The News of Sun City Center February 2011

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The News of February 2011 - ISSUE #31 official publication of the Community Association

February Dates to Put on Your Calendar

Check out the CA website:

SPB/301 Issue Packs the House ---

CA Board Meeting


9 a.m. Rollins Theater Watch videos of the Board meetings on your computer. Go to, click on Association, then on Meeting Videos.

Most at Public Meeting Oppose Pebble Beach/301 Link ---

Crime, Congestion Concerns Trump Convenience By Ed Brown If the January 20 Town Hall Meeting at a jam-packed Community Hall was a valid sampling of public opinion here, Sun Cit y C enter residents are emphatically against opening South Pebble

Board of Directors and presented to the County Board of Commissioners as the community’s official position. “This issue impacts everyone here. In Sun City Center there is only one class of member and everyone


Valentine’s Day


Presidents Day

22nd & 23rd

301 Access Referendum Absentee Ballots are on Page 15 and at the CA Office On the Inside CA Schedule................. 2 CARE......................... 22 Club Happenings... 10-14 Consumer Affairs........ 22 Crossword.................. 17 CryptoQuote............... 19 Deputy Chris................. 9 Entertainment Corner... 3 Expand Horizons.......... 6 Golf............................. 24 Military Affairs............. 20 Minto............................. 8 Movies........................ 27 Newcomers................ 27 President’s Report........ 2 Sports.................... 23-26 Sudoku....................... 21 We Want to Know....... 27

Beach Blvd. (SPB) to through traffic by connecting it to US Hwy 301. Most residents speaking at the meeting seemed convinced by longstanding warnings from the Hillsborough County Sheriff ’s Office that throughtraffic vehicles using SPB between 301 and SR 674 would bring more noise, congestion, trash, danger to golf cart occupants and more crimes of opportunity. As one assenting resident put it, “they’ll drive through to see what you’ve got and then come back to try to take it.” The opposition to the link expressed at the meeting may be indicative of community-wide sentiment since it reflects a straw poll conducted by the CA in 2006 that found more than seven out of ten residents wanted Pebble Beach Blvd to remain a dead end or, as described by Paul Courter, a supporter of the link: “a giant cul-de-sac.” The question of preserving the option to seek construction of a link to 301 or to maintain a permanent, locked gate to be opened only in times of public emergency will be decided in a referendum among all CA members, February 22 and 23. CA Board President Ed Barnes, who has remained neutral during the debate, told the attendees that the referendum’s results will be honored by the CA

Photos by Judy Stimson.

who pays CA dues is eligible to vote.” If the members vote against unrestricted public access, they will actually be voting to change what’s called the General Development Site Plan, a series of conceptual drawings of the community that, for more than 20 years, have depicted a link to 301. A petition for change would have to be submitted to the County Board of Commissioners w hos e endors ement of the community’s wishes is considered likely. With the link option closed, the existing construction gate near the foot of Pebble Beach Blvd. would remain in place on property owned by ClubLink under a fiveyear agreement with Minto, the developer successor to WCI. When that agreement e x p i r e s , M i nt o w o u l d c ons t r u c t on a dj a c e nt property it now owns a permanent emergency gate to be opened only in the event of a declared emergency. If the members vote for unrestricted access, they will actually be voting to keep the Site Plan unchanged as a document of intent by the original developer, and a link to 301 would remain an option. Nothing would happen automatically. Acting on the option to develop a See US 301 on Page 7

The Future Is Now…And We Need to Look at It!

By Chuck Collett If you haven’t noticed, we’re getting old around here. Yes, that was the objective, of course, but we are becoming an aging community. In 2004, 63 percent of SCC residents were over 70. By 2010, 67 percent were over 70. The average resident, as we go into 2011, is 74.5 years old. Our lifestyle and medical advances are allowing us to live longer. And that has meant we are experiencing a decline in volunteerism and less usage of our golf courses and other facilities. Not so much because they want to stop, but because of advancing age, many can’t participate any more. The bright spot in our immediate future may be that Minto Communities is building new houses and promoting Sun City Center to younger folks as the babyboomers start to retire. But in a few short years, Minto will have built out the 800 or so properties left in SCC and Kings Point and will be gone. Thus, we need to become active to reverse these trends and attract younger seniors to Sun City Center. We need to attract younger retirees to increase the value of our present homes and to do this, we need to have activities for both those who are 70-plus and those who are 55-plus. Revitalize the Community 2011 will present a real opportunity to revitalize our community. It’s our 50th

Anniversary year full of entertaining events that will showcase the community to new people and what activities we have here. We have a new developer in Minto and a new golf course owner in ClubLink, both of whom can commit significant resources to advertise SCC. It’s a great opportunity for promotion and rebirth. With these positive t h i n g s h ap p e n i n g , w e are pre s e nte d w it h an opportunity to improve our community facilities for existing residents and our incoming new residents. Reasoning? The recent economic downturn has impacted all of us in housing prices, decreased income and reduced portfolios, BUT, it has also caused a very significant reduction in building costs. The cost of construction today is less than 50 percent of what it was just three years ago! We have very carefully l o o k e d at t h e c o s t o f construction for the most recent additions to our campus: The Arts and Crafts building (built in 2002), the Lawn Bowling building (2003) and the Fitness Center (2007). The Arts & Crafts building cost $114 per square foot; the Lawn Bowling building cost $130 per square foot; and the Fitness Center cost $134 per square foot. Today these same structures could be See FUTURE on Page 6

Don’t Miss The NEWS!!!! Are you going to be away? The CA Office can mail you a copy of The News of Sun City Center so you won’t miss any of the important issues being decided and voted upon. Just complete the form below and bring or send it to the CA Office, 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd.


Name _______________________________________ SCC Address__________________________________ Forwarding Address: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Date Leaving: ________________________________ Date Returning: ______________________________

The News of Sun City Center

From the Desk of

President Ed Barnes New Director I would like to welcome Jane Keegan as the newest Director on the Board of Directors. Jane will serve in this appointed position until January of 2012. She will be eligible to run for election to the Board in December of this year. Town Hall Meeting As most of you know, we held a Town Hall Meeting on January 20 to discuss the issue of whether the connection between South Pebble Beach Blvd. and U.S. 301 should remain in the General Development Site Plan or be replaced with a permanent emergency ingress/egress locked gate. This was a very good meeting which bought out the pros and cons of both sides. I want to thank all of the people who participated in the meeting but especially Paul Courter and Paul Wheat. Paul C. and Paul W. presented opposing sides of this issue and both did a very good job of representing their views. We videotaped this meeting and it is on the Community Association website –– click on the ASSOCIATION button and then on the left hand side the MEETING VIDEOS button. Strategic Planning Over the last few months you have heard about a Long Term Strategic Plan for Sun City Center. Your Board is in the process of building a roadmap to identify and address the issues facing Sun City Center over the next 5 to 10 years. One initial step in the planning process is to get some ideas from our members as to what you would like to see done with our facilities over the long term – which will be done by a survey in this newsletter. That survey will help the Board complete the Long Term Strategic Plan. Parts of the Plan may involve new construction and, if so, the Board will submit that plan to the membership for approval. One critical issue will be how we finance such a plan. What we are looking for is a way to allow the present members to enjoy the benefits of desired improvements without financial impairment. In other words, how can you, the current members, have and use new facilities now while someone else pays for those facilities. This is a very important issue to the future of Sun City Center and we will have more on this topic over the next couple of months. Warning I want to ensure everyone is aware that at Community Hall, the parking lot road next to the hedge that parallels South Pebble Beach Blvd. is a Fire Lane. This is a Hillsborough County Fire Lane –if you park next to that hedge, you will be ticketed by the Sheriff ’s Department. I know parking near Community Hall is limited, but there is plenty of parking to accommodate everyone. You may have to walk a little further, but a little exercise is better than a $150 illegal parking ticket from the Sheriff.

One More Parking Issue Atrium parking this time of year is very crowded. Some people have been parking on the grass and in areas where the curbs are painted yellow. These are not parking spaces; please don’t park there. Parking in these zones blocks traffic and creates a hazard. There is ample parking near the Fitness Center, in the Arts and Craft parking lot and in the parking lot near Lawn Bowling. So please stretch your legs a little bit and walk a little further. Hospital The issue of whether the South Bay Hospital will move to Big Bend Road is dragging on but nearing a conclusion. A hearing before an Administrative Judge has been ongoing for the last couple of months. This hearing is almost complete – all of the testimony has been taken. The lawyers will have a couple of weeks to put together their summaries for submission to the Judge. The judge will review the testimony and lawyers’ summaries and render a decision. I expect the Judge will take several months with a decision being rendered in the June/July time frame. After the Administrative Judge renders a decision, South Bay Hospital and St Joe’s will have the opportunity to appeal the decision to the Circuit Court of Appeals. I would expect the Circuit Court decision to take another few months. I hope to have the hospital decision behind us by late fall or early winter. FunFest FunFest is nearing – March 19, 2011. It seems like each year FunFest gets bigger and better – this year will be no exception. Jane Keegan is the chairman of FunFest this year and has a committee that is helping her put together all of the pieces for a really fun time. Mark your calendars now and plan to come to FunFest. 50th Anniversary Preparations to celebrate the 50 th Anniversary of Sun City Center are well underway under the guidance of Director Ann Marie Leblanc. The event will kick off on May 1 with a parade of floats, marching bands and other decorated conveyances. Following the parade there will be a picnic for everyone attending the parade. There will be an event each month for the next year which will be dedicated to our 50th Anniversary. Each of these events will be sponsored by various clubs and organizations. This should be a great time for one and all – a calendar of all of the events will be published soon. A book marking this significant event will be published and provided to each household in Sun City Center.

February 2011

“R” Signs Posted on CA Buildings

A new Florida statute known as the Truss Law requires the CA to post “R” signs at the entrance to each of its buildings that has light-frame truss roofs. The purpose of this rule is to provide a sign warning persons conducting fire control and other emergency operations of the existence of light-frame truss-type construction in the structure.



CONTRIBUTIONS TO COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Recognized at the January 12, 2011 Board Meeting

CLUB/ORGANIZATION Amount Oldies but Goodies Social Dance Club $2,000 $200 SCC Audubon Society $100 Monday Movies $500 Softball Club $2,279 $139

CA Contact Information Phone: 633-3500 Email: Website:

COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION SCHEDULE February 2 Board Workshop Board Room – 9 a.m. 9 Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 15 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room – 9 a.m. 22 Referendum Sandpiper Room - 8 a.m. 3 p.m. 23 Referendum Community Hall - 9 a.m. 6 p.m. 28 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room – 2 p.m. March 2 Board Workshop Board Room – 9 a.m. 9 Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 15 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room – 9 a.m. 23 Membership Meeting Community Hall – 7 p.m. 28 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room – 2 p.m.

Proposed agendas for monthly Board Meetings are discussed at the Board Workshops and posted on Official Bulletin Boards the Friday before. They will also be posted on our website ( – under “Association.”) Every Wednesday: Orientation for new members in the Board Room starting at 1 p.m.

Applied to Hardship Fund Tax Aide Donation Renovation Fund Licensing Fees Softball Field Groomer Softball Field Marker

The NEWS of Sun City Center A publication of the SCC Community Association 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center, FL 33573 813-633-3500 News Office: 813-642-2070 (located at 960A Old Town Hall) Editor-in-Chief: Karen Jones Reporters: John Bowker, Phyllis Hodges, Uta Kuhn, Judy Stimson Contributors: CA Board of Directors and Staff, Linda Bowker, John McRee, Susan Muise, Lyn Reitz, Judy Schings, Marie Wood Photographer: Judy Stimson CA Board Liaison: Ann Marie Leblanc Advertising: John Wolf 813-938-8721 Publisher: Sun City Center Community Association Monthly deadline:

15th of each month Advertising: The NEWS is not liable for errors in advertising; it does not endorse and cannot verify the accuracy of representations made by advertisers who are solely responsible for advertisement contents. The NEWS welcomes announcements, articles, photos and stories about our community.

