October Kings Point 2012_CX

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News of www.newsofkingspoint.com

October, 2012

Thank You Mr. Postman

By NOKP Staff “C’mon deliver the letter, the sooner the better…” That sentiment, expressed by The Marvelettes back in 1961, might have been motivated by long distance love, but it sums up well the expectations we all have of our professional postal service. For us, there will never be any such thing as a letter that is not “priority mail.” The team here at your local post office is ready and willing to answer that call. They may not be tireless – they are human after all – but they take their creed and their commitment to excellent customer service seriously. While snow is rarely an issue here in sunny SCC, rain and heat certainly take their toll. But your postal workers are not deterred. They will get the mail through, and they will get it to you with a smile. In fact, if you are reading this at all, you can thank your local postman. Thousands of issues of NOKP go through your local post office each month, every issue

Postmaster Mike McCullough.

delivered right to a mailbox, so you can keep up with all the great comings and goings and local news that makes living in Kings Point so wonderful. But who is that postmaster? The man who leads a team of 44 veteran mail carriers and other postal workers all dedicated to their creed and their community? Postmaster Mike McCullough accepted his position here in Sun City Center in July, 1999, after a distinguished career with the USPS that took him all over central Florida – from St. Petersburg to Lakeland to Palmetto and, finally, landing in

The SCC Post Office serves Ruskin and Apollo Beach as well.

SCC. He has enjoyed all of his stops, from part timer in St. Pete back in the early 80s to stints as a station manager and officer in charge, but he relishes his gig as Postmaster in Sun City Center. While the job includes oversight

of substations in Apollo Beach, Ruskin and Sun City, most of the folks Mike and his team see on a daily basis are local to 33573, and that creates a real sense of a small town community. “We Continued on Page 3

The Hope Fund for Children’s Breakfast & Bingo Since 1998, The Hope Fund for Children has brought its most important fundraiser, Breakfast & Bingo (B&B), to Sun City Center, and it’s still going strong! On Sat, October 27th, from 8:30 to 11 AM, come to Community Hall on South Pebble Beach Boulevard in SCC to enjoy another B&B. The admission price is still only $6.00 for an omelet of your choice, a bagel with cream cheese or a Danish, orange juice, coffee or tea. Bingo begins at 9:30. Bingo cards cost $1.00. Play for cash prizes! Tickets are available at the door. The Hope Fund is a 501(c)(3) organization made up entirely of volunteers who are dedicated to improving the lives of at-risk children who live in Wimauma and attend the after-school and summer programs at Bethune Park. Until recently the Park was part of the Hillsborough County Recreation Department, which still owns the property but no longer maintains the programs for the children. The Hope Fund now partners with RCMA to

B&B Suzanne MacTough Lilliana Ramirez.

Where In The World ........ 5 & 6 CARE....................................... 7 Poem ..................................... 7 Debbie Caneen 33573 ................... 8, 9,10 & 11 Golf............................... 12 & 13

Deputy Chris......................... 14 Spotlight . ............................. 15 Dixon’s Destinations............ 16 Bulletin........ 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21 Faith Bulletin................. 22 & 23 Military ......................... 26 & 27


maintain the buildings and keep the programs going so that these children will have a safe place to go after school while their parents work. Currently, the main focus of the Hope Fund is to provide scholarships to those families who cannot afford the full cost of sending their children to Bethune Park. Also, this year, The Hope Fund gave $15,000.00 toward the cost of running the summer program and applied for a grant from the Community Foundation of Greater Sun City

B&B Evelyn Lunsford and Joanna Milla.

Center and received $20,000.00, which made the summer programs possible. Funds are raised by grants, donations and fundraisers. Along with a Board, The Hope Fund consists of people from SCC, including King’s Point, and other communities who volunteer as tutors, mentors, readers and reading instructors, runners who help with a running program to promote good exercise habits, and artists who encourage the


Hard Knox ........................... 29 Crossword & Sudoku........... 29 Contract Bridge................... 29 Horoscopes.......................... 31 Solutions to Puzzles.............. 31

children’s creative side. The Fund also runs a Kids’ Cafe that provides healthy snacks after school. There are some wonderful things going on for the children at Bethune Park. Come to Breakfast & Bingo on Saturday, October 27th from 8:30 to 11 AM at Community Hall in SCC and help the programs continue. The Fund can always use the help of volunteers for one hour a week. Specifically, a person is needed to help with the Marathon Kids running program, and someone is needed to conduct an art class for children around grade 5. Tutors, mentors, and readers are always needed. Please note that all the children speak English. For further information about The Hope Fund and Breakfast & Bingo, to volunteer, or to give a tax-deductible donation call Carla Miles at 634-4268. More information may be found at the Fund’s website at www.thehope-fund.org. We hope to see you on October 27th!! Bring your friends and neighbors.

2 Page

The News of Kings Point

October, 2012

What Does Molly Know?

porch) to allow our cats room to roam and experience the next Molly is winking like she best thing to a home. Visitors has a secret, but WE may also visit our kennel and want everyone to know outside dog areas where the that they can be part dogs are socialized and trained, of the C.A.R.E. no-kill waiting for their next human Animal Shelter’s annual room-mate(s). Dog guests are Boo-Bash celebration even welcome to visit for offon Saturday, Oct 27 leash play in one of our fenced between 10am – 1 pm. outdoor areas. Please mark your Boo-Bash will be held at the shelter, 1528 27th St SE in Ruskin and everyone (including well behaved dogs) are welcome. Boo-Bash will feature vendors, a costume contest for the pets and guided shelter tours. Come see our open bay cat facility with three large rooms (each with a screened in

calendars for this annual event and plan on visiting your areas all volunteer animal shelter. For information and/or directions, please call 813-645-2273. We ALL (volunteers and homeless pets) look forward to seeing you on October 27th! (P.S. Molly is the roommate of Kristy from the Sun City Chamber of Commerce).

The Editor’s Corner

We’re Looking for Writers

News of Submissions: The News of Kings Point is not just the news of your community – it is you community newspaper, exclusively serving, first, Kings Point and, then, greater Sun City Center. We are dedicated to providing a local paper that has a hometown feel. We aim to provide a balance of content for our readers, and it is our desire to represent each and every person, business and organization with respect, dignity and objectivity. We are interested in politics and appreciate faith, but are committed to remaining neutral in these pages. If your group or organization, no matter the affiliation, has an event or a story, we would love to print it – but we are not interested in starting, ending or facilitating “spirited debate,” no matter how well mannered. What we are interested in are stories that will enlighten and encourage. Community news and club events that show everyone why Kings Point is a great place to live and why the folks who live here make great neighbors. Share your events, tell us about your hobbies and take us to places you love to go. We will also publish thank yous for good service. If someone loved your story, poem or event, we want you to know. In fact, we want you to be able to clip it out and stick it on the fridge. The publisher reserves the right to refuse and/or edit all materials submitted for placement in the News of Kings Point. The publisher assumes no responsibility for the return of advertising, manuscripts or photographs. Mailed photos will only be returned if a SASE is included with the submission. The News of Kings Point is not affiliated with Kings Point, Kings Point Mgmt LLC, Vesta Management or the Federation of Kings Point Associations, Inc. No part of this publication or any included content may be reproduced without the written consent of The News of Kings Point, Inc. All editorial copy is strictly the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the attitude or opinions of this publication of that of the supporting organizations. Do NOT format submissions. We strongly discourage submissions with ALL CAPS or indented or double-spaced content. Simple text submissions preferred. Do not center text or create newsletter-formatted press releases. Simply send the message similar to the format shown below: Message Title Submitted by: Name of Person Contact number and/or email Message text in simple paragraph format here. Thanks for helping to make the News of Kings Point YOUR community newspaper. Electronic submissions are preferred and can be submitted directly through our website at www.newsofkingspoint.com. Mailed submissions should be sent to: The News of Kings Point, Inc. PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, FL 33573-6212. For additional information, call 813.938.8721. We look forward to serving you and cannot wait to hear from you! Electronic submissions (on or before the 15th of the month) are preferred, which you may send by email to: news@thenewsofkingspoint.com or mail to: The News of Kings Point, Inc. PO Box 6212 Sun City Center, Florida 33573-6212 Phone: 813-938-8721 Thank you for your support

Adam Porter Editor in Chief

Staff and Contributors


John Wolf Advertising Sales



Karen Jones Contributing Editor


Debbie Caneen 33573 Events


Nancy Jean Design and Layout


By Adam Porter, EIC News of Kings Point Do you love living in Kings Point? Is there something specific to see or do here that makes Kings Point the place for you to be? Then write us and tell us all about it! You might see your name is News of Kings Point. Here are some topics for you to consider: Clubs Are you involved in one or more Clubs or Groups here in Kings Point? Let us know. Interview a few club members and the group leader and tell us all about it. Why do you love this group and why do they? Let us know why your friends and neighbors here in Kings Point need to join this terrific club. Here’s what your article should contain: at least two quotes from other members or leaders, the days and times the group meets, any funds to join or maintain membership, and what makes that club the one for you. Digital pictures are preferred. Sports Do you like to get out and go do? Whether you are competitive or just like to have fun, sports is the thing for you. Well, if it is, tell us all about it. Golf, biking, lawn bowling, softball, swimming…whatever your reason to get out and get some fun and exercise, we want to know all about it. Here’s what your article should contain: at least two quotes from other members or leaders, the days and times the sport meets, any funds to join or play, and what makes that sport the one for you. Digital pictures are preferred. Travel Wanna get away? Or at least like to? Tell us about your favorite places to go and things to do. Your destination could be across an ocean or just across town. Just as long as it’s a fun and interesting place to go and pass the time. Here’s what your article should contain: a description of the destination and any fees required to enter or enjoy it. Facilities available on site.

Days and times open. Website, address and phone number. Digital pictures required. Community News Maybe you just love living in Kings Point and there are several reasons why. So, share with us. Plus, if you keep up to date on the comings and goings and community doings here in Kings Point, share the news. This is your opportunity to report on your neighborhood. What is happening that your neighbors need to know about? Inquiring minds want to know! Here’s what your article should contain: at least two quotes from other residents. If the news is “official,” we need a quote from the person in charge. Digital pictures are preferred. Condo News Are you a member of the Kings Point Condominium Owners Association? What’s going on in your neck of the woods? Introduce us to your neighbors. Share condo news and events. Keep us up to date on the goings on in the COA. Tell us why you love being a part of the COA. Here’s what your article should contain: at least two quotes from other members or neighbors and what you love about the COA. Digital pictures are preferred. Did we miss anything? If there is a topic not listed here, send it to us. We might be interested in a story about that too. For any questions, contact me at editor@thenewsofkingspoint. com. So, if you are interested, here is your assignment. Pick any (or all) of the categories above and write a story, between 300 and 600 words, then send it to NOKP either through our submissions link at www. NewsofKingsPoint.com or to editor@thenewsofkingspoint. com. Please use the submission header “Write for NOKP (category).” If we like what we read, you will see your byline in the News of Kings Point! And, we might just contact you to write for us on a monthly basis. We’re looking forward to your submissions, so start sending them in today.

2012, October The News of Kings Point

Continued from Page 1

know many of our customers on a first name basis, and I appreciate how savvy the folks here in Kings Point and SCC are when it comes to the services we offer.” And those customers are also increasingly adapting to the computer-driven conveniences offered by the modern postal service. From Internet-based services to our automated postal center, people seem to appreciate the added convenience. Not everyone, of course. “We are here to help,” Mike assures, “Whether folks call with a question or walk through the door.” And, though they work hard to be as efficient as possible, Mike tells me that they are not here to rush anyone. “We really enjoy getting to know our customers, but we also know that folks have things to do. Standing in line at the post office isn’t often one of those things.” With that in mind, the postal team in SCC set a wait time goal of 5 minutes or less. “Of course,” Mike admits, “Come holiday season it can get pretty busy. It’s simply volume. We process a lot more mail, so, as you might expect, it takes longer. But we still do it with a smile, and we hope we can help you keep yours too.” When I asked McCullough about the postal service funding cuts that have been in the news

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in recent years, he just smiled. “Our job is to take care of our customers. If we have to work a little harder or a little faster to do that well, we do.” Mail forwarding, as you might imagine, is a hot topic down at the SCC post office. It can be set up by filling out a form online at www.usps.com or by filling out a form down at the post office. And, when the time comes to head back home to SCC, call the local post office here and let them know. To stop the forward, call the office the mail is being forwarded from, not where it is being sent to. And here’s a tip for folks heading out of town for a few days. Call the post office ahead of time and have your mail held. Friendly, personal service is a passion at your post office. Otherwise, if your carrier sees the same mail sitting for longer than 3 days in the mailbox, he or she will bring it back to the post office. After 10 days, it is returned to sender. Mike explains, “We have an obligation to both the sender and the recipient. So, after that time, if we cannot deliver the mail, we have to return it. The best way to avoid missing your mail is to simply give us a call. You can place a hold or release a mail hold over the phone.” The SCC post office is located at 1645 Sun City Center Plaza. Next time you are in, take a moment and say “thanks” to Mike and his team for a job well done, every day. Mike enjoys working with area Little Leagues.

From your heart to our ears The new Heart Murmur & Valve Program at Brandon Regional Hospital is a multidisciplinary program that provides the latest in evaluation and treatment of heart valve and murmur conditions, including:

For your free assessment or for more information, please call 855-MUR-MUR1.

• Treatment plan developed jointly with your primary care physician, a cardiologist and a cardiac surgeon with valve expertise • Assist your physician with a long-term monitoring plan for your condition

Joint Commission Joint Commission Gold Seal of Approval™ Gold Seal of Approval™ Acute Myocardial Infarction Coronary Artery Bypass Graft

• Access to the latest minimally invasive heart valve repair options • Surgeons who have earned the highest distinction in cardiac surgery

Joint Commission Gold Seal of Approval™ Heart Failure

4 Page


The News of Kings Point

October, 2012



1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • 813-633-2020 • FAX 813-633-6403

For Sale in Sun City Center & Kings Point

This SAHARA model is a delightful home with over $50,000. In improvements including hurricane windows, sliding glass doors and garage door. 18 inch tile in the traffic area make this an easy care home. Lanai is level with the great room.

Delightful LaSalle model solar heated POOL home with a screened cage for privacy. Enter through the custom made leaded glass front door to this easy flow open split bedroom plan where lots of upgrades have been accomplished. Shown by appointment only, owner requires

LAURELTREE Elegant Golf (Caloosa Estates) & Water location features a large laundry/hobby room as well as an enclosed lanai, newer kitchen with moveable island. This home is a delight inside and out and is priced to sell!!!

AMESBURY model home located in Kingspoint is adorable, cozy and comfortable. This 1 bedroom 1 bath condo features a den plus a screened lanai which overlooks water and in close proximity of the South Club House. Garage can accommodate your car and golf cart.

1605 El Rancho $149,900

1920 N Pebble Beach Blvd $153,000

2223 Nantucket Drive PRICE REDUCED $64,900

a 60 days to close.

1307 Idlewood Drive $ 84,900

For Sale in Sun City Center & Kings Point 102 22nd NW St



4.17 Acres..178 Ft on Little Manatee Rvr

1743 Council Dr



DW54 Carpet, Tile & Wood floor

3723 Gaviota Dr



LaPaloma-Lots of Bells &Whistles

1307 Idlewood Dr



Sahara-Spacious level lanai & more

1141 Emerald Dunes Dr



Saone- Den/Office, Golf & Water

651 Tremont Greens



Albany-Golf Course location Water too.

2229 New Bedford Dr



Yorkshire-Granite counters-Great area

2529 Lynx



Sierra II **Bright with Solar Tubes**

832 Regal Manor



Cezanne- Shown By Appt Only $123.Mo

2223 Nantucket Dr



Amesbury Cozy layout, water view

1920 N Pebble Bch



Laureltree Elegant! Updated Golf/Water

2244 Greenwich Dr



Stuart-Very Clean Snowbird retreat

1605 El Rancho



LaSalle Caged Pool on oversized lot

2240 Greenwich



Stuart-Nicely furn , large utility room.

1007 Athens Way



Sahara II Impeccably Remodeled

306B Fowling Ct



Windsor-Lite Bright Close to amenities

1222 Wildfeather



Twintree Furnished + Diagonal Tile

202 Bedford Trl. E111



Mansard I-Furnished & Ready for you.

842 McCallister Ave



Malibu-Screened entry and Garage Door

For Rent in Sun City Center & Kings Point SEASONAL FURNISHED RENTALS



No cpt / E_Z care


Andover H 187


Doll house


1301 Warwick Ct


close in - no pets


806 Augusta




1830B Foxhunt


Stewart+GC storage


2243 Grenadier


Twins + comfortable


509B Foxglove


Hampton NW A/C


206 Andover 93


Can’t beat it


825 La Jolla Ave




1912 Grand Cypress


Compact comfort


2232 Grenadier




660 Allegheny


Lanai on park


705 Indian Wells




1715 Atrium


All love it


663 Ft Duquesna


NW paint, carpet


307 Knottwood


Private pool


Simmons Loop


6.5ac paradise


617 La Jolla


Just right


1013 Apollo Beach #101


Lovely apt with BOAT SLIP 1200

2215 Nantucket


Golf Course – FINE


314 Caloosa Palms


Kingston GOLF


1306 Lambdeth


Spotless U WANT IT


1712 Del Webb




1320 New Bedford


+ Den PET OK


1702 Wedge Ct




1303 Beach




2211 Brookfield Grns


Close to So Club


2022 Del Webb W


WATER w sunsets




Sharp and more


2012 Heathfield




2213 Grenadier




2113 Hereford


Screen porch Water


1809 Burlington




1309 Idlewood




2427 Del Webb E


Water w screen porch


513 Princeton Grns


Golf + beautiful



2012, October The News of Kings Point

Page 5


the Wo n i

News of


nt i o P gs

The inaugural 2011-2012 "Where in theWorld is the News of Kings Point" contest was an unmitigated success. Scores of our enthusiastic readers submitted photos of themselves holding theNews of Kings Point all over the world. Building on that success, we areannouncing the Second Annual "Wherein the World is the News of Kings Point" contest. We know that many ofyou folks love to travel as much as our resident wanderer, Eddie Dixon. So,when you go on the road or on that cruise in the coming months, be sure to takealong your NOKP. Snap a photo of you or a loved one holding up the paper withthe News of Kings Point masthead clearly visible. Send your digital image tonews@thenewsofkingspoint.com so we can put your smiling face in the paper. Did we mention‌THERE'S A PRIZE!!! The esteemed travel experts at LegendaryJourneys have generously agreed to continue sponsoring this annualcontest event by donating a ONE WEEKCARIBBEAN CRUISE. That's right! Each year we will be drawing a name fromour submitted photos and some lucky traveler will cruise the Caribbean courtesyof Legendary Journeys and News of Kings Point. The 2012-2013 contest will run from June 1, 2012 - May 31, 2013. So get those photos in ASAP! Details are available, by request, from news@thenewsofkingspoint.com.

