2014-15 Resource Guide
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2014-15 Sartell Resource Guide• • Page 3
Welcome to Sartell! by Joe Perske Sartell Mayor
As mayor of the City of Sartell and on behalf of its more than 15,000 residents, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all visitors. Native Americans, followed by settlers, merchants and industrialists, found this area on the banks of the Mighty Mississippi to be a great place to live. That feeling has carried on for centuries and is alive today. Whether you are here on a visit, are a native of the area or you are moving into Sartell to make it your new home, I’m sure you will find the city an exciting and enjoyable place to be. Sartell has experienced rapid growth in the past two decades, yet keeps the friendly atmosphere of a neighborhood community. The local Sartell-St. Stephen School District has a reputation as one of the finest school systems in the state. It offers top-notch academics, fine arts, competitive athletics and many extended-program opportunities for people of all ages. City parks and an ever-expanding trail system provide recreation all year ‘round. Many youth organiza-
Table of Contents City services.............................4 Schools.....................................6 Faith Communities...................9 Calendar of events..............9, 11 City map............................12-13 Parks.......................................14 State & county officials..........16 Day care providers.................20 Advertising Index...................23
tions and volunteer groups offer a wide variety of opportunities, including athletics, gardening, fishing, fitness, learning and socializing. The Sartell Chamber of Commerce, with more than 160 members, is committed to promoting and maintaining economic growth in the city and sponsors several key community-building events throughout the year. Memorial Day 2012 will be remembered as one of the most horrific days in history for the City of Sartell. The tragic explosion and fire that day at the Verso paper mill brought the close to the iconic industry that had been the livelihood of the community for more than a century. In 2014-15, the city remains optimistic and committed to the potential redevelopment of that site along the Mississippi River. Sartell continues to be the local leader as “the city of choice” for residential housing starts and commercial development. Major transportation projects recently completed and now underway will improve traffic flow and enhance economic development. Many exciting recreationaland community-centered initia-
tives have made great progress in the city during the past year. Pinecone Central Park, on a vast tract of land the city purchased, finally opened in spring 2014 with tournaments at its four baseball diamonds. Other amenities at that park are underway, including trails, picnic areas and a dog park. A new shelter is being built to replace the old one at Watab Park. The longplanned Sauk River Regional Park is closer to becoming a reality now that the city has a purchase agreement on that scenic wooded land in south Sartell. Planning committees are busy working for a communityresource facility, including the possibility of a senior center and a community library. Again, whether you are here for a day or have moved here for a lifetime, I invite you to get out and enjoy the City of Sartell. Just try one of our restaurants, play in one of the parks, do some shopping or just take a break down by the river. I hope to see you there. More information is easily available on our city website at or by viewing Channel 19 on local cable television.
Cover photo photo by Joe Amundsen This resource guide is published bi-annually by Von Meyer Publishing Inc., publishers of Sartell’s official newspaper, the Sartell Newsleader.
Owner/Publisher: Janelle Von Pinnon Operations Manager: Logan Gruber Graphic Designer: Tara Wiese Editor: Dennis Dalman Delivery: Greg Hartung, Glen Lauer
For comments or questions: (320) 363-7741
The sun going down behind the Verso paper plant in Sartell has an eerie significance in this photo, taken by Joe Amundsen of Sartell in January 2012. That is because the “sun has set” on the paper mill, which has been a bedrock of Sartell history for close to 105 years. Because of an explosion and fire on Memorial Day, 2012, which killed an employee, the paper plant had to close forever. It is now under demolition. Amundsen said he and others would often check the condensation exhaust from the plant’s “smokestack” to see which way the wind was blowing. Amundsen said he was likely to go fishing in the river if the plume told him the wind was coming from the north, a good sign for good fishing luck.
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City services Sartell City Council
City council meetings take place at 7 p.m. the second and fourth Mondays of the month in Sartell City Hall. Mayor Joe Perske, 320-259-8270 or Amy Braig-Lindstrom, 320-259-7982 or Steve Hennes, 320-253-1926 or Sarah Jane Nicoll, 320-309-7765 or David Peterson, 320-492-8017 or
Sartell City Hall
125 Pinecone Road • 320-253-2171 The city administrator is Mary Degiovanni, who leads a staff of two dozen, including maintenance and police.
