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PLUS: Prime New Home Showcase ■ Fourth of July Celebrations ■ Nixon Tax Vetoes Impact Discussed




THOMAS SOWELL A Safe Harbor of Friends and Faith

A bitter aftertaste News that Islamic terrorists have now taken over cities that American troops liberated during the Iraq war must be especially bitter for Americans whose loved ones died while taking one of those cities, or survivors who came back without limbs or with other traumas to body or mind. Surely we need to learn something from a tragedy of this magnitude. Some say we should never have gone into Iraq in the first place. Others say we should never have pulled our troops out when we did – leaving a weak and irresponsible government in charge. At a minimum, Iraq should put an end to the notion of “nation-building,” especially nation-building on the cheap – and end the glib and heady talk of “national greatness” interventionists who were prepared to put other people’s lives on the line from the safety of their editorial offices. Those who are ready to blame President George W. Bush for everything bad that has happened since he left office should at least acknowledge that he was a patriotic American president who did what he did for the good of the country – an assumption we can no longer safely make about the current occupant of the White House. If Bush’s gamble that we could create a thriving democracy in the Middle East – one of the least likely places for a democracy to thrive – had paid off, it could have been the beginning of a world-changing benefit to this generation and to generations yet unborn. A thriving, free society in the Muslim world, and the values and example that such a society could represent, might undermine the whole hate-filled world terrorist movement that is seeking to turn back civilization to a darker world of centuries past. But creating such a society, if it is possible at all, cannot be done on the cheap, with politicians constantly calling for us to announce to the world – including our enemies – when we are going to leave. The very idea is silly, but everything silly is not funny. We haven’t yet announced when we are going to pull our troops out of Germany or Japan, and World War II was over

more than 60 years ago. Turning those militaristic countries around was one of the great achievements in human history. Their neighboring countries have been able to enjoy a peace and security that they had not known for generations. Perhaps what was achieved in Germany and Japan made it seem that we might achieve something similar in Iraq. But “the greatest generation” that fought and survived the horrors of war around the world was under no illusion that trying to turn our defeated enemies around would be easy, quick and cheap. Creating democracy in Germany and Japan was a goal, but not a fetish. Creating a stable and viable government amid the ruins and rubble of war was the first priority and a major responsibility. You cannot create instant democracy like you are making instant coffee. There are prerequisites for a free society, and the foundations of democracy cannot be built on chaotic conditions with widespread uncertainty and fear. To hold elections for the sake of holding elections is to abdicate responsibility for the sake of appearances. The biggest danger is that you will create a government that will work at cross purposes to everything you are trying to achieve – a government you cannot rein in, much less repudiate, without destroying your own credibility as representatives of democracy. That has happened in both Iraq and Afghanistan. By contrast, in both Germany and Japan power was turned over to elected officials at such times and in such degree as conditions seemed to indicate. Eventually, both countries resumed their roles as sovereign nations – but we didn’t publish a timetable. Today, with terrorists threatening to at least fragment Iraq, if not take it over, it is a sobering thought that Barack Obama and his key advisers have a track record of having been wrong about Iraq and other foreign policy issues for years, going back before they took office – and no track record of learning from their mistakes. © 2014 Creators.com

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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Common Core: The real stealth jihad To the Editor: As American families try to deal with the continual onslaught of bad news – such as the IRS targeting of conservative political groups, NSA snooping without warrant, unprotected Benghazi terrorist attack, release of criminal immigrants by the hundreds, widespread legalization of marijuana, Veterans Administration secret waiting lists and subsequent deaths, the Bergdahl/Al Qaeda prisoner swap, and, most recently, the flood of thousands of unaccompanied minors across the border (an exhausting, but not exhaustive list) – it is no wonder that they are numb to the real stealth jihad, namely Common Core. “Stealth,” because it has been accomplished mostly under the radar, with no say at all from parents. “Jihad,” because it is a war aimed at eliminating our traditional system of American education and it is carried out by surprise. Many parents are either unaware or too tired to care. The goal: federal takeover of education under the guise of “closing the gap between the rich and the poor and the better school districts and the lesser ones.” The scope: kindergarten through 12th grade. The prize: the hearts and minds of our children! The motto: “Overwhelm ... overpower ... overtake!” Overwhelm: Get the big guns involved in this new educational plan, because on its own, it would be too blatantly unconstitutional. Initiator: the Federal Government with money used from stimulus funds and leftover Race to the Top grant money. Private funder: Bill Gates, Microsoft, who stands to receive billions of your tax dollars as every student is given a computer. Author: David Coleman, Achieve, Inc., who also is the new head of the College Board who will make sure the SAT and ACT tests “align” with the CC standards and that they measure knowledge rather than aptitude. Longitudinal Designer a.k.a “data miner”: the Council of Chief State School Officers. Recipient: National Governor’s Association (Gov. Nixon, who like the governors from 45 other states, signed on before standards were even completed in order to receive thousands of dollars for schools in the state). Additional recipients: national and local teachers’ unions, who have bought into the deal and will receive large cash paybacks. Remember when the president said, “I intend to fundamentally change America”? Overpower: Get out the word that it is a “Done Deal.” Coerce entities to participate, including local schools, on the basis of

In Missouri, voters do not register by party. Instead, in a primary election, he is asked which ballot he wants: Republican, Democrat, Constitution or Libertarian – or nonpartisan. He is free to take the one he desires. Presumably he has done his homework before the election and knows candidates and their positions. So if he thinks Joe Patriot is the strongest candidate for governor, for example, and Mr. Patriot is a Libertarian, Mr. Martin asks for that ballot. In his letter to the editor (West Newsmagazine, June 11), Mr. Martin fails to distinguish between the primary and general election. Each party hopes to select its best candidates to represent it in the general election and balloting by party in the primary enables it to do that. In the general election there is only one ballot. Mr. Martin may vote for a Republican for governor, a Democrat for lieutenant governor, a Constitution Party candidate for secretary of state and a Libertarian for attorney general – provided there is a party choice for that office. There is also a provision for write-in candidates. Of course, not every race features candidates from all parties. In 2012, four parties fielded candidates for lieutenant governor and U.S. Congress, 2nd district. Three parties were represented in the presidential, gubernatorial and U.S. Senate contests. Granted, Mr. Martin must make a selection in the primary. Let’s say the person he likes best for U.S. Congress is a Libertarian and his pick for governor is a Democrat. He has to decide which race is most important to him and then pick the ballot for that party. But in the fall election he chooses from the full panoply. He says he finds himself concerned that “by being forced to vote for party politicians, we are not always able to elect the best-suited candidates.” That statement misses the mark. Mr. Martin hasn’t been forced to vote for any party, but he would in a state where party registration is required. Remember that in a Missouri general election he may select any candidate on the ballot, regardless of his or her party affiliation. So he is unclear when he says he wants to Responding to Mr. Martin change Missouri’s voting process to allow people a choice and not force them to vote To the Editor: party politics. Voters have that choice now. Exactly what does Charles Martin want? Norman Baxter Does he seek to abolish political parties? Chesterfield He writes that he is forced to vote party politics and isn’t allowed to choose the candidate of his choice. My personal act of rebellion I think he is mistaken when he says he is asked at the polls if he is Republican, To the Editor: Democrat or Independent. Every 10 years the U.S. Department of

receiving thousands of dollars for signing on or being penalized for refusing. Create the perception that there is nothing that can be done to stop this mammoth program and promote school board candidates who will say the same. Persuade everyone that these new standards and new ways of teaching them are absolutely necessary to “equip” our students with the “skills” they need for the “workforce” in the 21st century. Remember when the president said, “I believe in the Constitution; I just don’t think it goes far enough in ensuring equality.” Overtake: Get rid of the old; bring in the new! Start with books and grading: Get rid of textbooks that can be taken home and examined by parents and incorporate computer programs. Replace Dickens and Shakespeare classics with the President’s Executive Orders and other like documents. Get rid of the old-school standards that were graded by right or wrong answers (said to unfairly favor the smarter and richer kids) and instead give credit for effort. Get rid of the old style of teaching, and replace with online instruction and more frequent “visits” by administrators. Get rid of old-style teacher evaluations and replace with more weight assigned to the cumulative students’ scores on the state standards. Get rid of school records, previously held in private, and replace with a longitudinal data system of 350 personal questions a year which will be accessible to any government agency. Get rid of the old “unfair” ideology of capitalism and limited government, (which the current administration in DC seems to be so set against), and replace with the new streamlined system to present the “facts.” Remember when the president said, “The fight for social justice and economic justice starts in the classroom.” I urge you to contact Governor Nixon immediately and voice your protest before It’s too late! Tell your friends to do the same. Then make calculated, prayerful and informed decisions on what to do next. Tricia Reichardt Wildwood

Commerce conducts a census. Some citizens receive what is called a “short form” while others receive a “long form” in which a myriad of questions pertaining to things like income and type of employment are asked. In the intervening years the Department of Commerce sends out additional questionnaires to a number of households. I recently received one of these “surveys” titled The American Community Survey. The stated purpose of the information requested “will help decide where new schools, hospitals and fire stations are needed. (Also) … to develop programs to reduce traffic congestion …. and plan for the health care needs of the elderly.” I think this might be more accurately described as “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” The instructions also state that my “answers are confidential” and that any Census Bureau employee who discloses my answers “can be fined and/or imprisoned. Sorry, but I have seen too many government promises broken. The recent IRS scandal where confidential taxpayer information was divulged is an example of broken promises. While the stated purpose of the survey is to help community planning, a number of questions seem to me to belie this objective. Because of this I have chosen to supply my own true answers to these personal, intrusive and what I see as none of the government’s business questions. Here are some examples: What is person’s race? Answer: Genuine American. How many of (your home’s) rooms are bedrooms? Answer: All that are bedrooms are bedrooms. Those that aren’t bedrooms aren’t bedrooms. Clear? No? Too bad. How many automobiles, vans, trucks of one-ton capacity or less are kept at home for use by members of this household? Answer: All that we own. What are the annual real estate taxes on this property? Answer: High and going higher. About this time I was getting a bit fed up with the questions asked, and my answers reflected as much. The information that came with this “survey” indicated that the law requires me to respond. So I have. But what if the government doesn’t like the answers I gave? Could I be penalized? I don’t think so. I answered the questions and by law my answers cannot be revealed. To convict there has to be evidence. But by law this evidence, the survey, is sealed. John R. Stoeffler Ballwin



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Honoring a hero EDITORIAL

The problem with politicians What’s the matter with American politicians? Seriously, it’s a question that deserves an answer – because the American people deserve an answer. In fact, they deserve lots of answers. We deserve to know why the educated adults who represent us in Congress act like children. Over and over again they fail to work together to resolve issues that would improve the lives of citizens, that would bolster the economy, protect our borders and secure the future of our children. Instead, like children, they bicker, fight and pout. Like children, politicians also try to sneak things by us and blame someone else. Have you ever been shopping with a child only to discover at the checkout that your cart is full of fat – candy, cookies and anything else your child could sneak into the cart. Take a look at any one of America’s bills – you’ll find fat hidden inside, which like those cookies and candy really aren’t good for us. When children get caught, they often blame someone else. “It wasn’t me, it was Sam.” It doesn’t matter if Sam is real. He could be a sibling or an imaginary friend, he might be a best friend – all that matters is that he’s someone to blame. In politics, you see this endlessly. Republicans blame Democrats. Democrats blame Republicans. Sometimes both parties blame their constituents in a game of distraction and misplaced guilt. Kids are good at making us feel guilty. Admit it, you’ve been placated into going along with something solely because a child put out his or her lip and pouted, making you feel oh-so guilty and agreeable. Politicians don’t stick out their lips, they keep them moving – hop-


ing that fast talk and powerful, but empty, speeches will motivate us to agree with, or at least go along with, whatever it is they’re trying to pull off. We should be smarter than that. But politicians don’t believe we are. They think they can distract us from the real issues. Sen. Claire McCaskill comes to mind. OK, to be fair her recent investigation of Dr. Mehmet Oz may not have been a game of distraction – like a child who believes “if I look like I’m working, they’ll think that I’m working.” To be fair, we should label it what it really was – a complete waste of time, energy and taxpayer money. America and its citizens are facing bigger problems and greater threats than Dr. Oz and his “miracle cures.” We don’t need answers from Oz. We need answers from McCaskill and her counterparts on Capitol Hill. Here’s a great idea. Maybe it’s time for our politicians to focus on something important. Weight loss scams are not important. Do you know what is important – to every American? Improving the economy, securing the borders, creating a climate for job growth inside our borders, learning to speak honestly and work cooperatively. There are more than enough real problems to tackle and solve. Here’s a thought. Stop nit-picking and start fixing things that are truly broken. The Veteran’s Administration comes to mind or immigration. America has enough problems to go around. Dr. Oz is not one of them. He’s a snake oil salesman. And most Americans recognize him for what he is. He’s never going to solve any real problem. Come to think of it, he’d make a good politician.



Hundreds of family members, military personnel, veterans and local police officers formed ranks and respectfully watched as PFC Matthew Walker’s casket was escorted into Manchester United Methodist Church. Walker, whose grandparents are long-time members of UMC, was killed on June 5 while serving in Afghanistan. Members of the Patriot Guard Riders and local police gave provided a motorcycle escort, and more Patriot Guard members welcomed the procession into the church with a solid line of American Flags. Walker served as an infantryman in the 101st Airborne Division. He lived in Hillsboro, Missouri. By order of the Governor all state and governmental flags in Jefferson County were flown at half-mast from June 17-22.

IN QUOTES "I believe that we will win!" – The refrain consistently chanted by supporters of the U.S. national soccer team

“People in the area need to get motivated to pressure municipal governments to keep us on the national priority list.” – Ellisville resident Elizabeth Schmidt

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West Newsmagazine is published 35 times per year by West Media Inc. It is direct-mailed to more than 67,000 households in West St. Louis County. Products and services advertised are not necessarily endorsed by West Newsmagazine and views expressed in editorial copy are not necessarily those of West Newsmagazine. No part of West Newsmagazine may be reproduced in any form without prior written consent from West Newsmagazine. All letters addressed to West Newsmagazine or its editor are assumed to be intended for publication and are subject to editing for content and length. West Newsmagazine reserves the right to refuse any advertisement or editorial submission. © Copyright 2014.




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News Br iefs BALLWIN


City renews drug task force agreement

Council considers electronic cigarette regulations

The city of Ballwin has approved its police department’s continued participation in a multi-jurisdictional drug task force organized by St. Louis County. The agreement calls for one detective from the Ballwin police department to be assigned to the county group for one year, beginning Oct. 1, and to be under the county police department’s supervision and control. The county provides necessary equipment for any undercover activities. Under the plan, Ballwin is entitled to a portion of assets forfeited as a result of drug task force operations.

Electronic cigarettes reportedly are gaining in popularity but the Chesterfield City Council is considering regulations to make it tougher for minors to join the trend. Legislation regulating the sale, use and possession of electronic cigarettes and similar products was brought before the council for a first reading at its June 16 meeting. With first reading approval, the measure again will be on the agenda for action at the next council session on July 21. Under the proposed ordinance, it will be illegal in Chesterfield to distribute electronic cigarettes, cigars, cigarellos and pipes to anyone under the age of 18. Minors also will be prohibited from purchasing, possessing and using the products. The prohibitions also apply to sales made through the Internet or other remote methods by requiring age verification through an independent, third-party service that performs the task by comparing information available from public records to personal details entered during the ordering process. Exempted from the regulations are persons under the age of 18 who are given the prohibited products as part of a sting operation designed to check and enforce compliance with the law. Compliance includes asking anyone who appears to be under 27 years of age to provide a government-issued photographic identification establishing that the individual is at least 18 before selling, offering for sale or giving any vaporizing products to that person.

