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Take for example one couple who owned a business together. At one point during the divorce, one spouse ended up finding themselves locked out of the office with no computer access. Since the husband was a prime investor in the business, this only further complicated matters. In the end, the business ended up being shut down. However, not all careers are hurt,

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Some Find Boosts to Career After Divorce One particularly tricky area can be if two spouses work together or own a business together. If the divorce is rather heated, this can lead to serious work complications.

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and for some the divorce is actually a booster. For one police officer, after 20 years of marriage he found himself in the middle of a rather long and drawn out separation and eventual divorce. And while the process was tiring and stressful, he said he actually found comfort in being able to have the support of co-workers. Career wise, some also find their true calling after a divorce. For example, one former nurse who was married to a doctor said after the divorce she was able to find her true identity. Now she runs several businesses where she works with pets. Lastly, some point to the fact that once the focus is taking off of a marriage, the focus can be put on a career, which ultimately can lead to job advancements.

If you are facing divorce, Stange Law Firm LLC can help you. We have lawyers available to discuss options with you and work to find a solution that meets your family’s needs. When you retain Stange Law Firm LLC, you will work with accomplished lawyers who focus their practice on family law. We use our extensive knowledge of the law and passion for justice to get the best possible results for our clients. Because of our enthusiasm about getting results for you, clients are given almost unparelleled access to their lawyer. When you become a client at Stange Law Firm LLC, you can access your file online through Your Case Tracker. You can comment on these documents and receive answers from Stange Law Firm LLC quickly and efficiently. Clients receive their lawyer’s personal cell phone numbers and swift responses to their emails and phone calls. Potential clients also receive a free, one hour consultation. Source: Sun Sentinel, “Painful divorces can help or hurt careers,” Marcia Heroux Pounds, July 15, 2012

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Managing Member Kirk C. Stange, Esq.

Stange Law Firm LLC St. Charles Office

2268 Bluestone Drive St. Charles, MO 63303 Phone: 636-940-5900 The choice of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Neither the Supreme Court of Missouri/Illinois nor The Missouri/Illinois Bar reviews or approves certifying organizations or specialist designations. The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established.



Sa l e


Capital gains taxes



2001. McDonald’s teetered on the edge of bankruptcy more than once in its early years. Desperate expedients were resorted to by the people who ran McDonald’s, in order to just keep their noses above the water, while hoping for better days. At one time, you could have bought half interest in McDonald’s for $25,000 – and there were no takers. Anyone who would have risked $25,000 at that time would be a billionaire today. But there was no guarantee at the time that they wouldn’t be just throwing 25 grand down a rat hole. Where a capital gain can be documented – when a builder spends 10 years creating a housing development, for example – then whatever that builder earns in the 10th year is a capital gain, not ordinary income. There is no guarantee in advance that the builder will ever recover his expenses, much less make a profit. There are whole industries where no one can expect to make a profit the first year – publishing a newspaper, for example. Virtually every major American airline has lost money in some years, and some of the biggest and most famous airlines have ended up going bankrupt. If a country wants investors to invest, it cannot tax their resulting capital gains the same as the incomes of people whose incomes were guaranteed in advance when they took the job. It is not just a question of “fairness” to investors. Ultimately, it is investors who guarantee other people’s incomes in a market economy, even though the investors’ own incomes are by no means guaranteed. Reducing investors’ incentives to take risks is reducing the jobs their investments are likely to create. Business income is different from employees’ income in another way. The profit that a business makes is first taxed as profit and the remainder is then taxed again as the incomes of people who receive dividends. The biggest losers from politicians who jack up tax rates are likely to be people who are looking for jobs that will not be there, because investments will not be there to create the jobs. © 2012


Oct. 10 - Oct. 16

Stew Meat One of the many false talking points of the Obama administration is that a rich man like Warren Buffett should not be paying a lower tax rate than his secretary. But anyone whose earnings come from capital gains usually pays a lower tax rate. How are capital gains different from ordinary income? Ordinary income is usually guaranteed. If you work a certain amount of time, you are legally entitled to the pay that you were offered when you took the job. Capital gains involve risk. They are not guaranteed. You can invest your money and lose it all. Moreover, the year when you receive capital gains may not be the same as the years when they were earned. Suppose I spend 10 years writing a book, making not one cent from it in all that time. Then, in the 10th year, when the book is finished, I may sell it to a publisher who pays me $100,000 in advance royalties. Am I the same as someone who has a salary of $100,000 that year? Or am I earning $10,000 a year for 10 years’ work? It so happens that the government will tax me the same as someone who earns $100,000 that year, because my decade of work on the book cannot be documented. But the point here is that it is really a capital gain, and it illustrates the difference between a capital gain and ordinary income. Then there is the risk factor. There is no guarantee to me that a publisher will actually accept the book that I have worked on for 10 years – and there is no guarantee to the publisher that the public will buy enough copies of the book to repay whatever I might be paid when the contract is signed. Even the $10,000 a year – which is less than anyone can earn on an entry level job – is not guaranteed. If my years of work produced an unpublished manuscript, I would not even have been among the first thousand writers who met this fate. Very similar principles apply to businesses. We pay attention to businesses after they have succeeded. But most new businesses do not succeed. Even those businesses that eventually turn out to be enormously successful may go through years of losing money before they have their first year of earning a profit. spent years losing money before turning a profit for the first time in

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l ette r s t o t h e e d i t o r

With Linda Bosch, Owner of Just Cruises Unemployment has bounced between 8 percent and 10 percent for his entire term and To the Editor: average annual income for the middle class In answer to Mr. Quinn’s “Landslide for has dropped by $4,000 to $5,000. Sixty-nine Romney,” Mid River Newsmagazine Sept. percent (1,600 war dead and many thousands 26, 2012: “What is a community organizer?” more wounded) of U.S. military fatalities “A successful organizer should be an and wounded in Afghanistan have occurred abrasive agent to rub raw the resentments during the Nobel Peace Prize recipient’s of the people of the community; to fan administration and not a word from “Thrill latent hostilities of many of the people to up my leg” Chris Matthews, Susan Sarandon, the point of overt expressions.” (Saul Alin- David Letterman or Cindy Sheehan. sky). Latent hostilities ehh? Should anyone really be scratching their The Calumet Community Religious head when they step into the voting booth Conference that had been created by sev- Nov. 6, 2012? eral local Catholic churches is where Mr. Greg Dalay Obama cut his community organizing teeth. St. Peters Yes, the very same church that is now suing the administration for violating its first amendment right concerning abortion and Since Inauguration Day birth control. “diabolus paciscor.” This quote from Byron Yorks excellent To the Editor: National Review article titled “What did President Barak Obama likes to claim that Obama do as a Community Organizer?” America is better off than it was four years ago, Sept. 8, 2008, should show a couple of the but the facts speak for themselves: 43 straight sterling accomplishments that qualify our months of unemployment over 8 percent, 23 current Commander in Chief for his job. million Americans out of work or underem“If you ask Obama’s fellow organizers ployed, and record-low labor force participawhat his most significant accomplishments tion rates. In August alone, more than 350,000 were, they point to two ventures: the expan- Americans gave up hope of finding a job and sion of a city summer-job program for South dropped out of the workforce altogether. Side teenagers and the removal of asbestos The Obama Economy has failed to make from one of the area’s oldest housing projects. things better for Americans. Those, they say, were his biggest victories.” But let the facts speak: This! This qualifies Mr. Obama to run the • Unemployed Americans: Inauguration largest economy and military in the world? Day, 12.05 million; today, 12.54 million; Oh yeah and a short stint in Illinois state change, up 495,000 politics voting in favor of partial birth abor• Unemployment Rate: Inauguration Day, tion, and against civilian gun ownership 7.8percent; today, 8.1percent; change, up while voting “present” for everything else. 0.3percent For this resume, even adding “Hot Dog • Long-Term Unemployed: Inauguration Vendor” or “Double Naught Spy” would be Day, 2.7 million; today, 5 million; change, a significant boost for our countries morale. up 87percent • Middle Class Income: Inauguration Day, Mr. Obama, like all demagogues, has no illusions about helping to create job oppor- $54,962; today, $51,002; down, $3,960 • Gas Prices: Inauguration Day, $1.85; tunities for the unemployed and a better life for those languishing in poverty; Like Bill today, $3.86; change, up 107percent • Home Values: Inauguration Day, $169,700; Clinton, Mr. Obama’s primary personal goal, I think, is Faustian in nature. today, $151,600; change, down 11 percent The Obamas present net worth?? Approxi• Worker Health Insurance Costs: Inaugumately $6 million in cash and assets includ- ration Day, $3,354; today, $4,129; change, ing one of the couple’s most valuable assets; up 23 percent their 6,200-square-foot, six-bathroom, three• College Tuition: Inauguration Day, $6,591; fireplace home in Hyde Park valued at $1.6 today, $8,244; change, up 25 percent million. Not bad for a community organizer • Americans in Poverty: Inauguration Day, and his Chicago hospital diversity coordinator 39.8 million; today, 46.2 million; change, wife. Remember this when Mr. Obama begins up 6.4 million another diatribe about fairness and the rich. • Food Stamp Recipients: Inauguration As I see it, the only thing improving Day, 32 million, today, 47 million; change, slightly under this administration is Mr. up 46 percent UP Obama’s golf game. Gas has been over $3 a • Federal Debt: Inauguration Day, $10.6 trilgallon for three years (it was $1.85 a gallon lion; today, $16 trillion; change, up 51 percent January 2009). Home foreclosures are higher The Obama economy is not working. than ever, especially among minorities. Roman Stockton

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754 Spirit 40 Park Drive Chesterfield, MO 63005 (636) 591-0010 ■ (636) 778-9785 Fax Please send Comments, Letters and Press Releases to: Mid Rivers Newsmagazine is published 25 times per year by 21 Publishing LLC. It is direct-mailed to more than 61,000 households in St. Charles County. Products and services advertised are not necessarily endorsed by Mid Riverts Newsmagazine and views expressed in editorial copy are not necessarily those of Mid Rivers Newsmagazine. No part of Mid Rivers Newsmagazine may be reproduced in any form without prior written consent from Mid Rivers Newsmagazine. All letters addressed to Mid Rivers Newsmagazine or its editor are assumed to be intended for publication and are subject to editing for content and length. Mid Rivers Newsmagazine reserves the right to refuse any advertisement or editorial submission. © Copyright 2012.


wellnessconnection WHAT BODY WHAT BODY TYPE ARE YOU?TYPE ARE YOU? The Ovary Body Type

When ovaries are to blame you will notice signs of hormonal

imbalance the following: PMS (premenstrual A Holistic approach to Weight Loss, Balanced Hormones and like Felling Healthy Again syndrome), irregular menstrual cycles, early menopause, excessive or absent menstrual cycles and occasional constipation. The Ovary Body Type often craves chocolate or dairy products. If you are menopausal, an ovary malfunction can lead to hot flashes and night sweats. You will start to develop “saddlebags” or a “pear” shaped lower half.

A Holistic Approach to Weight Loss, Balanced Hormones and Feeling Healthy Again!

The Liver Body Type

Many people think you can lose weight by just eating fewer calories or exercising more. NOT TRUE! Diet and exercise DON’T actually burn fat, they trigger your organs and glands to release hormones that burn fat. Your body had 6 fat-burning hormones and 3 fat-storing hormones. For various reasons, your organs and glands may have become weak or damaged. As a result, there are 4 distinct body types and each type has its unique look and set of symptoms. Each body type had specific hormone issues that need diagnosed and addressed by our proven methods.


