February 2010 The News of Kings Point

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News of www.thenewsofkingspoint.com

After the Freeze By Adam Porter with Anne Pidgeon One day last week I walked out my front door and looked around at the carefully cultivated shrubbery crawling up the latticework that frames our front walkway. What was once lush and green was now dry and brown. After a moment, I felt a little like “Bones” McCoy addressing Captain Kirk. “Dead, Jim. They’re all dead…Don’t ask me what to do, I’m a writer, not a miracle worker.” Later that same day, I was chatting with my mother – yes, I do still call her on occasion; she has a grandbaby she must receive regular updates on, after all. I told her about the unfortunate demise of my yard décor. Yes, my wife could name them, but, to me, they’re all simply “nice plants.” Mom expressed sympathy, and then started in on her own tale of lament. Her yard is typically overrun by a rainbow of color and life. This morning, despite her best efforts and multiple blankets, all was brown, limp and dry to the touch.

Friends, this is not the Florida we were promised! What are we to do with the retched landscape where our beautiful gardens

once were? Rip them up and start over? Not so fast, says our resident horticultural expert, Anne Pidgeon. This month, WE asked Anne what to do. Turns out our prize little patches of land may be only mostly dead. Here is what she had to say: “Oh the wrath of Mother Nature! First a scorching, unrelenting summer. Then a very brief autumn. Finally, sudden and lingering freezing temperatures.

February 2010

Homestead had an unheard of 28 degrees F. Key west had floating fish and chilly iguanas falling out of the trees. Everything is now brown and dead-looking. Royal palms, Christmas, and Bottles are droopy and forlorn. The vegetable crops are burnt and dead. But, all things considered, there may be higher prices on produce at the supermarket, but some of your plants may still After The Freeze To Page 3

Unmatched Spectacle and Genuine Heart Thrive Under the Big Top

Article by NOKP Staff When John Ringling brought the circus to Sarasota in 1927, the town was transformed physically, mentally and artistically. What was once a wide spot in the road between the bustling port cities of Tampa and Fort Myers became the Circus Capital of the World. Today, it is nigh impossible to talk about Sarasota without speaking of the daring and artistry it has produced and exported for nearly a century. This is the birthplace of international circus royalty, a place defined and, in some cases literally, built by the circus community. It was once home to the Clown College, an institution whose exclusive entry requirements were once described as “tougher than the Ivy League.” Many of the art form’s most venerable and renowned artists have made this town their home. Now, some of these dynamic, creative folks have made it their mission as well.


Photo by Barbara Banks

Pedro Reis, Dolly Jacobs-Reis

“Not only do we want to raise the perception of the circus arts,” says Circus Sarasota Founder and CEO, Pedro Reis, “We also work to give back to our community through programs that enrich, educate and entertain.” Mr. Reis is a lifelong circus artist and aficionado. His love for the circus arts began as a kid on a trapeze at a YMCA summer camp in his native South Africa. It continued to grow as he toured the world as a flyer, and it buoyed his spirit when a fall

Nik Wallenda ended his career in the air. This lifelong love for the circus and his adopted community led Pedro and his wife, the dazzling Queen of the Air, Dolly Jacobs, to form Circus Sarasota nearly 13 years ago. “After my accident one door closed, but another opened.”

Crossword..................... 21 Just Ask Anne...........1 & 3 Jim & Nell Taze Horticulture Column 33573............12,13,14 &15 Contract Bridge............ 21 Deputy Rob .................... 6 Day Trips.......................... 3 Sudoku........................... 21 Community Alert Ed Dixon Golf................................ 10 CARE................................ 8 Horoscopes................... 23 ? for Catherine................ 9 Bulletin.......17, 18, 19 & 20 Solutions to Puzzles....... 23

Says Reis, “The circus gave me – and countless others – awe inspiring role models and a positive, productive life. We work every day to keep that legacy alive.” That work includes producing spectacular shows in Sarasota Big Top To Page 3

Want to see it in

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email us at


2 Page

The News of Kings Point

The Editor’s Corner Hey folks. Because we have created the News of Kings Point to be for and about you and the community you call home, from time to time we will be shining the spotlight on some of the folks who make your community, and this paper, fun, interesting and inspirational. Those qualities certainly define our Spotlight Stars this month. Jim and Nell Taze are the undisputed King and Queen of Events here at the News of Kings Point and in the greater Sun City Center area. For over two years and counting, their industry and enthusiasm have allowed residents of Sun City Center, to take their pick of scores of events, attractions and goings-on. Because of them, you and your neighbors never have to wonder: “what can we do today?” Let’s get to know the Tazes a little better.

NOKP: Where are you originally from? JNT: We have lived in SCC for two and a half years. Jim is originally from Baltimore, Maryland and Nell is from Pulaski, Tennessee. NOKP: What are some of your favorite hobbies? JNT: We both love people – socializing, entertaining and dancing. That’s one of the reasons we do the “Ads and Events.” (Jim) I recently got reinvolved in Real Estate and Nell visits church members who are in nursing home and care centers. NOKP: What brought you to Florida? JNT: Well, we retired to Tampa in 1999. After a few years doing all the things we never had time to do before, we decided to do a little work for Holiday Retirement. We started at a facility that had an unusually large amount of vacancies and were able to quickly get them filled. We were rewarded with another assignment, then another. For three years we traveled all over Florida. Eventually we found Sun City Center. We loved it here and immediately “retired” again. NOKP: What did you do before retiring (the first time)? JNT: Jim managed NASA contracts until his “early” retirement in 1986. After that he pursued diverse interests such as statistical research, tax returns and real estate. (Jim) In fact, I’ve recently gotten back into the real estate business. (Nell) I was president of an investment company with 33 employees. Since 1991, I’ve been doing volunteer work, fund-raising and church visitation.

NOKP: What do you love about living in Sun City Center? JNT: We love the casual lifestyle and the fact that we can still be involved in work after retirement. There are so many things to do here in every category, so much diversity. Sure, there’s plenty of golf to play, but this isn’t just a “golf community.” We have a great mix of residents and residences – and plenty for everyone to do. NOKP: What got you started putting together so much great community information each month? JNT: When we moved here we wanted to buy a used dining room set and a second car. Our bulletin board posting stayed up for two months with no bites. As our volunteer project, we decided to start a Free Ads email where people in our community could buy and sell items online without having to pay for a classified ad. Very soon, we inherited what was then “Event Express” and combined it with our Free Ads. Our very first day we received 432 email subscriptions. We received an overwhelmingly positive response. Everyone loved our simple, accessible format. NOKP: What has the response been like since you started publishing in the News of Kings Point? JNT: We have already received 20 new events from Kings Point, most also inviting SCC residents to attend. We are very pleased to see the two communities reaching out to each other. NOKP: Any advice or suggestions for folks who are new to the community? JNT: Get involved. Activity keeps us young here in SCC. Volunteer, start your own thing – just stay active. It’s all here for you. NOKP: Thanks Jim and Nell, for your time, energy and effort. As editor of the News of Kings Point, I would like to thank the Tazes for their incredible enthusiasm and commitment to bringing us – and all of you – an endless list of fun, interesting and compelling activities. And, I would also like to thank all the clubs, groups, businesses and individuals who provide all the amazing events to put on that list each and every month. Thanks. Keep up the good work, and, with the help of Jim, Nell and our dedicated staff, we will keep telling the entire Kings Point community all about it. To submit an article for our Events section or the Bulletin Board, email us at news@ thenewsofkingspoint.com. If you have a suggestion for someone you would like to see featured in our pages, please send that suggestion along with your reasons why to editor@ thenewsofkingspoint.com. We look forward to hearing from you!

February, 2010

Project Lifesaver is Exactly That Submitted by Dora Murray Most of us remember in the Music Man when the con man sang, “Well you got big trouble my friends, Right here I say, Trouble right here in River City.” Now, instead of River City, substitute Kings Point or the whole Sun City Center area. We are an aging community, and, as we age, some of our family members are becoming confused and disoriented. The dreaded “BIG A” rears his heartless head. At some point we the “care givers” become concerned that our loved ones will wander away and not be found in a timely manner. Several years ago a Canadian part time resident wandered away from her home in Pinellas County. After a certain amount of time the search was called off. As a retired RN. I was irate; and I told my husband, “If that would have been a child, that search would never had been stopped.” Her body was found

several weeks later. This poor woman had died from exposure. Then, last March it happened once more! A female wandered away from the home she was visiting. The Silver Alert was put into place. Just like the Amber Alert there was TV coverage. 
 Our own “Deputy Rob” was on the team that searched for her, so now I will use his own words of the Search: “Most of you will recall that last March we had a woman wander off from Ruskin. She had dementia and was only 71 years old. We searched for her using over 100 deputies, police dogs, horses, ATVs and golf carts. The search lasted 3 days and ended with her body being found after she had died of exposure. We do not want a repeat of this tragic incident.” Besides The Silver Alert there is a program called Project Lifesaver. This program has been used since 1990 in other Lifesaver To Page 8

News of Submissions

The News of Kings Point is not just the news of your community – it is your community newspaper, exclusively serving Kings Point, Sun City Center. We are dedicated to providing a local paper that has a “home town” feeling with family and community oriented stories. We aim to provide a balance of content for our readers. It is our desire to represent each and every person, business and organization with respect, dignity and fairness. Send us information about your special events. Tell us about your hobbies and take us to places you love to go. Community news, Club events and feature stories are always welcome! Please include photos. Mailed photos will only be returned if a SASE is included. We will also review creative submissions including stories – fact or fiction – and poems. Inspire us. Make us smile. Share your favorite story, joke or song. The publisher reserves the right to refuse and/or edit all materials submitted for placement in the News of Kings Point. The publisher assumes no responsibility for the return of advertising, manuscripts, art or photographs. The News of Kings Point is not affiliated with Kings Point, Kings Point Mgmt LLC, Sterling Management or the Federation of Kings Point Associations, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of The News of Kings Point, Inc. All editorial copy is strictly the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the attitude or opinions of this publication or that of the supporting organizations. Pieces will be considered, subject to editing and depending upon space limitations Thanks for reading and for helping us make this truly YOUR community newspaper. We look forward to serving you and can’t wait to hear from you! Electronic submissions are preferred, which you may send by email to: news@thenewsofkingspoint.com or mail to The News of Kings Point, Inc. PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, Florida 33573-6212 Phone: 813-938-8721 Thank you for your support. Staff and Contributors Adam Porter Editor in Chief


John Wolf Advertising Sales


Karen Jones Contributing Editor


Anne Pidgeon Horticulture Correspondent



Nancy Jean Design and Layout

Jim and Nell Taze 33573 Events



2010, February The News of Kings Point

After the Freeze from Page 1

be salvageable. The English say, “Stiff upper lip, you know.” We must just pick it all up, think positive and get back to gardening. We have to roll with the punches and adapt to the time. We can both enjoy replanting and learn from this weather challenge. So, what to do now? Continue to water plants but only when they are dry. The temperatures have started to rise, and, for the plants to recover quickly, you must continue to maintain soil moisture. Don’t over-water. The plants’ metabolisms have slowed down so they need less water. No cutting yet! If you trim off the damaged foliage now and we get another cold snap the plant may die back even more. The brown leaves will offer some protection. Try to wait to prune until March or later. Crotons and Hibiscus will drop leaves so just pick them up, but don’t trim the stems yet. Be Patient. You really cannot assess the damage to plants yet. Remember that the