Salt purchase approved The city of Ballwin will purchase 3,700 tons of salt from a secondary supplier to build its 2014/2015 supply to prepare for and have on hand adequate supplies to deal with whatever weather the coming winter may offer. North American Salt Co. was the lowest of three firms submitting bids, with a price of $64.87 per ton, or a total of just over $240,000. Deliveries are scheduled Aug. 31 and Feb. 1. Ballwin also is part of a 40-city St. Louis area salt purchasing cooperative and is scheduled to buy another 1,730 tons from the cooperative. The bidding process for that purchase hadn’t been completed when the secondary supplier contract was awarded at the Ballwin Board of Aldermen’s June 16 meeting. After coping with last winter’s snow and ice storms, Ballwin had just 570 tons of salt remaining in its domed storage facility. The structure is rated for 5,000 tons. Gary Kramer, the city’s director of public works, noted that this year’s salt price is more than 34 percent higher than last year’s low bid by the same supplier, likely due to the severity of last winter’s weather in the Midwest and eastern states.

City extends solid waste collection contract The city of Chesterfield has approved a seven-year extension of its current agreement with Republic Services to provide solid waste collection services to residents. Approved by the Chesterfield City

Council at its June 16 meeting, the new contract calls for no increase in the current monthly charge of $13.51 during the first year, a 1.5 percent yearly boost in the monthly rate during years two through six, and no increase again in the final year. The scheduled increases mean residents will pay $13.72 monthly beginning Aug. 1, 2015 (year two), with the monthly rate increasing to $14.58 monthly in years six and seven. The agreement, which also offers a 10 percent discount to seniors, is effective Aug. 1. Other provisions in the agreement extension include optional once-a-week yard waste pickup at curbside on a three-month or 12-month basis. Three-month service begins at $14.22 monthly during the first year, climbing to $15.34 per month in years six and seven. On a 12-month basis, yard waste pickup will be $13.04 monthly in the first year, moving to $14.07 per month in years six and seven. This service must be paid for in one annual payment. The senior discount also applies to these rates. As part of the contract extension, Republic has agreed to provide 65- and 90-gallon solid waste carts to Chesterfield residents at no cost. The carts enable the company to use trucks with mechanized equipment that pick up, dump and re-set the waste carts. Residents who now rent 90-gallon solid waste carts under the current agreement will have the rental fee eliminated.

WEST COUNTY Mercy confirms St. Louis layoffs Mercy Health System recently announced layoffs across its seven-state network of hospitals and medical facilities. Now the health care provider has confirmed that 125 positions in the St. Louis area will be affected by that workforce reduction and 95 additional positions will be eliminated systemwide. In a press release issued on June 16, the medical company gave the reasons for the reductions as “economic and environmental changes in health care.” The reductions are limited to non-patient care support areas, coming from 19 different departments throughout Mercy, including administrative roles, business office positions

and computer technical support. The majority of positions being eliminated will be cut immediately. The release states that the employees leaving the company will receive outplacement services and severance packages, including compensation and benefits, based on their position and length of service. “While not uncommon in today’s health care environment, these kinds of changes are nonetheless difficult,” Mercy President and CEO Lynn Britton said in the release. “As we realign to operate more efficiently, growth and expansion will continue across Mercy as community needs warrant.”

CCE board adopts discipline policy The Central County Emergency 911 Board of Directors has approved an updated employee discipline policy stating general rules of conduct and varying levels of discipline ranging from a verbal warning to dismissal that can be applied depending on the severity of any violations. The policy replaces an existing measure in the dispatch center’s employee handbook and generally updates the types of employee conduct subject to discipline and the procedures for dealing with violations. Approval came at a closed session during the board’s June 12 meeting and comes in the wake of two major expansion moves that have boosted the agency’s employee numbers and quadrupled CCE’s yearly volume of 911 calls. Included in the new policy are safety-related rules that call for the reporting of all work-related accidents, as well as job-related performance issues such as dispatching emergency equipment to an incorrect location and taking too much time to dispatch an alarm when there are no extenuating circumstances. In addition, the policy cites 29 actions subject to discipline, ranging from the use, possession or sale of intoxicants or illegal drugs while on duty to breaches of confidentiality to smoking and consuming food or beverages other than in authorized areas. The policy also states that any employee is free to resign at any time and that management can terminate employment at any time, for any reason, with or without notice.



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MoDOT to begin two-year I-64 widening project in September By JIM ERICKSON ericksonjim@att.net Barring any unforeseen developments, work on widening I-64 between I-270 and Route 340 (Olive Boulevard/Clarkson Road) will begin in September with completion expected late in 2016. The project will begin by adding a lane for westbound traffic before the process is repeated for the eastbound flow. However, due to funding limits, the widening will not be the same on both the eastbound and westbound portions. Westbound traffic will receive an extra lane for I-270 to Route 340 while the eastbound widening will extend from Route 141 to I-270. According to MoDOT spokesman Andrew Gates, the current number of through lanes in each direction will remain the same during the construction period. To do that, lanes will be narrowed to 11 feet and shifted so that work can take place behind barrier walls. (MoDOT used a similar approach when I-270 was widened between I-44 and Manchester Road in a two-year project that culminated in October of 2013.) To ensure the safety of drivers who may need to pull off the road, MoDOT will maintain full, 10-foot-wide shoulders throughout most of the project. The only

exceptions will be near the bridges over Route 141 and Creve Coeur Creek where shoulders will be reduced so that traffic lanes fit the space available. The eastbound widening will include moving further east the I-64 ramps to and from Mason Road to reduce the impact of traffic merging onto the interstate from Route 141. This phase likely will have the most impact on eastbound traffic during the two-year project, Gates said. One question raised as part of a virtual public meeting, which MoDOT conducted on its website, asked why the project did not extend the widening farther west to include the Chesterfield Valley segment. MoDOT’s response was two-fold. While the department acknowledged the traffic backups as eastbound drivers approach Route 340, it responded that currently there are no funds available to address that problem, even though there is a need to widen the highway. Secondly, the department indicated that most of the westbound backups are due to the narrow lanes on the aging Daniel Boone Bridge now in the process of being replaced. MoDOT said it believes completion of the bridge project will reduce westbound congestion through Chesterfield Valley considerably. As it stands, the I-64 widening project

Missouri Department of Transportation studies show that nearly 150,000 vehicles travel this section of I-64 daily, creating congestion between I-270 and Route 340 during the morning and evening rush hours. The volume likely will increase to more than 175,000 vehicles daily in 20 years, the department predicts.

also will include the option for erecting noise walls to provide sound reduction for property owners closest to the highway. When a highway is widened or a new road is built, MoDOT is required to conduct sound studies near affected homes and may install the walls when predicted noise levels exceed an identified level and when at least two-thirds of the closest properties can have a sound reduction of a minimum specific amount in their outdoor living space. Also, a majority of owners and residents who benefit must vote in favor of a noise wall.

MoDOT has identified areas qualifying for noise walls and has distributed ballots asking those affected whether or not they want the sound-reduction structures built. The deadline for voting was June 20. The widening project does not require acquisition of additional right-of-way, Gates said, and no significant changes are anticipated on either of I-64’s north and south outer roads. Estimated cost of the widening is $30 million, 80 percent of which will come from federal funds. Plans call for awarding a contract for the project in August.

Recent vetoes of tax break bills create more questions than answers By SUE E. STEINIGER The vetoes, on June 11, by Gov. Jay Nixon of 10 bipartisan tax relief bills passed by the Missouri General Assembly and the enormous tax revenue loss he has projected related to the bills appears to be creating quite a quandary for state leaders, as well as local governments. The questions rest on what the economic fallout will be for municipalities and even rural districts if the veto is overridden and the bills stand. Nixon vetoed House Bills 1296, 1455 and 1865 and Senate Bills 584, 612, 662, 693, 727, 829 and 860. The bills would have provided tax breaks to grocery stores, restaurants, dry cleaners and power companies, as well as others. Nixon claims the tax break bills would cost the state $776 million annually starting on July 1 – the result of a $425 million annual reduction in state tax and a $351 million reduction in local government taxes statewide. Members of the General Assembly say the governor is overreaching, that his numbers are not correct and that the bills included incentives to help small business owners and create Missouri jobs.

Why so much concern over 10 tax break bills that have already been vetoed? The General Assembly could potentially override the governor’s vetoes during the Sept. 10 annual veto session, a possibility which both sides are very much aware of and appear to be preparing for. The question is who to believe. Rep. Chrissy Sommer (R-Dist. 106) said the governor is using scare tactics with his projected numbers. “I realize the governor has spent a great deal of time and effort in recent weeks trying to build the case against these tax clarifications. In fact, some of the numbers he has used have been alarming, which is entirely because they were created to cause fear and concern,” Sommer stated in her June 13 weekly Capitol Report. “Both the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Associated Industries of Missouri have said the governor’s numbers are inaccurate and that he has continued to stand as a roadblock in the way of creating a low-tax, pro-growth environment here in our state.” Conversely, the Missouri Municipal League, which claims to provide a united voice for municipalities across Missouri, issued a statement approving the gover-

nor’s vetoes. In supporting its position, MML said the bills provided a variety of municipal sales tax exemptions that would deplete resources for vital city services, such as police and fire protection, street repairs, parks, job creation and more. “This veto preserves the ability of local elected and appointed officials throughout the state to continue to provide the level of service expected and demanded by Missouri residents,” Dan Ross, executive director of MML, said. “We thank the governor for taking this needed step to protect Missourians.” Founded in 1934, MML currently serves more than 670 municipalities – providing training, resources and legislative advocacy for local governments. What will the economic fallout be for St. Louis County? Citizens will have to wait to find out. St. Louis County Chief Operating Officer Garry Earls says his staff has not been able to duplicate the calculation that the governor’s staff apparently provided to him in regards to the projected impact of $57 million. “But we think that it may actually include not only the impact on our rev-

enue in St. Louis County government but the impact on all governments within the county,” Earls said. “We in county government have to stand back and let them do their job. They have got to sort those two things out – to help us with our economy and at the same time save us from cutting our revenues to the point to where we can no longer deliver service.” House Speaker Tim Jones’ office staff said they are still waiting on the Legislative Oversight office to complete the fiscal notes for some of the bills. They said it is not possible to answer questions directly related to figures they still are waiting to receive. Knowing that legislative overrides are likely, Nixon said he intends to move forward with budget cuts in the next few weeks to offset those potential overrides. The General Assembly will convene for the annual veto session on Sept. 10. At that time, the legislature can attempt to override the governor’s vetoes. According to a staff member in the governor’s office, they are still in the process of going through the FY15 budget, but will have those decisions finalized before June 30.




Creve Coeur revenues expected to drop in coming fiscal year By JIM MERKEL Creve Coeur’s revenues are expected to dip by 3.66 percent in the coming fiscal year. Some have wondered if suspending the city’s red-light camera program would have a negative effect on revenue. But at a City Council meeting on June 9, City Administrator Mark Perkins said the program’s negative effect will be small. He explained that revenues of the program historically were not much higher than expenses. “The net revenue is fairly inconsequential,” Perkins said. He also noted that as people paid more attention to the traffic lights, revenue from the program went down. The city suspended the program in December of 2013 because of uncertainty brought on by a court decision concerning red light cameras and the failure of the state legislature to clarify rules for the program, Perkins said. The drop in red light program revenues won’t affect a positive overall revenue picture, Perkins said. He noted that anticipated general fund revenues of $15,516,090 will be $374,320 higher than general fund spending and pointed out that the city has had surpluses for several years. In spite of the city’s financial stability, its $11,017,206 reserve is expected to drop by $335,680. The city plans to use that amount – as well as $374,320 in budget surplus funds – for pensions, capital projects and improvements to the Diehlmann Center golf course and ice arena. After listening to Perkins’ report, the




council had its first reading of a bill approving the budget. Final action on the budget was expected at its June 23 meeting, after press time. Perkins said the budget allocated enough resources to maintain the high levels of services in the city that citizens expect. Staff reductions and a continued emphasis on controlling costs have contributed to a stable financial outlook. He also noted that general fund spending could start exceeding general fund revenue in the 2017-2018 fiscal year. “This is a trend that certainly we will be paying close attention to, so we can avoid that actually occurring,” he said. Looking ahead, Perkins said the fund balance will drop to $8.45 million in fiscal year 2018-2019. Nonetheless, the balance will be 50 percent of the budget. The city has set a minimum of 33 percent of budget for its balance. It anticipates using $400,000 each year from the balance for street work and another $300,000 a year to reduce unfunded pension liabilities. In the coming fiscal year, which begins July 1, the city and employee contributions to “defined benefit” pension plans will continue to rise. The employee contribution, which started at 1 percent of salary in fiscal year 2011-2012, will be 2.5 percent in fiscal year 2014-2015 and 3 percent of salary in fiscal year 2015-2016. Out of the more than $1.3 million spent on pensions in 2014-2015, $94,000 will come from employee contributions, $971,000 from the general fund and $300,000 from the fund balance.

Long-term fire board chairman resigns


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By JIM ERICKSON ericksonjim@att.net Richard “Rick” Rognan, chairman of the West County EMS and Fire Protection District Board of Directors, has resigned from that position.Citing the increasing press of responsibilities from his business, Rognan submitted the resignation in a letter officially accepted at the board’s June 16 meeting. He did not attend the session and did not respond to a request for further comment. Rognan was appointed to fill an unexpired term on the West County board in April of 2000. He then was elected to sixyear terms in 2001, 2007 and 2013. He has served as board chairman since 2001. During his tenure, voters in West County’s fire district have approved two major bond issues – $12 million in 2001 and $19 million in 2009 – to finance equipment purchases and construction of new facilities. What the remaining two members of the West County board, David Cobb and

Robert Levine, will do about the director vacancy is uncertain. At the June 16 meeting, they said they will operate for the time being with just two members. Current law permits a fire district board to appoint someone to fill a vacancy but also says the two directors making such an appointment must be elected. Cobb was appointed to his position late last summer to fill the position formerly held by Matt Miller who also resigned when he took a new job. According to Charles Billings, West County’s legal counsel, the other alternative for filling the position would be to ask the Circuit Court to make an appointment. The current directors could recommend someone for the position but the judge involved also would be required to consider other interested candidates. In a reorganization election after Rognan’s resignation was accepted, Cobb was elected board chairman and Levine agreed to serve as secretary and treasurer.




Wildwood to consider cyclists in resurfacing Wild Horse Creek Road By MARY SHAPIRO mshapiro@newsmagazinenetwork.com As part of an asphalt resurfacing contract, Wildwood may provide more shoulder and passing lane space on Wild Horse Creek Road to better allow bicyclists and motorists to use the road together. The City Council, on June 9, gave a first reading to legislation authorizing Mayor Tim Woerther to execute a contract for up to $903,000 on behalf of the city with L. Krupp Construction for resurfacing of Wild Horse Creek Road from Hwy. 109 to Hwy. 100, Main Street, Plaza Drive, Eastgate Lane, Fountain Place and Market Avenue. A final vote on the legislation is set for June 23. Ryan Thomas, director of public works/ city engineer, told the council that the resurfacing will provide an opportunity to implement some different pavement markings to help with higher bicycle traffic volumes on Wild Horse Creek Road. Passing zones could be established along certain straight segments of the road to encourage passing of bicycles at specific locations, he said. However, he noted that “the city’s Board of Public Safety had concerns that those passing zones may encourage motorists to pass (each other there) as well.” To alleviate this concern, Thomas said “the proposal can be amended to allow some Wild Horse Creek shoulder widening.” Councilmember Larry McGowen (Ward 1), who lives off Wild Horse Creek Road, suggested the council should have the opportunity to review locations for widening. “I don’t want to see this road become something in the future that it’s not today in regard to its rural aspect,” McGowen said. “Just yesterday, I watched 200 or 250 cyclists go by on Wild Horse Creek Road during the St. Luke’s Tour de Wellness bike ride. These large groups slow traffic. “We can set up great bike lanes, but some bicyclists still won’t let cars get around them. I’m not sure there’s anything we can do to overcome stupidity.” Thomas said a list of potential passing locations would be provided to the council by its June 23 meeting, after press time. Councilmember David Sewell (Ward 6) suggested the city consider implementing passing lanes for other areas, such as Fox Creek and Melrose Roads, which he said also experience traffic backups due to bicyclists. “It terrifies me that someone will get killed on one of these roads,” Sewell said. “It’s not if, but when.” Thomas said widening in some other areas, where it is feasible, could be considered as part of other resurfacing projects.

