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Syria and Obama I cannot see why even a single American, a single Israeli or a single Syrian civilian should be killed as a result of a token U.S. military action, undertaken simply to spare Barack Obama the embarrassment of doing nothing, after his ill-advised public ultimatum to the Syrian government to not use chemical weapons was ignored. Some people say that some military response is necessary, not to spare Obama a personal humiliation, but to spare the American presidency from losing all credibility – and therefore losing the ability to deter future threats to the United States without bloodshed. There is no question that the credibility of the presidency – regardless of who holds that office – is a major asset of this country. Another way of saying the same thing is that Obama has recklessly risked the credibility of future presidents, and the future safety of this country, by his glib words and weak actions. Some people who disagree with Obama’s issuance of a public ultimatum to the Assad regime in the first place, and who also disagree with his recent threat of military action against Syria, nevertheless say that we must back up that threat now, simply to forestall future dangers from a loss of American credibility in the eyes of other countries, including both our enemies and our allies. But will a transparently token military action preserve American credibility? And dare we risk an unintended escalation, such as began both World Wars in the 20th century? Since so little real history is taught in even our prestigious colleges and universities, it may be worth noting how World War II – the most catastrophic war in human history – began. When a weak and vacillating leader, Britain’s Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, belatedly saw Hitler for what he was, after years of trying to appease him, he issued a public ultimatum that if Germany carried out its impending invasion of Poland, Britain would declare war. By this time, Hitler had only contempt for Chamberlain, as Putin today has only contempt for Obama. Hitler went ahead with his invasion of Poland. Chamberlain then felt he had to declare war. That is how World War II began. Britain’s action did not save Poland, but only jeopardized its
own survival. Unintended consequences are at least as common in military actions on the world stage as they are in domestic policies that start out with lofty words and end with sordid and even catastrophic consequences. Assurances from either President Obama or Sen. John McCain as to the limited nature of the military actions they advocate mean nothing. As someone said, long ago, once the shooting starts all plans go out the window. If a purely token military strike will do little or nothing more to preserve our national credibility than will a failure to act at all, why get people killed to spare Obama a personal humiliation? This man’s runaway ego has already produced too many disasters at home and abroad, and nowhere more so than in the Middle East. A personal humiliation may be all that can make him stop and think before shooting off his mouth in the future, without thinking through the consequences beforehand – as he clearly has not done in this case, as shown by his recent delays and vacillations. Nor is it at all clear that his previous policies and actions in the Middle East were well thought out, unless he was deliberately trying to weaken the position of the Western world, including Israel. Whatever the Obama rhetoric, the reality is that his policies in Egypt and Libya have led to replacing stable regimes, at peace with Israel and the West, and tolerant of their own Christian minorities, with chaotic regimes in which fanatical antiWestern terrorists have played a large and growing role, with hostility to Israel and murderous attacks on Christians in their own country. Obama will try to salvage his policy and his presidency with a speech to the nation. Rhetoric is his strong suit. The big question is: How many Americans have learned to distinguish between his soaring words and his sorry record? Matters of life and death can hinge on the answer to that question.
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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Solutions for education To the Editor: I’d like to comment on an opinion submitted by Stephen Kushner, of Chesterfield (“No solution,” West Newsmagazine, Aug. 28). Mr. Kushner commented that the recent Thomas Sowell column on education was “typical Republican blather: long on criticism, short on solutions.” Can Kushner provide some examples of solutions proposed by Democrats? Because, as Sowell points out, spending ever-increasing amounts of money on education is clearly not producing acceptable results. The U.S. Constitution doesn’t provide the federal government with any authority over education. Yet, they do it anyway. Since its creation, that department has spent hundreds of billions on education, even though educational performance in this country has declined dramatically. One idea I have heard from Republicans, but which Democrats always reject, is the elimination of this unconstitutional department. Another idea that most Republicans support are school voucher programs. This would allow parents to send their kids to whichever school they wish. Parents who feel their local schools are failing to provide their kids with an effective education would have the freedom to send their kids elsewhere. Families would be able to direct their tax dollars to whichever schools they wished, instead of being required to send their children to schools based on location and regardless of results. Failing schools would actually fail, instead of getting ever-increasing amounts of tax support, and successful schools would see enrollment grow, along with tax revenue. These are ideas I have heard from Republicans. All I hear from Democrats is that we should pour more and more money into the current system, which is failing to provide our kids with an effective, worldclass education as they deserve. Jay Nanney Eureka
Speeding and safe streets To the Editor: As I read the Pierside Lane article (“Fines could double on Pierside Lane,” West Newsmagazine, Sept. 4), I could understand their frustration with speeding cars. I live on the south side of Keifer Creek on New Ballwin Road. There are only two speed limit signs. Going down toward Castlewood Park is a 30 mph sign and heading north is one that is 25 mph. What’s up with that? I would say 90 percent of people drive
40-50 mph all day long. Even the fire It struck me that public opinion on the our kids safely through these critical years department as they go back to their station health risks of tobacco has changed so dra- by setting and enforcing a no-use policy (not on call) drive way faster than 30 mph. matically over the past 40-plus years, but during adolescence. Twenty-one is not just The difference between New Ballwin our perception of similar health risks of a random number, but is in place to help Road and Pierside Lane is that Pierside has underage drinking and marijuana use lags our children grow up safe and healthy! sidewalks and a 25 mph limit both ways. seriously behind. It’s time for the public to Mary Corsair The kids in our part of town have no wake up, learn the facts, and change our Ballwin other place to get from one place to another attitudes regarding the serious health risks but on the street. Many are very young and that underage alcohol and marijuana use Crisis in Syria just dash right out of their driveways on have on our children and teens. their bikes aimlessly. Modern technology has made it possible to To the Editor: While I abhor the use of chemical weapEven up on Old Ballwin Road they have learn valuable information about how teena 25 mph limit with double fines and side- age brains develop and to study the impact of ons in Syria, this problem falls not just in walks to boot. Seems like we are just on drugs and alcohol on this development. Here the hands of America, but in the hands of the entire world. This is not an action “the other side of the tracks” with our older are a few important facts to know: homes and no one cares. • The areas of the brain involving judg- America should take on alone. If the United Stevie Ventura ment, planning and anticipating conse- Nations cannot address the problem, then St. Louis County quences, and impulse and emotional control let the world see which nations condone are all “under construction” between the the use of chemical weapons. Since the U.N. has not been up to the ages of 11-25. During this time the brain is Responding to ‘Gun wide open to experiences that involve all of challenge, why do we need them? They sense, part II’ these areas and the brain forms and shapes take up expensive real estate in New York To the Editor: itself around these experiences. Of course and cost America millions of dollars to It is obvious that Mike Alalof (“Gun sense, the goal for our children is that they come fund this institution. We could find a better part II,” West Newsmagazine, Sept. 4) is on through these years having developed good use for taxpayers’ dollars. the far left end of the political spectrum judgment, and healthy impulse and emoThe real reason behind America taking after his initial statement that the U.S. Con- tional control. Unfortunately, the impact of action is to fill the coffers of the industrial/ stitution is a “living” document. It appears alcohol and marijuana on their developing military consortium. War means more that it is a roadblock to his agenda, not a brains is powerful and can be permanent. defense contracts. guiding force. The Constitution is black and Dan Topik • We now know that adolescents who white, not subject to interpretation. Wildwood develop regular patterns of use during Alalof spews out a number of statements this time (daily or weekly) are four to six supposedly attributed to the NRA. Even times more likely to become addicted and if they were, what is the big deal? He the earlier the use begins, the higher the Bias in reporting believes there is something wrong with likelihood of addiction. New studies sug- To the Editor: believing differently than he does. I am always amused about your bias gest that marijuana use is connected to Also, if the government is (and it is) an increase in mental illness, particularly toward Obamacare also known as Affordbuying up all the ammunition it is not para- schizophrenia, although more research is able Care Act. I looked at the picture on noia. Without ammunition a gun is nothing needed to understand the connection. page 34 of the Sept. 4 issue of the tweeted more than an expensive club. • We know that addiction arrests emo- photo from Senate Minority Leader Mitch Lastly, I see that Alalof did his own inter- tional development, so that teens that McConnell (R-Ky). You stated that the pretation of the Constitution. Contrary to become dependent stop maturing at what- photo is of 828 pages of regulations related your beliefs you do not have a constitutional ever age their dependency started; their to the ACA. right to not get shot, Mr. Alalof. I would bodies continue to grow, but emotionally, You must not know how to count because dare say you are the one who is paranoid. the picture does not reflect that amount of they remain immature teens. Claude Kurtz Pair these facts with the knowledge that pages. The pages in the picture are at the Manchester teens don’t drink or smoke casually. Typi- least 30,000 pages and I hope that your cally they use to excess with the goal to get readers are able to see that the picture is [Editor’s note: West Newsmagazine received completely “wasted.” In addition, many to elicit another kind of response. So you multiple letters responding to “Gun sense, part of the drugs available today are purer and need to make a correction of this error. II.” Readers can find these letters online under more potent, alcohol is now flavored to Adedayio Sodipo “Opinions” at] St. Louis County encourage greater consumption, and teens often combine substances to maximize [Editor’s note: Indeed, the photo above their “high.” Raising healthy teens Now consider the effect of these substances was poorly captioned. A better caption To the Editor: on the parts of the brain undergoing critical would have been: “Senate Minority Leader I read with interest a recent article in the development: judgment, impulse and emo- Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) tweeted this Health section of West Newsmagazine about tional control and anticipating consequences. photo of more than 20,000 pages of regulaa smoking survey. The article reported that The resulting combination can be highly dan- tions related to the ACA, including the 828 between 80-90 percent of adults surveyed gerous and, all too frequently, life-threatening. pages debated on March 11.” The full tweet support legislation to protect children from Research has now proven that teen referencing the 20,000 pages was included secondhand smoke in both public and pri- brains are not the same as adult brains, in the story. No bias was intended. West vate places, including cars and homes! and we need to do all we can to shepherd Newsmagazine regrets this oversight.]
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Playing politics When the news first came to light that St. Louis County Police Chief Tim Fitch had asked the FBI to look into a subcontract awarded to a company owned by then Police Board Chairman Greg Sansone, it wasn’t a conflict of interest that came immediately to mind. Instead, it was April of 2014, when St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley comes up for re-election. Weeks before Fitch wrote a blog post (Aug. 26) about a political research group looking into his records in the wake of his FBI request – before Sansone resigned from the Police Board citing proposed legislation that would hold subcontractors to the same conflict of interest criteria as contractors – before Ray Wagner, an Enterprise Executive and husband of Rep. Ann Wagner (R-District 2), announced he would step down from the Police Board no later than Sept. 25 – the political game had begun. Remember when you were a kid and played King of the Hill? It took strategy and timing. Dooley, who will be seeking a third term in April, seems shaky up on his mound. Some voters are still upset over the proposed closing of county parks, or Dooley’s interest in a city-county merger, or the county’s hefty draw from the sales tax pool. Now, cronyism has entered the game. Big surprise. Cronyism in politics. As Fitch noted in his blog post it’s a dirty game. But who’s vying for that place on the top of the hill? Who are the players in this game of politics? Dooley is a Democrat. So is Steve Stenger, who represents District 6 in South County on the St. Louis County Council
and is the only person to have alluded to a run for county executive in 2014. Wagner, who said he stepped down because of other professional and personal commitments, is a Republican. Likewise is County Councilmember Greg Quinn, who is in his fifth term representing District 7 in West County and has been a staunch supporter of Fitch in his call to the FBI. Fitch’s political affiliation is harder to pin down. His opinions however are not. Fitch has been outspoken on everything from communities using speed cameras, which he has said are “money-making tools for private companies, municipalities and their political connections” to teachers and other school personnel being allowed to have firearms in schools, which he suggested might be something to consider as a way to prevent another school massacre. Most recently, Fitch offered his opinion on Missouri House Bill 436, the so-called Second Amendment Preservation Act, which Gov. Jay Nixon vetoed this spring and which was one of the first bills to be considered during last week’s veto override session. On Sept. 5, Fitch sent a letter to Speaker of the House Tim Jones (R-Dist. 110) stating, “House Bill No. 436, if it becomes law, will hinder local law enforcements ability to enforce existing laws.” The letter was released to the media on the same day. The veto override was not successful, failing by a slim margin in both the Senate and the House. Score one for the chief. And speaking of wins, could the outspoken police chief who is well respected as a man of integrity be a likely candidate for county executive? Many in the area think he should run. This game is going to be fun.
A MATTER OF TRUST "OK, John, don't worry." – Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to U.S. Secretary of State John
Students at Chesterfield Day School made thank you notes and delivered them to first responders in the Monarch Fire Protection District in remembrance of 9/11.
REACTION TO WALMART’S DECISION “(It was) good to see a municipal government respect the majority of residents who opposed the Walmart. And I give Walmart credit for recognizing the city changed its mind on this issue and realizing they should look elsewhere for a store location.” – Wildwood Mayor Tim Woerther
“I’m disappointed in how it has turned out simply because I know that Ellisville – like most other communities in the area – has revenue issues. A large retail development such as Walmart or other operation would have helped that situation. But maybe something else will go in there.”
Kerry, after Kerry asked for clarification during a press conference on Syria
– Ballwin resident Ray Kerlagon
"You want me to take your word for it? It's a little early for that."
“I’m glad to see it’s not coming. I’m glad to see Ellisville stay for small business. We are a family-orientated community, and I don’t really think a large company like Walmart … was
– John Kerry, in response to Lavrov
really appropriate for a small town like Ellisville.” FOLLOW US ON
– Ellisville resident Debbie Stackpole
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on other city lots also is part of the project. The cost of the work is $179,314 and was approved by the Ballwin Board of Aldermen at its Sept. 9 meeting. On a related front, the Board also approved contracting with St. Louis County for applying pavement striping on city streets. The contract is renewable yearly and is more cost effective than the city handling the work, according to Gary Kramer, city engineer and public works director.
News Br iefs
Land transfer to BAA
Improvements to the Ballwin Board room and municipal court at the Donald “Red” Loehr Police & Courts building include a new audiovisual setup, wall treatments and entrance behind the new Board dais, as well as a revamped ceiling designed to enhance acoustics.
(West Newsmagazine photo)
BALLWIN Golf course paving Golfers patronizing the Ballwin Golf Club may have a bit further to walk for a while this fall after parking their cars and going to the pro shop. That’s because the city plans to repave the regular parking lot and will close it
during the project. Patrons will need to use the parking lot for the swimming complex just north of the golf course. Low bidder on the project, Vee Jay Cement Contracting, will be applying a concrete overlay on the existing asphalt, putting down two coats of sealer and striping the lot. Replacement of two Ameren lights with seven fixtures that match those
The city of Ballwin has approved a measure that officially will transfer title to property on Ballpark Drive to the Ballwin Athletic Association (BAA). The move involves no money or other considerations as long as the BAA uses the parcel for its not-for-profit athletic leagues. The land includes a small house and some property around it located adjacent to the group’s existing complex south of Manchester Road on Ballpark Drive. The city took title to the property a number of years ago, anticipating it could eventually be part of an economic development project. In the meantime, the city has been leasing the house and land to the BAA whose property adjoins the site. BAA officials approached the city this
Don’t replace it,
summer about the transfer, with the goal of completing it in time for BAA’s 75th anniversary observance in 2015.
CHESTERFIELD Chesterfield Arts to hold free public events, Sept. 21 In conjunction with its University Sculpture Comeptition unveiling, Chesterfield Arts will host a free public forum and panel discussion at the Chesterfield YMCA on Saturday, Sept. 21, from 4:30-6 p.m. The panel discussion will feature nationally recognized sculptor Kurt Perschke (RedBall Project) and moderator, Liesel Fenner, public art program manager for Americans for the Arts in Washington, D.C., Panelists will include: • Rod Callies, winner of the University Sculpture Competition • Harry Weber, internationally acclaimed sculptor and chair of Chesterfield Arts’ public art steering committee • Roseann Weiss, director of community art & public art initiatives for the Regional Arts Commission • Thad Duhigg, professor of sculpture at SIU-Edwardsville • David Allen, director of Metro Arts in Transit
The City Council of the City of Wildwood will hold a public hearing on Monday, September 23, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 16860 Main Street, Wildwood, Missouri 63040 for the purposes of hearing citizen input and comment on the following item: PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY OF WILDWOOD’S CODE CHAPTER 125 CODE OF ETHICS The hearing will be open to all interested parties to comment upon the requested changes, whether in favor or opposition, or provide additional input for consideration. A copy of the proposed amendments are available online at or in the Deputy City Administrator/City Clerk’s Office.
By Order of the Mayor on September 6, 2013 Lynne Greene-Beldner Deputy City Administrator/City Clerk The City of Wildwood is working to comply with the American with Disabilities Act mandates. Individuals who require accommodation to attend a meeting should contact City Hall, 636/458-0440, at least 48 hours in advance.
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The unveiling will take place at 6:30 p.m. along the Stream Walk in Central Park, followed by a free, public concert and fireworks from 7-9 p.m. at the Chesterfield Amphitheater.
CREVE COEUR Bill would prohibit inherently deadly animals The Creve Coeur City Council is considering passing an ordinance making it illegal to keep inherently deadly animals such as lions, tigers, leopards, alligators, crocodiles, venomous reptiles and arthopods, non-human primates or bears. “We really didn’t have anything addressing dangerous or exotic animals,” City Administrator Mark Perkins said. A bill making the change was introduced at the Council’s Sept. 9 meeting. Police Chief Glenn Eidman asked for the ordinance. Perkins said while the city already has an ordinance on dangerous animals, it is not sufficient. The proposal includes a portion of the existing ordinance that says that any animal with a known tendency to attack unprovoked, to cause injury or to otherwise threaten human beings or domestic animals is dangerous. It also declares as inherently dangerous any animal which, while off the owner’s property, has without provocation either killed another domestic animal or attacked another domestic animal twice. The municipal judge could order the dangerous animals to be impounded for up to 30 days or euthanized.
WILDWOOD Park improvements ahead Wildwood’s City Council on Sept. 9 approved two resolutions to allow for work to be done in preparation of a new pre-fab restroom coming to the city’s Anniversary Park. The city approved allowing Mayor Tim Woerther to enter into an agreement with Trinity Flatwork for $6,478 for preparation of the pad and installation of footings and a foundation for the restroom as well as surrounding sidewalks at the park at 16511 Clayton Road near Strecker Road. Councilmembers also approved allowing Woerther to enter into an agreement with Franklin Mechanical Inc. for the extension of plumbing and electrical service to the area where the restroom will be placed from the existing mains, at a cost of $22,810. The pre-manufactured restroom building is being obtained for $74,000, from Public Restroom Co. in Nevada. Choosing a premanufactured facility has allowed the city to provide much-desired restroom facilities at the park while avoiding the excessive cost associated with a custom-built structure, city officials have said.
WEST COUNTY Marketing St. Louis County Parks The St. Louis County Council, on Sept. 10, gave a second reading to legislation that would allow County Executive Charlie Dooley to execute a three-year contract with Method Insights, Inc. of Webster Groves for $120,000 per year to provide marketing and advertising services for the St. Louis County parks and recreation department. But some councilmembers have concerns about the firm. West County Councilmember Greg Quinn (District 7) said the request for proposals for the legislation specified a company with an established track record such as three years of experience. “This business has only been running for 13 months, and it seems a large amount of money to be paying to them when they haven’t complied with our budget specs,” Quinn said. “It hasn’t been explained to me why we’re going with an inexperienced firm.” Colleen Wasinger (District 3) also posed objections, but Tom Ott, acting director of St. Louis County Parks and Recreation, said that Method Insights was selected out of 11 companies that submitted proposals because they “resonated best with us in regard to what they wanted to do.” He contended the company originally was established in 2006 under the name AKA but was renamed in 2012 and that the two principals in the company each have more than 15 years of experience. The focus of the company’s work will be to make the county’s 70 parks and its recreation programs “more recognizable in the eyes of residents,” he said. “... we’re changing with the times, and we want the firm to help us update our website, have an online activity guide, provide ads on billboards, aid us with electronic media and otherwise help us act more like a business.” A final vote was set for Sept. 17. Check for updates..
Monarch FPD hires HR director The Monarch Fire Protection District at its Sept. 5 Board meeting announced Les Lexow as the district’s new director of human resources. Lexow comes to Monarch after serving in a similar capacity at Logan University since 2004. He also served as human resource manager at PolyOne, an Ohio-based corporation with plants, offices and other operations in St. Louis and worldwide. He holds a master’s degree in social psychology from DePaul University, a bachelor’s degree in communications from Illinois State University and a certificate from the law program for community developers from John Marshall Law School in Chicago. The Monarch HR director post has been vacant for more than two years.
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Fall brings greater awareness of hunger in West County
By KATE UPTERGROVE Signs of fall are beginning to pop up everywhere – from colored leaves to harvest festivals – but at local food pantries one of the perennial and unwelcome signs of fall is bare shelves. “It’s an interesting thing that in September/October and February/March – these two eight-week periods are very lean,” said Juliet Holden, Circle Of Concern’s community communications director. Holden explained that food pantries, such as Circle Of Concern and the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry, try to plan for these months, but when the food is gone, it’s gone. To help replenish the shelves, donations are desperately needed and can be delivered to: • Circle Of Concern, 112 St. Louis Ave. in Valley Park, Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-
Friday from 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Thursday from 9 a.m.-7 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. • Kornblum Food Pantry, 10601 Bauer Blvd., Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Area residents who want to do more might also consider taking an up-close and personal look at hunger by participating in a number of local events leading up to World Food Day on Oct. 16. One of those events, “A Place at the Table,” is an 84-minute movie that provides a candid look at hunger in America. It will be shown at St. John Church in Ellisville on Sept. 26. The Community Against Poverty coalition also will host a screening of the film at 7 p.m. at Saint Louis University’s Center for Global Citizenship, Huh Auditorium, 3672 West Pine. “Anyone can come view the film,” said Jennifer Dotson, St. John’s missions director. She said everyone is also welcome to participate in the events and activities planned around the film. The goal, she said, is to challenge people to “give, do, learn and live.” As part of the “give,” St. John’s youth ministry is hosting a month-long food drive for Circle Of Concern. “On Oct. 12, in conjunction with Serve St. Louis, we will sort, box up and deliver all collected items to Circle Of Concern and stock the shelves. We also will challenge our congregation to participate in the SNAP Challenge,” Dotson said. The SNAP Challenge, which Dotson classifies as a “learn” activity, encourages participants to experience what life is like
for millions of low-income Americans, who live on the average food stamp allowance of just over $4 per day. Karen Slimack has already signed up. “My husband and I have decided to participate in the SNAP federal nutrition program challenge for a week along with other families from St. John Ellisville,” Slimack said. “We will be living on $29.96 per person for the week or $4.28 per person per day. “We want to be able to empathize with those struggling and also support places like Circle Of Concern where we know there will be supplemental help for those in the federal assistance program.” She said it seems “totally amazing that families would be in a position that they could only live on $4.28 per day.” On average, SNAP recipients in Missouri receive $1.46 per person per meal each day. But the U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that the minimum cost necessary to providing a nutritious meal is between $1.80 and $2.48 per person per meal. At the community level, families receiving SNAP benefits typically also require food pantry assistance, which is why it’s vital for pantries to be well stocked at all times. “I think with all the bounty in West County the people who are struggling are often forgotten,” Slimack said. “And it could be anyone at any moment – so many are just a paycheck away of being in that position.” See FOOD PANTRY, page 15
Legal review finds Monarch workers’ comp ‘inadequate’ By JIM ERICKSON An attorney hired to make a legal review of workers’ compensation claims in the Monarch Fire Protection District has found a number of the district’s policies and procedures to be inadequate, a situation that has tended to raise costs associated with those claims and boost insurance rates. Among other things, the study by Brad Young, an attorney with some 25 years of experience in the workers’ compensation field, found: • Monarch doesn’t mandate the use of the safety devices that it makes available to employees. If the district did require use of safety gear, benefits payable for any mishaps occurring when they weren’t in use would be lower, thus providing an incentive for personnel to use the equipment. • There were no records of regular meetings where safety rules and equipment were discussed. Having such records also would lower benefits if they showed employees were given that information but didn’t heed it, resulting in an injury and
compensation claim. • While Monarch has a voluntary physical fitness program, it should be made mandatory to lower the rate of strains, pains and other incidents less likely to occur when employees are in good shape. • Monarch does not have a policy mandating drug and alcohol testing after any injury nor a requirement for random drug testing. • Monarch has an accident form in place, but evidence suggests it rarely has been used. Also, the form is deficient in not asking the pertinent questions that it should. • In a number of instances, delays in proper reporting of injuries have extended the statute of limitations on any resulting claims. • Cases of sickness at work have sometimes been treated as workers’ compensation cases when they weren’t work related. Young’s report followed citizen comments by Dick Barber, a long-time Chesterfield resident and one of the principals in a watchdog taxpayer group. Classifying himself as a “citizen expert” due to what he said were many years of business experience in handling workers’ compensation issues, Barber
charged Monarch has a disproportionately high number of claims and that the program is being abused by district employees. He also criticized Monarch Director Steve Swyers’ recent letter to the editor (West Newsmagazine, Aug. 28) in which Swyers cited evidence that Monarch’s injury claims had peaked, but now are going down. Swyers also defended the district’s “lightduty” program that encourages employees to return to work even if they are unable to perform all their regular duties. Barber’s response that such programs “don’t work and are marginally effective at best” was challenged by Young, who said light-duty plans do reduce claims. Young said the rule of thumb that “if you have a pulse, we have a job for you to do” is an appropriate one. While light-duty tasks should not be “ridiculous make-work” projects, they are proper if they have any kind of functional benefit, he added. In a subsequent communication, Monarch Chief Tom Vineyard told the Board that problem areas cited in the report will be addressed with his and his staff’s full cooperation.
