NewsNK July - November 2023 - North Kesteven District Council

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District charging forwards with climate action initiatives

Through new initiatives and a drive to inspire everyone to take positive action, we're redoubling our efforts to Act on Climate.

If we are to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, we must keep global warming within 1.5°c – a threshold enshrined in the Paris Climate Agreement.

To stay in that limit a 'carbon budget' was calculated by the Tyndall Centre for every country, and therefore every council, for their emissions this century.

If we all carry on the way we are, North Kesteven district area will use up its share of this carbon allowance for the century by 2027 – just four years away.

But, just like you manage your household budget, we’re working hard to keep North Kesteven onbudget for carbon including by:

• Establishing a trailblazing carbon-neutral local plan;

• Installing 195 more solar panels at our Sleaford offices;

• Building highly energy-efficient homes and retrofitting our least

energy-efficient council homes;

• Helping households save on their bills with energy efficiency measures;

• Forging community partnerships to boost biodiversity and manage green spaces in new ways;

• Revising our Climate Emergency Strategy and Action Plan as a powerful driver; and

• Making operational changes such as introducing new electric vehicles in our waste fleet, as pictured above.

And as we advance further against our bold and ambitious Climate Emergency Action Plan, Council Leader Cllr Richard Wright has pledged to appoint a Councillor as Sustainability Champion to spearhead our netzero mission.

All this moves us closer to our ambition to achieve carbon netzero for both Council operations and the wider District by 2030.

Climate action is built in to everything we do. Equally, before you make a decision or a purchase

we invite you to ask – will what you're planning to do help the planet, or harm it?

As we all act to build a better future, our aim is to support you in this; building a sense of climate hope and promoting the small, swift lifestyle changes that add up to a big difference – check the page corners in this edition for ideas and visit us at the Heckington Show.

One action you can take now...

is to sign up to our regular climate e-newsletter for all the latest updates on how we’re continuing to #ActOnClimate and how you can make a difference in your life and local community too.

Works now complete to boost biodiversity – page 8 Exciting projects to level up life in North Kesteven – page 7 Find your local councillor in our elections special – pages 9 to 12
JULY - NOVEMBER 2023 See all that we’re doing to #ActOnClimate –spread throughout this NewsNK
The newspaper for all North Kesteven residents


Welcome to NewsNK – the newspaper for all North Kesteven District Council residents. Below is a quick guide to the sections inside this issue.

3 News

4 - 5 Our Communities

6 - 7 Our Economy

8, 13 Our Environment

9 - 12 Election outcomes


North Kesteven District Council, Kesteven Street, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 7EF. Main telephone number: 01529 414155

This newspaper is edited by the Council’s Communications Team. Each copy costs 21p per edition direct to your door – making your two annual copies less than 42p per household.


Phone: 01529 308061

NewsNK is also available online at:

Want all the latest direct to your inbox?

Sign up for e-newsletters at www.n-kesteven.

It is probably no accident that elections generally take place in the spring, at the beginning of May, presenting an opportunity for new beginnings and fresh growth.

In the cycle of elections, it was North Kesteven’s turn this spring to select its 43 district councillors to represent their communities and take collective decisions that shape services, developments, investments, and initiatives on behalf of the area’s 118,000 residents and 5,000 or so businesses. Elections are a time for candidates to put forward their priorities, as individuals and as political groupings, to address emerging issues and progress better circumstances locally.

They also present a unique opportunity to hear from residents on what matters to them and how they want us as councillors to respond.

Well, exhausting as the process is, it’s also very exhilarating and enlightening and I thank everyone who engaged with any of the 93 candidates who stood for

election and especially those who took the trouble to express their confidence through their ballot paper… regardless of their preference.

What I saw is that people were genuinely pleased to engage with us at their doorstep or on their street. And while bins, potholes and roads were of course mentioned, there were new conversations this time about the environment, standard of living, better homes and leisure facilities.

These were now matters very much at the front of residents’ minds. These issues matter to you and they matter to us as North Kesteven District Council. And there was widespread appreciation and agreement with our record, especially on the environment.

Over these past four years the Council has led, invested and prioritised actions in regard to these areas in particular and it is gratifying to know that that is seen, acknowledged and appreciated. As we move forward into the next period of the strategic plan and embark on a ten-year programme to

The elections in numbers...

Electors in contested wards across North Kesteven cast their vote in May, exercising the right to have a say in how local government operates.

Delivering the elections on May 4 was a huge operation, with voting for

district councillors across 21 contested wards four contested town council wards and a county council by-election. Read more about the election outcomes on pages 9 to 12 – and meet your new councillors.

direct £255m of investment into more, better, homes, greater economic and jobs-growth opportunities and more environmental enhancement that is a focus that remains core to our purpose.

We are a Council that has clarity of purpose; we invest in the things that matter to local people and we make a positive difference for our communities. These elections and people’s response on both the doorstep and at the ballot box vindicates that vision.

Following the 2019 elections, we developed our Climate Action Plan and advanced significant action against that. Since then, we have increased the number of quality sustainable homes available to rent – building now to highlyefficient Passivhaus standard; invested in the local economy to create the jobs the area needs; redeveloped the Hub; and risen to the significant challenges of a global pandemic, economic uncertainty and a cost-ofliving crisis. Such need doesn't cease and neither do we.

79,481 people eligible and registered to vote in the 21 contested District wards.

Fewer than 10 votes decided seven of the contests - which shows how much your vote matters.


of people voting brought their photo ID, as is now required nationally.

For more information
Page 2
“An opportunity for new beginnings and fresh growth”
- 15 Our Homes
- 17 Cost of Living
18 -
What’s On

RiverLight Festival is returning in 2023 and 2024 to bring two further rounds of fun-filled installations and art, culture and activities to Sleaford.

It is being supported by North Kesteven District

Council and the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, as a key project aimed at sharing pride of place and strengthening social ties, and linked with enjoying community infrastructure and local green space.

Planning is underway with the help of a whole range of representatives including local businesses, community groups and many more people.

The 2023 RiverLight festival finale will take place on Saturday 21 October,

with a flourish of activities in the run-up to it as before. Keep an eye on @RiverLightFestival for details when available as it’s all shaped up for 2023.

For all the latest news, please visit

Need help getting the best out of your tech, social media or the web?

Our weekly Digital Hubs can help you get to grips with your mobile phone and devices like iPads and tablets, discover how to pay bills and use other services online, stay in touch with friends and family virtually, and so much more. They’re held in person at:

• Sleaford (Town Hall, Tuesdays 10.30am-12pm)

The District will be split across three parliamentary constituencies and served by three MPs under proposals presented to parliament. The BCE has submitted their final report for review. Most of the District will make up the Sleaford & North Hykeham constituency, but some will form part of two other constituencies – Lincoln constituency and the Grantham & Bourne constituency.

The parishes of Bracebridge Heath, Skellingthorpe, and the Waddington East Ward will go to Lincoln while all of NKDC’s Heckington Rural and Helpringham & Osbournby wards will be part of the Grantham & Bourne constituency. From the Cranwell, Leasingham & Wilsford Ward, the parishes of Wilsford and Culverthorpe & Kelby will form part of Grantham & Bourne. See www. parliamentary review2023 for more.

Our District is one of four across the county using purple-lidded bins for dry and clean paper and cardboard only.

Thanks to your hard work to put the right things in the right bins, around 90% of all the rubbish put in recycling bins in Lincolnshire is now exactly the right materials!

Thank you for all you do.

Do you recieve our e-newsletters?

There’s a whole range of them covering our many services, from waste and recycling and business support through to our regular e-NewsNK which shares all the latest Council news with you between copies of this publication to your door. Sign up for them at stayconnected

A range of services are available at our new look website at including:

• Reporting problems including anti-social behaviour and littering;

• Your household bin collection days;

• Managing Council Tax;

• Applying for support including financial help.

If you can’t complete a transaction online, you can

call us on 01529 414155

Our Customer Services Team are available on a Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9am to 5pm, on a Wednesday from 10am to 5pm, and on a Friday 9am until 4.30pm, except Bank Holidays.

We can also see you by appointment only on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Our teams can book this for you if you need an appointment.

• Osbournby (Village Hall, Tuesdays 1pm-2.30pm)

• Metheringham (the community library on High St, Wednesdays 10.30am-12pm)

• Heckington (Methodist Church Hall, Wednesdays 1pm-2.30pm)

• Ruskington (Methodist Church, Thursdays 10.30am-12pm)

• Waddington (the community hub on High Street, Thursdays 1pm2.30pm).

To see all of the Council services available online visit

If ever unsure, check an item at www.n-kesteven.