Councilmember Ed Marshall (Ward 2) reiterated the Board of Public Safety’s concerns, saying that the city needs to make sure any widened areas for bicyclists won’t be mistakenly used by cars. He said that is now the case on part of Strecker Road. “And we need to communicate somehow to cyclists that these are areas where they can pull over,” Marshall said. Also during the June 9 meeting, the council approved a resolution to apply, through the League of American Bicyclists, for consideration of a Bicycle Friendly Community award, recognizing the city for supporting cycling through provision of bicycle facilities, programming and other activities. To help achieve the award, Thomas said plans are for the city to designate Gary Crews, a cyclist who also is the city’s superintendent of parks and recreation, as its bike coordinator and to designate the city’s Board of Public Safety as its bike advisory committee. The committee will review bike safety among other issues. Thomas told the council on June 9 that another “green bike lane” demonstration project is planned for the westbound Manchester Road bike lane, east of Hwy. 109 at the Metro West Fire Protection District headquarters. Last year, Missouri Petroleum offered a free demonstration of a pavement application that literally created a green bike lane on Manchester Road near the Jack-in-theBox restaurant, Thomas said. “Now another company, Transpo, has offered a free demonstration using their product, Color-Safe,” he said. “This would be a good opportunity to compare how each product lasts over time, should the city choose to use this type of application in the future. Transpo’s product was used a couple years ago on Wydown Boulevard in Clayton, and appears to be holding up very well.” Councilmember Marc Cox (Ward 4) pointed out that the Transpo product would be a brighter green than the current marking. “It certainly will stand out,” Thomas said. But he also suggested, “We can ask Transpo if there is a toned-down green color they can use.”

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Ballwin aldermen consider zoning, aging, communications issues By JIM ERICKSON ericksonjim@att.net At a work session earlier this month, the Ballwin Board of Aldermen discussed a number of issues that individual members and city officials wanted to review at greater length than is possible at most regular board sessions. The nearly three-hour meeting held June 9 at The Pointe at Ballwin Commons included a tour of the building to see various improvements now nearing completion there, possible proactive policies on commercial zoning, future strategies to help seniors who want to remain in their homes as long as possible, and various internal and external communications issues. Zoning discussion focused on how to balance the right of landowners to use their property against the desire to limit the number of businesses that many residents believe are less than desirable in a familyoriented community. Among the types of operations noted were payday and title loan offices, massage parlors and tattoo studios. However, it also was noted that public perceptions of what businesses are not desirable often differ, can change and could include fast food restaurants and gas stations. Robert Jones, Ballwin’s city attorney,

said tightening the definitions of businesses permitted in commercially zoned areas is a better option than attempting to set quotas. However, he added he is not aware of any landmark court decisions affecting either aggressive or more cautious zoning approaches. Alderman Mark Harder (Ward 2) said it is in the city’s financial interest to encourage businesses that generate sales tax revenue. Likewise, Alderman Frank Fleming (Ward 3) said the city needs to market itself better and now is a good time to do so. “We have a good story to tell in Ballwin,” Harder said. One possible solution, he added, would be for all the Great Streets communities (Ellisville, Wildwood and Ballwin) to hire one person to promote those cities and what they have to offer. While no decisions were made, Jones was asked to investigate zoning approaches in more depth and recommend strategies the city can consider. “Aging in place,” another topic on the work session agenda, has become an oftenused description for seniors remaining in their homes and/or their communities as they grow older. Among steps reviewed on June 9 were encouraging or requiring that home design and new construction

avoid barriers and allow for cost-efficient changes to existing structures. Also discussed were better sidewalk networks and improved sidewalk maintenance to assist those wanting to exercise or who are unable to drive, as well as having transportation options available. The possibility of two or more West County cities pooling resources for a senior center providing opportunities for social interaction, exercise, recreation and lifetime learning programs was another approach discussed. Currently, the MidEast Area Agency on Aging (MEAAA) has a center in the lower level of a building at 14535 Manchester Road, but representatives from the group attending the work session said the facility’s small size, minimal parking and accessibility problems limit its operation and services. Alderman Jim Terbrock (Ward 1) mused that building a more adequate center and leasing it might be a good investment. Harder said space for a center already exists in the city and that the main issue might be the willingness of a landlord to make it available for that use. The aldermen’s input and consideration of the aldermen was exactly what Robert Kuntz, city administrator, said his goal was

in placing the item on the agenda. On the communications front, aldermen reviewed how the city now communicates with residents and employees. Electronic newsletters, news releases and messages on Facebook and Twitter have replaced paper and residents are able to subscribe as they see fit. Residents also can contact city departments and staff members whose email addresses are published on Ballwin’s recently updated website and elsewhere. The police department also offers email subscribers information on timely issues and in emergency situations via the Nixle program, available only to law enforcement agencies. Nearly 800 residents have signed up to receive those messages. One issue already receiving more attention is the city’s email retention policy. At the board’s June 16 regular meeting, one suggestion was to retain emails for 365 days before moving them to a deleted items electronic folder. Prior discussion at the work session questioned whether retaining emails for 365 days is adequate. However, at the regular board meeting, Kuntz noted that saving the correspondence for three or five years also was possible, depending on the board’s preference. No action was taken, pending further study.

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By DAN FOX dfox@newsmagazinenetwork.com At its meeting on June 18, the Ellisville City Council filled the final open slots for the city’s newly formed Economic Development Commission. The members include three Ellisville residents representing separate districts and six members representing local business owners, property owners and developers. According to Assistant City Manager Ben Schloesser, Ellisville is looking for a multitude of things from this commission. Schloesser said the city hopes to receive guidance from the commission in regard to proposals for development in the city, and also looks to receive input on the its economic development program. “We want to make sure that any actions we’re taking – from a staff point of view – are inclusive and representative of our business community, as well as our residential community,” Schloesser said. In the short term, the city also is looking for input from the commission in regard to Eugene Norber, the recently hired economic development consultant from the firm Economic Development Resources. City Manager Bill Schwer said Norber, who began his work at the end of May, has been interviewing the councilmembers on what they would like to see in regard to new development in the city. He said, ultimately, Norber’s objective will be to develop a request for proposal for redevelopment and that this RFP will most likely focus on the

southwest area of Clarkson and Manchester. “It’s a proactive approach to try and get development, rather than sitting on our hands and waiting for someone to come in the door,” Schwer said. At the June 18 council meeting, Schwer presented the council with a new strategic plan, devised by Ellisville city staff. The plan consists of five goals to be actively pursued over the course of the next year. Included are attracting new businesses and developing vacant property; making Ellisville a premier place to live, work, play and shop; improving, adding, optimizing and providing cost effective services; adding mixed-use development and improving zoning; and expanding and diversifying revenues. The council was asked to think about each and decide which of those objectives takes priority. Once that decision is made, city staff will prepare a detailed, step-bystep action plan for each of the selected goals. The timeline for those actions is mid-summer. Schwer said the goals will not focus solely on economic development. Several of the five goals go beyond creating new business in Ellisville, and focus more on residents and the citizens who work within the city’s limits. Both Schloesser and Schwer said improvements such as redesigning the city website, improving governmental transparency and updating governmental policies will help Ellisville achieve the goals set out by the strategic plan.

Ellisville seeks to keep Bliss site on national EPA priorities list By MARY ADCOCK The Ellisville City Council has agreed to draft a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency in order to try and keep the Bliss-Ellisville Superfund Site on the national priority list. During public comments at the June 18 council meeting, Ellisville resident Elizabeth Schmidt brought the matter to the attention of councilmembers in attendance. Schimdt said the EPA is considering taking the Bliss-Ellisville Site off the national priority list and asked the council to take action to keep it on the list. “Whatever we can do to keep this funded, keep this on the EPA’s site, I think we’re obligated,” Ellisville Mayor Adam Paul said in response to Schmidt’s public comment. Since early April, the EPA has been engaged in the excavation, transportation and disposal of dioxin-contaminated soils from the extreme northeast corner

of the proposed Strecker Forest subdivision in Wildwood, adjacent to the BlissEllisville site. The expected completion date for this project is mid-summer. The EPA has proposed reclassifying a portion of the land, which is currently fencedoff and would not be used for homes, from residential to recreational. Last February, some residents of Ellisville and Wildwood as well as environmental and earth sciences consulting firm Mundell & Associates attended a Wildwood City Council meeting to protest that proposal. At the recent Ellisville meeting, Schmidt said she feels if this area is delisted, “People in Wildwood and on the western edge of Ellisville will just be at the mercy of all that contamination, without any answers and without any monitoring.” “People in the area need to get motivated to pressure municipal governments to keep us on the national priority list,” Schmidt said.



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The planners of Creve Coeur Days are all volunteers and their goal is to raise money for charity. You’ll see members of the Creve Coeur Days Committee on the Midway wearing their red vests. Visit them at the Information Booth. Ask about volunteering..






Local artists turn six Manchester traffic signal boxes into works of art By AMANDA KEEFE akeefe@newsmagazinenetwork.com If you’ve noticed an extra pop of color at select places in Manchester, it’s no accident. In early June, six local St. Louis artists painted traffic control boxes in the city as part of a Manchester Arts-sponsored public art project that also featured a unique collaboration with the Missouri Department of Transportation. Collectively, the entities formed a judging panel and examined a total of 19 artists’ entries before choosing the top six designs. Today, the painted traffic boxes are visible at the following intersections: Baxter and Manchester roads; Henry and Manchester roads; Creve Coeur Avenue and Manchester Road; Hwy. 141 and Manchester Road; the Highlands at Manchester; and Enchanted Parkway and Manchester Road. The artists’ designs include rustic sunflowers, geese, a hummingbird immersed in greenery, a sun and moon, a colorful depiction of non-moving traffic and three large goldfish. “This is really a chance to see how public art is evolving in Manchester,” said Manchester alderman and arts council member Mike Clement.

Planning and Zoning Director Franz Kraintz said the project – from planning to collaboration to judging – has been in the works for more than a year. In March, Manchester received the green light to move forward, obtaining a work permit from the state. City officials gave the artists a two-week window, which ended June 16, to complete their paintings. However, the box located near Hwy. 141 needs a few repairs, Kraintz said, so that artist’s deadline may be extended. Kirkwood artist Allen Kriegshauser is an oil painter, and his rendition of sunflowers on the traffic box located at Baxter and Manchester roads, looks, from afar, like an oil painting. “My typical medium is oil,” said Kriegshauser. “The sunflower design was basically a compilation of a series of sunflowers I did last year. I just adapted it to the boxes and went acrylic; there certainly were some challenges.” Regardless, he feels the transition was successful, and liked the idea of folks seeing his art from their car windows – especially while he worked. “Everybody was honking and giving me thumbs up,” Kriegshauser said.

Kirkwood artist Allen Kriegshauser paints sunflowers on a traffic box at the intersection of Baxter and Manchester roads. (Doug Whittaker photo)

According to Kraintz, the payoff of the painted traffic boxes is that they beautify the Manchester corridor. “It just adds a little bit more interest for the traveling public than seeing shiny metal boxes,” he said. To showcase all six artists’ works – outside of their respective traffic boxes – the artists’

other works will hang in council chambers until the end of June. In addition to Kriegshauser, the featured artists are Laura Bailey, Genevieve Esson, Margaret Anne Sayers, Mary Riney and Elaine Cooper. More images of the traffic boxes can be found on the Manchester Arts Facebook page.




Parkway, Rockwood community education partnership kicks off July 1 By MARY SHAPIRO mshapiro@newsmagazinenetwork.com The new community education partnership between the Parkway and Rockwood school districts is set to begin on July 1. Michael Seppi, Rockwood’s director of community education, told the Rockwood Board of Education at its meeting on June 5 that the collaboration could serve as a model for districts across the country on what can be achieved when districts work together. “We’ve been approached by the Learn-

Parkway hires intellectual property, sports management agent By MARY SHAPIRO mshapiro@newsmagazinenetwork.com Parkway School District’s Board of Education, on June 11, approved a letter of engagement with Kelly Sports Properties to serve as the district’s exclusive intellectual property management agent. Mark Stockwell, the district’s chief financial officer, told the board that the administration began researching intellectual property and sports marketing management more than two years ago as an opportunity to enhance financial support of activities without seeking additional revenues from taxpayers and/or parents. “We had started getting inquiries from retail organizations wanting to license our athletic teams’ trademarks so that they could sell merchandise and give us a 6- to 8-percent commission on sales,” Stockwell said. “We then became aware of a sports marketing program that the Columbia, Missouri, public schools were involved in – they have worked for the past three years with Kelly on selling sponsorships to organizations to generate alternate sources of revenue.” Prior to selecting Kelly, the district issued a request for proposals but found that few organizations work with kindergarten through 12th grade schools on such programs. Stockwell said approval of the engagement letter, as a commitment to move forward, will allow the implementation process to begin while a formal contract is being negotiated. “The letter will give Kelly the authority to work with our booster clubs, coaches and schools to identify what they’re doing now to generate athletic revenue, while giving us time to negotiate the contract,” Stockwell said. He added that school principals and coaches “are very supportive of the plan.”

ing Resources Network to do a case study to share with districts throughout the country,” Seppi said. The districts’ boards of education approved the 10-year community education partnership in September of 2013. Since then, program details have been finalized, the website (prcommunityed. org) has been redesigned to allow for improved navigation, a program guide has been developed and program staff has been hired among other things, Seppi told the board.

For the coming school year, ParkwayRockwood Community Ed will offer a range of new and expanded programs and services for residents in a variety of areas, including aquatics, a youth basketball league at both Rockwood and Parkway locations, adult education and literacy programs, an outdoor education program at Babler State Park in Wildwood, care for school-age children at 19 Rockwood and nine Parkway locations, and visual and performing arts programs. “A new, combined program guide will hit

110,000 Rockwood and Parkway homes the second week of July,” Seppi said. He added that the new partnership is a fiscally responsible approach aimed at providing cost savings and other efficiencies, such as shared staffing and program costs and minimized duplication of services, while not sacrificing the quality of programs and services. “Work will begin this fall to create an advisory committee comprised of stakeholders from both districts,” Seppi told the Rockwood board.

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Bu llet i n Boa rd By BONNIE KRUEGER bkrueger@newsmagazinenetwork.com

Parkway student named semifinalist in Scholars Program Parkway Central High student Elaine Reichert is among only eight Missouri students honored as semifinalists in the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program for outstanding Reichert academic achievement. “The Presidential Scholars Program is one of the highest honors for high school students,” said Commissioner of Education Chris Nicastro. “I commend these outstanding seniors for their commitment to education. We can all be very proud of them.” Of the nearly 3.2 million graduating seniors in 2014, more than 4,000 were identified as candidates in the program, and 565 semifinalists were chosen from across the country. Those semifinalists formed the pool from which the 2014 U.S. Presidential Scholars were selected. The Scholars, chosen based on their academic and artistic success, leadership and school and community involvement, were honored in a ceremony June 22.