Big Top from Page 1

in February and in Fort Myers in March. But that is only the beginning for Reis, Jacobs and Circus Sarasota. They have also developed two charity programs that work year-round to inspire and edify kids and adults who may otherwise not have much to celebrate. The first of these programs, Laughter Unlimited, brings the joy of the circus arts into children’s hospitals, retirement centers and adult care facilities. Circus Sarasota employs two full-time Ambassadors of Mirth and equips countless volunteer Clowns to carry the healing power of laughter where it is needed most. The Second, Big Top Education, works with educators and the school systems in Bradenton, Sarasota and Fort Myers to teach physics, social studies, math, reading and many other subjects using the circus arts. The universally positive response and success of these programs have prompted Circus Sarasota to begin to explore expansion into other cities. Reis is motivated to bring both Laughter Unlimited and Big Top Education into other Florida cities, but that will require additional venues and funds. Currently, nearly eighty percent of all program funding comes from earned revenue, namely ticket sales for the shows; but, to expand their programs, Circus Sarasota will need increased charitable donations. You can support this non-profit organization’s incredible community programs through tax-deductible cash donations of any amount or by becoming a Friend of Circus Sarasota. Whether or not you can afford to give, come see Circus Sarasota and you are sure to receive an

more tropical won’t “wake-up” until daily temperatures are in the 80’s every day. Fertilize in midMarch as usual. Citrus should be fertilized in late February before they start budding. In the spring you will be able to plainly see the extent of the damage. Just beyond the topmost sprout is where the dead part starts…amputate there. Plants that were declining or

experience you will remember forever. “It doesn’t matter your age, everyone loves to watch incredible, real-life adventure. Many of our first time attendees come back next year with their kids and grandkids.” Because this love for the circus is passed from one generation to the next, one of the oldest forms of family entertainment in the world is still going strong, dazzling both the young and the young at heart and enticing a new “run away to join the circus.” Circus Sarasota exemplifies the best the circus arts have to offer: artistic excellence, jaw-dropping spectacle…and genuine compassion. Because of these wonderful people, the greatest show on earth may also have the biggest heart. Editor’s Note: Circus Sarasota will produce 32 shows in Sarasota from February 12th – 28th. For dates and times or to purchase tickets, visit www.circussarasota.org or call the ticket office at 941.355.9805. Tickets start at $10 per person, but are half price opening weekend, courtesy of ABC 7. They are going fast and the venue holds less than 1,800, so order yours today. What you will see at Circus Sarasota: Be ready to experience the circus arts at their highest level under the magical Big Top. You will gasp at awe-inducing spectacle and laugh until your belly aches. See… •Nik Wallenda and his troupe of young, energetic highwire artists •Featured Clown Al Calienes •Wild West star Vince Bruce, the Wizard of Whips and Ropes •Casey Boehmer, the onearmed juggler •The Queen of the Air, Dolly

diseased will suffer the most and may die. If the damage to an area is great you may be better off just replacing them all and starting from scratch. Palms are often weakened in unseen ways by very cold conditions. Increased susceptibility to disease is an issue. Slow death due to damaged interior tissues that can no longer pass fluids through the main trunk is not uncommon. Watch for on-going decline. Watch for a sudden collapse of the fronds or crown. If a frond is totally brown, cut it off. But, if any green is visible, leave it to supply nutrients to the recovering tree. Spring is the best time to prune. After pruning, spray the entire palm with copper fungicide, especially the bud. Re-spray after 10 days. When the weather is warm and you see the green bud and know for sure the tree will live, spray with water-soluble trace element mix for palms. Then continue with your four times a year fertilizing routine. Follow these tips and your yard should be back in form in no

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time.” Thanks, Anne! Some of that was tough to hear, but at least we know there’s hope for our green things – and we know what to do to nurture that hope. All right, folks, you heard the lady. So, dig in, don’t fret overmuch and get ready to get “growing” again in March! Editor’s Note: We would love to hear happy stories of your gardens that survived the, for us, unseasonable weather. Send the News of Kings Point your pictures and your success stories. And, if you have any other questions for Anne, please send those as well. news@thenewsofkingspoint.com The News of Kings Point PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, FL 33573

Hand balancing strongman, Almas

Casey Boehmer, the one-armed juggler

Jacobs and aerialist, Yuri Rjkov •The stunning Martyn Chabry and her musical quickchange act •Zhanna Alferova Markova and her enchanting dogs •Incredible foot juggler, Anastasini •Hand balancing strongman, Almas All this and more mind-blowing surprises you do not want to miss! See it once and you will be back again and again. To learn more about these world-class artists, visit www.CircusSarasota.org.

The stunning Martyn Chabry and her musical quick-change act

How to get there: Circus Sarasota performances in February will be held under the Big Top at the corner of N Tuttle Ave and 12th St in Sarasota (zip is 34237) and from March 12th – 28th at the Gulf Coast Town Center in Fort Myers. For additional information including maps and direction to the venue, visit www. CircusSarasota.org.

4 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2010

Is LifeCare the Best Retirement Option? Submitted by Sally Nichols As the population of seniors in America continues to grow, so do the many options seniors have in Retirement Living. As the number of options continues to grow, the more difficult the decision may be in choosing between the many retirement choices that are available. As we age, the responsibility of maintaining a large home may become less and less attractive. Yard and home repairs are likely to cost us more money. We may also worry about the availability of quality healthcare for our future and the associated costs of that health changes. Many have growing concerns of becoming a burden to our children. As seniors look to plan ahead for peace of mind for their future, many folks ask themselves, “Should we sell our large house and move into a retirement community? Or move closer to our children? And what does LifeCare mean anyway?” Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRC) have been designed with the active senior in mind. Seniors, who insist on simplifying their lives in a resort-style, caring atmosphere, will be thrilled with the high level of service from dedicated staff. Most CCRCs cater to residents who are 62 years old or older,

whose interest lie in continued growth and education, travel, theater, exercise, golf, swimming, fine dining and more. These communities are especially designed for folks who enjoy living independently but take comfort in knowing that extra help is available, on a priority basis, when and if it is necessary. LifeCare ~ adds that extra dimension to a Continuing Care Retirement Community by including a safety net against economic uncertainties. LifeCare offers a guarantee to each resident that they will not lose their home should there ever be an unexpected financial reversal that hinders their ability to pay for the services at their community. Most LifeCare communities offer a wide variety of beautiful apartment homes with the support of long- term care if ever needed. A carefree future may include moving into a LifeCare community. Before you decide, please visit several retirement communities. Have a list of questions handy. Are the grounds and surrounding area attractive? How close are the nearest hospital and other services, such as shopping and restaurants? Talk to the residents. Do they appear relaxed and sociable? Are the staff members

friendly and helpful? The LifeCare community option provides a wealth of opportunity to live the lifestyle you have always dreamed of. Freedom, Service & Peace of Mind. The choices in Retirement Living are many, to be sure, but you can really have it all with LifeCare. Editors Note ~ this article was provided by Sally Nichols, Marketing Director of Freedom Plaza, a Brookdale Senior Living,

LifeCare & Golfing Community. Freedom Plaza was started by the Retired Officers’ Corporation. The Retired Officers’ Corporation continue to support Freedom Plaza and its residents on a daily basis, providing a multitude of services through their office at Freedom Plaza. If you haven’t seen Freedom Plaza in Sun City Center, you will want to call to schedule a visit today at 813634-1824 or toll free at 1-800-6787684.


listen to why they chose Freedom Plaza! We wanted Life Care so we wouldn’t be a burden on our children. Our friends were moving here and with the amenities, the sooner you move the better. - Ardis & Andy Nash

Plus, enjoy this active lifestyle knowing that your future is secure. Freedom Plaza’s Value Plan provides Personalized Assisted Living and Nursing Care for the FUTURE at

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At Freedom Plaza, you’ll experience variety at every turn! In fact, there’s something to suit every interest: Continuing Care Retirement Community Exceptional Experiences Every Day 1010 American Eagle Blvd., Apt. 114 Sun City Center, FL 33573 www.brookdaleliving.com SM

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Exceptional Experiences Every Day is a Service Mark of Brookdale Senior Living Inc., Nashville, TN, USA. Sponsored by the Retired Officers’ Corp. Open to folks from all walks of life. *Savings are outlined in the Value Plan agreement. 51111EF-RES02-0110

2010, February The News of Kings Point


Page 5

Happy Valentines Day!



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Stuart 2/2/1 car carport. Tons of upgrades in this beautiful condo, newer windows throughout, wood kitchen cabinets, California closet system in master bedroom, both baths updated, Murphy bed in guest bedroom, enclosed lanai under air and heat with room for golf cart which comes with home.

Cezanne 2/2/2 car garage. Short Sale-bring all offers. Lovely home with Corian counter-tops, split bedroom plan with den, spacious 24x14 greatroom with volume ceilings, tile in kitchen, utility room, both baths and foyer, very large screened lanai.

1908 CANTERBURY LN #K3 $64,900

832 REGAL MANOR WAY $149,900

Kensington 3/2/2 car garage. Beautiful pool home on fantastic waterfront and golf course. Meticulously maintained with upgrades galore, replumbed, new heat pump ‘09, pool resurfaced ‘07, replaced river-rock on deck ‘07, new pool heater ‘07 and much, much, much more....

Hampton 2/2/1 car carport located on cul-desac. Expanded floor plan to include Florida room with additional screened area, spacious living room, large utility room with golf cart storage, open backyard. Come and enjoy the many amenities that Kings Point has to offer!

2304 GRANTHAM CT. #286 $ 66,000

2008 NEW BEDFORD DR. $279,900

1916 East View Dr.

2/2 $249,900

Villager-Water view,pool,split bdrm plan

1803 Orchid Ct.

2/2 $115,000

2014 East View Dr.

3/2 $239,900

Exp. Atrium-Water,split bdrm plan

2415 Nantucket Field Way 2/2 $109,900

Concord-Cul-de-sac,updated appliances

2049 Berry Roberts. Dr.

3/2 $235,000

Yorkshire-Water, Split bdrm plan

2417 Nantucket Field Way 2/2 $107,900

Concord-Conservation,screened lanai

2003 Wedge Ct.

2/2 $219,900

Islander-Water,Caloosa Country Club

1201 Lenham Ct.

2/2 $ 95,000

Seabreeze-Open plan/split bedrooms

1509 Bunker Hill Dr.

2/2 $182,000

DW54-Lake view, exercise pool home

1206 Beach Blvd.

2/2 $ 90,000

T2-Replumbed, a/c ’03, encl. lanai

618 Allegheny Dr.

2/2 $175,000

Spanish Main-Golf Course,A Must See!

1535 Chevy Chase Dr.

2/1.5 $ 89,900

Villa-Move-in ready, lrg encl lanai

203 Grayson Ct.

3/2 $159,800

Driftwood-Side-load garage,encl. lanai

713 Cypress Place

2015 Sifield Greens Way 2/2 $149,900

Haddington-Water,many, many upgrades

827 Tremont Greens Ln. 2/2 $ 89,900

Albany-Enclosed lanai,screened entry

1507 Cloister Dr.

2/2 $149,900

Twintree-Water view, new carpet

2507 Lambdin Dr.

2/2 $ 89,900

Sunrise-completely renovated,replumbed

1509 Cloister Dr.

2/2 $148,000

Twintree-Water, clean-light-bright!

