February 2010 The News of Sun City Center

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The News of February 2010 - ISSUE #19

...an official publication of the Community Association

February Dates to Put on Your Calendar

CA Board Meeting


9 a.m.

Rollins Theater


St. Valentine’s Day

March 20th

FunFest Central Campus

March 22nd Shredding Day Behind Security Patrol On the Inside CA President’s Report.. 2 CA Schedule................. 2 CARE......................... 17 Club Happenings..... 6-9+ Consumer Affairs........ 12 Crossword.................. 15 Cryptoquote................ 13 Entertainment Corner... 3 Fiitness Corner........... 22 Golf........................ 20-21 Military Affairs............. 10 Movies........................ 23 Newcomers................ 23 Sudoku....................... 17 We Want to Know....... 15

Check out the CA website: suncitycenter.org

Annual CA Membership Meeting...

CA President Ed Barnes Noted That The New Year Brings New Challenges

By John Bowker Speaking at the January 6 annual membership meeting, CA President Ed Barnes listed a number of 2009 community accomplishments resulting from the work of many people in town. Among those was the golf cart path to US301 now being constructed by Hillsborough County following an extensive campaign by dozens of residents to convince the county commissioners of our need for this path. He went on to list nearly a dozen other improvements to our lifestyle that required the attention of many CA members. He then outlined some challenges we all face in 2010 but reflected on his confidence that, with enough participation by our residents, we will see each of them through to success. His first challenge, he said, will be to get more CA members involved in the decision making. He pointed out that there are now about 11,000 of us and the total number of members who cast a vote this past

fall to determine our dues structure and to elect our leaders was 777. He has appointed director Woody Nelson to study this issue in his role as CA Board Liaison to the Elections Committee. The next challenge Barnes listed was to determine what happens when WCI closes out their interests in Sun City Center. As you know, WCI has recently come out of bankruptcy and their business is now in the hands of financiers. They have already announced that their holdings here are for sale; they will not build more houses here. This leaves open the question of maintaining the appearance of the undeveloped properties, the medians on both Pebble Beach Boulevards and the median and shoulders of Sun City Center Boulevard (SR 674). Among his concerns, Barnes pointed out that the golf courses owned by WCI will be sold and since they are an essential part of our community for recreation and for aesthetics, the CA must be involved to the extent possible to be sure the

outcome is to the benefit of Sun City Center. A new “PR Group” has been formed with the task of communicating the unique character of Sun City Center out to the world. Paul Courter has been named to head that organization. Barnes ended his remarks by announcing there will be a review of the long-term plan for the Community Association. The CA is often likened to our “local government” in that so much of the lifestyle here centers on its facilities, events and decisions. We must keep it current with our needs and with county, state and federal regulations. Home Sale for 2009 CA Treasurer Neil Rothfeld announced that his figures show that, based on Transfer Fee receipts, 260 homes were sold in Sun City Center during 2009. That has resulted in the Capital Fund account now totaling $309,000. That fund is used for construction of new CA facilities and should not be confused with money needed for renovation or

replacement of existing facilities and, of course, has no bearing on CA operating expenses that are funded by our annual dues. Shredding Day Coming Mark your calendar for Monday, March 22 between 9 a.m. and noon. The CA is providing a shredding truck that CA members can use at no charge. It will be parked just behind the Security Patrol building on Cherry Hills Drive; you can watch as your own documents are shredded. In responding to an audience question that was generated by an article in one of the local weeklies, Lyn Reitz, the Community Manager, reported that the cost of all renovations at and around the Atrium Building pools came in at less than $750,000 and, in fact, came in $50,000 under budget! About 80 homes in Sun City Center and Kings Point have been affected by the corrosive dry wall problem. A local group, headed by CA Director Woody Nelson, is actively studying the options.

FunFest 2010 Bigger Than Ever By Phyllis Hodges H o w ’s F u n F e s t 2 0 1 0 (Spring Fling) planning progressing? We posed that question to Jane Keegan, the new chair for FunFest set for March 20 at the SCC Community A s s o c i a t i o n ’s C e n t r a l Campus (N. Pebble Beach Blvd.), and she’s bubbling over with enthusiasm. “This year’s committee is hard at work on the many aspects that are part of an undertaking like this. The overwhelming support of our clubs and area businesses promises to make our FunFest “Spring Fling” a great way for the community and surrounding areas to celebrate the arrival of spring,” she said. Keegan is especially excited about this year’s Health Fair. Early indications are that additional space

will be required for all the vendors who wish to participate. The Veterans Administration (VA) is among the newcomers. VA Mobile Clinic The James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital Mobile Outreach Clinic that will be onsite has three private exam rooms that will be open to all area veterans at no cost for general health screening and reviews of medication lists. Veterans should bring their DD214 or current VA card. In addition, someone will be on hand to assist veterans with enrollment for VA services. Veterans should bring past medical documents related to current complaint/illness if that information is not already in the VA’s electronic medical file. The clinic has the capability to document

any pertinent findings or recommendations in the VA electronic medical record. T h e M i l i t a r y O ff i c e r s Association of America (MOAA) and the SCC Men’s Club are sponsoring the VA’s participation. Questions about utilizing the mobile clinic can be directed to Frank Kepley at 642-0801 or Jerry Mahoney at 633-2879. Entertainment Judy Schings is making great headway lining up entertainment for the day. She reports that some popular acts such as Elvis (Bill Lindsey) and The Dukes will be returning, and HiLo, a country singing duo, will be new to the roster. She’s busily working to fill out the schedule which will also include performances by SCC CA clubs.

Help Still Needed John Bowker is organizing the group of 40 volunteers to greet guests. Anyone interested should call Bowker at 633-1427. Anyone else wanting to help but doesn’t have a job in mind can call Keegan at 634-9329 to talk about what is needed.

The VA Mobile Outreach Clinic will be a welcome addition to the health fair at FunFest on March 20 at the CA Central Campus.


The News of Sun City Center

From the Desk of

President Ed Barnes Welcome back to all of our snowbird friends – our winter season is in full swing as I imagine most of you have noticed. Hopefully the weather in February will be more like Florida weather than the first half of January. SCC Speed Limit Reminder I want to remind everyone that the speed limit in Sun City Center is 30 MPH – and that is the upper limit for speed, not a recommended guideline. We have many people driving golf carts, bicycles, motorized wheel chairs and other small conveyances on the street, as well as many walkers. So please drive safely and observe the speed limit. The Hillsborough County Sheriff monitors the speed limits here in Sun City Center, and you may be ticketed for driving over 30 MPH in your car, and if your golf cart goes that fast, you will definitely be ticketed! For the safety of all of our residents, please drive responsibly. Golf Cart Path Update On March 9, Hillsborough County, in conjunction with the Community Association, is planning a Grand Opening for the new golf cart path to Wal-Mart. Details of this event are being worked out but will include some or all of the County Commissioners as well as other dignitaries. This event will be dedicated to the people who worked so hard to make this a reality over the last few years. As the specifics for this event become finalized, we will ensure the word gets out to the members through various media. Mark your calendar and hope for good weather! By the time you get this Newsletter your dues will be past due if you haven’t paid them. To ensure you can continue to use all of the wonderful amenities here in Sun City Center, please get your dues into the CA office.

This year we plan to continue pursuing how we can improve communications with the members. We plan to focus on how we can improve and update our methodology for communicating by moving to more electronic notification. The notification means for all official notices will continue to be the SCC Newsletter. We spend a lot of money on mail and sending notices to various organizations, clubs and HOA/POAs. In the long run we want to use the Internet instead of the U.S. Mail for communications. The trend in the world is electronic notification of almost everything – banks are going to start charging to get hard copy of your bank statement; stock brokers will be charging you to send out monthly statements. Electronic notification is the way of the future. We are looking to reduce costs but also to be able to communicate rapidly with the membership. We have a program to capture as many email addresses as we can and would like to get yours. Please refer to Director Martin Hurwitz’s article below (in the blue box). WCI There is no real news on the WCI front. The only new event that I know of is the opening of the Sandpiper golf course to outside play which your Board of Directors approved in December. There are many, many rumors concerning WCI but little factual information. As far as I know, WCI is continuing to pursue the sale of their Sun City Center assets – the development property and amenities in both Sun City Center and Kings Point. What will happen on this front is unknown but we will let you know as soon as some factual information is available.

The CA Board is implementing a rapid notification system that will provide real time alerts; advance notification of meetings, speakers and other events; and various announcements of public interest. The system will only send out information via the Internet to valid email addresses. If you would like to receive the benefits of the system, please provide your name, street address and email address to sccboard@suncitycenter. org or fill out the form below and drop it off the information at the CA Office. –Director Martin Hurwitz

Email Address

Name_____________________________________ Street Address___________________________________ Email Address______________________________ All information is confidential.

February 2010

From the Desk of

Director Donald P. Schings 2010 US CENSUS In 2010, the U.S. Census Bureau is on a mission to accurately count every resident in the United States, starting in April. All residents of the U.S. are to be counted–people of all ages, races, ethnic groups, citizens and non-citizens. The Census Bureau will mail or deliver census questionnaires to individual households in March 2010. It is vitally important that every resident fill out the questionnaire or request additional assistance to complete the form, if needed. The census data guarantee Hillsborough County receives its fair share of funds from the United States government based on the census count of the population. All responses provided on the 2010 Census questionnaire or to a Census Bureau employee are confidential. NOVEMBER 2010 REFERENDUM STATUS The Transportation Task Force presented recommendations to the Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners on November 4, 2009. The BOCC voted to prepare a resolution indicating that the commissioners are supportive

of considering a one percent sales tax referendum on the ballot in November 2010. Between December 2009 and March/April 2010, the BOCC will hold public workshops to determine the proposed language to be placed on the ballot, and the BOCC will vote to approve the language in March/April 2010. It is anticipated the issue pro/ con will be subject to a flurry of media coverage between March/ April and November 2010. TAMPA BAY AREA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY – TBARTA During 2009, the TBARTA Board approved its “MASTER PLAN” and various committees are working on the processes to implement the orderly transfer of various county systems to the Regional Authority as the systems are built. The Governor has signed legislation that modernizes Florida’s transportation future and secures the state’s commitment to expanding passenger rail, moving the Sunshine State into a new era of economic prosperity and innovation.

From the Desk of

Director Al Alderman I am writing this article to remind all the clubs that a membership list was required by January 31, 2010. However, this deadline has been extended until March 31, 2010 to give the clubs additional time to satisfy this requirement.The list should contain the member’s name, CA number and, if they are willing, their email address. There have been some changes in our policies that may affect your bylaws. The following items should be incorporated into your bylaws: 1. At least one club officer (president, vice president, treasurer, or secretary) must be CA member. 2. A current membership list should be submitted annually by January 31. 3. The removal of a member from a club should have the wording that has been adopted by the CA board. Copies and examples are available in the CA office. Please contact Al Alderman, Club Liaison Director, if you have any questions. Your cooperation in this subject is greatly appreciated. Please forward updates of your bylaws to the CA office for their review and approval.

