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I opinion I 3


Is Thinking Obsolete? While it is not possible to answer all the emails and letters from readers, many are thought-provoking, whether those thoughts are positive or negative. An email from one young man simply asked for the sources of some facts about gun control that were mentioned in a recent column. It is good to check out the facts – especially if you check out the facts on both sides of an issue. By contrast, another man simply denounced me because of what was said in that column. He did not ask for my sources but simply made contrary assertions, as if his assertions must be correct and therefore mine must be wrong. He identified himself as a physician, and the claims that he made about guns were claims that had been made years ago in a medical journal – and thoroughly discredited since then. He might have learned that, if we had engaged in a back and forth discussion, but it was clear from his letter that his goal was not debate but denunciation. That is often the case these days. It is always amazing how many serious issues are not discussed seriously, but instead simply generate assertions and counterassertions. On television talk shows, people on opposite sides often just try to shout each other down. There is a remarkable range of ways of seeming to argue without actually producing any coherent argument. Decades of dumbed-down education no doubt have something to do with this, but there is more to it than that. Education is not merely neglected in many of our schools today, but is replaced to a great extent by ideological indoctrination. Moreover, it is largely indoctrination based on the same set of underlying and unexamined assumptions among teachers and institutions. If our educational institutions – from the schools to the universities – were as interested in a diversity of ideas as they are obsessed with racial diversity, students would at least gain experience in seeing the assumptions behind different visions and the role of logic and evidence in debating those differences. Instead, a student can go all the way from elementary school to a Ph.D. without encountering any fundamentally different vision of the world from that of the prevailing political correctness. Moreover, the moral perspective that

goes with this prevailing ideological view is all too often that of people who see themselves as being on the side of the angels against the forces of evil – whether the particular issue at hand is gun control, environmentalism, race or whatever. A moral monopoly is the antithesis of a marketplace of ideas. One sign of this sense of moral monopoly among the left intelligentsia is that the institutions most under their control – the schools, colleges and universities – have far less freedom of speech than the rest of American society. While advocacy of homosexuality, for example, is common on college campuses and listening to this advocacy is often obligatory during freshman orientation, criticism of homosexuality is called “hate speech” that is subject to punishment. While spokesmen for various racial or ethnic groups are free to vehemently denounce whites as a group for their past or present sins, real or otherwise, any white student who similarly denounces the sins or shortcomings of non-white groups can be virtually guaranteed to be punished, if not expelled. Even students who do not advocate anything can pay a price if they do not go along with classroom brainwashing. The student at Florida Atlantic University who recently declined to stomp on a paper with the word “Jesus” on it, as ordered by the professor, was scheduled for punishment by the university until the story became public and provoked an outcry from outside academia. This professor’s action might be dismissed as an isolated extreme, but the university establishment’s initial solid backing for him and its coming down hard on the student shows that the moral dry rot goes far deeper than one brainwashing professor. The failure of our educational system goes beyond what they fail to teach. It includes what they do teach, or rather indoctrinate, and the graduates they send out into the world, who are incapable of seriously weighing alternatives for themselves or for American society.

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letters to the editor Reliable power in the long run

In favor of Common Core State Standards

To the Editor: To the Editor: As an electric power customer, I take for Common Core is a window of opportugranted that the lights come on every time I nity. It will force failing schools to adopt flip the switch. And should those lights go a mission. Ask four or five school adminisout in the event of an outage, I’ve come to trators to tell you what their job or mission expect that my utility will work quickly to is and you will get four or five fuzzy and get them back on. bewildering answers. Missouri is fortunate to have strong, reliBut Common Core has no chance of sucable electric utilities powering our homes cess. Colleges of education, the primary cause and businesses at some of the lowest rates of failing schools, will not let it happen. in the country. The reliable, affordable Are they going to give up their jobs energy we enjoy today is at risk unless we teaching “methods” classes to teachers ill act now to protect its future. prepared to teach anything of substance? ISRS legislation currently being consid- Common Core is saying, “Here’s someered by both chambers of state legislature thing we can do for our kids.” streamlines our electric regulations with a Colleges of education do not want to model that allows investor-owned utilities hear this. to more responsibly finance energy projSandra Stotsky, an advocate of stanects that keep the lights on. dards-based reform, makes the strongest ISRS will mean reliable service in the case possible for Common Core when she long run. Without a proactive plan like this says it is not “research based.” When you in place, we might regret not addressing hear an educator use the word “research” our aging infrastructure – and by then, it’ll you know that failure is not far behind. be too late. It is for the long-term sake of Bob Boles our state’s future that I urge my legislators Manchester to pass this important bill. Bob Komor Ballwin Against Common Core

State Standards

To the Editor: In favor of universal Going on right now, but cleverly concealed from your view and deftly disguised background checks in purpose, is the biggest and swiftest, To the Editor: stealth takeover of education in American The recent senatorial vote against uni- history. It is called “Common Core,” short versal background checks indicates the for Common Core State Standards. extreme cowardice of our elected officials. It is the latest version of a one-size-fitsPolls indicate that up to 90 percent of all system adopted by Missouri and 45 Americans are in favor of universal back- other states and paid for by the federal govground checks, but I guess our esteemed ernment without any knowledge or vote elected officials don’t represent we, the from the citizens. That’s why most people people; they represent the NRA. are completely in the dark about Common A Political Money Line report shows Core even though it is steamrolling ahead that the top 10 senate beneficiaries of with no end in sight. NRA money are all Republicans. And the Common Core, a younger, but more preNo.2 recipient on that list is – you guessed cocious, sister of Goals 2000 and Agenda it – Sen. Roy Blunt from our great state of 21, first appeared in elementary schools Missouri. around the country in 2006 under the guise Remember in the “Wizard of Oz” when of “standards-based grading.” the scarecrow, the lion and the tin man said The traditional method of grading with if they only had a heart, the nerve and a homework, paper tests and extra credit brain, they could accomplish great things. was quietly flushed down the toilet and Sadly, these 46 senators, four of whom substituted with the sole use of online tests. were Democrats, have neither the heart, If the student failed to perform as well as the nerve nor the brains to face down the he wanted on the first test, he could retake NRA. However, Mr. Blunt could play the it. The unelected “educrats” celebrate this cowardly lion with no problem. clean sweep by claiming that this new Steve Williams method “more accurately measures learnBallwin ing, because it wipes out the unfair advan-

tage of hard work and parental assistance.” This new-fangled system reached Rockwood high schools in 2011 and the results are out: fewer Ds and Fs! See West Newsmagazine, Dec. 19, 2012. Suddenly, and of course assuredly, with the help of CC, the students have gotten a lot smarter! More likely however, the “standards” got a lot easier! A sure giveaway to mischief is the fact that publishing firms, who still wanted to be used, had to rewrite their content to accommodate the new standards. The same is true of the College Board, if they still desired to test them. A much less visible, but equally troubling aspect of Common Core is yet to come: the use of “longitudinal studies.” This is where 416 personal questions will be asked of your unsuspecting child every year – from pre-k to college – starting in 2014. This intrusive information will be stored in a nationally shared database. That should raise some eyebrows! The goal for this data is to help teachers create a more accurate profile of “units” – the new buzzword given to your children, which when combined with the online testing will allegedly help teachers more easily and verifiably assess their units’ mastery of the standards. The end result is obvious. Schools, as we know them, are being changed and local control is being lost – faster than the speed of light. In the last few years, the federal government has succeeded in its goal to not only rewrite the curriculum, but also to do the testing! In this way, the federal government will determine who succeeds and who doesn’t. Further, all this is happening with money being stolen right out of the pockets of the American citizens – without even a whimper! This, my friends, is just the tip of the iceberg! If you think this issue is one that you would like to do something about, you can sign a petition against CC at parentalrights. org. Remember, time is of the essence! You can also contact lisa.payne-naeger@ missourigrassrootscoalition.org to find out where meetings are being held and what you can do to stop CC. Patricia Reichardt Wildwood

why others including Congresswoman Ann Wagner do not respond to his letters. It may be because they are not questions but statements looking for endorsement, slanted and a bit sarcastic in approach. I wondered which party he might be from until I read briefly, then knew right away, the information that is being fed to Republicans. It is not balanced, but accusatory writing. For instance, what national education standards would apply to all schools? Whose approach would be mandated? How would history be edited to favor one side’s “facts”? How would true science be taught? Not an easy answer. Mr. Stoeffler suggests eliminating the Department of Education. His opinion is that education is a disaster. Perhaps he is one of those who recommends eliminating all government oversight and coordination, reducing us to 50 separate states with our limited state resources and do-nothing legislators. And his reference to preschool being a government plot to relegate family to a secondary status? Please. It is always the goal of education to be a partnership between families and schooling. He should be aware of that. Does he suggest Homeland Security also has a plot to use hollow point ammunition on us – or who then? What can he be suggesting here? And look at our investments. Highest returns in decades. And somehow government keeps us from getting jobs? How exactly? Loans are easier, job numbers are increasing in spite of Republicans voting down every jobs bill. Only the rich are holding on to every dime. Small business is prospering and hiring. The middle class is spending. Corporations are looking for cheap labor in China and Bangledesh and looking to government to help them do it. Since you are quite right wing in your political leanings and so short sighted about the big picture and complexity of problems today, perhaps you should instead ask Ann Wagner and other Republicans in Congress why they refuse to vote for anything to try to solve any of our current needs. Imagine a party so angry about losing the presidential election, twice, that they take their ball and go home on every important Responding to ‘Letters issue and choose to distort the measures that Obama has had success in initiating. written, no reply’ The people back Obama. To the Editor: Who in Congress is voting for what the I am responding to John Stoeffler’s letter people want? to the editor (“Letters written, no reply,” Maryann Mace West Newsmagazine, May 1). He wonders Ballwin



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Rough landing


The increasing price of freedom “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” – Benjamin Franklin The above quote may hold in it some of the most important questions of our generation. That said, the quote itself is often used improperly, or at least incompletely. A recent poll conducted by the New York Times and CBS News suggests that Americans overwhelmingly favor giving up some liberty in order to obtain safety. The poll, conducted in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings, determined that 78 percent of respondents were in favor of government-monitored video surveillance in public places. Sixty-six percent said information on how to make explosives should not be allowed on the Internet, despite acknowledging that is a form of censorship. Only 20 percent felt the government had gone too far in restricting our civil liberties. Twenty-six percent actually felt the government had not gone far enough. Does this information reveal that Franklin has lost the battle? Does it mean that as a society we have decided that temporary safety is more important than liberty? Not necessarily. This argument has been active ever since 9/11, ever since the passage of the Patriot Act, ever since the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. If one accepts the philosophical validity of the Franklin quote and views the New York Times/CBS News poll data through that lens, we can see the quandary of the current state of our nation’s civil liberties. All of this begs the question of how best to define an “essential liberty” and how to balance that concept against an acceptable definition of “temporary safety.”

Do we have the innate right to communicate electronically without the knowledge of our government? Do we have the right to attend public gatherings without having our images captured and archived in some giant database? Should the government be allowed to track our movements through GPS-enabled devices? Certainly these were not issues that Franklin – innovator though he was – could have ever contemplated. Do we have the right to every piece of information the Internet can provide us with, or does the government get to weigh in on what we can or cannot have access to? Conversely, can we define security against terrorism as “a little temporary safety” or is it something more fundamental than that? These are difficult questions with complex answers. The one certainty is that our country is forever changed. The issues that face us today – particularly in regard to what we perceive as privacy – are likely to shape this great nation for generations to come. As an anonymous commenter in an article about the poll results noted, “power, once gained, is not easily surrendered.” The irony is, of course, that the commenter was only anonymous to the other readers. Somewhere the IP address of his or her computer was documented to have been on that website on that day at that time. Somewhere, that person was not as anonymous as they hoped to be. In this day and age, maybe none of us are. “Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.” – Ronald Reagan

Monarch Fire Protection District responded to an “alert 3” (aircraft crash) at Spirit of St. Louis Airport on May 1. The pilot of a 1980 Centurian P210 was forced to land the plane on its belly, when the landing gear failed to engage. There were no injuries and no fire; however, Monarch Fire Marshal Roger Herin reports that there was smoke in the cabin upon touchdown. “The plane had 80 gallons of fuel on board, so every precaution was taken to assure there was no fire and to prevent ignition,” Herin said. (Photo courtesy of Monarch Fire Protection District)

In QUOTES “It’s the moms of this nation - single, married, widowed - who really hold this country together. You know it’s true, don’t you? We’re the ones who always have to do a little more.”
 – Ann Romney

“I didn’t want to accept that, now that I look back. I don’t think that the impeachment of Adam Paul was proper.” – Ellisville Councilmember Mick Cahill, on his April 17 vote to unanimously accept all decisions of the previous Council

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Doug Huber


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West Newsmagazine is published 35 times per year by West Media Inc. It is direct-mailed to more than 67,000 households in West St. Louis County. Products and services advertised are not necessarily endorsed by West Newsmagazine and views expressed in editorial copy are not necessarily those of West Newsmagazine. No part of West Newsmagazine may be reproduced in any form without prior written consent from West Newsmagazine. All letters addressed to West Newsmagazine or its editor are assumed to be intended for publication and are subject to editing for content and length. West Newsmagazine reserves the right to refuse any advertisement or editorial submission. © Copyright 2013.



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News Br iefs On June 11, June 25, July 23 and Aug. 27, Ballwin municipal court will be held at the city of Manchester Police and Court facility, located at 200 Highlands Blvd., next to the Manchester Walmart. Court will begin at 5:30 p.m. The relocation is only for court appearances. Mail should still be directed to Ballwin Municipal Court, 14811 Manchester Road, Ballwin, MO 63011. Questions should be directed to 227-9468.

Heart to Heart Run – this year themed “Love on the Run” – is scheduled for June 8. The race begins at 8 a.m. at the Government Center, 300 N. New Ballas Road. Distance choices include 5K, 10K or 1.5mile family fun run/walk. Registration includes event coordination by Big River Running Company, T-shirt and post-event snacks. Awards will be provided to the top three male and female overall and age divisions. Participants can register online at events.bigriverrunning.com/hearttoheart or call the Recreation Department at (314) 432-3961 for more information.



City budget now available

Citizen alert system offered

The proposed FY 2014 (July 1, 2013 June 30, 2014) budget is now available for review online at creve-coeur.org. A public hearing will take place in June.

Citizens of Eureka now have the option of signing up for CodeRED, an emergency notification system that can provide alerts regarding a missing child, evacuation, bomb threat, hostage situation, natural disaster, terrorism threat, chemical spill or other emergency incidents where rapid and accurate notification is essential for safety.

BALLWIN Court temporarily relocates

Love on the run The city of Creve Coeur’s 9th Annual

Severe weather alerts are also available. CodeRED uses geographic targeting of calls, coupled with a telephone calling system capable of delivering a pre-recorded message at a rate of up to 60,000 calls per hour, to reach Eureka residents by residential phone, business phone or cellphone. The system will make three attempts to contact citizens and will leave messages in voicemail and on answering machines, or send emails if desired. However, the only way for citizens to ensure that their information is entered into the CodeRED system is to sign up for the notifications. Eureka residents can sign up on the city’s website (eureka.mo.us). Residents who choose to participate will be asked to provide their phone number and home address so that neighborhoodspecific notifications will be accurate. Information collected only will be used for emergency notification purposes.

MANCHESTER City-wide photo contest, call for entries Manchester Arts is calling for entries in its Focus Manchester photography contest. Photos and entry forms can be submit-

ted in person on May 14 from 1-7 p,m., or on May 15 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Manchester United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 129 Woods Mill Road. The contest is open to amateur and professional photographers in four categories: amateur ages 5-11, amateur ages 12-20, amateur ages 21 and older, and professionals ages 21 and older. A maximum of three entries per person, taken in 2012-2013, is allowed. Photographs must have been taken within the city limits of Manchester. Images must be photographic (digital or film) and may be enhanced via darkroom or digital manipulation. The minimum acceptable print size is 4-by-6inches, matted to a minimum of 8-by-10 inches. Maximum matted or mounted dimensions are 20-by-24 inches. All entries must be matted or mounted in neutral colors (black, white or tan) without frame or glass. Foam core mounts are acceptable. The photographer’s name, address, phone number and email should be printed on the back of each entry. No entry fees will be charged for amateurs, however, the professional entry fee is $10 per photo, or $25 for three photos. Awards totaling $1,000 will be presented to first, second and third-place artists at 7 p.m. on May 17, followed by a reception

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at United Methodist. A People’s Choice Award will also be given. Contest images will remain on display from 6 p.m. on May 17 though 3 p.m. on May 19. Additional details and an entry form can be found online at manchestermo.gov or by calling 394-5862.

TOWN & COUNTRY New city administrator, police chief named John Copeland, Town & Country’s former city administrator and police chief, retired April 30 after nearly 30 years with the city. By May 2, his Copeland replacements had been chosen. In a closed meeting Thursday morning, the Town & Country Board of Aldermen and Mayor Jon Dalton selected Capt. Gary Hoelzer as the new city administrator and Hoelzer promoted Capt. Patrick Kranz to police chief. The appointments were effective immediately. “I’m very privileged to be entrusted with the position,” Hoelzer said. “I work with great staff. Elected officials are very supportive, and I just look forward to working with the team and moving forward. It’s already going in a good direction, so anything I can do to help support that.”

WEST COUNTY Doctor accused of surgical error Dr. Armond Levy, an SSM neurosurgeon with privileges at three area hospitals, has been accused of operating on the wrong side of a St. Ann woman’s head and skull. The operation took place April 4 at St. Clare Health Center in Fenton. Levy also has privileges at DePaul Health Center in Bridgeton and St. Mary’s Health Center in Richmond Heights. SSM Health Care acknowledged the error and Chris Howard, president and chief executive of SSM Health Care-St. Louis, issued the following statement: “SSM Health Care and SSM St. Clare Health Center sincerely apologize for the wrongsite surgery in our operating room.” As a result of the surgery, the patient, 53-year-old Regina Turner, of St. Ann, requires 24-hour care and a lawsuit has been filed on her behalf by Clayton-based Alvin Wolff Jr.

West County EMS/FPD celebrates milestones The April 29 board meeting of the West

County EMS and Fire Protection District was a milestone for three persons associated with the operation. Richard Rognan, Board chairman, took the oath of office as he began his third term on the three-person body that oversees the district’s activities. Rognan was unopposed in seeking the six-year term. Because election rules permit opting out of the voting process when there is only one candidate for a position, the West County director post was not on last month’s ballot and Rognan was declared the winner. An official swearing in still was required and Ernie Rhodes, the district’s chief, administered the oath of office as the meeting began. Later, as family members and co-workers looked on, two West County veterans were promoted to captain. Eric Heimos, of Labadie, and Kevin Klump, of Ballwin, joined the district’s officer ranks based on their performance on a written examination and other qualification requirements. Heimos has 15 years of service and Klump joined the district nine years ago.

Stamp out hunger The National Association of Letter Carriers will conduct its annual food drive on May 11. Area residents are encouraged to place unopened, non-perishable food next to their mailboxes before their letter carrier delivers their mail. In 2012, St. Louis area letter carriers collected more than 724,647 pounds of food in one day. That equates to more than 591,500 meals. Circle Of Concern is one of the food banks that will benefit from donations collected on that day.

College president resigns George Wasson, president of St. Louis Community College at Meramec, has resigned in the wake of an attack on campus April 18 and an investigation that Wasson many feel was mishandled. (See previous story on newsmagazinenetwork.com.) Wildwood Campus President Pam McIntyre will step in as interim president of the Meramec campus while a search is McIntyre made for a permanent president, STLCC Chancellor Myrtle Dorsey announced April 29 in a letter to faculty and students. Vice President Patrick Vaughn will become interim president of the Wildwood campus.

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Public forum addresses protection of Missourians’ right to privacy By SUE E. STEINIGER Is Big Brother looking down on our Missouri citizens? That seemed to be the concerns of a crowd of more than 100 people who attended a public forum held April 27 at Christian High School in O’Fallon. The forum was hosted by Missouri Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman, Rep. Kurt Schaefer (District 19) to obtain input on what he termed an ongoing Department of Revenue scandal and investigation. The topic of discussion was the possible intrusion into personal privacy by the Missouri Department of Revenue (DOR) as well as the federal government. The concern is over a possible federal database holding an increasing amount of data on residents in the state. Sen. Scott Rupp (District 2), of St. Charles County and vice chair for the Senate Appropriations Committee said, “I think people are purely outraged two-fold. You have those who are outraged who have conceal-carry issues and having their name put on a list and having their name shared with agencies. I think that one issue, which is rightfully a concern, (is) because it wasn’t supposed to happen and the way the department (DOR) lied about it. They said it wasn’t happening. They said there is no magic database, and then it comes out that it happened.” A new procedure, initiated by the DOR, allows the scanning and keeping of personal documents in the process of issuing driver’s

licenses and right-to-carry permits. As part of an investigation by the Senate Appropriations Committee, it was learned that the Missouri State Highway Patrol had shared the right-to-carry permits computer database of approximately 163,000 names with the federal government, the Social Security administration and reportedly the ATF, giving rise to concerns of Missouri citizens that their names would be put on a national gun permit list subject to scrutiny by the federal government.

informed publicly of the changes DOR had implemented. In his remarks, Rupp explained to the group why the forum was being held. “What you are going to hear from Sen. Schaefer is a series of events that have been unfolding,” he said. He noted that “if it wasn’t for people contacting us saying, ‘Hey what is going on?’” legislators would not have known. “As senators (and) representatives we weren’t informed of the change and obviously neither was the public.” As Schaefer addressed the group it became apparent that there was more to the story than just the highway patrol sharing a rightto-carry database and a lack of cooperation by DOR and other parties involved. Schaefer said Missouri citizens were being required to show too much of their personal identity documents when applying for a non-drivers ID conceal carry weapons permit (CCW). “Several constituents had gone in to get their driver’s license renewed or their non-drivers –Sen. Scott Rupp ID for purposes of a concealed carry permit and were being turned away because they Included in those attending the forum were being told there were new procedures were Vietnam veterans, people who hunt, that required them to bring in a multitude of people who had medical issues that if put documents – birth certificates, Social Security on a federal list felt it would jeopardize card, marriage license,” Schaefer said. “If their ability to keep their guns and permits, they were divorced, divorce papers, a docuand many whose concerns were for identity ment showing their address, usually most of theft of their personal information. the offices want your mortgage paperwork.” A bigger issue was that they had not been Schaefer said DOR’s efforts to comply

“You have those who are outraged who have concealcarry issues and having their name put on a list and having their name shared with agencies.”

with the 2005 federal Real ID Act seems to be the base of the new DOR policy. “In 2005 Congress passed the Real ID Act, which is a national effort to have uniformity among all the states on the ID issued by that state and it requires all these things – all these additional documents – to be scanned into a database that then is required to be shared with multiple parties,” Schaefer said. “Several of those things run afoul of state law. “After Congress passed the Real ID Act in 2005 about half the states including Missouri passed laws saying they were not going to comply with the Real ID because it was too much … just to get a driver’s license. We passed that law in 2009. Gov. Nixon signed that law, yet it was very clear that what (DOR) was doing was all of those things that were required by the Real ID, which would be a violation and is a violation of state law.” But even with concern running high, not everyone felt the possible violations are important. Missouri resident Carol Bannas told the lawmakers, “If you spent as much of your time and my money taking care of the business of Missouri and its citizens as you spend trying to tell the federal government what it can and cannot do… we would all be a lot better off. I’d advise you to start dealing with our real problems of employment, poverty, health accessibility and education, See PRIVACY, page 18

Motion to stay charges against former mayor dropped from Council agenda By DAN FOX dfox@newsmagazinenetwork.com A motion to stay the charges against former Ellisville Mayor Adam Paul was struck from the City Council’s agenda before the May 1 meeting disgruntling some residents and kicking off another heated debate led by Paul’s attorney, Chet Pleban. John Maupin, the attorney who presided over Paul’s impeachment hearing, spoke before the Council meeting officially started. He noted that two councilmembers, Mick Cahill (District 2) and Gary Voss (District 1), had put forth a motion to stay the Council’s actions regarding Paul, but that they had not properly worded their motion and, as a result, the motion was pulled from the night’s agenda. Following this announcement, Pleban stood and, despite Mayor Pro-Tem Matt Pirrello telling him the meeting was about to begin, began to argue the point. “How did this not make it on the agenda for these Council people to vote on the issue?” Pleban asked. “If someone

unilaterally took this off the agenda, isn’t that why Adam Paul was impeached, for taking things off the agenda?” When Pleban asked who made the decision to pull the motion from the agenda, City Manager Kevin Bookout said he had made that call, and explained how Cahill had come to him, asking how to add something to the meeting’s agenda. Bookout said that after Cahill approached him, he went to Maupin for legal advice. Pleban criticized Bookout for incurring more legal fees by consulting Maupin instead of Ellisville City Attorney Paul Martin, a sentiment that seemed to be shared by Cahill. “I see his point let’s say, but I believe he had a lawyer that we already keep on staff. Why bring in another lawyer to answer the same question that Paul Martin could have answered?” Cahill asked. According to Cahill, he and Voss will continue to try and push for the motion, until the subject is brought before the public and the Council. In addition to the motion to stay the pre-

vious Council’s impeachment decision, another past agenda item was brought back before the Council. At the April 17 Council meeting, the new Council voted unanimously in favor of accepting all the resolutions, ordinances and budgets of the previous Council, but a motion to reconsider this resolution was discussed at the May 1 meeting. Both Cahill and Voss said that while they did vote in favor of accepting all previous ordinances at the April 17 meeting, they believed that it was not the right action to do. Cahill apologized to those gathered about the confusion his actions may have caused, explaining that he was still learning how things worked in the Council. “I didn’t want to accept that, now that I look back,” Cahill said. “I don’t think that the impeachment of Adam Paul was proper.” Voss said that accepting the impeachment decision goes against the principles he stood for when he ran for Council. However, not all the new councilmembers were in agreement on the matter. Cindy

Pool (District 3) said that Cahill and Voss were misunderstanding the ordinance. “Basically it says we are accepting past ordinances, resolutions and budgets of past boards,” Pool said. “It doesn’t say we’re agreeing. It doesn’t say we are on either side.It just says we’re saying ‘yes, it happened.’” The Council decided in a three-to-two vote not to revisit the resolution, with Councilmember Linda Reel (District 2) being absent from the meeting. During public comments, the majority of citizens who spoke were concerned about an apparent overspending of the city’s $2,000 public relations budget. The residents had acquired a bill from Casey Communications, a PR company, for $6,095. Most of the comments made by residents demanded to know why the city had hired the PR firm. Pirrello replied that the money was going toward the next edition of the city newsletter. He said the city had the money from previous years when the city had set aside PR money and not used it.




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The creek along Manchester’s completed Channel A project

Manchester stormwater improvement project moves forward with some unease By SARAH WILSON swilson@newsmagazinenetwork.com In an effort to curb erosion and flooding in residents’ backyards, the city of Manchester has begun its Channel B stormwater improvement project, despite some resident opposition. Channel B involves a large watershed area in Manchester’s Countrylane Woods subdivision. The area was recognized as a problem because of built-up erosion and flooding in residents’ backyards. In effect, the erosion has weakened some of the existing trees that have been there for years. Alderman Mike Clement (Ward 2) said the city also is concerned about children

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The creek that is part of Channel B’s stormwater improvements

falling down into the channel. “Somewhere along the line, (we) have to acknowledge our own accountability to the safety of these channels, and when they get that deep, something needs to be done,” Clement said. In 2000, the city did an analysis of, particularly, new annexed areas, within the borders of recognized stormwater areas. Around 2006, the city began its focus on its first project and called it Channel A because it had the most serious channel in the city. Three years ago, that project was completed. Now, the focus is on Channel B. The city recently approved a unanimous vote to allocate funds, raised through the city’s Proposition P property tax, for the project improvements. Clement said for Channel B, the city has “used pretty much the same techniques that we used in Channel A to basically rebuild the bank, raise the creek channel base, build it up with rock and create small dams.” After that, he said the city would come back and put plantings in the rocks. “These are the native plants that do well in that kind of environment, meaning water,” Clement said. “They grow fast and they stabilize with the rocks, and all of this together slows down the flow and stops the caving in of the banks. Also improved is the creek’s ability to drain the water and not back up into backyards.” “We’re just looking to try to address the concerns of erosion and the flow of the See MANCHESTER, page 46




Celebrating 16 Years! Schnucks Des Peres location

(Photo courtesy of Schnucks)

Schnucks customers will soon be able to shop and drink in Ballwin By JIM ERICKSON ericksonjim@att.net For anyone whose frequent but necessary trips to the grocery store have become a bit tedious, a growing number of store operators now offers – how should we say it – a diversion, so to speak. Customers can just park their shopping carts and slip into that special area of the store where they can order up their favorite adult beverage and forget about the mundane task of finding all the advertised specials and other essentials. On April 22, Schnucks Supermarkets received the go-ahead from the Ballwin Board of Aldermen on plans to sell alcoholic beverages by the drink at the company’s Ballwin locations on Manchester Road and at Kehrs Mill and Clarkson roads. Those operations will join stores in other nearby communities in offering same options. Although the Board approved the special use exceptions and liquor licenses for the stores, their approval was not without considerable debate, some opposition and some strings attached. Myrna Meador was one of three residents living near the Kehrs Mill-Clarkson location who commented on the issue. “Just because it (the trend of supermarkets selling liquor by the drink) is popular doesn’t make it right,” she said. Meador also revisited the store’s controversial past, adding that Schnucks had received rezoning only after its request to build on the site was approved over the objections of nearby residential property owners.

Two other residents, Jerry Matlock and Bob Bohlmann, insisted that any liquor sales permitted should be only for consumption inside the store. At an earlier hearing on the issue, the Ballwin Planning and Zoning Commission had agreed with that point for the Kehrs Mill-Clarkson supermarket, but had not set the same restriction for the Manchester Road store because its location and adjoining parking lot made outdoor tables for cafe service virtually impossible and because there were no nearby residential areas. Alderman Michael Finley (Ward 1) appeared to take up Meador’s point in the Board discussion. He noted that parents who object to their children being exposed to alcoholic beverage consumption can choose restaurants where liquor isn’t served, but that option isn’t as readily available if families encounter that situation when going to the grocery store. Finley said Schnucks’ requests ran counter to the welfare of the community, public safety and health, and were “inappropriate.” He was the only alderman who opposed the requests, which were approved with 7-1 votes. After the votes, Alderman Frank Fleming (Ward 3) moved to amend the request for the Manchester Road location so that it included the ban on liquor consumption outside the store. The amendment would treat both operations the same way, he argued, regardless of their current store configurations. Fleming’s amendment passed on a voice vote despite some opposition.


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Rockwood Board of Education selects new member to fill seat

communication. “I think one of the focus areas for us, as a Board, is to improve our communications,” Brown said. “It’s important for us to let people know what we’re thinking and why we’re thinking it.” Arakelian, whose two children attend Babler Elementary School, said she and her family moved to the area “deliberately to be in this type of school district.” In addition to working 15 years in the federal government’s intelligence community, Arakelian’s professional experience includes working in a St. Louis-based technology company studying brand management, perception management and strategic communiDarby Jo Arakelian cations. She said she thinks her background in communications can help improve the perception of the Board in the community. By CAROL ENRIGHT “One of the first things I would recomcenright@newsmagazinenetwork.com The Rockwood Board of Education has mend they look at doing is improving the appointed Darby Jo Arakelian, 41, of Wild- Board reputation – and one of the best ways wood, to fill the seat left vacant when former you can do that is through better communiBoard Director Steve Smith resigned in cation with the community,” she said. Although she thinks highly of the Board, March. Arakelian was selected at the conclusion of a nearly three-hour public session Arakelian said she believes there is “a lot on April 25 in which all eight candidates for of misunderstanding in the community of what the Board has been doing and some of the Board were interviewed. Board President Bill Brown called the the things we’re trying to accomplish.” “In the absence of good messaging, it’s very selection a “very, very difficult decision.” “I was blown away by the quality of easy to digest the bad messaging,” she added. Arakelian will be sworn in at the May 2 people who stepped up,” said Brown. In the end, Brown said he chose Arake- Board meeting and will serve on the Board lian due to her experience in and focus on until the April 2014 general election.

