News of SCC Jan

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The News of January 2011 - ISSUE #30 official publication of the Community Association

January Dates to Put on Your Calendar


Membership Meeting

7 p.m. Community Hall

CA Board Meeting


9 a.m. Rollins Theater Watch videos of the Board meetings on your computer. Go to, click on Association, then on Meeting Videos.


Martin Luther King, Jr. Day


Town Hall Meeting 7 p.m.

Should South Pebble Beach have open access to US 301?

CA President Ed Barnes has asked two residents to give their perspective on this issue. A Town Hall Meeting will be held on January 20 at 7 p.m. in Community Hall so that SCC residents can openly discuss this issue.


By Paul Courter O p e n i n g t h e l on g planned inters ec tion of South Pebble Beach Blvd. at US 301 is a simple matter of fairness. I live near that intersection, along with a large and growing number of south-side residents, and want the same access to and from the community enjoyed by virtually everyone else in Sun City Center. R e s i d e nt s n or t h of SR674 have at least four public roads in and out. I have one—the long drive up South Pebble Beach to the congested intersection at SR674. Even our neighbors behind the gates of Kings Point have a south entrance. Access to U.S. 301 will: • Provide a second route in and out for residents. • Provide a real emergency exit. Do you know how to get the presently locked gate opened? I don’t.

• Provide greater access for emergency responders. • Reduce traffic on South Pebble Beach Blvd. and SR674. • Reduce travel time, hassle and fuel consumption to and from our east-side shopping areas and points beyond. • Improve f re e d om of movement and quality of life for hundreds of residents. • Make our community more appealing to the you nge r, a c t ive ne w residents we must attract to keep our community alive and thriving. Opponents of an open intersection try to define it as a route from US 301 to SR674. That simply doesn’t make sense. Do you really think a driver with someplace to go will abandon the highway

See Tear Down on Page 5

Yuletide Golf Cart Parade Draws 35 Decorated Carts

Community Hall


Volunteer Picnic Noon to 2 p.m. FLORIDA ROOM On the Inside CA Schedule................. 2 CARE......................... 23 Club Happenings... 12-16 Consumer Affairs........ 23 Crossword.................. 17 CryptoQuote............... 19 Deputy Chris............... 10 Entertainment Corner... 2 Expand Horizons.......... 6 Golf............................. 24 Military Affairs............. 20 Minto............................11 Movies........................ 27 Newcomers................ 27 President’s Report........ 2 Sudoku....................... 21 We Want to Know....... 22

Check out the CA website:

Chris Robinson won the Individual category with this sleigh. Even though it was a cool and foggy morning, all of the carts and dignitaries showed. Among the invited guests were Ronda Stor ms, St ate S enator ; County Commissioners Al Higginbotham, Kevin Beckner and Ken Hagan. Home Depot donated utility buckets and tools valued at $300 that was divided among the category winners. Tropical Santa, along with Parade organizer Anne Cross, presented the four category award winners.

Freedom Plaza won t h e B u s i n e s s c at e g or y for the second year in a row. Egret Pointe won the HOA category. They were represented by John Jackson, HOA VP. The other two winners are pictured here. Thanks to the following businesses who supported the 2010 Golf Cart Parade: Home Depot $300 in gifts Ser vice Certificates were provided by Rays Golf Carts, Wheelz and Wilhelm. Gift Certificates were donated by B ob Evans, C opp e r Pe n ny, D an ny Boys, Dennys, McDonalds, SunTrust Bank and Walmart. Photos by Judy Stimson.

New England Club won the Club category. They were represented by Mark Vietzke, club member.

MAINTAIN LIMITED ACCESS By Ken McLoone The South Pebble Beach Drive access onto US 301 has been part of the General D e v e l opm e nt S it e P l an approved by Hillsborough County. I favor having only limited access controlled by the Sheriff and the Fire D e p a r t m e nt a n d t o b e used only for emergencies. It is recognized that this is somewhat of a controversial issue with many residents desiring to have easy access to US 301 to allow a quicker way to get to Walmart or to get on US 301 going south towards the Manatee County area. The limited access option is better if the decision is based on the basic issues of safety and security that are of primary importance to our community. SAFETY – US 301 is no longer a remote two-lane highway with limited use that we knew just a few years ago. The road has been widened

in Hillsborough County to a four-lane, divided highway to Route 672. To the south, Manatee County has widened US 301 to a divided four-lane highway to an area just south of the Hillsborough County line. It will be only a few years before the entire stretch of US 301 is a four-lane, divided highway from Brandon south to US 41 in Manatee. There are many future developments already approved south of Route 674 on or near US 301, leading to significantly more traffic in our general area. Having open access to US 301 will be very desirable to nonSun City Center residents. It will give them an easy and quick way to get to banks, drug stores, a hospital and Interstate 75. This presents a serious safety issue within the boundaries of SCC. Currently, the four-lane South Pebble Beach Drive from Route 674 to the Renaissance area is a See Maintain on Page 5

2010—What a Year! By Phyllis Hodges Just as many of us do a bit of personal reflecting when a year ends, we as a community should do the same. What were the big events of the past year that affected our community and our lifestyle? Ed Barnes, SCC Community Association president, points to a myriad of projects that filled the CA’s plate—some small, some large; some visible, some not so obvious. On the South Campus, Community Hall got a facelift, with the most visible being new tile, new lobby furnishings and a refinished wood floor. More parking was added at the Dog Park and Softball Field, and new lights were installed on the Pickleball courts. On the Central Campus, the Atrium floor tile was replaced and restrooms were renovated, some changes were started on the Old Town Hall, and the Fitness Center roof and windows were replaced. The library got a new roof, too. “It is important that we keep our facilities refreshed and

attractive,” Barnes said. During the year, the 50th Anniversary Committee kicked into high gear to make SCC’s 50th anniversary year starting May 1, 2011, a memorable one. Our largest CA annual events—FunFest in March, “Hi, Neighbor!” in November, and Holiday Walk in December enjoyed record attendance. The Golf Cart Parade in December also attracted an impressive number of creatively decorated carts and plenty of onlookers along the one-mile route despite below-normal temperatures. Some “back room” CA accomplishments include: 1) a new process to collect severely delinquent dues, 2) a study concerning the closed North Lakes golf course to provide a foundation for conversion of the property to community use if it were to become available, 3) a new membership database for clubs, 4) an update of Board policies, 5) a study on how to get more residents involved in decision-making, 6) See 2010 on Page 5