Parkway South places second in Scholar Bowl Parkway South High placed second in the Scholar Bowl District Competition at Washington High. Team members included Maya Mills, Aditya Patel, Erin Neely, Gregory James, Andy Mark, Sheldon Taylor, Priya Vangala and Blaine Hubert. Neely placed second and Patel placed fourth in the All-District competition. The Scholar Bowl features head-to-head academic team competition, quick response answers, time limits on questions and use of recognition systems by participants. The current Scholar Bowl disciplines include science, mathematics, social studies, communication arts, fine arts/performing arts and a miscellaneous category.

Rockwood student places fourth in MATHCOUNTS competition Rockwood South eighth-grade student Alan Peng and Crestview Middle eighthgrade student Eric Chien traveled to Orlando, Florida, in mid-May to the 2014 Raytheon MATHCOUNTS National Competition. More than 100,000 students from all U.S. states and territories participate in this program at the school level; however, and after chapter and state competitions, only the top 224 students earned the right to compete at the national level. Peng placed fourth in the country, making him a semifinalist and earning him a $3,000 scholarship. “I want to thank everyone who has taught, coached or supported Alan over the years in Rockwood,” said his mother, Angela Fu. “He wouldn’t have achieved so much without them!” Crestview math teacher Kelley Garbero was selected as the coach of the Missouri MATHCOUNTS team after the Crestview team won the 2014 state competition. She coached the individual top state finishers in Orlando.

Parkway Central Middle teacher wins Loeb Prize

Ryan Boeckman, a science teacher at Parkway Central Middle, is the winner of the 2014 Carol B. and Jerome T. Loeb Prize for Excellence in Teaching Science and Mathematics. “Overall my mission as a science teacher is to ignite a lifelong interest in science, engineering, math and technology,” Boeckman said. “I do truly believe this and strive every day to create an atmosphere in my classroom that promotes questioning and wonderment.” Andrea Mahon, who teaches mathematics at CBC High, was selected as the second-place honoree. The other three finalists and their schools are: John Morrison, Barat Academy; Mary Heinemann, LaSalle Springs Middle School; and Jason Zenser, Crestview Middle School. All five finalists received cash awards. The Loeb Prize, established in 1995 at

Loeb Prize winner Ryan Boeckman (center) with (from left) Finalist John Morrison, Second Place Honoree Andrea Mahon, Finalist Jason Zenser and Finalist Mary Heinemann.

the Science Center and endowed in 2002 by a generous gift from Carol B. and Jerome T. Loeb, rewards teachers who significantly enhance their students’ performance in science and mathematics. “All of our finalists this year demonstrated expertise in their subject areas, innovative teaching styles including the use of technology, and their personal commitment to the overall well-being of their students,” said Carol Loeb. “I am grateful for the opportunity to recognize these teachers for the work they do to enable their students to become the STEM leaders of tomorrow.”

Board of Trustees announced The following new members will join the Chesterfield Day School Board of Trustees in 2014/2015: Andre Dalla Ferreira, Global enterprise resource planning lead at Monsanto; Amy George Rush, an independent journalist; and Dr. Shephali Wulff, with St. Joseph Health Center in St. Charles.

Scholarship created to assist Kennedy students John F. Kennedy Catholic High held its annual Torch Society Induction on April 27, honoring alumni, benefactors and friends who best exemplify the mission of the school. Family and friends came to recognize the 2014 honorees, one of whom included the Rev. Bob Suit, president and chaplain at Kennedy Catholic, who is celebrating the 40th anniversary of his ordination this

year. In celebration of his accomplishments and induction into the Torch Society, Suit was presented with an endowed scholarship in his name. The Fr. Bob Suit Scholarship will be awarded annually to a student with a 3.0 GPA who has demonstrated financial need and is active in the Kennedy community.

Student achievement in writing Two Parkway students, Julie Nguyen of Central High and Sarah Shin of West High, received Achievement Awards in Writing from the National Council of Nguyen Teachers of English. Each student submitted two pieces of writing, which were judged on content, purpose, audience, tone, word choice, organization, development and style. Shin

Student receives aid to study Arabic abroad

Felix Cramer, an incoming senior at The Fulton School at St. Albans, received a scholarship from The National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y), a program sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, to spend his summer vacation studying Arabic in Rabat, Morocco.




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ster Christian Academy seniors Bailey Merkel and Derek Bell won their second straight championship with a victory over MICDS’ Geoffrey Raclin and Rex Serituk. In Class 2 singles, CBC’s Pozo captured the consolation championship.

Spor t s

Encore at state as WCA players win again

The MICDS Rams are the state’s new tennis champs.

By WARREN MAYES wmayes@newsmagazinenetwork.com

Molski makes history Ballwin Post 611 pitcher Brad Molski did something that has not been done in this century – throw a no-hitter. Post 611 scored a 16-1 victory against Creve Coeur Post 397. The left-handed Molski had 12 strikeouts with one walk and one batter hit by a ball. Because of the 10-run rule, the teams played just seven innings instead of nine. Post 611 coach Sean Rogan said it was the first no-hitter by a Ballwin pitcher since the early 1990’s. Molski just graduated from Lafayette High and will pitch in college at St. Charles Community College. He is in his fourth year playing for Ballwin. “He looked phenomenal,” Rogan said. “We have a radar gun and he topped out at 86 mph. He jumped ahead of the batters. He faced 27 hitters and had 21 first-pitch strikes. He was all around the strike zone.” The lopsided game with Post 397 was unusual, Rogan said. “Creve Coeur has a good team. The game got away from them. That happens in baseball sometimes,” he said. Molski also was effective in his earlier start against De Soto. “He had nine strikeouts in that game,” Rogan said. Post 611 is looking to have a good summer.

“Fortunately for us, we have a good four to five guys we can get out on the mound and pitch well for us,” Rogan said. “Brad is one the top guys. I think he’ll do well at St. Charles. I think he’ll get his fastball to 88 mph in college. “We’re lucky – he may come back next summer and play for us because he’s young enough.”

High school boys tennis Coach Patrick Huewe’s MICDS Rams recently won their second consecutive Class 1 state team championship at the Cooper Tennis Complex in Springfield. The Rams defeated John Burroughs in the semifinals and Pembroke Hill in the championship match. MICDS won both matches 5-0. The Rams did not lose a set. In Class 2, the CBC Cadets finished second in the team tournament. CBC defeated Parkway Central 5-2 in the semifinals. Alex Pozo, Max Leach, Dan Wolf and Andrew Knight won singles matches while the clinching doubles win was by the No. 1 duo of Pozo and Eric Hansen. Parkway Central’s Anirudh Gururaj and Jack Bridge also won matches. In the championship game, CBC lost 5-0 to defending champion Rockhurst. In Class 1 singles play, MICDS’ Tyler Raclin finished second. John Burroughs junior Michael Peters defeated Raclin 7-5, 6-0. In Class 2 doubles play, Westmin-

Westminster Christian seniors Derek Bell and Bailey Merkel knew what they wanted to do for an encore. The tandem captured the Class 1 state doubles championship at the Cooper Tennis Complex in Springfield last year under former coach Nathan Talley for the first boys doubles state win for Westminster. This year, the goal was to repeat. And they did. Bell and Merkel played their last match and scored a 6-2, 4-6, 7-5 win over MICDS’ Geoffrey Raclin and Rex Serituk. “It was just an amazing experience winning as a senior,” Bell said. “Winning last year for our coach was special because he had never had a state champion. Winning this year was just like we knew we belonged as state champions. “We’ve won it twice. Now we belong with all the past state champions. It’s a great feeling.” Merkel agreed. “That was our goal the whole season – win state again,” Merkel said. “Everything we did was us getting ready to try to go back to state. We were looking forward to that the entire season. [Editor’s Note: For more on this story, visit newsmagazinenetwork.com.]

High school girls soccer St. Joseph’s Academy won its first state championship since 2002. The Angels slipped past St. Teresa’s Academy Stars 3-2 in double overtime to claim the Class 3 state championship at Blue Springs South High. Senior striker Kaley Nieters scored the game-winning goal after getting a pass from senior Alli Magaletta. It is the Angels’ seventh state title. They earned this one as St. Joseph’s trailed 2-0 at halftime.

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St. Joseph’s finished 23-1. The Stars wound up 22-1.

High school boys track Lafayette High finished second in the recent Class 4 high school boys track and field championship at Dwight T. Reed Stadium in Jefferson City. That finish tied the highest- ever finish for the Lancers. It also was the first state trophy for Lafayette since 1996. Winning the championship was Blue Springs High with 83 points. Lafayette was second with 44. Other local team results were: CBC in fourth with 35 points, and Eureka and Parkway Central tying for 12th with 20 points. Lafayette sophomore Dylan Quisenberry won the 800-meter run with a time of 1 minutes, 54.52 seconds. He also was second in the 1,600 with a time of 4:11.70. Lafayette’s 3,200 relay team came in second in 7:47.73. In the 400, Jarred Pasley, of CBC, finished second in 47.91 seconds. CBC won the 1,600 relay in 3:14.98. The Cadets finished just short of Hazelwood East’s 3:14.04 record time, set in 1986. Cadets on the relay were Dominic Vaiana, Stephan Hickman, Jerrick Powell and Pasley. Eureka’s 400 relay team came in second in 42.07 seconds. Khalen Saunders, of Parkway Central, finished second in the shot put with a throw of 58 feet, 1 inch. In Class 3, MICDS finished 17th with 13 points, and Kennedy tied for 32nd with six points.

High school girls track Eureka junior Hannah Long had a state championship to remember. She competed in four events at the recent Class 4 high school girls track and field championship at Dwight T. Reed Stadium in Jefferson City – and won all four for the first time in her running career. Long won the 3,200 in 10:34.26, the 1,600 in 4:46.21 and the 800 in 2:10.78. She also ran on Eureka’s 3,200 relay, which won with a time of 9:11.20. As a team, Eureka finished fourth with 40 points.



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Final member of water polo family says goodbye to Parkway West By WARREN MAYES 1984,” Gregg said. wmayes@newsmagazinenetwork.com Josh said he was glad to have them in the Parkway West senior Josh Emde has stands watching, especially when he scored bragging rights on his brother, Steven, and what turned out to be the game-winning goal. father, Gregg. Senior Ryan Schlueter passed to Josh, who All three won state water polo champi- scored second goal with 2:57 remaining. onships in their senior year. However, Josh “He was at about the 7 meter and stepped was a sophomore when Steven was a senior, in and shot across the goal’s upper corner,” so he has two state titles to his credit. Parkway West coach Charlie Cutelli said. But when Josh pointed out that fact to “It was well placed. Steven, his brother had a ready answer. “He came back with the fact that he won Player of the Year two years in a row,” Josh said. Recently, secondseeded Parkway West scored a 13-12 victory over the top-seeded St. Louis University High Junior Billikens to win the Missouri Water Polo championship game at the RecPlex in St. Peters. It’s Emde family members (from left) Steven, Gregg and Josh a title that Josh said meant more to him personally. “Josh is expected to be a great defender “While I liked wining with my brother two for us. He did this all year. In the title game years ago, I was only able to play for two though he stepped in and scored two big quarters in that game,” Josh said. “However, goals for us. He is tenacious and does not this time I was able to play the whole game like to lose. He takes pride in denying the with people I have been playing water polo other teams best player from scoring.” with since elementary school.” Naturally, Gregg said he was proud of It was the third state championship for the way Josh played. the Longhorns. Parkway West won in 1984, “The semifinal and the final, he was when Gregg was a senior, and in 2012, everywhere,” Gregg said. “As a coach, when Steven was a senior. you love to see big players play big in big Both Gregg, who coached at Parkway games. When it also is your kid … well, West and now directs the Mad Dog Water I’m very blessed and lucky.” Polo Club, and Steven were at the title game. Gregg said it seemed just like yesterday Steven was home from the United States watching Steven’s state title game. Naval Academy. “I remember almost everything about “It was especially neat to have Steven Steven’s game,” Gregg said. “He also had next to me during the game this year,” a huge game that day despite being double Gregg said. “He happened to be home for and triple covered. He played really well a few weeks from the Academy and was when it mattered the most.” able to be here for his brother and friends Gregg said he recalls his own championfor the entire tournament. He is a mentor ship game as well. His Longhorns scored for a lot of the players that were on the an 8-4 victory over Clayton. team when he was a senior. I think that he “When I was on the team, we were very difwas able to provide some inspiration and ferent from the crowd,” Gregg said. “There motivation. was a core group of us that had played year “I couldn’t be more proud of both of them round together for four years and we knew and the commitment they showed over the that it would be hard to beat us our senior years to be in a position to win. To actually do year. We had some very special athletes.” it is more fantastic than one could hope for, The sport has been good to the Emde though we did hope and they did the work.” family, who live in Ballwin. Gregg said there was another important “Polo has been very important to us as person at the title game. the boys grew older, they focused more “Our coach from 1984 (Pete Nardie) was on the game and my wife became very in the stands rooting on the Longhorns … involved so it became a part of our identity and he was wearing his lucky shirt from for sure,” Gregg said.



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ou’re ou’re ther y ther y t. Whe s handling, t. Whe s handling, r r u u o o c c e im Andre’s @ Carriage House @ Fox Run Golf Club ff the -star claim of your r clayou n off th asave f your ecould pmotorcycles ll ppen o Get pre-qualified for a cars car toloan that e e ohundreds.* nlet From trucks RVs, hapSteve r ll-stato ta Agent ct oAgent s oMartinez, ists ha savings or a Contact on Sean J Sortor, istsand g s s 1 Putt Lane | Eureka, MO 63025 n in s s v o a a ® a C t t . all 63011 g sBallwin, finance or refinance your vehicles. State63017 Farm Bank tes AS LOW AS eates ping e big. State Chesterfield, MO ppinif ore big MO e greaa good Bank® run theTnumbers our rates -stosee hwith day. might help you The gr r show-stop lp you scor nLet today. Farm ou s®c®.great Bank neighbor showto % ents to Farm. elp yBus: ® age ts forMartinez m. APR* g he h r a g fo g a Bus: 636-532-0044 636-227-7888 to to F 2.34 in in l l k k Steve Ins Agcy Inc Sortor Insurance Agcy Inc m m Steve Martinez Ins Agcy Inc Sortor Insurance Agcy Inc il il upgrade your new car options. o o te sk sk TODAY lo lo AN AGENT CALL Far ® Get State Far ®MORE te FOR et StaINFORMATION ve the local State ve theMartinez, StaAgent Steve Sean J Sortor,Sean AgentJ Sortor, Agent Martinez, www.sortoragency.com www.stevemartinez.net cal Steve te . te . GAgent e haCOMPETITIVE lo ta ta we ha w ON OUR RATES. S S r r ette MO 63011 Ballwin, MO Chesterfield, MO 63017 MO 63017 Ballwin, Chesterfield, b63011 a bette GET TO A BETTER STATE.® et to a Bus: 636-227-7888 Get to Bus:G636-227-7888 Bus: 636-532-0044 Bus: 636-532-0044 CONTACT THESE AGENTS TODAYwww.stevemartinez.net FOR INFORMATION OR VISIT THEM ONLINE. www.sortoragency.com www.stevemartinez.net www.sortoragency.com



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Matt Greer, Agent Chesterfield, MO 63017 Bus: 314-576-9900 www.mattgreerinsurance.com