George Fenwick in Europe.

Jay Wildasin in Stone Harbor, New Jersey.

d is rl

Whe r

Where in the World is NOKP?

Continued on Page 6


2:00 p.m.

Health Seminars

Arthritis is inflammation in the joints where two bones come together. One of the most affected and painful areas is the knee. David Cashen, MD, Coastal Orthopedics, Harvard-trained surgeon, and Medical Director of the Orthopaedic Spine and Joint Center at Lakewood Ranch will discuss the differences between rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis of the knee, and the treatment options available to get you back on track.


Don’t miss these FREE informative events!

Wednesday, October 24th Sun City Center Area Chamber of Commerce Banquet Room 1651 Sun City Center Plaza

Seminars include a question-and-answer period. Seating is limited, so reservations are required. Call Direct DoctorsSM Plus at 941.708.8100 to reserve your spot. Light refreshments will be served. Physicians are on the medical staff of Manatee Healthcare System, but, with limited exceptions, are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Manatee Healthcare System. The hospitals shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians.

Knee Arthritis: What Are Your Treatment Options?

The Orthopaedic Spine and Joint Center at Lakewood Ranch

3:00 p.m

Atrial Fibrillation ... Knowing the Facts Atrial Fibrillation is an irregular and often rapid heart rate that can cause heart palpitations, shortness of breath and weakness, and affect blood flow. Daniel Friedman, MD, FACC, Bradenton Cardiology Center, will explain the risk factors, symptoms and treatments for atrial fibrillation, including the differences between medical therapy and interventional therapy.

6 Page

Continued from Page 5

The News of Kings Point

October, 2012

Where in the World is NOKP?

Shelly & Paul Grossman at Ocean World in Crescent City, California.

Rosa and Jovis Gerry brought the Kings Point Newspaper to Saco, ME.

See Spot.

John & Nancy Barry at Multnomah Falls-Oregon.

See Spot Change.

See your Dermatologist.

Call for your FREE Skin Cancer Screening 813-634-1455 Do you belong to a club or organization who wants to be well fed?? If so, we offer a FREE informative lecture about skin cancer. Buffet and refreshments are provided.

Sun City Center • 4002 Sun City Center Blvd Unit 102 • 813-634-1455

Howard A. Oriba, M.D. • Michael G. Caruso, M.D.• Leslee Baute, P.A.-C. THE SKIN CANCER CENTERS DERMATOLOGY ASSOCIATES

2012, October The News of Kings Point

Adopt a Friend That C.A.R.E.s

Largo is an adorable Lab/Terrier mix found abandoned and alone. This little guy holds no grudges though. He celebrates life every day! He is full of puppy antics and deals out unlimited kisses. Largo has started obedience training. He is a quick learner. He also seems pretty independent, especially for his age and being without a mom or siblings. He will plop down in your lap to have his belly rubbed. This is a really sweet puppy with a lot of love to give. Won’t you come and meet Largo? As part of his adoption, he will be neutered, microchipped, and brought current on his shots. DOB: July 12, 2012.

Dottie is a gorgeous Calico female who recently gave birth. That work finally over she is now nursing the brood. She will be looking forward to a forever home where life will be easier. Dot is extremely friendly and deserves a place in your heart and home. Please stop in to C.A.R.E. to look at this friendly beauty. She just loves to have her belly rubbed. She is current on her shots, micro chipped and spayed.. DOB: Approx.: January 2, 2012

C.A.R.E. is open 10 AM to 3 PM on Tues. - Sat. For directions visit www.CareShelter.org or call 813-645-2273


at Kings Point Clubhouse, Sun City Center

Page 7

OctoberPoem Submissions Yesterday, Hope By Suzanne S. Austin-Hill Fifty-nine A blacktop road appears to Just turned sixty… lead to nowhere. Doom and gloom Barren trees on each side Illness and death like soldier near. storm clouds overhead Yet and still a tiny, loom. yellow flower peeks from Just turned sixty… the frozen ground and Tick, tick, tick Time, a program on fast- whispers, “Spring will soon be here.” forward Life, a used candle with a very short wick. Just turned sixty… What a pleasant surprise! Those experiences didn’t kill me; They made me strong and wise. Just turned sixty… Quite a thrill! Life’s view is magnificent from the summit of this hill. Suzanne S. Austin-Hill ©2012

Don’t Store Your Love Ones....

Memorialize Them!


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Call Debborah Nance Today For A Free Tour. Resident of Sun City Center

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8 Page


The News of Kings Point

MON. OCT 1 - EMERGENCY MEDICAL RESPONDER COURSE HOSTED BY THE SCC EMERGENCY SQUAD 6:00 10:00 p.m. For applications, stop by 720 Ray Watson Dr. or call 813-6331411. This 40 hour course is offered at no charge. The course will cover CPR, medical, environmental and trauma emergencies as well as splinting, bandaging, and back boarding patients. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be certified as “Emergency Medical Responders” and will be assigned to one of 8 teams on the prestigious SCC Emergency Squad. WED. OCT 3 - HEARING LOSS ASSOCIATION OF SUN CITY CENTER (HLA-SCC) 9:30 a.m. - at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd. W. Scott Sims, Au.D, will discuss What’s New with Hearing 33573 is provided by Debbie Aids for Those with Mild/Moderate Caneen, Director of Admissions, Hearing Loss and Those with Sun Towers from items submitted Severe/Profound Loss? Dr. Sims for publication. To submit events practices at Physician’s Choice for future publications, send Hearing & Dizziness Center in SCC. them by the 15th of the prior CART provided by Tess Crowder, month. Debbie also publishes Communication Access, Inc. & Ads and Events, a weekly e-mail meeting room is equipped with an containing information about what’s happening in 33573. induction loop. Contact Richard Herring at rhmann@tampabay. Your event will also appear rr.com or Barbara Riley at 634-1706. in the weekly Ads and Events WED. OCT 3 - HOW TO DO AN e-mail and on the website ENERGY TUNE-UP IN 15 MINUTES www.SCCAdsAndEvents.com 10:00 a.m. in the Heritage Room, . Send all events by e-mail to sccfreeads@tampabay.rr.com. Atrium Bldg. Karn Goff explores how using just a few minutes to You only need to submit your balance, ground, and clear can Event one time each month for transform and empower your day. it to appear in both The News Additional Surprise Guest Speaker of Kings Point and SCC Ads and will share her unique and wonderful Events. insights regarding her experience SPECIAL EVENTS of floating between heaven and Please include all basic earth when she was near death information, especially Price and other incredible moments (or list it’s Free) and Contact during her 86 years as a gifted Information (phone, e-Mail, or website). Six lines maximum. psychic. WED. OCT 3 - COMPUTER CLUB Send to: sccfreeads@tampabay. MEETING 7:30 PM in the Florida rr.com. As soon as space permits, Room. Featuring a demonstration we will put it in the weekly e-Mail of WINDOWS 8, the brand-new and it will run until event date Microsoft Operating System. It is passes. You do not need to different - totally different - and submit it again. has received great reviews. Come PLEASE NOTE: This area is for and get an advance look at what SPECIAL EVENTS only. WEEKLY, will be on your next PC. All Sun City MONTHLY, or ONGOING EVENTS Center and Kings Point residents are are listed on our website under WEEKLY & MONTHLY MEETINGS at. invited to attend. For membership www.SCCAdsAndEvents.com. and meeting information, contact Bob Wehrle at 633-4516 updated every which is THU. OCT 4 - WHAT IS ALZHEIMER’S? weekend. 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community. Join MON. OCT 1 WOMEN’S Dr. Richard Wacksman for an INTERDENOMINATIONAL BIBLE STUDY informal Q&A as he discusses 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. in Creason Hall, the newest treatments and how Methodist Church, 1210 W. Del Webb LifePath Hospice partners with Blvd, Sun City Center. We have a patients, families and caregivers wonderful fellowship with ladies from of those affected by this disease. all walks of life and Bible knowledge, For additional information, please an in-depth Bible study, small group contact Debbie Caneen at 813discussions and prayer times. 634-3347. MON. OCT 1 - LIFE CONCERNS THU. OCT 4 – ALZHEIMER’S CARGIVER SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. at SUPPORT GROUP 10:00 - 11:15 Homewood Residence, 3910 Galen a.m. Homewood Residence, 3910 Court, just off Upper Creek Dr. Bring Galen Ct. just off Upper Creek Dr. your depression, anxiety, fears and Meets every First & Third Thursday of frustrations either personal or with the month. We’ll provide you with family, friends or others to receive the education, information and and give support, in full confidence resources you need in a caring, and free of charge. Join the confidential environment. Anna group in the library on the second Lively, MS, Registered Mental Health floor across from the elevator. Counselor, will guide the group and Experience both healing and answer questions and concerns. enrichment. Frank Koebrich (813) Light Refreshments. For Information, 642-0773, and Harriet Suskind (813) Call Bev Hurley @ 813-633-4340 or 633-9899 are both experienced bhurley@brookdaleliving.com psychotherapists. Sponsored by THU. OCT 4 - AGING GRACEFULLY the Southshore Coalition for Mental SUPPORT GROUP 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. at Health and Aging. Sun Towers Retirement Community. MON. OCT 1 – CALOOSA CASUAL This is a support group for individuals PARTY CLUB #1 5:30 p.m. at who are learning to live with the Caloosa Golf and Country Club, effects of aging in a graceful, 2115 Caloosa Blvd. Sun City healthy manner. Facilitated by Center. Dinner provided by Sun Laura Slater from Hanson Services, Coast Catering, and Dancing In Home Care. For additional Entertainment by Mercy. Members information, please contact $13.50, Guests $16.00. Signup at the Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. Pro-Shop by 4:00 p.m. September THU. OCT 4 - DISCOVER LIGHT 24th. For more information, call THERAPY 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Sun City hosts Bob and Fern Totero, 634- Center Inn Conf Ctr. Complimentary 8283. For membership information, Light Energy Session! Free call Gary Adcock, 813-944-2020. informational seminar. Benefits

include: increased nitric oxide, improved circulation, relieves pain and inflammation, reduces stress, increases energy, strengthens bone density, balances the body, and speeds wound healing. Register now to reserve free session. Call Chris at 813.476.3330 THU. OCT 4 - KING POINT DUPLICATE BRIDGE ASSOCIATION (KPDBA) 6:30 p.m. in the Card Room in the Kings Point Clubhouse. The King Point Duplicate Bridge Association (KPDBA) is happy to be able to host a gold point game – the Instant Matchpoint Game. This will be the only gold point game at club and is the 26th Annual American Contract Bridge League wide game to be held in club houses across America. The fee for the game is $7, refreshments will be served. Please arrive early so registration can be completed and the game itself can start on time. Duplicate bridge players are invited to participate in a friendly, comfortable, and welcoming atmosphere. For further information call 642-8491 SAT. OCT 6 - ACADEMY OF BALLROOM DANCE 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Community Hall, 1910 South Pebble Beach Blvd., Sun City Center. Members free, guests $6.00. Dressy Casual Attire. BYOB. Music by Bernice Dubro. Singles Table available. Free lesson “Tango” from 6:30 - 7:15. All members and other friends are welcome. For further information, call Jean Kostka at 813-634-1235 or Lennie Crooks at 813-642-9975. SUN. OCT 7 - CHAI CHAPTER OF HADASSAH NEW MEMBER TEA 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Beth Israel of Sun City Center, 1115 E. Del Webb Blvd, Sun City Center, Fl 33573. We are honored to have Dr. Suzie Prabhakaran, who locally is an authority of the Affordable Care Act speak at our tea. Dr. Prabhakaran is the Medical Director of Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida and Deputy State Director of Doctors for America (a national organization). Dr. Prabhakaran will speak and explain what the Affordable Care Act does and does not do, without “spin” without referring to any political party or agenda, but taking care that the public is given the truth. This event is free to the public. Prospective members, Chai Members, spouses, significant other and friends. You must R.S.V.P. by Sept. 30, 2012 to attend. Contact: Carol at monkeyandwife@yahoo. com or call 813-829-7227 SUN. OCT 7 - ENCORE 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. Community Hall. Military Family Support Trust presents a benefit concert starring Lew Resseguie and Ellen Kleinschmidt, along with special guest Chuck Collett. Tickets are $10/person. Starting September 17, tickets can be purchased 9:00 - Noon, MonWed-Fri, Atrium-Kiosk or at the MFST office, 4th Floor, Freedom Plaza. Open to public. Open seating. Info: 813-634-4675. SUN. OCT 7 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. in the Florida Room with music by Thor Stevens. Members $3; Guests $5. Ice, water and snacks provided. Proper dress. Info: Janet 633-3558. MON. OCT 8 - VIRUS REMOVAL WORKSHOP 9:00 a.m. in the Computer Club Classroom in the SCC Atrium. A three-hour mini course. Tuition $10 MON. OCT 8 WOMEN’S INTERDENOMINATIONAL BIBLE STUDY 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. in Creason Hall, Methodist Church, 1210 W. Del Webb Blvd, Sun City Center. We have a wonderful fellowship with ladies from all walks of life and Bible knowledge, an in-depth Bible study, small group discussions and prayer times.

October, 2012

MON. OCT 8 - LIFE CONCERNS SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. at Homewood Residence, 3910 Galen Court, just off Upper Creek Dr. Bring your depression, anxiety, fears and frustrations either personal or with family, friends or others to receive and give support, in full confidence and free of charge. Join the group in the library on the second floor across from the elevator. Experience both healing and enrichment. Frank Koebrich (813) 642-0773, and Harriet Suskind (813) 633-9899 are both experienced psychotherapists. Sponsored by the Southshore Coalition for Mental Health and Aging. MON. OCT 8 - IRISH CONNECTION MOVIE NIGHT 6:30 p.m. in the Rollins Theater. Feature: Waking Ned Devine. One of Ireland’s favorite comedies. A delightful tale of Irish humor as Ned’s townsfolk attempt to take advantage of his good luck even after he’s dead. All are welcome. Bring a friend. MON. OCT 8 - NOV 15 - COMMUNITY CHURCH COLLEGE (Time not given) The fall semester of the Community Church College, 1501 La Jolla Avenue begins. The classes are 1 ½ hours long for six weeks and many new interesting topics this year, and of course, fantastic trips and tours. Registration is Tuesday, September 18 from 9:00 AM till noon and from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. You may also register and review the classes and instructors online at www.4lifelearning.org. The cost of the six week class is $25 and pay pal is also available. Catalogs will be available in the community after September 4th and in the College office which is open Monday thru Thursday from 8:30 AM to noon, closed on Fridays. For details and further information, contact the College office at 813-634-8607 or online at www.4lifelearning.org. WED. OCT 10 - TOOLS THAT HEAL AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE 10:00 a.m. in the Heritage Room, Atrium Bldg. Teresa Pascoe is a licensed Avatar® Master, healthcare professional, Life Support Trainer, Medical Information Specialist, Pharma-covigilance Specialist, Certified Hypnotist specializing in past life regression therapy. She will talk about tools that anyone of any persuasion can use to change their lives and touch the lives around them. WED. OCT 10 - DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community. Please join Patricia Stephens, LPN from Comprehensive Home Health Care as she facilitates our support group “Everyday Basics of Diabetic Care”. For additional information, please contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. WED. OCT 10 - LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS PRESENTS AN EXPLAINATION AND DISCUSSTION OF THE 11 AMENDMENTS ON YOUR BALLOT 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. in the Florida Room of the Sun City Center Community Association. Mickey Castor, president of the Hillsborough County League of Women’s Voters will explain each of the many proposed amendments that will be on your ballot. This event is sponsored by the GFWC Sun City Center Woman’s Club. WED. OCT 10 - AMICI, ITALIAN CULTURAL CLUB 7:00 p.m. in the East Social Room of the Kings Point Clubhouse. AMICI, the Italian Cultural Club will feature Frank Slesnick, PhD. as its October speaker. Dr. Slesnick, a former professor of Economics at Bellarmine University in Kentucky, will speak on the current state of the Italian economy. Membership dues this year are $10. Members receive first choice of tickets to special events. For information call 634-0955 Continued on Page 9