Ellisville City Council takes steps to remove city administrator By DAN FOX In a special session on Sept. 11, the Ellisville City Council voted on and passed a preliminary resolution to remove Kevin Bookout from the position of city manager. Before voting, the Council had amended the motion to stipulate Bookout would be suspended for up to 45 days with pay while the Council reached a final decision on the matter. According to the Ellisville city charter, Bookout has five days to provide the Council with a written request for a closed meeting to discuss the resolution. After no less than 20 days after the preliminary resolution, the Council may conduct a closed session with Bookout. If he does not submit a written request within five days, the Council may draft a final resolution for removal. While the vote did pass, the Council’s decision was not unanimous. The motion carried 4-3, with Councilmembers Matt Pirrello (District 1), Cindy Pool (District 3) and Roze Acup (District 3) voting against the motion. “The only thing I can say is this is incomprehensible,” Pirrello said. During the public comments section, several residents spoke out in support of the motion to remove Bookout. Elizabeth Schmidt said the day-to-day management of the city was unsatisfactory for her. Resident Sandy McGrath said Bookout had not done enough in terms of bringing new business to the city. The Council also acted on another previous motion regarding removing Paul Martin as prosecuting attorney for Ellisville. The Council voted and agreed to pass the duties of prosecuting attorney to city attorney George Restovich’s law firm until a permanent replacement can be found. According to Mayor Adam Paul, this will not change the current fees paid to Restovich’s firm. At the end of the Sept. 4 Ellisville City Council meeting, Councilmember Mick Cahill (District 2) made an unscheduled motion to remove Bookout from office, which resulted in the resolution that passed on Sept. 11. In making the motion, Cahill said, “I think it (is) time for change.”
Wildwood seeks bids to nix noise nuisance at new city hall By MARY SHAPIRO Wildwood plans to take steps to bring some quiet into the city’s noisy new municipal building. The $7.5 million building at 16860 Main St. opened in February of this year and houses city hall and St. Louis County Police/Wildwood Precinct employees. The City Council authorized City Administrator Dan Dubruiel on Sept. 9 to seek bids for an acoustical treatment for the building. Dubruiel told the Council that, since moving into the building, those in public spaces and office areas have experienced problems with voices and other sounds echoing and reverberating. “The sounds from normal activities become very distracting and disruptive to city business activities and meetings,” he told the Council. Problems are most noticeable in the first and second story lobby areas and the long hallway leading to City Council chambers, he said. A dramatic spiral staircase extends between the first and second floor lobbies, with high ceilings throughout the building including in the upper level open office work areas on the east and west ends of the building where noise problems have been
reported, Dubruiel said. “The police detention area interview room has extremely poor acoustics, making it difficult to have confidential conversations and record them,” he said. “All this isn’t something we can tolerate for long.” In April, the city used consulting engineering firm McClure/EDI Acoustics to perform sound measurements in the building, analyze the results and recommend acoustical treatments. “They found the reverberation of sound within the lobby on both levels was almost six times the normal standard,” Dubruiel said. “They found unacceptable sound reverberation in the large open employee work areas on the second floor.” The firm said that some solutions, such as installing a machine to make “white noise” to deaden sound, could make the problem much worse, he said. The firm instead recommended installing fabric-covered acoustical panels in the lobby, open work areas and in the hallway to the Council chambers, as well as carpeting in areas such as the Council chamber hallway. “The cost estimates we’ve gotten for this work aren’t insignificant, ranging from $45,000 to $50,000,” Dubruiel said. He also noted that it will be a challenge for a contractor to install panels in the
building’s high ceilings, “especially in work areas with all manner of light fixtures and ventilation ducts hanging from the ceilings as well as fire sprinklers the company would need to work around.” Work may need to be done on weekends when much of the building is empty, he said, due to the “bit of a daunting task” of possibly using scaffolding or mechanical lifts to put panels in place. Councilmember Dave Bertolino (Ward 5) mentioned other problems with the building such as leaky windows and elevator problems. “But the noise was a surprise to me,” Dubruiel said. “We didn’t fully appreciate the effect of the hard surfaces of the ceiling and walls on noise.” The Council chamber itself is a little quieter due to a drop ceiling, he said. “I’m told architects today gravitate toward building large, attractive open spaces, which adds to the potential of acoustical challenges, but practical aspects become secondary to them,” he said. However, Dubruiel said it is likely that $200,000 in funding is still available from the original municipal building budget to deal with these problems. Councilmember Tammy Shea (Ward 3) wondered if all the hard surfaces were
installed to help the building obtain LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) green building certification. Dubruiel said the surfaces were meant to help with light reflection. “But those hard surfaces in the walls and ceilings bounce sound all over the place,” he said. Councilmember Sue Cullinane (Ward 3), the daughter of a heating and air conditioning contractor, said the high ceilings in the municipal building also have proven harder to heat and cool. “Our mid-year budget estimate for natural gas has almost been doubled to get us to the end of the year,” she said. Cullinane also advocated more carpeting. Councilmember Colleen Rull (Ward 6) also advocated installing carpeting on the spiral staircase, “because girls in heels are clip-clopping on the stairs all the time.” But Dubruiel said he would “hate to do carpeting over those fancy wooden stairs.” While resident Dan Topik chastised the municipal building architects for “not doing their homework,” resident John Gragnani countered that “if we would have gone over the $8 million budget, this building wouldn’t have happened.” “I don’t like the sound issues either, but they’re fixable,” he said.
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Fines double; signs, safety measures go in on Pierside Lane By DAN FOX The Ellisville City Council has taken legislative action to curb the amount of reckless driving on Pierside Lane. The action is in response to Ellisville residents who have been coming to councilmembers about the situation on the twolane road and complaining of the volume of speeders that use Pierside as a cutthrough. The situation was agitated further when a school bus traveling west on Pierside was rear-ended at 7 a.m. on Aug. 27. None of the students in the bus were hurt, but Councilmember Mick Cahill (District 2) said this incident only serves as a prime example of the situation on Pierside. “It’s unbelievable,” Cahill said. “If you take a drive down there during the traffic times, you’ll be amazed at how these people drive through that neighborhood.” At the Sept. 4 Council meeting, two ordinances were created, both of which will affect traffic on the road. The first ordinance will add several new stop signs along the length of Pierside. One sign will be placed at eastbound Pierside and Kiefer Oak Court, and a pair of signs will be placed at the intersection of Autumn Oaks Drive and Pierside, affecting both directions of traffic. The second ordinance will implement a double fine zone on Pierside and autho-
rizes the Public Works department to put signs in place that will advise motorists of the increased penalties. Before the Council voted on this ordinance, Councilmember Matt Pirrello (District 1) successfully amended the bill to include a stipulation that the penalties for traffic violations on Pierside cannot be bargained or plead down to a lesser offense. Councilmember Linda Reel (District 2) said she feels the double fines will prove to be the most effective countermeasure against speeders. According to Reel, the
situation needs to be changed before a pedestrian is hit. “No one has been hit yet on that road, but it’s just a matter of time,” Reel said. The ordinance allowing double fines will be in full effect within 30 days, per Ellisville city regulations. Currently, a speeding ticket issued in Ellisville for going 10 miles per hour over the limit costs $83, while failing to obey a stop sign leaves drivers open to a $113 ticket. Other steps have also been taken to help slow the traffic on Pierside. The city has
painted the speed limit on the roadway in several locations. Two signs that recommend using a low gear and braking also have been placed on the descent of Pierside’s big hill. Previously the Council had also considered placing a speed enforcement camera on the road. However, according to Mayor Adam Paul, there is pending legislation concerning speed cameras that may limit areas where the devices may be used. “I believe it’s just an option that we don’t want to take because of that,” Paul said.
FOOD PANTRY, from page 13 Holden underscored that truth. “When I tell people I work for a food pantry that serves people living in the Rockwood, Parkway and Valley Park school districts, they say, ‘You must not be very busy.’ But Circle serves about 2,200 people a month,” she said. The Kornblum Food Pantry, which reaches out to residents in 110 ZIP codes, including West County, serves roughly 1,200 families per month. “Last month we served well over 7,000 individuals,” said Kornblum manager Cory Eichorn. ••• Editor’s Note: West Newsmagazine invites area residents to help fill the shelves of Circle Of Concern by bringing nonperishable food items and toiletries to the Better Living EXPO in Chesterfield on Oct. 13. Volunteers from Circle will be on-site to collect donations from those who wish to contribute. Admission to the EXPO is free. West Newsmagazine is proud to present the EXPO and offer participants access to health screenings, food samplings, entertainment and more. Details about the EXPO can be found on page 32.
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Ballwin Board considers what to cut, what to keep in city’s 2014 budget By JIM ERICKSON The Ballwin Board of Aldermen is pondering key expenditures for 2014, but it appears likely all won’t make the cut. In a work session before its Sept. 9 regular meeting, the Board reviewed preliminary information on items including renovations to the current city administration building, a new heating and air conditioning system plus other energy-saving measures at The Pointe, a second phase of improvements at Ferris Park, and major repairs on a culvert on Holloway Road. Those capital expenditure projects are in addition to a commitment the Board has made to keep employee wages and salaries competitive with similar area communities. Planned renovations to the Ballwin government building on Manchester Road at Seven Trails Drive also will run more than $1 million, according to the original estimate. The city just completed work at the Donald “Red” Loehr Police and Court Center on Park Drive, considered the first step in plans to upgrade city facilities. The total renovation is being approached “in smaller chunks” to avoid overburdening the budget. As with the other items reviewed, no final decisions were made pending further study. Replacement of The Pointe’s HVAC system is a priority due to its age and ongoing maintenance issues, according to Linda Bruer, director of parks and recreation. The city has been working with the CTS
Group consulting firm on a guaranteed energy savings program designed to lower utility and other operating costs. The company’s recommendations include a new geothermal heat pump system, lighting changes, pool equipment upgrades, major roof modifications, improved weather stripping, other seals and new doors. Estimated costs are $3.975 million, an amount expected to be offset by projected savings in energy and other operating expenses. Bruer said the various parts of the project are so interrelated that approaching the work in phases is impractical. Work on Ferris Park’s phase one improvements is scheduled to begin this month, with a parks grant paying a major part of the cost. Delaying the second phase – originally set for 2014 – for a year could help ease budget problems and increase the opportunity for a larger grant in 2015, Bruer said. Upgrading the culvert under Holloway Road at Spring Oaks Drive will cost more than $600,000, according to Gary Kramer, city engineer and public works director. Federal funds administered by the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission will pay 80 percent of the pre-construction estimate, but the city will be required to pay all of any additional costs. On the employee wages and salary front, preliminary plans include a 2 percent merit increase in 2014. The Board also has agreed that funds be set aside to help cover some of the anticipated health insurance increase.
Rockwood BOE approves district analysis By MARY SHAPIRO Rockwood School District’s Board of Education on Sept. 5 approved plans for the district’s finance department to enter into a contract for up to $52,000 with a professional urban planning firm offering the best technical method to analyze trends and prepare reports regarding capacity of district buildings and enrollment trends. Chief Financial and Legislative Officer Tim Rooney said the district had received four bids for the work and was finishing negotiations with the best two firms bidding, including RSP, which bid its services between $43,000 and $52,000, and Future Think, which offered a bid of $49,000. Rooney said the firm selected will determine the capacities for each of the district’s schools and provide a comprehensive analysis of enrollment patterns to create fiveyear projections of student enrollment by attendance area. “Based on the capacity and enrollment
projects, the firm would recommend changes to balance building capacity with the anticipated number of students attending a school,” Rooney said. Such a report might point toward a need for re-districting, building additions or similar solutions, he said. Rooney admitted that, in some overcrowded schools, some spaces not intended to be classrooms have been turned into classrooms. “Before considering the addition of classroom space to a building, it’s important to know if there is capacity in a neighboring school,” Rooney said. “Also, if the district were to offer no-cost, full-day kindergarten in the future, this report will help determine facility needs.” Information in the report will help identify deficiencies not only with instructional space but also with support services such as nursing, counseling and special education, he said. A presentation to the Board of the report findings is set for no later than Nov. 21, Rooney said.
Chesterfield bans commercial vehicles in residential neighborhoods By SARAH WILSON The Chesterfield City Council on Sept. 9 passed a controversial ordinance that will ban large commercial vehicles in residential neighborhoods. Mayor Bob Nation said, “I myself am conflicted by this issue. I think that we should try to do something for those who are concerned about this issue, but I’m also concerned about the other folks who have vehicles they use in their trades or professions.” The ordinance goes into full effect on April 1, 2014, and defines the types of motor vehicles regulated, creates regulations for the parking of certain motor vehicles in residential areas and provides illustrations to clarify the regulations. “Certain motor vehicles” includes construction vehicles and equipment such as backhoes, bulldozers and front-end loaders, as well as tow trucks and dump trucks, box trucks, buses, ice cream trucks, flat-bed trucks, step vans, vehicles modified for advertising or business identification purposes, and agricultural, lawn or landscaping vehicles. The only exceptions are for temporarily parked vehicles for workers who are providing products or services to the owner of the property, doing construction work or for emergency vehicles on call, including utility vehicles during repair work. Resident Lawrence Koessel, who is in construction, said he has owned his van, which he parks at his house, for 10 years and that the bill feels “way too far to the extreme.” “In those 10 years, I have not had one solitary person say anything negative about it,” Koessel said. “I keep it clean. I keep it very well maintained. It is not out of place or unsightly. … I never park it in the street. I always park it in the driveway. I use it every day, so it’s not just something that sits there. … It does not detract from the desirability of our neighborhood. It does not reduce adjacent property values, nor has it prevented any neighbors from having full enjoyment of their properties. “I use this van to make my living, put a roof over our heads and put food on our table.” However, Patrick White, resident and trustee of River Bend Estates, said as a trustee, he has received many complaints from residents about the issue, and he can only do so much. “So I come to you guys and ask that you make a law that across the board will address this issue, that will basically keep the neighborhoods residential,” White said. “Large vehicles in driveways, I think, have a negative impact on property values.” Barbara McGuinness, another resident and trustee of River Bend Estates, reiterated White’s comments and added, “What each of us does on our own property affects everyone.” “Governments have to set community stan-
dards to protect the residential quality and care of neighborhoods,” McGuinness said. She cited grass length standards as one way that governments regulate the quality and care of neighborhoods. “So this ordinance is not unusual or out of the ordinary,” McGuinness said. People should have the freedom to live in their neighborhood without the constant intrusion of commercial vehicles and their advertising.” The original ordinance was to go into effect immediately, but Councilmember Bruce DeGroot (Ward 4) made a motion, which the
Council passed, to amend the ordinance to not have it go into effect until April 1, 2014. “My amendment is based upon my desire to help the small business person soften the blow,” DeGroot said. “For that reason, I would like to give that person time to figure out an alternative arrangement as to where to park their vehicle.” After voting in favor of the amendment, the Council voted 7-1 in favor of the entire ordinance. Councilmember Derek Grier (Ward 2) was the sole councilmember opposed. He said that
he has found “very few instances of actual situations of vehicles in residential areas causing problems.” He also said many residents have approached him with their frustrations about the increase and size of government. “I know most of the time they’re referring to the federal government, but local government has more of an effect on your typical day-to-day life than Washington, D.C., does,” Grier said. “Well, here’s an opportunity to say I don’t believe there’s a need for this new law, and I don’t believe a need has been demonstrated.”
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Bu llet i n Boa rd
Members of the Robot-a-Trons, Troop 546, show off their Sound, Light, Alarm Medication idea and robot at the 2012 FIRST LEGO League Competition. The team won awards for strategy and innovation and robot performance. The competition’s focus had teams creating ideas to make life easier and healthier for senior citizens.
Empowering young girls Exploring machines and strengthening abilities in math, science and engineering will be just a few of the things available to Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri, thanks to a $20,000 grant from the Monsanto Fund to participate in the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Robotics program. FIRST Robotics is designed to serve a diverse group of girls throughout eastern Missouri while helping to carry out the Girl Scouts’ mission of building girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place. Females are grossly underrepresented in science, technology, engineering and math fields, and according to the U.S. Department of Commerce, women make up only 25 percent of the STEM workforce. To combat this trend, Girl Scouts remains committed to offering specialized programs, such as FIRST Robotics. “FIRST Robotics is a great way to introduce our girls to these sciences and encourage their exploration in a fun, interactive way,” Bonnie Barczykowski, CEO of Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri, said. “Grants like this from the Monsanto Fund help us
empower the next generation of young female scientists and innovators.” The grant will be used to support the FIRST Robotics program to girls throughout the city of St. Louis and 28 surrounding Missouri counties. The mentorbased program is designed to cultivate girls’ interest in STEM fields and help girls discover valuable life and employment skills by learning how to become leaders, creating ideas, solving problems and overcoming obstacles. The girls also will gain confidence in their abilities to positively use technology. In the 20132014 season, Girl Scouts will organize 30 FIRST Robotics teams, serving 160 girls between the ages of 5 and 18.
Perfect ACT Three students from Parkway Central recently earned a score of 36, the highest possible score, on the ACT college admissions and placement exam. The students are Melinda Lai, Matthew Wallach and Joshua Zeid. Nationally, while the number of students earning a composite score of 36 varies from year to year, less than one-tenth of 1 percent
of students who take the ACT earn a top score. Among test takers in the high school graduating class of 2012, only 781 of more than 1.66 million students earned a score of 36. The ACT consists of tests in English, mathematics, reading and science. Each test is scored on a scale of 1-36, and a student’s composite score is the average of the four test scores.
Giblin’s accomplishments, positions held and awards earned at Missouri Boys State include: citizen of Carver City, member of the Nationalist Party, House of Representatives and delegate to the State Convention. Giblin attended Legislative School while participating in Boys State. He was sponsored by American Legion Post 556 in Chesterfield.
Young violinist
Science winners
Rebecca Liu, a sophomore at Westminster Christian Academy, was selected as a second violinist for membership in the 2013-14 season of the St. Louis Symphony Youth Orchestra. This is Liu’s second season with the orchestra, and she is thrilled to be returning for another exciting year. At a young age, Liu developed a love for music from her father, a Suzuki violin teacher. At age 4, she began studying violin with her current instructor, Susan McDonald, and received extra tutelage from her father at home. Both her parents have been supportive and encouraging of Liu’s musical endeavors. Liu has performed in all four orchestras at the Community Music School of Webster University. The past two years, she has competed in the Artistic Merit Scholarship competition and was awarded several scholarships. “I’m very thankful and excited for the privilege and opportunity to be in the St. Louis Symphony Youth Orchestra,” Liu said. “I hope I can be a part of it for many more years to come.”
The fifth-grade science team at Chesterfield Day School, which included Aanjaneyaa Venkataraman, Kyle Fehr and Robby Leavitt, was named as the third place winner in the National Science League 2013 competition. The combined scores of these three CDS students placed them third in the nation for this national competition. A certificate from the National Science League was awarded to the school honoring the winning fifth-grade team. The National Science League fifth-grade competition consists of a test of 40 questions covering life science, physical science and general science. Science and math teachers with teaching experience from elementary to college level design the test. The National Science League competition is held annually with schools from across the nation competing for prizes.
Selected for Boys State Brenden Daniel Giblin participated in the American Legion Boys State of Missouri this summer at the campus of the University of Central Missouri. Giblin was selected based on his leadership, citizenship, academics and character during his junior year at Marquette High. Boys State is a pure democracy in that all citizens may vote and are eligible to hold office. The program is designed to educate and train Missouri’s young leaders in functional citizenship, leadership and government. Nearly 1,000 student leaders build an entire state government in a single week.
Computer-simulated business winners Nine MICDS Upper School students competed in two teams in a computer-simulated business competition on Sept. 7 at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. One of the MICDS teams earned first place in the competition. Missouri University of Science and Technology partnered with the University of Missouri-St. Louis, the Midwest Chinese American Science and Technology Association and Washington University in St. Louis to host this computer-simulated business competition for Missouri high school students. The event allowed student teams to compete in a setting that mimics an actual business. During the event, student participants learned about enterprise resource planning, specifically
how information technology can be used to advance business processes to achieve business objectives. Members of the first-place team were: Chandler Dalton, Agustin Ferreira, Geneva Lee and Erica King. Upper School students Arjun Dundoo, Robert Hermann, Aimun Malik, Matt Durfee and Bob Sforza also competed. It was a unique experience for students to simulate a business using SAP ERP software with competitors, deciding the sales, purchases, marketing expenses, etc. “The SAP ERP software is fairly technical for high school students – this is a widely used application for supply chain management (enterprise resource planning) – so the success was nice for the kids,” said Upper School Economics Teacher Brian Johannes, who coached the MICDS teams. Representatives from corporate sponsors Cargill and Monsanto were on hand for the competition.
Scholarship in honor of lieutenant John Gates Spindler, 2nd Lieutenant, United States Marine Corps, will be memorialized through a fully endowed scholarship established by his St. Louis University High School classmates as part of their Class of ‘63 50th Reunion, to be held Sept. 19-22. The school credo is “Men for Others,”
and his classmates say no one better exemplified this than Spindler – the only classmate killed in the Vietnam War. Spindler graduated from St. Louis University High in June of 1963. He then attended Washington University in St Louis and was commissioned in the Corps after completing the Platoon Leaders Class in June of 1967. He lost his life to enemy action on April 21, 1968, in Quang Tri Province, Republic of Vietnam. His high school classmates decided five years ago to make the funding of this scholarship the focal point of their 50th reunion. To date, they have donated more than $230,000 to attain endowment status. A plaque commemorating Spindler and his deceased classmates will be presented to the school on Sept. 20, after a 5 p.m. memorial mass. Several of Lt. Spindler’s former platoon members, as well as his next of kin, the Gates family members, will attend the ceremony. The “John Gates Spindler Memorial Scholarship” will benefit one or more young men at St. Louis University High School each year and will ensure that Spindler’s memory will live on, not only with his classmates, but also with future generations of SLUH graduates. For more information, email Bob Seitz at or call (314) 353-7707.
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FIRST Robotics team members seek to inspire a love of science, technology father, Paul, got Boeing to sponsor the WCA robotics team and eventually got Brianna interested in it. She said her experience at Camp EDI was amazing. “A lot of the kids were curious about how we told the robot what to do,” DeGroot said. “They were fascinated with it and loved seeing it up close.” Zandstra agreed. “They loved it. I remember hearing lots of ‘whoas’ and ‘wows.’ They got really excited when it climbed the steel pyramid,” Zandstra said. He also said the WCA robotics team members were able to show the campers a more serious side of working with robots. “We exhibited the robot’s abilities but also explained to the campers how our team functions in a professional and efficient manner in every way,” he said. The interaction was fitting since the Former members of Westminster’s FIRST WCA team is a member of a national orgaRobotics team show off the school’s nization known as FIRST, which stands competition robot. for “For the Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology.” By MARCIA GUCKES Hartmann said he thought the WCA team’s mission to camp EDI was a success. This summer, three recent graduates “We exposed a large group of kids to a from Westminster Christian Academy relevant and possible career for some of (WCA) injected a byte of robot fun into a them,” Hartmann said. “Inspiring intercamp for children with diabetes. est in these fields is the purpose of FIRST, The trio was former members of WCA’s and is meant to pave the way to a better robotics team who demonstrated the future shaped by the creativity we employ school’s robot to children attending the in these future technologies.” “Exercise, Diet and Insulin” (EDI) camp DeGroot said another reason for bringsponsored by the American Diabetes Asso- ing the FIRST mission to Camp EDI was ciation in Fredericktown, Mo. to show the campers that they don’t have to David Hartmann, Brianna DeGroot and wait until they grow up to see some of their James Zandstra showed off their robot’s high-tech dreams come true. skill at climbing a pyramid and throwing “I think that showing these kids how Frisbees. they could work to build this robot now … Hartmann used to be an EDI camper shows that dreams can be possible now, not himself, and his mother, Cathy, used to just something in the future,” DeGroot said. manage the ADA camp. Zandstra summed it up this way, “We just “Camp gave to him what it gives to count- like to see other people get as much enjoyless other children, a place where he was ment out of our team and robot as we do.” not alone,” Cathy said. “At camp everyone Zandstra, DeGroot and Hartmann are all is alike. Everyone is testing blood sugar currently freshmen at Missouri School of and dosing insulin.” Technology and Science in Rolla. But that’s not all that happens at camp. It’s also a place where kids get to dream big dreams and find inspiration in their fellow campers and in special guests like the FIRST Robotics team. David said, “When I looked at my options of how I might share the experience I had with others, Camp EDI was an obvious choice … because I had attended (the camp) because I am also Type 1 diabetic. Also, about twothirds of all the school’s diabetics were on the robotics team, so it only seemed natural.” Another robotics team member has a different kind of family connection to the robot’s trip to summer camp. DeGroot’s Brianna DeGroot talking to camper
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Celebrating their victory in the Troy Leadoff Classic are the Lafayette Lancers.
