&Real Estate
Spring 2014 Inside ... Seller’s closing costs. . . . . . . . . 2 Building within the laws . . . . . 2 Selecting Arctic windows . . . . 3 Get ready to sell . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Choose a professional to help you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Gardens and houseplants . . . 6 Common turn-offs . . . . . . . . . . 7 Landscaping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Preparing for your open house. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Buying your first home . . . . . 10 Inspect your home . . . . . . . . . 11 Dealing with neighbors . . . . 13 Realtor bios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Calhoon Real Estate Century 21 Gold Rush ABC Inc. Crowley Fuel Advantage Alaska Realty Crown Real Estate AK, Inc Alaska Commercial Properties Dallas Realty Alaska Gem Homes Denali State Bank Alaska Raw Fur Company Fairbanks First Realty Alaskan Refinishing & Upholstery Fairbanks North Star Borough Arctic Technical Services Fortune Properties
Look inside and find ...
Great Alaskan Bowl Company Hawk’s Farm & Garden Hoffer Glass Interior Alaska Building Assn. MAC Federal Credit Union Metro Brokers Minder Realty Mt. McKinley Bank Nessbuilt Remodelers
Re/Max - Ray Brasier Re/Max - Ryan Danhauser Ringstad Carpet & Restoration Riverview Realty Somers & Associates Sourdough Express State Farm Stepovich Realty Yukon Title Company
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
Building within the laws
Seller’s closing costs By Doug Welton
losing costs are important and an unavoidable part of a transaction. Few sellers give much thought to closing costs. Closing costs refer to all of the taxes, fees and costs required to close a real estate transaction. Ask your Realtor for the traditional breakdown of what you are expected to pay in closing costs and what portion the buyer pays when you list your home. This information will be handy when you are considHULQJ DQ R̆HU VR \RX FDQ FDOFXODWH your net proceeds. Generally the buyer and seller split closing costs, or are negotiated. Then there are lender’s and owner’s title insurance premiums, transfer taxes, mortgage taxes, and documentary taxes. If the transaction is in a hot Market the seller may require the buyer to pay a greater portion than usual. In a down market, the buyer usually negotiates to have the seller pay a bigger portion or sometimes all of their closing costs. It’s also not uncommon to even have WKH EX\HU¶V R̆HU LQFOXGH DOO RI WKH closing costs, taxes and fees added into the price so they don’t have to come up with cash to pay. 7KH IROORZLQJ DUH GH¿QLWLRQV of typical closing costs faced by sellers: • Escrow/attorney fees: Some states require third-party escrow companies handle real estate closings, while others dictate attorneys perform the function. Title companies, title agents, lenders, brokers, and even real estate agents are
Friday, March 28, 2014
allowed to handle closing and/or escrows depending on the state. the fees are usually split between the buyer & seller. • Title Insurance: There are usually two types of title insurance that must be purchased, the “lenders’’ policy and the “owners” policy. Usually either a title company or in some states a lawyer will research the title to make sure there are no liens against the property or XQLGHQWL¿HG RZQHUV 7KHVH SROLFLHV protect the lender and new owner for the full value of the property. Usually, the seller pays for the owner’s policy and the buyer pays for the lender’s policy. This is often referred to as clearing title. • Transfer or documentary taxes: These are paid either to the state, county, city or a combination depending on the state. This is where the government agency gets their share of the transaction. This is also known as a reconveyance tax. • Recording fee: The fee for recording the deed, which shows ownership of the property. • Settlement or closing fee: This is usually split between the seller and buyer and covers the costs charged by the escrow company, lawyer or whoever handles the WUDQVDFWLRQ¶V ¿QDQFLDO WUDQVIHUV • Brokerage commission: The fee you contractually agreed to pay for the selling of your home. • Septic inspection: If you have a septic tank, it will likely be required by sales contract to have
What you need to know before you pick up a hammer
Check your local building and zoning regulations to make sure your construction progresses smoothly. CREATORS.COM PHOTO COURTESY OF BY-LINES
By Chelle Cordero
may be restrictions on home-based businesses depending on product, KRXUV DQG WKH DPRXQW RI WUḊF \RXU ake sure you know what business may bring into your neighyou are permitted to do borhood. before you build or renoLearn when you need permits to vate your home. Checking with your renovate an existing structure, such local municipality is one of the most as a detached garage or the building important steps you can take before you live in. Smaller one-story buildyou pick that hammer up. Local laws ings like sheds often do not need regulate the use of your property, the building permits, but may need to size and height of the structure you be placed within certain boundaries can build, how close you can build to on your property. You might be able the edge of your property and even LAWS » 14 the aesthetic touches you add. There CREATORS.COM
View Local Realtor Bios on pages 18 & 19
PROPERTIES Fortune@polarnet.com
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21504828 3-28-14H&RE
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Friday, March 28, 2014
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
A common-sense approach to selecting an Arctic window By Great Land Window
n Alaska, we ask a lot of our windows. They must seal tightly yet be operable every day of the year. They must let in light, retain heat, and provide egress - all without becoming fogged or frosted. Failing at any of these leaves us regretting our selection for years to come. Modern windows are steeped in advanced technology but common-sense is more than enough to make an appropriate selection. Choosing the proper Frame, Style, and Insulted Glass are the keys to a warm and durable window. 1. Frame/Sash Material: Selecting the DSSURSULDWH PDWHULDO IRU WKH )UDPH Âż[HG SDUW DQG WKH 6DVK PRYLQJ SDUW LV FULWLFDO EHFDXVH WKHVH HVtablish the strength, performance, and longevity of the window. The most common choices are Vinyl plastic, Wood, and Pultruded Fiberglass. Vinyl is the least expensive but has the lowest strength and is subject to the greatest thermal distortion (due WR LWV KLJK UDWH RI WKHUPDO H[SDQVLRQ FRQWUDFWLRQ Wood frames have an aesthetic appeal but tend to shrink and swell with humidity and are susceptible to rot, mold, and mildew. Pultruded Fiberglass is more expensive, but due to its high content of ÂżEHUJODVV VWUDQGV KDV WKH JUHDWHVW VWUHQJWK ORZHVW WKHUPDO GLVWRUWLRQ [ OHVV WKDQ 9LQ\O DQG FDQ EH internally insulated. It is also impervious to moisture and rot. Ideal for Alaska: Insulated Pultruded
Fiberglass Frame/Sash 2. Window Styles: Each opening style exists for a reason and not all make good arctic windows. The common styles are Slider, Casement/Awning &UDQN DQG 7XUQ 7LOW 6OLGHUV KDYH D YHU\ ORRVH seal to enable them to slide back and forth. Crank windows open outward and have the slimmest frames but only a moderately tighter seal. These have locks along one side and a crank mechanism for closure. They are susceptible to failure because of the force required to turn the crank or operate the closure mechanism. Turn/Tilts have the strongest frames and the tightest seal but are slightly more expensive than other windows. They have a single handle that engages numerous locking mechanisms distributed along the four sides of the window. Turn/Tilt windows tilt for ventilation, turn inwards for cleaning, and have the most dependable escape capability. Ideal for Alaska: Turn/Tilt Window 3. Insulated Glass Unit (IGU): The IGU DFFRXQWV IRU D VLJQLÂżFDQW SRUWLRQ RI WKH ZLQGRZ cost and is responsible for the comfort of the space near the window. The parts that make up the IGU DUH WKH *ODVV /RZ (PLVVLYLW\ &RDWLQJ /RZ( Spacer, and inert Gas Filling. LowE coatings are metallic particles applied to the glass panes. These coatings are what allow the glass to trap or repel radiant heat from the sun. A South-facing window and North-facing window should be made with
