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Mother of all expat clubs
Mr. K. M. Cherian, President Satish Gopinathan, General Secretary
Founded in 1915, The Indian ClubB a h r a i n i s o n e o f t h e o l d e s t community clubs in Bahrain and is regarded by many as the ‘mother ’ of all Indian clubs and associations in Bahrain. The Club takes a very pro-active role in p ro m o t i n g re l at i o n s a n d a ss i st i n g t h e development of the Indian community in Bahrain. Originally known as the Bahrain Sports Club, the main focus is to provide s p o r t i n g fa c i l i t i e s f o r t h e m e m b e r. A variety of cultural, social and entertainment programmes are provided by The Club for its Members and their families throughout the year and, in particular, on the occasion of all major Indian and Bahraini festivals a n d c e l e b ra t i o n s ; t h e s e P ro g ra m m e s include participation by a wide range of high profile Indian personalities and cultural performances by local and international artists. The Club has a number of active sports sections including the Badminton Section, which is The Club’s largest section with over 200 members, the Tennis Section and the Indoor Games Section; regular Members’ events are organised for each of these sections. Promotion of the talents of its Members and their families is high on The Club’s list of priorities with coaching and instructional courses organised for a number of activities such as badminton, karate, cricket, dancing and fitness, the hosting of the regular m e e t i n g s o f Th e I n d i a n C l u b - B a h ra i n Toastmasters and the organisation of an Annual Children’s Summer Camp.