The News of Sun City Center

From the Desk of

President Ed Barnes GOODBYE 2010 2010 has come and gone – it was a very blessed year in many respects for Sun City Center and the Community Association Members. We have had many good things happen to us this year – our members very, very generously replenished the Hardship Fund to help those less fortunate members; we had a number of other very generous donation’s the Community Association; we have started planning numerous events for our 50th Anniversary; we had a very successful Fun Fest, Golf Cart Parade and Holiday Walk Breakfast. Overall 2010, was a very successful year. HAPPY NEW YEAR Please join me in welcoming in 2011. We face numerous challenges in this coming year. We have much to learn about our new developer, Minto, but from what I have seen so far they are doing very well. We have a lot to learn about the golf courses operator, ClubLink, and I think they of us. We have a number of challenging issues to resolve this year like the South Pebble Beach/ US 301 connector; long-term plan for our facilities; future maintenance of the medians on South and North Pebble Beach; further reducing the number of delinquent dues; increasing cost of operation of the Community Association while we hold the line on dues (for this year); improve our communications with members. We will be very busy in 2011 and HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. Welcome 2011. BOARD VACANCY We currently have a vacant Board position that will be filled by an appointment for one year. We are accepting applications for that position at the CA office until 3 p.m. on January 5. Applications can be picked up in the CA Office. Candidates will be interviewed on

January 10 and the new Director appointed on January 12. SUCCESSFUL OUTINGS On December 4, another Holiday Walk Breakfast broke the record with 800+ people coming for breakfast – and the 50/50 drawing. Ann Marie Leblanc did her usual superb job of orchestrating this affair. In spite of some not so good weather the Golf Cart Holiday parade on December 11 was a smashing success thanks to Anne Cross. She did a great job of organizing and getting 11 corporate sponsors to help us with prizes and gifts. All of us owe Ann Marie and Anne many thanks for their efforts in organizing these affairs – GREAT JOB!! MEMBERSHIP MEETING P l e a s e d o n’t f o r g e t t h e Membership Meeting on Wednesday, January 5, at 7 p.m. in Community Hall. We will be installing the newly elected members of the Board of Directors and recognizing all of those members who have generously supported the Community Association over the past year. SOUTH PEBBLE BEACH US 301 CONNECTOR We plan to hold a Town Hall Meeting on Thursday, January 20 at 7 p.m. in Community Hall. Scheduling this meeting on January 20 should give us time to discuss this issue and if necessary hold another Town Hall Meeting. I would expect that a referendum vote would take place in mid to late February or March. From what I hear this issue is raising a lot of discussion among the membership. and I encourage everyone to attend this meeting.


GENERAL INFO: Tickets are on sale at the Atrium Kiosk MondayWednesday-Friday through February 4, 9 a.m.-noon. Cash and check only. Brochures/flyers can be found at the Kiosk, Community Hall, CA office or Kings Point North Clubhouse. ENTERTAINMENT SHOW TICKETS ON SALE: Don’t forget... this year’s Showcase (the free show series ticket buyers received)(tickets $10 otherwise) is Sunday, January 9, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Where else can you see 15-17 acts “strut their stuff ”, hoping to be booked for future shows?? Food will be available for purchase from the Softball Club. A tentative listing of acts and times of performances should be posted by time you receive this issue of The News. Other Sunday shows are: January 23-New Odyssey, February 20-The Temptations Tribute Show (plus Patrick and Matilda) and March 13-Razz-Ma-Tazz. The HubCaps will be here January 14. February 4 is The Satellites, and March 25 will be Caliente. Reserved seats. THE CRYSTALS with Rocky and the Rollers: Time is running out to buy tickets for this dance/show. Remember Da Doo Ron Ron, Then He Kissed Me, He’s a Rebel, Uptown and more? This is a Friday night dance/show at Community Hall on Friday, January 7. Reserved tables seat 10; however, you do not need to purchase an entire table. BYOB and snacks. $20/person. ST. PETERSBURG OPERA CO.: Tickets on sale now for January 16– Preview to Rigoletto; April 10–Opera’s Greatest Hits; and June 5–the Power of Puccini: Preview to Madama Butterfly. All shows are on Sundays, 2-3:30 p.m., at Community Hall and will be narrated by Maestro Mark Sforzini. The three operas are offered as a “mini series” ($25/series). Or individual opera tickets are $10/show. Reserved seats. Info: Judy Schings, 813-642-2001

January 2011

NOTICE Due to an opening on the Board of Directors, applications for appointment as a Director are now available in the CA office. This term of appointment will expire on January 4, 2012. Completed applications must be returned to the CA office by 3 p.m. on January 5, 2011

CONTRIBUTIONS TO COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Recognized at the December 8, 2010 Board Meeting

CLUB/ORGANIZATION Amount Applied to Aquasizers Club $200 Noodle Holder at Pool Dale’s Designs $50 Operations Mah Jongg Club $100 Hardship Fund Polish Heritage Club $150 FunFest Sew n Sews $100 Community Information Center

CA Contact Information Phone: 633-3500 Email: Website:

COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION SCHEDULE January 1 New Year’s Day – All facilities closed. 5 Board Workshop Board Room – 9 a.m. Annual Membership Meeting Community Hall – 7 p.m. 12 Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 18 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room – 9 a.m. 20 Town Hall Meeting Community Hall – 7 p.m. 24 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room – 2 p.m. February 2 Board Workshop Board Room – 9 a.m. 9 Board Meeting Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 15 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room – 9 a.m. 28 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room – 2 p.m. Proposed agendas for monthly Board Meetings are discussed at the Board Workshops and posted on Official Bulletin Boards the Friday before. They will also be posted on our website ( – under “Association.”) Every Wednesday: Orientation for new members in the Board Room starting at 1 p.m.