GL̆HUHQW /RZ( FRDWLQJV EHFDXVH WKH\ UHFHLYH YHU\ GL̆HUHQW DPRXQWV RI VXQOLJKW /RZ( FRDWLQJV KDYH a minimal cost, but a major impact, so appropriate selection is critical for the comfort of the room. Most windows are shipped up from the Lower 48 and are made with LowE coatings that are ideal IRU D VRXWKHUQ FOLPDWH EXW GH¿QLWHO\ 127 LGHDO IRU ours. The Spacer separates the glass panes and contains the Gas Fill. Windows begins to fog when the seal between the spacer and glass fails, allowLQJ WKH JDV ¿OO WR OHDN RXW DQG KXPLG DLU WR OHDN in. The common Spacer materials are Aluminum, )RDP DQG 6WDLQOHVV 6WHHO 66 $OXPLQXP KDV WKH lowest cost but conducts the most heat and has the highest failure rate. Foam conducts less heat but also has a high failure rate due to its porous nature and susceptibility to thermal distortion. SS spacers are no more expensive than foam but much stronger. This allows them to be made very thin so they conduct only minimal heat. They have the lowest failure rate because they have the greatest strength and the lowest thermal distortion so the sealant between the Spacer and the Glass is less likely to WHDU 7KH ,*8 LV W\SLFDOO\ ¿OOHG ZLWK LQHUW $UJRQ gas which acts as the insulation between the panes. The ideal amount of argon is about ½� between each glass pane. Ideal for Alaska: Triple-pane / Double LowE / SS Spacer / Argon Gas Fill
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
Friday, March 28, 2014
Proper preparation gets your home ready to sell you’re worried about possible repairs for larger problems such as an old roof or a broken heating and coolhe home selling process can ing system, it can pay to get a home seem overwhelming, but it inspection so you know what needs doesn’t have to be. This article work. Taking care of those larger describes the issues yourself ¿UVW VWHS *HWWLQJ before putting your home ready your home on the to sell. The more market can mean preparation you PRUH R̆HUV DQG do beforehand, less negotiating the better price later. you’ll get for your What about home. the appearance of \RXU KRPH" 'RHV Take a critical the dÊcor need an look at your XSGDWH" &RQVLGHU house painting or makWhen selling ing minor changes a home, you need to update problem to look at it from areas. Rearrangthe perspective of ing the furniture a potential buyer. or buying new Are there obvious furniture or slipÀDZV WKDW QHHG WR covers can quickly EH ¿[HG" 3UREchange a room. Even if you don’t need lems that you have grown accustomed updating, a fresh coat of paint helps to will leap out at potential buyers. both the inside and outside of your Fix everything prior to listing. If
By Rich Harter
house look better and cleaner. Just be sure to choose neutral colors that will appeal to many buyers, Remember. Just because you like or love a feature about your home does not mean that a potential buyer will have the same feeling , its about what potential buyers are wanting and a fresh look and feel is a great start.
Make sure any swing sets and outdoor furniture are clean and in good repair. That goes for the deck as well – repair any rotted wood, especially on steps.
Clean and de-clutter the inside 2QH RI WKH PRVW LPSRUWDQW WKLQJV that you should do when selling a home is to clean and de- clutCurb appeal ter inside. Home selling requires Starting at the curb, is your home a thorough spring cleaning – the ZHOFRPLQJ" &KHFN WKH ODQGVFDSLQJ EDVHERDUGV EOLQGV IXUQLWXUH ÀRRUV and lawn. Trim your hedges, edge carpets, everywhere. You want your your loan, pull weeds, pressure wash home to shine. You may even considthe driveway and front walk. Plant er hiring a cleaning service to do this ÀRZHUV HLWKHU LQ EHG RU SRWV DURXQG if you are short on time. And rememthe front door. Keep your front porch ber, once your home is clean, keep it swept and clear of any outside clutter. that way. When your home is on the Replace a worn-out welcome mat. market, make sure you vacuum, mop Paint the front door. If you have a and clean your kitchen and bathstorm door, clean the glass. Check to rooms every few days. make sure all outdoor lights are workYou also want your home to be ing, especially the porch and walkway free of clutter when selling it. Go light. through each room and pinpoint the In your backyard, put all your piles of clutter that have built up, and tools and work equipment out of be ruthless. In your living areas, get site. If you have power tools or lawn organized by storing what needs to equipment you don’t use frequently, be stored and throwing away the rest. put it in storage or at a friend’s house. READY  12
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Friday, March 28, 2014
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
The best decisions are made with the right advice! great Realtors in the Fairbanks area to choose from. An excellent way to n my 20 years of selling real estate locate the right one for you is to ask I’ve had the honor of assisting your friends, family and co-workers a number of for personal recomclients with purmendations of Realchasing multi-miltors they’ve worked lion dollars’ worth with and had a good of real estate. experience with. Then Each transaction make appointments is unique to itself with a few of those with various areas recommended Realof research and netors to decide who you gotiation. Research feel the most comis crucial to make fortable with. Keep sure purchasers are in mind that the best VDWLV¿HG ZLWK WKHLU Realtors are going to property for years to be the busiest so be come. Negotiations prepared to wait a few are necessary to days to a week for that assure that they get appointment. It will be the best price. worth the wait in the 7KH ¿UVW VWHS long run. to a successful Unless you are transaction is to choose the right purchasing a home with cash you real estate professional. You want will also need to choose a mortgage someone who will be your represen- lender. You can choose an online out tative and advocate. There are many RI VWDWH OHQGHU RU ORFDO OHQGHUV 2QH By Ginger Orem
important reason to choose a local lender is that they may be able to R̆HU \RX ORFDO PRUWJDJH SURJUDPV WKDW DUH RQO\ R̆HUHG E\ $ODVND lenders such as the Alaska Housing First time Homebuyer program. The right lender will guide you to the best mortgage product depending on your circumstances as well as the best interest rate. With the currently record low interest rates most lenders will be competitive on rates but you will also want to choose a lender that can close your transaction in a WLPHO\ PDQQHU ,Q D PXOWLSOH R̆HU situation the lender chosen by the Buyer can be a persuading factor as WR ZKRVH R̆HU WKH 6HOOHU ZLOO DFFHSW A lender with a good reputation puts a Sellers mind at ease if they are FRQFHUQHG DERXW D %X\HUV TXDOL¿cation or ability to close in a timely manner. Your Realtor will be happy WR DVVLVW \RX LQ ¿QGLQJ WKH ULJKW mortgage lender for you. There are many decisions needed to assure a successful real estate transaction. The right Realtor and
the right Mortgage lender are a good start but then the real work begins. You need to decide what type of home, what area you desire, what school district, how far from work do you want to live, what are the costs of utilities for a property, are there concerns of pollution or water contamination, is there a concern of arsenic, nitrates or radon, is there permafrost or construction concerns and the list goes on. Make sure when you’re ready to purchase real estate that you surround yourself with SURIHVVLRQDOV WKDW ZLOO R̆HU \RX WKH best advice so that hopefully you will make the right decisions when it comes to your real estate investment. Ginger Orem CRS, ABR Crown Real Estate AK. Inc. *LQJHU 2UHP LV D &HUWL¿HG 5HVLGHQWLDO 6SHFLDOLVW DQG $FFUHGLWHG %X\HU Representative. She is the Broker/ Owner of Crown Real Estate AK. ,QF DQG KDV EHHQ VHOOLQJ UHDO HVWDWH since 1994.
