December 2010 News of Sun City Center

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The News of December 2010 - ISSUE #29 official publication of the Community Association

More Membership Directory Corrections

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Check out the CA website:

Elegant Gardeners Club Leads Dedication of SCC’s New Blue Star Memorial Highway

Sun City Center to Host Holiday Golf Cart Parade

December Dates to Put on Your Calendar


9 a.m. Rollins Theater Watch videos of the Board meetings on your computer. Go to, click on Association, then on Meeting Videos.


Yuletide Golf Cart


10:30 a.m. North Lakes Lot



On the Inside CA Schedule................. 2 CARE......................... 19 Club Happenings... 10-13 Consumer Affairs........ 18 Crossword.................... 9 CryptoQuote............... 18 Deputy Chris................. 5 Entertainment Corner... 3 Expand Horizons.......... 6 Golf............................. 20 Military Affairs........ 16-17 Minto............................. 7 Movies........................ 23 Newcomers................ 23 President’s Report........ 2 Sudoku....................... 17 We Want to Know....... 19

Anne Cross greets entries at the start of last year’s SCC holiday golf cart parade.


CA Board Meeting

S u n C i t y C e n t e r LaJolla Avenue, turn right on residents will deck their Cherry Hills Drive, and end favorite little vehicles with at the gazebo on the central boughs of holly, and an campus. The parade will amazing assortment of other end with a sing-along, organ decorations, to take part in music, and presentation of the community’s holiday golf awards by “Tropical Santa.” cart parade December 11. A circulating Lenox Carts festooned with all crystal vase with winners’ manner of decorations will names on an engraved be entered by clubs, churches, plaque is the grand prize. Gift homeowner associations, certificates to area businesses businesses and individuals will go to the winners in five from Sun City Center and classes. neighboring Kings Point. Organizers ask that at One prize winner last year least 50 percent of entrants’ was a traditional Irish carts be decorated, and that cottage in miniature. “The signage is limited to two ingenuity of our residents is standard size poster boards. astounding, and will surely There is no charge to join or bring a smile,” said parade view the parade. organizer Anne Cross. Many will be on hand The parade will begin to wish you a happy holiday, at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, including a state senator, December 11, at North county commissioners and Pebble Beach Blvd. and staff as well as our communityBlue Star Memorial Highway Marker at the SR-674 and Pebble LaJolla Avenue. Entrant wide organizations. Beach Blvd. intersection. Photo by Judy Stimson. c h e c k - i n , l i n e - up a n d Further information is By Judy Stimson Minto for $500, Encore Bank judging will begin at 9:45 On Veterans Day, a for program printing, and the a.m. in the parking lot near available by calling 633-8508 in Sun City Center, or 634Blue Star Memorial Highway Greater SCC Beautification the intersection. 2573 in Kings Point. Marker was dedicated in Corp. for committing to The route will take Sun City Center. Molly landscaping maintenance. the decorated carts east on Tenney, chairperson, led The sign is located on the effort and dedication the east side of the SR-674 for the Elegant Gardeners and Pebble Beach Blvd. Club. In addition to club inters e c t ion. Wit h t he for 2011 Board of Directors members, the majority of addition of SR-674, there the donors and contributors are now eight highways in Three-year terms: were present along with Florida with markers: 1, 17, dignitaries and members of 19, 41, 90, 92, 98 and 674. the public. Special thanks US-1 to Key West was the were given to Representative first highway designated in Seth McKeel for passing a Florida. It was authorized Florida bill enabling the sign in 1947 and the marker was to be placed on SR-674, Anne dedicated in 1949 as a tribute Pidgeon of Colorfield Farms to the nation’s Armed Forces One-year term: Nursery for landscaping that served in World War II. design and plants, Home In later years the markers Depot for the circle of stones, See Blue Star page 10

CA Election Results Ed Barnes David Floyd Sam Sudman Bob Black


The News of Sun City Center

(Cut and place in your 2010 Directory.)


37 52 55 58 83 85


David W & Jean K Brown Ralph Frenzilli John Gove Richard B & Sarah C Hardy Judith Parker Gerardo & Angelina Piserchia

813-634-6048 813-634-0797 813-507-2947 813-938-1351 813-220-7771 813-634-1865

report is available in the library. Very interesting report. I encourage you to *A table showing all reported additions and corrections is shown at www. read it. Click on “Membership Directory.” Transfer Fee As I mentioned at the Membership Meeting, the Board is considering an increase in the Transfer Fee as one means of funding some of the projects in the Long Range Plan. The Transfer Fee impacts first time buyers in our community and investors. Any increase in the Transfer Fee will require a change in the Bylaws by the membership. So this is an issue Acknowledgements Since October 13, 2010 we will take up in the springtime. CLUB/ORGANIZATION Amount Applied to BEWARE!! WE HAVE THIEVES Flexercise Dance Club $50 Hardship Fund AMONG US $50 Operating Fund We have a thief or thieves among Gold Star Wives of America $75 Hardship Fund us. On Friday, October 15, we put Line Dancer’s Club $100 Hardship Fund out new silk flower arrangements Softball Club $464 Sand/Shell at Softball Field in Community Hall – by Sunday $25 Mural Donation afternoon those arrangements had Swim Dancers Club $1,594 Audio Equipment for Lap Pool disappeared. It seems that some people think that whatever the Community CA Contact Information The NEWS of Sun City Center Association owns is common property Phone: 633-3500 A publication of the for their own personal use. It really Email: SCC Community Association disturbs me that we have members 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. who willingly steal from the CA – when Sun City Center, FL 33573 Website: they do this. they are stealing from all 813-633-3500 of us. This act is not borrowing; it is flat stealing, petty larceny. If you have News Office: COMMUNITY any idea who committed these thefts 813-642-2070 ASSOCIATION please let me know. (located at 960A Old Town Hall) SCHEDULE … and more sticky fingers! Editor-in-Chief: In addition we have noticed December Karen Jones an increase in the disappearance of 1 Membership Vote various clubs’ property at Community Community Hall – 9 a.m. to Hall – things like plates, napkins, 7 p.m. Reporters: plastic ware and even food. Many clubs Board Workshop John Bowker, Phyllis Hodges, leave things out for the next morning’s Board Room – 9 a.m. Judy Stimson, Marie Wood event or during the day for an evening 8 Board Meeting event. These things seem to grow legs Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. Contributors: 21 Community Leaders Meeting and walk away. So if it is not yours or Florida Room – 9 a.m. CA Board of Directors and Staff, Linda Bowker, John McRee, Susan your club’s, don’t take it! 24 Christmas Eve – Office/ Muise, Lyn Reitz, Judy Schings, Library Closed British Documentary George Lott Last spring we had a British Facilities open until 1 p.m. 25 Christmas Day – All facilities T V company here producing a Photographer: closed. documentary contrasting the fitness 31 New Year’s Eve – Office/ Judy Stimson of some of our members with that Library Closed CA Board Liaison: of young Brits. They were here for Facilities open until 1 p.m. Ann Marie Leblanc about a week and the young Brits January stayed with some of our members. 1 New Year’s Day – All Advertising: This documentary has been released facilities closed. John Wolf in Britain and they have forwarded us 5 Board Workshop copies. As a result of this documentary, Board Room – 9 a.m. 813-938-8721 we have received a number of inquires Annual Membership Meeting about SCC. The documentary will be Community Hall – 7 p.m. Publisher: shown in December in conjunction 8 Board Meeting Sun City Center Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. with the Monday Movies on Dec. 13. Community Association 18 Community Leaders Meeting We also plan to run it after the Annual Florida Room – 9 a.m. Monthly deadline: Membership Meeting on January 5. 24 CO-AP Meeting 15th of each month Caper Room – 2 p.m. Plan Ahead Don’t forget to mark your Advertising: The NEWS is not liable calendars – December 4 is the Holiday Proposed agendas for monthly Board for errors in advertising; it does Meetings are discussed at the Board Walk that has a very good breakfast not endorse and cannot verify the Workshops and posted on Official with some excellent Christmas Bulletin Boards the Friday before. accuracy of representations made by shopping from the clubs. December They will also be posted on our advertisers who are solely responsible for advertisement contents. 11 is the Holiday Golf Cart Parade – website ( – under signup sheets are available at the CA “Association.”) The NEWS welcomes announcements, Office. articles, photos and stories about our Every Wednesday: Orientation for community. new members in the Board Room Photo by Lyn Reitz

Hard to Believe We have only one more month to go in 2010 – hard to believe how fast time flies when you are having fun. I want to wish everyone very Happy Holidays. Very shortly we will have a new Board of Directors for the Community Association–I hope you all got out and voted. My goal was to get a very big voter turnout for this election! Vacated Director Position As I announced in October, the new Board of Directors that will be seated in January 2011 will appoint a replacement for the vacated position. Applications will be accepted until January 5, 2011. There is an ad in this issue of The News of Sun City Center indicating that applications can be picked up in the CA Office and will be accepted until close of business (3 p.m.) January 5, 2011. Estoppel Fee Effective December 1, 2010 we instituted an estoppel fee that indicates to the title company that the property owner’s title is not clouded by past due CA membership dues. This fee is charged to the title company. The title company passes this along to the seller as part of the closing costs. After reviewing our administrative processes we discovered that we had been providing estoppel letters to the title companies at no charge. This is a one-time fee for each sale. Charging for the estoppel fee letter is a standard real estate industry practice. The estoppel fee is simply a recovery of administrative costs incurred by the CA. Long Range Plan The Board is developing a long range plan for SCC. We need to determine where we want to be in the next 5–10 years. The initial step will be determining what the members of this community would like in the future. There are many options. To prepare for this, the BOD is developing a survey designed to solicit from the members what they would like to see in terms of physical property. In addition, this survey will also contain some options on how this plan might be accomplished. We want your input. Once formulated, we will hold a series of Town Hall Meetings to discuss the pros and cons of the plan. In the end, these plans will end up as a referendum to be voted on by the members. The final product will be a roadmap that the Community Association can follow for the next 5–10 years. It is in your best interest to let the Board know what you want. North Lakes Golf Course One element of this long range plan is that of the North Lakes Golf Course. The Final Report from the North Lakes Conversion Task Force was provided to the Board on November 10. This task force was formed to look at alternative uses of the closed golf course. The efforts of this task force have laid the foundation for what might be done in the future. The Executive Summary has been posted to the CA website and the full

December 2010

Membership Directory Corrections*

From the Desk of

President Ed Barnes

starting at 1 p.m.

