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19 Our Economy
To enable all of our communities to flourish as part of the economic recovery from Covid-19, as well as opportunities from the ‘green economy’

distributed to businesses through Covid

Since the start of the financial support package in March 2020, we’ve distributed £38,197,458 through 7,565 Covid-19 business grants payments supporting 2,232 unique businesses.
All Covid-19 funding grants have now closed and we no longer hold any Government funding for these grants.
All discretionary funds that the Council received have also now been fully allocated and administered.
The Grants Team have worked tirelessly to ensure these funds reach the businesses in need as quickly as possible.
At the height of the pandemic the Grants Team were administering up to ten different grant schemes.
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank local businesses for their cooperation in helping us achieve this.
If your business requires support going forward, please contact the Economic Development Team or our Business Support Adviser Phil Means.
If you are in business and feel you could benefit from free business advice please contact Phil on 07920 472671 or email
Businesses find new homes at park
A £2.2 million development is now home to a lively community of start-up and growing businesses all benefitting from the new space created there.
Discovery Court contains 15 business units owned by the Council and built on its behalf by Lindum Group, on land which forms part of the Discovery Park development in North Hykeham.
It became full in March this year, after the units were handed over to the Council last May on completion of Lindum’s work.
Enquiries came in fast during the build through marketing agent Banks Long & Co together with the Council’s BusinessNK team.
The MINI Repair Shop moved to its unit in June 2021 as Discovery Court’s first tenant, and provides a range of services as a BMW and Mini independent specialist. Director Steve Chambers, who operates the business together with Director Kyle Berry, said:
“There’s a great atmosphere and entrepreneurial spirit here as most of the businesses are small and local like ourselves.”
Ground and Environmental Investigation Ltd is also based at Discovery Court, where it advises on practical solutions for geotechnical design and contaminated land.
Director Marc Pearson said: “The business is thriving from our new location and hopefully we’ll be looking to expand in the near future.”
The MINI Repair Shop
The Caterers Ltd
Ground and Environmental Investigation Ltd
To enquire about available units across the Council’s portfolio, contact Banks Long & Co on 01522 544515 or the BusinessNK Team on 01529 414155.
Sign up for weekly business news www.n-kesteven.gov.uk/stayconnected

Look out for your chance later this summer to direct new wayfinding signage in Sleaford town centre.
This expanded signage will better reflect all that Sleaford town centre offers since the previous fingerposts (above) were installed over 25 years ago.
The new signage will highlight assets, attractions and other key aspects more effectively and across a wider area.
The new wayfinding signage will be shaped using local input, so do stay tuned for more on this soon.
Strong interest from businesses continues in the new £56 million Sleaford Moor Enterprise Park.
A contract has been let to deliver the strategic utilities and the strategic infrastructure, and work to build the first phase of the site is due to start this year.
All units will be built for best sustainability and adaptability, and the site includes various features too which recognise the challenges of climate change.
Go to www.businessnk.co.uk/ projects/sleaford or call Banks Long & Co on 01522 544515.
Businesses in Greater Lincolnshire are being asked for their views on devolution – the process which would transfer powers and funding from Whitehall to Lincolnshire.
Devolution Lincolnshire is the start of a conversation with businesses led by the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership.
Leaders from the 10 local authorities in the area have asked the LEP to lead this business discussion ahead of submitting a deal to the Government at the end of this year.
If you have a view on devolution for Lincolnshire or want to find out more, you can visit the website and complete the online survey at anytime up to June 25. Go to
www.greaterlincolnshirelep. co.uk/priorities-and-plans/ devolution-lincolnshire

The road to improved travel

In the last two years, the Sleaford area has seen two major road improvement projects - at the Sleaford rugby club junction and Holdingham roundabout.
The changes made to the rugby club junction in October 2020 include new approach lanes and traffic signals at the A17/A153, and the junction now operates with a reduced speed limit and more defined space which has eased congestion and improved safety.
Work completed on the Holdingham roundabout in December 2021, with new approach lanes and traffic signals installed at some of the roundabout’s approaches, resulting in less congestion and increased safety.
The two projects combined equate to £8.25 million, together briging improved accessibility and better journey times.
But did you know that our Council’s BusinessNK Team working with delivery partners helped shape and make both of these projects a reality?
The journey began in 2016 when the Council started work on the Sleaford Growth Project bid, and then applied for funding from the Government Single Local Growth Fund, via the Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership.
Those two elements from the bid were in principle agreed to be funded to a value of £2 million.
The project gained momentum with the GLLEP officially approving funding in 2019, and Lincolnshire County Council then came in as a core stakeholder and delivery partner. North Kesteven District Council contributed funding too.
The total funding package was between the three organisations and included developer contributions.
North Kesteven District Council continues to focus on travel investment and infrastructure as a key factor in unlocking more potential across our District.
Currently the Council is embarking on a town centre refresh of its existing Sleaford Masterplan, with a focus on travel among other key priorities.
Follow the latest business news on social media @businessnk
Longer trains will be running on the Skegness line through Sleaford this summer.
Every Saturday from July 23 to September 10, the five-carriage formation will be used on two trains in each direction between Derby and Skegness, in addition to the four Nottingham to Skegness trains reinstated in May.
It’s a carbon-conscious way to travel along this route for Sleaford, Rauceby and Heckington, linking to Boston, Skegness and Grantham with connections to Lincoln, Newark and further afield.
Look out too for a free Miles Activity Pack being given away to children travelling the EMR network to help create memorable moments together on journeys.
It’s geared towards five to 12-year-olds with colouring pages, games and puzzles with crayons and a keepsake bag.
Businesses and shops within Sleaford are encouraged to dress their windows to show support for our Armed Forces.
The traditional shop window competition returns for displays in place for the week of June 20. This year’s theme is the 40th anniversary of the Falklands Conflict.
Traders are advised to register by June 10, with judging taking place on June 15 and winners invited to the Veterans’ Lunch on June 20.
Businesses are also encouraged to let the Council know of any discounts that they offer to serving Forces personnel or veterans, which will be collated and promoted in association with Armed Forces Day.
This could be a general discount or a special deal for the week.
Traders District-wide are encouraged to decorate their businesses too – but the competition is restricted to Sleaford – and also to highlight any special offers for serving or veteran Forces personnel.
Drop a line to armedforces@n-
Case study
The Council offers help to businesses through its business advisor Phil Means.
The Bug Lady UK, created by Lois Oliver, is based in Metheringham and operates across Lincolnshire.
It brings enlightening and educational animal experiences to all, including at children’s events and care homes, and has benefitted from Phil’s advice.
Lois said: “In 2020 whilst teaching in a primary school I frequently brought different animals into lessons, providing an exciting way to start new topics and introduce pupils to an array of animals.
“Throughout my time teaching I realised my passion for animals. This was something I have always loved, especially seeing the excitement on the children’s faces whenever I introduced them to animals they had never seen before.
“Despite the specific title our portfolio includes a mixture of reptiles, amphibians and bugs, with a total of 30 animals at present. This figure is constantly evolving as we constantly take on new animals, the majority of which are rescues.
“Not long after starting my business, I was advised to contact the Council’s business adviser, Phil Means.
“Phil reviewed what I was doing and informed me about the support that was available, specifically the ARG StartUp Grant, which following a successful application I received grant funding in December 2021.
“Phil also questioned certain choices and asked what the process behind my decisions were, which again was incredibly helpful to reflect on some of the key decisions and ensure I was taking the right approach for the business.”
Read the full story at www.businessnk.co.uk
See opposite for Phil’s contact details.