GAIN had 6 fat-burning hormones and 3 fat-storing hormones. For variousWEIGHT reasons, • Severe Exhaustion your organs and glands may have become weak or damaged. As a result, • Difficulty Falling Asleep there are 4 distinct body types and each type has its unique look and set of • Difficulty Concentrating...Or even remembering Simple Tasks symptoms. Each body type had specific hormone that need diagnosed FEELINGSissues OF ANXIETY, • Swelling and Rounding of the Face EXCESSIVE WORRY and addressed by our proven methods. • Puffy Eyes with very Dark Circles AND EXHAUSTION • Double Chin - Belly Roll Fat


• High Blood Pressure

• Elevated • Allergies May be AcuteCholesterol Levels • Joint Pain • Hives or Bad Body Odor Discover the causes of hormone imbalance and how • Migraines or Chronic Headaches • Allergies May Be Acute • Migraines or Chronic Headaches to overcome naturally by attending our next • You May Crave •Fatty Foods, Alcohol or Fried them Foods BUT Feel Worse You may crave fatty foods, alcohol or fried foods BUT feel worse after eating them! Advanced Wellness Hormones Workshop or call to After Eating Them! MIGRAINES OR POT BELLY HEADACHES Discover theTHYROID causes schedule of hormone imbalance and how a FREE Hormone Consultation. ADRENAL LIVER OVARY As you can see, no two bodies are alike. No matter which body type you are, we are here to help.


The adrenal glands are responsible for the “fight or flight” response. When over stimuget out of balance andlose affect your Attend our next workshop or schedule Many people can weight by just eating fewer calories or Type It is also commonlated for thethey Adrenal body type tothink rely you on caffeine The Adrenal Body exercising more. NOT TRUE!glands Diet and are exercise actually burn fat, they and sweets to get through the day, especially inadrenal the afternoon. sleep-wake cycle. The alsoDON’T for the release of a stressTODAY hormone Aresponsible FREE & PRIVATE CONSULTATION The adrenal glands are responsible for the “fight or flight” trigger your organs and glands to release hormones that burn fat. Your body response. When Visit overstimulated they get out of balance and today! called Cartisol. When the levels of this hormone are elevated, research has shown it can cause had 6 fat-burning hormones and 3 fat-storing hormones. For various reasons, The Thyroid Body Type affect your sleep-wake cycle. The adrenal glades are also your organs and glandsleading may havetobecome weak or “belly damaged. As of a result, weight gain in the midsection the dreaded roll” fat. responsible for the release of a stress hormone called Cortisol. EMOTIONAL EATING Your thyroid gland controls how quickly your body

to overcome them naturally by attending our next

As you can see, no two bodies are alike.

Advanced Wellness Hormones Workshop or call to No matter which bodyand typeyour you are, When we address your unique “body type” needs, your hormones become balanced schedule a FREE Hormone Consultation. we are here to help. When we address glands and organs start functioning better and you lose weight naturally! your unique “body type” needs, your

Advanced Wellness or schedule AHormones FREE & PRIVATE CONSULTATION TODAY Workshop

hormones become balanced and your there are 4 distinct body types and each type has its unique look and set of glands and organs start functioning When levels of this hormone are elevated, research has AND CRAVE CARBOHYDRATES uses energy and makes hormones that regulate symptoms. Each body type had specific hormone issues that need diagnosed better and you lose weight naturally! shown it can cause weight gain in the midsection, leading to the When the thyroid is at fault, your energys levels your rate of metabolism. and addressed by our proven methods. dreaded “belly roll” of fat. drop and your legs and arms can start to feel DIFFICULTY FALLING A “Thyroid Body Type”, may mysteriously gain weight UPCOMING EVENTS: Dr. Olivia, thank you for assisting heavy. Many times, if you suffer from thyroid Symptoms of the Adrenal Body Type: ASLEEP AND all over the body despite the absence of changes to Limited Seating! me with my hot flashes! I can finally MIDSECTION ASLEEP THYROID ADRENAL LIVER STAYING OVARY problems, you are more prone to suffer from • Feelings of Anxiety Saturday August 18thGAIN at 10:15am routine or diet. Thyroid body types are also more sleep through the night! WEIGHT Fallon Pkwy. & Saturday September 15th at 10:15am depression. In an effort to improve your mood • Severe adrenal glands are responsible forExhaustion the “fight or flight” -Mary prone to suffer from depression. The In an effort to UPCOMING EVENTS: and increase your energy you will crave • Difficulty Falling Asleep LOCATION: response. When overstimulated they get out of balance and Thank you for finding the reason to improve your mood and increase your energy you will t Limited Seating! The Wellness Connection like breads, • The Difficulty Concentrating...Or remembering Simple Tasks pastas, crackers, my moodiness! I love my affect your sleep-wake adrenal glades are also evencarbohydrates crave carbohydrates and unfortunately, eating these cycle. Christina 111 O’Fallon Commons Dr. progesterone cream! FEELINGS OF ANXIETY, Marie Dr. juice and so on. Unfortunately, eating these and Rounding of the Face responsible for the release of•aSwelling stress hormone called Cortisol. Saturday foods can make the problem worse. Your body may O’Fallon, MO August 18th Hwy N at 10:15am EXCESSIVE WORRY -Beth • Puffy Eyes with very Dark Whenand levels of this are elevated, research hasCircles foods can make the problem worse. 636-978-0970 often feel cold, especially the hands feet. Are hormone you AND EXHAUSTION& Saturday Fallon Pkwy. September 15th at 10:15am I have been struggling to lose the • Double - Belly Roll Fat to theTHINNING HAIR AND LOSS OF shown can cause weight gain in the Chin midsection, leading always wearing extra clothes and evenit socks to bed? At The Workshop DISCOVER: last 10lbs. of my baby weight... dreaded “belly roll” of fat. It is also common for the Adrenal body Attend our next workshop•or • Discover a common cause type to rely caffeine OUTER THIRD OF on EYEBROW How schedule to make your fat-burning with your help I have succeeded! Some Signs of a Thyroid Body Type: DIFFICULTY FALLING of infertility! hormones work overtime for you and sweets to get through the day, especially in the afternoon. -Diane Symptoms of the Adrenal Body Type: A FREE & PRIVATE CONSULTATION TODAY ASLEEP AND • Depression - Mood Swings • Why you may be addicted to • Learn what triggers hot flashes MIDSECTION STAYING A thyroid condition can goASLEEP undetected The Wellness Connection • Feelings of Anxiety food and what to do about it • Sagging skin under the arms, chin or midsection and what to do about it Visit today! WEIGHT GAIN 111 O’Fallon Commons Dr. without proper testing! • Severe • How to recognize if Christina • Hair Loss especially the outer third of theExhaustion eyebrows • The most significant 111 cause O’Fallon Commons Dr. O’Fallon, MO | 636-978-0970 you are suffering from Visit our website for FREE information! of hormonal imbalance Marie Dr. • Difficulty Falling Asleep • Arms & legs feel heavy EMOTIONAL EATING • The link between the foodsO’Fallon, stress-related health issues Your thyroid gland controls how your body MO Hwy N • Difficulty Concentrating...Or even remembering Simple Tasks • You may be cold all the time • Discover what’s in your AND CRAVE CARBOHYDRATES uses energy and makes hormones that regulate you eat and your hormones FEELINGS OF ANXIETY, • Swelling and Rounding of the Face 636-978-0970 water that can lead to A test that canenergys reveal if you have When the thyroid is at •fault, your levels your rate of metabolism. EXCESSIVE WORRY • Puffy Eyes with very Dark Circles hormonal problems hidden thyroid problem making AND EXHAUSTION drop and your legs anda arms can start to feel • The cause behind insomnia • Double Chin - Belly Roll Fat A “Thyroid Body Type”, may mysteriously gain weight it near impossible to lose weight Seminar Admission heavy. Many times, if you suffer fromhave thyroid and how to get relief all over the body despite the absence of changes to • Why some women heavy Attend our next workshop or schedule It is also common for the Adrenal body type to rely on caffeine ($49.00 Value) • How poor liver function can problems, you are moreor prone to suffer from painful menstrual cycles routine or diet. Thyroid types are also more • Discover a common cause and sweets to get through the day, especially in thebody afternoon. • How and to make fat-burning cause thyroid problems, A FREE & PRIVATE CONSULTATION TODAY depression. In an effort• How to improve mood your or call for your free private fibromyalgiayour prone to suffer from depression. In an effort to diabetes and heart disease chronic fatigue of infertility! hormone consultation! and increase you will syndrome crave are hormones work overtime for you Visit today!your energy improve your mood and increase your energy you will • How to beat headaches, fatigue related to your hormones 636-978-0970 carbohydrates like breads, pastas, crackers, and depression crave carbohydrates and unfortunately, eating these • Why you may be addicted to • Learn juice and so on. Unfortunately, eatingwhat these triggers hot flashes foods can make the problem worse. Your body may EMOTIONAL EATING Your thyroid gland controls how quickly your body food and what to do about it foods can make the problemand worse.what to do about it often feel especially the hands and feet. Are you AND CRAVE CARBOHYDRATES uses energy and makes hormones thatcold, regulate THINNING HAIR AND LOSS OF always wearing extra clothes and even socks to bed? When the thyroid is at fault, your energys levels your rate of metabolism. • How to recognize if • The most significant cause THIRD OF EYEBROW drop and your legs and armsOUTER can start to feel Some Signs of a Thyroid A “Thyroid Body Type”, may mysteriously gain weight Body Type: you are suffering from of hormonal imbalance heavy. Many times, if you suffer from thyroid Depression - Mood Swings all over the body despite the•absence of changes to A thyroid condition can go undetected problems, you are more prone to suffer from stress-related health issues • Sagging skin more under the arms, chin or midsection routine or diet. Thyroid body types are also • The link between the foods depression. In an effort to improve yourwithout mood proper testing! • Hair Loss especially the outer third of the eyebrows prone to suffer from depression. In an effort to • Discover what’s in your Visit our website for FREE information! and increase your energy you will crave you eat and your hormones • Arms & legs feel you heavy improve your mood and increase your energy will carbohydrates like breads, pastas, crackers, • You may be cold these all the time water that can lead to crave carbohydrates and unfortunately, eating • A test that can reveal if you have juice and so on. Unfortunately, eating these foods can make the problem worse. Your body may hormonal problems foods can make the problem worse. a hidden thyroid problem making often feel cold, especially the hands and feet. Are you

Symptoms of the Adrenal Body Type: • Feelings of Anxiety Adrenal Body Type • SevereThe Exhaustion • Difficulty Falling Asleep • Difficulty Concentrating ... Or Even Remembering Simple Tasks • Swelling and Rounding of the Face • Puffy Eyes With Very Dark Circles • Double Chin - Belly Roll Fat

Advanced Wellness

ATTEND OuR NExT wORksHOP OcTOBER 20TH - 10:15 Am Hormones Workshop Hwy K

Visit today!

It is also common for the Adrenal body type to rely on caffeine and sweets to get through the day, The Thyroid Body Type especially in the afternoon.

EMOTIONAL EATING AND CRAVE CARBOHYDRATES When the thyroid is at fault, your energy levels drop and your legs and arms can start toInformation feel heavy. Many youAtsuffer from thyroid Visit Our Website For Exact Details & Free ortimes, Call ifUs 636-978-0970 problems, you are more prone to suffer from depression. In an effort to improve your mood and increase your energy you will crave carbohydrates like breads, pastas, crackers, juice and son on. Unfortunately, these foods can make the problem worse. THINNING HAIR AND LOSS The eating Thyroid Body Type OF OUTER THIRD OF EYEBROW.