Off to a solid start The Lafayette Lancers are off to a solid start this season, having recently captured the Troy Leadoff Classic. The Lancers defeated Palmyra 1-0 to capture their first championship in the annual softball tourney since 2007. Kaitlyn Boal scored the lone run on a squeeze bunt by Marissa Gress. Pitcher Maddie Seifert picked up the victory. In fact, she picked up all four wins. Coach Scott DeNoyer said she did an “incredible job.”
High school softball The Kennedy Celts won the recent Notre Dame round-robin, defeating Bishop DuBourg 7-2. “We played well defensively throughout the tournament,” coach Troy Ufert said. “I look for us to hit the ball a little better as the season goes on. I thought our small ball game was strong during the tournament as well.” He said the offense was “pretty balanced.” “Everyone contributed from top to bottom in one way or another,” Ufert said. “Lexi Donahue, Kathleen Miller, and Amanda Cabrera each had five hits in three games.” Cabrera picked up all three wins for
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Kennedy. “She was strong in the circle as usual,” Ufert said. “Abby Schmidt picked up a well-deserved save in the DuBourg game.” While the championship was good to earn, Ufert said his Celts are not done. “We are happy so far, but the season is just beginning,” Ufert said. “We have a lot of work to do. There are always things you can improve upon. We can’t become satisfied. We need to keep improving each day.”
High school boys cross country The Eureka Wildcats won the 10-team Randy Seagrist/Lafayette Cross Country Invitational. Eureka won with 46 points. Other local team scores were Lafayette in second with 54 points and Parkway South in fourth place with 104 points. Eureka coach Darrell Lewis said the field for the invitational was a good one. “We knew there was some good teams in the field,” Lewis said. “Several of the teams had made it to the state championship meet the year before. We also knew some of the teams had graduated some key runners so we thought we would be in the mix.” Eureka senior Tyler Beaman was fourth overall in 16 minutes, 52 seconds. He was followed by freshman Zach Long in fifth place at 16:57. Senior Sam Naeger came in 10th in 17:26, sophomore Zach Balleau
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was 12th in 17:36 and junior Jerod Broadbooks finished 15th in 17:41. “Zach Balleau and Zach Long are young guys that were running in their first high school cross country race,” Lewis said. “I knew they could both run very well at the varsity level, but I wasn’t exactly sure where they would finish since it was their first race. Running as well as they did was key to the team winning the meet.” Lafayette coach Sean O’Connor also was happy with how his Lancers ran. Sophomore Dylan Quisenberry was the medalist in the meet with a time of 16:08. “That was a great time for him,” O’Connor said. “With his work ethic, I believe he will keep getting faster as the season goes on.” While O’Connor does not want to put too many expectations on the young sophomore, he said he believes this could be the start of a solid season for him. “In any given race many kids could win, but I think it’s realistic for him to have a shot at winning a few more races this season,” O’Connor said. Overall, O’Connor said his team performed well. Alec Haines ran a 17:02 to finish eighth for Lafayette. Devin Meyrer ran a 17:07 to come in ninth and Josiah McElmurry ran a 17:13 to finish 11th. This looks like it might be a special group this fall for the Lancers. “I have a good feeling about this group,” O’Connor said. “We are going to be very young but the talent’s there to be competitive in every race and that’s all I can ask from them.”
High school girls volleyball In their season opener, defending state champion Lafayette Lancers girls had to come up with something they never did last year and that was come from behind. Last year in winning their second Missouri Class 4 title, the Lancers went 40-0 and never lost a set. Lafayette ranked No. 13 in the preseason national rankings. Lafayette defeated the powerful St. Joseph’s Angels 19-25, 25-14, 25-19 to earn the victory. The Angels are ranked No. 55 in the nation.
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High school boys soccer
John Burroughs defeated MICDS 3-0 to win the first Metro League Tournament. It was formerly the MICDS Tournament and it was played at MICDS. Ladue scored a 2-0 win over Principia to take third place. In the consolation game, Priory earned a 2-0 win over Lutheran South. Westminster Christian Academy won the seventh-place team with a 5-0 win over Lutheran North.
College women’s volleyball Samford freshman Erin Bognar had a stellar collegiate debut weekend at the UAB/Samford Volleyball Challenge, and the Southern Conference recognized her performance by naming her the SoCon Freshman of the Week. The Westminster Christian Academy graduate was the only Bulldog freshman to start all four matches. She was second on the team with 36 kills, only trailing Michaela Reesor with 39, to go along with 21 digs, six block assists and three service aces. Bognar’s best performance of the weekend came in the 3-0 win over Mercer, where she led all players with 17 kills with only two errors on 29 swings for a .517 attack percentage.
College wrestling The Maryville University wrestling team has brought in the No. 3 ranked non-Division I recruiting class in the nation as rated in the September 2013 edition of Wrestling USA Magazine. The rankings were based upon the evaluations from Dan Fickel of the Best 2013 High School Seniors. “This recruiting class is a great fit for Maryville University and our wrestling program,” said Saints head coach Mike Denney. “We wanted to bring in top people who excel both academically and on the mat. “All of the incoming student-athletes will be great additions to the program as we build upon the successes from last year and our first Division II national champion.” Maryville, which was ranked as high as No. 15 by the National Wrestling Coaches Association last year, opens the 2013-14 season with the University of Central Missouri Open Nov. 17.
Prep football – Week four forecast By WARREN MAYES Three big conference matchups highlight week four of the high school football schedule. The Parkway West Longhorns go to face the Parkway Central Colts in a battle of Suburban South Conference squads Friday. In the other big league contest Friday, the Marquette Mustangs will play at the Parkway South Patriots field in a Suburban West Conference game. In a battle of longtime Metro League rivals, Priory goes to play at MICDS on Saturday afternoon. The Colts under coach Mark Goldenberg have opened the season strong again and are ranked high in the Missouri Class 5 state coaches poll. Parkway Central opened the season with two dominating wins over Ladue and Clayton. Parkway Central quarterback Zack Lazenby and running back Augie Brooks along with receivers Jonathan Bonner and Johnny Naughton lead a strong offense. Naughton and Bonner also spark a defense that is stout and unyielding. The Longhorns, on the other hand, were shut out in their first two games of the 2013 campaign. Parkway West will be looking to spark its season with a good performance
against the host Colts. Marquette has a balanced running attack led by Charles Turner, Jacobi Boykin and Jack Whitworth. Austin Powers is a talented quarterback who likes to throw to Matt Scheibel and Turner. Eli Erickson is the quarterback for Parkway South and his top receivers are Jacob Hayes and Keenan Borders. Erickson also is a talented runner for the Patriots. Priory opened its season under coach Marty Combs with two runaway victories. Andrew Rund is the quarterback and leading rusher for the high-scoring Rebels. Here are the games scheduled for Friday. All have 7 p.m. kickoffs. • Northwest Cedar Hill at Lafayette • Kennedy at Lutheran St. Charles • Marquette at Parkway South • Parkway West at Parkway Central • Chaminade at De Smet Jesuit • Eureka at Oakville • Lindbergh at CBC On Saturday, two games kickoff at 1 p.m.: • University City at Parkway North • Clopton at Principia and two kickoff at 2 p.m.: • Priory at MICDS • Lutheran South at Westminster
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Kid City bringing family-friendly fun downtown
o matter what age their kids are, parents will always have questions about the different stages in their kid’s life – and that is where Kid City comes in. Kid City a popular destination within the award-winning 2013 Budweiser Taste of St. Louis, combines a series of fun activities with creative learning experiences that cocreator Gary Lerner said “help parents be better parents.” “We thought we could build an area, something that would bring together all those resources for parents, resources from health care to education to child care to safety to financial planning for your kid’s future,” said Lerner, who with Tammy Wildman, both parents to kids under the age of 12, created Kid City. “Every exhibit that we do is something that we want the parents to do with their kids.” Now celebrating its fourth year, Lerner said the event only gets “bigger and bigger every year.” New for 2013 is the Interactive Kid’s Hospital ER, presented by SSM Cardinal Glennon. The interactive experience helps kids and parents get comfortable with what to expect when an unexpected trip to the ER happens. Kids will “check in” to the ER and receive their own bear or doll to help take care of with the ER nurses. Kids will visit the exam room, help take vitals and check blood pressure. RNA Worldwide is bringing the Ready, Set, Recycle! Exhibit. Through games and activities, kids learn about
what can and can’t be recycled and how we can all care for our planet! The Safety Demonstration Fair presented by MoDot and Midas includes safety stations where kids of all ages and their parents learn about motor vehicle and helmet safety. A Texting While Driving simulator gives parents and teens a chance to see the effects of texting on their driving skills. Clif Wilkerson, co-owner of five Midas locations in St. Louis says Midas has participated in Kid City every year since its inception. “We think it’s important that we try and keep kids as safe as possible and educate parents to help them do that,” Wilkerson said. “It’s the commitment that we want to make to try to keep as many of our kids as safe as possible.” Among the Safety Fair stations is a Car Seat and Seatbelt Station for parents to learn how to install a car seat correctly. “It’s important that these kids are secured into their vehicles correctly so that it doesn’t create any problems, Wilkerson said. Shirlyn Myles, community liaison for MoDOT, said MoDOT has always taken a role when it comes to highway and road safety, “whether our approach is to tackle the issue of texting and driving, drunk driving or child passenger safety.” “Our primary focus is safety, safety first,” Myles said. “This year, we’re focusing our reach across many subdivisions, so we hope to have a larger reach to serve an even larger, more diverse community.” One hundred bicycle helmets will also be given away each day for kids 10 and under. Returning favorites of Kid City will include the American Eagle Kid’s Credit Union where kids will compute simple math games to receive a $5 gift certificate that will be redeemed when they open an AECU savings account as well as The Prairie Farms Experience which gives kids a
chance to see what it is like to experience life on a farmerowned dairy farm – and taste their favorite milk as well. Kid City will take place during the Budweiser Taste of St. Louis on Sept. 28 and 29 from 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Olive and 13th streets. For more information visit stlkidcity. com. Taste of St. Louis will take place Friday, September 27, 4 p.m. - 11 p.m.; Saturday, the 28th, 11 a.m. - 11 p.m.; and Sunday, the 29th, 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. After the event, parents can take advantage of a free child passenger safety check on Saturday, Oct. 12 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at selected locations, including St. Louis Premium Outlets, located at 18521 Outlet Blvd. in Chesterfield. For more information about Kid City or to register for the safety check, visit
• American Eagle Kid’s Credit Union • Interactive Kid’s Hospital ER • Meet Geo & Milli from Nickelodeon’s Team Umizoomi • The Prairie Farms Experience
2013_kid_city_taste_10x5_6_ad.indd 1
9/10/13 7:54 AM
Eureka Post 177: ‘the magical ride’ By WARREN MAYES Eureka Post 177 enjoyed a Legion baseball season that will be remembered for a long time. It was a season of many accomplishments. Eureka won the regular season District 10 championship and followed that by claiming the District 10 postseason tournament. Post 177 also won the Zone IV tournament with a 4-3 win over host Jackson to qualify for its first-ever state tourney appearance. That’s where the dream season ended. Rod’s A’s, of Blue Springs, stopped Post 177 short of their goal of earning a berth in the 2013 American Legion World Series. The Blue Springs powerhouse scored a 7-2 victory over Eureka for the Legion state championship at Dey Field at Liberty Park Stadium in Sedalia. “This season was special for many reasons, starting with the players we had,” said assistant coach Cameron Phillips. “These are guys that myself and (Eureka head coach) Robert Huckstep have grown extremely close with, and it was just one of those storybook rides that you never wanted to end. “To say they’re special is probably an understatement. They did things for our program that no one has, and we will forever remember the magical ride.” Going into the season, Phillips said the Eureka coaching staff believed this team was capable of playing deep into the summer. “We thought we had the opportunity. Now, that doesn’t always mean things are going to go your way, but we thought our core guys could get us back into the Zone Tournament and give us a shot at moving toward state,” Phillips said. “We set lofty goals for ourselves, and winning state was among them.” Post 177 finished with a sparkling record of 37-14. Eureka won the Brooks Robinson Classic in Mountain Home, Ark., before going on its postseason run. The leadership of the veterans helped give the team a solid anchor this season to lean on for support. “It all started with our seniors. Those guys have the mindset of champions,” Phillips said. “They were focused, determined and intense, but at the same time, they play the game like it’s their backyard and they’ve been doing this for years.” It was a total team effort. Pitching, defense and offense all contributed to Eureka winning this summer. “Our pitching was great all year. We didn’t necessarily have a ton of depth, with us really only relying on seven guys for a 51-game season,” Phillips said. “But guys stepped up, went deep into games, and it went from there. Our defense was spectacular all season; there’s just no other way to put it. Drew Fair, Sean Murley, Rudy May, Connor Pahl and Adam Schnurbusch all
WAIVED through FEBRUARY 28, 2014 ~ 6 Weeks To 10 Years ~ Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum Eureka celebrates its district win.
(Photo courtesy of Eureka Post 177)
had fantastic years defensively.” In a season full of highlights, Phillips said there are many memories to treasure. “I think we would all say that winning the District 10 Tournament and Zone Tournament are tough to top, but there are some plays that definitely stand out,” Phillips said. “Sean Murley’s home run against Pontonoc, Miss., in the Mountain Home tournament was incredible; Ian Schnurbusch’s pinch-hit single that secured the District 10 postseason title was storybook; and Adam Schnurbusch’s throw to save the day against Jackson are some of the ones that stand out.” Pahl led the team in most of the offensive categories this summer. Murley, May and Fair also contributed all season. “He (Pahl) was incredible all year, and deserved his title as District 10 MVP,” Phillips said. “Sean Murley and Drew Fair did a lot of the heavy lifting with RBIs, as they hit in the middle of our order and put together great clutch at-bats. Up and down our lineup, guys just produced. “When you have a guy like Rudy May hitting eighth, who was a first-team allconference pick in the Suburban South, it’s pretty easy to see why we had success.” On the mound, all the pitchers turned in fine performances for Eureka. “Mike Lydon-Lorson, Rudy May and Brennen Lummus solidified the rotation at the end of the year, but our staff top to bottom was great,” Phillips said. “Donnie Lucas ate innings for us all year. He was just a horse. Austin Tinsley was vital to our team and won some huge games across the summer. “Jarred Boyer may have been our biggest unknown this year, in terms of role and his own personal growth, but he ended up as a lights-out reliever, and we can’t wait to see him continue to get better.” Several players will not be back next summer because they will be too old for Legion ball. Leaving Eureka will be Fair, J.J. Guenther, Murley, Schnurbusch, LydonLorson, Tinsley, Jeff Jinkerson, May, Tyler Jennings, Donnie Lucas and Pahl. ••• Editor’s Note: Sports continues with a feature on MICDS’ Matt Trowbridge on page 49.
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P rivate S chool R esources Chesterfield Day School 1100 White Road • Chesterfield (314) 469-6622 • Matthew Virgil, Head of the School
Premier Preparation ages 18 months to 6th grade. CDS provides a personalized education of unparalleled excellence to children of diverse backgrounds. Their early childhood program is built on the power of Montessori teaching methods and bridges to an upper-elementary program mirroring methods used at respected secondary schools. The CDS curriculum is designed to reflect the path of child development from concrete to conceptual learning. Their teachers work collaboratively with parents to challenge each individual student. At CDS your child will be immersed in an environment that promotes concentration, independence and respect. 6th graders graduate ready for any rigorous secondary school environment. For more information visit them at
Chesterfield Montessori School 1400 Ladue Road • Chesterfield (314) 469-7150 • Anita Chastain, Head of the School
Founded in 1981, Chesterfield Montessori School offers authentic Montessori programs from toddlers (from age 16 months) through Grade 8. CMS is a non-profit private school accredited by the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI), which was founded in 1929 by Dr. Maria Montessori. The school is situated on a five-acre campus in Chesterfield, with an awardwinning building, playgrounds, a swimming pool, two tennis courts and a children’s garden. Students come from many countries and diverse backgrounds. Most importantly, Montessori educators recognize Chesterfield Montessori School as one of the finest schools in the United States. Please visit our website for more information:
Year-round education for Toddler and Preschool students now available!
The Fulton School at St. Albans 123 Schoolhouse Road • St. Albans (636) 458-6688 • Mrs. Kara Fulton-Douglass, Head of School
Set on a beautiful, 13-acre, wooded campus, The Fulton School is a small, independent school – located just 10 minutes west of Wildwood – serving children from preschool through 12th grade. Fulton provides an excellent education for students of various backgrounds and learning styles. Using a Montessori-based, multi-aged, personalized approach gives students the space to learn without limits and to be curious without caution. The Fulton School offers a rich music program, varsity athletics, upper school electives and block scheduling, and an international boarding program.
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READY. SET. LAUNCH. West News 9-18-13.indd 1
9/11/2013 1:42:27 PM
Call to schedule a visit today!
P rivate S chool R esources John F. Kennedy Catholic High School 500 Woods Mill Road • Manchester (636) 227-5900 • Father Bob Suit, President Mary Hey, Principal
age 4 through grade 6
John F. Kennedy Catholic High School is the only co-educational Catholic high school in West County. Kennedy Catholic offers a college preparatory curriculum for students across the learning spectrum. Students are afforded the opportunity to grow intellectually, spiritually, physically and socially while achieving leadership positions in co-curriculars and excelling in both the arts and athletics. Classroom teaching is enhanced with full integration of technology via laptops and software. Community, Excellence, Compassion . . . Kennedy Catholic. Tuition assistance and scholarships are available.
OPEN HOUSE Saturday, October 19 9 - 11:30 a.m.
Kirk Day School 12928 Ladue Road • St. Louis (314) 434-4349 Sue Pitzer, Head of School
scan to request a brochure
Ranked in the top 10% of Christian schools in America, Kirk Day School has been preparing students for the academic rigors of college preparatory high schools since 1992. KDS grows graduates who excel academically, participate actively, and engage the world for Christ. KDS curriculum meets the educational goals of each student including the academically gifted who are further challenged through individualized instruction addressing each student’s unique needs for an accelerated and dynamic program.
Creve Coeur | 314-434-5877
Educational Excellence for the Leaders of Tomorrow
Living Water Academy 17770 Mueller Road • Wildwood (636) 821-2308 • Thomas Keller, Head of School
Open House Schedule Sunday, September 29th 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Founded in 2005, Living Water Academy (LWA) partners with parents to nurture Christ-like character in their students, preparing them to be spiritually, intellectually, physically, and emotionally ready to impact the world for Jesus Christ. LWA’s Christ-centered curriculum takes His love beyond the chapel and directly into their preschool through 8th grade classrooms, incorporating Christ’s love and learnings into every subject. Their curriculum includes proven learning programs that prepare students for success in high school and beyond. Additionally, their “beyond the classroom” opportunities offer a variety of classes at every grade level to stretch the body as well as the mind.
Friday, October 11th 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM (LHS Annual Future Freshman Day) Wednesday, November 6th 3:00 - 6:00 PM
Ranked in the Top 10% of Christian Schools in America
12928 Ladue Road St. Louis, Mo 63141
a part of 3 State Championships (2012-13) +Be a part of a 25.6 average ACT (Class of 2013) +Be a part of the Body of Christ +Be a part of excellence at . . .
Lutheran High School
5100 Mexico Road, St. Peters, MO 63376 ~ (636) 928-5100
P rivate S chool R esources
Lutheran High School of St. Charles County 5100 Mexico Road • St. Peters (636) 928-5100 • Jon Bernhardt, Principal
Because your child was created to make a difference. Open House, Thursday, October 17 at 6:45 p.m. RSVP at
Lutheran High School of St. Charles County is a 9th through 12th grade Christian, col lege preparatory institution whose mission focuses on the spiritual, academic, and per sonal growth of its students.The Lutheran Church has a long history of excellence in education and Lutheran High St. Charles builds on that tradition with teachers who demonstrate a passion for learning and serving. Lutheran High students score in the top 5% nationally on the ACT, and the class of 2013 had an average ACT score of a 25.6. Ninety-four percent of the student body is involved in some sort of extracurricular activity ranging from athletics, to fine arts, to different clubs that serve the St. Charles County Community. Grades 7-12 . Coeducational 314.997.2900 . Town & Country, MO
Rosati-Kain High School 4389 Lindell Blvd. • St. Louis (314) 533-8513 • Sr. Joan Andert, SSND '69, President
Rosati-Kain High School is a Catholic, all-girls college preparatory high school located in the Central West End of the City of St. Louis. Like our neighborhood, Rosati-Kain is dynamic and diverse, with a student body drawn from sixty-eight zip codes and over one hundred elementary schools. Rosati-Kain challenges young women to live their faith in Jesus Christ and to fully realize their own potential. Please visit to schedule a shadow visit today, or contact Courtney Bolesta, Enrollment Specialist, at 314-533-8513, ext. 215 or for more information.
Rossman School 12660 Conway Rd. • Creve Coeur (314) 434-5877 • Patricia Shipley, Head of School
Private School Education for Children Ages 3 through 8th grade. A balanced education with a Biblical perspective.
Join us tor the upcoming Open House to see the difference a Christian education can make
Celebrating 96 years of educating young children, Rossman School uses its guidewords “kindness, honesty, respect and responsibility” to nurture character development, leadership skills and academic excellence. Teachers’ personal relationships with each child, made possible by the school's 8:1 student to teacher ratio, and the strong partnership between the school and parents, lead to graduates who are academically well-prepared, thoughtful, motivated and self-confident.
The St. Austin School 1755 Des Peres Road • St. Louis (314) 580-2802 •
At The St. Austin School, parents know their children are in good hands. A small pre-kindergarten to eighth grade private elementary school, The St. Austin School is an independent school devoted to a classical education imbued with the Catholic faith. Experienced and dedicated teachers work to instill each child with a love for learning and the skills of critical thinking and careful reading which allows the student to succeed and excel in secondary schools of the highest caliber. Small class sizes and low student-to-teacher ratios provide teachers with the opportunity to know their students as individuals and to maximize their inherent gifts.
All-School Open House sunday, november 3 noon to 4pm
Open House: November 7th at 7:00pm
phone: 636-861-1901
Twin Oaks Christian School 1230 Big Bend Road Twin Oaks, MO 63021
contact us at or 314.810.3566 to schedule a private tour.
P rivate S chool R esources St. Joseph's Academy 2307 S. Lindbergh Blvd. • St. Louis (314) 394-4300 • Anita Reznicek, President • Dr. Diane Cooper, Principal
St. Joseph’s Academy, founded in 1840, is a college preparatory high school sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet. Their mission at the Academy is to provide quality Catholic education for young women in an environment that challenges them to grow in faith, knowledge and respect for self and others through a blend of rigorous academics, exposure to the arts, competitive athletics and a variety of service opportunities. Their community expects these women to make a profound impact in the world. Stop by their Open House on Sunday, November 3 from Noon to 4:00pm for more information about becoming a “values-driven woman leader” at St. Joseph’s Academy.
Twin Oaks Christian School 1230-A Big Bend Road • Ballwin (636) 861-1901 • Cathy Jones, Head of the School
A well-rounded student deserves a well-rounded school. Twin Oaks Christian School is committed to providing a strong, accredited, balanced education with a Biblical perspective. Their teachers and staff are devoted to developing all aspects of the character—academic, emotional, physical, spiritual—in each of their students. Children ages 3 through 8th grade receive private school education, fine arts instruction, physical education, Spanish instruction, a competitive athletics program and extracurricular activities at their conveniently located (141 and Big Bend) campus. Come visit their Open House on Thursday, November 7th at 7:00 PM.