December 2010

The News of Sun City Center

From the Desk of Director David Floyd South Pebble Beach Blvd. SCC residents have an ongoing issue with South Pebble Beach Boulevard. Presently traffic is allowed access to South Pebble Beach Blvd. only by using SR 674. Construction traffic is allowed entrance only by using the construction gate on US 301. A secondary route for community access south of SR 674 for residents is by using Trinity Lakes Drive. Minto, the present developer, h a d s u bm it t e d a re q u e s t t o Hillsborough County to modify the General Site Development Plan by removing the connection to South Pebble Beach Blvd from US 301. They made this request based on input from WCI. This input from WCI was based on an assumption that this is what the residents wanted. However, no official polling of residents was ever done. An unofficial opinion poll was conducted by the SCCCA several years ago. It is not clear to the CA Board of Directors what the members want, thus they asked



Minto to withdraw this request and they have done so. The issue is whether residents want an entrance/exit south of SR 674 on US 301, allowing traffic to pass through our community from US 301 onto South Pebble Beach Blvd. continuing to SR 674. The issue is more complex as it is possible during an emergency situation that Trinity Lakes Drive could be closed by the owners: Winn-Dixie, Sun Towers and Aston Gardens to allow their residents to evacuate. The CA directors plan to bring this issue for discussion by having a Town Hall meeting in January and then holding a referendum vote on this issue in February. The question on the referendum will be “Does the CA membership want public access to South Pebble Beach from US 301 – YES or NO.” Emergency services (fire, rescue, and police) will continue to have access to South Pebble Beach Blvd. through a locked gate on US 301.

New Sports Complex Mural Planned

Photo by Judy Stimson

Eight years of outdoor exposure has taken its toll on the mural at the South Campus sports complex. It is slated to be retired in the next few weeks. If you haven’t ventured around behind the Community Hall, you may not know it’s there. The mural is an impressive 20-foot wide depiction of active seniors enjoying the sports opportunities offered by SCC. A large waving American flag is the backdrop for the characters. The mural is actually a vinyl print of a painting by Nancy Cooper, an active member of the SCC Art Club. She also painted the Florida scene on the east wall of the lap pool area. Lyn Reitz, Community Association Manager, says the clubs are contributing to the cost of $2,700 for the new sports complex mural. It will be painted by Cory Wright (Apollo Beach).



WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 2011 7:00 PM COMMUNITY HALL (REFRESHMENTS AT 6:30 PM) 200 MEMBERS REQUIRED FOR A QUORUM -AGENDA I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance II. Approval of Minutes of March 24, 2010 Membership Meeting III. Treasurer’s Report IV. Community Manager’s Report V. 50th Anniversary Update VI. Awards & Recognition VII. Installation of Newly-Elected Directors VIII. President’s Report IX. General Discussion by Members X. Adjournment Al Alderman Corporate Secretary You are invited to stay after the meeting and watch a segment of the British Television program “Are you fitter than a pensioner?” featuring Sun City Center residents.


By Phyllis Hodges

Call 813.633.8517 to schedule a complimentary plimentary hearing screening


Due to an opening on the Board of Directors, applications for appointment as a Director are now available in the CA office. This term of appointment will expire on January 4, 2012. Completed applications must be returned to the CA office by 3 p.m. on January 5, 2011


GENERAL INFO: Tickets are on sale at the Atrium Kiosk Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-noon through December 10. Then tickets will be sold Monday-Wednesday-Friday at the Kiosk through February 4. Cash and check only. Brochures/flyers can be found at the Kiosk, Community Hall, CA office or Kings Point North Clubhouse. ENTERTAINMENT SHOW TICKETS ON SALE: The Sunday, December 12, Holiday show is “Silver Bells and Diamonds” featuring The Diamonds. A fabulous show! Other Sunday shows are: January 23–New Odyssey, February 20–The Temptations Tribute Show (plus Patrick and Matilda) and March 13–Razz-Ma-Tazz. And don’t forget the Showcase on January 9! The SCC Softball Club will have food available for purchase. There will be no Friday show in December. On January 14 the HubCaps will be here. February 4 is The Satellites, and March 25 will be Caliente’ (replaces Direct Effect). Kiosk. Reserved seats. THE CRYSTALS with Rocky and the Rollers: Remember Da Doo Ron Ron, Then He Kissed Me, He’s a Rebel, Uptown and more? This is a Friday night dance/show and will be held at the Community Hall on Friday, January 7, 2011. Reserved tables seat 10; however; you do not need to purchase an entire table. BYOB and snacks. $20/person. Tickets on sale at the Kiosk. ST. PETERSBURG OPERA CO.: Tickets on sale now for January 16– Preview to Rigoletto; April 10–Opera’s Greatest Hits; and June 5–the Power of Puccini: Preview to Madama Butterfly. All shows are on Sundays, 2-3:30 p.m., at Community Hall and will be narrated by Maestro Mark Sforzini. The three operas are offered as a “mini series” ($25/series). Or individual opera tickets are $10/show. Reserved seats. Info: Judy Schings, 813-642-2001


The News of Sun City Center


December 2010



1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • 813-633-2020 • FAX 813-633-6403

Walk through the courtyard to your front door into this expanded WINDJAMMER model on a secuded cul-de-sac. Screened front door, and screened garage door offers a great flow of air. Master bedroom features a dressing area and walk in closet. New electric panel box too.

This TWINTREE model offers agreat view of Water as well as Conservation from your Air Conditioned Florida room with a cathedral ceiling. This split bedroom plan provides plenty of privacy, plus the open plan makes for decorating ease.

1316 Bluewater $135,000

1705 Orchid Court $135,000

Delightfully spacious TRADEWINDS model can be yours. Located in Caloosa Country Club Estates with an expansive Golf view. Wet bar with sink and refrig make entertaining oh so easy. Split bedroom plan with a large closet in Master. Situated on a nicely landscaped lot. Some furnishings are negotiable with Seller.

1909 Eastview Drive $229,000

Over 2500 sf of gracious living can be yours in this 3/2 TRADEWINDS. ‘05 brought a premium 50 year tile roof for your protection. ‘10 brought new stainless appliances as well as Lrg 19” Porcelain tile in the house with a marble medallion in the foyer. Oversized garage features lots of storage, windows have storm proofing and extra insulation was added in attic also.

1952 Wolf Laurel $219,900

231934 33rd St. SE (Ruskin)


Family-friendly mobile home/RV park

1705 Cloister Dr.

2/2 $110,000

Twintree-Lovely Home Near Caloosa Glf.

102 NW 22nd St. (Ruskin)


Little Manatee River, 4.17 acres

2523 Locksley

2/2 $100,000

Sahara-Hurricane Shutters,Golf Location

1.28 Acre on River, Value in Land

612 Oakmont Ave.

2/2 $ 87,000

DW52-Loads of Storage, Newer Appl’s

2023 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. 2/2 $289,000

Custom Islander-Pool, Spa, Waterfront

712 Riviera Dr.

2/2 $ 82,000

DW37-New roof ’08, new a/c unit

1134 Signature Drive

3/2 $275,000

Carrington Water,Golf, Pavers on Drive

2507 Lambdin Dr.

2/2 $ 79,900

Sunrise-completely renovated,replumbed

1918 East View Dr.

3/2 $260,000

Tradewinds-Golf, Water and large Pool

1535 Chevy Chase Dr.

1909 East View Dr

3/2 $229,000

Tradewinds-Spacious home, Private Golf

2005 Heathfield Cr.

2/2 $ 69,900

Brentwood II-Upgrades, new kitchen

1916 East View Dr.

2/2 $199,900

Villager-Water view,pool,split bdrm plan

707 Churchill Place

2/2 $ 68,000

DW-51X-Cul De Sac and Golf

1615 Oracle Dr.

3/2 $194,900

Miller Home-Pool, greatroom floorplan

211 Glenellen Pl.

2/2 $ 67,500

Hampton-park-like views, screened patio

1509 Bunker Hill Dr.

2/2 $182,000

DW54-Lake view, exercise pool home

702 Brockton Pl. E.

2/2 $ 62,000

DeSoto- newer roof ’07; plumbing ‘03

2020 El Rancho Dr.

3/2.5 $148,000

Atrium-Water view,newer appliances

207 Islip Way

1015 River Dr. SW

2x1 $400,000

2/1.5 $ 69,900

Sparkle Plenty Lives Here !!

2/1.5 $ 54,900

Keystone-Priced to Sell! Great location!

1702 Cloister Dr.

2/2 $129,900

Twintree Exp-On Water, move-in ready!

502A Fallow Ct

2/2 $ 53,900

Hampton-New hurricane windows, door

633 Masterpiece Dr.

2/2 $129,900

Madeira Exp.-Golf Course & Water

1534 Council Dr

1/1 $ 48,000

T-1-Neat as a pin, close to all amenities

1611 Bentwood

2/2 $125,000

Twintree Exp- New Paint in and out.

1801 Bedford Ln. B38

641 Ft. Duquesna Dr.

2/2 $125,000

Custom-Updated, 2 lrg master suites

2248 Greenhaven Dr.

2/2 $ 39,900

Stuart Sharp as a Tack,Bright & Upbeat

1211 Wildfeather Lane

2/2 $120,000

Twintree-Park like Setting, Move-in Now!

1906 Canterbury Ln. L1

2/2 $ 37,800

Stuart-Good Location-Needs TLC

1408 Del Webb Blvd. W.

2/2 $120,000

Long Branch-Golf Course View

1907 Canterbury Ln #13

2/2 $ 35,000

Stuart-End unit, CPVC plumbing

1502 Bunker Hill Dr.

2/2 $119,900

DW54-Move-in condition, corner lot

2202 Clubhouse Dr. #174 1/1.5 $ 28,000

Gable I-Move-in ready – “cream puff”

644 Masterpiece Dr.

2/2 $119,500

Melbourne-park-like view,encl lanai

1902 Dandridge St. D21 1/1.5 $ 25,900

York- Compact,nice layout

319 Green Manor Dr

2/2 $113,900

Dedham-Laminate, Tile, Beautiful home

1/1.5 $ 46,000

Mansard-Encl. lanai, new appls. ‘08


617 LaJolla



$1,400 Cozy & Comfy

201 Bedford D-89



$ 695 Nicely Updated

2316 Gainsborough Lp



$1,500. Spacious

408B Flanborough



$ 750 Light & Bright

307 Knottwood



$1,500 Walk to Pool

1219 Del Webb W.



$ 795 ALL NEW!

401 Gladstone



$1,550 Spotless

2232 Grenadier Dr



$ 890 Neatnik Delight

2016 Hullhouse


Brentwood 1

$ 1550 GOLF, Granite

1004 Beach Blvd



$ 900 Encl Porch

1309 Idlewood Dr



$1,600 Spacious on Golf

211 Glenellen



$ 900 Screen Porch

2012 Heathfield



$1,600 Fabulous Water

2709 Lancaster



$ 950 Golf-Unfurn/Tile

660 Allegheny


Adventurer 2

$1,600 Glass Lanai-Golf

705 Churchill Pl



$ 975 UNFURN – NEW

1303 Beach Blvd



$1,600 Swan Lake

2521 Lynx



$1,100 his/her DENS (2)

1320 New Bedford



$1,600 Nice Furn + Den

1207 Peterborough Cir



$1,200 Pond Loc, Scr Rm

2022 W Del Webb



$1,600 Scn Porch-Water

1730 Council Drive


Exp T-2

$1,200 S Lake Avail April

819 Oakmont Ave


DW 58

$1,600 New Kitchen +++

2718 Lancaster Dr


Exp Sunrise


1730 Council Dr


T-2 Exp.