Wheels for work A Circle Of Concern client family now has a car to drive to work, thanks to the generosity of Schaefer Autobody Centers and American Family Insurance. A low-mileage Ford Taurus was delivered to a deserving Circle family on April 11. The client, a single mother of three, works at three jobs so she needed a dependable car. “We are so thrilled to be able to help this family get Devin Hummel of American Family Insurance (left), reliable transportation,” said Kevin Haller of Schaefer Autobody Centers and Chris Pallozola, executive director of Circle Of Concern, Kevin Haller, general man- display the Ford Taurus that was donated to a deserving ager at Schaefer Autobody. Circle Of Concern family. “Knowing they now have a car to get to work makes this especially gratifying.” “It is so important that struggling families have transportation to get to work,” said Chris Pallozola, executive director at Circle Of Concern. “Public transportation is often not available at the appropriate times and it adds so much time to a commute.”




Central County gets set to acquire North Central County Fire Alarm Dispatching agency seeks grant from St. Louis County, line of credit to cover expansion costs By JIM ERICKSON ericksonjim@att.net In its continuing expansion, the Central County Emergency 911 Board has approved contracts to provide fire and emergency medical dispatching services to two departments now served by the North Central County Fire Alarm operation. According to recently signed contracts, the city of Berkeley Fire Department and the Community Fire Protection District will switch to Ellisville-based Central County on Jan. 1, 2014. Berkeley and Community are the first in what is expected to be a move to Central County by most or all of the operations North Central has been serving. Due to financial pressures, North Central has announced plans to shut down Oct. 31. It’s not clear at this point what dispatching operation will fill the two-month gap from that closing until Jan. 1 when Central County begins those services for Berkeley, Community and potentially other departments and districts from the North Central group. However, the Central County Board and staff have said they are committed to completing the change-over as quickly as possible. The process is a complex and multifaceted one that includes ordering and installing additional computer and communications equipment, mapping addresses in the expanded area and loading that information into Central County’s computerized dispatching system, as well as hiring and training additional personnel and establishing the needed communications links between the dispatching center and the new locations it will be serving. In an earlier move also prompted by financial difficulties, South County Fire Alarm said it would halt its operations as of July 1. That decision prompted the departments and fire protection districts South County served to sign contracts for dispatching services with Central County. Steps required for serving that territory already are well under way as the July 1 effective date for most of the South County departments and fire protection districts rapidly approaches. At its April 29 meeting, the Central County Board renewed contracts with consultants and firms already involved in the expansion to accommodate South County operations, clearing the way for them to handle similar tasks for the growth into the North County area. In addition, the Central County Board hired RCC Consultants, a New Jersey-based firm with a St. Louis area office, to head the process of seeking a grant from St. Louis County’s Emergency Communications Commission to help

finance the expansion moves. The importance of that grant became clear as the Board discussed the large cash outlays Central County already has made or has committed to while purchasing equipment and services needed for the expansion. The dispatch center will receive revenues from taxes levied for that purpose in areas served by the departments and fire protection districts joining with Central County, but that revenue flow won’t begin

until after they officially come on board. Until then Central County is seeking a $3 million line of credit to ease the cash flow crunch from money being spent before tax revenue is received from the new areas. The Board reviewed credit line proposals from two commercial banks at its April 29 meeting. However, both institutions listed the yet to be acquired St. Louis County grant as a collateral requirement for the line of credit.

Michael Turner, Central County’s executive director, noted that grant funding likely will not be received until September at the earliest. Delaying cash outlays for equipment and services until a grant is received isn’t practical due to Central County’s need to ramp up its capabilities to serve the expanded territory. The Board deferred action on the line of credit pending further negotiations with the banks.




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By JIM ERICKSON ericksonjim@att.net The West County EMS and Fire Protection District Board has approved a preliminary and tentative tax rate schedule that could mean an increase in tax levies on real and personal property next year. At this point, the tax rate proposals are non-binding and could yet be changed before final decisions are made and submitted to St. Louis County officials later this year. The biggest single increase would come in the tax levy for debt service, a boost of 3 cents per $100 assessed valuation from 18.2 cents to 21.2 cents on residential, agricultural and commercial real estate and personal property Other possible increases include: • 1.4 cents and 1.1 cents on residential and commercial property levies, respectively, for the district’s general fund • a half-cent on residential and commercial property levies for the ambulance fund

• one-tenth of a cent on both residential and commercial property rates for the dispatch fund • one-third of a cent and two-tenths of a cent on residential and commercial property, respectively, for the pension fund The proposed tax rate increases would total 5.3 cents per $100 assessed valuation on residential property, 3 cents on agricultural real estate and personal property and 4.9 cents on commercial property. A key factor in the tax rate changes is a drop of more than 2 percent in real estate assessments across the district. The assessed valuation of personal property is up but the increase is on a much smaller base and was eclipsed by the decline in residential and agricultural values. The assessed valuation of commercial property also increased somewhat but again not enough to make up for the declines elsewhere.

PRIVACY, from page 13

those laws have been broken. “When Jay Nixon was attorney general, he formed a special investigatory committee to look into the issue involving Gov. Blunt’s retention of emails in early 2000. This issue rises far and above retention policies on emails. This has to do with every Missourian’s private identity information.” Asked about his concerns of regarding the federal government building a national database, Jones said, “I have spent more time in the last few years protecting Missouri citizens from federal overreach than a lot of the initiatives that we have been trying to work on. Whether it’s the Real ID (or) infringement on Second Amendment rights, it just seems like the federal government is intruding on state sovereignty like never before. “On top of that, now we have the federal government trying to come in and tell us how to overhaul our health care system and trying to implement Real ID, which apparently is what they were trying to do through the DOR. “And there is all this talk going on in Washington. The first half of this year has been consumed with gun control instead of a job-creation debate.” In further addressing citizen concerns, Jones said, “We have not had any valid reason as to why a Social Security agent or an ATF agent would need the entire database of 163,000plus Missourians unless they were doing one of two things, either profiling, which is against the law, or trying to set up some sort of federal gun registry, which is against the law.” ••• Sue E. Steiniger is a reporter for Mid Rivers Newsmagazine.

and stop tilting at federal windmills.” When asked to give a democratic perspective on the DOR issue, State Rep. Bill Otto (District 70) said, “Quite frankly, I don’t know that I consider this a partisan response. People’s privacy should be protected. With that in mind we need to deal with people’s concerns over this issue. “I believe that the head of the department (DOR) has resigned over this issue because he thought maybe he was at fault. That’s good enough for me, rather than Gov. Nixon having to investigate and remove somebody. If the gentleman thinks that there is an issue that he was involved in and he walked away, that’s great, we can replace him. “The House and the Senate need to make sure these concerns of citizens are addressed. That information, especially gun ownership, needs to be kept private.” Otto said he feels the request for an investigation is the Republicans’ way of what he calls deflecting attention from their failure to expand Medicaid for Missouri citizens. House Speaker Timothy Jones (District 110) is calling for an independent investigation and asking Attorney General Chris Koster to weigh in on this issue. “We are concerned with why Attorney General Chris Koster has been silent on these issues,” Jones said. “He is the chief law enforcement officer of the state. There have been allegations of state law being broken by bureaucrats and the DOR. I would think it is at least within his scope of responsibilities to make a statement as to whether or not




Wildwood Historical Society close to opening museum doors The museum will have hundreds of items to display. In fact, its collection is so large that some items will have to be shown on a rotating basis. Among the artifacts that will be available to the public to “discover” is the Christy family bible, a well-worn treasure that was owned by the Christy family, who was largely responsible for mining in the Rockwood Reservation area. Thousands of black-and-white pictures, dating from as far back as the 1860s, provide documentation of the settlers and the civilization that they brought to the Meramec Township area in West County. There also is a large variety of wood bowls brought from Germany and some agricultural equipment, including Artifacts that will be featured in Wildwood’s new museum antique corn planters, a wheat sifter, plows By SARAH WILSON get things opened and people realize the dif- and dozens of smaller implements. A variety swilson@newsmagazinenetwork.com ferent areas of history in Wildwood under of musical instruments will be included in the museum, such as a 19th-century piano and Roughly 15 years after coming up with one roof. We’re looking forward to it.” the idea to create an historical museum, The museum’s building, which is one of organ, a dulcimer and even instruments used the Wildwood Historical Society is closely five that sits on the Hencken property along by the students at the old Melrose School. Martin said the society does not have approaching the long-awaited moment Hwy. 100, is at the former Damhorst toy facwhen the museum and research library will tory. He said the Wildwood Historical Society a set date for the museum to open, but open its doors to the public. focused exclusively on the Meramec Town- expects it to be around early June. People interested in supporting the “It’s going well,” said Jim Martin, presi- ship, which is everything west of Ellisville. “The group has been working toward its museum are invited to take part in “Trivia dent of the Wildwood Historical Society. “We’ve had a lot of support from the city goal for about 15 years now, and it has in the Afternoon,” a fundraiser sponsored by and members of the community, and I think kind of come together all of a sudden at the Historical Society, which will take place June 9 at the Hencken Farm Hall, 18750 we’re going to get a lot more support as we the end,” Martin said.

Hwy. 100. Doors will open at 1 p.m. with trivia beginning at 2 p.m. The cost to attend is $20 per person or $160 per table. Reservations by calling at 458-3962. “It’s pretty neat, and it’s just going to hopefully open up the eyes of a lot of people to what our heritage is like,” Martin said. “There are a lot of people who currently live in Wildwood, and obviously a vast majority of them were not born here and haven’t lived here for very long. Also, they don’t have parents and grandparents telling them about what it was like 100 years ago because they simply don’t know, but hopefully the displays and pictures we have will help get it across what it was like here.”

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Naturalization ceremony marks new chapter in lives of local immigrants Ryan, concluded it would be an ideal way to give students a close-up look at what has been an integral part of the nation’s heritage. In addition to students who observed the ceremony, many others were involved, including the Parkway South Patriot Color Guard, the Advanced Chamber Choir, the Library Book Club, Key Club and the ProStart classes in the Family and Consumer Science Department. Dr. Keith Marty, superintendent of Parkway Schools, was the guest speaker. Among those who became citizens during the event were a current Parkway South student and other members of her Ballwin family. Adduja Mathivanan, a senior at Parkway South, and her older brother, Gajan Tristan Mathivanan who graduated from the school two years ago, were born in Canada. Their Sri Lankan parents, Mathivanan Matti KanaDr. Patrice Aitch, Parkway South High School principal, with Annuja Mathivanan gasabai and Komathy Kay Mathivanan, also By JIM ERICKSON citizens. Parkway South hosted the event, became citizens with their son and daughter. A job opportunity in Kanagasabai’s work ericksonjim@att.net presided over by the Honorable Kathy A. SurFor a number of students at Parkway ratt-States, chief judge of the U.S. Bankruptcy in computer programming brought the family to St. Louis from Canada. South High School, the event was a real-life Court in the Eastern District of Missouri. After repeating the oath of allegiance and civics lesson. For others, it officially marked While naturalization ceremonies usually the start of a new chapter in their lives. are held in a courtroom or other federal gov- the pledge to the flag, both led by Shontelle The occasion was a naturalization ceremony ernment location, Parkway South has served McCoy, deputy court clerk, the citizenship during which 98 people from more than three in that capacity for the past five years because candidates were introduced individually dozen nations around the world became U.S. a social studies teacher there, Dr. Barbara by Allison Behrens, assistant U.S. attorney

and naturalization examiner, and received their citizenship certificates. In his remarks, Marty told of his greatgreat-grandfather coming to this country from Switzerland 175 years ago and becoming a U.S. citizen. He also offered four suggestions and reminders to the new citizens, as well as to those, including himself, who often take for granted the benefits that American citizenship provides. “The one thing that truly separates American democracy from the rest of the world is our Bill of Rights, specifically Amendment 1,” he stated. “Nowhere in the world are the rights of freedom of speech, the press, religion and petition so clearly stated and expected.” Participate in your government, Marty advised the new citizens and spectators. “Vote in every election,” he urged. “Make sure you write and record your journey to America so generations after you know your stories (and) your efforts in seeking a new life and a stable existence here in America. “Finally, enjoy your new life, each and every day, and know that we are a nation of immigrants.” Marty noted that immigrants have a long history of contributing their talents and efforts to benefit the nation. After the ceremony, many of the new citizens took advantage of a voter registration desk set up by the League of Women Voters.

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22 I schools I





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Students in the Happy Feet Running Club

Healthy recognition Fairway Elementary was recognized as a touchdown school for the 2012-2013 school year, the top recognition earned through the National Dairy Council’s and the National Football League’s nationwide Fuel Up to Play 60 program. A school must complete a six-step process to earn the recognition. The steps include a school-wide pledge to fuel up by eating healthy foods and playing 60 minutes every day, thus creating a healthier school environment. Another step is to complete a school wellness investigation. The program inves-

tigates the nutrition program, the physical education program and the administration’s part in all of these areas. The school also had to perform physical and nutritional plays, such as its Happy Feet Running Club, which attracts 150 students per eight-week session.

Scholarship winners Four Rockwood high school seniors have earned corporate-sponsored scholarships from Pfizer Inc. through the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. The students and their schools are Seth


Ludwig, Lafayette High; Daniel C. Martin, Lafayette High; Eve M. Thomas, Eureka High; and David L. Wang, Lafayette High.
The students are among the approximately 1,000 distinguished high school seniors to receive corporate-sponsored National Merit Scholarship awards. Scholars were selected from students who advanced to the Finalist level in the National Merit Scholarship competition and met criteria of their scholarship sponsors. Corporate sponsors provide National Merit Scholarships for Finalists who are children of their employees, who are residents of communities the company serves or who plan to pursue college majors or careers the sponsor wishes to encourage. Most of the awards are renewable for up to four years of college undergraduate study and provide annual stipends that range from $500 to $10,000 per year. Some provide a single payment between $2,500 and $5,000. Recipients can use their awards at any regionally accredited U.S. college or university.

Whitfield yearbook, newspaper honorees The National Scholarship Press Association selected students from Whitfield’s yearbook and newspaper staff with its Journalism Honor Roll. The National Scholastic Press Association’s Journalism Honor Roll recog-

Don’t Forget Mother’s Day! nizes student-journalists who have excelled as journalists and scholars, served on an NSPA member publication staff for a minimum of one year and have a minimum GPA of 3.75. The following students earned awards: Julie Candau, Erin Cizek, Elizabeth Darrell, Alan Eidelman, Noah Mondschein, Morissa Pepose, Nicolette Taber, Matt Williams, Isabella Gross, Amoree Hodges, Amin Karadaghy, Emily Moss, Taylor Simons, Kyle Strege and Sarah Whelan.

Hands-on learning Twelve Rockwood high school students this summer will gain hands-on experience within a laboratory research setting while working alongside of top scientists. The opportunity is through the Students and Teachers as Research Scientists program at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. The students and their schools include Suhas Bobba, Marquette High; Jessica Knobbe, Eureka High; Edgar Loaiza, Eureka High; Chester Montefering, Eureka High; Katherine Huang, Lafayette High; Brian Ji, Marquette High; Jeffrey Lu, Lafayette High; Katriella Lumbantobing, Lafayette High; Olivia Neumann, Lafayette High; Anjana Renganathan, Lafayette High; Kelly Storrs, Lafayette High; and Susie Wang, Marquette High. Nearly 90 high school students from the



Girl Scouts earn the Bronze Members of Junior Girl Scout Troop 2436 in Ellisville received their Girl Scout Bronze Award. The Bronze Award, the highest award a Girl Scout Junior can earn, requires scouts to design and carry out a Take Action project in their community. Girls receiving their award were Alyssa Shellabarger, Elizabeth Ghory, Erin Gwaltney, Members of Girl Scout Troop 2436 Jensen Kitrel, Katy Holmes, Lexie Reinheimer, Lolly Fenton and Lucy Besch. The girls named their Bronze Award project “Spreading Joy” and put their project into motion by helping the organization, Friends of Wings. The girls filled and provided holiday treat bags for sick children. They also made cat quilts and blankets for the Animal Protective Association of Missouri and made squirrel hammocks for the Missouri Wildlife Rescue Center. St. Louis metro area, as well as Connecticut, Florida, Illinois and even Greece, will take part in the program, which will run from June 10 to July 19. Experts from the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, Saint Louis University, Washington University in St. Louis and the University of Missouri-St. Louis will take on student apprentices in laboratories and direct students in research projects. Students also will attend lectures by nationally known scientists from the St. Louis science community, learn information concerning the higher education admission process and enjoy social events such as the St. Louis Symphony and a St. Louis Cardinals game. “The university is thrilled to once again open its doors to some of the brightest science students in the area,” said Tom George, chancellor of UMSL. “High school students interested in a science career get a big head start with their participation in the STARS program.”

Improving financial literacy Electro Savings Credit Union teamed up with local teachers to help improve basic financial literacy knowledge among middle and high school students. The credit union began offering teachers and students in the St. Louis area free access to Banzai, a nationally known financial education program. Since last fall, St. Louis area teachers have enrolled more than 820 students in the Web-based financial literacy program. The program teaches students core money management principles, such as living within their means, dividing income between short- and long-term wants and needs, setting aside money for emergencies and making tradeoffs to stay within budget. “Some of these students have not yet really experienced much money management personally, so the Banzai program is

such a useful, real-life and engaging simulation of what it is like to have expenses,” said Jaclyn Gammon, family and consumer science teacher at Parkway West and Parkway Central high schools. “These are skills they will use constantly throughout their lives.”

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The Missouri Association for Colleges of Teaching Education recognized Thomas Puetz, a math teacher at Marquette High, and Symphony Stevenson, a language arts teacher at Eureka High, as Outstanding Beginning Teachers. Award recipients were based on evaluations completed by their college or university, and recommendations from the school district which deemed the teacher as highly effective in their first two years in the classroom. Puetz is a graduate of Fontbonne University and is in his second year of teaching. Stevenson is a graduate of Webster University.

Perfect math score Chesterfield Day student Aanjaneyaa Venkataraman recently received recognition as a National student winner for a perfect score in the Continental Mathematics League contest at the Pythagorean, fifth-grade level. Jason Zhou received recognition as a regional student winner, having missed one problem all year in the Pythagorean, sixth-grade level. The Continental Mathematics League contest is conducted with students across the U.S. and consists of a series of five tests for grades four, five and six. Each of the monthly, 30-minute tests includes six challenging word problems that cover a variety of topics and require a broad range of problem-solving strategies. Students compete in two divisions – Euclidean or Pythagorean.

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By CAROL ENRIGHT cenright@newsmagazinenetwork.com With the help of Rockwood students, a local charity is quietly working to make life better for people around the corner – and around the globe. Town & Country mother of six, Terri Stipanovich, started Faith That Works in 2009. The nonprofit began with a mission to help young girls victimized by sex trafficking in Ethiopia and homeless women living in downtown St. Louis. Since then, it has expanded its outreach to help elderly individuals and immigrant families in West County and provide support to a private school in Ethiopia. While Faith That Works was building its ministry at home and abroad, Stanton Elementary was growing its reputation as a model for the highly acclaimed Leader in Me program. Leader in Me is based on Stephen Covey’s “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” and is taking local schools by storm. It teaches students to be proactive, set goals, work together, seek mutually beneficial solutions, set priorities and keep healthy. A big part of the program is service. About two years ago, a group of Stanton students, parents and staff, began making regular visits to a homeless camp in downtown St. Louis, offering practical help and friendship to the individuals living there. When the tent city was shut down in 2012, the students began looking for another way to help the homeless. That’s when Cathy Westbury, the Stanton Elementary counselor coordinating the Leader in Me program, met Stipanovich. “When you’re doing good work, you just run into other people doing good work,” Westbury said. Faith That Works was helping homeless women gain their independence by making and selling jewelry made out of soda can tabs,

but they needed a market to sell the jewelry. “Our kids want to help people that need the help, and we can provide the market,” Westbury said, calling it a “win-win” for Stanton and Faith That Works. Incidentally, “Think Win-Win” is a Leader in Me habit. Stanton students have been selling the bracelets at school events throughout the year, but helping the women isn’t only about selling jewelry. It’s about friendship. “They (the homeless women) come out to the school every once in a while. So they know our kids. They love our kids. We give them Christmas presents. They eat lunch with us,” said Westbury. Westbury’s interest in Faith That Works has since grown beyond helping the homeless. Stipanovich invited Westbury to join her on a mission trip this summer to help a school in Ethiopia. “It’s a completely English-speaking school,” said Stipanovich, “and if the children really want the opportunity to get out of their impoverished lives, they need to go to a school like this.” Westbury, who is taking the trip as an individual – not as a Rockwood employee – plans to teach the Leader in Me program at the school. She said its principles are “universal and anybody can use them.” If she only teaches the students habit No.1 – to be proactive and invest their time in those things they can control – Westbury said the trip will be worthwhile. “If that’s all we teach them, what a life skill to give them,” said Westbury. Changing lives in Chesterfield As Stipanovich talked about her organization’s growing outreach to immigrant families in West County, she said the See FAITH THAT WORKS, next page



Parkway schools recognized for ‘creative and green initiatives’ By BONNIE KRUEGER From compostable lunch trays in select facilities to solar panels on all its buildings to the use of buses that run on compressed natural gas, Parkway School District has taken steps in recent years to lighten its carbon footprint. So it was fitting that, in honor of Earth Day, Erik Lueders, Parkway’s Sustainability and Purchasing manager recognized four schools with the inaugural Parkway Earth Day Award. The award was presented to South Middle, Barretts Elementary, Mason Ridge Elementary and North High in honor of students and staff involvement in “creative and green initiatives” – a prime example being the “up-cycled” hubcap art project at South Middle. “Rather than just recycling old car parts, we actually turned them into art to display. It was a fun way to teach our students there is more than just one way to ‘go green,’” said South Middle art teacher Karen Silverman. Silverman said students were required to incorporate the seven elements of art – texture, form, space, shape, color, tone and line – that had been discussed in class to create their hubcap designs. An additional requirement was using a nature theme. Some students incorporated plastics, leaves, twigs, flowers and beans into their design. “I was amazed at the variety of clever ideas, and how no two hubcaps are remotely similar,”

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Silverman said. “One surprising advantage that the South Middle community found, is that math teachers in the school started taking their classes to the main hallway – where the hubcaps hang – and are able to teach about the different types of symmetry and have their students identify the symmetry. So this project has been a win-win for all!” ••• Bonnie Krueger is a Parkway Ambassador.

space heaters for her home which had no heat, Stipanovich said. “It’s a pretty typical case of immigrants biggest problem is the language barrier – here in West County,” Stipanovich said. which leads to isolation. As part of its long-term plans to help “Oftentimes in these families, the parents don’t speak English,” Stipanovich explained. immigrant families in West County, Faith “So the kids go to public school and they’re That Works recently purchased two mobile floundering in school, because the teachers homes in Chesterfield. A family that was aren’t able to communicate with the parents close to being homeless moved into the first home. because of the language barrier.” “It was like ‘Extreme Makeover,’” StiConsequently, the parents aren’t able to help their children with homework or stay panovich said. “We got a team over there and we cleaned it, painted it and furnished on top of any educational concerns. To help bridge the language barrier and it. It was just very touching when the family provide tutoring for these students, Faith came; it was their first real home.” The organization plans to use the other That Works has reached out to a number of families in Rockwood. In one case, the mobile home as a base to offer tutoring mother of a 6-year-old living in Wildwood two to three days a week for children and, gave Faith That Works permission to work eventually, English as a Second Language with her elementary school as an advocate classes for adults. “We’re just trying to offer friendship and for the student’s education. Volunteers tutor the little girl and provide her mother care,” Stipanovich said. Individuals interested in helping can visit “with friendship and practical help,” such as bringing her groceries and providing faith-that-works.org for details.

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26 I schools I



Parkway student brings home a winner in national essay contest and an all-expense paid trip for two to one of this season’s World Series games. When her teacher told her she had won the national grand prize for her essay, Wayland said, “I was really so shocked I screamed a little.” And when she called her mother, she screamed, too. Wayland’s essay, “Just a Number,” detailed her struggle with weight and body image. Robinson said it was outstanding because it emphasized Wayland’s process of getting through her own personal barrier. In her essay, Wayland writes about how difficult it was to stop telling her parents lies about her obsession with caloriecounting and excessive exercise – and to Sharon Robinson (right) presents a laptop computer to Jennifer Wayland. (Photo by Austin Dubinsky, news editor of the Parkway Central High Corral) ask for help. “I had to reach so far down inside myself … By MARCIA GUCKES can American to play major league baseball to the miniscule part of me that still wanted mguckes@newsmagazinenetwork.com in the 20th century. As the Brooklyn Dodg- the best for me,” Wayland wrote. “Even A Chesterfield teen’s writing talent hit ers’ first baseman, Robinson courageously though our stories are so different, I think a homerun in a national essay contest withstood insults hurled at him by baseball that part that wants the best is where Jackie and brought a legendary baseball player’s managers, players and fans. At the end of Robinson’s courage came from as well.” Robinson said, “This is a story we’ve daughter to her school. that season he had not only broken the barJennifer Wayland, a ninth-grader at rier that kept African-American players heard a lot over the 17 years we’ve been Parkway Central High School, beat out off the field, he had become the National doing this. At the heart of many of them is the fact that you don’t like yourself.” 18,700 other entrants in Major League League’s Rookie of the Year. She said that we all “have periods of Robinson’s daughter, Sharon, is an author Baseball’s (MLB) and Scholastic Publishing’s “Breaking Barriers: In Sports, In Life” and MLB Educational Programming Con- self-doubt” “You have to pull yourself back up and sultant. She came to Wayland’s English essay contest honoring Jackie Robinson. In 1947 Robinson became the first Afri- class to bring Wayland a laptop computer remind yourself of your value and your

purpose and your goals and keep going, keep growing and keep becoming a better person,” Robinson said. She described a scene from “42,” the recently released movie about Jackie Robinson’s first year in the major league that illustrated his character in the midst of racist ridicule on the baseball field and his own internal struggle with self-doubt. In the scene, Robinson walks off the playing field while the manager of the Philadelphia Phillies bombards him with the “N” word over and over again. Robinson breaks his bat against the dugout wall and questions whether he is doing the right thing. “I loved that scene because all of us reach a point where we have to ask, ‘Is this worth it?’” Robinson said. She told the students that moment didn’t happen exactly as it’s shown in the movie, but it is a good depiction of her father’s character. “He was out there alone,” Robinson said. It was her father’s character that took him from being a champion to being a hero, Robinson said. She said his character was founded on three factors: his wife, God and his mother. “He was a very religious man,” Robinson said. “He believed in the power of prayer and he got his faith from his mother.”

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the Rams were undefeated at 11-0. “Our entire defense – Taylor, (senior) Izzy Howerton, (junior) Cassie Collins and (sophomore) Theresa Thompson have all played well individually and as a unit. They have been supported defensively by fine play from Liz Lewis in goal Baur and the rest of the team.”

High school signings There have been a flurry of spring signings for college. Here are some of the recent ones.

High school signings: From left are (front row) Steven Davis, Anna Gaffney, Courtney McGhee and Laura Tarnatino; (back row) Ben Mitchell, Bennett Lewis, Jesse Gruneisen, Reagen Dykhouse, Daniel Prada, Brink Thompson, Ryan Conaghan and Chris Cacciarelli

By WARREN MAYES wmayes@newsmagazinenetwork.com

Player of the week MICDS freshman Taylor Baur recently was named the NSCAA/TopDrawerSoccer.com Player of the Week. Baur is a centerback for MICDS coach Michael Black. He said she earned the honor by scoring three goals in a week. Two of the goals were from beyond 35 yards out. “It is always nice to be recognized for your contributions to the team,” Baur said. “Taylor was very excited about the award, but has not let the honor go to her head. She continues to perform at a high level, putting team goals over individual accomplishments.” Black said he “generally has a few girls make varsity as freshmen. This year we

had two freshmen who are playing full time with varsity.” Baur performed well in the preseason practices, but Black said he already knew about her. “I knew that she would make varsity before the season began because of her club experience and (from) talking with our middle school coaches,” Black said. Her ability got her on the varsity, but her play this spring has kept her there. “She reads the game extremely well,” Black said. “She judges well when to step in and when to back off. She also is good at communicating with her teammates about opposing players to make sure everyone is accounted for. Obviously from her goals, she has a good strong leg.” Baur is just one reason why at presstime

EUREKA Boys basketball: Tyler Jordan has signed to play for Emporia State University in Emporia, Kan. Brayton Bennett has signed to play for Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Boys soccer: Blake Ricketts, Fontebonne University. WEST MINSTER CHRISTIAN ACADEMY

Football: Steven Davis has signed to play for Greenville College in Greenville, Ill. Jesse Gruneisen has signed to play for Augustana College in Rock Island, Ill. Brink Thompson has signed to play at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute, Ind. Chris Cacciarelli has signed to play for Missouri State University in Springfield. Equestrian: Anna Gaffney has signed to play for St. Mary-of-the-Woods College in St. Mary-of-the-Woods, Ind. Volleyball: Courtney McGhee has signed to play for St. Louis College of Pharmacy. Daniel Prada has signed to play for Missouri Baptist University.

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Cross country/track and field: Laura Tarnatino has signed to play for Truman State University in Kirksville. Reagen Dykhouse has signed to play for Olivet Nazarene University in Bourbonnais, Ill. Baseball: Ben Mitchell has signed to play for Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Ga. Wrestling: Bennett Lewis has signed to play for Washington & Lee University in Lexington, Va. Hockey: Ryan Conaghan has signed to play for Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va. MARQUETTE Volleyball: Marquette senior Brianna Becker has signed to play women’s volleyball at Westminster University next year. Becker was a captain and a member of two district championship teams at Marquette. She was a two-time first team All-District player and a first team All-Conference player in the Suburban West Conference. Soccer: Marquette senior Savannah Davis has agreed to play women’s soccer at Fontbonne University next year. Davis has been a two-year starter as a midfielder for the Mustangs.

High school girls track Eureka won the girls division of the recent Henle Holmes Invitational at Parkway Central and talented sophomore Hannah Long set a meet record in the 1600-meter run. “Henle Holmes is one of the most competitive track meets in St. Louis,” Coach Darrell Lewis said. “This year was no different. Many of the best athletes in Missouri were there competing. “Going into the meet, we had not talked much about team expectations for the meet.