• Academically-based Pre-K program for children 3-5 years old • Monday, Wednesday, and Friday full and half-day programs • Solid spiritual foundation based on traditional Catholic principles • Rigorous academic preparation for grades K-8 in a joyful, nurturing environment • Latin, Spanish, Art, Music & P.E. • Student/faculty ratio 8:1 To preach...the unsearchable riches of Christ.” (Ephesians 3:8)
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 9:00-10:00am Tours • 10:00 - 11:00am Presentation and Q&A • 314-580-2802 1755 Des Peres Road • St. Louis, MO 63131
Villa Duchesne and Oak Hill School 801 S. Spoede Road • Frontenac (314) 432-2021 • Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, Head of School
Villa Duchesne and Oak Hill School is an independent, Catholic school educating boys and girls age 3-grade 6 and young women grades 7-12. As a member of an international network of Sacred Heart schools, it shares an educational philosophy of faith, academics, service, community, and personal growth. The students are prepared to serve as global citizens through cultural exchange opportunities with 45 countries. An 8:1 student-to-teacher ratio ensures exceptional individualized attention. The school is also recognized nationally as a leader in classroom technology. Visit to learn how you can join the journey!
Non-Discriminatory Policy – The St. Austin School does not discriminate against applicants and students on the basis of race, sex, color, and national or ethnic origin. The St. Austin School adopts this racially nondiscriminatory policy as to students, makes this policy known to the general public, and operates in a bona fide manner in accordance therewith in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, tuition assistance, scholarship and loan programs (if any), and other school administered programs.
Westminster Christian Academy 800 Maryville Centre Drive • Town & Country (314) 997-2900 • Jim Marsh, Head of School
Westminster is an independent, coeducational Christian school that provides a comprehensive college preparatory program. With a faculty committed to helping students grow academically, socially, and spiritually, the school seeks to equip students to engage and change the world for Jesus Christ. This vision begins in the Middle School with a deep commitment to pursue academic excellence through a highly competitive program. Major initiatives, which coincide with those in the Upper School, include the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) program, as well as the integration of the iPad into the curriculum, which enhances the teaching and learning environment.
There’s nothing common about the Living Water Academy education experience. We invite you to visit and learn why our Christcentered, academically challenging, and spiritually nurturing school is anything but a “common” education.
Ask us how we can help your daughter stand out from the crowd!
St. Joseph’s Academy Developing Values-Driven Women Leaders Since 1840 All-girls education sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph
Open House Sunday, November November 43 Sunday, Noon – 4:00 p.m. Noon - 4:00 p.m.
2307 S Lindbergh Blvd, St Louis, MO 63131 • 314.394.4300 •
Pre-K through 8th
CITY OF WINCHESTER PUBLIC HEARING A Public Hearing will be held at 6:15 p.m., September 25, 2013 at Winchester City Hall, at which time citizens may be heard on the Property Tax Rates proposed to be set by the City of Winchester, Missouri. The tax rates are set to produce revenues which the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 as amended, shows to be required from the property tax, after all adjustments are made to conform to the rollback provisions of Section 137.073 and 137.115.2 R.S.Mo. 1986 and Article X, Section 22 of the Missouri Constitution, following the general assessment. The tax rate is expressed in cents per One Hundred and .00/100 Dollars ($100.00) of annual valuation. In accordance with H.B. 1150, effective January 1, 2003, property subclassifications have been set forth:
ASSESSED VALUATION CURRENT TAX YEAR 2013 Real Estate: Residential Commercial Personal Property
$13,421,550 $3,008,024 $2,512,690
$14,675,120 $3,020,892 $2,557,108
GENERAL REVENUE FUND Budgeted Property Tax Revenues - 2013
Funding Source Real Estate: Residential Commercial Personal Property
Property Tax Rates - 2013
$28,000 $5,000 $6,750
$0.2150 $0.1750 $0.2610
The tax rates outlined herein are merely proposed and are subject to increase or decrease. The final tax levies to be set by the City shall be established in accordance with the provisions of Section 137.073 and 137.115.2 R.S.Mo. 1986 and Article X, Section 22 of the Missouri Constitution, and H.B. 1150. Said determination shall be made in accordance with the most current information as to the 2013 assessed valuation for the City as are now known and provided by St. Louis County. Information and records concerning the City’s rollback calculations will be available at the Public Hearing. The City, in setting its tax levies, is not proposing to increase its tax revenues in 2013 from the tax revenues permitted to be produced, based upon the 2012 tax levies, exclusive of new construction and improvement
Board of Aldermen, City of Winchester by: Barbara Beckett, Administrator/Treasurer Residents of Winchester are afforded an equal opportunity to participate in the programs and services of the City of Winchester regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, familial status, national origin or political affiliation. If you are a person requiring an accommodation, please call (636)391-0600 or 1-800-735-2966 (Relay Mo.) no later than 4 PM on the third day preceding the hearing. Offices are open 9 AM to 4 PM Monday thru Friday.
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9/10/13 9:36 AM
West Newsmagazine Better Living EXPO to create positive community connections Event geared for people of all generations By SUE HORNOF West St. Louis County is rich in resources aimed at improving the quality of life for senior adults, baby boomers and families who live, work and play throughout the area. For the first time ever, the public will have the opportunity to connect face-toface with a multitude of those resources in a single setting at the West Newsmagazine Better Living EXPO taking place from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 13 at the Chesterfield DoubleTree Hotel by Hilton. The event is free and open to the public.
“There will be activities that people of all ages can enjoy together, so it’s a great opportunity for families to attend a positive event that will enhance their quality of life on many levels.” – SHARON HUBER “The focus will be on bringing the community together and raising the quality of life for all generations,” said Sharon Huber, publisher of West Newsmagazine. “There will be information and activities for people of all ages, ranging from health, home improvement and education to helping older family members. There also will be activities that people of all ages can enjoy together, so it’s a great opportunity for families to attend a positive event that will enhance their quality of life on many levels.” Presented by West Newsmagazine and sponsored by Monsanto (title sponsor), Gershman Mortgage (gold sponsor), the city of Chesterfield and the Chesterfield DoubleTree Hotel by Hilton, the EXPO will feature more than 80 exhibits from area businesses, service providers and community organizations, plus informational seminars, food samplings, kids’ activities, music, door prizes, raffles, giveaways and even a drawing for a free vacation. Some highlights of the EXPO include: • St. Louis Rams cheerleaders and game telecast – EXPO guests can view the Rams/ Texans game with fellow fans and members of the Rams cheerleading squad in the comfort of the hotel lobby. • Rockwood School District Student Art Walk – The artistic creativity of area students will be showcased at the EXPO.
• Senior Resource Center – The Chesterfield Older Adults Task Force will be available to answer questions, distribute information and offer counsel on seniorrelated matters. • “Live to Dance” – West County resident Ellen Abramson will share her amazing and inspiring story of surviving cardiac arrest and spread her message of heart disease awareness/prevention. • “Grandma’s Off Her Rocker” – Bonnie Solomon, a leading community expert on matters relating to baby boomers and older adults, will provide a light-hearted but helpful look at age, aging and dementia. • Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce Bulletin Board – Guests can learn more about the community and employment, networking and business opportunities. • Electronics recycling – Anything that plugs into a wall or runs on a battery can be recycled for free, compliments of RNA Worldwide Computer and Electronics Recycling. • Lowe’s Build and Grow Clinic for Kids – With parental (or grandparental) assistance, kids can build a birdhouse or wooden toy or complete another fun project. • Monarch Fire Protection Kids’ Course – An obstacle course will teach the best practices for fire and home safety. • Health screenings – Screening stations will allow guests to check on their blood pressure and other health issues. • Circus Kaput Kids’ Corner – Face painting, cotton candy and a balloon artist will entertain kids and their families. • Crime scene vehicle – The Chesterfield Police Department will provide a look at how a crime scene vehicle functions and distribute first-aid kits. • Mobility van – EXPO guests can discover how to remain independent using the latest concept in assisting those with transportation issues. • Generations Photo Booth – Trotter Photography will provide a complimentary photo of the entire family. • Mark Klose – Guests can meet and visit with the popular K-HTS Radio personality. • Free food samplings –West County restaurants will offer free tastings. • Circle Of Concern food drive – Guests are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items or toiletries to donate to the Valley Park food pantry. • Wellcare BINGO – The final hour of the EXPO will feature a fun game of BINGO. Watch future issues of West Newsmagazine for EXPO updates. For a comprehensive schedule and exhibitor list, visit
E E FR sion e s leas i m ets p d A op n
Saturday, Sept. 28 Sunday, Sept. 29 Wildwood Town Center Fireworks Display Saturday 9 pm presented by
Dear BBQ Enthusiasts,
We hope you will join us on the weekend of Sept. 2829 for the Wildwood BBQ Bash presented by St. Louis Home Fires. It’s hard to believe it has been nine years since the first Bash was held as a small, seven-team competition on the parking lot of St. Louis Home Fires in Ballwin! We’re thrilled that the city of Wildwood has agreed once again to host the Bash on the beautiful grounds of its Wildwood Town Center. The spacious venue is ideal for the event, which over the years has grown to draw more than 100 barbecue teams and more than 50,000 guests over the course of a fun-filled, family-friendly weekend. As in the past, participating pit masters will compete in eight barbecue categories, including Brisket, Ribs, Pork, Pork Steak, Dessert, Chili, Chicken and Chef’s Choice. The event has become a win-win for competitors and guests alike, as the chefs get to showcase their culinary skills, and Bash guests have the opportunity to taste award-winning barbecue offered for purchase by many of the competitors.
A full schedule of activities and entertainment have been planned for this year’s Bash. There will be a chicken wing eating contest sponsored by Wildwood Pub & Grill, Nationwide Insurance yogurt eating contests sponsored by Lanham Agency, Iron Chef and People’s Choice competitions, a cooking demonstrations, inflatables for kids, a fireworks display presented courtesy of Three French Hens and U.S. Bank, and much, much more. Live music always is a big part of the Bash, and the lineup this year includes the Dogtown Allstars, Jeremiah Johnson, Kingdom Brothers, and Funky Butt Brass
Band. Charles Glenn – who is well known for his beautiful rendition of the national anthem at St. Louis Blues, Rams and Cardinals games – will join us this year to sing at the opening ceremonies. We hope you will plan to visit the ninth annual BBQ Bash and experience the fun and camaraderie of a great community event that pays tribute to barbecue – a great American tradition! Parking will be available at St. Louis Community College-Wildwood, where a shuttle will be available to transport guests to and from the Bash. A special thanks to all of the barbecue enthusiasts competing in this year’s Bash; the businesses and organizations that are participating and supporting the event; and all our friends at the city of Wildwood who provide amazing support and enthusiasm for the celebration! Frank Schmer President, St. Louis Home Fires, St. Louis BBQ Society Tim Woerther Mayor of Wildwood
Sponsored By:
Firestone • Wildwood Pub & Grill • ASAP BBQ • Electro Savings • Schnucks • Army National Guard Nationwide Insurance Lanham Agency • PM BBQ • Bathfitter • Ryan Kelley “The Home Loan Expert”
Aaaaaah Lavender ...... Indulge, Escape, Rejuvenate Fall Bloom Starts Soon
NOW OPEN Charles Glenn to sing at Bash 30
opening ceremonies
1/2 OFF uniforms Expires 10/31/13
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Charles Glenn
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Whether or not they are aware of who he is, St. Louis sports fans are familiar with Charles Glenn’s stirring performances of the national anthem at Cardinals, Rams and Blues games. Those who attend this year’s Wildwood BBQ Bash will have an opportunity to hear and see up close the award-winning singer when he takes the stage to sing the national anthem and “God Bless America” during the opening ceremonies. “Don’t miss him. He’s very popular in St. Louis,” advised Bash organizer Frank Schmer. Glenn, 58, began singing back in his high school days when he received early training in voice and percussion. It’s possible that he inherited his vocal talent from his mother, Maye Baker. “She was an opera and Broadway singer,” Glenn said. “She even performed at the Muny.” Glenn continues to impress audiences with his ability to fill an amazing number of requests. His diverse repertoire includes
varied styles of music including rock, pop, jazz and standards. He simply loves to entertain, whether solo, duo with wife, Nikki, or performing with his entire band, The Charles Glenn Group. In August, Glenn competed on the NBC show “The Winner Is,” an experience that he described as a combination of fun and nerve-wracking. “I was a bit nervous with all those cameras pointing at me, so I acted like none of the cameras were there,” he said. “I just performed.” Although he didn’t win, his performance added another accomplishment to a bio that includes some very impressive national exposure. Glenn has opened for such famous artists as Smokey Robinson, Huey Lewis and the News, and the Allman Brothers. He has shared the stage with Earth, Wind & Fire; The Doobie Brothers; Chuck Berry; Meatloaf; Andrae Crouch; and Calvin Bridges. He performed a series of engagements with the The Fifth Dimension. He has entertained at grand openings for casinos in Kansas City and Las Vegas and was selected by Don King Promotions to sing the national anthem for both nationally televised Corey Spinks fights. One of Glenn’s most memorable and emotional moments was singing the national anthem and “God Bless America” for the St. Louis Rams vs. New York Giants football game two weeks after Sept. 11, 2001. An active volunteer and contributor to local schools’ music and performing arts programs, Glenn does a lot of private performances in and out of town for weddings and corporate events. He and his wife also can be heard monthly at Donatello’s Bistro in Lake Saint Louis. Glenn will perform at the Bash at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28, on the Main Stage.
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The stakes are bigger than ever for this year’s Wildwood BBQ Bash: The barbecue team crowned Grand Champion will automatically receive a coveted invitation to compete in the World Food Championships (WFC) taking place Nov. 7-10 in Las Vegas. Billed as the highest stakes food competition in the world, the second annual WFC will award $300,000 in cash and prizes to as many as 108 competitors in a field of 450. Invited culinary masters compete tournament-style in seven categories, including Barbecue, Chili, Burger, Sandwich, Dessert, Bacon and Recipe. The winner of each category advances to the Final Table for a shot at the ultimate title of World Food Champion. Invitations to the World Barbecue Championship category of the WFC are reserved for champions of the world’s premier barbecue competitions. Elliot Mellow, a board member of the St. Louis BBQ Society, learned about the event from people he met when traveling to various barbecue contests around the country. He decided to look into securing St. Louis pit masters a presence at this year’s WFC. “It sounded like a cool deal, so I tried to figure out a way to get St. Louis involved,” said Mellow, who is a member of the 2012 Wildwood BBQ Bash Grand Champion ASAP BBQ team. “I reached out to the WFC on behalf of the St. Louis BBQ Society.”
Mellow said the St. Louis BBQ Society is smaller than the barbecue organizations that were sanctioned to compete in last year’s WFC, but he decided to contact contest officials and see what it would take to get some St. Louis barbecue teams represented. He gave them an overview of the St. Louis BBQ Society, and after inquiring about its various contests, WFC officials determined that the winner of the Wildwood BBQ Bash would be invited to this year’s contest. “I think the reason they were probably drawn to the Bash is the fact that it has eight different categories, where most of our other contests have four or five,” Mellow said. “I think the Bash is as good of a contest as any to be affiliated with the WFC.” After sanctioning the Wildwood BBQ Bash as a qualifying event, the WFC reached out to Mellow for some St. Louis judges. “They asked us to send a handful of judges to them, and I think six of our judges are signed up to go out to Las Vegas to judge the World Food Championships,” Mellow said. The World Barbecue Championship will feature the best championship pit masters from all qualifying events competing for a piece of the competition’s $50,000 prize purse. The winner of the World Barbecue Championship will receive a $10,000 payout and move on to the WFC Final Table for a shot at an additional $50,000 in prize money.
Frozen yogurt and chicken wing challenges A very cool event returning to the Bash is the Nationwide Insurance frozen yogurt eating contest featuring two competitions on Saturday: one at 11:35 a.m. and another at 3 p.m. The Lanham Agency, LLC and Lancia Frozen Yogurt are co-sponsoring the kids-only contest. Don’t miss out on the fun! There will be a chicken wing eating contest at 5 p.m. on Saturday. The competition
is limited to 10 teams of two, and the first team to polish off 75 wings will take home a trophy and $50 gift card to Wildwood Pub & Grill, contest sponsor. Advance registration at Wildwood Pub & Grill, 17253 New College Ave., is required, with teams accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Contests will be held in front of the Main Stage.
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Judges sample a dish in the 2012 BBQ Bash Iron Chef competition.
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One aspect of the Wildwood BBQ Bash that always draws a crowd is the Iron Chef competition, an event modeled after the Food Network’s “Iron Chef America” TV game show. During the BASH on Saturday, six BBQ Bash teams will be selected at random to demonstrate their culinary prowess and attempt to “out-cook” their competition. Each of the teams will be presented with
a mystery basket containing some secret ingredients and will be given two hours to concoct a dish containing those ingredients. Then, the teams will deliver their creations to eight VIP judges who will taste the food and determine who will earn the coveted 2013 Wildwood BBQ Bash Iron Chef title. Judging for the competition will begin at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday and will take place on the Main Stage.
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Picking the People’s Choice
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Certified judges are not the only ones who determine award-winning barbecue at the Wildwood BBQ Bash. Each year, one talented barbecue team is the proud recipient of the People’s Choice Award. For the competition, 17 pre-selected Bash barbecue teams will be invited to pre-
pare their tastiest chicken wings. For a fee of $5, Bash guests can sample those wings and vote for their favorites. The contest will begin at 11 a.m. on Sunday in front of the Main Stage. Come hungry, savor some wings, and cast your vote for the 2013 People’s Choice champion!
Fireworks show set for Saturday
The Bash on Saturday will continue long after the sun goes down, and guests who stick around will be treated to a fireworks spectacular. The fireworks display will get
underway at 9 p.m. Saturday and is presented courtesy of Three French Hens in Wildwood and U.S. Bank. Bring the family, and plan to stay for the show!
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Visit our booth next to the stage at the BBQ Bash Saturday, Sept. 28th to design your own extra-large button for a $3 donation to Circle of Concern. Participate in the Electro Savings Super Sleuth Challenge taking place at the BBQ Bash Saturday, Sept. 28th at 11:30. Minimum 2 person teams. Each team must have at least one adult. Email for more details.)
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Louis t St. h for u O k t Chec ires Boo SH F A e Hom k Long B e We ials Spec
Saturday, September 28 6 a.m.-12:30 a.m. 11 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 11:35 a.m. 11:45 a.m.-3 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 3 p.m. 4-7:30 p.m. 5 p.m. 8-11 p.m.
Shuttle buses run to/from St. Louis Community College-Wildwood Opening ceremonies - Presentation of colors - National anthem and “God Bless America” - Prayer - Mayor’s welcome Electro Savings Super Sleuth Challenge Nationwide Insurance Frozen Yogurt Eating Contest Dogtown Allstars Band Wildwood Dance and Arts Nationwide Insurance Frozen Yogurt Eating Contest Jeremiah Johnson Band Wildwood Pub & Grill Chicken Wing Eating Contest Kingdom Brothers Band
9 p.m.
Sunday, September 29 6 a.m.-6:30 p.m. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. 3 p.m.
Shuttle buses run to/from St. Louis Community College-Wildwood Funky Butt Brass Band Awards ceremony
Jazz and blues to accompany barbecue
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The Wildwood BBQ Bash would not be complete without a lineup of talented musicians bringing quality jazz and blues acts to the Main Stage. The Dogtown Allstars Band will get the party started on Saturday, performing from 11:45-3 p.m. The four-member band is a four-time winner of the Riverfront Times Music Awards, voted Best R&B/Funk/Soul Band in St. Louis in 2005, 2007, 2008 and 2009. The band was formed 10 years ago building on ‘60s- and ‘70s-era soul-jazz and funky-style music “solely to make people move their feet and shake their tails.” Up next and making a return visit to the Bash will be the St. Louis-based Jeremiah Johnson Band (JJB), bringing its Mississippi blues-style
music to the Main Stage from 4-7:30 p.m. Following its 2011 release of “Brand Spank’n Blue,” the band extended its reach to larger audiences via radio, and last year, SiriusXM Radio’s BB King’s Bluesville began airing tracks from the CD, giving JBB some well-deserved nationwide exposure. The Kingdom Brothers Band will be making a repeat appearance at the Bash also and is slated play from 8-11 p.m. on Saturday. The St. Louis band that “uses the blues to spread the news” is a blues/Gospel/rock six-pack of talent that credits its sound to the influences of Albert King, Freddie King, Otis Rush, Bernard Allison, Guitar Shorty and several more of their favorite blues greats. Funky Butt Brass Band (FBBB) will bring the sounds on Sunday, playing from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Making its third consecutive trip to the Wildwood BBQ Bash, FBBB gives traditional New Orleans brass tunes a twist and also likes to mix in some Motown, Southern rock, Chicago blues and St. Louis R&B. Since its founding in 2008, the sixpiece band has released two CDs; played at numerous festivals; opened from some legendary Louisiana artists; and recently, was named Best Jam/Funk Band in the Riverfront Times Music Awards for the second consecutive year.
2013 Schedule Wildwood Town Center Plaza
Presented by St. Louis Home Fires
Presented by Three French Hens 9pm Saturday, Sept. 28th at the 9th Annual Wildwood BBQ Bash!
Free shuttle service runs to and from the Wildwood BBQ Bash. Shuttle parking is available at St. Louis Community College-Wildwood, 2645 Generations Drive. To ride the shuttle, guests should park at the BBQ Bash off-site lot, which is located at St. Louis Community College-Wildwood, 2645 Generations Drive. Parking hours for the shuttle are as follows: • Saturday – 6 a.m.-12:30 a.m. • Sunday – 6 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Designated accessible parking will be available at the former Wildwood City Hall, 183 Plaza Drive.
Free admission • No pets, please
Three French Hens Fine Home Furnishings 16935 Manchester Road in Wildwood ph:636.458.8033 Mon. - Sat. 10am - 5pm & Sun. 12 - 4pm
Life’s Life’s even even better when better when Life’seven even Life’s you get your you get your en e’sbetter even betterwhen when premium you get your you getpremium yourback.back. when tter when premium back. premium back. your u get your Life’s even m back. emium back. better when 42 I WILDWOOD BBQ BASH I
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the level premium period. We put the life back in life insurance.™ the level premium period. We put the life back in life insurance.™ CONTACT AN AGENT TODAY.
you get your premium back. CONTACT AN AGENT TODAY.
Scholarship Fund.
