Cincinnati-based design and development firm Bloomfield/Schon has proposed a $29.45M adaptive reuse project for the 129-year-old Shuler & Benninghofen Woolen Mill, situated on a 4+ acre site in Lindenwald's business district. Transforming the historic site into 100+ market residential units, 10K square feet of commercial and restaurant space, and indoor parking deck. The project is poised to be the major catalyst for the revitalization of the Lindenwald Business District, turning a former eyesore into a thriving community hub.
There are 17 unique neighborhoods in Hamilton, and Lindenwald is the City’s most populous. It is unique for its bounty of park space, resident pride, and diverse, unique residential architecture. 17STRONG
1) Project name, a general description of the overall project, and a specific description of the purposes or specific portion(s) of the overall project for which state capital dollars would be used
Shuler Benninghofen Mixed-Use Project
2) Physical location and address of the project (city/village/township and county)
2350 Pleasant Ave, Hamilton, Butler County, OH
3) Legal Entity Name and any alternative Doing Business As (DBA) trade names on file with the Ohio Secretary of State and the organization sponsoring the project City of Hamilton, Bloomfield Schon + Partners LLC
4) Identification of the facility or asset owner during construction and after work is completed
Bloomfield Schon + Partners LLC
5) Amount of state funding being requested for the FY 2023-24 capital biennium
$5 million through the Strategic Community Investment Fund
6) Amount and source of non-state funding, including private, not-for-profit, local, and federal funds supporting the project
$21.45 million Bloomfield Schon (equity, conventional financing, etc.)
$3.0 million City of Hamilton
7) The amount and source of state funding the project or asset has received in the past, and whether the project will be requesting additional state funding in future capital biennia.
The City of Hamilton and the developers of this project will not be seeking future capital budget funding.
8) Identification and a description of any use by or involvement of private for-profit businesses or not-for-profit entities
The project will feature 100+ residential units and 10k square feet of commercial space for private for-profit business. Additionally, the property will be redeveloped and owned by the private business Bloomfield Schon + Partners LLC.
9)Identificationanddescriptionofanyuseorinvolvementbythefederalgovernment N/A
10)Identificationoftheannualamountofandsource(s)offundingforongoing operationalcosts
Bloomfield/Schonisanestablishedrealestatedevelopmentcompanythathasa proventrackrecordofredevelopingandoperatingredevelopmentmixeduse projects.
11)Anyadditionalrelevantinformationthattherequestingorganizationbelieves wouldbeofassistanceinevaluatingtheproject’svalueandeligibilitytoreceive statecapitalfunding
Cincinnati-baseddesignanddevelopment firmBloomfield/Schonhasproposeda $29.45Madaptivereuseprojectforthe129-year-oldShuler&BenninghofenWoolen Mill,situatedona4+acresiteinLindenwald'sbusinessdistrict.Transformingthe historicsiteinto100+marketresidentialunits,10Ksquarefeetofcommercialand restaurantspace,andanindoorparkingdeck.Theprojectwillbethemajorcatalyst fortherevitalizationoftheLindenwaldBusinessDistrict,turningaformereyesore intoathrivingcommunityhub.
12)Descriptionofhowtheproject’ssupportwillbenefitthegeneralpublicandhow oftenthepublicwillbeabletogainaccesstothefacilitiesorservicesprovidedby thecommunityprojectfunds
Thisprojectwillprovideresidentialandcommercialopportunitiesfornewand existingresidentswithinaneighborhood.Hamiltonhasinvestedmillionsofdollarsin recentyearstorevitalizethisneighborhoodprimarilythroughpublicprivate partnerships.ThisisprovingtobeasuccessfulapproachastheLindenwald neighborhoodiswitnessingasmallrenaissancewiththedevelopmentofsmall industrialcompanies,andthereturnofowneroccupiedaffordableresidential housing.TheShulerBenninghofenMixed-UseProjectwillbeacatalyticprojectfor theneighborhoodaswellastheLindenwaldBusinessDistrict.