Hwy K

Discover the causes of hormone imbalance and how to overcome them naturally by attending our next

ADVANCED WELLNESS HORMONES WORkSHOP LOCATION: or call to schedule a FREE Hormone Consultation

Limited Seating!

saturday, October 20th - 10:15 am

The Wellness Connection-111 O’Fallon Commons Dr. O’Fallon



At The Workshop DISCOVER: At the Workshop DISCOVER: from stress-related health issues

• Hives or Bad menopausal, an ovary malfunction canBody leadOdor to hot flashes and


The liver is responsible for severalDiscover malfunctions of the body and the causes of hormone imbalance and how when it malfunctions you end up with the classic “pot belly.” to overcome them naturally by attending our next



• to Allergies May Be Acute or a “pear” sweats. You will start develop “saddlebags” imbalance like the night following: (premenstrual syndrome), • Migraines or Chronic Headaches shaped lower half. PMS • You may crave fatty foods, alcohol or fried foods irregular menstrual The cycles,Liver early Body menopause, BUT feel worse afterexcessive Typeeating them! or ab-


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Many people think you can lose weight by sent menstrual cycles and occasional constipation. The Ovary Body Type often craves chocolate just eating fewer calories or exercising more. or dairy products. If you are menopausal, an ovary malfunction can lead to hot flashes and night The liver is responsible for several malfunctions of the body and NOT TRUE! Diet and Exercise DON’T actually sweats. You will start when to develop “saddlebags” or a “pear” shaped lower half. it malfunctions you end up with the classic “pot belly.” burn fat, they trigger your organs and glands The Liver Body Type may suffer from the following and more: THE LIVER BODY TYPE to release hormones that burn fat. Your body The Ovary Body Type The liver is responsible for several functions of the body and when it malfunctions • Sugar issues like diabetes/Insulin Resistance has 6 fat burning hormones and 3 fat storing When ovaries are to blame you will notice signs of hormonal imbalance like the following: PMS (premenstrual syndrome), • High Blood Pressure you end up with the classic “pot belly”. A Holistic Approach to Weight Loss, Balanced Hormones and Feeling Healthy Again! hormones. For various reasons, your organs The Adrenal Body Type irregular menstrual cycles, early menopause, excessive or absent ADRENAL THYROID LIVER OVARY menstrual cycles and occasional constipation. The Ovary Body • Elevated Cholesterol Levels and may become The adrenal glands areglands responsible for have the “fight or flight”weak or damType often craves chocolate or dairy products. If you are The Liver Body Type may suffer from the following and more: menopausal, anPain ovary malfunction can lead to hot flashes and • Joint response. When overstimulated they get out of balance and aged. As a result, there are 4 distinct body night sweats. You will start to develop “saddlebags” or a “pear” • Sugar Issues Like Resistance affect your sleep-wake cycle. The adrenal glades are also shaped lower half. • Diabetes/Insulin Hives or Bad Body Odor responsible for the release of a each stress hormone called types and type has its Cortisol. unique look and HOT FLASHES • High Blood Pressure • Allergies May BeType Acute When levels of this hormone are elevated, research has The Liver Body set of symptoms. Each body type has specific • Elevated Cholesterol shown it can cause weight gain in the midsection, leading to the The isLevels responsible foror several malfunctionsHeadaches of the body and •liver Migraines Chronic when it malfunctions you end up with the classic “pot belly.” dreaded “belly roll” of fat. issues that need diagnosed Manyand people can lose weight by just eating fewer calories or hormone ad-think youDIFFICULTY • Joint Pain • You may crave fatty foods, alcohol or fried foods FALLING The Liver Body Type may suffer from the following and more: exercising more. NOT TRUE! Diet and exercise DON’T actually burn fat, they Symptoms of the Adrenal Body Type: ASLEEP AND A Holistic Approach to Weight Loss, Balanced Hormones and Feeling Healthy Again! dressed by our proven methods. • Sugar issuesfeel like diabetes/Insulin Resistance MIDSECTION trigger your organs and glands to release hormones that burn fat. Your body BUT worse after eating them! • Hives or Bad Body Odor STAYING ASLEEP • Feelings of Anxiety




Decision makers make a difference In an era of multi-millionaire professional athletes, it can be quite easy to minimize the importance of coaches and managers. After all, a grown man earning $10 million a year should not require much guidance, right? In reality, however, these massive salaries have made the job of the professional sports coach even more difficult. Nowhere has the importance of strong leadership been more “He’s a flat-out leader. He’s one of the most evident than in St. Louis recently. respected guys I’ve ever been around. You Consider the plight of first year Car- want to wake up and play for Mike Matheny.” – David Freese dinals manager Mike Matheny. Matheny’s stint as skipper began by seeing the greatest player of his gen- edly in its leadership. eration leave the team for greener pasJeff Fisher – always categorized as tures, or – more accurately – simply for “cool and confident” – has outlined a more green. He also lost the services plan and has stuck steadfastly to his of undisputed team ace Chris Carpen- decisions. ter, and then the baseball gods piled He has charged his coaching staff on more when clubhouse leader Lance with achieving a clear mission. He has Berkman was rendered inert for most of laser-focused on the things that matter the season. and delegated the things that don’t. And Despite all this, Matheny has been a he has been calm and responsive with quiet, calm and effective leader. his players. He has convinced young men earnThe Rams are a long way from being ing 25 times less than their counterparts world-beaters. Their games are difficult that they would need to fill vital roles in to watch at times – categorized by long the organization. periods of frustrating ineptitude and He successfully engineered the small moments when the plan gels and ascension of Yadier Molina into a team the team moves the ball. But that very leader. frustration is what makes Fisher’s leadHe managed the expectations of $16 ership so impressive. million left fielder Matt Holliday even In past years, when a plan wasn’t as the public demanded that his salary working it changed in the blink of an made him the de facto replacement for eye. The team never knew which way Pujols. was up. He went through highs and lows with Fisher is confident. He understands veteran right fielder Carlos Beltran. and trusts in the process necessary to Matheny has made strategic errors, build a franchise. but those errors become part of an He doesn’t overreact to bungled acceptable learning curve because he drives or his defense giving up the has proven himself to be a more than occasional big play. He teaches. competent leader. He improves the team on every play Now consider the Rams. and every drive. What has really changed between If he is able to acquire more talent, it’ll this year and last? The overall talent be fun to watch what he does with it. on the roster is – at most – marginally The lesson here is that leadership better. There is one free agent (Cortland matters. Finnegan) and two draft choices (Greg Organizations are stronger when they Zuerlein and Janoris Jenkins) making enjoy a shared vision and a decisive significant impacts. Beyond that, the leader. The line between a functiontalent level on this team is the same ing entity and a disorganized mess is or worse than the talent level on the remarkably thin and tenuous. woeful, non-competitive, 2-14 team This might be an important lesson from a year ago. to remember on the first Tuesday in The difference in this team is undoubt- November.


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News Br iefs St. Charles County Wanted: dog owners October is National Adopt a Shelter Dog Month and the St. Charles County’s Pet Adoption Center can help families find canines of many breeds, sizes and ages that are eager to find a new home. Through careful examination, staff at the Pet Adoption will help select the pet that is best for the family. Staff makes every effort possible to collect a complete history of the animal, to treat medical issues and to assess temperament, so that these pets can make a smooth transition into a new home. In addition to offering pets that are a good match, the center also works with owners to provide counseling and assistance on the parenting of their desired pet. “In addition to providing a loving animal a good home, adoption from St. Charles County’s Pet Adoption Center or other area shelters provides a great deal for your family and the community,” said Theresa Williams, director of the Division of Humane Services. “Families that adopt shelter dogs and cats typically can find their favorite pets at a much more affordable price than those obtained from other facilities and can be secure in knowing that their pets have been micro-chipped, spayed or neutered, received updated vaccinations and undergone an

examination by a qualified veterinarian.” The cost to adopt an adult dog is $50, while puppies can be adopted for $60. This adoption fee includes a thorough health examination, initial vaccinations, a spay or neuter service, temperament education and microchipping. The Pet Adoption Center is located at 4850 Mid Rivers Mall Drive and is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays. To view photos and descriptions of animals available for adoption, visit

Relationship summit The Community Council of St. Charles County, a regional provider of support services for nonprofit agencies, is hosting its annual Community Services Summit at 7:30 a.m. on Oct. 23, at Harvester Christian Church in St. Charles. The theme of this year’s summit is “Relationships Matter When Disaster Strikes.” The highlight of this year’s summit will be an opening address and breakout sessions by leaders from Joplin, discussing the importance of building relationships among business, government and nonprofit agencies before disaster hits a community. Speakers will talk about how key relationships helped in rebuilding Joplin after a devastating tornado struck the town in 2011. “The summit is a great way for those

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working with youth and families to make connections with others in the community. Expert speakers will be discussing a wide range of topics including early autism intervention, bullying, teens and technology, and care for elderly parents,” said Pam Raines, with the Community Council. The Summit also includes an extensive exhibit hall at which participants can meet and learn about service providers. Ten break-out sessions address topics pertinent to helping youth and families in our community. A full list of session topics can be found on the Community Council Web site at

Council sets property tax rate The St. Charles County Council established the property tax rates for 2012 at its Sept. 24 meeting. The Council again fixed a rate of 16 hundreths of a cent per $100 of assessed valuation, meaning the owner of a $150,000 home would pay only about 46 cents to the County’s General Revenue Fund. “I’m pleased that we have been able to maintain a low property tax rate and keep our expenses under control,” said County Executive Steve Ehlmann. “And I applaud those other taxing jurisdictions for not increasing their rates as well.” The council also fixed the Road and

Bike and ride Bike enthusiasts can check out scenic trails in St. Charles while meeting new friends this month. The Bike Brigade and Lunch Ride will be held from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sun., Oct. 21, beginning at Heritage Park in St. Charles. For $10, enjoy lunch and a fun-filled day with other bike enthusiasts, traveling a total of 15-miles through some of St. Charles County’s most scenic bike trails. “We are so excited to offer bike advocates everywhere a chance to utilize one of our most popular and unique trailheads at Centennial Trail,” said Parks Director Bettie Yahn-Kramer. The ride, led by St. Charles County Park rangers, begins at the Centennial Trailhead at Heritage Park, then travels parallel to Hwy. 364, and connects to the historic Katy Trail. Midway through the ride, participants will stop to eat lunch at Bike Stop Café.

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Bridge Fund at 20.25 cents on each $100 of assessed valuation and the Dispatch and Alarm Fund rate was set at 3.90 cents per $100 of assessed valuation. The county has reduced its combined tax rate by 6 percent since 2007. This is the fourth consecutive year for the .0016 rate for the General Fund.



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NEWSMAGAZINENETWORK.COM After getting fueled back up and acquiring a free bike/helmet safety inspection by a Bike Stop Café bike mechanic, riders will enjoy a leisurely ride back to Heritage Park. The ride is suitable for bicyclists ages 10 and up and pre-registration is required. To register, visit the St. Charles County Parks Department at or call 949-7535.

St. Charles

ognized as a top performer. The hospital is one of 244 hospitals that achieved the distinction two years in a row. Each of the hospitals named as a Top Performer on Key Quality Measures was recognized for nearly perfect scores on key quality measures. The Joint Commission will recognize the recipients in its “Improving America’s Hospitals” annual report, and on its Quality Check website

Police arrest 20 for DWI

Free flu shots

The St. Charles Police department in conjunction with officers from the St. Peters and O’Fallon Police Departments and deputies from the St. Charles County Sheriff’s department, assisted by personnel from the St. Charles County Department of Corrections conducted a “DWI” checkpoint last month. Officers stopped a total of 472 vehicles in the 400 block of Boonslick Road between 9:30 p.m. and 2 a.m. on Sept. 21. “Long term, we hope to raise awareness and personal responsibility for individuals to use a designated driver or other means of transportation rather than drive impaired,” said Lt. Dave Senter, with the St. Charles Police. “Short term, the goal is for that night, to make the streets safer when those who choose not to be responsible try to drive when they shouldn’t.” About 50 motorists were investigated for possible impaired driving, with 20 drivers arrested for DWI. An additional five arrests made for other violations.

SSM St. Joseph Hospital West is offering free seasonal flu vaccinations to the public on Oct. 27. Clinics are walk-in only and no pre-registration is required. The available vaccines are injection only, so attendees are asked to wear appropriate clothing for easy access to their upper arms. There is a limited supply of preservative free vaccines for pregnant women only. The vaccines will be given from 8 a.m. to noon in the Koenig Cancer Center Conference Rooms at SSM St. Joseph Hospital West on Sat., Oct. 27. The vaccines are offered to ages nine and above.