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33573 From Page 8 THU. OCT 11 - OBAMACARE 10:00 11:00 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community. Diane Daniels, Benefit Consultant with FMO, certified with The Department of Children and Families – Access Partner and State Certified in Health and Life Insurance with the State of Florida will discuss how OBAMACARE will affect you! For additional information, please contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. THU. OCT 11 - MENTAL WELLNESS SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community. Facilitated by Edmond Dubreuil RCSWI mental health MSW, professional. Supported by: South Shore Coalition on Mental Health & Aging & United Methodist Church of Sun City Center. For additional information, please contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. THU. OCT 11 - AMERICANS OF ITALIAN HERITAGE ANNUAL COLUMBUS DAY DINNER 5:30 p.m. doors open, dinner served at 6:00 p.m. at the Kings Point Borini Theater. This will be a sit-down dinner catered by Schuler. The menu will feature a family style salad, chicken Marsala, stuffed shells with cheese and meat and broccoli. There will be a trio of desserts. As always, coffee and tea will be provided. It is a BYOB. Nick @ Nite will be your entertainer. Everyone is always welcome to come and have a good time. Appropriate dress please. Members $15 and guests $17. There will be table reservations for everyone. To reserve a full table, please send all names and checks in “one” envelope. Make checks payable to A.I.H. and mail to Annette Macdonald (633-9697) 2450 Kensington Greens Drive, SCC 33573. Cut-off date is: Oct. 5th. THU. OCT 11 – CALOOSA DINNER DANCE CLUB 5:30 p.m. Cocktail Hour, 6:15 p.m. Dinner, Dancing until 8:30 p.m. Caloosa Golf and Country Club, 2115 Caloosa Blvd., Sun City Center. Caterer, Fun With Food, Music by Thor. Guest information, call Bill and Anita Ciota, 642-8158. For membership information, call Gary Adcock, 813944-2020. FRI. OCT 12 - ANOTHER GREAT MOVIE - “THE SECRETS OF JONATHAN SPERRY” Doors open at 6:00 p.m. - movie begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Sun City Center United Methodist Church located at 1210 Del Webb Blvd. W. in Creason Hall. The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry is a movie that could have happened in your very own hometown during the summer 1970. If the movie doesn’t bring you into Creason Hall, the smell of popcorn and coffee will. In addition to popcorn and coffee, there will be cookies and other beverages to enjoy. SAT. OCT 13 - 2ND ANNUAL TRASH AND TREASURE SALE 8:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. at the South Campus Community Hall, at 1910 South Pebble Beach, Sun City Center. The renowned Jeff Burchard from Burchard Galleries in St. Petersburg will be available for antique appraisals. They are internationally recognized for being antique and fine art auctioneers. Please limit it to 3 pieces per person and there will be a $5.00 charge for each person’s appraisals. Along with the sale of treasures you can’t live without, there will also be hamburgers, hot dogs and soft drinks available at lunch time. You won’t want to miss this event and hope to see you all there! Sponsored by the Elegant Garden Club. For information call: Teri Brockway, Elegant Gardeners, 633-9767 SAT. OCT 13 - COCHLEAR IMPLANT/ SEVERE HEARING LOSS SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community. Are you having difficulty with your hearing aid, have a cochlear implant or

have severe hearing loss? A Doctor of Audiology from Advanced Bionics will be present to address your questions and concerns. Our CART recorder will provide real-time captioning. Sponsored by the Bionic Ear Association for people with severe-to-profound hearing loss. Please RSVP to Sheila ph# 386-8485769 or email: sheila_ci777@yahoo. com. For additional information, please contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. SAT. OCT 13 - PET VACCINATIONS THAT YOU CAN AFFORD 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. at the United Methodist Church 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West. Folks in Sun City Center and our surrounding communities love their pets, and pet do make a difference in the quality of life! The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center is focused on hearing and meeting community needs. As the cost of caring for pets can become challenging, the Outreach Team of the church is sponsoring affordable pet vaccinations for healthy adult dogs, cat and puppies at a significant savings. About Pets Mobile Clinic will be available at the church campus parking lot. Please call the church office at 813634-2539 for additional information. SAT. OCT 13 – SAT. OCT. 27 – CAT FOOD DRIVE 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9:00 a.m. - Noon Saturday’s at Harriet’s Flower Shop, 226 W. College Ave., Ruskin. South Shore Felines will be holding a “Feed the Tuna Chest” cat food drive. Food will benefit lowincome residents and community cat colonies. Each person making a donation will receive an entry to win a $50 gift certificate to Harriet’s. For more information email Info@ SouthShoreFelines.org. SUN. OCT 14 - THE OLDIES BUT GOODIES DANCE CLUB 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. in the Community Hall. The entertainment is: “Bump in the Road”. The cost is $5.00 per person for guest and OBG members are free. BOYB. For more information call 633-5649. MON. OCT 15 - USING A DIGITAL CAMERA WITH YOUR COMPUTER 9:00 a.m. in the Computer Club Classroom in the SCC Atrium. A three-hour mini course. Tuition $10 MON. OCT 15 - WOMEN’S INTERDENOMINATIONAL BIBLE STUDY 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. in Creason Hall, Methodist Church, 1210 W. Del Webb Blvd, Sun City Center. We have a wonderful fellowship with ladies from all walks of life and Bible knowledge, an in-depth Bible study, small group discussions and prayer times. MON. OCT 15 - PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP OF SUN CITY CENTER - SPONSORED BY THE MEN’S CLUB 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. at Sun Towers

Retirement Community. Parkinson’s Support Group of Sun City Center – Sponsored by The Men’s Club of SCC with Eden Feldman, MSW who is the Director of Outreach at the USF Parkinson’s Disease & Movement Disorders Center. If you have Parkinson’s, or are caring for someone with this disease, be sure to attend this support group where needed assistance is readily available! For additional information, please contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. MON. OCT 15 - LIFE CONCERNS SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. at Homewood Residence, 3910 Galen Court, just off Upper Creek Dr. Bring your depression, anxiety, fears and frustrations either personal or with family, friends or others to receive and give support, in full confidence and free of charge. Join the group in the library on the second floor across from the elevator. Experience both healing and enrichment. Frank Koebrich (813) 642-0773, and Harriet Suskind (813) 633-9899 are both experienced psychotherapists. Sponsored by the Southshore Coalition for Mental Health and Aging. TUE. OCT 16 - OKTOBERFEST 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community. OKTOBERFEST! It’s that time of year again! Enjoy Beer, Sauerbraten with Caramelized Onions, German Potato Salad, Braised Red Cabbage and Black Forest Cake while being entertained by Rudy Rosa as he takes your requests! RSVP no later than 10/12/12 to 813634-3347. TUE. OCT 16 - “FLICKS WITH THE BRITS” CONTINUES WITH “GOODNIGHT, MR. TOM” 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. in the Florida Room at the Atrium on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 for the next film in our series “ Flicks with the Brits.” Tickets for the event cost $5.00 for members and $6.00 for guests. The ticket price includes the screening of the movie with popcorn and a wine and cheese reception afterward. BYOB. Nonalcoholic beverages including soda will also be provided. TUE. OCT 16 - ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community. Bring Your Loved One For a Well Deserved Break and Attend our Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support Group. Facilitated by Aging Care Advocates. You will receive information while your loved one is cared for in our Secured Memory Care. Please RSVP no less than 3 days prior to 813-246-4120. For additional information, please contact Debbie Caneen at 813634-3347.

WED. OCT 17, 2012 - SCC MEN’S CLUB MEETING & LUNCHEON - Salute to Veterans 11:30 a.m. Community Hall, 1901 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Members and invited guests cost $12.00. It includes buffet lunch, salad and dessert bar plus beverages. Guest speaker Larry Chambers, Rear Admiral, US Navy Retired. We have invited representatives of the Disabled American Veterans, The Leathernecks and the Patriots Club to join us in this salute. To hear more about becoming a member contact, John Armstrong at 6346434. WED. OCT 17 - CLASSICAL MUSIC APPRECIATION 3:30 p.m. Kings Point main clubhouse, West Social Room. Free. All lovers of classical music are invited. Information: Arthur C. Joy, 813-633-9783 acjjr@ tampabay.rr.com WED. OCT 17 - KP LINE DANCERS HALLOWEEN SPOOKTACULAR DANCE 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. in the Borini Theatre at Kings Point. Costume not required, dress as you like. Open to KP and SCC residents and their guests, tickets available at the KP box office $5.50. New line dancers, beginners and experienced dancers welcome. Couples too! Come, join in the fun and dance the night away. Call Jan for info 634-6226 THU. OCT 18 – ALZHEIMER’S CARGIVER SUPPORT GROUP 10:00 11:15 a.m. Homewood Residence, 3910 Galen Ct. just off Upper Creek Dr. Meets every First & Third Thursday of the month. We’ll provide you with the education, information and resources you need in a caring, confidential environment. Anna Lively, MS, Registered Mental Health Counselor, will guide the group and answer questions and concerns. Light Refreshments. For Information, Call Bev Hurley @ 813-633-4340 or bhurley@ brookdaleliving.com THU. OCT 18 – “KNOW YOUSELF, GROW YOURSELF” 10:30 a.m. - noon at Homewood Residence, 3910 Galen Ct. (just off Upper Creek Dr.) Third part of a three part journaling workshop for caregivers with Linda Burhans, Caregiver Advocate and Author of Good Night and God Bless. Explore this creative outlet for sorting one’s thoughts and feelings, coping with daily changes and gaining a greater understanding of your caregiving journey. Complimentary Admission. Journals provided. Light lunch served at completion of each session. RSVP @ 813-633-4340 or bhurley@brookdaleliving THU. OCT 18 - LOW VISION SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community. Do you have an interest in refractive Continued on Page 10

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The News of Kings Point

October, 2012

33573 From Page 9 surgery, cataracts, intraocular lens implants or corneal transplants, have dry eye? Do you have binocular vision? This Low Vision Support Group is facilitated by Ana Maria Oliva, M.D. and Edward J. Huggett, Jr. OD. Both facilitators specialize in these and many other disorders and are ready to assist you! For additional information, please contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. SAT. OCT 20 - OLD THYME COUNTRY FAIR AND BAZAAR 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at the United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Avenue. There will be food, music, entertainment, a bake sale and the opportunity to buy crafts, beautiful handmade items and jewelry, and visit the white elephant table. A fascinating feature is the hand writing analysis by Joy Trimble. Your handwriting reflects your personality and “tells” about you. Don’t miss this unique venue. SUN. OCT 21 - “COMEDY TIME TUNNEL” PRESENTED BY AAUW & NATIONAL COMEDY HALL OF FAME & MUSEUM 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Community Hall, S Community Assoc. $10-tickets available Sept 17, 18, 24, 25, Oct 1-17 in Atrium or call Bunny Blackstone 634-6387. Enjoy an enchanting comedy ride through the 1800s including vaudeville, standup, theatre, and on to the early days of radio and TV comedy. Lecture/tour is narrated by curator of the National Comedy Museum. See rare footage of some of the greatest comedians in the industry, such as Milton Berle, George Burns, and more! SUN. OCT 21 - SINGLES SOCIAL DANCE 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. in the Florida Room. Music by Thor Stevens. Members $3; Guests $5. Ice, water and snacks provided. Proper dress. Info: Janet 633-3558.

MON. OCT 22 - WOMEN’S INTERDENOMINATIONAL BIBLE STUDY 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. in Creason Hall, Methodist Church, 1210 W. Del Webb Blvd, Sun City Center. We have a wonderful fellowship with ladies from all walks of life and Bible knowledge, an in-depth Bible study, small group discussions and prayer times. MON. OCT 22 - LIFE BIO IS BACK! 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community. Our accredited Life Bio instructor will take you through the steps of creating your personal life history in a lovely presentation to pass down to future generations. This four week class will end with a graduation ceremony. Don’t miss this opportunity to record your past for the future! RSVP is a must! To RVSP, please call 813-634-3347. MON. OCT 22 - LIFE CONCERNS SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. at Homewood Residence, 3910 Galen Court, just off Upper Creek Dr. Bring your depression, anxiety, fears and frustrations either personal or with family, friends or others to receive and give support, in full confidence and free of charge. Join the group in the library on the second floor across from the elevator. Experience both healing and enrichment. Frank Koebrich (813) 642-0773, and Harriet Suskind (813) 633-9899 are both experienced psychotherapists. Sponsored by the Southshore Coalition for Mental Health and Aging. TUE. OCT 23 - NOV 13 - MICROSOFT EXCEL 10:00 a.m. - noon in the Computer Club Classroom in the SCC Atrium. Tuition $20. All CA and KP residents are invited to enroll. Tuition is payable upon registration. Register daily, except Sunday, at the Classroom, 12:30 – 5:00

WED. Oct 24 - COFFEE KLATCH SUPPORT GROUP 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. in the second-floor conference room of the office building at: 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. (behind Sunrise Pharmacy). This is a support group to share personal positive experiences as a model of maturity and compassion to be happier in our lives. Topic: HAPPINESS... Wendy Burkhard, LCSW (401-7452) and Heather Comfort, LCSW (2309494) will facilitate. Sponsored by the Coalition on Mental Health and Aging. Bring your mug half full...snacks provided. THU. OCT 25 - PROTECTING A DEMENTIA PATIENT’S PERSONAL PROPERTY AND ASSETS 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community. Presented by Dale Smreker, ASEL, C.A.G.A. When a loved one no longer resides in their home or is temporarily gone for medical care, how do you protect their personal property and assets? Be prepared! For additional information, please contact Debbie Caneen at 813634-3347. THU. OCT 25 - SCC MEN’S 50th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Community Hall, 1901 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Members and all residents of SCC, KP, FP and Aston Gardens are invited to join us. Live entertainment and coffee and cake with ice cream will be served complimentary. For additional information on this event contact Jim Rottman President Elect and Event Coordinator at (813) 6348122. THU. OCT 25 - MENTAL WELLNESS SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community. Facilitated by Edmond Dubreuil MSW, RCSWI mental health

professional. Supported by: South Shore Coalition on Mental Health & Aging & United Methodist Church of Sun City Center. For additional information, please contact Debbie Caneen at 813-634-3347. THU. OCT 25 - MOONGLOW BALLROOM DANCE CLUB 7:30 9:30 p.m. Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Members FREE. Visitors $5.00 per person at the door. Live Music by “The Ashleys”. Dressy Casual. BYOB & snacks. Ice, water & cups provided. Singles Table(s) Available. Information: 813-633-1297 or 813-642-8845 SAT. OCT 27 - THE HOPE FUND’S BREAKFAST & BINGO 8:30 to 11:00 a.m. at Community Hall on S Pebble Beach Blvd. in Sun City Center. This semi-annual event benefits at-risk children who attend the after-school and summer programs at Bethune Park in Wimauma. For $6.00 you get a large omelet of your choice, a bagel with cream cheese or a Danish, orange juice, coffee, or tea. Starting at 9:30 AM play bingo for cash prizes. Bingo cards cost $1.00. Tickets for the event are available at the door. Everyone is welcome. Bring your friends! The Hope Fund is a 501©(3) organization that is run entirely by volunteers. Call Carla Miles at 6344268 for more info about the B&B or The Hope Fund, or check out www.the-hope-fund.org. SAT. OCT 27 - PET VACCINATIONS THAT YOU CAN AFFORD 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. at the United Methodist Church 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West. Folks in Sun City Center and our surrounding communities love their pets, and pet do make a difference in the quality of life! The United Methodist Church of Continued on Page 11

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2012, October The News of Kings Point

Page 11

33573 From Page 10 Sun City Center is focused on hearing and meeting community needs. As the cost of caring for pets can become challenging, the Outreach Team of the church is sponsoring affordable pet vaccinations for healthy adult dogs, cat and puppies at a significant savings. About Pets Mobile Clinic will be available at the church campus parking lot. Please call the church office at 813-634-2539 for additional information. SUN. OCT 28 - SINGLES MINGLES HALLOWEEN DANCE 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. in the KP Main Clubhouse Studio. Admission $5. Costumes optional. Ice & water provided. Info: Jeannette 634-5560. MON. OCT 29 - WOMEN’S BIBLE INTERDENOMINATIONAL STUDY 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. in Creason Hall, Methodist Church, 1210 W. Del Webb Blvd, Sun City Center. We have a wonderful fellowship with ladies from all walks of life and Bible knowledge, an in-depth Call

Bible study, small group discussions and prayer times. MON. OCT 29 - LIFE CONCERNS SUPPORT GROUP 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. at Homewood Residence, 3910 Galen Court, just off Upper Creek Dr. Bring your depression, anxiety, fears and frustrations either personal or with family, friends or others to receive and give support, in full confidence and free of charge. Join the group in the library on the second floor across from the elevator. Experience both healing and enrichment. Frank Koebrich (813) 642-0773, and Harriet Suskind (813) 633-9899 are both experienced Sponsored psychotherapists. by the Southshore Coalition for Mental Health and Aging. TUE. OCT 30 - BETH ISRAEL TO SPONSOR MAH JONGG TOURNAMENT 8:45 a.m. registration in the Caper Room of The Atrium, 2013 N. Pebble Beach Blvd., North Course Lane, Sun City Center, Fl 33573. Registration fee

813.633.8517 to schedule a complimentary hearing screening


of $36.00 includes continental breakfast, lunch, and snack. CASH PRIZES will be awarded to Tournament winners. Also featured are drawings and door prizes. Limited seating - on a first come basis. Proceeds benefit Beth Israel of Sun City Center. For further information, or to request a signup sheet please contact: Carol Balent - monkeyandwife@ yahoo.com (813) 829-7227. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: October 15, 2012 TUE. OCT 30 - AMPUTEE SUPPORT GROUP 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. at Sun Towers Retirement Community. Facilitated by Ty Wilson, Patient Care Advocate with Orthotic & Prosthetic Centers. The group is open to amputees, their family

member, friends and involved medical personnel. It is our goal to enrich the lives of amputees and help them reach their full potential. The tools we use are peer support, education and activism. For additional information, please contact Debbie Caneen at 813634-3347. WED. OCT 31 - “THE MAGIC GLOVE” 10:00 a.m. in the Heritage Room, Atrium Bldg. Louis Anthony Agnello, author of “The Magic Glove,” tells a spiritually uplifting tale about the trials and tribulations of a failed Major League Baseball prospect. Billed as “Field of Dreams” meets “Ghost” and “The Sixth Sense”, Come hear about Cousin Vinny’s book.

Pathways to Wellness

Safety Tips for Seniors & Caregivers Join us for our Pathways to Wellness event, offering: • Complimentary walker/cane adjustments by a Certified Therapist • Opportunities to check your home safety awareness • Pharmacist available to answer medication questions • Safety tip handouts and more...