Fire Department
220 4th Ave. S. • 320-253-3041 Led by Fire Chief Ken Heim, the state-of-the-art Sartell-LeSauk Fire Department has 30 highly trained volunteers who not only fight fires, but also help on medical calls, car accidents and many other emergencies.
Police Department
310 2nd St. S. • 320-251-8186 Led by Police Chief Jim Hughes, the police force is comprised of 16 full-time officers and 10 volunteer Reserve Program officers, an office manager/dispatcher and a part-time clerk.
2014-15 Sartell Resource Guide• • Page 5
photo by Dennis Dalman
YMCA lifeguard Tim Immelman of Sartell stands with pool visitors this past summer at the wading pool in Watab Park. Left to right are brothers Jacob, Anthony and Caleb Larson of Sauk Rapids and Oliver Eikmeier of Sartell. The grandmother of the Larson boys, Barbara Mills of St. Cloud, said she was babysitting her grandsons and decided they would enjoy some cool fun at the Watab pool.
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Schools Oak Ridge Elementary School - K-4th grade. 1111 27th St N., Sartell, MN 56377 (320) 258-3693 Pine Meadow Elementary School - K-4th grade. 1029 5th St. N., Sartell, MN 56377 (320) 253-8303 Sartell Middle School - 5th-8th grades. 627 3rd Ave. N., Sartell, MN 56377 (320) 253-2200 Sartell High School - 9th-12th grades. 748 7th St. N,. Sartell, MN 56377 (320) 656-0748 Sartell School District Service Center - Pre-K 748 7th St. N,. Sartell, MN 56377 (320) 656-3701 St. Francis Xavier - Pre-K-6th Grades. 308 2nd St N., Sartell, MN 56377 (320) 252-9940 Web Addresses: The Sartell-St. Stephen School District has an excellent reputation for the quality of programs and services offered to students of all ages. The breadth and scope of the curricular program, extra-curricular opportunities and specialized programs make the school district one of the finest in Central Minnesota. Staff and administration are dedicated professionals who work closely with students and their parents to maintain a high standard of educational excellence.
2014-15 Sartell Resource Guide• • Page 7
photo by Dennis Dalman
The “French Fry Family,” the Vankoeverings of Sartell, enjoy a feast of fries at this year’s St. Stephen Parish Festival. From left to right are Mallie, father Bill, mother Janet and Erin Vankoevering; and their friend Joe Palmersheim of St. Stephen. For more photos of the festival, visit
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photo by Dennis Dalman
St. Francis Xavier students perform a song-and-dance from the mountainous Andes region in South America. From left to right, clockwise, are Taylor Vos, Tricia Castro, Elizabeth Hamak, Tim Haas, Ricky Emslander and Frankie Tomczik. The dance was part of the entertainment provided for Grandparents’ Day at the school.
2014-15 Sartell Resource Guide• • Page 9
Calendar of events September Millstream Arts Festival
The last Sunday in September, St. Joseph hosts a juried art sale along Minnesota Street in downtown St. Joseph. Food vendors, entertainment and music abound. St. Joseph is five miles southwest of Sartell.
October Community Halloween Party
Each year Kidstop hosts a community-wide Halloween Party for local children.
October-April Winter Farmers’ Market
A winter version of Monday Market is held one-two Saturdays per month at Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road. Hours of operation are from 3-6:30 p.m.
February Community Showcase
A Community Showcase, sponsored by the Sartell Area Chamber of Commerce, is held in late February at the Sartell Middle School. The event features business information, entertainment and a pancake breakfast.
March/April Easter party
A community Easter party, sponsored by the Sartell Jaycees, is held the Saturday before Easter in Pine Meadow Elementary School.
April Spring Clean-up
The Sartell Lions host a spring clean-up from 8 a.m. to noon the last Saturday in April at the Sartell Middle School. 320-291-0799.
Golf Courses
Golf courses typically open in April. Call Blackberry Ridge Golf Course at 320-257-4563 and Pine Ridge Golf Course at 320-259-0551 for exact dates.
May-September Market Monday
Many area farmers from a 30-mile radius of Sartell sell fresh produce during Market Monday, a farmers’ market that began in 2011, at Sartell City Hall, 125 Pinecone Road. Hours of operation are from 3-6:30 p.m. Among the many items sold are vegetables, maple syrup, honey, meats, eggs, herbs, fresh flowers and crafts.