From the Desk of

Director Anne Cross Hillsborough County Code Code Enforcement officials will be in SCC on February 23. Those interested in learning the details of this department should mark their calendars. The event will include a short film, a Power Point presentation and a Q&A. What are grass heights? Can a RV be stored on property? My neighbor has a sailboat in his driveway. Learn the facts! When? Tuesday, Feb. 23 … Caper Room … 10 a.m. Greater SCC Community Plan The planning process is long with many stages. On December 14, 2009 our community plan was presented to the Planning Commission by Lisa Silva. We wish to thank Lisa for an outstanding job in presenting the major elements of the Plan. The next step is the Public Hearing scheduled for February 22 at 5:30 p.m in the Planning Commission Board Room on the 18th floor of the County Center. At that time, Paula Harvey, Division Director Planning & Zoning Division, will be making the presentation, and the floor will be open for public comment. The Planning Commission will vote at that time on the consistency of the community plan with the Comprehensive Plan.

The News of Sun City Center



February 2010

New Library Hours Announced As of Thursday, Feb. 4, 2010 the library will be closed at 4 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. Regular library hours will be 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. After hours, books may be returned in the book drop located at the front of the building and media items may be returned in the side door slot.


PARKING AREA BEHIND SECURITY PATROL Do you have documents to shred? Please feel free to bring your items to be shredded on the date, time and place noted above. There will be no charge for this service as this is being sponsored by the Community Association as a courtesy to its members.


Watch your mailbox. Coming soon is a letter of appeal for a voluntary contribution to the Greater SCC Beautification Corporation. Let’s keep SR 674 a source of civic pride. As one neighbor to another, please give.

Our Apologies: There was an omission in the Committee Volunteers list that was in the January issue: Jim Brandt, Governmental Affairs Again, the CA and President Barnes appreciate the hard work of all committee members.

ENTERTAINMENT CORNER Entertainment Shows: Well, we are nearing the end of the season. Upcoming Sunday shows are The Van-Dells (February 28–$13) and Stay Tuned by Five by Design (March 14–$20). There are very few tickets left for Phil Dirt and the Dozers (Friday, February 12–$17) and Johnny Thunder with Rocky and the Rollers (March 26–$18). All performances are at Community Hall. Tickets on sale at the CA office. St. Petersburg Opera: I hope to schedule a lecture/performance with this opera company for Friday, April 9, 2-3:30 p.m., at Community Hall. More details to follow. –Questions? Judy Schings (813) 642-2001

COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION SCHEDULE February 3 Board Workshop* Board Room – 9 a.m. 10 Board Meeting* Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 16 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room - 9 a.m. 17 Welcome Newcomers Lawn Bowling Room - 7 p.m. 22 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room - 2 p.m.

March 3 Board Workshop* Board Room – 9 a.m. 10 Board Meeting* Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 16 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room - 9 a.m. 17 Welcome Newcomers Lawn Bowling Room - 7 p.m. 22 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room - 2 p.m. 24 Membership Meeting Community Hall - 7 p.m.

Every Wednesday: Orientation for new members in the Board Room starting at 1 p.m. * Proposed agendas for monthly Board meetings are discussed at the Board workshops and posted on Official Bulletin Boards the Friday before. They will also be posted on our website (suncitycenter.org under “Association”).

CA Contact Information Phone: 633-3500 Email: sccboard@suncitycenter.org Web Site: suncitycenter.org Did you miss the January Membership Meeting?

Online Video of the January Meeting Available Now

A video of the January 6 Membership Meeting is available. This is the annual membership meeting containing the reports from the president, treasurer and facilities manager. Several volunteers were honored and our new board members were sworn in. Members of the audience gave their views and asked questions. Among the subjects discussed is the new agreement with WCI concerning the golf courses, code enforcements on the North Course, recent renovations of the pools on the Central Campus, and Fitness Center repairs. To view the video, go to www.hodgesvideos. com and scroll down to the “Sun City Center Community Assoc. Board Activities” and follow the prompts.


The News of Sun City Center


February 2010

Happy Valentines Day!



1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • 813-633-2020 • FAX 813-633-6403

Home Buyer Tax Credit Your contract must be in place by April 2010. Qualifying first-time and existing home buyers can claim a tax credit of as much as $8,000 on the purchase of a new home.

Stuart 2/2/1 car carport. Tons of upgrades in this beautiful condo, newer windows throughout, wood kitchen cabinets, California closet system in master bedroom, both baths updated, Murphy bed in guest bedroom, enclosed lanai under air and heat with room for golf cart which comes with home.

Cezanne 2/2/2 car garage. Short Sale-bring all offers. Lovely home with Corian counter-tops, split bedroom plan with den, spacious 24x14 greatroom with volume ceilings, tile in kitchen, utility room, both baths and foyer, very large screened lanai.

1908 CANTERBURY LN #K3 $64,900

832 REGAL MANOR WAY $149,900

Kensington 3/2/2 car garage. Beautiful pool home on fantastic waterfront and golf course. Meticulously maintained with upgrades galore, replumbed, new heat pump ‘09, pool resurfaced ‘07, replaced river-rock on deck ‘07, new pool heater ‘07 and much, much, much more....

Hampton 2/2/1 car carport located on cul-desac. Expanded floor plan to include Florida room with additional screened area, spacious living room, large utility room with golf cart storage, open backyard. Come and enjoy the many amenities that Kings Point has to offer!

2304 GRANTHAM CT. #286 $ 66,000

2008 NEW BEDFORD DR. $279,900

1916 East View Dr.

2/2 $249,900

Villager-Water view,pool,split bdrm plan

1803 Orchid Ct.

2/2 $115,000

2014 East View Dr.

3/2 $239,900

Exp. Atrium-Water,split bdrm plan

2415 Nantucket Field Way 2/2 $109,900

Concord-Cul-de-sac,updated appliances

2049 Berry Roberts. Dr.

3/2 $235,000

Yorkshire-Water, Split bdrm plan

2417 Nantucket Field Way 2/2 $107,900

Concord-Conservation,screened lanai

2003 Wedge Ct.

2/2 $219,900

Islander-Water,Caloosa Country Club

1201 Lenham Ct.

2/2 $ 95,000

Seabreeze-Open plan/split bedrooms

1509 Bunker Hill Dr.

2/2 $182,000

DW54-Lake view, exercise pool home

1206 Beach Blvd.

2/2 $ 90,000

T2-Replumbed, a/c ’03, encl. lanai

618 Allegheny Dr.

2/2 $175,000

Spanish Main-Golf Course,A Must See!

1535 Chevy Chase Dr.

2/1.5 $ 89,900

Villa-Move-in ready, lrg encl lanai

203 Grayson Ct.

3/2 $159,800

Driftwood-Side-load garage,encl. lanai

713 Cypress Place

2015 Sifield Greens Way 2/2 $149,900

Haddington-Water,many, many upgrades

827 Tremont Greens Ln. 2/2 $ 89,900

Albany-Enclosed lanai,screened entry

1507 Cloister Dr.

2/2 $149,900

Twintree-Water view, new carpet

2507 Lambdin Dr.

2/2 $ 89,900

Sunrise-completely renovated,replumbed

1509 Cloister Dr.

2/2 $148,000

Twintree-Water, clean-light-bright!

340 Club Manor Dr.

2/2 $ 81,500

Dedham-Golf Course view,new screen rm

1207 Wild Feather Ln.

2/2 $144,500

Twintree-Move-in condition,open backyd

207 Islip Way

628 Masterpiece Dr.

2/2 $143,500

Melbourne-Updated, new landscaping

1592 Council Dr.

644 Masterpiece Dr.

2/2 $139,500

605 La Jolla Ave.

3/2 $ 89,900

DeSoto-Updated, roof ’03, replumbed ‘98

Nottingham-Corner lot, 2 a/c units

2/1.5 $ 59,900

Keystone-Great Location! Priced to Sell

2/1 $ 59,900

Everglades Duplex-cozy, great condition

Melbourne-park-like view,encl lanai

2223 Grenadier Dr. #145 2/2 $ 58,900

Windsor-Neat unit! Glass-enclosed lanai

3/2 $135,000

DW204-New plumbing ’05, roof ‘03

1902 Dandridge D21 ` 1/1.5 $ 45,900

York- Compact,nice layout

1611 Bentwood Dr.

2/2 $130,000

Twintree-Enclosed lanai,screened porch

201 Kings Blvd. #12

Villa-WATER, close to all amenities

842 McCallister Ave.

2/2 $127,500

Malibu-Large lot, lanai, vol. ceilings

1906 Canterbury Ln. #1 2/2 $ 42,800

Stuart-Nice location,great amenities

11553 Captiva Kay Dr.

2/2 $120,000

Located on pond, lrg upgraded kitchen

401 De Grasse Pl. #5

1/1.5 $ 39,900

York-Furnished, 16x8 lanai with C/H/A

2306 W. Del Webb

2/2 $120,000

Belford-On pond,glass-enclosed lanai

2202 Clubhouse Dr. #174 1/1.5 $ 31,900

Gable I-Move-in ready – “cream puff”

818 Oakmont Ave.

3/2 $119,000

DW37-roof and CHA ’08, screen porch

301 Kings Blvd. #126

Furnished, being sold “AS-IS”

2/2 $ 45,000

1/1.5 $ 29,900


1933 Grand Cypress



$ 875 Water View

1729 Atrium


Belle Aire


1805 Butterfly



$ 975 Tile & Solar Tube

1222 Wildfeather



$1,600 King Bed + Twins

705 Churchill Pl



$ 975 New Thru Out 1G

112 Wintersong



$ 975 Furn Split Plan

ANNUAL 201 Bedford D89



$ 650 + Screen Room

1622 Faxton



$ 995 Perfect all thru

705 Torrey Pines



$ 750 Dbl Carport

1803 Orchid Ct



$1,000 New Appliances

206 Andover Pl S 168


Mansard 2

$ 750 Glass Enc Lanai

306 Stroll



$1,000 Spac Split Plan

302A Fowling Court



$ 800 Lovely Furn

203 Grayson



$1,000 Pets Ok, Fenced Yard

721 Torrey Pines



$ 800 Move in Now

2315 Del Webb W



$1,200 Delightful w Pool

304 Grayston


Exp Hamp

$ 850 Furn, Scrn Porch

803 El Rancho



$1,500 Pool /Pond 4/10

Are you an agent looking for a new home? Come see us today!!!

February 2010

The News of Sun City Center

A Memorable Golden Year Needs Input By Phyllis Hodges

The clock is ticking

The 50th anniversary committee is formed and a list of possible activities is growing—so what’s the problem? “We need resident input,” says Ann Marie Leblanc, who is chairing the year-long celebration (May 2011 through April 2012) that starts only 15 months from now. “We all know how fast time passes, and planning events that span a whole year takes many, many hours of forethought and planning. Our sister city, Sun City–Arizona, just started celebrating their 50th anniversary year with the slogan: An Extraordinary Past - A Brilliant Future. The booklet they published outlining the year’s activities is phenomenal and is giving us lots of food for thought.”