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877-257-4466 St. Louis BEFORE ® AFTER Our focus for this meet was on performing on a scorecard playoff. The Mustangs’ www.getrhinoshield.com Looks like paint. Lasts like vinyl. AGAIN! the classic coffered wood atJones a small well individually in our events and then let-ceiling Dillon shotfraction an 82. of the price Call now to schedule a FREE estimate AFTER BEFORE 25-YEAR Call now to schedule a FREE estimate Save Money Time. St. Louis NT ting the team places play out accordingly.” Lindbergh freshman Chris Ferris was the RAEA RY 877-257-4466 t BACK Red dotted line indicates trimand area. Blue dotted line ind WAR 25-Y St. Louis www.getrhinoshield.com WARRANTY 877-257-4466 Provide Protection for Yourvinyl. Long set a meet record in the 1600 with a medalist with a 72. Looks like paint. Lasts like www.getrhinoshield.com Looks likewith paint.the Lasts like vinyl. Home Permanent time of 4 minutes, 52.26 seconds. Lafayette’s Dillon Eaton tied for fourth Paint Replacement System… “She ran really well in the race,” Lewis with Ladue’s Seth Smith, each with a 78. said about Long. “She had her splits that Eureka had three players make the top we were wanting her to hit and she was 15 in Blake Smith (79), Sean Vashi (82) t BACK Red indicates trim area. BlueBlue dotted line indicat Reddotted dottedline line indicates trim area. dotted line in pretty close to what was planned. and Zach Goers (82). t BACK Red dotted line indicates trim area. Blue dotted line indicates safe area. L o o k Call now to schedule a FREE estimate 25-YEAR Senior Angie Sumner won the 3200 with This is the second conference champione paint sSt.likLouis WARRANTY 877-257-4466 , lasts a time of 11:09.26. ship for Marquette coach Eric Schwaein l i www.getrhinoshield.com keLasts vinylike Looks like paint. RHINO SHIELD HAS BEEN FEATURED ON l! vinyl. coffered ceiling small fraction of the price “Thisthe was classic a personal record wood for her,” andat hisaMustangs. Call now to schedule a FREE estimate BACK Red dotted line indicates trim area. Blue dotted line indicates safe area. t BACK Red dotted line indicates trim area. Blue dotted line indicates safe area. 25-YEAR Rhino Call now to schedule a FREE Ceramic estimate Shield Protective Lewis said. “I knew it would be close but I had no Before St. Louis NT RAEA RY 877-257-4466 WAR 25-Y 877-257-4466 St. Louis www.getrhinoshield.com WARRANTY The 3200 relay won with a time of 9:42.32. idea it would be as close as it turned out,” Coating gives you… Looks like paint. Lasts like vinyl. www.getrhinoshield.com Looks like paint. Girls on the relay were Taylor Dazey, Megan Schwaein said. “Overall, I would have to RHINO SHIELD HAS BEEN FEATURED ONLasts like vinyl. 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Ryan Dean. • Waterproof andyou… breathable Rhino Shield Ceramic Protective Coating gives rhino shield Ceramic Protective t and BACK Red dotted line indicates trim area. 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An Authorized Rhino Shield RHINO SHIELD HAS BEEN FEATURED ONUpDealer “there any surprises By Midwestern Coatings, • EPA certified to encapsulate lead and asbestos. brick, block, masonite and aluminum. •• Hassle-free, no maintenance, won’t peel, chip or crack! • Waterproof and breathable t BACK Red dotted line indicates trim area. Blue dotted line indicates safe area. Looks thicker and richer than paint BACKno Red maintenance, dotted line indicates trim area. Blue dotted line indicates safe area. An Authorized Rhino Shield Dealer • Hassle-free, won’t peel, chip or crack! stresses of varsity competition very well.” “Troy—except ended upgood finishing 15th place for the $ An Authorized ones!” By Mid BASF Testedand proven to last ••Waterproof breathable • FOR EPAand to encapsulate lead peel, and asbestos. Acertified FREE IN-HOME INSPECTION Capturing the meet team championship day with a carded 83. Frankie Thomas was Hassle-free, no maintenance, won’t chip or crack! Waterproof and •• Bonds to all wood, even cedar, An Autho •• BASF Tested and proven tobreathable laststucco, vinyl, must present presentthis thiscard ad at You must attime time of purchase. purchase. CALL 877-25RHINO or 314-239-7947 8/31/11 brick, block, masonite andcedar, aluminum. Hurry, offer expires 4/30/12! is meaningful to his squad. the decider for the tournament title after Hurry, offer expires 7/30/11! On Any Job Up To ••• Bonds to all wood, even stucco, vinyl, BASF Tested and proven to last Waterproof and breathable RHINO SHIELD HAS BEEN FEATURED ON Not valid with any other offers, previous contracts www.getrhinoshield.com • brick, EPA certified to encapsulate and asbestos. Rhino Ceramic Protective block,Shield masonite and lead aluminum. “Winning Henle Holmes says a lot about the days scores were tallied. Frankie hadn’t the $5000 Job project minimum. OnorAny Up To $ Servicing St. Louis, Kansas City even and Lakecedar, of the Ozarks. • Bonds to all wood, stucco, vinyl, Coating gives you… BASF BASF and proven to last ••EPA certified to encapsulate lead and asbestos. must pp our team,” Lewis said. “To win a competitive played as well as he had in matches and You must FOR ATested FREE IN-HOME INSPECTION •brick, 25 year block, transferable warranty masonite and aluminum. Hu H You must present this card at time of purchase. meet like this means that we were able to put tournaments before, but showed his resolve CALL 877-25RHINO or 314-239-7947 • Bonds to all wood, even cedar, stucco,Hurry, vinyl, • FOR Looks and richer than paint Athicker FREE IN-HOME INSPECTION offer expires 7/30/11! Serving St. Louis, Kansas City and Lake of the Ozarks. Not valid wit www.getrhinoshield.com By Midwestern Coatings, Inc. Not asbestos. valid with anypresent other offers, previous contracts • EPA certified to encapsulate lead and www.getrhinoshield.com a lot of pieces together at the same time to despite the tough round.” You must this card at time of purchase. • Hassle-free, no maintenance, won’t peel, chip or crack! brick, block, masonite and aluminum. Rhino Shield Ceramic Protective CALL 877-25RHINO or 314-239-7947 AnorAuthorized Shield Dealer or the $5000 projectRhino minimum. offer expires 7/30/11! Servicing St. Louis,and Kansas City and Lake of the Ozarks. Rhino Shield Ceramic Protective rhino shield Ceramic Protective Servicing St. Louis, Kansas City and Lake ofHurry, the Ozarks. • Waterproof breathable score a lot of points. In the cold weather that Coating gives you… Not valid with any other offers, previous contracts www.getrhinoshield.com Checklist Please proofto the front and back of your postcard carefully and check the appropriate box below if the item is correct. Call now schedule alast FREE in-home •• double-check EPA certified toinformation: encapsulate lead and asbestos. gives you… Coating gives you... or thee-mail, $5000 project BASF Tested and proven to Always the most important phoneof number, street address, web address, dates, minimum. disclaimers and special offers. is not always easy to do. We also had a few 25•year transferable warranty Servicing St. Louis, Kansas City and Lake the Ozarks. inspection and estimate Please notate any transferable errors changes and fax them immediately (636) 386-7789. F=Front/B=Back •year Bonds to or all wood, even cedar, stucco,tovinyl, College soccer • warranty •25 Looks thicker and richer than paint R people get us more points than were expected EA By Midwestern Coatings, Inc. 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Bonds to all wood, even cedar, vinyl, and Lake ofYou winner of the College Conference of IllinoisChecklist ••BASF Tested and toKansas laststucco, City must present presentthis thiscard ad at must attime time purchase. Please proof the front of your postcard carefully the appropriate box below if Bof thepurchase. item is correct. CALL 877-25RHINO or 314-239-7947 few bad boards replaced q F q B Headline q F and q Bback Hours/Days of Operation q F and q Bcheck Body Text q F7/30/11! qTo Expiration Datevalid wit 8/31/11 brick, block, masonite and aluminum. High school boys golf Hurry, offer expires 4/30/12! Not Hurry, offer expires $ On Any Job Up double-check the most important information: phone number, street address, web address, e-mail, dates, disclaimers and special offers. • Bonds to all wood, even cedar, stucco, vinyl, and Wisconsin’s Merle Chapman LeadershipAlways Please proof theand front and back postcard check the appro Call toimmediately schedule FREE in-home q F q B Subheadline qnow F q B Directions qa F of q Byour Company Name/Logo q F previous qand B Offer(s) Not valid with any carefully other offers, contracts www.getrhinoshield.com Please notate any errors or changes and fax them to (636) 386-7789. F=Front/B=Back • brick, EPA certified to encapsulate lead asbestos. or and coated with Rhino block, masonite and aluminum. q B Phone Number(s) q Fmost q B Map q F q Bphone Product Name(s)/Logo(s) q Fminimum. qUp B Website orAny the $5000 project On Job To web addres double-check the important information: number, street address, Marquette won the Suburban West Award, presented recently at the CCIW’s qq FFAlways $ Servicing St. Louis, Kansas and Lake of the Ozarks. You must St. present this card atand time ofCity purchase. Servicing Louis, Kansas City Lake of the Ozarks. inspection and estimate q B Address q F q B Bullet Points q F q B Disclaimer(s) q F q B Email q F Please q B •Headline q or F qchanges B lead Hours/Days offax Operation qimmediately F q B Body Text q F q BF=Front/B=Ba Expiration Date Shield to save and EPA certified to encapsulate and asbestos. notate any errors and them to (636) 386-7789. Offer 5/31/13! Not valid with any FOR Aexpires FREE IN-HOME INSPECTION Conference Tournament at Aberdeen Golf SAAC leadership workshop and luncheon. q F q B Subheadline q F q B Directions q F q B Company Name/Logo q F q B Offer(s) offers, q previous contracts or the R877-25RHINO Aother EHeadline beautify their must present this card at home! time of purchase. -Y 5CALL Number(s) F q or B Map q F q You Bestimate Product Name(s)/Logo(s) q F q B Website 2Phone 314-239-7947 Call now to schedule a FREE Course on a tiebreaker. Each league school picked a male andqq FF qqq BBF Serving q B q F q B Hours/Days of Operation q B Body Te FOR A FREE IN-HOME INSPECTION $5000 project Hurry, offer expires 7/30/11! q FF q q St. Louis, Kansas and Lake of the Ozarks. Address q F qCity B minimum. Bullet Points q F q B Disclaimer(s) B Email TY N A R R Not valid with any other offers, previous contracts A www.getrhinoshield.com You must present this card at time of purchase. B Subheadline q F q B Directions q F q B Compan Marquette and Lindbergh each finished female winner from its institution for the q FWqCALL 877-25RHINO or 314-239-7947 or the $5000 project minimum. Hurry, offer expires 7/30/11! St. Louis, Kansas City and Lake of the Ozarks. F qServicing B Phone Number(s) q F q B Map q F q B appropria Product Not valid with any other offers, previous contracts with a team score of 404 for five players. Merle Chapman Leadership award, which qChecklist www.getrhinoshield.com Please proof and back of your carefully Please proofto the frontthe and front back your postcard carefully andpostcard check the appropriate boxand belowcheck if the itemthe is correct. Call now schedule a ofFREE in-home www.getrhinoshield.com See more examples of our work orat thee-mail, $5000 project minimum. qAlways Fdouble-check qdouble-check B Address q of Fnumber, q Ozarks. Bstreet Bullet Points q Fweb Baddress, Disclaim most important information: phone address, web address, dates, disclaimers and special offers. Servicing St. the Louis, Kansas City andestimate Lake the WiNTeR 2012number, | county livingaddress, magazine |q21 Always the most important information: phone street e-m Using the sixth-player score as a tiebreaker began during the 2002-03 academic year, and inspection and Looks lik Please notate any errors or changes and fax them immediately to (636) 386-7789. F=Front/B=Back www.getrhinoshield.com Please notate any errors or changes and fax them immediately to (636) 386-7789. F=Front/B=Back R Call now to EA -Y 25 gave the Mustangs the title. is named after the longtime football coach/ 877-25rHiNo schedule estimate q F q B Headline q F qa B FREE Hours/Days of Operation q F q B Body Text q F q B Expiration Date NTY Please proofq the ARBRASubheadline of your the appr FWq F q Bfront q F qpostcard B Company carefully Name/Logo and qSt. F Louis q B Offer(s) 877-257-4466 Marquette’s Zach Gollwitzer, who will athletics director at Millikin University and or 314-239-7947 q F qq B Headline qDirections F and q Bback Hours/Days of Product Operation qF q Bcheck Body Text q F q B Phone Number(s) qF q Bof your Mappostcard q F qthe Bnumber, Name(s)/Logo(s) F is q correct. 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F=Front/B=Back q FPlease qB Phone Number(s) q F qtoB(636)Map q F q B Product Nam each shot a 74 with Schettler taking third Checklist Please proof the front of your postcard carefully appropriate box below item is correct. q B Headline q F and q Bback Hours/Days of Operation q F and q Bcheck Bodythe Text q F qif Bthe Expiration Date Fq B Headline Address FF q Points Fqq double-check the most important information:q phone number, street address, web of address, e-mail, q dates, disclaimers special offe qq FAlways qFqB q qBB Bullet Hours/Days Operation FB q Disclaimer(s) B andBody Te q F q B Subheadline q F q B Directions q F q B Company Name/Logo q F q B Offer(s) Please notate any errors or changes and fax them immediately to (636) 386-7789. 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30 I sports I



Three Wildcat women head to national lacrosse tournament

From left are Jordan Weber, Harper Larson and Jensen Holt.

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By WARREN MAYES wmayes@newsmagazinenetwork.com Three Westminster Christian Academy lacrosse players will be able to see how they measure up against some the best players in the nation. Jensen Holt, Jordan Weber and Harper Larson are among the 20 local athletes chosen for the Central Division Team for the U.S. Lacrosse Women’s Division National Tournament that will be taking place at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania this summer. Westminster’s Lindsay Carlile is the coach of the team and, with Lafayette’s Carrie Guenzler-Heaney, Parkway West coach Emily Lovercheck and Kirkwood coach Whitney Ludwig, will be serving as chaperones on the trip as well. The tryouts were held at Parkway West High School last month. The girls were selected by a group of local high school coaches, who volunteered to serve as selectors and followed the criteria set in place by U.S. Lacrosse for these tryouts, that were held throughout the country. To have three Wildcats make the team is important to her program, Carlile said. “It’s great to have so many of our girls make the team,” Carlile said. “We’ve had four of our players get selected over the past two seasons as well, but of course we’re excited to have these three girls afforded this opportunity from Westminster Christian Academy this season and are excited for them to gain such valuable playing experience on the national level.” For them to be selected shows the Wildcats have some top-level talent. Holt is a junior who plays attack for the Wildcats. “She’s currently our leading scorer and does a great job on the draw for us,” Carlile said. “Her competitiveness and will to win have been instrumental to our program’s growth

and increasing success this season. Her heart and intensity can’t be taught but are contagious and integral to our team’s success.” For Holt, making the team is important. “The tryouts had been a really humbling experience because I got to see and play with all these talented players from other schools, so I was a little nervous waiting for the email,” Holt said. “But I was really happy when I got the email telling me I had made the team. While at the national tournament I hope to improve in my lacrosse skills and get to know players I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to know otherwise.” Weber is a junior and plays defense for Westminster. “Her speed has become a major asset for us on defense, always helping to slow our opponents in their transitions in the midfield,” Carlile said. “Her natural athleticism has translated well to the lacrosse field for us, and her nose for the ball has really helped us get the ball out of our defensive end and up to our attackers.” Weber said she hopes her skills “grow and grow with this experience.” Larson, a sophomore at Westminster, is a first-year player. “Her commitment to the game year-round has afforded her great playing experience and confidence,” Carlile said. “The result is great poise and determination when she’s on the field for us. What she lacks in size she makes up for in her quickness. Her shooting accuracy makes her a talented attacker for us, but she does occasionally sub in as a midfielder for us as need presents.” Making the team can only help her get better, Larson said. “I tried out because I wanted to be on the central team as part of the national tournament,” Larson said. “Also, I realize that this team can open doors for me if I decide to go on with my lacrosse career. I want to have the experience of being at this tournament. “I have been to other tournaments but not like this, and this time I am really going to focus on how some of the girls play from other states to see how I can improve my game.” The other girls chosen for the team are: Kelsey Newton, of Parkway North; Kelsey Zurweller, of Parkway West; Olivia Molino, of Parkway West; Stephanie Quoss, of Parkway West; Rebecca Salamon, of Parkway West; Tabatha Saake, of Parkway West; Maria Johnson, of Lafayette; Elizabeth Darrow, of Eureka; Christa Waterwiese, of St. Joseph’s Academy; Tessa Boots, of O’Fallon, Ill.; Victoria Wolsky, of Ladue; Rachel Avery, of Ladue; Madeline Mills, of Clayton; Katherine Tooley, of Villa Duchesne; Katie Hornbeck, of St. Theresa’s; and two girls from Kansas – Abby Britton, of Blue Valley Northwest; and Kimberly Apuzzo, of Blue Valley North.



I sports I 31

Multitalented Sam Stewart does it all for John F. Kennedy Celts By WARREN MAYES wmayes@newsmagazinenetwork.com Pick a sport and there’s a good chance you can see Kennedy’s Sam Stewart playing. The 6-foot-4, 240-pound junior is a foursport standout for the Celts. He plays football and swims in the fall before switching to basketball in the winter and participates in track and field in the spring. And Stewart doesn’t just put on a uniform. He contributes and does it in a record-setting way. He just set the school record that stood since the 1970s in the shot put with a toss of 50 feet, 2 inches. Last fall, he set the record for most sacks with 12. In basketball, he set the record last season for best field goal percentage at 60.37 percent. “I think setting these school records is awesome,” Stewart said. “I love the fact that when I graduate I will be leaving something behind to show my presence and to set marks for future Kennedy students to try to reach. It is a good motivational tool. “I never originally had a goal to beat any school records, I just play hard and physical and hope good things happen.” “Sam does it all for Kennedy,” said Joe Walterbach, Kennedy’s athletic director and basketball coach. “In the classroom he has 4.0 grade point average. In the school musical, he

was one of the leads. He is always at school; he just knows how to manage his time well. “I’ve known him since he was in fifth grade and he’s just always been a fun, respectful kid.” Scott Long is Stewart’s coach for football as well as track and field. “To be an all-conference performer in three sports is difficult,” Long said. “Sam works hard at all three. Natural talent alone is not enough to accomplish what Sam does. Hard work and dedication are also prerequisites, and Sam follows through. When you consider how good a student he is and how involved in the school community he is outside of athletics, his ability to achieve at such a high level in all areas really is impressive.” “So many students are just focusing on one sport year-round,” Walterbach said. “For Sam to be so dominant and successful in all three is just amazing.” At the recent All-Catholic Meet at Chaminade, Stewart broke the Kennedy record in the shot put. “As soon as I threw the shot, I knew it was a good throw,” Stewart said. “I did not expect it to be over 50 feet. I had never thrown that far. I knew the old record was around 48 feet (47-feet-11) so I was quite excited when l heard the distance.” Stewart also throws the discus and occa-

sionally fills in on the 4x100 and 4x200 relays for Kennedy. This may be the year he earns a trip to the state track meet. “He has a chance but there are a number of good throwers in Class 3,” Long said. “If he has a good day he might get to Jefferson City.” In the fall, Stewart swims for coach Ann Hawkey as well as plays football. Stewart swims in the 100 meter butterfly and on two relay teams – the 4x50 medley relay, where he swims the butterfly stroke, and the 4x50 freestyle relay. “Football was my primary fall sport and swimming was a secondary. If conflicts occur, football comes first,” Stewart said. Hawkey said she does not mind sharing Stewart. “He’s an extremely talented and natural athlete,” Hawkey said. “He is the type of athlete who will help the team in any way he possibly can. Football is his prime sport but he came to swimming practice any time it did not interfere, especially on Saturdays. He participated in any meets that did not interfere with football games or specific football practices.” In football, Stewart plays on the defensive line. He moves around offensively as a backup tight end or fullback. But it’s basketball that takes up most of

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Stewart’s time. “For the past four years, I have had extended basketball play into the spring and summer playing AAU (Amateur Athletic Union),” Stewart said. For the basketball Celts, Stewart is a center or big forward. Outside sports, Stewart is junior class president and a member of National Honor Society.


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32 I sports I



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entire tournament. These were team victoBy WARREN MAYES ries and a team tournament championship. wmayes@newsmagazinenetwork.com The Eureka Cardinals won the 2013 We used six different pitchers. “We had offensive production from the St. Louis County Athletic Association (SLCAA) preseason tournament in the 11 top of the lineup to the bottom of the lineup. We had great defensive play from the infield and Under age group. The Cardinals play in the Eureka Sports and from the outfield. We really have a balAssociation, one of seven associations that anced team with every member of the team make up the SLCAA. The 11U team plays contributing to every game we play.” The regular season for the Cardinals has in the American Blue Division. The team has boys from three different elementary just begun. Blum said his squad will enter one schools in the area – two in Eureka and one or two additional tournaments this summer. If the preseason tournament is any indiin Ellisville. Every year, the SLCAA kicks off the cation, it could be another good season for season with a preseason tournament. Teams Eureka. “The team this season consists of 12 boys, from the Associations within SLCAA ages 8 to 14 compete within their respective age all of which played together on this team last year. Six of our boys have been together brackets. Eureka started the season off with a bang, on this team for five years now. Last year, the squad went 11-1 in league play, finishgoing 5-0 in the tournament. “They won it with great pitching and ing second in its division,” Blum said. great defense,” manager Rich Blum said. “They are a great group of kids, and it is “They only gave up 18 runs through the really fun to watch them play.”

Chesterfield CROCS swim team registration underway, ends May 25

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Registration is open for the Chesterfield CROCS swim team. The team is open to all West County residents, ages 5-18 (as of May 31, 2013), and will compete against other municipal teams in the St. Louis County area. Emphasis is placed on sportsmanship and basic skills, while having fun. Morning practices will be held Monday through Friday starting May 29. There will be five meets and those that qualify can compete in the Conference competition. A mandatory parent meeting will be held

on May 22 at 7 p.m. in Council chambers at Chesterfield City Hall. The fee to participate is $96 for residents of Chesterfield and $116 for nonresidents. Each family is required to work at three meets, in addition to conference meets if their child participates. Registration forms must be completed in person at Chesterfield City Hall, 690 Chesterfield Parkway West, no later than Friday, May 25. For more information, call 812-9500.


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34 I health I



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Prior to surgery, a 3-D reconstruction of the patient’s joint is built using sophisticated imaging and software, providing a blueprint for the surgeon. During surgery, a robotic arm gives the surgeon feedback to facilitate optimal results. Compared to standard total knee replacement, MAKOplasty offers several potential benefits, including reduced blood loss; minimal hospitalization; rapid recovery; a smaller incision; less scarring; less implant wear and loosening; better motion and a more natural feeling knee. Des Peres Hospital will offer free community seminars on the procedure on Wednesday, May 22 and on Tuesday, June 11. For more information and to register, call (877) 874-1967.

Interns get little bedside training Des Peres Hospital now is offering partial knee resurfacing using a minimally invasive treatment performed with a surgeon-controlled robotic arm.

Des Peres Hospital performs robotic knee resurfacing People with knee pain who have been putting off surgery have a new option to consider. MAKOplasty® partial knee resurfacing– a minimally invasive treatment for adults with early to mid-stage arthritis that has not progressed to all three compartments of the knee – now is available at Des Peres

Hospital – the first hospital in St. Louis to offer the procedure. Surgeon Matthew W. Bradley, M.D., recently performed MAKOplasty on two patients. The procedure is less invasive than traditional total knee replacement surgery and is performed using a highly advanced, surgeon-controlled robotic arm system. “With the MAKOplasty system, we can treat patients at early stages of joint degeneration, and with more precision,” Bradley said.

Doctors-in-training spend far more time at computers than they spend at patients’ bedsides, a Johns Hopkins study found. Researchers who spent 873 hours following nearly 300 first-year residents at Baltimore’s two large academic medical centers discovered that the interns spent 12 percent of their time talking with and examining patients; 64 percent of their time on indirect patient care, such as placing orders, researching patient history and filling out electronic paperwork; 15 percent on educational activities, such as medical rounds; and 9 percent on miscellaneous activities. “Interns spend almost four times as long reviewing charts than directly engaging

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patients,” said Leonard Feldman, M.D., the study’s lead author. “Most of us went into medicine because we love spending time with the patients. Our systems have squeezed this out of medical training.” Recent hospital protocols implemented to reduce intern fatigue and improve patient safety have resulted in reduced work hours for interns, but researchers said that with interns spending less time at hospitals, protocols need to be implemented to ensure that vital parts of their medical training are not lost.

Soda and candy taxes get thumbs-down There has been plenty of recent talk about special taxes on soft drinks and candy, but according to results of a Harris Interactive/ Health Day poll released last month, most Americans are not so sweet on the idea. In an online survey of more than 2,100 U.S. adults, government taxes on soda and candy got a big thumbs-down, with 56-58 percent of respondents opposed and 21-23 percent saying they were in favor of the idea. “The idea of taxing calorie-rich candies and sodas may be popular with some public health advocates who see them as major causes of the nation’s obesity epidemic, but it is very unpopular with the public,” Harris Poll Chairman Humphrey Taylor said. More than half (51 percent) of poll respondents said they disagreed with the statement, “Sales taxes on candies and sodas would help to reduce obesity.” About one-fourth (26 percent) agreed with the statement.

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A larger majority of respondents indicated they were opposed to the idea on principle, with two-thirds saying they agreed with the statement, “It should not be the role of government to influence what we eat and drink to make healthier choices.”



Dealing with bunions The American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) has launched “Beat Bunion Blues,” an online campaign to help women who suffer from bunions. According to the APMA, while bunions are one of the most common foot ailments podiatrists see – particularly among females – they are not “normal” and can be treated. “Foot pain is not normal, including bunions, which can be very uncomfortable and, in some cases, even debilitating,” APMA President Dr. Matthew Garoufalis said. “There are numerous conservative and surgical treatment options today’s podiatrist can provide to patients with bunions.” There also are preventative measures that can reduce the impact of a bunion, such as limiting time in high heels or wearing a custom orthotic. For more information, visit apma.org.

Parents ignoring drug warnings Many parents are disregarding over-thecounter cough and cold medicine label warnings and giving the drugs to young children, according to a new poll. Five years ago, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an advisory stating that over-the-counter cough and cold products were not proven effective for young children and could cause serious side effects. In response, product manufacturers changed their labels to say that the medicines should not be given to children younger than age 4. But in a recent University of Michigan poll, more than 40 percent of parents said they had given cough medicine or multi-symptom cold medicine to their children younger than age 4, and 25 percent reported giving those children decongestants. “These products don’t reduce the time the infection will last, and misuse could lead to serious harm,” said Matthew Davis, associate professor of adult medicine and pediatrics and the director of the C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital. According to Davis, the drugs’ side effects could include allergic reactions, increased or uneven heart rate, drowsiness or sleeplessness, slow and shallow breathing, confusion or hallucinations, convulsions, nausea and constipation.

On the calendar Free skin cancer screenings will be offered from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturday, May 11 at Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jew-

I health I 35

2,695 Installed

10 Year Parts Warranty! Despite FDA and product manufacturer warnings, many parents give over-the-counter cough and cold medicines to infants and children younger than age 4.

ish West County Hospital in Creve Coeur. Dermatologist Eva Hurst, M.D., will perform the screenings on a first-come, first-served basis. No registration is necessary. For more information, call (314) 542-9378. Other locations include: • Mercy Hospital from 9 a.m. - noon. Call (314) 251-6400 • SLU Care Des Peres from 8 a.m.-noon. Call (314) 997-4440 • St. Luke’s Hospital from 8 a.m.-noon. Call (314) 542-4848 ••• “Hear from a Golf Pro,” a joint pain seminar presented by professional golfer Fred Funk and a physician, will be held from 4-6 p.m. on Monday, May 20 at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Chesterfield. Funk shares his personal experience with joint replacement. Registration, light refreshments, balance and blood pressure screenings, and a chance to practice on a putting green precede the presentation at 3:30 p.m. Admission is free, but registration is required. Call 344-2273. ••• “Your Perfect Match: Finding the Right Doctor” will be held from 6:30-8 p.m. on Tuesday, May 21 at Desloge Outpatient Center, 121 St. Luke’s Center Drive in Chesterfield. The free event provides attendees with an opportunity to meet and get to know some of St. Luke’s Hospital’s OB/GYN and primary care physicians while enjoying appetizers. Mini-makeovers from Macy’s also are featured. To register, visit stlukes-stl.com, or call (314) 542-4848. ••• St. Luke’s Hospital will present, “I Have Hip Pain. What Are My Options?” from 6-7 p.m. on Thursday, May 23 at Desloge Outpatient Center, 121 St. Luke’s Center Drive in Chesterfield. An orthopedic surgeon addresses the many causes of hip pain. The program is free, but class size is limited. To register, call (314) 542-4848, or visit stlukes-stl.com.

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36 I health I


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Mark Norwine’s journey across Missouri is the subject of “The Walking Man,” a documentary addressing mental illness.

‘The Walking Man’ follows Missouri man’s journey along the Katy Trail By DAN FOX dfox@newsmagazinenetwork.com Mark Norwine is taking a walk on the Katy Trail. He’s walking to raise awareness and promote help for students suffering from depression and other mental illnesses. Norwine, 54, began his journey in Sedalia, 180 miles from his final destination – passing through towns and dealing with stormy weather, making his way step by step toward St. Louis and his home in St. Charles. “First three days we didn’t see any sun. We had a lot of rain,” Norwine said. “We still got the miles in.” In order to reach the end of his trek on schedule, Norwine said he has to walk an average of 10-13 miles per day. Along the way, he has been stopping at small towns, speaking to schools and families about bullying, suicide, depression and mental illness. According to Norwine, raising awareness of these issues and creating conversations on the subject are his main goals for the walk. “We, as adults, are the cause for our kids not talking about these issues,” Norwine said. “That’s because either we’re embarrassed or afraid we’ll bring something up that will harm them, when actually our kids want to talk about these things.” Norwine said that small towns like the ones along his route have many more problems related to youth depression and suicide, due to a lack of recourses available to educate them about the issue. To assist these small communities, the CHADS Coalition, for which Norwine works, is collecting donations for each mile he walks. The money will be used to provide help for students suffering from depression. CHADS was created after the son of

Marian McCord, the group’s founder, took his life in 2004 after battling depression for several years. The organization speaks to students, educating kids and teenagers on the signs of suicide and depression, and how to help themselves or their friends if they are showing those signs. According to McCord, most of the work CHADS does is through cooperation with schools. “I think it’s wonderful,” said Dr. Sally Blackburn, a school counselor at Selvidge Middle School. “We have students come in and do a lesson called ‘signs of suicide.’ “We’ve have students the year after the presentation come in and say they remember the presentation and they are concerned about a friend of theirs.” Norwine isn’t making this trip by himself. His son, Eric, is helping to produce a documentary called “The Walking Man,” which takes a look at the stigma of mental health issues in America. The film’s crew is following Norwine on his journey, documenting the walk for the film. Eric said he hopes that by discussing the issues in the documentary, it will lead people to have a more constructive view of depression, bullying and the causes of suicide, rather than simply acknowledging the existence of the issues. “As a society we need to make this a priority,” Eric said. “There are too many families that are ripped apart by mental illness either by divorce or abuse or suicide, and we seem to just sit by and say it’s OK. That’s because people with mental illness, it’s something that they hide naturally. They have no one speaking out for them. Someone needs to do that. I’m not saying that we’re necessarily that someone, but we’re just trying to do our part – and my dad is just certainly trying to do his.”




Al West Co u n un An

Saturday, May 18

Presented by

at the Chesterfield Amphitheater 631 Veterans’ Place Drive (next to the YMCA)


Produced by St. Louis Bash Productions The Bash is Back! Now in its third year, the West County Talent Bash once again will give dozens of homegrown talent acts the chance to perform before hundreds of guests at the beautiful Chesterfield Amphitheater in Chesterfield Central Park. Set for Saturday, May 18, festivities will get underway at noon and will conclude with a “Tribute to the Troops” fireworks show at 9:30 p.m. This year’s Bash will feature more than 40 local talent acts, live music, barbecue, craft beer, soda and other treats. Whether you bring the family and stay for the day or stop in for a short time, you’re sure to enjoy the fun and camaraderie of a great community event!