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statefarm.com Matt Greer,requirements. Agent ® The rate Mikel Agent Greer, Agentat the youGarrett, receive may be higher. Advertised rates areMatt subject to change vary depending on your individual circumstances. 14323 S Outer 40 Rd discretion. 16437Some Village Plaza and Viewservices Dr 14323 Outer 40 Rd Bank’s products may not be available inapproval allSservice areas. *Annual Percentage Rate (APR) as of 11/20/13. Subject to credit and other 1308160 1308160 State Farm, Home Office, Bloomington, ILat Bloomington, State Farm, Home Office, IL Chesterfield, 63017 TheWildwood, MO 63011 Chesterfield, MOchange 63017 1303067MO 10/13 Farm Bank, F.S.B., Bloomington, requirements. rateState you receive may be higher. Advertised rates are IL subject to the Farm Bank, F.S.B. P096011.1 Bank’s discretion. Some productsState and services may not be available in314-576-9900 all service areas. Bus: 314-576-9900 Bus: 636-458-5055 Bus: Bloomington, IL State Farm Bank, F.S.B. P096011.1 www.mattgreerinsurance.com www.mikelgarrett.com www.mattgreerinsurance.com Bloomington, IL

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Healt h Capsu les

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, most of those infected with shigellosis have symptoms that include diarrhea, fever and stomach cramps a day or two after exposure to a group of bacteria called Shigella. The infection usually resolves in five to seven days and rarely requires hospitalization; however, a severe infection with high fever may be associated with seizures in children younger than age 2. In the first six months of 2013, the St. Louis County Department of Health received reports of only two cases of shigellosis in the area, compared to 71 reports during the same period this year, with a large proportion occurring among staff and attendees of daycare centers and their families. The infection is more common in the summer than in the winter. Noting that shigellosis is highly contagious, Health Department officials recommended that area residents take In 43 U.S. states, it is illegal for anyone to text while driving, and in some states, it is against the following precautions to stop it from the law to drive while talking on a handheld phone. Distracted driving laws for each state can spreading further: be found at distraction.gov. • Practice proper hand washing, particularly after using the bathroom, after changthe absence of any other traffic violation. ing diapers and before and after eating. Distracted driving laws: Other regulations were enacted as second• Parents should make sure children with know before you go ary laws, which means a driver only can diarrhea do not attend daycare, are taken to According to a survey taken last month, be ticketed for a distracted driving offense see a medical provider, and remain at home 83 percent of Americans plan to take at if he/she has been pulled over for another until released by the Department of Health least one road trip this summer, and many violation, such as speeding. to return to daycare. will travel through multiple states. While For specific laws on distracted driving in • Daycare operators should exclude all ill it never is a good idea to drive while every U.S. state, visit distraction.gov. children and staff from attendance or work. distracted, in some states driving while Every effort should be made to maintain texting and/or driving while talking on a the highest level of sanitation in each handheld phone is illegal. Forty-three U.S. Shigellosis in St. Louis County center by reinforcing the need for frequent states have a ban on text messaging for all The St. Louis County Department hand washing and for careful attention to drivers, and 12 states prohibit the use of of Health earlier this month issued a press disinfection of toys and surfaces, particuhandheld cellphones while driving. release urging area residents to take Pacific steps Car larly around diapering areas. Cruise_News 6/12/2014 11:57 AM Page 1 In some instances, distracted driving to stop the spread of shigellosis, a bacterial • If a person has been ill with shigellaws are primary laws, which means an infection that often affects toddlers in day- losis, he or she should refrain from recofficer can ticket a driver for the offense in care settings but affects older people as well. reational water venues for one week after


all symptoms resolve. • Food handlers should be excluded from work during an illness and until they have been released by the Department of Health to return to work. • Health care providers who suspect a diagnosis of shigellosis should report it to the St. Louis County Department of Health by calling (314) 615-1630 so measures to prevent its spread can be rapidly undertaken. To learn more, visit cdc.gov, and enter “shigellosis” in the search box.

Spacing pregnancies The amount of time between giving birth to one baby and conceiving another child affects pregnancy length, a recent study showed. Birth records of more than 450,000 women who had two or more pregnancies in a six-year period revealed that more than half (53.3 percent) of mothers who became pregnant less than a year after giving birth delivered before 39 weeks gestation. On the other hand, among women who conceived a child 18 months or longer after giving birth, 37.5 percent delivered before 39 weeks. The rate of preterm birth (before 37 weeks gestation) was more than double for women who became pregnant less than a year after giving birth, compared to women who conceived 18 or more months after having another child (20.1 percent vs. 7.7. percent). “We know that inadequate birth spacing is associated with more adverse pregnancy outcomes, including preterm birth,” said John Thorp, editor of BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, which published the study. “This large, population-based study further strengthens this and puts more emphasis on the importance of optimal birth spacing, of 18 months or more, especially among women with additional risk factors for preterm birth.”



Color blindness by the numbers

Don’t drink the water

Results of a major study showed that Caucasian boys are more likely to be color blind than boys who are AfricanAmerican, Asian or Hispanic. The study also confirmed that there is a much greater prevalence of color blindness among boys than among girls. Specifically, researchers from the Multi-Ethnic Pediatric Eye Disease Study Group who tested more than 4,000 preschoolers found the following prevalence of color blindness: • 5.6 percent of Caucasian boys • 3.1 percent of Asian boys • 2.6 percent of Hispanic boys •1.4 percent of African-American boys • 0-0.5 percent of girls of all ethnicities The most common form of color blindness is genetic and involves an inability to distinguish between red and green. Early diagnosis of color blindness is important because it can impact school performance and therefore presents a need for adaptive learning tools and strategies. Research indicates that successful color vision screening can begin at age 4. The study was published in Ophthalmology, the journal of the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Water safety is a big issue this time of year, and one of the most commonly overlooked dangers of swimming are the bacteria and parasites that lurk in the water itself. “One of the worst offenders is the kiddie wading pool,” cautioned Dr. Christopher Ohl, professor of infectious diseases at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. “Warm, shallow water and kids in swim diapers – which don’t do a good job of containing feces – can create a perfect breeding ground for waterborne infections, even though the water is chlorinated. The best way to prevent young children from getting sick is to keep them from swallowing that water.” Ohl noted also that swallowing water from freshwater lakes, springs and streams can lead to infections from bacteria deposited by animals that drink from the water.

On the calendar “Perfectly Pink,” a cooking class featuring a menu of pink foods that may lower the risk of breast cancer, is from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Monday, June 30 at Dierbergs, 1322 Clarkson/Clayton Center in Ellisville. A DTR and a registered dietician from Missouri Baptist Medical Center present the program. The class fee is $32. To register, visit dierbergs.com/school, or call 394-95004.

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Chesterfield’s annual Safety Town caters to city’s youngest citizens By MARY ADCOCK “Have any of you ever been bit by a dog or cat?” Animal Protective Agency employee Barb Gehringer asked during animal safety day at Safety Town in Chesterfield on June 12. The APA speaker had brought her dog, Maggie, to visit with the attending children and help them practice interacting with animals safely. For their part, the children continually jumped out of their chairs with hands raised to answer Gehringer’s questions. Safety Town is one of the most popular programs offered by the city of Chesterfield, according to Police Officer Paul Powers. Each summer, 190 to 200 children ages 4 to 6 are enrolled while another 40 to 50 are put on a waiting list. The two-week program runs from June 2 through July 17 and consists of six sessions – one each morning from 10 a.m.-noon and another in the afternoon from 1-3 p.m. In addition to Chesterfield police officers, students from local middle and high schools volunteer at Safety Town. “They’re a big part of the class – the volunteers,” Powers said. “I don’t know if we’d be able to run the program without them.” At Safety Town, many topics are taught, such as what police officers look like and do; car, bike, bus, poison, fire, pedestrian, animal and playground safety; and the danger of strangers. In the last 10 minutes of class, parents are told what their children learned. According to Powers, the program seeks to keep lessons engaging and fun. Different learning styles are accommodated by including speakers for auditory learners, educational cartoon videos for more visual learners and kinetic learning for those who

Animal protective Agency employee Barb Gehringer and Safety Town participants.

must practice in order to learn. Safety Town playground, outside Parkway’s Early Childhood Center, where the Safety Town program is administered, includes pedal cars and pretend streets, crosswalks and sidewalks, for kinetic learners. Some students pedal the cars while others are pedestrians, enabling the children to practice street safety without the dangers of crossing a real road. Powers said he feels the program also aids in getting young children accustomed to a school environment, because, even for children who have been in preschool, Safety Town is a more structured learning setting. “It’s a really good program,” Powers said. ••• Mary Adcock is a Rockwood School District Project Interface intern.





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Bu si ness PEOPLE

Several new real estate agents have joined Prudential Select Properties at its Town & Country office, including (clockwise from left) Zahraa Ali, John Brinckwirth (not pictured), Maria Gianino, Gabor Javurek (not pictured) and Joe Minella. ••• Town Center Dermatology in Wildwood has added Sara Stephenson, PA-C, as a physician assistant. •••

which features a TRX® Suspension Training XPlode Zone and more than 30 additional machines, along with new weight training equipment. ••• BSR Services, owned by Creve Coeur resident Carl Bolm, recently became the first midwest company to earn certification through the Accredited Snow Contractors Association (ASCA). The company, which is St. Louis’ largest locally owned and operated snow and ice management provider, is the second in the country to achieve this accreditation. ••• Assistance League of St. Louis has received a $3,000 grant from Cardinals Care, the St. Louis Cardinals Community Fund. The grant is designated to help fund the league’s Operation School Bell philanthropic program, which provides new uniform-type school clothing to deserving students in the St. Louis community.

AWARDS AND HONORS The Rotary Club of West St. Louis

County recently honored two St. Louis Community College students and one faculty member with community awards. Denise Deavenport and Branden Schweiss were given the Collegiate Volunteer Leadership Award, each receiving a $500 scholarship. Syed Chowdhury, Ph.D., associate professor of science at STLCC-Wildwood, received the Excellence in Teaching Award. ••• St. Luke’s Hospital has received the Healthcare Financial Management Association‚ 2014 MAP Award for High Performance in Revenue Cycle. Winners of this national award demonstrate innovative revenue cycle practices that deliver sustainable financial performance. St. Luke’s is one of only 16 recipients of the award in the U.S. and the only winner in the St. Louis area. ••• U.S.News and World Report has ranked St. Louis Children’s Hospital-Washington University among the nation’s best in its 10 designated “Best Children’s Hospital” specialties. The publication recently released its annual “Best Children’s Hospitals” edition, along with a new methodology used to prepare the rankings. St. Louis Children’s is the only Missouri hospital to rank in all 10 specialties surveyed.

EVENTS AND NETWORKING The Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce holds a Connecting Chamber Women “Mrs. Fix-It” event, an afternoon of home and car maintenance, on Thursday, June 26, from 4:30-6 p.m. at the Chesterfield Parks and Recreation Building, 17891 North Outer Forty Road. Cost is $15 for chamber members and $20 for non-members. To register, contact the chamber office at 532-3399. ••• The Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce hosts a First Thursday Coffee networking event on Thursday, July 10, from 7:30-9 a.m. at Cornerstone Mortgage,17280 North Outer Forty Road. The event is free for chamber members and $15 for non-members. Register online at chesterfieldmochamber.com or call the chamber office at 532-3399. ••• West County Young Professionals hosts a networking happy hour on Thursday, July 17, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Bravo! Cucina Italiana, located in West County Center. Members and non-members are welcome. Registratoin is online at westcountychamber.com or by emailing Deb Pinson at dpinson@westcountychamber. com.


Paul Lints has joined First Bank as a vice president and private banker in the Wealth Management Group. His office will be located at First Bank’s Lints Creve Coeur branch at11901 Olive Boulevard.

PLACES Rick’s Ace Hardware owner Rick Baal is opening a new store in Ellisville. The new 14,000-square-foot Rick’s Ace Hardware store, at 15870 Clayton Road, is scheduled to open in early September. ••• The Wildwood Family YMCA recently held a ribbon cutting to celebrate its new Free Weight and Functional Fitness Area,

Now in a neighborhood near you Prudential Alliance, REALTORS® has become part of the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices network, celebrating with a ribbon cutting on June 17. The company, which currently has eight offices throughout the St. Louis metropolitan area, will operate as Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Alliance Real Estate. Since its September 2013 launch, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices has grown to more than 29,000 agents and 825 offices operating in 39 states.

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Official Government Holiday The U.S. Congress established Independence Day as a holiday in 1870, and in 1938 Congress reaffirmed it as a holiday, but with full pay for federal employees.

$646,452 This was the dollar value of U.S. flag exports in 2002. Japan was the leading customer, purchasing $86,189 worth.

Fire up that BBQ! More than 74 million Americans will bbq today. Over an estimated 150 million hot dogs will be consumed on July 4th.





2014 Friday

July 4th Bluebird Park

Independence Day 5K and Kids Fun Run .......7:30 am Smash Band ....................................................7:00 - 10:45 pm Independence Day Ceremony ........................8:00 - 8:15 pm Fireworks Display ...........................................9:30 - 10:00 pm ACTIVITIES & GAMES (6-9 PM)

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Accessible parking will be in Bluebird Park. Shuttle bus service to and from Bluebird Park will be available at Bussmann by Eaton (located at 114 Old State Road) and FCC Corporation (formally known as Fru-Con, located at the northwest corner of Clarkson and Clayton Road), starting at 5:30 p.m. and going until 11:00 p.m. Limited seating will be available and NO glass bottles or pets will be allowed inside the park during celebration.

For more information call (636) 227-7508 or visit www.ellisville.mo.us


Local celebrations offer fun for all By MARY ADCOCK In a dazzling explosion of color, light and sound, fireworks are truly a grand finale. But long before the first rocket hits the sky, there is plenty of fun to be found at West County Fourth of July celebrations. In Ellisville, the day gets started early with the annual Independence Day 5K Run/Walk and 1-Mile Kids’ Run. Spectators are encouraged, so even if you are not into running, there is no reason to miss out on the fun. And with most of the area’s activities taking place at night, you’ll still have time to visit a local pool during the day. Most pools will adhere to normal business hours on July 4; however, the Chesterfield Aquatic Center and The Lodge Des Peres will be following holiday schedules of 10 a.m.-8 p.m. and 11 a.m.-6 p.m., respectively. Beginning at 6 p.m., the first of the local festivities kicks off with food, music and kids’ activities taking center stage. Here are the details to help you plan your day. Chesterfield holds its ninth annual 4th of July Fireworks Celebration at 7 p.m. on the Chesterfield Mall parking lot between Macy’s and Dillards. Entertainment includes the Vote for Pedro Band on the Jim Butler Kia Main Stage and the Commerce Bank Kid Zone featuring clowns, the techno bubbles’ Bubble Bus, a stilt walker, bounce houses, giant slides and airbrush tattoos. Parking is available on the lots surrounding Chesterfield Mall with shuttle buses, including wheelchair accessible vehicles, stopping along Chesterfield Center Drive to pick up and drop off passengers. Plan to enjoy a food truck feast or pack

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your own picnic supper. Just remember, while lawn chairs, beverages and refreshments are welcome, glass containers are not. For more information, call 537-4000 or visit chesterfield.mo.us. ••• Ellisville’s annual Independence Celebration takes place at Bluebird Park, 225 Kiefer Creek Road, with activities in the morning and at night. At 7:30 a.m., runners take to the streets of Ellisville and Ballwin as the Independence Day 5K Run/Walk gets underway. The run begins and ends in Bluebird Park and features slight inclines, gentle hills, and flat stretches as it winds through the park, Klamberg Conservation Area and neighborhood streets. A free 1-Mile Kids’ Run takes place immediately following See JULY FOURTH, page 40

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event; however, information on accessible parking can be obtained by contacting 938-6775. ••• Manchester’s annual Party in the Park begins at 6 p.m. in Paul A. Schroeder Park, 359 Old Meramec Station Road, with ShBoom taking the stage and fireworks following.Not to be deterred by weather, the rain date of Party in the Park is set for Saturday, July 5. Call 391-6326 or visit manchestermo.gov for more information.