The News of Sun City Center

From the Desk of Donald P. Schings


Volunteers Recognized by CA Board

By Phyllis Hodges In last month’s News of Sun City Center, well over 350 residents were listed. They were the people who made SCC Community Association endeavors successful in 2010. The listing and a follow-up opportunity to “party” are expressions of appreciation from the CA Board of Directors. Prior to 2007, volunteers were recognized with token awards at a CA membership meeting. Lyn Reitz, Community Manager, said the gesture of “thanks” has been Don Schings (left) was presented with an well received every year. It attracts appreciation plaque by Ed Barnes, CA President, at the January 5, 2011 Annual about many of our residents who take Membership meeting. Don served for time from their busy schedules to eat six years as a Community Association and socialize with other volunteerPHOTO BY JUDY STIMSON

My two terms as an elected d i r e c t o r o f t h e C o m mu n i t y Association have now passed and I wanted to thank members for the opportunity to serve. I learned from Past President Walt Cawein the importance of all the clubs in the success of the overall CA operations, from Past President Bruce Arnold the interaction needed from surrounding communities; from Past President Paul Wheat the necessity of following the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws & Policy in CA operations; and from current President Ed Barnes the need to solve problems and not put off the search for solutions. This community has been extremely fortunate that such capable presidents have volunteered to lead this great place to live. With over 10,000 members, no issue faced with the past six CA Boards on which I served had total support, but the boards strived to make the fair and correct decision, and, in my opinion, we always arrived at the proper outcomes.

Director and retired when his recent term ended.

minded CA members. This year’s volunteer lunch, served by the CA staff, included music by DJ Joseph La Piana. It was held January 21 in the Florida Room. Additions to the 2010 Volunteer list: Fun Fest: John Cortese Jack Craig Mary Jane Tovey Holiday Walk: Pat Leyden Myra Beck Community Information Center: Elaine Brulport

To the members who gave me solicited and unsolicited advice, thank you! You were a tremendous help in forming my vote on every issue. Good luck to the 2011 CA Board.

New Sports Complex Mural

By Phyllis Hodges Check out the new sports complex mural behind Community Hall. It’s quite impressive, with its patriotic tone and silhouettes of participants enjoying the sports available on the South Campus.


February 2011

The CA staff serves at a lunch to recognize 2010 volunteers.

CA Shredding Day Monday, March 14

Be sure to mark your calendar! From 9 a.m. to noon, you can bring your materials to be shredded to the parking lot behind Security Patrol. Here are some instructions for what can/can’t be shredded: • Yes to all legal or accounting & banking documents that have outlived their usefulness. If not sure if it is okay, check with your accountant or attorney. • Staples, paper clips, and small binder clips can remain in material and be shredded. • Yes to small spiral notebooks. • No to plastic materials: checkbook covers, plastic magazine wraps, tapes, cd/disks, medical and dental x-rays, 3-ring binders, tabbed folders, hanging pendaflex folders, glossy magazines and old newspapers, windowed envelopes, old phone books. You do not have to wait for your documents to be shredded. There will be maintenance staff there to assist the shredding company with loading With direction from the Decorating Committee (Nan Baytos and Maggie Pliska), the your documents. You may stay and watch your materials go through the design was created by the artist, Cory Wright of Apollo Beach. (The SCC Art Club shredding process. declined participation.) The new mural was painted on site whereas the eight-year-old mural it replaced was a vinyl print of a painting. It cost $2,400 which came from club contributions and the CA Renovation Fund. Photo by Judy Stimson.


GENERAL INFO: Tickets are on sale at the Atrium Kiosk MondayWednesday-Friday, 9 a.m.-noon through February 4. As of Monday, February 7, all tickets for Community Association-sponsored shows will be on sale at the Community Association Office, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-noon. Cash and check only. Brochures/flyers can be found at the Kiosk, Community Hall, CA Office or Kings Point North Clubhouse. All shows are open to the public. All shows have reserved seats. SHOW TICKETS ON SALE: The remaining Entertainment shows are: Sunday... February 20-The Temptations Tribute Show (plus ventriloquist Patrick with Matilda) and March 13-Razz-Ma-Tazz. The February 4 dance/ show is The Satellites, and March 25 will be Caliente’ (replaces Direct Effect). ST. PETERSBURG OPERA CO.: Tickets on sale now for April 10 - Opera’s Greatest Hits; and June 5 - the Power of Puccini: Preview to Madam Butterfly. The shows are on Sundays, 2-3:30 p.m., at Community Hall and will be narrated by Maestro Mark Sforzini. Tickets are $10/show. IS THAT ALL??? Of course not!!! On Sunday, May 15, 2:30-4:30 p.m., the Sarasota Jazz Project will present”Joy of Jazz” (Ticket price: $10). Then on Sunday, July 3, 2-4 p.m., the Sarasota Concert Band returns with “Stars and Stripes Forever - A July 4th Celebration” ($15/ticket). Both performances will be held at Community Hall. Reserved seating. More details will follow next month, including sales dates ... but mark the dates on your calendars. Info: Judy Schings, 813-642-2001

Jane Keegan Selected to Serve on the CA Board

At the CA Board meeting on Jan. 12, 2011 Jane Keegan was appointed to fill the vacant Director position for one year. Ed Barnes (left) congratulated Jane after the meeting. Photo by Judy Stimson.


The News of Sun City Center

February 2011





1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • 813-633-2020 • FAX 813-633-6403

Twintree-2 Master Suites,Large Laundry Area,Attic Storage, MoveIn Condition, Quiet Cul-de-sac Location, Convenient to all. 307 Bryce Ct. $95,000

Twintree-Park like setting for this meticulously kept home. Screened entry, exterior painted 2007, garage door replaced, tile in kitchen,family room, utility,lanai and bath, movein condition. 1211 Wildfeather Lane $99,900

Sunrise-Large open back yard, enclosed air conditioned utility room, enclosed air conditioned lanai, priced to sell.

Windsor-Convient Kingspoint location, well maintained home with inside utility room and golf cart storage, storm shutters on back of home, fully furnished as is.

2212 Hartlebury Way $69,900

305 A Friar Ct. $48,900

1934 33rd St. SE (Ruskin)


Family-friendly mobile home/RV park

824 Manchester Woods



Cornell-Lots of Tile, Neutral tones

102 NW 22nd St. (Ruskin)


Little Manatee River, 4.17 acres

2523 Locksley



Sahara-Hurricane Shutters,Golf Location

1015 River Dr. SW



1.28 Acre on River, Value in Land

2507 Lambdin Dr.



Sunrise-completely renovated,replumbed

1134 Signature Drive



Carrington Water,Golf, Pavers on Drive

712 Riviera Dr.



DW37-New roof ’08, new a/c unit

2023 N. Pebble Beach Blvd.



Custom Islander-Pool, Spa, Waterfront

707 Churchill Place



DW-51X-Cul De Sac and Golf

1918 East View Dr.



Tradewinds-Golf, Water and large Pool

1535 Chevy Chase Dr.



Sparkle Plenty Lives Here !!

1952 Wolf Laurel Dr



Tradewinds-Panoramic Golf & Water

702 Brockton Pl. E.



DeSoto- newer roof ’07; plumbing ‘03

1615 Oracle Dr.



Miller Home-Pool, greatroom floorplan

2005 Heathfield Cr.



Brentwood II-Upgrades, new kitchen

1235 Fordham Dr.



DW-37-South Lake Exp./Family Room

211 Glenellen Pl.



Hampton-park-like views, screened patio

1705 Orchid Court



Windjammer-Courtyrd Entry,Cul de sac

207 Islip Way



Keystone-Priced to Sell! Great location!

1321 Bluewater Dr.



New Kitchen 2009, Sharp, + Hot Tub

502A Fallow Ct



Hampton-New hurricane windows, door

1611 Bentwood



Twintree Exp- New Paint in and out.

2248 Greenhaven Dr.



Stuart Sharp as a Tack,Bright & Upbeat

641 Ft. Duquesna Dr.



Custom-Updated, 2 lrg master suites

1907 Canterbury Ln #13



Stuart-End unit, CPVC plumbing

1502 Bunker Hill Dr.



DW54-Move-in condition, corner lot

1906 Canterbury Ln. L1



Stuart-Good Location-Needs TLC

644 Masterpiece Dr.



Melbourne-park-like view,encl lanai

2202 Clubhouse Dr. #174



Gable I-Move-in ready – “cream puff”

319 Green Manor Dr



Dedham-Laminate, Tile, Beautiful home

1902 Dandridge St. D21



York- Compact,nice layout

1705 Cloister Dr.



Twintree-Lovely Home Near Caloosa Golf

202 Bedford Trl. E111



Mansard I-Furnished & Ready




Man 1

$ 690 Close to Clubhouse

1811 Bedford G164


Man 2

$ 800 Beautiful All New

2232 Grenadier Dr



$ 890 Neatnik Delight

211 Glenellen



$ 900 Screen Porch

703 Riviera Dr.



$ 900 Easy care home-Space!

705 Churchill Pl



$ 975 New Thruout

2125 Meadowlark Ln



$ 990 Split Bdr, Sola Tubes

2521 Lynx



$1,000 His/her DENS (2)




$ 675 Walk-in Shower

205 Andover N 118


Man 1

$ 675 Quiet Cul de Sac

408B Flanborough



$ 750 Light & Bright

1306 Burbank



$ 750 Guest Bedroom

2016 Hullhouse


Brentwood 1

$ 800 GOLF, Granite

617 LaJolla



$ 825 Cozy & Comfy

307 Knottwood



$ 850 Walk to Pool

2003 Heathfield


Brentwd 2

$ 890 All New SHARP

1004 Beach Blvd



$ 900 Encl Porch

1320 New Bedford



$ 925

Nice Furn + Den

2709 Lancaster



$ 950


1309 Idlewood Dr



$ 950

Spacious on Golf

2012 Heathfield



$ 950

Fabulous Water

2316 Gainsborough Lp



$ 950


1730 Council Drive


Exp T-2

$1,200 S Lake Avail April

1601 Brookton Greens



$1,200 All Tile New, New



$1,600 March, April

STILL AVAILABLE 206 Andover D-93


Mansard 2

$1,300 Feb,March, April

1752 Pebble Beach S



$2,000 South Side

819 Oakmont Ave

Are you an agent looking for a new home? Come see us today!!!