340 Club Manor Dr.

2/2 $ 81,500

Dedham-Golf Course view,new screen rm

1207 Wild Feather Ln.

2/2 $144,500

Twintree-Move-in condition,open backyd

207 Islip Way

628 Masterpiece Dr.

2/2 $143,500

Melbourne-Updated, new landscaping

1592 Council Dr.

644 Masterpiece Dr.

2/2 $139,500

605 La Jolla Ave.

3/2 $ 89,900

DeSoto-Updated, roof ’03, replumbed ‘98

Nottingham-Corner lot, 2 a/c units

2/1.5 $ 59,900

Keystone-Great Location! Priced to Sell

2/1 $ 59,900

Everglades Duplex-cozy, great condition

Melbourne-park-like view,encl lanai

2223 Grenadier Dr. #145 2/2 $ 58,900

Windsor-Neat unit! Glass-enclosed lanai

3/2 $135,000

DW204-New plumbing ’05, roof ‘03

1902 Dandridge D21 ` 1/1.5 $ 45,900

York- Compact,nice layout

1611 Bentwood Dr.

2/2 $130,000

Twintree-Enclosed lanai,screened porch

201 Kings Blvd. #12

Villa-WATER, close to all amenities

842 McCallister Ave.

2/2 $127,500

Malibu-Large lot, lanai, vol. ceilings

1906 Canterbury Ln. #1 2/2 $ 42,800

Stuart-Nice location,great amenities

11553 Captiva Kay Dr.

2/2 $120,000

Located on pond, lrg upgraded kitchen

401 De Grasse Pl. #5

1/1.5 $ 39,900

York-Furnished, 16x8 lanai with C/H/A

2306 W. Del Webb

2/2 $120,000

Belford-On pond,glass-enclosed lanai

2202 Clubhouse Dr. #174 1/1.5 $ 31,900

Gable I-Move-in ready – “cream puff”

818 Oakmont Ave.

3/2 $119,000

DW37-roof and CHA ’08, screen porch

301 Kings Blvd. #126

Furnished, being sold “AS-IS”

2/2 $ 45,000

1/1.5 $ 29,900


1933 Grand Cypress



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Kick-In Burglary Prevention

Submitted by Deputy Rob As some of you know, we have recently identified a pattern in home burglaries. In the past we have seen burglars take advantage of unlocked doors and even break windows to get inside during the middle of the night. Lately, however, we have seen break-ins happen in the middle of the day by kicking in the front door of residences. It may seem like this would make a lot of noise and draw attention, but this is actually not the case. Most exterior doors are solid wood, or steel laminates, and most locks are solid metal, but the weak point in most doors is the hardware that holds that little, brass strike plate onto the door frame. You see, even the best lock in the world has to sink into the doorframe, and most of them attach at that brass strike plate. If the screws holding that plate are only ½ inch long (the industry standard), that only goes into the firring strip that runs along the inside of the door frame. It looks prettier than a 2X4 board, but it is not very strong.

The News of Kings Point

That weak point in the front door has been successfully exploited by burglars for years. Most houses only have the standard lock with those ½ inch long screws. Older houses with replacement locks probably also have the small screws holding the door together. As a result, most residential burglaries involving forced entry in recent years have been either kick in or pried open front doors. This one fault in most people’s home security can be easily remedied. You don’t need a licensed contractor or even a handyman. You just need a screwdriver. Granted, it will be easier with an electric screwdriver or a drill with a screwdriver bit, but you can do this yourself with only a few minutes of work. Just change out those screws with 1 ½ inch, or 2 inch screws. Be careful if you have a window beside your door. The Sheriff’s Office will not come out to your house and replace the glass in your window if you break it while installing those longer screws, so please measure before you go to it. As always, there is no silver bullet. You must still LOCK your doors for this to help. There is no guarantee that the bad guys will not beat on your door and still break it down. But most burglars are not hard working, industrious people. That’s usually why they are bad guys. Make your house a little harder to get in, and you greatly reduce your risk of being a victim.

February, 2010

News of On Line


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6 Page


2010, February The News of Kings Point

Dixon’s Day Trips: Eddie Sees Manatees Submitted By Ed Dixon Manatee County may be south of Sun City Center, but there is a haven for the eponymous aquatic mammal just a few minutes to the north. The Manatee Viewing Center in Apollo Beach is an environmental treasure just waiting to be discovered. Between November 1st and April 15th, visitors flock to the center to catch a glimpse of one of nature’s gentle giants, and most are surprised at what they find. Of course, you can get an up close look at the friendly manatee, but there is so much more to see. From gliding gulls to artfully wrapping mangroves, gently cultivated seaside Florida surrounds. Before we made our way over to the Manatee Viewing Platform, we decided to see what there was to see on the Tidal Flat Walkway. As it turned out, there was quite a bit. As you move out onto the 900-foot long pier that juts out from the tidal flats into Tampa Bay, the protective mangroves create a tunnel that has a sort of fantasy feel, as if it was conjured into place. Further along you can pause your stroll to watch jellybean-colored crabs scurry around the sand below the deck. Once you emerge from the mangrove canopy, the TECO plant dominates the scene. Most visitors are still marveling at the towering stacks when they hear the first gasps of delight and surprise. Somewhere along the pier another visitor has witnessed the aquatic acrobatics of a bonnethead shark. These sleek, gray predators seem more playful than fearsome as they leap from the water, spinning and flipping before splashing down again. Closer to the pier, we saw lone drifting rays and schools of tarpon, snook and jacks. I’ve never wanted to drop a line in the water more in my life. Of course, the fish seemed to know they were safe from the frying pan as they circled the pilings in the warm waters around the pier. Why do the fish frolic and the manatees congregate here? Steamy water coming from the adjacent TECO plant mixes with the cooler water of the bay, creating the equivalent of a marine spa for the warmblooded manatee and his cold-blooded fishy friends. The cooler the day outside, the more manatees you will see. Just glimpses at first – a fluke or fin teasingly breaking the surface; but move along the boardwalk from the pier to the Viewing Platform, and you are greeted by numerous whiskered faces no matter where you look. Manatees are, like most other marine mammals, very social creatures. They seem to love the attention from their spectators as much as they do the comforting touch of their family. No matter where we stood on the Viewing Platform we found countless

friendly creatures mugging for the camera. In addition to the living attractions, the Viewing Center also offers a manatee museum and science center. Admission and parking at the exhibit are free, but bring some cash for the gift shop or snack bar. The Manatee Viewing Center is open to the public from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., November The 1st through April 15th. center is closed Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas and Easter. For more information, call 813.228.4289. Pets are not allowed, but service dogs are permitted. How to get there: Take Interstate 75 to Apollo Beach, Exit #246. Turn west on Big Bend Road (C.R. 672). Travel 2.5 miles west to the curve intersection of Big Bend and Dickman roads. 6990 Dickman Rd. 
 Apollo Beach, FL 33572

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Life Saver from Page 2

parts of the nation and has had over 1,900 rescues with an average find time of 30 minutes using 2 or 3 officers. AS a result, the Hillsborough County Sherriff’s Office [HCSO] has partnered with Lojack to help locate people who wander, whatever the reason. The citizens enrolled wear a transmitter around their ankle or wrist that emits an individualized tracking signal. If an enrolled client goes missing, the caregiver notifies HCSO and a trained Emergency Response Team goes to the wanderer’s area. Deputy Rob continues: “The team consists of up to 3 deputies and possibly one helicopter, all equipped with receivers that can track the transmitter. If we can get within 5 miles of the transmitter, we can triangulate and find the person.” The program, however, is not free. The initial enrollment is $99, and there is a monthly charge of $30 to cover batteries and wristbands and ankle replacement. If the program is too expensive the Sheriff’s office has the funds to help with the cost of the Project Lifesaver. Also, to facilitate the monthly maintenance, HCSO has trained several community groups so that the caregiver only needs to bring the client to a predetermined meeting location and the volunteers will do the testing and maintenance. If the client

The News of Kings Point

cannot be safely transported, there are groups that will come to the patient’s home. If you or someone you know has a need for this program, all you have to do is call 211 from your home or cell phone – just like you dial 911 in an emergency. You can now just dial the numbers 2-1-1 for health and human services issues. Mention Project Lifesaver and the operator at 211 Tampa Bay will provide you all of the information you need. According to Deputy Rob some who need the service of Project Lifesaver are either denying the need or say, “He doesn’t need it quite
 yet.” Then, there are those who think that that slender white band that would keep their loved one safe is a band of shame. We are a generation of proud people. We didn’t ask for help even when the need was there. We need to reach out to each other. I spoke to Martha, Head of Sun City Center Security, Bill Redding, head of Kings Point Security, and Brenda Wiseman, Kings Point Safety Program Coordinator. Brenda has info at the security gate for 211. Martha has a brochure for Lojack. The slender, white Project Lifesaver band is a band of love, not a band of shame. It will help to keep you and your loved ones safe and healthy. It sure is nice to know that Deputy Rob is on the job and so many people are helping keep us safe.

February, 2010

Adopt a Friend That C.A.R.E.s

Dahlia is a petite female domestic short hair mix. She was found by an animal care worker wandering all alone on the side of the road. Dahlia is shy but curious. All you need is a crinkled piece of paper or a set of keys to jingle to win this little lady over. As part of her adoption, Dahlia will be spayed, microchipped, and brought up-to-date on her shots. C.A.R.E. is a no-kill animal shelter open 10 AM to 3 PM on Tuesday – Saturday. For directions, visit www.CareShelter.org or call 813.645.2273.

Pepper is a quiet, shorthaired Dachshund. She likes to go for walks and then settle down in her bed near her people. Sadly, Pepper came to C.A.R.E. because her beloved owner became very ill and could no longer care for her. This little lady just needs a kindhearted person to help her transition to the next phase of her life. Won’t you help Pepper find love again? As part of her adoption, Pepper will be brought up-to-date on her shots and microchipped. She is already spayed.

$10 at SCC Atrium Kiosk. ~ Credit Card orders: 642-0606 FEB. 25-26-27 MAR. 4-5-6-11-12-13 ~ 7:30 p.m.

2010, February The News of Kings Point


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’s Catherine

Dear Catherine, A few weeks ago, my husband had a serious fall and I took him to the emergency room. They told me he had a stroke and would have to go through rehabilitation therapy at a nursing home. He is doing much better and will be coming home soon, but I don’t think I can take care of him all by myself and my kids live out-of-state. How do I find help in caring for him? Betty in Kings Point Dear Betty, Becoming a caregiver is a big responsibility and you are smart to realize you will need some help in caring for your husband. One option might be to hire a home health agency. Home health agencies utilize staff that are licensed and bonded to provide in-home assistance with such things as personal care, homemaker assistance, nursing and therapy services. Caregiving may be a labor of love, but it is stressful on you, the caregiver, so don’t forget

to take care of yourself, too. Home health agencies are also able to provide respite services, so you will be able to get some rest or take a break from your caregiving responsibilities. This break will enable you to be a better caregiver. If you don’t have the finances to pay for help from an agency, there may be other programs that can assist, but it will depend on your specific situation. If you call the Aging Resource Center’s Elder Helpline at 1-800-96-ELDER, we will help you figure out what programs can assist you. If you have a question for Catherine, please send your questions to: Questions for Catherine c/o The News of Kings Point PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, FL 33573 Or you mail email us at: news@ thenewsofkingspoint.com

The New hearT aNd Vascular ceNTer at Manatee MeMorial

BrIngIng you thE futurE of hEart CarE. The county’s newest in-hospital cardiac center takes heart care to the next level for cardiac and vascular patients.

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Electrophysiology Diagnostic and Interventional Procedures Radiofrequency ablations, implantables, pacemakers, loop recorders, defibrillators, heart failure devices, tilt table testing, intracardiac ultrasound Peripheral Vascular Diagnostic and Interventional Procedures Endovascular stent grafting of abdominal aortic aneurysm, limb salvage, angioplasty, atherectomy, stenting, cryotherapy, carotid artery stenting, laser therapy, thrombectomy and thrombolysis therapy Cardiac Surgical Procedures Coronary bypass surgery, minimally invasive surgery, mitral valve repair and replacement, aortic valve replacement, endoscopic vein harvesting

www.manateememorial.com Physicians are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Manatee Memorial Hospital. The hospital shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians.