Barbecue competition scheduled


Insurance subject to terms, qualifications and availability. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company, Allstate Indemnity Company, Allstate Insurance Company. Life insurance and annuities issued by Lincoln Benefit Life Company, Lincoln, NE, Allstate Life Insurance Company, Northbrook, IL, and American Heritage Life Insurance Company, Jacksonville, FL. In New York, Allstate Life Insurance Company of New York, Hauppauge, NY. Northbrook, IL. © 2010 Allstate Insurance Company.

veterans throughout the community. The evening features kids’ activities the 5K Run. Register and learn more at and a car show in addition to live music independenceday5k.itsyourrace.com. All performed by Borderline at 7:30 p.m. and proceeds benefit the Special Operations fireworks from 9:30-10 p.m. Warrior Project. The West St. Louis County Lions will At 6 p.m., food and beverage vendors open sell concessions and attendees are welfor business along with games and activi- come to bring their own refreshments; ties including a slide, obstacle course, Euro however, no glass bottles are allowed. Bungy, bounce house and climbing wall. Animals other than service animals also The Smash Band performs from 7-10:45 are not allowed in the park. p.m., taking breaks for an Independence Day Onsite parking is not available for this ceremony at 8 p.m. and fireworks at 9:30 p.m. Call 227-7508 or visit ellisville.mo.us for more information. ••• Close enough to view the Bluebird Park The BB-KLOU World Porksteak fireworks, St. John Church in Ellisville, at Championship will take place on July 15800 Manchester Road, hosts an Inde4 on the BBQ ASAP parking lot, 15581 pendence Day celebration from 6-10 p.m. Manchester Road in Ballwin. This charity Attendees are welcome to bring chairs event is a backyard barbecue competition, and blankets – and can enjoy food, beverwhich means only mass-produced grills ages and games for the kids. Parking and and ugly drum smokers are allowed. admission are free. “This makes the competition a more Performing throughout the night are level playing field,” explained Jim Ranmusical acts Double Clique at 6 p.m., Dylan dall, co-owner of BBQ ASAP. Becker at 7 p.m., and Irie Sun at 8 p.m. Competitors can compete in four catContact 394-4100 or visit stjstl.net for egories including porksteaks, chicken more information. wings, ribs and tri-tips. The entry fee ••• is $100 per team with cash prizes given Eureka gets its 4th of July Celebration for the top five finishers and additional underway at 7 p.m. in Lions Park, 400 trophies given to the top three. Teams can register online at bbqasap.com. Bald Hill Road, and is dedicated to military


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For $15, spectators can sample the goods and help name a winner in the People’s Choice chicken wings; $10 more allows adults to sample some of the area’s best home brews in the beer garden. All proceeds from the event will support Urban K-Life, to help make a positive impact on the lives of urban teens. “There also will be a Kids’ Corner with a bounce house, face painting and other activities,” Randall said. “And live music all day long, with Cashmere performing from 1-3 p.m., Bill Forness from 4-6 p.m., and Almost Heroes from 6:30-9:30 p.m. – that’s when the first firework will go up at Bluebird Park.”

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Fireworks can pose unexpected danger By DAN FOX dfox@newsmagazinenetwork.com While few things can be quite as spectacular as a full-blown fireworks display, improper or unprofessional handling of fireworks can easily cause harm to bystanders, friends and family. The Eureka Fire Protection District advises first and foremost that anyone thinking about using fireworks where they live makes sure that action is legal. Eureka, Wildwood and St. Louis County have laws prohibiting the use of fireworks. Additionally, the Eureka FPD recommends keeping any fireworks out of the hands of minors and discussing safety issues regarding fireworks with children. Fireworks can also pose a danger to buildings and property. According to the National Fire Protection Association, more fires are reported in the U.S. on a typical Fourth of July than on any other day of the year, and fireworks account for more than half of those fires. The NFPA also claim that in 2010, fireworks caused an estimated 15,500 reported fires, including 1,100 total structure fires, 300 vehicle fires, and 14,100 outside and other fires. These fires resulted in an estimated eight reported deaths, 60 injuries and $36 million in direct property damage. Fireworks sales are legal in Missouri from June 20 to July 10, but only from licensed seasonal retailers – and local municipal ordinances trump state law. The Missouri Department of Public Safety recommends taking the following precautions when using fireworks at home. • Always wear eye protection and earplugs if you have sensitive ears. • Tie back long hair and don’t wear loose fitting clothes.

• Only light one firework at a time. • Never try to re-light fireworks that have malfunctioned. • Never have any part of your body over fireworks. • Keep young children away from fireworks. • Never throw or point fireworks at other people. • Never carry fireworks in your pocket. • Make sure to have water nearby in case of a fire or an accident. • Dispose of fireworks by soaking them in water and leaving them in a trash can. • Never light fireworks indoors. • Don’t use fireworks while consuming alcohol. Use a “designated shooter.” • Store fireworks in a cool, dry place. • Don’t save fireworks from season to season. To keep those furry family companions safe, the Eureka FPD also has a list of precautions to take in regards to pets. The FPD’s website warns that pets can often feel scared by fireworks, and that scared pets can react by running away from home or destroying property. • Don’t Take your pets to fireworks displays. • Don’t leave your pets in a car by themselves. • Don’t leave your pets unattended outside. • During public fireworks displays, keep your pets in a safe place indoors where they won’t be able to destroy anything. If the home isn’t soundproof, consider leaving the television or radio on so the pet doesn’t hear the fireworks. • Consult the veterinarian ahead of the Fourth of July if a pet has a tendency to overreact to loud noises.

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Fanning the Flames of Success

Jennifer Stanfill (top photo), Xanthe Meyer (seond photo) and Parkway Central student Sydney Smotherson with fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi at the Contemporary Art Museum in St. Louis

Parkway School District is poised to ignite a spark for students and local businesses

By BONNIE KRUEGER bkrueger@newsmagazinenetwork.com Great ideas often start with a spark of inspiration. And Parkway thinks it has just that spark. In fact, the school district’s new entrepreneurial program – launching this fall – is aptly named Spark! and promises to help selected students generate creative solutions to real-world problems. The only local public school program of its kind, Spark! will help students develop the skill sets necessary to move an idea from light bulb to launch pad. Students will learn the stages of ideation, business development, pitch proposals and business implementation, using critical thinking skills to grow ideas to the next level. And to give the program a truly real-world feel, Spark! also will offer an engaging, off-site, creative space component where students will have access to business mentors and other community resources to help support them in the development of a start-up company, social enterprise or nonprofit organization. Spark! participants will have the opportunity to work with industry professionals and attend entrepreneurial events such as One Million Cups, a weekly networking program sponsored by the Nine Network of Public Media; visits to local incubators and collaborative workspaces, and more. While the model for this program comes from the Blue Valley (Overland Park, Kansas) Unified School District’s Center for Advanced Professional Studies (CAPS), the program is in a constant state of development and growth as the innovative Spark! team prepares for its launch. Jennifer Stanfill, Parkway’s coordinator of career & technical education and partnerships, asks: “How do we expect (students) to respond to an ever-changing world if we don’t immerse them (in it)?” “Great entrepreneurs question the status

quo,” she explained. Visiting business incubators, or accelerators, such as T-REX in downtown St. Louis and the Helix Center Biotech Incubator in Creve Coeur, has been an important step in developing a prototype and model for the program. Through making various entrepreneurial contacts, Stanfill’s team also has been creating a diverse group of external business experts to support Parkway’s efforts. “We will continue to make business contacts. As word spreads we hope that local companies will understand how working with us can be mutually beneficial. Right now, we have a number of CEOs who want to be the point-person and be mentors to our students,” Stanfill said. “It’s exciting to get such solid support.”

be engaged with the Spark! program. In addition, students will be encouraged to select an additional teacher outside of the program for continued support throughout the school year. Juniors and seniors from all five high schools – West, South, North, Central and Fern Ridge – were invited to apply for one of the 15 positions available. In the end, 18 students were selected. “Our application process was unconventional, you might say. We did not look at GPAs or attendance. We asked students to submit a 60-second video to pitch a product or service idea,” Stanfill explained. “If students did not have a specific idea, they pitched themselves and spoke of how they could support the launch of a new product or service idea.” Of the 18 students, 11 pitched an idea, but The countdown begins Stanfill said once in the program they may With the program launching this fall, the choose to go in a different direction and lend team is working to put the final details into support rather than taking the lead. place, including the exact locations for its “Bill Gates did not become the richest man offsite component. In truth, there may be in the world by himself. It took a team of talmultiple sites depending on the students’ ented, dedicated people working as support interests and needs. staff to get him where he is today. We want to “We don’t know what we don’t know,” affirm all aspects of being an entrepreneur as Stanfill said with a chuckle. “Just like the part of Spark!,” she said. students, we will be problem-solving and The program is designed for five to seven learning from our first-year launch.” hours of offsite learning per week – giving Stanfill adds that making mistakes and students two career and technical educaclearing up misconceptions is a valuable part tion credits toward graduation. Stanfill said of the process for students. whether the offsite component is accom“This is a safe environment for our kids to plished over a two-day period or more each get real-world experience and have the same week is entirely dependent on the student’s highs and lows they will encounter in life,” course workload and availability to travel to she said. their designated workspace. While Stanfill and her team will work more behind the scenes, Parkway South High She has the spark teacher Xanthe Meyer will work out front Among the inaugural 18 students is Cenwith the students to ensure their success. tral High senior Sydney Smotherson, an Meyer has a background in marketing edu- up-and-coming fashion designer. Smothcation and has served as a DECA advisor for erson admits fashion has not always been the past 18 years. While she will still teach her passion, although she has always been in the classroom part-time, she primarily will artistic and creative.



“I made my first fashion sketches in the seventh grade. I began my fashion ‘career’ by selling custom headbands,” Smotherson said. In eighth grade, she received a Parkway Alumni Association (PAA) Granting Dreams grant for a sewing machine. That, she said, jump-started her headband business. But it was after being invited backstage at the Sheer Elegance Fashion Show in late 2012 that Smotherson developed her true passion for fashion designing. “I had the opportunity to meet Michael Drummond and A. J. Thouvenot of ‘Project Runway’,” Smotherson said. A few months later she visited the Contemporary Arts Museum St. Louis and had the opportunity to speak with fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi. “I asked his advice on how to get into the business and gave him my business card. I must have made a favorable impression because he made reference to me in an interview a few weeks later,” Smotherson said. In the five months following the Sheer Elegance show, Smotherson designed 17 outfits, including knit dresses, knit tops and skirts. She specializes in breathable fabrics and considers her pieces to be “trendsetting with a wow factor.” She held her first fashion show consisting of 11 outfits in May 2013, and continues to have fashion shows on a regular basis. A true entrepreneur, she is in the process of putting together a team of models, makeup and hair stylists, and media specialists that will serve as her runway team on a consistent basis. “I am not in a position to pay my team but I hope it will be mutually beneficial,” Smotherson said. “I find the best students in their fields and they get experience and exposure as we network together.” It’s not surprising that Smotherson was accepted into Spark!, but she admits she still has much to learn. She said she hopes the program can help her continue to reach her goals. Smotherson’s business manager and mom, Donna Parks, agreed that they are navigating the steps of operating a limited liability company (LLC) as they go and look forward to the Spark! program. “We would like to learn the legalities of owning a business and how to bring her pieces into production both online and in boutiques,” Parks said. Already Parkway, or rather its alumni association, has stepped up to help. Smotherson recently was awarded a $1,000 Thomas E. Phelps Entrepreneurship Fund grant.

Fund with an initial gift of $50,000. Students were then encouraged to apply for a grant to help make their business venture a reality. “This is unprecedented opportunity for our students,” said Jan Misuraca, PAA executive director and one of the business experts working with Spark! “The current and future business environment will require young grads to think critically, solve problems and innovate, plus manage their business using technology. The PAA and the Phelps family are thrilled to provide them with a boost to get them started.” In addition to Smotherson, South 2014 graduate Robert Losby received a $1,000 grant. Losby also was the 2013 recipient of the Louis S. Sachs Scholarship presented annually to entrepreneurial students by Progress 64 West. Losby won that award on the merit of his business plan for “Losby Care,” a successful home and pet care business he already owns and operates. As previously reported in West Newsmagazine, he was one of 20 area students who submitted business plan executive summaries for consideration by the Progress 64 West scholarship committee.

A springboard for future success While the Spark! program is designed for the 174-day school year, Stanfill hopes it becomes a springboard for its participants’ future success. In fact, leveraging post-secondary schools to continue the support begun in Spark! is another one of the program’s objectives. “We hope all of the students who are poised to go to college will still pursue those goals,” Stanfill said. “But it would be nice if some of these students come back to St. Louis post-college and continue their entrepreneurial dreams. Alternately, perhaps with the contacts they make while in Spark!, they will be offered internships or jobs with some of our business groups.” For her part Smotherson already is looking ahead. After graduation next spring, she hopes to attend either Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) or Parsons New School of Design, both in New York, to pursue a bachelor of fine arts degree in fashion design. “They are the number one and two fashion design schools in the U.S. Since I am beginning my senior year, finding out about scholarships and grants will be a high priority for me as I begin my college application process,” Smotherson said. She knows she is not alone. “Parkway has been so supportive and Unprecedented opportunities really jump-started my student career. Phelps was an entrepreneur and philan- Administrators and teachers have told me thropist who mentored many St. Louis area I’m becoming a household name within students. Although he was not a Parkway the district,” Smotherson said. “Having the graduate, he was a resident of the district opportunity to be part of Spark! is really for several years until his death in 2012. To a great last step of my Parkway education. honor his memory, Phelps’ wife, Trent, cre- I really appreciate this opportunity to take ated the Thomas E. Phelps Entrepreneurship my company to the next level.”


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Com mu n it y Event s ART


Chesterfield Arts summer camps for kids in pre-K through 12th grade and evening classes for children and adults are offered through Aug. 20 at Westminster Christian Academy, 800 Maryville Centre Drive. Topics include monster sculpture, pottery, oil painting, anime art and more. For details, call 519-1955 or visit chesterfieldarts.org. ••• “Modernism: Art + Design” at the Kodner Gallery, 9650 Clayton Road in Ladue, runs through Aug. 30. Admission is free; a percentage of proceeds of art sales will benefit Food Outreach. ••• Art entries are being sought for The Art and Wine Walk, sponsored by Sachs Properties and featured as a unique experience of the 2014 Budweiser Taste of St. Louis, taking place in Chesterfield’s Central Park, Sept. 19-21. The deadline for artwork submission is June 30. For details or to submit artwork, visit chesterfieldarts. org or call Jenny Donaldson at 519-1955. ••• The Greater St. Louis Art Association membership meeting is at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 26 at First Congregational Church of Webster Groves, 10 W. Lockwood. Social media expert Lori Feldman discusses how to leverage social media and social platforms for sales and marketing goals. Newcomers are welcome.

The annual Creve Coeur Days returns for its 47th year from June 26-29 at De Smet Jesuit High, 233 N. New Ballas Road. The community festival features a parade, rides, food, games and live music. Hours are 6-10 p.m. on June 26, 6-11 p.m. on June 27, 11 a.m.-11 p.m. on June 28 and noon-6 p.m on June 29. Admission is free. For more information, visit www.crevecoeurdays.com. ••• The city of Eureka hosts its Starlight Movie Series at 7:45 p.m. (movie starts at 8:45 p.m.) on Friday, June 27 and July 25 on the Eureka City Hall lawn. “Despicable Me 2” will be shown during the June event and “The LEGO Movie” is shown in July. The free event includes free popcorn and lemonade while supplies last, and guests are invited to bring their own snacks (excluding glass bottles). For details, call 938-6775 or email parks@eureka.mo.us. ••• Lights Up! On Kids/Teens Summer Drama Program takes place for four weeks in July at the Dramatic License Theatre in Chesterfield Mall. This program is open to kids ages 8-12 and teens 13-17. For more information, call 220-7012 or visit dramaticlicenseproductions.org.