Top tips for climate action together

Go for 100% renewable energy

Switch to a certified supplier if you can for guilt-free, carbon-free power.

For more on climate see actonclimate

Page 3
See the back page for more on RiverLight Festival.

To enhance the health and wellbeing, safety and resiience of all our communities; inspiring and supporting a sustainable, flourishing future.


in extra funding to good causes locally

forces veterans Championing our

More than 300 years of combined Armed Forces service have been honoured through the presentation of Veteran’s Badges, in a continuation of a long-held custom by the Council.

civil contingencies and countless other duties.

In partnership with the Lincolnshire Community Foundation, 15 good causes have received grants from the North Kesteven Lottery Grant Awards.

Karen Rymer, secretary of Metheringham Swimming Pool which is one of the good causes supported by a grant, said: “We were delighted to have been awarded a grant from the North Kesteven Lottery Grant Awards which has enabled us to buy a marquee and two heaters.

“We are planning to offer poolside activities particularly aimed at people who might not yet be confident about swimming but who would enjoy the chance to socialise and do gentle exercise on the poolside.

“The marquee had its first outing at our Splash-a-thon on 25 June providing shelter from the heat to the children and parents from Metheringham Primary school as they came to do their sponsored swim.”

The fund is made up of the income from the North Kesteven Lottery, where players could win up to £25,000 from a £1 ticket.

When buying a ticket at www. players can choose one of 69 good causes to receive a 50p share, and a further 10p goes into a general good causes fund or 60p if no specific cause is nominated.

It is this general fund which is available for redistribution.

The 13 British Armed Forces veterans at an Armed Forces Day lunch had a collective 180 years of service, made up of contributions ranging from two to over 37 years. Their badges were presented by Council Leader Cllr Richard Wright who, as a veteran himself, said it was a deep pleasure to say, ‘thank you for all you have done’. Additionally, Veteran’s Badges have been sent to a further nine veterans unable to attend. Their collective service represents a further 130 years of contributions in theatres of war, in peacekeeping, community resilience,

Engaged in the British Army, Royal Air Force, Royal Navy and Merchant Navy, through longstanding careers and stints in National Service, their activities have been characteristically varied.

The presentations followed the formal raising of the Armed Forces Day flag in the presence of serving personnel, forces families, service, veteran and civic figures, plus children and the community, at Sleaford Market Place.

These activities show support for those in the Armed Forces community, whether they are serving personnel, their families, veterans or recruits, and their contribution to community life too.

Commandant of RAF College Cranwell, Grouup Captain Tina

Jessup, said HM Armed Forces were currently on operations in 28 countries, supporting overseas territories, working alongside NATO colleague and co-ordinating rescue evacuations. “Importantly”, she said, “we could not do this without the support from family, friends and the very community that we all live in."

Veteran’s Badges are now given to all personnel as they end their service, but the Council is keen for all NK-resident veterans eligible –with service of one day or more in the Army, Navy, RAF or Merchant Navy, as a reservist, full-timer or National Service – to receive one.

To enquire about applying for a badge to be presented next year, email armedforces@n-kesteven.

continued serving in the Coldstream Guards for a further 23 years, followed by 26 years in retail property management. With the help of a false leg and steely determination, Cllr Clarke has undertaken activities such as skiing, skydiving, archery, golf, and cricket where he supported the Guards Cricket Club.

Our Chairman for the civic year 2023-24 Councillor Mike Clarke is supporting two charities which help servicemen and women past and present.

Early on in his service as a Guardsman, at the age of just 17, Cllr Clarke suffered a life-changing injury and subsequently lost his left leg.

Undeterred by this, he

As a result of his injury and vast knowledge of disability and the effects this can have, he has been a great supporter of Blesma – the British Limbless Ex-Servicemen's Association – and is proud to nominate them as his charity for his civic year, along with Salvation Army Sleaford Corps.

See his fundraising, and donate yourself if you wish, at nkdcchairman

There’s so much good work going on within our communities led by volunteers deserving of award and applause.

Have you ever been so impressed by thoughtful consideration or selfless generosity that you’ve wanted to do more than just say thank you?

Well, maybe you could spend a few minutes nominating the people, groups and businesses that have impressed you for an NK Community Champion Award. The awards are all about celebrating young achievers, good neighbours and community spirit and voluntary and thoughtful endeavours that make a difference to health, arts, sport, environmental and climate action. See for more and to nominate online.

Visit to see more for communities For more on the Chairman please visit
Our Communities Page 4
new Chairman

spaces now Register your

Organisers of warm welcome spaces – which sprung up to provide community-led comfort to those struggling to pay energy bills particularly through the colder months – are encouraged to register theirs now in preparation for this winter.

The spaces played a vital role across North Kesteven in providing easy-to-reach warm places for people within their own communities as the cost of energy and other bills rose last winter.

By ensuring each was also registered at www. the organisers of these also helped build a network which shaped itself across the District, allowing people to find a warm welcome near them simply by using the online map on that website.

These warm welcome spaces have provided so much more tooa valuable place for outreach and support on health and wellbeing and a chance for people to connect with others and alleviate any loneliness or stress being felt. Partner conversations are underway about providing joined up, cohesive support across the county to assist in the provision of any community cool spaces in a similar way.

Keep an eye on the Council's channels @northkestevendc for any updates on this, and for other information on warm welcome spaces and similar support as we move towards winter.

Warm spaces were set up by communities across the District last winter, to provide a place for those struggling with energy costs, and as a link-in to other help too. Here are the ones we're aware of that registered at www.

• Bracebridge Heath, Methodist Church

• Branston, Warm Space

• Navenby, Methodist Church

• Nocton Hub

• North Hykeham, ONE NK

• Ruskington, All Saints Church

• Ruskington, Methodist Church

• Ruskington, South Lincs Church

• Skellingthorpe, Community Centre

• Skellingthorpe, Methodist Church

• Sleaford Community Grocers

• Sleaford Library

• Sleaford, The Source

• Waddington, Children's Centre

• Waddington, Redwood Drive Community Centre

• Waddington, St Michael's Church

• Washingborough, Civic Office

• Washingborough, Community Centre

• Washingborough, St John's Church

People may be targeted in a hate crime because of their disability, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity, and hate crimes can take many different forms including violence, criminal damage, harassment and intimidation or sexual violence. By reporting it, you may be able to prevent these incidents from happening to someone else.

You will also help the police understand the extent of any hate crime in your local area so they can better respond to it. Report hate crime online through @true_vision_hc at

You can also call police on 101 for help or visit a police station. If you’ve seen something online that promotes hatred or violence against a particular group, use Lincolnshire Police’s online form at hatecrime to report it. See also www.victimlincs. for support.

We use a number of tools to consult with residents in North Kesteven and gather your views on a wide range of important changes and topics.

We’ll be seeking views soon on things including climate, equality and diversity.

Community Groups have a number of ways to secure funds for their projects.

They can easily become one of the good causes which benefit from NK Lottery ticket sales. See

The Council has a dedicated Community Safety Team with the power to take action against anti-social behaviour and help ensure the District stays a safe and enjoyable place to be.

Make sure you don’t miss the chance to have your say - sign up to receive our consultation and survey updates at

Thank you for putting your bins out by 6.30am to ensure they're ready for our crews.

This important change to their start time is a direct result from last year’s extreme heat, when we needed to react quickly together with your support to protect the welfare of the crews.

The 6.30am start helps the service be better prepared and reduces the need for service disruption to you in hot weather.

If within five miles of the Sleaford energy plant – and subject to eligibility criteria – groups can apply for up to £5,000 in support of the environment, sport, wellbeing and education or that promote community cohesion. See

It’s also worth checking periodically to see what opportunities the Lincolnshire Community Foundation has available as it seeks to allocate grants and funds locally. Recently it handled sums on behalf of the NK Lottery for broader community benefit.

They work closely with a range of partners, and this multi-agency approach helps make sure incidents of anti-social behaviour are recorded and responded to appropriately in communities.

By ensuring you report antisocial behaviour direct to an agency such as the police or our Council, and by giving as much information as you can including your details if possible, you can help play a role in reducing and preventing anti-social behaviour.

To find more on types of antisocial behaviour, and how to report it, visit www.n-kesteven.

You can also check the latest at

Top tips for climate action together

An idling engine produces up to 2x normal pollution

If you’re stopped for 30 seconds or more, turn off your engine to protect health and nature. See page 13.

For more on climate see actonclimate

For more news and information please visit Our Communities Visit for more information Page 5
to page 16 for the latest cost of living advice.

Green Economy.


funding towards theatre refurb in commitment to arts in North Kesteven

A popular theatre is enjoying a new lease of life thanks to a £33,000 refurbishment in time for its 20th anniversary this year.