Great Barbecue Beginning at 12 p.m. Three area pit-masters will be on site at the West County Talent Bash, serving up a variety of delicious barbecued items. Barbecue will be sold as long as supplies last.

Talent Bash 12:30-4:45 p.m. Immediately following a patriotic opening ceremony, KTRS Radio personalities will begin introducing the 40-plus variety acts performed by local talent whose auditions tapes earned them a spot in the 2013 West County Talent Bash lineup. Performers will compete in four categories: youth, teen, young adult, and adult – in both solo/duo and group performances. Official judges and participating audience members will cast their votes for the winners. West County’s got talent, so plan to take a seat and settle in for some quality entertainment!

West county on Tap 4-9:30 p.m. Talent Bash guests aged 21 and older will have the opportunity to sample a variety of beers from small, independent brewers. To participate in West County on Tap, guests simply need to purchase a $20 pilsner glass at the event, which will allow them to sample up to 25 craft beers.

shades of Blue Jazz ensemble 5:45-7:15 p.m. awards ceremony 7:15-7:45 p.m. Javier Mendoza 7:45-9:30 p.m. “Tribute to the Troops” Fireworks show 9:30 p.m. Hundreds of guests attended the West County Talent Bash held last year on Memorial Day weekend at the Chesterfield Amphitheater.

For more information, please call 636-591-0010 or visit www.NewsmagazineNetwork.com

Special thanks to... West County

The Bash will be held on Armed Forces Day – a holiday for Americans to come together and thank our military members for their patriotic service in support of our country. In celebration, the 2013 West County Talent Bash will conclude with a “Tribute to the Troops” fireworks show, presented courtesy of Three French Hens in Wildwood.

FRee aDMissiON

38 I talent bash I


Talent Bash Lineup

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The West County Talent Bash on-stage action will get underway at 12:30 p.m. with the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner,” “God Bless America” and the national anthem. Immediately following, KTRS Radio personalities will begin introducing the acts, which will continue until 4:45 p.m. Voting on the Talent Bash acts will close at 6 p.m., and the awards presentation will take place at 7:30 p.m. Live bands will perform before and after the awards ceremony, and the show will conclude with a 9:30 p.m. “Tribute to the Troops” fireworks extravaganza.

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• 12:45 Sophia Mirabella Burns (Dance) • 12:51 CJ Schreiber (Guitarist) • 12:57 St. Louis Strutters (Dance) • 1:03 Bollywood-Little Ones (Dance)

• 2:45 • 2:51 • 2:57 • 3:03

Mark Madsen (Actor/Vocal) 3 ½ Dudes (Band) City Voices (Choir) Wildwood Dance-Let’s Get Loud (Dance)

• 1:09 • 1:15 • 1:21 • 1:27

• 3:09 • 3:15 • 3:21 • 3:27

Emily Luedloff (Vocal) J-Tal (Band) Dance Project St. Louis- Performance Ensemble (Dance) Insignificant Others (Band)

• 3:33 • 3:39 • 3:45 • 3:51

Show Some Teeth (Band) Doppler FX (Band) Courtney Tburczy (Vocal) T-Maul (Band)

• 3:57 • 4:03 • 4:09 • 4:15

Cori Rose Hopwood (Vocal) Garret Shields (Guitarist) Leland’s Road (Band) Changing Faces (Band)

• 4:21 • 4:27 • 4:33 • 4:39 • 4:45

Decedy (Band) Mark Bindner-King of Manchester (Vocal) Million Hits (Band) Irie Sun (Band) San Simeon Way (Band)

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Lois O’Brien (Vocal) Dance Project St. Louis Apprentice Ensemble (Dance) Sara Henderson Sings (Vocal) Meredith Foster (Vocal) Madi Wilson-York (Vocal) Elizabeth Bleyer (Vocal) Bianca McKenna-Piano Extraordinaire (Instrumental) A Wink and a Smile (Dance)

• 1:57 • 2:03 • 2:09 • 2:15

Matt Howard (Vocal) Let’s Hear it for the Boy (Dance) Wildwood Dance-What’s your Scary Movie (Dance) Sounding Steel (Band)

• 2:21 • 2:27 • 2:33 • 2:39

Scott Huch (Poi Demo) Ray Bierman (Vocal) Garba Dance (Dance) Lily Oyer (Vocal)

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Vague, a rock/alternative music group, was voted grand champion of the 2012 West County Talent Bash.


the best of the

A simple system using guitar picks will be used to pick the top West County Talent Bash acts. A panel of official judges from Chesterfield Arts, the Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce, the city of Chesterfield, Mozingo Music, Three French Hens and West Newsmagazine will critique the 40-plus Talent Bash acts, and the public will have a hand also in choosing the winners. Here is how the judging process will work: • Each act will have its own entry box, located on site at the Chesterfield Amphitheater. • Mozingo Music will provide each judge on the panel with a set of guitar picks, and judges will use the picks as votes to select their favorite acts. • Audience members may purchase guitar



picks, priced at $5 for a pack of 10, and use them to vote for their favorite acts by dropping them into the entry boxes of their choice. There is no limit on the number of picks an audience member may purchase. • Judges’ guitar picks will be one color, and audience member picks will be another color. Judges’ votes will carry a bit more weight than audience members’ votes. Talent Bash acts will be divided into four age groups: youth, teen, young adult, and adult – and will be categorized either as solo/duo or group. There will be a winner in each category for each age group, and there will be one overall grand champion. All winning acts will receive a trophy and prize, and the grand champion will be featured in West Newsmagazine and interviewed live on KTRS Radio.

parking, seating, barbecue and more

Park at the pool There is limited parking at the Chesterfield Amphitheater, but West County Talent Bash guests are welcome to park at the Chesterfield Family Aquatic Center, 16365 Lydia Hill Drive, which also is in Chesterfield Central Park. Talent Bash guests are asked to make note of the following: • A drop-off spot for disabled guests and those requiring assistance will be clearly marked at the front entrance to the Chesterfield Amphitheater. • Parking will not be permitted during open hours at the Chesterfield Family YMCA or at the Samuel C. Sachs branch of the St. Louis County Library.

Open seating Stadium seating is featured at the Chesterfield Amphitheater, and seats will be available to Talent Bash guests on a firstcome, first-served basis. Lawn seating is available also, so bring a blanket and plan to stay for the fireworks, which will get underway at 9:30 p.m.

Food and drink Beginning at noon, barbecue and other concessions will be available for as long as supplies last, and craft beer sampling begins at 4 p.m. Guests are welcome to bring their own food and beverages, but glass containers are not permitted at the Chesterfield Amphitheater.

I talent Bash I 39

40 I talent bash I




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The U.S. Air Force Band of Mid-America Shades of Blue Jazz Ensemble


guests to take

Talent Bash contestants won’t be the only acts to take the Chesterfield Amphitheater stage on May 18. Shades of Blue will bring its wide repertoire of jazz to the 2013 Talent Bash party, and award-winning singer-songwriter Javier Mendoza will wow the crowd with his rich and varied musical artistry. Part of the U.S. Air Force Band of MidAmerica, Shades of Blue Jazz Ensemble is comprised of 18 professional, enlisted musicians currently stationed at Scott Air Force Base. They play traditional big band jazz, bebop, swing and modern jazz, and at any given performance, their play list is likely to include the music of contemporary composers and the classic sounds of Count Basie or Glenn Miller.

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Javier Mendoza

“We perform together several times a month,” said Staff Sgt. Brenna J. Blair, who plays trumpet with the band. “Sometimes we perform on base to support military functions for things such as Change of Command ceremonies, Air Force balls, or gatherings for base and local leadership. Other times, we perform concerts in communities or assemblies for schools.” Wherever they perform, Shades of Blue musicians proudly reflect the pride of

Talent Bash


America and the U.S. Air Force. “The audience can expect to be entertained by professional musicians who represent their Air Force,” Blair said. “They can expect to learn more about what the Air Force does and should plan on having a great time!” Shades of Blue will perform at the Talent Bash from 5:45-7:15 p.m. Javier Mendoza is a seasoned musician who kicked off his career in 1996 when he signed a publishing deal with Warner Chappel. He has released 14 albums in his career and has garnered many awards, including Best Solo Artist (2010-2011 Riverfront Times Music Awards) and Best Latin Artist (KDHX Radio) but said he believes the highlight of his career is still to come. “It is difficult to describe my music since it contains all the colors of the rainbow,” Mendoza said. “However, one thing is certain; it is ‘transnational.’ There are Latin tones, alternative influences such as Radio Head, Arcade Fire, Death Cab for Cutie, and the words contain folk stories at times. It is pop rock filled with honesty, and at times dark but always full of hope, since I believe you need both the good and the bad to tell the full story.” Asked if he had any advice for Talent Bash contestants hoping to make it in the music industry, Mendoza offered words of encouragement. “Don’t bank your career on just a music contest. Use this as yet another avenue, but pursue it out of love and hard work,” he said. “Be ready to fall and pick yourself back up, and if you truly believe in your art, then grow a thick skin. Criticism is always around the corner, but so are compliments. Know that it is long journey.” Mendoza is scheduled to play at the Talent Bash from 7:45-9:30 p.m.




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Chesterfield celebrates National Public Works Week with ‘plow art’ By KATE UPTERGROVE editorwest@newsmagazinenetwork.com The third week of May is National Public Works Week and the Chesterfield Department of Public Services is using this period to acknowledge the efforts of its public works employees, as well as to extend its public outreach efforts within the community. “Since 1960, the American Public Works Association has sponsored National Public Works Week to energize and educate the public on the importance of the contribution of public works to their daily lives: planning, building, managing and operating the heart of our local communities and building the quality of life,” explained Mike Geisel, Chesterfield’s director of public services. This year the APWA has selected “Because of Public Works ...” as its theme for National Public Works Week. Geisel said the theme offers the city the opportunity to “increase public understanding of what we do and gather feedback from residents about how we are doing.” Residents can email info@chesterfield. mo.us or use the “report a problem” form on the city’s website (chesterfield.mo.us). Participating in local events is one of the ways the public works department interacts with the community, Geisel said.

“Recently, the street maintenance division participated at Parkway’s annual ‘On the Go” event at their Early Childhood Development Center,’ he explained. “We had various pieces of public works equipment on-site, allowing visitors to get a hands-on and up-close view of the equipment. It is always a big hit with the kids! “The Department also annually participates with the Rockwood School District. Each year, we send equipment and a couple of Public Works professionals to the Rockwood School District’s truck and vehicle display. “This year, we also delivered snow plows to four Chesterfield elementary schools. Two in Rockwood, and two in Parkway (Wild Horse, Highcroft Ridge, Green Trails and Chesterfield). The plows were cleaned, sanded and prepped prior to delivery. The schools will be painting or decorating a snow plow. Each school has a day scheduled for their own event, during which we will have a ‘plow parade’ and will also have other public works equipment on display.” Wild Horse and Green Trails have scheduled their events for May 20 from 9-11 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. respectively. Chesterfield and Highcroft Ridge are scheduled for May 21. “But we are awaiting final times from their principals,” Geisel said.

Dance champions More than 6,000 Irish dancers from around the world traveled to Boston for the 43rd annual World Irish Dancing Championships, March 24-31. Among the competitors were nine individual dancers and five dance teams from Dancers from Clarkson School of Irish Dance the Clarkson School of (Photo courtesy of Debbie Murphy) Irish Dance, who collectively came home with 74 medals from individual and team competitions. The Clarkson School is located in Manchester and its teams include dancers from throughout West County and metro St. Louis. Two Clarkson dancers received individual awards and all five Clarkson dance teams came home with team awards. One team garnered a prestigious “World Globe” award for placing in the top three. This competition marked the first time any St. Louis dancers have achieved that status. The individual award-winners from Clarkson were Merissa Billhartz, 28th in the Under 20 Women’s competition, and Abby Llewellyn, 40th in the Under 11 Girl’s Competition. Clarkson teams earning awards were the Minor Girls (under 13) Ceili Team in 18th place, the Minor Girls Figure Team in fourth place, two Junior Girls (13-16) Ceili Teams in 25th and 26th place, and the globe-winning Junior Girls Figure Team in third place.




IT'S BARBECUE SEASON!! Red-tailed hawks are one of the local species visitors can see – up-close and personal – at World Bird Sanctuary in Valley Park. (Photo courtesy of World Bird Sanctuary)

World Bird Sanctuary kicks off summer of accessible free activities By KATE UPTERGROVE editorwest@newsmagazinenetwork.com One of West County’s quiet attractions just got a substantial upgrade thanks to the generosity of a local family. The World Bird Sanctuary is now paved – with walkways throughout the outdoor exhibits as well as leading to the wildlife hospital viewing windows and the nature center. “We have been waiting to do this for a very long time,” said Catherine Redfern, the sanctuary’s director of development. The sanctuary, which moved into its current location across from Lone Elk Park in 2000, had pathways that Redfern described as “functional, but not user-friendly.” “Sitting as we do on a hill, it can get very windy and the mulch and dirt would fly into your eyes and throats and into the eyes and throats of the birds and animals.” Now, Redfern said, about one-third of the 305-acre complex is accessibly paved allowing people in motorized chairs, people in wheelchairs, and people with children still in strollers to enjoy the property. The remainder of the complex is traversed by trails that, while unpaved, are open to the public, free of charge. “We’re open daily 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and only closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas,” Redfern said. “And there’s no charge for admission and parking.” The sanctuary’s residents include “about 40-50 birds from tiny, little screech owls to an Andean condor with a 12-foot wingspan,” Redfern said. Also residing at the sanctuary is an assortment of reptiles and mammals. This summer the sanctuary will host a variety of special events including a celebration of International Migratory Bird Day on May 11 and the Hiking Society’s

National Trails Day Sponsored by Ameren Missouri on June 1. On May 11, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m., visitors can learn which birds migrate and why watch bird-banding demonstrations, attend a bird identification seminar or walk, and engage in free activities for kids. On June 11, hikers of all skill levels can enjoy the sanctuary’s trail system, choosing from one of three different lengths to suit their pace. Naturalists with live animals will be at interpretation stations along the trails and children’s activities also will be offered. “Education is one of the core objectives of our mission,” Redfern said. Founded in 1977, the sanctuary today has a full-time staff of 25 employees. Keeper Talks, which take place every Saturday and Sunday at 9 a.m., offer visitors the opportunity to join keepers on their morning feeding rounds. The sanctuary operates on an annual budget of appoximately $1.2 million, “which isn’t a lot when you consider all we do with it,” Redfern said. “About 70 percent of our revenue comes from habitat management consulting (environmental studies),” Redfern said. “Funding also comes from educational services. We conduct programs at local schools and organizations, charging about 60 percent of what it costs for us to present the program, so we gain back some of our costs there.” The rest of the sanctuary’s support comes from local companies, individuals and volunteers, such as West County resident Pat Sexton. Sexton exclaimed, “World Bird Sanctuary has grown by leaps and bounds over the last couple of years, and it truly is a gem that is located right here in West County.”


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Rise in honeybee deaths threatens economy, food supply and more

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By SARAH WILSON swilson@newsmagazinenetwork.com The buzz about honeybee health is not swarming with as much optimism as one would hope. Essential to modern agriculture, honeybees not only produce honey and beeswax, but they also serve their most important role – as pollinators for crops – and are responsible for more than $15 billion in increased crop value each year. The state of Missouri even designates the honeybee as its official state insect. But honeybees are hurting. Dr. Gerald Hayes, Beeologics commercial lead at Monsanto, predicted there would be a “blip in mortality and probably availability.” He said on a preliminary basis, this year would have close to a 40-to 50-percent loss of honeybees – a concerning, downward spiral of honeybee health that seems to be a consistently developing problem in the past few years. The ailment affecting the bees is called Colony Collapse Disorder, and according to the Environmental Protection Agency, as many as 50 percent of all affected bee colonies demonstrated symptoms inconsistent with any known cause of honeybee deaths. A sudden loss in a colony’s worker’s bee population would occur without any dead bees found near the colony. Hives, however, cannot sustain themselves without worker bees and eventually would die. Hayes attributed the honeybee loss to pesticides, chemicals people add to their lawns to remove weeds, parasites and poor forage. “Golf courses, for example, use a tremendous amount of flowering pesticides, and people use chemicals to make yards look pristine,” he said. “And if you add up parasites, poor forage and pesticides, for an insect that isn’t adapted to all of these things, over time, you have this collateral damage.” The development of a parasitic mite also has been problematic for the bees. “We have no evolutionary control to take care of this large mite that pierces the honeybee’s cuticle, causing things like immunosuppression,” Hayes said. At a recent presentation regarding honeybee health, Hayes presented a spread of breakfast foods, including eggs, fruit, toast with jam, orange juice and coffee with cream. Without honeybees, he said such a breakfast would not be as readily available. “The juice of course would be totally gone because there’s no fruits being pollinated to squeeze the juice out of,” Hayes said. “Coffee would still be there, but not as much, because honeybees do pollinate coffee beans. Cream would be gone because honeybees forage alfalfa, the clover to feed the dairy cattle that produce the cream. Melons, strawberries and other fruits would

be gone because honeybees are absolutely, positively needed to take pollen from point A to point B. Even jam on the toast would be gone. There is an evolutionary relationship between flowering plants and bees that make these plants healthy.” He said bees are designed to eat a variety of pollen that comes from different flowers for a balanced diet, just like humans need a variety of food to get a balanced diet. “With the price of corn and beans and the loss of some land and then no one wanting a dandelion, a flowering weed, in their yard – all of these things cut down on the amount of natural food that honeybees have access to,” Hayes said. With 7 billion people on the earth now, he said he is not sure that people can go back to the diet that their ancestors ate of wind-pollinated plants. “So this is significant for us directly and of course for food in many, many different realms because we’re all so dependent on this small insect – that many people think is insignificant – to actually allow plants to reproduce and to produce seeds and fruits, nuts and berries,” Hayes said. “We need these things for nutrition, for diversity, and with the population going from 7 billion to 10 billion, how do you do that?” In light of the statistics, Hayes said it is important for people to be advocates. “We need advocates to create a movement, get awareness built, and then if you have awareness, people might conduct themselves differently about what they apply to their lawns and gardens,” Hayes said. “Maybe growers would think a little bit more about the value of honeybees to produce their crops and a lot of other elements like that.” One of the easiest and most important ways people can do their part is to think twice before using bug spray. “And if you do, make sure you read and understand the label,” Hayes said. “Also think, do I really need to use it? You might see a big bug in your house, but do you really need to use these things or can you smash it with your shoe? “Don’t go out and hug a honeybee, but I think awareness is terrific.”

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A tree along Channel B marked with an X, to be chopped down


water and the safety of those children – and not just for today, but for 10 years down the line, when there are different families living there. “There’s always a first – when something happens tragically – and then we can all say we should have done something differently. So this is an effort to try to prevent something like that from happening.” Clement said since Channel A was completed, he has heard that the water quality of the area has improved. Clement said there are “not a lot” of trees that would be removed – roughly about 20-25. “Some people will say that’s 25 too many, but when they’re in the middle of the creek, they have to come out,” Clement said. “Many of them are “on the verge” of collapsing. “And some of them are so huge, it would come down on somebody’s home,” Clement said. “I love trees, too.” Nobody wants to lose any, he said, “but when we have a channel that’s 15 to 20 feet deep” something has to be done. Clement said by next year, the trees planted along the creek’s banks would be 1 to 2 feet tall and then the next year would double in size. “The area looks diminished when you first go in, but this brings it back and creates privacy again in those common ground areas,” Clement said. “The trees quickly become tall again and they hold the rock in place against further erosion.” Some residents are concerned, however, about the project’s impact on the area’s natural wilderness.


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MANCHESTER, from page 14

Laura Burge, a Manchester resident for 30 years, has continually attended Manchester Council meetings requesting that the city abandon its Channel B project, which is costing hundreds of thousands of dollars. She said she does not “think there is any problem.” “My concern is for all the different creek beds,” Burge said. “A number of them runs through this subdivision, so now they’re all in jeopardy. If there was somebody that had real problems, like water in their basement, I could see the merit of it. But nothing like that is going on here.” In addition to voicing her opinion at Council meetings, Burge created an online petition opposing the project, which is requesting 300 signatures and would be delivered to Mayor Dave Willson and Jennifer Brown, of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Burge said the city is tearing down trees that have been there for at least 40-50 years. “I’m for conservation. You don’t cut down a lot of trees because a few small trees have fallen,” Burge said. “That’s not the way it works. This ecosystem of birds, trees, animals and natural woodlands needs and deserves protection.” Rita Holland, another resident who signed the petition, said the trees “provide the shade and make the environment look better.” “I don’t know why they have to cut them down,” Holland said. Burge called the area “a wildlife corridor” and said that “every mammal that exists comes to eat here periodically, and this is affecting their quality of life.” Clement said the city has “tried to respond to the concerns of the residents in both cases.” He said many people are who are opposed to the project “are looking at it from an aesthetics point of view.” “‘Oh, my deck is going to look out on this rock channel.’ Yes, it is, and we haven’t hid the fact that it’s going to look somewhat barren for the first couple of years,” Clement said. “But it will grow back.” He also said the channel is not a danger to wildlife and said people along Channel A have had more deer than they have ever had. “There may be some nesting birds,” Clement said. “If there’s a bird in a tree that’s going to come down, then obviously, it’ll be disrupted. But none should be killed or anything like that. All we’re going to take out are trees, honeysuckle or shrubs that are actually in the plans where the creek is going to come.” Clement said all of the work is being done on common ground. “It’s not being done in anybody’s backyard,” Clement said. “This is all common ground work. And the trustees are very supportive of this work because they see it as taking care of some of the things that they would be dealing with in future years.”


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Home sales continue to climb Kevin Weaks

Residential resales took a slight 0.6 percent dip in March, but new-home sales were up 1.5 percent. Maybe these numbers may seem small, but consider this: Overall home sales are up a significant 18.5 percent year-over-year and the National Association of Realtors also noted a 10.3 percent gain in the pace of home buying from a year before. Low, low mortgage rates are a factor. Despite the fact that mortgage lenders in general expect business to be off by as much as 30 percent from 2012 because of stricter lending rules, some like Meramec Valley Bank actually are seeing an increase, notes Sue Crutchfield, senior vice president-loan administration for Meramec Valley Bank. “The number of mortgage loans in the first quarter is up considerably compared to first quarter 2012,” she said. “We are seeing an increase not only in fixed-rate, secondary market financing, but we are also seeing an increase in our in-house mortgage products for those who may be self-employed and who may not qualify for secondary market financing. “We are also excited to see an increase in demand for construction loans for clients now confident in building their dream home.” Here’s what’s new in new homes this week: $2,000–$10,000 in union cash, $10,000 in free options from McKelvey Homes Here’s a win-win. McKelvey Homes and St. Louis area union craftsmen are making home-buying more affordable with a stimulus program that gives money back at closing. Homebuyers can choose any new McKelvey home and pick $10,000 in free options, like an outdoor living area, finished lower level, hardwood floors and more. Then they will receive from $2,000 up to $10,000 in union stimulus cash. The amount, depending on the model chosen, will be credited on their closing statement and can be applied at closing at the borrower’s discretion. This offer is available to qualified buyers on a first-come, first-served basis as quantity is limited. Terms and conditions apply. See authorized representative for details, but take note, the offer ends on May 31.

“The stimulus program makes new homes the best value today with $2,000 to $10,000 to be credited at closing for adding options, lowering the purchase price and more,” explained Jim Brennan, president of McKelvey Homes. “The best part is that the free cash is over and above our great prices and special offers, coupled with the lowest interest rates in decades. It’s a great deal for homebuyers but also puts union craftsmen back to work.” For more information visit any McKelvey Homes community or mckelveyhomes.com.

A villa at The Meadows of Wildwood.

Downsizing? Villas selling quickly at The Meadows of Wildwood In a community where people come to slow down and enjoy life, things are moving in a hurry. In just the last 45 days, five sales contracts have been written at The Meadows of Wildwood, a cozy 55-and-better active retirement villa community just off Hwy. 109 and Hwy. 100. Meanwhile, the new Cary Grant display home is now under roof, reports sales manager Jo-Ann Tucker Kapp. “The Cary Grant model on lot 5 is our only swimming pool lot. And on lot 54 we have move-in ready model of the Frank Sinatra,” Tucker Kapp said. Have you guessed? All plans are named after Hollywood stars. “The Frank Sinatra homesite is the last with a view of Rockwood Reservation, but there are four lake homesites remaining to build on if you hurry. We offer maintenance-free living and a great lifestyle,” Tucker Kapp said. “The community is growing fast! The clubhouse is always busy between the happy hours, tech classes, card games, bunco and donuts and coffee every Sunday

Your guide to new homes prime.  I 49


The Sycamore display by Thomas & Suit Homes.

from 8 a.m. to noon. The homeowners are busy and having lots of fun.” This private enclave in the heart of Wildwood, Missouri offers beautiful, maintenance-free homes and a lifestyle of luxury. To visit, take Hwy. 100 to south on Hwy. 109 to right at the New College Avenue stoplight next to the West County YMCA. Turn left at Generations Drive and follow to the entrance of Meadows of Wildwood. Call 273-5300 for details or visit meadowsofwildwood.com. New ranch ready for summer move-in at Thomas & Suit’s Wyndgate Forest There’s no better place to be in spring and summer than Thomas & Suit’s Wyndgate Forest with its wooded surroundings, pool, sports courts and walking trails, unless it’s in your brand new home there. Now under construction and slated for July completion is Thomas & Suit’s elegant 2,700-square-foot Sycamore ranch home. It has a brick and stone exterior with three-car garage and is built on a wooded homesite. The home also features three bedrooms plus a study and 2.5 baths. It’s a splitbedroom plan, with the master suite on the opposite side of the home from the other bedrooms. The open feeling is accentuated by 11-foot ceilings throughout the great room, dining room, foyer, kitchen, breakfast room and hearth room and by extensive wood flooring. The state-of-the-art kitchen has stainlesssteel appliances, granite countertops, large island and 42-inch staggered dark maple cabinets with crown molding. Topping it all off is a fireplace in the great

room and covered porch. Through May 15, the price is $439,900, which reflects a savings of $18,710, so hurry. Thomas & Suit homes in Wyndgate Forest start in the mid-$300’s. Take Hwy. 40 to south on Hwy. N 1.5 miles to left on Wyndgate Ridge Drive and right on Paul Renaud Boulevard. Call 561-2120 or visit tshomes.net. Payne Family Homes offering up to $10,000 in union cash at closing Payne Family Homes also is taking part in the “Neighborhoods Built by Your Neighbors” union stimulus program that focuses on putting people back to work and giving home buyers a great deal. Eight local unions are contributing to the fund which allows for an average $5,000 per home. The program runs during the month of May and certificates are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis by the participating homebuilders. “Our local unions have made a big investment in getting people back to work,” said Ken Kruse, president of Payne Family Homes. “They have committed $1,150,000 in cash for use at closing to home buyers. That really says a lot.” The union contributions are based upon man hours by trade on an average St. Louis home. Depending on the price of the home purchased, Payne homebuyers can receive from $2,000 to $10,000 at closing. Payne builds homes throughout the St. Louis and St. Charles county areas, including St. Peters, Wentzville, O’Fallon, Lake Saint Louis, Eureka and St. Charles. For more information visit PayneFamilyHomes.com or call (314) 477-1218.

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50 I mature focus I




cal changes that occur with aging – i.e., decreased bone strength, changes in body fat distribution and decreasing elasticity in the chest wall – might account for the greater severity of injuries among older adults.


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Senior Olympics seeking athletes and volunteers The St. Louis Senior Olympics, the regional competition for athletes aged 50 and older, is seeking applications for athletes to participate in more than 90 individual and team events over Memorial Day Weekend, May 23-28. Volunteers to help with the games also are needed. Senior Olympics games range from The number of older adults who ride basketball to bocce; from soccer to softmotorcycles is increasing, and bikers aged ball and shuffleboard; from tap dancing 60 and older are three times more likely to be severely injured in a crash than bikers in their to tennis and track, and they engage more than 1,100 athletes and hundreds of volun20s and 30s. teers at 12 different venues in the St. Louis area. Games are open to all athletes aged 50 and older; there is no maximum age. Biker beware “It’s truly a community-wide event that The percentage of older people who ride provides something meaningful for everymotorcycles is growing, and so is concern one who participates,” said Phil Ruben, about their involvement in accidents. event director. “We have serious competiAccording to a Brown University study tion, friendly games and performances. We published in the journal Injury Prevention, have volunteer opportunities for all ages. older bikers are three times more likely And in the end, we have recognition, camathan younger riders to be severely injured raderie and enduring friendships, all built in a crash. around the spirit of this great event.” Statistics show that in 1990, 10 percent To register or volunteer, view a complete of bikers were older than 50; by 2003, 25 list of events and venues, or for more informapercent of bikers were 50-plus. tion, visit stlouisseniorolympics.org, or call Authors of the Brown University study (314) 442-3279. Paper registration forms are looked at reports of serious motorcycle available at both Jewish Community Center crashes requiring emergency care, referring locations and at select Schnucks stores. to 2001-2008 data from the U.S. National The final registration deadline is May 13. Electronic Injury Surveillance System All Injury Program. They divided the reports ‘Required reading’ on reverse mortgages into three age groups – 20-39, 40-59, and Reverse mortgages allow homeowners 60-plus – and found that: aged 62-plus to convert a portion of their • The greatest increase in injury rate was home equity into cash while remaining in among those in the 60-plus age group, among their homes as long as they are able. Unlike a whom biking injuries rose 247 percent. traditional mortgage which requires monthly • Bikers 60 and older were three times as payments to a lender, a reverse mortgage is likely and middle-aged bikers were twice set up so the homeowner receives money as likely as those aged 20-39 to require from the lender and generally is not required hospital admission after a crash. to pay it back for as long as he/she remains • Older bikers were 2.5 times as likely in the home. The loan is repaid either when and middle-aged bikers were 66 percent the homeowner sells the home, when the more likely than younger bikers to sustain home is no longer the person’s primary resiserious injuries. dence, or when the homeowner dies. • Among all age groups, fractures and disIn recent years, reverse mortgages have locations were the most common injuries, grown in popularity. According to the but older and middle-aged bikers were the National Council on Aging (NCOA), about most likely to have those types of injuries, a third of reverse mortgage borrowers use particularly around the chest and rib cage. the money to supplement their monthly • Older and middle-aged bikers were income so they can afford to continue significantly more likely to have internal living independently in their own homes. organ damage, with the brain being the To help homeowners understand the pros most common site. and cons of a reverse mortgage, the NCOA The authors surmised that physiologi- has published a 2013 version of “Use Your

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Home to Stay at Home,” which according to the agency is “required reading for seniors considering a reverse mortgage.” The publication is the official reverse mortgage consumer booklet approved by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. “Reverse mortgages can be a useful piece of the puzzle when it comes to helping older adults make ends meet and stay independent as long as possible,” NCOA Reverse Mortgage Counseling Services Network Director Amy Ford said. “However, they’re not for everyone. It’s critical that older homeowners and their families get unbiased counseling and information when considering whether to tap into their biggest asset.” The booklet reflects the latest statistics and rules related to reverse mortgages and can be downloaded for free at ncoa.org/rmbooklet.

higher levels of depression than those who played at least occasionally. According to the study’s authors, differences were found for well-being, negative affect, social functioning and depression, with gamers performing better, on average, than non-gamers.