Tuesday, OcTOber 16 10 - 11:30 a.m.


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Summary: Several signs and symptoms indicate easily treatable vein problems in the legs. Most “vein patients” have NO visible varicose veins. Problem: Varicose and spider veins are the only signs most people recognize.

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SCC Medical Director: Naushin Jobe, MD., Chicago Medical School

Blue Feet and Discoloration

12 Page

The News of Kings Point

Falcon Watch Ladies August 24, 2012 Results Points on Green + Handicap 1st Flight 1st Emma Gadd 36 2nd Carolyn Schultes 34 2nd Flight 1st Terry Wynne 31 2nd Rosa Gerry 30 3rd Flight 1st Mary McClafferty 35 Connie Kehl 35

August 31, 2012 Results

Alternate shots. First Jane Boccieri Jennie Ryan 45 Second Judy Delaney Lorraine Fritzel 47 Third Mary Mc Clafferty Pat Conlin 48 Fourth Janine Johnson & Rosa Gerry 49

Hogans Golf Club

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Course: Sandpiper Lakes - Palms Play:H-Skins 1st Charlie Brown - 3 Skins 2nd Paul Gorney - 2 Skins 3rd John Apostolou, Ron Doncouse, and Ruben Jones - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Ruben Jones - 65 Low-gross: Ruben Jones - 83 Birds: Ruben Jones - #15 Par 5

L to R: Ruben Jones, Paul Gorney, Ron Doncouse, John Apostolou, and Charlie Brown.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Course: Freedom Fairways Play: H-Skins 1st Charlie Brown - 4 Skins 2nd Mike McClintic - 2 Skins 3rd Bill Giblin and Butch Gadd Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Butch Gadd - 57 Low-gross: Butch Gadd - 71 Birds: Ruben Jones - #16 Par 3 and Bill Giblin - #9 Par 4

L to R : Mike McClintic, Bill Giblin, Butch Gadd, and Charlie Brown.

October, 2012

Kings Point Ladies

September 7, 2012 Results Low Putts 1st Flight Tied Emma Gadd 15 Wally McIntosh 15 Jane Boccieri 15 Judy Delaney 15 2nd Flight June Krueger 14 Marilyn Mc Cormick 15 3rd.Flight Mary Arpaia 13 Pat Ernst 17

Odd Hole Results 8/30/12 1st Lindy Langlois 22 2nd Lorranie Rings 27 3rd Peggy Flippen 28 9/6/12 Results Best ball Scramble Emma Gadd 34 Judi Trombley Judy Marr Tied Rosa Gerry 34 Peggy Flippen Barb Warner Lindy Langlois

(of Sun City Center and Kings Point)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Course: Buffalo Creek Play:H-Skins 1st Ron Doncouse - 5 Skins 2nd John Apostolou - 3 Skins 3rd Ruben Jones and Rich Huff Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: John Apostolou - 69 Low-gross: Ruben Jones and John Apostolou - Tied at 87 Birds: John Apostolou - #13 Par 3

L to R: Ruben Jones, Ron Doncouse, Rich Huff, and John Apostolou.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Course: Sandpiper - Lakes Palms Play: H-Skins 1st Ron Doncouse - 3 Skins 2nd Ruben Jones & Charlie Brown - Tied at 2 Skins 3rd John Apostolou and Burt Easter - Tied at 1 Skin Low-net: Ron Doncouse - 69 Low-gross: Ruben Jones - 87

L to R: John Apostolou, Ruben Jones, Ron Doncouse, Burt Easter, and Charlie Brown.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Course: Freedom Fairways Play: H-Skins 1st Charlie Brown - 6 Skins 2nd Ruben Jones - 4 Skins 3rd Bill Giblin - 2 Skins 4th Andy Betz - 1 Skin Low-net: Ruben Jones - 54 Low-gross: Ruben Jones - 63 Birds: Ruben Jones - #1 Par 4, #7 Par 4, and #8 Par 3; Charlie Brown - #3 Par 4; and Bill Giblin - #5 Par 4

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Course: Freedom Fairways Play:H-Skins 1st Mike McClintic - 3 Skins 2nd Bill Giblin, Charlie Brown, and Don Koester - Tied at 2 Skins 3rd Bob Russell - 1 Skin Low-net: Don Koester - 54 Low-gross: Ruben Jones - 67 Birds: Mike McClintic - #1 Par 4, #4 Par 3, #9 Par 4, and #13 Par3 Bill Giblin - #6 Par 4, #9 Par 4, and #17 Par 4 Ron Leombruno - #12 Par 4, Ruben Jones - #12 Par 4, Charlie Brown - #9 Par 4, Don Koester - #18 Par 3, Bob Russell - #13 Par 3, and Andy Betz - #9 Par 4.

Ruben Jones, Andy Betz, Bill Giblin, and Charlie Brown.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012 Course: Sandpiper Lakes-Palms Play:A-Skins 1st Jim Curtis - 4 Skins 2nd Ruben Jones and John Apostolou - Tied at 3 Skins 3rd Charlie Brown - 2 Skins 4th Ron Doncouse - 1 Skin Low-net: Jim Curtis - 65 Low-gross: Ruben Jones - 86 Birds: Ruben Jones - #4 Par 5 and #8 Par 3

L to R : Ruben Jones, Jim Curtis, Charlie Brown, Ron Doncouse, and John Apostolou.

L to R : Charlie Brown, Mike McClintic, Bill Giblin, Ruben Jones, Don Koester, and Bob Russell.

Membership is required to play with the Hogans. Please contact us if you are interested in membership in the Hogans at: http://hogans-golf.com The Club is open to all Sun City Center, Kings Point andAssociated residents and their guests. Submitted by: Pam Jones Email: mrspkjones@gmail.com

Do You want to see your Golf League Scores & Photos Here? Send them to: news@TheNewsofKingsPoint.com

2012, October The News of Kings Point

Page 13

Caloosa Golf and Country Club Member Weekly Golf Schedule

Members, call 634-2870 for tee times 10/1 Mon - Men’s 18 Hole League, 8:00 a.m., Men’s MidTees, Men’s Baker Group, and Ladies’ Swingers 11:00 a.m. Rotation 10/2 Tue - Men’s BG’s, 8:00 a.m. Men’s Baker Group and Men’s Mid-Tees, 12:00 p.m. 10/3 Wed - Women’s 18 Hole CWGA League, 8:30 a.m. Baker’s Group and Mid-Tees, 12:30 p.m. shotgun 10/4 Thu - Men’s Devine Group, 8:30 a.m. Baker’s Group and MidTees, 12:30 p.m. shotgun 10/5 Fri - Women’s 9 hole CWGA League, 8:30 a.m. White Tees, Mid-Tees, Baker Group, 11:00 a.m. Rotation Couples 9 hole Twilight Mixer, 4:00 p.m. 10/6 Sat - Men’s 18 hole league, 8:00 a.m. Blue Tees, 9:00 AM Women’s 18 hole “Saturday Specials,” 9:30 a.m. 10/7 Sun - Caloosa Casual 18 Hole Mixer, 12:00 p.m. start. Sign up in beverage room. To find out more about Caloosa 10/8 Mon - Men’s 18 Hole League, 8:00 a.m., Men’s MidTees, Men’s Baker Group, and Ladies’ Swingers 11:00 a.m. Rotation 10/9 Tue - Men’s BG’s, 8:00 a.m.

Men’s Baker Group and Men’s Mid-Tees, 12:00 p.m. 10/10 Wed - Women’s 18 Hole CWGA League, 8:30 a.m. Baker’s Group and Mid-Tees, 12:30 p.m. shotgun 10/11 Thu - Men’s Devine Group, 8:30 a.m. Baker’s Group and Mid-Tees, 12:30 p.m. shotgun 10/12 Fri - Women’s 9 hole CWGA League, 8:30 a.m. White Tees, Mid-Tees, Baker Group, 11:00 a.m. Rotation Couples 9 hole Twilight Mixer, 4:00 p.m. 10/13 Sat - Men’s 18 hole league, 8:00 a.m. Blue Tees, 9:00 AM Women’s 18 hole “Saturday Specials,” 9:30 a.m. 10/14 Sun - Caloosa Monthly 18 Hole Mixer, check in 11:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. start. Sign up in the pro-shop. 10/15 Mon - Men’s 18 Hole League, 8:00 a.m., Men’s MidTees, Men’s Baker Group, and Ladies’ Swingers 11:00 a.m. Rotation 10/16 Tue - Men’s BG’s, 8:00 a.m. Men’s Baker Group and Men’s Mid-Tees, 12:00 p.m. 10/17 Wed - Women’s 18 Hole CWGA League, 8:30 a.m. Baker’s Group and Mid-Tees, 12:30 p.m. shotgun 10/18 Thu - Men’s Devine Group, 8:30 a.m. Baker’s Group

and Mid-Tees, 12:30 p.m. shotgun 10/19 Fri - Women’s 9 hole CWGA League, 8:30 a.m. White Tees, Mid-Tees, Baker Group, 11:00 a.m. Rotation Couples 9 hole Twilight Mixer, 4:00 p.m. 10/20 Sat - Men’s 18 hole league, 8:00 a.m. Blue Tees, 9:00 AM Women’s 18 hole “Saturday Specials,” 9:30 a.m. 10/21 Sun - Caloosa Casual 18 Hole Mixer, 12:00 p.m. start. Sign up in the beverage room. To find out more about Caloosa Golf and Country Club, call Gary Adcock, 813-944-2020 or email gadcock1@verizon.net for information and/or a free, trial 18 Hole Round. Visit our website, www.caloosagolf.com 10/22 Mon - Men’s 18 Hole League, 8:00 a.m., Men’s MidTees, Men’s Baker Group, and Ladies’ Swingers 11:00 a.m. Rotation 10/23 Tue - Men’s BG’s, 8:00 a.m. Men’s Baker Group and Men’s Mid-Tees, 12:00 p.m.

10/24 Wed - Women’s 18 Hole CWGA League, 8:30 a.m. Baker’s Group and Mid-Tees, 12:30 p.m. shotgun 10/25 Thu - Men’s Devine Group, 8:30 a.m. Baker’s Group and Mid-Tees, 12:30 p.m. shotgun 10/26 Fri - Women’s 9 hole CWGA League, 8:30 a.m. White Tees, Mid-Tees, Baker Group, 11:00 a.m. Rotation Couples 9 hole Twilight Mixer, 4:00 p.m. 10/27 Sat - Men’s 18 hole league, 8:00 a.m. Blue Tees, 9:00 AM Women’s 18 hole “Saturday Specials,” 9:30 a.m. 10/28 Sun - Caloosa Casual 18 Hole Mixer, 12:00 p.m. start. Sign up in the beverage room. To find out more about Caloosa Golf and Country Club, call Gary Adcock, 813-944-2020 or email gadcock1@verizon.net for information and/or a free, trial 18 Hole Round. Visit our website, www.caloosagolf.com

Do You want to see your Golf League Scores & Photos Here? Send them to: news@TheNewsofKingsPoint.com

Introducing The Smile Our Smile will put you on the road in style. For urban travels, weekend cruises, grocery getaways or downtown dashes, our Smile features all the latest NHTSA safety equipment like AS1 automotive windshields, DOT-approved seatbelts and programmed to travel up to 20 mph. Great for security, police or just moving people with clean, green electric power.

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2 Quart Capacity Battery Filler

14 Page

The News of Kings Point

Heads Up on a New Scam Hey folks. Lately we’ve been hearing a lot about a new telemarketing scam you need to be aware of. The bad guys know how to make this one sound really official, so you need to be on your guard each time you answer the phone. Here’s how it goes down: A person gets a phone call from a legitimate-looking 800 or 888 or 866 toll free phone number and an automated voice informs them that their credit or debit card has been canceled do to overuse or suspicious usage. The automated message will then instruct the person that they must press a specific number to clear up this matter. Or to reactivate the card. Or to clarify the report. When the person presses the number as instructed, an actual humans comes on the line. They generally identify themselves as from the bank and then begin to request information to “confirm that you are the cardholder.” By the time the person who received the call is finished giving information, the caller has their name, card number and other pertinent information. Here’s what you do if you receive this “robo-call.” First, do not ever give your information to anyone over the

October, 2012

You’re Invited to


We’re going for the

SUN CITY CENTER phone who initiated to call to you. If you receive a phone call from your bank about suspicious activity on your credit card, immediately hang up and call your local bank or the customer service number on the back of the credit card. Explain the phone call you received and, if you have caller ID, make sure you jot down the number that called you. Your bank or credit provider will be able to tell you if your card has been compromised. Again, never just take a caller’s word for it. There are several versions of this scam going around and all of them sound very official at first. It is much better to err on the side of caution, and be safe rather than sorry. Remember, if they call you, don’t give them your information. Call your bank immediately. Even if it actually was your bank calling, they will understand and respect your decision. Be safe out there.




n u S a e S ‘Tis thert Parade Golf Ca , 2012



in Cash & Prizes for golf cart category winners

ecember 8 D y a d r u t a S -2:30pm m a 1 1 t s e F r am | Winte 0 1 t a s t r a t Parade s

With your help, Sun City Center rolls into history... Every cart counts! Join the parade as we work with Guiness World Records to establish a new record in “Decorated Golf Carts” and attempt to break our last record of 306 golf carts.

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2012, October The News of Kings Point






Spotlight with a Wise

Changes Are Coming

By Brenda Wiseman Changes are everywhere, keeping us on our toes--not to mention keeping us in the Clubhouse and keeping us passing through the gates. All residents of Kings Point will be sporting new badges and all resident vehicles will be showing off bright yellow decals, aka stickers. The plan to make sure this all happens is subject to change. As we all know, being flexible is an important factor in getting things done in the most efficient way. And since we all went through a move at some point in time to become Kings Point residents, we know this is true! Up until this project not all Kings Point residents were required to

have badges or even needed them. Badges were required only by residents who used the recreational facilities or drove a vehicle, which needed a decal. Not all residents fall into these two categories. Now all residents will be required to have an ID badge. This is due to the results of the recent survey, which indicated controlling the use of Kings Point was a major concern. So here’s the skinny on what happens to obtain a badge and so a decal can be issued. Every resident needs to fill out a Verification Form available at either Clubhouse and online at kingspointsuncitycenter.com. Then the resident, you, need to go to “command central” located in the Communications Room in the Main Clubhouse with: 1) your completed Verification Form, 2) your old ID badge, and 3) your driver’s license OR a utility bill with your name and Kings Point address. In addition, to register a vehicle for a bright yellow decal, bring with you your vehicle’s registration and proof of

Filling out paperwork for new IDs.

insurance. You will then receive your new ID badge—after smiling prettily for the camera—and all the information you have provided has been processed by staff. To receive your new vehicle decal, you will need to go to either gate and present them with the paperwork “command central” has given you. The Security Officer will then apply your decal to the window. Just remember, your ID first and then your car’s. A schedule has been


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Request an appointment online at: www.FloridaMedicalClinic.com

Page 15

created listing your day to receive your badge by your Association. There are make-up days already on the schedule. The schedule will continue from now until April 2013. You can check with your Association Board, the Clubhouses, or the website to take a look at the schedule. Don’t forget to get your new ID and vehicle decal. Make sure it happens in that order, otherwise you will be wasting your time and there are just too many fun things to do in Kings Point to be wasting time! Correction: In last month’s Spotlight, it was mistakenly reported that Carol Howley checked with her church on candidate suggestions. Mrs. Howley researched candidates online through a Christian political website.

Rey Mulingtapang, MD, FACC, FAAC Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine Cardiovascular Diseases, Interventional Cardiology

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Phong Q. Ong, MD Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine Cardiovascular Diseases, Interventional Cardiology

16 Page

The News of Kings Point

The Straz Celebrates 25 Years By Eddie Dixon I love a good show. And, no matter who’s on the bill, The Straz never disappoints. The grand dame of performing arts in Tampa recently celebrated a quarter century of “doing the show” and doing it well. I can’t say that I was there for opening night back on September 12, 1987, but I’ve been to many performances since, and this venue just seems to get better with age. Like the rest of us, right? I recently learned that, in the past 25 years, 12 million people have been entertained at The Straz Center. It’s not surprising then, that the area along the Hillsborough River here in downtown Tampa has grown to be a rich artistic destination. Within walking distance from The Straz you can find the Tampa Museum of Art, the Florida Museum of Photographic Art and the Glazer Children’s Museum. But it was The Straz that started it all. To mark this milestone anniversary, the producers at The Straz have booked several unique and spectacular shows. “Wicked” and “Flashdance” will bring a taste of Broadway to Cigar City. The eclectic folksy jazz ensemble, the Carolina Chocolate Drops are coming to town as is the opera, “La

Boheme.” And, sitcom star and veteran standup comic, Jerry Seinfeld, will bring his unique comedy routine. As you can tell, the lineup at The Straz is not only excellent, it is definitely diverse. And that annual lineup is it also crowded. The Straz hosts over 2,200 events each and every year, and these performances entertain more than 500,000 appreciative patrons. In addition to Broadway shows and national touring acts, the folks at The Straz are also heavily involved in promoting and supporting local up and coming acts. You can see some of the best talent in Tampa Bay right here at The Straz Center. The Morsani performance hall at The Straz has been called one of the best theater venues in the world by Tampa Bay Business Journal, and, while I might not go that far, it is certainly a terrific place to see a show. But that’s not all it is. The 335,000 squarefoot facility is situated on 9 acres along the Hillsborough River, and it is a complete entertainment destination. Stroll along the Riverwalk. Enjoy a delicious meal at Maestro’s. While the main restaurant recommends reservations, you can grab a quick bite at the riverside dining room or a buffet meal at the café just outside Morsani Hall. The facility is handicap

earn to Play Brid L d n a n ge B Fu e v ett a er H Bridge Teachers’ Association

Sun City Center Bridge Lessons for players on all levels Beginning Bridge,

for the starting or novice, 9 week course - $50 includes text Starting Tuesday, Oct. 9, 9:00 a.m., Horizon Room Instructor: John Foster, 634-3240

Playing your Hand More Effectively, 9 week course - $50 includes text Starting Monday, Oct. 15, 9 a.m. Horizon Room Instructor: Pat Rippel, 642-9216

Who has What? Hand Evaluation and Counting Your Hand for the Serious Player, 8 week course - $50 includes texts Starting Thursday, Oct. 18, 9 a.m., Royal Room, Instructor: Virgil Eveleigh, 642-9005 Shorter courses: Instructor: Marian Howarth, 642-0719, 9 a.m. in Horizon Rm.