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Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
Friday, March 28, 2014
Live life to the fullest with plants about life in Interior Alaska is that once the snow starts to melt, we put LW LQ KLJK JHDU DQG ÂżOO HYHU\ PRPHQW of our soon to be well lit days. So simplicity is key to adding plants to our life. Here are some ways we’ve found to apply the “KISSâ€? method to plants in your life:
root crops. Just check the system once in a while. If you have rusty GREENHOUSE water, check weekly. Flooding or soaker hose in the rows or raised f you’ve lived in the interior for beds works for most crops. Just turn any time you’ve noticed that the the hose on and go grill some salmon long, dark days of winter take on the BBQ‌just remember to come their toll on our bodies, relationEDFN DQG WXUQ LW R̆ ships, diets and work environment. 4. Twenty-four hour days make Garden: Let’s face it, this winter was mild but plants “hungryâ€?. Nutrient dense soil 1. Plant what you’ll eat. Sounds normally it’s no picnic. With cold and fertilizer added regularly is key simple but when you’re buying temperatures and the lack of light, we to a bountiful harvest. seeds & plants it’s easy to want to feel stressed and can have such low 5. Get help from friends. Share be adventurous and grow veggies energy levels sometimes we want to JDUGHQLQJ GXWLHV DQG WKH KDUYHVW 2Q you think “little Johnnyâ€? will eat. hibernate like the bears. But plants second thought they better be really He won’t. Devoting space to somecan help make our lives so much thing that may get eaten is space that good friends. better. could be used for something that will Indoor Plants: Studies have shown that plants get eaten. 1. Check the soil for moisture clean and refresh the air indoors, 2. Container gardens really work! using the best moisture meter on the increase productivity at work, add Grow much in small spaces. Less SODQHWÂŤ\RXU ÂżQJHU )RU PRVW SODQWV color to an otherwise white winter, weeding. Use Earth boxes, 5 gal. you water when the soil is dry, not and evoke a sense of calm in our buckets, tires, wash tubs, even Bun- every Friday. Water thoroughly, RYHUVWUHVVHG ZRUOG 2XWVLGH SODQWV ny Boots. Add drainage holes, good allow soil to drain and remove any increase property values, help sell soil and time released fertilizer and excess water in saucers. This helps homes, reduce noise and dust, inyour all set. prevent root rot and pest problems. FUHDVH VHFXULW\ ÂżOO RXU IUHH]HU ZLWK 3. Water is important. Make sure 2. Repot in the spring or fall in two garden fresh produce and add to our it’s near by and easily accessible. to four inch larger pots. For instance overall well-being. Sprinklers in a timer are great for a 4â€? potted plant into a 6-8â€? pot. The other thing you’ve noticed By Angie Hawks
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3. In winter, feed once a month. In summer, feed twice a month. Trees & Shrubs: 1. Grow the varieties that work in our area. Buying and planting trees just because they have a year guarantee not only wastes your time but also WKH WUHH WKDW VRPHRQH LQ 2UHJRQ could have grown. 2QFH WKH\ DUH FRYHUHG ZLWK leaves in the spring, trim them. Lilacs are the exception. They need to be trimmed just after bloom so they ZLOO ÀRZHU DJDLQ QH[W \HDU 3. Water about one gal. per foot of height for new planted trees & shrubs once weekly. Established WUHHV DUH XVXDOO\ ¿QH XQOHVV GU\ weather conditions occur. If you would like more information on adding plants to your life stop by one of our areas local nurseries and glean from the years of gardening experience that we have to R̆HU +DSS\ 3ODQWLQJ
Friday, March 28, 2014
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
)RU D TXLFNHU VDOH DYRLG WKHVH FRPPRQ WXUQ R̆V lurk and, let’s be real, eavesdrop nearby. Messy house: Life gets hectic, and it’s difficult to keep up with things like laundry, dishes ften times, people may inadvertently make and other cleaning tasks. When you decide to mistakes that can cost them when it comes sell your home, it’s important that you keep to securing their dream home or their your home in tip-top shape. Remember, your GUHDP R̆HU 7XUQ D EX\HU R̆ DQG WKH VHOOHU PD\ home is competing with dozens of others, so ULVN ORZ R̆HUV RU ZRUVH D first impressions really do home that just won’t sell. The count! No seller can afford to give potential exists for buyers to Over priced home: WXUQ VHOOHUV R̆ +DYLQJ D FRRS- away their home at a price The average buyer won’t erative seller can go a long way bother looking at far below what it’s worth on even towards possibly getting a price a property if the asking reduction, negotiating closing today’s market. Offers far price is clearly high and costs, repairs or chattel, etc. base compared with below the recent sales pric- off As you are on your quest for other similar, nearby buying a home, consider these homes for sale; they’d es of similar homes in the common mistakes. sit tight and wait . neighborhood is highly like- rather Sellers who hang out: The only opinion when it As soon as a buyer sees the comes to price is the marly to turn them off. seller in the house, it inket’s opinion. You need stantly becomes much more to price to sell from the difficult for them to envision themselves living beginning. Determine a price that is supported there, it is uncomfortable opening up closby the data on how much nearby similar homes et doors, etc., and difficult to express their have recently sold for. You’ll save yourself a lot thoughts about how this house might be exactly of time and anguish and get more real interest what they’re looking for. If you cannot leave the from serious, qualified buyers. home, give buyer’s their space and a chance to Extreme lowball offers: No seller can walk around and consider what they like and/ afford to give away their home at a price far or dislike about your home, without having you EHORZ ZKDW LWœV ZRUWK RQ WRGD\œV PDUNHW 2IBy Opal Welton
fers far below the recent sales prices of similar homes in the neighborhood is highly likely to turn them off. And that, in turn, will cause the seller to view the buyer and the offer as disrespectful and a waste of their time. Not only will they turn down the offer, but they may not even bother with a counteroffer, making any further efforts at securing that home difficult. Bashing the home: Buyers who start bad-mouthing the place and/or the neighborhood in hopes of getting a lower asking price by saying something like: ‘the house down the street just sold for much lower than the asking price of this house’, or expressing the need to rip out the entire kitchen before you’d even consider moving in to a seller who happens to be at home during the showing are at risk for turning the seller off right away. Bad-mouthing to the seller won’t work to get you a lower price. Discuss your concerns after the showing. ~Best wishes and happy house hunting! $EVROXWHO\ $ODVNDQ 5HDO (VWDWH 6HUYLFHV 2̇FH :HÂśUH LQ WKH %HDXWLIXO /RJ &DELQ RQ WKH FRUQHU RI WK 1REOH ,I \RX KDYH DQ\ TXHVWLRQV SOHDVH JLYH XV D FDOO ZHÂśOO KHOS \RX DOO ZH FDQ
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Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
Friday, March 28, 2014
Landscaping your new home can be easy if you just follow these easy tips encourage deeper rooting.
By Lori Peterson
$SSO\ VWDUWHU IHUWLOL]HU RU 6. When grass reaches 2–3� tall, begin mowing with a sharp mower. 5DNH RU GUDJ LQWR VRLO
Planting a Lawn Site Preparation:
7. Fertilize again 4–6 weeks after seeding.
2. Rake area lightly with a garden rake to create a shallow pattern of furrows.
1. Remove debris from area to be planted. 2. Rough grade lawn site. Improve drainage if necessary.
3. Apply grass seed at the recommended rate.
3. Add soil amendments such as peat moss, compost, topsoil if needed.
4. Roll with a full roller or rake lightly with a grass rake. You will need to roll the soil if your foot sinks while standing on it.
4. Rototill to a depth of 4–6�. Till in 2 directions. 5. Rake out rocks and debris.
5. Keep seed bed moist with frequent light watering, taking care not to disturb the seed. After germination is complete, watering should be more saturating but less frequent. This will
6. Drag a weighted platform over the ODZQ DUHD WR ÂżOO LQ ORZ VSRWV XQWLO smooth.
Planting Trees Soil Preparation: 1. Dig a hole twice as wide and just as deep as the root ball.
also should be planted directly in the ground after cutting away the pot rim and making a few cuts up the side. 5. Cut the twine around the top of the burlap root ball. 6. Support it with stakes, padding the ties to protect the bark. Remove after 2 years. Annual Flowers Soil Preparation:
2. Amend the soil that is removed by 1. The soil needs rich humus material. mixing in organic matter such as peat The fertilizer can be granular, water moss or processed steer manure, up soluble, or timed released. There to 1/3 of soil volume. needs to be good drainage and proper 3. A transplant fertilizer, superphospH. phate, or bone meal should also be 2. Some plants prefer a sunny or added to stimulate root growth. shady location. It is best to look at the 4. Thoroughly water plants several plant tag to determine what type of hours before transplanting. light the plant requires. 5. Plant during mild temperatures.