Follow Moody Chisholm, CEO on Twitter: http://twitter.com/MoodyatManatee

10 Page

The News of Kings Point

Golf Scores Falcon Watch Ladies 18 Hole Golf League

Game: Place First Second (Tie) Third (Tie)

Yellow Marble-Team Event (01/15/2010) Name...................................... Score Debbie Lester............................ 70 Helen Adams Joan Contois Judy Wilson Jean Bushart............................. 71 Janet Lyn Kowal Carolyn Clark Joan Emmrich Betty Ellis Jackie McDow Dorothy Turner Doris Ballard Linda Belanger........................... 72 Ollie Keller Roe Murphy Fran Oliver Sue Watkins Adele Robinson

February, 2010

Kings Point Ladies 18-Hole Golf League - January 18 Submitted by Marilyn McCormick Game: Best 9 Holes minus 1/2 handicap A Flt. 1st (tie) Janine Johnson, Lee Leverett............................. 25 2nd Evelyn Gates....................................................... 26 B Flt. 1st Shirley Junk . .................................................... 24 2nd (tie) Marian Crowe, Marilyn McCormick..................... 25 C Flt. 1st (tie) Agnes Clough, Gladys Lowrie.............................. 28 D Flt. 1st (tie) Marlene Cermak, Dot Mulford, Barbara Warner.... 26 Submitted by Marilyn McCormick Game: Best 9 Holes minus 1/2 handicap A Flt. 1st (tie) Janine Johnson, Lee Leverett.............................. 25 2nd Evelyn Gates....................................................... 26 B Flt. 1st Shirley Junk......................................................... 24 2nd (tie) Marian Crowe, Marilyn McCormick..................... 25 C Flt. 1st (tie) Agnes Clough, Gladys Lowrie............................. 28 D Flt. 1st (tie) Marlene Cermak, Dot Mulford, Barbara Warner.26

Falcon Watch Ladies 9-Hole Winners - JANUARY 15 GAME: Low Net Flt. A 1st Joan Frost.................. 32 Mary McClafferty....... 32 2nd Marion Crowe............ 33 Judy Gannon............. 33 3rd Marge DeWilde.......... 35 Pat Morton................. 35

Flt. B 1st Rosa Gerry................ 33 Karen Tomle............... 33 Ellie Warming............. 33 2nd Marilyn McCormick.... 35 3rd Marty Gifford.............. 36 Donna Larobardiere... 36 Mary Keller................. 36

The Polaris

Flt. C 1st Ruth Johnson............. 32 2nd Rosa Ricciard............ 34 3rd Phyllis Simrel............. 36 Gladys Lowrie............ 36

Flt. D 1st Ro McEvoy...................... 30 Nancy Scott............... 30 2nd Ann Parisen............... 31 3rd Joyce D’Agostino....... 33 Darlene Gray............. 33

Do You want to see your Golf League Scores & Photos Here? Send them to news@TheNewsofKingsPoint.com


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2010, February The News of Kings Point

Page 11

Marauders on Deck! Submitted by Dan Wolfert, General Manager, Bradenton Marauders. Baseball in the Sunshine State doesn’t end with “Grapefruit League” spring training. Now the residents of South Shore, Bradenton and Sarasota have a new team to cheer for just down the street. Introducing the Bradenton Marauders. This “High A” League ball club features players brought into the Pittsburgh Pirate organization to prepare for the major leagues. It’s not unusual to see players play in this league one year and come back for spring training in the Bigs the following season. Tickets prices are low and excitement is high for the inaugural season of Marauder

McKechnie Field, home of the Bradenton Marauders

baseball, and we want you to make this team your own! Opening night is April 8th at 7:00 p.m. against the Ft. Myers Miracle – and it will be a miracle if our Marauders don’t come away with a win! After the game, the Marauders and all their fans will celebrate the season opener with fireworks! This is your opportunity to enjoy some terrific baseball and have an explosive good time at the ol’ ballpark – the way you remember it.

Let’s pack the park and make Kings Point the number one supporters of the Marauders on the Gulf Coast. Come see the stars of tomorrow play today! The tradition begins April 2010! Be there! Facts and Directions: The League season opens in April and lasts into September, offering 70 events for you to enjoy. The team plays in the classic ballpark at McKechnie Field, the Spring Training home of the Pittsburgh Pirates. Parking and generous amounts of shade are free. McKechnie Field 1611 9th Street W Bradenton, FL 34205 941.747.3031 Take I75 South to exit 224 Merge onto FL-43/US 301 S Continue onto 10 St W Turn Left at 8th Ave W/US-41 BUS S Continue onto 9th St W Dan Wolfert Bio Before coming to Bradenton, Wolfert worked for five years with the Cincinnati Reds in Sarasota, FL as the General Manager of both Florida Operations and the High-A Sarasota Reds. For the two years prior to that, Wolfert

was the General Manager of the Thunder Bay Border Cats of the Northwoods League, a summer collegiate baseball league throughout Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and reaching into Ontario, Canada. Wolfert started off by working for the Oakland Athletics in the baseball operations department during the summer of 1999. After graduating from Stonehill College located in Easton, MA in 2000 with a bachelor’s degree in business management, Wolfert went on to earn his masters degree in sports administration from Ohio University in Athens, OH in 2001. Wolfert was involved with Major League Baseball at an early age as he worked as a batboy for the Cincinnati Reds and Florida Marlins for 10 years during the summer time between 1988 and 1997. On the field, Wolfert was a four-year starter at shortstop for the Stonehill Baseball team and captain his senior year. Dan Wolfert and his wife Christine reside in Sarasota and are expecting their first child in the summer of 2010. He is the youngest in a family of five (mother-Pat, father-Ken and brothers Mike and Matt) and has 5 nieces and 2 nephews.

Re-live the Honky Tonk Days of Yesteryear with Al Dexter’s Found Masters Take advantage of this chance to own original music from one of the hottest country stars in the 1940’s! Hear for yourself why 14 of Al Dexter’s songs sold over a million copies each… From “Pistol Packin’ Mama” to “Rosalita”… you’ll be singing them all day long!

www.AlDexterMusic.com The only digital recordings available from Al’s original reel-to-reel tapes Crystal-clear quality...Accept no substitutes 3-CD Collector Set for only $29.95—free shipping—order online today!  Al Dexter’s Found Masters are available exclusively from Al Dexter Music, LLC, P.O. Box 9592, Tyler, TX 75711

12 Page

TAZE EVENTS 33573 is provided by Jim and Nell Taze from items submitted to them for publication. To submit events for future publication, send them by the 15th of the previous month. In addition to information about the event, it must contain cost, or state that it’s Free and a contact name and/or email address. Limit of 6 lines maximum. If they are longer, we will edit. Jim and Nell Taze publish Ads and Events, a weekly email containing information about what’s happening in 33573. Your event will also appear in the weekly Ads and Events email. Send all events by email to sccfreeads@tampabay.rr.com. You only need to submit your Event one time for it to appear in both. MON. FEB 1, 8, 15, 22 – KINGS POINT CHORUS SINGERS for SPRING CONCERT EVERY MONDAY 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. East West social rooms (across from the library) in the Kings Point Clubhouse at 1900 Clubhouse Drive. $5.00 dues to cover cost of music and equipment. Contact person is Paul Hunt 813.634.8506. There are no auditions, just

The News of Kings Point

February, 2010

the love of singing needed. Bring a sweater and water. Chuck Wirick is the director and accompanist is Shirley Bengston. ALSO MEETS FEB 8, 15, 22. MON. FEB 1 – SINGLE SOCIAL DANCE CLUB DANCE 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. Florida Room, SCC Community Center on N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Members $3.00 and others $5.00. Info: Janet 633.3558. Light refreshments. BYOB. Proper Attire. All seniors can join from the South County area and there are 2 mixers (need more MEN). We dance to Fox Trots, Disco, Waltzes, Salsa, etc. provided by Thor Stevens. TUE. FEB 2 – BETH ISRAEL SISTERHOOD FASHION SHOW and LUNCHEON 11:30 am. Club Renaissance. Reservations: $25 per person can be made by check to Shelly Grossman, 2210 Sifield Greens Way, SCC by Jan 25. Info: 634.8092. Annual fashion show and fund raiser presented by Coldwater Creek this year. All friends and family welcome. Open seating and raffle prizes. TUE. FEB 2 – DISCOVERY UNIVERSITY 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Aston Gardens, 231 Courtyards Blvd. FREE, RSVP 813.642.8950. Speaker, Phil Leto III, will give an educational seminar on History and Politics in the USA. This week’s topic is “America Rebuilds Europe.” Refreshments will be served. TUE. FEB 2 – NEW YORK EMPIRE STATE CLUB 5:00 p.m. Lucky’s Buffet on 301 and Boyette. $9.00 Dinner. Info: President, Frank Gatto 633.8942. Club meets the first Tuesday of each month; the place varies each month so we go out to several different Restaurants. Anyone interested in joining the club, please contact Mr. Gatto.

TUE. FEB 2, 9, 16, 23 – EVENING SOCIAL BALLROOM AND LATIN DANCE CLASSES 5:30 p.m. Beginning Cha Cha; 6:45 Intermediate Fox Trot; 8:00 Beginning Quick Step. $5.00 per lesson. Info: Bernice 634.3205. Sponsored by The Academy Dance Club in SCC. Learn some new steps and review some old steps. Great exercise for the mind, body and spirit. A nice opportunity to be with friends and make new ones. FEB 2 to 26 - PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBIT AT SOUTHSHORE REGIONAL LIBRARY Regular Library Hours, South Shore Regional Library. 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin. 813.273.3652. “FOCUS” an exhibit of photographs by talented SCC photographers. Over forty Photographic works representing a variety of subjects shown. The exhibit will be periodically changed to show additional photos. This display is open during regular library hours. The SCC Photo Club has 150 members from KP and SCC and many of its members have won local, state, and national awards for their work. WED. FEB 3 – HEARING LOSS ASSN OF SCC MEETS 9:30 a.m. St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd W. Info: Rob Ogg rboscc@ verizon.net or Barbara Riley 813.634.1706. Cecelia Wickert, M.S, associated with HearX in SCC, will discuss what you can expect from hearing aids, how to choose the best one for you, and how to get used to wearing them. All will be captioned by Tess Crowder, Communication Access, Inc. WED. FEB 3 (and each Wed) BIBLE STUDY IN ENGLISH 9:45 – 11:00 a.m. Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Educational Building, Room 7, 16650 33573 Jim & Nell Taze to Page 13

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2010, February The News of Kings Point

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33573 with Jim & Nell Taze Continued From Page 12