Lake Saint Louis Quality hospitals The Joint Commission has named three SSM Health Care – St. Louis hospitals as being among the nation’s top performers in clinical quality measures. SSM St. Joseph Hospital West in Lake Saint Louis, SSM St. Mary’s Health Center in Richmond Heights, and SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center in St. Louis, are among the nation’s Top Performers on Key Quality Measures. They are the only hospitals in St. Louis to earn this distinguished honor. The hospitals are among 620 across the U.S. earning the distinction of Top Performers on Key Quality Measures for attaining and sustaining excellence in accountability measure performance. SSM St. Joseph Hospital West is recognized for exemplary performance in using evidence-based clinical processes that are shown to improve care for heart attack, heart failure, pneumonia and surgical care. SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center is similarly recognized for stellar scores in children’s asthma. This is the second consecutive year that SSM St. Joseph Hospital West is being rec-

Cottleville Man killed in one-car crash An 84-year-old St. Charles County man was killed when his vehicle struck the corner of the rectory at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Cottleville on Sept. 27. William E. Fretwell was travelling north on Motherhead Road when witnesses saw the vehicle suddenly veer off of the roadway. The car crashed through shrubs and struck the rectory of St. Joseph’s Parish. “The victim was transported to the hospital and was pronounced dead from cardiac arrest,” said Scott Lewis, Cottleville police chief. The car struck the bedroom of Monsignor James Callahan, who was not in the building at the time. Lewis said there were no other injuries.

Happy haunting The Cottleville Firefighters Community Outreach will hold its third annual Family Fall Festival and Haunted Hayride from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. on Sat. Oct. 27, in Legacy Park. In addition to day and night-time hayrides, there will be lots of fun activities for the children, including carnival games, face painting, craft making, pony rides, petting zoo, bounce houses and inflatable slides, and a full playground. Food will be served all day including hot dogs, brats, pulled pork from Rib City, chili, French fries, kettle corn, funnel cakes and cotton candy. Soft drinks and water will be available and cold beer will be served by the Cottleville Rotary club until 11 p.m.


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O’Fallon moves closer to building city Justice Center By Mary Ann O’Toole Holley O’Fallon city officials are moving another step closer to building a Justice Center in the city, a free-standing structure that would house police and courts facilities Councilman Bob Howell said several other O’Fallon council members say the O’Fallon Police Department has been working too long with too little, and it is time to move forward with plans for a new justice center in the city. “It’s going to cost a lot of money, but it should be a top priority for this city,” Howell said. “We praise ourselves for being the safest city in the nation, and however we have to do it; we’ve got to get moving… quick.” There are no cost estimates at this time, but City Administrator Keith Riesberg said planning begins establishing what is needed in such a facility. He said the best way to control cost is based on square footage needed. “Size of the building helps to establish a preliminary budget then we’d figure out how to fund it,” Riesberg said. He said it was also important to try to understand needs based upon a 20 year projection. Consultants can prepare that information, he said. Mayor Bill Hennessy said years ago it was predicted that O’Fallon’s population would be 125,000 by 2025, but the city’s growth average has already surpassed that prediction. “We never dreamed that in 10 years the population of O’Fallon would be sitting at 80,000 in 2012,” Hennessy said. “I think that surprised everybody. So, I’m all for the new construction. I think if we build it… they will come.” Riesberg said staff will continue to move forward, and the next step will be to get site suggestions, costs and other details. “These are things we need to nail down before we discuss it with the citizens and to explain how we’re going to pay for it,” Riesberg said. “At this point in time, we’d build the cost of the consultant into next year’s budget.” Councilman Michael Snowden said anyone with questions about the need for a new justice center may talk with O’Fallon Police Major Kyle Kelly or a member of the council. “The only way to go is a purposeful building,” Snowden said. Riesberg said with today’s economy the city is seeing a change in density with homes built closer together and in smaller size. He said that would increase population predictions dramatically, and should

be considered in planning. “The biggest challenge is there is no funding to pay debt service on the facility, and we would need to be aware of additional operational costs,” Riesberg said. “We want to start setting standards for the facilities, to achieve the imagery wanted and standardization on certain things within the structure. We need to look at a 20 year timeline; we need to recognize a minimum of 20 years in the planning timeline.” Riesberg said there are limitations on what the city can change, and there are different ways of funding. One option for Civic Hall would be to move funds originally slated for capital improvements to debt service to pay for construction of the justice center. “The down side is it takes funds away from capital improvements,” Riesberg said. “The challenge is that if we delay meeting facility needs, it will leave an operational impact. Regardless of which option, it requires different staff input from stakeholders,” Riesberg said. Major Kyle Kelly said the city has been looking at this issue for a while, and when looking for a new existing building, it often brought problems like in the past with cramped quarters and unsafe conditions. He said in 1996, a needs assessment for the police department was done, based on a projected at 60,000 in 2015, but the city is already well past that estimation. The Police Department size was supposed to be 117, but it is authorized for just 112 officers. He said from 1998 to 2003 the department doubled in size, but hiring has been stagnant since. “When we moved to the existing facility, it was 26,000-square-foot,” Kelly said. “Now, it’s 16,000-square-foot. Because of the city’s growth, some space has been taken by City Hall. Not only does the Police Department need room, City Hall does too.” He said lack of space creates security issues, prisoner housing and court is currently held in a multi-purpose room. He said walking prisoners past a civilian workforce is dangerous. “We came up with a basic size, and thought a minimum square footage of 55,000 square feet would be best,” Kelly said. “Everyone says look at a bigger building because you can use the room for storage space. The city is going to continue growing and you have to keep expansion and future growth in mind.”

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Perhaps too quietly, St. Charles County turned 200 By Michael R. Smith It has figured prominently in U.S. history. With little fanfare, St. Charles County Daniel Boone arrived from Kentucky in turned 200 years old on Monday, Oct. 1. the 1790s and lived his last 20 years here. Not much was done to note the anniversary. He might still be here: There’s controversy There were no celebrations, or speeches. Nor about whether the body his relatives dug up was the Boone Trail Corvette Club called into and took back to Kentucky was actually his. Lewis and Clark and their Corps of Disaction to fill the streets with patriotic pride. The Newsmagazine Network posted a covery began their western expedition here. Missouri River travelers in the 19th censimple note on its Web site Oct. 1 of the 200 year anniversary. Otherwise, the spe- tury left St. Charles by boat and found land cial day passed unnoticed. transportation in Kansas City for journeys St. Charles County was established in to Oregon, Santa Fe, and Sacramento. 1812, three years later after the city for which Much later, Missouri claims, the first segit was named was formerly organized. ment of the U.S. Interstate Highway system Before Missouri became the nation’s began in St. Charles in 1956. 24th state in 1821, Governor William Clark It may seem St. Charles County was a — famed for his role in the Lewis & Clark place for people to leave from. It’s not accuExpedition — established the county on rate. In the mid-late 18th-century French and Oct. 1, 1812, along with four others that Spaniard settlers built homes in and around bordered the Mississippi River, including the city of St. Charles. The city’s Frenchtown St. Louis County. area still contains houses from the early-mid Officially, it was known as the District 1800s. In 1818 Rose Philippine Duchesne of St. Charles. However, the northern and established the first free school west of the western boundaries weren’t fixed until Mississippi River in St. Charles. other counties boxed it in a few years later. The French and Spanish were followed So, in 1812 St. Charles County, because in the mid-19th century by Germans who of the land acquired in the Louisiana found the rolling hills along what is now Purchase, literally extended north to the Hwy. 94 west of I-64 reminiscent of their Canadian border and west to Pacific Ocean. native Rhine Valley. The soil was also as Imagine the size of that county fair! It now good as Germany’s for growing grapes. encompasses 592 square miles. From Missouri’s entrance into the United

States in 1821 until 1826 its first state capitol was located in today’s St. Charles historic district along Main Street. Following the establishment of Portage des Sioux and St. Peters in the late 18th century and the city of St. Charles in 1809, other villages were mapped out in the county: Augusta (1836), Cottleville (1839), Foristell (1836), New Melle (1850), O’Fallon (1856), and Wentzville (1855). The county’s population grew steadily from 1840 through1900 from about 8,000 to around 24,000. It wouldn’t grow much more until 1950. In 1960 the population was more than 50,000 and began growing at a faster rate: it contained about 93,000 in 1970; more than 200,000 in 1990; and now has in excess of 360,000 residents. It’s been a fast-growing area for decades now and the growth continues. Today, it trails only St. Louis County and Jackson County — which includes Kansas City — as the largest county in Missouri. The city of St. Louis is smaller. St. Charles County also ranks as the wealthiest in the state. Two of its cities — O’Fallon and St. Peters — have been included on recent lists of the best small towns in which to live. In some ways, despite being 200 years old the county has never seemed livelier — nor looked younger.


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The jerseys of two Holt High School alumni were officially retired during the school’s Homecoming game on Sept. 28. With their families by their side, former Holt football player Dan Alexander (No. 38) and former Holt softball catcher Melissa Gentile (No. 4) were honored before hundreds of Indian fans during a special ceremony at Soby Field. Alexander graduated from Holt in 1996 and was redshirted his first year at Nebraska where he went on to be a First Team All-Big 12 Conference linebacker/fullback. Alexander finished his career ranked 10th on Nebraska’s all-time rushing list with 2,456 yards. He scored 20 rushing touchdowns and had 13 100-yard rushing games in his collegiate career, including seven in 2000. Alexander was a sixth round draft pick by the Tennessee Titans in 2001 and went on to play for the Jaguars and Rams before spending time playing in the Arena Football league.

He was inducted into the Nebraska Football Hall of Fame in 2010. Alexander currently resides in Tennessee with his wife Amy and two young sons. Gentile, who graduated in 1996, made a quick transition to collegiate ball at the University of Michigan where she tallied 59 hits (including six home runs) and 37 RBIs en route to the Big Ten’s Freshman of the Year Award. It was during her sophomore season however, that Gentile carved her name into the record book. She batted .409 with 67 hits, a school-record 13 home runs and 57 RBIs, earning herself a catcher spot on the 1998 AllAmerica second team. Gentile completed her tenure at Michigan as the program’s career home run leader (28) and ranked among the top 10 in RBIs (129). Today, Gentile is a physical education teacher and head softball coach at Bloomingdale High School in Valrico, Fla.

Proposed I-70 changes meet opposition By Michael R. Smith Drivers know that the peak traffic periods through St. Peters on I-70 can certainly appear as “rush hour” volume. In response, the city is considering changes to the interstate traffic flow between the Cave Springs and Hwy. 79 exits. But one proposal has some business owners concerned. The proposed $9.4-million concept to improve I-70 and its access roads includes plans to convert the outer service roads to one-way roads between Cave Springs and Mid Rivers Mall Drive. The roads would be either eastbound or westbound but the same direction as the I-70 lanes closest to them. John Bommarito, president of the Bommarito Automotive Group, told St. Peters aldermen at the Sept. 27 meeting that he was speaking for other auto dealers on both sides of I-70 that making the service roads one way would be “absolutely disastrous” to their businesses and ultimately to the city. Bommarito said he and other dealers

oppose the one-way roads because they make it more difficult and confusing for customers who typically shop “up and down” the roads to reach dealers. That could decrease car sales for the dealers and tax dollars to the city, he said. If sales losses are large enough dealers will either close or move to other areas. He also said the one-way outer roads are “disincentive” to the city in trying to attract new retailers along the routes. Mayor Len Pagano replied to Bommarito, “I have heard you as well as the Board of Aldermen.” He called the area between Cave Springs and Mid Rivers Mall Drive “the front door of our city” and recognized that the dealerships had helped make it a “first class presentation.” As part of the proposed I-70 improvements new “slip ramps” would be added so traffic could flow off of I-70 and onto secondary roads between the two exits. The Cave Springs interchange would also be reworked, reducing the number of traffic signals.