May Sartell Apple Duathlon
Every year, toward the end of May, duathletes come to Sartell from throughout the United States and even from foreign countries to compete in the prestigious Sartell Apple Duathlon. Now in its 32nd year, the race features a 5k run, a 33k bicycle course and another 5k run. The Apple Duathlon is widely known as one of the finest duathlon races in the nation. The night before the event, there is a children’s duathlon race. Calendar of events • page 11
Abounding Joy Lutheran Church (LCMC) Boy Scouts of America Building 1191 Scout Drive 320-217-8784 (After 4/1/15: 6006 CR 120, St. Cloud) Sunday Education Hour: 8:45-9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. (Summer 9:30 a.m.) Celebration Lutheran Church of Sartell 1500 Pinecone Road N. 320-255-0488 (Sept – May) Saturday Contemporary Worship: 5 p.m. Sunday Worship: 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Sunday Education Hours: 8:30 & 9:35 a.m. First United Methodist Church of the St. Cloud Region 1107 Pinecone Road South 320-251-0804 Sunday Morning Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Adult Programs throughout the week Contemplative Worship Service weekly Youth Groups on Wednesday nights Grace Baptist Fellowship 1197 Pinecone Road 320-252-5548 Sunday Services: Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship Service: 10:30 a.m. Evening Service: 6 p.m. Wednesday Services: Adult Bible Studies & Youth Programs: 6:30 p.m.
Sartell Area Church Directory
Messiah Lutheran Church (LCMS) 320 4th Ave. N. 320-252-5883 Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday Education Hour: 10:20 a.m. Riverside Church (EPC) 405 Riverside Ave. N. 320-251-5801 Sunday Worship: 10 a.m. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church 219 2nd St. N. 320-252-1363 Saturday Mass: 5 p.m. Sunday Masses: 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. The Waters Church 1227 Pinecone Road N. 320-291-0202 Saturday Worship: 5 p.m. Sunday Worship: 9 & 10:45 a.m.
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City Offices: 125 Pinecone Road N., Sartell Phone: 320.253.2171 E-mail: Website:
Police Department: 320.251.8186 (non emergency) Public Works: 320.258.7304 Planning & Zoning: 320.258.7306 Building Inspections: 320.258.7317
photo by Dennis Dalman
Eddie Peternell sits with his lunch pail on the steps of the old one-room schoolhouse he attended so many years ago. Now 102, Peternell is the oldest St. Stephen resident, and he was honored July 18-20 during the St. Stephen Centennial Celebration. This photo was taken in 2011.
Love What You Do!
“Respecting and responding to the choices of people with disabilities.”
– NOW HIRING – Program Managers & Direct Support Staff A nationwide provider with more than 30 years experience serving people with disabilities is hiring quality, dedicated caregivers to empower and assist individuals in realizing their own potential! We are now hiring part- and full-time positions in Sartell, St. Cloud, Hutchinson and Twin Cities Metro Area. Hours are mornings, evenings, weekends and asleep overnights. Experience is preferred but not required.
Work close to home! Apply online today at:
2014-15 Sartell Resource Guide• • Page 11
Calendar of events (continued from page 9)
June Sartell SummerFest
Each summer, the Sartell SummerFest is scheduled the second weekend in June. The SummerFest, which attracts thousands of people to the city, features a Grand Parade, a big park celebration with a variety of acts, a street dance and fireworks.
Waite Park Family Fun Days
In early June, the Waite Park Family Fun Days is a week-long series of entertainment and celebration. Waite Park is two miles south of Sartell.
Avon Spunktacular Days
This weekend festival takes place in Avon, a city 12 miles southwest of Sartell. It’s usually scheduled for mid-June.
Caramel Roll Bike Ride Bicyclists ride the Lake Wobegon Trail.
Rapids River Days - Sauk Rapids
This three-day event, which takes place usually on the last weekend in June, is a perennially popular gathering in Sauk Rapids Municipal Park along the Mississippi River. Sauk Rapids is about 1 mile east of Sartell.
St. Cloud Granite City Days “Granite City Days” is a four-day annual celebration held in late June.
July Independence Day Celebration
A tradition in St. Joseph since 1904, the Fourth of July celebration attracts many thousands of people for its Lions Club-sponsored parade and the Catholic church bazaar, which includes games, dinner, a quilt auction, sales of crafts and baked goods, karaoke and live band music. On the night of July 3, JoeTown Rocks features music as well as fireworks.