South US 301, Wimauma (across 301 from Copper Penny) James Beiersdorfer, who brings a lifetime as Bible student/educator, leads discussion of selected passages. All who are interested in the Bible are welcome FREE. For information, call James 633.0367. Additional Bible Classes, Feb. 10, 17, and 24. WED. FEB 3 – SCC STROKE SUPPORT GROUP MEETS 1:00 p.m. East/West room of Kings Pt. Clubhouse. Info: Len 633.9366. Open to all stroke survivors, caregivers, guests, and anyone interested in learning about stroke, now called “brain attach.” Monthly presentations by professionals in the medical, nutritional, holistic health, integrative medicine, alternative health fields, physical rehabilitation, and updates in treatment procedures in caring for stroke survivors are given. Refreshments served, Reservations not required. Open to all residents of KP and SCC. WED. FEB 3, 10, 17, 24 – DAYTIME SOCIAL BALLROOM AND LATIN DANCE CLASSES 12:45 Beginning Rumba; 2:00 Intermediate Waltz; 3:15 Beginner/intermediate. Night Club 2-Step. $5.00 per lesson. Info: Bernice 634.3205. Sponsored by The Academy Dance Club in SCC. Learn some new steps and review some old steps. Great exercise for the mind, body and spirit. A nice opportunity to be with friends and make new ones. WED. FEB 3 – THE BIRTH OF A NEW SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA IN SOUTH SHORE 7:00 p.m. United Methodist Church of SCC. Info: Mr. Galati 813.671.4154 or Mr. Jordan 813.260.0153. The birth child of local musician Dominic Galati, the South Shore Symphony and Pops Orchestra is being formed. Jeff Jordan, the ensemble’s primary conductor is excited to have been invited to be a part of this important and timely project. Our intent is to work toward a year-round affordable concert series. The ensemble has nearly forty musicians already committed but is in need of Horns and Strings at this time. WED. FEB 3 – COMPUTER CLUB – THE INTERNET AS AN INVESTMENT RESOURCE 7:30 p.m. Florida Room, Membership and meeting info: Ilona Merritt 633.9694. All SCC and KP residents invited to attend. Jim Tomik will discuss using your PC to be certain that your portfolio meets today’s investment needs. His extensive experience in the field will show how to best utilize this capacity. THU. FEB 4 and FRI. FEB 5 – KINGS POINT CERAMIC CLUB, OPEN TO SCC RESIDENTS 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Thursday and 8:30 to 11:00 a.m. Friday. Craft Room, Kings Point Clubhouse, 1900 Clubhouse Drive. It’s fun and the cost is $1.00 per class. If you contribute a small donation to the club, we will provide the equipment and paint. Nonprofit, all sales to local charity. Info: Florence George 813.634.7320. New Hours and Open to SCC Residents. Learn to clean green ware, apply glaze, apply paint or special glazes, and new techniques learned monthly by the instructors at the Ceramic Guild. THU. FEB 4 – SCC REGISTERED NURSES MEET 9:15 a.m. Social starts; 9:45 a.m. Meeting. Caper Room in the Atrium Bldg in SCC Community Complex. Club Membership open to all SCC residents. Info: Call Anise Tuma, Secretary 633.0499. Speaker will be Dr. Kepes, a Radiation Oncologist, who will speak on lung and pulmonary issues for Women. Her presentation is entitled “You’ve Come a Long Way Baby.” Members are to remember to bring coupons for the Shriner’s Educational program and designated medical items for Sister Sara. THU. FEB 4 – THU MARCH 25 – SARASOTA INSTITUTE OF LIFETIME LEARNING SERIES 10:30 a.m. Freedom Plaza Auditorium. $10.00 per lecture. Seating is limited, RSVP 813.634.1825 to reserve your seat. LIVE SIMULCAST. Info: Connie 813.642.1255. All SCC and KP residents invited. Weekly series on Global Issues and Key National Issues. Feb 11: Saudi Arabia by

Charles Freeman. The Persian Gulf: Iran/ US Relations, Universal Health Care in the US, Darfur and the Sudan Crisis, and What Chinese Power means to the US, are just a few of the upcoming topics to be presented by experts. THU. FEB 4 & FRI. FEB 5 – ALL NEW 2010 FOLLIES PERFORM Feb 4th: 7:00 p.m. Feb 5th 1:30 and 7:00 p.m. Borini Theater in Kings Point Clubhouse, 1900 Clubhouse Dr. Tickets $12.00, KP Box Office. Reserved Seating. Bring CA or KP Badge to buy tickets. Others call Rose at 813.633.1753. Director Jane Cheevers, Asst. Director Rose Ostrander. Musical Director Chuck Wirick. East Bay High singers and dancers will perform. Also, Brenda Rayserlok and the Music Kids. All net proceeds go to Pelican Players Scholarship Fund where 17 students receive $1,000 per semester. THU. FEB 4 – ST. JOHN THE DIVINE EPISCOPAL CHURCH “RE-BIRTH OF THE BLUES” 7:00 p.m. Sun City Center Church Campus at 1015 Del Webb Blvd. E. Questions: Church Office 645.1521. Come and enjoy an evening of Traditional Dixieland Music. Come see and Hear The Music as it was Performed in the 1920’s and 1930’s. FRI. FEB 5 – SECOND IN A SERIES OF ESTATE PLANNING SEMINARS 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Fellowship Room, Trinity Baptist Church, 702 Del Webb Blvd. Public is invited. Persons desiring to register should call Jill at the church office. 634.4228. Series topic is UNDERSTANDING WILLS. Led by Spencer Faircloth, retired Trust Officer of Sun Trust Bank. Over the past 20 years, 4,000 people have attended these seminars. Future topics will be: Feb 12, Understanding Trusts, Feb 19 Avoiding Estate Taxes/other taxes. SAT. FEB 6 – ACADEMY DANCE CLUB DANCE 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. Community Hall. Members free, Guests $5.00 Info: Charlie Brown 6429817. Coffee, cookies and door prizes at intermission. Dressy casual, BYOB. Ms. Bernice Dubro-May will be teaching a Samba lesson at 6:15 for $2.50 per person. MON. FEB 8 – VOTF (VOICE OF THE FAITHFUL) MEETS 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission, 16550 S. Hwy 301, Wimauma (Across 301 from Copper Penny) FREE. Info: Larry 634.9904 or larry_vaughan@comcast. net. Meeting will include report on horrific debacle of the Catholic Church in Ireland, as well as an update on the Florida legislative reform to prevent sexual abuse. Come bring a friend and help us make this happen in Florida. MON. FEB 8 – UF PROTON THERAPY INSTITUTE RADIATION ONCOLOGIST TO SPEAK 2:00 p.m. St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd. W. FREE, Open to the public. Info: visit www.floridaproton.org. University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute Associate medical Director, Dr. Randal H. Henderson, is speaking at this special event hosted by the American Cancer Society prostate cancer support group, Man to Man. Dr. Henderson will explain the unique treatment proton therapy can offer those with prostate and other cancers. Refreshments will be served. MON. FEB 8 – IRISH CONNECTION MOVIE 6:00 p.m. Doors Open. 6:30 p.m. Movie Begins: Rollins Theatre. Donations Appreciated. Info: Paddy Cooney 9385345, email pcooney189@gmail.com. This month’s Irish Movie is “In the Name of the Father.” MON. FEB 8 – S.T.A.R.T. (SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY ACTIVE ROUND TABLE) MEETING 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. Caper Room, Atrium Building, N. Pebble Beach. No cost, all are invited. Info: 633.9027. START’s purpose is to bring people together to discuss various aspects of science and technology and to promote a better understanding of them by the Sun City Community. Dr. David Oliver (physicist) takes a look at the causes of cancer that

make it difficult to defeat. He describes some of the advances that are promising. His experience with prostate cancer is used to illustrate both the difficulties and promises. TUE. FEB 9 – SOUTH SHORE TOASTMASTERS CLUB 9:30 – 11:00 a.m. Trinity Baptist Church, 702 Del Webb Blvd. W. corner of SCC Blvd & Del Webb Blvd. W. Guest welcome. Info: Russ Kevala 813.484.8333 or Bill Hodges 813.633.1523 or visit http://www.sshoretm. org. Toastmasters is a great place to sharpen your communications and leadership skills in a friendly and constructive environment. Toastmasters has helped many members in their community service, business, professional and family activities. TUE. FEB 9 – DISCOVERY UNIVERSITY 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Aston Gardens, 1311 Aston Gardens Ct. FREE, RSVP 813.642.8950. Speaker, Phil Leto III, will give an educational seminar on History and Politics in the USA. This week’s topic is “America Rebuilds Europe.” Refreshments will be served. TUE. FEB 9 – WOMEN OF DISTINCTION AWARD LUNCHEON 11:30, Community Hall. Tickets are $17.00 per person. Tickets are available from Jan Lander, 633.6169 or on sale in the Atrium Jan 18-29. SCC/Am Assoc of University Women will honor the recipients of the 2010 Distinction Award. The honorees are Carla Miles, founder of the Hope Fund, Delia P. Sanchez, Head Start initiator and Maryellen Elia, superintendant of Hillsborough County Public Schools. The event supports the Mature Woman Scholarship. TUE. FEB 9 – BELTONE HEARING 1:30 p.m. Aston Gardens, 1311 Aston Gardens Ct. FREE. RSVP 813.642.8950 Stop by to get your ears and hearing aids checked. TUE. FEB 9 – SUN CITY CENTER PHOTO CLUB MEETS 6:30 p.m. Tutorial Program. 7:00 p.m. Regular Program. Caper Room. Dues for the 2010 year remain at $20 per person or $30 per household couple providing access to club activities, competitions and classes, photo lab with computers, scanners, and large format printers. Info: htto://www. photoclubscc.com or visit Photo lab. Guest speakers Bob Cameron and Laura Bryg, copresidents of the Sarasota Camera Club, will share their experiences taking outdoor photographs. They will be guest judges in our competition. WED. FEB 10 – HEALTHY CHAT with BAYADA NURSES 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Aston Gardens, 1311 Aston Gardens Ct. FREE. RSVP 813.642.8950. The topic for this month is “How to live a healthy Life.” Learn how to be an “Active Senior” in your Community. THU. FEB 11 – MOBILITY EXPRESS 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Aston Gardens, 231 Courtyards Blvd. FREE. RSVP 813.642.8950. Stop by with your scooters, walkers, canes and wheelchairs to get checked and tuned up so they continue to work properly. FRI. FEB 12 – ARENA BREAKFAST 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. Aston Gardens, 231 Courtyards Blvd. Free. RSVP 813.642.8950. Local realtors come together to discuss their Houses that are on the market and Caravans to see them. FOR REALTORS ONLY. Breakfast provided by Aston Gardens. FRI. FEB 12 – INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON AFGHANISTAN 9:30 a.m. Florida Room (SCC Atrium Building) FREE. All SCC residents welcome. Info: Eileen Courter, 633.8540 or ecour58516@ aol.com. Panelists will discuss Afghanistan in the 1960s and 1970s, the Russian experience in Afghanistan, current NATO and U.S. roles in Afghanistan, and women in Afghanistan. FRI. FEB 12 – THIRD IN A SERIES OF ESTATE PLANNING SEMINARS 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Fellowship Room, Trinity Baptist Church, 702 Del Webb Blvd. Public is invited. Persons desiring to register should call Jill at the church office. 634.4228. Seminar 33573 Jim & Nell Taze To Page 14

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The News of Kings Point

February, 2010

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Topic is UNDERSTANDING TRUSTS. Led by Spencer Faircloth, retired Trust Officer of Sun Trust Bank. Over the past 20 years, 4,000 people have attended these seminars. Last seminar in this series will be: Feb 19 Avoiding Estate Taxes/other taxes. FRI. FEB 12 – THE MIKE MARKAVERICK TRIO 6:30 p.m. United Methodist Church, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. $5.00 Donation. Info: Church Office 813.634.2539. Jazz pianist, Mike Markaverich returns with the rest of his fine Sarasota trio to bring you the best in stride, swing, pop and cool jazz favorites as well as some of his own arrangements of pop classics. Blind since birth, this phenomenal local jazzer wowed a large audience this past summer at UMCSCC. Mike’s eight CDs are available at most online locations. SAT. FEB 13 – FROM BROADWAY…… WITH LOVE 6:00 p.m. Center Place in Brandon. Tickets are $35.00 and include dinner and show. To purchase tickets or further information, please call Center Place at 813.685.8888. New York singer and actor, Lew Resseguie and his partner, Ellen Kleinschmidt, present a special Valentine Dinner Show “From Broadway…with Love.” Join Florida West Coast favorites, Lew and Ellen, as they take you on an unforgettable musical journey featuring Broadway hits and pop standards sure to set the stage for a romantic Valentine’s Day! SUN. FEB 14 – SOUND THE SHOFAR MEETING 2:00 p.m. Community Room, South Shore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way, Ruskin. Bracha Buford, a native-born Israeli will be speaking on “Hebraic Heritage.” It’s free and open to the public. Contact person, Chris 813.641.0580. SUN. FEB 14 – ST. ANDREW FINE ART CONCERT 3:00 p.m. St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Dell Webb Blvd. W. Concert Ticket