February 2011

FUTURE from Page 1. constructed for approximately $60 per square foot, or less! Even if we wanted to upgrade the buildings, the cost would probably not exceed $70-80 per square foot. As we look around our campus we see a number of buildings that are approximately 50 years old. The quality of their construction is questionable. We also see there is a need for additional large meeting rooms (like the Florida Room) and other meeting spaces. Our CA offices are woefully inadequate – just ask any resident who has tried to get information from the front desk, which has only enough space for two people at a time. How does this relate To “The Future Is Now?” Whenever our community decides to move forward with construction of facilities, it does so using funds accumulated in its capital funds account. That account is funded by the transfer fee ($1,200) paid by first-time buyers and investors (not by dues from current residents). Our capital account currently has approximately $600,000 and should have about $800,000 at the end of 2011. While that is good, it does not represent enough funding to consider any significant projects for several years. There’s little doubt that there is a relatively short period of time during which we could take advantage of current construction costs. Thereafter, a recovering economy, pent up demand and

The News of Sun City Center

widely-predicted inf lationar y pressures will drive costs back up. There is, however, a way to accelerate the construction of new facilities to take advantage of this window of opportunity. Each year, even in a down time, the CA receives significant funding from transfer fees, which represent the source of funding for our capital construction account. All of this money comes from new residents moving into SCC (not from existing residents). The CA Board has explored the possibility of using this income stream to accelerate construction of approved projects and has learned that it would be possible to obtain funding now that could be paid back over a relatively short period of years. In other words, we could build needed facilities now for the benefit of existing residents and the cost of those improvements would be paid for by future residents of SCC. Delay Could Mean Money So, does waiting really matter? History says it probably does. Many of you remember in 2002 residents approved construction of several projects. Unfortunately, because of the cost of construction and a reliance solely on what was in the capital account, only some of them were completed. Thus, for example, some of the improvements approved for the Rollins Theater were never completed and a proposed coffee bar never built. If we approved $2,000,000 in new construction at


the prior cost of $130 per square foot, we could only afford to complete about 15,000 square feet of buildings. At $70 per square foot we could build 28,000 square feet of new construction – almost double! Resident Survey Coming Soon To c o m p e t e w i t h o t h e r retirement communities and to provide the best possible lifestyle opportunities for our current and prospective residents, we need upgraded and appropriate facilities. Building them now using funds raised from new purchasers, not current residents, makes sense. The CA Board will be conducting a survey to get an understanding of what people would like to see built and to judge our willingness to take advantage of potential low risk financing opportunities. Assuming a positive response, the Board

will prepare a proposed plan of action that will then be submitted to the residents for approval by a referendum vote. Information will be gathered for everyone to study, town hall meetings will be held and a vote will be taken. If approved, the Board will then go forward with the plan. The whole idea of this program would not, repeat NOT, have any effect on CA dues. So, the future is now. As Sun City Center enters its second 50 years, we have an opportunity for advancements and a refurbishing that will allow our existing residents to enjoy modernized facilities today and allow our community to compete with newer retirement communities like Valencia Lakes and others up and down the Interstate 75 and US 301corridors.

Cleaning for a Reason

If you know any woman currently undergoing chemotherapy, please pass the word to them that there is a cleaning service that provides FREE housecleaning - once per month for four months while they are in treatment. All they have to do is sign up and have their doctor fax a note confirming the treatment. Cleaning for a Reason will have a participating maid service in their zip code area arrange for the service. This organization serves the entire USA and currently has 547 partners to help these people. It’s our job to pass the word and let them know that there are people out there who care. Be a blessing to someone and pass this information along.

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The News of Sun City Center

North ... South ... East ... West ...

Adult Education Classes Start February 14

Expanding Our Horizons

Chihuly Glass Collection By Judy Stimson the Collection is on your left at 400 Beach Drive NE. After you view the Collection, go south on Beach Drive, turn right on Central Avenue, and the Glass Studio & Hot Shop are behind the Morean Arts Center building on the corner of Central Avenue and 7th Street north. To return to Sun City Center, go west on Central Avenue, pass 8th Street north, turn left (south) on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street, turn right to get on I-175, take I-275 south on your left toward Bradenton, and then take I-75 north to Sun City Center.


The Chihuly Collection and Glass Studio & Hot Shop presented by the Morean Arts Center are worth the trip to St. Petersburg. Dale Chihuly is a world-renowned glass artist, and this is a permanent collection. Your visit to the Collection should start in their theater. Afterward, you wind your way through the exhibits that include drawings and the glass series Baskets, Persians, Venetians, Seaforms, Chandeliers, Macchia, Ikebana, Niijima Floats, Boats, Tumbleweeds, Fiore, and Towers. This should be followed up with a visit to the Hot Shop to get a behind-the-scenes view of a working glass artist complete with running commentary. The bleacher seating allows ample viewing and

hearing. This ancient art of glass blowing was invented around 50 BC by the Phoenicians. It spread to the Roman and Greek empires and eventually Europe, and was dominated by the Italians and French. Jamestown colonists, which included six glass blowers, brought the art to the United States. It really took off in the 1960s with the discovery that some glass could be melted in small studio furnaces. Yo u c a n g e t a l l t h r e e experiences – Collection, Hot Shop and Morean Arts Center – for a combination ticket of $20 for adults and $16 for seniors. They are open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. To expand your day, the Buckley Moss Gallery is around the corner on 4th Avenue NE, and there are a number of great casual inside or outside dining restaurants along the Beach Drive waterfront. To get to the Collection take I-75 south to I-275 north, take Exit #23 on your right to get on I-375 east, go straight on 4th Avenue North, turn left on Beach Drive northeast, and

February 2011

For the 35th year, the Community Church College is offering an adult education outreach program to serve the entire community and surrounding areas. The program’s purpose is to inform, entertain and inspire. The upcoming Spring Semester starts February 14 with a broad curriculum of 55 courses and a choice of four days per week and four time slots per day. Each course meets for one 90-minute period per week for six weeks. There are no exams or grades for these non-credit courses. Students benefit from the stimulus of lectures and discussions in an informal and relaxed environment. Classes are held at the United Community Church on La Jolla Ave nu e i n Su n C it y C e nte r. Registration is available through February 17, plus walk-ins are allowed for many courses. The cost is only $25 per course or $5 per walkin. For more information visit www. or call 634-8607.

February 2011

US 301 from Page 1.

link would set in motion a scenario of traffic and engineering studies and feasibility studies by government and the private sector to determine if the project could be financed and coordinated with existing public works programs. Pro and Con South side resident and former CA President Paul Wheat, who spoke at the meeting against opening a link to 301, later told The N E WS , “ We now have a chance to have a p ermanent g a t e d emergency egress route…constructed directly from South Pebble Beach to U.S. 301 to be paid for by Minto, constructed to county code standards, with Hillsborough County picking up future maintenance costs. Or, we can leave the Site Plan as is, keep the existing emergency egress road until buildout, probably in five or six years, and take the chance that the necessary funding will be provided by Minto, a government agency, or someone in Sun City Center who hits the power ball lottery.” Another south side resident, Paul Courter, allotted ten minutes for h is presentation on behalf of those supporting a SPB/301 link, encountered groans and divisive laughter from audience members who disagreed with him. The same fate awaited a few other residents who spoke later either supporting a link or questioning some of the arguments against it. CA President Barnes, serving as the meeting moderator, called on the audience to give all the speakers a respectful hearing. Mr. Courter rejected what he called familiar “scare tactics by those who oppose change. They predicted significant increases in crime, accidents and other dire consequences from the first golf cart path to the old Walmart store, and again for the new one across US 301. Ten years later, none has come to pass. Thieves didn’t need access from 301 to steal the washer, dryer, refrigerator and dishwasher out of our house even before we had a chance to move in. And, if one more way in and out poses such a danger, why is no one campaigning to close some of the many points of entry on the north side?” Public Safety M a j o r R o n a l d H a r t l e y, Commander of Patrol District IV, and representing the Hillsborough County Sheriff ’s office at the meeting, had earlier pointed out in his presentation that although the north side has several intersections with SR674, there is no north end opening such as proposed for the south side. The absence of through

The News of Sun City Center

traffic, he said, has a significant impact on public safety. Asked by former CA Director Anne Cross what the incidence of crime was in Sun City Center, Major Hartley said he didn’t recall the numbers offhand, but the historically low crime rate here owes much, he said, to the street presence of the Security Patrol and the absence of through-traffic. Ms. Cross then volunteered the information that in 2010, according to the HCS office, there were eight house burglaries in SCC. An analysis of the statistics located six of those burglaries on the north side, one on the south side and one in Kings Point. There is a parcel of land in the far northeast corner of Sun City Center that has been the subject of speculation over the years as the possible site of an opening to 19th Avenue. CA President Barnes told The NEWS that if a link to 301 from SPB is rejected by the membership, any effort in the foreseeable future to find a way to open the north side to through traffic is also likely to fail. SPB Traffic Analysis A few questions from CA members concerned the extent of Minto’s development plans for the south side and what impact they would have on local traffic. Bill Bullock, Minto’s Vice President for West Central Florida, told the gathering that the number of units to be built in Kings Point and the Renaissance area will be affected by market conditions, but it seemed reasonable that they will total somewhere between 800 and 1,000. He cited a traffic analysis by WCI that concluded that South Pebble Beach Blvd. was adequate to handle the additional traffic when the build-out is complete and would not require an “ingress-egress” connection to US 301. That survey, plus the 2006 straw poll and letters from some CA members, led Minto to conclude that a majority of Sun City Center residents were against a link to 301, and to file a petition with the County Board of Commissioners to change the Site Development Plan and designate the connection to 301 as being for declared emergencies only. That petition was withdrawn a few months ago when Minto was informed by the SCC Community Association that a referendum is the only acceptable measure of the community’s wishes. Mr. Bullock said his company was pleased to comply and wants only to respect the community’s interests and respond to its needs. Two absentee ballots are on page 15. Please cut them out of the paper, cut to separate the two ballots, fill in with your vote, CA number and home address, and fold according to the directions on the ballot. If you are mailing the ballot(s), tape where indicated and add first-class postage. Otherwise, you can bring the folded ballot(s) to the CA office between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Questions? Ask at the CA office or call 633-3500.


Vox Pop Here, in condensed form, are some “to link or not to link” comments made by others at the meeting. • A link to 301 was part of WCI’s marketing promotion to people who bought on the south side. • We live in a peaceful, low-crime community. Let’s keep it that way. • Greenbriar and St. Andrews each have only one way in and out. Is their crime rate lower? • The developer’s drawings were just conceptual. Earlier codified maps show no connection to 301. • People entering SPB at 301 speed won’t slow down. • If more traffic causes more accidents on South Pebble Beach, we could lose the right to drive golf carts. • Having the link to 301 would reduce traffic on Pebble Beach. Renaissance residents would have another more convenient exit. • The wording of the proposed ballot about changing plans or keeping plans is confusing. How about simple, direct language? (Editor’s note: The CA Board did change the wording on the ballot.) • We don’t need another road out of the south side, but we need another road out of Renaissance. • More traffic on South Pebble Beach, especially trucks, would put bike riders at risk. • Another way to get in and out doesn’t save enough time to be worth the expense and risk. • It’s possible that people driving north on 301, heading for I-75 will be directed by their GPS to cut through on Pebble Beach. • Some people who bought on North Lakes Golf Course thought it would always be there. Now it’s gone. Some people may have thought there would be a link to 301. Promises get broken. A few speakers asked if an electronic gate could be installed at a SPB/301 connection to limit access to residents only. Not possible, they were told, on a county road that must be open to all. As the vox pop session progressed and the hour neared 9 p.m., most of the audience had drifted away.

Absentee Ballots are available in the CA office.


The News of Sun City Center

February 2011

Horses and Bands and Floats—Oh, my!

By Phyllis Hodges The list is growing for our May 1 parade to kick off an entire year of activities to celebrate Sun City Center’s 50 th anniversary. In the mix, to name just a few, are bands, horses, high-profile personalities, motorcycles, floats, and the Sammy Rides bikers completing a trek from Arizona. Steve Jerve, Channel 8’s Chief Meteorologist, will be the emcee. Parade Chair Roxann Seeley and her committee are hoping for many more club entries. They know the club members were preoccupied by the holidays and are now focusing on FunFest (March 19), but May 1 is coming up fast and is now less than three months away. She is encouraging club officers to email now ( or call (746-1350) to register and start gathering members together to brainstorm ideas. “There is a wealth of creativity out there,” she says.

The parade will begin at the CA Central Campus parking lot on Pebble Beach North at 1 p.m. on Sunday, May 1. The two-mile route will end on Cherry Hills Drive in the bandstand area. “The day doesn’t stop with the parade,” says Ann Marie Leblanc, 50th Anniversary Chair. “Everyone is invited to a picnic on the North Campus grounds when the parade ends. Thanks to the sponsorship of Minto Communities, we are offering hot dog, chips and drink for only 50 cents. There will be entertainment, too.” She adds her appeal to the clubs to “join the parade;” to make the day truly a day to remember for the thousands of spectators expected to be on hand. 877-815-0022 Update as of 1/15/2011 Thanks again for a successful grand opening in December. In response to the continuing high volume of visitors to the models, Minto is now staffing the Siena and Oakley Green models during the following hours:

Tuesday - Saturday

10 a.m. to 3 p.m.