Tour of Saints
A long-established tradition in the St. Joseph area is the mid-summer Tour of Saints, a recreational bicycle tour with loops of 35 and 50 miles through some of the most beautiful hilly country in Minnesota.
August Rock ‘n’ Block
On the third Saturday of August, the Sartell Area Chamber of Commerce hosts an outdoor “Rock ‘n’ Block” party that starts in the afternoon and ends late at night. The event features lots of food, kids’ games, a karaoke contest and a band that performs for the outdoor street dance.
September St. Stephen Parish Festival
The St. Stephen Parish Festival is held annually on Labor Day. The event features live music, games, food, a rummage sale, bingo, auctions, prize drawings and a lot of socializing.
Dash for Dad 5K/Walk
The funds raised from this event, typically held the third Saturday of the month, go to local and national non-profit organizations in the fight against prostate cancer. For more information, visit
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1 39
40 19
30 31
15 14
9 6
13 33
23 24
16 21
Celebration Park Linear Park Lions Park Northside Park Pinecone Central Park Pinecone Regional Park Rotary Riverside Park Sartell Sauk River Regional Park 9. Sartell Veterans Park 10. Shay Property
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
Val Smith Park Watab Creek North Park Watab Creek South Park Avalon Park Avalon Park 2 Creekview Preserve Park Cypress Park Eastside Kiddie Park Fox Run of Avalon Village Park 20. FranGen Park
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
Geoffrey Park Huntington Park Madison Crossing Park Meadowlake Park Morningstar Park Nature’s Edge Park Newport Park Oak View Pond Park Pine Tree Pond Park Rolling Meadows West
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
Rolling Meadows East Rolling Meadows North Sabre Oaks Park Sandstone East Park Sandstone West Park Sartell Heights Park Stonebrook Park Tiffany Meadows Park Wilds Park North Wilds Park South
2014-15 Sartell Resource Guide • • Page 13
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
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Parks Below is information about each of the 40 parks located in Sartell. For more information, visit Parks are numbered accordingly on the map on pages 12-13.
Regional Parks
Neighborhood Parks
1. Celebration Park – located on 1012 19th Ave. N. 2. Linear Park – located along Riverside Drive. Open space and swinging benches face the Mississippi River. – 1.61 acres 3. Lions Park – situated off Pinecone Road and along the Watab River. Open space, trails, trees and benches are abundant in this space. – 6.15 acres 4. Northside Park – located along 12th Street N. You can find a large play structure, swings, open pavilion, 10 grills, swinging benches, basketball court, volleyball court, disc golf course, horseshoe pits, sliding hill, trails and Champion Field (soccer, baseball, softball, bleachers) at this location. – 36.32 acres 5. Pinecone Central Park – Pine Ridge Golf Course. A few years ago, the city purchased the 20-acre private golf course along Pinecone Road N. in central Sartell to develop 168 acres total into parkland. Still under development, nearly 82 acres will be developed as athletic facilities. The park’s ongoing development is a partnership between the city and the privately constituted Central Pinecone Park Association, which raised a vast amount of funds to create baseball fields, soccer fields, hiking-biking trails, cross-country ski trails, picnic areas and many other recreational options, including a dog park now in the planning stages. In 2014, a series of outdoor concerts and movies began at the park. 6. Pinecone Regional Park – located next to Sartell City Hall along Pinecone Road, this seven-acre park features the Bernick’s pleasure-skating and hockey arena, hiking-biking trails and natural native vegetation with a creek flowing through it. 7. Rotary Riverside Park – one of Sartell’s newest parks. Developed by the Sartell Rotary organization, it has easy access to the Mississippi River via a floating deck. It also boasts picnic and recreational amenities and plenty of parking. 8. Sartell Sauk River Regional Park – Sartell’s newest park is a pristine piece of property along the meandering Sauk River in south Sartell at the border line with north St. Cloud. Still under development, the park will boast hiking-biking trails, a picnic area and access to the river. The purchase of the wooded land for park usage happened in 2014. 9. Sartell Veterans Park – located on Riverside Avenue. At this park is a monument, gazebo, open space and swinging benches facing the Mississippi River. – .77 acres. 10. Shay Property – land purchased by the city for future park development along the Mississippi River, bordering St. Cloud. 11. Val Smith – situated along County Road 29. This park has two play structures, swings, open and enclosed pavilion, picnic tables, horseshoes, sliding hill, a baseball field, a hockey rink, a basketball court, a volleyball court, tennis courts, a softball field, grills, restrooms and swinging benches. – 12.51 acres 12. Watab Creek North Park – located on 3rd Avenue N. This is a natural park with some benches and trails. – 2.68 acres 13. Watab Creek South Park – located on Sartell Street along the Watab River. Here you will find a wading pool, restrooms, play structures, swings, swinging benches, picnic tables, a softball field, grills, an enclosed pavilion, a volleyball court and trails. – 8.63 acres