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O’Fallon considers long-term improvements to O’Day Park By Mary Ann O’Toole Holley When adopting O’Fallon’s strategic plan, one aspect was to plan for facility needs, and according to research by city staff, improvement in the Park’s Department was cited as a prime issue. City Administrator Keith Riesberg said he put together a committee of staff members to focus on the development of O’Day Park, a parcel of land owned by the city in an area near Busch Wildlife Preserve. The City Council agreed it was a project worth pursuing. For most residents, it is a park that was relatively unknown. “We want to clearly communicate that this will be a long-term project,” Riesberg said. “We’ll then start laying out findings, and that will require civic engagement. We want to make sure residents understand. The only way to address the proposals will be through a ballot proposition.” O’Day Park, located on 55 acres along Hwy. DD, just south of I-64, is a land teaming with wildlife, a wetlands and rolling hillsides. Recreational Superintendent Craig Feldt of the city’s Parks and Recreation Department said in 2010 his department assessed inventory and looked at whether the parks in the city met the needs of the community. The inventory put together for parks and

Francis Howell exercises property tax levy By Michael R. Smith Francis Howell School District officials have decided to exercise an option to levy a 5-cent tax, making the current tax $5.1829 per $100 assessed property valuation. The 2012-13 school budget assumed the levy. But the board also plans to allow 20 cents of the tax to expire in two years. Chief Financial Officer Kevin Supple explained at the recent school board meeting that because of state requirements the district wouldn’t be able to levy the 5-cent tax for at least two years if the board “rolled back” its option as it did last year. Supple told the board “we want to guard against possible issues” which could negatively impact the district’s finances over the next few years. Levying the tax, he said, would add about $1 million in revenue per year to the district. Possible impacts to the budget, he said, include a potential $8-million to $8.5-million loss of federal funds if certain financial situations trigger automatic spending cuts, and the decline of state funds as a percentage of the district’s overall revenue. Another hit could be the increased cost to Francis Howell to implement new federal requirements for standard core curriculum, and the district’s capital needs.

facilities included homeowners associations, pools within subdivisions and non-profit facilities, so we could determine if needs were met by other organizations in the community. Residents also completed a needs survey. O’Day Park is cut by O’Day Creek with a flood plain at its bottom, leading to different amenities, Feldt said. “It’s set up for more passive recreation. Not a lot of programming would be needed here,” Feldt said. “With the Master Plan, it was identified that there are beautiful, natural elements that need to be enhanced at the park

such as an adventure playground for children to play in rocks, sand, mud and water.” He said there would be picnic opportunities, connectivity for the primary and secondary trail systems and perhaps an amphitheater for outdoor entertainment. Developing the wetland would also be in the plans, providing a place for nature lovers and bird watchers. “With the plan, it was decided to work in phases, with phase one being the entrance way and adventure playground, shelters and youth activity areas,” Feldt said. There is also prairie area that needs rees-

tablishing and maintenance. Feldt said Phase 2 would be at the northwest side of the park where youth activity areas, trails and a wet meadow sits. Phase 3 would be additional trails and development of a fishing pier into the pond and restoration of the wetlands. Councilman Jim Pepper suggested including an indoor or covered meeting facility like that at Quail Ridge Park. “When we designed this park, those are the ideas we had in mind. I think there are a lot of opportunities here,” Riesberg said.

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A free family-friendly Halloween Party will be Animal Control Division & Parks Department held from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Fri., Oct. 26, will present “Dogtoberfest” from noon to 3 p.m. on OFF at Founder’s Park in Lake Saint Louis. The event Sat., Oct. 13, in the dog park at DuSable Park. The YOUR ENTIRE will include a hayride, inflatables, DJ, balloon event will include a pet parade, bone hunt and cosPURCHASE sculptures and a flashlight egg/candy hunt. For tume contest. For more information, call 949-3395. Coupon must be presented to the more information, visit • cashier at the time • A “Haunted Park Hunt” will be held from 7 of purchase The city of Saint Charles Parks Department p.m. to 10 p.m. on Fri., Oct. 19, in Dames Park in Coupon expires : Supplier of Mulch, Rock, Topsoil, Wood Chips & Compost O’Fallon. This fast-paced event for ages 21 and presents Halloween Spooktacular from 6 p.m. 11/30/2012 older in O’Fallon’s most haunted park is popular to 8 p.m. on Sun., Oct. 28, at Memorial Hall at We also accept yard waste for a �lat rate with couples, co-workers and friends, with two- Blanchette Park in St. Charles. The free Hallowperson teams competing to be the first in deci- een party will include a spooky haunted house, phering clues. Prizes will awarded to the top a hayride and fun games. No reservations are Shredder , Original High be Protein, Gladiator Gladiator to go Lean1 Lean1 to go Slim and Trim , Yogurt D-Lite three teams that tally the most points. The cost necessary. For more information, visit www. $ per person is $15 for O’Fallon residents and $18 Shredder , Original High Protein, • for non-residents. Participants must register in Gladiator Gladiator to go Lean1 Lean1 to go Slim and Trim , Yogurt D-Lite (32 Oz) Halloween Happenings will be held from 2 advance no later than Oct. 12, and sign up individually instead of as a team. No registration will p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sun., Oct. 28, in Progress Park with this coupon, plus any applicable tax be taken at the gate. To register, call 474-8121 or in Wentzville. Children can dress in costume to Good at Cottleville location only. Limit 1 coupon per visit. Cannot be combined with play games, jump in bounce visit any other offer. Some restrictions apply. Exp: 11/10/12 MRM Houses and visit with clowns. The cost is $2 • $ O’Fallon’s Pumpkin Picnic will be held from 4 in advance or $4 at the door. For more informap.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Sat., Oct. 20, in Fort Zumwalt tion, visit Any SK Gladiator Or with 45 grams of protein, 2 measley carbs and now Lean1 Protein Tubs • Park. Kids should dress up or wear a fall costume a taste that’s better than ever! Priced $39.99 or above. St. Charles Symphony presents a free Hallowto the picnic, where they can pick a pumpkin Good at Cottleville location only. Limit 1 coupon per visit. Cannot be combined with een Concert at 7 p.m. on Tues., Oct. 30, at the from the pumpkin patch, go on a hayride, listen any other offer. Some restrictions apply. Exp: 11/10/12 MRM to spooky storytelling and munch on a hotdog and St. Peters Cultural Arts Centre. Kids are encour4765 Hwy N, Corner Mid Rivers Mall Dr. | 636-939-KING (5464) | Mon-Fri 7am-10pm • Sat 8am-10pm • Sun 10am 8pm treats. The cost is $10 for O’Fallon residents and aged to come in costume, as orchestra members $12 for non-residents. The deadline to register for will be dressed up for the occasion. For more the picnic is Oct. 15. To register, call 474-2732 or information, visit • visit Hayrides will be held on Fridays and Satur• Spirits from the Past will be held at 6 p.m. days through Nov. 24, at the Blanchette Landon Sat., Oct. 20, at the Historic Daniel Boone ing in St. Charles. The cost is $10 per person Home. Travel back to the early 1800s where and pre-registration is required. Following the superstition and fear of the unknown led to hayride, visitors will stop at a bonfire to enjoy strange rituals and beliefs. The night will be hot dogs, soda and S’mores. For more illuminated by glow of lanterns as guests make tion, visit • their way through the Boone Home and village Hayrides will be held on the weekends in Defiance. Admission is $10 for adults and $6 for children. For more information, call 798- through Nov. 18, at Broemmelsiek Park in St. Charles County. Wagons pulled by tractors 2005 or visit take participants on a 45-minute hayride which • An exhibit of intricately carved pumpkin ends with a bonfire. The cost is $125 per wagon, masterpieces created by artist Marion Nichols and reservations are required. Times available Win a Free Hats! Door Prizes!!! will be on display from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on include 6 p.m., 7 p.m., and 8 p.m. on Fridays Free Dixie Brats from Mannino’s Market Sun., Oct. 21, at the historic Heald House in and 5 p.m., 6 p.m., 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. on SaturChopper Fort Zumwalt Park. Nichols, who is also known days and Sundays. For more information, call Zee 1! and MUCH MUCH MORE!! as the Snowflake Lady at the St. Louis City 949-7535 or visit Special Pricing • Special Financing Museum downtown, will be on hand to dem• Demonstrator & Trade in Sale onstrate her art, and her carved pumpkins will St. Charles Ghost Tours are available be displayed throughout the house. The cost is throughout the year. For reservations and tour BUY FROM LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED PROFESSIONALS! $2 at the door, and includes a tour of the house. information, call 314-374-6102 or visit www. For more information, call 379-5605 or email • Over 50 Manufacturers • Represented • A Zombie Walk will take those brave enough • Fertilizers A Hayride Hoedown will be held at 6 p.m., 6:45 through the 1-mile trail from Cottleville’s p.m. and 7: 30 p.m. on Fri., Oct. 26 and Sat., Oct. Legacy Park, at Cottleville City Hall, to the • Winter Specials in our 27 at Broemmelsiek Park, 1615 Schwede Road in Babylon Bar at 4744 Mid Rivers Mall Drive. Service Department St. Charles County. The cost is $10.50 per person The frightfully fun evening begins at 5 p.m., Oct. • Financing Available and reservations are required. For more informa- 20. Cost is $20 per person in advance or $25 tion, call 949-7535 or visit the night of the event, and each participant will 17371 No Outer Forty Dr. Chesterfield, MO 63005 • 636-530-1911 • receive a special Zombieville T-Shirt.

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Bu llet i n Boa rd Wentzville Hands on learning Students at Discovery Ridge Elementary participated in the third annual Discovery Days last month. The event, conceived by faculty members before construction of the new elementary school was completed in 2010, focuses on discovery in the physical world. “Discovery Days provides real-life learning opportunities through which students become excited about science and technology and potential careers in those fields,” said Discovery Ridge Principal Laura Bates. “We are grateful for the support of community businesses and organizations with which students interact during this event.” The week included daily themes, buddy activities and a science enriched curriculum. “I like that we get to look through the telescopes and look at the sun, we get to learn about science, space, and weather,” said fourth-grader Brianna Mills. “Discovery Days are fun and we learn a lot.” The week culminated with activities including solar scope viewing with the Astronomical Society of Eastern Missouri, and a Monsanto outreach program on sound and light. Boeing engineers thrilled the students by bringing out their autonomous vehicle and providing a robotics demonstration, but it was the fighter jet pilots who commanded the youngsters’ attention as they told them what

it was like to fly an F/A-18 Super Hornet built right here in St. Louis. “We wanted to be a part of this event and to introduce elementary school students to the exciting careers they could choose from in the future if they apply themselves in school,” said Jennifer Prose with Boeing’s Education Relations team. Afternoon events included presentations from the Magic House and the St. Louis Science Center. The celebration concluded with a dinner and hayride followed by an astronomy viewing at Brommelsiek Park in Wentzville.

Francis Howell Band wins trophies The Francis Howell High School (FHHS) Viking Marching Band recently earned six trophies at the St. Charles West Warrior Invitation on Sept. 22 at St. Charles West High School. “I am very proud of the students work this fall. They have had to overcome a less than desirable situation when we had to find a new drill writer during the second week of camp,” said Chris Miller, director of the bands at FHHS. “To the upper classmen, it looked like we were very behind; however, the hard work we did on the basics during camp has really paid off. They performed well, and represented

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636-329-1361 ~ Howell in true Viking form. I look forward to many more great competitions this season.” The Vikings received a second place trophy in the Maroon division, a second place trophy for best color guard, and a trophy for best drum line. During the finals, the top 10 bands had the opportunity to compete, and the Vikings placed second overall, receiving another second place trophy. The Vikings also won best drum line and best color guard, bringing the total number of trophies to six.

Too cool for school Becky-David Elementary has been named as one of “the Coolest Schools in America” for its award-winning Parent University program, which is a part of the Johns Hopkins University National Network of Partnership Schools. Along with this recognition, Becky-David is featured in the Scholastic Parent & Child Magazine. Becky-David was selected as a feature in the Parent & Child Magazine for their innovative approaches to making school more relevant, challenging and motivating, which has been attainable thorough the school’s Parent University. Formatting their university to address Epstein’s Six Types of Parent Involvement, BeckyDavid has been able to create a program that engages parents and students. Becky-David began the Parent University program two years ago in an effort to increase parent and family involvement, as well as involvement from the Francis Howell community. Offering an interactive “school day”

designed for parents and guardians, parents have the option to choose from a variety of sessions such as storm and internet safety, proactive parenting, math, reading and much more. This year, the Parent University is scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Jan. 10, 2013, and will feature more interactive activities and activities for home in the areas of reading and mathematics. In an effort to include more father’s and male guardians in the university, Becky-David will host a “Dad’s Den.” The “Dad’s Den” will include a designated area for dad’s to bring a favorite book to read to his child during a “flashlight read” with other families.

He’s certified! Scott Harris, activities director at Francis Howell Central (FHC) High School, has successfully completed the process to claim the title of Certified Master Athletic Administrator, administered by the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA).