The NEWS of Sun City Center A publication of the SCC Community Association 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center, FL 33573 813-633-3500 News Office: 813-642-2070 (located at 960A Old Town Hall) Editor-in-Chief: Karen Jones Reporters: John Bowker, Phyllis Hodges, Judy Stimson, Marie Wood Contributors: CA Board of Directors and Staff, Linda Bowker, John McRee, Susan Muise, Lyn Reitz, Judy Schings, George Lott Photographer: Judy Stimson CA Board Liaison: Ann Marie Leblanc Advertising: John Wolf 813-938-8721 Publisher: Sun City Center Community Association Monthly deadline:

15th of each month Advertising: The NEWS is not liable for errors in advertising; it does not endorse and cannot verify the accuracy of representations made by advertisers who are solely responsible for advertisement contents. The NEWS welcomes announcements, articles, photos and stories about our community.

January 2011

The News of Sun City Center

South Pebble Beach Blvd./301 Connection Town Hall Meeting January 20, 2011 Community Hall – 7 p.m. The Board of Directors has scheduled a Town Hall Meeting for January 20, 2011 at 7 p.m. in Community Hall to discuss the pros and cons of keeping the South Pebble Beach Blvd. connection to U.S. 301 in the General Development Site Plan or removing it from the plan and replacing it with a permanent emergency exit for the residents. This is a Community Association issue that affects all residents of Sun City Center. In the future, the Community Association will conduct a ballot referendum to decide this issue.

The CA Board of Directors neither supports nor opposes this issue – this issue is a members issue – the CA Board of Directors will support the decision of the membership. From the Desk of

Director David Floyd Keeping You Informed The following policy changes will come before the Board on January 12, 2011, in the Rollins Theater at 9 a.m. (bold are additions, strikeouts are deletions) II. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2.01 APPROVAL AUTHORITY A. Budget The Board of Directors will approve the budget for the Community Association after receiving the recommendations of the Community Manager, Treasurer, and the Budget Committee. The Board of Directors may modify the budget before approving it. 3.01 DUES Non-Usage – Non-usage of the recreational and other facilities of the CA does not relieve members and/or owners of the obligation to pay the annual membership dues or any applicable fees or assessments as established in Board Policy 3.02. 3.04 AGE AND FAMILY RESTRICTIONS A. ENFORCEMENT OF AGE 55 REQUIREMENT 2) The CA President may will grant age waivers for CA membership after the HOA grants the residency waiver. 5) No waivers will be issued for individuals individual occupants under the age of 50. 3.06 TRANSFER FEE E. Effective January 1, 2011, beginning on the sixtyfirst calendar day after the original announced due date, interest shall be assessed on all unpaid balances (including late fees) at the rate of 0.0493 percent (0.000493) per day, which equates to 18



ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 2011 7:00 PM COMMUNITY HALL (REFRESHMENTS AT 6:30 p.m.) 200 MEMBERS REQUIRED FOR A QUORUM -AGENDA I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance II. Approval of Minutes of March 24, 2010 Membership Meeting III. Treasurer’s Report IV. Community Manager’s Report V. 50th Anniversary Update VI. Awards & Recognition VII. Installation of Newly-Elected Directors VIII. President’s Report IX. General Discussion by Members X. Adjournment Al Alderman Corporate Secretary

percent (18%) per annum You are invited to stay after the meeting and watch a segment of based on a 365 day year. the British Television program “Are you fitter than a pensioner?” 4.01 STANDING COMMITTEES featuring Sun City Center residents. B. Budget a. An initial proposed CA premises except for with their name and bu dge t sha l l b e CA business without club affiliation so submitted by the t h e appro v a l of t h e that they can enter Budget Committee Community Manager the facilities for their for the Board of and in concurrence with club f u n c t i o n s Directors to review. the Board President. only. Members of b. Board of Directors 5.01 B. OPERATION national clubs or s u g g e s t e d organizations must 3. All clubs must have changes and have their affiliation Bylaws on file at the recommendations ID with them CA office. will then be and show it when r e v i e w e d a n d 5.01 C. CRITERIA FOR requested. MEMBERSHIP discussed with the 6. All CA Members of a Budget Committee 2. Therefore, Clubs shall club must be in good a n d t h e bu d g e t accept any CA member standing in the CA revised if necessary. in good standing in the with their annual dues CA with their annual c. T h e r e v i s e d current. dues current who desires proposed budget 5.01 D. OBLIGATIONS OF CAto join. will then be AFFILIATED CLUBS resubmitted to the 3. a. Waivers will be Board of Directors 2. Each Club shall provide considered upon and reviewed for request to the CLD, the CA with the following final changes, if by a C lub for a information by January necessary. non-member who 31 February 28 each year can provide “value V. CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS or at such other time(s) as added” such as a the CA may request. 5.01 A. ORGANIZATION service, benefit, or a. A list of current Club An Assistant Club Liaison Director needed experience officers and members to the Club. Waivers (ACLD) may also be appointed by with their CA number. are granted for the President of the CA Board to If a club has a nonthe calendar year assist the CLD. The ACLD will CA member (Kings in which they are function as the CLD in the CLD’s Point or a waiver), that applied for and may absence. information must also be renewed upon be included. Changes request of t h e Members using the CA facilities in Club officers shall Club. Waivers are must display their CA Identification be updated and given given on a space when accessing the facilities. to the CA within 30 available basis. days. 2. An initial club must have b. N o n - m e m b e r s b. A list of all furniture granted a waiver are a minimum membership a n d/or other subject to current of ten (10) members, equipment including fees, and/or club unless waived by the donated items stored dues. CLD. Decisions made o n C A p r o p e r t y. c. Club membership by the CLD may be Material which has given on a waiver been donated to the appealed to the CA does not extend to CA, with its prior Board. the use of other CA approval, shall b e facilities or Clubs. 3. k. Dues policy listed separately. d. N o n m e m b e r s 7. CA property will not granted a waiver will be removed from the be issued a badge

Go to “Policies” Page 8


The News of Sun City Center

January 2011





1509 Rickenbacker Dr., Sun City Center • 813-633-2020 • FAX 813-633-6403


CAPRI model fully furnished and ready! Suitable for Snowbirds of year round living. Enclosed lanai is part of living area. Privacy fence...$81.00 month covers Exterior Water and lawncare.

CORNELL Nice condo on a quiet convenient KINGSPOINT location. Lots of tile and neutral tones make for easy decorating. Large lanai plus screened porch enhance your carefree living.

1715 Atrium Drive $65,000

824 Manchester Woods $96,000


TWINTREE...Nicely updated floor plan! An enclosed lanai plus a screen room with a deluxe new hot tub can be yours .Seperate meter for sprinklers makes for great savings.Kitchen and appliances were re-done in 2009. SHARP UNIT!!