$1,600 Split Bedrooms

1010 Augusta Dr




1214 Wildfeather



$1,800 WATER !!!

513 Princeton Grns



$1,800 Guest Suite

Stainless Appls




$ 1,200 Walk to Shopping

1306 Burbank



$ 1,200. Guest Bedroom

Jan/Feb Swan Lak

Happy Holidays To All!!!

December 2010

The News of Sun City Center


Golf Cart Versus Pedestrians


By Deputy Chris Girard

It has been brought to my attention by numerous residents in the past few weeks that there seems to be a “contest” going on between golf carts and pedestrians as to who will command right of way on the designated golf cart paths. Walkers say they should be able to use the cart paths too, while some cart drivers believe the “GOLF CARTS ONLY” signs exclude all other forms of transportation, including feet. The epicenter for this debate has centered around signs such as the one on the path just south of SR-674 beside the firehouse. There have been complaints filed of pedestrians being cursed at, threatened and run off the sidewalk.

Before this dangerous “contest” escalates any further, allow me to set the record straight. Street signs indicating “GOLF CARTS ONLY” are placed to deter motor vehicle operators from using paths specifically designated for golf carts. Bicyclists, pedestrians and dog walkers are free to use these paths, just as they use sidewalks. Further, the same rules of the road motor vehicle operators follow apply to golf cart drivers. Although those marked cart paths have been created for golf cart drivers’ convenience, drivers must still yield the right of way to pedestrians. Failure to yield right of way to pedestrians can result in a Failure to Yield citation or, potentially, assault with a vehicle. Of course, I realize that this information is a reminder for most of my readers, who would never think of endangering a neighbor in the ways described. Folks in our community are committed to working together to make Kings Point and Greater Sun City Center a safe and welcoming place to travel – no matter how you choose to get from place to place. That being said, these things are happening, and they simply need to stop – especially in these busy days of the hustle and bustle of the holidays.

Speaking of the holidays… We all know that folks are preoccupied these days. With dinners, parties and family visits, we all have a tendency to be a bit more distracted. But please, make vigilance part of your holiday routine. Thefts and burglaries increase significantly in the days and weeks following the holiday season. After all the giving and receiving is done, one way to make sure you are not a target is not to advertise what you just received. Well meaning folks will leave boxes out for the recycling not realizing that the picture on the box of the flat screen TV or new tools, entertainment equipment or home appliances – all that good stuff – is just as good as a shopping list to would-be criminals. To avoid advertising what you just received, always break down or cut up the boxes and put them into your recycling containers. Beware of Scams The first thing you need to know when addressing scams is that many of them originate from outside the United States using prepaid pay phones or phone cards and are, therefore, difficult if not impossible to trace. Second, until you are deprived of money in one of these scams, you are not legally a victim. Once a crime has been committed, the Sheriff ’s Office can respond.

To stop the bad guys BEFORE they hook you or your neighbors, here’s what to do: Research the contact information of the company or group who sent you the correspondence. Again, do not use the number on the card or in the email. Call that organization and confirm any contest or offer before proceeding. If an offer, call or request you receive doesn’t check out, or if someone claiming to represent a government agency contacts you, you need to contact the Federal Trade Commission at In the upper right hand portion of the home page of their website, click on the button that says “Consumer Complaints.” Then follow the instructions to report your situation. Reporting to the FTC allows them to put the proper agency on the job to stop these scammers before someone becomes a victim! And, as always, if you have been a victim, please don’t hesitate to call the HCSO. We will do all we can to help.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year. Be safe out there.

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The News of Sun City Center

North ... South ... East ... West ...

December 2010

Expanding Our Horizons By Judy Stimson The holidays are often a time to enjoy wine with good friends and family. This season, try expanding your horizons with new wines and visiting local wineries. There are two wineries within easy driving distance from Sun City Center where you can get the whole experience from vineyard to tasting. To the south is Rosa Fiorelli Winery in Bradenton. After moving from Casteldaccia, Sicily, the family-owned and operated business started in 1998. There are 10 acres of vineyard and a 3,000 square-foot winery. The winery has its own building for fermenting and bottling, and there is a separate building for tasting and sales. There is a u-pick grapes option in early August to September. Also, there are two tour options depending on your group size. For groups 10 or more, you can select the Italian Buffet ($27 per person) or Stromboli ($17 per person). For groups of 10 or less, you can select Cheese & Crackers or Italian Sub (both $17 per person plus taxes). The winery has white, rose’ and red wines. Their wines have earned over 100 awards in commercial international wine competitions. In addition to on-site sales, their wines are also available online. They are open Monday and Wednesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. They are closed Tuesdays. For more information go to www. or call 941-322-0976. They are only 27 miles and 37 minutes away. To get

Local Wineries

his crop of blueberries, Joe Keel started the winery in 2003 and produces over 20,000 gallons of wine today. Every Friday night there is no-cover-charge live music (7 11 p.m.) on the covered deck where you can wine and dine (5 p.m. to 10 p.m.) for $49 for two (includes one bottle of wine, two salads, two entrees and one dessert). In addition to three types of blueberry wines, the winery makes seven types of fusion wines that blend wine (for example, Riesling or Chardonnay) with fruit juices (for example, strawberry or peach). They even boast Key West–Key Lime and Mango Mama fusion wines. In addition to on-site sales, a few wines are also available online. They are open Sunday through Thursday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday 10 a.m. to midnight, and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information, go to www.KeelandCurleyWinery. com or call 813-752-9100. Avoiding the interstate, they are only 45 miles and 65 minutes away. To get there, take SR 674 east, pass through Wimauma, turn left (north) toward Alafia River State Park on CR 39, cross Lithia Pinecrest Road, cross Keysville Road, cross SR 60, turn left on Trapnell Road, turn right on Turkey Creek Road, turn left on US 92 (Baker Street), turn right on Branch N. Forbes Road, cross I-4, cross Stafford Road, turn there, take SR 674 east, US 301 south, pass 97th left on Thonotosassa Road and arrive at 5210 W. St. east on the right and SR 62 on the left, turn Thonotosassa Road. left just south of Parrish on CR 675, pass through Remember to designate a non-drinking the towns of Rye and Oak Knoll, cross SR 64 and driver and drive safely. Enjoy! arrive at 4250 CR 675 east. To the north is Keel & Curley Winery in Plant City. After looking for another way to use

December 2010

The News of Sun City Center


MINTO COMMUNITIES ANNOUNCES OPENING OF SALES & INFORMATION CENTER IN SUN CITY CENTER With new models opening December 11, Minto set to market its stylish homes on Sun City Center’s last buildable lots






As the first stage to complete the master planned community of Sun City Center, Minto Communities announces that its sales and information center is now open. This opening will allow the public its first chance to buy a stylish and affordable Minto home on the last buildable lots within the Kings Point and Renaissance neighborhoods. Models for seven homes will be open December 11, 2010. The office is located at 105 Commercial Drive, Sun City Center. “Since our announcement of coming to Sun City Center, we’ve received many inquiries of when we’d be ready to market the properties,â€? states Michael Belmont, president, Minto Communities. “We’re excited that our opening is finally here and we can offer our beautiful selection of new and innovative homes priced at an incredible value.â€? Wi t h i n t h e R e n a i s s a n c e neighborhood, Minto offers singlefamily homes – 1,544 to 2,284 sq. ft – starting in the $160s. Within the Kings Point neighborhood, Minto offers paired villas ranging from 1,360 to 1,862 sq. ft. starting from the $140s. All homes will be ENERGY STARÂŽ certified and all appliances are included. While competitors charge for premium upgrades, Minto has made the process simple by including many as standard, such as: • Granite countertops in kitchen, baths and laundry rooms • Upgraded wood kitchen cabinets • Complete GEÂŽ Energy StarÂŽ appliances • Low-E double pane insulated windows • 18â€? ceramic floor tile • Tray ceilings • Covered screened lanais “Minto has always led through innovation and offering standard

premium upgrades is just one way we deliver on providing an exceptional customer experience,� states Belmont. “Buyers know they want the best features in their new home and most don’t want to haggle over the cost of every upgrade knowing it will only drive up the cost. We make the process easy and simple by including the features they want most at an incredible value in today’s market.� C oupled with the stylish interiors and fabulous lifestyle offered within Sun City Center, the homes are conveniently located to golf cart paths that quickly bring homeowners to nearby shopping centers, restaurants, golf courses and medical facilities. In addition to Sun City Center, Minto Communities is currently building in Fish Hawk Ranch and Country Club East in Lakewood Ranch and soon on Anna Maria Sound. For complete information on Minto Communities, please visit or call (813) 6346400 or toll-free 877-815-0022. About Minto Communities Launched in 1955, Minto is a family-owned business that has built more than 65,000 homes and holds more than two million square feet of commercial space as part of its integrated real estate development, construction and management operations in Ottawa, Toronto and Florida. Minto creates a wide array of award-winning new homes and resort-style master-planned communities, in addition to low, mid and high-rise condominiums to meet every lifestyle. The company has earned national awards and recognition by J.D. Power and Associates and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).

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Comfort KeepersŽ provides the kind of trusted, in-home care that helps people maintain full and independent lives, right in the comfort of their own home. Our Comfort KeepersŽ are special people. They are carefully screened and trained to provide compassionate care and companionship. To find out how Comfort Keepers can provide the kind of care to make a real difference in your home or your loved one’s, give us a call. We would be happy to S e rv i C e S arrange a free in-home visit. • Companionship

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The News of Sun City Center

December 2010

Hi, Neighbor! 2010 Draws 400

More snapshots from the 2010 Hi, Neighbor! held on November 4 Photos by George Lott

Saw dus t

rs owle

Eng inee rs

Photo courtesy of New England Club.

B Lawn

Annamae and Norman Miller enthusiastically join the New England Club after a warm welcome from President John Bukowski (Massachusetts) and John Bowker (Vermont).

Time Steppers

Soft ball Clu b

Art Club

Neomi and Manley Durham (right) talk with Academy Dance Club President Charlie Brown, his wife Patty, and Bernice May (center) who leads dance lessons sponsored by the club.

Photo by Phyllis Hodges.

By Phyllis Hodges The rain on November 4 did not deter an estimated 400 people who gathered at Community Hall for Hi, Neighbor! Representatives from about 100 clubs and organizations were on hand with information about the things Sun City Center people do to stay mentally and physically active. The annual event, organized by John Bowker, is especially helpful for those who recently moved to the area. Among the newcomers were Neomi and Manley Durham (May) and Annamae and Norman Miller (January). They all like the concept of talking to people face to face about various activities. The Millers joined several groups on the spot. Activities on their schedule will include the New England Club, Security Patrol, Lawn Bowling, Pinochle and Stamping. The Durhams have a real interest in ballroom dancing and are anxious to get involved with the clubs here. Other groups that have appealed to them so far are Billiards, Stained Glass and Tai Chi. “We retired to Tennessee from Michigan four years ago. Then we visited my mother and two sisters here in Sun City Center and immediately put the Tennessee house on the market,” he said with a smile.