Slogan ideas? There are two big decisions high on the committee’s priority list. First and foremost is selecting a slogan so that signs, brochures, etc. can be designed and produced. In October the committee asked residents for slogan suggestions and they’ve been trickling in, but not fast enough. The plan is to have all suggestions in by March 1 and decide on one by March 30. Following are the 16 submissions to date (1/18) to start your creative juices flowing:

10. SUN CITY CENTER, More than a place,

1. Sun City Center, Just Another Perfect Day in Paradise

Activity ideas? The second big decision is a grand activity to usher in the celebration on May 10, 2011—50 years after Del Webb shoved the first shovel in Florida ground. What would you like to see—a parade? a picnic? a ceremony? an entertainment event to knock your socks off? And while you’re thinking about it, what other activities come to mind that would help make this special year stand out in SCC’s history? Those are your challenges: 1. Submit a slogan by March 1 that reflects the SCC lifestyle. 2. Submit ideas for a kick-off activity (and others during the year). Send your ideas by email to aleblanc11@aol.com or drop them off at the CA office on N. Pebble Beach Blvd.

2. Golden Years in a Golden Community of Residents that Shine 3. 50 Years of Sunrises...and a Bright Future 4. Sun City Center...it’s always Sunday 5. Come and see Sun City Center,

Where it’s really nice,

Without the snow and

Without the ice!!

6. Life is Good 7. Let’s Play Another 50! 8. Sun City Center, Florida, the Community of Choice 9. Sun City Center Nifty “50” and Still Growing

it’s a state of mind.

11. 50 Years of Sharing, Caring and Celebrating!


From Broadway With Love At Brandon’s Center Place

12. L ifestyle for the Young at Heart. 13. A Tr a d i t i o n a l P a s t , a Progressive Future 14. S unshine, Serenity and Serendipity 15. Sun City Center—A golden place for our golden years 16. We’re Better Than Ever

New York singer and actor Lew Resseguie and his musical partner, Ellen Kleinschmidt, will present a special Valentine Dinner Show “From Broadway….with Love” at Center Place in Brandon on Saturday, February 13 at 6 p.m. The show by these West Coast favorites features Broadway hits and pop standards. Tickets are $35 and include dinner and show. To purchase tickets, call Center Place 813-685-8888. As a New York professional actor for more than 30 years, Resseguie starred or was featured in many TV, film and stage roles. He is a founder of Sun City Center’s Performing Arts Club and the South Shore Arts Council. Well-known to area community theater audiences as singer and actor, Kleinschmidt teaches music at Wimauma’s Reddick Elementary school.

The New hearT aNd Vascular ceNTer at Manatee MeMorial

BrIngIng you thE futurE of hEart CarE. The county’s newest in-hospital cardiac center takes heart care to the next level for cardiac and vascular patients.

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Patients can depend on the center for individualized care and advanced diagnostic and interventional procedures. Cardiologists coordinate care with other members of the healthcare team, including the surgery and emergency departments to get you on the road to recovery.

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Electrophysiology Diagnostic and Interventional Procedures Radiofrequency ablations, implantables, pacemakers, loop recorders, defibrillators, heart failure devices, tilt table testing, intracardiac ultrasound Peripheral Vascular Diagnostic and Interventional Procedures Endovascular stent grafting of abdominal aortic aneurysm, limb salvage, angioplasty, atherectomy, stenting, cryotherapy, carotid artery stenting, laser therapy, thrombectomy and thrombolysis therapy Cardiac Surgical Procedures Coronary bypass surgery, minimally invasive surgery, mitral valve repair and replacement, aortic valve replacement, endoscopic vein harvesting

www.manateememorial.com Physicians are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Manatee Memorial Hospital. The hospital shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians.

Follow Moody Chisholm, CEO on Twitter: http://twitter.com/MoodyatManatee


Club Happenings 1

The News of Sun City Center

Art Club

Trip to Tampa Museum

The Art Club of Sun City Center is sponsoring a Bus Trip on Wednesday, February 17, 2010 to view the Matisse exhibition at the new Tampa Museum. Tickets are $25, which covers cost of the bus and museum entrance fee. Lunch is not included in the ticket price. Riders will be ‘on their own’ for lunch at Jackson’s Bistro on Harbor Blvd. Those interested in this trip should forward a check to Marsha Lucidi, 2203 New Bedford Drive, SCC, 33573. Check should be made out to Art Club of Sun City Center. The bus will leave from the SCC Library at 8:45 a.m. and return at 3 p.m. The trip is open to all and Club membership is not required. For additional information about trip, call Marsha at 938-5100.

The British Connection Accepting New Members

The British Connection membership drive for 2010 is now underway. Dues remain at only $5 for the year and members enjoy reduced prices for club activities. According to Pam Treadwell, president of The British Connection, the purpose of the club is to provide opportunities for fun and friendship with a British flair. You do not have to be British to belong. You must, however, live in Sun City Center or Kings Point. In 2009, the club held four programs. These included a traditional British Pub Nite in January; a potluck supper with entertainment by the Sounds of Time from East Bay High in March; a celebration of the Ascot races with a contest for most stunning or original hat in June; and a Christmas tea with sandwiches, scones, trifles and mincemeat pies as well as Christmas Cake and plum pudding this past December. We plan to have four or five functions in 2010. Our quarterly functions for 2010 will continue to have a British theme with an emphasis on FUN! The Community Association now requires you to include your CA or KP member name and number, telephone number and email address. Send your membership dues along with the required CA information to The British Connection to 206 Stonehouse Court, Sun City Center, FL 33573. Details for our March 25 event will be available shortly.

Thursday Night Partners Bridge Club Invites New Members

Bridge players living in Sun City Center and Kings Point are cordially invited to join us for a friendly evening of bridge at the SCC Thursday Night Partners Bridge Club. The club meets in the main bridge room of the atrium building on the SCC Central campus. Members have varying skills ranging from beginners to top notch bridge players. It is strongly recommended that all participants arrive by 6:45 as play commences promptly at 7 p.m. Latecomers will be turned away at the door. Please don’t come alone. As the name implies, this club was formed for BRIDGE PARTNERS. All players must bring a spouse or a friend of either sex. Although the partners start out together at the first table, they should be prepared to play 24 hands of progressive bridge and plan to be home before 10 p.m. At a cost per person of only 50 cents (and with no club dues), it is an economical and fun night for everyone who loves the game of bridge. No reservations are required. Just come to the bridge room with a partner by 6:45 on a Thursday night. If you need more information, please call Pat Nolle at (813) 642-9280. Mark your calendar ...

St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance

The men and ladies’ Ancient Order of Hibernians are sponsoring a St. Patrick’s Day dinner dance on March 17 at 6 p.m. at Prince of Peace, Conesa Hall, Sun City Center. Complete corned beef and cabbage dinner, dessert, coffee, tea (BYOB) for only $17. Music by Nick at Night. Tickets on sale at Conesa Hall February 1-3, and 8-10, or call Paul Kelley at 633-9093 or Marianne Crowe at 633-7239.

Please send your club news to The News of Sun City Center at the following email address: sccnews@verizon.net

Academy Dance Classes Begin in February

Social ballroom and Latin dance classes are sponsored by the The Academy of Ballroom Dance Club in Sun City Center. Learn some new steps and review some old steps. Great exercise for the mind, body and spirit. A nice opportunity to be with friends and make new ones. Tuesday February 2, 9, 16, 23. Evening Classes 5:30 p.m. Beginning Cha Cha, 6:45 p.m. Intermediate Fox Trot, 8 p.m. Beginning Quick Step. Wednesday February 3, 10, 17, 24. Day Classes 12:45 p.m. Beginning Rumba, 2 p.m. Intermediate Waltz, 3:15 p.m. Beg/ Interm. Night Club 2-Step. For more information call Bernice at 634-3205.

Dance Club The Sun City Center Dance Club has a NEW LOOK and NEW MUSIC. Come! Check us out! Community Hall Valentine Theme Feb 17, 2010 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. Music by: Darlene Meadows. Guest $5 per person Attire: Dressy Casual Snacks provided – BYOB. For more info call: 633-7173

February 2010

Learn toWeave

Beginner classes start Feb. 18 for six weeks Monday and Wednesday from 9 a.m.-noon. Cost: $65 (which includes supplies). Deposit of $20 required at time of sign-up. Must have current CA membership card. Contact Charlene at 634-2651.

Young Swimmers to Visit SCC

The SCC Swim Dancers are busy rehearsing numbers for their annual synchronized swim show. This year’s show will be “Swing Into Spring” and will be presented on Saturday, March 13, at 2 p.m. The local swimmers are happy to announce that members of the

Suncoast WaterWorks synchronized swim team have agreed to travel from Largo to present several numbers in this show. These young swimmers are part of a group which is also practicing to participate in Junior National Competition. Save the date to enjoy a different form of entertainment.

Computer Club Upgrades Lab

To provide the latest high-speed equipment and the newly-released Windows 7 Operating System, the Computer Club has replaced its classroom/lab equipment with new high-end Hewlett-Packard systems. These PCs include large 23” monitors, washable keyboards and mouse devices. These latter devices are sprayed daily with an anti-bacterial agent, to help ward off the H1N1 virus. According to club spokesman, Jack Fischer, “These new systems will benefit both those taking our classes and those utilizing our Open Lab sessions. Those interested in Windows 7 can ‘test drive’ it, while all users will be assured that they are using the latest equipment. The PCs being replaced have been donated by the Computer Club to the Hillsborough Correctional Institute in Riverview, where the club teaches and supports computer classes to help prepare the inmates for gainful employment upon their release.” The club’s Open Lab facility in the Atrium is open for use by any KP or SCC resident, daily except Sunday, from 12:30-5 p.m. Classes are now being scheduled for Word, Excel, Quicken, and Introduction to Computers. One can register for these courses in the lab during Open Lab hours. Tuition for each of these four-session classes, held one week apart, is $20.

February 2010

Club Happenings 2

The News of Sun City Center

LAFF*A*LOT Club Meets Every Second Friday

“Almost New” Square Dance Clothing Sale


The Sun City Center Swingers Square Dance Club will hold its annual “Almost New” Square Dance Clothing Sale on Saturday February 6, 2010 LAFF*A*LOT will be in the Heritage Room (not the Caper Room) between 10 a.m. and noon in Room 3 of the SCC for all of the year 2010. Please come to the Heritage Room at 1:30 pm on Community Hall, 1910 S Pebble Beach Blvd. “every second Friday.” They meet all 12 months of the year. Square Dance clothing for sale should be brought to Room 3 on hangers, between 8:45 and 9:45 a.m. on Feb. 6, 2010. Only items with a 3x5 card, attached with a safety pin, and with the following information will be accepted: Description of Item Size and Price Your Name and Phone Number The club will retain 40% of each sale and is not responsible for lost items. Only cash or Florida checks will be accepted. Your proceeds and items not sold should be picked up from Room 3 between 1 and 2 p.m. the day of the sale. Any items not picked up will be donated by the club to charity. For additional information call Mary at 633-8718 or Judy at 633-5551.