Ever popular DW37 model located on SOUTH LAKE with an expanded family room andscreen porch overlooking your dock and waters breathtaking view. New A/C, new energy efficient windows, 2 car garage make this a very comfortable easy living home.

1321 BLUEWATER DRIVE $128,900

1235 FORDHAM DRIVE $149,900

1934 33rd St. SE (Ruskin)


Family-friendly mobile home/RV park

1705 Cloister Dr.

2/2 $ 99,900

Twintree-Lovely Home Near Caloosa Glf.

102 NW 22nd St. (Ruskin)


Little Manatee River, 4.17 acres

2523 Locksley

2/2 $ 95,000

Sahara-Hurricane Shutters,Golf Location

1.28 Acre on River, Value in Land

612 Oakmont Ave.

2/2 $ 87,000

DW52-Loads of Storage, NewerAppl’s

2023 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. 2/2 $289,000

Custom Islander-Pool, Spa, Waterfront

712 Riviera Dr.

2/2 $ 82,000

DW37-New roof ’08, new a/c unit

1134 Signature Drive

3/2 $275,000

Carrington Water,Golf, Pavers on Drive

2507 Lambdin Dr.

2/2 $ 79,900

Sunrise-completely renovated,replumbed

1918 East View Dr.

3/2 $240,000

Tradewinds-Golf, Water and large Pool

1535 Chevy Chase Dr.

1909 East View Dr

3/2 $229,000

Tradewinds-Spacious home, Private Golf

2005 Heathfield Cr.

2/2 $ 69,900

Brentwood II-Upgrades, new kitchen

1952 Wolf Laurel Dr

3/2 $210,000

Tradewinds-Panoramic Golf & Water

707 Churchill Place

2/2 $ 68,000

DW-51X-Cul De Sac and Golf

1615 Oracle Dr.

3/2 $194,900

Miller Home-Pool, greatroom floorplan

211 Glenellen Pl.

2/2 $ 67,500

Hampton-park-like views, screened patio

Atrium-Water view,newer appliances

702 Brockton Pl. E.

2/2 $ 62,000

DeSoto- newer roof ’07; plumbing ‘03

1015 River Dr. SW

2x1 $400,000

2/1.5 $ 69,900

Sparkle Plenty Lives Here !!

2020 El Rancho Dr.

3/2.5 $148,000

1705 Orchid Court

2/2 $135,000

Windjammer-Courtyrd Entry,Cul de sac

207 Islip Way

1316 Bluewater Dr

2/2 $127,000

Twintree-Wtr, Conserv, Cathedral Ceil

502A Fallow Ct

1611 Bentwood

2/2 $125,000

Twintree Exp- New Paint in and out.

1801 Bedford Ln. B38

641 Ft. Duquesna Dr.

2/2 $125,000

Custom-Updated, 2 lrg master suites

2248 Greenhaven Dr.

2/2 $ 39,900

Stuart Sharp as a Tack, Bright & Upbeat

1502 Bunker Hill Dr.

2/2 $119,900

DW54-Move-in condition, corner lot

1907 Canterbury Ln #13

2/2 $ 35,000

Stuart-End unit, CPVC plumbing

644 Masterpiece Dr.

2/2 $119,500

Melbourne-park-like view,encl lanai

1906 Canterbury Ln. L1

2/2 $ 30,000

Stuart-Good Location-Needs TLC

1408 Del Webb Blvd. W.

2/2 $114,900

Long Branch-Golf Course View

2202 Clubhouse Dr. #174 1/1.5 $ 28,000

Gable I-Move-in ready – “cream puff”

319 Green Manor Dr

2/2 $113,900

Dedham-Laminate, Tile, Beautiful home

1902 Dandridge St. D21 1/1.5 $ 25,900

York- Compact,nice layout

2/1.5 $ 54,900

Keystone-Priced to Sell! Great location!

2/2 $ 53,900

Hampton-New hurricane windows, door

1/1.5 $ 46,000

Mansard-Encl. lanai, new appls. ‘08



Man 1

$ 690 Close to Clubhouse

2016 Hullhouse


Brentwood 1

$ 950

GOLF, Granite

1811 Bedford G164


Man 2

$ 800 Beautiful; All New

1309 Idlewood Dr



$ 950

Spacious on Golf

2232 Grenadier Dr



$ 890 Neatnik Delight

2012 Heathfield



$ 950

Fabulous Water

211 Glenellen



$ 900 Screen Porch

2316 Gainsborough Lp



$ 950


705 Churchill Pl



$ 975 UNFURN – NEW

1730 Council Drive


Exp T-2

$ 1,200 S Lake Avail April

2125 Meadowlark Ln



$1,000 Split Bdr, Solar Tubes

1601 Brookton Greens



$ 1,200 All Tile

2718 Lancaster Dr


Exp Sunrise


2521 Lynx



$1,100 his/her DENS (2)

Stainless Appls


1811 Bedford G166


Man 1

$1,000 Jan, Feb, March

1512 Council Dr



$ 675 Walk-in Shower

206 Andover D-93


Man 2

$1,300 Jan, Feb, March

205 Andover N 118


Man 1

$ 675 Quiet Cul de Sac

1811 Bedford G164


Man 2

$1,300 Jan, Feb, March

408B Flanborough



$ 750 Light & Bright

307 Knottwood



$1,500 Jan Only

1306 Burbank



$ 750 Guest Bedroom

2709 Lancaster



$1,600 Jan Only

617 LaJolla



$ 825 Cozy & Comfy

1306 Burbank


A 24

$1,200 Jan only

307 Knottwood



$ 850 Walk to Pool

1303 Beach blvd



$1,600 Jan, Feb, March

2003 Heathfield


Brentwd 2

$ 890 All New SHARP

819 Oakmont Ave


3 BR

$1.600 Jan, Feb, March

1004 Beach Blvd



$ 900 Encl Porch

1320 New Bedford



$1,600 Jan only

1320 New Bedford



$ 925 Nice Furn + Den

1214 Wildfeather



$1,800 Jan only

2709 Lancaster



$ 950 Golf-Unfurn/Tile

660 Allegheny



$1,600 Jan, Feb, March

Are you an agent looking for a new home? Come see us today!!!