Baby boomers not so healthy The media often depict baby boomers as a healthy bunch that keeps busy climbing mountains, running marathons and flocking to fitness classes. But according to a study at West Virginia University (WVU) School of Medicine, those depictions are misleading. Dana King, M.D., chair of WVU’s Department of Family Medicine, led a team of researchers who found that baby boomers – those born between 1946 and 1964 – are not as healthy as their parents Games seniors play were at the same age. Older adults who play video games tend Researchers compared data from the to be happier than those who do not. National Health and Nutrition Examination Researchers at North Carolina State Uni- Survey for the years 1988-1994 and 2007versity asked 140 adults aged 63 and older 2010, focusing on respondents who during (average age 77) how often they played both time periods were 46-64 years old. Upon video games and tested them on their emo- comparing health status, functional and work tional and social well-being. Among the par- disability, healthy lifestyle characteristics ticipants, 61 percent played video games at and chronic disease, they learned that baby least occasionally, and 35 percent reported boomers have higher levels of hypertension, playing at least once a week. Those who said diabetes and high cholesterol and higher they never play video games reported more rates of disability than their parents did. negative emotions and a tendency toward Apparently, baby boomers are aware of their

I mature focus I 51

health deficiencies; only 10 percent described themselves as being in excellent health, compared to one-third of their parents. There are an estimated 75 million baby boomers, and their life expectancy is higher than the previous generation, so the need for health professionals will soar in the next 10 years, King said. The study – “The Status of Baby Boomers’ Health in the United States: The Healthiest Generation?” – appeared in the March issue A new study suggests than older adults who play of JAMA Internal Medicine. Thumbs up for fitness DVDs “Richard Simmons and the Silver Foxes – Fitness for Silver Citizens,” “Boomers on the Move” and “Chair Exercises for Seniors” are just a few of the many fitness DVDs marketed to adults aged 55 and older. Edward McAuley, a University of Illinois kinesiology and community health professor, wanted to find out if DVDs that promised to improve older adults’ fitness really worked, so he led a study to find out. McAuley and his colleagues recruited more than 300 older adults and divided them into two groups. One group used a fitness video at home, and a control group watched a video about healthy aging. The fitness video program – called “FlexToBa” – was designed to improve flexibility, toning and balance and encourage progressive exercise three times a week for six months.

video games report better social and emotional well-being than their non-gaming peers.

(Photo by Anne McLaughlin, N.C. State Univ.)

Both groups received regular, supportive telephone calls with exercise tips. After six months, participants who stuck with the home-based program saw “clinically important” improvements on tests assessing strength, balance and gait, which are useful indicators of future performance, disability and independence of older adults. Unlike those in the control group, those who did the FlexToBa program increased upper body strength and balance and were able to maintain their level of lower body flexibility. “This as important implications for an increasingly elderly population who are at risk for subsequent declines in function and increased disability,” McAuley said. “We now know this type of program can help to prevent that decline, and possibly reverse it.”

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By SHANNON F. IGNEY igney.westnewsmagazine@gmail.com Planning is an important component of almost any process. Whether building a home, arranging for an event or managing finances, those who plan generally enjoy a more successful result. The process of aging is no different. Recently, St. Louis-based Bethesda Health Group sponsored a seminar presented by Sandra Silva, vice president of education at the Center for Practical Bioethics, to provide guidance for navigating the process of advanced care planning (ACP). The seminar, “Caring Conversations,” was held in observance of the sixth annual National Healthcare Decision Day. A renowned advocate for aging with a voice, Silva travels the country to educate people on the use and implementation of the Center for Bioethics’ “Caring Conversation” workbook, a how-to guide for navigating the ACP process. Advanced care planning is defined as the ongoing process of discussing values and goals of care, determining and/or executing treatment directives and appointing someone to speak for you when you cannot speak for yourself. Because the discussions necessary to achieve the plan can be difficult to initiate, the conversations many times never take place, and family members are left to guess when difficult healthcare situations arise. Silva explained that an ACP is a legal document that explicitly states a person’s health care wishes. Not to be confused with a living will, it includes the Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare (DPAHC) and the Healthcare Treatment Directive documents. The DPAHC names a person to make health care decisions should the patient be unable. The person named is the “agent” and is bestowed 100 percent power to follow the DPAHC and to act in your best interest. The treatment directive can be a detailed document detailing the person’s health care wishes regarding different treatments for different scenarios, or it can be a simple, general statement such as, “I do not wish to be put on a life-sustaining machine or medicine should the situation present itself.” Once signed, it is valid in all 50 states. But for many people, ACP conversations are not easy to start, so Silva offered a few tips: • Share the story of a friend, colleague or recent news story as an icebreaker, sort

Sandra Silva presents her “Caring Conversations” seminar, sponsored by Bethesda Health Group in observance of National Healthcare Decision Day.

of a “What would you do if it were you?” approach. • Write wishes in a note, or record them digitally for loved ones to review prior to sitting down for a conversation. • Emphasize the positives, saying, for instance, “I want to be as independent as possible for as long as possible. To do that, I feel it is important to have my wishes known.” “It is very important to appoint your agent sooner rather than later,” Silva said. “They are your voice when you no longer are able to speak.” Silva offered these suggestions for selecting an agent: • Reflect on personal experiences, values, desires and preferences. • Talk to the person you are considering before naming them as agent. • Appoint the person legally, with their knowledge and consent. • Discuss your wishes with the agent and loved ones on a continual basis. Once the ACP legal document is drafted and signed by all necessary parties, copies should be given to the agent, all health care providers, and family members and friends. It should be revisited yearly to ensure it is as up to date as possible. “The biggest mistake families make when it comes to the aging process is that they do not document their health care wishes,” Silva said. “Peace of mind is the gift you give when you put your wishes into writing.” For more information, or to obtain a copy of the “Caring Conversations” workbook, call the Center for Bioethics at (816) 2211100, or visit practicalbioethics.org.

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FOR JUNE 1ST Veteran’s Place Drive Entertainment 3pm - 7pm

Artists Village Cultures of Chesterfield Performances on Main Stage Artists Demonstrations

Family Aquatic Center All Day

Kid Zone activities to include bounce houses, face painting, clowns, magicians, and family games

FREE Admission for Chesterfield Residents

Art projects by the St. Louis Art Museum, Sach’s Public Library and Chesterfield Arts

10am - Noon Interactive Pool Safety by Midwest Pool Management 12 - 2pm

Pool Dance Party with DJ

3pm - 9pm

Food Trucks


5 - 6:30pm


7 - 8:15pm 8:15 - 8:30pm


8:45 - 10pm 10pm

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54 I cover story I



Thank you, Mom! In honor of Mother’s Day, local ‘kids’ weigh in on Mom’s most memorable moments Compiled by West Newsmagazine staff “For better or worse, she’s the voice in my head pushing me to do better.” In the movie “Two Weeks Notice,” Sandra Bullock’s character, Lucy Kelson, uses that sentence to explain her relationship with her mother. It’s a statement most people can relate to. Moms push us, root for us, correct us, comfort us, guide us, unconditionally love us and often make us stop and think or roar with laughter. So this Mother’s Day, West Newsmagazine reached out to a wide range of local “kids” to find out what their mothers said or did that remain in their minds today. We asked, “What’s the most memorable thing your mother ever told you?” Not everyone shared words of wisdom, but everyone shared memories of how their moms influenced their lives. Enjoy!

“My mom, Kim, always told me just to have fun and make memories out there when you’re playing and appreciate the opportunities.” – Allen Craig, Cardinals first baseman •••

But another famous ballplayer’s mom had a different take on things. •••

Ex-Cardinal Andy Benes said he and his brothers would often be outside playing Whiffle ball when they were supposed to be doing homework. He said his mom, Karen, would say, “Get in here and do your homework; you’ll never make enough money playing ball to support a family.”

“My mom always encouraged me to be a leader. She would say, if I wanted to do something questionable that friends were doing, ‘Elaine, you don’t have to keep up with everyone else. You be the leader.’ Wow, did that help build character. Thanks, Mom! I love you!” “Mom would say (and still does), ‘Be prayerful and careful.’ Love you!” – Elaine King and Christina Anderson, on their mom, Pearlie Anderson

Pearlie Anderson with her mom, Mattie Davis


"Mom, is a seamstress and inspires me to look my best at all times. She says, 'You know you are a good seamstress and select well-made clothes when you can wear your garments inside out – no raggedy seams.'” – Pearlie Anderson, past president of the Rotary Club of West St. Louis County •••

“Everybody gets nervous, I mean everyone, and if you are not, you shouldn’t play because you don’t care enough.”


–Skip Berkmeyer, one of the top amateur golfers in the St. Louis area quoting his mother, Barbara, a champion golfer in her own right and former University of Missouri curator

Benes’ mom wasn’t the only one to give questionable advice.



“The funniest thing my mom ever said to me came on the heels of finding out that my husband, Andy, had proposed to me and I had given my cats away because he had an aversion to them. My mom, Cornelia Fuson, matter-of-factly told me, ‘Well, if he doesn’t like cats, I wouldn’t marry him.’ Twenty-eight years later we are still married and we don’t have a cat, but my mom has a wonderful son-in-law.” – Ellen Port, champion golfer and member of the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame ••• OK, so predictions don’t always work out, but usually moms really do know best. •••

“My mother, Marty Moore, lives in Florida now but always listened to KMOX day and night. I was working in Springfield, Mo., with seven whole months of experience under my belt. Every time we’d talk on the phone, she’d share her belief that I should work at KMOX with Bob and Bill on the morning show. I would just laugh and say, ‘Sure, mom, best station in the nation will knock down my door. I’ll bet they’re desperate for my seven months of experience!’ To my continued amazement, these 27 years later, Mr. (Bob) Hyland did call. She’s never let me forget it.” – Wendy Wiese, host of “On Call” on Relevent Radio and member of “Donnybrook” cast

“Mom always told me do what makes me happy. I think that’s huge. You know life flies by and, as you get older, you don’t want to look back and regret some things. Obviously you’re not going to live life perfectly, but surround yourself with the right people. Just do things that bring joy to your life – that’s what my mom taught me and that’s great.” – David Freese, Cardinals third baseman •••

“My mother was a real dear. The best advice she gave me was, ‘Never go into politics.’ She meant as a candidate for public office. One time I was unhappy over criticism I had received from people displeased with my play of a particular story in The Globe-Democrat. My mother dismissed the critics and said ‘Your obligation is to the truth.’ Most of all I appreciate how hard she worked throughout her darling life. Her maiden name was Mae Lawler.” – Martin Duggan, former host of “Donnybrook” •••

“My mom, Monique, alway says, ‘I care more about your character than your ability to play golf.’” – Brooke Cusumano, Westminster Christian Academy senior, state golf champion ••• Often, it’s our moms’ advice that we choose to share with others in our lives.



“Starting in high school until now, my mom always said, ‘Jane, you work too hard.’ I have yet to change. She also said, ‘Don’t go steady.’ The word now is exclusive instead of steady. I took that advice and never went steady or had an exclusive dating relationship until I was engaged to my husband. It is still good advice that I give to young people who rarely listen. Exclusive dating relationships only limit the opportunities to meet more people and can inhibit the chances of finding Mr. or Miss Right.” – Jane Cunningham, former Congresswoman and current Monarch FPD Board member

I cover story I 55

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Jane Cunningham with her mom, Audrey Dacus


“My mom, Lanie Goldenberg, always told me to do my best and work hard and good things will happen. I believe this to be true and I try to instill the same thoughts into my kids and players.” – Mark Goldenberg, Parkway Central football coach


••• And sometimes it’s their actions that guide our lives. •••

“Mary Grace Cusumano is the most motivated human being on the face of the earth. At age 86, she wakes up at the Gatesworth every day and still goes to work at Kemoll’s. She always told me if you want something done, ask the busiest person in the world, and the job will get done. I have always wanted to grow up and be like my dad. However, I think I am a lot like my mom. And that’s a good thing. She’s so competitive. I wish she would slow a down a little. She won’t. She can’t.” – Sportscaster Frank Cusumano •••

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in Chesterfield with Chesterfield with West in County Fellowship West 6:00 County– Fellowship June 24 – 28 from 8:00 pm

“First of all, my mom, Pat, is awesome. I always felt she was the most amazing lady to have raised seven not so brilliant boys, but suddenly my daughter turned 13. I called my mom and said to her, ‘You’re not nearly as wonderful as I thought. You never had to deal with girls.’ We still laugh about that phone call.” – Tim Walters, Lafayette boys and girls soccer coach •••

“More than any one thing that I can remember my mom saying were her actions. She showed me that it was possible to balance working outside of the home and being a mom, and I think she raised pretty decent kids. She taught us to take things one day at a time.” – Rabbi Brigitte Rosenberg, senior rabbi, United Hebrew Congregation

June 24 - 28 • 6pm - 8pm Family music favorite Slugs and Bugs Family music favorite brings us their first VBS:

‘Slugs and Bugs’ brings us their first VBS:

in Chesterfield with West County Fellowship June 24 – 28 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm

The Whole Enchilada

With music from their new CD to be released this fall and a family wrap-up dinner party on Friday!

Family music Slugs and with music from theirfavorite new C D to be released this fall and afirst VBS:

To register visit: westcountyfellowship.org brings us their or call 314-854-0163

Family Wrap-up Dinner Party on Friday! With music from their new CD to be release

Toaregister, visit dinner party on Fr and family wrap-up

Rabbi Brigitte Rosenberg and her mom, Dee Jacobson

See COVER STORY, page 56

To register visit: westcountyfellowship westcountyfellowship.org or call 314-854-0163 or call 314-854-0163

56 I cover story I



COVER STORY, from page 55


Ernest Trova

Paul Cornoyer

“Mom sang ‘Ave Maria’ like an angel. She showed her love for everyone by being an amazing entertainer and artist her whole life and she passed that on to her five children. We love you, Mom.” – Chesterfield sculptor Don Wiegand

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Don Wiegand with his mother, Claire

“Whenever I would ask my mom for something, or if I was missing something, she would always know where it was. Then she started referring to herself as the ‘All Powerful Mom’ and still today I call her the ‘All Powerful Mom,’ because she knows everything.” – Zach Lazenby, Parkway Central junior, state champion racquetball player

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••• For better or worse, they are the ones who push us to do our best and love us just the same.


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“No matter if I’m going to school, a meet or the mall, my mom always says, ‘Love you! Do your best!’” – Heather Lundstrom, Parkway North senior, state champion swimmer •••

Public Hearing city of ballwin, Missouri June 3, 2013 A public hearing is scheduled before the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Ballwin on June 3, 2013 in the boardroom at the Donald “Red” Loehr Police and Court Center, 300 Park Dr, Ballwin, MO, 63011, at 7:00 P. M. upon the following: 1.

A petition submitted by Richard Bloomer of STL Ventures, LLC, 535 S. Emerson, Wichita, KS, 67209 for the approval of an amendment to the MRD site development plan approved via ordinance 11-16 to allow the construction of an outdoor patio seating and eating area in a landscaped portion of the site at a location commonly known as 14940 Manchester Rd., Ballwin, MO, 63011.


A petition submitted by John Henderson of Hindo LLC, 15531 Manchester Rd., Ballwin, MO, 63011 for an amendment to the Ballwin zoning regulations to allow indoor shooting ranges as a use allowed by special use exception in the C-1 zoning.


A petition submitted by John Henderson of Hindo LLC, 15531 Manchester Rd., Ballwin, MO, 63011, for the approval of an amendment to the final development plan for lot 3 of the U-Gas subdivision approved via ordinance 10-43 to allow the construction and operation of an indoor shooting range at a location commonly known as 14803 Manchester Rd. Ballwin, MO 63011.

The City of Ballwin will consider the zoning ordinance or district regulations as provided herein, or may adopt different changes or provisions, without further notice or hearing, as the Board of Aldermen may deem to be in the public interest. The public hearing may be continued, by announcement at the public hearing, from time to time, as deemed necessary by the Planning and Zoning Commission, without publication of the time and place of the continued public hearing. Petitions of protest against zoning district boundary changes, duly signed and acknowledged, must be submitted by owners of thirty percent or more of either: (1) the area of the land (exclusive of streets and alleys) included in the proposed change(s), or (2) within the area determined by lines drawn parallel to and one hundred and eighty-five feet distant from the area proposed for a zoning district change, public rights-of-way excepted. These petitions will be considered in determining the percentage of favorable votes by the Board of Aldermen necessary to make the zoning district change in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Ballwin. Residents of Ballwin are afforded an equal opportunity to participate in the programs and services of the City of Ballwin regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, marital status, national origin or political affiliation. If you are a person requiring an accommodation, please call (636) 227-8580 V, (636) 527-9200 TDD or 1-800-735-2466 (Relay Missouri) no later than 5:00 P.M. on the third business day preceding the hearing. Offices are open between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday.

Thomas H. Aiken, A.I.C.P. Assistant City Administrator / City Planner

“One time when I was playing in a junior golf tournament and I was about 12 years old, I (wasn’t) really paying attention to what my competitors were shooting. I was on about the 15th hole and my mom was walking with me. (She) said, ‘Kyle, you are up by one! Keep it going!’ I went on to take second.” – Kyle Weldon, Parkway South graduate now at Kansas State playing golf •••

“As long as you know that you’ve done your absolute best, then what more could you ask for?” Abigail Murer, champion teen skier quoting her mother, Aimee •••

“I won’t take credit for your successes in life or blame for your failures. All I can do is love you, unconditionally.” – Congresswoman Ann Wagner quoting her mom ••• We’d love to know how your mom influenced you; what she said that sticks in your head. Join the conversation online at newsmagazinenetwork.com or on Facebook. com/westnewsmagazine. Congresswoman Ann Wagner and her mom, Ruth Trousdale

Academy of St. Louis Helping Students with Learning Challenges Succeed The Academy of St. Louis in Chesterfield was founded ten years ago to fill a specific need - a school for students from elementary through high school who had not succeeded in other environments due to various learning challenges. For Mother’s Day, we share some stories of hope and promise as told by members of our school family, each of whom has shared with us his or her greatest gift - their beautiful child. Bob Cromer, father of 11 year old Jacob It is hard work raising a child, not to mention one with special needs. You are on constant alert, protective, aware of his challenges, concerned for his future, seeking joy in small moments. Thus, we felt excruciating grief when we heard that our son’s school was closing. He does not accept change well, nor is he accepting of many folks. We knew that finding a replacement was going to be a huge challenge. And it was-months of a long process of gathering information via email, phone interviews, and personal visits to eleven schools. We prayed that we could find him a place where his educational, physical, and emotional needs would be met. Our prayers were answered when we found the Academy of St. Louis. The moment we walked in and were greeted by the students and staff, Wendy Cromer and son Jacob we knew our search had ended. Here, our vulnerable child would receive the essential support he needed to learn and grow, not only academically, but at play, in conversation, and in life skills. The care shown by the Academy soon replaced our concerns and fears with elation at the changes we saw in him. He has surprised us in so many ways. We still have our struggles, but we are confident that he is in a learning environment that gives him all we had hoped for and more. My gift for my wife this Mother’s Day is to sit down as a family and watch with pride the video of our son on stage during a school performance in March. Watching this reminds us of how much he has grown and that together we made the right decision for him; that he is loved and cared for at school, just as he is at home. Colleen Dolnick, mother of 14 year old Seamus The most precious Mother’s Day gift of all-finding the perfect school for my son. Nearly 10 years ago I heard of a school for students with learning disabilities, the Academy of St. Louis. The school had a unique vision that “every child is born with significant potential in life to succeed” no matter what his learning challenges may entail. This past August we enrolled our son at the Academy and it has truly been an answer to our prayers, providing both my family and others like mine with hope for our children’s futures. Our son, Seamus, has not only matured into a self confident young man, but has also grown spiritually in his own Catholic faith. We are delighted to see how proud he is of his many accomplishments, each of which is recognized by his teachers and peers. He is no longer stressed out at having to navigate a huge middle school building where his God given talents and strengths get lost in large classes. What a blessing it is to see Seamus accepted into a loving, faith based community where he has made friends, utilized his leadership skills by serving on student council, and has trained to be an Altar Server. All of these miraculous achievements are made

possible by the support of the devoted staff and teachers who make this school thrive. Laura Weeks, mother of 13 year old Lily For me as a mother, the allure of the Academy is not as much about the academics. I am confident my daughter will be challenged to reach her highest academic potential as a result of the 6:2 student teacher ratio and personalized Now Accepting Students curriculum to meet her unique learning style. But this is not, in my mind, what Private Tours Available makes the school unique, what lets me leave my precious girl off at the door 314-973-8997 every morning without a backward www.academyofstlouis.org glance. Because like all moms of kids Accredited by AdvancEd with special needs, whether a learning K-12th Grade disability, a mental health issue or a medical problem, I usually live in a state of fear when my daughter is not at my side. What if she gets frustrated and no one knows how to calm her down? What if she hits her head and no one knows her medical history? What if none of the kids “get” her and she sits by herself at lunch? What if...well, the “what ifs” are never ending. Pondering my blessings this Mother’s Day, I realize that one of the greatest gifts I have received is knowing that while at the Academy of St. Louis everyday for 7 hours, my daughter will be okay outside of my sight. The school environment is small and well planned; the teachers and administrators are dedicated, caring, Laura Weeks, mother of 13 year old Lily, shares the professionals. Here, impact of the Academy’s small, safe environment on her Lily is not defined daughter. by her diagnosis or limited by her weaknesses. She can be in a 6th grade textbook for math and a 7th grade book for vocabulary. She talks with teachers and students at lunch, tries her hand at painting during art, and looks forward to the drums in music therapy. Somehow, instinctively, Lily knows that at the Academy, it is safe for her to be herself. To me, that is the greatest gift I can give her.

The Academy of St. Louis is currently accepting applications for the 2013-2014 semester. Call now for a visit at 314-973-8997.

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ACADEMY OF ST. LOUIS 1633 Kehrs Mill Road • Chesterfield, MO 63005 314-973-8997 • http://www.academyofstlouis.org

58 I business I



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Happy anniversary Callier’s Catering and Callier’s Home Plate Deli is celebrating 30 years in business. The company opened its deli in 1983 and since has grown to include full-service catering for all occasions. Located at 14787 Manchester Road in Ballwin, Callier’s has garnered numerous awards over the years, including being named the West County Chamber of Commerce “Business of the Year” and being voted by West Newsmagazine readers as “Best Caterer” in 2012.

PEOPLE Creve Coeur resident Chris Nasrallah recently joined Block Hawley Commercial Real Estate Services in Chesterfield as vice president-brokerage. Nasrallah

PLACES The Egg & I, a breakfast-and-lunchonly restaurant, has opened at 1722 Clark-


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son Road in Chesterfield. ••• Stockholders of Ameristar Casinos, Inc. have approved the acquisition of Ameristar by Pinnacle Entertainment. The deal will transfer ownership of eight casino properties from Ameristar to Pinnacle, bringing the total of Pinnacle-owned casinos in the St. Louis area to three: Ameristar St. Charles, River City Casino, and Lumiere Place. Pinnacle and Ameristar officials said they expect the transaction to be finalized sometime this year.



The West County Chamber of Commerce holds a Business After Hours networking event from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 9 at West County Honda, 15532 Manchester Road in Ellisville. To register, call


230-9900; members may register at westcountychamber.com. ••• The Chick-fil-A Leadercast Simulcast is from 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. on Friday, May 10 at St. John Church’s Cornerstone Youth Center in Ellisville. World-renowned leaders share their insights into growth. Visit stjstl.net. ••• “SocialUP!! Supercharge Your Marketing Online & Off” is from 9:30 a.m.-noon on Friday, May 10 at Spazio Westport, 12031 Lackland Road in Creve Coeur. Admission is free, but registration is required. Call (314) 539-6600, ext. 242, or visit constantcontactseminars.com. ••• The West County Chamber of Commerce presents a Lunch & Learn program featuring Megg Withinton, president of Aspect Market Intelligence, from 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m. on Tuesday, May 14 at West County Nissan, 14717 Manchester Road in Ballwin. Withinton will discuss market research. Admission is $15. Members may register at westcountychamber.com; nonmembers should call 230-9900 to register. ••• The Creve Coeur-Olivette Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament is at noon (registration at 11 a.m.) on Tuesday, May 21 at the Landings at Spirit Golf Club in Chesterfield. Driving range, box lunches, dinner and beverages are included with the $100 registration fee. The CCO Chamber is accepting sponsorships, golfers and goody-bag donors for the tournament. Call (314) 569-3536.

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The American Heart Association has designated St. Luke’s Hospital in Chesterfield as a Platinum-Level Fit-Friendly Worksite – its highest level of recognition. According to the American Heart Association, Platinum-Level employers offer their employees physical activity options in the workplace; increase healthy eating options at the worksite; promote a wellness culture in the workplace; implement at least nine of its criteria in the areas of physical activity, nutrition and culture; and demonstrate measurable outcomes related to workplace wellness. St. Luke’s employees have access to free screenings, fitness challenges, on-site fitness centers, indoor and outdoor walking paths and more. ••• Maryville University of St. Louis is the only university in the country that received the NCAA Division II President’s Award for Academic Success with a 100-percent, fouryear graduation rate for its student athletes. The university received recent accolades also from U.S. News & World Report, which ranked Maryville in the national universities category in its “Best Colleges” (2013 publication) and ranked Maryville the No. 1 over-performing university in the country.