Woman’s Club Christmas Luncheon Winners Lucky winners at the GFWC Sun City Center Woman’s Club, Inc. Christmas Luncheon held recently at the Renaissance are shown below. This picture is from the January meeting of the club which was on the second L toR: Marsha Lucidi with bear Friday of January last month. We had a blast and lots of new people came, donated by JRS BEARS (Jean plus many of our SnowBirds. Bring two jokes and a friend or just join us Rideout), Harriet Young with for laughter and light refreshments, on Friday, February 12, for another Holiday centerpiece donated by FUN time! Questions? Please call Helen at 813-401-9901. Sun City Center Florist, Linda Smith with potpourri basket International Forum to Meet February 12 donated by Anne Bohachek, The International Forum early l960s and the late l970s); Karen Jean Renzi with pasta of Sun City Center announces a Harry Lascola, a former U.S. Army tree handmade and donated by panel discussion on Afghanistan on officer and university professor Muriel Brownell. Friday, February 12, 2010 covering (on the Russian experience in (Monica McPhillips Photo) Afghanistan in earlier decades, the Afghanistan); Juergen Koop, a Russian experience in that country, former NATO official (on the NATO the present NATO and U.S. roles role in Afghanistan); Dean Mahin, in Afghanistan, and women in who worked in and for the U.S. State Department (on current U.S. Afghanistan. All Forum programs are from roles in Afghanistan); and Susan 9:30 a.m. to noon in the Florida George, former president of the UN Room of the Atrium Building off Association in Tampa (on women in North Pebble Beach Boulevard. The Afghanistan). This program was developed by typical program begins with initial remarks of no more than 10 minutes Juergen Koop. The moderator will each by four or five panelists. After be Carl Johnson, former executive a short break, panelists respond to director of the Tampa Chamber of questions and comments on the day’s Commerce. Koop, Lascola, Mahin, topic from the audience. All Forum and Johnson are full-year or partprograms are open to all residents of year residents of Sun City Center; all four are members of the Forum Sun City Center. The five panelists for the Executive Committee. Freres lives in February program are Jay Freres, Largo, George in Tampa. For further a retired American diplomat who information, contact Juergen Koop, served twice in the U.S. Embassy (813) 633-7963 or juergen.koop@ in Kabul (on Afghanistan in the gmail.com.

SCC Line Dancers’ Club

Classes are held in Community Hall. Cost is $5 per year for membership. Members pay $1 per session; nonmembers and guests pay $2 per session. Classes are held every Tuesday for Novices from 6:30 to 7 p.m., Beginners 7 to 8 p.m., and Intermediates 8 to 9 p.m. Every Wednesday afternoon Novices and Beginners meet from 2 to 3 p.m. and Intermediates from 3 to 4 p.m. All Sun City Center and Kings Point residents are welcome. Call Nicki at 813-938-4606 or 813-260-0325 (cell). Also, call Frank at 813-6334621 for more information.

Par For The Chorus

Par For The Chorus, singing Barber Shop Music, will be presenting an audience participation “Cabaret Show” on Saturday, Feburary 27 at 7 p.m. Tickets will be on sale at the Atrium Box Office Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to noon , Feburary 1 to 26.

Academy of Ballroom Dance Annual Dinner Dance 5:30 p.m. Dancing and cocktails BYOB 6:15 p.m. Dinner 7:30 p.m. Dancing Exhibition during intermission Attire: Formal requested (not required) Dance only--$5 guests/free for members


The News of Sun City Center

Club Happenings 3

The Hope Fund’s “Project Share” is a Success

Pictured are (left) Pete Liebert, the Bingo Coordinator for the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital in Tampa, and (right) Bruce Andersen, the Director of “Project Share” and the Marathon Kids after-school running program at Bethune Park in Wimauma, which is part of The Hope Fund programs at the Park. Bruce travelled to the Hospital to present a $200 check to Mr. Liebert to cover the cost of canteen books, which are used as prizes for the bingo games. The winning veterans then use the books in the hospital canteen to make purchases of necessary items such as shaving supplies, soap, toothpaste, shampoo, etc. Checks are sent or presented every month. Thank you to everyone who made a donation to “help a child help others.” The funds presented to the bingo program are part of the $26 per child donations received to sponsor the runners at Bethune Park as they earn a dollar a mile, 26 miles from November through May. It is up to the children to complete the miles and know that by doing so, they are helping the veterans and themselves. The children also take part in other programs sponsored by The Hope Fund such as tutoring and mentoring, reading and gardening programs, field trips, and more. Volunteers who care about the welfare of children spend an average of an hour a week at the Park working with the kids. They provide a safe, nurturing environment after school while the children’s parents are at work. For more information, or to volunteer, call Carla Miles at 634-4268, or check out The Hope Fund website at www.the-hope-fund.org. All contributions are tax deductible.

Country Western Dinner Dance on February 20

February 2010

“Strawberry Special” Square Dance Yo u k n o w i t ’s February in Florida when Strawberry Shortcake is the Number 1 item on most menus. Well, true to form, the Sun City Center Swingers Square Dance Club will be celebrating the month of February with a “Strawberry Special” Mainstream/ Plus Square Dance on Friday, February 19, 2010. And Guess What!!! – the club is going to serve delicious Strawberry Short Cake for the dancers to enjoy. Be sure not to miss this special event if you enjoy great dancing and strawberry shortcake. These special dances, along with the club’s regular Friday Night Plus Dances, are held in Community

Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Pre-Rounds 7 – 7:30 p.m. Plus Dance with Rounds 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Van Coble calls and Pat Hagen cues. A Mainstream and Plus Class is held e v e r y Tu e s d a y n i g h t in Community Hall. Mainstream 6:30 to 8 p.m. and Plus 8 to 9 p.m. Van Coble is the instructor. Square Dancers, come join us for this special dance and also every Tuesday and/or Friday night for great dancing, fellowship and refreshments. There will not be a dance on Friday, Feb. 12, 2010. For information call Gail at 633-1297 or Sue at 633-8780.

Sun City Center Photo Club to Meet February 9

The Sun City Center Photo Club is scheduled to meet on Tuesday, February 9, at 6:30 p.m. in the Caper Room at the Atrium. Taking great outdoor photographs will be easier if you attend the SCC Photo Club meeting. Guest speakers Bob Cameron and Laura Bryg, copresidents of the Sarasota Camera Club, will share their experiences taking outdoor photographs in difficult lighting situations and will present two media shows, showing photographs of Alaska. Ms. Bryg and Mr. Cameron will begin the evening as guest judges in our local print competition. At 6:30 p.m. we will have a tutorial program followed by the regular program at 7 p.m. Dues for the 2010 year remain at $20 per person or $30 per household couple and provide access to club activities, competitions and classes as well as the photo lab with computers, scanners and large format printers. Please join us to see photographs taken by club members and learn more about taking outdoor photos in changing light situations. All SCC residents and their guests are welcome. For more information on the club and its activities, please see our website at http://www.photoclubscc.com or visit the learning lab at 960D Cherry Hills Drive.

Organ & Keyboard Club

Unsung Hero of the GFWC SCC Women’s Club



BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! The GFWC Sun City Center Woman’s Club, Inc. is bringing back the always popular COUNTRY WESTERN DINNER DANCE fund raiser on February 20, 2010 at Community Hall. The Southern Tied Music Group will be performing for your dancing pleasure. So it’s time to dust off those boots and hats and head on down to the Atrium Kiosk to get your tickets. $20 per person on sale Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9 a.m. to noon. Doors open 4:30 p.m. dinner at 5 p.m., music from 6 to 9 p.m. Complimentary Line Dance lessons will be given The Organ & Keyboard Club during intermission. Proceeds to benefit three Sun City Center volunteer held its weekly lesson on Thursday, organizations: Sun City Center Security Patrol, Emergency Squad, and Muriel Brownell, above, is one of January 14, in the Florida Room Samaritan Fund and Services. Call 642-0212. the unsung heroes of the GFWC Sun with Sandy Gundacker teaching two

Pictured above is Angela Wallace, seated, Fund Raising Chairman of the GFWC Sun City Center Woman’s Club, Inc. selling tickets to Mary Anne Laviano for the Country Western Hoe-Down on February 20, 2010. Tickets are $20 and are available at the Atrium Kiosk Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9 a.m. to noon. Call 642-0212.

songs. Nearly two dozen members enjoyed learning how to play and enhance “Lover” and “I Got It Bad And That Ain’t Good.” The club is open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point residents and their guests. For additional information contact Kathy Katz 813633-4628.

City Center Woman’s Club, Inc. Muriel is chair of the Homelife Committee that collects and delivers items for a designated charity at each monthly meeting. Muriel and her husband, Jim, make the deliveries. From January 2009 through December 2009, Muriel and her committee have collected and distributed goods and cash totalling $2,143.95 to such organizations as Southeast Guide Dogs, Balm Mission, Girl Scouts, Fisher House, Bethune Park, Athena House, Guadalupe Kitchen, Women’s Prison. Committee members who assist Muriel are Joan Bair, Jan James, Ann McGervey, Catherine Ruehl, Phyllis Ward, Sandra Czachor, Anne Johnson, Carol Mess, Dee Schmaedecke, Joann Duffy, Kathy Mahoney, Jean Pierce, Leyda Smith.

February 2010

Club Happenings 4 Super Bowl Sunday with Spaghetti and Meatballs TV’s or TAKEOUT The Sun City Center Lawn Bowling Club proudly announces their annual gastronomical Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, February 7, from 4 to 7 p.m. at Community Hall. Tickets can be obtained for $9 from Glen Baumann at 634-3860 or from members of the SCC Lawn Bowling Club. Price includes salad to dessert, even drinks! TV sets are being installed around the dining area for the benefits of those who want to watch the big game. For those who prefer to watch the game in the comfort of their own home, there will be a dedicated area for TAKEOUTS.

The News of Sun City Center

Christmas in Nashville Enjoyed by the SCC Gadabouts


The Gadabouts Travel Club members enjoyed a fantastic Christmas at the world-famous “Gaylord Opryland Hotel” that displayed two million brightly colored lights celebrating the holiday event. This adventure began with lunch and line dancing at the famous “Wildhorse Saloon.” Next was a tour of the Country Music Hall of Fame and the Ryman Auditorium. Daily at the park-like atmosphere of the “Water’s Edge Market Place,” the group enjoyed a superb country buffet breakfast. The beginning tour was a Cumberland River boat ride on the paddleboat “General Jackson” that included a country-style lunch accompanied by a rollicking presentation of country fiddle music. Christmas Eve found everyone enjoying the Radio City Christmas Spectacular starring the world famous “Rockettes.” Pictured above are members who attended a magnificent presentation of Louise Mandrell’s “Joy to the World” Christmas show and dinner. Saturday was devoted to a city tour of Nashville and an evening visit to the ageless weekly “Grand Ole Opry” radio presentation. For information on this travel group, call 633-5999. To join, call Terry Water at 633-0369.

Achievement Awards for 2009 CA President Ed Barnes presented award certificates to the following individuals for their volunteer efforts during 2009: Tom & Mary Culliton:

Judy Schings:

John Bowker:

Howie Griffin:

Bob Shangraw: For his leadership and tenacity in getting Hillsborough County to fund and repair the hazardous storm drain inlets in Sun City Center.

Fred Kroog:

For their continued professionalism and outstanding efforts in planning and conducting detailed and thorough internal audits of CA functions and clubs for compliance with governing documents

For his leadership and guidance on the Blue Ribbon Task Force, to examine alternate uses of the North Lakes Golf Course.

Chuck Collett:

For his leadership on the Blue Ribbon Golf Advisory Panel including his extraordinary effort to survey golfers and residents and his in-depth analysis of survey responses.

Karen Jones: For dedicated work as Editorin-Chief of The News of Sun City Center” and for her efforts to transform the newsletter into a self-sustaining publication.

For her relentless efforts in making the Sun City Center Entertainment Series the best entertainment program in the Greater Sun City Center area.