January 2011

Tear Down from Page 1. for a twisting street with stop signs, a 30-mph speed limit, neighborhood traffic and a backed-up stop light? It’s not only a hassle, but takes longer. A friend checked it at three different times of day. The highway was faster every time. We’re seeing more of the same old scare tactics by those who want to build a Berlin Wall around SCC. They predicted all kinds of dire consequences from a golf cart path across U.S. 301. Ten months later, none has come to pass. They now predict an increase in burglaries, as they did with the golf cart path. But lack of access to U.S.301 didn’t stop my appliances from being stolen a few years back. In any event, I intend to keep my remaining years active and free. I do not plan to live cowering in fear with shades drawn, hiding behind an invisible wall. We’re not asking for anything new. An open intersection at U.S.301 and South Pebble Beach has been part of the plan for SCC for many years. Powerful political forces have thus far blocked that access, and now want to close it permanently. To my like-minded south-side friends, I ask that you speak up and help win the same freedom to come and go that others enjoy. To my north side friends, I ask you to consider life if your only exit were North Pebble Beach Blvd. To everyone who plans to vote on this issue, I ask that you be guided not by politics, baseless claims and apprehension, but by considered thought and your sense of fair play.

The News of Sun City Center

Maintain from Page 1. winding road on which most residents adhere to the 30 MPH speed limit. With the many curves in the road, the design does not invite speeding by cars and trucks. In contrast, from US 301 to the circle at the entrance to Renaissance, we have a straight fourlane road that invites speeding. This is an especially dangerous situation considering we are allowed to use our golf carts on our roads. People not residing within our community will not be cognizant of the need to drive very carefully when golf carts are permitted. SECURITY – One of the primary factors that most people considered when selecting the Sun City Center area was that it is considered to be a very safe area with an extraordinarily low crime rate. We enjoy living in this environment due to the limited access points and the good efforts of our Security Patrol volunteer organization. In general, our streets are traveled only by residents and outside contractors that provide us various types of services. The crime reports show the level of crime to be the highest in the area that is adjacent to the heavily travelled Route 674. If we have open access to US 301, we will have more traffic by outsiders, and we would just be inviting a less safe environment. Not having a quick way to get to Walmart is much more desirable than having a high crime rate. We enjoy a community where our homes are safe and it is safe to walk at any hour of the day. With open access from US Route 301, we would sacrifice our level of security. Finally, a note of appreciation to the CA and Ed Barnes for getting the community input on this issue.


2010 from Page 1. formation of a public relations group to communicate the uniqueness of SCC, and 7) expansion of the Entertainment Series from 11 to 15 shows. Reflecting on the year from a civic point of view, we can surely call 2010 one of the most eventful years most of us can remember. Property and golf course issues kept us in suspense until Minto Communities made a splashy entrance in June by buying all remaining development properties from WCI. Then, in September, ClubLink Enterprises purchased all the SCC and Kings Point golf courses,owned by WCI, including the closed North Lakes course, which caused a lot of folks to breathe a little easier. Among other community “happenings” that got our attention are the following: The golf cart path to Walmart opened which was a big deal for those who wanted a safe and legal means to take their carts across US 301. Several homeowners were impacted by drywall contamination. T h e C o nt a m i n at e d D r y w a l l Coordinating Group, a local group of residents, championed their cause. Our larger lakes experienced

unprecedented “fish kills” when temperatures dropped last winter. Middle Lake was hit the hardest, with residents collecting over 15 tons of dead fish. Sammy Rides sponsored the first-ever Senior Games in SCC and the American Cancer Society held the First Annual Relay for Life in SCC. We got a new Community Resource Deputy, Chris Girard, who replaced Rob Thornton. Club Renaissance offered households outside the Renaissance area the opportunity to buy a social membership. Hillsborough County adopted the SCC Community Plan. The county also started repair of storm drain inlets and a new sewage pipeline along SR 674. A British film company came to town to create a documentary on the fitness of SCC seniors compared to four young visiting Brits. The film has resulted in numerous inquiries about SCC. What will 2011 bring? The only thing we know for certain is that we’re truly blessed to live here, so let’s make the most of every one of the 8,760 hours in the New Year!

in Manatee County ...

to offer da Vinci® Surgical System robotic surgery Manatee Memorial Hospital was the first in Manatee County to offer minimally invasive robotic-assisted surgery using the da Vinci® Surgical System robot. Because there is no long incision, robotic-assisted surgery minimizes the risk of infection and speeds recovery with less pain and less scarring.

Carla Chapman, MD Hysterectomies

Eric Coronato, DO Prostatectomies

Gerard Curtis, MD Prostatectomies

Surgeons at Manatee Memorial use the da Vinci robot to perform a variety of minimally invasive procedures, including gallbladder surgery, prostate surgery, hysterectomy and oncological surgery. The da Vinci Surgical System is used by these surgeons at Manatee Memorial Hospital:

Jose Erbella, MD A. Jothivijayarani, MD Eric Mudafort, MD Low Anterior Colon Hysterectomies Hysterectomies Resections and Laparoscopic Cholecystectomies

Stacey South, MD Hysterectomies/ Oncologic Procedures

For more information about the da Vinci Surgical System, call (941) 745-7204.

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206 Second Street East, Bradenton, FL 34208 Physicians are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Manatee Memorial Hospital. The hospital shall not be liable for actions or treatments provided by physicians. Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc.


The News of Sun City Center

North ... South ... East ... West ...