Local charities benefit from Bash Wildwood BBQ Bash guests are not the
America. This year, the team will donate to
only ones to benefit from the great food another good cause. mily for less, cash orfor even getbuild cash value, or even get you can help build protect yourvalue, family less, “We do a new charity every year,” available at the event. Many of the teams notlife been paid outbenefit at thehas endnot of been paid out at the end of senefit backhas if the insurance and participating nonprofit organizations explained Double Barrel Smokers spokes™ ™ backperiod. in life We insurance. donate all or a portion of the proceeds of man Dr. Jon Copeland, a dentist at Town mium put Sortor the life back in life insurance.Travis Insurance Agcy Inc Hesser,Agcy Agent Martinez Ins Agcy Inc Sortor Inc Ins Agcy Inc Steve Travis Hesser, Agent Steve Martinez Ins Agcy Inc Dental in Wildwood who competes Sortor Insurance Agcy Inc Travis Hesser, Agent InsuranceSteve Martinez Center their sales to local charities. Sean J Sortor, Agent 13603 Barrett Office Drive 13603 Drive Steve Martinez, Sean Barrett J Sortor,Office Agent 13603 Barrett OfficeAgent Drive Steve Martinez, Agent Sean J Sortor, Agent Steve Martinez, Agent N AGENT TODAY.Chesterfield, Chesterfield, Louis, MO 63021 Ballwin, MO teams 63011 that donate to charity choose in the Bash with several other local busi“The MO 63017 MOHesser, 63021 St. Ballwin, 63011 Ins Agcy Inc Sortor Insurance AgcyMO Inc 63017 St. Louis, Travis Agent SteveMO Martinez Chesterfield, MO 63017
St. Louis, MO 63021
Bus: 636-532-0044 636-532-3339 Bus: 314-966-2591 Fax: 636-532-0044 314-966-2062 636-227-7888 Fax:Martinez, 636-227-5488 Bus:Sean 636-532-0044 Bus: 314-966-2591 Fax: 314-966-2062 Bus: 636-227-7888 Fax:314-966-2062 636-227-5488 JFax: Sortor, AgentFax: 636-532-3339 13603Bus: Barrett Office Drive Bus: Steve Agent Fax: 636-532-3339 Bus: 314-966-2591 theirFax: own individual Chesterfield, MO 63017 St. Louis, MO 63021 Ballwin, MO 63011
Ballwin, MO 63011
Bus: 636-227-7888 Fax: 636-227-5488 ness owners. “This year, we’re doing it for charities,” said Bash Find how you can help protect your family for less, cash value, even get Fax: 636-227-5488 Bus:out 636-532-0044 Fax: 636-532-3339 Bus: 314-966-2591 Fax: build 314-966-2062 Bus:or 636-227-7888 organizer Frank Schmer. “For example, the Bobby Orf #17 Scholarship Fund.” your premiums back if the life insurance benefit has not been paid out at the end of The Bobby Orf #17 Scholarship was every year, the guys from the Embers Only ™ the level premium period. We put the life back in life insurance. team give an amazing amount of money to established in memory of the late Bobby CONTACT AN AGENT TODAY. Orf, a talented Lafayette High School Friends of Kids with Cancer.” Among the organizations benefiting hockey player who died in 2003 from this year from the Bash are charities sup- complications of a rare blood disease. The Mikel Garrett, Agent Jason Bloom, Agent Troy Pieper Ins Agcy Inc ported by the Crestwood Elks, the Lions scholarship is awarded to a hockey player 16437 Village Plaza View Dr 14145 Clayton Rd. Troy Pieper, Agent Wildwood, MO 63011 Chesterfield, MO 63017 Ellisville, MO 63021 Club and the West St. Louis County for support of the athlete’s post-secondary MikelMikel Garrett, Agent Agent JasonFax: Bloom, Agent Bloom, Ins AgcyTroy Inc Pieper Ins Agcy Inc Fax: 636-458-5088 Bus: 636-227-2000 636-686-7170 Bus: 636-391-7788 Fax: 636-391-9829 Garrett, Jason AgentTroy Pieper esser, AgentInc Bus: 636-458-5055 Steve Martinez Ins Agcy Inc Mikel Garrett, Agent Jason Bloom, Agent Troy Pieper Ins Agcyeducation Inc ance Agcy Travis Hesser, Agent Steve Martinez Ins Agcy Inc and is reserved for individuals Rotary Club, as well as Circle Of Con16437 Village Plaza View Dr 14145 Clayton Rd. Troy Pieper, Agent 16437 Village Plaza Agent View 14145 Clayton Rd. Troy Pieper, ett Office Drive Steve Martinez, 16437 Village Plaza View Dr Ellisville, MO 63021 14145 ClaytonAgent Rd. Troy Pieper, Agent Wildwood, MO 63011 Chesterfield, MO 63017 ortor, Agent 13603 Barrett Office Drive Steve Martinez, Agent who exhibit the characteristics of strength, cern, Friends of Kids with Cancer and Wildwood, MO 63011 63011 Bus: 636-227-2000 Fax: Chesterfield, MO63011 63017 Ellisville, MO s,d,MO Ballwin, MO Bus: 636-458-5055 Fax: 636-458-5088 636-686-7170 Bus: 636-391-7788 Fax: 636-391-9829 Wildwood, MO Chesterfield, MO 63021 63017 Ellisville, MO 63021 MO 63021 63017 St. Louis, MO 63021 Ballwin, MO 63011 Bus: 636-458-5055 Fax: 636-458-5088 Bus:636-458-5055 636-227-2000 Fax: 636-686-7170 Bus:636-227-2000 636-391-7788 Fax:Schmer 636-391-9829 courage and determination that defined the others, said. 1 Fax: 314-966-2062 Bus: 636-227-7888 Fax: 636-227-5488 Bus: Fax: 636-458-5088 Bus: Fax: 636-686-7170 Bus: 636-391-7788 Fax: 636-391-9829 4 Fax: 636-532-3339 Sortor Bus: Insurance 314-966-2591 Fax: 636-227-5488 Agcy Inc Fax: 314-966-2062 Travis Hesser,Bus: Agent636-227-7888 Steve Martinez Ins Agcy Inc Sean J Sortor, Agent 13603 Barrett Office Drive Steve Martinez, Agent Another barbecue team, Double Barrel life of Bobby Orf. Chesterfield, MO 63017 St. Louis, MO 63021 Ballwin, MO 63011 Bus: 636-532-0044 Fax: 636-532-3339 Bus: 314-966-2591 Fax: 314-966-2062 Bus: 636-227-7888 Fax: 636-227-5488 Bobby’s father, Dave Orf, is a member of Smokers, last year donated almost $2,000 to the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of the Double Barrel Smokers barbecue team.
Adjustable Premium Level Term Life Insurance policy series 08025 in all states
except MT,Jason NY, WI; 08075 in MT; A08025 in NY & WI. Mikel Garrett, Agent Bloom, Agent Troy Pieper Ins Agcy Inc 16437 Village Plaza View DrIns 14145 Clayton Rd. Troy Pieper, Agent State Farm Life Agcy Insurance Bloomington, ILPieper (Not licensed in MA, NY and WI) Troy Pieper IncCompany, Jason Bloom, Agent Troy Ins Agcy Inc Wildwood, MO 63011 Chesterfield, MO 63017 Ellisville, MO 63021 State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI), Bloomington, IL Troy Pieper, Agent Clayton Rd. Troy Bus: Pieper, Agent Bus: 636-458-5055 14145 Fax: 636-458-5088 Bus: 636-227-2000 Fax: 636-686-7170 636-391-7788 Fax: 636-391-9829 Adjustable Premium Level Term Life Insurance policy series 08025 in all states Ellisville, MO except MT, NY, WI; 08075 inEllisville, MT; A08025 in63021 NY & WI. Chesterfield, MO63021 63017
loom, Agent Agent arrett, Clayton Rd. 1311014 e Plaza View Dr MO63011 63017 d,ld,MO Fax:636-458-5088 636-686-7170 Bus: Bus:636-227-2000 636-391-7788 Fax:Life 636-391-9829 State Farm Insurance Company, IL (Not licensed in MA, NY and WI) Fax: 636-686-7170 Bus:Bloomington, 636-391-7788 Fax: 636-391-9829 50 Fax: State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI), Bloomington, IL 1311014
Adjustable Premium Level Term Life Insurance policy series 08025 in all Life states Adjustable Premium Level Term Insurance policy series 08025 in all states except MT, NY, WI; 08075 in MT; A08025except in NY MT, & WI. NY, WI; 08075 in MT; A08025 in NY & WI. State Farm Life Insurance Company, Bloomington, (Not licensed Company, in MA, NY Bloomington, and WI) State FarmILLife Insurance IL (Not licensed in MA, NY and WI) State Farm Life 1311014 and Accident Assurance State Company in NY andAssurance WI), Bloomington, Farm(Licensed Life and Accident CompanyIL(Licensed in NY and WI), Bloomington, IL
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The Crestwood Elks visit the Bash every year to promote their Drug Awareness Program.
The Wildwood BBQ Bash is about more than great barbecue; it is a family event that brings out some dedicated volunteers who work hard to make the community a better place. For example, the past six years, members of the Crestwood Elks Lodge No. 2503 have brought their Drug Awareness (DA) trailer to Wildwood BBQ Bash. The mobile exhibit is there to publicly present the Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks (BPOE) Drug Awareness Program. “I’ve seen appreciative kids who visit the trailer one year and stop by the following year to say hello,” BBQ Bash organizer Frank Schmer said. “The Elks have talked to thousands of kids about the dangers of drugs at the Bash alone.” The Elks are committed to eliminating the use and abuse of illegal drugs and believe that in order to ensure a bright future for the country, it is essential that American youth be raised in a drug-free environment. At this year’s BBQ Bash, volunteers will be available in the DA trailer to talk to parents, teachers and kids
and to hand out anti-drug brochures. The trailer also displays examples of drugs and educational kits. “Drug use is creating problems in all areas of society, especially in the schools,” said Chuck Seger, Metro East and Crestwood Elks Drug Awareness chairman. “The purpose of our DA trailer is to educate both adults and children about the use of dangerous drugs.” The program also features annual essay and poster contests that allow kids to express their feelings about rejecting peer pressure. “Our literature will include a coloring book that has been especially created from the drawings of third-, fourth- and fifthgraders who participated in our national poster contest,” Seger said. “We also promote an essay contest for sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade students. Winners receive $25 gift certificates and a chance to participate in the national finals. It focuses on kids thinking about what it means to be drug-free.” To further grab kids’ attention, the Elks teamed with Marvel Comic Books to produce a book featuring Marvel superheroes and Elroy the Elk in a battle against underage drinking. The completely volunteer BPOE Drug Awareness program is the largest of its kind in the country. Elks work in conjunction with D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) officers to educate people on the dangers of addictive drugs, alcohol and tobacco. They seek also to prevent the abuse of legalized and prescription drugs. The BPOE Drug Awareness trailer will be at the Bash both Saturday and Sunday and will be located on the upper level of the parking garage. Visit the trailer to pick up some valuable information, or simply stop by to thank the Elks for the valuable service they provide!
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Ensuring healthy, tasty barbecue If you’ve ever wondered about what goes on behind the scenes of an event such as the Wildwood BBQ Bash, the quick answer is “a lot.” Among the most important elements of the Bash are the steps and procedures designed to make sure the food that is served is taken care of and handled properly to protect the health of consumers. Overseeing that process is the St. Louis County Health Department. According to John Shelton, a Health Department spokesman, county inspectors use the same approach for an event such as the Wildwood BBQ Bash as they do when they are checking out a restaurant’s food safety protocols. High on the St. Louis County Health Department’s checklist are cleanliness and proper temperature control – especially good refrigeration for those food items that require it. “The county’s food ordinance is what we’re enforcing,” Shelton explained. “For anyone to receive a permit for serving food,
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we first inspect the equipment, including refrigeration equipment, that’s going to be used. Obviously, if we receive any complaints, we investigate those. Anyone with a permit also is subject to spot inspections.” Contrary to what many people believe, inspectors are not on a mission to cause problems for food vendors. Much of the Health Department’s role is educational. “Our ongoing goal in all our inspection activities is not simply to give an operation a bad score and shut it down,” Shelton explained. “We think of it as an educational process. We want to make sure food operations know and understand the standards and how best to meet them.” Wildwood BBQ Bash organizers and those who cook and serve the food are well-versed on proper food handling procedures. “We like this event (at Wildwood) and have a good relationship with them,” Shelton said. “They know what they need to do, and they do it.”
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We thank those of you who have utilized our clinics in the past to receive your flu vaccine, and we hope that you will strongly consider getting a flu vaccine going forward. For a list of other public clinics, feel free to contact the Visiting Nurse Association. Bethesda – Fostering Successful Aging through Compassion and Innovation
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MICDS’ Trowbridge deemed one of 50 best lacrosse players in nation
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Matt Trowbridge
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improve his game. “I learned some quick feet drills,” Trowbridge said. “My hands have gotten quicker. A lot of it was speed and agility and that’s what you need. Being able to find things that can make you better is a huge advantage.” Having a mentor also is helpful. “(MICDS junior) Tom O’Hara (has been) a mentor to me. He is a really great guy and goalie,” Trowbridge said. “I took a lot from him. I put that into my game and developed my own style. Having him ahead of me really helped me. Tom has helped me be the goalie I am now.” His play in goal has impressed Kay. “Matt’s biggest strength is that he is always composed,” Kay said. “When a shot is traveling at 100 miles an hour, you cannot flinch and you must be fluid in your movements. He also has unreal vision and can see at 40 feet what most people can only see at 5 feet.” This past summer, Trowbridge played on Project Missouri for Kay. He and O’Hara split time at the primary event in Chicago and the team went undefeated. Last spring for MICDS, Trowbridge was one of the top young players in the area. He had a 65 percent save percentage for the Rams, who reached the state semifinals. While lacrosse is his main sport, he also plays other sports for MICDS. This fall, he is an inside receiver for the football Rams. In the winter, he plays hockey and is a forward and center for MICDS. “It’s really hard to say what sport I like the best,” Trowbridge said. “I’m a competitive guy at whatever is in season. I like them all. I just want to win.”
By WARREN MAYES Matt Trowbridge may be a sophomore and just 15 but he knows where he will be playing lacrosse in college. Acknowledged as one of top 50 players in the nation, the Ballwin native who attends MICDS committed Sept. 6 to play at Michigan. “I visited Michigan this summer. I felt really good there,” the 6-foot, 150-pound Trowbridge said. “There’s a high level of excellence at Michigan for academics and for lacrosse. We felt it was a good fit for me.” MICDS coach Andy Kay said Trowbridge visited Michigan, Johns Hopkins and Ohio State. It was not a snap decision for his young goalie. “After deep consideration, he decided that Michigan offered him the best academic and athletic fit,” Kay said. “They are a newer program than Ohio State and Hopkins, but they have a tremendous upside. Most people will be surprised that a sophomore would commit, but it is actually the trend for the top level players in the country.” It’s understandable Michigan would want Trowbridge to play for the Wolverines. Trowbridge attended Nike’s “The Ride,” two-and-a-half day event held earlier this year at Nike headquarters in Portland, Ore. The showcase featured many of the game’s rising high school stars. The players were put through the Sparq training program and received coaching from some of the best players in the game, including Max Seibald, Kyle Harrison and Jeremy Thompson. “I was really fortunate to get to be in that camp,” Trowbridge said. “I owe a lot of people for that, coach Kay being one of them. A lot of people would like that opportunity.” Trowbridge was selected as one of the top players at the Midwest tryout and made the national camp. From there, he was selected as one of the top performers in his class and ultimately was selected to Nike Ride by its national evaluators. There are currently close to 400,000 high school players in the country, and Trowbridge was one of 40 taken as well as one of the few sophomores there. The majority of the athletes were upperclassmen. Playing against the older players was helpful for him. “It was a lot of athletic ability training,” he said. “It was a fun experience playing with the best players in the country. “It was fun to see who I stacked up against in that kind of competition.” The camp gave Trowbridge ways to
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Healt h Capsu les AAP recommends flu vaccine ASAP The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is recommending that all children aged 6 months and older receive a flu vaccine as soon as it becomes available. In its policy statement on preventing influenza in children published online Sept. 2, the AAP noted that available vaccines for the 2013-2014 flu season include the trivalent vaccine, which protects against three strains of flu, and a new quadrivalent vaccine that protects also against a fourth strain of the virus. The AAP did not specify a preference for either version of the vaccine. “Parents should not delay vaccinating their children to obtain a specific vaccine,” said Dr. Henry Bernstein, a pediatrician and lead author of the flu recommendations. “Influenza is unpredictable, and what’s most important is that people receive the vaccine soon so that they will be protected when the virus begins circulating.”
Don’t let the bedbugs bite Bedbugs have been on the increase in recent years – possibly because of an increase in international travel – and while some people have no reaction to their bites, others experience severe itching, blisters or hives. The Bedbug Registry is a free, public
database of bedbug encounters in the U.S. and Canada that helps travelers and apartment hunters steer clear of the pesky parasites. The site contains roughly 20,000 reports of bedbug encounters at hotels and apartments, dating back to 2006, and visitors to the site can check hotels in any city to see if bedbugs have been reported. To check the database or report bedbugs, visit
Fighting diabetes with fruits Eating blueberries, grapes and apples lowers the risk of Type 2 diabetes, but drinking lots of fruit juice raises the risk, a Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) study suggests. “While fruits are recommended as a measure for diabetes prevention, previous studies have found mixed results for total fruit consumption. Our findings provide novel evidence suggesting that certain fruits may be especially beneficial for lowering diabetes risk,” Qi Sun, a nutrition professor at HSPH said. An examination of data gathered from more than 187,000 participants between 1984 and 2008 revealed that people who ate at least two servings of whole fruits – particularly blueberries, grapes and apples – reduced their Type 2 diabetes risk by as much as 23 percent, compared to people who at fewer
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than one serving per month. Participants who drank one or more servings of fruit juice a day increased their Type 2 diabetes risk by as much as 21 percent. Swapping three servings of juice per week for whole fruits showed a 7 percent reduction in diabetes risk. Researchers said the high glycemic index of fruit juice, which passes through the digestive system more quickly than whole fruit, might explain why drinking juice raises diabetes risk.
Decreased sleep leads to increased food purchasing Results of yet another study support the notion that sleep deprivation contributes to poor dietary decisions. Research published in Obesity, the journal of The Obesity Society, revealed that people who were deprived of a single night’s sleep purchased more calories and grams of food in a mock supermarket on the following day. For the study, Swedish researchers gave 14 normal-weight men about $50 to spend on groceries on the morning after a night of total sleep deprivation and also on the morning following a night of sleep. When sleep-deprived, the men bought food containing significantly more calories (9 percent) and weighing more in grams (18 percent), compared to their purchases after a good night’s sleep. “We hypothesized that sleep deprivation’s impact on hunger and decision-making would make for the ‘perfect storm’ with regard to shopping and food purchasing, leaving indi-
viduals hungrier and less capable of employing self-control and higher-level decision-making processes to avoid making impulsive, caloriedriven purchases,” researcher Colin Chapman said. “Our finding provides a strong rationale for suggesting that (people) with concerns regarding caloric intake and weight gain maintain a healthy, normal sleep schedule.”
On the calendar “Stress Management Workshop: Balancing Your Life” will be held from 9 a.m.-noon on Saturday, Sept. 21 at Desloge Outpatient Center, 121 St. Luke’s Center Drive in Chesterfield. A certified holistic stress management instructor will teach techniques for identifying and dealing more effectively with stressors. Topics will include humor, journaling, art therapy, time management and more. The fee is $15 per adult. For more information and to register, visit, or call (314) 542-4848. ••• The Green Homes and Great Health Festival will be held from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28 at the Missouri Botanical Garden. The festival showcases options for sustainable living and ways to maintain health. Attractions include more than 100 exhibits by local businesses and nonprofits, presentations on sustainability practices, free health assessments and more. Admission is $8 for adults, free for city and county residents before noon and $4 thereafter, and free for children 12 and younger. Visit, or call (314) 577-5100.
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Haikun Li, M.D., Ph.D
Community Family mediCine 17269 Wild Horse Creek Road (Behind Reliance Bank) • Chesterfield • 636.778.1003 Dr. Haikun Li can trace her decision to become a doctor to her 13th birthday – the day of her grandfather’s untimely death. “I was deeply touched by his stoic struggle for life as he battled valiantly against cancer. At his bedside, I made a promise to forge a career that provided relief to others,” Dr. Li explained. In practice at Community Family Medicine in Chesterfield Valley, Dr. Li is board-certified in family medicine. She is a primary care physician who provides both illness and wellness services and treats each patient with the utmost respect. “It is our mission to work closely with each patient, listening to their concerns, understanding their needs and providing the care that they deserve,” she said. Compassionate, caring, knowledgeable and reachable, Dr. Li always calls her patients back and responds to their questions and needs in a timely manner. For her patients convenience, she also has Saturday hours twice a month. “I am eager to bring my vast medical and scientific training to bear and to develop lasting relationships with my patients,” she said.
Robert W. Boyle, DMD
Clarkson Dental Group 1748 Clarkson Road at Baxter • Dierbergs Market Place 636-537-0065
Dr. Boyle has been voted a “Top Doc in St. Louis” by other St. Louis dentists and the “Best Dentist in West County” by his patients. Dr. Boyle and his staff cater to patients who expect the highest quality care delivered with a more personalized level of attention. For you, this means more time with Dr. Boyle to discuss your issues, concerns, and goals. For you, this means that Dr. Boyle provides the most comfortable dental care tailored to your specific needs. The results look great, feel great and last a long time. Dr. Boyle is not an “insurance network” dentist. He believes his responsibility is to his patients and their health, not the insurance companies. Many years ago, there was a patient came to Dr. Boyle only for his check-ups and cleanings and, if any treatment was needed, the patient would go to an “in network” dentist to save money. Twelve years ago, the same patient began having Dr. Boyle do all his dental work. Eventually, Dr. Boyle asked why the patient no longer went to the other dentist? The patient said; “When you do the work, Dr. Boyle, it never hurts, my teeth look great and your work lasts a whole lot longer than the work done by the other dentist”. The patient said he realized; “Ultimately, it is less expensive in the long run to do it right”. If this sounds like the approach to dental care you are looking for, we would love to be of service.
Joseph A. Muccini, MD
MidAMericA Skin HeAltH & VitAlity center 222 South Woods Mill Road, Suite 475N • Chesterfield 314.878.0600 MidAmerica Skin Health & Vitality Center is a state-of-the-art medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology practice located in Chesterfield, MO, which strives to help patients understand and treat their medical skin conditions (skin health), as well as learn about lifestyle choices and cosmetic products/services that can help keep skin looking youthful (skin vitality). MidAmerica’s owner, Dr. Joseph A. Muccini, is a board-certified dermatologist with more than 20 years of experience in medical and surgical dermatology. Complementing his medical expertise, Muccini offers many cosmetic services and procedures, including non-invasive skin-tightening Ulthera® treatments, PEARL® and PEARL® Fractional Laser texturing, noninvasive Cold Laser fat reduction, and Laser/IPL reduction of wrinkles, sun damage, spider veins, and excess hair, among others. He also features premier cosmetic dermatology products including Botox®, Juvéderm®, Radiesse®, Belotero®, Dysport®, Restylane®, Perlane®, Latisse®, Vivité®, SkinCeuticals®, and jane iredale®. The company’s full-time aesthetician provides chemical peels, microdermabrasion, dermaplaning, waxing, and other services. Dr. Muccini has been active in the development and use of technologies and techniques to evaluate human skin pathologies and cosmetic characteristics, and has authored numerous articles on the subject. He holds undergraduate and medical degrees from Harvard University and Columbia University, respectively, and underwent postgraduate medical training at Harvard teaching hospitals Massachusetts General, Brigham and Women’s, Boston Children’s, Beth Israel, and Deaconess. He also completed an internship in general surgery, fellowship and residency in dermatology, and a fellowship in cosmetic surgery. Muccini is a member of the AAD, ASDS, AMA, Missouri Dermatological Society, and St. Louis Dermatological Society, where he has served as president.
Damon Hays, D.P.M.
Hays Foot & ankle Center 2901 Dougherty Ferry Rd • St. Louis, 63122 • 636.825.3360 • Hays Foot & Ankle Center is the medical practice of Dr. Damon Hays, board qualified podiatrist in reconstructive foot and ankle surgery. “We are a podiatric medical practice treating children and adults, providing comprehensive foot care to our patients”, said Dr. Hays, a native of St. Louis. “This includes everything from routine and diabetic footcare, the crafting of custom orthotics and, if necessary, surgery.” As a premier provider of podiatric services, Hays Foot & Ankle Center is a patient practice deeply committed to delivering a level of care that surpasses patient expectations. Hays Foot & Ankle has two locations and both are at street level with parking in front. Our St. Charles office is located at 8067 Mexico Rd., St. Peters, MO 63376, 636.379.2272
Robert P. Rothenberg, DDS
49 National Way • Manchester • 636.391.6990 • Robert Rothenberg, DDS, went into the dental profession because of his desire to help people and make them happier and healthier. Since 1973, Dr. Rothenberg has been serving West County. He received his dental degree from Washington University School of Dentistry and is a member of the American Dental Association, the Missouri Dental Association, the Academy of General Dentistry, and the World Congress of Minimally Invasive Dentistry. His family-friendly office offers a full range of dentistry services for patients of all ages, including Lumineers, Snap-On-Smile, laser-assisted periodontal therapy, cosmetic tooth-colored fillings, one appointment crowns, implants, extractions of wisdom teeth, root canals, and minor orthodontics. The office makes use of cutting-edge technology and pain-free laser procedures for all aspects of treatment; in fact, 95% of treatment does not require use of anesthesia! Emergencies are welcome and insurance is accepted. “Today it is possible for me to contour, brighten, shade, fill in, align, and even replace teeth with amazing new products and techniques,” says Dr. Rothenberg. Now celebrating over 40 years, anyone who has concerns about dental health, Dr. Rothenberg and his staff do it all in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
Neil S. Snyder, DPM Meredith B. Stuart, DPM
Snyder-Stuart Podiatry 16087 Manchester Road • Ellisville 636.230.3883 The Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology (EPAT) is a new and innovative machine that is the only one of its kind in the greater St. Louis area. This non-invasive, office-based treatment is the same technology used by many high level professional and Olympic athletes, as well as Nike runners, to heal all types of musculoskeletal issues: back, neck, and shoulder along with feet and ankles. SSPC is the first and only medical practice in St. Louis to acquire the $37,000 machine and now offers EPAT treatments in their Ellisville office. Each treatment takes approximately 4 minutes without the requirements of any anesthesia. It’s safe, minimally discomforting, and both feet may be treated at the same time. Patients walk out of the clinic with ease and may actually resume normal activities within 24 hours. “[EPAT] doesn’t dissolve a bone spur, which isn’t the source of most heel pain. Normally, the pain comes from a tight ligament attached to the bone spur. Using a special applicator tip, we are able to utilize pressure waves to lengthen the tight ligament that’s pulling on the bone spur which helps reduce the inflammation – and pain – around it.” The EPAT is not a temporary fix like a cortisone injection. Snyder, however, points out that it’s also not a fix-all solution either. “There are no risks or side effects,” said Snyder. “Some patients may experience minor discomfort for a few days, there’s no down time, and they can return to work the same day,” he said. “Most patients experience pain relief after three treatments. Some patients report immediate pain relief after the first treatment. However, maximum relief may take up to four weeks after the last treatment.” Since adding the EPAT technology to the practice approximately in 2012, many St. Louis orthopedists have referred their patients to SSPC to treat foot and ankle pain with EPAT for two reason: the results – an 80 percent success rate – and for the reasonable cost of the treatment. For a series of three to five visits, a patient pays $400 and typically schedules each treatment a week apart from one another. Here is what Jenny J. of Ballwin said. “I was in chronic pain. I chose to do the EPAT treatment instead of shots. I was impressed by Dr. Snyder’s detail options for my pain. After 5 treatments I am pain free. I can wear shoes with support. Note to all, my experience and results are outstanding! For more information on the EPAT machine, visit or
Dustin G. James, MD
CHESTERFIELD VALLEY GASTROENTEROLOGY 100 Chesterfield Business Parkway, Suite 110 • Chesterfield 636.532.0990 Dustin G. James, MD, has always enjoyed getting to know his patients. Board certified in gastroenterology, hepatology and internal medicine, James has been in practice for 10 years. He has always been intruiged with the details of how things work. “The practice of gastroenterology, which is the study of the digestive system, is a perfect match for these interests. You have to spend time talking to someone to determine what is causing their problems,” James said. James completed his undergraduate training at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York and his medical school, residency, and fellowship at Washington University School of Medicine He is also the author of the book, “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Digestive Health”, and a frequent guest on local and national media under the name, “The Tummy Doc” Several national publications to feature his expertise are Woman’s World,, the John Tesh show, Shape Magazine, and Family Circle He said people should see a gastroenterologist for many reasons. One of the most common reasons is for a screening colonoscopy. “During this test, we look for polyps, which are growths of the colon that can become cancer, and remove them,” James said. “It really does save lives and is important for everyone 50 years of age and older.” Typically, patients also see a Gastroenterologist with concerns such as heartburn, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, liver problems, such as fatty liver, and hemorrhoids. “At Chesterfield Valley Gastroenterology, we take the time to get to know our patients and understand their needs,” James said. “We strive to give all of our patients as much time as they need to help them out.” Chesterfield Valley Gastroenterology is one of the only offices in the area to offer painless, in-office treatment of internal hemorrhoids with a laser. For education on digestion and healthy eating, visit its website at
Christopher Kling, M.D.