Martin Hurwitz:

For his diligent work on the Blue Ribbon Golf Advisory Panel including his effort to survey golfers and residents and his in-depth analysis of survey responses.

Tom Schmitt: For his assistance, guidance and efforts in maintaining the Community Association website and computerization of historical documents.

For his continued dedication and outstanding service to the Community Association and for being the public face of Sun City Center.

For his outstanding work in raising more than $100,000 in sponsorships for FunFest over the past eight years.

Ewing Smith:

For his tireless efforts in improving the beautification of Sun City Center.


The News of Sun City Center

February 2010

Military Affairs SUN CITY CENTER VETERANS’ LUAU The annual Sun City Center Veterans’ Dinner/Dance will take place Saturday, March 6, 2010 in the Community Association’s Florida Room. It is sponsored by the combined veterans’ organizations of SCC and all veterans and friends are welcome. A social hour will start at 5 p.m. with a three-entree buffet by Banquet Masters at 6 p.m. The program will be both patriotic and entertaining. Music and dancing by Carey Culp will follow dinner. Dress is luau casual (no shorts please). BYOB and setups. Cost is $26 per person. Tickets are available through the American Legion (633-5671), DAV (633-6101), Leathernecks (634-6764), MOAA (633-8581), MOWW (642-0691), VFW (642-8506), or for general sales call 634-7777.

ICE SPECIAL AGENT TO ADDRESS MOAA S u s a n McCormick, special agent in charge of the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Office of Investigations (OI) in Tampa, will be the guest speaker for the February meeting of the Sun City Center Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America. The meeting will be held in the Florida Room at the SCC Atrium building at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, February 3, 2010. ICE is the largest investigative arm of Department of Homeland Security and is charged with preventing terrorist and criminal activity by targeting the people, money and materials that support terrorist and criminal organizations. The OI is a critical asset in this mission, responsible for investigating a wide range of domestic and international activities arising from the illegal movement of people and goods into, within and outside of the United States. ICE investigations cover a broad range of areas, including national security threats, financial and smuggling violations (including illegal arms exports), financial crimes, commercial fraud, human trafficking, narcotics smuggling, child pornography/exploitation and immigration fraud. ICE has 26 principal field offices throughout the United States and more than 50 international offices around the world.

McCormick’s office was in the news last January when Tampa hosted the NFL Super Bowl. Under her guidance her agents conducted seven operations in the area and seized more than 800 pieces of NFL merchandise. Those items had a street value of more than $100,000 and included NFL jerseys, T-shirts and cell phone holders. More recently, in September, her office located a Canadian national that had been evading law enforcement for more than 20 years for sexually molesting a child. He was arrested in Homestead. Reservations for the luncheon/ meeting can be made by calling 1-877-332-3016 on the Sunday before the Wednesday event.

Doris Glass (right), immediate past president of the Military Officers Association of America, presents a check for $3,711 to Colonel Luke Lloyd, Chairman of the “Military Famly Support Trust.” The check was a contribution from the MOAA Scholarship fund and was presented at Freedom Plaza (Plaza Club) on December 7, 2009.

MOAA Bell Ringers Helped Raise Funds

The NEWS Online! You can access The NEWS of Sun City Center on the CA website: suncitycenter.org. It is found on the Home page to the left. Wait for the icon of the front page to appear, then click on it. It will go to a new screen. Once there, if you click on the page, it will go to a large, readable size. The large arrow at the right (or left) will take you to the next page (or go back). To get back to the CA website, hit your “Esc” key.

The Sun City Center Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America helped out the Salvation Army during its recent holiday fund drive effort in South Hillsborough County. Shown are Chapter President Kirk Faryniasz, Major, USAF, retired and Secretary Sala Halm, Major, USA, retired as bell ringers at the Sun City Center Winn Dixie. MOAA bell ringers raised nearly $300 during their shifts.

February 2010

Club Happenings 5 DAR Welcomes Three New Members

Col. George Mercer Brooke Chapter DAR had their Christmas Party and meeting on December 16. Entertainment was by the Barbershop Quartet “Memories.” They welcomed three new members, Ruth Day, Sandy Harnishfeger and Pat Peltz.

Anne Pidgeon’s Your Local Grower

The News of Sun City Center


Photography Exhibit at SouthShore Regional Library February 2 – 26

“Focus,” an exhibit of photographs by talented Sun City Center photographers, will take place February 2 through February 26 at the SouthShore Regional Library. Over 40 photographic works representing a variety of subjects will be shown, and the exhibit will be changed periodically to show additional photos. The Sun City Center Photo Club has 150 members from Kings Point and Sun City Center. Many of its members have won local, state and national awards for their work. This is an excellent opportunity to view works of local photographers in the comfortable display setting in the SouthShore Library. The display is open during regular library hours. The SouthShore Library is located at 15816 Beth Shields Way (just off 19th Avenue), Ruskin. The SouthShore Library may be contacted at 813-273-3652. For more information on the Sun City Center Photo Club, please go to the SCC Photo Club website: http://photoclubscc.com.


Community Foundation of Greater Sun City Center Vice Chairman Barbara Van Eycken presented the Foundation’s grant of $7,500 to Donald Wilbert as Stan Juczak and Sawdust Engineers President Dean Elbert look on. The grant funds will sponsor replacement of the dust collection system.

SCC Security Patrol Annual Meeting

The annual meeting for the Security Patrol will be held on Friday, February 5, 2010 at 9 a.m. in Community Hall. The meeting is open to all members so put the date on your calendar. It’s a great time to catch up with other members you might not see every month. Coffee and Danish served at 8:30 a.m.

To Prune, or Not to Prune?

Each month the Hillsborough County Extension sponsors a free program to assist residents with their gardening. The February Master Gardener Plant Clinic will be held at the SouthShore Library on February 10 at 7 p.m. With the recent frost in the area, this clinic should be very helpful. The March 10 clinic is entitled “Hassle-Free Houseplants.”

Community Church College Spring Semester 2010

Nursery, Garden Center, Produce, Landscaping and Gifts Fully stocked with Fruit Trees, Shrubs, Native Plants, Planters, Butterfly Plants, Orchids, Mediterranean Veggies, Herbs and Flowers.

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Open 7 Days: 9-5 Exactly 5 Miles East of Hwy. 301 on S.R. 674 Florida Department of Agriculture Registration Number 47229964.

Trip/Tour Coordinator Carolyn Deming and students. The time is quickly arriving for the second semester of the Community Church College. Mark your calendar now; registration began near the end of January, and late registration is being accepted through February 18 from 8:30 a.m. to noon at the United Community Church, 1501 La Jolla Avenue, Sun City Center. The Spring Semester will run from February 15 to March 25. We will be offering 47 courses, several of which will be instructed by new personnel. Of course, many of our “regulars” will be returning. Some new courses being offered include Shakespeare, Tampa History and Tour, Relationships, Civil War and the Obama Presidency to name a few. There are also five exciting trips/tours offered this semester. No papers to write, no homework or exams. Just come, enjoy, be informed and inspired! Catalogs are available at the College and throughout the community. For further information call the College Office at 634-8607 or visit the website at www.cccinscc.org.

The News of Sun City Center

Planning for Your Pet’s Future

A Little Advice from Consumer Affairs ... More on Home Solicitors


By Judy Stimson The best way to protect your pet from the effects of a disaster is to have a plan for your pet. There are three primary types of disasters to plan for: (1) natural like a hurricane, (2) your illness including a hospital or rehabilitation stay, and (3) your death. For a natural disaster like an impending hurricane, you should have an evacuation plan that includes your pet. Where would you both go? Under no circumstances should you leave your pet behind. More information on planning for a natural disaster is available from http://www. FloridaDisaster.org/PetPlan.htm. If you were to become ill including an overnight, extended hospital or rehabilitation stay, who would take care of your pet? A trusted pet sitter, neighbor, friend or family member should be arranged now versus waiting for an emergency. Who knows you have a pet? Who would agree to take care of your pet in your absence, even if it lasted months? How would somebody get into your home? These are all questions you should be able to answer. Some simple and low-cost steps you can take include putting stickers on your outside windows that show a pet is inside, installing a key safe by your front door that includes the key to get in your house that works by combination, identifying your pet emergency contact, including the contact’s name on your emergency card filed with the Sun City Center Emergency Squad, giving your pet emergency contact the combination to your key safe, and indicating the key safe combination on your emergency card on file. Out-of-town family members should know who the pet emergency contact is, how to get in touch with them, and also have your key safe combination. If your contact changes or falls out of your favor, you can change the combination at any time at no cost and little effort. In case of your death, where would your pet go? Who would take care of it for the rest of its life? Dogs live an average of 10 to 12 years and indoor cats live an average 15 to 18 years, but can exceed a 20-year life span. It costs around $1,000 per year to maintain a dog (varies by

February 2010

size and health), and around $700 a year to maintain an indoor cat (varies by length of hair and health). Have you set aside funds to cover this? Regardless of your age or health status, since you never know when a car or other accident may occur, it is important to plan for your pet’s future now. Even though your pet is an important part of your family, Florida law defines animals as personal property, and they are subject to probate like other personal property unless you make other arrangements. Therefore, it is best to consult an attorney. Some legal instruments and avenues to explore include a power of attorney, a will, a pet trust, a conditional donation to a non-profit organization for lifelong-care, a conditional gift to an individual for life-long-care, and clauses like “in terrorem” where, if a person unsuccessfully challenges a provision in a will, they cannot receive any property under any other provision in the will. Fortunately, through these avenues you can avoid having your pet go through probate, allow for the care of your pet in the event it survives you, and ensure your pet goes to the person or nonprofit organization you designate in the event your pet survives you. The consequences of not planning for your pet’s future are dire – they end up in kill shelters, on the street, or dead. You love your pet and owe it as easy a transition as possible after you pass on. It is tough enough for them losing their parent and home. J u d y h a s v o l u n t e e re d a t C.A.R.E. for many hours over the years. Her expertise in the care of pets is a welcome addition to The News staff. Karen Jones, Editor.

By Susan Muise We have learned some very interesting things about solicitors from our friends at the Hillsborough County Consumer Protection Agency that we’d like to share with you. “The last place consumers should fall victim to a high-pressure sales scam is in their own home. It’s your home. You are in control … right? Not necessarily! Remember, you can’t just walk away when feeling pressured. It’s your home. Where are you going to go? The salesman is in your house! Door-to-door sales have been around for decades. Many companies and their salesmen play by the rules and oftentimes consumers have no problems consummating a purchase. But there is an underused and little known Florida law on the books to help protect consumers from those high pressure sales and con artists. A Home Solicitation sale basically occurs when an unsolicited sale or rental of any consumer good or service over $25 occurs at a place other than the seller’s fixed location – such as your home. It is unlawful for any home solicitor to conduct sales without first obtaining a sales permit from the County Clerk of Circuit Court. This permit is very important because it requires the salesman to file a sworn application providing all of their personal information, a photograph and a complete set of fingerprints. The clerk will then forward this information to the Sheriff and Florida Department of Law Enforcement for criminal background checks. If a home solicitor cannot show you a permit, then show them the door. If they don’t have a permit, who knows what the background is of the guy you just invited into your house. These are Home Solicitation Permits not Occupational Licenses or Business Tax Licenses or any other type of contractor’s license, driver’s license, etc. They should be in the name of an individual, not a

company. You can tell any solicitor who does not have one that permits can be obtained through the Clerk of Circuit Court, Marriage License Department. The cost is $108. They should bring identification, social security card, two recent passport-size photos and all their other licenses for the county and state with them when they apply. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement checks the information before licenses are issued. The fee is non-refundable. If you do make a purchase from a home solicitor please know that “All home solicitation sales must be evidenced by a written agreement. This agreement must contain the date of the transaction and the buyer’s signature. This written agreement must also contain the BUYER’S RIGHT TO CANCEL. If you did feel pressure to buy, and you are now having second thoughts about it, this important right gives you three days to cancel the sale and receive all your money back. You must inform the business of the cancellation in writing. The safest way is to send it certified mail so that you have evidence as to when it was postmarked. They will have 10 days to return your money. In the meantime, you have to safeguard and secure any product and return it when they make arrangements to pick it up from your home. They should do this within 40 days. A violation of the home solicitation law is a crime. There are criminal and civil penalties associated with it.” Remember, neither the CA nor the Security Patrol can police home solicitors. It is up to you to “just say NO!” But if you find that it’s too late, and you have already opened your door, we hope this new information will be helpful.