14. Avalon Park – located on 2016 3rd St. N. 15. Avalon Park 2 – a 2-acre park of greenery and flowers. 16. Creekview Preserve Park – a 1.87-acre park of hilly woodlands. 17. Cypress Park – located on 5th Street N. This park has a play structure, swings, swinging bench and a park shelter with a table. - .71 acres 18. Eastside Kiddie Park – located along County Road 33 and 4th Street. Play structures, swings, basketball hoop and a bench are located within this park. – .72 acres 19. Fox Run of Avalon Village Park – a five-acre green space with playground equipment. 20. FranGen Park – located on Mockingbird Loop. 21. Geoffrey Park – located on Tennessee Drive and 22nd Street S. 22. Huntington Park – situated behind Pheasant Drive. This is a natural park with trails and open space. 23. Madison Crossing Park – a one-acre park with greenery and flowers. 24. Meadowlake Park – located on 13th Street S. It contains a play structure, swings and a swinging bench. - .56 acres 25. Morningstar Park – located along 15th Street. This park contains a play structure, swings, a swinging bench and a park shelter with table. – .54 acres 26. Nature’s Edge Park – situated on 3rd Street S. Items at the park include a play structure, swings and a swinging bench. – .25 acres 27. Newport Park – a 0.75-acre green space. 28. Oak View Pond Park – a 0.2-acre green space. 29. Pine Tree Pond Park – located on 5th Street N. A play structure, swings and picnic table are located at this park. – .47 acres 30. & 31. Rolling Meadows East & West – situated on 2-1/2 Street. These two areas have play structures, picnic tables, swinging benches and trails – East is 1.31 acres and West is 3.7 acres. 32. Rolling Meadows North – located on 9th Avenue N. It is completely natural with open fields. - 8.52 acres 33. Sabre Oaks Park – located on 3rd Street S. You will find a play structure, swings, a swinging bench and a park shelter with table here. – .27 acres 34. Sandstone East Park – a 1.1-acre park with trails and water features. 35. Sandstone West Park – a half-acre park with playground equipment. 36. Sartell Heights Park – located behind 7th Street S and is natural at this time. – 2.56 acres 37. Stonebrook Park – a 4-acre neighborhood park with greenery and flowers. 38. Tiffany Meadows Park – a 3.8-acre park with greenery and flowers. 39. Wilds Park North – situated north of Grizzly Lane. This park contains a wading pool (neighborhood residents only), play structure, swings, swinging benches, picnic tables, a basketball court, tennis courts, a volleyball court and trails. – 7.32 acres 40. Wilds Park South – located south of Grizzly Lane. This location is a natural park with open space and trails. – 2.4 acres
2014-15 Sartell Resource Guide• • Page 15
photo by Dennis Dalman
Baseball buddies, all Sartell residents, enjoy ice-cream cones on a hot day at the grand opening May 30 of Pinecone Central Park. The friends gave rave reviews to the playing fields at the new park. From left to right are (front row) Dalton Notsch, Logan Carlson, Matt Sieben, Gavin Swenson, Wesley Nesland, Max Fesenmaier and Gage Vierzba.
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Area Representatives State Rep. Tim O’Driscoll (R) District 14A 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. 369 State Office Building, St. Paul, MN 55155 651-297-9010
State Sen. Michelle Fischbach (R) District 14 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. State Office Building, Room 153, St. Paul, MN 55155 651-296-2084
U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R)
110 2nd St. S., Suite 232, Waite Park, MN 56387 320-253-5931
U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (DFL)
302 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510 612-727-5220
U.S. Sen. Al Franken (DFL)
309 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510 D.C. Phone 202-224-5641 MN Phone 320-251-2721
Stearns County
Mark Bromenschenkel (Second District) P.O. Box 190, Sartell, MN 56377 320-493-9180
Benton County
Jim McMahon (Third District)
1706 6th Ave. N., Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 320-251-0400
2014-15 Sartell Resource Guide• • Page 17
photo by Dennis Dalman
Josie Barker, Sartell, savors a cold-sweet mouthful of a snow cone at the Rock ‘n’ Block party in August. Early in the evening rain threatened the event, but an hour later it cleared up and all was well for the many people who enjoyed the event.