6. Plants balled in burlap should be planted with the burlap left around the root ball for support. Fiber pots
Begonia, Lobelia, Fuchsia, Hypoestes, LANDSCAPING Âť 12
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Friday, March 28, 2014
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
What to do before your open house out fresh towels. Close the lid on the toilets and make sure the bathroom JUHDW ÂżUVW LPSUHVVLRQ LV D NH\ mirrors sparkle. to selling • Make sure the air your house is fresh. That doesn’t or condo. Promean using stinky air spective buyers fresheners or candles, want to see your because some people home in “showare allergic to them and placeâ€? condition. it often leaves people Most buyers select thinking that you are their home based trying to cover up the bad on emotion and odors. It also includes then justify the taking out the household decision with trash, cleaning the cat facts, so it’s imbox, washing the dog portant to make bed, making sure your the house look animal food is stored in great. Remember, Tupperware, and airing you have just a out the beds that people few seconds to sleep in before making create a winning them. You might be used ÂżUVW LPSUHVVLRQ +HUH DUH JUHDW ZD\V to the smell of your home, especially if to prepare your house for sale without you have pets or if you are a smoker, so spending a lot of money, and boostif you’re in doubt, ask a good friend to ing your bottom line and to sell your FRPH RYHU DQG VQL̆ \RXU KRXVH home quickly; • If you have pets hire a professional ‡ &OHDQ WKH EDWKURRP V DQG SXW to clean and deodorize your carpets. By Phil Ringstad
You may not notice the pet odor but unless you are an immaculate house cleaner others often will, and this can EH D ELJ WXUQ R̆ WR SRWHQWLDO EX\HUV especially those with allergies to animals. Check the method of cleaning the carpet cleaning company uses. To get the best deep down cleaning look for a company that uses Van Mounted Hot Water Extraction. This is the method that is recommended by carpet manufacturers and will give the best results for both odor and overall appearances. • If your carpets are dingy or tired looking, carpet cleaning again will revive the appearance and let buyers envision their children crawling and URPSLQJ RQ WKH ÀRRU 0RVW FRPSDnies also have tools to attach to their cleaning equipment for hard to clean WLOH ÀRRUV /RRN DW WKDW JURXW LI \RX MXVW can’t get it clean try the professionals to get it looking its best. ‡ :LQGRZ %OLQGV DUH GL̇FXOW WR FOHDQ ,I QHHGHG \RX FDQ ¿QG D SURIHVsional that you can bring your blinds to that clean them using an Ultra-Sonic Cleaning Machine. It is fast and will
clean better than possible by other methods and less expensive than purchasing new ones, and remember to look past the blinds and have clean windows to let all the natural light shine in that you can. Â&#x2021; *HW 2UJDQL]HG *R WKURXJK \RXU home room by room and pack up at OHDVW RI \RXU VWXĚ&#x2020; <RX ZDQW LW DV clutter free as possible. Pack the items WKDW \RX GRQÂśW QHHG VXFK DV RĚ&#x2020; VHDVRQ clothing, family photos, paperwork and store them outside of the home. You want your prospective buyer to feel like there would be room in the house for WKHLU VWXĚ&#x2020; 0RYLQJ LV D JUHDW WLPH WR JHW ULG RI WKH VWXĚ&#x2020; \RX GRQÂśW XVH +DYH D garage sale and make a few bucks while at the same time making your home appear more spacious to a buyer. Â&#x2021; ,I \RX KDYH D GLĚ&#x2021;FXOW WLPH PDLQtaining this lifestyle, if possible hire a weekly cleaning service during the time you are showing the property so that when you receive those moments notice calls to show your home it is OPEN HOUSE Âť 12
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Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
Friday, March 28, 2014
Tips for buying \RXU ÂżUVW KRPH
16502821 STATE FARM
First-time homebuyers should decide what they want out of their home, such as a location in a historical district like the Chestnut Hill section of Philadelphia, where this house is. CREATORS.COM PHOTO COURTESY OF BY-LINES
By Simone Slykhous CREATORS.COM
t probably will be the most expensive investment you ever make, but it does not always have to be the most stressful. BuyLQJ \RXU ÂżUVW KRPH LV DQ LQFUHGLEOH journey, and with a few tips, it can be less of a hassle. %HIRUH \RX VWDUW \RXU KRXVH KXQW \RX ÂżUVW QHHG WR GHFLGH what you value most about your new home. Square footage, storage space and big backyards are all important concerns about the house itself, but they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t address a lot of lifestyle needs. Do you want to be within walking distance of WKH QHDUHVW JURFHU\" 'R \RX ZDQW a lot of kids around for your chilGUHQ WR SOD\ ZLWK" :RXOG \RX OLNH to be miles away from your nearest QHLJKERU" 'R VRPH VRXO VHDUFKLQJ before you start going out in the ÂżHOG )LQG DQ DJHQW ZKR XQGHUstands your needs. According to Tara-Nicholle Nelson of the real estate search website Trulia, â&#x20AC;&#x153;working with a great agent is
like a hybrid experience of working with an expert salesperson who intimately knows their inventory and the ins and outs of how to make a deal and working with an expert adviser, like a CPA or an attorney, ZKR \RX SD\ VSHFLÂżFDOO\ IRU WKHLU advice, insight and expertise at complex topics that you know little or nothing about.â&#x20AC;? Agents are a great way to make your homebuying process easier. And with online tools such as Zillow and Trulia, it is easier than ever WR ÂżQG DQ DJHQW HDFK VLWH KDV OLVWV of agents for each listing, and the website Zillow has the latest sale prices of the places at which you are looking. However, be mindful that many consumer-based webVLWHV FRXOG EH RXW RI GDWH 2QO\ agents have access to a universal real-time real estate software called a multiple listings service, which allows real estate professionals to share the most recent and comprehensive data on listings. With the knowledge and services that come with a real estate agent, an agent HOUSE HUNTERS Âť 15
Friday, March 28, 2014
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
The buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s right and duty to inspect a property By Susan Rainey RIVERVIEW REALTY
o safeguard one of lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest investments, most Buyers pursue inspections and testing in addition to a careful review of a Sellerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s disclosure information. An important paragraph in our local Board of Realtors Earnest Money Receipt and Purchase Agreement is theâ&#x20AC;? Right and Duty to Inspectâ&#x20AC;? clause. This clause provides a 15 day right of inspection to the Buyer and outlines the options for action based on the results of the inspections. Every region of our country has VSHFLÂżF FRQGLWLRQV RI SRVVLEOH FRQcern to homeowners and various
ways to deal with them. Following we will discuss some of the inspections and tests common to our area. Many of the homes built in the Fairbanks North Star Borough were built without inspections during construction or remodeling and might contain defects. Additionally, building code changes over time and a home that met code at the time of construction might not be in compliance with current code. It is common for a Buyer to have a Home Inspection performed during the 15 day right of inspection. The Inspectors typically inspect from roof to foundation and are looking for situations that prevent the home from meeting a standard of â&#x20AC;&#x153;safe, sound and sanitaryâ&#x20AC;?. Inspectorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; credentials range from; fully licensed Civil EngiQHHUV WR &HUWLÂżHG ,QVSHFWRUV WR DQ\ SURIHVVLRQDO WKH %X\HU IHHOV FRQÂżGHQW
