes to the alarming statistic that drug overdoses are now the leading cause of death among people ages 35-59, topping car accidents as the leading cause of death in that age group, Miller noted. What’s most worrisome is that addictions and overdoses are caused, increasingly, by heroin that is unusually “pure,” Miller said. The “purer” the drug, the more dangerous it is.

What is it?

Heroin is a pain-killing opiate derived from morphine, a substance which is produced by the opium poppy, cultivated in some areas of the world, most prominently Afghanistan where 90 percent of the world’s supply now originates. In street lingo, it’s often known as smack, skag or horse. It’s sold as a black-tar gummy blob or in powder that is white, tan or gray. Heroin can be injected intravenously, subcutaneously, into a muscle or snorted up the nose. It can also be taken as a suppository. Once inside the body, the heroin converts into morphine. Heroin and morphine do

Now Hiring: Freelancers sought The Newsleaders seeks freelance writers and photographers to cover town-specific events/ meetings/personalities. Freelancers are paid per story/photo. If interested, please email a resume and a few writing/photo samples to janellev@

32 1st Ave. N.W. • St. Joseph


Join the Journey You are warmly invited to our

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Dec. 24, 5 p.m. 405 Riverside Ave. N. • Sartell

have legitimate medical uses, such as in the control of very severe pain. But for decades, its illegitimate uses have hooked and destroyed people throughout the world. When users take heroin, they get a rush of extreme euphoria that lasts just a few seconds, which then subsides into a pleasant sedated, floating feeling for several hours. The drug is highly addictive, and some addicts, Miller said, often say they were hooked from the very first time they tried it. A heroin overdose results in the shutdown of the respiratory system, causing suffocation. Opiate addiction is extremely insidious, Miller said, because people can become addicted in a roundabout way. Some people start by getting “high” on a prescription pill called oxycontin or other opiate-containing substances. Not long ago, oxycontin pills were coated with a time-released substance so the pill’s potency would be released gradually, over time, in the body. Drug users would crush the pills before ingesting them so more potency would be released at once, causing the euphoria feeling they craved. Pharmaceutical companies got wise to that illegal practice and began putting a time-released substance throughout the pill, frustrating pill abusers. It didn’t take long for some opiate pill poppers to realize heroin, at only about $30 for one-tenth of a gram, could get them two or three very powerful “highs.” The addictive habit then begins. Miller said many heroin users, often called “junkies,” use a phrase called “chasing the dragon.” That is because they are always in pursuit of the initial high (the “dragon”) they experienced the first time they tried the drug. Stopping a heroin habit is extremely difficult. The addict goes through an excruciating period of withdrawal that usually requires some kind of hospitalization. Withdrawal, which can last for many days, includes fevers, chills, loss of appetite, terrible joint and body aches, severe diarrhea, convulsions and hallucinations.

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contributed photo

These are examples of brown and white powdered heroin compared to the size of a penny. Sold usually in a small balloon, these doses would likely provide a heroin user with two or three “highs.”

Heroin purity

Many fatal or near-fatal overdoses of heroin are caused by the user having no idea of how “pure” a batch of heroin happens to be. The word “purity” means how much heroin is in the lump, powder or liquid mixture that is ingested by the user. Miller said the purity of heroin in central Minnesota has increased dramatically in just the last couple of years. Users used to get heroin that was 30 percent pure or less in its various forms. But now, heroin can be as much as 90 percent pure, which is far more than most users can tolerate. As a result, addicts who are used to the lower purity of the drug will shoot up a far purer dose, which can cause almost instant death. Many addicts, in fact, are found dead with a needle still in their arms because that kind of pure heroin does its damage so quickly, shutting down the body’s autonomic system, ceasing the ability to breathe and causing suffocation. When users buy heroin from a seller, most have no idea of how pure the substance is, and thus they end up playing an unwitting form of Russian roulette.


Those who sell (“push”) heroin are smooth and cynical operators, Miller noted, because they offer high-quality (purer) heroin for “reasonable” costs, thus addicting new users and assuring a future “customer base.” As more people become addicted, sellers can then gradually up their prices, enriching themselves and other dealers while bringing misery and/or death to the addicts. Sellers have also realized the advantage of smuggling and selling heroin rather than lessdangerous drugs like marijuana. For example, heroin sellers can reap about $1 million for a mere seven pounds of heroin. It would take at least 150 pounds of marijuana, a hard-to-conceal bulky volume of “grass,” to bring in $1 million to a seller.