11 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Models not staffed but Welcome Center open

All residents are welcome to tour the models and please bring your friends and family. Look for additional landscape improvements to be completed throughout the community over the next 60 days.

February 2011

The News of Sun City Center

Patrol Chief Martha Finley Retires


Tips for a Traffic Stop



By Deputy Chris Girard M i s c o m m u n i c a t i o n a n d what was meant as an attempt to confusion can occur during a traffic anticipate the officer’s request is stop. While any interpreted as possible aggressive or officer of the law elusive intent. Can you see how that can tell you that might complicate things? traffic stops are In Florida, please remain in a n y t h i n g b u t the vehicle unless requested to exit “routine,” most by the officer. In fact, simply follow folks have been the requests of the officer to the best stopped before, so of your ability and the incident will they believe they proceed with the most possible safety understand what and convenience for all involved. is expected of them. Another common mistake While it is always best for the motorists make is to panic a bit when stopped motorist to remain as calm they see lights flashing in the rearview. and compliant as possible, some Some slam on the brakes in the middle folks, who have every intention of of the road or immediately pull over complying with the officer, can create without considering other traffic or unnecessary stress in the situation if the place is safe enough for a traffic simply by anticipating what they stop. believe the officer will ask them If you see police lights flashing to do. Of course, traffic stops are behind you, please remain calm. Take stressful and frustrating times for the a few seconds to scan the area and look individual pulled over, but this type for a safe place to stop, a side street or of misunderstanding can add undue parking lot. If the bright flashers are stress for both the motorist and the blinding you, please focus straight officer. ahead until you find a safe place to For example… stop. As tempting as it can be, do In some states it was a common not stare in the mirror at the lights. practice for the officer to request that That creates unsafe conditions for all the motorist exit the vehicle and move involved including pedestrians you to the rear. This is not the practice in may not see. Florida. When an individual does so So, if you see the flashing lights, without being asked by the officer, that we understand you’re not happy, individual may fully intend to comply but take a moment to take in your completely with the officer, but the surroundings and find a safe place to officer cannot know that. In fact, when stop. Then, once you are stopped, do an individual exits the vehicle without not anticipate the officer. Wait for his being asked to do so by the officer, the or her instructions and then follow officer must be prepared for a potential them to the best of your ability. escalation of the situation. Suddenly, Be safe out there. Deputy Chris

By Uta Kuhn The current chief of Security Patrol, Martha Finley, started working for the Patrol as a dispatcher and driver back in 1999. After 12 years serving on the Patrol in various positions, she will be retiring in February as chief, the position she held for the past eight years. After joining the Patrol, she was a driver for one year, and the following year moved up in the ranks by also becoming the Chairman of the Board, an elected position. Moving up in the ranks again, she became chief of the Patrol the following year. In reflecting on her years as chief of the Patrol Martha states “that she loved being chief.” Will she miss being chief … NO! According to her, “it’s been a fun ride but it’s time for someone else to take over (a younger person).” She is not quitting the Patrol. She will happily stay on as a driver and dispatcher. When asked about some of her biggest challenges, she replied that one was trying to keep her “flock” of drivers, dispatchers, etc. happy and supplying them with cars that they were proud to drive. When asked about some of her most memorable moments, she came up with several. One day she was patrolling in an area where she would stop and talk to a resident who regularly walked her dog. On this day, she again saw this lady but

without the dog. Almost being afraid to ask, she finally did ask about the dog and the reply was: “Oh, I forgot the dog.” One of the more humorous moments was when a dispatcher received a call from a resident who said that her maid had been stolen, fell off the back of a pick-up truck and broke her toe. Again, Martha decided to go to the scene to render help. Upon arrival it turned out that the “maid” was a statue of a “maiden” and, yes, the statue had a broken toe. On another occasion, the dispatcher received a call about an 84-year-old lady stuck in a tree. She had climbed the tree for some reason and could not get back down. Martha actually went to the scene herself, instead of calling for the Fire Department and rescued the lady in distress. But then that’s the Martha that everyone already knows. The Security Patrol, an allvolunteer group of men and women, is the “eyes and ears” of the community. It was started by eight men, who in the beginning actually drove their own cars to patrol the streets of Sun City Center. Needless to say, over the years things have changed dramatically and the Patrol is now run as an organization with a Board of Directors, a chief, deputy chiefs, team captains and other support personnel, who all work very hard to keep the patrol cars “rolling.”

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The News of Sun City Center

Club Happenings 1 British Connection

D o you w ant to ma ke a difference? Are you of English, Irish, Scottish or Welsh heritage? Have you traveled to Great Britain? Do you have an interest in British culture or history? Were you among the over 60 people who enjoyed The British Connection’s Christmas Tea last December? If so, the British Connection needs you. In order for the club to continue at its present level, they need a fresh perspective to help organize and plan events. According to Pam Treadwell, President of The British Connection, “It really has been a very rewarding experience to serve on the Board. But after six years as President, it is time to pass the torch to a new group. Through attrition, several positions have been vacant for sometime, and we feel the need to fill those positions in order to continue offering programs as frequently as we have.” Why not increase your sense of connection to the British Connection and feel more productive? Vacancies for most positions on the board need to be filled for 2011 before t h e e n d o f Fe b r u a r y. S h a r e your experiences, interest and knowledge by volunteering to be an officer or committee chair of the British Connection. There are four officers - president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. They also need chairs for decorations, catering, membership, program and public relations committees. Chairs of these committees attend board meetings. As a member of the board, you can help set the direction for the club

and plan club activities for the rest of 2011 and beyond. Details for the last planned event for this spring to be held on March 22 will be announced shortly. The purpose of the club is to provide opportunities for fun and friendship with a British flair. You do not have to be British to belong. You must, however, live in Sun City Center or Kings Point. Ms. Treadwell says, “We always have a lot of fun at our Board meetings. We meet monthly at one of the members’ homes and have formed strong connections between us. We know we can rely on one another in a pinch.” Dues remain only $5 for the year and members enjoy reduced prices for club activities. While some members are expatriates, the club welcomes anyone who has an interest in Great Britain or its culture and history. If you want to celebrate your British Connection by volunteering to sit as an officer or committee chair, please contact Pam Treadwell at 6344218. To renew your membership, send your check for dues made payable to The British Connection along with your address and CA number to Helen Roberts at 206 Stonehouse Court, Sun City Center, FL 33573.

Vice President Margaret L owell and President Pam Treadwell at the lectern in the Florida Room making announcements.

SCC Dance Club

SCC Dance Club welcomes you to its dance on Wednesday, February 23, at Community Hall, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Music by: “DJ” Darlene with a variety of music. Attire: Dressy Casual. Guests $5 per person. Singles always welcome. BYOB and Snacks For more info call: 633-7173.

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February 2011


Seated (L-R): Marilyn Hall, treasurer; Judy Vallely, vice president; Kathy Sager, president; and Arlene Donoghue, secretary. Standing(L-R): Donna Ward, social director; Anne McGervey, sunshine director; and Kathie Krevanek, social director.

Instructors: (L-R) Marilyn Hall, Kris Collett, Sue Baker, Kathy Sager, Barbara Larsen, Gert Affayroux,and LaDonna Kiefer.


Men’s Club

S C C M e n’s Club will host their Caroline wives at a Valentine Wight will Dinner Dance in demonstrate the Community Hall on latest version Sunday, February of Quicken at 13, 2011 at 5 p.m. Members and wives the February 2 only and reservations are required meeting of The Computer Club. She will also introduce MINT web-based (See Men’s Club letter dated January 2011). financial tools. The Men’s Club will hold its The meeting will begin at 7:30 monthly meeting on Februar y p.m. in the Florida Room, preceded by the HELP DESK at 7. All Sun City 16, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Lunch Center and Kings Point residents are is by Banquet Masters and costs $12. The guest speaker is Dr. Alessandro invited to attend. For membership and meeting Golino, Chief of Surgery at Manatee information, contact Bob Wehrle at Memorial Hospital. Dr. Golino is a cardiothoracic surgeon specializing 633-4516. in mitral valve repair. –John Armstrong

February 2011

The News of Sun City Center

Club Happenings 2 International Forum The International Forum of Sun City Center announces a special program on Friday, February 11, on Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) in Afghanistan. All Forum programs are from 9:30 a.m. to noon in the Florida Room of the Atrium. The typical program begins with presentations in the first hour by several panelists. After a break, panelists respond to questions and comments from the audience on the day’s topic. All programs are open to all residents of Sun City Center. The U.S. government provides leadership, staffing and funding for 13 PRTs in Afghanistan that provide or coordinate development assistance in their provinces. PRTs in 14 other Afghan provinces are operated by European contingents in the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force. A typical U.S. PRT has a staff of from 60 to 100 persons including civil affairs officers, various specialists including engineers, police advisors, and medical staff, representatives of U.S. agencies (typically State, USAID, Agriculture, and Justice), and public affairs, logistics and security personnel. Each of the three panelists for the February 11 program is a U.S. military officer who was commander or deputy commander of a PRT in Afghanistan. Navy Commander Philip Kapusta has extensive experience in U.S. Navy Sea, Air, and Land (SEAL) teams, the Navy’s principal special operations units and in the U.S. Special Operations

Command (SOCOM) in Tampa. In 2009 and 2010 he was commander of the PRT in Ghazni province in Afghanistan. He is the son of Ann-Mary Kapusta, a member of the Forum Executive Committee, and the late Edward Kapusta. Air Force Colonel Brad Bredenkamp is a command pilot with 4,000 hours of flying time in the AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System and was air operations officer and chief of planning for counterdrug operations in the U.S. Pacific Command. From 2006 to 2007 he was commander of the Mehtar Lam PRT in Afghanistan’s Laghman Province. Both Kapusta and Bredenkamp are graduates of the top service schools and are currently in senior positions at the Special Operations Command. Army Reserve Lt. Col. Michelle Schaefer (Retired) spent l8 years as a reserve officer in the Army Nurse Corps including deployments in Egypt, Laos, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. Her last three years in the Army before retirement were as a Civil Affairs Officer, including civil affairs training at Ft. Bragg and two years (2006-08) as Deputy Commander of the PRT in Panjshir province in Afghanistan. Ann-Mar y Kapusta is cocoordinator of this program. Forum Vice President Dean Mahin will be moderator. The International Forum is extending special invitations to this important program to members of veterans organizations, retired officers associations, and patriotic organizations in Sun City Center.


South Lake Association Celebrates 50th Birthday

The South Lake Association celebrated “Happy 50th Birthday” during its January social. The Florida Room had the ambiance of a gala party with balloons at all tables, streamers hanging from the chandeliers and a huge birthday cake on the dessert table. Party games were played at the tables as well as some creative relay games. Shown are several members of the Board of Directors blowing out the candles on the birthday cake.( L-R) Norm Willems, Lynn Fink-Clayton, Richard Banning, Howie Griffin, vice president; Andrea Peterson and Mike Anthony, president. Picture by Secretary Nancy Williams.