January 2011

Expanding Our Horizons

Manatee Viewing Center 25th Anniversary warming, red tide and severely cold weather. You can visit the MVC any time from November 1 through April 15 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. To get there, go west on SR 674 (Sun City Center Blvd. / College Ave.) towards Ruskin, turn right (north) on US 41, turn left (west) on Big Bend Road (CR 672), which turns into Dickman Road at the curve in the road, and the MVC is on the right. No pets or smoking are allowed. Parking and viewing are free; donations are encouraged for the educational exhibits and publications. The on-site MVC parking area is limited, and free shuttle buses will be utilized during the anniversary event for off-site parking. For more information visit Manatees, or sea cows as they biggest threat is boat strikes. Other or are sometimes called, evolved around dangers include habitat loss, global call 813-228-4289. 60 million years ago, and 45-million year-old fossils have been found in Florida. Adults are 10 to 12 feet long, weigh 1,500 to 1,800 pounds, and live 50 to 60 years in the wild. Manatees are an endangered and protected species, and it is illegal to harass, hunt, capture or kill any marine mammal. There are an estimated 3,000 manatees in Florida. Their BRIAN J. SKERRY, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC PHOTO

By Judy Stimson On January 15 and 16, the Manatee Viewing Center (MVC) in Apollo Beach is celebrating its 25th Anniversary. Tampa Electric Company is sponsoring the event. Its Big Bend Power Station is where the manatees hang out in the warm discharge water that is a lot more comfortable than the 68-degree or colder water outside the large canal area. With a cold-weather snap, manatee sightings are almost guaranteed. The two-day anniversar y event will include Molly Manatee (the MVC mascot), Radio Disney, exhibitors and food. In addition to the celebration features, the MVC includes an Environmental Education Building, boardwalks, a mangrove exhibit, butterfly gardens, a gift shop and Tampa Electric’s largest installation of solar panels. The MVC is accessible to people with disabilities. Volunteers are almost always on hand on the upper boardwalk to answer questions about manatees. The upper boardwalk ends at a platform with a fresh-water drip to the water below that the manatees absolutely love!

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January 2011

The News of Sun City Center


Donations to the Community Association Received During 2010 Thank you All! Ed Barnes, President

-AAipel, Stephen & Elizabeth Alderman, Al & Martha Allen, Gordon Altieri, Vincent Andersen, Bruce & Joan Armstrong, John & Elaine -BBaker, Nora Balkany, Marilyn Barringer, Kenneth & Joan Beaver, Flo Ann Beckman, Carolyn Bellas, James & Catherine Benford, Robert & Lee Bieling, Robert Bildt, Charles & June Bizzano, Robert & Katherine Black, Robert Bohachek, Theodore & Ann Bolder, Jane Borchert, Sheila Bowker, John & Linda Brock, Peter & Rose Brown, Richard Bruning, Christian & Josephine Bukowski, John & Barbara Bullock, Annette Burford, Bonnie Burns, Leonard Burt, Adrian & Jean Byers, Mary -CCallan, Frances Camelio, Paul & Joan Cantrell, Edward Clapp, Richard & Paula Clark, Marilyn Cobe, Robert & Cyrille Cohen, Joel & Tina Coleman, Gertrude Coleman, Robert & Geraldine Connine, Robert & Lillian Conway, David & Portia Cori, Robert & Joan Council, Theo Cox, Leslie & Jean Cronn, James & Alice

-DDaane, Gail DaCosta, Wanir Dando, Willilam & Mary Davis, Paul & Elaine DeAngelis, Peter & Beverly Deeb, Michael Dempsey, Hildegard DeParis, Michael & Leslie DeWilde, John & Nancy Dieden, Robert & Cornelia Dittman, Sally Donnelly, Bernard & Rosemarie Dooling, Elaine Dorre, Kathryn Dowdy, Edward & Mae-Ellen Dravis, William & Rosemarie -EEllis, Rex Grant Erickson, Arthur -FFaircloth, Spencer Farrell, Evelyn Fedyschyn, Marianne Feil, Charles & Helen Feldman, Sherry Finley, Martha Fisher, Bonnie Fitzgerald, Marian Fitzpatrick, John & Mary Florance, Virginia Folley, William & Eleanor Frercks, Elizabeth Fry, Theresa Friedenreich, Harry & Carole -GGagliardi, Dominick & Dolores Gallagher, Helen Good, Jr., George Griffin, Patricia Grover, Marian Gruber, Priscilla Gunsten, Howard & Doris -HHadley, Dianne Hagge, John & Judith Hall, George & Harriet Hamlin, Charlotte

Hamm, Alfred & Dolores Hammaker, Ron Hill, Robert & Mabel Holmes, Dory Hoover, Glen & Charlene Hoover, Harvey & Ruth Hotzfeld, William & Jacqueline -IIngo, Dominic -JJahns, Donald & Tomiye Johnson, Shirley -KKann, Vivian Karbowski, John & Patricia Kaukonen, Dolores Kay, Thomas Keller, John & Rebecca Kepley, Frank & Sandra Killian, James & Jane Klinger, Robert & Teresa Koehler, Norman & Anne Kowalski, Stanley & Alba -LLander, Jeananna Landis, Betty LaTorre, Sandra Lee, Mary Lee, Robert & Phyllis Lehan, Thomas & Janet Lemieux, Doris Leone, Louis & Barbara Levine, Arthur & Bernice Lewit, Angela Lincicome, Robert & Jane Littrell, Paul & Kristine Loffredi, Raymond Lombardi, Paul & Margaret Long, Joseph LoRusso, Vincent & Frances Lowell, John Ludwig, Gerald -MMacholl, John & Joan Marro, Mary Martin, John & Eula Mazzoni, Jane McCollough, Lillian

SPECIAL RECOGNITION TO THE FOLLOWING CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS WHO CONTRIBUTED $1,000 & OVER TO THE BENEFIT OF THE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION IN 2010 (thru 12/15/10) NAME AMOUNT APPLIED TO Aquasizers Club $1,378 Pool maintenance and noodle holder Art Club $1,535 Art Gallery panels Interfaith Social Action Council $4,000 SCC Library Lawn Bowling Club $20,942 1/2 of maintenance costs for lawn bowling greens & purchase of irrigation pump Men’s Club $23,880 Motion Sensor project, coffee urn for Florida Room, flat screen TV for Community Information Center, SCC Library and Tower for Radio Club Monday Movies $3,000 Licensing Fees Oldies but Goodies Dance Club $2,000 Hardship Fund Pickleball Club $5,531 Lights at Pickleball Courts and sports mural Recreational Vehicle Club $5,151 Hardship Fund, shed, riding lawn mower & fence repairs Sawdust Engineers $2,929 Electrical project in Sawdust Engineers’ room Shellcrafters Club $1,000 Hardship Fund and SCC Library Stained Glass Club $1,500 Hardship Fund Swim Dancers Club $1,594 Audio Equipment for Lap Pool Tennis Association $10,000 Their share of maintaining the tennis courts in 2010 Woman’s Club $1,100 SCC Library