Defense against NT-Fridays,

Oct.19 - 4 weeks - $30 with textbook

Finding Your Golden Fit,

Starting Nov. 16 - 4 weeks - $20

Mini Lectures on various topics on Wednesdays starting Oct. 17 - Bill Redman, 633-6017 For More Details and/or to Register for all classes: call or come to Horizon Room

The Straz lights up the night in Tampa. Image courtesy photopin.

accessible, but The Straz asks that guests with special needs call ahead of time at 813.229.STAR to discuss specific needs before arriving. To check the schedule, get tickets for a show, view the seating chart or for answers to

any other questions, check out the Center’s website at www. strazcenter.org or, for other information, call 813.229.7827. The Straz Center is located at 1010 North SC Macinnes Place, Tampa, FL 33602.

2012, October The News of Kings Point

Page 17

B U L L E T I N Order a Sun Center Lions Wreath

Beginning October 1, you will be able to order a 22” live noble fir evergreen wreath from any Sun Center Lions member. Cost is $21.00 and must be paid at time of order. The wreaths will arrive with a red velvet waterproof bow and some trimmings. All orders and money must be in no later than Friday, November 2, for delivery the week after Thanksgiving. You may also order a wreath to send to a loved one or a friend -- prices vary on these and your local SCC Lion will have all the information for you. There will be a sample available the middle of October, plus the Lions will have pictures. The Lions will be present at the Trash and Treasures function on October 13 and Hi Neighbor on November 1. You will be able to place an order then. Wouldn’t you just love to have one of these beautiful wreaths hanging on your door or wall for the holidays? If you don’t know a SCC Lions Club member, call Gloria and Gene Deiss at 634-1978, Rich Cohen at 597-5368, or Ellen and Terry McGovern at 633-4202. The SCC Lions meet the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at the Sandpiper Grill, 1702 South Pebble Beach Boulevard in Sun City Center. Lunch is at 11:00 a.m. and meeting starts promptly at noon. For more information, call 633-4202.

Windows 8 Is Here

Well almost. Microsoft will officially release Windows 8 on October 26 but you can learn all about it at the Computer Club’s October 3 meeting, which will feature a demonstration of this brand-new Operating System for your PC. It is different - totally different - and has received great reviews. Come and get an advance look at what will be on your next PC. The meeting will begin at 7:30 PM in the Florida Room, proceeded by the HELP DESK at 7:00. All Sun City Center and Kings Point residents are invited to attend. For membership and meeting information, contact Bob Wehrle at 633-4516.

Kings Point Duplicate Bridge Association News

The Kings Point Duplicate Bridge Association (KPDBA) is happy to be able to host a gold point game – the Instant Matchpoint Game. This will be the only gold point game at club and is the 26th Annual American Contract Bridge League wide game to be held in clubhouses across America. The date for the game is October 4. It will be held at 6:30pm in the Card Room in the Kings Point Clubhouse. The fee for the game is $7. Refreshments will be served. Please arrive early so registration can be completed and the game itself can start on time. Duplicate bridge players are invited to participate in a friendly, comfortable, and welcoming atmosphere. For further information call 642-8491.

KPDBA Members Celebrate Masters

The Kings Point Duplicate Bridge Association (KPDBA) celebrated Walter and Delores Joyce’s accomplishments in accumulating the necessary points to become American Contract Bridge League Life Masters. A delicious cake was enjoyed by the Wednesday bridge players in the Kings Point Clubhouse Card Room. The Joyce’s, accomplished card players, as well as friendly and generous game players, were voted KPDBA Goodwill Ambassadors at the club’s 2012 Annual Banquet.

Free Sunday Dance Practice

Need a place to practice your dance skills to music of various types of music? The perfect opportunity is every Sunday afternoon (2 – 3:30 p.m.) in the Dance Studio in the Atrium (CA Central Campus, N. Pebble Beach Blvd.). This is not a lesson, just a time to practice with some good music. The session is open to all members of the SCC Community Association or Kings Point. Contact for info: Bill and Phyllis Hodges 641-0816.

Tampa Bay Minority Enterprise Development Week (MEDWeek) Conference

WHEN: 2-5 October 2012, Tampa FL WHERE: MainSails Suites Hotel & Conference Center 5108 Eisenhower Boulevard Tampa, Florida 33634 http://www.mainsailtampa.com/ 813-243-2600 HOST WEBSITE: http://www.medcorp-tb.org REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE ATTENDEE FULL REGISTRATION $100.00 PER Attendee (inclusive for all conference fees: Reception, Breakfast, Seminars, Matchmaking/Tradeshow and Luncheon) Luncheon and attendance to Matchmaking/Trade Show is $40.00 Ms. Lynette Darnell, lrdarrell@tecoenergy.com, 2012 Chairperson, 813-228-4623 Ms. Machelle Maner, machelle.maner@wellsfargo.com, 2012 CoChairperson, 813-225-4319. Ms. Angela Mitchell, smallbusiness@ socom.mil, Committee Member, 813-826-7338.

Health Care Program

The Men’s Club of SCC will start their Fall program on Prostate Cancer October 8, 2:00 at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church 1239 Del Webb Blvd West. Topic: A survivor’s look back at the treatment and what was told to him and what was conveniently passed over. “Many things were not told to me by my team of doctors!” Mr. Dan Biser will be our speaker. He has spoken numerous times at Moffitt Cancer Research Center and asked recently to speak at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville.

South Shore Democratic Club Meeting

The South Shore Democratic Club will meet on Tuesday, October 9th at the South Shore Regional Library, 15816 Beth Shields Way in Ruskin. This month’s meeting will be in the evening for the convenience of our members who are unable to attend during the daytime. The Program will offer attendees an opportunity to meet several local candidates. Elizabeth Belcher-State Senate-District 26 Kevin Beckner-County Commissioner-District 6 Craig Latimer-Supervisor of Elections Bob Enriquez-Property Appraiser Refreshments at 6PM, the meeting will begin at 6:30PM. All Democrats and Independents are welcome.

SCC Dance Club

SCC Dance Club welcomes you to our Dance on Wednesday, October 17th. Community Hall, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Featuring “GERARDO” with a variety of great music, plus Coffee & Cookies. BYOB. Attire: Dressy Casual. Members Free Guests $6 per person at the door. Singles always welcome. For more information call 634-9074.

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18 Page

The News of Kings Point

October, 2012

B U L L E T I N Italian Cultural Club Meeting

AMICI, the Italian Cultural Club will feature Frank Slesnick, PhD as its October speaker. Dr. Slesnick, a former professor of Economics at Bellarmine University in Kentucky, will speak on the current state of the Italian economy. The meeting will be held on October 10 in the East Social Room of the Kings Point Clubhouse. Meetings begin at 7pm. Membership dues this year are $10. Members receive first choice of tickets to special events. For information call 634-0955.


Oktoberfest - Last Call

German American Dancers.

Time is running out to be part of one of Sun City Center’s most popular parties hosted by the German-American Club of SCC. On Thursday, October 11th the festivities will begin as doors open at 4:30 p.m. in the Community Hall on S. Pebble Beach. The music for dancing and entertainment will be provided by the “Alpine Express” a trio that performs on many different instruments to keep the audience happy and involved! For this special party, a group of 16 German-American Club members, which includes dancers from both sides of 674, will perform the crown dance, a folk dance done to march music depicting figures of circles and stars and eventually a crown. The cost for the evening Kathy Thomas, Lenny Crooks, Marty Gifford, is $20 for members and Reinhold Baal, Marta Huth, Dieter Quitsch $25 for non-members and (Director), Faye Young, Tom Young. includes an authentic Oktoberfest buffet of bratwurst, knockwurst, sauerkraut, potato salad, cake and coffee and German beer. BYOB for other beverages. Send or drop off your check for this party to Mike Albanese, 1808 Granville Lane, SCC 33573.

Cabaret Dance Club Event

The Cabaret Dance Club is hosting a dance on Saturday, October 13, 2012 in the Florida Room in the Atrium Building from 7PM to 9:30PM. Enjoy an evening of social fun where you can dance the night away. Open to SCC and Kings Point residents and their guests. Couple and singles welcome. Members pay $3 per person. Non-members pay $4 per person. BYOB and snack. Casual attire. For more information or the reserve a table for 8, call Angelina at 813.634.1865.

AIHC Columbus Day Dinner

The Americans of Italian Heritage Club will be having their annual Columbus Day Dinner Dance on October 11th at the Kings Point Borini Theater. The doors will open at 5:30 PM. This will be a sit-down dinner catered by Schuler and served starting at 6 PM. The menu will feature a family style salad, chicken Marsala, stuffed shells with cheese and meat and broccoli. There will be a trio of desserts. As always, coffee and tea will be provided. It is a BYOB. Nick @ Nite will be your entertainer. Everyone is always welcome to come and have a good time. Appropriate dress please. Members $15 and guests $17. There will be table reservations for everyone. To reserve a full table, please send all names and checks in “one” envelope. Make checks payable to A.I.H. and mail to Annette Macdonald (633-9697) 2450 Kensington Greens Drive, SCC 33573. Cut-off date is: Oct. 5th.

AIHC Share Your Table Party

The Americans of Italian Heritage Club will hold a “Share with your Table Party” on Wednesday, November 14th at the Kings Point Borini Theater. The doors will open at 5:30 PM. The Club will provide 1/4 chicken per person and pumpkin pie for dessert plus coffee, tea and soda. BYOB. The entertainer will be Bryan Ashley. Please bring a dish to share with the other members at your table. The cost is $5.00. Reservations only please. Everyone will be assigned a table. Tables of 8, please send checks together. Mail or bring checks made payable to: Annette Macdonald (633-9697), 2450 Kensington Greens Drive, SCC 33573. Cut-off date: Nov. 10th.

The Americans of Italian Heritage held their Hawaiian Luau on September 10th at the Kings Point Borini Theater. Entertainer Bill Lindsey (Elvis) helped Joseph and Annette Dispenziere celebrate their 56th wedding anniversary. Decorating Chairperson and Board Trustee Helen Barba and her decorating team did a splendid decorating job. A good time was had by all!

Open House Offers Dance Info Submitted by Bernice DuBro

Photo by Bill Hodges It was a party atmosphere for attendees at last year’s Open House as they socialized and learned a few dance steps.

What: An Afternoon of Dance Fun and Entertainment Date: 2 – 4 p.m. Sunday, October 14 Where: Sun City Center Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. • Open to SCC and Kings Point Residents • No Dance Experience Necessary • Couples and Singles are Welcome This is a super opportunity to receive information about social dancing and see how easy it is to learn. You don’t need to sit on the sidelines while others are having fun on the dance floor. Dancing is great exercise and a nice way to socialize and meet people. Bring your friends and join Bernice DuBro and Tom Giannina, SCC dance instructors, as they teach a few steps in some of the most popular dances and demonstrate a couple of dance styles. There will be a fun dance mixer, some general dancing and demonstrations by present and former students. The Academy Dance Club sponsors weekly dance lessons by DuBro and Giannina in the SCC Dance Studio (Atrium on CA Central Campus, N. Pebble Beach Blvd.). The club also holds monthly dances at the Community Hall. For more information, call 634-3205.

Frocks, Fun and Food Fashion Show

Clothing and accessories from the Rose Boutique in Ruskin will be featured, along with fun and food. All are invited for an afternoon in the Florida Room, Monday Oct. 15, 1 - 3 PM in the Atrium in Sun City Center, North Course Lane. A wonderful way to enjoy an afternoon for a donation of $7.00 each. Sponsored by Unity Community of Joy, reaching out to the community by providing desserts, dresses, tea, door prizes, joy and maybe one of your neighbors as a model! Join your neighbors in the Florida Room on Oct 15. If you need more information, or would like to be a model, call 813-677-6768 or 813635-4701.

Scandinavian Club Season Kick-Off

The Scandinavian Club of SCC will have its first meeting of the season on 17 October at 2:30 PM in the Sandpiper Room in the CA Atrium Building on North Pebble Beach Boulevard. We will show the video ‘Country of Contrast’ about Norway’s transition to an oil-rich creditor nation, accompanied by Norwegian lefse and cookies baked by club members. There will be a small charge. If you would like to become a member and your heritage trails back to any one of the five Nordic countries, please contact us on scandiscc@gmail. com or call Fritz Brinck at 813.260.3422. Information about the club is provided on our web site https://sites.google.com/site/scandiscc/.

2012, October The News of Kings Point

Page 19

B U L L E T I N Flicks With The Brits

The British Connection of Sun City Center invites all residents of Sun City Center, Kings Point and Freedom Plaza to join us from 2 until 4:30 pm in the Florida Room at the Atrium on Tuesday, October 16, 2012 for the next film in our series “ Flicks with the Brits.” Tickets for the event cost $5.00 for members and $6.00 for guests. The ticket price includes the screening of the movie with popcorn and a wine and cheese reception afterward. BYOB. Non-alcoholic beverages including soda will also be provided. Our feature film, Goodnight, Mr. Tom won the Bafta award for Most Popular TV program in 1998 and Best Drama in 1999. Based on the novel of the same name by Michelle Magorian, the film stars John Thaw (widely known as Masterpiece Theater’s Inspector Morse) and Nick Robinson. Directed by John Gold, the film explores the life of Tom Oakley, an old man with a short temper with no use for others. Under protest, Tom takes in a painfully shy 10 year-old boy evacuated from London during World War II. An unexpected bond develops between Tom and the boy so that when the boy’s mother wants him to return home, the boy reluctantly returns against Tom’s wishes. The story develops as Tom pursues the boy in London. For reservations, contact Kathy Howell at 567-3358 by Monday, October 8. Send a check payable to The British Connection to Ms. Howell at 316 Green Manor Drive, Sun City Center, FL 33573.

GFWC SCC Woman’s Club Makes

Welcome Back Snowbirds!

The Michigan Club is opening its 2012-2013 social season with a “Wine and Cheese” Celebration. The party will be from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday Oct 24 in the KPN clubhouse banquet room. Come greet your friends and neighbors – donations are welcome. New memberships will be available - $5 per person for the season. For more information check our website michclub.com.

KP Line Dancers Halloween Spooktacular

Ghosts, goblins and ghouls, come to the KP Line Dancers Halloween Spooktacular dance, costumes optional. We’ll have a lot of fun dancing to great music and cavorting with local zombies/people. Wed, Oct 17, 7 - 10 pm, in the Borini Theatre at Kings Point, tickets available at the box office, $5.50, open to KP and SCC residents and their guests. BYOB and setups. Call Jan for info 634-6226.

Moonglow Dance Club Event

The Moonglow Dance Club will feature the live music of “The Ashleys” at their monthly dance on Thursday, October 25th. Please join us at Community Hall, S. Pebble Beach. Blvd., for listening and dancing from 7:30-9:30 PM. Dressy Casual. BYOB with cups, ice, water & napkins provided. Singles are always welcome. Club members are FREE and visitors pay $5.00 per person at the door. If you think that you can’t Ballroom Dance, remember we are not “Dancing with the Stars.” We each enjoy doing whatever our bodies allow us to do, in time to the varied music we have from a different live band every month. No one will be judging your performance, so just come and have fun dancing your own style to live music. For more information please call 813-633-1297 or 813-642-8845.

Fall Music Classes Now Forming

Muriel, Jean, Nan, Renate.

Recycled Decorations

Fourteen GFWC Sun City Center Woman’s Club members met recently to make decorations out of recycled products for five upcoming club and district meetings. Pictured are (left to right) Muriel Brownell, club president Jean Smith, Nan Dorsey, and Renate Bartz. Also, pictured are the thrift store shoes filled with recycled flowers on top of wrapped empty cigar boxes. The shoes, minus the flowers, will be donated back to a thrift store after use. Arts and Crafts Chairman Rosie Clifton tries to make decorations that are composed of at least 75 percent recycled materials for every club meeting.

Sun City Center Ceramic Club News

Organ/KeyBoard Club accepting new members for the season. Group lesson with music every Thursday 9am-11am for $3.00 in the Florida Room. Stimulate your brain learning new music. Join us for a lesson/lunch/concert November 1, 2012 in the Florida Room. Tickets $10. Available in Atrium Kisok starting September 17. DyAnne Awe performing and teaching on the latest Lowrey Organ. For more information call 813-633-4628

Genealogy Room at the South Shore Library Submitted by Edward Frank

The South Shore Library on 19th Avenue has a room dedicated to Genealogy. It is open anytime the Library is open and is equipped with many computers. Free access to “Ancestry Library Edition” is available on all of the computers in the room. The South Bay Genealogical Society has a volunteer available Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and most Saturday mornings from 10 a.m. until Noon. The Genealogical Society meets at the Library on the third Tuesday of each month, September through May at Noon. We offer a lunch and a highly qualified speaker for $13. You may contact Terri Cardozo at 633-4172 or Sally Wepfer at 634-7539 for reservations and information.