The Consumer Affairs Register is available online at suncitycenter.org -click on Consumer Affairs on the left side of the page; -click on Directory Listing of Registered Contractors and Vendors on the left side of the page.

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February 2010

The News of Sun City Center


UF Proton Therapy Institute Radiation Oncologist to Speak in Sun City Center JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – A leading radiation oncologist from the University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute will talk about a technique to treat prostate cancer at an upcoming meeting of the Sun City Center Man to Man prostate cancer support group. The event will take place at 2 p.m. on Monday, February 8, at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, 1239 Del Webb Blvd. W., Sun City Center, Fla. It is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. Associate Medical Director Dr. Randal H. Henderson will talk Solution on page 22. and answer questions about proton therapy treatment for prostate cancer. Proton therapy is a unique form of radiation that uses particles of energy to deposit a high dose of targeted radiation. The technique makes it possible for doctors to effectively treat tumors in the prostate, head and neck, eye, brain and lung with a reduced risk of treatment related side effects. With proton therapy, patients benefit from effective tumor control and a lower risk of side effects that may be experienced with conventional radiation.

Henderson has more than 25 years experience as a radiation oncologist and is board certified in therapeutic radiology. His work has been published in numerous medical journals including the “International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, Cancer” and the “American Journal of Clinical Oncology.” Located in Jacksonville, Fla., the UF Proton Therapy Institute is the only proton therapy facility in the Southeast and one of seven in the United States. The UF Proton Therapy Institute is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization affiliated with the UF College of Medicine, dedicated to delivering state-of-the-art cancer treatment and setting new standards for treating and curing the disease. The cancer treatment facility houses both conventional radiation and proton therapy, and delivers proton therapy to 100 patients a day. For more information about the UF Proton Therapy Institute, please visit www.floridaproton.org, or call tollfree 877-686-6009.


The News of Sun City Center

SCC Writer Has Published A Cartoon Book Sun City Center writer Robert Rafferty just established two firsts in the world of cartoon books: the FIRST cartoon book devoted entirely to the funny side of life as a passenger on a cruise ship, and the FIRST cartoon book to be developed with a cruise line. The book, Cruising is Amusing, was produced under contract with Carnival Cruise Line and initially will be for sale exclusively in the gift shops of all that line’s ships. Rafferty originated the concept and wrote the gags for the almost 140 cartoons in the book. The cartoons were drawn by his partner, Roy Delgado, a nationally-known freelance magazine cartoonist. “We believe this is the first cartoon book on the fun of cruising from the passenger’s point of view,” Rafferty said, “and Carnival Cruise Line is the first line to sell it in their gift shops aboard the ships. Although it has the Carnival logo on the cover and occasional references to that line in the book, the vast majority of the cartoons should bring laughs to anyone who has ever taken a cruise.” “I usually write nonfiction books, most recently travel guidebooks with my wife,” he explained, “but as a sideline I’ve been writing gag ideas for freelance and syndicated cartoonists for about 40 years. Most people know some TV and standup comics use jokes written by gagwriters, but few understand that a majority of the cartoons they see in magazines and quite a few of the strips in the newspapers are written by gagwriters.” “When I tell someone that I write gags for cartoonists, they immediately assume the cartoonist draws the picture and then I write the caption, but that’s not how it works. I create the whole idea. It’s sort of like being a playwright. I describe it all for the cartoonist: the setting, the characters and the caption. The cartoonist then draws it from my description.” “This cartoon book may look like something that’s dashed off, but it actually took 10 years from concept to publication, several years of which I had to contend with what a number of my cartoonist friends called ‘the curse’ because the first two cartoonists involved died.”

February 2010


CANCER? Learn more about treating it with proton therapy.

Don’t miss a special presentation from Dr. Randal Henderson, radiation oncologist at the University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute, hosted by Man to Man, the American Cancer Society prostate cancer support group.

FEBRUARY 8 AT 2:00 P.M. St. Andrew Presbyterian Church 1239 Del Webb Blvd. West | Sun City Center | FL 33573

Join us, and learn more about: How proton therapy works • Applications of proton therapy for prostate cancer • Advantages and benefits of treating cancer with proton therapy • Refreshments will be served

The University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute of Jacksonville, FL, is one of only seven treatment centers of its kind in the U.S. – and the only one in the Southeast. (877) 686-6009 • www.floridaproton.org


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February 2010

The News of Sun City Center


We Want to Know!!!

(Answers to frequently asked questions at the CA) By Susan Muise I can never find what I’m looking for in the yellow pages. Isn’t there an easier way to locate a business? Yes, there is. In all telephone directories now, including the Greater Sun City Center Membership Directory, there is a pink section just in front of the yellow pages that lists businesses alphabetically by their business name. It’s so much easier to use to locate a familiar business than going through the categories. But you need to know at least the beginning of the business name to find it. The yellow pages or category pages have a definite purpose if you are not looking for a particular business. Try it, you’ll like it! I have an awful lot of trouble locating phone numbers for different resources in SCC. Isn’t there a listing of the different offices? Yes, there is. The first 13 pages of the Greater Sun City Center Membership Directory are loaded with information about how to find community resources like the Library, Emergency Squad, Security Patrol, houses of worship, assisted living facilities, golf courses, utilities, motels, community support services, plus much more. It’s worth taking a look. There may be something there that you didn’t know about Sun City Center.

Answer on page 22. Florida’s Famous

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Nik Wallenda

Photo © Mitchel Gray


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Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. Patent pending. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company; Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company

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The News of Sun City Center

February 2010

The Renaissance Resort at World Golf Village in St. Augustine Offering Special Rate For Residents Of Sun City Center ST. AUGUSTINE, FL (January 2010) – If you’re interested in experiencing a fun nearby getaway, you should check out the newlyrenovated Renaissance R e s o r t a t Wo r l d G o l f Village in St. Augustine. Located within lush World Golf Village right next to the impressive World Golf Hall of Fame, the resort features a wealth of on-site offerings including two championship golf courses. In addition, it is conveniently located within minutes of St. Augustine’s historic sites, outstanding shopping at St. Augustine Premium Outlets and Prime Outlets – St. Augustine, and to the picturesque Atlantic beaches. Making it even more enticing is the fact that the resort is now offering a special rate for residents of Sun City Center of just $89 per room, per night, which includes complimentary breakfast-for-two in its 500 South restaurant. The special “Sun City Center Rate” is available through December 31, 2010 based on space availability. You simply need to ask for the special rate, and then show your Sun City Center ID card or a driver’s license with a Sun City Center address, upon check-in. For reservations to The Renaissance Resort at World Golf

Village, or for additional information, call 888-740-7020 or 904-940-8000, or visit www.WorldGolfRenaissance. com . The Northeast Florida resort recently completed an impressive $10 million property-wide renovation. The project included the complete remodeling of all 301 guest rooms and suites, dramatic changes to the resort’s lobby atrium and entry area, remodeling of all guest room corridors, an expanded fitness center with new state-ofthe-art equipment, remodeling of the billiard room, a new restaurant and bar, and enhancements to the meeting offerings and business center. Taking advantage of the special rate will provide the opportunity to experience the adjacent World Golf Hall of Fame, which is the ultimate destination for the celebration of golf’s greatest players, with fun

interactive exhibits and historic golf artifacts. “We’re extending the offer so that residents of Sun City Center can experience our beautifully remodeled resort, which is great for golfers and non-golfers alike,” said Mark Schwantner, general manager of The Renaissance Resort at World Golf Village. Guest rooms and suites at the resort feature new furniture, soft goods, window treatments, lighting, flat-panel screen LCD HDTV televisions, and the Marriott JackPack, which provides complete connectivity to the guests for laptops, MP3 players, digital cameras, and video game players. The rooms and suites feature a contemporary design with an Asian feel, which includes rich red bed coverings, crisp white linens, along with a color scheme of warm neutral gold. In-room offerings also include high-speed Internet access, two telephones with data ports, a wet bar and refrigerator, and in-room coffee. The resort also boasts a dramatically remodeled 10-story atrium lobby, which now has a Colonial/Asian theme with new furniture, carpeting and foliage, as well as a colorful new 7-story modern hanging sculpture that captures the wind and air elements, reminiscent of open Florida skies.

Among the wealth of recreational options available at the resort are two championship golf courses (King & Bear, and Slammer & Squire); golf lessons at the renowned PGA TOUR Golf Academy; the nearby wonders of America’s oldest city, St. Augustine; and the pristine nearby Atlantic beaches. On-site offerings at The Renaissance Resort include a professional golf simulator, a sauna, pool, hot tub, tennis courts, and fullservice concierge. Guests also are an easy walk to The World Golf Hall of Fame’s 18-hole putting course, a 132-yard Island Challenge Hole, an IMAX® Theater, and the Walk of Champions. When visiting the resort, guests have the opportunity to explore historic St. Augustine. Founded in 1565, the area is rich with Spanish architecture, with charming cobblestone streets and many fascinating historical sites such as the historic Castillo de San Marcos fort, and The Fountain of Youth. For information on The Renaissance Resort at World Golf Village, or for reservations, call 888740-7020 or 904-940-8000, or visit www.WorldGolfRenaissance.com .

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Kids and Canines is a 501(c)3 non-profit program that gives at-risk middle school teens a new “leash” on life.

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Att The Courtyar y rds 231 Courtyards Blvd. | Sun City Center, FL 33573 Independent Living | Assisted Living | Memory Care 813.864.2381 | AstonGardens.com Assisted Living Facility License #AL9439 | ©2010 Discovery Management Group | MANAGED AND OPERATED BY

February 2010

The News of Sun City Center


Dahlia is a petite female domestic short hair mix. She was found by an animal care worker wandering all alone on the side of the road. Dahlia is shy but curious. All you need is a crinkled piece of paper or a set of keys to jingle to win this little lady over. As part of her adoption, Dahlia will be spayed, microchipped, and brought up-todate on her shots.