Elegant Gardeners

Protection for your favorite mode of transportation. Talk to me about Golf Cart Insurance. Did you know that you can get a policy for about $5 a month? Call me and I can help you select the right coverage to fit your needs and your driving preference. Debbie Bates CIC, LUTCF, CLTC (813) 633-0006 837 Cypress Village Blvd. Sun City Center

Average monthly premium based on Florida customer data for policies written in 2008. Actual premium will vary based on amount of insurance purchased and other factors. Insurance subject to terms, conditions and availability. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company.

December 2010




The News of Sun City Center




Exp. 12/31/10

Exp. 12/31/10

Answer on page 22

HolidayOPEN HOUSE Tuesday, December 7 1 to 4 p.m. Join us as we celebrate the season with a Holiday Open House. You’re sure to enjoy an afternoon of holiday sights, sounds, aromas and tastes of this special time of year. So make plans now to be here. There’s no better way to find out why Freedom Plaza is such a great place to be for the holidays... and all year long. While you’re here, enjoy our award winning holiday decorations and tour some of our residents’ expertly decorated apartments. CALL (813)

634-1824 FOR MORE INFORMATION. Please follow event signs.

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1010 American Eagle Blvd., Apt. 114, Sun City Center, FL 33573 Exceptional Experiences Every Day is a Service Mark of Brookdale Senior Living Inc., Nashville, TN, USA. Sponsored by the Retired Officers’ Corp. Open to folks from all walks of life. • 51111EF-ROP01-1210


Club Happenings 1

The News of Sun City Center

Woman’s Club October Meeting Featured Sharon Rousch, South Bay CEO The GFWC Sun City Center Woman’s Club treated members and guests to a catered Heart Healthy Luncheon at their October meeting. In keeping with the theme of the meeting, “You Gotta Have Heart,” the program featured Sharon Rousch, CEO of South Bay Hospital. Ms. Rousch gave an informative talk about the ways women can remain “heart healthy” by recognizing critical signs of a heart attack or stroke that can differ from the symptoms for men. She noted that many in the audience were wearing red, the color associated with “Women in Red,” a public service project designed to bring about more awareness about women’s heart health issues, and expressed appreciation for the club’s emphasis in this area. This is the first in a series of club programs this year that focus on women’s wellness. President Janet Cardulla emphasized the importance of staying healthy, as members need to remain dynamic and energized in order to continue the high level of services and support the club has provided to the community in the past. There were eight new members introduced to the membership by Membership Chair Nora Nelson:

Sharon Rousch, CEO of South Bay Hospital Evelyn Licht, Paula Lickfeldt, Louise Meli, Mary Catherine Moser, Rita Romano, Judith Voorhees, Donna Ward and Terry Waters. They are joining an international organization of community-based volunteer women’s clubs. Open to them are community service programs in areas of arts, education, home life, public affairs, conservation and international outreach, as well as fundraising, meals on wheels, communications and other areas directly related to club operations. –Janet Cardulla, President

VOLLEYBALL CLUB OF SCC SEEKS NEW MEMBERS As the weather starts to cool off, the Volleyball Club of Sun City Center hopes to see new players from both the SCC and Kings Point communities. For an annual donation of $5, members meet on Monday, Thursday and Saturday mornings from 9 to 11 a.m. Lively and friendly games are played on two beautiful courts behind Community Hall near the tennis and pickleball area. All skill levels are invited.

December 2010

Blue Star from Page 1. were expanded to represent all past, current and future members of the Armed Forces. The national Blue Star program star ted in 1945. All markers throughout the United States are paid for, installed and maintained by local garden clubs and their affiliates. If you are interested in joining the Elegant Gardeners Club, contact Molly Tenney at 642-0769 or Joan Lawhead, president at 634-3338. Mol ly Tenne y (show n at right), chairperson of the Elegant Gardeners, was the MC at the Blue Star Memorial Highway Marker dedication ceremony on Veterans Day. Photo by Judy Stimson.


The Art Club in Sun City Center will hold its Annual House Tour on Saturday, January 8, 2011. Tour hours will be 10 a.m to 3 p.m., allowing SCC residents to visit six homes whose owners are pleased to share their home decor, landscaping, art and artifact collections with other community residents and neighbors. Tour tickets, priced at $10, are available in the Art Room on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., in the Atrium beginning December 20, Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to noon, also from Art Club members and at the individual tour homes. A Tour map will be provided at the time of ticket purchase. All are invited. Bring a friend and enjoy these six distinctive homes of the Sun City Center community. Neither SCC residency nor Art Club membership is required for participation in the event. –Ed Laudano

Now is your chance to enjoy a traditional British Christmas Tea!

All residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point are invited to join the SCC British Connection at its annual traditional British Christmas Tea to be served at the Lawn Bowling Club in the Eberhardt Room on Wednesday, December 8, 2010 from 2 - 4 p.m. Come with a hearty appetite to savor our authentic homemade tea sandwiches, mince pies, sausage rol ls, s cones, clotte d cre am, trifle, Christmas cake and eggnog. Reservations are required due to limited seating. Cost for the event will be $8 for members and $10 for non-members. Make checks payable to the British Connection and mail to Helen Roberts at 206 Stonehouse Court, Sun City Center FL 33573. To make a reservation or for more information, call 813-633-6008. –Anita Edwards Farney

Lions Club Holds Halloween Bash

donated by Lion Char Treadway and club guest, Patricia Schumacher. Best costume awards were presented to Lion Tom Wolf, Lion Harriet Wollmers and Lion Ellen McGovern. The members’ cash drawing award went to Lion Donna Duck. A cash offering and pantry foods were collected for the Good (L to R) LionsTerry McGovern, Ellen Samaritan Mission in Balm. The McGovern, Char Treadway. donations for the Balm Mission will Halloween party planners Lion continue through the Lions Holiday Char Treadway, Tail Twister; King Party on December 15. Lion, Terry McGovern, President; Guest speaker was Richard E. and Lion Ellen McGovern, Club Hector, M.D., Fellowship-trained 1st VP, entertained 32 Lion club cornea and dry-eye specialist. members and friends at Ozzie’s For information regarding the Buffet & Grill in celebration of SCC Lion’s Club, please contact the Halloween. McGoverns at 633-4202. Bags of Trick or Treat candies and bubble gum lollipops were

December 2010

Club Happenings 2

The News of Sun City Center

A Concert for the Holidays

The German-American Club Singers together with the South Shore Concert Band will present a unique program on Saturday, December 4, in Community Hall on South Pebble Beach Drive. Each group has over 30 musicians so it really is a “really big show.” The chorus, under the direction of Lynn Hirschfeld and accompanied by Thelma Roggenkemper, will sing a variety of German lieder, as well as some American choral numbers. They are working diligently on a choral arrangement of “The Blue Danube.” The band, normally under the leadership of Edwin Nawrock, will be directed by the talented Paul Barrientos this year while Mr. Nawrock is recuperating. The selections from the band will be many favorite holiday numbers.

As an additional treat this year, the groups will combine to perform Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus, to leave the audience in a special mood to begin the season. The concert has been scheduled for 3 p.m. so that golf cart drivers may attend without worrying about darkness. Tickets are $5 and will be available from all band and chorus members, as well as on weekday mornings in the Atrium Kiosk or by phone at 633-0446. Both of these musical groups encourage interested residents of Kings Point and Sun City Center to consider participating after the holiday season. The band rehearses on Monday evenings at 7 p.m. at the Community Church on Pebble Beach N., and the chorus sings on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. at Redeemer Lutheran Church on Valley Forge Blvd. –Judy Quitsch


The Art Club in SCC will hold its general meeting at 1 p.m. on December 20, 2010, in the Rollins Theater. After a brief discussion of club business, there will be a demonstration by Chuck Hagar. He will be demonstrating the use of watercolors on Yupo, a versatile painting surface that encourages the creation of vivid artworks. Originally from West Virginia, Chuck now lives in St. Petersburg and has taught at the Beach Art Center and Pinellas Art Society. Beginning his art career in 1985, he explored creative watercolor expressions in both eastern Kentucky and southern Ohio before expanding his art media into acrylics and collage. His works can be seen at Evelyn Cobb Gallery, Vincent William Gallery and Hobbs Gallery, among others. Admission to the meeting and demo is free and all are welcome. Membership in the Art Club is not required for attendance. –Ed Laudano



How fast this year has gone by - it’s Christmas and New Year’s already. The club has had a wonderful 2010 –and looks forward to an even better 2011, if that’s possible. To celebrate this holiday season, the club will hold a “Sounds of Christmas” Mainstream/Plus Square Dance on Friday, Dec. 17, 2010. Club members will provide hors d’oeuvres and the club will supply punch. These dances are held in Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Pre-Rounds 7 - 7:30 p.m. Mainstream/Plus Dance 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Gary Brown calls on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Friday of the month; Art Springer calls on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. Pat Hagen cues. Club members will once again donate Christmas presents to the guests of the Mary and Martha House of Ruskin. The Mary and Martha House provides safe haven for abused women and their children. NOTICE: No dance will be held on Friday, Dec. 24 or Friday, Dec. 31. Square dancers come join us for this holiday dance and every Friday for great dancing, fellowship and refreshments.. For further information, call Sue at 633-8780 or Gail at 633-1297. –Dick Schultz

our Y r fo Ask German American Club band practicing for their holiday concert.


! ine z a ag M y ver o c Dis f o es m i T


Members of the German American Club chorus.

When 2010 comes to a close, so will the special pricingg at America’s award-winning senior-living communitiess in Sun City Center. Visit us before the end of the year too get all the details about this limited-time offer. We’ll alsoo lock in your rent for three full years – guaranteed. Don’t let this opportunity to save big slip by!

Luxurious apartment homes from $1,615 a month! Arrange a tour and lunch is on us for you and a guest.

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Club Happenings 3

The News of Sun City Center

FunSquad Calendar

December 10: 4th Friday event (Moved for the Holidays) 5 p.m. Holiday Party at the Atrium Pool. Cost $6. BARBEQUE FROM FIRST CHOICE includes, slaw and chips. BYOB, no glass please. Suzy will be there for your dancing and listening pleasure. Sit by the fire-pit and enjoy a wonderful fall evening singing Christmas carols and enjoying your neighbors. Please bring an unwrapped toy suitable for a child. Toys will be donated to local charities. January 10: Port of Manatee Tour Get a behind-the-scenes look at Port Manatee on their free open-air public tram tour. Port Manatee’s openair tram accommodates 70 adults. FunSquad has reserved 40 spots. First come-first served. Call Maggie at 634-7884 to reserve a spot. When making reservations, you must supply us with your date and year of birth and either a telephone number or email. This is at the port’s request. You also must have a government-

Model Railroad Club Open House December 27

issued photo ID at check-in. We will car pool from Community Hall at 8:50 a.m., so that we arrive 15 minutes before our scheduled departure. Deadline is December 21. No last minute additions. Upcoming events: Guide Dog visit, Lunch Cruise-Tampa Bay The Model Railroad Club of Any questions, please call Sun City Center will be hosting a Maggie at 633-7884 or Nan at 642- Holiday Open House from 1 to 4 p.m. 9897. on Monday, December 27, 2010. All visiting “Junior Engineers” will be offered an opportunity to run a train SCC Dance Club and earn a certificate! The Club is SCC Dance Club welcomes you to located at 915 N. Course Lane on its holiday dance on Wednesday, the SCC Community Association’s December 15 Central Campus. Please visit our Community Hall, 7:30-9:30 p.m. website: for Music by: “DJ” Darlene directions or call 634-1414. Attire: Dressy Casual Guests $5 per person. Singles always welcome. BYOB and Snacks A little present for ALL the ladies For more info call: 633-7173 The Laff-A-Lot Connection will meet –Frank M. Carl


on December 10 at 1:30 p.m. in the Heritage room, Atrium Bldg.