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SCC Big Band Dance Club Saturday, February 12 from 7-10 p.m. at Community Hall. Come join us for a fun filled evening dancing to the music of Sun City Center’s own live 18-piece Swing Band playing the “Music Of Your Life” from the 1940’s, 50’s and 60’s. Non-season ticket holders $9 at the door. Dress code: Dressy attire for the ladies and jackets (ties optional) for the men. Info. Call Charlie 642-8172

–Charlie Bostick

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The News of Sun City Center

Club Happenings 3

Photo Club Meets Tuesday, February 8

If you want to stop struggling with how to take quality photos with the light available to you, you will want to hear what Jim Dohms has to say about high dynamic range photography at the Sun City Center Photo Club meeting on February 8 at 6:30 p.m. in the Caper Room. High dynamic range (HDR) photography is captivating, detailed and rich with beauty and offers a way to take breath-taking photos in the available light. In the most often used method, the photographer takes three photos: one underexposed, one overexposed and one with correct exposure. Each of the images contribute to the final HDR photo. The underexposed photo captures highlight details, the overexposed captures shadow detail. The result can be ultra-realistic or even surreal in its effect. HDR can be done by taking three images, two images or,

with a little work, one image can be used to create an HDR-type photo. Jim will show us how the workflow is managed and will tweek our interest in this exciting new technique. For more information, see his website: www.DohmsCreativePhotography. com. All SCC residents and their guests are welcome. At 6:30 p.m., there will be a tutorial program, followed by the regular program at 7 p.m. Dues for the 2011 year remain at $20 per person or $30 per household couple and provide access to club activities, competitions and classes as well as the photo lab with computers, scanners and large format printers. For more information on the club and its activities, please see our website at or visit the learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive.

Academy of Ballroom Dance Club February dance: Saturday, February 5, 2011 at Community Hall, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Dressy casual, BYOB. Everyone welcome!

FunSquad Calendar February 7, 2011: Lunch at Linger Lodge.Verbal reservation necessary. Car Pool from Community Hall (south side) side parking lot at 11:15 a.m. to arrive around noon for lunch at one of Florida’s most unique restaurants. Call Maggie at 633-7884 for verbal reservation. February 25, 2011: 4th Friday Party, 5 p.m. at the Atrium Pool. Cost $3. Subs, chips and cookies. Suzy will be there for your dancing and listening pleasure . March 4, 2011: Lippizzans. Travel to visit the winter home of the Lippizzan horses. $5 donation at the door. Car pool from Community Hall, leaving at 2 p.m. sharp for a 3 p.m. performance. Need to reserve as a group so verbal reservation necessary to Maggie at 633-7884. April 8, 2011: Dali Museum. Visit the new Dali Museum, time of departure to be announced. Again, verbal reservation necessary. Leave from Community Hall (South side) side parking lot. Lunch if you like at the Museum Café on premises. Verbal Reservations to Maggie at 633-7884. Questions? Please call Maggie 633-7884 or Nan at 642 9897.

February 2011

Woman’s Club Presents Monte Carlo Night A n g e l a Wa l l a c e , f u n d r a i s i n g c h a i r o f t h e G F WC S u n C i t y C e n t e r Wo m a n’s

Photo by Patty Carroll


Club and her husband, Richard, display one of the baskets for auction at the Monte Carlo Night to be held on Februar y 19, 2011 at C ommunity Hall. The gala includes appetizers, dancing, entertainment, Mo n t e C a r l o a c t i v i t i e s a n d auction. Proceeds will benefit Sun City Center charitable projects. Suggested donation is $25 a n d t i c k e t s a re av a i l a b l e i n the Atrium. For information contact Jan Bassett at 642-0691.

Stained Glass Show on February 25 & 26

Info: Call Jean Kostka at (813) 634-1235. Classes for January 2011

TUESDAY EVENING CLASSES (February 1, 8, 15) Beginning - Fox Trot 5:30 p.m. Intermediate - Waltz 6:45 p.m. Intermediate/Advanced - Cha Cha 8:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY DAY CLASSES (February 2, 9, 16) Beginning - Tango 12:45 p.m. Intermediate - Cha Cha 2:00 p.m. Advanced - Salsa/Mambo 3:15 p.m. Note: No classes for the week of Feb. 22 & 23.

Photo Club Winners of the Annual Best of the Best Competition


SOCIAL DANCE CLASSES Sponsored by the Academy Dance Club. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5/per class. For information, call Bernice May at 634-3205.

Phyllis Fratzke displays one-third of the fused wall hanging she is creating for the 2011 Stained Glass Show. On Friday, February 25, and Saturday, February 26, the Stained Glass Club is holding the 2011 Stained Glass Show in the Florida Room. Show hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday. Three ability categories and seven medium categories will be included in the show. Judges will award three ribbons in each category plus Best of Show. Friday attendees will vote for the People’s Choice award. The award ceremony will take place on Friday night at 7 p.m. Club members may register for the show through February 15. The show is open to the public. For more information, contact Sue Wilson, president, at 633-3053.

Judges’ Choice Award: Bailey by Roger Kele.

Grand prize winner: Phaleonopsis Orchid by Rolf Sulzberger.

Over 90 entries were received. First place winners were: Beginners: Bailey; Intermediate: Hamburger in the Rain by Wally Erickson; and Advanced: Phaleonopsis Orchid. –Vicki Breaugh

Eighteen members of The Front Porch Pickers of Sun City Center traveled to Tampa in December to play and sing Christmas songs for an audience at Metropolitan Ministries. The club meets every Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Armstrong and Heritage Rooms and welcomes an audience. Folks who sing and play guitar, mandolin, banjo, dobro, fiddle and ukulele are welcome to join. They are accepting bookings for 2011. Contact: davidlickfelt@rocketmail. com or 633-6739. Submitted by Sally Drain.

February 2011

Club Happenings 4

The News of Sun City Center


The Metaphysical Society of SCC—February Programs


China Painters Elect Officers

The SCC China Painters Club elected a 2011 board of officers at the January meeting. (L -R) Display Artist Nancy Anderson, Treasurer Karen Nichols, Secretary Dottie Pometto, President Martha Klos, Vice President Janet Fischesser. Submitted by Emilee Rugh, publicity.

SCC German-American Club Fasching/Mardi Gras

Fe b r u a r y 2 - Pa s t L i f e Regression: Learning from the Past. Elissa Bentsen is a Board certified hypnotist who will examine the theory and practical uses of exploring past lives. Through citing case histories and providing a group regression experience, Ms. Bentsen will focus on the emotional, physical and spiritual benefits of investigating what has occurred in a past life. Come to the Heritage Room in the Central Campus, 945 North Course Lane, at 10 a.m., on Wednesday, February 2, to learn how we can transgress time for our own benefit. Open to the public and admission is free. For Information, contact Ed Leary, 383-7594. February 9- How to be Healthy Holistically. Kenneth G. KucharHaas, AP will talk about a variety of holistic techniques, he uses in his practice. He will also reveal some of the innovate technology he uses for testing the overall health of our bodies. As an Acupuncture Physician he treats most everything from chronic pain, and headaches to stress. Come to the Heritage Room in the Central Campus, 945 North Course Lane, at 10 a.m., on Wednesday, February 9, to hear Dr. Ken speak about healing modalities. Open to the public and admission is free. For Information, contact Ed Leary, 383-7594. February 16 - The Value of Seeing and Understanding Your

Aura. Reverend and Shaman Penny Weaver has guided, taught and attuned thousands of individuals on their Spiritual Paths to Greater Empowerment. She is a Reiki Master and teaches Sekhem-Seichem-Reiki, Celtic Reiki, and Sekhem Reiki. Rev Weaver is a certified Spirit Medium and she gives Spirit Messages from the Platform. Rev. Weaver will also take some before and after aura photos to demonstrate the effect of the attunement. Come to the Heritage Room in the Central Campus, 945 North Course Lane, at 10 a.m., on Wednesday, February 16, to hear Rev Weaver’s inspirational words. Open to the public and admission is free. For Information, contact Ed Leary, 383-7594. Februar y 23 - Laugh Your Way to B etter He alth. Velora Peacock is a certified yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance and trained with the American School of Laughter Yoga. She will explain and demostrate how laughter can improve your life and benefit your health. It is a deceptively simple, yet very powerful, and potentially life changing exercise that anyone can do - anytime, anywhere. Come to the Heritage Room in the Central Campus, 945 North Course Lane, at 10 a.m., on Wednesday, February 23 to hear Velora’s inspirational words. Open to the public and admission is free. For Information, contact Ed Leary, 383-7594.

Listen to, Trust, and Follow Without Fear

Organ & KeyBoard Club Playing for the Art Club

Mira Beck playing for the Art Club.

The Organ and KeyBoard Club will once again be playing their music for the Art Club in the Florida Room on February 5 & 6 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. The club me ets e ver y Thursday for a weekly group lesson on in the Florida Room at 9 a.m. No instrument needed, $3 per lesson. Music is yours to keep from lesson. Call Kathy at 813-634-1663.

International speaker, Lorenzo Rodriguez, is a practitioner of Christian Science healing and a member of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship.

Sunday, February 27 at 3 p.m.

Florida Room The Atrium Pebble Beach Blvd. N. at Cherry Hills Drive (945-D North Course Lane) Sponsored by First Church of Christ, Scientist, Ruskin-Sun City Center

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This club knows how to party! On Thursday, February 24, the doors of Community Hall on South Pebble Beach will open at 4:30 p.m. for a costume/dance party put on by the SCC German-American Club. One does not need to be a member to attend. Music for dancing will be provided by the well-known favorite band The Alpen Diamanten (Alpine Diamonds) in their final performance in Sun City Center. This fun making instrumental group will retire this year. There will be cash prizes awarded for costumes for single, couples and group categories. A special surprise guest group performance is expected to be part of the festivities. All of this frivolity can be had for the price of $10 for members and $13 for non-members. This ticket price includes a snack meal to be served about 7 p.m. Tables for 10 (or individual tickets) may be purchased by sending your check to Mike Albanese at 1806 Granville Lane, Sun City Center (phone 634-5512). –Judy Quitsch

A free talk exploring how practical, effective prayer can transform lives through spiritual means.


The News of Sun City Center

Club Happenings 5

ARTIST OF THE MONTH / February 2011

Carol Krywokulski has been designated Artist of the Month by the Art Club in Sun City Center. Born in Chicago, Illinois, on Christmas day, Carol’s interest in art began as she attended high school, where she was enrolled in the Art Institute of Chicago and discovered her latent artistic skills. After high school, she went into nurses’ training at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Chicago, then later went with her husband, who was in the military, to live in Heidelberg, Germany. On return, they moved to Wheaton, Illinois, before retiring and settling in Sun City Center. Her interests are mainly in weaving and oil painting, with most of her artwork centered on her grandchildren and scenes of the countries visited while living in Europe. Carol’s work can be seen during the month of February at SCC Library, SCC Chamber of Commerce, South Shore Bank, Wells Fargo Advisors, Sun Trust Bank, A-I Connection Realty, Information Center on Cherry Hills Drive and in the showcase at the front of the Art Room. News of other Art Club activities can be found at:

February 2011

“SALUTE TO THE SUPER BOWL” SQUARE DANCE It’s Super Bowl time again. For many of us it’s a sad time for it means the end of the football season–for many of our wives however, it’s a happy time (?) for they get their husbands back on Sundays. To help celebrate this very important occasion, the Sun City Center Swingers Square Dance Club will hold a “Salute to the Super Bowl” Mainstream/Plus square dance on Friday, Feb. 11, 2011. Dancers will have their appetites appeased with football season-type delicious snacks provided by club members. The club will supply the beverages. Don’t “punt” on this one–show up on the dance field for this great event. These Special Dances, along with the club’s regular Friday night Mainstream/Plus dances are held

in Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Pre-Rounds 7 - 7:30 p.m. Mainstream/Plus dance 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Gary Brown calls on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Friday of the month; Art Springer calls on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. Pat Hagen cues. A square dance beginners class and a Plus workshop are held every Tuesday night in Room 3 in Community Hall, 7 - 9 p.m. Van Coble is the instructor NOTICE: No dance will be held Friday, Feb. 4 and Fri, Feb. 25, 2011. Square dancers: come join us for this special dance and every Friday night for great dancing, fellowship and refreshments.. For further information, call Sue at 633-8780 or Gail at 633-1297.