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smallelevates granulesthethat are part ofwith the the shingle. Financing Available only damage done by algae and Perfect Power Wash! home theThat Call Yourand only elevates the Today damage done by your the algae significantly shortens theTo lifeSchedule of shingles. Business Hours Manchester • 636-394-3945 the algae from returning.” “Vinyl siding has a clear UV protective the finish your gutters aging your concrete significantly shortens theand ofroof shingles. You’ll findonyourself buying alife new a lot sooner OPEN Home’s Perfect Power Wash! Mon F 10The 9 pmlow the algae fromSt returning.” siding has12a“Over cleartime, UVif you protective the finish onyourself your gutters and aging your concrete pressure, explains. don’t pre-maturely. You’ll find buying a new roof a lot sooner than you should be.” HOURS: Monday - Saturday: 10amcoating,” - “Vinyl 6pm &Frank SUNDAY: - 5pm Lou ssoftOrwash g na equipment Leather with Perfect Power Wash! Sa 10employed 6The pm lowbe Perfect *Free in the U.S. and available for one cent in Canada with the purchase twoFrank or moreexplains. Merledirt Norman pressure, softWash wash equipment coating,” “Over if you don’t Ca pre-maturely. Power is essential. have itof cleaned, that cancosmetic acttime, asproducts. an abrasive than you shouldTo be.”Schedu e Your Today *Free in the U.S. and available for one cent in Canada with the purchase of two or more Merle Norman Cosmetic accessories not included. Offer valid while supplies last at participating Merle Norman Cosmetic Studios beginning SPRING Spec a do tyistoStore Sun Noon 5 pmlastbething employed Perfect Wash essential. haveagitate it cleaned, thatlastdirt canitact an abrasive cosmetic products. Cosmetic accessories not included.and Offer valid whilethat supplies at participating “The youPower want to the delicate coating, and canasresult in an May 1, 2013. Limit one per customer. Low pressure washing system. SPRING Merle Norman Cosmetic StudiosMold, begnning May 1, 2013. LImitthat one per customer. algae and grime have had an Home s Perfect Power Wash! MAINTENANCE Low pressure washing system. “The last thing you want to do to with the delicate and agitate coating, and it can result in an asphalt shingles is to blast them a high unsightly appearance. Frank says. “That’s a mistake inexperienced Merle Norman Cosmetic Studios have been independently owned and operated since 1931.The cost of a thorough 445 Lafayette Center Removes algae & prevents from returning! Squeaky clean siding. Low pressure washing system. Removes algae &itprevents it from returning! Squeaky clean siding. MAINTENANCE asphalt shingles is to says. blast them with a high unsightly appearance. The costtoofPower a thorough companies make. They returning! end up chipping off the pressure spray,” Frank cleaning isto a and small price pay protect your Frank Palubiak: owner oftoPerfect Wash Removes dirt, mold Removes algae & prevents it from Removes dirt, mold&&mildew! mildew!“That’s the mistake Merle Norman Cosmetic Studios have ideal been independently owned operated since 1931. Squeaky clean siding. winter attack your home’s a Manches er & Bax er mistake by small granules that are part of the shingle. That pressure spray,” Frank says. “That’s the cleaning is a small priceoftoPerfect pay to Power protectWash your inexperienced make. They endPe upco investment.” Frank Palubiak: owner Removes dirt, companies mold & mildew! Callelevates TodaytheTodamage Schedule only done by Your the algae and inexperienced make.that They investment.” chipping off thecompanies small granules are end part up of To he remove harmful contaminants from lack ofthe snow and continuous sub-freezing outer surfaces. A Perfect Power Wash significantly shortens the life ofWash! your shingles. Low p essu eHome’s wash ngssys em chipping offThat the small granulesthe that are part of To temperatures remove the harmful contaminants from Perfect Power he lack of snow and continuous sub-freezing the shingle. only elevates damage done your siding, Perfect Power Wash applies a F ank says “Tha a m s ake nexpe enced has all living things out in the says. “Finally, we rinse with warm water, not cold, the algae from returning.” “Vinyl siding has a clear UV protective the onyourself your gutters and aging your concrete You’ll buying annew a lot sooner cleaned, brightened Removes a gae &finish p find even s & restored! om ng roof Squeaky c ean s dsignificantly ng house wash, wash, concrete the shingle. That only elevates thewater, damage done your siding, Perfect Power Wash a Decks temperatures has all living things applies out in the the algae and shortens the of biodegradable that’s environmentally es make They endrestored! up echu pp ng o he by yard offroof todetergent an coating,” early start. Unfortunately, there Call Today Schedule says. “Finally, we rinse warm notlife cold, Thed low soft wash equipment Frank explains. “Over time, if compan you don’t pre-maturely. Frank Palubiak:To owner of PerfectYour Power Wash We use Wolman stain which makes amo big difference.” than you products. should&be.” Decks cleaned, brightened Removes dpressure, & m with dew Concrete driveways look like new again! by the algae and significantly shortens the life of biodegradable detergent that’s environmentally your shingles. You’ll find yourself buying a new safe. “Then we selectively agitate with a soft yard off to an early start. Unfortunately, there Call Today To Schedule Your sma g anu es ha a e pa o he sh ng e Tha are some living things like moss and mold that employed Power Wash iscreate essential. have it cleaned, thatnot dirt can act as an We abrasive Frank Palubiak: owner of Perfect Power Wash use Wolman stain products. which makes a be big difference.” wash or gutter cleaning will Frank’s trucks are find equipped We clean &Perfect seal. Concrete driveways look like to new again!awarm RESIZING AND C U S TO M I Z I N GPerfect I N S T R U C T I OPower Home’s SPRING safe. “Then selectively agitate with adirt,” your yourself buying new Mold, algae and grime have had anon yine aneva es he damage done by he a gae and roof Enough of this wetN S winter,Wash! you’re looking bristle ashingles. lot sooner than you should brush toweloosen contaminants and are some living things likelet’s moss andsay mold that “The lastYou’ll thing you want to do to the delicate andmuch, agitate that coating, and itsoft can result enjoy your siding so just they’ve Frank’s trucks are equipped tobe.” create warm A clear zone of 1/2 the height of the logo must be maintained as shown below. We clean & seal. water and deliver a range of pressures appropriate Low pressure washing system. Home’s Perfect Power Wash! Enough of this wet winter, you’re looking forward to the bristle brush to loosen contaminants and dirt,” Frank says. accelerated intrusion of airborne algae Gloeocapsa Magma Power Wash is essential. Enough ofin colors this wet you’re looking Frank MAINTENANCE roof a lot sooner than you should be.” bristle brush to loosen contaminants andthey’ve dirt,”of a sthorough forward the andwinter, freshness unsightly appearance. The cost asphalt shingles is to blast them with a high says. “Finally, we rinse with warm water, Along with maintaining your roof and siding, No text or graphic elements can to appear this clear zone. Logo and taglineof maySpring! only make your home look enjoy your siding so much, let’s just say gn ficanuglyy black shostreaks ensalgae he& prevents e o ityou sh ng es for becomewe “attached.”And those black streaks Removes from returning! Squeaky clean siding. water and deliver awant range ofto pressures appropriate ideal winter to attack your home’s each application. The company alsoasphalt usesmistake ashingles high colors and infreshness of Spring! Unfortunately Spring also “Finally, rinse withmakes warm water,not which makes athat big protect that leave on roof tops. A lot of homeowners, Perfect “The last thing you toprotects do the delicate not be stretched or Unfortunately manipulated anythe way. forward to colors andheralds freshness Spring! says. “That’s the cleaning acold, small price pay your Frank says. we rinse with warm water, with maintaining your roof and siding, Spring also the of sprouting not cold, which difference.” Power your expensive Frank Palubiak: owner Wash Removes dirt, become “attached.”And those black streaks that heAlong a pressure gae omspray,” eWash umold nFrank ng&company ”mildew! “V ny s d“Finally, ngonhas cis ea UV p of otoPerfect ec veto Power heAFTER fin sh onyou youse gubuy e sngand ag ngooyou e e • for You find aofnew asteaks oconc soone have appeared youraabig roof aren’t skid marks each application. The also uses a high Roofs • Decks Driveways quality rinsing agent that reduces spotting on glass heralds the sprouting of organisms like algae and mold that difference.” startled by the sudden appearance ugly black on their is to blast them with a high pressure spray,” Frank says. “That’s inexperienced companies make. They end up investment.” newer, it will halt the assault heralds sprouting Perfect Power Wash your equ expensive not cold, makes big difference.” outer surfaces. AroofPerfect Power Wash ofUnfortunately organisms likeSpring algae also and mold thatthe enjoy your coa driveway ande protects walks have appeared on athey your ow pagent essu so too. wash pmen ng ” Fwhich ank exp nsa are “Ove me skid you marks don proofs, eAFTER ma u shou e that y dthe • Decks •concrete Driveways han you beculprit ” is BEFORE from Santa’s sleigh, theofaren’t indications of an sub-freezing Siding • Fences quality rinsing that reduces spotting onto glass enjoy your siding so much, let’s just saythat they’ve become assume dirt or decayingRoofs leaves. theThe mistake inexperienced companies make. They end To he remove the harmful contaminants from chipping off theand small granules that are part ofup lack snow and continuous and includes an additive that stays behind help of organisms like algae and mold enjoy your concrete driveway walks too. Low pressure washing system. siding much, let’s just say they’ve become have “Because the surface ofWash your sdriveway is Frank sosays. “That’s a mistake inexperienced c eaned ha d temperatures canroof acPerfect as abliving as ve emp oyed bean Peadditive ec Powe essen from Santa’s sleigh, they are the indications ofWash an Siding • Fences Gazebos • Playgrounds house wash, wash, concrete on your home’s expensive asphalt algae infestation that the weather conditions have your siding, Power the shingle. That only elevates the damage and includes stays behind to adone help “attached”. chipping off the small granules that are part ofwater, the shingle. That BEFORE hasanall things applies out in thea Removes algae &“That’s prevents returning! prevent mold and mildew reinfestation. Low pressure washing Squeaky clean siding. siding so much, let’ssystem. just say they’ve become says. “Finally, we rinsethat with warm not cold, “Because the surface of your driveway ise SPR NG Frank says. ait from mistake inexperienced “attached”. Decks cleaned, brightened & restored! hard, people do not realize that concrete is very Gazebos • Playgrounds companies make. They end up chipping off the and ag a e ha coa ng and can esu n an “The as h ng you wan o do o he de ca algae infestation that the weather conditions have by the algae and significantly shortens the life of biodegradable detergent that’s environmentally Frank Palubiak, owner of Perfect Power Wash has become only elevates the damage done by the algae and significantly helped accelerate. Mold and grime are damaging yard off to an early start. Unfortunately, there Removes algae & prevents it from returning! prevent mold and mildew reinfestation. Removes mold & mildew! Call Today Toowner Schedule Your Squeaky clean siding. Frank Palubiak: of Powerdirt, Wash use Wolman which makes aFrank. big difference.” Along with making your house sparkle, Perfect Low p essu ng says, sys stain emtheproducts. “attached”. wash or gutter cleaning will notmold hard, people do not realize that is very Meanwhile Frank wet weather has porous,” companies make. endof chipping offThat thePerfect Frank Palubiak, owner ofup Perfect Power MA NTENANCE Ugly? Yes.eWewash explains “When itconcrete rains or snows, Concrete look like new shingles, siding small granules that They are part the shingle. aspha sh ng esyour sdriveways oyour bfind asYou’ll hem wagain! h Perfect abuying h gha uns gh yaccelerate. appea ance The cos oselectively a like ho ough your shingles. You’ll yourself buying a new safe. “Then we things agitate a soft helped Mold andconcrete. grime are damaging Removes dirt, mold & and mildew! are some living moss andwith that recognized as the area’s most experienced expert in exterior shortens the life ofmaking shingles. find the finish on your gutters and aging your concrete Along with house sparkle, Removes athe gaeperfect & p even s & restored! omwet e ufor n ng Squeaky cWe ean s Frank. d Frank’s trucks are equipped to yourself create warm Meanwhile Frank says, the weather has moisture clean &ng seal. Decks cleaned, brightened Frank Palubiak, owner of Perfect Power Power Wash also restores the brilliance of wood Ugly? Yes. porous,” explains “When it rains or snows, Home’s Perfect Power Wash! cultivated environment mold and small granules that are part of shingle. That Wash has become recognized as the area’s most Can it be corrected before it’s too late? With is constantly filling the tiny pores in Enough of this wet winter, you’re looking bristle brush toecloosen andthey’ve dirt,” roof a lot sooner than you should be.” p essu e sp ay ” F ank says “Tha s he m s ake ean ngPa sub a ak sma p ceyour oPe pay osoPowe pmuch, o contaminants ec youjust onlymaintenance elevates the doneFrank by shared the algae and cpre-maturely. only make your home look enjoy siding let’s say the finish on yourowne gutters and aging your concrete home and damage beautification. his insight new roof a lot sooner than you should be.” F ank o Wash Removes d mo d & m dew Decks brightened & restored! We useitcleaned, Wolman stain products. water deliver a range of pressures appropriate Power Wash also restores the brilliance of wood cultivated perfect environment forlate? moldstone and your Wash has become recognized asto the area’s most Can bethe corrected before it’sbrick too With moisture isandconstantly filling the tiny pores in and composite decking. Concrete driveways look like new again! mildew on your vinyl siding, and forward the colors and freshness of Spring! Frank says. “Finally, we rinse with warm water, Along with maintaining your roof and siding, experienced expert in exterior home maintenance only elevates the damage done by the algae and driveway and other concrete surfaces. The the right company... absolutely. nexpe enced compan es make They end up nves men ” become “attached.”And those black streaks that significantly shortens the life of your shingles. on how to control these little beasties, who would make your Along maintaining your roof and siding, Perfect Power We use Wolman stain products. After pre-maturely. for with each application. Theconcrete company also uses a high Beforefacings. Ugly? Yes. newer, andComposite composite decking. Concrete driveways lookisthe likeyour newpopular, again! mildew yoursituation vinyl siding, brick We clean & seal. it will halt assault experienced expert in exterior home maintenance Unfortunately Spring also the sprouting the right on company... absolutely. your other surfaces. The not cold, which makes a the big difference.” Perfect Power Wash protects decking which is and beautification. Frank shared hisyour on heraldsTo Making the evenAfter worseandisstone the • Decks freezing thawing beneath surface slowly significantly shortens the life of your shingles. have on roof aren’t marks emove haand mappeared ucon con amyour nan s eez om ch pp•driveway ngand o rinsing heand sma g concrete anu es very ha a expensive eon pa o AFTER house their dinner, and atbuying the same home look Wash protects your expensive driveway and walks he ack o he snow nuous sub ng skid Roofs Driveways You’ll find yourself atime newmake roof ainsight lot sooner Before quality agent that reduces spotting glass Ugly? Yes. We clean & seal. Can it be corrected before it’s too late? With the Composite decking which is very popular, is of organisms like algae and mold that enjoy your concrete driveway and walks too. facings. and beautification. Frank shared his insight on freezing and thawing beneath the surface slowly Making the situation even worse is the Those black roof stains are more than grime; it’s algae at work eating your shingles. Perfect Siding is gently butng effectively washed for a dramatic difference indone supposedly maintenance free,” Frank says. “What how to control these little beasties, who would “Now that spring weather is here, people are causes the concrete to chip and pit.” accelerated intrusion of airborne algae from Santa’s sleigh, they are the indications of an Siding • Fences You’ll find yourself buying a new roof a lot sooner years younger. too. you s d ng Pe ec Powe Wash app es a he sh e Tha on y e eva es he damage on your home’s expensive asphalt and includes an additive that stays behind to help empe a u es has a v ng h ngs ou n he BEFORE than you should be.” Can it be corrected before it’s too late? With the Low pressure washing system. siding so much, let’s just say they’ve become says “F na y we nse w h wa m wa e no co d “Because the surface of your driveway is Frank says. at“That’s a mistake Power Wash it, kill it andthan treat it accelerated to prevent re-growth appearance. Thoseinfestation blackwill roofclean stains are more grime; it’s work eating your shingles. Perfect Siding but the effectively forfree,” a dramatic difference in The rightinexperienced company…absolutely. supposedly maintenance Frank says. “What how to control these little who would “Now that spring weather iso ed here, people are- isTogently causes concrete chip and pit.” intrusion ofassess airborne algae Decks calgae eaned boutside gh ened & es Gazebos • Playgrounds algae the have we are iswashed that mildew that stuff. make your house their dinner, and same Gloeocapsa - and that leave ugly black beginning toatMagma go winter’s damage The wet weather has cultivated thebeasties, perfect environment for “Because surface ofto your driveway isconcrete hard, do schedule athe Perfect Wash for your home call than you should be.” Removes algae &the prevents it frombreturning! prevent mold and mildew reinfestation. odegya adab geny sWash swill env onmen a ytreat by hehard, afinding gae and s dPower gn fican y”loves sho ens people heis very e onot Squeaky clean siding. dPalubiak, o etheodeshingles, aneowner ea aha Un othat una eweather yconcrete. he econditions Power clean it, kill it and it We to prevent re-growth appearance. Ca Today Schedu Your company…absolutely. people do not realize that companies make. They end up right chipping off Frank Pa ub house akTo owner o“attached”. Per eecand Power Wash use Wo man s a n p oduc s wh ch makes a b g e ence siding and Roofs • Decks • Driveways we are finding is that mildew loves that stuff. The Frank of Perfect Power Wash is make your their dinner, at the same Gloeocapsa Magma that leave ugly black goMeanwhile outside assess winter’s damage helped accelerate. Mold and damaging Tohas schedule Perfect Power Wash fornew your home call SPRING Removes dirt, mildew! Conc eYou don veways ook ke aga nPerfect time your home lookvinyl years younger. material isaconcrete based recycled plastic, but they on toroof tops. Aand lot of says, homeowners, algae, make mold and mildew on your siding, brick andowner stone ofsa that ismaking very porous,” explains Frank. “When Along with your house sparkle, tobeginning their property. People are calling usthe with reports Frank wet weather you sh ng eseexplains find you se buy ng a also newit “Then we se ec ve yPerfect agmold a and e&Power w mo h Wash adgrime sohais arestreaks Frank Palubiak, Perfect Power porous,” “When it or Ugly? Yes. athe eeFrank some vThat ng hthe ngs ke moss Roofs • Decks •realize Driveways small granules that are part of shingle. Palubiak, owner ofarea’s Siding • Fences SPRING Fsome ank ucks a recycled eisFrank. equ pped o rains ctheappearance eatiny e snows, wa m time make your home look years younger. We cbased ean &on sea on your gutters aging your Low pressure washing system. material isssawdust plastic, but they also streaks on roof tops. Aand lot of environment homeowners, becoming recognized asfinish the expert inand exterior toconcrete their the property. People are calling us with reports Home s Perfect Power Wash! Decks cleaned, brightened & restored! facings. “Now that spring ishas on its way, people are beginning to as rains or snows, moisture constantly filling pores The wet weather cultivated the perfect Power Wash also restores the brilliance of wood startled by the sudden appearance of ugly MAINTENANCE add to give it a real wood cultivated the perfect for mold and Enough o h s we w n e you e ook ng beyond normal dirt grime on their home,” Wash has become recognized the area’s most oo a o soone han you shou d be ” b s e b ush o oosen con am nan s and d ” Call Today To Schedule Your Can it be corrected before it’s too late? With moisture is constantly filling the tiny pores inin Siding • Fences only elevates the done en by theyou algaerecognized oy sand d ngsiding. so much e s expert us Frank sayin exterior hey ve startled by the Low washing system. Gazebos • Playgrounds becoming asbeautification. the area’s Removes algae &winter’s prevents itcultivated from returning! Squeaky clean We use Wolman stain products. pre-maturely. wa esome andcomposite de and ve adecking. ange oaa real psurfaces. essu es app opwater aand e Thepressure wet weather has thedamage perfect sudden appearance of ugly MAINTENANCE add sawdust to give it wood appearance home maintenance and shared beyond the normal dirt and grime on their home,” go outside and assess damage to their property. People your driveway other concrete The freezing and environment for algae, mold and mildew on Concrete driveways look like new again! mildew on your vinyl siding, brick and stone black steaks on their roofs, assume that the experienced expert in exterior home maintenance the right company... absolutely. your driveway and other concrete surfaces. The and feel. That sawdust is sponge for the o wa d o algae he co o s andHome’s eshness o Sp Power ng The Low pressure, wash equipment actives dboard the peaks and in After the corners the houseloves that• stuff. Theong material ank “F na yand we nse w hsoft wa m wa e A w hisma nMike a n Palubiak ng you is ooan and ng he observes. theofwet weathermildew we’ve been Gazebos Playgrounds significantly shortens the life Fbecome of yoursays shingles. Removes & prevents it from returning! Squeaky clean siding. wer Wash Removes mold &Ugly? mildew! After “a dirt, ached ”And hose b ack sPower eaks ha Perfect Wash! Before home maintenance beautification. Frank shared Yes. AFTER We clean & seal. environment for algae, mold and mildew on Staff at o each app ca on The company a so uses a h gh black steaks on their roofs, assume that the Composite decking which is very popular, is and feel. That sawdust is a sponge for the water are calling us with reports beyond the normal dirt and grime thawing beneath the surface slowly causes the concrete to chip employed by Perfect Wash is member of Power Washers of North any area that holds in moisture.” based on recycled plastic, but they also his insight on how to control these little beasties, The Low pressure, soft wash equipment Mike Palubiak is an active board the peaks and in the corners of the housefacings. mildew loves that stuff. The material is and beautification. Frank shared his insight on he observes. After the wet weather we’ve been Making the situation even worseor is the and Wash thawing surface slowly your stone facings. “Now culprit is dirt or decaying leaves. Power Un ovinyl una siding, e y Sp brick ng a and soYou’ll he afind ds heProblem sp ou ng a new Removes dirt, moldyou &amildew! and thrives on it.pbeneath Not istrade it ugly, but ve it yourself buying roof aappea sooner no co dlotwh ch how makes bitoo gbeby dcorrected eenence ”dbeasties, Pe itmildew ecafreezing Powe o national econly s the you expens YourWash Problem experiencing, they areover noticing a lot of gray Your Your Problem Your Problem AFTER Staff atmold before it’s too late? With the have ed on aPerfect sk ma ksstains essential. America, achip association. The and mildew, time, can Power Wash add some sawdust to give wood employed Power Wash is Perfect member of Power Washers of“What any area holds in moisture.” based onsPerfect plastic, but they also AFTER his insight on toCan control these little •recycled Decks •are D your vinyl siding, brick and stone facings. Those black are more than grime; it’s algae your shingles. Siding gently but effectively washed for a only dramatic difference in supposedly maintenance free,” culprit isthat dirt or decaying leaves. qua ye real ns ng agen ha educes spo ng on gNorth ass how to these little beasties, who would on home,” “After the wet weather we’ve and pit.” “Now thatatMagma spring weather isof here, people causes the concrete andFrank pit.” accelerated intrusion oflot airborne algae - isveways BEFORE and mildew thrives on it.towa Not istrade it says. ugly, but it Your Problem who would make your house their dinner, and atroof the Black streaks and that green experiencing, they are noticing aand gray or Your Problem Your Problem Your Problem spring onaFrank. its way, people are beginning Not washing your“Now home regularly Gutters and downspouts areto Concrete iswork like aeating sponge isRoo Once Gloeocapsa invades your than you should be.” o their o moss gan smsissays ke gae and mo dcontrol ha en oy you conc e d veway and ks oo deteriorates your decking. It’s important to get rid ub-freezing “The last thing you want to do delicate To arrange your Perfect Power Wash, cause discoloration and other damage to appearance and feel. That sawdust is a essential. America, a national association. The mold and mildew, over time, can Perfect Power Wash add some sawdust to give it a real wood black spots, often in a spray pattern. It’s especially Power Wash will clean it, kill it and treat it to prevent re-growth appearance. right company…absolutely. omattime San smake s e your gh hey alast e thing heand nd ca ons o with an a your S the dand ng • Fences BEFORE who would your house their dinner, the we are finding isTothat mildew loves thatPower stuff. The streaks green moss make your house their dinner, and theamake same onBlack your roof lookand awful! This isspring is,and Gloeocapsa Magma that leave ugly black that on its way, people are beginning washing your home regularly Gutters downspouts Concrete is like apattern. sponge and is especially beginning go outside and assess winter’s damage mold, mildew, destroyed by dirt, mold, mildew very susceptible toafterwards an- to array of been experiencing they are noticing a will lotNotallow of gray or black Once Gloeocapsa Magma invades your Tosawdust schedule Perfect Power Wash forso.” your home call and nc udes an add ve ha ays beh o Wash, he BEFORE deteriorates decking. It’s to get ridps asphalt shingles isyou towant blast them you can call 330-697-0131, 440-856vinyl siding. sponge for water mildew thrives sub-freezing same home look years younger. “The toand doaretoatdelicate arrange cause discoloration and other damage appearance feel.• and That aa to go outside winter’s damage to dirt black spots, often in atospray It’s roof, damage occurs soon even pThis essu e wash sFLow dank ng so e assess hey ve become “Because he su ace o your you d nd veway of this itisyour isn’t very costly tosimportant doPerfect says “Thang sssysausem msay smake ake nexpe enced Roofs Decks •and Driveways out Frank Palubiak, owner of Perfect Wash is around downspouts and gutters as well Before onin your roofoflook awful! isinmuch actually athe type Algae will allow mold, mildew, dirtsays. destroyed by dirt, mold, mildew very toafterwards an of SPRING •BEFORE Pugly, ayg ounds After! and many other contaminants and, worst of all, electrostatic like precipitation, time your home look younger. isand based on recycled plastic, they “Finally, we rinse with warm water, not cold, streaks onsusceptible roof tops. Aarray lot of homeowners, atosame gae n es a situation on ha he wea he ons have high pressure spray,” Mike says. “That’s 3400 or 800-311-8360. Youbut also canalso visit tohas their property. People are calling us with “Vinyl siding acontaminants clear UV protective on it.Gazebos Not only iswater itreports but it material deteriorates asphalt shingles iscond to blast them withPower a noticeable you can call 330-697-0131, 440-856your vinyl siding. sponge for the and mildew thrives time make your home look years younger. spots, often a spray pattern. It’s especially noticeable around Frank’s trucks are equipped to create warm water and togrowth go outside and assess winter’s damage toyears roof, damage occurs soon even Decks cleaned, brightened & restored! AFTER Removes a gae & p even s om e u n ng p even mo d m dew e n es a on Squeaky c ean s d ng BEFORE of this and it isn’t very costly to do so.” their property. People are calling us with reports gs out in the Making the even worse is the accelerated though the effects may not be immediately Frank’s trucks are equipped to create warm noticeable around downspouts and gutters as well Before Siding Fences actually a typeMagma. of“a Algae ached” called Gleocapsa Itgrowth is eating After! andpp many other contaminants to the and,recognized worst of all, electrostatic contaminants like precipitation, habutTo d•itto peop do no eagive zeitPower eappearance ecall s ve Low washing system. become embedded inhe the siding. bonding; a.k.a “Black Streaks”. temperatures, oil, rust as the area’s expert in exterior says. “Finally, we rinse with warm water, not cold, arrange your Perfect Wash, 314compan esandmake They end uppressure ch ngand oreports ately, there abecoming mistake inexperienced companies www.PerfectPowerWash.net. coating,” Mike explains. “Over time, ifand high pressure spray,” Mike says. “That’s 3400 or 800-311-8360. You also can visity your decking. important getsome ride of “Vinyl siding has afreezing clear protective on it.roof, Nothouse only isugly ugly, deteriorates as near the peaks and inUV the corners ofgrime the -ithome,” The wet weather has cultivated perfect startled by the sudden appearance ofIt’s MAINTENANCE add sawdust to aha realconc wood Decks cleaned, brightened & restored! beyond the normal dirt on their AFTER We use Wolman stain products. which makes a big difference.” downspouts gutters as well as near the peaks in the deliver a range of pressures appropriate for each application. Once Gloeocapsa Magma invades your damage he ped acce e a e Mo d and g me a e damag ng their property. People are calling us with Removes d mo d & m dew Making the situation even worse is the accelerated Frank’s trucks are equipped to create warm though the effects may not be immediately Gleocapsa Magma. It isthe eating Gazebos •A Playgrounds thecalled limestone roof shingles. Removes algae & prevents itthe from returning! become embedded siding. bonding; a.k.a “Black Streaks”. freezing temperatures, oil, rust ong wYou mak ng you house spans k oecall Pe314ec This can quickly devalueinmold home Streaks form when contaminants and road salt. These Squeaky clean siding. Concrete driveways look like new again! beyond normal dirt grime on their home,” To arrange your Perfect Power Wash, Meanwh ethe Fpeaks ank says hecontaminants wethe wea he has water and deliver a range of pressures appropriate visible. They will be more seen unately, therein your make. They end up chipping offcompanies the smallFrank aalgae—Gloeocapsa mistake inexperienced you don’t have itexplains. cleaned, that dirt can coating,” Mike “Over time, ifreadily this and ithouse isn’t very costly to do so.” your decking. It’s important to get ridhof intrusion of airborne Magma— as near the peaks and in the corners of the - the home maintenance and beautification. shared FWeank Pa ub -ak Pe ec Powe Before Before Before Ug y? Yes po ”The exp aThat nswww.PerfectPowerWash.net. ank “When environment for algae, and mildew on use Wolman stain products. which makes auses big difference.” black steaks on their roofs, assume that 925-8860. also can visit sma anu es ha aowne eand pa oo in he sh ng ehome,” Thayour mold that and feel. sawdust isPalubiak awww.ppwstl.com. sponge for active thesnows water any area that holds in moisture.” The Low pressure, wash equipment Mike is aan board and insalt. the corners of housemildew that ous stuff. material isF he observes. After the wet weather we’ve been ofg the house anydirt area that holds moisture.” The company also high quality rinsing agent that reduces occurs soon afterwards even though the effects may not beloves the limestone in corners your roof shingles. It also absorbs moisture, preventing Palubiak: owner of Perfect Power This can quickly devalue your home Streaks form contaminants and road These Frank’s trucks are equipped towhen create warm Removes dirt, mold &the mildew! Concrete look like new again! beyond the normal and grime on their he fin sh on you einsight sThey and ag ng you conc e small e soft and destroy its exterior. adhere and bond to aluminum are absorbed and cause water and deliver aagu range of pressures appropriate visible. They will be more readily seen make. end up chipping off thePerfect granules that are part of the shingle. That you don’t have itand cleaned, that dirt can act as an abrasive agitate coating, this and itBefore isn’t very costly to doA so.” intrusion of airborne algae—Gloeocapsa Magma— We clean &driveways seal. AFTER Before BeforeWash Decks ced eaned barea gh ened & escontaminants ocracking, ed Staff at Powe Wash a also so es oofyonvisit es he bonly ance opo says Frank. “After the wet weather we’ve been 925-8860. You can www.ppwstl.com. on light colored roofs than darker roofs. But stained, cracked driveway can make an for each application. The company also uses a employed by these Power Wash is he member of Power Washers ofinwood North any that holds in moisture.” based on recycled plastic, but they also cu va pe ec env onmen o mo d and his on how to control little beasties, nd that that leave ugly black streaks on rooftops. any area that holds in moisture.” your vinyl siding, brick and stone facings. “Now Wash has become ecogn zed as he a ea s mos culprit is dirt or decaying leaves. Can be co ec ed be o e s oo a e? W h mo s u e s cons an fi ng he ny es An ounce of prudent prevention is worth a pound unsightly chips and cracks your and mildew thrives it. Not is it ugly, but itcall Itthey’ve also absorbs preventing Your Problem Frank’s trucks are equipped to create warm experiencing, they are noticing a lot of gray or on y e eva es he damage done by he a gae and shingles frommoisture, drying, drastically Your Problem Your Problem Your Problem and destroy its exterior. adhere and bond to the aluminum are absorbed and cause cracking, granules that are part of the shingle. That act as an abrasive and agitate that coating, only elevates the damage done by the aythemold and itlight canmold result inand a unsightly appearance. clean &includes ToTohome schedule Power forandimperative your home surface and become embedded. Thistoa and staining to your The mildew, time, can cause The Frank. algae, mold andthe mildew, over timewe’ve can cause spotting onuWe glass andblack an additive thatessential. stays behind immediately visible. They will beover more readily seen add on light America, aWash national trade association. The mold mildew, over time, roofs. can Perfect Wash some sawdust to give itstained, aa realPerfect wood says “After wet weather been water and deliver aseal. range of pressures appropriate We use Wo man sspalling aPower nGloeocapsa pand oduc sthey each The company also uses on colored roofs than darker But AThat’s cracked driveway can make a pfor eAare ma eapplication. yrinsing that leave ugly streaks on rooftops. BEFORE An ounce of prudent prevention is worth aepound ofPerfect unsightly chips cracks in n your who would make your house their dinner, and at the Black streaks and green moss experiencing , they are noticing a lot of gray or and compos e deck ng that spring is on its way, people beginning high quality agent that reduces spotting on although you can’t see them, may already be look terrible. that’s why it’s to Not washing your home regularly Gutters and downspouts are Concrete is like a sponge and is Once Magma invades your the shingles from drying, drastically Conc e d veways ook ke new aga m dew on you v ny s d ng b ck and s one say they’ve only elevates the damage done by the and it can result in a unsightly appearance. expensive concrete driveway. why the pros at Power Wash recommend a thorough algae and significantly shortens the life of schedule a Perfect Power Wash for your home call The cost of a thorough cleaning is a small surface and become embedded. This spalling and staining to your shortening the life of your roof. lot of homeowners, startled by the sudden The mold and mildew, over time, can cause expe enced expe n ex e o home ma n enance can permanently discolor gutters and expensive concrete surface. you d veway and o he conc e e su aces The he gh company abso u e y It’syour important to getWash, rid Our Solution e lack ofthat snow and continuous “The last thing you wantdiscoloration to do to delicate To arrange Perfect Power cause discoloration damage to can’t appearance and feel. deteriorates That sawdust isyour a decking. black spots,roofs. oftenand in other ato spray pattern. It’s especially water and deliver a algae range ofsignificantly pressures appropriate sexperiencing gn fican ysub-freezing sho ens hetonoticing e vinyl you ng es discoloration and other damage your siding. help prevent mold and reinfestation. colored roofs than darker But although you see treaks and other damage Asoon er your roofare look awful! This iso Our ,onthey lotpressure ofshgray or system willUg allow mold, mildew, dirtmildew destroyed by mold, mildew susceptible toafterwards an arraysponge of be although can’t see them, they may already home look terrible. that’s why imperative to high quality rinsing agent that reduces spotting on Be ore for each application. The company also uses a the high y? Yes expensive concrete driveway. That’s