Town CenTer DermaTology 16759 Main Street, Suite 201 • Wildwood • 636.821.1661 • Christopher Kling, M.D., is a board certified dermatologist who specializes in medical, surgical and cosmetic dermatology for adults and also in pediatric dermatology. He is a member of the American Academy of Dermatology and the American Society for Dermatologic Surgeons. “I enjoy helping people of all ages, utilizing both my interpersonal and surgical skills,” Dr. Kling said. “I especially enjoy getting to know the entire family, as all ages have something to gain from my expertise in the treatment of many different skin problems like acne, warts, eczema, rosacea, changing moles or skin cancer.” Practicing in a state-of-the-art facility hidden in the heart of the Wildwood Town Center, Dr. Kling is experienced in the latest cosmetic treatments, including BOTOX® and fillers like Juvederm XC for unwanted wrinkles and sclerotherapy or laser treatments for unwanted leg veins. An in-office medical aesthetician performs microdermabrasion, facials and chemical peels to help reverse the signs of aging and now offers a new noninvasive skin tightening treatment called Exilis® which has no downtime and is a more conservative alternative to plastic surgery that can be used to treat sagging skin areas of the face, neck or body. Dr. Kling has an excellent bedside manner, and as the father of three young children, is great with kids. Every member of the family receives prompt, professional care with a compassionate, personalized touch.
Kit Whittington, R.N., B.S.N., Founder
SeniorS Home Care West County 636.225.2600 • Mid County 314.962.2666 • Clayton/Ladue 314.863.2667 Seniors Home Care is proud to be celebrating its 26th year servicing St. Louis. In 1987, Kit Whittington started SHC to provide a family support system for older adults. SHC employs an around-the-clock nursing staff to assist clients and families with achieving their unique goals and needs. All nurses and caregivers are carefully screened, bonded and insured employees (not contractors). All employees undergo drug testing, a thorough background search and complete a training program which includes basic nursing skills, as well as physical therapy applications. SHC offers flexibility of care ranging from a 30 minute QuickVisitTM to 24/7 care. It’s important to know what lies behind a company logo, especially when the lives of our loved ones depend on it. SHC has received an A+ rating, as well as the Torch Award, from the Better Business Bureau and is currently celebrating its 26th year in business serving the St. Louis area. “My desire for a higher quality of life for my grandmother drove me to find a better way to care for her. The motivation behind SHC is my own personal experience and I’ve built the company on a solid foundation of 26 years of consistent, compassionate caring for all clients”. Kit Whittington R.N. BSN
Samson Liu, DDS, MAGD • Suveetha Mikkili, DMD
My WildWood dentist 2751 Fountain Place, Suite 1 • Wildwood 636.898.5865 Do you have dental fear? If so, you’re not alone. 15% of Americans (roughly 40 million people) experience some form of dental anxiety. Not to worry, dental anxiety is a thing of the past thanks to sedation dentistry provided by Doctors Samson Liu, Suveetha Mikkili and their remarkable team at Whether a single filling is required, a root canal is needed or you seek a complete smile makeover, sedation dentistry will help you achieve ideal dental health in the most comfortable way possible. Several sedation options are available to help reduce stress, including: Oral Sedation: Safe, economical and convenient, this type of sedation creates a relaxed, tranquil state. Highly effective for mild to moderate anxiety, this type of sedation is administered with a prescribed pill by mouth to facilitate a complete state of relaxation. Appointments will be a dream and hours in the chair will feel like minutes. IV Sedation: Extremely effective for moderate to severe anxiety, IV sedation involves an anti-anxiety medication directly administered into the bloodstream through an intravenous line to achieve a desired state of sedation. Although you will not be asleep, you’ll enjoy a heightened state of relaxation—and will have little memory of the procedure afterwards. Nitrous Oxide: This method of anxiety-free dentistry is the most commonly used, allowing you to relax during treatment and resume normal activities afterwards. Best suited for cases of mild to moderate anxiety, nitrous oxide is administered through a demand-valve inhaler over the nose that releases gas when inhaling. Effects are felt within minutes and are completely gone shortly after your treatment. Sit back and relax as MyWildwoodDentist. com serves all your dental needs. Call today to schedule an appointment.
Exotic animals come to Butterfly House, Endangered Wolf Center Two of the St. Louis area’s unique wildlife destinations – the Endangered Wolf Center in Eureka and the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House in Chesterfield – are about to be visited by exotic animals. Both non-profit institutions will hold major fund raising events on Saturday, Sept. 28. And both events will be helped out by the renowned national wildlife group Conservation Ambassadors, who will visit each location with a variety of exotic animals, including a Siberian lynx, a bald eagle, an American alligator, a toucan and lemurs. On Sept. 28, the Endangered Wolf Center in Eureka will hold its annual familyfriendly open house, Wolf Fest 2013, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. That evening, the Butterfly House will stage its Wing Ding 2013 cocktail gala. In addition to Conservation Ambassadors, Wolf Fest 2013 will feature dozens of other exhibits, vendors and demonstrations. Exhibits will include the St. Louis Zoo, the Shaw Nature Preserve, the Butterfly House, the Audubon Center at the Riverlands, the World Bird Sanctuary and Gateway Sled Dogs. Hourly shows and demonstrations will be staged, and there will be plenty of kids
games and activities, plus live music, a photo booth, gift shop and silent auction. Delicious food, sodas and water will be available, along with beer for adults. All ages are welcome and no reservations are needed. Admission is $25 a carload. The outdoor event will be held, rain or shine. No pets are allowed. Visit for more information. Following Wolf Fest, Conservation Ambassadors will visit the Butterfly House’s Wing Ding 2013 gala. Cocktail attire is appropriate for quests attending this indooroutdoor event. The event is limited to which is for adults age 21 and older. Reservations are required for Wing Ding 2013 and can be made by calling 530-0076. This year’s Wing Ding marks 15 years since the Butterfly House, a division of the Missouri Botanical Garden, was established. Blue Wave butterflies will populate the conservatory that night as the Butterfly House rides the wave of new programming and educational activities in the future. Tickets include food and beverages, live entertainment, guided tours, a photo booth, valet parking and more. For more information, visit for more information.
Joe Dirt and the Dirty Boys Sept 21, 7pm – 9pm Food Trucks – Fireworks after the concert.
Joe Dirt and the Dirty Boys Band are considered the kings of the cover-band circuit according to Riverfront Times. Comprised of former members of the Urge, Stir and current members of El Monstero and Celebration Day.
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Be part of the 2nd Annual Moonlight Run 5K Run/Walk which will zig-zag through the Chesterfield Valley Athletic Complex and Monarch Levee Trail. Top three finishers in each age group will receive awards.
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UPCOMING EVENTS Tuesday Blind Flight Night (win gift Cards) 9/19 - Unveiling of Cosmo’s Treasure Chest 10/6 - Chili Cook Off 10/26 -Costumed Halloween Party
1384 Clarkson Clayton Center | Ellisville, MO | (636) 220-9144
For more information visit
ELLISVILLE AFTER WALMART While some members of the City Council rejoice, others worry about what the future holds By DAN FOX Walmart no longer plans to build a store in the city of Ellisville. This announcement came two days after the expiration of the conditional use permit that Walmart was issued back in September of 2012 and had recently fought to extend at an Ellisville City Council meeting on Aug. 21. At that meeting, representatives from Walmart and their developer, the Sansone Group, told the Council that the project was on track for completion. After the Council declined to extend the CUP, Walmart director of public affairs Chris Neeley had said the company had merely wanted the extension for breathing room and the plan to build the store was still in motion. Two weeks later, Walmart informed Ellisville that it was no longer interested in moving into the community. “We have decided not to proceed with our involvement in the Ellisville development,” Walmart director of communications Anne Hatfield said in an email to West Newsmagazine. “We did all that was required of us to formally advance our project, which we did in hopes of being a part of the solution for Ellisville by creating jobs, economic development, and access to affordable groceries and other products important to today’s families.” The company’s decision came as good news to Mayor Adam Paul, who has been
a stubborn opponent of the Walmart project from the beginning. Paul, who was elected on an anti-TIF platform, said he was not necessarily against Walmart itself, but was against the tax subsidies offered as well as the planned location for the supercenter. “I think if Walmart was truly going to build on the corner, where those dilapidated parking lots are, and they weren’t requesting tax subsidies for it, this would be a no brainer for the city,” Paul said. “But you don’t build on 23 apartment buildings that have people in them to put up a Walmart for sales tax revenue.” Paul and other opponents of the Walmart may be celebrating, but the Council was not unanimous in its opposition of the supercenter coming to the city. Councilmember Matt Pirrello (District 1) said the outcome of the situation sends a bad signal to developers that Ellisville will be difficult to work with. “The intolerance of the existing majority to welcome development is going to be problematic moving forward,” Pirrello said. “I hope that the same people that managed to end this project with Walmart have an actual plan, which we are yet to see, on the books to redevelop any one of the five areas that we have identified for redevelopment.” While Walmart has been a focus of the City Council and Ellisville residents, area business owners also have been affected.
At the Aug. 21 Council meeting, several Clarkchester apartment owners came forward, saying they were ready to sell their property and move the development forward. Now they are back to square one without the promise of a buyout by Walmart and with about 50 percent fewer tenants. The apartment complex owners aren’t the only ones who have endured limbo; other area merchants also have found themselves affected. Julie and Tom Curley are the co-owners of LC Autoservice, which offers A/C service, brakes, front end work, state inspections and other general repairs on foreign and domestic vehicles. Located at 15996 Manchester Road, their business they said has seen a 50-percent loss in customers as a result of the Walmart ordeal. “After being in business for 25 years, it’s not like starting over, but it’s real close because our business is taking such a beating here in all the proceedings,” Tom Curley said. “When you do service work like we do, (customers are) not inclined to come into a business like ours if (they) are afraid that business is going to be gone any day, any week, any month.” Good PR, bad PR For the last several months, Paul has said he wants to see Ellisville move out of the spotlight and progress forward in its development. According to Paul, the city will
now be taking action to do just that. In the coming months the Council will be reviewing administrative changes that could make it easier for businesses to conduct their business – changes that Paul said are necessary. “You’ve got to jump through five hoops to get anything done, and then its got to come before the Council to get approved,” Paul said. “From a business owners standpoint, they don’t have time for that.” The first of these changes could start as soon as early October. In an ongoing project, the Ellisville Planning and Zoning Commission will be holding public hearings to review city codes and making recommendations to the Council on how to change city policies to make it easier on current and future business owners. “We are going to take a look at our conditional use permit process, take a look at our usage permit process, and we are going to try to make things easier for businesses, both existing and potential businesses that want to move to Ellisville,” said Planning and Zoning Commission member Dan Duffy. “We’ve got a lot of vacancies and we want to make it easier to fill them, and easier to keep them here.” On Sept. 11, the P&Z Commission hosted the first of these public hearings. The Commission focused on Ellisville’s sign code that many business owners have See ELLISVILLE, page 60
Experts say only Ellisville’s people – its citizens and leaders – can evoke the change it needs By SARAH WILSON Theories differ as to what the decision by Walmart means for the city of Ellisville, especially with regard to existing and future business development in an already tough environment. Dr. Robert Cropf, professor of political science at Saint Louis University and former chair of the Public Policy Studies department, said the short-term effects of not installing a Walmart in Ellisville are “obviously going to hurt, but in the long term, I think a lot of that has to do with the economic trends for the region and for the country.” “There’s a lot of controversy about Walmart, and you have people who are on both sides,” Cropf said. “There are people who say Walmart is the best thing that can happen to a community since
sliced bread. But then on the other side of the fence, you have people who think Walmart takes jobs away from the community or weakens the already existing businesses in the community. “It’s certainly the case that Walmart doesn’t bring the kind of high-quality, well-paying jobs that many communities desire, but on the other hand, if your community is struggling and you don’t have a lot of other options, a Walmart might be just the thing you need.” Competing viewpoints among its citizens isn’t the only challenge municipalities face when trying to attract new businesses. They also face their neighbors. Cropf explained that local government structure contributes to the competition among municipalities in the region. “So unless you have some desirable set of characteristics that a business is look-
ing for, you’re up against a lot of competition,” Cropf said. Dr. William Rogers, associate professor of economics at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, said because of its location and proximity to municipalities such as Chesterfield, with a plethora of chains and big-box retail development, Ellisville does not have a lot of market power. “It’s not that there’s nothing special about Ellisville,” Rogers said. “But there are a lot of close substitutes to Ellisville, so there’s going to be a persistent amount of pressure on their part.” Still he said, “every place has the potential to bounce back, and not bringing in a specific business does not necessarily ruin your opportunity to develop. However, you do have to be careful because development tends to get other developments. And with Chesterfield,
that makes it difficult.” Cropf said moving forward it would be wise for Ellisville to re-assess where things went wrong. “I would re-examine where they are, how they want to go forward and how they want to market themselves,” Cropf said. “Why should someone bring their business to Ellisville? They have to be able to come up with an answer to that question that sets them apart from municipality A, B and C all down the line. And the only ones who can do that are people in the community, the people who make up the community, the businesses that are currently there, the people who live there and the elected officials. They have to engage in that deep search into why they want more business, what they hope to achieve and how they can position themselves to accomplish that.”
All events and programs are open to the community!
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ELLISVILLE, from page 58
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This office is a General Dentistry Practice. Cosmetic dentistry and tooth whitening are specialty areas not recognized by the ADA that require no specific educational training to advertise these services. The following dentists in this practice are not licensed in Missouri as specialists in the advertised dental specialties of Oral Surgery, Prosthodontics, Endodontics, Periodontics, or Orthodontics: Emily Elster, DMD
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claimed is restrictive. The proceedings resulted in recommendations to take to the City Council, including the recommendation to waive the permit fee and permit process for requesting a sign and the recommendation to allow several new types of signs previously not allowed. This process of change will continue when the City Council reviews the recommendations at a public hearing of its own on Oct. 2 and in voting on the implementation of the recommendations. The Curleys attended the Sept. 11 Commission meeting and said they saw it as a step in the right direction. Julie said Ellisville needs to grow into a more businessfriendly city, and that changes like the recommendations the commission agreed upon can be beneficial to the business community. Councilmember Gary Voss (District 1) also attended the Commission’s public hearing and saw it as a positive move forward. Voss, who is also a business owner, said that even changing smaller restrictions on business owners like the sign codes can attract new businesses to a community. “When you are a small business person, you look into that,” Voss said. “You want as much exposure as you can get.” More meetings, more change Over the summer, Ellisville held three town hall meetings that gave residents an opportunity to have their say in an environment outside the City Council chambers. The meetings sprang from accusations that flared up around the Walmart project, the passage of its conditional use permit, subsequent lawsuits by and against public officials and Ellisville citizens, the mayor’s impeachment and reinstatement, and allegations of a lack of government transparency. They resulted in the development of a
(West Newsmagazine photo)
resident-run Transparency in Government committee, which held its first meeting on Sept. 9. Residents in attendance tossed around ideas, discussed problems and gave potential solutions on how to help the government of Ellisville have a more open liaison with its citizens. The conversation included a wide range of topics, stretching from the way business is conducted at City Council meetings to the councilmembers’ email addresses. The most discussed topics included the current status and potential improvement of the city website, the way in which the city informs residents of city meetings and the level of feedback that the Council gives to residents during the public comments section of the meeting. Councilmember Linda Reel (District 2) has volunteered to act as the committee’s liaison to the Council, and after the first meeting, said she felt the first meeting had been excellent, and produced several great ideas. Reel said the committee has set a goal of having a list of suggested changes to propose to the Council by the middle of October, and will continue to define those changes at the next Transparency in Government meeting on Sept. 23. On Sept. 25, the P&Z Commission also will meet again to continue its public hearing process. This time the Commission will be looking at zoning codes and how changing or relaxing restrictions in that area could help new businesses get their start in Ellisville. Duffy said that he thinks these hearings will create regular changes in Ellisville. “We will make them regularly, over a long period of time, to continue to make it easier for businesses to locate and operate in Ellisville,” Duffy said. Whether all of this change and community involvement will be enough, only time will tell.
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Resources for Seniors, Boomers & Families
Sunday,BOct. L 13 e
Educating and connecting senior adults, Baby Boomers and families to resources in the community that assist them in becoming healthy, wealthy and wise is the goal of the first annual 2013 West Newsmagazine Better Living EXPO in Chesterfield.
West Newsmagazine
11 a.m. to Oct. 4 p.m. Sunday, 13, 2013 • 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Chesterfield DoubleTree Hotel by Hilton
16625 Swingley Ridge Road Chesterfield DoubleTree Hotel by• Chesterfield, Hilton MO 63005
Scheduled for October 13, 2013 at the Chesterfield DoubleTree Hotel by Hilton, the 2013 West Newsmagazine Better Living EXPO in Chesterfield creates a face-toface opportunity for businesses to market to the community in a single environment on a personalized basis.
Attendees: Senior Adults, Baby Boomers and Families in West St. Louis County and St. Charles County Admission: Free of charge to attendees Format: 8’x 6’ booths with table, chairs and pipe/drape plus table-top displays. seminars, food, entertainment Participation Opportunities: Three tiers of sponsorship and exhibit space Producer: The Newsmagazine Network, publisher of West Newsmagazine and Mid Rivers Newsmagazine City Sponsor: Chesterfield, MO
Fun! Information! Education! • Admission is FREE • Exhibits from 80+ Community Businesses and Organizations
For senior adults, Baby Boomers and families in West St. Louis County and St. Charles County, it serves as a one-stop, convenient, single setting where they garner information and interact with resources that improve their quality of life.
Guest Appearance by K-HTS Mark Klose
Participation will be limited. Educational seminars, food and entertainment will be incorporated into the event. Admission to the public is free. A variety of sponsorship and exhibit opportunities are available to businesses and organizations.
For More Information:
Seminars on Health/Wellness, Contact Vicky Czapla at (636) 591-0010 Nutrition and Aging Parents Circle of Concern Food Drive Exhibitor Categories Meet St. Louis Rams Cheerleaders • Health and Fitness • Travel • Retirement Living
• Real Estate
• Shopping and Retail
• Long Term Care
Rockwood School District’s Art Display • Medical ServicesStudent • Education Grocery/Food • Beauty/Cosmetics Lowe’s “Build • and Grow” Clinic for Kids • Recreation/Leisure • Legal Services/Elder Law Free Electronics Recycling • Financial Services • Estate Planning • Home Improvement • Hearing and Vision Monarch Fire Protection Kids’ Obstacle Course • Insurance • Dining Face Painting, Cotton Candy & Balloons for Kids • Reverse Mortgages • Technology • Senior Adult Care • Community Service/ Generations/Trotter Photo • Auto/Automotive Repair Booth Charitable BINGO • Senior Resource Center Food Samplings from Area Restaurants Health Screenings Door Prizes and Drawings
Presenting Sponsor
Title Sponsor
Gershman Mortgage • Travel Leaders & Funjet Vacations Marival Residences & World Spa • City of Chesterfield Chesterfield DoubleTree Hotel by Hilton
636.591.0010 •
Bursting the new housing bubble’ Kevin Weaks
Is another housing bubble forming? The average price of a St. Louis area home is up 5.6 percent from last year, according to housing industry record-keeper CoreLogic, which also reported that, nationally, prices in July were up 12.4 percent over the year – the 17th consecutive monthly year-over-year increase. Today many real estate conversations center on housing prices and where they may be headed. Some believe rapidly rising prices have created a new “housing bubble.” Others believe that the sudden rise in interest rates will impact purchasing power to such a degree that it will force prices downward. CoreLogic predicts that price increases should slow later this year as the summer home-shopping season ends. While there may never be a housing bubble like the one we just experienced, the general outlook for home sales is good. Here are the recent results of the Home Price Expectation Survey by Pulsenomics, which surveys a nationwide panel of over 100 economists, real estate experts and investment and market strategists about where prices are headed over the next five years. • Home values will appreciate by 6.7 percent in 2013. • The average annual appreciation will be 4.7 percent over the next 5 years. • The cumulative appreciation will be 23.7 percent by 2017. Here’s what’s new in new homes: Last days of Fischer & Frichtel’s “Rate Rollback” Fischer & Frichtel’s summer “Rate Rollback” promotion was met with such enthusiasm that the respected home-builder has made the decision to extend the program through Sept. 30. A word of caution, however, this is the final opportunity for new-home shoppers to take advantage of this below-market financing plan. Available in all of the builder’s residential communities throughout the metro region, the program offers a 7/1 adjustable rate mortgage to qualified buyers at a phenomenal interest rate of just 2.75 percent. Individual savings are dependent on certain variables and some restrictions apply. Purchasers in some communities have the option of other equally attractive incentives, and alternative financing plans may also be available. West County homebuyers ready to move now or in the near future have the chance to increase these savings still more by
choosing from Fischer’s selection of salepriced “Showcase Inventories.” A sampling includes two spectacular Showcase homes available at Grandview, which is now on the verge of closeout in Sunset Hills. Offered for $592,900, the owner-ready “Woodside” is an elegant three-bedroom ranch with an oversized two-car garage. The home overlooks the community lake. Encompassing 3,752 square feet, Grandview’s four-bedroom Wyndham story-anda-half will be completed this fall and has been reduced to $699,000 for quick sale – a savings of more than $90,000. In Wildwood, The Estates at Deer Hollow features a Showcase Arlington II ranch, now under construction and listed at $691,344. And luxury villa shoppers will want to ask about the two Campton ranches at Kendall Bluffs in Chesterfield. Both are scheduled for delivery before the end of the year and sale-priced in the mid-$650’s. Details on the Rate Rollback program and full descriptions of these fine homes and communities are posted on the company website, Renaissance Lifestyle Homes has villa ready at Barrow Ridge A beautiful three-bedroom, three-bath villa is ready for move-in at Barrow Ridge, a private, tree-shaded enclave of just a baker’s dozen attached luxury villas off Old State Road in Ellisville. The Ashley, Renaissance Lifestyle Homes’ most popular model, features 9-foot ceilings throughout, a central great room with direct vent gas fireplace and a formal dining room. The kitchen and breakfast room are finished with wood flooring, custom cabinetry, granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances and bay window. The lower level features a high foundation pour, with a third bedroom with walk-in closet and full bath, and a large family room. The home also has a covered rear porch looking out on a tree-lined backyard. The Ashley is specially priced for immediate move-in at $386,025. Another Ashley villa is under construction and will be available for move-in in about six weeks. In addition, two new villas have just been started and will complete Barrow Ridge. Prices start in the $390’s. Homes currently include look-out lower levels, two-car garages, six-panel doors, stone and brick front elevations, sodded
Find out more about our
Fantastic Fall Financing Options by visiting any of our 12 St. Louis and St. Charles County communities.
e. . Your Hom Our House SM
Incentives available on purchase agreements written and accepted from 9/1/2013 to 9/30/2013. Please visit a Payne Family Homes community to learn more about these mortgage products and your eligibility of such products. Restrictions apply, see sales manager for details.
lawns with sprinkler system and professionally installed landscaping. An added plus, all exterior grounds maintenance is provided by the homeowners association. Barrow Ridge is located in a country setting about 1.33 miles south of Hwy. 100 (Manchester Road) on Old State Road. For more information call community sales manager Suzanne Bishop at (314) 459-8433. Barrow Ridge is open Friday through Monday from noon to 5 p.m. or by appointment. Visit Hardesty Homes building at The Cove at Justus Point in Chesterfield Village Hardesty Homes, one of the best-known names in St. Louis home-building, has three homesites remaining at The Cove at Justus Point in Chesterfield Village. “We’re offering our Cottage Home series,” said President Brett Hardesty. The 1,850- to 2,200-square-foot, ranchstyle homes have two or three bedrooms and up to 2.5 baths, and can be customized with an optional finished lower level, threecar garage, screened porch or hearth room. “Where else can you buy a stand-alone cottage home that is not part of a condo association but part of Chesterfield Village with access to their trails and pool and clubhouse, and in a prime location in Chesterfield – all from the $450,000s?”