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photo by Dennis Dalman
Bagpiper Joe Linneman plays a tune while the American Legion Color Guard of Sartell stands ready on Memorial Day at Veterans Park.
Family Owned and Operated Hearing Center
• Free Hearing Screenings • Hearing Aid Sales & Service • Clean & Check All Hearing Aid Brands We have a Doctor of Audiology and a Certified Hearing Instrument Dispenser on staff.
320-258-4494 or 1-888-407-4327 161 19th St. S. • Ste. 111 • Sartell
2014-15 Sartell Resource Guide• • Page 19 contributed photo
Children enjoy a game of croquet at last summer’s “Take a Day Off on the Mississippi.” The free family fun day typically takes place the first Saturday of August at Mississippi River Park seven miles north of Sartell.
Deborah A. Krump An independent agent representing AFLAC
1407 33rd St. S. Suite 109 • St. Cloud, MN 56301 320-217-6040 (business) • 320-267-8138 (cell) 320-217-6041 (fax) •
Amanda Ashley Sarah Betty Lori Debra Sara J. Sara Jonelle Robertha Marge Sheri Jessica Kristina Lorna Nicole Karen Malarie Joanne Aimee Nicole Kristi Angela Sara Lori Darlene Holly Linda Janice Kelly Kelli Diane Lori Susan Sharon Natalie Samantha Lisa Kim
Anderson Anderson Bakken Batdorf Beam Beckrich Beckstrom Beckstrom Bird Blommel Bommersbach Brinker Brinkman Coleman Couch Davis Delong Disrud Duea Erickson Evers Fox Goltz Gray Gunderson Halvorson Hauser Holland Holtz Kalthoff Kiley Krebs Kreuz Larson Lee Leite Lewellyn Lyon
1913 7th St. N. 227 19th Ave. N. 915 10th St. S. 733 3rd St. N. 369 Pine Ridge Road 807 Edinburgh St. 1727 6th St. N. 1413 15th St. S. 242 Ash Circle 816 Brookwood Lane 1514 4th Ave. N. 401 3rd St. S. #106 2135 3rd St. N. 1301 4th Ave. N. 1253 Washington Ct. 224 Sundance Road 3109 12th Ave. N. 614 2-1/2 St. N. 1009 Connecticut Ave. S. 440 22nd Ave. N. 820 11th St. S. 1528 6th Ave. S. 304 5th Ave. S. 405 4th St. N. 733 2-1/2 St. N. 853 Terry Lane 508 Huntington Drive 1133 3rd St. N. 532 13th Ave. N. 507 16th St. N. 207 4th St. N. 304 Riverside Ave. S. 305 Lawrence Court 6100 389th St. 1526 Pebble Creek Court 303 8th St. NE. 515A 2-1/2 St. N. 341 3rd St. NE.
Sartell Licensed Day Cares 320-252-2845 320-253-8133 320-774-8751 320-253-8900 320-656-5231 320-230-6544 320-309-0142 320-339-5166 320-253-9028 320-230-0697 320-492-1703 320-250-9396 320-241-6406 320-240-1982 320-428-1751 320-240-0281 320-420-6009 320-259-0028 320-252-2356 320-230-5156 320-656-0577 320-761-6363 320-217-8394 320-259-8672 320-252-2743 320-219-9144 320-255-5185 320-309-8886 320-252-2095 320-529-0548 320-253-3750 320-249-4251 320-291-1885 320-255-0402 320-259-5447 507-276-4503 320-240-6948 320-360-1965
PHONE Raquel Jamie Amy Jennifer Jill Jody Andrea Heather Deborah Susan Jennifer Erin Kelly Amanda Tina Elizabeth Lisa Lisa Elizabeth Gina Barbara Jessica Erica Becky Theresa Lindsay Tessa Jesica Jennifer Heidi Peggy Kari
FIRST Tina Michelle
LAST NAME Ferguson Justin
304 5-1/2 St. N.E. 114 5th Ave. S.E.