Barb Carlini Entertained the Shriners Barb Carlini of the Organ and Keyboard Club entertained the Shriners during their Jan. 12 Shrine Club luncheon. She played a selection of contemporary songs that they could all sing along with. The Shrine Club extends a thank you to Barb and the Organ and Keyboard Club for this gift of music.

South Shore Felines On January 9, 2011 Rita Bundas, a Sun City Center resident and Field Operations Director of South Shore Felines, was recognized for the 9,000th cat spayed / neutered at ACT. This large male tomcat, nicknamed Sugar Ray (for the boxer), is a freeroaming cat from a colony in Ruskin. Sugar Ray may look cuddly here, but he is unconscious for his surgery and you should not attempt to pick up or pet a free-roaming cat. South Shore Felines runs SCAT the second Sunday of every month. SCAT services include spay / neuter, rabies vaccination and ear-tip. The first five cats each month are FREE to Sun City Center CA members during 2011. For more information, humane traps and reservations contact 813393-0844, Info@SouthShoreFelines. org or Photo by Bess Erhardt.

South Shore Felines Serving Sun City Center North & South Side Trap Depots

SCAT is 2nd SUNDAY Monthly Spay / Neuter, Rabies Vaccination & Ear-Tip for Free-Roaming Cats First 5 Cats FREE Every Month for CA Members Only in 2011 813-393-0844

Relocated to Sun City Center

Sun City Corporate Center - Next To CVS

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February 2011

The News of Sun City Center



FunFest Planning Picks Up Momentum

With FunFest 2011 only six weeks away, the committee is kicking into high gear. Jane Keegan, chair, is shown here with Health Fair Coordinators Sam Smith (L) and Richard Schaffer in tee shirts touting this year’s theme. Schaffer and Smith represent the Men’s Club which sponsors the Health Fair portion of the FunFest. Jerry Mahoney, who managed the Fair for six years, will assist in a transition advisory role. Schaffer said he is enthusiastic about the new responsibility. “It is great to be working with so many capable, interesting people, especially Sam and Jerry,” he said. FunFest is set for March 19 with food, entertainment, club offerings and vendor exhibits from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the SCC Community Association Central Campus. Answer on page 26.


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1010 American Eagle Blvd., Apt. 114, Sun City Center, Florida 33573


The News of Sun City Center

February 2011

AAUW ANNOUNCES 2011 WOMEN OF DISTINCTION AWARD The SCC Chapter of the American Association of University Women proudly announces the annual Women of Distinction Luncheon to be held on Feb. 8, 2011 in Community Hall at noon. Three outstanding women will be honored. Each honoree will speak on the challenges of their success. Tickets are available for $20 per person or $160 per table of eight. Tickets and additional information are available from Rita Bevan, 634-6835. Tickets will also be sold at the SCC Atrium Kiosk on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1. All proceeds benefit the Mature Women’s Scholarship Fund.

JANE CASTOR, Chief of Police, Tampa, FL. Chief Castor is the driving force behind Tampa’s 56% reduction in crime in the last seven years. She helped develop and execute the department’s innovative Focus-on-Four Crime Reduction Plan that changed the way officers police the City of Tampa. A safer city is the result! Since 2003, she has initiated homeland security trends in local law enforcement. During her 26 years of service she has sought out leadership positions. She also acted as an outstanding role model for female officers throughout the agency. Her dedication to the community reaches far beyond her role within the Tampa Police Department. She serves on the board of the Hillsborough House of Hope. She is a Big Sister through Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Tampa Bay, an active volunteer with Paint Your Heart Out, Adopt a Family and the Hillsborough River Clean Up.

BARBARA LOUISE MAINSTER, Executive Director, Redlands Christian Migrant Association. Ms. Mainster has served as Executive Director of RCMA since 1988 and is recognized as one of Florida’s most respected advocates for children of farm workers and rural, low-income families. Under her leadership, RCMA has expanded from three original centers in southern Miami-Dade County to 80 centers and two charter schools that in 2008-2009 served nearly 8,000 children throughout Florida. One of the charter schools, Wimauma Academy, is located in southern Hillsborough County. Ms. Mainster is a past president of the Florida Children’s Forum, serves on Florida’s Reading and Literary Committee and is founding president of Socially Accountable Farm Employers.

KAREN MINCEY, TECO VP – Information Technology and CIO. Ms. Mincey has worked in the electric utility industry for 26 years, joining Tampa Electric in 1990 as an engineer in the Marketing Dept. Her various roles include Distribution Engineering, Telecommunications and Information Technolology. She has a bachelor of science in electrical engineering from the University of New Orleans and a Master of business administration from Loyola. Nationally, Karen received the first-ever Woman of Color in Technology “Chairman’s Award,” recognizing the achievements of the nation’s top minority engineers, scientists and technologists.

Exp. 2/28/11

Exp. 2/28/11

February 2011

The News of Sun City Center


Published Authors Residing in SCC

(A continuing column by News staff writer Marie Wood.) Yvonne Ponsor’s recently published mystery “The Death of a Waterman” is not her first published book. Her first book “Gawain and the Green Knight” was published by Macmillan in 1989, and Yvonne has two other books waiting for a final revision before publication. Yvonne was born in Baltimore and spent most of her childhood in Maryland. She is very familiar with the Eastern Shore where her mystery takes place. She attended William and Mary College and has a Master’s degree from the University of Minnesota. Her major was English but she also has a serious interest in mythology and has taught it to older students. Yvonne’s husband Ward had to do a lot of travelling with his job so Yvonne traveled with him, usually finding another college at which to teach. She enjoyed teaching freshman English and generally had no problem finding a job on her

journeys. But during one period she took on a job as a volunteer psychomatrician, working with children who had severe disabilities. She says she always admired Annie Sullivan who worked with Helen Keller. Some of the children she worked with were mentally-challenged but others had vision and hearing problems and were severely disabled. Yvonne has stayed very active during her retirement to Sun City Center. She is a member of the Writer’s Club, has volunteered at the library and served as the dean of the “church college” at the United Community Church for 13 years. She has developed serious vision problems that limit her volunteer activities but she is still working on her books. One is a mystery and the other the story of the life of young Lancelot. She has not yet decided on a publication date but expects it will be soon.

Solution on page 26.

Garage Sale Kings Point Clubhouse Borini Theatre

Friday, February 18th

4:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. Kings Point Residents Only On Friday Residents must present your badge for admittance

Saturday, February 19th

9:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. Open to Residents and Guests


Military Affairs

Col. George Mercer Brooke Chapter DAR will have its 35th Annual Invitational Luncheon on Wednesday, February 16, in the Plaza Club at Freedom Plaza, 1010 American Eagle Blvd., Sun City Center. The program will be “Veterans History Project” with speaker Loyal Gordon Bassett, Lt. Col., Ret, USAF. RSVP by February 10 with $25 check payable to CGMB Chapter and mail to: Jo Prater, Treasurer, PO Box 5544, Sun City Center FL 33571-5544. Proceeds of a Silent Auction during social hour will benefit needy veterans at the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital. Members, members of other DAR Chapters and anyone interested in joining the DAR are invited. For more information, call Beverly Engles, Regent at 633-4059. Col. George Mercer Brooke Chapter, DAR welcomed new member Joyce Hayes at their December Meeting and Christmas Party. Also present were scholarship recipients, Brittany Brathwaite and Tara Zuromski who told about their studies and thanked the members for their support.

Mary Culliton, Chaplain and New Member Joyce Hayes.

The News of Sun City Center

February 2011


Local members of The Association of Naval Aviation will board a bus on Friday, February 4, bound for the US Coast Guard’s largest Air Station. It is located at the St. Petersburg-Clearwater International Airport. This year marks the 100th Anniversary of Naval Aviation. Much of that history involves the US Coast Guard. All Coast Guard pilots have been trained in the US Navy flight schools. 3rd LT E.F. Stone became the Coast Guard’s first aviator on April 1, 1916. During World War I, he served as a pilot on board the cruiser Huntington. After the war, he was the Navy’s chief test pilot for seaplanes and was the pilot of the NC-4 flying boat on the first successful transatlantic flight in 1919. Most of the Coast Guard’s early flying involved search and rescue operations. More recently, since the mid 1980’s, their large H-60 helicopters and C-130 transports h ave b e e n i nvolve d i n d r u g interdiction missions with the help of their own surface vessels and US Navy P3 Orion patrol aircraft. At the time you read this article, there may be some last-minute cancellations. If you are interested in attending, you do not have to be a member, but you do have to have a photo ID, DOD, or driver’s license. All attendees must be on the list sent to the Coast Guard on Feb 2. Please call Bill Shanks for details. His phone is 813-634-3194. His email is The tour bus leaves the Plaza Club parking lot, 3932 Upper Creek Drive, at 10 a.m. and returns at 3:30 p.m.

Fisher House Manager Rescheduled for Feb. 2 Address to MOAA

Paula Welenc, manager of the Fisher House located at James A. Haley Veterans Hospital, who was originally scheduled to be the featured speaker on January 5, will instead be the featured speaker at the SCC Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America luncheon to be held on February 2. The meeting will be held at 11 a.m. in the Florida Room in the SCC Atrium Building. Reservations ($14) should be made by calling 1-877-332-3016 no later than the Sunday prior to the Wednesday meeting. Paula joined the staff of the hospital specifically to develop their Fisher House program and open the house, which accepted its first guests in July of 2007. The Fisher House program is a unique private-public partnership that supports America’s

military in their time of need. The program recognizes the special sacrifices of our men and women in uniform and the hardships of military service by meeting a humanitarian need beyond that normally provided by the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs. Because members of the military and their families are stationed worldwide and must often travel great distances for specialized medical care, Fisher House Foundation donates “comfort homes,” built on the grounds of major military and VA medical centers. These homes enable family members to be close to a loved one at the most stressful times - during the hospitalization for an unexpected illness, disease, or injury. –Capt. B. Frank Kepley, USN (Ret)

Col. Luther Lloyd USA, (Ret) addresses MOAA The featured speaker for the Sun City Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America was Colonel Luther (Luke) Lloyd, USA (Ret). The monthly luncheon was held on January 5 in the Florida Room. Col. Lloyd is a current member of the SCC chapter of MOAA and a former Intelligence officer specializing in the “Middle East.” He is the author of a book entitled Out of Darkness. He has served in several countries, including Egypt, and is the former president of the Military Family Support Trust. Col. Luther provided the group with a general overall view of the political, as opposed to the religious, goals of Islam. –Capt. B. Frank Kepley, USN (Ret)

Col. Luther Lloyd, USA (Ret) and Col. James Shumway, USA (Ret). Photo provided by Frank Kepley.


Brittany Brathwaite and Tara Zuromski. Photos provided by Jo Prater.

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Van Drivers Needed for DAV Van

Sun City Center has a DAV van that was donated to Tampa’s James A. Haley Veterans Hospital by the local DAV Chapter 110. Veterans are transported Monday through Friday, departing SCC at 6:30 a.m. and returning at 1 p.m. This van is for all veterans to use but is NOT wheelchair accessible. To schedule a ride, call 634-0302. A seven-day advance notice is needed. The DAV is in need of volunteers to drive this van. This is a seven-

passenger van and does not require a commercial driver’s license to drive. If you can spare at least one day a month, it will surely help out the veterans of our community. If interested, please contact the chapter commander, Tom Williams, at (813) 777-0914 or email Helmut Haberl at The DAV meetings are held every fourth Thursday of the month in the Caper Room. Lunch is served at noon; meeting starts at 1 p.m.