in. The inspection reports are typically arranged in sections headed â&#x20AC;&#x153;Recommended For Immediate Repairâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;For Future Considerationâ&#x20AC;?. Home Inspectors are limited to what is visible and cannot be expected to detect DOO GHÂżFLHQFLHV FRQWDLQHG ZLWKLQ ZDOOV and other enclosed spaces. A Home ,QVSHFWRU PLJKW VXJJHVW VSHFLÂżF DGGLtional testing based on visual or other cues noted during their inspection. A home inspection typically costs from $500-700. Radon is a naturally occurring invisible, tasteless and odorless radioactive gas considered harmful in certain concentrations. The only way to know if radon is present in a home is to test for it. Radon testing can be conducted with instrumentation placed by a professional in the home for a three day or longer period. A read-out provides an average measurement and running data. A written report is provided and the cost averages approximately $250. The ADEC has established threshold limits considered unsafe. More information is available online: http:// www.uaf.edu/ces/energy/radon and
http://www.epa.gov/radon/pubs/hmbyguid.html )DPLOLHV ZLWK PHPEHUV VXĚ&#x2020;HULQJ with respiratory problems are particularly wary of homes that contain mold. Mold might be directly visible or might exist but be undetected. Even absent visual evidence of mold you might consider arranging for mold testing. More information is available online: http://makinghouseswork. cchrc.org/2014/how-to-prevent-moldgrowth-in-your-home Many homes in our area are served by wells. Water quality and quantity vary widely. Tests that can be conductHG LQFOXGH WHVWLQJ IRU Ă&#x20AC;RZ UDWH ZDWHU hardness, nitrates, arsenic, heavy metals etc. Information on water concerns and tests is available online: https://www.uaf.edu/ces/nrcd/water and http://dec.alaska.gov/eh/dw/ index.htm Homes on city utilities are not exempt from possible water quality LVVXHV 2OGHU KRPHV PD\ KDYH ZDWHU pipes with soldered joints containing BUYERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S DUTY Âť 16
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Joe Head
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
READY Continued from 4 If your rooms are furniture-heavy, store what you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need or take it to a friendâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s house. Go through your bedrooms and put away personal items. Get a head start on packing by thinning out your closets with outof-season clothing. Pare down your outwear, especially if you have a coat rack near an entrance. Pack away extra coats, shoes, umbrellas and other outdoor gear you wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need while youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re selling. Problem areas ,Q WKH NLWFKHQ FOHDU RĚ&#x2020; WKH FRXQWers and organize your cabinets (they ZLOO EH RSHQHG 3DFN DZD\ NLWFKHQ items you can do without â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the piles
Friday, March 28, 2014
HOMES & REAL ESTATE of storage containers, party serving dishes, and specialty pots and tools you rarely use. The extra room will make your kitchen feel more spacious. In the bathroom, move toothpaste, makeup and other items from the counter to a drawer or cabinet (neatly though, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just toss everything LQ WKH GUDZHU 3XW RXW D QHZ EDU RI soap on a sparkling clean soap dish (if \RX FDQÂśW JHW DOO WKH GULHG XS VRDS RĚ&#x2020; EX\ DQ LQH[SHQVLYH QHZ RQH 3DFN away medicine for ailments people donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t care to think about â&#x20AC;&#x201C; laxatives, athleteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s foot, etc. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t leave your toilet bowl brush or plunger next to the toilet â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a better place for those items is your utility closet. Scrub your tub or shower stall until it looks new, and clean it every day
to keep soap scum and mildew away WKDW LQFOXGHV ÂżVKLQJ KDLU IURP WKH GUDLQ 5HSODFH \RXU VKRZHU FXUWDLQ liner. Limit yourself to one shampoo bottle and one bar of soap or one bottle of shower gel. Use a wash cloth GDLO\" 'ULHG XS GLUW\ ZDVK FORWKHV DUH D WXUQ RĚ&#x2020; 7RVV LW LQWR WKH ODXQGU\ and replace it after one use. Inspect your towels â&#x20AC;&#x201C; only display clean, hole-free towels. If the edges on all your towels are frayed, pick up new, inexpensive ones to display. Utility areas Mudrooms, basements and laundry rooms can be the toughest areas to deal with when selling. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let the project overwhelm you. First, throw away the junk. Then pack items you need but use rarely into storage
Continued from 8
Continued from 9
Torenia, Impatiens, Coleus, Browillia, Alyssum, Pansy, Dusty Miller, Flowering Cabbage, Flowering Kale SUN LOVERS: Aster, Ageratum, Alyssum, Celosia, Cosmos, Dahlia, Nierembergia,
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bins or boxes and neatly stack them on shelves. Having the area clean and freshly painted is important. If you have pets, make sure food, litter boxes, pet toys and grooming tools DUH QRW LQ KLJK WUDĚ&#x2021;F DUHDV After youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve prepared your home inside and out, have a friend or neighERU RU \RXU 5($/725 ZDON WKURXJK and tell you what should be changed. You need to choose someone who is not afraid to be honest to do this. The feedback can really help you in the ÂżUVW VWHS RI \RXU KRPH VHOOLQJ SURcess.
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Friday, March 28, 2014
CLOSING Continued from 2 it inspected. This can also be paid for directly between the seller and the inspection company. Buyers pay many more fees with most tied to their loans. The breakdown of these fees is not important to sellers even if they agree to pay some of them as part of the purchase price. Generally, the negotiations will result in a statement such as: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The seller agrees to pay up to $5,000 in buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s closing FRVWV ´ 2I FRXUVH WKH DPRXQW will vary depending on what was negotiated. Sellers will also be responsible for some â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;recurringâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; closing costs. These include mortgage interest on their loan, property tax, homeowner association dues and hazard insurance. The seller is responsible for paying these up until the actual closing date and the buyer from the closing date forward. If the seller has paid for any of these items beyond the closing date, he will be reimbursed at the closing. You could also be reimbursed for unused heating oil or natural JDV LI DSSOLFDEOH 2WKHU LWHPV that will be deducted from the sellerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s share include any home warranties you agreed to purchase for the buyer or credits you agreed to give buyer, such as for roof repairs. Federal law requires that sellers and buyers receive a copy of a HUD-1 form outlining all charges in a real estate transaction.