Anne Pidgeon’s Your Local Grower

is $9.00 at the door or Church Office. 813.634.1252. Info: Judy Voorhees 642.8125 or John Scott 642.9554. ETA3, a trio of flute, clarinet, and piano in concert. The trio, comprised of American Flutist, Emily Thomas, Japanese Pianist, Tomoko Nakayama, and Russian Clarinetist, Alexi Gorokholinsky, was recognized by Julliard as a prominent emerging chamber music group in 2006. SUN. FEB 14 – OLDIES BUT GOODIES SOCIAL DANCE CLUB – VALENTINE DANCE 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. Community Hall. As always, club members are free and others pay $5.00 at the door. Info: 633-5649. Dress is casual and singles are welcomed. BYOB. Entertainment provided by Buddy Canova. Come dance with us. MON. FEB 15 – CLASS 1, ESTATE PLANNING SEMINAR 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Community Church College, 1501 La Jolla Ave. Rose Room. Text Book is $10.00 Registration Jan 27 – Feb 25. Call 634.8607 for Information to Register or go to www.cccinscc.org. First Seminar: CLAIMING FLORIDA DOMICILE/DYING WITHOUT A WILL. Class leader: Spencer Faircloth, Retired 1st VP and Trust Officer, Sun Trust Bank. Over 4,000 residents of SCC and S Hillsborough County have taken Spencer’s seminar. This series contains 6 classes: Feb 22, Mar. 1, 8, 15, 22. MON. FEB 15 – SPRING SEMESTER OF COMMUNITY CHURCH COLLEGE BEGINS 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon. LATE Registration at: United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Blvd. will run from Feb 1 to Feb 18, Mon. thru Thur. Info: College office 813.634.8607 or email Tri-C@verizon.net You can also register online at www.cccinscc.org. TUE. FEB 16 – PROFESSIONAL NETWORKING BREAKFAST 7:30 – 9:00 a.m. Aston Gardens, 1311 Aston


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Gardens Ct. FREE RSVP 813.642.8950. FOR PROFESSIONALS ONLY! Please attend our monthly Professional Networking meeting, now held the 3rd Tuesday of every month for 2010. TUE. FEB 16 – BELTONE HEARING 1:30 p.m. Aston Gardens, 231 Courtyards Blvd. FREE. RSVP 813.642.8950 Stop by to get your ears and hearing aids checked. TUE. FEB 16 – DISCOVERY UNIVERSITY 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Aston Gardens, 231 Courtyards Blvd. FREE. RSVP 813.642.8950. Speaker, Phil Leto III, will give an educational seminar on History and Politics in the USA. This week’s topic is “Robert Moses and Modern American Cities.” Refreshments will be served. WED. FEB 17 – MEN’S CLUB OF SCC LUNCHEON MEETING 11:30 a.m. Community Hall (1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd.) Members Only and invited Guest. Reservations required by Feb 14. Membership information: Jerry Mahoney at 633.2879. Guest Speaker will be Robert Lockwood Mills. He spent most of his working life as a Wall Street broker but had aspirations to be an author. To date, he has written 6 books. His latest is Baseball, Then and Now. He has been a fan for years and, among other things, was a semi-pro ball player. He has many tales to tell. WED. FEB 17 – CLASSICAL MUSIC APPRECIATION 3:30 p.m. Kings Point Main Clubhouse, EastWest Social Room. Free. Info: Arthur C. Joy 813.633.9783 scjjr@tampabay.rr.com. All lovers of classical music are invited. WED. FEB 17 – SCC DANCE CLUB 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. Community Hall. Cost: Members free, $5.00 non-members. 33573 Jim & Nell Taze To Page 15

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2010, February The News of Kings Point

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33573 with Jim & Nell Taze Continued From Page 14

Membership $25pp $50 a couple. Info: 633.7173. Music by Darlene Meadows. BYOB, Singles Welcome. Attire: Dressy Casual, No Shorts! The SCC Dance Club is focused on presenting a variety of popular music that will make its members and guests want to get up and dance and have a good time. Everyone from SCC and KP is invited. Don’t be a Couch Potato. Come and visit us one Wed a month for an active and exciting evening. WED. FEB 17 – DEADLINE TO RSVP TO 2ND ANNUAL “LEAP OF HOPE” FUNDRAISING EVENT $60.00 per person. For tickets call Lois Singer 633.4501 or rsinger2@tampabay.rr.com. Visit our website: http://www.amyloidosis. org. Fundraising Event for The Amyloidosis Foundation will be at the Tampa Hyatt Regency on Saturday March 6, 5:00 – 9:00 p.m. Enjoy a cocktail reception, silent auction and “Tisket a Tasket” Basket Raffle. WED. FEB 17 – ART CLUB OF SCC’S BUS TRIP TO TAMPA MUSEUM $25.00 which covers the cost of the bus and the Museum entrance fee, lunch not included. For details call Marsha Lucidi 938.5100. Open to all. Club membership not required for participation. To view the Matisse exhibition at the new Tampa Museum. Make out check to Art Club of SCC and forward to Marsha Lucidi, 2203 New Bedford Dr. 33573. THU. FEB 18 – TREVOR THOMAS “MR. DRAMA” PERFORMS 7:00 p.m. Trinity Baptist Church, 702 Del Webb W. Free (but a love offering for Trevor) Trevor performs approx 180 appearances a year as well as conducting drama workshops. From “Mark Miller” to “Elvis” to “Patrick Henry,” actor Trevor Thomas creates characters that people can laugh at and learn from. He may even be accompanied by his wife, Sawyer, with a possible surprise or two along the way! This is an evening that you will enjoy to the fullest of good clean fun. FRI. FEB 19 – LAST IN A SERIES OF ESTATE PLANNING SEMINARS 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Fellowship Room, Trinity Baptist Church, 702 Del Webb Blvd. Public is invited. Persons desiring to register should call Jill at the church office. 634.4228. Topic of this seminar is AVOIDING ESTATE TAXES/ OTHER TAXES. Led by Spencer Faircloth, retired Trust Officer of Sun Trust Bank. Over the past 20 years, 4,000 people have attended these seminars. SAT. FEB 20 – GAMES FOR SCHOLARSHIPS by THE ELEANT GARDENERS CLUB 1:00 – 4:30 p.m. Florida and Armstrong Rooms, Atrium Building. Cost is $15.00. Make checks payable to “The Elegant Gardeners Club” and sent to Teri Brockway, 303 Thornhill Place. All monies will go toward scholarships. Games will include Bunco, Mah Jongg and Bridge. The club is providing snacks, coffee, tea and dessert at break. We sponsor students to two

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environmental youth camps. This year we will also be awarding a scholarship to a high school senior who is pursuing a career in Environmental Studies. SAT FEB 20 – COUNTRY DINNER DANCE SPONSORED BY GFWC 4:30 p.m. Doors Open, 5:00 Dinner; 6:00 – 9:00 pm. Music. Community Hall. $20.00 per person. Available Atrium Kiosk M-W-F 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon. Info: 642-0212. Music by Southern Tied, Catered by Jimbo’s Pit Bar B Q. Sponsored by GFWC SCC Women’s Club. Complimentary Line Dance Lessons during intermission. SAT. FEB 20– EAGLE AUDUBON SOCIETY ANNUAL FILM SERIES 7:30 p.m. Borini Theatre in Kings Point. $7.50 Individual Tickets or $18.00 for three–show series. Info: 813.634.9229. Tickets on sale at KP Box Office. The whole community is invited. This Film is “Egypt’s Treasure and Cruising the Nile.” Future show will be Mar 20 “The Real World of New Zealand.” SUN. FEB 21 – SINGLE SOCIAL DANCE CLUB DANCE 7:00 – 10:00 p.m. Florida Room, SCC Community Center on N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Members $3.00 and others $5.00. Info: Janet 633.3558. Light refreshments. BYOB. Proper Attire. All seniors can join from the South County area and there are 2 mixers (need more MEN). We dance to Fox Trots, Disco, Waltzes, Salsa, etc. provided by Thor Stevens. MON. FEB 22 – CLASS 2, ESTATE PLANNING SEMINAR 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Community Church College, 1501 La Jolla Ave. Rose Room. Text Book is $10.00 Registration Jan 27 – Feb 25. Call 634.8607 for Information to Register or go to www.cccinscc.org. Second Seminar: UNDERSTANDING WILLS. Class leader: Spencer Faircloth, Retired 1st VP and Trust Officer, Sun Trust Bank. Over 4,000 residents of SCC and S Hillsborough County have taken Spencer’s seminar. This series contains 6 classes: Next classes are Mar. 1, 8, 15, 22. TUE. FEB 23 – DISCOVERY UNIVERSITY 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Aston Gardens, 1311 Aston Gardens Ct.. FREE. RSVP 813.642.8950. Speaker, Phil Leto III, will give an educational seminar on History and Politics in the USA. This week’s topic is “Robert Moses and Modern American Cities.” Refreshments will be served. TUE. FEB 23 – AMICI, THE ITALIAN CULTURAL CLUB, CARPOOL TO MOSI 12:30 p.m. $12.00 members, $15.00 nonmembers. Members have until Jan 27 to sign up. Non-members may sign up after Jan 27. Info: Carol 634.1835. Instead of holding its usual meeting in Feb, AMICI will car pool to MOSI to view the DaVinci exhibit. TUE. FEB 23 – GADABOUTS GOT TO MARINA JACK II, SUNSET DINNER CRUISE 3:30 p.m. Leave Lawn Bowling Parking Lot, returning SCC 9:00 p.m. $75.00 per person

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16 Page

The News of Kings Point

Learn All About Your C.O.A.

Here are some of the great services the COA provides for Kings Point residents: • Provides FREE Bus Service on two routes by showing Kings Point Badge. Hartline routes # 87 and express line 35LX to Brandon Mall • Provides and maintains Bulletin Boards for use of Unit Owners to buy and sell personal property • Makes Gifts and Grants to various Kings Point clubs and organizations for benefit of the community • Provides voter registration cards and free notary services • Keeps abreast of Legislation affecting SCC and Kings Point on State, County and Local levels • Provides fax machine services ($1 for incoming, $3 outgoing) 813.633.3821 • Provides copy machines at both Clubhouses for use of Unit Owners at 5 cents per copy • Provides postage stamp books at current rates • Provides updated Kings Point/Sun City Center Membership Telephone Directory • Provides two Display Cases in Main Clubhouse for residents use • Supplies the Air Compressor for filling auto and golf cart tires • Works in cooperation with Sun City Center Community Associations for community matters • Participates in the Sun City Center Forum and other agencies for community Affairs • Sponsors AARP Tax help Program • Donates Flags at both Clubhouses + 50’ flagpole dedicated to deceased Veterans. • Sponsors personal document shredding twice a year and motorized scooters in Clubhouses. • COA sponsors an Annual SOCIAL for our Members • Bingo Machine available at the COA Office for Association parties on request In addition to these services, the COA also maintains the Library and offers certain health services.

News of

On Line


February, 2010

Health Services For Information call COA Office at 813.633.1710 Blood Pressure taken by SCC Emergency Squad the first Tuesday of each month from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the Atrium Room, Main Club House and fourth Wednesday of each month 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 at the South Club House. Provides wheelchairs, 3-wheel & 4-wheel walkers ($50 refundable deposit), manual walkers, canes, and crutches for use by residents at no charge. Pick up at COA Office. Library For information call 633-2148, 634-3875 or 634-7133 Hours of Operation: 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Many new books, paperbacks, magazines, and reference materials. A Kings Point Owners badge is required for all services. Annual COA dues are $3, and you can make $1 voluntary contributions to Health Services and the Library. The COA office is staffed by volunteers. Hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon. You can reach them by telephone at 813.633.1710.