why pros at Perfect Power Wash recommend thorough and shortens life The cost ofyou cleaning isvery away small shortening the life of yourspots, roof. often your shingles. You’ll find yourself buying price todamage. pay protect your investment.” A lot of startled by the sudden can permanently discolor gutters and concrete surface. asphalt shingles is dirt, toof blast them with aatothorough you can 330-697-0131, your vinyl siding. for theclean water and mildew same time make your home look years younger. We ean &ng sea tosha go outside and assess damage tougly degrade curb appeal. roof, damage occurs even OurahIt’s safe washing cleaning and professionally applied sealant—well before snow and salt season sets inclear aFthe spray pattern. especially glass and includes an additive that stays behind doing “The to eliminate the and seal your driveway sidewalks. Compos ec thrives deck ng wh chcall sit’s ve yYou popu a in.avisit BEFORE of this and ittheisn’t very costly to do so.” streaks that ac ngs and beau fica on ed s aSolution nso gh on winter’s emperatures has black all living things out discoloration and other damage toUV appearance ofhomeowners, black streaks on their roofs, Mak ng he sexpensive ua on even wo se s way he eez haw benea hand he su ace s440-856ys noticeable around downspouts and gutters as well Before actually abuy typeank ofUV Algae growth After! and many other contaminants tonew and, worst of all, electrostatic contaminants like precipitation, “Vinyl siding has coating,” Frank And what about the black streaks that have appeared on your them, they may already beproven doing “The proven toprofessionally says. “Finally, we rinse with warm water, not cold, for each application. The company also uses a high You find you seainin ng aprotective new ooIt’s soone Our Solution high pressure spray,” Mike says. “That’s 3400 or 800-311-8360. alsosets canow “Vinyl siding has adamage. clear protective on it.and Not only is it ugly,ng but and itseal deteriorates your shingles. You’ll find yourself buying price to pay to protect your investment.” a roof a lot sooner than you should skid marks To remove the harmful contaminants your vinyl siding. degrade curb appeal. Decks cleaned, brightened & restored! Our safe pressure washing system cleaning applied sealant—well before snow and salt season in. black spots, often a spray pattern. especially AFTER Roofs • Decks • Driveways doing damage. “The proven way to eliminate the clean and your driveway and sidewalks. glass and includes an additive that stays behind is ideal for all surfaces. This process Our Solution their property. People are calling us with reports quality rinsing agent that reduces spotting on glass Making the situation even worse is the accelerated Frank’s trucks are equipped to create warm though the effects may not be immediately Can be co ec ed be o e s oo a e? W h he appearance of ugly black streaks on their roofs, called Gleocapsa Magma. It is eating become embedded in the siding. bonding; a.k.a “Black Streaks”. freezing temperatures, oil, rust noticeable around downspouts and gutters as problem is our process of applying an algaecide to help prevent mold and mildew reinfestation. To arrange your Perfect Power Wash, call 314ard off to an early start. Unfortunately, there a mistake inexperienced companies www.PerfectPowerWash.net. coating,” Mike explains. “Over time, if Those b ack oo s a ns a e mo e han g me s a gae a wo k ea ng you sh ng es Pe ec S d ng s gen y bu e ec ve y washed o a d ama c d e ence n your decking. It’s important to get rid of supposed y ma n enance ee ” F ank says “Wha as near the peaks and in the corners of the house Our Solution how o con o hese e beas es who wou d a new roof a lot sooner than you should skid marks To evinyl remove the harmful contaminants “Now ha sp ng wea he s he e peop e a e causes he conc e e o ch p and p ” acce a ed n us on o a bo ne a gae be.” from your siding, Perfect Power Wash Our exclusive no pressure soft your siding. assume that the culprit is dirt or decaying leaves. We use Wolman stain products. which makes a big difference.” explains. “Over time, if you don’t have it cleaned, that dirt can roof? Those aren’t skid marks from Santa’s sleigh, they are eliminate the problem is our process of applying an algaecide Roofs • Decks • Driveways is ideal for all surfaces. This process Our Solution Our Solution includes a double application of our First, we warm water wash with quality rinsing agent that reduces spotting on glass To arrange your Perfect Power Wash, han you shou d be ” tions of an the limestone in your roof shingles. Siding • Fences “Vinyl siding has clear This can quickly devalue your home Streaks form contaminants and road These driveways look like new again! beyond theand normal dirt and onhelp their home,” noticeable around downspouts gutters asgrime visible. They will besalt. readily water and deliver range of appropriate make. end upwhen chipping off theyour small to prevent mold and mildew problem our process of applying ancontaminants algaecide you don’t havePower ita detergent cleaned, thatmore dirt can this andseen isn’t very costly so.”You also can visit www.ppwstl.com. intrusion of airborne algae—Gloeocapsa Magma— Powe Wash wSolution careinfestation. ean kThey and eaBefore o p even esiding, ow h appea ance Before After! and includes an additive that stays behind topressures help be.” from Perfect Wash Oursystem. exclusive pressure soft gh company…abso uMagma yConcrete assume that culprit iseBefore dirt or decaying leaves. Perfect Power Wash’s custom solutions applies ais biodegradable 925-8860. wash me living like moss and mold that as near the peaks and inpreventing the corners of the any area that holds in moisture.” cleanser with a aslow pressure soft wash system toitBefore And what about the black streaks that have Our includes abiodegradable double application of our First, weand warm water wash with Staff atwith we earrange find ngstained, syour ha mPerfect dew oves hacan shome umake The To Power Wash, make you house he dsays nne and ait Gazebos he same We start by applying ouradhere exclusive proprietary cleansers our patented detergent and acoating, G oeocapsa Magma ha eave ug bscracking, ack cations ofthings an nowell It also absorbs moisture, Frank’s trucks are equipped to of create warm Siding • Fences beg nn ng oagon go ou sabrasive de assess w nsafe eydarker damage “Vinyl has aand clear ToBut schedu etoadoAcracked Pe ec Powe Wash o a you caa and destroy itsof exterior. and bond to the aluminum are absorbed and cause act as an and agitate that coating, and can result in• Playgrounds indications anthe algae infestation that the weather conditions cleanser low pressure soft wash system to the shingles,” Aa stained, driveway can driveway make home look terrible, Once Gloeocapsa invades your roof, granules that are part the shingle. That act an agitate that We clean & seal. Before After!what After!roofs. After! and includes an additive that stays behind toonhave help Frank. “After the weather we’ve been Perfect Power Wash’s custom solutions for each application. The company also uses aAfter! light colored roofs than cracked applies a siding biodegradable detergent are based on the recommendations that’s environmentally safe. “Then we wash system. itions have that leave ugly black streaks rooftops. well asabrasive near the peaks in the corners of wet the UV protective coating,” Frank call 314-925-8860. You can also And about the black streaks that cleanser with aWash low pressure soft wash system toounce Algeacide to the entire roof,let’s killing An of prudent prevention is worth a pound of unsightly chipsfor and cracks invisit your call Staff at We start by applying our exclusive proprietary biodegradable cleansers our patented detergent and a safe thethey’ve shingles fromand drying, drastically Roo s • Decks • D veways prevent mold and mildew reinfestation. only elevates the damage done by the your siding so much, just say and it can result in a unsightly appearance. To schedule aterrible. Perfect Power Wash your home F ank Pa ub ak owne o Pe ec Powe Wash s surface and become embedded. This spalling and staining to your Once Gloeocapsa Magma invades your roof, Gutter Brightener, followed by a that remove contaminants and high pressure surface cleaning The mold and mildew, over time, can cause house any area that holds in moisture.” Perfect Power appeared on your roof? Those aren’t skid marks the shingles,” Frank explains. “Our proprietary SPR NG After! After! After! Gazebos • Playgrounds water and deliver aare range ofsignificantly pressures appropriate me make youshortening home ook yea s younge ma e a s based on ecyc ed p as c bu hey a so s eaks on oo ops A o o homeowne s an unsightly appearance. The cost of a thorough cleaning is a have helped accelerate. Mold and grime damaging the Frank explains. “Our proprietary formula coats the roof to that’s why it’s imperative to clean and seal your driveway and are based on the recommendations that’s environmentally safe. “Then we nditions have o he p ope y Peop e a e ca ng us w h epo s of the Asphalt Shingle Manufactures UV protective coating,” Frank selectively agitate with a soft bristle brush call 314-925-8860. You can also visit damage occurs soon afterwards even though the Algeacide to the entire roof, killing experiencing , they are noticing a lot of gray or high quality rinsing agent that reduces spotting on although you can’t see them, they may already be home look that’s why it’s imperative and neutralizing algae. Then a expensive concrete driveway. That’s why the pros at Perfect Power Wash recommend a to thorough algae and shortens the life of The cost of a thorough cleaning is a small the life of your roof. prevent mold and mildew reinfestation. A lotdouble of homeowners, the sudden canstartled permanently gutters andPower expensive concrete Gutter Brightener, followed by a bydiscolor that remove contaminants andby high pressure cleaning Our Solution house - anyestreaks area that holds in moisture.” Perfect Wash ee damaging appeared on your roof? Those aren’t skid marks the shingles,” Frank explains. “Our proprietary scrub with a soft bristle inhibit future buildup. Followed unit remove contaminants. Wesurface. use penetrating explains. “Over time, ifsurface you Sy dallngsiloxane • www.ppwstl.com. Fences “attached.”And those black that discoloration and other damage to Along making your Perfect ofaging thehe Asphalt Shingle Manufactures agitate with atoand soft bristle brush Low pitalgae, wash ng sysmildew, em becom ngwith ecogn zed as ahouse ea svisible. expe ncompany ex ebrush oappeal. damage occurs soon afterwards even though the Association. As asparkle, board member of The mold and over time can toselectively loosen contaminants dirt,” Mike Meanwhile Frank says, the weather has from Santa’s sleigh, they are indications of an formula coats roof to neutralize and kill for each application. The also uses a ed high and neutralizing algae. Then your shingles. You’ll find yourself buying price to pay toremove protect your investment.” The we wea he has cu vawet ed he pe ec price to pay to protect your investment.” finish on your gutters and your concrete pre-maturely. neutralize and kill all of the living organisms. The cleanser sidewalks. application small to ensure isaessu sDetails a behind by hethe sudden appea ance ohe ug MA NTENANCE degrade curb add some o g ve a snow ea and wood appea Our safe pressure washing system cleaning and professionally applied sealant—well before and salt season setsance in. black spots, often in a spray pattern. It’s especially resecond damaging glass and includes an additive that stays doing damage. “The proven way to eliminate the cleansawdus and seal your driveway sidewalks. double scrub with a soft bristle brush inhibit future buildup. Followed by Along unit toand contaminants. We use penetrating siloxane beyond he no ma d and g me on home ” explains. “Over time, if you effects may not be immediately They will No More The Instant Make to help release the bond and remove a selective soft bristle scrub and our sealers for years of invisible protection. This helps to stop the appearance of ugly black streaks on their roofs, www.ppwstl.com. with making your house sparkle, Perfect Association. As a board member of The algae, mold and mildew, over time can to loosen contaminants dirt,” Mike Meanwhile Frank says, the wet weather has from Santa’s sleigh, they are indications of an formula coats the roof to neutralize and kill all Power Washers of North America, Mike Our Solution says. “Finally, we rinse with warm water, Gazebos • P ayg ounds ur concrete a new roof a lot sooner than you should appeared on your roof aren’t skid To removesiding. thethat harmful contaminants Removes gae & marks pNoeven sother omdamage eafrom uforn ng don’t have itorganisms. cleaned, dirt your vinyl Squeaky ean sbe•process d ng second application to ensure it is athe Roofs Decks Driveways is ideal for all surfaces. Solution Decks cleaned, & restored! quality rinsing agent reduces spotting on glass Power Wash also restores the brilliance of wood cause discoloration and todownspouts your effects may not immediately visible. They will More home ma n•cenance and beau on Fthat ank ed The Instant Details Make algae infestation that the weather conditions have the The cleanser also has Ugly Roof to help release the bond and remove selective soft bristle our sealers for years of invisible This helps the cultivated perfect environment mold and To remove the harmful contaminants your siding, Ugly? Yes. has a which special that stays behind toprotection. help prevent the noticeable around and gutters asThis Home A Big contaminants. Finished with our env onmen obrightened a gae mo dsoftand mdouble dew onscrub signature warm waterand rinse. absorption of contaminants and the concrete to help prevent and mildew reinfestation. ishe our of applying an algaecide balso skliving eaks on he sOur assume ha he and sawdus s Perfect aubsponge wa Power Washers of North America, Mike says. “Finally, we rinse warm water, our concrete be.” from siding, Perfect Wash Our exclusive no pressure Th pfica umold ostandards h sha qu pm n of Myour Pa aWash,Power ano 314-925-8860. a he boae d hack pobse nd problem nit hcleaned, oanwith ooo hprocess hou m dprotects wwash haa to stop usurface Th mToTha assume that the culprit isw dirt or decaying leaves. don’t have that dirt he ves Aadditive eyour we wea he we veov been helped create the for safe, not cold, makes big difference.” be more readily on light colored roofs than Our Solution includes ainfestation double application ofhas First, wePower warm water with Decks cleaned, brightened & restored! Toee arrange your Perfect Power call arrange Wash, owe Wash Removes d also mo dour &the mLow dew Power Wash restores the brilliance of wood cause discoloration and other damage to warm your anta’s sleigh, they are the indications of an Siding •seen Fences of the living organisms. The cleanser also has algae that weather conditions have Ugly Roof an additive to inhibit future growth. “Vinyl siding has atodetergent clear cultivated the perfect environment for mold andwater We use Wolman stain products. Makeover! Difference! Home A Big Before Stains! contaminants. Finished with our signature double rinse. absorption of contaminants and protects theysystem concrete surface AFTER can act as an abrasive and agitate After! and includes an additive that stays behind to help signature double warm water rinse. S a a from future damage. Perfect Power Wash’s custom solutions applies abig biodegradable “It’s imperative to clean wash system. vinyl siding. has helped create the standards for safe, not cold, which makes a difference.” well as near the peaks and in the corners of the and composite decking. special additive that stays behind help prevent helped accelerate. Mold and grime are damaging mp oy d by P Pow W h m mb oNoPow Wa h ug yo bu No h be more readily seen on light colored roofs than Perfect Power Wash applies a biodegradable detergent that’s Can it be corrected before it’s too late? With the right algae from returning.” ny h ho d n mo u cleanser with a low pressure soft wash to And what about the black streaks that have b d on d p bu dew h y ho ves h s ns gh on how o con o hese e beas es effective roof washing nationally. Mike’s trucks are equipped to create Concrete driveways look like new again! mildew on your vinyl siding, brick and stone Staff at you v ny s d ng b ck and s one ac ngs “Now We start by applying our exclusive proprietary biodegradable cleansers our patented detergent and a safe cu p s d o decay ng eaves Once Gloeocapsa Magma invades your roof, an additive to inhibit future growth. m on on y s We use Wolman stain products. Makeover! Difference! Your Prob em Stains! After! After! and After! can act as an abrasive and agitate expe enc ng hey a e no c ng a o o g ay o Your Problem Your Problem Your Problem Gazebos • Playgrounds darker roofs. But although you can’t see them, they You also can visit signature double warm water rinse. from future damage. are based on the recommendations that’s environmentally safe. “Then we nfestation that the weather conditions have UV protective coating,” Frank “It’s imperative to clean After vinyl siding. call 314-925-8860. You can also visit and seal your driveway Algeacide to the entire roof, killing and composite decking. special additive that stays behind to help prevent helped accelerate. Mold and grime are damaging effective roof washing nationally. Mike’s trucks are tom create Concrete driveways look like new again! mildew on your“Then vinyl siding, brick and nwhich ad a o a on Th dpressure, nd m dequipped w ov Pe ecbycoating, Powe Wash dd cleaning om wdu o gv wood Am a a na ona Before Meanwhile Mike says, the wetais weather warm water and deliver a Wash range ofn employed prevent mold and mildew reinfestation. Gutter Brightener, followed amo that remove contaminants and that and itagitate can result high pressure surface house - any area that holds in moisture.” Perfect Power We clean & seal. appeared on your roof? Those aren’t skid marks the shingles,” Frank explains. “Our proprietary wealgae. selectively agitate with astone soft company... absolutely. Making the situation even worse the The low soft wash equipment be Perfect BEFORE Composite decking is very popular, is darker roofs. But although you can’t them, they who wou d make you house he d nne and he B eez ng n environmentally n m sp ng safe. ofsee the Asphalt Shingle Manufactures selectively with asponge soft bristle brush facings. ha s on s way peop e a e beg nn ng Not washing your home regularly Gutters and downspouts are Concrete is like a and is damage occurs soon afterwards even though the Once G oeocapsa Magma nvades you After and seal your driveway sidewalks before and neutralizing Then a Before de e o a es you deck ng s mpo an o ge dh Meanwhile Mike says, the wet weather warm water and deliver a range of ub Th h ng you w n o do o d To a ang ou P Pow Wa u d o o on nd o h d m g o pp n nd Th wdu that coating, and it can result www.ppwstl.com. accelerate. Mold and grime are damaging bpressures ack spo oto loosen enappearance. a“Over spapplication. ay pa e to nifneutralize s especWeand auseypenetrating has cultivated perfect environment forboard forncoats each double scrub a soft bristle inhibit future buildup. Followed byseal. toand remove contaminants. siloxane explains. time, you Wecan clean & may already be doing damage. “The proven way www.ppwstl.com. Composite decking which issleigh, very popular, iswith Along withthe making your house Perfect Association. Asindications asparkle, member ofs formula The algae, mold and mildew, over time dirt,” Mike Meanwhile Frank says, thegently wet weather has theunit roof kill all from Santa’s they are ofvbrush anappropriate e? nmore u the w ugo and sidewalks in unsightly The mold, mildew, dirt destroyed by dirt, mold, mildew very susceptible to anfor of second application to ensure ishere, thean cold weather hits.” has cultivated the perfect environment forbond pressures appropriate for contaminants each application. effects may not be immediately visible. They will No More areWith than grime; it’saging algae atde work eating your shingles. Siding is butalready effectively for ahThe dramatic difference inmrelease supposedly maintenance free,” Frank “What may bewashed doing damage. “The proven way Instant Details Make ph ng oPower bsays. hhelp wof hthe ou y ay obefore 330 697 0131 440 856 tovinyl andaremove a selective soft bristle scrub and our you ny d ng sealers years ofwater, invisible This helps stopd the pong oprotection. h wBEFORE nd tom w h v sn ve same me make you home ook yea syour younge ofacings. outhat syour and assess w ewillPerfect sallow damage mold and mildew on siding, The company also uses high quality “Now spring weather isnitdiscoloration people areoother oo damage occu sa soon aThe earray wa ds even Washers North America, Mike says. “Finally, we rinse with warm sh on your gutters and concrete don’t have it cleaned, that dirt o h s and cos do so ” With the sate? ou n he in a unsightly appearance. no ceab e a ound downspou s and gu e s as we the cold weather hits.” to eliminate the problem is our process of applying Decks cleaned, brightened & restored! A w Power Wash also restores the brilliance of wood cause and damage to your and many other Roof contaminants to and, worst all, electrostatic contaminants precipitation, algae infestation the weather have living organisms. also ug has abu surface Ugly ns areitmore than itgrime; it’sc algae at work your shingles. Perfect Siding is gently but effectively washed for ah difference incosiding, cultivated the perfect environment for mold andwater supposedly free,” Frank says. says “Fdouble na warm ymaintenance we nse w wa mofthat wa eon no dtheFinished mold and mildew on your vinyl Home A Big The company also uses aUV high contaminants. withVour signature rinse. absorption ofThe contaminants and yprotects theyconcrete “Now that spring here, people are hbe pand udramatic pfacings. yseen M kof y“What Thconditions 3400 oAFTER 800 311 8360 You a o an ny dthorough ngof h the p like oquality t, kill and treat to prevent re-growth appearance. on cleanser No on d o brick stone rinsing agent that reduces spotting cost of ahe cleaning avdifference.” has helped create standards for safe, not cold, which makes aisbe bigon Decks eaned bPeop gheating ened es oised more readily colored roofs than to eliminate the problem is our process applying we are finding isua that loves that stuff. he p ope etoweather ainhibit e& ca ng us wembedded h damage epo s siding. ng he scleanser on even wo he acce ewa aThe ed hough ecan ec snadditive may no e ng y prevent FMak ankand s a stone ucks ahelped eghmildew equ cpressure ea elight m additive future growth. to ygoan outside and assess winter’s We use Wolman stain products. Makeover! Difference! To schedule Perfect Power Wash for your home call Stains! act as anOv abrasive and agitate M beginning become insiding, the bonding; a.k.a “Black Streaks”. freezing nturely. it,ekill andetreat itmto prevent appearance. signature double warm water rinse. from future damage. brick and stone facings. rinsing agent that spotting on Per ec imperative Power ca 314 vinyl siding. na y itGhe cost of ahe thorough cleaning aoil,mmed m kpped nse xposdriveways nweather dstuff. omp n are www P “It’s Pow Wato clean hWash n o nea ng M kpeaks xp mis you d ato khouse mpo To n arrange og d o your and composite decking. special additive that stays behind help accelerate. Mold and grime damaging “Now that spring is here, as and ntemperatures, he co ne srust ocreate he glass and includes anreduces that stays effective roof washing nationally. Mike’s trucks are equipped to Concrete look like new again! an algaecide with a”loves low soft mildew onwinter’s your vinyl brick we aremakes finding isdgthat mildew that The We use Wo re-growth man s outside a n p oduc sassess wh ch a b d e ence beginning to go and damage To schedule a Perfect Power Wash for your home call Roofs • Decks • Driveways darker roofs. But although you can’t see them, they wer Wash small price to pay to protect your After and your driveway m is “Now that spring weather is here, This can quickly devalue your home Streaks form when contaminants and road salt. These contaminants glass and includes an additive that stays Conc e e veways ook ke new aga n beyond he no ma d and g me on he home ” Before Meanwhile Mike says, the wet weather warm water and deliver a range of an algaecide cleanser with a low pressure soft y? Yes. material based on recycled plastic, but they wa eusBefore and anepeople o We essu op halso a very eand popular, vany s bWeb: eea They w behand mo mange k gae—G Th ypbeginning nd up &es h seal. pp ngMagma— ooutside m you don h vto nmold dprotect dmildew n eadresult h y ndseen n v y o925 y o8860 do o You a so can v sseal www n• Driveways onisode atove bo aComposite oeocapsa that coating, and ite” can are toapp go behind toishelp prevent their property. People arefacings. calling us with reports clean Before decking which isalso Roofs • Decks • INSURED • CERTIFIED ower Wash ppws com small price pay to your moexterior d ha ism toPROFESSIONAL a ha ho ds n mo s u e Email: customercare@perfectpowerwash.net | www.perfectpowerwash.net and sidewalks before wash system the shingles,” Frank explains. “Our Unlike roller-applied material is based on recycled plastic, but they has cultivated the perfect environment for pressures appropriate for each application. Siding • Fences may already be doing damage. “The proven way people are beginning to go outside and behind to help prevent mold and mildew F ank s ucks a e equ pped o c ea e wa m to their property. People are calling us with reports and destroy its exterior. adhere and bond to the aluminum are absorbed and cause cracking, g nu h p o h h ng Th n b v nd g h o ng We c ean & sea assess winter’s damage to their property. reinfestation. titin investment.” • INSURED • CERTIFIED be corrected before it’s too late? With the in a company unsightly appearance. The PROFESSIONAL says Froof ank “A e dirt he we wea he ve been www.PerfectPowerWash.net weather Email: |vinyl Web: www.perfectpowerwash.net on gh co oThe ed oo s pphan da kequality oo s Bu setheir awo dWash veway can make a oFences each app on aappearance so uses aondifference wash system shingles,” Frank explains. “Our add some sawdust to give itwinter’s acompany real wood ha eave ugSiding ytoca bthe syThe eaks on ops Unlike roller-applied black stains are more than grime; it’s algae work eating your shingles. Perfect isack gently but effectively washed for a dramatic in the normal and grime onat we their home,” supposedly maintenance free,” Frank says. “What Siding mold and mildew your siding, uses a your high products, spray-on An oun o p ud To n pschedu nA on h pound o the un cold gh h phits.” n ou ca “Now that spring weather is•customercare@perfectpowerwash.net here, people are damage property. reinfestation. ert inhey exterior RESIDENTIAL m beyond on hoo m gto don by say ve Those nd nwith ud nand un gh house yalso nto awheaned Pe ecpc oacked Powe ondyou home surface and become embedded. This spalling and staining People are usd es with reports beyond Along making your sparkle, The mo m dew ove meis can cause proprietary formula coats the roof toapp neutralize Gazebos • Playgrounds toassess eliminate the problem istheir our process ofinvestment.” applying www.PerfectPowerWash.net add some sawdust give itovha acalling wood appearance wa efeel. andThat de ve ato ange preal essu opng aone hthat beyond the and grime on their home,” Power Wash will clean it,normal killhey it andadirt treat it to prevent re-growth appearance. products, their spray-on brick and stone facings. rinsing agent that reduces spotting on rank shared ompany…absolutely. cost of a thorough cleaning a peady To remove the harmful leaves uniform, RESIDENTIAL expe enc ng e no c ng a o o g ay o People are calling us with reports beyond h gh qua y ns ng agen educes spo a hough you can see hem hey may a be home b ha a ve o Along with making your house sparkle, proprietary formula coats the roof to neutralize we are finding is that mildew loves stuff. The Gazebos • Playgrounds n on d sealer w ook Th h e P s why Pow Ws hmpe omm nd ho ough and sawdust is a sponge for the water g nd gn fi n y ho n h o Th o o ho ough n ng m A o o homeowne s s a ed by he sudden the normal dirt and grime on their home,” Perfect Power Wash also restores the beginning to go outside and assess winter’s damage wash equipment Mike Palubiak is an active board the peaks and in the corners of the housemildew loves that stuff. The material is can permanently discolor gutters and expensive concrete surface. To schedule a Perfect Power Wash for your home call he observes. After the wet weather we’ve been Our Solution Frank shared “Now that springpressure weather glass and includes an•additive stays • gutters Toisosoft the harmful COMMERCIAL stle haowner an algaecide cleanser with awater low sealer leaves uniform, dbrilliance sco o phere, aremove on and oprice he damage o thatyour siding •and roofs •sawdust driveways •on sidewalks decks kill allThat living organisms. The cleanser invisible finisha without feel. sponge for the Roofs •ofca Decks •an Driveways the normal dirt and grime their home,” Power Wash also restores the at ft eaks wash equipment Mike Palubiak isthe an active board thePerfect peaks the corners of the housemildew stuff. The material isthe oand each app The company aWashers so uses abeginning hNorth gh nk Palubiak, of Power Wash he observes. After the wet weather we’ve pay protect you his ng You find you buy ngbut pPerfect yof o••small pbehind odecks m npatios he observes. After wet weather we’ve wood and composite Power Wash is Staff member of of any area that holds in moisture.” based on loves recycled plastic, but they also beasties, contaminants from your siding, degrade curb appeal. Our safe pressure washing system nd on invisible pp finish d without n —w d b veway o nowand nd s dewa on ks n bexperiencing, ack spo sand o inthey en n are a is sp noticing ay pa e property. n lot s of espec abeen ythatcalling material isasPower based on recycled plastic, they also COMMERCIAL gand ass and nc udes add ve ha sit ays beh nd ng“Our damage “The ptonv oven o mildew e m nan •nge gutters hep o c ean and sea you people are to do go outside and toyou help prevent mold and to their People are us with reports siding •and roofs •on driveways •weather sidewalks •toway patios kill all of the living organisms. The cleanser mildew thrives on it. Not only is ugly, but it appea ance o ug y b ack eaks on he oo s • INSURED • CERTIFIED a gray or discoloration. Staff at PROFESSIONAL Email: customercare@perfectpowerwash.net | Web: www.perfectpowerwash.net wash system to the shingles,” Frank explains. he observes. After the wet we’ve brilliance of wood and composite Power Wash is member of Power Washers of North any area that holds in moisture.” based on recycled plastic, but they also ittle beasties, Our So ut on Unlike roller-applied contaminants from your siding, n w oo o oon h n you hou d Siding • Fences sk d ma ks To mov h h m u on m n n www.ppwstl.com been experiencing, they are noticing a lot decking. you v nyPower s dinvestment.” ngWash America, athat national trade association. The mold andWash overnoticing time, canisaideal Power add some to•process give ithas ay real wood also ans special additive stays toreal help assess winter’s damage their property. reinfestation. recognized asPerfect the area’s expert inmildew, exterior Roo •sawdust Decks veways for allssurfaces. This Solution and mildew onha it.experiencing, Not onlyspo isbehind itng ugly, ita lot toappearance qua ngthrives agen educes on gbut ass experiencing, they are lot of gray discoloration. www.PerfectPowerWash.net add some sawdust to iteaves wood r,ing applies e aoften ound sto and edirt ssawdust asor beyond the normal and grime on their home,” ob em s ou pPOur ocess o isapp yahouse ngsparkle, an a gaec de oD he dbeen and m ethey ngive es aathe on products, their spray-on are noticing decking. America, aIt’s national trade association. The mold and mildew, over time, can Perfect Power Wash addagu some to give itp a pGazebos real wood also has aeven special additive that stays behind to RESIDENTIAL bproprietary decking. important toare get rid om you ngAlong Pow W Oudo uthe n no u ceab assume ha hea mo cu pTo s dOur odew decay ng of gray or black spots, often in ahelp spray Composite which very People calling us with reports beyond with your ter, toand toat arrange your Perfect Power Wash, cause discoloration and other damage appearance feel. That sawdust isyour formula coats roof to pPerfect neutralize black spots, in downspou a spray pattern. It’s especially • from Playgrounds Solution includes double application ofdeteriorates our First, wemaking warm water with and at the To arrange Perfect Power applies anhwash ayounger. ons odelicate an maintenance and beautification. Frank shared Sothe dand ng Fences “V ny sdhddecking ng has a disthat’s cthe ea ToWash remove harmful prevent the algae returning.” 160596.indd 1soft 3/1/13 Wash 4:03:23 PM sealer leaves ayour uniform, Perfect Power deteriorates decking. It’s important toom get rid ofPhe gray or black spots, often in aand Composite decking which very ant do delicate To arrange your Perfect Power Wash, cause discoloration and other damage toandco appearance and feel. That sawdust isyour a add and feel. That sawdust is a sponge for the water and nc udes an ve ha s ays beh nd o he p black spots, often in a spray pattern. It’s especially thenoticiable normal dirt grime on their home,” Perfect Power Wash also restores the Low pressure, wash equipment Mike Palubiak isspray an active board the n peaks in the corners of the• housemildew loves that stuff. The material is he observes. After wet weather we’ve been Pow W h u o u on pp b od g d b g pattern. It’s especially around popular, is supposedly maintenance free,” h towith m aThe astwtothem you can call 330-697-0131, 440-856your vinyl siding. sponge for the water and mildew thrives First an Algaecide is applied to the entire4:03:23 we as nea he peaks and he ne s he biodegradable detergent c eanse w a ow p essu e so wash sys em o And wha abou b ack s eaks ha have COMMERCIAL aofsidewalks awe’ve We by uoforganisms. u oo prevent the algae from returning.” siding •and roofs •applyin driveways •weather • decks patios • gutters proprietary biodegradable cleansers 160596.indd 1 Power Wash 3/1/13 ourmaintenance patented detergent and a•safe kill allstart of the living TheSbiodegradable cleanser invisible finish without of this and it isn’t very costly to do so.” Once G oeocapsa Magma nvades you noticeable around downspouts and gutters as well Staff at After! After! he observes. After the wet brilliance of wood and composite Gazebos • P ayg ounds pattern. It’s especially noticiable around employed by Perfect is member Power Washers North popular, is supposedly free,” any area that holds in moisture.” based on recycled plastic, but they also on how to control these little beasties, blast them with a you can call 330-697-0131, 440-856your vinyl siding. sponge for the water and mildew thrives First an Algaecide is You appliedcan to the entire sight younger. contaminants from your siding, detergent that’s b d on h omm nd on h nv onm n y Th n w downspouts and gutters as well as near Mike says. “What we are finding is that UV p o ec ve coa ng ” F ank keAons says.have “That’s house 3400 or 800-311-8360. You also can visit “Vinylany sidingaaround has a clear UV protective on it. Not only is it ugly, but it deteriorates ca 314-925-8860 a so v s tPM The low pressure, soft wash equipment roof, killing and neutralizing the algae and mildew thrives on it. Not only is it ugly, but it of this and it isn’t very costly to do so.” experiencing, they are noticing a lot of gray or discoloration. noticeable downspouts and gutters as well p even mo d and m dew e n es a on Gu Bwash nbeen w that contaminants and high pressure surface cleaning p op e a y ea ho ds ncorners mo s your uremove emildew, Pe ec accelerated appea ed on you ?hhas Those a heven en skexperiencing, dacall ma he ng ” Wash F ank ns environmentally “Then they are noticing aPowe decking. essential. America, national trade association. The mold and overIt’s can Perfect Power add some sawdust to give itor ae real wood also a Power special additive that behind tosh help downspouts and gutters as well asks Mike are finding isb that Mike says. “That’s 3400 800-311-8360. You also canstays visit “Vinyl siding has ha aatclear protective onWash it.” Not only istime, itimportant ugly, but itto deteriorates The low pressure, soft equipment roof, killing and neutralizing the algae ooo A ph Sh ng M nu unear To arrange your Perfect Wash, 314vsays. ylotes g“What wwe h safe. oexp b a u “Ou happlies a damage occu s soon a wa ds hough he ced companies www.PerfectPowerWash.net. coating,” Mike explains. time, if decking. get rid of as near peaks and inUV the of the house ould make your house theirthe dinner, and the“Over Perfect Power Wash growth. Then a second application is used e accelerated environmentally safe. “Then deteriorates your decking. It’s important to get rid eenced damag ng w inhibit future buildup. Followed by of gray or black spots, often in a spray unit to remove contaminants. We use penetrating siloxane Composite decking which is very “The last thing you want to do to delicate To arrange your Perfect Power Wash, cause discoloration and other damage to ATo exp aselectively ns “Ove me you appearance feel.www.PerfectPowerWash.net. That sawdust black spots, often in a spray It’s especially employed Power Wash isfrom essential. arrange your Perfect Power Wash, www ppws com companies coating,” Mike explains. “Over time, if1ove your decking. It’s-pattern. important to get rid of as near the peaks in the corners of the ong wby hPerfect ng you Peomb314ec growth. Then second application is used4:03:23 ohey on bo kreturning.” de call m The a gae dand and m dew me can oo on n oo nd dowith M kaa ze and k a Meanwh eitmo Fcleaned, ank says he we wea he has prevent the algae omto San aby sand smak e ghA ahouse eisAa nd ca ons an o we oo mu an coa sm nheagitate neu 160596.indd 3/1/13 PM off the small you don’t have that dirt can this and it house isn’t very costly do so.” aingMagma— to ensure it isa100% eliminated. To finish, an employed Perfect Power Wash isspa essential. (Manchester at Baxter) Phone Number