Local Expert Photographer Speaks to Men’s Club

The Sun City Center Ceramic Club will be holding workshops again in October to introduce first time ceramic artists to the world of bisque, underglazes, acrylics, stains and glazes. The Ceramic Club is offering a set of three FREE two-hour workshops to take the mystery away from “how we do it”. Classes will be offered on three consecutive Monday afternoons in October: October 15, 22 and 29 from 1 to 3 p.m. The only requirement is that you must be a current C A or Kings Point Federation member. Your ID card is necessary. A small ceramic piece, tools, brushes and paints will be provided at no cost and it will be your personal work of art. Workspace is limited so please sign up in the ceramic studio any Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. by October 8th.

Foxy Seniors Dance Club

The Foxy Seniors Dance Club is having a karaoke and dance on Saturday, October 20, 2012. The event will be held in the Florida Room in the Atrium Building from 7PM to 9:30PM. Enjoy an evening of fun where you can dance and sing. Hosted by ReAct Entertainment (Suzanne and Bruce). Event is open to all residents of Kings Point and SCC and their guests. Couples and singles welcome. Members pay $3 per person. Non-members pay $4 per person. We are also having a singing contest. The person who is voted the best singer and someone attending Foxy will both win a prize. BYOB. Causal attire. For additional information or to reserve a table for 8, call Angelina at 813.634.1865.

L to R: Jay Sparkman, former SCC Men’s Club, President, James Corwin John, distinguished Photographer, Jim Rottman, President Elect SCC Men’s Club and Don Murphy, VP Programs SCC Men’s Club.

Jay Sparkman arranged for James Corwin Johnson who for 12 years was the Director of Photography for Yosemite National Park and was followed by his being Director of Disney Cruise Lines to speak to the Men’s Club about his love of photography. He shared many of his techniques that he has learned and showed an array of amazing local wild animal shots. James was accompanied by his 91-year-old father, who is also a resident of Sun City Center. For more information about the SCC Men’s Club please contact John Armstrong, VP Membership at 813.634-3434.

20 Page

The News of Kings Point

October, 2012

B U L L E T I N Computer Club Classes

Classes are held in the Computer Club Classroom in the SCC Atrium. MICROSOFT EXCEL A four session class, on four consecutive weeks. Oct. 23, Oct.30, Nov. 6, and Nov. 13 10:00 AM - noon Tuition $20. All CA and KP residents are invited to enroll. Tuition is payable upon registration. Register daily, except Sunday, at the Classroom, 12:30 – 5:00 PM.

Jazz Lovers Group Welcomes Snowbirds

The Kings Point Jazz Lovers Group welcomes back our many snowbirds who are returning to sunny Florida. We have been enjoying good jazz all summer while you were gone and are anxious to share more good music with you. We will be meeting on October 19th from 2:00 to 4:00 in the South Social Room of the Main Clubhouse.

Kings Point Lawn Bowling Submitted by Suzanne Maguire

Relay For Life Coming Up Submitted by Vivian Hodgkin

IT IS THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN- plans are beginning for the 4th annual Relay For Life of SCC which will take place in the Spring of 2013. We are hoping for a bigger and better Relay this year in our effort to raise funds for cancer research and other programs to assist those who are confronted with cancer. We celebrate survivors and caregivers at this event. I believe that nearly everyone has been touched by this disease and this is an opportunity to help find a cure. Funds are raised through sponsorships and Team fundraisers. We need at least two hours a month from each volunteer. At this time committee members and Team captains/members are needed. Please contact me, Vivian Hodgkin, at 813-634-3992 or Cathy Vallianatos, Community Representative-The American Cancer Society, 813-6850670 (ext.5457). Who Can You Relay For?

COMING IN DECEMBER Plan Now for December Events By Phyllis Hodges

October 1st starts the new season. All tags in by 9:15 and play begins at 9:30. The summer heat slowed down the attendance but not a M-W-F went by without a game or two going on. Carole Robek has announced the new Social Calendar which always brings the crowd out. 12/14/12 5pm Christmas Banquet and installations of officers -- Banquet Room 1/21/13 5:30 Crazy Card Nite -- Banquet Room 2/23/13 3:30 Chicken Barbecue --- Gazebo or Studio 3/24/13 5pm Awards Banquet ---- Banquet Room 4/14/13 4pm Wine and Cheese – Gazebo Lawn bowling is easy, a lot of fun and an great way to get your Vitamin D, exercise and meet all the nicest folks in KP. Join now!

KPAL Artist of the Month Submitted by Kathy Pruschen

Club: Kings Point Art League Event: Artist of the Month - October Location: Kings Point North Clubhouse, Art Room Dates: October 6, 2012 - November 3, 2012 Kings Point Art League’s “Artist of the Month” for the month of October is Carol Ramsey. Carol raised three wonderful kids in New Orleans. She moved to SCC with husband, Frank, following Katrina. A daughter and son now also live with their families in South Tampa and Bradenton respectively. Carol has served as Association President, and on the Federation Contracts and Documents committees. She is now a volunteer on the SCC Emergency Squad Team 3. Carol also serves as Treasurer of the Kings Point Art League. Carol’s artistic side was nurtured in the Stained Glass Club with classes under glass-master, Carole Ericson, beginning in 2008. Later, she so admired the artwork of Diane Simon, that she enrolled in Diane’s watercolor classes in 2010. “I have learned so much more than I ever thought possible, while having the best of times sharing with others.” Please enjoy some of Carol’s artwork in the Display Window of the North Club Art Studio during the month of October.

AMICI Kicks off New Season with Peggy Burgess

Peggy Burgess kicked off the new season for AMICI, the Italian Cultural Club. Ms. Burgess continues to educate and entertain the members and guests on opera. This year’s topic was “Opera Funny Side Up – A Serious Look at Comic Opera.” Ms. Burgess discussed the elements of commedia del arte and showed excerpts from some of Italian comic opera. AMICI meets monthly in the Kings Point Clubhouse. The new season is filled with interesting, informative and fun-type activities with an Italian theme. Membership Peggy Burgess. is $10.00 a year. Members receive priority admittance to special events. For further information call 634-0955.

Photos by Phyllis Hodges Last year’s parade theme was the holiday or SCC’s 50th anniversary. This year, carts will be decorated to reflect the holiday or our Florida lifestyle (‘Tis the Sea-Sun).

No, it is not too early to reserve dates on your December calendar! Two major SCC events you will not want to miss are the first two Saturdays. DECEMBER 1 is the HOLIDAY WALK on the Community Association’s Central Campus, 1009 N. Pebble Beach Boulevard. It’s open to the public and includes a breakfast in the Florida Room that starts at 7 a.m. and continues until noon. For Dressed in holiday attire, servers only $5, you can enjoy pancakes, cheerfully served several sausage, eggs, toast, coffee and hundred people at last year’s juice, along with great holiday Holiday Walk breakfast. music by the Organ and Keyboard Club members. After breakfast, you will want to stroll around the decorated campus. The club rooms will be welcoming guests who wish to shop or browse their lovely handcrafted items. The rooms will be open from 9 a.m. until noon. Music and entertainment on campus will set the holiday mood. Info: Sam and Joann Sudman—633-3107 or jsudman@tampabay.rr.com DECEMBER 8 is the GOLF CART PARADE AND WINTER FESTIVAL. The parade, with a theme of “Tis the Sea-Sun” starts at 10 a.m. at the SCC Central Campus. The ambitious goal of this community effort (SCC Community Association, Kings Point, Freedom Plaza) is to break SCC’s previous record of 306 golf carts set in 2003. A second goal is to establish a new Guinness World Record category for Decorated Golf Carts. Every golf cart counts, so your participation is essential. Put on your creative cap and plan your cart either with a holiday or Florida lifestyle theme. The decoration doesn’t have to be elaborate, but there is a contest for big prize money. Minto is donating $5,000 for awards in four categories: 1. Individuals, 2. Clubs, 3. Condo Owner/Home Owner Associations and 4.Service Organizations. Prize allocations are: $500 for 1st, $300 for 2nd, $200 for 3rd and $100 for 4th place in each category. That’s not all. The entry winning Best in Show, to be selected from the four 1st place winners, will take home an additional $400 and a trophy. Info: Dave Birkett—634-2601 or dmbirkett@yahoo.com (Watch for registration information.) After the parade, add fun to your day with the WINTER FESTIVAL on the campus. Sponsored by Minto, it starts at 11 a.m. and continues until 2:30 p.m. There will be food, music, entertainment, car show, pet show, vendor booths and more. Info: Channa Calzone—480-3578 or ccalzone@mintofla.com.

2012, October The News of Kings Point

Page 21

B U L L E T I N Kings Point C&W Couples Dance Lessons

Empire State Club

Nov. 7 – Wednesday – New York Empire State Club will celebrating our next dinner meeting with a Thanksgiving dinner in the Kings Point Borini Room, 5:00 PM. Menu consists of salad, roast turkey, ham steak, stuffing, mashed potatoes, vegetables, cranberry sauce, rolls & butter, dessert, ice tea, soda and coffee. Music by Tony and Tricia. Members $12.00, guests $15.00. For further information please contact Frank Gatto at 633-8942.

The Women’s Chorus Has Its Very Own “Carnac”

Kings Point Country and Western Couples are ready for a new season of dancing and lessons. Starting Friday Oct. the 5th and continuing through April, each Friday. Lessons and dancing will be held in the Studio at the North Club House. Butch and Emma Gadd will provide lessons. Beginners will start at 6:00 PM and last for an hour. Then around 7:00 dancing and some lessons for advanced couples will be held. Class available for Kings Point and Sun City Center residents.

SCC Photo Club Hosting Tri-Club Competition on October 9

If you want to see great photography from photographers from Sun City Center, Bradenton and Sarasota, you have that opportunity when the Sun City Center Photo Club hosts the Fourth Annual TriClub Competition on Tuesday, October 9 at 6:45 p.m. in the Caper Room. Each club submits 30 photos: 20 color and 10 monochrome for judging. Manny Cruz, F.D.P.E., F.S.A., a professional photographer located in Bradenton, will judge this competition. You can see his website at www.cruzportrait.com. This is a wonderful opportunity to see the works of talented photographers and this year, Sun City Center is planning on reclaiming the bragging rights! For more information on the club and its activities, please see our website at www.photoclubscc. com or visit the learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive.

Woman’s Club Brings Foxy Fashions Luncheon Back by Popular Demand Submitted by Roselyn Cruthis

Director of The Women’s Chorus, Paul Barrientos appears to be doing his best “Carnac the Magnificent” impression in an attempt to foresee the number of women who will join the chorus prior to the new membership deadline. Wonder how close he came to being correct.

Sunshine Kids Foundation 7th Annual Fundraiser

Sunday, November 18 5:00 p.m. - Borini Theatre in Kings Point Dinner catered by: Carrabbas Italian Grill Of Brandon Variety Show: Produced by The Pelican Players RAFFLE of many NEW items donated by local merchants! Tickets expected to be on sale October 1: $18/person donation. For Information & Reservations call: Prudential Florida Realty 642-1500.

Eagle Audubon Monthly Program

Thursday, October 18, 2012 at 1:30 PM Kings Point N. Clubhouse, Banquet Room Program: “Water Matters” Speaker: Michael Molligan, Communications Bureau Chief, Southwest Florida Water Management District Audubon welcomes visitors. Come at 1:30 for social time and refreshments. Meeting starts at 2:00 followed by program. Eagle Audubon Monthly Program Thursday November 15, 2012 at 1:30 PM Kings Point N. Clubhouse, Banquet Room Program: “Hillsborough’s Newest Preserve” Speaker: J. Richard Sullivan, Environmental Scientist/Manager, Cockroach Bay Aquatic Preserve Audubon meetings are open to the public. Please come at 1:30 for social time and refreshments. Meeting will start at 2:00 followed by the program.

Kings Point Chorus Concert

December 5, 2012 is date of the next concert presented by Kings Point Chorus. It will be in Borini Theatre at 6PM. You will love this concert with the popular cabaret seating. More details will follow next month. Look for press releases and posters.


GFWC SCC Woman’s Club is already busy planning Foxy Fashions Return. Fund Raising Committee members are: front row, Karen Messina (co-chair), Helen Zeiders (co-chair), Phyllis Ward and Jean Smith (President); standing are: Joann Duffy, Anne Rankin, Kathy Mahoney, Linda Smith and Rosie Clifton. Foxy Fashions was a sell-out last year, so mark your calendars for its return on Saturday, November 3. It will be held at Community Hall this year. Janet Carr’s Accessories and More of Sarasota will bring a whole new line of fall and holiday clothing. You’ll have an opportunity to try things on before and after the show. If you like it, you may purchase it right then and there. The luncheon will be catered by Chef Doug’s Fun with Food and there will be champagne punch to welcome you. Tickets are $22 and will be available at the Atrium Kiosk about a month before the event.

All ticket sales will take place at the Atrium-Kiosk on MondaysWednesday-Fridays, 9:00 a.m.-noon. Brochures/flyers are available at Atrium-Kiosk, Community Association Office, Community Hall, and the Kings Point North and South Clubhouses. Info: 813-642-2001. America, the Beautiful will be presented by the Tampa Bay Heralds of Harmony, Sunday, September 30, 2:30-4:30, at Community Hall. Tickets are $15/person and will be available at the door day of show. St. Petersburg Opera Co. will present Highlights of Tosca, January 20, 2013, and Highlights of Ariadne auf Naxos, May 19, 2013, in the Rollins Theater. Tickets are $12/person. 2012-13 Entertainment Series of Shows -- Sunday shows include Monday-Monday, The Ditchfield Family Christmas Show, Adbacadabra, Earl Turner and Band, and Tribute to Roy Orbison and More (Note: Orbison Tribute replaces Patrick and Matilda). Plus enjoy a wine-and-cheese reception, sponsored by Brandon Honda, as part of the price. Fridays include Rocky and the Rollers, the Hub Caps, Top 10 Rock ‘N Roll, and Yesterdayze. This year’s Showcase is on a Wednesday ... free to series ticket holders. The series tickets go on sale Monday, October 8, $70/person/series. Individual ticket sales begin Monday, October 29. Sunday, February 24, 2013 - 3:00-4:00 p.m. - Bach to Rock South Shore Concert Band Sunday, April 7, 2013 - 2:30-4:30 p.m. - Salute to the Big Bands Sarasota Jazz Project.

22 Page

The News of Kings Point

NCWS Liturgist Presents Donation

Lois Farr (L), newest Liturgist for NCWS, is shown presenting checks totaling $1946.00 to Doris Ragland, President of Samaritan Services. The donations were from the love offerings for August. Mrs. Ragland commented: “How great it is to have friends like Nondenominational Christian Worship Services. Because of their gifts, we are able to provide the services we do to reach out to our neighbors who turn to us for help. Many thanks to all of the NCWS attendees for their kind donations. They are truly appreciated.” For more information regarding NCWS, please contact Jim at 634-3114.

October, 2012

Congregation Enjoys Beautiful Music

St. Andrew Presbyterian Church was rocking on a recent Sunday when Robert Winslow, pianist/organist, and Jill Bartman, clarinetist and Kings Point resident, teamed up for a rousing rendition of the song “Goodbye World Goodbye.” Jill, again on the clarinet, and Robert on organ performed a second number and joined with the chancel choir led by Rita Hughes, Music Director, for a third song. The church, located at 1239 Del Webb Boulevard West in Sun City Center, invites guests to enjoy all the beautiful music with the congregation at its traditional service at 9:30 a.m. and the contemporary service at 11:00 a.m.

(L to R), Nancy Harris, Claudia Hinson, Leon Hinson, & Lois Farr. A great new addition to the Community For more information regarding the Saturday service or NCWS, Church College staff, 1501 La Jolla Avenue please contact Jim at 634- is Cori Fochesato. The College open 3114. registration is September 18th. Cori will

NCWS Makes It a Baker’s Dozen

NCWS (Nondenominational Christian Worship Services) kicked off their 13th weekly worship service on September 01. The casual community Christian worship service is offered every Saturday from 4:00-4:30 in the chapel at Sun Towers. Pictured above are some of the volunteers who assisted with the 1st service.

Grief Recovery Program

A 10-session grief recovery group program will be held at Saint Anne Catholic Church beginning Saturday, October 20, 2012, at 9:30 A.M. Each session will run until 11 A.M. The program is offered by Anne McGuire, MS, a certified Grief Recovery Specialist, who has been coordinating this type of activity for the past 12 years. The sessions are designed to help those currently grieving the loss of a loved one. Participants will gain fresh insights into valuable coping techniques through group interaction. Meetings are centered on Christian beliefs, science, and psychology, all of which support the healing effects of group sharing. This program is open to all and there is no charge. Dates are Saturdays, October 20 and 27; November 3, 10, and 17; December 1, 8 and 15; January 5 and 12. Please call the Saint Anne Parish Office at 813-645-1714 to express your interest in participating.

Community Church College Fall Semester

The Community Church College fall semester catalogs are now available throughout the community. There is every opportunity to come, learn and enjoy with 43 classes, 6 trips/tours, Tampa General Hospital Health Series and a one-time seminar “Passport To Cuba” with Rudy Fernandez. Sound great, exciting and new? It is. The classes are once a week from October 8 through November 15 and the cost is $25 per course. You can view the catalog and register at any time at Photos by Hazel Martin www.4lifelearning.org. The fall semester of the College Staff: Seated Academic Dean Community Church College, Sally Erath & Administrative Assistant Cori 1501 La Jolla Avenue begins Fochesato. Standing Administrative Dean October 8 through November Maureen Martinsky, Trip Coordinator Nancy Anderson & Volunteer Terry Hood. 15, 2012. The classes are 1 ½ hours long for six weeks and many new interesting topics this year, and of course, fantastic trips and tours. Registration is Tuesday, September 18 from 9:00 AM until noon and from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. You may also Administrative Dean Maureen Martinsky, Volunteer Terry Hood, Administrative Assistant Cori Fochesato. register, review the classes and instructors online at www.4lifelearning.org. For details and further information, contact the College office at 813-634-8607 or online at www.4lifelearning.org.