February 2011

The News of Sun City Center


Palm Conference Room Open

The Palm Conference Room opened for business on January 18. The conference room, located in Old Town Hall, was created by combining the old Palm Room and the old Radio Club. The Radio Club relocated in December to the Maintenance Building. All conference rooms must be reserved through Linda Cannarella at 633-3500 or Photo by Lyn Reitz.

Call me today to hear about these optional features: New Car Replacement, Accident Forgiveness and Deductible Rewards. RACHEL A WEISSMAN, CIC, LUTCF (813) 634-7100 955 Del Webb Blvd. E. Ste 102 Sun City Center RWEISSMAN@ALLSTATE.COM

Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. Patent pending. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company; Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company

Solution on page 26.


The News of Sun City Center

February 2011


C. A. R. E.

Molly Molly is a petite mixed breed, found in Plant City. This happy-go-lucky gal loves attention. She is a young, active dog who will settle down to cuddle if you offer her your lap. Molly is eager to learn basic commands and would love for someone to take her to dog training. She is also a great size for someone with limited space or size housing restrictions. Come down to the shelter and meet Molly. We are sure that she will win your heart. Molly will be spayed, microchipped and brought current on her shots as part of her adoption. DOB: December 2009.

Remy Remy is a black female domestic short hair cat. Her mom is Kettle who had five adorable kittens. Remy loves to play with the other kittens at the shelter, but she is growing up now and would like to come to live at a forever home of her own. Please come and see this beauty and give her that home. Remy is the sister of Victoria. Remy has been spayed, microchipped and is current on her shots. DOB: February 2010.

C.A.R.E. is open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday thru Saturday For directions, visit or call 813-645-2273

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February 2011

The News of Sun City Center



Linda Mc Dougall International Lawn Bowler

Tennis Fun Day Held in November

The Tennis Association recently had a beautiful day for their 8th Mixed Doubles Tennis Fun Day. The 10 Har-Tru courts had 40 people rotating every 17 minutes playing with different partners. Following tennis play, the members and some guests enjoyed a luncheon catered by Danny Boys in the Horseshoe Pavilion. These Fun Days are held in November and March each year with a special 50th anniversary twist on Fun Day planned for November 19, 2011. For information about joining this 220-member club, contact Membership Chairman Donna Waikel at 633-5132. For information about Fun Day, contact Chairman Nancy Williams at 642-9121.

Training at the Fitness Center

Linda McDougall has been representing the United States International Lawn Bowling team for the past 16 years. She has played in International matches all over the world, including Canada, Australia, Ireland, Scotland and Malaysia. In September of 2010, she won the U.S. Open Pairs tournament in Newport Harbor, California with her partner Mary Ann Beath from Arizona. She also represented the Southeast Division in October as the Singles player in the National C hampionships in Sun Cit y,

Arizona. This was the first time she represented the Southeast Division. She had previously represented the Northeast Division in 13 national championships both in singles and pairs. In recognition of her vast experience at the highest level and because of her knowledge of the game, Linda has been appointed to the position of Selector for the United States National Lawn Bowling Team. Linda, 69 years of age, lives here in Sun City Center with husband John, and her mother Violet Baxter. They moved here from Stratford, Connecticut in 2005. Born in Scotland, she has lived in America for the past 64 years and became an American citizen in 1953. Apart from being a member of the Sun City Center and Suncoasters Lawn Bowling Clubs, Linda is a keen golfer and a member of Caloosa Golf and Country Club. –David Burbery

Photo by John Bowker


Looking for more energy, better balance, a toned body? You’ll find these benefits and more at the Fitness Center. The Fitness Center is a 6700 sq. ft., state of the art facility, open seven days a week from 6 a.m. til 8 p.m. Free training on resistance equipment is available every Tuesday and Saturday at 2 p.m. You’ll learn how to use the equipment in a safe and efficient manner that will guarantee results. Stop by the Fitness Center and the attendant on duty will schedule your training session and help you complete a short registration form. Remember, exercise is The Fountain of Youth. For more information, call Jim Blackstone at 634-6387.

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The News of Sun City Center

Hogans League of Sun City Center and Kings Point

League Results, Pictures and More

SCC Men’s Golf 12/23/10: 2-man best ball: White Tees: 1st: King Slater and Kevin O’Keefe, 62; 2nd: Chul Kim and Ken Defreeuw, 63. Green Tees: 1st: Walter Wight and Carl Lingertot, 63; 2nd: Harold Geldbach and Bob Keyes, 64. 12/30/10: Low net: White Tees: 1st: Kevin O’Keefe, 67; 2nd: Chul Kim, 68. Green Tees: 1st: James Sutter, 65; Don Marlborough, 67.

SCC WGA 18-Hole 1/7/11: “Pick Your Partner-Alternate Shot” golf competition held at Sandpiper Golf Club on the Palms and Oaks courses. Seventy WGA members who are members of Renaissance, Scepter, Sandpiper and Falcon Watch golf clubs, participated in the kickoff event. Congratulations to the Winning Teams: Flight 1: 1st Place Gross: 85 Caroloyn Avrett, Kitty Matzkin; 1st Place Net: 69, Judie Schafers, Connie Toussaint; 2nd Place Net: 70, Bette Mannon, Syl Oliveira. Flight 2: 1st Place Gross: 90, Linda Belanger, Susan Sussman; 1st Place Net: 70, Jan Huber, Jean Mooney; 2nd Place Net: 71, Lois Scoppettuolo, Linda Scarbrough. Flight 3: 1st Place Gross: 94, Patti Ducharme, Udea Onslow-Thompson; 1st Place Net: 69, Beverly Heil, Betty Ann Bauman; 2nd Place Net: 74, Betty Thurston, Joan Emmrich. Flight 4: 1st Place Gross: 102, Joan Kinzly, Stacia Connors; 1st Place Net: 75, Phyllis Lee, Jeanne Doherty; 2nd Place Net: 77, Carolyn Schwehr, Gene Perry. Judie Schafers 1/14/11: “Throw out 2 scores— one on each nine”: Flight 1: 1st: Marcia Morris, 53; 2nd (tie): Linda Scarbrough, Lois Scoppettuolo, 56. Flight 2: 1st (four-way tie): Janet Hulme, Carolyn Clark, Connie Toussaint, Marcia Karp, 55. Flight 3: 1st: Beverly Heil, 50; 2nd: Linda Suh, 54. Flight 4: 1st: Carolyn Schwer, 46; 2nd: Priscilla Haney, 52. –Judie Schafers

A Hole-In-One was recorded on December 20 by Paul Stammen Jr. on Sandpiper Oaks course hole #8, 190 yards. This event was witnessed by playing partners Harry Holmen and Sydney Goldstein.

12/21/2010: Apollo Beach, h-Skins: 1st : John Schachte, 6 skins; 2nd : two-way tie @ 2 skins each – Fred Mayes & Van daCosta. Low-net: John Schachte, 61 (+ 2 skins); Lowgross: Dave Briton, 83 (2 skins). 12/23/2010: Renaissance, h-Skins: 1st : Paul Maki, 8 skins; 2nd : threeway tie @ 2 skins each – Charlie Strimpell, Dave Briton & Jay Sparkman. Low-net: Paul Maki, 72 (1 skin); Low-gross: Dave Briton, 88. 12/27/10: Summerfield, match: Of 80 Hogans members, two frosty SnowBirds played Summerfield. Fred Mayes scored a net 74 and Paul Maki an 81. 12/29/2010: Bloomingdale, h-Skins: 5 winners at 4 skins each – Jay Sparkman, Bill Poirier, Syl Amos, Paul Maki & Terry Upson, Low-net: Terry Upson, 70; Low-gross: Jay Sparkman, 94. 12/31/2010 (New Year’s Eve): Buffalo Creek, a-Skins (pay for birdies) with lo-gross award: 1st : Paul Maki, 3skins; 2nd : Syl Amos, 2 skins. 1 skin each (for natural birdies) – Chip Wood, Bill Porier, Syl Amos, Fred Mayes & Paul Maki. Low-net: two-way tie @ 64’s (3 skins each) – Fred Mayes & Paul Maki; Low-gross: Chip Wood, 84 (USGA prize). 1/1/2011: Apollo Beach, h-Skins: 1st: Woody Nelson, 9 skins; 2nd : twoway tie @ 3 skins each – Melanie Higgins & Terry Upson. Low-net: two-way tie @ 66’s (and 3 skins each) Woody Nelson & Terry Upson; Low-gross: Tom Kirchen, 84. 1/4/2011: Riverside, h-Skins (eligible players): 1st : Jerry Stemas, 6 skins; 2nd : Bob Harris, 4 skins. Low-net: Bob Harris, 68 (2 skins); John Schachte, 69 (2 skins);Lowgross: Bob Harris, 89. 1/6/2011: Diamond Hill, h-Skins: 1st : two-way tie @ 5 skins each – Paul Maki & Fred Mayes. Low-net: Fred Mayes, 66; Low-gross: Buzz Wetzel & Ed Ristan, 84. 1/8/2011: Apollo Beach, FLChicago: 1st : Terry Upson, +9 (8 skins); 2nd : two-way tie @ +6’s (5 skins each) – John Schachte & Mo Lang. 1/10/2011: Summerfield, h-Skins: 1st : Jenice Taylor, 6 skins; 2nd : three-way tie @ 4 skins each – Charlie Strimpell, Bob Harris & Art Swallow. Low-net: Ruben Jones, 68; Low-gross: Ruben Jones, 88. 1/12/2011: Bloomingdale, h-Skins: FLIGHT #1: 1st : Three-way tie @ 4 skins each – Woody Nelson, Don Mowry & Jay Sparkman. Low-net: Chip Wood, 83, 2 skins; Low-gross: Chip Wood, 93. FLIGHT #2: 1st : John Schachte, 5 skins; 2nd :two-way tie @ 2 skins each- Bill Poirier & Roy Clark. Low-net: John Schachte, 75 (2 skins). 1/14/2011:Buffalo Creek, h-Skins (Hogans’ style skins): 1st : two-way tie @ 3 skins each – Syl Amos & Dave Diehl. Low-net: John Schachte, 67, 3 skins (qualifying new member Ruben Jones, 66); Low-gross: John Schachte, 91, 2 skins (qualifying new member Ruben Jones, 82).

February 2011

Caloosa Golf & Country Club’s 2010 Champions

2010 Caloosa Golf and C.C. club champions, Anne Skinner and Mike Almaguer. Caloosa’s three-day club championship tournaments are held each November. Photo provided by Anne Skinner.

Hogans League of Sun City Center and Kings Point Cont’d. 1/15/2011: Apollo Beach, a-Skins (awards for natural birds): 1st : Bud Knecht, 6 skins; 2nd : three-way tie @ 3 skins each – Art Swallow, Terry Upson & Tom Kirchen. Birds: Tom Kirchen (3 skins). Low-net: Jerry Stemas, 66 (3 skins); Low-gross: Jerry Stemas, 83.

Hogan member John Apostolou scored an ace on January 20, 2011 at the Diamond Hills golf course during a regular round of Hogans golf. John used a five wood (Calloway WarBird), a Titleist ball on the 159-yard par-3 sixth hole. Witnesses were Doc Lamiano, Tom Winterstein & Bob Layer.

February 2011

The News of Sun City Center

Rays Win Fall Softball League The Sun City Center Softball Club completed its “Fall 2010” season on December 18. The Rays, managed by Ed Dowdy, finished with the best overall record and were declared Club Champions for the season. Congratulations to Ed Dowdy and all the Rays players (Diane Barnes, Tom Edge, Richard Fiedler, Jim Fleming, Wayne Flora, Jerry Fowler, Dick Gibbs, Bob Lehmann, Ron Leombruno, Lou Malchiodi, Dennis McPhail and Rich Yacononi). Nine new teams began the “Winter 2011” season on Tuesday, January 4, 2011. Softball Club games are played every Tuesday and Friday, beginning at 10 a.m. The softball field is located behind Community Hall in the South Campus Sports & Activities Complex. The parking lot is off Weatherford Drive and adjacent to the tennis courts and horseshoe pits. Spectators are welcome to come and watch the games.