Academy of Ballroom Dance Club December dance: Saturday, December 11, 2010 at Community Hall, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Members free, guests $6 that includes a free Hustle lesson at 6:15 p.m. prior to the dance. Coffee, cookies and door prizes at intermission. Dressy casual, BYOB. Everyone welcome! Info: Call Charlie Brown at (813) 642-9817.

Leigh Waters and Lyn Sherburne introduce the art of porcelain painting to CA members visiting Hi Neighbor this past week. Diana Young offered two free Snowman theme classes to any new interested members who joined that evening. Photo provided by Emilee Rugh, Publicity.

Polish Heritage Club

The Polish Heritage Club has announced plans to hold a Wigilia Supper on Friday, December 10. Please send your club news to The Tickets for members at $5 each and News of Sun City Center for guests at $15 each will be sold. to the following email address: Nominations for club officers were made at the November meeting. For information, call John 633-3797.

For more info contact Ivan at 6339835. The club meets every second Friday all 12 months. There is never any dues, and all SCC and KP residents are welcome. If you can’t tell jokes, just come and meet new friends. See you there.

December 2010

Best of the Best Competition

If you want to see the best of Sun City Center’s photography all in one place, join the SCC Photo Club for its annual Best of the Best competition. Entries include photographs that have won awards during the last year and they will be judged according to category. You will be able to see a wide variety of landscapes, architecture and portraits with over 27 photographers represented. Awards will be given that night to the Best of the Best in each category, as well as a Best in Show and a Judge’s Award. Chuck Stevenson, pastpresident of the Suncoast Camera Club in Bradenton, will serve as judge. Community members and guests are welcome to attend. The December 14 meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. in the Caper Room with media shows produced by our club members. After a short business meeting and election of officers at 7 p.m., the judging will begin. For more information on the club and its activities, go to our website at or visit the learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive. Dues for the 2011 year remain at $20 per person or $30 per household couple and provide access to club activities, competitions and classes as well as the photo lab with computers, scanners and large format printers.

December 2010

Club Happenings 4 THE COMPUTER CLUB

The News of Sun City Center


Men’s Club Honors Past Presidents with Guest Speaker Pam Iorio



If you would like to learn what is involved in designing your own website, attend the December 1 meeting of The Computer Club. Jerry Spillman will describe and demonstrate the steps involved. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Florida Room, preceded by the HELP DESK at 7 p.m. All Sun City Center and Kings Point residents are invited to attend. For membership and meeting information, contact Ilona Merritt at 633-9694. –Jack Fischer

Photo by John Bowker

T he C ompute r C lub has announced a second training meeting on FAC E B O O K . This will be held in the Computer Club classro om on Monday, December 6, beginning at 7 p.m. All SCC residents are invited. Reservations are not required.

At the October 20, 2010 luncheon of the Sun City Center Men’s Club, Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio joined in the recognition of many of the club’s past presidents. Shown above, left to right, are Norm Baker (President in 1993), George Erp (2000), Ty Sturdevant (2002), Walt Cawein (1999), Mayor Iorio, Jay Sparkman (2009), Lou Tovey (2001 & 2003), Al Andersen (2007), Steve Csintyan (2005), Bob Deutel (2008). Other club presidents unable to attend: Cornell Clark (1997), Dick Farrow (2006), Jerry Mahoney (2004), Dallas Tuthill 1994-1995). The current president, Peter Walker, was away for this event.



The December 16 meeting of the Men’s Club will be its traditional Ladies Day Holiday Luncheon, where members take their “dates” to a grand luncheon by Banquet Master and some wonderful seasonal entertainment. This luncheon meeting ($35 per couple) will be held in Community Hall (1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd), beginning at 11:30 a.m. This is a “Members only” event. Membership information may be obtained from Jerry Mahoney at 633-2879. Reservations are required.

We Won! The Sun City Center Photo Club won the second annual Tri-Club competition between the Sarasota Camera Club, the Suncoast Camera Club and the Sun City Center Photo Club. This is a prestigious trophy since each club has many talented photographers. SCC Big Band Vice-president George Seeley Our thanks to all who offered accepts the trophy. Dance Club their photos for the contest and Saturday, December 18 especially to those whose photos Colorful Website by Doug Moore Thumbelina by Joe Pehoushek were selected by our panel. 7-10 p.m. Feed Me by Rolf Sulzberger Our winning entries were: Community Hall The Paula Dean Show by Glenn Laucks Color Prints (Limit of 20) Cartegena Window by Marianne Come join us for a fun-filled Sunset at Roanoke Island by Matt Batt Wexler Oldies But Goodies evening dancing to the music Butterfly Flexing His Legs by Doug Caveau by Stan Lipski of Sun City Center’s own live New Year’s Eve Party Moore Blue Bike by Stan Lipski 18-piece Swing Band Good Morning, Honey by Doug Moore Monochrome Prints (Limit of 10) Overlooking Mt. Rushmore by Sharon playing the Grandpa’s Barn by Joe Pehoushek Bolton “Music Of Your Life” A Chinese Finger Painter by Wayne Beach Tree by Stan Lipski A Beach at Craigleath by Linda Hawkin from the 1940’s, 50’s and 60’s. Bengston Bobcats at Home by Rolf Sulzberger Banjo Man by Patt Sulzberger Non-season ticket holders Wild Bill Cody by Glenn Laucks Sugar & Spice by Patt Sulzberger $9 at the door. Spires of Inspiration by Matt Batt The SCC Oldies But Goodies Dale Chihuly Glass by Rose Stack Persistence at Yosemite by Rolf Dress code: Dressy attire for Dance Club will host a New Year’s Cocktail Hour by Marianne Strehar Sulzberger the ladies and jackets (ties Eve Party in Community Hall. It will Mill by a Stream by Marianne Strehar Savannah Frond Weaver by Glenn be catered by “Fun with Food” with Blue Mountains of Australia by optional) for the men. Laucks an elaborate menu served from 8-10 Marianne Wexler Contrast in Architecture by Unknown For information, call p.m. and with champagne served at Spools of Color by Bill Leasy Organist in the Sky by Patt Sulzberger midnight. The entertainers are “The Munchin’ Lunch by Matt Batt Charlie 642-8172 Dukes.” Door Prizes all evening! –Charlie Bostick New Year’s Eve tickets are on sale at the Atrium Kiosk from 9 a.m. until noon and will continue until all Frozen, Ready to Heat and Serve tickets are sold. Come join the fun!


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The News of Sun City Center

December 2010


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Minto Communities is now offering a beautiful selection of new, innovative homes designed for yo y ur care-free lifesty yle in King gs Point and Renaissance. All homes will be ENERGY STARÂŽ certiďŹ ed and all appliances are included. A generous offering of premium standard features

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successful history, offers a lifestyle unparalleled to anywhere else with its resort-style living and beautifully-maintained community, you will never run ru n ou outt of thi thing ngs s to d do o. You Yourr in incr cred edib ible le, ne new w, care-free lifestyle at Sun City Center includes: Â’ ;WZSa ]T eOZYW\U O\R X]UUW\U b`OWZa Â’ 5]ZT QO`b OQQSaaWPZS `]OReOga O\R ^ObVa b] O[S\WbWSa O\R \SO`Pg aV]^^W\U Â’ " [OU\WÂżQS\b Q][[c\Wbg `SQ`SObW]\ TOQWZWbWSa Â’ " Âżb\Saa O\R eSZZ\Saa QS\bS`a Â’ W\R]]` O\R ]cbR]]` VSObSR aeW[[W\U ^]]Za

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27@31B7=<A( Exit 240A from I-75. Turn right onto 33rd Street SE. Turn left onto Commercial Dr. Arrive at the Minto Sales Center.

Prices, availability, dimensions and features subject to change without notice. Oral representations cannot be relied upon as correctly stating the representations of the developer. For correct representations, make reference to the documents required by section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee. Not an offer where prohibited by state statutes. CGC 059780, CGC 1516596, CGC1518693

December 2010

The News of Sun City Center


Superior Bank Joins Forces for 2nd Annual Toy Drive to Benefit Tampa Bay Children Happy Holidays Toy Drive kicks off

TAMPA, Fla. (Nov. 16, 2010) -- Superior Bank, Lazydays RV Supercenter and the Tampa law firm of Arnstein & Lehr LLP are organizing their second annual Happy Holidays Toy Drive to benefit children served by Kids Charity of Tampa Bay. The toy drive will run through a grand finale event on Dec. 18. Those who donate toys may qualify to win a four-day, three-night stay at beautiful South Seas Island Resort on Captiva Island. The winner will be announced Dec. 20. “We are so pleased to again team with Superior Bank and Lazydays RV to ensure a bright holiday season for the children of Tampa,” said Ron Cohn, an Arnstein & Lehr partner. “I cannot think of a more worthy cause than inspiring hope and happiness in children during the holidays.”

Those who donate a new, unwrapped toy will qualify to win the vacation prize if they fill out a contest entry form and drop it off, along with their toy, at any Hillsborough, Pinellas or Pasco County Superior Bank location; at Arnstein & Lehr’s Tampa office; or at Lazydays RV Supercenter. Cash donations are welcome. Checks should be made payable to Kids Charity of Tampa Bay. SCC DROPOFF LOCATIONS Superior Bank locations: 1311 Aston Gardens 4842 State Road 674 231 Courtyard Blvd. 101 Trinity Lakes Blvd Representatives will be on hand at each location to provide the entry forms, and collection boxes will be at each site to receive the toys.

The Officers and Members of the

Sun City Center Emergency Squad would like to take this opportunity to thank the Community for their support this past year and to wish everyone a

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

May you enjoy family, fellowship and peace this holiday season.