C.A.R.E. is open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday





C. A. R. E.

Pepper is a quiet, shorthaired Dachshund. She likes to go for walks and then settle down in her bed near her people. Sadly, Pepper came to C.A.R.E. because her beloved owner became very ill and could no longer care for her. This little lady just needs a kindhearted person to help her transition to the next phase of her life. Won’t you help Pepper find love again? As part of her adoption, Pepper will be brought up-to-date on her shots and microchipped. She is already spayed.

For directions visit www.CareShelter.org or call 813-645-2273 Answer on page 22.

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The News of Sun City Center

Alzheimer’s Educational Seminar on February 11

A seminar to learn more about Alzheimer’s medical, social and research updates is scheduled for February 11 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Community Hall. Complimentary breakfast and lunch will be served, and adult daycare will be provided at no charge. Guest speakers include moderator Patricia Suarez, vice president of development, West Central Florida Area Agency on Aging, Inc.; Huntington Potter, Ph.D., USF Health Byrd Alzheimer’s Center; Amanda Smith, M.D., Medical Director, USF Suncoast Alzheimer’s Center; Sutith Idiculla, RPH, Pharmacy Manager, Walgreen

February 2010

The Observer News • Sun City Center Observer • Riverview Current • November 12, 2009 • WELCOME BACK m 11

Drug Stores; Eric A. Pfeiffer, M.D., USF Professor Emeritus, USF Suncoast Alzheimer’s Center; Eileen Poiley, M.S., Director of Education, USF, USF Suncoast Alzheimer’s Center; and James S. Eggert, Esq., Owens Law Group P.A. This event is sponsored by Samaritans Alzheimer’s Auxilliary with special thanks to the Community Foundation of Greater SCC, the University of South Florida, and LifePath Hospice. The RSVP deadline is February 8 – a must for the luncheon. For reservations, call the Samaritan’s office at 634-9283 or Dolores Berens at 634-1418.

Rotary Helps Feed the Hungry! More than 300 volunteers turned out for the “Kids Against Hunger” food packaging charity event on January 16 at Community Hall in Sun City Center. The event was coordinated by the SCC Rotary Club. Volunteers packaged more than 70,000 meals for the local food pantries and 36,000 meals for Haiti.

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February 2010

The News of Sun City Center


Clubs and Organizations from A to Z Fourth Installment: Groups beginning with O-P-Q-R

*Note: Information for all of these clubs should be available online on the CA website: suncitycenter. org. If your club has an asterisk before it, your club could not be found there. Your president should contact Millie in the CA office with the information so your club can be added. All club presidents are listed on the CA website even though their club might not be found in the alphabetical listing. –Karen Jones CLUB NAME/Meeting Day(s)/ Times(s)/Place “O” Ohio Club: Contact the club president for meeting places, dates and times. Oldies But Goodies Dance Club: Dances are held once a month in the Community Hall from 7 - 10 p.m. Click on their website for which Sunday each month. Opera Club: Contact the club president for meeting places, dates and times. Organ & Keyboard Club: Meetings are held each Thursday morning, 9:30 - 11 a.m. in the Florida Room in the Atrium Building. “P” Panhellenic Club: Contact the club president for meeting places, dates and times.

*Par For the Chorus (Greater SCC Barbershop Chorus): Contact the club president for meeting places, dates and times. Patriots Club: Contact the club president for meeting places, dates and times. *Pebble Beach Lawn Bowlers Club: Contact the club president for meeting places, dates and times. Penny Ante – Ladies’ Penny Ante: Play occurs on Wednesday evenings in the Sabal Room, Atrium Building, 6 - 10 p.m.. Philanthropic Educational Organization: Regular meetings shall be held monthly from November 1 to May 1. Meetings shall be held at the time and place designated in the yearbook. The time and place may be changed with the consent of the President and Secretary, provided all members are notified. *Performing Arts Club: Contact the club president for meeting places, dates and times. Photo Club: Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month throughout the year in the Caper Room (Atrium Building, Central Campus), starting at 7 p.m. Pickleball Club: Games are played Monday thru Saturday mornings starting at 8 a.m. Monday through Saturday at the Pickleball courts behind Community Hall. Afternoon

sessions starting at 4 p.m. are also held. Various tournaments and social events are held throughout the year. Pinochle Club: Games are played twice weekly on Thursdays and Sundays starting at 1 p.m. in the Royal Room of the Atrium Building, Central Campus. Players should plan to attend 15-20 minutes early so that tables can be set up and assure that everyone will have a chance to play. Poker – Men’s Poker: Games are played Mondays and Fridays in the Royal Room (Atrium Building) starting at 6:30 p.m.. *Poker Club #22: Contact the club president for meeting places, dates and times. *Poker Club of SCC (Thursday Night Poker Club): Contact the club president for meeting places, dates and times. *Polish Heritage: Contact the club president for meeting places, dates and times. Potters Wheel Club: Contact the club president for meeting places, dates and times. Progressive Bridge: Games are played every Thursday, 6:45 p.m. in the Horizon Room, Atrium Building. *Purple Butterflies (Red Hat Society): Contact the club

president for meeting places, dates and times. “Q” Questor’s International Nautilus Chapter #909: Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 2 p.m., October through to May. Members may also attend the International Convention (held in early May), the Florida Convention in November and Spring Council Meeting in March. “R” Radio – Amateur Radio: Regular club meetings are held the first Wednesdays except June through September, starting at 2 p.m. in the Florida Room in the Atrium Building. Recreational Vehicle Park (storage) of SCC: One annual meeting is held in December for general discussion of needs and the election of officers. Registered Nurses Club: Monthly meetings, with programs, are held on the first Thursday of each month from October through May. Running Club – Silver Striders: Casual group meets for runs at 8 a.m. on Tues, Thurs, and Sat. in front of Fitness Center. (Time may change seasonally.) *RV Campers Club (SCC Campers): Contact the club president for meeting places, dates and times. –Karen Jones

$10 at SCC Atrium Kiosk. ~ Credit Card orders: 642-0606 FEB. 25-26-27 MAR. 4-5-6-11-12-13 ~ 7:30 p.m.


Golf League Results, Pictures and More

SCC Men’s Golf 18-Hole January 7: Individual Low Net, White Tees: 1st Place (68) – Joe Pliska; 2nd Place (Tie – 69) – Tom Edge & Michael Gomes. Green Tees: 1st Place (68) – Harold Geldbach; 2nd Place (71) – Walter Wight. January 14: Individual Low Net, Flights A/B: 1st Place (65) – Michael Gomes; 2nd Place (Tie – 73) – John Vogeltanz, Tom Williamson. Flights C/D: 1st Place (72) – Carl Sacchetti; 2nd Place (74) – Tom Edge. Green Tees: 1st Place (67) – Harold Geldbach; 2nd Place (71) – Walter Wight.

SCC WGA 9-Hole December 17: 9-Hole Scramble: 1st place team 34.8, Jan Churchill, Christel Fraebel, Shirley McCarty, Nancy Kellogg; 2nd place team 35, Elaine Davis, Mary Klopp, Jeanne Nenarella. January 7: Low Net: 1st Place Aileen Engel, 36; 2nd Place Connie Ream, 37. January 14: Odd Holes 1/2 hdcp: 1st place Mary Klopp, 21; 2nd place Debbie Ris, 21.5; 3rd place Aileen Engle, 22.

SCCWGA December 17: Low Gross/ Low Net: Low Gross: 1st: Kitty Matzkin 76, 2nd: Jan Huber 78. Low Net: 1st: Connie Toussaint 70, 2nd: Jackie Kallister 71. January 7: Pick your partner, net: 1st: Laura Hammaker and Kim Insook, 64; 2nd: Stacia Connors and Carol Burgess, 65.

SCC LGA 18-Hole January 7: Throw Out Worst Nine – Front or Back: 1st Place (29.5) – Elaine Davis; 2nd Place Tie (34) – Christel Fraebel, Udea Onslow; 9 Hole (Low Net): 1st Place Tie (36) – Aileen Engel; 2nd Place (37) – Connie Ream. January 14: Odd Holes – Net: 1st Place (31) - Christel Fraebel; 2nd Place (31.5) – Annetta Pucci; 3rd Place (35) – Udea Onslow; 4th Place (38.5) – Mimi Marks.

LGA Holiday Party The Sun City Center Ladies Golf Association (SCCLGA) celebrated Christmas on December 18 despite a nasty front that canceled play. There were lots of presents under the tree, good food, wine and fun. The SCCLGA, the 18-Hole women’s league of the Sun City

The News of Sun City Center

Center Golf and Social Club, plays every Thursday with the SCCWGA 9-Holer League at Sandpiper Golf Club. Santa brought a surprise gift of Sandpiper Golf Course opening play to CA and non-CA members this year, and the LGA and WGA 9-Hole Leagues welcome you all to play with us if you wish. Contact Patti Ducharme at pducharme@ tampabay.rr.com or 642-8727 for details.

Alice Friedlein was awarded Overall Winner of the Sun City Center Ladies Golf Association Players Cup Championship. The 1st Flight winner was Mimi Marks. The 2nd Flight Winners (tied) were Gene Perry and Phyllis Hall.

Hogans League Of Sun City Center and Kings Point December 15: Riverside, Individual Skins + Best One as Teams: INDIVIDUAL: 1st: Twoway tie at 6 skins each – Larry Clark & Rich Lucidi. Low-net: Jim Sari, 65; Low-gross: Chip Wood, 82. TEAM: 11 skins for a Team net of 53 – Mowry, Lucidi, Lang & Nadeau. December 16: Summerfield, Skins: 1st: two-way tie @ 6 skins each – Fred Mayes & Art Alves. Low-net: Fred Mayes – 74; Lowgross: Art Alves – 89. December 19: SandPiper, Team Best 2 and Individual Skins: 1st: Total 122 - Fred Mayes, Van DaCosta, Rich Lucidi & Doug Seipelt; 2nd: Total 128 – Ron Kingston, Don Mowry & Chip Wood. INDIVIDUAL SKINS:1st: Fred Mayes – 2 skins; 2nd: threeway tie @ 1 skin each – Rich Lucidi, Doug Seipelt & Don Mowry. Individual Low-net: Fred Mayes – 67; Individual Low-gross: Chip Wood – 83. December/21: Diamond Hill, Match: 1st : Fred Mayes, 66; 2nd: Chip Wood, 70. (Chip Wood tied the course record held by Dave Bublitz on 11/23/09.) December 23: Summerfield, Skins: 1st : Jim Sari, 12 skins; 2nd: three-way tie @ 6 skins each – Mo Lang, Fred Zizelman & Chip Wood. Low-net: Dave Diehl, 68 (1 skin); Low-gross: Fred Zizelman, 87 (1 skin). December 24: Renaissance, Match: 1st: Jim Cox, 76/94; 2nd: Jay Sparkman, 76/95.