Call me today to hear about these optional features: New Car Replacement, Accident Forgiveness and Deductible Rewards. RACHEL A WEISSMAN, CIC, LUTCF (813) 634-7100 955 Del Webb Blvd. E. Ste 102 Sun City Center RWEISSMAN@ALLSTATE.COM

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License #AL7290

2010, February The News of Kings Point

Page 17

B U L L E T I N From Broadway With Love at Brandon’s Center Place

New York singer and actor, Lew Resseguie and his musical partner, Ellen Kleinschmidt, present a special Valentine Dinner Show “From Broadway….with Love” at Center Place in Brandon on Saturday, Feb 13 at 6:00 p.m. The show by these West Coast favorites, features Broadway hits and pop standards. Tickets are $35.00 and include dinner and show. To purchase tickets and for further information, call: Center Place 813.685.8888. As a New York professional actor for more than thirty years, Resseguie starred or was featured in many TV, film and stage roles. He is a founder of Sun City Center’s Performing Arts Club, and the South Shore Arts Council. Well known to area community theater audiences as singer and actor, Kleinschmidt teaches music at Wimauma’s Reddick Elementary school. She was voted Hillsborough Teacher of the Year in 2005.

Kings Point Spring Fling – Don’t Miss It!

Submitted by Matt Permuth, Assistant General Manager, Kings Point The annual Spring Fling is coming up on March 9th, and we want all the residents of Kings Point to take advantage of this tremendous outdoors event! There will be a large festival tent featuring Zumba Fitness, Hawaiian dancers and other exciting entertainment. Also, on the lawn, there will be a classic car show, an appearance by the Sun City Center Emergency Squad, a mini doggie show…and, of course…lots and lots of food! The Spring Fling is March 9th 2010 from 10am-2pm.

Woman’s Club Members Honored

January Featured Stained Glass Artist of the Month

ABWC members honored for their years of service at the January Apollo Beach Woman’s Club meeting were: standing, from left, Sherri Pasqua, Georgina Collins, Diane Schehl and Shirley Taylor; sitting, from left, Marjorie Ellis and Marlene Hall. Joanne Gadek is not pictured. Photo Credit J.M. Doyle

Submitted by Robin Kreimeier Seven long-standing members of the Apollo Beach Woman’s Club, including Marjorie Ellis of Sun City Center, were honored in January at the service organization’s monthly membership meeting. Ellis and Marlene Hall of Apollo Beach were both honored for 20 years of service to ABWC. Georgana Collins of Apollo Beach, Sherri Pascua of Ruskin and Joanne Gadek of Apollo Beach were honored for 15 years, and Diane Schehl of Apollo Beach and Shirley Taylor of Ruskin were honored for 10 years of service. ABWC now numbers more than 160 members who raise funds for scholarships for college-bound Apollo Beach students who demonstrate financial need and who participate in other community activities including assisting needy families. The next meeting of the club will be held Wednesday, Feb. 10, at the Summerfield Crossing Golf Club in Riverview, beginning at 11:30 a.m. Luncheon tickets are $16. Reservations may be made by calling Regina Lesnau, 813-642-3305. Dr. Diane Alvarez, membership director for Camp Bayou Outdoor Learning Center in Ruskin, will discuss the camp’s butterfly monitoring program. ABWC is open to all women in the South Shore community. In addition to raising money for college scholarships for Apollo Beach high school graduates and participating in many community outreach activities, members enjoy Book, Bridge, Culture and Garden group activities. For membership or contact information regarding any of the club’s activities, contact Judy Peck at 813-746-1072 or by e-mail: judypeck@tampabay.rr.com

Happy Valentine Day

Submitted by Manny DeBono Rick Wexler can take pieces of colored glass and make beautiful landscapes, cabinet door inserts, windows & doors for homes and many styles of sun catchers. He has perfected his craft by teaching many middle school students for approximately 25 years as well as continuing to take classes himself. Rick is a retired English teacher and vice principal from Staten Island, N.Y. He is presently enjoying doing his craft at the Kings Point Stained Glass Club here in Sun City Center, making projects for his family and friends.

News of On Line


18 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2010

B U L L E T I N Community Church College Spring Semester 2010

The time is quickly arriving for the spring semester of the Community Church College. Mark your calendar now; registration is scheduled for Wednesday, January 27th starting 9:00 a.m., at the United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Avenue, Sun City Center. Late registration is February 1st – 18th. The Spring Semester will run from February 15th to March 25th. We will be offering 46 courses, several of which will be instructed by new personnel. Of course, many of our “regulars” will be returning. There are also five exciting trips/tours offered this semester. Some New courses are being offered: Shakespeare, Tampa History and Tour, Relationships, Civil War, and the Obama Presidency to name a few. If you are interested in these, or any other classes offered be sure to register today. Class availability is on a “need-only” basis. If no one registers for a particular class, that class will not be held. So get your likeminded friends together and register for spring classes today. No papers to write, no homework or exams. Just come, enjoy, be informed and inspired! Catalogs are available at the Kings Point Clubhouses, the College, and throughout the Community. For further information call the College Office at 813-634-8607 or visit the website at www.cccinscc.org http://www.cccinscc.org.

FREE Income Tax Preparation

Starting February 1st through April 15th 2010 By AARP/IRS trained counselors Kings Point North Clubhouse 1900 Clubhouse Drive, Sun City Center Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Or for an appointment call 642-1508 United Community Church 1501 La Jolla Avenue, Sun City Center Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Or for an appointment call 633-2375 Ruskin Neighborhood Service Center 201 14th Ave. S.E., Ruskin Saturday’s 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Walk-ins Only Please bring photo ID, SS card and last year’s Tax return (if available)

Shellcrafters Club

Many residents may not be aware of The Shellcrafters” Club in Sun City Center. The Club welcomes members from SCC Community Association and Kings Point. The club is located in the Arts and Crafts Building at 915-C Cherry Hills Drive. The members create home decor, jewelry and many useful and unique gifts with seashells. They are priced reasonable. ALL profits go to local charities. There are workshops where our members learn to make the items you will see in our shop as well as the members help one another with creative ideas. Club Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. If you have questions please call: Mary Soja at 633-4245 or Sally Trenski at 634-7293

Join the British Connection

The British Connection membership drive for 2010 is now underway. Dues remain only $5.00 for the year and members enjoy reduced prices for club activities. According to Pam Treadwell, President of The British Connection, the purpose of the club is to provide opportunities for fun and friendship with a British flair. You do not have to be British to belong. You must, however, live in Sun City Center or Kings Point. In 2009, we held four programs. These included a traditional British Pub Nite in January, a potluck supper with entertainment by the Sounds of Time from East Bay High in March; a celebration of the Ascot races with a contest for most stunning or original hat in June; and a Christmas tea with sandwiches, scones, trifles and mincemeat pies as well as Christmas Cake and plum pudding this past December. We plan to have four or five functions in 2010. Our quarterly functions for 2010 will continue to have a British theme with an emphasis on FUN! The Community Association now requires you to include your CA or KP member name and number, your address, telephone number and email address. Send your membership dues along with the required CA information to: The British Connection 206 Stonehouse Court Sun City Center, FL 33573 Details for our March 25 event will be available shortly.

Valentine Dance

The Kings Point Line Dancers are having a Valentine dance on Wed Feb 17 from 7:00 p.m. -10:00 p.m. in the Borini Theatre. Wear your red and white. BYOB and setups. Call Jan for info 634-6226

Show me The Way to Florida

Submission by Betty Hocut I think I took a wrong turn somewhere. I was looking for sunshine and 80 degree weather. Somebody told me, “Move to Florida” So that’s what I did. I basked in the beautiful hot summer days and dreamed of the balmy winter that was coming soon. No more temps in the 30s for me. This was going to be glorious winter. What happened? I know this isn’t Florida. I surely must have taken a wrong turn somewhere. My sister, who really should be working for the Florida Chamber of Commerce, told me it NEVER gets that cold in Florida. So according to her I must have lost my way. I really don’t understand how that could have happened though. Isn’t it just a straight shot down I-75 from Georgia to Florida? I looked at the frozen vegetables and fruit. (They can’t do that to my Plant City strawberries, can they?) and felt like I was back in Georgia. Then I saw the five-day forecast. Temps in the mid 70’s. Now that’s more like it. This must be Florida after all. I see the neat little golf carts, the northern car tags and read about the weather in the north and give a heartfelt thanks for the Florida weather. After all our winter, even at the worst, only lasts a few weeks. Bring on the sunshine. This is Florida. Betty Hocut

Kings Point Lawn Bowling

Kings Point Ceramic Club

Submitted by Dora Murray The Kings Point Ceramic Club has new hours and is now open to Sun City Center Residents. The Club now meets every Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and Friday 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the Craft room in the Kings Point Clubhouse. 1900 Clubhouse Drive Sun City Center Florence George and Lee Watson are certified ceramic teachers. Learn to clean green ware, apply glaze, apply paint or special glazes. New techniques are learned monthly by the instructors at the Ceramic Guild. If you want to try a new hobby we will provide the equipment and paint and you just need to contribute a small donation to the club. They are non-profit and all sales after expenses go to a local charity. It is fun and the cost is $1 per class. So come, experiment and have fun! Contact Florence George for more information: 813.634.7320.

Submitted by Suzanne Maguire The Lawn Bowlers have set up a Social Calendar that will keep them busy both on and off the playing fields. Their customs are social events once or twice a month, which are attended by most members, and looked forward to with great anticipation and glee by all. •Crazy Card Night, Monday, January 18th at the North Club a BYOB event with appetizers and desserts provided by the guests.
 •Crazy Bowls, Monday, February 15th, all sorts of fun games, on the field, accompanied by Hot Dogs and all the fixings. 
 •Chicken BBQ, Sunday, February 28th at the Gazebo, KP North Club, Music, fun and frolic by the pool. 
 •Bowling Tournaments on March 6th and 7th, Saturday and Sunday at the Field. Spectators welcome, come and cheer on your favorite bowler. 
 •Awards Banquet Dinner, Friday, March 26th. KP North Club, 6 PM. Mr. Rene Aube, 2010 President cordially invites everyone, young, old or whatever to consider joining this sporting group. It does not require any strength, endurance, or experience; in fact Rene, himself, is a newcomer to the sport and has become one of the top players in just two seasons. There is no persuasion to become a competitor, but to just enjoy yourself, the sun, the exercise, the friendliness and helpfulness of all the folk involved, who truly become your best friends within a short time. Come on, let’s get out and show those kids and grandkids what retirement is really like. Sign up now and truly enjoy your time in the sun. Call Frank Crowley 813.642.9832.