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
Stop the commotion How to deal with noisy neighbors Before you confront your neighbor, responsive, you could ask the landlord make sure youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve documented the for a favor. problem. For example, if your neighâ&#x20AC;&#x153;If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re a good tenant and youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re hether itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a loud party, deaf- bor hosts a loud party every Friday GHDOLQJ ZLWK D GLĚ&#x2021;FXOW QHLJKERU VD\ ening music, a blaring movie, night, keep track of the dates and Âľ,ÂśP ZLOOLQJ WR PRYH WR D GLĚ&#x2020;HUHQW screaming kids or just overWLPHV RI WKH QRLVH DQG VSHFLÂżF SUREapartment in the building,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? suggests the-top conversation, noisy neighbors lems, such as loud music or too many Malin. can be irritating. people in the hallway. Frustrated renters and homeownYou can probably deal with the Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t wait to deal with the noise ers have other options, too. You can annoyance once in a while, but if the until itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s become a big problem. If you ÂżOH D FRPSODLQW ZLWK \RXU FLW\ÂśV QRLVH noise is a frequent occurrence, you ignore it, abatement or housing QHHG WR Âż[ WKH SUREOHP neighbors RĚ&#x2021;FH <RX FDQ DOVR FRQBefore you confront your tact the police if the noise may not Nasty Noise realize itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a neighbor, make sure violates noise laws. Anâ&#x20AC;&#x153;When youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re living in a communal problem for other option is hiring an environment, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not going to be 100 youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve documented the you. attorney to write a cease percent ideal all the time,â&#x20AC;? says Gary â&#x20AC;&#x153;If you and desist letter asking problem. For example, Malin, president of Citi Habitats, a know your the neighbor to stop the sales and rental real estate brokerage. neighbors racket. if your neighbor hosts a Apartment and condo residents personally â&#x20AC;&#x153;Noise is really an isknow the places they call home wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t you can say, loud party every Friday VXH RI FRQĂ&#x20AC;LFWLQJ SHUVRQDO be noise-free, but thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an expectaâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m sure habits and behaviors,â&#x20AC;? night, keep track of the tion that it wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be loud all the time. youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not says Warren, who doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t â&#x20AC;&#x153;In the end, everyone wants quiet aware, but,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? dates and times of the recommend contacting enjoyment of their apartment,â&#x20AC;? says says Malin, outside parties for help noise and specific probMalin. who notes, unless itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really necesMany homeowners have to deal â&#x20AC;&#x153;Many times lems, such as loud music sary. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Third parties can be with neighbor noise, too, often from people donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t or too many people in the brought in to assist, but neighbors next door or down the realize itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really not their battle block. as loud as it hallway. unless the problem is seStill, the situation is the same -is.â&#x20AC;? vere and is impacting the unwanted noise and frustrated people lives within the neighborwho want it to stop. Confronting the Problem hood or violating noise ordinances.â&#x20AC;? If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve talked to your neighbor Document the Nuisance about the situation, and theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not Quiet, Please! â&#x20AC;&#x153;The biggest challenge is that noise respectful of your concerns, â&#x20AC;&#x153;then it is When all you want is peace and can be very subjective,â&#x20AC;? says Debra A. time to address your concern with your quiet, it can be tough not to take things Warren, vice president of client relations landlord,â&#x20AC;? says Warren. personally. for Associa, a community association â&#x20AC;&#x153;Put the landlord on notice,â&#x20AC;? says â&#x20AC;&#x153;Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re trying to come up with a PDQDJHPHQW ÂżUP Âł:KDW LV QRLV\ WR RQH Malin. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You want help to do this solution to the problem, not be the person is loud to another. Therefore, the peacefully.â&#x20AC;? problem,â&#x20AC;? says Malin. ÂżUVW VWHS QHHGV WR EH D FLYLOL]HG FRQYHUIn many cases, the landlord will sation so that each party can hear and NOISE Âť 14 confront the neighbor to help resolve appreciate the needs of others.â&#x20AC;? the problem. If the neighborâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not
By Kristen Castillo CREATORS.COM
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Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
Friday, March 28, 2014
LAWS Continued from 2 to rebuild a leaning garage one wall at a time without a permit, but if you knock the entire building down, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll probably need a permit to rebuild. The same goes for exterior stairs, patios, awnings and other add-ons. Spending a little bit of time visiting your local zoning department can help guide you before you make expensive PLVWDNHV DQG IDFH ÂżQHV RU PDQGDWRU\ rebuilding. Local ordinances might also exist for shrubs, pool decks, hot tubs, driveways, walkways, entrance stairs and accessible ramps. Neighborhood associations might also have the power to limit the colors you can paint your house, window dressings you can see from the outside, the color of your roof and other ornamental dressings. Each town has its own rules, which PD\ RU PD\ QRW GLĚ&#x2020;HU IURP QHDUE\ venues. Generally, the closer you live to developed urban and suburban areas the more rules there are. New <RUN &LW\ ZDV WKH ÂżUVW FLW\ WR LPSRVH zoning regulations, in 1916. Since then, practically every metropolitan area has put ordinances in place. Fines may be imposed on zoning and EXLOGLQJ RĚ&#x2020;HQGHUV Government agencies and neighCustom Hillside with Shop!
borhood associations develop rules and regulations to limit the use of property to commercial, residential or mixed use. There may be stipulations that mandate one or two family homes, uniform designs of the structures, setback from the street, easements that allow utilities and passage, how many and what kind of vehicles are permitted, and the placement and lumens of outdoor lighting. If you are building or renovating in a historical neighborhood, you might not be able to touch a historic building or change the overall look of the area. Many communities develop a master plan as a guide to future development and to preserve the quality of an area. Your local government may have separate zoning and planning boards; larger metropolitan areas may have multiple local neighborhood associations. Condominium and co-op developments are often self-governed in addition to local ordinances and laws. :KLOH ]RQLQJ ODZV DĚ&#x2020;HFW ODQG XVH construction and location, building FRGHV DĚ&#x2020;HFW VDIHW\ HJUHVV ÂżUH UDWings, etc. Zoning laws are most often formulated by local governments, and building codes are usually adopted from state codes.
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Contact your municipal building department, zoning authority and planning board for information. Local contractors might be familiar with local rules, but donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t rely on them to get all of the necessary permits before building. As the property owner, you are the one liable for any infractions and may be subject to substantial ÂżQHV <RX PD\ EH DEOH WR ÂżQG D OLVW RI regulations and the building code online, as well as proper contact names and numbers. Your local planning board can tell you what your property is already zoned for and the various subcategories that may exist. Zoning is public information, and so it is readily available. If your needs vary from local laws or you want to add a business or such on site, you can request the combined building departments to reclassify the SURSHUW\ EXW WKLV LV QRW D GHÂżQLWH E\ any means. It might be a good idea to consult a local attorney who is well versed in the local ordinances whenever you request a zoning change or begin a large building project. An attorney can answer questions and make sure you build within the letter of the law.
Continued from 13 Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why you shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get emotional about your frustrations with loud neighbors. Instead, treat the situation rationally -- like a business deal. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s important to retain your composure through the process to reach an amicable resolution,â&#x20AC;? says Malin. Even though you want to maintain good relationships with your neighbors, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t worry about othersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; reactions. You deserve to be happy in your home. COPYRIGHT 2013 CREATORS.COM
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Friday, March 28, 2014
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
HOUSE HUNTERS Continued from 10 is invaluable, especially to ÂżUVW WLPH EX\HUV <RX QHHG WR trust your agent, and â&#x20AC;&#x153;if you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t trust your agent, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re just working with the wrong one,â&#x20AC;? says Nelson. %H ERWK ÂżUP DQG Ă&#x20AC;H[ible. After you have established that trusting relationship with your agent, allow him or her to facilitate your house hunt, with you leading the way. You should have a ÂżUP JUDVS RQ WKH SULFH \RX are willing to spend -- including taxes, homeowners association assessments and utilities -- and the area in which you wish to live. With these pieces of information and your list of values from step one, your real estate agent and you should be ready to venture onward. If the houses you are lookLQJ DW GRQÂśW VHHP WR ÂżW \RXU needs, take a step back and determine what it is that is out of place. If your agent is showing you â&#x20AC;&#x153;dumps,â&#x20AC;? maybe you need to re-evaluate your
price range. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If property pickings seem slim, tweak the price range youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re using to search for homes -- in ERWK directions,â&#x20AC;? says Nelson. But remember that the higher your price range the more real estate agents tend to venture outside of your range -- to more expensive listings. If your range is relatively low, they tend to stay within a place youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll feel comfortable. ,I \RX ÂżQG \RXUVHOI KDWLQJ WKH places because of orange shag carpets, Hello Kitty wallpaper or scary Gothic chandeliers, that issue is addressed next. <RXU GUHDP KRPH GRHV not have to be the property in its present condition. Wishing IRU KDUGZRRG Ă&#x20AC;RRUV LQ WKH kitchen, the perfect shade of seafoam green in the bathroom and a perfectly manicured yard is normal. But donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t allow atrocious aesthetics to hinder your hunt. According to interior designer Christine Brun, â&#x20AC;&#x153;paint is one of the least expensive materials available to a home-
owner and something that you KDYH D GLĚ&#x2020;HUHQW IHHO RQ GLĚ&#x2020;HU- in advance,â&#x20AC;? says real estate HQW GD\V RU WLPHV DQG , ÂżQG LW consultant Jamie Walzer. can actually execute on your own.â&#x20AC;? Look beyond the yellow helpful to know these changes COPYRIGHT 2013 CREATORS.COM and brown walls from â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;74 to the great view and the large master bath. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re having trouble envisioning the possibilities, look to your agent. 6RPH ÂżUPV KDYH EHHQ DURXQG for more than 150 years; they have experience with looking outside the box. $OZD\V NHHS UHSDLU costs and safety in mind. Look for wet spots, rust, loose ZLUHV ORRVH Ă&#x20AC;RRUERDUGV DQ\thing and everything. Though slapping on a fresh coat of paint is easy, treating a home IRU DVEHVWRV FDQ EH GLĚ&#x2021;FXOW You have no desire to reach a deal, be weeks away from closing and have an inspector tell you thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tens of thousands of dollarsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; worth of damage that the seller ZRQÂśW SD\ IRU Âł2Q WKH VDIHW\ end of it, I would just add to drive by in the morning, after dark and also on a weekend. Neighborhoods can often
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Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
BUYERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S DUTY Continued from 11 lead and older copper piping. Testing is available to determine the presence of lead and/or copper in the home water supply. The most common Well/septic testing performed includes testing the VHSWLF DQG OHDFK ÂżHOGÂśV DGHTXDF\ DQG the well water for possible contamination. The system is also checked to see it meets required separation guidelines. The testing standards applicable are determined by the Alaska Depart-
Friday, March 28, 2014
HOMES & REAL ESTATE ment of Environmental Conservation and approximate cost of testing is $725. More information is available at AKDEC: http://dec.alaska.gov/Water/ wwdp/onsite/index.htm Lead based paint might have been used in homes built prior to 1978 and testing for its presence is available. For more information on lead based paint see: http://portal.hud.gov/ KXGSRUWDO +8'"VUF SURJUDPBRIÂżFHV KHDOWK\BKRPHV KHDOWK\KRPHV lead Soil drilling can be performed WR GHWHUPLQH LI WKH DUHD LV DĚ&#x2020;HFWHG E\ permafrost or other conditions liable to indicate unstable soils.