The News of Sun City Center

December 2010

Military Affairs

Sun City Center Veterans Day Ceremony

On Thursday, November 11, Sun City Center observed Veterans Day at Community Hall. The program started at 10 a.m. The ceremony was sponsored by the Sun City Center combined military veterans organizations in recognition of our many community veterans. A special tribute was given to Lt. Col. Gordon Bassett, US Air Force (Ret), immediate past president of MOWW for his numerous veteranrelated activities. The dynamic guest speaker, Bob Black, was awarded the Combat

Infantry Badge while serving in the Second Infantry Division during the Korean War. There was a special appearance by the ever popular Lily Marlane. A musical interlude was presented by the Trinity Singers directed by Rev. James Feist. There was also a tribute to all veterans by well-known performers Ellen Kleinschmidt and Lew Resseguie, accompanied by the PACKids, including a special rendition of an “Andrew Sisters Melody.” The Color Guard was composed of JROTC Cadets from East Bay High School. This ceremony was complemented by the efforts of the Sun City Center Patriots Club which has, through its fundraising efforts, ensured that the flags will continue to fly along SR 674 during this special period of recognition to our veterans and active military forces.

Lt. Col. Paul Wheat presided over the ceremonies.

Captain Don Freese, USNR/ RET, to address MOAA

Capt. Don Freese, USNR/RET, president of the MOAA Florida Council of Chapters, will be the featured speaker at the Sun City Center Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America luncheon to be held December 1 at the Florida Room in the Sun City Center North Side Atrium Building. Capt. Freese is the current president of the Florida Council of Chapters, an affiliate of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA), which is a dynamic organization of more than 10,000 active, retired and former officers of the uniformed services. The Council was chartered on November 18, 1970 with 20 chapters and clubs and now includes 44 organizations from the Florida Panhandle to the Florida Keys. Capt. Freese will discuss the current status and activities of the national MOAA organization. In addition to his presentation, he will install the newly-elected MOAA officers for the coming year. Colonel James Shumway will be the 2011 MOAA president, replacing this year’s president, Major Kirk Faryniasz. –Frank Kepley

Lt. Col. Eugene Morris, retired Air Force fighter pilot, addressed MOAA

Lt. Col. Eugene Morris, USAF (Ret) was again the featured speaker at the Sun City Center Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America luncheon held on Nov. 3. The program was Part II of a two-part presentation relative to Col. Morris’ Southeast Asia tours, which included missions over North and South Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. Col. Morris flew 302 combat missions and was awarded numerous air medals, including two silver stars, two distinguished flying crosses and a bronze star. He d i s c u s s e d t h e m a ny challenges encountered in creating an air base in Ubon, Thailand as well as the technology and flying techniques used in the Viet Nam conflict. Also noted were the political restrictions in place that influenced the selection of strategic targets. Col. Morris attended the Air War College in Montgomery, Alabama, finishing as a “Distinguished Graduate” in 1975. He is a graduate of Florida State University and Auburn University, where he received his Master’s degree. –Frank Kepley, Capt, USN, Ret

MOAA Charity Golf Tournament Held

Photo provided by Frank Kepley

Col. George Mercer Chapter, NSDAR had several members that participated The local DAR chapter members in the ALS Walk held at United attended the Veterans Day Ceremony. Community Church on November 14. Front to back: Jan Bassett,Priscilla They walked in honor of DAR member Chase,Wilma Elmer, Pat Fricke, Shirlee Wiseman who has the disease. Sondra Harnishfeger, Mary McIntyre, Photo submitted by Priscilla Chase: Elizabeth Richner and Beverly Engles. (L to R): Mary McIntyre,Vice Regent Left to right, Chet Gilbert; Zachary Gilbert; Chuck Roth; Pat Gilbert Joyce Strickland, Pat Peltz, Natalie Submitted by Jo Prater. Tryon, Carol Acosta-Corresponding T h e M i l i t a r y O f f i c e r s and Raymond James Investment Secretary, Jody Masterson-Registrar, Association of America held their Inc., our “Bronze Sponsors” ($200); Bunny Blackstone-Librarian, Elizabeth annual charity golf tournament on as well as the many “Hole Sponsors” Richner, Sondra Harnishfeger. October 23 at the Freedom Plaza & donations. Golf Course in Sun City Center. The winners were: The tournament was held to benefit • 1st place: Chet Gilbert; Zachary the “MOAA Scholarship Fund” Gilbert, Chuck Roth and Pat and “Operation Helping Hand.” Gilbert (see above photo) Prior to the tournament start, a • 2nd place: Larry Lebo; Sala continental breakfast was provided, Halm; Richard Konkey and and following the tournament, a Ted Cranmer. luncheon was served and prizes awarded. • 3rd place: Todd Zanistoski; Mauro Torres; Carlos Martinez MOAA earned $2,850 for the and Phil Lemasters above named charities and extends a special thanks to Freedom Plaza, In addition a putting contest was won our “Exclusive Signature Sponsor” by Paul Christopher. ($750); Sala Halm, our “Gold –Frank Kepley, Capt, USN, Ret Sponsor” ($500); Sara McKibben

December 2010

The News of Sun City Center


2011 Antique Adventure Scheduled for January

Col. George Mercer Brooke Chapter is busy planning its second Antique Adventure. Mark your calendars for January 26, 2011. Last year was such a success that it will be held in Community Hall this time to allow more people to attend. Net proceeds will go to “Paws for Patriots.” (L to R) Jo Prater, Bunny Blackstone, Mary McIntyre and Jody Masterson. Submitted by Jo Prater.


Van Drivers Needed for DAV Van

Sun City Center has a DAV van that was donated to Tampa’s James A. Haley Veterans Hospital by the local DAV Chapter 110. Veterans are transported Monday through Friday, departing SCC at 6:30 a.m. and returning at 1 p.m. This van is for all veterans to use but is NOT wheelchair accessible. To schedule a ride, call 634-0302. A seven-day advance notice is needed. The DAV is in need of volunteers to drive this van. This is a seven-

passenger van and does not require a commercial driver’s license to drive. If you can spare at least one day a month, it will surely help out the veterans of our community. If interested, please contact the chapter commander, Tom Williams, at (813) 777-0914 or email Helmut Haberl at The DAV meetings are held every fourth Thursday of the month in the Caper Room. Lunch is served at noon; meeting starts at 1 p.m.

Solution on page 22.

The Observer News • Sun City Center Observer • Riverview Current • November 12, 2009 • WELCOME BACK m 11

NO MORE BATTERIES!!! The Amateur Radio Club will be collecting batteries for recycling only until December 10 in front of the Palm Room in Old Town Hall. After that, residents can take used batteries to the Solid Waste Disposal Station north of Apollo Beach on the second Saturday of each month or to Radio Shack in the Bealls shopping center any day they are open. Don’t forget, there are some batteries that should not be put into the regular trash going to the landfill. We thank the Amateur Radio Club for its diligence in collecting and disposing of batteries for residents in our community for so many years.

Some Batteries May Be Placed in Your Home Trash You might be saved a trip to the Solid Waste Disposal Station if your batteries are designated “NON-hazardous waste.” Check out the website for your battery type. It gives an indication as to whether your battery can be put in your home trash or needs to go to the Disposal Station. Some examples of batteries that are NON-hazardous waste that are listed on the website include the following typical home-use batteries: 1–Alkaline (manganese), aka Coppertop or Alkaline, in sizes AAA, AA, C, D, 6V and 9V. 2–Carbon Zinc, aka “Classic,” Heavy Duty, General or All Purpose, Power Cell, same sizes as Alkaline. 3–Lithium/Lithium Ion, sizes 3V, 6V, 3V button. 4–Nickel Metal Hydride (Rechargeable), same sizes as Alkaline. 5–Reusable Alkaline, aka Renewal, sizes AAA, AA, C, D. Some batteries should be returned to point of sale for recycling. Examples are lead-acid vehicle batteries and silver oxide batteries. Lithium and Nickel Metal Hydride rechargeables may also be taken to various sites for recycling.

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The News of Sun City Center

December 2010

A Little Advice from Consumer Affairs ... By Susan Muise


ROOFING CONTRACTORS It may not be the prancing and pawing of each little hoof that you hear on your roof, it may be that you need a new roof !!! It’s something that will eventually happen to all of us here, and maybe more than once. We have learned that in order for the State of Florida to certify someone as a roofing contractor, he must first successfully complete a two-day comprehensive exam administered by the Construction Licensing Board. He must demonstrate that he has specific experience and training in the roofing field and provide proof of both workers compensation and liability insurance. If he meets all of the requirements, he is issued a license which is a “CCC” followed by six numerals (Example: CCC000002). Contractors working in Hillsborough County (no matter what their address is) must also have a Hillsborough County Competency Certificate for Roofing which generally uses the same license number as the state. The Florida Roofing, Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors Association (FRSA) tells us that “Florida law requires that all roofing work be done by a contractor licensed to perform such work. Hiring an unlicensed contractor can result in a fine to the consumer of up to $5,000.” Always get at least three proposals and ask the following questions when obtaining bids: 1. Are you a member of a professional roofing organization such as the Florida Roofing, Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors Association? (Professional organization membership is a good sign of a professional contractor.) 2. Do you have a permanent place of business, and for how long? (Stay away from contractors who can only give you a post office box address.) 3. Are you properly licensed and insured according to the Florida licensing requirements? Please provide your license number. (Or check with the Consumer Affairs Office at the CA Office 633-3500. This is information that we keep on all contractors who are registered with us.) 4. May I see copies of your certificates of insurance for workers compensation and contractor liability insurance? (For contractors registered with the CA, we have copies in the office.)

5. Can you provide me with a list of client references that I may contact? 6. Do you guarantee your work, and what type of written warranties will you provide? 7. Will I receive a written proposal with a complete description of the work and specifications, such as estimated starting and completion dates? 8. Will my property remain relatively clean and orderly during the project? 9. Who will be the on-site person in charge on a day-to-day basis?” They also tell us to make sure your roofer has his business name on his truck and his license number. It is a state law that roofers display their company name and license number. Don’t hire any roofer with an unmarked truck. This is good advice which we should all heed. The Consumer Affairs Committee suggests another question to ask: 10. Does every person who will be up on my roof have workers compensation insurance in case they are injured on the job? Contractors with fewer than four employees are not required to have workers compensation insurance. We feel very strongly that anyone who is up on your roof should at least have at a Workers Compensation Exemption Certificate. If a company cannot prove they insure their entire crew, even just leasing the insurance for your job, do not use them! We have also heard from a resident here in town that she found that her roofer had not taken the bathroom vent all the way through the new roof, causing the attic insulation to become water-soaked. She said she found that she was not the only one that this happened to in her neighborhood. It’s worth a look to make sure that your vents go through to the outside of your roof. Don’t forget to check our files in the CA Office to see if we have any resident comments on the contractor you plan to hire. And don’t forget to comment on the contractor you do hire to let others know how you feel about their work.

The Consumer Affairs Register is available online at -click on Consumer Affairs on the left side of the page; -click on Directory Listing of Registered Contractors and Vendors on the left side of the page.

Solution on page 22.