Fort Zumwalt Outdoor education The Fort Zumwalt Outdoor Education camps took place at Cuivre River State Park from Sept. 16 through Oct. 11. Each week the camp hosted fifth-graders from several elementary schools. The camp includes varied activities like arts/crafts, cave exploration, archery, navigation and exploration.

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Spor t s Lions have record-setting month

By Jonathan Duncan The Lindenwood Lions closed out its first month of play as a member of the Missouri Intercollegiate Athletic Conference with a flourish of success. FREE ESTIMATE On the heels of an exciting home victory We'll meet any written competitor's bid, plus discount 10% OFF the difference! over Glenville State College on Sept. 21, the Lions closed out its four-game home • w w w. a 1 c o n c r e t e . c o m stand for the month with a record-setting 49-28 victory on Sept. 29 over the University of Nebraska-Kearney. It was just the fourth game in MIAA con1/8 Horizontal ad size ference play for the Lions and Lindenwood 4 15/16 x 2 13/16 made a big statement by exploding for one of the best passing games in the conference’s history. Great dental care for Lindenwood scored almost at will in the first half as the Lions found the end zone your family is here! Accepted by___________________ on six possessions in the first half while racking up 408 yards through the air. IMPORTANT Lindenwood senior running back Denodus is YOUR responsibility to review this proof. If we do not hear from you by O’Bryant scored on a 9-yard run early in the _______________, it will be assumed that your ad is OKAY and will run as is. second quarter and that play put him at 330 points for his career, which broke the previous Tel: (314) 405-2500• FAX: (314) 405-2400 mark of 329 held by kicker Halley Ferrell. Wide receiver Andrew Helmick also made it into the record books for Lindenwood against the Lopers as he hauled in 200 yards worth of pass receptions in the first half. Helmick’s day broke the old mark of 184 yards set by George Mumphard back in 2005. Helmick also caught a pair of touchdown passes from quarterback Ben Gomez. James Fetsch, DMD - General Dentist Gomez made his mark in the record book Dr. Fetsch is oral & IV sedation certified. in the third quarter as he racked up his sixth touchdown of the afternoon which tied him 2941 Highway K | O’Fallon, MO 63368 with former Lindenwood signal-caller Phillip Staback. Staback set the Lindenwood record in 2010. Gomez’s six score outing also made him the seventh quarterback in MIAA history to throw for six touchdowns in a game. In addition, Gomez set a new single game conference passing record, throwing

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for 480 yards, eclipsing the previous record of 445 yards set by Ben Kisner. The 480 yard passing total by Gomez also ranks as the third-most in MIAA history. Lindenwood also set several team records as well against Nebraska-Kearney including tying the school records for touchdown passes, second-most passing yards in school history, third highest completions, and seventh-highest total yards offense. While the offense hit on all cylinders, the Lions defense more than pulled its weight as Lindenwood forced two interceptions and recovered a fumble. Connor Harris and Jaz Granderson led the Lions stop crew with eight tackles apiece. A week earlier, on Sept. 21, the Lions played their first ever Friday night home game at Hunter Stadium against Glenville (W.Va.) State. Down 24-7 entering the fourth quarter against the Pioneers, Lindenwood erupted for 21 unanswered points to pull out a 28-24 comeback victory. The Lions defense played a major hand in the fourth quarter comeback, allowing just 57 yards of offense, while forcing three punts by Glenville State. Glenville State jumped to a 17-0 lead just before halftime on the heels of three Lindenwood turnovers. Lindenwood scored on a 3-yard TD run by O’Bryant to start the second half but the Pioneers answered with a score on their next drive. In the fourth quarter, the Lions got a pair of 2-yard touchdown runs from O’Bryant to pull within 24-21. Later, Helmich, took it to the house, scoring on a 19-yard run putting the Lions ahead for the first time all night. Lindenwood finished its four-game home stand with a 3-1 record. Its only defeat was to Central Missouri State, 35-28.


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Healt h Capsu les

“Consumer Reports” has recommended that parents limit babies’ consumption of infant rice cereal, due to arsenic levels. The FDA said it would be premature to make that recommendation prior to completion of a more thorough analysis, which it is conducting.

Arsenic in rice The latest issue of “Consumer Reports” features an article stating that the magazine found organic rice baby cereal, rice breakfast cereals, brown and white rice and other types of rice products contain arsenic, “many at worrisome levels.” (“Arsenic in Your Food,” Nov. 2012) “In virtually every product tested, we found measurable amounts of total arsenic in its two forms,” the story states. “We found significant levels of inorganic arsenic, which is a carcinogen, in almost every product category, along with organic arsenic, which is less toxic but still of concern.” “Consumer Reports” cited “worrisome” levels of arsenic in cereals typically consumed by babies 4-12 months of age and recommended that parents limit babies’ consumption of infant rice cereal to a single serving per day, on average. Late last month, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration released the first part of an ongoing study of arsenic in foods and reported that results of its testing of about 200 samples of rice and rice products appeared to be consistent with results from the “Consumer Reports” testing. However, the FDA did not recommend that consumers alter their consumption of products containing rice and maintained that it would be premature to recommend modifying diets until completion of a more thorough analysis. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has weighed in on the matter also, stating that the two reports’ findings “are that arsenic is present in quantities that might increase an individual’s life-time risk of cancer when children consume typical amounts of rice products.” “While additional research, including the results of the ongoing FDA study, will be needed to provide detailed recommendations, the American Academy of Pediatrics believes that at the individual level, offering children a variety of foods, including products made from oats and wheat, will decrease children’s

exposure to arsenic derived from rice,” the AAP said in a Sept. 19 news release. “In addition, if parents raise questions about arsenic in juice products, they can be reminded that it is not necessary to offer children any juice in a well-balanced, healthy diet...” To read the “Consumer Reports” story, visit index.htm. The FDA’s report can be found at Obesity rates on the rise The proportion of Americans who are severely obese continues to increase rapidly, according to a new study by the RAND Corporation, a not-for-profit research organization. The RAND study looked at more than 3 million people and found that from 20002010, the proportion of Americans who were 100 or more pounds overweight rose from 3.9 percent to 6.6 percent – an increase of roughly 70 percent. While the heaviest Americans continue to get even heavier, beginning in 2005, that trend began to slow somewhat. “The proportion of people at the high end of the weight scale continues to increase faster than any other group of obese people, despite increased public attention on the risks of obesity,” said Roland Sturm, lead author of the study. The prevalence of severe obesity was about 50 percent higher among women than men, and for all levels of obesity, increases were faster among people younger than 40. An apple a day New research lends credence to the old adage, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” if the doctor is a cardiologist. In a study of healthy, middle-aged adults, eating an apple a day for a month led to a 40 percent reduction in blood levels of a substance linked to hardening of the arteries. Taking capsules containing a type of antioxidant found in apples had a similar, but less impressive, effect. The study, which took place at Ohio State University and was funded by an apple industry group, found that apples lowered blood levels of oxidized LDL – the “bad” cholesterol. “When LDL becomes oxidized, it takes on a form that begins atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries,” said Robert DiSilvestro, researcher at Ohio State. “We got a tremendous effect against LDL being oxidized with just one apple a day for four weeks.” According to DiSilvestro, the difference was similar to that found between people with normal coronary arteries versus those with coronary artery disease.



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Early menopause tied to heart attack, stroke Research conducted at the University of Alabama-Birmingham revealed that women who experience early menopause are more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke than women who go through menopause when they are older. Researcher Melissa Wellons, M.D., looked at 2,509 women, 693 of whom reported surgical or natural menopause occurring before age 46. She found that early menopause doubled the risk for cardiovascular disease when compared to groups experiencing menopause later in life. “My hope is that getting this message out will motivate women with early menopause to engage in the lifestyle and medical strategies known to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease – like controlling cholesterol, blood pressure and excess weight and by exercising,” Wellons said.

Free flu shots Free flu shots will be administered from 4-8 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 25 and from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 27 at Progress West HealthCare Center, 2 Progress Point Parkway in O’Fallon. An appointment is required. Call 344-2273.

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On the Calendar “First Aid for Grandparents” will be offered from 10-11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 7 at the Kathryn Linnemann Library, 2323 Elm Street in St. Charles. Attendees will learn what to do when facing common childhood health and first aid situations. Training will prepare grandparents to handle childhood fevers, facial or tooth injuries, seizures, choking, asthma, accidental poisoning and many more health situations. The fee is $5 and includes a child-friendly first aid kit with a Quick Tips reference sheet. To register, call 928-9355.


Expires in 30 days


Barnes-Jewish St. Peters presents ‘Pathways to Wellness’ for women Barnes-Jewish St. Peters Hospital will present the sixth annual “Pathways to Wellness: A Journey for Women” from 7:45 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 26 at Old Hickory Golf Club, 1 Dye Club Drive in St. Peters. The program will open with a continental breakfast and screenings for blood pressure, body composition analysis, stroke risk assessment and total cholesterol and HDL. Keynote speakers will include Drs. Duane Turpin and Renee Van Stavern presenting “Advancements in Stroke Treatment” and weight loss coach Charles D’Angelo presenting “The Missing Link to a Healthier You.” Guests may choose two of the following four breakout sessions: “Fighting Fatigue: The Never-Ending Battle,” “Hill’s Highlights on Hormones,” “What is Your Medicine Doing for You?” and “How to be a Health Coach for the Man in Your Life.” Admission is $10. To register, send a check

Because the study was observational, payable to Barnes-Jewish St. Peters Hospital to: Barnes-Jewish St. Peters Hospital, Wellons said she and her colleagues could HealthWise Center/Pathways to Wellness, not conclude that early menopause causes future cardiovascular disease. 10 Hospital Drive, St. Peters, MO 63376.


News & Notes





Per Set


26 I cover story I



Element church

One of the fastest growing megachurches Jim Frain of O’Fallon admits he was skeptical about joining Element Church, but said after he and his daughter joined, “It changed his life.” “I’ve always been in a Presbyterian or Methodist Church,” Frain said. “A couple of times in the past, I had friends that suggested the bigger churches, where they put the videos on the walls and things. I didn’t think I was ready for that.” About 9 months ago, however, a friend suggested he check out Element Church. “I took my daughter, and it wasn’t what I knew or grew up with, but now, I’m really just so impressed with the feel there. Everybody is friendly, and it is very genuine. It was just different. I was very impressed with Erik Lawson, the head pastor. I just really like the way he did it. It’s upbeat. I’ve learned more there about what I thought I knew, and people are very sincere.” Frain was so impressed with the church that he recently started volunteering as a greeter. Executive Pastor Sean Jazdzyk

By Mary Ann O’Toole Holley Once called super churches, today non-denominational megachurches are attracting people by the thousands, lured not just by spiritual needs, but by the free childcare, lounges, teen rooms with video games played on 48-inch screens, snack bars and a downright nightclub atmosphere before entering the huge black surround of worship — with a stage lit in colored lights. There are professional sound systems with experts to run them, audio visual technicians and a fully stocked bookstore of resources to help spread the Word. Christian Rock music is almost always a central part of services, and on occasion special events like “Rockin’ The Love” brings in plenty of new churchgoers as well as the curious. The number of megachurches in the U.S. has leaped to more than 1,600 today — from just 50 in 1970. The number increased to 150 by 1980; 300 by 1990; 600 by 2000; 1,200 by 2005. In St. Charles County, Element Church in Wentzville, a church that launched about 6 years ago, has been ranked 49th by Outreach Magazine list of “Americas 100 largest & fastest growing churches.” Last month, Element Church officials unveiled their newest $1.5 million expansion, funded entirely in-house: a 5,500-square-foot area with a spacious lobby, large auditorium, a father’s relaxation area, a pastry counter, free water and coffee, mother’s nursing stations and plenty more. Executive Pastor Sean Jazdzyk, a charming, well-spoken young man, says his duties are like those of a vice president of a company. Pastor Erik Lawson is the lead pastor, but a Board of Elders oversees the church and “keeps pastor worthy,” said Jazdzyk. “They are mentoring voices to our pastor.” Jazdzyk said Element Church is growing swiftly because congregants enjoy the entire experience of the large, spacious facilities with rows of “classrooms” created for infant daycare, toddler activities and more educational areas for elementary and high school aged children. “People come before services and stay after,” said Jazdzyk. “It helps us to have a place to fellowship; to build relationships.”