CCC Welcomes New Staff

be in the College office as Administrative Assistant and available to help you with details and answer your questions. Cori lives in Valencia Lakes and is originally from New Jersey. She enjoys reading, football and cooking—sounds great. A very special animal lover, just ask her cat, Toby. Visit Cori in the College, office which is open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 AM to noon, closed on Friday. Photo by Hazel Martin She will be an excellent resource for you. Cori Fochesato.

Old Thyme Country Fair & Bazaar

Turn your calendar to Saturday, October 20th, 2012 and draw a smile because you will enjoy a great day at the United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Avenue. The hours are 9AM to 3PM. There will be food, music, entertainment, a bake sale and the opportunity to buy crafts, beautiful handmade items and jewelry, and visit the Photo by Hazel Martin white elephant table. L to R: Analyst Joy Trimble reading Veronique A fascinating feature Earnest’s writing. is the hand writing analysis by Joy Trimble. Your handwriting reflects your personality and “tells” about you. Don’t miss this unique venue.

Hearing Loss Group Meets at St. Andrew Article by Rosie Clifton

The Sun City Center chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America meets at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Boulevard West, the first Wednesday of every month – September through May. Thanks to the SCC Men’s Club, membership in the chapter is “free,” without dues, so that anyone who wishes Photo by Diane Skinner Snider to belong is able to Tess Crowder, Executive Director of Communication do so. Access, Inc. (CAI); she listens to the speaker and he group is thankful keys the speaker’s words into the Communication that St. Andrew was Access Real-Time Translation (CART) system. They the first facility in Sun are then projected up on the screen. This enables City Center to install those who are unable to hear the speaker to read induction loops in the speech. CAI provides captioning (CART) pro its sanctuary and bono for non-profit hearing loss groups. fellowship hall. This greatly enhances the ability to not only hear, but understand, speech for those who use a hearing aid or cochlear implant with a telecoil. Most hearing aids and all cochlear implants have a telecoil. A person with hearing loss need not remove his or her hearing aids or use any kind of headset – the person just switches to telecoil position and can hear much more clearly. Visit the chapter website at www.hla-scc.com as well as the national organization’s website www.hearingloss.org for more information. Or, email Richard Herring, president of the local chapter, at rhmann@ tampabay.rr.com.

2012, October The News of Kings Point

Golf Tournament Supports Christian School

Please come join us for our 7th annual golf tournament on Saturday, November 10th at 12 pm. This year’s tournament will be held at Summerfield Crossings Golf Club in Riverview. All paid participants will receive goody bags, door prizes, and dinner. Gifts and door prizes will be awarded at the dinner immediately following the tournament. ? Al the proceeds this year will be used to pay for general operating expenses at East Bay Christian School. If you can help by participating in sponsoring a hole or supplying door prizes, please let me know. Anything will be a blessing! ?The cost of the tournament is $50 per individual and $200 per team. We will play “best ball” format. Therefore you may want to put together your own team or let us team you up with other individuals to make a team. We are also looking for businesses (or individuals) that would be willing to sponsor a hole where your business would be advertised. The cost per hole sponsor is $100. We will still need 2 major business sponsors who would like to sponsor the putting and chipping contest. The cost for these sponsors will be $500. A large banner will be made and displayed at the tournament and all home games at our school. ?Please contact the office at 813-677-5236.

Page 23

Dominion Quartet to Perform at United Methodist Church

The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West in Sun City Center, welcomes the fine southern gospel Dominion Quartet on Friday, October 19th at 6:30PM. The group was formed several years ago with a calling to share the Word of God and message of salvation through their close-knit harmonies and powerful vocals. The Quartet performs all over the eastern part of the United States. A donation of just $5 is requested at the door on the night of the concert. For more information about the group and to Beth Israel Sisterhood News hear samples of their music, please visit www.thedominionquartet. Summer has faded into autumn, and that means a new season of com. For additional information about this and other events and events and programming for Beth Israel Sisterhood of Sun City Center. activities at the United Church of Sun City Center, please contact Their first Sisterhood meeting is Tuesday, October 2nd at 1 PM. in the Jeff Jordan, Director of Music and the Arts, at 813-634-2539. To learn Henry Gibson Social Hall at the Temple, 1115 Del Webb Blvd., Sun more about the United Methodist Church of Sun City center, please City Center. Mrs. Debbie Brown, Investigator for Hillsborough County visit our website at www.sccumc.com. Consumer Protection Agency, speaks on a particularly important topic, “Scams, Schemes, and Scoundrels”. Information on identity theft, consumer fraud, and fraudulent tax returns are among the subject she will discuss. Numerous take-home materials will also be provided to help you avoid these dangerous schemes. It’s a must hear event, jot down the date on your calendar in red, don’t miss it! Beth Israel Sisterhood’s Judaica Gift Shop is filled with brand new items for the coming Jewish Holidays this autumn. There is a beautiful array of items, from cups with matching plates, artistic menorah’s, children’s books, and a marvelous display of sculpture, metal and ceramic pieces by the renowned artist, Gary Rosenthal. The shop is open every third Monday morning of every month, from 10:00 AM till 12 noon. If those hours are not convenient for you, you can call Elayne Grossman who is manager and buyer of the shop, at (813) 634-9993. She will be happy to assist you. The shop is located in the Temple, 1115 Del Webb Blvd. Sun City Center.

Bridge Classes Offered

The Bridge Teachers of Sun City Center are offering lots of ways to learn about our fascinating game. New bridge classes are being offered this fall. Bridge is a wonderful “competitive sport” and you can play bridge at any level, for fun and enjoyment as well as for “brain” work and to be challenged by each deal of the cards. A beginning bridge class - nine weeks - is being offered by John Foster (634-3240), beginning on October 9, every Tuesday from 8:30 until 11 a.m. This class is strictly for beginners to bridge. John is well known for “getting people hooked on bridge” with his comfortable and knowledgeable style of teaching. Playing your bridge more effectively is being taught by Pat Rippel (642-9216) beginning on October 15, every Monday morning from 9 until 11 in the Horizon Room. This 9 week class teaches how to develop tricks by promotion and length, finessing, trump management, discarding, transfers, slam bidding, preempting, responses and bidding over preempts. An eight-week class titled “Who has What?” will help you improve your bidding judgment. It will be taught by Virgil Eveleigh (642-9005) on Thursday mornings, beginning on Oct. 18 in the Royal Room. This class will include hand evaluation, doubles, successful slam bidding, balancing doubles, and meeting the challenges of pre-emptive bids. Books are included, interested students are invited to call the individual teachers with questions or to make a reservation. The classes are $50. All materials are included. Shorter courses are taught by Marian Howarth (642-0719) beginning Friday October 19 at 9 a.m. in the Horizon Room. The first series of four classes is on defense against notrump. This class is using Audrey Grant’s new book “The Impact of Opening Leads Against Notrump Contracts” which is included in the price. Then starting November 16, Marian will teach “Finding your Golden Fit”. This four-week series will include Stayman, negative doubles, new minor forcing and Jacoby 2NT. On Wednesdays, the mini classes will be taught by Bill Redman, 633-6017. He will cover topics such as how to evaluate and re-evaluate a bridge hand, a look at notrump sequences and another look at basic two over one. Registration and further information on all these topics, you can call the teacher or come to the Horizon Room.


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Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. Patent pending. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company; Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company

24 Page

The News of Kings Point

October, 2012

First McDonald’s “McSpirit” Night Huge Success for Methodist Church

On Thursday August 30th between the hours of 5PM and 9PM, hundreds of folks turned out for the United Methodist Church’s first “McSpirit” Night at the McDonald’s on the corner of SR301 and SR674. The local fast-food restaurant invited the church to partner with them to help raise funds for national and international mission work. Patrons that evening brought in flyers distributed by the church to be attached to the receipts from their food and drink purchases. McDonald’s Store Manager, Sue Maynard, then tallied these up and the Company will be sending the Church a check for 20% of the total purchases for the evening. Bob Conigliaro, Vice President for Community Relations from Caspers Company McDonald’s, facilitated the mission

partnership and Store Manage, Sue Maynard, ensured success by preparing for the onslaught of hungry Methodists!

Funds raised in partnerships such as this go to the United Methodist Church of Sun City Center’s Emergency Response

Team which responds to natural disasters in the Southeastern U.S. and to the Church’s International Mission Teams that are presently working in Uganda and will soon be travelling to Cuba, Peru and Southeast Asia. On the last Thursday of each month, the United Methodist Church will continue to celebrate McSpirit night. The next one will be on Thursday, September 27th from 5PM to 9PM. Flyers may be picked up in the Church office or after Sunday services. For additional information about this and other events and activities at the United Church of Sun City Center, please contact Jeff Jordan, Director of Music and the Arts, at 813-634-2539. To learn more about the United Methodist Church of Sun City center, please visit our website at www.sccumc.com.

Sun City Chamber Players Begin Third Season at Methodist Church The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center, 1210 Del Webb Blvd. West in Sun City Center, is proud to host another season of concerts by the Sun City Chamber Players. The first of these on Friday, October 5th at 7PM features the “Gypsy” Piano Trio by Joseph Haydn, the little heard String Quartet in F Major by Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov and Felix

Mendelssohn’s String Quintet in Bb Major, Op. 87. The Sun City Chamber Players are a group

of professional musicians from the west coast of Florida who gather together to provide performances selected from the best of the chamber music repertoire. Each performance features a different number of players, from two up to full chamber orchestra. The ensemble will be performing two more concerts at the United Methodist Church on

Fridays January 4th and April 19th, both at 7PM. A donation of just $10 is requested at the door on the evening of the concert. For additional information about this and other events and activities at the United Church of Sun City Center, please, please contact Jeff Jordan, Director of Music and the Arts, at 813-634-2539.

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Sun City Center, FL – Michael Hollander, owner of WeatherTite Windows, announced a great savings plan for Sun City Center residents. His deferred payments, along with reduced pricing, are great for homeowners who are in need of affordable, replacement windows and doors. All homeowners who respond within two weeks from the date of this notice and purchase energy efficient money saving WeatherTite windows or doors are eligible to make this purchase with no money down and have a payment plan with no interest until 2016. Mr. Hollander emphasized the program is effective immediately – and he will be able to arrange monthly payments to suit the budgetary needs of every homeowner. This very special program features the finest tilt-in w i n d o w s m a n u f a c t u r e d t o d a y. WeatherTite Windows come with 6 great warranties, meet stringent codes

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2012, October The News of Kings Point

Moments In Time

The History Channel • On Oct. 13, 1775, the Continental Congress authorizes construction and administration of the first American naval force. Esek Hopkins was appointed the first commander-in-chief of the Continental Navy. His first fleet consisted of seven ships: two 24-gun frigates, two 14-gun brigs and three schooners. • On Oct. 12, 1786, a lovesick Thomas Jefferson composes the first of many romantic letters to a married woman named Maria Cosway. In 1789, his letters grew less frequent. She continued to write to him and vented her frustration at his growing aloofness. After her husband died, Cosway moved to a village in Italy to open a convent school for girls. • On Oct. 8, 1956, New York Yankees right-hander Don Larsen pitches the first no-hitter in the history of the World Series. Even better, it was a perfect game -- that is, there were no runs, no hits and no errors, and no batter reached first base. © 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

Page 25

GFWC SCC Woman’s Club Welcomes DAR to Meals on Wheels Program

Submitted by Roselyn Cruthis SCC Woman’s Club President Jean Smith announces that Angie Maze and Sharon Nathan are the Club’s new chairpersons for the Meals on Wheels program. The Woman’s Club especially wants to welcome the DAR, new to the Meals on Wheels program for the coming year. The DAR will work jointly with the AAUW in delivering meals for the month of February. This program is a cooperative effort between Samaritan Services, South Bay Hospital, and the Woman’s Club. Samaritan Services takes reservations for the meals and handles the billing. South Bay Hospital prepares the meals and the Woman’s Club recruits organizations to deliver the meals for one month each year. Last year, they delivered 5,615 meals. The meals include a salad, entrée, bread and butter, dessert and fruit juice. The cost is $6. The following houses of worship and service clubs are vital to the success of the program as they provide the volunteers needed to deliver meals every day of the year. The volunteer groups and the month they deliver are: Beth Israel (January), AAUW and DAR (February), Lion’s Club (March), United Methodist Church (April), Redeemer Lutheran Church (May), Trinity Baptist Church

Angie Maze (left), coordinator for Kings Point Meals on Wheels drivers and Sharon Nathan (right) coordinator for Sun City Center CA drivers welcome Bunny Blackstone, representing the DAR, which is new to the Meals on Wheels program this year.

(June), Men’s Club (July), United Community Church (August), St. Andrews Presbyterian Church (September), Knights of Columbus (October), St. John the Divine Episcopal Church (November), and GFWC SCC Woman’s Club (December). Each organization recruits a minimum of 28 drivers, two for Kings Point and two for Sun City Center for every day of the week. In years past, one was a primary driver and one was a backup. The backup was an emergency

driver, in case the primary driver was unable to make the deliveries. However recently, due to increased volume, it is frequently necessary to use both drivers in order to deliver the meals in a timely manner. The Woman’s Club also maintains a list of Emergency drivers in case the primary and backup drivers are unable to deliver the meals. Anyone interested in participating in the program may call Angie at 813-505-8998 or Sharon at 813-634-8362.

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26 Page

The News of Kings Point

October, 2012

Military News MOWW Military Ball tickets still available

On Saturday, November 10, 2012, the Sun City Center Chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW), will host a Formal Military Ball, starting with a Social Hour at 5:00 pm, at the Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Attendance is open to all --- prior military service is not a requirement. The Ball will feature a Patriotic Program, hors de ‘oeuvres before a served dinner, entertainment, and dancing. Dining and dancing configuration and the Community Hall will be limited to 40 tables of eight. Formal dress is encouraged (military, black tie, dark business suit) — wearing military decorations is encouraged. Dinner, featuring combined entrée of chicken and filet medallions, will be served by Banquet Masters. Music and dancing provided by Bob Boyd and the 42nd Street Orchestra. This is a BYOB event; however, wine for toasting will be provided. Cost is $50.00 per person. Check should be made payable to MOWW. Individual tickets, for singles or couples, as well as tables of eight can still be reserved. A self-appointed table captain can reserve a table of eight. There are three tables of eight still available as well as four individual seats. For table reservations as well as single seats please contact Frank Zahrobsky at 642-9820 or Paul Wheat at 634-7777.

MFST Benefit - Sunday, October 7 - Encore!

2:00 - 3:30 p.m. Community Hall. Military Family Support Trust (MFST) will present a benefit concert starring Lew Resseguie and Ellen Kleinschmidt, along with special guest Chuck Collett. Tickets are $10/person. Starting September 17, tickets can be purchased 9:00 - Noon, Mon-Wed-Fri, Atrium-Kiosk or at the MFST office, 4th Floor, Freedom Plaza. Open to public. Open seating. Info: 813-634-4675.

Leathernecks Club Celebrates 10 Years of Service to Community

MOWW receives three national awards in San Diego L to R: Ray Hill, Al Schneider, Hilda Neff, Rene Morin, Jan Taylor, Jim Glass, George Maling, Rosemary Maling, Barry Myers, Ed Mahoney, Jim Weller, & Dorothy Hill.

MOWW receives Best midsized Chapter Award.

MOWW Harry and Sheila Publicity Award.

The Sun City Center Chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) received three national best midsized chapter awards at the recent MOWW National Convention, which was held the 31st of July through the 5th of August, 2012, in San Diego, MOWW receives best midsized California. The awards included Chapter newsletter. national midsized chapter awards for best publicity, best chapter activity, and best newsletter. The Sun City Chapter also won a $2000.00 recruiting excellence award as well as the 1st runner up for the law and order award.

Master Sergeant Chavez discusses Operation Warmheart at MOAA luncheon

Master Sergeant Carlos Chavez, First Sergeant, 6th Maintenance Squadron, MacDill Air Force Base, Florida was the featured speaker at the Military Officer Association of America, (MOAA) meeting, held at the Sun City Center Atrium on September 5th, 2012. He discussed Operation Master Sergeant Carlos Chavez Warmheart, which is among the receiving thanks from LTC Paul several organizations ready to Wheat, USA (Ret). support Airmen and their families in times of need. One of its primary missions is to provide emergency grants to MacDill AFB members. They also provide Christmas and Thanksgiving meals for Airman families, as well as funds in times of dire financial need. Operation Warmheart is run by first sergeants, and provides assistance to all branches of military service. They also provide various types of gift cards and gasoline to military families. Warmheart funds are used to provide morale, health, and welfare assistance to as many needy military families as funds will permit. The funds are provided by donations from local organization, including MOAA and private individuals. For information on making donations call the Master Sergeant at 813-924-3240.

On Tuesday, 21 August 2012, Club officers met with other members and guests in the Sandpiper Room in the SCC Central Campus. At the completion of the Club Officers’ meeting, attendees gathered around a Key Lime pie decorated with the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor emblem to remember ten (10) years of service to their community, to other Veterans, active duty members of the Corps, and other armed forces. Club members since 2002 shown in this picture are Al Schneider, Jim Glass, & Ed Mahoney.