Ray Brasierâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Offic e at RE/MAX
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Joan was absolutely awesome! She made our first home selling experience effortless. From staging our home with items from her personal design collection to closing signatures, Joan took care of every detail. I would never want to use anyone else for buying or selling a home.â&#x20AC;? Kerri Crowder
Joan M. Stepovich Owner/Broker
(907) 378-4646 â&#x20AC;˘ joan@gci.net
53501901 3-28-14 H&RE
Buying or Selling you r prop erty? Call Ray at (907) 452-6387 RE/MAX Assoc iates of Fa irb a nk s â&#x20AC;˘ raybrasier.net
If you are selling your home it is important to understand what standards your home and its systems are likely to be held to by a prospective Buyer. Discuss with your Realtor the pros and cons of pre-marketing testing.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Joan staged, and listed our home. We had a full asking price offer in two days. THX Joan!! She is truly a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Real Estate Staging Goddessâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;?. Mike & Wilma Littlefield
Would like to say tha nk you for making 2013 a succ essful year!
W ith you r tru st, we closed 118!
Fairbanks is fortunate to have a cadre of professionals to provide the expertise necessary to perform and evaluate many of the tests described here. Take the time to speak with your friends, coworkers and family to get recommendations and always check a professionalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s credentials. A sensible Homebuyer will take the time to educate themselves and test for reasonable concerns but should be aware that all testing is a snapshot of that system at the time of testing and changing conditions can impact the system in future. Testing is not a guarantee of future performance.
lty a e R
Local developers, engineers, surveyors, and contractors should be aware of the storm water plan review and permitting requirements in the urbanized area of Fairbanks.
LIMIT YOUR RISK! LIMIT YOUR LIABILITY! If your total disturbed area equals or exceeds 10,000 SF in the City of Fairbanks or 1.0 acre in the City of North Pole or the Fairbanks North Star Borough, you should contact the City or Borough to ensure you are complying with local requirements!
ITâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S THE LAW Obtain all necessary approvals before you dig!
Immaculate 4 bd/4 ba/2 car gar, fam rm & craft rm on 2+ acres. Energy efficient dbl wall const and numerous upgrades. $314,900
2bd/2ba/2car gar. Open living area with woodstove, master ba with jetted tub & walk-in shower. $174,900
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Jackson Fox City of Fairbanks/North Pole 459-6758 OR
CHEAPER THAN RENT! Bank-owned property priced lower than current appraisal. 2bd/2ba/2car gar, fam room and office. $94,900
David Bredlie FNSB 459-1356 OR http://co.fairbanks.ak.us/pworks/ stormwatermanagementprogram/
Friday, March 28, 2014
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
Launching in May! New and improved Homes.newsminer.com
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2 Best-Buy Homes, Ready to Move in! $129,900
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ASSOCIATE BROKER – REALTOR ryandanhauser@mac.com www.RyanDanhauser.com
1520 Goldridge (Co-Listed with Gene DuVal) Goldstream Log Home, almost 2 acres with full basement, water and septic. 1BR, 1 Bath.
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
Friday, March 28, 2014
Spring into your dedicated Fairbanks Realtors for all your real estate needs! Chris Calhoon Real Estate Chris Calhoon
Fairbanks First Realty Grace Moore
Chris is a decorated Vietnam Veteran who retired as Colonel in the U.S. Army after 23 years service. In 1998, he started Fairbanks’ first exclusive buyers’ brokerage. He will take care of your most important investment and negotiate the best deal for you.
Grace Moore knows the community well and enjoys helping people buy or sell homes. She is an Accredited Buyers Representative, a certified military relocation specialist and a Seniors Real Estate Specialist. Grace works with first-time home buyers, military clients, Seniors & seasoned homeowners. Grace will give you her best.
Call Chris at 456-3401 buyers-brokerage.com chris@buyers-brokerage.com
Call Grace at 590-0306 fairbanks-northpolehomes.com email: gracemoore@alaska.net
Monica Dallas Realty Monica Dallas Realtor®/Broker who services the Fairbanks and North Pole Area. Monica has a comprehensive knowledge of today’s market and is known as a down-toearth Realtor®. She works hard to make every real estate purchase or sale a smooth transaction. Whether you are a first time home buyer, looking for investment property, relocating or moving, Monica Dallas is there to help your real estate needs. She handles all types of real estate purchases and sales from Million Dollar Homes to Small Cabins, Land, Remote Properties, and also Commercial Sales and Leasing.
Call Monica at 388-4987 MonicaDallas@msn.com
Century 21 Gold Rush Mike VanSickle As a Top Producer in the North Pole/Fairbanks area, I work hard to make the home buying and selling experience enjoyable and stress-free. Specializing in single family sales, first time home buyers, and new construction.
Call Mike at 347-4484 or 488-2100 mikevansickle.com
Stepovich Realty STAGED TO SELL
Joan Stepovich Broker/Owner, Success = Mother of 4, married 27 years, college degree, 30 years experience in interior design, 15 years as a Realtor. Owner of White Palms Art Gallery. This lifelong Alaskan is helping make dreams a reality. I look forward to serving you in all your interior design or real estate needs.
joan@gci.net 374-2825 or 378-4646 whitepalms.net stepovichrealty.com
Riverview Realty Susan Rainey
Call Sue at 479-4000 sue.rainey.alaska@gmail.com
Serving Alaska for 20 years, Ginger is a local expert in the real estate industry. A past President of GFBR board of Realtors, multi-million dollar producer and recipient of the DNM people’s choice award, Ginger is well known for her hard work, professionalism and attention to detail.