North Kesteven District Council received funding from the Tarmac Landfill Community Fund for refurbishments at the Terry O’Toole Theatre in North Hykeham, one of the Council's visitor venues across the District.

The project saw 200 theatre seats replaced and an improved dance floor and performing area.

It's also included replacing the carpets in the theatre, and a new hearing loop facilitating those who need additional hearing help.

There's lots to enjoy there, from music performances to panto.

See www.betterboxoffice.

Top tips for climate action together

12.7 tonnes CO 2 each year

That’s the average carbon footprint per person. What can you do to make your footprint lighter?

For more on climate see actonclimate

New business park progress is gaining ground

Major progress is being made on delivering the first 15 business units at the 37-acre Sleaford Moor Enterprise Park.

Completion of plots one and three – which together make up phase one – is expected in the coming weeks, ready for the first businesses to call them home.

In fact, all of the plot three units are under offer and going through legals with the businesses hoping to take up residence in them.

On plot one meanwhile, there is strong level of enquiries with

a number of interested parties currently in lease discussions. Local contractor Smith Construction in Heckington is building phase one along with the civils and spine road, while Harlaxton Engineering in Grantham are delivering site-wide utilities connections.

Within plot one are nine units from 1,313 sq ft to 2,066 sq ft benefitting from solar panels, energy efficient insulation and electric vehicle charging points, and plot three contains six slightly larger

grow-on business units from 3,369 sq ft to 5,123 sq ft benefitting from solar, EV charging points and more.

Members of the Council's project board and officers met with representatives from Smith Construction and biT Group in June to see the progress.

To enquire, call marketing agent Eddisons inc. Banks Long & Co on 01522 544515 or see www. for the brochure. For more, sign up for e-newsletters at www.n-kesteven.

For more about Sleaford Moor Enterprise Park visit

Climate change can be a confusing subject. You know you should be doing something about it, but what?

If you own or manage a business in North Kesteven we want to hear from you, and even if your answers are all ‘don’t knows’ that’s still great –we need to know.

Whether you’re a sole trader, an SME or something bigger, as part of our ongoing work to better support our local enterprises we want to understand your views about tackling climate change within your business.

Your responses will help us to shape the support we offer in this field.

Three-hundred small businesses in the District will get free support to discover why going green is important to their business, while saving money.

Funded by the Council, local businesses are invited to come forward and claim their year of access to an online sustainability tool Zellar that helps them cut their carbon footprint and energy bills.

Businesses using the platform can reduce emissions and save up to £4,100 in energy bills, and under the Council’s 2030 carbon netzero ambition for both the Council

and the wider District places are subsidised so that 300 local small and medium-sized businesses can access it free of charge.

Additional funding for the programme is provided by SSE’s Sustainable Business Communities project with Zellar.

Here's what two businesses have said recently after signing up for the Zellar help:

Greensteps Podiatry, Sleaford:

Signing up to Zellar has been an excellent opportunity to drive forward our goals to put environmental issues at the heart of our business decisions where possible. We have more work to do, but the platform provides an excellent starting point.

Robert Doughty Consultancy, Helpringham:

We signed up to the platform because it seemed an excellent way to focus minds on our carbon footprint. Thus far, there were some relatively straightforward tasks to obtain points and I will need others within the firm to complete others.

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To support local economic growth and resilience, and build on opportunities from the
Our Economy
Get the latest business advice by email

UKSPF projects to help North Kesteven prosper

Over £3 million will be spent to help ensure all of the District can prosper and improve pride of place. The money has been allocated to North Kesteven by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and will be used to deliver specific projects approved for the funding.

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment. The fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK by investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and developing people and skills. Read on for a summary so far...

Together with community partners, including local businesses in Sleaford, the RiverLight Festival 2023 is already shaping up nicely.

UKSPF funding has been secured to deliver RiverLight Festival this year and next, and support a wider events programme

This project has recieved £214,000 from the UK Government from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

There’s a Rural Business Grant aimed at supporting new and existing rural businesses to develop products, services and facilities for the economy. Examples include farm businesses diversifying and investments in energy efficiency which will help the District reach net zero, and the first call for full applications is expected to launch soon.

The grant fund will be delivered by the Council for DEFRA, under the Rural England Prosperity Fund which is an addendum to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The Rural Business Grant has received £450,000 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Additionally.. £297,500 has been allocated for rural communities.

The Rural Communities Grant is a capital fund to support new and improved community infrastructure. It is particularly keen to support investments which will make a positive contribution to Net Zero. Details will be released soon.

Digital skills training and social media tools worth over £400 are being offered free to local businesses.

Social media experts at Maybe* are providing the training aimed at helping local businesses, social enterprises and entrepreneurs in the District grow sales.

The project has received £36,000 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, which will be utilised over a threeyear period, starting with this tranche of Maybe* support. Find out more at www.

Owners and occupiers of commercial properties in the Sleaford town centre conservation area can apply for the Sleaford Shopfront Grant Scheme, which has received £150,000 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The scheme offers grants of up to 90% of the total cost of works for the targeted repair and replacement of shopfronts, focusing on reinstating lost or damaged features of historic properties and bringing back traditional shopfronts where there are modern ones.

Grants can extend to other traditional elements of building frontages and upper levels; all to be spent by December 2024.

Email consultancy@ or

If you'd like to get involved as a business, or do something else to support such as run some special offers, you can find out more at uk/riverlight or send a message via social media to get in touch @RiverLightFestival

Our Heart of Lincs website lists a whole range of events, making it easy to plan your next day out in North Kesteven.

Find the website and its events page at

If you're holding an event you'd like to be listed, you can email details of it to the team at

Our shop local directory makes it easy to support local businesses - and it's free to have your business or shop listed if you own or run one.

From food and drink, beauty to hospitality and more, you can search by type or location to find what you need at www.

It also lists businesses which are in our breastfeeding-friendly campaign and displaying stickers.

The Handley monument in Sleaford commemorates Henry Handley, born in the town and MP for the Southern Division of Lincolnshire (1832 to 1841).

The Council is looking to redesign its setting, potentially with improved public realm, landscaping, feature lighting and a plaque.

This project has recieved funding from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Two projects will look at employability, skills and engaging young people. The VCS Move Project will help people into paid work, and the YMCA Youth Engagement Programme will utilise youth workers and activities. These projects have funds from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

For more news on UKSPF projects sign up for the Council’s newsletter

If your business is in the District and you’d like it to be added to the directory, please email

To join the Breastfeeding Friendly campaign, email partnershipsteam@n-kesteven to request a sticker.

Top tips for climate action together

Think woody for your garden plants

Woody plants trap more carbon for longer, so let's get planting! Do also avoid plants potted in peat if you can.

For more on climate see actonclimate

RiverLight 2023 14-21 October 2023 @riverlightfestival Celebrating the culture & heritage of Sleaford Motionhouse is supported by Arts Council England Image: WILD by Motionhouse Photo Credit: @studio_sd Stef Darmon Our Economy Page 7
If you’re looking for more business news visit

To meet the challenge of climate change; ensuring integration and delivery of the Climate Action Plan across all NK Plan priorities.

14 tonnes

of CO2 saved per year from new solar panels installed

Let’s celebrate! Work for nature completed

A project to boost biodiversity in Sleaford is now complete, heralding a brighter future for wildlife along the river Slea.

The £1.29 million Witham/Slea Blue Green Corridor project has seen improvements to Lollycocks Field nature reserve near Eastgate and in-channel along the Slea since it began last spring.

A free community fun day on 24 June celebrated its completion with activities including bug hotel building, pond-dipping, woodworking, local craft and goods for sale, and voting for a prize photography competition celebrating your snaps of the Slea river corridor (see below).

Works at Lollycocks Field included a new kingfisher nesting bank, scrapes and an extended boardwalk all undertaken by Hill Holt Wood and which also holds regular volunteer groups - call 01636 892 836 if interested.

There are also new features in-channel within the River Slea, carried out by Lions Environmental Contractors, such as five berms near the Hub and removal of Nicospan downstream to support burrowing animals.

Two pathways have also been improved by A.G.A Group - at Lollycocks Field and along the Slea between the railway bridge and the old Cranwell railway line.

The installation of 195 solar panels at the Council’s Kesteven Street offices is complete, making a significant contribution to our aim of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2030.

It will reduce the Council’s electricity bill by 21% and save over 14 tonnes of CO2 per year.

The panels came at a cost of £152,000, drawn from the ‘Invest to Save’ reserve for projects that reduce long-term overheads.

They are predicted to pay for themselves in less than seven years, and add to an existing, smaller installation at the offices.