The Softball Club is always looking for new players. Softball Club membership is open to men (55 and older) and women (50 and older) who are residents of either Sun City Center or Kings Point. Don’t worry if you have not played in a while. Just bring your mitt and join us for batting and fielding practice on any Monday, beginning at 10 a.m., at the softball field. Those interested in playing softball should contact Walt Drugan at (813) 642-9135 or visit the Sun City Center Softball Club website at for further details. New players should plan to attend at least two Monday practice sessions prior to the next season’s draft. This will allow you the opportunity to make sure you are able to play and allow team managers an opportunity to evaluate your abilities prior to the draft. We hope to see you there. John Kirkland

SUMMERFIELD CROSSINGS GOLF CLUB TO HOLD A BUNCO NIGHT SUPPORTING RIVERVIEW’S RELAY FOR LIFE Last year, Summerfield Crossings Women’s Golf Association’s team in Riverview’s Relay for Life raised over $3,000 for cancer research and to support programs here in Hillsborough County. This year they hope to better that amount. A Bunco Night fundraiser will be held at Summerfield Crossing Golf Club on Monday, January 31, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Admission is $20 per person with half of the fee going to Relay for Life and the other half toward prize money. Munchies and dessert will be served and there will be a cash bar. Come join us for a night of fun and fund-raising! For more info, call Kitty Cunningham at 394-0301 or Linda Smith at 728-1005.


Sun City Center Lawn Bowler Gets Top Job

Sue Bellerose Sue Bellerose’s term as president of Sun City Center Lawn Bowling Club concluded this month after two successful years, and she has now moved on to be the president of the Southeast Division of the United States Lawn Bowling Association. As president of the Sun City Center Lawn Bowling Club, her leadership and initiative have been an important factor in the growing popularity for the sport in Sun City Center. Membership of the club had fallen from its peak a decade ago of just under 500, to an all time low of 160 two years ago. Recently the membership has grown, and this year it is expected to exceed 200 with new lawn bowlers signing up for lessons every month. Su e c a n t a k e c re d it f or promoting the social side of the club with evening play followed by hot dogs and burgers or a meal at a local restaurant, plus a number of social events, all of which add to the goodwill and fellowship within the club. So what now Sue? Always up for a challenge, Sue is about to take up the mantle of president of the United States Lawn Bowling Association, Southeast Division. This is an honor, both for Sue and for the Sun City Center club. So where did it start? Sue , age 64, is married to Art. They both moved to Sun City Center from Apollo Beach in 2000; she and

her husband are originally from Connecticut. Sue had never lawn bowled before she arrived here; in fact she had never even heard of the game. She took lessons and soon became an accomplished lawn bowler, playing in tournaments here in Florida and also, during the summer months, in Canada and Australia. Her new position as USLBA president is critical for the promotion and organization of lawn bowling in America and in the Southeast Division. Unlike other countries such as Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, lawn bowling in this country is still a minority sport. Many are advocating that lawn bowling should be included in the Olympic Games. If that were to happen, it would surely become as popular a game here as it is elsewhere. The Sun City Center Lawn Bowling Club wishes Sue well in her new position. John Bailiff has been voted president of the Sun City Lawn Bowling Club for 2011. –David Burbery

Hogans League February Schedule Date Day Course 2/1 Tue Riverside 2/3 Thur Diamond Hill 2/5 Sat Apollo Beach 2/9 Wed Bloomingdale 2/11 Fri Buffalo Creek 2/12 Sat Apollo Beach 2/15 Tue Riverside 2/17 Thur Diamond Hill 2/19 Sat Apollo Beach 2/21 Mon Summerfield 2/23 Wed Bloomingdale 2/25 Fri Buffalo Creek 2/26 Sat Apollo Beach Reservations are required to play with the Hogans. Contact or visit

Sportswriters needed!

If you are interested in any of the sporting activities going on in and around Sun City Center, The NEWS could use you as a staff writer. Please contact Karen Jones at


The News of Sun City Center

Swim Dancers Present “What’s in a Name” on March 5

Hogans Schedule Open Enrollment for Feb. 4

Rich Lucidi & Art Swallow.

Swim Dancers showing “herringbone” float pattern. Mark your calendars for the of Music,” an Irish Medley with annual Sun City Center’s Swim favorites, “Harrigan, MacNamara’s Dancer Show on March 5 at 2 p.m. Band, “Michelle” by Paul McCartney at the Atrium Lap Pool off North and other familiar melodies. Pebble Beach Blvd. at 961 North Also joining the Sun City Course Lane. Center Swim Dancers will be the Choreography for each song “Aquatic Dancers” of the Villages was done by individual swim dancers with three songs to add to the interpreting the music combining program including “Brian’s Song.” swimming, rhythm and dancing. Rehearsals for this year’s show began This year the Swim Dancers welcome in September and take place three five new swimmers who will be times a week in preparation of the joining the show. The title of the March performance. Please note show “What’s in a Name” reflects the that this year there will be only seven numbers the swimmers have one show on Saturday. Tickets may choreographed to songs. Featured be purchased during the week of songs are “Maria” from the “Sound February 28 from 9 a.m. to noon, Monday through Friday at the Atrium Kiosk. Tickets may also be purchased from any Swim Dancer or by calling Judy Quitsch, 642-0157, director of the show.

February 2011

The Hogans Golf Club of Sun City Center and Kings Point will be holding open enrollment in League #2 on Friday, February 4, from 6:15-8 p.m. in the Caper Room in the Atrium. Questions will be addressed from 6:15-7 and membership enrollment will begin starting at 7 p.m. The Hogans Golf Club was formed in February 2008 by Sun City Center and Kings Point residents who wanted to play with other golfers who chose to play the area public golf courses (including several private courses that offer “public” play). The club has male and female golfers with a range of handicaps who enjoy some competition, camaraderie and relaxed fun and who like to play in a typical skins game format at very nominal cost. The USGA handicap indexing system levels the playing field among the golfers so everyone

has a chance. The club schedules numerous weekdays and Saturday. It is published for Nov–Apr and for May–Oct. Greens fees have been negotiated with the courses to provide for the best price available and to provide reliable tee times. Membership in the Hogans is $30 per year (includes GHIN membership) with meetings every two years (next meeting is December 2011). Election of officers is held in November/December. An annual (usually March) all expenses paid “banquet or other affair” is held for members with spouses invited. Members also hold impromptu pizza parties and the like, on occasion. Membership is open only to Sun City Center and Kings Point residents. Additional info (membership applicat ion, by laws, det ai le d schedules) may be obtained at or by emailing

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February 2011

MOVIES at the Rollins Theater February 7 “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps” 138 min. PG-13 Following a lengthy prison term, Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) finds himself on the outside looking in at a world he once commanded. Hoping to repair his relationship with his daughter, Winnie (Carey Mulligan), Gekko forges an alliance with her fiancé, Jake (Shia LaBeouf). But Winnie and Jake learn the hard way that Gekko is still a master manipulator who will stop at nothing to reclaim his rightful place at the top of Wall Street. Actors: Michael Douglas, Shia Labeouf, Josh Brolin, Eli Wallach. February 14 “Secretariat” 123 min. PG Disney presents an astonishing true stor y bursting with hope, heart, and courage. Behind every legend lies an impossible d r e a m . Wi t n e s s t h e spectacular journey of an incredible horse named Secretariat and the moving story of his unlikely owner, a housewife who risked everything to make him a champion. Out of the gate, Secretariat is pulse-pounding entertainment for the whole family! Actors: Diane Lane, John Malkovich. February 28

“Salt” 100 min. R Angelina Jolie confirms her status as action-heroine supreme in the sinewy thriller Salt. Evelyn Salt (Jolie) is a respected highranking CIA agent… until a defecting Russian operative declares that she’s a Russian m o l e i n d e e p c o v e r, launching her on the most delicious chase sequence since the Bourne movies. Salt is an old-fashioned entertainment, a skillfully made mechanism with enough grace notes to let it breathe and catch you by surprise. –Bret Fetzer. Actors: Angelina Jolie, Liev Schreiber.

The News of Sun City Center


NEWCOMERS December 2010

List prepared by Linda Bowker from CA staff data. Report corrections, additions to CA at 633-3500.

Last First Num Local street Hometown St Panek Alfred & Jolanta 1804 Adrean Pl Battick Marilyn 640 Allegheny Dr Pinellas Park FL Lersch Ted 640 Allegheny Dr Ruskin FL Hodge Gregory & Yong Sun 666 Allegheny Dr Chisholm MN Belanger Gerard 1519 Allegheny Dr Lachute Que Can Gesele Marcil 1519 Allegheny Dr Lachute Que Can Smith Ainie & Colleen 301 Barstow Ct Detroit MI Spillman Gerard & Georgia 407 Blackhawk Cir Floral Park NY Hinton Florene 104 Cactusflower Ln Miami FL Hilt Bruce & Rena 1702 Cloister Dr Middletown OH Lackey John & Vivian 706 Elkhorn Rd Macomb IL Martin John & Karen 1055 Emerald Dunes Dr Bloomington IL Peck Eldon & Marsha 721 Fox Hills Dr Vermilion OH Luszik Joseph & Miriam 820 Fox Hills Dr Fort Lauderdale FL Wilbourn Jerry & Nancy 2311 Lyndhurst Dr Chapel Hill NC Paradowski John & Theresa 1805 New Bedford Dr Hamburg NY McGowan Jackie & Katherine 1609 Pebble Beach Blvd N Dayton OH Phelps Ernest 1111 Signature Dr Burlington WA Dennis Helen 711 Tam O’Shanter Ave Winter Haven FL Whatley George & Christine 711 Tam O’Shanter Ave Winter Haven FL

Phone 489-3150

375-2296 375-2296 941-228-2145 633-5615 305-283-0610 513-292-0772 520-9624 309-287-0834 938-4366 215-6536 633-4564 642-9503 634-2925 634-2925

The Monday Movies has added additional movies to the schedule for 2011. Please note the dates and times for movies as scheduling may vary because of scheduling conflicts in the Rollins Theater. Please come early as seating is LIMITED. These movies have English subtitles for the hearing impaired. Monday Movies are for Sun City Center Community Association members ONLY. A 2011 membership card must be presented for admission.

One showing only @ 1 p.m. We Want to Know!!!

(Answers to frequently asked questions at the CA) By Susan Muise

“Do my dues pay for my trash pickup?” No. Trash pickup is not part of our Community Association dues. It is part of the property taxes we pay to Hillsborough County. The Solid Waste Management Department of Hillsborough County (813-272-5680) decides who they will hire to pick up trash. In our part of the county it is Waste Services of Florida (813-248-3802). They pick up our trash on Wednesdays and Saturdays, our recyclables on Wednesdays and our yard waste on different days depending where we live in Sun City Center. You can contact the Solid Waste Management Department to check on your yard waste pickup day or go online to There are no collection pickups on Thanksgiving, Christmas,

New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4 and Labor Day. If your pickup date falls on any of these holidays, they will come on the next scheduled collection day. Page 11 of our Membership Directory explains what recyclables they will take and which bins they should be in. If you don’t have a blue and green bin, please contact Hillsborough County either by phone or on their website. They can drop them off to you. Items too large for regular pickup can be taken to the Balm Facility on County Road 672 (813-6717674). You will need to bring a copy of your tax bill showing the solid waste assessment and a photo ID with the same address. The County tells us that they burn approximately 1,200 tons of solid waste daily producing enough electricity to power 15,000 homes. Go Hillsborough!!

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The News of Sun City Center

February 2011

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