McDougal, William McLeish, William & Sarah McLeod, Ronald Merrill, Lew & Mary Miller, Margaret Misner, Jack & Isabel Mitchell, James Montagna, Joseph & Regina Morrison, Rita Moyers, James & Coralia Muise, Susan -NNarten, Susan Newman, William & Nancy Niemczyk, Henry & Anna Novosel, Donald & Elaine -OO’Connell, Joseph & Anita Odell, William & Ella -PPachler, William & Deanna Pappmeier, William Payne, Charles & Gail Perry, Gene Phelan, Lawrence & Ruth Ann Phelps, John Phillips, Richard & Britta Plummer, Charles Pomrenke, Louis & Audrey Ponder, Jack & Ursula Pruitt, Edouardina -RRansbury, David & Karen Reynolds, Ruth Rich, Robert & Elaine Roberts, Ted & Joyce Robinson, Wayne & Mary Rogers, Carol Jean Roop, Ronald & Ola Ruth, Jane -SScarlett, Perry Schaefer, John & Patricia Schone, Henry & Dorothy Schueren, Vincent & Ethel Schunk, Herrald & Peggy Shackelford, Ron and Bev Shangraw, Robert & Janice

Shinsky, Joan Shirley, William & Karin Shoemaker, Jeffrey & Shirley Simmons, Robert & Kathleen Slaughter, Billie & Carol Smarr, Geraldine Smith, Sharon Spencer, Wendell & Elizabeth Spitzner, Robert & Elaine Stanfield, John & Frances Strieper, Gerard & Sarah Syvertsen, Diane -TTerjung, Dale & Gayle Thomas, Maryellen Torre, Anthony & Sandra Treadwell, Anthony & Pamela Trono, Norinne Tryon, William & Natalie Tuthill, Dallas & Norma -VVanGelder, Warren & Carroll Vesche, Nick & Dolores Voorhees, William & Mary -WWalker, Peter & Barbara Watson, Timothy Webb, Raymond Webster, Terry & Rose Marie Wehrle, Louis & Carol Weisner, Robert & Alice Weitzman, Charles & Adele Wepfer, Russell & Sally Werle, Gerard & Barbara Wheat, Paul & Jean White, Malcolm & June Williams, Alice Williamson, Thomas Winklmann, John Wintersteen, Denis & Sue Wiser, Yvonne Wyrick, Donald & Barbara Wyrick, Nancy -YYentes, Gerald & Lee Young, Richard & Cecile -In memory of: Frank Arghittu Douglas Gruber

COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF GREATER SUN CITY CENTER We are also grateful to the Community Foundation for their grants in 2010 benefiting the: Sun City Center Library $20,316 from the Durward & Janet Seville Fund Sun City Center Ceramic Club $2,400 for Instructional Seminars from the “Give a Little Back Spirit Fund”

Policies from Page 3.

c. All furniture and/ or other equipment bought or donated is the property of the CA and must be disposed of according to CA policy. e. A statement of the club’s dues and fee policy.

VI. FACILITIES 11. Animals 1. Exceptions b. Approved dog shows sponsored by the Dog Owners Group Clubs that sponsor a pet show and will prov ide insurance coverage obtained for such event, if needed. Requests are reviewed by the CLD and the CA Board President. Community Manager approval required. 2. Requirements All ser vice animals, or sponsored animal or p e t s h o w s u s i ng CA facilities must be i n c omp l i an c e w it h Hillsborough County Animal Ordinance 0026, as amended.

The News of Sun City Center

Mark Your Calendar for FunFest 2011!

(Sitting L to R) Judy Schings, John Bowker, John Lea, Sue Lea. (Standing L to R) Jane Keegan, Richard Schaffer, Uta Kuhn, Kelly Emerson, Lyn Reitz, Linda Cannarella, Sam Smith, Fred Kroog. Jane Keegan, chair for FunFest 2011, says planning is well underway for FunFest 2011 events. The date has been chosen, Saturday, March 19, with hours from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The theme has been selected:

John and Linda Bowker will be directing the Information table and will arrange for Greeters to be available. John and Sue Lea will chair the Food Vendors.

January 2011

50th Anniversary 50-50 Winners Announced



50th Anniversary chair Ann Marie Leblanc, 3rd place Winner Tom Crosswell and Joe Elam.

It was a special day for the 3rd place winner of the Sun City Center 50th Anniversary cash drawing. Tom Crosswell accepted his check for $500 from the 50th Anniversary Chair Ann Marie Leblanc and JoeElam, chair Richard Schaefer and Sam of the 50th Anniversary ticket and Smith are chairing the Health Fair, memorabilia. Uta Kuhn and Fred Kroog are “I  SCC” The Anniversary cash drawing working with the Sponsors, Kelly winners were $1,250 - Dr Ken Emerson and Lyn Reitz are in charge Barringer, $750 – Bob Spitzner and Mike Albanese will be in of Operations, and Linda Cannarella $500 – Tom Crosswell. The next breakfast will be July 4, 2011. charge of Security and Parking with will be in charge of Assignments. The drawing was held at the additional golf cart parking being This year’s entertainment will Holiday Walk Pancake Breakfast. available again this year. Judy Schings, be bigger and better than ever— For fur ther information, Barbara Gingrich and Janet McRee watch for coming announcements. contact 50th Anniversary Chair Ann will take charge of Entertainment. Marie Leblanc at 813-633-3500.

R ediscover why Mark Twain is America’s most provocative commentator and popular stand-up comic.