Top tips for climate action together

Save 100kg of CO 2 a year through mealtimes

Have just one meat-free day a week to save 100kg of CO2 over a year. Go local too if you can when you buy.

For more on climate see actonclimate

Thanks for your wonderful pictures!

Our Environment To view the climate strategy visit Find out about the full project
Page 8
Maisy Kelly, winner young photographer category Charlotte Whitelaw, runner-up young photographer category Dave Darmon, winner adults category Felicity Norton, runner-up adults category

New Council takes shape

A Conservative administration is leading the District Council following the May 4 elections to select District Councillors to represent the communities of North Kesteven and work for the entirety of the whole District.

In contrast with the national trend, the number of Conservatives elected increased over the last full council election in 2019. The party now holds 25 of the 43 seats. They take control of the Council

through the North Kesteven Conservative Group. They are joined in the Council Chamber by 11 Lincolnshire Independents, five independent councillors and – for the first time in almost 20 years –two Labour councillors.

The 43 councillors work across 24 wards, arranged in order to ensure a fair representation across the whole District. Fourteen of them are elected to the Council for the first time.

Ashby de la Launde, Digby & Scopwick –One seat

• Bailey, Amelia – Lincolnshire Independents – 307

• Money, John – Conservative Party – 300 Turnout – 28.45%

Bassingham Rural – One seat

• Green, Mary – Conservative Party – 470

• Pearce Roccio, Electra – Green Party – 216

• Smith, Nicola – Reform UK – 54 Turnout – 36.64%

Billinghay Rural – Two seats

• Lawrence, Sarah – Conservative Party – uncontested

• Ogden, Gill – Conservative Party – uncontested

Bracebridge Heath – Two seats

• Adeyemi, Funmi – Labour Party – 409

• Allen, Clive – Labour Party – 471

• Burley, Peter – Conservative Party – 649

• Cawrey, Lindsey – Conservative Party – 644 Turnout – 25.99%

Branston – Two seats

• Gilding, Richard – Conservative Party – 513

• Lundgren, Peter – Lincolnshire Independents – 942

• Turner, Paul – Lincolnshire Independents – 655 Turnout – 28.72%

Cranwell, Leasingham & Wilsford – Two seats

• Clarke, Jim – Independent – uncontested

• Hagues, Andrew – Conservative Party – uncontested

May 4 in numbers

» 79,481 eligible voters

» 22,350 votes cast

» 28.12% overall turnout

» 21 contested NK elections

» 83 polling stations

» 99.9% of polling station electors had the ID they needed with them.

Heckington Rural – Two seats

• Ogden, Stew – Conservative Party – 702

• Saxby, Jennifer – Labour Party – 456

• Tarry, Sally – Conservative Party – 702 Turnout – 29.15%

Heighington & Washingborough – Three seats

• Bailey, Gareth – Lincolnshire Independents – 806

• Carrington, Ian – Conservative Party – 872

• Clarke, Lee – Lincolnshire Independents – 785

• Courtney, Karen – Lincolnshire Independents – 794

• Crawshaw, Terrence – Green Party – 610

• Goodwin, Carola – Conservative Party – 855

• Harrington, Reece – Conservative Party – 829 Turnout – 34.67%

Helpringham & Osbournby – One seat

• Jackson, Russell – Lincolnshire Independents – 616

• Jamison, Angie – Reform UK – 50

• Shanahan-Kluth, Stephen – Conservative Party – 220 Turnout – 37.92%

Hykeham Central – Three seats

• Clarke, Mike – Conservative Party – 871

• Edwards, Gary – Lincolnshire Independents – 795

• Pessol, Jonathan – Conservative Party – 801

• Roe, Stephen – Conservative Party – 1,116

• Sweet, Nat – Liberal Democrat – 635

• Tipler, George – Liberal Democrat – 600 Turnout 29.72%

See overleaf for a full pull-out summary of all your District Councillors
Detailed results are continued on page 12

Voter ID

This year’s elections saw the full introduction of the Voter ID requirement for those wanting to vote at a polling station.

Locally 36 people could not be issued with a ballot paper because they didn’t present one of the accepted IDs.

Half of these (18) later returned with what was needed and did get to cast their vote.

This means that 99.9% of polling station attendees completed their ballot and shows that 99.8% were aware of what was required in order to vote.

Ballots in brief

> These elections marked the 50th anniversary of the first elections to the newly formed North Kesteven District Council in 1973 when the initial councillors were chosen to shape the new authority ready to ‘go live’ in April 1974.

> Having been re-elected for a ninth term, Skellingthorpe area councillor Chris Goldson is the longest-standing Member, having contributed 32 continuous years to his residents as one of their District Councillors.

> Heighington & Washingborough Member Reece Harrington is the Council’s youngest ever councillor, joining at the age of 20.

> There are three marriedcouple pairings now serving on the District Council: Cllrs Gill and Stew Ogden; Cllrs Lucille and Andrew Hagues; and Cllrs Marianne and Peter Overton. Four more married couples were candidates but did not managing to score a double win.

Next elections

Letters or emails will be sent soon to check the register is up to date so that everyone who has the right to vote can.

Please look out for these and just follow the steps given.

There will be elections in 2024 for Police & Crime Commissioner, in 2025 for Lincolnshire County Council and there will also be a general election at some time before January 2025.

To secure your vote at any election you can register at and, if needed, you can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate now.

These are the 43 Councillors elected across North Kesteven to form the District Council through to 2027. They will take actions and make decisions affecting the operation of daily services and functions; direct investment locally in order to enhance all of our lives, communities and economic fortunes; and in some cases operate with a broader, more spatial, remit.

Elections are held every four years to elect the whole Council all at once. Sometimes there are by-elections in between times, in which case only specific areas are asked to vote within their locality. All 43 Councillors act to shape and challenge decisions, policies, procedures and practices in ways which they believe are best for the District.

Sarah Lawrence

Billinghay Rural

Gill Ogden

Billinghay Rural

Peter Burley

Bracebridge Heath


Bracebridge Heath

Andrew Hagues

Cranwell, Leasingham & Wilsford

Stew Ogden

Heckington Rural

Sally Tarry

Heckington Rural


Heighington & Washingborough

Mike Clarke

Hykeham Central

Jonathan Pessol

Hykeham Central

Stephen Roe

Hykeham Central


Hykeham Fosse


Heighington & Washingborough


You can email your local Councillor using the email addresses shown

Amelia Bailey Ashby de la Launde, Digby & Scopwick Paul Turner Branston Reece Harrington Heighington & Washingborough
Mary Green Bassingham Rural
Jim Clarke Cranwell, Leasingham & Wilsford
Russell Jackson Helpringham & Osbournby
Cawrey Carrington Little Peter Lundgren Carola Goodwin Matthew Lofts Fosse
1 3 4 2 3 5 4 5 6 7 6 7 8 8 8 10 10 9 10 10 10

Party colours key

Map of the Wards

The colours appointed for each Member shows their political allegiance at the point of election.

Since then groupings based on party lines have been formalised.

Four of the five independents have formed the Group of Unaligned Independent Members and another is ‘unaligned’

Nikki Dillon

Hykeham Memorial

Mervyn Head

Kirkby la Thorpe & South Kyme

Dave Parry

Metheringham Rural

Fran Pembery

Metheringham Rural

Lucille Hagues

Navenby & Brant Broughton

Marianne Overton

Navenby & Brant Broughton

Richard Wright Ruskington

Chris Goldson

Skellingthorpe & Eagle

Richard Johnston

Skellingthorpe & Eagle

Linda Edwards-Shea

Sleaford Castle

Robert Oates

Sleaford Holdingham

David Suiter

Sleaford Navigation

There are 43 Members representing 24 Wards across the District. The numbers on the map cross reference to the numbers against each Councillor. Wards have one, two or three Members depending on population size. Within Sleaford there are seven Councillors in five Wards and in North Hykeham, the three Wards are represented by six Councillors. Most Ward areas are changed from 2019.

Bob Oldershaw

Sleaford Quarrington &Mareham

Mark Smith

Sleaford Quarrington & Mareham

Lance Pennell

Waddington Rural

Leigh Sanders

Waddington Rural Mitch
Ann Mear Sleaford Westholme
Elliott Witham St Hughs & Swinderby
Matthew Waldeck
Bozena Allan
Quarrington & Mareham
Cooper Waddington Rural Peter Overton Witham St Hughs & Swinderby
Further Councillor contact details can be found under ‘Your Council’ at: Conservative 25 Lincolnshire Independent 11 Independent 5 10 12 13 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18
Labour 2 4 17 10 15 18 2 6 12 5 8 3 1 14 11 16 7 9 13

Executive leadership

Having won more than half of the 43 available seats, the 25 winning Conservatives are now in control of the Council through the North Kesteven Conservative Group

This is a change from the past four years when the Conservatives worked with some independent and Lincolnshire Independent members in an ‘administration group’ to direct the Council.