Hardesty asked. “What a location!” The Cove at Justus Point is off Chesterfield Parkway on the south side of Chesterfield Mall. Turn south on Justus Post road and then an immediate right onto Milbridge Drive. “These homes offer luxury and privacy while keeping you in the heart of Chesterfield,” Hardesty said. “We are also building at Homestead Estates in Wildwood located off of Rieger Road in Wildwood offering pre-planned and custom homes priced from the low $600’s. Lastly we have one move in ready home remaining at Clayton Corners located at Clayton and Henry just west of Whole Foods and Target.” For more information on The Cove at Justus Point, Homestead Estates or Clayton Corners call (314) 581-3505 or visit Payne Family Homes offers fall financing at all communities Hoping to move into your new home for the holidays? Your timing couldn’t be better. Payne Family Homes is celebrating the autumn selling season with “Fantastic Fall Financing Options” at all 12 of the builder’s St. Louis County and St. Charles County communities. The special financing is available on purchase agreements written before Sept. 30. Visit any Payne Family Homes community and talk with a sales manager to learn
more about the mortgage products available. minutes from the convenience of Hwy. 40 Meanwhile, Payne has opened The and Hwy. N. Best yet, you can have all of Grove at Belleau Creek in St. Peters for this plus a luxurious new home for prices sales. Single-family homes there start in the starting in the mid-$300s.” $170,000s in an unbeatable location near The 2,808-square-foot Sycamore ranch Belleau Creek and Mexico roads. For more is set on a more than one-third-acre information, contact Community Sales wooded site and has an eye-catching brickManager Char Richards at (314) 477-1158. and-stone exterior and three-car garage. Payne also is now open for sales at The Golf The Sycamore has a popular split-bedroom Club of Wentzville, located on Hepperman design, with the master suite on the oppoRoad off I-70 with carefree lifestyle villas site side of the home from the additional and single-family homes from the $150,000s. two bedrooms and study. For more information call Community Sales The home also features 11-foot ceilings Manager Erin Worsley at (314) 807-5499. throughout the great room, dining room, Visit for more foyer, kitchen, breakfast room and hearth details and a list of communities. room. The state-of-the-art kitchen offers granite countertops, a large island, stainResort-like living in Thomas & Suit’s less-steel appliances and 42-inch staggered Wyndgate Forest maple cabinets. Fall is definitely the time to enjoy WynThe Sycamore has a covered porch, and the dgate Forest’s four parks, scenic trails, hearth room has triple windows with triple sports court and bicycle lanes. Plus the transoms above to take full advantage of the best news is that you can enjoy resort-style wooded view. Cost of this home is $439,900. living right now with Thomas & Suit’s Wyndgate Forest also has a wide array distinctive Sycamore ranch, which is ready of ranch, 1.5-story and two-story designs, for move-in. priced from the mid-$300’s to the $700’s. “People are consistently amazed at WynTo reach the neighborhood, exit Hwy. 40 dgate Forest’s incredible surroundings and to south on Hwy. N, approximately 1.5 amenities that are beyond compare,” said miles, turn left on Wyndgate Ridge Drive Community Sales Manager Dana Line- and right on Paul Renaud Boulevard. Hours back. “When you’re here in our scenic set- are 11 a.m.-5 p.m. daily. Call Dana Lineback ting, it’s hard to believe that you are only at (636) 561-2120, or visit
Must be preseted at time of estimate to be valid.
Bu si ness
New in the neighborhood Kirk Stange, managing partner and founder of Stange Law Firm, PC, has announced the opening of a new office in Ellisville. Stange Law Firm focuses exclusively on family law. With its West County location, the firm now has 19 attorneys and eight offices in Missouri and Illinois. Stange Law Firm is located at 16024 Manchester Road, Suite 103, in Ellisville.
PEOPLE Elizabeth Ulrich has joined The Krause Team at Keller Williams Realty, 16650 Chesterfield Grove Road in Chesterfield, as a real estate agent. ••• Ulrich Tom Bush has joined Balaban’s, in Chesterfield, as retail wine manager. ••• Tim Reimann has joined St. John Church in Ellisville as music director. ••• Richard Winter, president of Garden View Care Centers, has been elected to a
fourth term on the board of the Missouri Health Care Association.
PLACES Chesterfield Mall now offers free Wi-Fi access in its food court and has added new stores: Toy Tyme Play and PART-aY, an extension of the Toy Tyme toy store offering play times for kids, birthday parties, a puppet theater, grocery store, dollhouse, building tables, mini trampoline and climbing area; and Gifts ‘n Things, which carries gifts, collectibles, home décor, St. Louis Cardinals and St. Louis Blues memorabilia and more. Spencer’s is slated to open at the mall this fall. •••
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Creve Coeur resident Sharon E. Sagarra, practice administrator of Benrus Surgical Associates in St. Peters and president of Medical Group Management Sagarra Association (MGMA) of Greater St. Louis, has attained the highest distinction in the field of medical practice management: Fellow in the American College of Medical Practice Executives (FACMPE). Achieving fellowship through ACMPE demonstrates an individual’s willingness to embrace greater challenges and drive practice performance to new levels through the completion of a professional paper or three case studies. ••• Missouri Health Care Association (MHCA) at is 65th annual convention held last month in Branson honored Gladys Reeves-Kandel, administrator at Delmar Reeves-Kandel Gardens West in Town & Country, with its firstever Lifetime Achievement Award. ReevesKandel began her career with Delmar Gardens Enterprises in 1965 and for almost 50 years dedicated her life to caring for senior adults. ••• Two Delmar Gardens chefs recently took top honors for appetizers at the Missouri
Healthcare Association’s “Taste of Missouri Cook-Off.” Susan Roach, of Delmar Gardens South/Garden Villas South, was named “Best Chef of MHCA 2013,” and Drew Kiel, of Delmar Gardens Chesterfield/Chesterfield Villas, took second place.
MEETINGS & NETWORKING The Wildwood Business Association and Small Business Majority present “Understanding the Affordable Care Act” at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 19 in the Multipurpose Room at St. Louis Community College-Wildwood, 2645 Generations Drive. The free workshop will explain the provisions of the Affordable Care Act that address the needs of small business owners and the self-employed. Mary Timmel, Midwest outreach manager for Small Business Majority, presents. To register, visit
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Sponsorship and exhibit opportunities are available for the West Newsmagazine Better Living EXPO taking place from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 13 at the Chesterfield DoubleTree by Hilton. The event will educate and connect families, baby boomers and senior adults to community resources that improve quality of life and will provide businesses an opportunity to market to the community on a personalized basis. Admission is free. For more information, contact Vicky Czapla at 591-0010.
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Enter t ai n ment Lewis Black comes to Peabody Opera House on Oct. 4.
Lewis Black, Oct. 4, Peabody Opera House Chris Tucker, Oct. 5, The Fox Theatre Jimmy Fallon, Oct. 14, Peabody Opera House
J. Cole, Sept. 19, The Fox Theatre Jason Aldean, Sept. 20, Verizon Wireless Amphitheater Billy Bragg with Joe Purdy, Sept. 22, Old Rock House Vampire Weekend, Sept. 24, The Pageant Michael Franti & Spearhead, Sept. 26, The Pageant Diana Krall, Sept. 27, The Fox Theatre The Who, Sept. 28, Old Rock House Bassnectar, Sept. 28-29, The Pageant Life of Ludwig van Beethoven, Sept. 29, Powell Symphony Hall Nine Inch Nails, Oct. 1, Chaifetz Arena Sigur Ros, Oct. 1, The Fox Theatre Ben Rector, Oct. 2, The Pageant The Lumineers, Oct. 4, Chaifetz Arena Drake, Oct. 8, Scottrade Center Pretty Lights, Oct. 11, Chaifetz Arena Barenaked Ladies, Oct. 11, Peabody Opera House Patty Griffin, Oct. 14, The Pageant
Chris Tucker brings his comedic act to The Fox Theatre Oct. 5.
Sara Bareilles, Oct. 16, The Pageant Hanson, Oct. 17, The Pageant “Swan Lake,” Oct. 18-20, Powell Symphony Hall Frankie Avalon, Oct. 19, J. Scheidegger Center for the Arts Red Velvet Ball with Yo-Yo Ma, Oct. 19, Powell Symphony Hall Neko Case, Oct. 20, The Pageant Eagles, Oct. 24, Scottrade Center Newsboys, Oct. 26, The Family Arena Celtic Thunder “Mythology,” Oct. 26, The Fox Theatre Harry Connick, Jr., Oct. 27, The Fox Theatre Lisa Marie Presley, Oct. 27, Old Rock House Paramore, Oct. 30, The Fox Theatre Florida Georgia Line, Nov. 1, Chaifetz Arena “Fantasia,” Nov. 1-3, Powell Symphony Hall Alabama, Nov. 8-9, The Fox Theatre Lady Antebellum, Nov. 9, Chaifetz Arena The King: A Tribute to the Music of Elvis, Nov. 10, Powell Symphony Hall
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Dance St. Louis’ New Dance Horizons II comes to The Touhill Oct. 4-5.
Providing quality windows, awnings and patio doors since 1947.
“Entertaining Mr. Sloan,” through Sept. 21, Kranzberg Arts Center “Our Town,” through Sept. 29, Heagney Theater “My Fair Lady,” through Oct. 6, STAGES St. Louis “Cabaret,” through Oct. 6, Loretto-Hilton Center “Evita,” Oct. 8-20, The Fox Theatre “Fly,” Oct. 16-Nov. 10, Loretto-Hilton Center Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey’s “Built to Amaze,” Oct. 17-20, Scottrade Center
TICKETS AND INFORMATION Chaifetz Arena:, (314) 534-1111 Dramatic License Theatre:, (636) 220-7012 The Family Arena:, (314) 534-1111 The Fox Theatre:, (314) 534-1111 Heagney Theater:, (314) 968-4925 J. Scheidegger Center for the Arts:, (800) 432-7250 Kranzberg Arts Center:, (314) 289-4060 Loretto-Hilton Center:, (314) 968-4925 Mustard Seed Theatre:,
Comprehensive Care at Home:
(800) 838-3006 Old Rock House:, (314) 534-1111 The Pageant:, (866) 448-7849 Peabody Opera House: (866) 448-7849 Powell Symphony Hall:, (800) 232-1880 Scottrade Center:, (866) 448-7849 STAGES St. Louis:, (314) 821-2407 The Touhill:, (314) 516-4949 Verizon Wireless Amphitheater:, (800) 653-8000
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Com mu n it y Event s BENEFITS
“Remembering Stan ‘The Man,’” a tribute to Stan Musial, is from 6-9 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 19 at Fine Art Limited, 18350 Chesterfield Airport Road. The event will feature Dick Zitzmann, head of Stan The Man Inc., the official Stan Musial memorabilia company; Greg Marecek, who will sign copies of “The Cardinals of Cooperstown” and “St. Louis Football Cardinals: A Celebration of the Big Red” to support the St. Louis Sports Hall of Fame; signed prints of the Lou Brock sculpture at Lindenwood University; signed action photographs of Musial and other baseball greats; and Harry Weber, sculptor of the Hall of Fame collection at Busch Stadium, who will unveil his latest sculpture of Musial, “Remembering Stan the Man.” Call 537-1500. ••• Old Trails Historical Society hosts the Bacon Log Cabin Antique Show and Sale from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 22 at the historic Bacon Log Cabin, located at the corner of Henry and Spring Meadows in Ballwin. Antique primitives and furniture, barbecue, homemade bakery goods and live music are featured. All proceeds are used for the preservation of the Bacon Log Cabin. Call Pam at 448-9249. ••• A Knights of Columbus Golf Tournament begins with registration and lunch at noon on Sunday, Sept. 22 at Aberdeen Golf Course in Eureka. A shotgun start is at 2 p.m. Profits benefit HavenHouse, a hospitality home for families in medical crisis, and L’Arche Community Living for adults with disabilities. The entry fee of $100 per player includes golf and cart, lunch, catered dinner, prizes, silent auction, games and beverages. Contact Greg at 227-7523 for reservations. ••• The second annual St. Louis Community College Golf Tournament is at noon on Monday, Sept. 23 at Tapawingo National Golf Club, 13001 Gary Player Drive in Sunset Hills. The entry fee is $150 per person/$600 per foursome and includes a gift bag, cart, greens fees, lunch (11 a.m.) and dinner with a silent auction. Guests may attend the dinner only for $50. Proceeds benefit the STLCC Scholarship Fund.
Visit, or call (314) 984-7660. ••• “Art from the Heart,” an event to support the Friends of Kids with Cancer Art Therapy Program, is at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 26 at Mungenast Lexus of St. Louis, 13700 Manchester Road in Manchester. Live music, wine, an auction of more than 60 pieces of children’s art, and food tastings from area restaurants are featured. For ticket information, visit ••• The Church STL Garage Sale is from 8 a.m.-noon on Saturday, Sept. 28 on the church parking lot at 15977 Clayton Road in Ballwin. Proceeds support mission work of pastors in India. Contact Jennifer Combs at 489-8811, or visit ••• The third annual MUMC Circle of Friends Fun Run is at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28 at Schroeder Park in Manchester. Events include a non-competitive 5K run/walk and multiple kids’ runs for various ages. A barbecue after the event with food and drinks available for purchase, with face painting and music also are featured. All proceeds benefit the Circle of Friends Preschool classrooms and playground. Register at children-youth/circle-of-friends-preschool/ fun-run. For sponsorship opportunities, email ••• The annual ICA 5K Run/Walk for Freedom is at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28 at Queeny Park. Proceeds help rescue girls from the horrors of sex trafficking and provide a safe place for them to live. There are cash prizes for the top runners, and participants receive refreshments, a T-shirt and race-day bag. The cost is $15 for students, $30 standard rate, $40 after Sept. 21 and $60 for families of as many as four people. To register, visit, or call (314) 487-1400. ••• Strut Your Mutt is at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28 at Tilles Park, 9551 Litzsinger Road. The Best Friends Animal Society hosts the relaxing walk to help homeless pets, followed by a “dog festival” until 1 p.m. Visit
All rates include lodging, buffet-style meals, and most activities. Non Y Members are welcome!
••• The Chesterfield/Wildwood Coldwell Banker Gundaker office hosts a trivia night to benefit Ronald McDonald House at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6:30 p.m.) on Friday, Oct. 4 at CBC High School. Trivia, music, balloon pops, a 50/50, silent auction, raffles and more are featured. Beer, soda and water are available; guests may bring their own drinks and snacks. The cost is $20 per person, with tables of eight. Call (314) 398-3165, or email ••• The ninth annual Circle Of Concern Charity Golf Tournament sponsored by St. Mark Presbyterian Church Deacons begins with a shotgun start at 8 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 5 at the Landings at Spirit Golf Club in Chesterfield. The cost is $100 per golfer/$400 per foursome and includes drinks, breakfast and lunch. Registration is due Sept. 30 by mailing checks payable to St. Mark Presbyterian Church to 601 Claymont Drive, Ballwin, MO 63011. Contact Glen Corlett at 537-2348 or
FAMILY AND KIDS Wednesday Night Connection is from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Wednesdays at Living Word Church in Wildwood. Guests are invited to arrive anytime between 5:30-6:30 p.m. for a meal the whole family will enjoy. No reservations or tickets are required. Learn Groups for all ages (children, youth and adult) begin at 6:30 p.m. Child care is provided. Visit ••• The city of Ellisville presents the movie “Wreck-it Ralph” at dusk on Friday, Sept. 20 on the amphitheater stage in Bluebird Park. Admission to the family-friendly film is free. Call 227-7508, or visit ••• A Kids’ Night Out is from 6-9:45 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 23 at The Pointe at Ballwin Commons. Games, arts and crafts and swimming are featured, and pizza and drinks are provided as a snack. Kids should bring a swimsuit and towel. The fee is $10 for residents/$12 for non-residents. Registration is required. Contact Jessica Crawley at 207-2359 or ••• The city of Ellisville hosts fall hayrides
and campfires from 6:30-8 p.m. every Thursday from Sept. 26 through Oct. 17. The cost is $7 for residents and $9 for nonresidents. Meet at the Bussmann Shelter located at the back of Bluebird Park. Call 227-7508, or visit ••• The Just Between Friends Consignment Event is from 6:30-9 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 27; from noon-6 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28; and from 8:30 a.m.-noon on Sunday, Sept. 29 at Greensfelder Recreation Complex, 550 Weidman Road. Families can shop bargains on second-hand clothing, toys, electronics, books, baby equipment, furniture and more. Consignors price and tag their own items and earn 60 to 70 percent of the sales. The funds raised stay in the community. Admission is $5 on Saturday and free on Sunday. For details or tickets, visit
LIVE PERFORMANCES Happy Hour Parties featuring live music, appetizers and drink specials are from 5-8 p.m. Thursdays in September in the Restaurant Village area at West County Center in Des Peres. Greg Worzel plays multi-genre acoustic music on Sept. 19, and Pennsylvania Slim plays blues on Sept. 26. For more information and to register to win a limo ride from Jed’s Limousine plus free food and drink for 10 at Bravo, visit ••• Promise Christian Academy hosts Christian comedians Tim Hawkins and John Branyan at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28 at the First Evangelical Free Church, 1375 Carman Road in Manchester. Tickets are priced from $22 to $35 and can be purchased in advance at
SPECIAL INTEREST The Welcome Club—Gateway to Friendship September Luncheon is from 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 26 at Bellerive Country Club, 12925 Ladue Road. Representatives from the USO and International Crisis Aid provide information about their missions. The cost for the event is $29. Call Lynda at (314) 517-0107.
I 71
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(Men! This is for you too!)
11710 Old Ballas Rd. Suite 205 Creve Coeur, MO 63141
Reservations Required
A public hearing is scheduled before the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Ballwin on October 7, 2013 at the Donald “Red” Loehr Police and Court Center, 300 Park Dr, Ballwin, MO, 63011, at 7:00 P. M. upon the following: 1.
A petition submitted by James Brennan of McKelvey Homes, Inc., 218 Chesterfield Towne Center, Chesterfield, MO, 63005, for the approval of a final PSD site development plan for the creation of a 9 lot single family subdivision on the property commonly known as 628 – 630 Kehrs Mill Rd., Ballwin, MO, 63011.
A petition submitted by Douglas Dolan of Dolan Realty Advisors, LLC, 13075 Manchester Rd., St. Louis, MO, 63131, representing AT&T Mobility for the approval of an amendment to the site development plan approved via ordinances 2660 and 12-03 to allow the removal of the flagpole requirement for the cellular tower erected in New Ballwin Park, at the location commonly known as 315 New Ballwin Rd., Ballwin, MO, 63021.
For more information call: The Ballwin Zoning Hot Line at (636) 207-2326 or the Ballwin Government Center at (636) 227- 8580 (Voice), (636) 527-9200 (TDD), 1-800-735-2466 RELAY MISSOURI. Residents of Ballwin are afforded an equal opportunity to participate in the programs and services of the City of Ballwin regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, familial status, national origin or political affiliation. If you are a person requiring an accommodation, please call the above numbers no later than 5:00 P.M. on the third business day preceding the hearing. Offices are open between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday.
Thomas H. Aiken, A.I.C.P. Assistant City Administrator / City Planner
72 I
Inspiration delivers success for Cedar Lake Cellars By BETSY ZATKULAK Author Thomas Merton once said: “Every moment and every event of every man’s life on earth plants something in his soul.” A defining moment and event for Carl Bolm came on a summer day in 2001 flying over 200 acres of farmland. What was planted in his soul was the inspiration to transform the property into a spectacular setting for nature to prosper and people to enjoy. Today, that setting is Cedar Lake Cellars, a winery and event venue. “I was actually flying over the property in a helicopter, taking lessons, and saw how amazingly beautiful it was,” said Bolm, Cedar Lake’s owner. The property was not for sale, but Bolm knocked on a door and asked the owner if he would sell. “We had lunch two weeks later, and I bought the farm,” Bolm recalled. Located 5 miles off Hwy. 70 and 11 miles off Hwy. 40, Cedar Lake showcases a spacious, manicured setting with a wine tasting and hearth room, the Big Red Barn for corporate and private events, plus a private sanctuary nestled on 100 acres, offering a picturesque setting for weddings, engagements and honeymoons. Whether it is a wedding with 100 or 700 guests, a party, corporate event or cou-
Cedar Lake Cellars
11008 Schreckengast Road • Wright City 10 a.m.-9 p.m., Friday, Saturday, Sunday (636) 745-9500
ple’s day out, there is plenty of room for everyone. “It’s really set up quite nicely,” Bolm said. “We can have an independent event and the winery going simultaneously without one interfering with the other.” Bolm and his team spent time in California wine country for inspiration in designing the wine tasting and hearth room. They chose big timbers and stone and tiny lights for the barrel ceiling, a 50-foot granite tasting bar and 25-foot wine display. “We just wanted it to be like the West Coast, like nothing else around – open and spacious with a panoramic view of the lake and green space outside,” Bolm said. The winery features premium Missouri wines and reserve wines from California’s Paso Robles region, where Cedar Lake’s own winemaker ensures exceptional drink-ability and flavor. A chalkboard menu offers wines The Cedar Lake Cellars wine tasting room was inspired by from regions like Italy, Chile and New Zealand. A drive through the winery’s entrance and rows of grape- West Coast wineries. vines shows guests just how fruitful Missouri soil can be. “I’ve got 30 acres dedicated to the vineyard, and thus far dients. In the evening, the menu switches to steak, pasta, fish I have 2 acres planted in our Missouri grape, which is the and chicken dishes. A wine-inspired Sunday brunch is served Norton grape,” said Bolm, who is dedicated to sustainable for guests 21 and older. Catering menus and party platters practices. also are available. Everything is organic; even the soil is treated organically. Bolm has high praise for his staff, customers and local “We irrigate out of the lake, we recycle our cardboard government. and glass, and we do composting,” Bolm said. “The amazing staff is just wonderful and really delivers,” Cedar Lake also serves up a well-rounded selec- he said. “Customers are the ones selling our events. They tion of craft beer and American bottled beers. see the winery, they come back and they tell their friends.” In the hearth room, on the patio or at one of the many picnic If not for Warren County’s planning and zoning people, tables overlooking the lake, guests experience palate-pleasing Bolm said, Cedar Lake would not exist. food and great service. The Lakeside Grille offers appetizers, “They showed their good faith and will to Cedar Lake,” salads, soups, sandwiches and desserts featuring local ingre- he said. “I’m very grateful for their assistance.”
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Garage Sale 636.591.0010 Sat., Sept. 21 • 8am-4pm
Shop HelpDonut Wanted PT or FT Evenings Fryer/Decorator
The West County WillYMCA trainis now accepting applications Call Ann or Kellyforatpart time: 636-527-2227 • Y Club (BeforeSales: and After School Care Inside PT person to set • appointments Child Watch for professional • market. Early Childhood Ass’tknowledge Teachers Accounting • helpful. Aquatic Experience Deck Supervisor in cold call• ing Aquatics very helpful. Excellent pay. (lifeguard & instructor) Ellisville. 636-271-9190. • Theater Tech • No Sports W Officials hIRING CAREGIv ERS • AND Custodial Nu RSES. Immediate openBenefit package includes a Freeesings for all areas of St. Louis YMCA M/F/& peciallyMembership Chesterfiel ,EOE Ellisville D/V. MustPrivate pass Duty criminal Ballwin. casesbackonly. ground Em-at All shiftsscreening/E-Verify avail. Apply in person ployer. 141 N. Meramec, Suite 102, Tues. Mail resume/application to: & Thurs. 9am-11am or 1pm-3pm. HR314-863-3030. Questions? Call 16464 Burkhardt Place, Chesterfield, MO -63017 or NIGh T Nu RSES Advanced email: Nursing Services needs you! If you are looking for 12 hour nights and would like to work Mondays & Thursdays, give me a Donut Shop call at 314-863-3030 and ask for PT or FT Evenings Connie.