320-259-6745 320-443-0110
528 20th Ave. N. 320-656-5928 1521 Killdeer Ave. S. 320-492-4047 1501 Morning Glory Ave. S. 763-442-4156 255 9th Ave. N. 320-292-0790 705 16th Ave. N. 320-828-1143 10 6th Ave. S. 320-259-5761 1401 15th St. S. 320-248-8142 500 7th Ave. S. 612-670-8896 1585 Riverside Ave. N. 320-253-7954 529 Fieldcrest Court 320-654-0634 415 12th Ave. N. 320-251-6385 608 18th St. N. 320-529-9825 1301 15th St. S. 320-348-0576 239 6th Ave. S. 320-309-1134 612 7th St. S. 320-252-6544 402 Bechtold Drive 320-203-8437 2143 3rd St. N. 320-333-6601 250 Lawrence Court 320-251-6906 721 20th Ave. N. 320-217-8581 1904 8th St. N. 320-259-7147 308 Bechtold Drive 320-260-9539 39302 55th Ave. 320-203-7091 1505 Morning Glory Ave. S. 320-217-8414 900 5th Ave. E. 320-259-5587 7213 381st St. 320-221-4218 1619 Nuthatch Ave. 763-607-2510 921 Sundance Court 320-259-8655 1043 Bridgeport Drive 320-774-8844 711 1st Ave. N. 320-230-6491 401 3rd St. N. 320-252-7436 94 Highview Drive W. 320-253-1192 3124 12th Ave. N. 320-766-9501
St. Stephen Licensed Day Cares
Mareck Mathiasen Mathisen McCarney Mertens Miland Motl Murray Neu Noehring Peterson Pluimer Reichel Rupar Sarff Scheiterlein Schroers Shaw Sing Smith Stone Stonestrom Sullivan Taszarek Theisen Tucker Vandenberg Vogt Wagner Weishalla Wensmann White
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2014-15 Sartell Resource Guide• • Page 21
photo by Dennis Dalman
After a long, cold winter, it’s time to plant. JoAnn Fleischhacker, an Albany resident, tends to a small field of daisies at Thomsens Greenhouse and Garden Center near St. Joseph.
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photo by Jack Hellie
A virtual stampede of children dash off from the starting line of the 1k Kids’ Fun Run last June by Sartell City Hall. The fun run is one of three races-walks that occurred during the opening night of SummerFest 2014. Unfortunately, rain washed out most of the festival’s events, including the parade Saturday morning. For more event photos, visit
2014-15 Sartell Resource Guide• • Page 23
Advertising Index 360 Chiropractic.......................................................5 Accurate Hearing Services.....................................18 Aflac - Deb Krump.................................................19 AmericInn Lodge & Suites.....................................24 Associated Montessori Schools................................7 Blackberry Ridge....................................................11 Brenny Transportation Incorporated.........................4 Catholic Charities...................................................21 Central Minnesota Credit Union.............................16 Chiropractic Performance Center...........................17 City of Sartell..........................................................10 Coborn’s....................................................................5 Coldwell Banker - Chris Hauk...............................10 College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University........24 Drs. Styles, Cotton & Milbert.................................17 Dungarvin...............................................................10 First United Methodist............................................19
Good Shepherd.........................................................9 Great Clips..............................................................21 Independent Lifestyles............................................16 Legends at Heritage Place........................................2 Mechanical Energy System....................................19 Midway Iron...........................................................23 Mustang Mapping.....................................................4 Nemeth Orthodontics..............................................22 Oils and Beyond.....................................................23 Omann Insurance......................................................4 Pine Cone Pet Hospital...........................................17 Progrowth..................................................................8 Riverside Dental......................................................11 St. Cloud Federal Credit Union..............................21 St. Cloud Medical Group........................................15 St. Cloud Orthodontics.............................................8 St. Francis Xavier Parish & School..........................6
St. John’s Outdoor University...................................6 St. Joseph Rod & Gun Club...................................23 Sartell Area Churches...............................................9 Sartell Newsleader....................................................16 Sartell-St. Stephen Education Foundation................7 Sartell-St. Stephen School District...........................7 Schneider Orthodontics...........................................15 State Farm - Dan Anderson....................................15 Stearns County Abstract Company.........................23 Stearns Electric Association...................................19 Tri-County Humane Society...................................21 Waters Church.........................................................23 Weddings & More...................................................23 Welch Dental.............................................................2 Yapel Orthodontics.................................................18
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