Continuing as Council Leader, Cllr Richard Wright said: “It is an honour and a privilege to lead this high-performing Council, that has such a significant track record of achievement’.

“We are a Council that has clarity of purpose; we invest in the things that matter to local people; and we

Hykeham Fosse – Two seats

• Byron, Corinne – Liberal Democrat – 227

• Little, Ross – Conservative Party – 387

• Lofts, Matthew – Labour Party – 452

• Nind, Mark – Reform UK – 71

• Ventura, David – Green Party – 227

make a positive difference for our communities.”

Alongside him, the Council’s Executive Board overseeing direction, delivery and key decisionmaking will comprise Cllr Ian Carrington as Deputy Leader, Cllr Sally Tarry, Cllr Mary Green and newly-elected Cllr Mark Smith; all of whom bring ‘a wealth of knowledge from their working lives and a burning ambition to do well for this authority,’ he said.

Maintaining a commitment to a collaborative approach he said the voice, challenge and ideas of every Member was important in shaping the District’s future, as was the community leadership and advocacy role of every councillor.

Ruskington – Two seats

Thanks for 123 years of service

Eight former councillors who decided not to seek re-election in May were thanked for their service before departing.

Together they contributed 84 years of service over periods spanning from four to 20 years.

They were all thanked for their time, contribution and service to the District Council and the communities of North Kesteven.

Pictured are: Kay Gilliland (20 yrs) and Glenn Tinsley (4 yrs); Susan Waring (16 yrs) and Ray Cucksey (13 yrs) who were both Council Chairmen and long-standing Executive Board members; Steve Clegg (7 yrs) who served four years on the Executive Board; and Susannah

Barker-Milan (4 yrs) who, because of the pandemic was the Council’s longest ever chairman.

The others were Sally Appleby (16 yrs) and Jordan Moran (4 yrs) Service spanning almost 18 years of a further four former councillors who lost their seats at election was later acknowledged.

They were Pam Whittaker (8 yrs); Anthony Brand (4 yrs); Melody Shanahan-Kluth (4 yrs); and Malcolm Offer (18 months).

A further 17 years was contributed by former Chairman Terry Boston (12 yrs) and Russell Eckert (18 months) who resigned last November; and Amanda Sanderson (3.5 yrs) who also left the Council prior to the election.

Slea Quarrington & Mareham – Three seats

• Whittaker, Pamela – Conservative Party – 342

• Wilson, Jill – Liberal Democrat – 140 Turnout – 21.17%

Hykeham Memorial – One seat

• Catton, Diana – Liberal Democrat – 92

• Clarke, Nicola – Conservative Party – 161

• Dillon, Nikki – Independent – 252 Turnout – 21.34%

Kirkby la Thorpe & South Kyme – One seat

• Allan, Mark – Conservative Party – 211

• Head, Mervyn – Independent – 497 Turnout – 36.22%

Metheringham Rural – Two seats

• Blackman, Gary – Lincolnshire Independents – 512

• Dodd, Helen – Lincolnshire Independents – 635

• Parry, Dave – Conservative Party – 643

• Pembery, Fran – Conservative Party – 670 Turnout – 29.43%

Navenby & Brant Broughton – Two seats

• Hagues, Lucille – Conservative Party –uncontested

• Overton, Marianne – Lincolnshire Independents –uncontested

• Fernandes, Ken – Lincolnshire Independents – 417

• Waldeck, Matthew – Conservative Party – 820

• Wright, Richard – Conservative Party – 819 Turnout – 27.50%

Skellingthorpe & Eagle – Two seats

• Goldson, Christopher – Independent – 851

• Johnston, Richard – Independent – 584

• Kendrick, Elizabeth – Conservative Party – 355

• McMillan, Jamie-Lee – Reform UK – 65

• Pritchard, Anita – Labour Party – 255

• Richardson, Tony – Liberal Democrat – 187

• Smith, Nick – Reform UK – 56 Turnout – 31.18%

Sleaford Castle – One seat

• Darmon, Dave – Independent – 129

• Edwards-Shea, Linda – Labour Party – 199

• Offer, Malcolm – Conservative Party – 194 Turnout – 23.69%

Sleaford Holdingham – One seat

• Cockroft, Pat – Conservative Party – 114

• Greetham, Robert – Independent – 53

• Oates, Robert – Lincolnshire Independents – 280 Turnout – 20.41%

Sleaford Navigation – One seat

• Aziz, Nadim – Conservative Party – 196

• Suiter, David – Lincolnshire Independents – 354 Turnout – 24.80%

• Allan, Bozena – Conservative Party – 574

• Dutton, Ian – Labour Party – 390

• Mason, Steve – Independent – 475

• Oldershaw, Bob – Lincolnshire Independents – 660

• Shanahan-Kluth, Melody – Conservative Party – 572

• Smith, Mark – Conservative Party – 612

• Snookes, Adrian – Lincolnshire Independents – 524

• Thompson, Jo – Labour Party – 395 Turnout – 27.13%

Sleaford Westholme – One seat

• Brand, Anthony – Independent – 150

• Lorimer, Heather – Independent – 92

• Mear, Ann – Lincolnshire Independents – 151

• Randall, Eileen – Labour Party – 119 Turnout – 25.27%

Waddington Rural – Three seats

• Chapman, Nirmal – Labour Party – 593

• Cooper, Matthew – Conservative Party – 756

• Earnshaw, James – Lincolnshire Independents – 695

• Mitchell, John – Labour Party – 655

• Pennell, Lance – Conservative Party – 734

• Sanders, Leigh – Conservative Party – 704 Turnout – 26.86%

Witham St Hughs & Swinderby – Two seats

• Elliott, Mitch – Lincolnshire Independents – 542

• Howe, Sue – Conservative Party – 284

• Overton, Peter – Lincolnshire Independents – 616

• Robinson, Stuart – Conservative Party – 256 Turnout – 24.55%

For more information
Page 12

Let’s all Be Smart

and Stop - Start

Parents waiting to collect children are being reminded to stop idling in their cars in a bid to boost children’s health and protect the environment, through a joint project together with pupils at the William Alvey school in Sleaford.

North Kesteven District Council is extending the project together with the school, by now calling on all taxi drivers and school bus contractors to also give up idling when waiting in their vehicles.

The Council provided the school with learning resources about the impact of cars idling on air quality, along with leaflets and branded air fresheners to serve as a constant


The Council’s climate emergency strategy and action plan form a roadmap to net zero by 2030.

The Climate Emergency Strategy has three key aims:

1. For the Council to cut 95% of its Greenhouse Gas emissions (compared to 2008/09 levels), with offsetting and/or ‘negative emissions technologies’ to be used only for the final 5%.

2. To support the District to achieve the aspirational net zero 2030 target by cutting 95% of carbon emissions from energy (compared to 2005 levels), and as above on the final 5%.

3. To support a just transition to net zero to create a sustainable future for North Kesteven.

The strategy is then broken down into nine themes, and the Climate Emergency Action Plan sets out actions for these themes. Read both revised documents at climateaction

reminder in parents’ cars.

You may have seen the ‘Be Smart. Stop – Start’ air fresheners when the campaign was featured on BBC news earlier this year.

The Council plans to further rollout this work to other schools and communities in a bid to improve air quality for all young people across the District.

Cutting out idling is a way everyone can easily make a difference to the environment, and save money by not wasting fuel.

Times like waiting for level crossings, long queues or picking someone up are perfect times to ‘Be Smart, Stop – Start.’

The children at the William Alvey

New spaces for plants and wildlife to flourish have been created in a joint Council and community project that’s blossoming in Heckington.

North Kesteven District Council is working with Heckington in Bloom and Trees for Heckington to transform a number of the Council’s green spaces in the village which were usually mown. Following consultation with residents around these green spaces, a variety of measures are being implemented to encourage improvements in biodiversity such as letting grass grow longer, planting wildflowers and trees, and providing other habitats. Green spaces in Osborn Way, Willow Close and Alexander Way are seeing new management in this way, while the communal lounge in Willow Close already features new large planters to complement the existing trees and planting.

primary school are enthused about the project and eager to share their new-found knowledge with their families at home-time.

Thank you to everyone who has supported the project so far.

This latest initiative accompanies ongoing monitoring at the school, with a special solar-powered ‘Zephyr’ air quality monitoring station having been installed outside the school in July 2022.