She made my first birthday cake and my wedding gown. Now, my Mom doesn’t even recognize me. The deepest pain of Alzheimer's disease is emotional. Because even harder than giving care around the clock, is watching your best friend slip away. That's why we're here; to give you both a quality of life, so you can give her only quality time. Call or visit Homewood Residence®, and ask about our specially designed memory care community with specialized care programs for your loved one - and for your best friend, too. Personalized Assisted Living Respect for Individual PreferencesSM Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care Daily Moments of SuccessSM 3910 Galen Ct., Sun City Center, FL 33573

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Respect for Individual Preferencse and Daily Moments of Success are Service Marks of Brookdale Senior Living Inc., Nashville, TN, USA 52130-ROP01-1110

December 2010

The News of Sun City Center

C. A. R. E.


We Want to Know!!!

(Answers to frequently asked questions at the CA) By Susan Muise


How can I be a good CA member?

Shyloh Shyloh is a pretty Lab-Sharpei mix who will melt your heart when she looks up at you with those bashful eyes. She loves stuffed animals, the doggy pool, and playing with other dogs. Shyloh was frightened of everything when she arrived at the shelter. Today, she is a confident, smart and affectionate lady. If you have a big heart and the patience to help Shyloh start this new phase of her life, please come and meet her. Shyloh has been spayed, will be microchipped and brought current on her shots. DOB: August 2008.

Milo Milo is an orange domestic medium hair mix. He was brought to the shelter filthy, sick and underweight. Even in that conition, Milo was a real trooper. Now that he is feeling better, he desires gentle affection and many treats! Milo has been neutered, microchipped, and brought up-to-date on his shots. Become a Milo fan because this cool cat is a real winner! DOB: September 2008.

C.A.R.E. is open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday thru Saturday For directions, visit www. or call 813-645-2273

The new Luxury-Lift® recliner...exclusively designed for the safest, most dependable operation.

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Most members are already very cooperative and willing to help. Even though the CA does have paid employees, everyone’s attitude makes a difference in the type of facility we enjoy. The maintenance people at the pools ask us to please be helpful by closing the locker doors when you are finished using them. We would not want anyone injured by hitting a door that they did not notice was open. If you have moved a chair by the pool to take better advantage of the sun or shade, please be kind enough to put it back when you leave. Do not bring any glass into any of the pool areas. Recently pieces of broken glass have been found where people are walking without shoes. Ouch!!! They would specifically like to thank everyone displaying their cards without protest. All of this will and does make their busy jobs so much easier. The Fitness Center monitors ask people to be mindful of using profanity in public and of wearing

strong perfumes or colognes. Both of these can be very upsetting to others who are also trying to work out. Please remember to bring your best manners anywhere on campus. We each pay our dues, and yes, we are entitled to use all of the facilities, but we are not entitled to be disrespectful to others in the process. There are enough machines in the Fitness Center that it is not necessary to fight over one. Also, please understand that you are now required to display your CA card when you are in the Fitness Center. The monitors are only doing their jobs as they have been instructed. If you disagree with this new policy, please come to or call the CA Office to talk to the Board president. Let’s make a New Year’s resolution to all have a pleasant year in 2011, to use these beautiful facilities with pride, and to maybe make some new friends in the process.


The News of Sun City Center


10-21-10: Low putts: 1st place: Pat Hoying and Marty Mallak, tied with 14 putts. 10-28-10: Low Net: First Place -Mary Klopp – 34; Second Place - tie -- Jeanne Doherty and Jeanne Nenarella – 39 11-11-10: Tee to Green: First place - Beth Johnson; 2nd place - Mary Klopp. 11/18/10: Throw out par 5’s: 1st place - tie - Sandra Hurwitz and Christel Fraebel –Gloria Nunn

SCC Men’s Golf 10-21-2010: Two-man team Chicago White Tees 1st -tie Mike Gomes +1 Phillip DiRosario +1

Thomas R. Williamson +1 Mike Zwissler Green Tees 1st Al Hamm +11 Carl Lingertot

Michael Prach Bob Black

+10 +10

Zack Taylor +10 Bob Keyes Capt. Jim Cosgrove 26 golfers 10-28-2010: Individual Chicago White Tees 1st Joe Pliska +3 2nd Thomas R. Williamson +2 Green Tees 1st-tie Bud Tolley +4 Carl Lingertot Chuck Roth Capt. Jim Rottman 22 golfers

Our thanks go to Lynn Noyes for placing the red ribbons on all of the lamp posts at the Central Campus!

10/23/2010: SandPiper, nco-Skins: 1st: Art Swallow, 10 skins; 2nd: threeway tie @ 5 skins each –Fred Mayes, Joe Dispenziere & Jay Sparkman. Low-net: Fred Mayes, 58; Low-gross: Fred Mayes, 84. 10/25/2010: Diamond Hill, Match: 1st: tie @ 72’s – Paul Maki & Bill Poirier; 2nd: Gene Terry, 77. 10/27/2010: Summerfield, ncoSkins: 1st: Fred Mayes, 4 skins; 2nd: two-way tie @ 3 skins each – Paul Maki & Don Mowry. Low-net: Don Mowry, 70; Low-gross: Don Mowry, 91. 10/29/2010: Buffalo Creek, ncoSkins: 1st: Bill Poirier, 3 skins; 2nd: Three-way tie @ 2 skins each – Jay Sparkman, Dave Britton & Tom Connolly. Low-net, front nine – Tom Connolly, 36; back nine – Jay Sparkman, 35; eighteen - tied at 72’s: Tom Connolly & Jay Sparkman; Lowgross: Dave Briton, 84. 10/30/2010: SandPiper, nco-Skins: Winners (6 skins each): Jerry Egger, Don Mowry, Terry Seipelt & Jenice Taylor. Low-net: Don Mowry, 66; Low-gross: Dave Briton, 83. 11/3/2010: Bloomingdale, ncoSkins: 1st: three way tie @ 4 skins each – Paul Maki, Fred Mayes & Art Swallow. Low-net: Jay Sparkman, 72; Low-gross: Dave Briton, 92. 11/6/2010: SandPiper, nco-Skins: 1st: Bill Poirier, 12 skins; 2nd: fourway tie @ 6 skins each – Melanie Higgins, Paul Maki, Don Mowry & Fred Mayes. Low-net: two-way tie @ 69’s - Fred Mayes & Don Leath; Low-gross: Ed Reich, 82. 11/9/2010: Apollo Beach, h-Skins: 5 skins each – Chip Wood, Fred Mayes, Jim Sari & Bob Oler. Low-net: Bob Oler, 66; Low-gross: Chip Wood, 84. 11/11/2010: Renaissance, Match: 1st: Jenice Taylor, 90; 2nd: Jim Sari, 91. 11/13/2010: SandPiper, h-Skins (skins + lo gross awards): 1st: Jay Sparkman, 9 skins; 2nd: 3 skins each – Woody Nelson, Van daCosta, Fred Mayes & Tom Connolly. Low-net: tied at 70’s – Jay Sparkman and Van daCosta; Low-gross: Jay Sparkman, 91. 11/15/2010: Summerfield, Match: 1st: Ed Reich, net 66, gross 79 (new Hogans course record); 2nd: twoway tie @ net 79’s – Fred Mayes & Art Swallow. 11/17/10: Bloomingdale, h-Skins: 1st: Tom Kirchen, 8 skins; 2nd: three-way tie @ 4 skins each – Jenice Taylor, Woody Nelson & Jim Sari. Low-net: Jim Sari, 68; Low-gross: Tom Kirchen, 88. 11/19/2010: Buffalo Creek, h-Skins: 1st: Bill Poirier, 5 skins; 2nd: Chip Wood, 4 skins. Low-net: Bill Poirier, 70; Low-gross: Chip Wood, 82. 11/20/2010: SandPiper, h-Skins: 1st: two-way tie @ 10 skins each – Jay Sparkman & Woody Nelson. Lownet: Tom Kirchen, 67; Low-gross: Tom Kirchen, 82.

Photo by Lyn Reitz

The club is open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point residents and their guests. Reservations are required to play with the Hogans. Contact or visit

ClubLink to Set Up Captain’s Committee at Each Course

Photo provided by Art Swallow

SCC WGA 9-Hole

2nd-tie Harold Geldbach Chuck Roth

December 2010

Hogans League of Sun City Center and Kings Point

League Results, Pictures and More

Bert Poulin Jim Rottman

Hogans golfers Paul Maki and Fred Mayes enjoying a sunny round of golf.

Hogans League November Schedule Date Day 12/1 Wed 12/3 Fri 12/4 Sat 12/7 Tue 12/9 Thur 12/11 Sat 12/13 Mon 12/15 Wed 12/17 Fri 12/18 Sat 12/21 Tue 12/23 Thur 12/25 Sat 12/27 Mon 12/29 Wed 12/31 Fri

Course Bloomingdale Buffalo Creek Sandpiper Apollo Beach Renaissance Sandpiper Summerfield Bloomingdale Buffalo Creek Sandpiper Apollo Beach Renaissance Sandpiper Summerfield Bloomingdale Buffalo Creek

The Captain’s Committee will be comprised of a male and female captain, a male and female vicecaptain and the director of golf. Most committees require two to four additional members to assist with the event planning process. Ideally, the captains and supporting committee members will be knowledgeable about the rules of golf, various forms of play, the USGA handicap system and have some experience as a participant or as an organizer of golf competitions. The captains generally serve for a two-year term and support the committee as a past captain in the year following their term to help with succession and continuity. Committee member elections will take place on the following dates: Falcon Watch: December 1, at 1 p.m. at Falcon Watch Clubhouse Club Renaissance: December 2, at 1 p.m. in Bacchus Room Kings Point: December 3, at noon at Kings Point Golf clubhouse Scepter: December 6, at 1 p.m. at Falcon Watch Clubhouse Caloosa Greens: December 7, at noon at Caloosa Greens Clubhouse Sandpiper: December 8, at 1 p.m. at Sandpiper Please join us to support those who plan to serve on the committee and to cast your vote.

The News of Sun City Center

GOLF CART INSURED ON COURSE ONLY Many of our local residents are not sure whether or not they need to carry golf cart insurance. As an insurance agent, I am many times asked if the golf cart is covered under the homeowner’s policy. Yes, the golf cart is covered under the homeowner’s policy but only for liability to others and only while using it for golfing purposes. A s y o u k n ow, S u n C i t y Center is a unique community that has received permission from Hillsborough County to use the golf cart on public roads within the boundaries of the community. As a result, many of the local residents use their golf carts like a second vehicle to travel to the shopping plaza or the post office, sometime crossing State Road 674. Unless an individual has an endorsement on the homeowner’s policy or a special golf cart policy, there is not coverage for this exposure. What if an operator of a golf cart pulls out in front of someone and causes an accident or backs over a pedestrian in the Sun City Center

Plaza? Needless to say, there would be no coverage unless an endorsement policy has been written. Physical damage to the golf cart is another concern. This can be added with a homeowner’s endorsement or added to a golf cart policy. It is not automatically covered under the personal contents coverage of your homeowner’s, renter’s, or condo policy. It is excluded under the homeowner’s protection and would only be covered for physical damage if endorsed onto the policy. In today’s insurance environment most people try to avoid placing claims on their homeowner’s policy, preferring to save their insurance for a catastrophic loss. For that reason, it might be wise to get a separate golf cart policy. If you own a golf cart, be sure you understand the language of your policy and get clarification of anything you do not understand. Contact your insurance agent to discuss your coverage. –Debbie Bates Allstate Insurance Agent


Synchronized Swimmer Receives Level 3 Award


December 2010

Barbara D’Entremont (L) earned the Level 3 skill award sanctioned by the USSSA. Verlee Clinefelter, president of SCC’s Swim Dancers, is shown presenting the award at a recent club breakfast.