In the beginning… Element Church opened in 2006, meeting with 23 people in a small room at the YMCA in Chesterfield. Just short of 4 years ago, the church moved into the Belz Factory Outlet Mall after Darain and Corey Atkinson, former owners of the notorious US Fidelis vehicle warranty company and owners of the old mall, leased space to the church. The Atkinsons were also benefactors to the church who, according to the US Fidelis bankruptcy filing, spent more than $200,000 of the company’s money on initial church-related constructions costs. In 2008, a US Fidelis press release said Darain Atkinson was a member of Element’s congregation. Darain Atkinson, a member of the church, offered the use of a wing of the mall in his Crossings at Wentzville complex to make it more convenient for its members to attend services. The brothers found Jesus while in jail on charges years earlier (Darain was convicted in 1986 on theft, forgery and burglary in Kansas City and in 1987 for manufacturing counterfeit money. Cory has a 1997 felony conviction for criminal trespassing in Colorado.) “We are so grateful to Darain and his brother for opening their hearts to us,” said Eric Lawson. “Our members look forward to the day when we have our very own facility, but until then, this is a great place to call home.” At the time, church leaders were hoping to acquire space from the Atkinson group in the west wing of the Crossings at Wentzville complex and make it their permanent home. But that was before the indictments and repossession of the mall. A St. Charles County grand jury handed down a 13-count indictment against Cory Atkinson and a 14-count indictment against his brother, Darain Atkinson, in June 2011. On April 27, 2012, the State filed two additional counts against Cory Atkinson. They were sentenced last month on charges that they stripped about $100 million from the business that shut down in 2009. The brothers were ordered by the federal courts to sell property valued at several million dollars to pay creditors, but the mall that housed their office headquarters went back to the lienholder. A creditor’s committee investigated records at Element Church, but no information is available on the results. Frain said he knew about the US Fidelis criminal problems, but wasn’t really aware of the Atkinson brothers involvement.

“Nobody at the church has ever brought it up and I don’t see how it’s affecting anyone,” Frain said. “My understanding, after 64 years, is you get a sense from people. I don’t get a sense that they’re living high.” Jazdzyk said the church has no affiliation with the Atkinson brothers, except that they were members of the church who donated funding like most other members. He said the Atkinson’s had built a Christian Nightclub in the mall, and turned over that portion to the church. Element Church paid all lease costs and funded renovation of the children’s spaces. “The new lienholder was kind enough to extend our lease for another 20 years,” Jazdzyk said. “The Atkinson’s didn’t expand the church; they were contributors. They didn’t begin the church and church officials were not involved.” Moving forward Now that the new, expansive auditorium is completed middle and high school students will now move into the old auditorium and the general church congregation will enjoy services in the new auditorium. Jazdzyk said he doesn’t give numbers, but the old auditorium held 3,500 people and it was overflowing. “I see a lot of lives changed for the better,” Jazdzyk said. “If we’re doing what we’re supposed to be doing, according to the Bible, we will continue to build and see even more lives changed.” Jazdzyk anticipates that Element Church will eventually fill at least half of the mall. “We’re growing so rapidly because everyone feels welcomed and loved. We hear time and time again that people are always greeted with a smile.” Jazdzyk said. “Our pastors are creating a welcome environment regardless of one’s spiritual journey.” Jazdzyk said lead pastor Erik Lawson started a ministry at age 19 when he was working as a janitor at a church in Oklahoma. Prior to pioneering Element Church, Lawson was a truck driver for Church on the Move in Tulsa, Okla., a ministry that held crusades through tent services in rural areas. “He drove to the rallies and ended up speaking,” Jazdzyk said. “That’s how he became involved in the church. He felt the Lord had called him to this city to find healing and a life calling. He made his way up to Youth minister, and then he was invited to found Element Church.” In Oklahoma, Lawson also served as an associate youth pastor and then youth pastor of Church on the Move’s nationally acclaimed youth ministry. Lawson is a 21-year veteran noted for his innovative approach to ministry and his unique ability to bring the Bible to life in memorable ways using vivid illustrations mixed with humor and practical life application. There are no degree requirements or special training needed to serve as a pastor at Element, just a desire to serve the Lord. “The skeptical Jim Frain would say they don’t have a degree and didn’t go to a seminary, but they do a great job, it’s much more inspirational, and I feel motivated when I go,” Frain said. “For me, it’s been great.” Since founding Element, Lawson has drawn a flood of people who listen to his sermons both at the church and through weekly podcasts, most who tithe the requested 10 percent of their income.



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The Walter Knoll Florist display at a previous Builders Home & Remodeling Show

Home & Remodeling Show in St. Charles this weekend By Amy Armour Homeowners will have the opportunity to check out all the latest home improvement products this weekend – in a single location. Homeowners can visit with 250 companies at the 32nd annual Builders Home & Remodeling Show. Produced by the Home Builders Association, the event will run October 12-14 at the St. Charles Convention Center. Admission and parking are free. “People will see the latest products and services for their homes, inside and out,” said Ellen Viehmann, with the HBA. Local and national celebrities will be on hand to provide tips and advice to homeowners, including several favorites from previous shows. “Jeff Holper, The Mole Hunter will be back to help people deal with moles and other pests. Scott Mosby, Home Answer Man, will be back with helpful home seminars about kitchen and bath remodeling on a budget,” said Viehmann. “People can also visit the Walter Knoll Holiday Floral Stage to find out how to make beautiful floral decorations for their homes.” To care for the outside of the home, Tay Farrelly, horticulturist, master gardener and owner of Cullivour Landscapes and Cullivour Construction will present a seminar on landscaping tips and techniques to enhance a home’s curb appeal. “We appreciate the HBA venue, which gives us an opportunity to offer our services in pursuit of new clientele, to continue to build branding and to spotlight our company to the public. We really appreciate the show

being so concentrated on home improvement contractors and suppliers. Attendees have specifically mentioned that they come to the show knowing they will find a home improvement company in the area they seek. It supports our efforts so much,” said Cullivour Landscape in a post-show exhibitor survey from last year. The three-day event will also include some new faces. “We also have Grilling Gurus, Mad Dog & Merrill, at the show this year to share great grilling tips and techniques, plus fantastic recipes,” Viehmann said. The show will also include the first-ever Craft Market where homeowners can shop for a variety of hand-made goods from local vendors. Items may include anything from abstract and multi-media artwork to jewelry and barrettes to soaps and candles to birdhouses and bird feeders. Viehmann is hoping the show draws a crowd of about 15,000, and families are welcome. Families can enjoy free samples of apples, apple pie and cider or purchase “madefrom-scratch” apple pies, turnovers or cookies from the orchards in Marine, Ill. Habitat for Humanity of St. Charles County will sell new and used home improvement merchandise at deeply discounted prices. Items may include doors, cabinetry, appliances, sinks, and smaller items like nails, screws, tile and light fixtures. The show will be held from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. For more information, visit



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30 I business I



Bu si ness

Look! Shops owners Cathy Machisen and Rebecca Riegerix, joined by friends, family, community members and representatives of the O’Fallon Chamber of Commerce and the city of O’Fallon.


Sterling Silver charms from $25

11 Meadows Circle Drive • Suite 414 1306 Clarkson/Clayton Center • Ellisville, MO 63011 Lake St. Louis, MO 63367 (636) 227-2006 636.561.8881 11 Meadows Circle Drive, Suite 414 • Lake St. Louis, MO 63367 (636) 561-8881

Parkway in St. Peters. Behr, McCarter & ••• Potter, P.C., has named Hendrick’s BBQ, which is located at Jason Kinser, of St. 1200 S. Main St. in Historic St. Charles, Peters, as a partner at the has celebrated its grand opening with a firm. Kinser’s practice is ribbon cutting. ••• concentrated in the areas Look! Shops has celebrated the openof employment law and Kinser ing of its new location in O’Fallon with a civil litigation ribbon cutting ceremony. Kinser received a BachThe shop is designed to sell merchandise elor of Arts in political science from Northern Illinois University and then served as a U.S. from new start-ups, expanding, downsizArmy officer, where he traveled extensively ing or online businesses. It also serves as throughout Central America achieving the a place to test new products and help the rank of Captain. He also obtained his Juris “mini-preneuer” get started. The new shop takes its name from a Doctor cum laude from the Southern Illinois foundation started by the co-owner Cathy University School of Law. Machisen’s parents, Ray and Darlene Henry, called Look: Let’s Outfit Our Kids. PLACES The organization helps raise money for Missouri Ballet Theatre has celebrated local children in need of clothes, shoes, its grand opening with a ribbon cutting. school supplies, recreational equipment MBT has held educational performances and more. Machisen and Riegerix said they for more than 2,000 young people in its would donate a portion of Look! Shops’ effort to continue educating young audi- proceeds to the foundation to help it grow. ences about dance and the arts in general. Look! Shops is located at 991 Waterbury MBT is located at 4135 North St. Peters Falls in O’Fallon.

One of the best KolbeCo Marketing Resources, based in Dardenne Prairie, has been selected as September’s recipient of the Business Spotlight Award from the Economic Development Roundtable of St. Charles County for regularly being recognized as one of the best PR firms in the St. Louis region. Each month, the Economic KolbeCo Marketing receives the Business Development Roundtable selects Spotlight Award for September. a different employer in St. Charles County for the Business Spotlight Award, based on criteria such as entrepreneurial success, civic involvement, job growth, economic impact and investment.



I 31

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I am 5 months into my journey to become fit and healthy and I feel great thanks to Fitness Together. I train 4 days a week one-on-one with a personal trainer and am pushed farther than I would ever go on my own. Working out with different trainers keeps the sessions fresh and new. Nothing is worse that doing the same workout every single day. I also integrate cardio workouts into my training routine. The trainers keep me motivated and make sure that I don’t give up. After each workout, I feel energized and ready to face my daily responsibilities as a wife and mother. I don’t want to sit on the sofa all day. I want to be productive and active. I have lost over 30 pounds so far and look forward to my continued success at Fitness Together. Thanks to all of the trainers for your help and support. I still have a ways to go but I am motivated now to succeed. I look forward to accomplishing all of my goals.










32 I events I




YMCA Trout Lodge and Camp Lakewood transform into a spooky destination for Haunted Hayrides, pumpkin carving, a Haunted Village, trick or treating, and more. Whether you love to be scared or if you’re looking for something a little less scary for your little ones, you’ll find something for everyone during Halloween Weekend at YMCA Trout Lodge.

All rates include lodging, buffet-style meals, and most activities. Non Y Members are welcome!

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Com mu n it y Event s THE MEADOWS EVENTS Monsters on the Meadows Halloween Fall Festival will be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sat., Oct. 27, at The Meadows. Get your little monsters ready for this fun-filled day at The Meadows and enjoy music, hayrides, fire truck and ambulance displays, pumpkin painting and trick-or-treating. All events are free and open to the public. For more information, call 695-2626. ••• The Lake Saint Louis Farmers and Artists Market will be held from 8 a.m. to noon on every Saturday through October at The Meadows of Lake Saint Louis. Each Saturday morning through mid-October the area’s best farmers, growers, ranchers, bakers, beekeepers and artisans bring the community the very finest in locally-produced goods to the market. For more information on the market, visit

CHARITABLE EVENTS The Lambert Airport Rotary Club is sponsoring a bicycle poker ride at 9 a.m. on Sun., Oct. 14, on the Katy Trail from Augusta to Weldon Spring and back. Riders will bike 20 miles collecting playing cards along the way to form the best poker hands and win prizes. Proceeds from the ride will benefit Rotary International’s effort to eradicate polio

throughout the world. A $25 registration fee includes a light breakfast, poker play, lunch after the ride and the prizes. Ride registration is being accepted now by mailing a check payable to the Lambert Airport Rotary Club to Charles R. Ehlert, 36 Scenic View Ct., St. Charles, MO 63303. Ride information will be mailed after registration is received. For more information, call 441-3520. ••• Belleza Salon will host “Cut For A Cause” from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Sun., Oct. 21, at the salon located at 3449 Pheasant Meadows in O’Fallon. The family event will include a bounce house, jelly belly candy bars from Jo-Jo’z frozen yogurt, raffle tickets for gift baskets and chances to win a set of pink sapphire and diamond earrings from Steven’s Jewelry. The stylist at Belleza will be doing dry haircuts or a shampoo with style for $25. All proceeds from this event will go into a special fund at Belleza to help women in their time of need see their true beauty. For more information, call 300-3437.