The data produced from this station shows that the air quality is at its best during school holidays, and at its worst at hometime when many parents collect their children in their cars.

The Council will be at Heckington Show once again for a jam-packed two days.

We’ll be highlighting ways to #ActOnClimate and sharing the latest information on Council initiatives and news, with various games and other things to enjoy. It’s taking place on July 29 and 30 - find more information at

In all aspects, safety and the views of the community have been considered, while prioritising the benefits that a wilder environment can offer.

If this project proves successful it is possible that other partnerships could be developed within communities to create sustainable biodiversity projects across the District.

A new Local Plan for Central Lincolnshire has been adopted, following intensive examination by the Planning Inspectorate. It now forms the framework for a greener future for Central Lincolnshire through to 2040 and is pioneering in placing climate change at its core. It is already being used in making decisions on planning applications across the City of Lincoln, North Kesteven and West Lindsey areas. Among policies covering issues such as retail, infrastructure, tourism and jobs, it has some of the most rigorous requirements on climate change in the UK:

• A ground-breaking set of policies aimed at making Central Lincolnshire net zero carbon;

• New homes to be net-zerocarbon, energy-efficient and adaptable to climate;

• A framework for considering and attracting renewable energy infrastructure;

• Delivering biodiversity net gain through developments (more diversity of nature to be present than before the development took place);

• And protecting our valued landscapes including high quality agricultural land, trees and hedgerows.

To see the new Local Plan visit
Our Environment
the leaflet at
Page 13

Through the Local Plan, deliver sustainable housing growth and pursue energy efficient developent to meet the current and emerging needs of all our communities.


Work is underway to turn a former sheltered housing scheme in North Hykeham into high quality Council homes to better meet housing demand.

Grinter House is made up of 14 one-bedroom flats which previously formed sheltered Council housing for older people.

It's being completely remodelled to give each home its own entrance and increased floor space, as well as a range of energy-saving features.

Grinter Close is made up of 12 one-bedroom maisonettes arranged in blocks of four, and their design meant they were also no longer meeting housing need.

These and a detached bungalow on Chapel Lane are being replaced with homes also with energy-saving features.

The number of homes will increase – up from 28 to 32.

Investment in the scheme was increased by around £655,000 to £4.6 million and the number of homes reduced from 34 originally, to take into account updated costs including inflation and other increased costs facing the industry since the scheme received planning in July 2021.

It's expected the new homes will be ready for handover to the Council's housing team by early autumn next year.

Work to deliver new Council homes which act on climate and are more comfortable for people to live in has been recognised with a coveted national award.

North Kesteven District Council scooped the Housing category win in the 2023 LGC Awards after judges recognised the efforts of its teams, Members and partners to develop homes which lead on climate and comfort.

The authority has delivered a number of Council home developments recently with zero and low carbon features, after it set itself the challenge of


delivering homes which act on climate and are cheaper to run for the people living in them.

That includes eight Council homes in Potterhanworth built to the internationally-recognised Passivhaus standard with Lindum Group as contractor, and a range of other homes the Council has delivered including those with interventions such as top quality insulation and EV charging points.

Why does the Council build these homes?

Delivering quality homes is one of the Council's key aims. It helps ensure local housing need can be met, including the different homes people require. Comfortable and cheap to run homes support health, and when low or zero carbon they lead the way on climate.

Delivering better homes also prepares for changing future housing needs and supports the Council’s work as landlord.

Please make sure your bins are out by 06.30am Purple / Lid Bin Paper & Card Black Bin General Waste Green Lid Bin Mixed Recycling No collection on Bank Holiday (moved as shown by arrows)

2023-24 Bin Collections

Christmas Collections moved to the next day

MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 July MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 August September October November MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 31 MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 December January (2024) February (2024) March (2024) 26 27 28 29 30 2 3 4 5 6

Our Homes
To check what can go in your bins, visit: Page 14
investment to transform North Hykeham former sheltered housing apply for a council house, visit:
National award scooped for low carbon homes
The award recognised too the Council's development of its own CO2-sy standard, which defines how it will incorporate this action into more homes going forward.

200 homes first to benefit

from energy-saving retrofits

Following last year’s decision to invest in retrofitting the 600 poorest-performing Council properties, the project is now underway with the first 200 households invited to events on what it means for them.

At recent roadshows the Council held in Bassingham and Billinghay, officers were on hand with information about what work might be carried out in those homes. Depending on each property, the works could include better insulation, improved heating systems, solar panels, air source

heat pumps and other actions to make them more energy efficient and cheaper to run.

Representatives of the companies involved were in attendance too, to answer any queries those households had.

These roadshows were a great opportunity for conversations to take place with the households expecting works to take place as part of this initial tranche.

Anglian Water also took the opportunity at the events to spread the word about their support for vulnerable people and those

experiencing financial difficulties.

Residents that officers spoke to at the events were excited about the projects and the chance to reduce their environmental impact while saving money and energy.

In December 2022 the Council took the decision to direct £20 million of investment into this work, some of which was dependent on getting Government funding which is now secured.

Follow @northkestevendc for updates on the project, and for any other energy performance advice available to households.

Examples of building excellence were championed at the annual awards for clients of North Kesteven District Council’s Building Control service.

The 2023 North Kesteven Building Excellence Awards were an opportunity to bring together construction professionals, clients and Building Control technical experts demonstrating that the District of North Kesteven excels in creating new homes and buildings that are equal to – or in fact better than – other builds in the country.

The winning projects and professionals celebrated locally will now go on for consideration in the regional and, potentially, national awards, in contention with examples of excellence from across the country.

Could your home be more energy efficient, but you’re not sure

how to afford the changes needed?

The Council has won new Government grant funding to make homes more energy efficient, in a new round of the Home Energy Upgrade Scheme (phase 2).

Land which formerly housed a depot has been transformed into 20 quality homes.

The new homes at Old Quarry Close in Metheringham have been delivered by Lafford Homes, a company wholly owned by North Kesteven District Council.

Seven three-bed homes, 10 two-bed homes, a two-bed bungalow and two one-bed flats make up the development.

Five of the homes are affordable while the rest are at market level rent, and almost £3 million of investment has been used to bring them all forward.

The land was formerly the Council’s Waste and Street Scene

depot, used as an office base for its waste and recycling teams including parking for refuse lorries until operations moved in 2018 to the Council’s purposebuilt depot in Metheringham.

The old offices and parking area were demolished so work could begin on the homes last May.

Each home is finished to a superb standard including a sleek kitchen, airy rooms with lots of natural light and ample storage.

Lafford Homes is a fresh approach to meeting local housing demand, seeking to raise the bar as an exemplar landlord and operating with its own board of directors.

This time the eligible properties will be those not connected to mains gas, and residents need to have a household income of under £31,000 per year, an EPC of D or less and under £16,000 in savings.

The first round of funding was directed towards homes with low EPC ratings connected to the gas network, and this work garnered the Large Scale Project of the Year award at the Regional Energy Efficiency Awards after saving people nearly £100,000 in bills.

If you are not eligible for phase 2, then ECO4 (Energy Company Obligation) is another Government scheme running in conjunction.

To see if you’re eligible for either scheme, please contact YES Energy Solutions on 03309 126199

North Kesteven District Council has an emphasis on building for the future, building for climate resilience and building to a Net Zero standard for improved lives and environmental wellbeing. Awards were handed out in nine categories, highlighting the impact of high-quality construction across the District. The winners were in places including Scopwick, Potterhanworth, Leadenham, Timberland and Witham St Hughs. See the full list of winners and photo gallery at www.n-kesteven.

Top tips for climate action together

Turn your washing machine down to 30° to save 40% of the energy used. Wow, that’s a cool saving!

For more on climate see actonclimate See the latest on Lafford Homes at
Our Homes Page 15
Unlocking More Choice
To apply for a council house, visit:
10° for 40% less energy Cut



Talking to us now and applying for any support you may be eligible for could help lessen the burden come winter, when households typically need more heating and energy on top of other living costs. Read on for some of the latest advice, or take a look at our webpage at



The Welfare Team can help you understand any benefits you could get and how to claim, and offer FCA regulated debt advice. Call the Welfare Advice Line on 01522 873382 or contact via online form at uk/benefits/benefits-moneyadvice

YOU CAN ALSO USE OUR FREE BENEFITS CALCULATOR. It's at https:/n-kesteven. or call 01529 414155 and select option two if you need to speak to our Welfare and Benefits team. You could qualify for Council Tax Support or other help we have.


Check at to see if you’re eligible for Pension Credit, or call 0800 99 1234.


For example, there’s a Government £900 Cost of Living Payment for means-tested benefit claimants going direct to bank accounts this financial year.