Softball Club Elects 2010-11 Officers, Season Underway

The Sun City Center Softball Club announces the election of the 2010-2011 Board of Directors. Second row: Directors; Mike Brown, Ron Russell, John Kirkland, Dale Gerow, Dan Donoghue, Jim Fleming (not shown) and Gary Kennelly. First row: Dennis McPhail, President; Jim Blackstone, VP; Ken Johnson, Secretary; Paula Lipski, Treasurer. The Fall Season is underway. If you are interested in playing senior softball or umpiring, please contact either Dennis McPhail at 236-4005 or Walt Drugan at 642-9135 for details. We currently field seven teams and have games throughout the day every Tuesday and Friday. If you just want to sit in the stands and relax, we invite you to come out and watch some exciting games. Root for your favorite team! Lunch is also available on Fridays prepared by our Diamondettes.

2010 Flu Shots Schedule in SCC

Sportswriters needed! If you are interested in any of the sporting activities going on in and around Sun City Center, The NEWS could use you as a staff writer. Please contact Karen Jones at

December 7, Tuesday, 9–11 a.m., Heritage Room December 14, Tuesday, 9–11 a.m., Heritage Room Medicare B: No Charge for Flu or Pneumonia Others: $25-Flu; $45-Pneumonia CASH, CHECK, VISA OR MASTER CARD


The News of Sun City Center

December 2010

Published Authors Residing in SCC

(A continuing column by News staff writer Marie Wood.)

John Foster

John Foster has always had a love for words and in his retirement years has put this love into writing his two books of poetry, “Discovery: A Wordcrafter’s Journey” and “Chuckles–Verses to A–Muse.” John was born in New York State but lived mainly in Connecticut. He has diplomas from Yale University, Midd lebur y C ol lege and t he Sorbonne. He has been a school administrator and a teacher of French. His main hobby is bridge, and he has introduced the game to over 700 residents of Sun City Center since he and his wife moved here. He is a member of the Board of Governors of the Sun City Center Duplicate Bridge Association. John used to enjoy writing light verse for friends and family

and eventually got involved with an international poetry website: “World of Poets.” With the encouragement of fellow poets who read his work, he wrote and published his first book of poetry. His books are especially interesting because he uses a wide variety of poetry forms and explains them in his books. He also adds a comment on each poem in his books. John still teaches bridge and sometimes performs on the baritone ukulele with the Pelican Players Entertainers. He also speaks at various clubs such as the Yale Club of Tampa Bay, the Sun City Center Men’s Club, SouthShore Library, and many other organizations who would enjoy hearing a reading of his unique style of poetry. If interested, contact John at 634-3240.

Alzheimer’s Financial Assistance Phyllis Butner, left, one of seven pianists for Nondenominational Christian Worship Services, is shown presenting a check for $1,471 to Dolores Berens, president of Samaritan Alzheimer’s Auxiliary. The love offering was given from donations for October. Mrs. Butner said, “We are thankful and grateful for the financial support from our attendees to help fund such a worthwhile organization as Samaritan Alzheimer’s Auxiliary.” NCWS is currently providing 10 weekly worship services in the Sun City Center community along with sponsoring a role model program at Reddick Elementary School and sponsoring an Adopt-A-Highway program. Those interested in volunteering or having a worship service in your area please call Jim at 634-3114. –Jim C. Butner

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813-503-4189 or 813-634-3816 Anne Pidgeon’s WONDERFUL WORLD of

COLORFIELD FARMS Nursery, Garden Center and Gifts .

Fully Stocked with Citrus, Mango and Fruit Trees Shrubs, Planters, Native Plants, Butterfly Plants Herbs and Flowers

Team Colorfield

THE CRYSTALS With Rocky and the Rollers

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et Us! e M e Com

et Us! e M e m




Friday, January 7, 2011 – 7:00-10:00 p.m. Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd.

Great Gifts That Keep On Giving.

Old Fashioned Manners and “Say it with Flowers” Hospitality.

Chris Landscaping Visit We Walk Around Your Yard with You and Make Plans Together.

Tickets: $20/person On sale starting Monday, September 13 at the Atrium Kiosk ** Tables of 10

Let’s Shake Hands. Let’s Talk. We Are Fully Staffed So We Always Have Plenty of Time for You.

** On sale at Kiosk 9-11 a.m. September 13-14, 20-21, then Monday thru Friday 9-noon starting October 11* thru show date (if available). *Changed from October 4th (Atrium Closed)

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Info: Judy Schings, 813-642-2001

Exactly Five Miles East of Hwy 301

Open 7 Days: 9-5

Florida Department of Agriculture Registration Number 47229964.

December 2010

The News of Sun City Center


MOVIES at the Rollins Theater

NEWCOMERS October 2010

List prepared by Linda Bowker from CA staff data. Report corrections, additions to CA at 633-3500.

Last First Num Local street Hometown St Phone Crain Ervin 646 Allegheny Dr Virginia Beach VA 634-1205 Holman Willie & Tana 1702 Atrium Dr Ruskin FL 633-0363 Manning Ronald & Patricia 1505 Bentwood Dr Annapolis MD 260-3978 Sanzalone Elvera 1211 Caloosa Creek Ct Kearny NJ 260-3857 Page Emery & Patsy 314 Caloosa Palms Ct Dallas GA 770-757-0673 McDowell Larry & Faye 308 Caloosa Woods Ln Geneva NY 260-3850 Coletta Kenneth & Lee 313 Caloosa Woods Ln Boston MA Carroll John 503 Chipper Dr Platt Irene 503 Chipper Dr Breitfeller Frank 1745 Council Dr Palm Coast FL Clayton Harry 1716 Danbury Dr Jackson TN 731-377-9033 Fink Lynn 1716 Danbury Dr Ronceverte WV 731-377-9033 Lewis Elsie 1924 East View Dr Orlando FL 633-1439 Storey Ronald 1924 East View Dr Philadelphia PA 633-1439 Withers Alex & Kathie 2005 El Rancho Dr 600-9420 Pettengill Edwin 2415 Emerald Lake Dr Apt 103 545-4989 Corusy Maxine 2417 Emerald Lake Dr Apt 108 Chicago IL 260-3636 Jones Ed & Martha 2419 Emerald Lake Dr Apr 216 Terre Haute IN 941-416-2604 Camp Sandra 2429 Emerald Lake Dr Apr 214 Sacramento CA 260-3880 Huntting Phyllis 2429 Emerald Lake Dr Apt 107 634-9305 Moberly Thomas 1814 Granville Ln Normal IL 309-750-1925 Howell Katherine 316 Green Manor Dr London Eng 816-567-3358 Leighton William & Karen 207 Linger Ln 938-1335 Gradia Joseph & Helene 309 Linger Ln East Norwalk CT Zaccari Russell & Denise 429 Noble Faire Dr Severna Park MD Gleeson Paul & Maryanne 330 Northway Dr Manahawkin NJ 609-660-2026 Links Mark 1810 Pebble Beach Blvd N Indianapolis IN Taylor Cindy 1810 Pebble Beach Blvd N Jacksonville FL Homan Barrett & Karen 2026 Prestancia Ln Fitchburg MA Siola Patricia 207 Stonehouse Ct Wheatfield NY 716-984-2207 Smith Dorothy 904 Sun Key Ct 938-1583 Alvarez Arthur & Sharon 708 Winterbrooke Wy Kansas City KS 260-3827 Mahoney John & Kristy 1965 Wolf Laurel Dr Newton MA 633-5949

Former Panama Canal Zone Residents Treated to North Lake Boat Ride


Help is needed to increase the number of movies during the new year starting in January 2011. No experience is necessary. If you are interested contact John McRee (813) 634-5956. December 13

“A Christmas Carol”

98 min. Rating: PG From Walt Disney Pictures comes the magical retelling of Charles Dickens’ beloved tale — Disney’s A Christmas C aro l , t h e h i g h - f l y i ng , heartwarming adventure for the whole family starring Jim Carrey. When three ghosts take penny-pinching Scrooge on an eye-opening journey, he discovers the true meaning of Christmas–but he must act on it before it’s too late. This exhilarating and touching Disney classic is destined to be part of your holiday tradition, adding sparkle and heart to all your Christmases yet to come. Actors: Jim Carrey, Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, Steve Valentine, Daryl Sabara. This movie has English subtitles for the hearing impaired. Monday Movies are for Sun City Center Community Association members ONLY. A 2010 membership card must be presented for admission.

One showing only @ 1 p.m.

This is the only movie scheduled for December. No Movie on December 27. Holiday Break.

Happy New Year to all of our Readers! Every year or so, Cheryl Russell pulls together two dozen or so SCC friends who have lived in the Panama Canal zone to socialize and trade stories. In November Diane Snider, who lives on North Lake, hosted the group. She wanted to make it special so she called on her fellow lake residents to treat her guests to a boat ride. Group one, left photo, joined Bill Hodges on his boat and Jack Bruner captained the second boat for the 45-minute lake tour. Photos by Phyllis Hodges.

NOW is the time to upgrade your air conditioning system and take advantage Federal stimulus money, power company rebates and manufacturer’s promotions are available IMMEDIATELY. In addition to these savings, The Cool Team discounts through the end of December.


Up to $1,000 cash back from manufacturer!

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*see details below expires 12/31/10



Toll Free: 877-348-1343 Pinellas/Pasco: 727-894-4900 Hillsborough: 813-933-1000

See you in 2011.

*A combination of federal tax credit, power company rebate and manufacturer’s promotion. Check with your

REDUCE YOUR ENERGY BILL BY UP TO 50%! Call the Energy Experts for a home or business Energy Audit today.



The News of Sun City Center

Legendary Journeys

December 2010

President’s Cruise

Americas #1 Vacation Specialist

813.633.4521 • 800.511.5411 • 3818 Sun City Center Blvd. • Sun City Center • Next to Home Depot

Travel Club Meeting, December 12, 2010 2:00 PM


Kings Point N. Club House • Guest speaker, Judy Rowe of Carnival Cruise Lines

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ST Johns River Cruise $ 3 Days/FREE Bus


CRUISE Historic St. Johns River Jacksonville to Sanford with narration, meal. Overnight in Palatka!


8 Days/FREE Bus from SCC from $369!


2011 Rose Parade & Panama Canal $ from 1599

18 Days/FREE Air & Bus to SCC! Reserved seats for world famous parade, CRUISE Cabo San Lucas, Acapulco, Huatulco, Guatemala, Costa Rica, transit Panama Canal, Cartagena, Key West, Miami!

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Brazil - Europe Cruise

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