BENEFITS The Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church holds a community clothes giveaway on July 26 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at 2100 Randolph Street. For more information, call (314) 249-3470. ••• Eureka-Pacific Elks Lodge 2644 is holding a trivia night on Saturday, July 26 to raise funds for its Backpack Food Program, which provides meals for elementary school children. Doors open at 5 p.m., play begins at 6 p.m. For additional details and to register, call 938-6720.

Eureka Parks and Recreation Department hosts a free Teen Outdoor Movie Night with a showing of “The Hunger Games – Catching Fire” at 8:30 p.m. on Friday, July 11 on the Eureka City Hall Lawn. Bring blankets and lawn chairs to watch the show. (Chaperones are not provided). For details, contact the Eureka Parks and Recreation Department at 636938-6775 or parks@eureka.mo.us. ••• The city of Chesterfield hosts a showing of “Despicable Me 2” as part of its Movies Under the Stars series at dusk on Friday, July 25, at the Chesterfield Amphitheater. For more information, visit chesterfieldamphitheater.com. ••• The Wildwood Historical Society July

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meeting is at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 15 at its meeting hall, 18750 Highway 100 in Wildwood. Guests can participate in a patriotic sing-along and ice cream social, and learn the history of famous historical songs. For more information, call Anna Kelpe at (314) 393-2021 or visit wildwoodhistoricalsociety.org.

LIVE PERFORMANCES STAGES presents Disney’s “Sleeping Beauty” at 7 p.m. on June 27 and 5 p.m. on June 28. All performances take place at the Skip Viragh Center For The Arts, 425 S. Lindbergh Blvd. Tickets and details are available online at stagesstlouis.org. ••• Chesterfield Amphitheater hosts Grammy-winning jazz musicians on Saturday, June 28 from 3-10 p.m. The Wine & Jazz Festival is free and showcases the best in contemporary, straight-ahead and fusion Jazz. The Midwest’s finest outdoor Jazz festival offers an exciting lineup of many of our own world-class Jazz performers. The festival also features a variety of wines from Crown Valley Winery and Copa Di Vino, as well as a selection of food from local restaurants. The evening ends with fireworks. No outside food, beverages, coolers or smoking allowed in the Amphitheater. Blankets and chairs permitted. For more information, visit chesterfieldjazzfestival.com. ••• The city of Eureka hosts Concerts on Central from 7-10 p.m. on Friday, July 18 on Central Avenue between Dreyer and West Frisco avenues. Listen to tunes from blues, rock and folk band Proud Rooster and enjoy food and beverages available from local businesses. For details, contact the Eureka Parks and Recreation Department at 938-6775 or parks@eureka.mo.us. ••• The city of Ellisville hosts its 2014 Bluebird Park Summer Concert Series from 7-9 p.m. on Thursdays in June and July at the park. Performances include: The Giving Tree Band (June 26), Smash Band (Friday, July 4 from 7-11 p.m.), Miss Jubilee (July 10), One More Round: A Tribute to Johnny Cash (July 17), Funky Butt Brass Band (July 24) and That ’80s Band (July 31). For more information, visit ellisville.mo.us.

••• The city of Chesterfield hosts its Sounds of Summer Concert Series at 8 p.m. on select Saturdays through Sept. 6 at the Chesterfield Amphitheater. Hear Wayman’s Revelation on June 7, Breakfast Club on June 21, Well Hungarians on July 26, Spin the Bottle on Aug. 9, Magazine (a tribute to Heart) on Aug. 23, and Dogs of Society (a tribute to Elton John) on Sept. 6. For more information, visit chesterfieldamphitheater.com. ••• The Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce hosts Summer Concert Series in Faust Park at 7 p.m. on July 8 and features Everyday People. Refreshments are available, including food from food truck favorites. Faust Park opens at 5:15 p.m.

SPECIAL INTEREST The Life Run Club hosts a 10K + social run on Saturday, June 28 at 8 a.m., and a 5K social run on Tuesday, July 1 at 6 p.m. Both runs are open to the public. Runners should meet in the lobby of Lifetime Fitness at 3058 Clarkson Road 15 minutes prior to the start of each run. For more information, email vzarfas@lifetimefitness.com or call Ann at 227-0220. ••• The Academy of Science hosts an Early Childhood Nature Summit from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. on Monday, June 30 through July 2 at Monsanto Center in the Missouri Botanical Garden. It is open to all early childhood educators, parents and community partners. Teams of two to five are encouraged. The registration fee of $150 covers a team of five, including lunch each day. Register online at mobot.org/schoolprograms. Individual registration is available for $60 by calling Jennifer Hartley at (314) 577-0819. Register by June 26. ••• The city of Eureka hosts Senior Lunches from 11:30 a.m-1 p.m. on Thursdays, July 3 and 17 at The Timbers of Eureka. Call 938-6775 to reserve a spot. ••• The West County Swing Dance Club meets from 8-10:30 p.m. every Tuesday at the Moolah Shrine Center, 12545 Fee Fee Road, and offers lessons before the dance at 7 p.m. For details, visit wcsdc.com.



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I DINING I 47 Local farmers markets feature handmade, homemade, homegrown goods JUNE 25, 2014 WEST NEWSMAGAZINE


By SUZANNE CORBETT West Countians Rene and George Sacket were hungry – hungry to shop for fresh farm products found only at local farmers markets. The only problem was, there weren’t any farmers markets in far West St Louis County at that time. It was an unfortunate situation that the Sackets saw as an opportunity. “The reason we started the Ellisville Farmers Market was because there weren’t any farm markets in far west St Louis County,” said Rene, who with her husband, realized there was an opportunity to fill the shopping niche. Together, they moved forward to organize and open the area’s first farmer’s market at Bluebird Park in Ellisville. “We started the Ellisville Farmers Market with our own funding five years ago. We bought tents and got tables donated,” Rene said. “We started with 13 vendors.” Today, the duo runs both the Ellisville Farmers Market and the Wildwood Farmers Market, offering items that are handmade, homemade and homegrown. Rene said they’ve been fortunate to have found a quality mix of vendors and noted that “there are way more markets starting up than there are farmers.” “The motto we use is ‘handmade, homemade and homegrown.’ And, to maintain the

market, we use the 80/20 formula – the recommendation of the Missouri Farm Market Association. That means 80 percent of the vendors are farmers or food-related producers while 20 percent are artisans,” Rene said. With civic leaders giving the Ellisville market a home at Bluebird Park and the Wildwood Market – which the Sackets have managed for the past two seasons – a home at Town Center, both markets are a growing success. Enthusiastic communities support both markets. They’re equally enthusiastic about vendors, such as Lisa Vogel of Eilerman Brothers from Calhoun County, Illinois, who bakes homemade pies and pastries using the fresh cherries, peaches and apples from the family orchards; and Joel Austin and John Sikorski, two neighbors from Fenton known as Two Men and A Garden who sell homegrown and homemade salsa and pickles. Counted among the family farmers at the markets are Lakeview Farms from O’Fallon, Missouri; and Kevin and Tina Heutel from Foley, Missouri, who bring in the latest crops of seasonal produce and fruits. Even exotic culinary specialties can be found, thanks to vendors such as Tim Nordmann, owner of Wompelia Mushrooms, who produces pearl oyster and rare lobster mushrooms. At the artisan tables, visitors will find

master woodcarver Dale Ponce and treenware maker John Best, both making their debuts at this year’s farmers market. Ponce, an Ellisville resident and retired St. Louis County Police lieutenant began woodcarving in 2010. At the market he sells his delicately hand-carved feather earrings and pins and displays wooden sculptures of birds, fish and flowers. Best’s treenware (hand-carved wooden spoons and utensils) and cutting boards have proven to be a hit with local shoppers. “I pattern some of the cutting boards off a 17th century design I found in an old French cookbook,” he said. In addition to vendors, both markets feature live music every week – and each market has its own specialty to offer. For example, the Ellisville market offers local beer and Missouri wine. “It’s all part of trying to create an event for the community – a landing place for people to come and enjoy,” Rene said. “It’s also about creating relationships with the farm vendors. “Here you can get to meet the people who grow your food, raise the chickens or pigs. When you shop the farmers market, you gain a new sense of appreciation and respect for food and the people who grow it.”

Ellisville Farmers Market in Bluebird Park 225 Kiefer Creek • Ellisville, MO 63021 (636) 686-0705 Open 4-7:30 p.m. Thursdays through September www.ellisvillefarmersmarket.org Wildwood Farmers Market in Town Center 220 Plaza Drive • Wildwood, MO 63040 (636) 686-0005 Open 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Thursdays through October www.wildwoodfarmersmarket.org




Buying is actually cheaper than renting Kevin Weaks

Home ownership remains cheaper than renting both nationally and in all of the 100 largest metro areas, reports trulia.com/ trends. Rising mortgage rates and home prices have narrowed the gap over the past year, though rates have recently dropped and price gains are slowing. Now, at a 30-year fixed rate of 4.5 percent, buying is 38 percent cheaper than renting nationally, versus being 44 percent cheaper one year ago. Buying ranges from being just 5 percent cheaper than renting in Honolulu to being 66 percent cheaper than renting in Detroit. Using Trulia’s math, buying a home in St. Louis is 54 percent cheaper than renting, so why wouldn’t you? Here’s what’s new in new homes: Enclave Bellerive opens This past weekend, June 21-22, three of the region’s best-known luxury home builders – Fischer & Frichtel, McKelvey Homes and Simon Homes – began accepting reservations at Enclave Bellerive, located at the northeast corner of Mason and Ladue roads, opposite Bellerive Country Club. Privately gated, the property is immaculately groomed and encircled by serpentine walls and wrought iron fencing. Each of Enclave Bellerive’s three “villages” offer limited edition homesites and the builders’ top-of-the-line design portfolios. Fischer & Frichtel and McKelvey Homes feature high-fashion, single-family residences, while Simon Homes showcases sophisticated villas. Fourteen settings, all in excess of onehalf acre, have been designated as The Manors, and that’s where Fischer & Frichtel is spotlighting its Signature Collection of expansive ranch and 1.5-story plans with up to 5,200 square feet of interior space and more than 6,000 square feet with a finished lower level. In addition to the many custom options available, Fischer is pleased to adapt plans to the homebuyer’s personal requirements. In The Estates, McKelvey Homes is debuting its Luxury Portfolio of all-new designs. Designed especially for Enclave Bellerive, the portfolio reflects the exceptional materials and quality craftsmanship that have been the company’s hallmark for more than 116 years. McKelvey’s 11 prime homesites are located on a private cul-desac that backs to the development’s parklike common ground. One of the region’s most respected

custom builders, Simon Homes offers 13 homesites in The Villas. The firm’s freestanding ranch and 1.5-story villa designs all have three-car, side-entry garages; full masonry exteriors; a main-floor master suite and secondary bedroom suite; and up to 4,090 square feet of living space. Sales consultants for all three builders will be accepting reservations in Enclave Bellerive’s onsite sales pavilion. For more information, visit VillagesAtEnclaveBellerive.com. Payne Family Homes opens Vintage Grove in Wildwood Located right off of Old State Road, Vintage Grove features Payne’s exclusive Louis Collection series of thoughtfully designed home plans, which include upscale ranch, 1.5-story and two-story homes. For more information contact Community Sales Manager Donna Cusumano at (314) 565-8465 or email dkc@paynefamilyhomes.com. Across the bridge in St. Charles County, phase two of Payne’s Willow Walk Estates community is now open, offering homes from $216,900. For buyers with children, Willow Walk Estates is a part of the AAARated Wentzville School District, and is served by the all-new Liberty High School. Contact Stephanie Russo at (314) 520-8133. Extra storage at Mill Crossing What’s better than an indoor parking space and storage room in a condo building? Two indoor parking spaces and a second storage room. Parking is always at a premium and now here’s an opportunity to purchase a second at 50 percent off. The space and room are deeded to your condo. But, you’ll need to act quickly to take advantage of this offer – and restrictions apply. Sales have been brisk at Mill Crossing. Buyers can choose from move-in ready condos, ready-soon condos and pick-allof-your-own color condos. There’s something for everyone, says sales manager Jane Peacock. Peacock says the location also is hard to beat. Located between Hwy. 141 and I-270 on Olive in Creve Coeur, its surrounded by restaurants and shops. Mill Crossing is open daily 11 a.m. -5 p.m. Contact Jane Peacock at (636) 299-8444 or janepeacock@bridgewatercommunities.com and to schedule a tour. Prices start at $229,990.


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Enter t ai n ment Cassadee Pope joins Tim McGraw and Kip Moore at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater on June 28.

An Evening with the Dave Rawlings Machine, June 25, The Sheldon Lukas Nelson & P.O.T.R., June 26, Old Rock House An Evening with Jake’s Leg, June 27, Old Rock House Steve Grand, June 27, Lumière Place St. Louis Irish Arts Summer Concert, June 27, The Sheldon Chesterfield Wine and Jazz Fest, June 28, Chesterfield Amphitheater Dark Star Orchestra, June 28, Old Rock House Tim McGraw, Kip Moore & Cassadee Pope, June 28, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Patrice Rushen, June 29, The Sheldon The Goo Goo Dolls, Daughtry & Plain White T’s, June 29, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater The Wild Feathers, July 2, Old Rock House Vans Warped Tour, July 2, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Pacific Symphony, July 4, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater 311, The Urge & The Wailers, July 5, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Sarah McLachlan, July 6, The Fox Theatre An Evening with Sarah McLachlan is at The Fox Theatre on July 6.