The first payment was £301 made in spring this year, while the next one is £300 due this autumn.

If eligible, it’s paid automatically.

There’s also a separate £150 for over six million disabled people in the UK which is already being paid this summer, and £300 due for over eight million pensioners on top of their Winter Fuel Payments this winter.

The Government is also providing £10.9 million for Lincolnshire via the Household Support Fund, which has been extended from April 2023 - March 2024. Find updates on this at article/839/household-supportfund.


There are foodbanks ready to help, or which would welcome your support if you’re able to donate towards their efforts. The Lincolnshire Food Partnership has a map of foodbanks at foodbanks/ New Life Church runs a local, independent


Help to Claim is a service to help people in the early stages of a Universal Credit claim. Call freephone 0800 144 8444 (Mon-Fri 8am to 6pm).

Money Helper offers free, impartial help with money on 0800 138 7777 or WhatsApp on


MANY ENERGY COMPANIES OFFER SCHEMES OR GRANTS ON HOME ENERGY COSTS. Some are open to anyone - you don’t need to be a customer. It’s best to contact your supplier directly to see what they offer.

ANGLIAN WATER OFFERS TARIFFS FOR LOW-INCOME HOUSEHOLDS WITH UP TO 50% DISCOUNT ON WATER AND SEWAGE CHARGES. Residents should call their Extra Care Team on 0800 232 1963 for ways it may be able to help.

SOCIAL TARIFFS ARE CHEAPER – BROADBAND AND PHONE PACKAGES. They are often for people on Universal Credit, Pension Credit or other benefits and sometimes are called ‘essential’ or ‘fair fibre’. Your provider can tell you more.

food bank covering North Kesteven. It works on a referral basis - there’s more at uk/community-larder including referrals and how you can help.

There’s a Holiday Food and Activity programme for pupils up to Year 11 getting benefits-related free school meals, giving them free meals and activities in the holidays.

There’s also criteria which may apply to children not eligible for those free school meals. See

07701 342 744. It links support from three Government-backed financial guidance providers.

Citizens Advice offers free and impartial advice on debt, benefits, employment, and housing on freephone 0800 1448848 (Mon- Fri 9am to 5pm). In Lincolnshire there’s also its dedicated debt helpline on 0800 240 4420 (Mon - Fri 9am to 5pm).



Turn 2 Us has information on assistance including grant help. More at


Don’t forget about all the usual support that’s out there to save money on bills, such as help with NHS prescriptions.

This depends on things like your age, income, if you’re pregnant or have certain medical conditions, and so on.

Find out if you’re eligible for this at


If you’re at least 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under four-years-old, you could get help from the NHS to buy milk, fruit and vegetables.

More at https://services.nhsbsa.

There’s also the Sleaford Community Grocers at the Riverside precinct in Sleaford town centre. Customers can shop at a fraction of the cost of a local supermarket, while collectively saving tonnes of food from being wasted each year. Become a member for just £5 a year to access two weekly shops for £6 each. Each shop gives you up to £25 of value across food and other goods! It’s facilitated by New Life Church together with other local churches and groups. It's possibe to pay forward for someone else too. See for more.

Access free, confidential and regulated debt advice through Step Change Debt Charitycall them on 0800 138 1111.

Whatever you’re going through, Samaritans will face it with you. Call 116 123.

Text ‘BLUE’ to the Shout service on 85257 for free mental health text support anytime of day or night.

SORTING HOME REPAIRS NOW COULD SAVE TIME AND MONEY THIS WINTER. For example, are your radiators working efficiently or do they need bleeding? Is there a boiler repair service you can take out to avoid high call out costs in winter? Are there draughts or other issues to tackle now?

If you’re a tenant, make sure any repairs that fall to your landlord have been reported.

Summer family activity

Make an egg box musuem!

This is a great way to display the natural treasures you might discover on a nature walk in the District. For places to go, why not try our Stepping Out walks? See

You’ll need an empty egg box, which you’ll take with you on your walk. Use each of the compartments as a tray to collect six (or twelve!) artifacts as you go. They could be interesting stones, fallen feathers and leaves, or simply what interests you. Be sure not to pick pieces from plants - the bees and other insects need theseand don’t disturb any other habitat or animals.

Take your collection home, and see if you can write a museum-worthy description of each. Now your mini-museum is ready to show your friends and family!

Low or no cost activities

ONE NK, North Hykeham

The L1NK Up senior session takes place on the last Thursday of every month, free to all. In May the group played Pictionary and had cake. There’s also a Senior Club for anyone aged 50 plus, on a Tuesday and Friday morning 10.30am-midday, for just £3 a session with acitivies such as badminton.

The newly renovated sports hall now features a new floor with remarked lines, upgraded LED lighting and freshly painted walls.

Cogglesford Watermill, Sleaford

Award-winning working watermill

Open Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, 12pm - 4pm.

Navigation House, Sleaford

Original canal company office with interactive exhibits, displays.

Open Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, 10am - 2pm.

Cranwell Aviation Heritage Museum

Tells the story of RAF Cranwell and local aviation heritage. Open Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, 10am -3pm.

Welbourn Forge, Welbourn

Former forge and blacksmith’s workshop dating from 1864. Open first Saturday of the month, 10am – 1pm.

Mrs Smiths' no-fuss bread pudding

This versatile pudding gets more value from your food shop with just a handful of ingredients, especially if those last slices of bread always go stale quicker than you realise. Serve with ice cream and fresh berries for a summery treat.

1. Preheat oven to 190 c / Gas 5 and lightly grease a baking dish.

2. Mix together the sugar and cinnamon.

3. Butter five slices of bread, before cutting them in half.

4. Layer the bread in the dish adding a handful of sultanas and sugar mix as you go, covering each slice.

5. Whisk together the milk and eggs.

6. Pour the milk and egg mix over the bread and leave to absorb for 10 minutes. It might look like you have added too much milk, but you haven’t!

7. Bake in the oven for 35 – 45 minutes, until the pudding is set and golden brown.

Step into a bygone era at Mrs Smith’s Cottage in Navenby. Book your visit and discover more recipes at:

Whisby Nature Park, near Lincoln

Wonderful wildlife, walks and trails. There is a £2.50 / £1.50 parking fee depending on the season. The Natural World Centre is open Monday to Sunday, 9.30am - 4.30pm for a bite to eat, or take a picnic. Both indoor and outdoor play areas.

Hub Dance Tinies, Sleaford Tue 25 July, 2–3pm. This movement session is an hour of music, dance, storytelling and creativity for little ones and their grown–ups at the Hub. £5 per child 0–4yrs and their adult, and a second child from the same household goes for free on that ticket. Another session follows 3.30–4.30pm for 5–7yrs, also £5. See www.

Summer Holiday Family Activities at Hub Sleaford

Tuesdays 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 August, 10am-2pm. Everyone is welcome to design and make in these family-friendly workshops. £3 per child. See events

Make It Monday, Cranwell Aviation Heritage Museum

Make memories in these free craft sessions during holidays and Bank Holiday Mondays and enjoy the museum. Open 10am-3pm (last entry 2.30pm) on Mondays. See www.

NavenBEES, Mrs Smith’s Cottage in Navenby

Hands on learning for ages 2-5 on various topics. Next dates 14 and 28 July, 11 and 25 Aug. £2 per child, adults free. See

Milling days, Cogglesford Watermill in Sleaford

See the historic mill grind four using water power – second Sunday of every month. Free entry.

Page 17 See Heart of Lincs for more things to do in NK
Enjoy free entry at these venues in north kesteven and look out for various activities across them too throughout summer. LOW COST LESS WASTE You will need: 100g sugar 1 tsp ground cinnamon 5 slices of bread (any kind of bread will do) A little butter Three handfuls of sultanas 500ml milk Two eggs

What’s on at Whisby

Lunch with A Whisby Warden

The Natural World Centre, Whisby Nature Park

Tuesday 8 August, 12pm to 2.30pm

£12.95 per person

Join the Natural World Centre for a two-course light lunch with coffee, followed by a talk with the Whisby Warden covering the history and day-today life of the Reserve. Search 'Lunch with A Whisby Warden' at www. events for details and to book.

Lino Printing Workshop

with Louise Earnshaw

The Natural World Centre, Whisby Nature Park

Tuesday 22 August 2023, 10am to 1pm £40.00 per person

Delivered by a local artist and teacher, it's ideal for anyone who may be new to lino printing. All specialist equipment and light refreshments provided. Search on www. events to book.

National Fitness Day activities

The Natural World Centre, Whisby Nature Park

Thursday 21 September

Enjoy some indoor and outdoor fitness activities planned to coincide with National Fitness Week 2023. See The Natural World Centre on Facebook and Instagram for updates.