Silver Ospreys Kick off Fall Season

Admiral Mark Fitzgerald, USN (ret.), Chairman of the Board of the Association of Naval Aviation, is the keynote speaker for The Silver Osprey Squadron’s Friday, October 11 luncheon meeting at The Plaza Club. Admiral Fitzgerald’s presentation is: “Events of the Arab Spring: Why now?” He will discuss the impact of this development and how the US should approach these issues in a more strategic manner. Admiral Fitzgerald graduated from Northeastern University in 1973. After Aviation Officer Candidate School and naval flight training, he Admiral Mark Fitzgerald was designated a naval aviator in October 1975. He has logged over 4,800 flight hours and over 1,100 landings on the decks of 13 aircraft carriers. Selected for flag rank in 1998, he commanded Carrier Group 8 from the Theodore Roosevelt. Before he retired in 2010, he was Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe/Africa. One of the main reasons for Admiral Fitzgerald’s visit is to conduct the change of command ceremony to honor CDR “Bo” Heininger, our current squadron commander and founder of the Silver Osprey Squadron. “Bo” will be relieved by RADM Larry Chambers, elected by squadron members. A large turnout is expected. Both of these men have made major contributions that go beyond the US Navy. Cdr Heininger is well known in aviation circles as the man who convinced all of the armed forces to standardize on one standard pressure altimeter, greatly increasing flight safety. Admiral Chambers, while Commanding Officer, led the carrier USS Midway, in rescuing over 3000 South Vietnamese during the fall of Saigon. For reservations, please contact Tom Harding by phone or e-mail. Phone is 813-634-1236, e-mail is tharcons@aol.com. Our speaker for the Friday, November 9th meeting is William J. Fox, aeronautical engineer, first with Honeywell and then with Lockheed. Bill Fox was involved in developing the A-12 Blackbird, flown by CIA pilots. He will be introduced by Dr. Don Vining who met him at Groom Lake (Area 51). Dr. Vining was a USAF Flight Surgeon at the time. We are making this early announcement in hopes of reaching some of the CIA retirees who live in this area.

2012, October The News of Kings Point

Page 27

Military News

Lt. Col. James R. Warchol, USAF (Ret) addresses MOWW

Lt. Col. James R. Warchol, USAF Retired, was the featured speaker at the Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) monthly luncheon on Thursday, Sept 20, 2012 at the Freedom Plaza Club in Sun City Center. Lt. Col Warchol started his Air Force career as an enlisted cryptologic linguist (Polish and Russian). After two tours in Berlin he was assigned to the National Security Agency. Discharged from the Air Force he was employed by NSA as a Special Research Analyst. Completing his degree work at the Univ. of Maryland and received his graduate degree from Central Michigan Univ. While assigned to the NSA office in Hawaii he was recruited and commissioned in the reserves. As a Cryptologic Intelligence Manager he spent numerous tours in Vietnam, South Korea, and several Lt. Col James Warchol USAF, (Ret). tours in Germany. After retiring from NSA, Jim spent the next six years assigned as an Individual Mobilization Photos by Frank Kepley Augmenter supporting the counter narcotics efforts of various law enforcement Lt. Col. James Warchol USAF (Ret); Sheila Greason, organizations. He retired from the USAFR in April 2000 and he and his wife Margie moved Commander SCC Chapter, MOWW. to Sun City Center in Feb. 2005.

THE KITCHEN DIVA By Angela Shelf Medearis

Rub Your Salad the Right Way I had a version of this fantastic Rubbed Kale Salad at a dinner at a friendÕs house. Rubbing the leaves tenderizes them and infuses them with flavor. This mix of tender greens, buttery avocado, sweet bell peppers and carrots, and crunchy toasted almonds is delicious. ItÕs the perfect side dish for a gathering of friends or family. Best of all, you can prepare the salad in advance for a stress-free side dish. Kale, both the curly and flatleaf or the dinosaur varieties, is a great choice when selecting a leafy green vegetable. The leaves freeze well and actually taste sweeter and more flavorful after being frozen. Kale is a member of the Brassica family, which also includes collard greens, cabbage and Brussels sprouts. All of these hardy greens contain sulforaphane, a chemical believed to have potent anti-cancer properties and phytonutrients, including powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and alkalizing effects on the body. Kale is very high in beta carotene, vitamin K, vitamin C and lutein, and fairly rich in calcium. The more mature kale leaves are a nutritious addition to a variety of dishes, especially ones containing robust meats or spicy flavors. Tender Red Russian or Red Winter kale is the best variety to use for this rubbed salad recipe. If youÕre using other types of kale, select leaves that are less than 18-inches long for the best results. RUBBED KALE SALAD 1 bunch kale, about 1/2 pound 3 tablespoons olive oil 1 1/2 teaspoons coarse sea salt 2 to 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar or Ume plum vinegar 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon maple syrup, agave syrup, or honey

PHOTO CREDIT: Diva Productions photo, courtesy of Vitacost.com

1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1 avocado, peeled, pit discarded, and sliced 1 red bell pepper, stem, ribs and seedpod removed, diced 1 large carrot, peeled and diced 2-3 ounces slivered almonds, toasted 1. Wash your hands thoroughly. Rinse and pat the kale dry with paper or kitchen towels. Tear kale off the stems (leave them in large pieces) and place leaves into large bowl. Add olive oil and 1 teaspoon salt to the kale. Begin massaging the oil and salt into the kale leaves. Massage the leaves until you feel them become soft and pliable, about 2 to 3 minutes. 2. Tear the kale into small pieces or cut into ribbons. Pour off any liquid that may have accumulated in the bottom of the bowl. Place the kale back into bowl. Add in the syrup or

honey, 2 tablespoons vinegar and the lemon juice to the kale to start. Continue rubbing the kale, until all surfaces are coated and shiny, about 2 minutes. Taste a leaf and add the remaining vinegar and 1/2 teaspoon salt, as needed. 3. Add pepper, avocado, bell pepper, carrot and almonds, and toss to combine. Serve cold or at room temperature. Serves 4. Angela Shelf Medearis is an award-winning children’s author, culinary historian and the author of seven cookbooks. Her new cookbook is “The Kitchen Diva’s Diabetic Cookbook.” Her website is www.divapro.com. To see how-to videos, recipes and much, much more, Like Angela Shelf Medearis, The Kitchen Diva! on Facebook and go to Hulu.com. Recipes may not be reprinted without permission from Angela Shelf Medearis. © 2012 King Features Synd., Inc., and Angela Shelf Medearis


Spinach Apple Toss

You might not think that spinach and apples go together -- but one bite of this ultra-easy salad and you’ll quickly change your mind! 8 cups fresh spinach leaves, stems removed and discarded 1 cup cored, unpeeled and sliced Red Delicious apples 1/4 cup bacon bits 1/2 cup fat-free mayonnaise 1/2 cup unsweetened apple juice In a large bowl, combine spinach, apples and bacon bits. In a small bowl, combine mayonnaise and apple juice. Add dressing mixture to spinach mixture. Mix gently to coat. Serve at once. Makes 4 (1 1/2 cup) servings. •Each serving equals: 114 calories, 2g fat, 4g protein, 20g carb., 555mg sodium, 2gm fiber; Diabetic Exchanges: 1 Vegetable, 1 Fruit, 1/2 Starch, 1/2 Meat. © 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

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28 Page

The News of Kings Point

Crate Label Swap Meet in Palmetto Submitted by Jim Thielen On Saturday, October 6th from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, a Florida Produce Crate Label Swap Meet will take place in the Carnegie Library Basement in the Palmetto Historical Park. Many Florida labels will be on display and available for trading and sale by some of the major collectors in the state. If you have labels or citrus related items, bring them to the swap as collectors will be purchasing as well as giving estimates. Come out and learn about this part of Florida history and enjoy the art and beauty the labels offer. Perhaps take some home! The address of the Carnegie Library is 515 10th Ave. West, Palmetto. For more information on the swap, call Jim Thielen at 776-9444. Word of Mouth BBQ will be on site selling sandwiches and hotdogs until 1:00 pm. And from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm there will be a community yard sale outdoors at the same address as the swap. The sixty-year span during which the labels were used carries a colorful history of the early advertising and marketing of the delicious products for which they stood. In the case of Florida citrus, these sometimes whimsical labels were also a form of colorized billboards for Florida, as well as the delicious fresh citrus. All labels were registered with the Department of Agriculture and told the buyer not only the brand name, but what grade of fruit they were purchasing. The name or color background of the label stood for the grade, with blue being Grade A, red being Grade B and yellow or green denoting Grade C. For instance, the Bluebird brand meant Grade “A” whereas a Red Cardinal

would have meant Grade “B.” Many of labels had interesting anecdotes and stories on how or why they got their names, and sometimes carried the history of a family in the pictures represented. For instance, the Lee family used their children’s baby pictures for each child’s own individual label. The Clark family always carried a flower theme throughout their entire list of labels, such as Azalea, Poinsettia, and so forth, while the Keen family did the same thing, but with birds. Lake Wales Citrus Growers Association always carried a royalty theme in their labels since Lake Wales was known as the “Crown Jewel of the Ridge.” Much of the artwork was done by the popular artists of the time, but since it was considered commercial work, none were ever signed. The major printer of lithographic labels in Florida was the Florida Grower Press in Tampa. Other major printers were located in California, Maryland, Tennessee, Ohio, and Missouri. Many of the old packinghouses are no longer in business today, but there still remain a few of those who have been able to weather the ups and downs of the citrus business and who still use some of the same brand names today, although not the labels.

SENIOR NEWS LINE By Matilda Charles

Health in Aging

The American Geriatrics Society Foundation has created a new website just for seniors: Health in Aging. Everything on the site has been written by experts in senior health. That’s good to know, because half of us over the age of 65 have at least three chronic medical conditions. Here are a few highlights: •The A-to-Z glossary gives easyto-understand information on a whole alphabet of health conditions. •You’ll find information about problems that come with aging, news on the latest information about aging and a link on finding a geriatrics health care professional. •One of the most important sections is on preventing drug interactions. Drugs work differently on seniors, and it’s not always possible to know exactly how an individual will respond to a drug, because most clinical trials are done on healthy, young adults. We seniors have a different metabolism, less muscle mass, and age-related variables that can change the rate of absorption. Often, we have


By JoAnn Derson • Use self-stick notes to organize your errands. Use a note for each location, with instructions or shopping lists on each. Then put the notes in order: e.g., drop kids off at Grandma’s, shoe store, hardware store, grocery store, home, etc. You will be less likely to forget a stop, and you can make the best use of your time and gas! • “If you cut the entire top and one of the top corners off

October, 2012

multiple medical conditions that can change how a drug will work, especially in combination. •When it comes to exploring the different types of living arrangements open to us when we need help with daily living, the site outlines assisted living, home care, nursing homes and community-based help, such as adult day care. •Guidelines for making our wishes known are written in easyto-understand language with all the legal terms explained for advance directives (living wills, durable power of attorney for health care and Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment), end-of-life care, guardianship and informed consent. Health in Aging (HealthinAging. org) is worth exploring and saving for future reference. Reminder: Have you had your flu shot yet? Ask your doctor if you should have one, and the pneumonia shot as well. Matilda Charles regrets that she cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into her column whenever possible. Write to her in care of King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to columnreply@gmail.com. © 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

a cereal box, then tape the bottom closed, it’s almost the same as the magazine holders they sell in stores. I covered mine with fancy paper. I keep it in my kitchen for cooking magazines.” -- R.R. in Indiana Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475 or e-mail JoAnn at heresatip@yahoo. com. © 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

How To Be Prepared For The Unexpected

If you can envision being thrust into the role of critical decision maker about health or financial affairs—either for yourself or others—this free, open-to-the-public symposium on November 13 is for you. The event is designed to help us prepare for a time in our lives, especially as seniors, to deal with the responsibility of making difficult decisions. It takes place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Sun City Center Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. A lineup of professionals will speak at specific times during the day. You can choose to attend all or only those of particular interest to you. Tuesday, November 13th 2012, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Registration begins 8:30 AM • 9:30 AM: “Help I’m running out of health care money - two public benefits that can help you afford Care.” Amanda M. Wolf Board Certified Elder Law Attorney

• 10:00 AM: Trusts explained - Opening the “Black Box” Attorney Justin Klatsky 10:30 AM: The “No Will - Will” Attorney James Eggert • 11:00 AM: “Annuities: Right or Wrong?” Gary W. Cotter, Certified Financial Planner • 11:30 AM: Protecting a loved one’s Personal Property and Assets Dale Smrekar, ASEL, C.A.G.A. President Downsizing Advisory Service. Certified Personal Property Appraiser and Professional Estate Liquidator: • 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM LUNCH PROVIDED • 1:00 PM: Behavioral Symptoms of Dementia and End-of-Life Care Ladislav Volicer, MD, PhD School of Aging Studies University of South Florida • 2:00 PM: Caregiving; Self Fulfillment or Self Destruction Edmond Dubreuil MSW, ACSW, RCSWI • 2:30 PM: Developing a

Caregiver Plan Genevieve Faulk, MSW, LCSW, CMC, C-ASWCM President & Lead Geriatric Care Manager at Aging Care Advocates, Inc. • 3:00 PM: Biggest mistakes when hiring an in-home caregiver Gregg Mazza M.B.A., Certified Senior Advisor, PCMA Instructorfrom Brightstar Lifecare • 3:30 PM: Structuring & maintaining follow up to members (both church and organizations) to keep them involved when they can no longer physically attend. Doug Moore, United Methodist Church, Congregational Care Co-Coach. This Caregivers Symposium is sponsored by Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce, Sun Towers Retirement Community and The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center. A portion of the net proceeds will help support the Coalition for Mental Health and Aging.

Expand your knowledge: Attend sessions relating to topics of interest. Visit displays of service providers and pick up literature relating to both speakers and vendors. You can reserve a vendor table for $50 for the entire day by calling The Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce at 813-634-5111. No reservations are required to attend the speaking events; however, RSVP for a free luncheon by calling Sun City Center Chamber of Commerce 813-634-5111. The November 13 symposium is a “must attend” if you wish to expand your knowledge in order to be an informed decision maker for either yourself or another person. Whether being put in that position is expected or unexpected, decisions will be easier if you are armed with the information presented by the speakers and vendors at this event.

2012, October The News of Kings Point

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Contract Bridge Super Crossword



When there is a sure way to make the contract, declarer should not adopt any approach that might jeopardize it. This principle is self-evident, but the fact is that players occasionally violate it without intending to do so. Take this case where West led a club against three notrump. Declarer took the queen with the king and tried a heart finesse, losing the jack to East’s king. Back came a club, won by West with the ten, and another club forced out the ace.

South led a heart to the queen, and West showed out. Forced by the bad heart split to turn his attention to diamonds, declarer played the queen from dummy and finessed, whereupon West took the king and cashed two club tricks to put the contract down one. South was certainly unlucky, but, even so, the outcome was entirely his own fault. He could have ensured nine tricks at the start by attacking diamonds instead of hearts, and he should not have allowed himself to be distracted by an alternative, but uncertain, line of play. All declarer had to do was to lead a spade to the ace at trick two, return the queen of diamonds and finesse. Win or lose, he would make at least nine tricks against any distribution. The early heart finesse opened the door to defeat if East had the king and the suit was unfavorably divided, and therefore should have been avoided. In effect, South allowed himself to be diverted from his goal because he happened to be in his hand at trick one, making it more convenient to take a heart finesse than a diamond finesse. Declarers must learn to reject such luxuries. © 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

Hard Knox was created by Kings Point’s own Artist in Residence, Bob Ewing.

Solutions on Page 31

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The News of Kings Point

October, 2012

Strange But True By Samantha Weaver

• It was Canadian American educator Laurence J. Peter who made the following sage observation: “You can always tell a real friend: When you’ve made a fool of yourself, he doesn’t feel you’ve done a permanent job.” • In Murfreesboro, Tenn., it is illegal to keep indoor furniture outdoors. • Mike Edwards, one of the founding members of the British band Electric Light Orchestra, met with an untimely death decades after he left the group. In 2010, as Edwards was driving in the rural southwest of England, a farmer lost control of a 1,300-pound bale of hay. This wheel-shaped bale rolled down a hill and over a hedge, and just happened to smash into the van that Edwards was driving. • The humble honeybee is the official insect of 17 states. • Those who study such things say that there is a 1 million to 1 chance that, within the next century, an asteroid will crash into the Earth and destroy most life on the planet. • In 2008 a company called Defense Devices, based in Jackson, Tenn., introduced a new item: a stun gun disguised as a tube of lipstick. The same company offers a ring that will shoot pepper spray. • You might be surprised to learn that the giant bullfrogs of South Africa have sometimes been known to attack lions. • Rhode Island may be the smallest state, but it has the longest name: It’s officially known as the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantation. • The tuatara is a lizard that can be found in New Zealand. Its claim to fame? It has a third eye, on the top of its head. ********************************* Thought for the Day: “The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.” -- Alfred Hitchcock © 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.


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2012, October The News of Kings Point

Salome’s Stars

Week of October 8, 2012 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Although you love being the focus of attention, it’s a good idea to take a few steps back right now to just watch the action. What you see can help with an upcoming decision. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) “Caution” continues to be your watchword this week, as a former colleague tries to reconnect old links. There are still some dark places that need to be illuminated. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Making a good first impression is important. Revealing your often hidden sense of humor can help you get through some of the more awkward situations. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Taking that Cancer Crab image too seriously? Lighten up. Instead of complaining about your problems, start resolving them. A friend would be happy to help. LEO (July 23 to August 22) A widening distance between you and that special person needs to be handled with honesty and sensitivity. Don’t let jealousy create an even greater gap between you two. VIRGO (August 23 to Sept. 22) Congratulations. Your handling of a delicate family matter rates kudos. But no resting on your laurels just yet. You still have to resolve that on-the-job problem. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to October 22) You might surprise everyone by being unusually impulsive this week. But even level-headed Libras need to do the unexpected now and then. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) A period of turmoil gives way to a calmer, more settled environment. Use this quieter time to patch up neglected personal and/or professional relationships. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) A new relationship could create resentment among family and friends who feel left out of your life. Show them you care by making more time for them. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) Concentrate on completing all your unfinished tasks before deadline. You’ll then be able to use this freed-up time to research new career opportunities. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) You’re right to try to help colleagues resolve their heated differences. But keep your objectivity and avoid showing any favoritism ‘twixt the two sides. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Your personal life continues to show positive changes. Enjoy this happy turn of events, by all means. But be careful not to neglect your workplace obligations. BORN THIS WEEK: People of all ages look to you for advice and encouragement. You would make an excellent counselor. (c) 2012 King Features Synd., Inc.

Answers to Puzzles from Page 29

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The News of Kings Point

October, 2012

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