February 2010

Hogans League of SCC & KP Continued

December 28: 1st: Bob Oler, 4 skins; 2nd: Jim Sari, 2 skins. Lownet: Bob Oler, 71 (2 skins); Lowgross: Jim Sari, 100. December 29: Riverside, Skins: 1st: Fred Mayes, 5 skins; 2nd: Chip Wood, 3 skins. Low-net: Fred Mayes, 61; Low-gross: Chip Wood, 83. December 30: Summerfield, Skins: 1st: Paul Maki, 69, 7 skins; 2nd: Tom Higgins, 77, 2 skins. Lownet: Paul Maki, 69; Low-gross: Paul Maki, 98. January 2: SandPiper, Oaks-toLakes, Individual Lo-Net: 1st: Paul Maki, 65, 12 skins; 2nd: Art Swallow, 68, 8 skins. Low-gross: Chip Wood, 82 (course record = 81 by Chip Wood); January 5: Riverside, Match (9 holes – too cold): 1st: J. Kirkland, 41; 2nd: Jim Sari, 43. January 6: Summerfield, Match: 1st: MaryPat Kirchen, 73; 2nd: Chip Wood, 78. Low-gross: Chip Wood, 91. January 7: Apollo Beach, Classic Skins: 1st: Paul Maki, 10 skins; 2nd: two-way tie at 3 skins each – Chip Wood & Charlie Strimpell. Low-net: two-way tie at 71’s – Charlie Strimpell & Jerry Stemas; Low-gross: Jerry Stemas, 85.

January 8: Cypress Creek, Match: 1st: Charlie Strimpell, 76; 2nd: Don Mowry, 77. Low-gross: Don Mowry, 98. January 12: Imperial Lakewoods, Skins: 1st: Chip Wood, 5 skins; 2nd: two-way tie at 3 skins each – Frank Carlin & Bill Hagen. Low-net: Chip Wood, 68; Low-gross: Chip Wood, 81. January 13: Summerfield, Match: 1st: Paul Maki, 69; 2nd: Fred Mayes, 75. Low-gross: Paul Maki, 98. January 14: Renaissance, Skins: 1st: four-way tie @ 2 skins each – Frank Carlin, Bill Hagen, Bob Oler & Jenice Taylor. Low-net: Chip Wood, 68; Low-gross: Chip Wood, 80. January 15: Cypress Creek, Classic Skins: 1st: Ing Newton, 5 skins; 2nd: Betty Richter, 4 skins. Low-net: John Schachte, 76 (4 skins); Low-gross: John Schachte, 101 (3 skins). Hogans info (membership application, bylaws, detailed schedules) may be found at www. hogans-golf.com. Reservations are required to play with the Hogans. Contact Art Swallow at email: ArtSwallow@aol.com.

February 2010

The News of Sun City Center

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Sandpiper Schedules Special Tuesday Fun Days

Sandpiper Fun Day Results from its First Event:

1. Jackson, Tom Jones, Lenny Smith, Linda 2. Vazquez, Jean Hurwitz, Sandra Owens, Pete 3. Hurwitz, Martin Owens, Diane Melchiori, Pat Card Draw Ryden, Lloyd Perry, Barb Goetchi, Debbie


Hogans League of Sun City Center and Kings Point

EVENTS 2-Person – Blind Draw 3-Person – A, B, C Players 4-Person - A, B, C, D Players 2-PERSON – A & B PLAYERS Couples Scramble – 2 Teams Couples Best Ball 4-Person Scramble – A, B, C, and D Players All events, except the 4-person Scramble will be scored on the POINT SYSTEM. 40% of golfers will win Prize Money.

February Schedule

Date Day Course t-time 1-Feb Mon Apollo 11:30 3-Feb Wed Sandpiper 11:30 5-Feb Fri Imperial Lake- woods 6-Feb Sat Sandpiper Noon 9-Feb Tues Apollo 11:00 11-Feb Thur Riverside 11:30 13-Feb Sat Sandpiper Noon 15-Feb Mon Diamond Hill 11:30 17-Feb Wed Summerfield 11:30 19-Feb Fri Cypress Creek 11:30 20-Feb Sat Sandpiper Noon 23-Feb Tues Apollo 11:30 25-Feb Thurs Renaissance 11:00 27-Feb Sat Sandpiper Noon


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The News of Sun City Center

Fitness Corner MACHINE OF THE MONTH The Smith Machine is located at the rear of the Fitness Center in the “free weight” area. This machine offers the benefits of free weight training with the safety of resistance machines. The Smith Machine may be used with a bench for various chest presses (horizontal, incline or decline), or without a bench for squats, toe rises, shrugs or overhead presses. Safety bars on both sides of the rear rails may be set to limit the downward motion of the horizontal weight bar. Additionally, the weight bar can be rotated by a simple wrist movement during any exercise to stop the downward motion of the weight bar. Face toward the mirror when using the Smith Machine so that you can observe your technique. Remember to keep your head in a neutral position, particularly when doing squats, to eliminate excessive pressure on the spinal column. Rod Edson, a Fitness Center attendant, is shown using the Smith Machine. Rod commented about this machine, “It is for people that want to go beyond free weights, and the biggest advantage is that it eliminates the need for spotters, so it is a safe activity you can do yourself.” PHOTO BY JUDY STIMSON

SCC Competitve Tennis Club Held Bi-Annual Meeting

February 2010

The members of the SSC Competitive Tennis Club held their bi-annual meeting & social at the home of President Nancy Williams. There are three teams that travel throughout Hillsborough County representing our community. The club has a ladies 4.0 U.S.T.A. team who play on Saturdays at 9 a.m. and two A.L.O.T. teams that play on Wednesdays at 9 a.m. Residents are welcome to come and watch the competition. For more about this club, contact Membership Director Mary Ann Twitty at 633-3527. 1st row l to r: Marie Mulcahy, Lee Greenlee, Nan Baytos, Sue Curtis, Alice Friedlein; 2nd row l to r: Bobbie Sagraves, Nancy Newman, Rolande Poulin, Lin Gagnon, Petra Stimmel, Maggie Guzinsky; 3rd row l to r: Kathy Shedden, Mona Wallace, Mary Ann Twitty, Sue Smith, Maggie Pliska, Mary Pat Kirchen, Laura Hammacker, Elaine Davis and Janet Cardula. Photo by Nancy Williams.

The NEWS of Sun City Center A publication of the SCC Community Association 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center, FL 33573 813-633-3500 News Office: 813-642-2070 (located at 960A Old Town Hall) Editor-in-Chief: Karen Jones sccnews@verizon.net Reporters: John Bowker, Phyllis Hodges, Uta Kuhn Contributors: CA Board of Directors and Staff, Linda Bowker, John McRee, Susan Muise, Lyn Reitz, Judy Schings Photographer: Judy Stimson CA Board Liaison: Ann Marie Leblanc Advertising: John Wolf newsofsccads@gmail.com 813-938-8721 Publisher: Sun City Center Community Association Monthly deadline:

15th of each month In spite of the low temperatures in January, Donna Waikel, membership director of the Sun City Center Tennis Association, is dressed to play. Donna and friends enjoyed being able to use the 10 well maintained soft courts at the South Campus. There are recreational tennis groups for all levels and three women’s traveling teams. If you are a Sun City Center Community Association member and want more information about becoming one of the 200 members of the Tennis Association, contact Donna at 633-5132. Photo by Nancy Williams

Advertising: The NEWS is not liable for errors in advertising; it does not endorse and cannot verify the accuracy of representations made by advertisers who are solely responsible for advertisement contents. The NEWS welcomes announcements, articles, photos and stories about our community.

February 2010

The News of Sun City Center

MOVIES at the Rollins Theater

NEWCOMERS December 2009

List prepared by Linda Bowker from CA staff data. Report corrections, additions to CA at 633-3500.

Last First Num Local street Hometown St Phone Baker Melvin 307 Bryce Ct Clifton NJ 570-253-6387 Bartolomeo John 2214 North Creek Ct Lakewood NJ 732-575-6071 Battle Johnny 1939 Grand Cypress Ln Lerned MS 518-524-2051 Bowen George & Carlene 1623 Bentwood Dr Peoria IL Braun Harry & Jill 1601 Comfy Ct Pittsburgh PA Brown Richard 807 Augusta Dr South Berwick ME 207-229-5953 Colin Amelia 805 Rickenbacker Dr Miami FL 335-7774 Collins Joyce 807 Augusta Dr South Berwick ME 207-229-5953 Cooley David & Nadine 1418 Seton Hall Dr Birmingham AL 645-8180 Fetters Jim & Wilma 1047 Regal Manor Wy Ann Arbor MI 734-355-3720 Jones Garry & Kathy 1603 Del Webb Blvd E Indianapolis IN 317-697-1755 Kramer Thomas & Joan 709 Radford Pl Philadelphia PA 267-693-8371 Kroner Mary 807 Bluewater Dr Tomah WI 634-1208 Kulihin Ludmila 2214 North Creek Ct Lakewood NJ 732-575-6071 Laferty Larry 1906 Wolf Laurel Dr Inez KY 938-0631 Lofland Frederick 232 Brockfield Dr N 409-789-2224 Lower Martha 1721 Del Webb Blvd W Frankfort IN 634-5354 Madigan Gerald & Arlene 1322 Bluewater Dr Buffalo NY 938-1530 Mathieu Paul & Carol 1820 Wolf Laurel Dr Albany NY 938-1302 Metevia James & Penny 1524 Allegheny Dr Bay City MI 938-4128 Palermo Frank 1008 Fordham Dr Springfield MD Palmer Nancy 1201 Fordham Dr 938-3734 Pitts Joan 605 Fort Duquesna Dr Rochester NY 642-8268 Porter Tom & Jean 311 Bryce Ct Pittsfield MA Reuterfors Roland & Laura 1218 Fordham Dr Brooklyn NY 609-384-2334 Romain Jeff 1615 Bentwood Dr Detroit MI 633-4285 Rutkowski Jerome 1201 Chevy Chase Dr Endwell NY 607-341-3451 Scott Kathie 1603 Del Webb Blvd W Cincinnati OH 938-1280 Shapaka Matt & Denise 302 Barstow Ct Orrville OH 330-465-9087 Vogeltanz John 1908 New Bedford Dr Chicago IL Willems Norman & Eileen 605 Fox Hills Dr Lancaster PA Yereance Leroy & Murial 1709 Pebble Beach Blvd S Boothbay Harbor ME 633-2714 Zimmerman Paul & Kathy 1532 Belle Glade Ave Orrville OH 938-1532

NOW is the time to upgrade your air conditioning system and take advantage of incentives to upgrade old inefficient units to more energy efficient systems. Federal stimulus money, power company rebates and manufacturer’s promotions are available immediately. In addition to these savings, the Cool team is offering discounts through the end of February.

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110 min.


Passions will be tested. Hearts will be broken. Talent, dedication and hard work will triumph! Fame is the inspiring story of a group of dancers, singers, musicians and actors at the New York City High School of Performing Arts, and their spirited drive to live out their dreams of stardom. In an incredibly competitive atmosphere, each student must shine amidst the tumult of school work, deep friendships, budding romance and self-discovery. Debbie Allen, Charles S. Dutton, Kelsey Grammer, Megan Mullally and Bebe Neuwirth co-star along side a group of gifted young performers in this soaring reinvention of the Oscar®-Winning hit film. February 22


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A delightful romantic story about two strangers in search of an extraordinary connection. Adam (Hugh Dancy) is a brilliant but awkward astronomy buff, who is drawn out of his sheltered existence by his beautiful and outgoing new neighbor, Beth (Rose Byrne). Additional actors: Peter Gallagher, Amy Irving, and Frankie R. Faison. These movies have English subtitles for the hearing impaired. Monday Movies are for Sun City Center Community Association members ONLY. A 2010 membership card must be presented for admission.

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The News of Sun City Center

February 2010

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