Heroin is “big business.” It generates an estimated $55 billion worldwide in sales annually, Miller noted.

Little balloons

Heroin is often sold stuffed in little colored balloons, the same penny balloons available in candy stores. Addicts usually mix the substance in water and heat it, often in a spoon, before injecting it with a hypodermic needle. They can also grind the powder and snort it. It only takes a slight amount to get the junkie’s goal – a euphoric “rush” followed by a prolonged “high.”


Addicts, of course, Miller said, tend to be desperate to the point they will do bad things they would normally never do, such as rob their parents, grandparents or anyone else. If often starts with “robbing” medicine chests of opiate-based medications like oxycontin. Later, if the opiate addict goes beyond such prescription pills, he or she may resort to stealing, pawning or outright robbery to get the money to satisfy an ever-growing addiction. Miller, who gives many public talks about the problem, recommends parents, grandparents and others lock up out of sight any opiate-based medications. He also encourages people to discard any drugs they no longer need at the drop-off boxes at the Stearns and/or Benton County sheriff’s departments. The road to heroin addiction, Miller emphasized, often starts with a dependence on such pilfered opiate pills. Another weapon in the war against heroin use is education, Miller added. People should learn at least the basics about heroin and what an insidious, highly dangerous and lethally addictive drug it is. Some of the symptoms that may appear in a heroin user are these: dilated pupils often the size of pin-pricks, drowsiness, lethargy, slurred speech, excessive sweating, shallow breathing, skin infections, Heroin • page 12

Sartell Newsleader •

Friday, Dec. 21, 2012


911 call mentions ‘noisy black van’ the night of Decker’s murder by Dennis Dalman

Two chilling 911 calls have been released by the Cold Spring Police Department that reveal the dread and panic in the wake of the murder of Cold Spring-Richmond Police Officer Thomas Decker on Nov. 29. One of the callers mentions a loud black van that apparently left the scene right after Decker had collapsed, dead, from being hit twice with gunfire from an assailant. Police are seeking help from the public from anyone who may know of the black van and who owns it or was driving it that night. Police and other investigators are also seeking the whereabouts of a 22-gauge shotgun they believe was used to kill Decker. The initial suspect, arrested at the scene, was a man who lived in an apartment above Winner’s Bar near where Decker was shot. That man was released from jail several days after the incident as there was no evidence to keep him incarcerated. The man, 34-year-old Ryan Michael Larson, has proclaimed his innocence repeatedly to the media, including in an appearance on WCCO-TV in which he said he was sleeping at the time of the killing. Investigators, including many from the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, have been working long hours to find the person or persons who killed Decker, who had driven to the Winner’s Bar area to check on a man (Larson) because of a telephone tip that he may be feeling suicidal. In the first 911 call, the uniden-

tified male caller states, “Ah, we need an ambulance and police officers at Winner’s Sports Bar, um, 200 Main St. There is a . . . “ The time of the call was 10:47 p.m. The rest of the transcript of 911 (call number one) is as follows: Dispatcher: OK. Where are you exactly? Where is he? Caller: Um. Ma’am? Ah, Cold Spring, Minnesota. Dispatcher: Yep, I know where Winner’s Bar is. Is he inside the bar? Caller: No, he’s out back. Dispatcher: Behind the bar? Caller: Um, in the back, yes sir. Dispatcher: Did you see what happened? Caller: Um, no, someone said there was a noisy black van, um. Dispatcher: A noisy black van? Caller: Um, I will . . . Come here real quick. Oh, it went up in town on Main Street. Dispatcher: Oh, don’t go by it, him, what happened, what was the black van? Caller: It was a noisy black van, (inaudible) off, and it, like . . . (inaudible) it was a (inaudible). It was a black van. We just saw it. Dispatcher: A noisy black van? Caller: Yeah. Dispatcher: Like, you mean loud exhaust? Like loud exhaust? Caller: Yes. Yes, sir. Dispatcher: And which, which way did that van go? Caller: Um, OK, um, into town, Main Street, um towards the lights. Dispather: Towards the lights? And you think the suspect’s in that van? Caller: Um, you want to talk to . . . (At this point, the caller hands