MID RIVERS MALL As part of the celebration of Mid Rivers Mall turning 25 on Sunday, Oct. 14 - it opened on that day in 1987 - the mall will be hosting a Family Fun Night with the theme being “A 1980s Dance Party” in the Food Court. The event will be held from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m.,

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Friday, Oct. 12. There will be plenty of free activities for kids, including a DJ playing ‘80s music. During the Family Fun Night, kids eat free at select Mid Rivers Mall retailers.

FAMILY FUN The Great Pumpkin Festival will be held from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Sun., Oct. 14, at Morning Star Church, 1600 Feise Road in Dardenne Prairie. The free event will include hayrides, pumpkin decorating, a chili cook-off, pumpkin chunkin and bon fires to roast marshmallows. For more information, call 314-799-9292. ••• The 17th annual St. Joseph Craft Fair hosted by the St. Joseph Band will be held from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m., Sat., Oct. 13, at St. Joseph in Cottleville. More than 100 vendors will be on hand along with homemade chili, barbecue, and a bake sale. Visitors will be able to bid on many auction items. There will be a Kid Zone with an inflatable bounce house, pumpkins to decorate, and much more. All proceeds benefit the school band. ••• A Fall Harvest Picnic will be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sat., Oct. 20, at Towne Park, 100 Towne Park Drive near Wentzville. St. Charles County Parks staff will cook a batch of old fashioned apple butter and apple cider. Learn about the importance of a fall harvest and farm orchards and how they shaped the diets of our ancestors in early 19th century St. Charles. Children will be entertained by playing period games and making corn husk dolls

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Don Shaw with Midwest Health Plan Store is an independent authorized agent in Missouri for Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. In most of Missouri: Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield is the trade name for RightCHOICE® Managed Care, Inc. (RIT) , Healthy Alliance Life Insurance Company (HALIC) and HMO Missouri, Inc. RIT and certain affiliates administer non-HMO benefits underwritten by HALIC and HMO benefits underwritten by HMO Missouri, Inc. RIT and certain affiliates only provide administrative services for self-funded plans and do not underwrite benefits. Independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. ® Anthem is a registered mark. The Blue Cross and Blue Shield names and symbols are registered marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.

Five Acre’s Trivia Night will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Fri., Oct. 12, at O’Fallon Elks Lodge, 1163 Tom Ginnever Avenue. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., with the first question at 7:30 p.m. The cost is $200 per table of eight. The event features 1st, 2nd and 3rd place cash prizes along with bonus rounds. There will also be a silent auction, raffle and 50/50. Register online at and enter event code FAAS1012. For more information contact Kim Brown at 949-9918.

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and corn cob darts. For more information, call 949-7535 or visit ••• Therapeutic Horsemanship’s is hosting a “Pirates on the Run” Evening that includes a 5K trail run and 1 miles treasure hunt on Sat., Oct. 13 on its campus in Wentzville. The pirate-themed event will include the 5K trail run starting at 5 p.m., a 1-Mile Treasure Hunt starting at 5:30 p.m., and face painting, storytelling, pirate games, and crafts. The 5K will be timed by Fleet Feet Sports. Prizes will be awarded to the top three 5K finishers in 12 different categories. Registration for the 5K is $25. The Treasure Hunt costs $15 per person or $50 per family. Online registration for the event and more details are available at Therapeutic Horsemanship’s website at Advance registration is requested as space is limited.


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This office is a General Dentistry Practice. Cosmetic dentistry and tooth whitening are specialty areas not recognized by the ADA that require no specific educational training to advertise these services. The following dentists in this practice are not licensed in Missouri as specialists in the advertised dental specialties of Oral Surgery, Prosthodontics, Periodontics, or Orthodontics: Mary Smith, DDS

34 I prime. Your guide to new homes


prime. Your guide to the area’s finest new homes


Good housing news continues Kevin Weaks

Sales of existing homes rose in August to their highest rate in more than two years and new housing construction is continuing to climb locally, providing signs that a budding housing market recovery is gaining traction Though new homes represent less than 20 percent of the housing sales market, they have an outsize impact on the economy. Each home built creates an average of three jobs for a year and generates about $90,000 in tax revenue, according to the National Association of Home Builders. Here’s what’s new in new homes:

professional designer Chandra Fessler of Chandra Fessler Interiors – free of charge. According to Bill Wannstedt, director of operations for Consort Homes, the Design Center now serves purchasers in all 15 of the firm’s single-family and townhome communities throughout the metro region. The largest of the builder’s current communities, Carlton Glen Estates, provides an overview of Consort Homes’ architectural styling and curb appeal, as well. For directions and details, visit or call (636) 327-4390,

Kemp has pre-grand opening pricing at Ridgepointe in Lake Saint Louis The Kemp Homes Company has opened two new leisure lifestyle communities in Lake Saint Louis offering estate homes from the $220’s and freestanding villa homes from the $190’s. For a limited time, buyers can get special pre-grand opening pricing. Both communities feature no exterior maintenance chores. “Time is a luxury few people want to waste,” said Kemp Homes principal Bill Kemp. “We all want to have more time for recreation, to spend time with our families and to pursue activities for our personal enjoyment. The active adult friendly ranch, 1.5story and two-story plans – including the Saratoga model – offer the opportunity to buy now and “age in place” without ever having to move again. There is no age restriction like a “55-plus” community, so families are welcome. The Saratoga display will officially open Oct. 28. To get a personal preview before then, call sales manager Suzanne Matyiko at (314) 469-8224. Ridgepointe is located just off the newly opened South Henke Road.

Payne Family Homes to grand open in The Hamptons this fall Payne Family Homes is busily preparing for its grand opening in The Hamptons, a gated enclave on Hemsath Road in St. Charles County. The inaugural event is planned for later this fall. Payne offers an unusually broad selection of 12 ranch, story-and-a-half, and two-story designs from its Lifestyle Collection, loaded with upscale amenities and available with three-car garages on certain homesites. Floor plans range from 1,627 to 3,388 square feet, and lower levels can be finished for additional entertainment and bedroom space. Although details are still being finalized, preview pricing in The Hamptons starts from the mid-$200’s, and construction of the “Monterey” display – a brand-new 1.5story design just introduced to the Lifestyle portfolio – is expected to begin shortly. An interest list is now forming and you can get on it by calling McIver at (314) 220-2861. Visit

Griffey Homes’ new Abbey inventory home is now open at Penny Lane The Abbey is one of Griffey’s most popular Consort Homes’ new Design Center models, said sales manager Kim Valerio, and gives customers the “big picture” is priced at $236,732. There was an unexpected “bonus” in The home features granite counter tops, store for home shoppers attending the vaulted ceilings, optional hearth room, mid-September grand opening of Consort upgraded flooring and a view of the lake Homes’ new display models at Carlton from the very private patio. Glen Estates in Wentzville. The celebration Griffey also has a handful of remainalso marked the official debut of Consort’s ing condos at The Charleston at Heritage new Design Center. starting at $129,900 and featuring two Located on the lower level of Carlton bedrooms, two baths and a 5-by-25-foot Glen’s new “Windsor” two-story display, balcony. Garages are still available at an the Design Center is the home builder’s additional $9,500. latest innovation – a 1,000-square-foot “Most condos are on busy roads, but it is showroom where owners choose all of very quiet here and in the middle of a prestithe interior/ exterior components for their gious single-family community,” Kim said. new homes at a single location, assisted by Contact Kim at (636) 936-1923.

Your guide to new homes prime.  I 35


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I 37

Christy’s brings unique burger tradition to Cottleville By Suzanne Corbett Back in the day, everyone knew where to go for good burgers – the local, family-owned burger shack, of course. In Starkville, Miss., that burger shack was Christy’s Hamburgers, which now is owned and operated by Todd and Ryan Burkis, who brought the operation to Missouri in 2010. Todd Burkis first discovered Christy’s as a student when attending Mississippi State University. He became Christy’s’ No. 1 fan, and in the late 1990s, he bought the business. After a few years of expansion, the Burkis brothers decided to bring Christy’s to Missouri and in 2010, they opened the store in Cottleville. Last year, they opened another in West St. Louis County. “We’re proud Christy’s is still a family-owned business,” said Ryan Burkis, who promotes Christy’s Hamburgers’ tradition of providing hearty burgers at fair prices. Christy’s built its reputation on hand-pattied, customgrilled and seasoned burgers weighing in at a third of a pound for the classic Christy Burger and a pound and a half for the Triple Christy. All are served up fresh and juicy on bakery buns, and customers have the option of several addons, such as bacon, grilled onions, mushrooms or cheese.

Christy’s Hamburgers 3957 Mid Rivers Mall Drive Cottleville 636-926-2222 Open 11 a.m.-9 p.m. daily

Those whose appetites cannot accommodate a halfpound burger need not worry; the Baby Christy is a quarter-pound burger that when served with fries and a drink as combo basket is promoted as “the kid’s meal for adults.” While burgers are the driving force that first brings the hungry to Christy’s Hamburgers, there are other items to consider as well. “People think we just serve burgers, but we serve more,” Burkis said, citing as an example the Delta farm-raised catfish, which is a big hit. “We didn’t realize people loved catfish as much as they do here,” he said. Christy’s hand-breads its catfish and chicken tenders, which can also be ordered grilled. All are cooked when they are ordered and used to create generous sandwiches and platters. And just in case a beef lover is looking for something other than a burger, Christy’s offers a Philly Cheese Steak. Fries and drinks can be paired with any burger, catfish or chicken option to create a basket or platter. And whether guests choose a basket or a standalone burger, Christy’s gives a free ride to the toppings bar where diners can dress their burgers with all the traditional trimmings, savory Christy’s Hamburgers has built its reputation on fresh, handdressings and sauces they desire. pattied and custom-grilled burgers. “People love the toppings bar because you can fix your burger or sandwich the way you like it,” said Burkis, who admitted that he once took the toppings bar down and 2011 by St. Louis Magazine and Best Burger in Missispromptly returned it to satisfy customer demand. sippi by the Mississippi Cattlemen’s Association. “We didn’t realize how much people really like it,” he But Burkis said the best kudos come from his customers, said. “It’s become one of those things that sets us apart.” and he credits that to his operation’s quality, value and service. The Christy’s Burger difference has earned a number of “We guarantee you’ll get your money’s worth along with kudos, the latest being named the No. 1 Burger (chain) in a great experience,” he said.

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Light a blessed candle. Ask St. Claire for 3 favors, 2 impossible & 1 for money. Say 9 Hail Marys for 9 days. Promise publication. God of Mercy, you inspired St. Claire with the love of poverty. By the help of her prayers, may we follow Christ in poverty of spirit and come to the joyful vision of your glory in the Kingdom of Heaven. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ., Your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen. O Glorious St. Claire, God has given you the power of working miracles continually, and favor of answering the prayers of those who invoke your assistance in misfortune, anxiety, and distress. We beseech you, obtain for us from Jesus, through Mary, his Blessed Mother, what we beg of you so fervently and hopefully. If it be for the greater honor and glory of God and for the good of our souls. Amen. Please hear my Novena St. Claire. I believe in the power of prayer and miracles. Thank you St. Claire! JG


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May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, Help of the Hopeless, pray for us. Say prayer nine times a day; by the 8th day prayer will be answered. Say it for nine days. Then publish. Your prayers will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Thank you, St. Jude. BJE


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May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, Help of the Hopeless, pray for us. Say prayer nine times a day; by the 8th day prayer will be answered. Say it for nine days. Then publish. Your prayers will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Thank you, St. Jude. MA

Line ad: 8 lines of text, approximately 30-35 words in this size type. Call 636-591-0010.


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