SEPT. 12
J & J HAULING FOR WE HAUL IT ALL Service 7 days. Debris, SEPT. 25 ISSUE furniture, appliances,
household trash, yard debris, railroad ties, fencing, decks. Garage & Basement Clean-up 636.591.0010 Neat, courteous, affordable rates. Call: 636-379-8062 or email: Hauling
Ranch Homes Power Washed For Total Bathroom Remodeling Cabinetry•Plumbing•Electrical The Dirt Cheap 20 Years Experience Price Of $95.00! Deck PatrickComplete Interior Finish Co., LLC: Specialty: interior homeToo! remodelRestoration ing, drywall, trim, taping & paint~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ing,Call tile/hrdwd 25+Your yrs. exp. Mikeflrg.For No pay til job complete! Honest Free Bid Today! Day's Work for Honest Day's Pay. Ref.314.378.9064 avail. Licensed/Bonded. Call 314-415-0377. BBB member. AnWest County Owner/Operator gie's List member. JS HOME SERVICE JS HOME SERVICE 26+ years experience
26+ years experience Handyman • Carpenter • Electrical Handyman Electrical Plumbing• •Carpenter Drywall • •Painting Plumbing • Drywall • Painting Bsmt Remodels • Wood Decks/Repairs Bsmt Remodels • Wood Decks/Repairs Landscaping • Mulching Landscaping Home Repairs •- Mulching Big or Small Home Repairs - Big or Small Call James at 314-420-3562 Call James at 314-420-3562
Jesse HANdyMAN
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compassionate people!
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Skips Skips Hauling h auling && Demolition! Demolition! Serving the Bi-State Area inJunk hauling and removal. All cluding St. Charles County. Aptype clean-outs. Appliances, pliances, confurniture,furniture, debris, debris, construction struction, rubble, waste,& rubble, yard waste, yard excavating excavating demolition! 15 demolition!& 10, 15 and 2010, cubic and cubicdumpsters. yard rolloffLicensed dumpyd. 20 rolloff sters. typeinsured. clean-outs & hauland All fully Affordable, ing! Affordable, dependable and dependable and available! VISA/ available! No conditions! 20 yrs. MC accepted. 21 yrs. service. Toll service. Toll Free 1-888-STLFree 1-888-STL-JUNK (888-785JUNK (888-785-5865) 5865) or 314-644-1948. or 314644-1948.
All Around Construction LLC - All interior and exterior remodeling and repairs. Historic restoration, Minor Repairs • Carpentry molding duplication. Finished Electrical • Painting basements, kitchens, baths and FREE Estimates decks. Liability, workmens comp, County Arearemoval. and EPAWest certified in lead 19 years exp. Call 314-393-1102 or 636-237-3246.
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Total Bathroom SPECIALIZE IN Remodeling DAMAGE Cabinetry•Plumbing•Electrical CONTROL: Expert CAULK20 Years Experience ING APPLICATION/ PRODUCT Ranch Homes KNOWLEDGE for showers, tubs, Power Washed For windows, doors and trim. STOP l a s s i f i E d s @ n E w the s mLEAKS a g aand z iDAMAGE. n E n EAlso t w o r kThe . C oDirt m Cheap Carpentry & Deck Repair. Call Price Of $95.00! J & J HAULING John Hancock today! 636-795WE HAUL IT ALL 2627. Service 7 days. Debris, Complete Deck furniture, appliances, Restoration Too! household trash, yard Handyman Corner Inc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ debris, railroad ties, fencing, decks. Call Mike For Your Reliable Home Repair Garage & Basement Clean-up PLUMBING • ELECTRICAL Free Bid Today! Neat, courteous, CARPENTRY affordable rates. 30 yrs. Experience • Estimates 314.378.9064 Call: 636-379-8062 or (636) 230-3588 West County Owner/Operator email: CELL: (314) 799-4334
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Home Improvement
No time to do repairs?
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SPeciALiZe in DAmAge LUIS GODINA Prof. Lawn Mowing & Maintenance cOnTrOL: Expert CAULKLandscape CLEAN-UP! ING APPLICATION/ PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE for showers, tubs, Trim Bushes • Sodding windows, doors and trim. STOP Retaining Walls the LEAKS and DAMAGE. Also 1 cut FREE w/1 yr. contract Carpentry & Seeding Deck Repair. - Call• Fertilizing 314-365-7524 John Hancock today! 636-795Aerating $65 • DBL Aeration $90 • Dethatching $95 2627.
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Ma l l eIy LEa n dN V s c a pE e CR o. Cleanup, mulching, mowing, LANDSCAPING tRe reteaining a n d s hwalls, r u b t r ipatios, mming and removal, complete pruning, chainsaw work, lawn care. (636) 458-8234. seasonal clean-up. Friendly service with attention to detail.
C a l l T o m 6 3Premium 6 . 9 mulch 3 8 or. topsoil 9874
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ADD CURB APPEAL Architect/Designer Specialize in 1-Time Clean-Up ~ Free Estimates ~ Retaining Walls • Sodding Island or Bed Designs Install Drainage Systems
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ittleJoe's Joe's ittle
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Spring Cleanup • Mulching Mowing • Edging • Planting AerATing $50 Turf Maintenance • Sodding DeThATching $95 Seeding • Weeding • Pruning (raking/bagging extra) Trimming • Bed Maintenance E w s m a g a z i n E E t w o r k C o m Seeding • Fertilizing Dethatching • Brush Removal Leaf & Gumball Cleanup Retaining Walls • Paver Patios Landscaping cleanup! Drainage Solutions
Lawn cutting $25
Landscape FALL CLEAN-UP Specialize in 1-Time Clean-Up Retaining Walls • Sodding Island or Bed Designs Install Drainage Systems
Remove Small Trees & Bushes
$75 Per Average Room Size
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KEVIN'S PAINT SERVICE. ProfesCHECK OUT our latest & Expert interior/ | E a i l : C l a s s i f i E d s @ n E w s m a g a z i sional nEn Etw o r kexterior . C o m 2 Exterior Stain jobs! painting, drywall & ceiling repair, Chris' Lawn & 12948 Whitehorse Ln. powerwashing. 28 years 12943 Whitehorse Ln. Tree Service LLC and painting experience. Low rates Locally owned & operated Both in DesPeres, MO ng Painting Recycling M I E N E R and Free Estimates. Call Kevin at IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAR YOUR HOUSE could look this good! 636-322-9784. LANDSCAPING - AERATION PKGS. O mArTineZ LAnDScAPing RECYCLE PAINT and Reround t aining walls, patios, Above! Year Lawn Full Service Lawn Maintenance HOUSEHOLD CHEMICALS Quality Painting Inc. pruning,power chainsaw work, enance, aeration, GARY SMITH & Tree Care Company Must be in original container with Estimates FREE seasonal clean-up. Friendly g, leaf/bush/tree removal, PAINTING & REPAIR RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL the label intact. We charge a g Cleanup. Mowing, mulchFully Insured • References service with attentionB to Y detail. Interior/Exterior • Wallpaper fee of 25¢ a pound, can and all. ush/tree trimming, C a ledging, l T oNOmSpraying or Rolling/Mess! DrysWall & Trim ! • Crown Molding ar Ye ing walls, drainage work, 25 years Experience - Truitt Dr. • Eureka,ADVANTAGE 6 3 6 . 9 3 8 . 9 8 7 4 25 MO, 63025 s, fence installation/repair PAINTING SCHEDULE NOW for Early SpringFully Rush Insured • Owner/Operator more. 636-237-5160. 636-938-1188 POWERWASHING Open 9-5 Mon-Sat. PEDRO MARTINEZ LANDSCAPING Call Gary 314-805-7005 Interior & A Cut Above! Year round LawnGary smith Music Prayer Exterior Painting PaintinG & RePaiR Maintenance, aeration, power Roofing PIANO LESSONS for young raking, leaf/bush/tree removal, Mold Removal • Wallpaper Stripping Interior/Exterior • Wallpaper ST. JUDE NOVENA clean-up. Mowing, mulching, people in Ballwin $20 per half Dry Wall • Crown Molding & Trim tump Removal Top Quality Work • FREE Estimates May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be bush/tree trimming, edging, hour. Lessons from my home 25 years Experience zing Programs adored, glorified, loved and preretaining walls, drainage on a beautiful Yamaha Grand. Fullywork, Insured • Owner/Operator PAINtING served throughout the world now patios, fence installation/repair Regular recital opportunities! Cedar Staining CallorGary and forever. Sacred Heart of Je- • Powerwashing INSURED • MENTION AD and more. 636-237-5160 314- 314-805-7005 Visit my site and inquire: www. Roofing & RECEIVE 10% OFF sus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of 243-4623. Stlouispianist.Com. & g utteRs Miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, Help KEVIN'S PAINT SERVICE. Profesof the Hopeless, pray for us. Say Tuckpointing • Leafgard • Repairs sional & Expert interior/ exterior hine LAnDScAPe: Mulch prayer by the 8th e i e w l l d nine s times a day; n l i n A t e w s m A g A z i n painting, drywall & ceiling repair, day prayer will be answered. Say w hauling bulk quantities and powerwashing. 28 years it for nine days. Then publish. Your u to spread. Tree Removal, painting experience. Low rates prayers will be answered. It has l Application, Retaining Tree Service and Free Estimates. Call Kevin at never been known to fail. Thank Leaf Removal, Clean-up. 636-322-9784. you, St. Jude. EL for PL ijah for reliable service and Recycling Tree Service details at 314-437-7924.Prayer
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I AM INCORPORATEDRECYCLE INC. PAINT and Real Estate COLE TREE SERVICE INTERIOR SPECIAL 2012 ST. JUDE NOVENA Tree and stump removal. TrimHOUSEHOLD $75 Per Average Room Size CHEMICALS May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be deadwooding. Free esti- • Commercial Residential Walls 3 Room Must Minimum) be in original container with Juneming, adored, glorified, loved(12'x12' and preOPEN 23 • 2-4pm mates. Insured. 636-475-3661 FOR 35 YEARS Painting Complete Tree Service label intact. We charge a served throughout the world now Exteriorthe w w w. co l e - t re e - s e Tree r v i&ce. bRemoval i z . • Pruning • Dead-Wooding FREE ESTIMATES: CALL Brush and forever. Sacred Heart of Jefee ofDAN 25¢ a pound, can and all. We a c c e p t C r e dDeep i t Root C aFertilization r d s ! • Stump Grinding • Cabling sus, pray for us. St. Jude, Worker of 265-0739 (636) Storm Clean-Up • Plant Healthcare Miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, Help 25 Truitt Dr. • Eureka, MO, 63025 Fully Insured • Free Estimates of the Hopeless, pray for us. Say
636-938-1188 prayer nine times a day; by the Classifieds Mulch Open 9-5 Mon-Sat. 8th day prayer will be answered.
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16950 LEWIS SPRINGS FARM ROAD WILDWOOD Stunning cust 1.5sty on 3 ac. Attention to detail thru out. 4BR, 4.5ba, 4 c garage. Chefs delight kitch. $999,900
2 GRAND MERIDIEN COURT WILDWOOD Exceptional 1.5sty w/salt water pool on 4+ acres. Beautiful great rm & study w/FP & built ins. $1,949,900
A Big Thank You! Our Chesterfield West Office sponsored a Golf and Auction Event September 9th to Benefit the Ronald McDonald House. Many local businesses and individuals contributed. Their hard work and dedication provided an enjoyable event plus much needed funds!
249 Loggers Trail • Fenton • $399,900 Brick Ranch • Open Floor Plan • Stone Fireplace • 6 Car Tandem Garage!
Call: Marian Rousan -314-749-9439
1310 CHRISTMAS VALLEY DRIVE WILDWOOD Wonderful 5BR w/pool, 4 c gar & barn on 3 acres. Great rm w/wood flrs opens to large kitchen. $749,900
2723 WYNNCREST MANOR DRIVE WILDWOOD Incredible atrium ranch w/2 complete levels of living space. 5BR, 4.5ba, 3FP, 2 sunrooms. $725,000
14 OLD BELLE MONTE RD Stunning villa ranch backing to trees. 3BR, 3.5ba, 2 car gar, screend porch. Great rm w/FP. $649,900
1453 HIGHLAND VALLEY CIR WILDWOOD 2 sty on gorgeous lot backing to trees. T-staircase, study adjoins library, large dining rm, great rm. $574,900
1938 STILL CREEK PASS WILDWOOD Stunning great rm ranch with over 4000 sf of living area! 3BR/3.5ba. Updated kitchen & baths. $415,000
737 STONE MEADOW DR CHESTERFIELD Elegant great room villa 3BR, 3 full ba, valted ceilings, newer carpet, eat-in kitchen, prof fin. $370,000
2287 DOWNEY TERRACE DR ELLISVILLE Fantastic 2-story on wooded cul-de-sac lot! Kitchen boasts center isle w/custom tile counter. $355,000
1084 APPALACHIAN TRAIL CHESTERFIELD Shenandoah Subd. 1.5 sty. 5 BR-3 on main flr, tasteful updates through out, large deck. $306,900
New Construction
64 CONWAY COVE (CHESTERFIELD) 3BR, 2F/2H ba, newer carpet and paint, wood floors in dining/living rms. $161,900 15615 QUAIL MEADOWS DR #A (CHESTERFIELD) Completely updated 2BR, 1.5ba townhouse. $150,000 16468 HORSESHOE RIDGE RD (CLARKSON VALLEY) Waterfront! Beautiful updated home nestled on a 2+ ac. $800,000 1230 POLO LAKE DR (ELLISVILLE) 3 levels of living in this spacious 2 sty. 4BR, 4.5ba, 3c gar. Wood flrs. $625,000 16039 AUTUMN OAKS CIR (ELLISVILLE) Beautiful 2sty backing to woods. Updated kitchen & baths. $349,000 403 HILLINGTON DR (EUREKA) New construction atrium ranch, 4BR, 3ba, walk-out LL, kitchen w/granite. $425,000 431 HILLINGTON DR (EUREKA) New construction 1.5 sty w/hand crafted wood staircase, 10'ceilings, vaults. $365,000 33 OWL CREEK LN (LABADIE) Custombuilt farmhouse on 14+ acres w/pond. Over 4000 SF of living space. 4BR/4.5ba. Goumet kitchen. $660,000 12795 HIGHSTONE DR (PARKWAY NORTH) Awesome updated open fl ranch. Wood fls thru-out. $234,900 101 CLUB CREEK COURT (ST ALBANS) 1.5 sty sitting on gorgeous level lot backs to golf course. Great rm w/wall of windows. Lrg kit, brkfast & hearth rm. $849,900 1031 BRIDLERIDGE CROSSING SPUR (UNINC STL CO) Custom 4BR ranch. Open flr plan w/vaulted GR. $484,999 54 THORNHILL DR (WILDWOOD) Absolutely charming estate. 1.5sty on 4.5 ac. Incredible views. Sweeping staircase to 2nd & 3rd level, sunroom. $1,475,000 1132 SARA MATHEWS LN (WILDWOOD) Custom built ranch w/attention to detail thru out. Gorgeous 3 acre lot,4 car garage, inground pool. $1,175,000 3615 GUSTAVE HOLLOW DR (WILDWOOD) Classic European style custom 1.5 story masterpiece. Exquisite craftsmanship & attention to detail. $995,900
18517 SASSAFRAS PLACE DR (WILDWOOD) One of a kind custom 1.5sty on 5 gorgeous acres. Updated throughout. Fabulous kitchen. $995,000 22 THORNHILL DR (WILDWOOD) Magnificent limestone 3 sty, 5BR, 4ba is perched on 3 park-like acres of mature trees. Meticulously renovated. $939,900 17900 HOMESTEAD BLUFFS DR (WILDWOOD) Custom 1.5 sty, incredible level lot, 6BR, 6 car garage. Brazillain cherry wd flrs, great rm w/FP. $924,900 2341 OSSENFORT VALLEY CT (WILDWOOD) One of a kind gated estate on 3 breathless acres. 2sty, 3BR, 4.5ba, 4 car garage, garden house, barn. $799,000 17531 GARDEN RIDGE CIR (WILDWOOD) Stunning full brick ranch backing to trees. 4 car garage, 12' ceiling foyer, wood flrs, kitchen w/granite. $585,000 17701 GREYSTONE TERRACE DR (WILDWOOD) Beautiful 2sty, 4+BR, 4.5ba, W/O fin LL. Wonderful kitchen w/granite opens to sunroom. $549,900 17884 SUZANNE RIDGE DR (WILDWOOD) Lovely 1.5sty, fenced level lot, 4BR, 4F/2H ba, great rm w/FP. $525,000 1338 WELLINGTON VIEW PLACE (WILDWOOD) Beautiful 2sty backs to trees, gracious entry foyer. $484,900 19108 OLD LOGGING RD (WILDWOOD) Exceptional custom ranch on 3 ac. Open flr plan w/4,000 sqft . $469,900 1503 SCOFIELD VALLEY LN (WILDWOOD) Custom built 3 sty on 3 gorgeous acres w/screend porch. $425,000 3876 THUNDERBOLT LN (WILDWOOD) One of a kind ranch on 3.5 breathtaking acres! Vaulted ceilings,wd flrs. $425,000 18717 PETRA CT (WILDWOOD) Nestled on 3 gorgeous acres, 2sty, 3BR, 3.5ba, 2 car garage, large dining rm. $389,000 17017 WESTRIDGE OAKS DR (WILDWOOD) Lovely 2sty, wonderful level lot, T-staircase. $329,900
Jeanne Hunsaker
Marian Rousan
1800 ASTON WAY CHESTERFIELD Beyond spectacular! 2sty w/pool on cul-de-sac lot backing to trees. Great rm adjoins study. $839,900
1836 Rustic Oak Rd. • Chesterfield • $ 343,000 4 Bd., 2.5 Bath • 2800 Sq. Ft. 2 Story • Great Lot w/Trees • Old Clarkson Forest!
Call: Jeanne Hunsaker - 314-210-0702 LAFAYETTE CROSSING (WILDWOOD) Custom Homes from the $1,200,000s on 3 ac estate lots. Private streets. New Homes Division. MANORS AT THE ENCLAVES OF CHERRY HILLS (WILDWOOD) New Homes on 1/2 ac lots from the $600,000s. New Homes Division - MLS#12032829
Coming Soon!
Jeanne Hunsaker
Terri Emms
14537 Exton • Chesterfield • $400,000
17206 Hilltop Ridge Drive • Eureka
2 Story • 4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths • Finished Lower Level • Great Location • Large Lot
4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths • 2 Story • Updated • Level Lot • Fenced • Move-in Ready • Call for Details!
Call: Jeanne Hunsaker - 314-210-0702
Call: Terri Emms - 314-954-3449
Candy Citrin
Jeanne Hunsaker
17959 Bonhomme Ridge Ct. • Chesterfield • $750,000
1796 Schoettler Valley • Chesterfield • $274,500
Immaculately Cared For 2 Story w/Sun Rm, Finished LL, 5th Sleeping Area & View!
Great Curb Appeal! • 4 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath 2 Story
Call: Candy Citrin - 314-518-0675
Call: Jeanne Hunsaker - 314-210-0702
• Lots of Wood Floors • Fenced yard
Chesterfield West Your Neighborhood Realtor!
111 Chesterfield Towne Ctr. Chesterfield 63005 636-532-0200
Jason Pashia Manager
1522 BUCKHURST CT (BALLWIN) Impeccably maintained 4BR, 2 story with desirable open floor plan. $305,000 819 WOODSIDE TRAILS DR (BALLWIN) Great ranch condo with 3BR, 3 full bath, 2 car garage. Finished W/O LL. $225,000 1049 CARMAN RD (BALLWIN) Tri-level 2 BR home on almost 1.5 acres, large rooms, walk-out LL. $189,900 618 SAVOY LN (BALLWIN) Charming ranch, living rm, dining rm, kitchen, family rm in LL, 1 car garage. $152,000 16944 RIVERDALE DR (CHESTERFIELD) Magnificent custom 1.5 sty on wonderful lot. Extensive millwork. Kitchen adjoins 2 sty great rm w/see thru FP. $979,900 1201 BONHOMME BRANCH CT (CHESTERFIELD) Beautifully appointed 1.5 sty with heated in-ground pool. 2sty great rm w/lots of windows. $849,900 759 STONEBLUFF CT (CHESTERFIELD) Stunning villa, gracious foyer w/wood flrs, coffered ceiling, dining rm, spacious great rm w/lots of windows & FP. $599,900 16102 WILSON MANOR DR (CHESTERFIELD) Beautifully appointed throughout. 2sty on fencd lot. 3 car side entry garage. T-staircase, Mstr BR w/FP. $599,990 14090 CONWAY RD (CHESTERFIELD) Charming 2 sty on lovely park-like lot backing to pond. Gracious foyer. $398,500 15823 SUMMER RIDGE (CHESTERFIELD) Premium cul-de-sac lot in Baxter Ridge. 4BR, 2.5ba, fin LL, granite countertops and newer appliances. $349,900
Pat Malloy Manager, Chesterfield Bob Bax 636-537-0300 Manager, Ladue/Frontenac 314-997-7600
for more information on area Open Houses
An independently owned and operated broker member of BRER Affiliates Inc. Prudential, the Prudential logo and the Rock symbol are registered service marks of Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Used under license with no other affiliation of Prudential. Equal Housing Opportunity.
bird sanctuary
new listing! open sunday 1-3
new listing!
4 somerset downs | ladue 5 bedrooms, 9 baths $3,250,000 stunning contemporary estate on 3 park-like acres with 10,000+ sq. ft. of total living space. Guest house.
iron gate | pike county 100 acres $2,499,000 Handsome Eolia estate offers 12,000+ sq. ft. home, 6 beds, 9 baths, separate apartment, 2 lakes & 2 barns.
10637 ballantrae drive | ladue schools 10 Fieldstone trail | ladue 5 bedrooms, 5 Full & 2 halF baths $1,955,000 5 bedrooms, 4 Full & 3 halF baths $1,950,000 Glorious home in Frontenac with nearly 9,000 sq. ft. impressive 7-year-old custom home offers extensive of living space & designed for entertaining. moldings, main floor master, hearth room & 4-car gar.
100 twill HavEn dr. | st. CHarlEs County 11½ acres $1,575,000 nestled in the heart of cottleville, this custom 5-bedroom home with 9,700 sq. ft. offers. 5-acre stocked lake.
16441 walnut rail rd. | Clarkson vallEy 5 bedrooms, 5½ baths $1,195,000 exceptional home on picturesque 3+ wooded acres backing to lake. Perfectly appointed throughout. Pool.
262 meadowbrook country club way 3 bedrooms, 3½ baths $995,000 spacious villa overlooks Meadowbrook Country Club. screened porch off master suite. Finished lower level.
2365 maybrook lane | kirkwood 4 bedrooms, 4½ baths $795,000 lovely home on large lot offers generously sized rooms & open floor plan. Main floor master suite.
827 MillFiEld Ct. | town and Country 4 bedrooms, 4½ baths $789,000 stately 2 story beautifully sited on quiet acre has been lovingly maintained & updated.
new listing!
3466 whitsetts Fork road | wildwood 4 bedrooms, 3 baths $850,000 Experience the beauty of nature on this 6.84-acre equestrian lovers dream property. renovated home.
new listing! 13039 pembrooke valley | town and country 14 colonial hills parkway | creve coeur 4 bedrooms, 2½ baths $575,000 3 bedrooms, 2½ baths $575,000 Fresh, bright & updated throughout, this classic tradiFormer display home in a quiet, gated community tional home is located in desirable ladue schools. features a light-filled, open floor plan. Cozy sun room.
new listing! #2 woodoaks trail | ladue 4 bedrooms, 2½ baths $529,900 lovely Colonial home with 2,600 sq. ft. offers a private pool & hot tub. spacious rooms for entertaining.
536 FortrEss Court | st. CHarlEs 3 bedrooms, 3½ baths $195,900 open floor plan! such an open flow & perfect room arrangement for easy entertaining or quiet evenings.
18024 oakhill trail court | wildwood 200 kylewood court | ballwin 3+ bedrooms, 3½ baths $415,000 4 bedrooms, 2½ baths $249,900 nestled in the woods with utmost privacy on 3 acres. comfort & amenities abound in this exceptional 2-story sun-filled rooms, lafayette school. Convenient location. residence located on a quiet cul-de-sac in rockwood.
new listing!
new listing!
705 vanderville drive | Fenton 3 bedrooms, 2 baths $170,000 open & spacious floor plan. Beautiful hardwood floors in living room & all bedrooms. Patio/hot tub.
556 summit downs court | Fenton 3 bedrooms, 2 baths $160,000 solid 3-bedroom ranch is ready for you to make it your own. Brick fireplace & deck off eat-in kitchen.
1416 benbush drive | parkway central 4 bedrooms, 3 baths $227,900 beautifully remodeled ranch with updated kitchen & baths. Finished lower level. Patio & fenced yard.
1621 walpole drive #d | chesterField 2 bedrooms, 2 baths $134,900 desirable top-rated condominium in parkway west school district will offer freedom to a simple life.
See all of our listings at
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9/10/13 4:28 PM