RFP: Former Hamilton Police Department HQ

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Photo: City of Hamilton


In 2000, the Hamilton Police Department Headquarters was remodeled to take advantage of newspaceprovidedbythemunicipalcourt'smovetoOneRenaissanceCenter.

Preferencewillbegiventoprojectsthattransformthepropertyintoacommercialusethatwill beavalue-addtoHamilton’sexistingbusinessesandresidents,especiallyentertainment,food and/orbeverageservicerelated.

Through this Request for Proposal (RFP) the City of Hamilton is seeking a Developer or Developers that can make a significant capital investment in exchange for a negotiable purchasepricethroughaDevelopmentAgreement.

Additional designated funding is not identified for this redevelopment; therefore, proposals must include a well-defined funding plan to upgrade the building to meet all current code requirements. Self-performed work can be part of the overall investment included in the proposal. The selected Developer(s) will be required to maintain ownership for a minimum of fiveyears.

Photo: City of Hamilton

The City of Hamilton, Ohio is located in southwest Ohio and has a population of 62,000+.

Founded in 1791, the downtown and surrounding neighborhoods still retain much of their historic urban fabric. In the past twelve years, Hamilton’s downtown has experienced over $500 million in investment, including new market rate apartments, shops, restaurants, a riverfront park and amphitheater, along with newly renovated retail and office spaces, a riverfrontconferencecenterandhotel,andNorthAmerica'slargestindoorsportscomplex.


331 S Front Street

Hamilton OH 45011

Parcel ID: P6421005000026

1.82 Acres

Photos from a site visit on November 23, 2024 are provided at the end of this document. Additional photos are available upon request.


The purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals for the redevelopment of 331 S Front Street. Whilethe City of Hamilton is open to considering any concept proposed by the Developer that alignswith the City’s goals to reactivate the building to its highest and most productive use to enhancethe vitality and quality of life here in Hamilton, strong preference will be given to those RFPsubmissions which adhere to the following:


RedevelopmentTime -Itisexpectedthatthescheduleforredevelopmentwillincorporate thefollowingmilestones:

Within12monthsofagreement:buildingpermitsareissuedforscopeofredevelopment work.

Within 24 months of agreement: certificates of occupancy are issued for scope of redevelopmentwork.

Proposed Redevelopment Budget - the provided breakdown of redevelopment budget should be sufficiently detailed and include, if applicable, anticipated self-performed labor hoursand/ordonatedordiscountedmaterialcosts.Pleasestatetheminimuminvestmentin theproperty.

Zoning Approval - the property is zoned DT-2, Downtown Support District. The redevelopmentmustmeetzoninganduse-groupclassificationsforitsintendeduse,andif applicable,obtainPlanningCommissionapproval.FormoreinformationonDT-2zoning,view theHamiltonZoningOrdinancehere.

GoodStanding-Developer,developer’sbusinesspartner(s)orbusinessassociate(s),orany company, firm or organization that developer holds interest must not be delinquent in obligations to pay loans, fines, liens, taxes, fees or other obligations owed to the City of HamiltonorButlerCounty,norownanyrealpropertythat:a)hasorhadanyunremediated citationorviolationofthestateorlocalcodesandordinanceswithinthetwoyearspriorto thedeveloper’sapplicationtoacquireproperty;b)istaxdelinquent;orc)wastransferredtoa local government as a result of tax foreclosure proceedings. Of all real property that the DeveloperownswithintheCityofHamilton,orholdsaninterest,thereshallnotbemorethan fourtotalcitationsoftheCityofHamiltonHealth,Building,FireorZoningCodeswithinthe twoyearspriortothedeveloper’sapplicaitontoacquireproperty.


A development proposal will be selected based on, but not necessarily limited to, the following criteria/qualifications:


Theexperience,thefinancialcapacity,andorganizationalabilityoftheDeveloperin successfullyplanningandcompletingdevelopmentprojectsofsimilartypeandscale,ontime andwithinbudget




The City of Hamilton reserves the right to reject any and all responses without cause, make inquiries of Developer(s) and their references and clients regarding qualifications or information submitted as part of their response as deemed necessary, conduct personal interviews of any or all Developers, and request and receive additional information as the City deems necessary. Prior to the award of a final development agreement, the City reserves the right (at its expense) of having Developer submit for financial background to insure capacity to perform in accordance with pro-forma submitted in application.


Each Developer shall provide a general description and conceptual discussion of their proposed redevelopment and key factors in a successful redevelopment project. This description and concept shall enable the effective evaluation of the Developer's ability to achieve the redevelopment goals of the City of Hamilton and demonstrate what the Developer presently envisions for the redevelopment site and applicable portions thereof. The Developer should submit an electronic version of their proposal via email to dani.baxter@hamilton-oh.gov.


Cover - main point of contact, firm name(s), and the RFP title. Reference specific property proposal by street address as shown above.


Project Narrative – Developer’s approach to the reuse of the property, how project meets Development Objectives, description of innovative design features and project amenities, a description of the activities which may be located in the building, and proposed purchase price for the property.


Design Concept - should include conceptual level visual materials, such as a site plan, massing models, elevations, etc. that convey key design concepts for the project.


Project Timeline - projected timeline for completion of project, with key milestones. The schedule can include the time needed to obtain financing, complete design and secure permits and approvals, prepare the site, start and complete construction, and start and complete lease-up and/or sellout.


5. Special Conditions/Assumptions - include special conditions or requirements for proposed project; examples might include land use changes, parking expectations, etc.


Financial Summary - capital and if applicable, operating pro formas; major line item construction and design budget, sources of funding, five-year cash flow projection for operations, etc.

Similar Completed Projects - relevant experience with similar projects.

8. Compliance with Development Objectives & Competitive Requirements - identify the aspects of proposal which specifically address compliance with development objectives and competitive requirements listed above.


Project Team - identify the entities and persons involved in the project with a description of the roles each will play.

9. List of all properties (address and parcel #) owned within the city of Hamilton

Optional - if you wish to submit a visual presentation pitch to accompany your proposal that includes images, renderings, and high level bullet points to assist the City in making our decision that would be welcomed. Acceptable formats include PowerPoint, Google Presentation, etc. to be submitted electronically on CD, DVD, flash drive, or via email.


Photos from a site visit on November 23, 2024 are provided at the end of this document. Additional photos are available upon request.


Please contact Taylor Stone-Welch at taylor.stone-welch@hamilton-oh.gov or 513.785.7063 to schedule a tour of the property.


All submissions are due by 2-28-25 by Noon

Email submissions to: taylor.stone-welch@hamilton-oh.gov

Please contact Taylor Stone-Welch, Economic Development, City of Hamilton, for any questions or to request additional information. Taylor Stone-Welch can be reached at 513.785.7063 or at taylor.stone-welch@hamilton-oh.gov.

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