2010, February The News of Kings Point

Page 19

B U L L E T I N Pelican Players News

The Pelican Players [a community theater] will be hosting the annual Membership Meeting Feb.8th at 7:30 p.m. in the Kings Point Clubhouse Banquet Room at1900 Clubhouse Drive Sun City Center. It is election time for Board Members. Board Members serve on the Board for 6 years then must step down for one year before being eligible to serve again. It is with deep regret that Chuck Wirrick must step down as under his leadership an old program “The Entertainers” is flourishing. Just as the Phoenix rose from the ashes “The Entertainers” too has breathed new life into the Pelican Players and now it is a year around theater group instead of the old program of 3 shows: the Spring and Fall production and The Follies. All three productions will continue as before, but The Board aware that the “Follies” is considered by many as being too long steps have been taken to shorten the program without sacrificing the quality of the program. Follies for 2010 was developed from your input resulting in a presentation of many varied and enjoyable performances. It is all new! The Follies 2010 will take place Feb. 4th at 7:30 p.m. and Feb 5th at 1:30 p.m. and at 7:30 p.m. at the Borini Theater in the Kings Point Clubhouse at 1900 Clubhouse Drive Sun City Center. Tickets are $12 at the KPS Box Office and for those outside call Rose at {813] 633-1753. It is also time to renew your membership and we invite all to join our ranks Dues are $5 per year. We realize not all want to Act, Produce, Direct in a production but if you love Theater there are many opportunities to participate in our numerous activities. The Pelican Players initial goals are still intact after 40 years 1. We provide quality, affordable theater 2. We provide a venue for those wishing to take part in theater life either active part in a performance or the socialization at our pot luck socials and our workshops 3. We provide scholarships for local Hi Schools. Currently there are 17 students under the umbrella of the Pelican Players Scholarship Fund. Each student receives $1000 per semester for 4 years at the college of there choice with a major in the Arts. All monies after expenses in all of our productions and The Entertainers programs go to the Scholarship Fund

So on Feb. 8th drop in the banquet room at 7:30 pm and see the Pelican Players at work and play. If you decide to join we will find a

spot for you! See you there.

Stroke Support Group

Submitted by Len Meltzer The next meeting of the Sun City Center Stroke Support Group will be held on Wednesday, February 3rd at 1:00 p.m. in the East/ West room of Kings Point Clubhouse. The social, informative group is open to all stroke survivors, caregivers, guests, and anyone interested in learning about stroke, now called “brain attack”. Now in its’ sixth year monthly presentations by professionals in the medical, nutritional, holistic health, integrative medicine, alternative health fields, physical rehabilitation, and updates in treatment procedures in caring for the stroke survivor are given. On occasion there may be a speaker who will cover topics not related to stroke but of interest to senior citizens. The Sun City Center Stroke Support Group meets at 1 p.m. the first Wednesday of each month and is open to all residents of Kings Point and Sun City. Refreshments are served and reservations are not required. Further information call Len at 813.633.9366.

Adventure Film

The Eagle Audubon Society invites the public to attend it’s next adventure film entitled “Egypt’s Treasures and Cruising the Nile “ to be presented on Feb.20, 2010 at 7:30 p.m. in the Borini Theater of the Kings Point Clubhouse. The film will be narrated by Clint Denn, who has enjoyed a varied career as a professional diver, Hollywood actor, author, teacher and award-winning filmmaker, whose talent will be displayed in this marvelous journey through an ancient and historic country by capturing the majesty of the pyramids, sphinx, Luxor Temple and other great monuments of antiquity. Tickets are $7.50 and are available at the KP Box Office M-F or just prior to the performance. The Observer News • Sun City Center Observer • Riverview Current • November 12, 2009 • WELCOME BACK m 11


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20 Page

The News of Kings Point

February, 2010

B U L L E T I N Disney World Marathon

Kings Point Chorus

Submitted by Suzanne Maguire Mr. Ro Soucy, of Kings Point, came in First in his Age Group at the 26 Mile Marathon in Orlando on January 10th, 2010. The event was run on the coldest day (wind chill involved) in Orlando history and the 16,883 runners were swathed and bundled in all sorts of outfits, many put on with the purpose of being thrown away during the long run, but in the end were kept snugly on to fight the frosty, heavy, hard breathing weather. Likewise the estimated crowd of 8.000 loud, enthusiastic, cheerers were dressed to the nines in all sorts of heavy togs, but a few hearty fellows dressed as Disney Characters with one hale, brave, fearless female runner actually in a bathing suit! Mr. Soucy, a retired Fire-fighter Paramedic from Largo, Florida, (birthplace Lowell, Mass) entered his fifteenth marathon with the intent to finish in less than 5 hours which he did with a time of 4.59:30, ending in the top half percentile of all the entered runners. On December 6th, he came in first in his age group (Males 75 and over) at the Half Marathon in Palm Beach. Fl. His timing was better than most runners a decade younger. A gold toned sneaker trophy was awarded to him at that time. According to the records, there were 8,731 males and 8,152 females in the race. Messrs. Tim Brusoe and Terry Collom of Sun City Center also completed and finished this marathon. Congratulations, Gentlemen, we appreciate your devotion, training, hard work and stamina required to even finish this distance at any age.

Submitted by Dora Murray The Kings Point Chorus needs singers for our Spring Concert. There are no auditions just the love of singing needed. We meet every Monday from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the East West social rooms [across from the library] in the Kings Point Clubhouse at 1900 Clubhouse Drive in Sun City Center. Dues are $5 to cover the cost of the music and equipment. Bring a sweater and water. Chuck Wirick is the director and accompanist is Shirley Bengston. For more information contact Paul Hunt 813.634.8506.

Sun City Center Dance Club has a NEW LOOK and NEW MUSIC. Come! Check us out! Community Hall, February 17, 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Music by: “DJ” Darlene Guest $5.00 per person. Attire: Dressy Casual Snacks provided – BYOB. For more info call: 813.633.7173

Pictured left to right new officers and directors: Doty, Schramm, Cawein, Rawlings, Coates, Uffner, DeWilde

SCC Dance Club

Science & Technology Round Table

Submitted by David Oliver MON. Feb 8 - S.T.A.R.T. (Science & Technology Active Round Table) meeting. 7:30 to 9 pm, Caper Room, Atrium Building, North Pebble Beach Blvd. No cost and all are invited. “The purpose of the START is to bring people together to discuss various aspects of science and technology and to promote a better understanding of them by the Sun City Community.” Dr. David Oliver (physicist) takes a look at the causes of cancer that make it difficult to defeat. He describes some of the advances that are promising. His experience with prostate cancer is used to illustrate both the difficulties and promises. For more information, call 813.633.9027.

Celebrating a Century!

Wendell Regis, resident of Sun Towers at 100th birthday party on Jan 11, 1910. Mr. Regis, of Sheridan Michigan has been a Florida resident since 1959. Let’s hope we all look this good when we hit triple digits!

The SCC Mac User Club

The SCC Mac User Club had the first board meeting of its new officers and directors on January 8, 2010. Noreen Schramm, President; Richard Doty, Vice President; Nancy DeWilde, Secretary; Dan Uffner, Treasurer and Directors Jim Coates, Don Rawlings, and Walt Cawein. The MacUser Club is 6 years old and has grown from an initial 20 members to over 120 members. The SCC Macintosh User Club is a vibrant organization of computer users enthusiastic about virtually everything and anything Macintosh. We are recognized by Apple as a registered Macintosh User Group (MUG). The primary purpose of the Club is to provide a forum for the exchange of vital information about Macintosh Computers and to provide educational support for Macintosh computer users. We offer one-on one-help to our members. The 4th Tuesday of month we have a meeting in the Caper Room for all members where we have a Q & A session at 3 pm and an informational program at 3:45 p.m

2010, February The News of Kings Point


Page 21

Solutions on Page 23 CONTRACT BRIDGE By Steve Becker


Bridge is an easy game -- if you always make the right bid and the right play at the right time. Thankfully, the right bids and plays are usually easy to find, though some of them might be a bit harder to find than others. Take this deal played by Emma Jean Hawes of Fort Worth, Texas, in a national pairs championship many years ago. She got to four hearts as shown, and all she did was do the right thing every time it was her turn. But what she did must have been very, very good, because all the others

who played the hand either failed to reach four hearts or failed to make it. West led a diamond, and Mrs. Hawes made her first good play when she won the trick in her hand instead of in dummy. She had already determined the proper line of play, which necessitated taking the first trick with the diamond queen. Next she drew three rounds of trumps, led a spade and finessed the nine! Why the nine? We’ll come back to that in a moment. East took the nine with the queen and played the A-K-Q of clubs. Mrs. Hawes ruffed, led a diamond to the king and returned the king of spades. East covered with the ace, establishing dummy’s jack, after which Mrs. Hawes crossed to dummy’s diamond ace and discarded a diamond on dummy’s jack of spades to make her contract. The unusually deep spade finesse at trick two was prompted by East’s one-notrump overcall, which indicated 16 to 18 points and thus marked East with the A-Q of spades. Playing the jack or king from dummy was therefore pointless, while playing the nine could be very productive if West had the ten. The reasoning was certainly not complicated; all that was needed was a cool head at the helm. ©) 2009 King Features Synd., Inc.

22 Page

Strange But True

By Samantha Weaver

• It was American journalist, author and humorist Don Marquis who made the following sage observation: “Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.” • A giant carnivorous plant has recently been discovered on a remote mountaintop in the Philippines. The second largest pitcher plant on record, nepenthes attenboroughii secretes a nectar that lures insects, frogs and even rats into its trap, where enzymes and acids break down the animal and digest it. • There has been a lot of debate about whether older drivers should be required to pass driving tests in order to renew their licenses, with failing sight and diminished judgment being cited as reasons for the more stringent requirement. However, statistics tend to indicate that, as a group, teenagers are the more dangerous drivers, with their auto-accident death rate roughly triple that of the elderly. • If you’re thinking about going back to school during this economic downturn, you might want to consider working toward a master’s degree in business administration. The average salary increase enjoyed by new MBA holders is a whopping 64 percent. • The men’s formal attire known


The News of Kings Point

as the tuxedo takes its name from the Tuxedo Park Club in New York, where the clothing first became popular. The word itself is derived from the Algonquian word for wolf. • The man who holds the world record for running 100 meters and 200 meters, and who has

won three Olympic gold medals, is a Jamaican by the name of Usain Bolt. Yes, Bolt. • The Zagat restaurant rating system recently conducted a survey of Americans’ tipping habits. The results? It seems that residents of Philadelphia are the most generous tippers in

February, 2010

the nation, leaving an average of 19.6 percent. The average across the country is 19 percent. Thought for the Day: “People who have no weaknesses are terrible; there is no way of taking advantage of them.” -- Anatole France © 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

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2010, February The News of Kings Point

Salome’s Stars


ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Your natural Arian leadership qualities make you the person others will follow in tackling that important project. But don’t get so involved in the work that you neglect your personal life. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Aspects favor sorting through your possessions, both at work and at home, to start giving away what you don’t use, don’t need or don’t like. Relax later with someone special. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) The issues are not quite as clear as they should be. That’s why you need to avoid getting involved in disputes between colleagues at work or between relatives or personal friends. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) You’ll get lots of support from others if you own up to your mistake quickly and include a full and honest explanation. Learn from this experience so that you don’t repeat it. LEO (July 23 to August 22) There might be some early confusion over a major move, whether it’s at work or at home. But once you get a full breakdown of what it entails, it should be easier to deal with. Good luck. VIRGO (August 23 to Sept.22) Creating order out of chaos, even in the most untidy spaces, should be no problem for organized Virgos. So go ahead and do it, and then accept praise from impressed colleagues. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to October 22) Whether it’s for business purposes or just for leisure, a trip might be just what you need right now. You would benefit both from a change of scenery and from meeting new people. SCORPIO (October 23 to Nov. 21) While things generally go well this week, a romantic situation seems to have stalled. But you can restart it if you want to. Then again, maybe this is a chance to reassess the situation. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec.21) A meeting that was promised quite a while back could finally happen. So be sure you’re prepared with everything you’ll need to make your case sound convincing and doable. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan.19) A workplace blunder could create a problem down the line unless you deal with it right now to see how and why it happened. Don’t be surprised at what you might learn. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb.18) This is a good time to re-sort your priorities and see if adjustments are called for. Be honest with yourself as you decide what to keep, what to discard and what to change. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Letting yourself be bathed in the outpouring of love and support from those who care for you will help you get through a difficult period sooner rather than later. Good luck. BORN THIS WEEK: You have an uncanny gift for reaching out to all people and creating bridges of understanding among them. © 2010 King Features Synd., Inc.

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The News of Kings Point

Legendary Journeys

February, 2010

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