Your House?

Mold, algae and grime have had an 636-394-5710 ideal winter to attack your home’s www.leathersinteriors.com outer surfaces. A Perfect Power Wash house wash, roof wash, concrete wash or gutter cleaning will not Call Today To Schedule Your The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Forlook only make your home Home s Perfect Power Wash! will halt the assault The Exterior Ofnewer, YouritHome! on your home’s expensive asphalt Mold, algae andsiding grimeand have had an The Ultimate Spring Cleaning For shingles, concrete. winter to attack your home’s Call Today To Schedule Your ideal The Of Your Home! The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Call Exterior Today To Schedule Your outer surfaces. A Perfect PowerFor Wash Home’s Perfect Power Wash! Home’s Perfect Power Wash! house The Exterior Of Your Home! wash, roof wash, concrete We services for your property! We have have the the perfect perfect services wash or gutter cleaning willfor not your property! 330-697-0131 or 440-856-3400 440-856-3400 only makeFor your home look The Ultimate Spring Cleaning 330-697-0131 or newer, it will halt the assault www.perfectpowerwash.net The ExteriorWe Of Your Home! have the perfect services for your property! www.perfectpowerwash.net on your home’s expensive asphalt shingles, siding and concrete. 330-697-0131 or 440-856-3400 Call Today To Schedule Your www.perfectpowerwash.net Home s Perfect Power Wash!

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We have the perfect services for your property!

Professionally power washing a driveway, walkway or patio provides immediate results and beautification. By applying Perfect Power Wash’s premium grade sealant afterward, your valuable concrete will be protected for years to come. Professionally power washing a driveway, walkway or patio provides immediate results and beautification. By applying Perfect Power Wash’s premium grade sealant afterward, your valuable concrete will be protected for years to come.

330-697-0131 or 440-856-3400 440-856-3400 330-697-0131 or www.perfectpowerwash.net T www.perfectpowerwash.net T 330-697-0131 or 440-856-3400 330-697-0131 or 440-856-3400 www.perfectpowerwash.net T www.perfectpowerwash.net by KenMcEntee Contributing Writer

by KenMcEntee

and othertop damaging from freezing and Wash home look terrible. at 330-697-0131 or before 440-856-3400. “Our of the agents line penetrating sealer the concrete to chip and pit.” To protect your driveway the salt thawing thebarrier surfacethat of inhibits your concrete That’s why it’s imperative clean For ice more visitPower www. an below invisible water and A stained, cracked driveway cantomake a forms getsinformation, to it, you canyou call can Perfect which is damaging the biggest causefrom of cracking and Wash and driveway and sidewalks and perfectpowerwash.net. Power Wash other agents freezing and homeseal lookyour terrible. at 330-697-0131 Perfect or 440-856-3400. spalling.below It also to of prevent staining For well before the it’s coldimperative weather hits, Mike thawing is amore member of Poweryou Washers of www. North thehelps surface your concrete That’s why to clean information, can visit of youris newly cleaned driveway or patio,” advises. Power Wash’s America, a national trade association, and the biggest cause of cracking and perfectpowerwash.net. and sealPerfect your driveway and protective sidewalks which Perfect Power Wash Mike explains. sealant stopsthe moisture from penetrating It also helps to prevent staining isthea BBB. well before cold weather hits, Mike spalling. member of Power Washers of North roller-applied products, Perfect America, a national trade association, and the surface of concrete preventprotective cracking of Unlike your newly cleaned driveway or patio,” advises. Perfect PowertoWash’s Powerexplains. Wash’s spray-on sealer leaves the BBB. sealant stops moisture from penetrating Mike and spalling. roller-applied theThe surface of concrete to prevent cracking uniform, invisible products, finish Perfect without driveway restoration process begins a Unlike Wash’sMike spray-on leaves and using spalling. discoloration. says thesealer entire process by a professional grade concrete Power uniform, invisible The driveway restoration process begins friendly.finish without surface cleaner that cleans effectively with ais environmentally “OurMike top ofsays the the line entire penetrating sealer the concrete to grade chip andconcrete pit.” To protect your driveway before the salt discoloration. process by using a professional high pressure water. barrier that inhibits water and ice gets to it, you can call Perfect Power A stained, cracked driveway can make a forms an invisible is environmentally friendly. surface that cleans effectively with “The cleaner cleaning will remove surface and other damaging agents from freezing and Wash at 330-697-0131 or 440-856-3400. home look high pressure water. grime and prepare theterrible. driveway for the he jarring clunk we feel“The when we thawing below the surface of your concrete For more information, you can visit www. That’s why it’s imperative to clean cleaning willyourremove surface sealer says. “Because drive through a pothole in the application,” road and sealMike driveway and sidewalks which is the biggest cause of cracking and perfectpowerwash.net. Perfect Power Wash grime andis prepare the for and thehits, Mike spalling. It also helps to prevent staining is a member of Power Washers of North concrete porous, thedriveway oil is the result of an annual process. well before thelonger cold weather sealer application,” says. “Because other fluids to Mike seep into the surfaceprotective of your newly cleaned driveway or patio,” America, a national trade association, and Water seeps into the cracks in have advises. Perfect Power Wash’s concrete porous, the moisture longer oil and the harder are tostops remove. Since stains the road, freezes and thaws, expands andisthey sealant from penetrating Mike explains. the BBB. contracts, chipping away at the can surface. Add have Unlike roller-applied products, Perfect Professional power washing will significantly the as surface ofasconcrete prevent other todeep seep into thetointo surface befluids absorbed an inch the cracking road salt to the mix and you concrete, end harder up withatthey Power Wash’s spray-on sealer leaves improve the appearance of your driveway. andare spalling. the to remove. Since stains some point they will become Professionally sealing your newly cleaned cracks and craters. The driveway restoration process power washing will significantly can be absorbed as why deepyou as an inchtointo permanent. That’s want callthe us begins a uniform, invisible finish without Professional drivewaythe will help maintain its appearance On a smaller, but more personal scale, theat some by using a they professional grade concrete discoloration. Mike says the entire process improve appearance of your driveway. concrete, point will become as soon as possible.” while providing vital protection the same thing happens to your driveway. surface cleaner that cleans effectively with is environmentally friendly. Professionally sealing your newlyfrom cleaned permanent. why you want to Perfect call us After the That’s high-pressure cleaning, Mike, who started Perfect Power Wash driveway elements.will help maintain its appearance high pressure water. as soonWash as possible.” Power will“The give cleaning the driveway to surface in 2001, is dedicated to top quality work, while providing vital protection from the will time remove After high-pressure cleaning, Perfect Mike, awho startedofPerfect Power Wash elements. grime prepare the driveway the dry, thenthewill applyand a penetrating sealant for offering variety exterior cleaning, Mike and Chelsea Palubiak, owners of Power will give the driveway time in 2001, is and dedicated top quality work, sealer application,” Mike says.to“Because that willWash protect your driveway for years. restoration coatingtoservices for homes, Perfect Power Wash, and their team concrete is porous, the longer oil and dry, then will apply a penetrating sealant offering a variety of exterior cleaning, decks, roofs and other structures. Mike’s Mike and Chelsea ownersdriveway of recommend sealingPalubiak, your concrete other fluids have tofor seep into the surface that will protect your driveway years. restoration coating services for homes, trucks are and loaded with equipment that Perfectthe Power Wash, and their team before freezing temperatures strike. the harder they are to remove. Since decks, stains roofs and other structures. Mike’s delivers recommend sealing your concrete driveway Professional power washing will significantly can be absorbed as deep as an inch into the a range of pressures appropriate to trucks are loaded with equipment that improve the appearance of your driveway. each application. before the freezing temperatures strike. concrete, at some point they will become Professionally sealing your newly cleaned delivers pressures appropriate to “Because the surface of your driveway Perfect PowerofWash specializes in hardpermanent. That’s why you want to call us a range driveway will help maintain its appearance each application. as soon as possible.” is hard, people do not realize that concrete to-remove stains, like those ugly black while providing vital protection from the “Because the surface your Palubiak, driveway Perfect Power Wash specializes in hardAfter the high-pressure cleaning, Perfect Mike, started Perfect Power Wash elements. is very porous,” explainsofMike gutter stains that who are caused by runoff. Power Wash will give the driveway time to use in 2001, is dedicated to top quality work, is hard,ofpeople do Power not realize that“When concrete to-remove stains, like those ugly black owner Perfect Wash. it “We only the highest quality products dry, then will apply a penetrating sealant offering aarevariety cleaning, is veryorporous,” Palubiak, gutter stains that to causedof byexterior runoff. Mike and Mike Chelsea Palubiak, owners of rains snows, explains moisture is constantly and equipment ensure that you get the that will protect your driveway for years. restoration and coating services for homes, Perfect Power Wash, andand their ownerthe of tiny Perfect Power Wash. “When it team “We efficient use only the quality products filling pores in your driveway most andhighest long lasting results,” Any concrete driveway can develop cracks decks, roofs and other structures. Mike’s recommendis sealing your concrete driveway rains or snows, moisture constantly and equipment to ensure that you get the other concrete surfaces. The freezing and Mike promises. trucks are loaded with equipment that and can heave if left unprotected. before the freezing temperatures strike. filling the tiny pores in your driveway and most efficient lasting appropriate results,” to Any concrete driveway can develop cracks thawing beneath the surface slowly causes delivers aand rangelong of pressures and can heave if left unprotected. other concrete surfaces. The freezing and Mike promises. each application. thawing beneath the surface causes “Becauseslowly the surface of your driveway Perfect Power Wash specializes in hardM is hard, people do not realize that concrete to-remove stains, like those ugly black

drive through a pothole in the road ishethe resultclunk of anwe annual process. jarring feel when we Water seeps ainto the in cracks in drive through pothole the road the road, isfreezes and ofthaws, expands and the result an annual process. contracts, Water chipping awayinto at thethe surface. seeps cracksAdd in the road, andand thaws, and road salt tofreezes the mix you expands end up with contracts, cracks andchipping craters. away at the surface. Add road to thebut mix andpersonal you endscale, up with On asalt smaller, more the cracksthing and happens craters. to your driveway. same KenMcEntee On a smaller, but by more personal scale, the Writer same thing happensContributing to your driveway.

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“Our immediate top of the line and penetrating sealer the concrete to chipa driveway, and pit.”walkway or patio provides To protect Professionally power washing results beautification. By applying Perfect your Powerdriveway Wash’s before the salt an invisible barrier that inhibits water and ice gets to it, you can call Perfect Power A stained, cracked driveway canconcrete make a willforms premium grade sealant afterward, your valuable be protected for years to come.

Contributing he Writer jarring clunk we feel when we


330-697-0131 or 440-856-3400 www.perfectpowerwash.net

is very porous,” explains Mike Palubiak, owner of Perfect Power Wash. “When it rains or snows, moisture is constantly filling the tiny pores in your driveway and other concrete surfaces. The freezing and thawing beneath the surface slowly causes

gutter stains that are caused by runoff. “We use only the highest quality products and equipment to ensure that you get the most efficient and long lasting results,” Mike promises.

Any concrete driveway can develop cracks and can heave if left unprotected.



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Jillian Michaels, May 11, The Fox Theatre Afriky Lolo’s “Life,” May 18, Edison Theater Kevin Smith: “Jay & Silent Bob’s Super Groovy Cartoon Movie,” May 18, The Pageant Dance St. Louis’ “Spring to Dance” Festival, May 23-25, The Touhill “Rock of Ages,” May 24-26, The Fox Theatre “Anything Goes,” May 28-June 9, The Fox Theatre “The Frog Prince,” May 31-June 9, Dramatic License Theatre “Always…Patsy Cline,” May 31-June 30, STAGES St. Louis

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The Muny: muny.org, (314) 361-1900, ext. 550 Mustard Seed Theatre: brownpapertickets.com, (800) 838-3006 Old Rock House: metrotix.com, (314) 534-1111 The Pageant: ticketmaster.com, (866) 448-7849 Peabody Opera House: ticketmaster.com (866) 448-7849 Powell Symphony Hall: slso.org, (800) 232-1880 STAGES St. Louis: stagesstlouis.org, (314) 821-2407 The Touhill: touhill.org, (314) 516-4949 Verizon Wireless Amphitheater: livenation.com, (800) 653-8000

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tickets and information The Black Rep: metrotix.com, (314) 534-1111 Chaifetz Arena: metrotix.com, (314) 534-1111 Dramatic License Theatre: dramaticlicenseproductions.org, (636) 220-7012 Edison Theater: brownpapertickets.com, (314) 935-6543 The Family Arena: metrotix.com, (314) 534-1111 The Fox Theatre: metrotix.com, (314) 534-1111 Heagney Theater: repstl.org, (314) 968-4925 Kranzberg Arts Center: hotcitytheatre.org, (314) 289-4060 Lumiere Place: ticketmaster.com, (866) 448-7849

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Com mu n it y Event s ART “On Fire,” an art glass exhibit by Third Degree Glass Factory, runs through Friday, May 17 at Chesterfield Arts. Call 5191955, or visit chesterfieldarts.org.

BENEFITS Animal Awareness/Adoption Day is from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturday, May 11 at the Masonic Lodge building, 200 Reis Road in Ballwin. There will be pets for adoption as well as information booths to help area organizations benefiting animals. Contact Troy Galloway at Galloway.troy@yahoo.com. ••• Good Shepherd Lutheran Church hosts the Hike Against Hunger at 9 a.m. on Saturday, May 11 at Picnic Site 1 in Queeny Park. The event raises funds for the church’s Oct. 11-13 MobilePack event. Hikers enjoy a 1.5- or 4.5-mile walk as they help to collect donations. Visit goodshepherdlutheran. com, or email geurkink@sbcglobal.net. ••• “Kisses for Kaleb” is at noon (shotgun start at 1 p.m.; dinner at 6 p.m.) on Saturday, May 11 at Mystic Oak, formerly The Ridge, at 643 Ridge Road in Waterloo, Ill. Funds contribute to the care of Kaleb, who at 4 months of age suffered life-threatening injuries, and help him attend Ability Camp. The cost is $100 for golf and dinner/ $25

for dinner only. Contact Neal Handler at 825-3991, or email n72146@gmail.com. ••• The Arthritis Foundation hosts the St. Louis Arthritis Walk at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, May 17 at Logan College of Chiropractic/ University Programs. Visit arthritis.org. ••• The Holy Infant Knights of Columbus Cash Bingo and Social is at 7 p.m. on Saturday, May 18 at the Holy Infant cafeteria, 248 New Ballwin Road. There is a $50 minimum payout per game. Admission is $20 and includes 15 games of bingo (9 cards per game) and beer, wine, soda and water. Food and snacks are available for purchase. Proceeds fund charitable activities of the Knights of Columbus. Call Ray Brune at 256-6511. ••• The Bonhomme Lions Car Show is from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. on Sunday, May 19 on the parking lot at West County Lanes, 15727 Manchester Road in Ellisville. Admission is free and there is no charge to display vehicles; food and beverages are available. Proceeds benefit Ronald McDonald House and BackStoppers. Call Gary Voss (Kiwanis Club) at 227-1469 or Tom Kniepman (Lions Club) at 391-7588. ••• Circle Of Concern, in partnership with Lukas Liquor Superstore, hosts Amazing Taste, a festival with the opportunity


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to sample and pre-order wines, beers and spirits from more than 80 vendors, from 1-5 p.m. on Sunday, May 19 at Wildwood Town Center. Proceeds from all ticket sales and 5 percent of proceeds from products purchased support feeding needy families in West County. A mixology challenge, silent auction, barbecue lunch and live music also are featured. Tickets are $35 thereafter. VIP tickets are $60. Visit circleofconcern.org. ••• Great Rivers Environmental Law Center presents “Cocktails at the Busch Mansion” from 5-7:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 19 at the mansion on the grounds of Grant’s Farm. Guests meet Trudy Busch Valentine, who will recount growing up in the “Big House” and discuss her environmental sustainability initiative for Grant’s Farm. Guests can enjoy cocktails and hors d’ouevres, with background music by the St. Louis Classical Guitar Quartet. Reservations are required. Tickets are $125. Call (314) 231-4181 or visit brownpapertickets.com. ••• The 15th annual Friends of Kids with Cancer Golf Tournament & Auction is at 10:30 a.m. (registration and breakfast at 9 a.m.) on Monday, May 20 at Whitmoor Country Club. Cocktails, dinner and auctions follow the golf. Tickets are $1,200 per foursome, $300 per golfer and $75 for dinner only. Sponsorships are available. Call (314) 275-7440, or visit friendsofkids.com. ••• The Assistance League St. Louis Golf Tournament/Tennis Round-Robin is on

Monday, May 20 at Meadowbrook Country Club. Golf begins with a gunshot start at noon, and tennis registration begins at noon, with the round-robin from 1-4 p.m. Cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and dinner also are featured. Visit stlouis.assistanceleague. org, or call 227-6200. ••• “Trivia in the Afternoon” is at 2 p.m. (doors open at 1 p.m.) on Sunday, June 9 at Hencken Farm Hall at 18750 Hwy. 100. Dr. John (Jack) L. Oldani of KMOX serves as emcee. A silent auction, mulligans, 50/50 raffle and “heads or tails” game also are featured. The cost is $20 per person or $160 per table; proceeds benefit the Wildwood Historical Society. For reservations, call Joan Schmid at 458-3962. ••• The 19th annual Andy Benes Golf Tournament benefiting Westminster Christian Academy begins at 9 a.m. on Monday, June 10 at the Country Club of St. Albans. Visit andybenesgolftournament2013.eventbrite.com to register; contact Angie Lauer at golf@wcastl. org or (314) 997-2900 for more information. ••• The Kids In The Middle Golfing For Kids golf tournament is at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, June 13 at The Country Club of St. Albans. A pre-golf cook-out buffet, use of the clubhouse locker room, beverages and snacks throughout the day, a buffet dinner with an open bar following golf and a silent auction are featured. All proceeds benefit kids of separated or divorced parents. Reservations (required) are available for single players or

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teams of four at $245 per player. Visit kidsinthemiddle.org, or call (314) 909-9922.

FAMILY AND KIDS The city of Chesterfield hosts Tour de Parks from noon-2 p.m. on Saturday, May 11 at Central Park (ice cream social, balloon and caricature artists), Dierberg Meditation Park (yoga) and Eberwein Park (the “bubble bus” and a dog-themed community art project). Call 537-4000. ••• “Meet the Machines,” a city of Wildwood early childhood recreation program, is at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15 and Thursday, May 16 at Kelpe Contracting, 17955 Manchester Road. Kids get an up-close look at a variety of large construction equipment and enjoy beverages and snacks provided by the city. For more information, call 458-0440, ext. 162, or email andrea@cityofwildwood.com. To register, visit cityofwildwood.com. ••• The Ellisville Community Farmers Market is open from 4-7:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 16 at Bluebird Park. Live music, local beer a d wine, barbecue, food from The Wolf Public House, kettle corn, a food truck, baked goods, local produce and artisans are featured. Visit ellisvillefarmersmarket.org. ••• Elaine Rosi Academy hosts a Hoe Down open house from 5-7 p.m. on Friday, May 17 at its campus at 1725 Hwy. 109 in Wildwood. Tours of the facilities, a hot dog dinner, and animals including llamas, goats, ducks and camels, are featured. A bounce house and playground and other activities for kids also are offered. Visit rosiacademy.com/wildwood. ••• St. Louis County Library hosts Teen Lock In: Marvel vs. DC Comics at 6 p.m. on Friday, May 17 at the Grand Glaize Branch, 1010 Meramec Station Road, rooms 1 and 2. Attendees portray a character, debate the best hero or villain and battle to victory. Refreshments are served and door prize drawings are awarded. Those ages 11-18 are welcome. To register, call (314) 994–3300. ••• Wildwood Farmers Market is open from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 18 at Wildwood Town Center. Live music, barbecue, baked goods, kettle corn, local produce and artisans are featured. Call 686-0005.

LIVE PERFORMANCES “Listen to Your Mother,” a live show that is part of a national series celebrating Mother’s Day and featuring a series of live readings by area writers, is from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and from 2-4 p.m. on Saturday, May 11 at St. Luke’s Hospital Institute for Health Education, 232 S. Woods Mill Road in Ches-


I events I 63

terfield. Visit listentoyourmothershow.com. ••• A concert by The Rebounds, a classic rock band, is from 7-10 p.m. on Friday, May 17 on Central Avenue in Old Town Eureka. Food and beverages are available from local businesses. No glass bottles or animals (other than service animals) are allowed. Central Avenue closes at 6 p.m. between Dreyer Avenue and West Frisco Avenue for the concert. Call 938-6775. ••• “The Little Mermaid” plays at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 30 and Friday, May 31 and and noon, 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Saturday, June 1 at Westminster Christian Academy, 800 Maryville Center Drive. The performance includes songs from the Disney classic and the Broadway show. Tickets range from $9-$12 and are available online at lifelightyouththeatre.com or by calling 294-2978.

SPECIAL INTEREST The Shaw Wildflower Market is from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. on Saturday, May 11 at Shaw Nature Reserve in Gray Summit, Mo. The annual sale offers a variety of native plants selected by the Reserve’s horticulture staff and several local nurseries. Showy and hardy plants to attract birds and butterflies are among those offered. Admission is included in Reserve entrance, which is $5 for adults, $3 for seniors, and free for children younger than 12 and Missouri Botanical Garden members. Cash and checks are accepted. Call 451-3512, or visit shawnature.org. ••• St. Louis Composting celebrates International Compost Awareness Week with a free composting workshop and lunch at noon on Saturday, May 11 at 39 Old Elam Avenue in Valley Park. Experts provide information on how to start your own compost pile. Home composters are available to order, and those who complete the workshop receive a free cubic yard of compost to take home. Visit stlcompost.com. ••• Pacific businesses present a picnic for the blind and visually impaired at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 18 at Pacific City Park. Featured speakers include Christine Parsons, vice-president of the Missouri Chapter of the National Federation for the Blind; Denny Huff, member of Missouri Council for the Blind; and Pacific elected officials. Blind and visually impaired persons living in Franklin, Jefferson, St. Louis, and St. Charles counties and those residing in the city of St. Louis are invited to attend. Admission is free; reservations are required. Contact Dale Oberkramer at 393-0009 or rwardenburg@sbcglobal.net by May 10.


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Spiro’s specializes in fine dining with Mediterranean flair event, and to do that, you have to have experience,” said By Suzanne Corbett Ask Tim Karagiannis of Spiro’s Chesterfield what it Karagiannis, explaining how the Spiro’s experience has takes to maintain a restaurant’s success, and he will tell allowed the restaurant to successfully continue its culinary traditions for three decades while staying current with a you consistency, quality, service and staying progressive. “Some restaurants fade away while others are simply a flash menu that includes modern Mediterranean dishes. Those modern dishes are lighter – like the Pasta Angelo, in the pan, but we’ve maintained because of our consistency and the dining experience we give our customers,” said which is tossed with charbroiled chicken, fresh spinach, Karagiannis, a proud member of the family of legendary res- artichokes and feta cheese in an olive oil broth. “Our Mediterranean Platter is another one of our newer taurateurs who established Spiro’s restaurants. “We stay progressive with our Mediterranean cuisine and wine list but, we items that’s on our happy hour menu (the old early bird also won’t sacrifice tableside service or abandon those menu menu), which changes daily and features dishes prepared with our Mediterranean flair,” Karagiannis said. “On today’s items that people have loved since we opened 31 years ago.” Tableside service, almost a lost culinary art, features roll- Mediterranean Platter is our Stuffed Sweet Peppers.” Stuffed Sweet Peppers is a masterpiece any gourmand ing carts that arrive for tossing salads, flaming appetizers and searing steaks and is a distinction that defines the Spiro’s would appreciate. It is made by combining feta cheese, dining experience. It is an experience that makes dining smoked mozzarella, Greek yogurt and roasted tomato into memorable while spotlighting signature dishes such as the a fluffy filling that is stuffed into delicately roasted, sweet Saganaki appetizer (flaming kasseri cheese) and Steak Kras- red peppers. It’s plated and sprinkled with garlic, fresh ato – beef tenderloin medallions sautéed with onions, peppers, parsley and drizzled with Greek olive oil that Karagiannis mushrooms and red wine on classic chafing dish burners used imports from Sparta. The same oil is used in all of Spiro’s’ recipes including the restaurant’s famous salad dressing. to give all the plates a final warming before serving. The newer Mediterranean dishes complement the lamb and “We like to show people that the dining experience is an Greek dishes, which have been core menu items since Spiro’s’ opening. Karagiannis jokes that if they ever took any of the lamb items off the menu, his customers would call the police. Spiro’s Chesterfield “We have great lamb, and while we’re often categorized 1054 N. Woods Mill Road • Chesterfield as a place for lamb and Greek food, we’re more,” Kara314-878-4449 giannis said. “Look at our menu, and you’ll see we’re a 11 a.m.-10 p.m., Mon.-Fri.; 4-10 p.m. steakhouse, we’re a seafood house and we’re a pasta Sat.; 4-9 p.m., Sun. house. We have 13 seafood items and 10 steak items – all www.spiros-restaurant.com cooked with a Mediterranean flair.”

Widely known for its Greek cuisine, Spiro’s also features a variety of steaks, seafood and pasta.

Two outstanding examples of that Mediterranean flair are the Athenian Broil – a choice steak grilled to order and sauced with a mustard cognac sauce with feta prepared tableside – and the Fresh Trout with Walnut Pesto. According to Karagiannis, using walnuts instead of the traditional pine nuts, plus Spiro’s’ exclusive Sparta olive oil, smoked parmesan and fresh basil, creates a nuttier and slightly sweeter taste. With the recent rerouting of Hwy. 141, some may miss the turn for Spiro’s, but those seeking a special dining experience should persevere. “We’ve earned a reputation for doing it right and providing a dining experience you’ll remember,” Karagiannis said.

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ing West County since 1980. Springs, cables, electric openers. Door replacement. Evening & weekend service available. Call 636-388-9774.

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Call Ellen

Call EllEn 636.591.0010


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636.591.0010 Window Washing

for May 22 issue

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May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, Help of the Hopeless, pray for us. Say prayer nine times a day; by the 8th day prayer will be answered. Say it for nine days. Then publish. Your prayers will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Thank you, St. Jude. KAT

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Real estate showcase

Bright, Spacious and Inviting Provided by West Newsmagazine’s Advertising Department


his exceptional 1.5-story home is located in a most desirable subdivision on a quiet cul-de-sac. The magnificent foyer with a sweeping staircase welcomes you and leads to the 2-story great room with a wall of windows. A wet bar with cabinetry and shelving opens to the gourmet kitchen with granite counter tops, high-end stainless steel appliances, gas cook-top, center island and light maple cabinetry. The kitchen, breakfast room and hearth room all open to large deck overlooking a lush, gorgeous back yard. A paneled library with wall of bookcases and fireplace adjoins the master suite. The dining room with arched windows, recessed area for china cabinet and inlaid wood flooring is perfect for small family gatherings to formal dinner parties.

111 Royal Oaks Dr. Ballwin $228,000 Sprawling brick ranch with 4 bedrooms and 3 full baths! Finished LL, main floor laundry, tons of updates!




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16512 Kingspointe Lake Lane in Clarkson Valley 63005. Offered at $875,000.

The second level features three additional bedrooms with two full baths. The lower level is partially finished with tons of natural light and walks out to back yard. This home has a three-car garage, is beautifully landscaped, beautifully cared for, and understated elegance. It offers 4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths, almost 1-acre lot, Rockwood School District (Marquette),


14934 Royalbrook Dr. Chesterfield - $315,000 Gorgeous 2-story with 5 beds, inground pool, and located on private street with cul-de-sac!

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633 Coeur De Royale “D”, Creve Coeur - $80,000 Bright condo with vaulted ceilings, fireplace, deck and patio. Condo pool, close to shopping, great restaurants, golf course, and major highways!






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new listing! 12371 county road 391 | holts summit 455 acres $4,400,000 one-of-a-kind property features impressive home, pool, horse facilities, barns & farming opportunity.

710 s. price | ladue 6 bedrooms, 6 full & 3 half baths $3,975,000 exquisite newer country french stone mansion on 1.8 manicured acres with lovely pool & patio area.

new listing!

new price!

29 rio vista drive | ladue 5 bedrooms, 4½ baths $1,100,000 once-in-a-lifetime home in premier location. professionally gut-rehabbed & enlarged english manor home.

1809 bach avenue | kirkwood 6 bedrooms, 5½ baths $1,025,000 picturesque 9-year-new custom home on 3 levels with top quality finishes. In-law suite. Beautiful 1-acre lot.

17901 greyabbey court | chesterfield 4 bedrooms, 3 full & 2 half baths $948,000 this 1½-story masterpiece was designed with stunning details at every turn. grandly sited on an acre.

16667 anna’s way | wildwood 5 bedrooms, 6 full & 2 half baths $899,000 gorgeous setting with beautiful outdoor space & pool area makes this 1½-story home special. outstanding ll!

12583 durrow ct. | town and country 5 bedrooms, 4 full & 2 half baths $799,000 warm & inviting home with updates throughout. 2story great room overlooks patio & pool. finished ll.

303 arctic fox court | eureka 4 bedrooms, 3½ baths $700,000 gracious living! this home in the greens at fox run is nestled into the landscape of the world-class golf club.

650 hickory lane | frontenac 7 bedrooms, 5½ baths $599,900 incredible rehab/addition over several decades offers timeless appeal. stellar home w/ wide open spaces.

10 terry hill lane | westwood 3 bedrooms, 3½ baths $1,650,000 Architecturally significant mid-century modern gem renovated using the finest luxury materials.

2718 covington pl. | town and country 5 bedrooms, 5 full & 2 half baths $1,597,500 renovated 1½ story situated among an enclave of custom homes built where nothing was overlooked.

new price!

new price! 2365 maybrook lane | kirkwood 4 bedrooms, 4½ baths $819,000 lovely home on large lot offers generously sized rooms & open floor plan. Main floor master suite.

new listing!

new listing! 3 cricklewood place | frontenac 4 bedrooms, 3½ baths $595,000 gorgeous 1-acre lot on desirable lane in ladue schools. unique home with many custom features throughout.

2 deer creek woods drive | ladue 5 bedrooms, 3½ baths $585,000 totally redone home on park-like setting. spacious open floor plan & fabulous lower level.

651 southern hills | eureka 4 bedrooms, 4½ baths $365,000 spacious 1½ story located on a private half acre lot that backs to trees in the legends community.

812 westbrooke manor court | ballwin 3 bedrooms, 2 baths $239,900 nestled in a quaint neighborhood, this ranch offers many updates including baths, appliances & wood floors.

1015 haversham | des peres 44 williamsburg road | creve coeur 4 bedrooms, 2½ baths $389,900 4 bedrooms, 2½ baths $399,900 great value for one-level living in close in creve coeur Lovely center hall plan on picturesque street. Great flow, stunning baths & enclosed porch. kirkwood schools. location on 1.18-acre lot.warm & inviting home.

new listing! 974 claytonbrook dr. #3d | ballwin 2 bedrooms + den, 2 baths $157,500 Like new condo! Huge with open floor plan has nearly 1,800 sq. ft. renovated kitchen. secure building.

12917 portulaca #221 | west county 2 bedrooms, 2 baths $94,900 Fabulous opportunity to own a 2nd floor unit in popular and convenient parkway gardens village.

See all of our listings at www.dielmannsothebysrealty.com

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