Monumentour: Fall Out Boy & Paramore, July 6, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Jackson Browne, July 7, Peabody Opera House Delta Rae, July 8, Old Rock House Andy Grammer, July 9, Old Rock House Motley Crue & Alice Cooper, July 9, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Journey & Steve Miller Band, July 11, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Toby Keith, July 12, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Old Crow Medicine Show, July 18, Peabody Opera House Jack White, July 20, The Fox Theatre New Edition, July 24, The Family Arena Well Hungarians, July 26, Chesterfield Amphitheater Umphrey’s McGee, Aug. 15, The Fox Theatre

Steve Grand performs at Lumière Place on June 27. (Joem C. Bayawa photo)


“They’re Playing Our Song,” Through June 29, STAGES/The Robert G. Reim Theatre Disney’s “Sleeping Beauty,” June 18-29, STAGES/Skip Viragh Center for the Arts “Tarzan,” June 25-July 2, The Muny “Porgy & Bess,” July 7-13, The Muny “The Addams Family,” July 14-20, The Muny “How to Succeed In Business Without Really Trying,” July 18-Aug. 17, STAGES/The Robert G. Reim Theatre “Suessical,” July 22-28, The Muny

TICKETS AND INFORMATION Chaifetz Arena: metrotix.com, (314) 534-1111 Chesterfield Amphitheater: chesterfieldamphitheater.com, (636) 537-4000 The Family Arena: metrotix.com, (314) 534-1111 The Fox Theatre: metrotix.com, (314) 534-1111 Lumière Place: ticketmaster.com, (866) 448-7849 The Muny: www.muny.org Old Rock House: metrotix.com, (314) 534-1111 Peabody Opera House: ticketmaster.com (866) 448-7849

The Pageant: ticketmaster.com, (866) 448-7849 Powell Symphony Hall: slso.org, (800) 232-1880 Scottrade Center: ticketmaster.com, (314) 622-5435 The Sheldon: sheldonconcerthall.org, (314) 533-9900 STAGES St. Louis: stagesstlouis.org, (314) 821-2407 The Touhill: touhill.org, (314) 516-4949 Verizon Wireless Amphitheater: ticketmaster.com, (866) 448-7849



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Public Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING City of Clarkson Valley, Missouri Notice is hereby given: That the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of C l a r k s o n Va l l e y, M i s s o u r i , will at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, June 30, 2014 at the Clarkson Executive Center, 15933 Clayton Road, hold a public hearing to discuss a request from JDS Management for a Special Use Permit to install a temporary “For Lease” sign at property known as 2997 Clarkson Road and to make a recommendation to the Board of Aldermen. Artie Ahrens, ChairpersonPlanning and Zoning Committee City of Clarkson Valley



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I 53

54 I



Real estate showcase

Luxurious Country Estate

Provided by West Newsmagazine’s Advertising Department


Luxurious Country Estate on 10 acres featuring two distinct living quarters with full brick from ground to gables. Quality custom workmanship is an understatement when it comes to the details that this very well planned multifaceted upscale retreat-like property features. The courtyard between the homes hosts the beach front zero degree entry salt water heated pool and spa. Concrete circle drive and abundant additional parking, over-sized 2 car attached garage and the even larger detached garage/workshop and professional landscaping perfectly completes the exterior. The main home features slate and hardwood flooring, custom cabinetry throughout, deluxe trim, crown molding and so much more you will need to call one of the listing agents to obtain a feature sheet to absorb all this exquisite estate has to offer. The design of this fabulous living and entertainment space is the heart of this custom feature rich home. 1024 Pin Oak Lane in Sullivan, MO – THIS PROPERTY OFFERED BY –

Tri-County 204 Dreyer Ave. Eureka, MO 63025 Call Julie Walck 314-435-7982 or Cathy Armfield 314-221-0956

Tom Shaw Realtors Luxury Properties NEW PRICE

706 Wycliffe Place Ct. - Wildwood You will fall in love with this 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath home. Chef's delight kitchen w/granite countertops. 2 story great room w/wall of windows looking out to lush woods. Beautiful master suite. Deck leading to patio w/walkway to gazebo and beautiful landscaping. Cathy Shaw-Connely (636)346-4960

19300 Deer Pointe Estates Dr. - Wildwood Stunning 1.5 story, 4 bd, 4 full & 2 half bath home. 2 story great room, custom mill-work, updated chef's delight kitchen and much more! All on 6.92+/- acres in a Gated Equestrian Community! Cathy Shaw-Connely (636)346-4960 Tom Shaw Jr. (314)283-5064

1661 Garden Valley- Glencoe Gorgeous 1.5 story 4 bd 3.5 bath home! Updated kitchen with new granite counter tops. Main floor master with HUGE walk-in closets, double vanity Jacuzzi tub and separate shower. You are sure to enjoy the private back yard and patio backing to common ground. 4 car garage, zoned heating and cooling and so much more! Cathy Shaw-Connely (636)346-4960

19324 Deer Pointe Estates Dr. - Wildwood Amazing Views! 1.5 story, 5 bd, 4 full & 1 half bath home that offers a huge front porch, maple hardwoods, 42' cabinets, stainless appliances, screened in porch & geothermal system! On 10+/- acres in Gated Equestrian Community! Cathy Shaw-Connely (636)346-4960

333 Calvey Forest - Robertsville Equestrian Estate on 150+/- acres with two houses & two heated barns. Main house w/ 2 bd, 2baths. Property includes 6 pastures, horse runs, trails and 1 ac. pond. 50 x 50 2 story barn w/5- 12 x 12 stalls plus an 80 x 50 barn. Cathy Shaw-Connely (636)346-4960 17813 Edison Avenue, Suite 200 Chesterfield, MO 63005


4820 Fox Creek Rd- Wildwood Fantastic equestrian property in Rockwood schools backing to Greensfelder Park! One of a kind custom built, 1.5 story 5 bd 3.5 bath home settled on 15+/-acres. Unbelievable warm and inviting open main level. 4 stall barn w/ feed room, chicken coop and a pond shared with neighbor. Cathy Shaw-Connely (636)346-4960

1569 Wildhorse Parkway - Chesterfield Stunning, 2 story 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath home sitting on a private lot that backs to trees. Recently remodeled Chefs delight kitchen with BOSCH appliances, granite counter-tops, new cabinets, wood flooring and planning desk. Finished lower level offers rec room and 5th bedroom, work out or office. Cathy Shaw-Connely (636)346-4960

Tom Shaw Realtors sells Residential homes! 655 Callaway Ridge Dr. - New Melle Wow, this gorgeous 92+/- acre retreat is far enough away to get away from it all but close enough to St. Louis to go for a day. Access to Callaway Lake with private dock. 4 BD, 6 bath home,rec-sport court & much more. Cathy Shaw-Connely (636)346-4960 Tom Shaw Jr. (314)283-5064

1000 Woodsmill Plaza Town & Country www.lynbuchmiller.com

2004 Kingspointe Dr. Chesterfield $1,295,000

33 Yorkshire Lane Ct. Brentwood $679,000

1843 North Ballas Rd Des Peres $675,000

974 Sour Spring Trail, Sullivan $569,000

3301 Crystal Lake Dr Festus $399,000

335 Lafayette Ct. Ellisville $330,000

615 Crofton Circle Ct. Ballwin $303,900

716 Turtle Cove Ballwin $229,900

1270 Strassner Dr. #3204 Brentwood $219,000

Call Tom Shaw Realtors for all your Residential home sales needs!

Office:(636) 532-1922 Fax: (636) 532-0222 www.shawrealtors.com



Three tips to help win in the real estate market this summer (BPT) - The real estate market heats up when the weather does, and spring and summer are traditionally the most active seasons for home sales. This year, industry experts predict that home prices will continue to rise and, with mortgage rates remaining low, the spring and summer real estate season will be competitive for both buyers and sellers. Fortunately, some simple steps can help ensure both buyers and sellers achieve the best possible outcomes. Don’t go it alone. Real estate agents bring value to both sides of a home sale, ensuring that sellers get top dollar and spend less time waiting for their homes to sell and buyers get the best home at the best price. To find a good agent, interview several, read online reviews, get recommendations from family and friends and take your time. Look for an agent who makes you feel comfortable. An agent should never pressure buyers to bid on any house, and sellers should never feel pressured to list their home for a price they’re not comfortable with. Know what’s going on in your market. In order to maximize the chance of success, both buyers and sellers should thor-

oughly research home prices in their areas. Knowing what other homes are selling for will help sellers competitively price their homes, and buyers who do their research will be less likely to overpay. Buyers may also be able to avoid unproductive bidding wars if they are armed with price information and know ahead of time how much they are willing to stretch their budget for any given home. Most agents will be happy to provide buyers and sellers with a comparative market analysis of home values and prices in their area. Be creative. Sellers don’t want to set prices too low and buyers don’t want to pay too much. Creativity can help close the deal for both groups. Rather than listing a home for a lower price, sellers can enhance their listing’s attractiveness in a number of ways, such as offering to help buyers with closing costs or including a home warranty in the sale. Buyers – especially those in multiple offer situations – can make their offers more attractive by getting mortgage pre-approval, waiving contingencies or offering to rent the home back to sellers for a short period of time to help them with their transition.

You’ve Made It to The Top ... Now You Can Live There!

16248 Wynncrest Ridge Ct. Wildwood • $739,900 5000 sq.ft. Atrium Ranch (4 bed/4.5 bth) on cul-de-sac w/o lot backing to trees: Great Room, Library, Hearth Rm, Family Rm & Media Rm w/80” screen: 3FRPL, vaulted & coffer’d ceiling throughout: Large Deck, covered Porch & brick patio.

1589 Boyce Lane Festus • $659,900 6000 sq.ft. Custom 1.5 Story on 8 acres! 4 bed/3.5 bth with premium amenities galore: Gourmet Kitchen w/Hearth Rm: Two Family Rooms + Library, 3 FRPL, Fin. Low Lev w/WI Wet Bar, bed & bath: Screen Porch, Deck, Patios: 4 car garage.

I 55

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING City of Ellisville Notice is hereby given that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Ellisville will hold public hearing at the Ellisville City Hall, #1 Weis Avenue, on Wednesday, July 9, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. to discuss Text Amendments to the Municipal Code related to the following: 1) 2) 3) 4)

the Sign Code; and the Zoning Code, pertaining to the C-4 Commercial Zoning District; and the Zoning Code, pertaining to Fences; and the Zoning Code, pertaining to electronic cigarettes, hookah and cigar lounges, and other similar uses.

This public hearing is in compliance with Title IV, Land Use, of the Municipal Code of the City of Ellisville.

Results You Want and The Name You Trust UNDER CONTRACT

524 Overlook Terrace Ct. Eureka • $389,900 4 BD 4 BA in Legends Golf Community Call Lynn Beebe 314-503-3921

4 Hidden Forest Dr. Wildwood $565,500 Fabulous 5 BD 3.5 BA Atrium Ranch on 3+ Acres Call Cathy Armfield 314-221-0956

2784 Stonecrest Dr. $387,500 Stunning 4 BD 3.5 BA Atrium Ranch. Finished LL with 4th Bedroom Call Robyn Johnson 314-680-3030

490 Forby Rd. 4206 Cedar Meadow Lane 10 +/- Acres Equestrian Farm • Eureka $389,900 Just off I-44 commercial or resi- 5 BD 3.5 BA Pristine Condition 1.5 Story dential development possibilities Home On 4+ Acres with In-Ground Pool Call Jim Patton Call Sharon Patton 636-795-8234 636-795-8233




RE/MAX Tri-County Team


14811 Conway Chesterfield • $564,500 Newer ‘Open Concept’ Custom Ranch w/4700 sq.ft. (5 bed/3.5 bth) Chef’s Kitchen & Hearth Rm flows to Great Rm & Dining Rm: Wood floors, vaulted ceiling & wall of windows overlooking level rear yard & towering trees: Fin. Low Lev.

367 Palomino Hill Ct. Chesterfield • $554,500 1.5 Story on cul-de-sac lev lot backing to trees! 3300 sq.ft., (4 bed/3.5 bth) 2 story Great Rm w/wall of floor-to-ceiling windows & open to Dining Rm: Huge Kitchen/Breakfast Rm w/Hearth Rm! Library w/BI Bookcases. (Baxter Pointe Sub.)

204 Dreyer Ave. • Eureka, MO 63025 • Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated.

Call Laura Davis

468 Hickory Trace Dr. St. Albans CC • $529,900 Open Concept ‘Mid-Atrium’ on lev lot backing to trees! 3600 sq.ft., 3 bed/3 bth: Wood floors on main floor: Vaulted or 20 ft. ceilings on main floor: Gourmet Kitchen, Paneled Library, 2 FPL, WI Wet Bar, Large Patio & Deck.


PROPERTIES WEST each office independently owned & operated



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NEW PRICE! $100,000 REDUCTION 918 NORRINGTON WAY | SOUTHWEST COUNTY 14 ACRES $3,250,000 Greek Revival equestrian estate with 2-story marble entry and distinguished millwork. Barn, paddock & cottage.

18510 GREDAN LANE | WILDWOOD 42.4 ACRES $1,940,000 Builder’s private country estate with 4-acre lake, salt water pool, and masterfully designed 7,700 sq. ft. home.

100 TWILL HAVEN DRIVE | COTTLEVILLE 5 BEDROOMS, 6½ BATHS $1,575,000 Custom-built 9,700 sq. ft. ranch with private indoor pool sits on 11.5 acres with gazebo and a 5-acre stocked lake.

110 GRAND MERIDIEN FOREST | WILDWOOD 5 BEDROOMS, 4½ BATHS $1,499,000 Gorgeous custom-built brick & stone manse offers archways, intricate ceilings, pool, wine room, and media room.

16441 WALNUT RAIL DRIVE | CLARKSON VALLEY 5 BEDROOMS, 5½ BATHS $1,380,000 Exceptional home with pool set on picturesque 3+ wooded acres backing to lake. Perfectly appointed throughout.

19217 BROOKHOLLOW DRIVE | WILDWOOD 4 BEDROOMS, 3½ BATHS $1,250,000 Exceptional 6-acre estate with 35’x27’ vaulted great room. Pool, tennis court, gazebo, outdoor fireplaces, nearby stables.

1680 DUELLO ROAD | LAKE ST LOUIS 4 BEDROOMS, 2 FULL & 2 HALF BATHS $1,200,000 Beautiful home & horse training facility on 10 acres. 40-stall barn, 2 riding rings, 2 washing stalls, & tack rooms.

457 OSAGE RIDGE | AUGUSTA 73 ACRES $1,175,000 In the heart of Missouri’s wine county, this beautiful home enjoys views of Missouri River Valley.

673 PINE CONE COURT | TOWN AND COUNTRY 4 BEDROOMS, 3 FULL & 2 HALF BATHS $979,000 Lovely home with vaulted ceilings, built-in bookcases, & an adjoining solarium. Finished LL and 2 master bedrooms!

22 THORNHILL DRIVE | WILDWOOD 5 BEDROOMS, 4 BATHS $899,000 Historic home features original mosaic foyer floor, limestone fireplaces, and gorgeous views. 4-car garage.

17321 THUNDER CREEK ROAD | WILDWOOD 5 BEDROOMS, 4½ BATHS $849,900 Spectacular country home with great room overlooking an atrium with incredible views and a guest suite.

317 HAYS HILL DRIVE | SOUTHWEST COUNTY 4 BEDROOMS, 3 FULL & 2 HALF BATHS $775,000 Custom-built contemporary with steel/bamboo staircase, solarium sitting area, media room, & enormous patio.


NEW LISTING! 933 TERRY ROAD | AUGUSTA 6 BEDROOMS, 4½ BATHS $699,000 Beautiful 9-acre Southern-colonial-style estate in the heart of Missouri wine country offers 4,000+ sq. ft.

38 BEACON HILL | CREVE COEUR 4 BEDROOMS, 4 BATHS $649,900 Unique & completely updated historic home on 2.33 acres. An 1860’s log cabin is the home’s centerpiece.

2769 KEHRS MILL ROAD | CHESTERFIELD 4 BEDROOMS, 3½ BATHS $599,000 Fabulous home with open floor plan. Stainless steel appliances, 3-car garage, cedar deck, and irrigation system.

16762 BENTON TAYLOR DRIVE | CHESTERFIELD 5 BEDROOMS, 4½ BATHS $599,000 Beautiful and spacious home with traditional floor plan, luxury kitchen, 3-car garage, patio, and private yard.

2522 LARKSONG DRIVE | WILDWOOD 2 BEDROOMS, 2½ BATHS $259,900 Fantastic light-filled and neutral brick townhome with open floor plan. 2-car oversized rear garage.

11704 SUMMERHAVEN DR. | CREVE COEUR AREA 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS $199,000 Large corner lot in Parkway School District. Wood floors, wood-burning fireplace, and 2-car garage.

NEW LISTING! BLUE HAVEN FARMS | SALEM 62.6 ACRES $449,900 Exceptional property with a 3-bath, 3-bath cape cod style home. Can accommodate organic farming or vineyard.

1251 STILL HOUSE CREEK ROAD | CHESTERFIELD 4 BEDROOMS, 2 FULL & 2 HALF BATHS $270,000 Lovely home in the popular Shenandoah subdivision offers finished lower level, large deck, and great location.

See all of our listings at www.dielmannsothebysrealty.com

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