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the phone to a woman) Woman: Did you want to talk to me? Dispatcher: Yes, this is, ah, the police department. Where did that van go? Which way? Woman: It went out of the parking lot at Winner’s and it went west. Dispatcher: West on? Woman: On Main Street past Winner’s. That’s all I know. Dispatcher: And you think the suspect or that van was involved? Woman: I do not know, all I, all I came up to my car. And um,

I heard this noisy car drive away. And then I see a man, a man laying there. Dispatcher: OK, what is your name, ma’am? Woman: My name is . . . Dispatcher: And a phone number you can be reached at? Cell phone? Woman: Ah, this is not my phone, um . . . Dispatcher: I know, but do you have a cell phone you can be reached at? Woman: Yes, it’s . . . Dispatcher: OK, stay in the bar.

We’ve got a lot of people on the way down there, OK? Woman: OK, one’s here already, thank you. Dispatcher: Yep. Woman: Bye Call number 2 is as follows: Dispatcher: 911. What is the address of your emergency? Man: Ah, Winner’s Sports Bar, Cold Spring, Minnesota. Dispatcher: Yep, we’ve got everybody going. Man: Officer down. Dispatcher: We’ve got everybody going.

Friday, Dec. 21 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St. 1-800-RED CROSS or visit Funeral pre-planning, 10 a.m. Whitney Senior Center, 1527 Northway Drive, St. Cloud.

Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St. 1-800-RED CROSS or visit Drinking Liberally, hosted by Rex and Diane Tucker, St. Joseph, 6 p.m., American Legion, St. Joseph. An informal, non-programmatic gathering of left-leaning progressives who want to share thoughts and ideas to promote democracy one pint at a time. It is not affiliated with any political party.

Joseph. 1-800-RED CROSS or visit

Community Calendar

Monday, Dec. 24 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St. 1-800-RED CROSS or visit Sartell City Council, 7 p.m., City Hall. 253-2171. Thursday, Dec. 27 Coffee and Conversation, a senior discussion group, 9 a.m., Country Manor, Sartell.

Friday, Dec. 28 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St. 1-800-RED CROSS or visit Blood drive, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Resurrection Lutheran Church, St.

Monday, Dec. 31 Blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St. 1-800-RED CROSS or visit Wednesday, Jan. 2 Blood drive, 1-6 p.m., Atonement Lutheran Church, 1144 29th Ave. N., St. Cloud. 1-800-RED CROSS or visit Thursday, Jan. 3 Blood drive, noon-6 p.m., St. Cloud Blood Donation Center, 1301 W. St. Germain St. 1-800-RED CROSS or visit


Heroin from page 10 mood swings, loss of appetite, extreme constipation and often – but not always – needle marks on arms. Loved ones and friends concerned someone may be addicted should consult a medical official who can advise them on the best way to initiate an intervention to help the person.

Task Force

The Central Minnesota Violent Offenders Task Force, for which Miller is an investigator,

Sartell Newsleader • is the result of a merger of the former Central Minnesota Drug Task Force and the St. Cloud Metro Gang and Drug Task Force. It has 22 full-time members and works in 15 counties. The task force does constant investigations, networking, public education and recommends homicide charges are brought against those who provide heroin to people who end up dead because of taking heroin. Miller believes a combination of strict enforcement and public education will go a long way toward ending the scourge of heroin in central Minnesota and elsewhere.



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Poetry from front page

The Way Lost by Dennis Herschbach Weep for the children, the ones huddled in cubbies, their riddled young bodies grotesque against songs of Christmas to come. Look at pictures of pain seeping from classrooms,

forming streams that flow freely down empty hallways, washing over mothers and fathers. Weep for the teachers, symbols of love, shields against an unstoppable tide, those who will never again care for a skinned knee, a hurt feeling, a child. Scream “ENOUGH! No more ... no more,” until we all hear cries of the innocent, see their blood spilled, feel loss for each parent.

Friday, Dec. 21, 2012 Weep for a country gone crazy with fear, citizens seeking courage from concealed death hidden in pockets and belts. Let your voice ring like a bell meant to toll a call to alarm, make the land quake for return of some reason until sane thoughts prevail. But I beg of you people, weep for the children.

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