When you’re ready to buy or sell Real Estate, call Ginger at 452-8000 or visit AskForGinger.com
Alaska Gem Homes Betty Valdes & Jim Mosley Alaska Gem Homes is your one-stop source for real estate services covering Anchorage, Eagle River, Chugiak, and the Matsu Valley. Betty Valdes and Jim Mosley are a married team of REALTORS with ABR, CRS, MRP, eCertified, designations who work for the number one company in Anchorage. Jim and Betty have over 10 years of experience with Jack White Real Estate and Betty has over 25 years total in Real Estate. They will be your REALTORS OF CHOICE by providing you with superior service at all times.
Call Jim and Betty at 350-6489 Homes@AlaskaGemHomes.com
Advantage Alaska Realty Amy Krier Amy specializes in residential sales and works with both buyers and sellers. Over the past 12 years she has developed a reputation for being honest, knowledgeable, and for providing exceptional customer service. Amy has held numerous positions on Realtor® committees and boards, including President of the Greater Fairbanks Board of Realtors® and V.P. of the Alaska Association of Realtors®, and was voted the 2010 Realtor® of the Year. She believes in hard work and giving back to this amazing community. Let Amy put her experience to work for you!
Call Amy at 388-9950 amykrier@alaska.com • AmyKrierRealEstate.com
Century 21 Gold Rush Zeb Mabie Zeb is a lifelong resident of and Top Producer in the Fairbanks and North Pole areas. He is also a Certified Residential Specialist and Accredited Buyer Representative. Whether buying or selling, you can expect full service professionalism, honesty, and integrity. Zeb is ready to assist you!
Call Zeb at 388-6348 ZebMabie.com email: Zeb@gci.net
Susan has successfully been helping her clients meet their real estate goals for more than 25 years! Put her expertise and experience to work for you!
Crown Real Estate AK, Inc. Ginger Orem
Friday, March 28, 2014
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
Spring into your dedicated Fairbanks Realtors for all your real estate needs! RE/MAX Associates of Fairbanks Ryan Danhauser Ryan Danhauser has over 10 years experience in Real Estate in Fairbanks Alaska. He is an Associate Broker for RE/MAX Associates of Fairbanks and has a background in education, lending and Real Estate. Ryan was the 2011 President of the Greater Fairbanks Board of Realtors and loves spending time with his 2-year old son, Joey.
Call Ryan at 978-2607 ryandandauser@mac.com RyanDanhauser.com
Grace Minder Realty, Inc. Grace Minder
RE/MAX Associates of Fairbanks Gene DuVal Gene is a Top Producer at RE/MAX Associates of Fairbanks & one of the Top Realtors in Alaska. For experience, integrity and results, put Gene and his team to work for YOU!
Call Gene at 452-4363 geneduval.com gene@geneduval.com
RE/MAX Associates of Fairbanks Gene DuVal Real Estate Team
Grace was born and raised in Fairbanks, a mother of 3 and very active in the community. She is a top producing Agent & Broker recognized as the 2007 Affiliate Realtor of the Year. Military relocation specialist. “Your Home Town Realtor”
Call Grace 479-8000 grace.minder@acsalaska.net graceminder.com
452-4363 • geneduval.com jay@geneduval.com • christine@geneduval.com michael@geneduval.com
Century 21 Gold Rush Kelli Powers
RE/MAX Associates of Fairbanks Ray Brasier
Kelli has been a full time Realtor for 10 years. She is a top producer in the Fairbanks & North Pole area. Kelli was born & raised in Fairbanks & has extensive knowledge of the area! Kelli is reliable, courteous, dependable & available to help with all your real estate needs!
Ray Brasier grew up on a potato farm in Delta Junction, Alaska. While working in forestry, Ray and his wife Lisa started investing in real estate with their first purchase in 1990. In the past, 20+ years, they have bought and renovated over 47 properties. He has been actively selling real estate for almost 20 years working with buyers and sellers bringing them high quality service. Ray holds the RE/MAX Lifetime Achievement Award, and his team is one of the top selling teams in the Interior. Whether you are buying or selling, let his experience work for you.
Call Kelli at 322-1998 century21goldrush.com
Call Ray at 452-6387 raybrasier.net
Fortune Properties of Fairbanks Janet Shafer
Alaska Commercial Properties, Inc. Cheryl Markwood
Broker/Owner of Fortune Properties of Fairbanks calling Alaska home for over 40 years and assisting the Fairbanks community and surrounding area with their real estate needs for over 30 years.
Cheryl is an Associate Broker with Alaska Commercial Properties, Inc. She has been licensed since 2010.
Call Janet at 456-4725 fortune@polarnet.com
Call Cheryl at 456-6008 cherylmarkwood.com cheryl@realtyalaska.co
Somers & Associates, REALTORS Angie M. Tallant
Michelle Evans is a realtor that became a top producer in a short period of time. When asked her secret to success. She states, “I answer my phone. It sounds simple, and it is. Customer service is everything to people. My business is based on referrals and I owe my success to my customers who continue to refer people to me long after the sell is done.” Michelle was born and raised in interior Alaska. She is an Accredited Buyers Representative and a Military Relocation Specialist.
Angie has over a decade of Bank Owned Property experience as well as Residential, Land, Commercial Real Estate and Property Management. GFBR Past President, 2014 Alaska Association of Realtors Vice President, YPN Director, and has served the real estate community on various other committees - Angie is also your 2011 REALTOR of the YEAR and 2011 AFFILIATES REALTOR of the YEAR. Angie loves Real Estate and helping others make a transition to home ownership!
Call Michelle at (907) 978-0995 FairbanksDeltaHomes.com • MichelleEvans36@gmail.com
Call Angie at 347-3622 or 456-7653 x 101 angietallant@yahoo.com • somersandassociates.net
Somers & Associates, REALTORS Michelle Evans
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
Friday, March 28, 2014
FairbanksDeltaHomes.com Michelle Evans • Realtor N e w L is t in g PENDING
SOLD 3771 Old Wood Rd, Fairbanks 3 BD, 2 BA, 1 Partial Bath 2 Car Attached Garage
2718 Gordon Rd, North Pole 3 BD, 2 BA, Attached Garage Lots of potential
3720 Dubia Road, North Pole 3 BD, 21⁄2 BA 2 Car Attached Garage
3460 Durham Circle, North Pole 3 BD, 2 BA, 2 Car Garage 5 Star Rated,pad for hot tub
564 Eagle View, Fairbanks 4 BD, 3 BA, 2 Car Garage on just under 2 acres
PENDING 221 Slater Drive, Fairbanks 3 BD, 1 BA In the heart of Fairbanks
6095 Richardson Hwy, Salcha Land w/Gravel Pad & Power Pole Seller will relocate 10x12 Cabin for additional $10,000
1229 Shooting Star, North Pole 3 BD, 2 BA, 1 Partial Bath 2 Car Attached Garage
606 Fifth Avenue, North Pole 2 BD, 1 BA, 1 Car Garage Live the Alaskan Dream!
2405 Reschaven Dr, Fairbanks 5 BD, 3 BA, Custom Log featured on Buying Alaska!
N e w L is t in g 2518 Hayes Ave, Delta Junction 4 BD, 11⁄2 BA 1 Car Garage
2700 Hurst Road, North Pole Prime Commercial Lot between Fairbanks & North Pole
PENDING 3861 Kensington Ave, North Pole 4 BD, 2 BA, 2 Car Garage One of a kind home!
316 Glacier 2 BD, 1 BA, 2 Car Garage 4 Star Energy Rated home
N e w L is t in g
1193 Grunion 4 BD, 2 BA, 1 Car Garage
N e w L is t in g
N e w L is t in g
17140 Chena Hot Springs Road, Fairbanks 2 BD, 1 BA Log
3523 Hope Street 3 BD, 11⁄2 BA, 2 Car Garage
(907) 978-0995 • MichelleEvans36@gmail.com
895 Lakloey Dr North Pole 3 BD, 2 BA, 2 Car Garage Many amenities