Duckling Disco Spook-tacular

The Natural World Centre, Whisby Nature Park

Wednesday 25 October, 1pm to 3pm. Entry £5 per child and £2 per adult.

Duckling disco is THE place to be for under 8’s! With popular songs, singa-longs, spine-tingling refreshments and a Halloween fancy dress theme. Search at www. events to book tickets.

Mrs Smith's Cottage in Navenby is a delightful window into the past. Experience the charm of Washday Weekend from 11-14 August 1pm3pm and the authentic process of laundry the old-fashioned way. As summer turns to autumn and harvest-time arrives, do visit for Apple Day on 16 September 1-3pm. Delight in homegrown apples, learn what to do with your crop and take part in apple-themed activities suitable for all the family. Don’t forget to bring the little ones along to NavenBEEs Toddler

Group, a fantastic opportunity usually twice a month for children to enjoy educational and social activities while exploring nature. You can find more information on the NavenBEEs Facebook group. Once you've explored the cottage and learned about Mrs Smith –one woman, in one home, through one century – you can enjoy the beautiful cottage garden and explore historic Navenby with one of our trails, all available for free from our gift shop.

Opening times: Friday, Saturday,

For more information please visit

Cogglesford Watermill, Sleaford

Experience its inner workings during monthly Milling Days. On monthly History Tours you'll delve into its heritage, or you can book an experience day.

In the summer there'll be the very first Cogglesford Bake Off, where bakers enter their produce made with the mill's stone-ground flour. This is on August 26 – keep an eye on @cogglesford on socials. When autumn arrives, join the mill team in celebrating a Harvest Festival on October 1, filled with activities and seasonal treats, and later in the month there'll be spooktacular fun for Halloween.

Opening times: Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday 12pm-4pm, free entry.

Navigation House, Sleaford

A Grade II listed building built in 1838 and located opposite the Hub in Navigation Yard, it was once HQ of the Sleaford Navigation Company, and home to the weighing machine as well as the Office Clerk. Today it's a visitor centre which details the history of the Navigation

Cranwell Aviation Heritage Museum

A haven for those who are passionate about aviation, offering a unique insight of the District's importance and a warm welcome. Experience the thrill of flight with its flight simulator, piloting a Jet Provost and trying to land it safely. The latest exhibtion has been 'A Tale of Two Apprentices' charting

and its impact on Sleaford, while its shop is stocked with items made by local craftspeople. There's also a book swap station and duck food! Mark your calendars for its Canal Art event on September 2, where you can learn the history of creativity along the waterways. Detail to be shared @ NavigationHouse Open: Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday 10am-2pm, free entry.

the RAF careers of Herbert Tomlin and Frank Whittle.

Opening times: Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday 10am-3pm (last entry 2:30pm), free entry.


For all four of the venues on this page, group visits are welcome outside of their usual hours by prior arrangement.

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Start your autumn with Mrs Smith's apple day SCAN WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE CAMERA Sign up for toursim and event news straight to your inbox. Sunday and Monday 12pm-4pm (last entry 3pm) Adults £3.50, children £2, family £10

Men of the Dams tribute

International Bomber Command Centre, up to mid-August, free entry (parking charges apply).

Physical Wellbeing

There's lots happening across our leisure facilities to help keep your health in shape – or just simply to have some family friendly fun!

Aqua splash sessions

ONE NK, North Hykeham

Aqua splash is an exciting, inflatable obstacle course laid out in the swimming pool.

Can you dive, climb and make your way across it?

Community and dance at the Hub

Did you know that the Hub in Sleaford offers all sorts of dance classes for various abilities, as well as its exciting exhibitions and its focus across art and crafting? You can find the whole range of classes and book on to a class at

Dance and Disabilities Half Day

Tuesday 25 July, 10am – 1pm

A half–day of fun and inclusive creative dance tasks tailored for young people with learning disabilities, autism and/or physical disabilities.

£15, 10–24yrs

Hub Summer Dance School

Tuesday 25 July – Wednesday 16 August

A fun-packed week of dance workshops led by the dance team and invited professional dance artists. Something for everyone aged 0–24 yrs.

Hub Dance Juniors Day

Wednesday 26 July, 10am–4pm

A creative day exploring Dance Fitness, Contemporary Dance, Street Dance and Musical Theatre, tailored to young people. £30, 8–12yrs

Hub Dance Youth Day

Thursday 27 July, 10am–4pm

This fun day explores Contemporary Dance, Street Dance, Ballet Be Fit & Choreographic skills for teenagers. £30, 13–19yrs

Choreographic Skills with the Hub Dance Team at OneNK

Wedneday 16 August 10am–3pm

The day will begin with a Contemporary Dance class which will focus on building strength,

stamina, and coordination with an emphasis on floor work. The session will then involve a variety of creative dance tasks both led by the facilitator and through group/individual creative opportunities for the participants to create their own movement. The workshop leaders will then support participants to structure a dance piece using their choreography, styles and ideas to create a production to be performed and filmed at the end of the workshop day.

£30, 10–18yrs

Also at the Hub...

Together we are powerful Thursday 22 July – Sunday 12 November 2023, free Main Gallery

As it celebrates its 20th year, the Hub is bringing together diverse voices from across Sleaford and Lincolnshire to explore the power we all hold in our community and how we bring this together for the greater good.

Together we are Powerful will be a dynamic town-wide celebration of exhibitions, workshops, activities, trails, gatherings, events, talks, and suppers. See exhibitions/together-we-arepowerful

Arts Award Discover in a Day Thursday 3 August, 10.30am-3pm Explore its exhibitions, find out about artists and their work, create some amazing art of your own, share what you have created and achieve a ‘Discover’ Arts Award along the way!

£15, 7-11yrs, activity pack and certificate included.

Following on from the Falklands' tribute by Standing with Giants, this is an immersive commemoration to the 53 Dambusters who lost ther lives 80 years ago.

Also, Salute to the 40’s Weekend, 12 and 13 August, free entry Enjoy tea and cake while listening to 40’s entertainment, shop vintage and enjoy chatting to re-enactors, and be wowed by the selection of 1940s cars and military vehicles. The exhibition will be open each, day, tickets online at www. internationalbcc.

The Return of the King at Bolingbroke Back in Time

12 & 13 August 2023, 11am - 4.30pm at Bolingbroke Castle, near Spilsby Join Heritage Lincolnshire, the Friends of Bolingbroke Castle and Plantagenet Society for a weekend to remember.

See the arming of the King's knights, learn about falconry, move to medieval dances and witness the horsemen practicing, before watching armed fighters vie for favour. There's also live blacksmithing, falconry, medieval cookery, archery and combat. Book your tickets at www.

To use Aqua Splash you need to be a minimum of 8 years old and able to swim 25m competently. The sessions will be hosted throughout the summer holidays and are bookable on the BetterUK app under ‘Aqua Splash’.


Better Gym Sleaford

Found in East Road in Sleaford, it has just extended its opening hours and is now open from Monday to Wednesday 6.30am - 10pm and Thursday to Friday is 6.30am - 9pm. With swimming lessons available, two squash courts, two 3G Pitches and two studios with upwards of 50 fitness classes it offers something for everyone to help them stay fit. See full opening times and available activities at leisure-centre/north-kesteven

JAG (Junior Adventure Group)

ONE NK, North Hykeham

Monday 31 July until Friday 1 September, 8.30am - 5.30pm £33 per session

The Junior Adventure Group is running a holiday group offering a range of different sports and activities to kids this summer. The groups are suitable for children between the ages of five and 12. You can use the discount code ADVENTURE10 for 10% off. For more, visit: https://www. find-us/one-nk-leisure-centre Family and Junior classes are also coming to ONE NK in the near future to allow people of all ages to get active and join in.

Scopwick Millennium art group annual exhibition and sale of paintings

Scopwick Village Hall, Scopwick

Saturday 7 October and Sunday 8 October, entry £1 for adults and under 16s free.

Saturday, 10am to 4pm Sunday (last admission 3.45pm) Refreshments served and free parking at rear of hall.

Get Fit for Life

This 10-week course teaches about nutrition, exercise and a healthy change in lifestyle, and the next one starts on September 27.

It's for anyone over 18 who lives, or works in the District, has a BMI of over 25, and wants support. To book your place, email: deborah_chessum@n-kesteven.

Don't miss these events too...
Page 19
RiverLight 2023 14-21 October 2023 @riverlightfestival Celebrating the culture & heritage of Sleaford
Motionhouse is supported by Arts Council England Image: WILD by Motionhouse | Photo Credit: @studio_sd Stef Darmon

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