January 2011

The News of Sun City Center


COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION VOLUNTEERS IN 2010 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Edmund Barnes, President Bob Black, Vice President Al Alderman, Corp. Secretary Neil Rothfeld, Treasurer Chuck Collett Anne Cross (thru 10/13/10) David Floyd Martin Hurwitz Ann Marie Leblanc Woody Nelson (thru 2/22/10) Donald Schings BUDGET COMMITTEE Jerry Mahoney, Chair Nate Bell Bob Kobe CONSUMER AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Dale Potter, Chair Andy Bosko Bill Hackbarth Dave O’Donnell Ted Verzino ELECTIONS COMMITTEE Tommy Wardlow, Chair Barbara Gingrich, Vice Chair Rachel Bancroft Barbara Biddle Dave & Nancy Birkett Jim & Kathy Bittman Sheila Borchert Gail Bouverat Marie Brown Paul & Eileen Courter Michael Cullen Thomas & Fran Fallon Jane Fischer Eleanor Foley Richard Gingrich Priscilla Gruber Uta Kuhn Dawn Luckett Pat McNeil Mary Moquin Ray & Donna O’Karma Marian Olbina Carol Oschman Barbara Pfeil Maggie Pliska Jean Rideout Frank Sanyour Karen Stanhope Susan Swift Mary Jane Tovey Barbara Walker Jerry & Barbara Werle Jean Wheat Frank Zahrobsky GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Bob Shangraw, Co-chair Don Nathan, Co-chair Marilyn Balkany Jim Brandt Anne Cross INTERNAL AUDIT COMMITTEE Tom Culliton, Chair Mary Culliton THE PROJECTS OFFICE (TPO) Martin Hurwitz, Chair Doug Atkins Aida Barber Charles Caldwell Bob Deutel Dick Edwards Don Van Gelder COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Bob Black, Chair

PUBLIC RELATIONS TASK FORCE Paul Courter, Chair Bob Black John Bowker Lew Resseguie Nellie Brock Tom Schmitt Judy Stimson HISTORY SOCIETY John Bowker, Chair Judy Bullock Phil Lange Doris Palmer HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE John Bowker, Chair COMMUNITY INFORMATION CENTER Theresa Phillips, Coordinator Elaine Armstrong Bruce and Naomi Arnold Dick and Dee Babbits Dave and Jan Bartku John and Linda Bowker Mike Brock Judy Bullock Roz Cruthis Mae Ellen Dowdy Margie Driscoll Bob and Germaine Dufresne Joe Elam Earl and Lorraine Engquist Carmen Font Nancy Gehring Marian Grover Phyllis Hodges Vivian Kann Jane Keegan Joyce Kline Uta Kuhn Ann Marie Leblanc George Lott Cam McGary Anne McGervey Andy Nove Donna O’Karma Doris Palmer Wilma Payne Ginny Rottman Sally Schierkolk Bud and Sue Swift Howard and Dorothy Volgenau Elaine Wardlow Barbara Wurth HI, NEIGHBOR! John Bowker, Chair Linda Bowker Judy Bullock Edith Cacciola Jo Ann Hobbs Jane Keegan Ann Marie Leblanc Glenna McFarland Deanna, Montes de Oca Theresa Phillips WELCOME NEWCOMERS Dave and Jan Bartku BINGO COMMITTEE Jan Love, Chair Linda East Swede Nolder Linda Lewis Patricia Bauman Marilyn Bohl Janet Chick John Cortese Liz DiRocco Elaine Dixon Janet Doherty Linda East Dorothy Erickson Dorothy Eveleigh Bill George

Vi Gillen Pat Hayes Richard Keister Rosemary Kobylak John Kostenjak Adeline McNeil Felicia Nixon Swede Nolder Barbara O’Donnell Betty Pompei Naomi Powers Larry Ratliff Gale Rust Fred Slatcher Peg Stockett Susan Swift Sally Welch


In appreciation of your hard work, dedication and support given to the CA throughout the year, the Board of Directors cordially invites you to attend a picnic lunch in your honor on:

ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE Judy Schings, Chair Janet McRee, Assistant Chair Martha Alderman Nan Baytos Linda Clapp Rose Ciaravalo Dorinda Degnan Margie Driscoll Bonnie Fisher Dick & Barbara Gingrich Larry & Barb Henbest Kristine Hofmann Mary Klopp Sandy Kepley Margaret Kuss Uta Kuhn Maryanne Laviano Eileen & Marvin Lent Paula Lickfeldt Lorraine McDaniel John McRee Pat Nadeau Maggie Pliska Char Treadway Bonnie Vaught Dolores Whitfield Jay & Peggy Wolfe 50TH ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE Ann Marie Leblanc, Chair Jane Keegan, Secretary John Smithyman, Treasurer John Bowker, Historian Elaine Armstrong Gordy Bassett Linda Bowker Mike Brock Judy Bullock Paul Courter Ed & Mae Ellen Dowdy Joe Elam Carl & Cam McGary Theresa Phillips Lou Resseguie Roxann Seeley Judy Schings Anne Skinner Merlene Smithyman Howard Vogineau MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Karen Ryan, Chair Judy Stimson MONDAY MOVIES John McRee, Chair Chris Golik Dorothy Hull Janet McRee FITNESS CENTER COMMITTEE Jim Blackstone, Chair Bruce Anderson Mara & Stephen Attles Karen Johnson Becky Leichtman Doug Seipelt Bart Main, Special Advisor


RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS COMMITTEE Paul Wheat, Chair Chester Ferguson, Notary Dolores Whitfield, Notary EASE VOLUNTEER Dolores Miller LIBRARY Jean Beardsley Jill Bell Jane Bolder Sheila Borchert Sally Dittman Helen Faden Rita Foley Lo Gibson Linda Hansen Barbara Henbest Judy Herreweyers Betty Jones Rosalie Kelleher Rebecca Keller Sharon Kennedy Teresa Klinger Elinor Lennox Angela Lewit McBride, Susan McLeish, Sally Ann Miller Bill Pappmeire Myrna Persinger Clara Rafinski Solange Rangle Paula Shilkett Grace Spence Peg Staple Betty Stavenger Sandra Sternfels Pat Stillson Norma Tuthill Marilyn Valentine Linda Vancura James Windle Lanna Wheatley Jennette White Marie Wood Mary Kay Young NEWS OF SUN CITY CENTER Karen Jones, Editor-in-Chief John & Linda Bowker Phyllis Hodges Uta Kuhn George Lott Marie Wood Judy Stimson Harriet Susskind NORTH LAKES CONVERSION TASK FORCE Martin Hurwitz, Chair Gopal & Shobhana Dandekar Dick Edwards Arthur Erickson Philip LaFleur William Stevens Brian Stewart GOLF TASK FORCE Chuck Collett, Chair David Floyd Martin Hurwitz Jane Keegan Sam Sudman KEY CARD TASK FORCE Dick Edwards, Chair Bruce Arnold

Janet McRee Richard Ricca Dolores Whitfield VOTER ENHANCEMENT TASK FORCE Tommy Wardlow, Chair John Bowker Barbara Gingrich FUN FEST Jane Keegan, Chair Mike Albanese John & Linda Bowker Tom & Ginny Connolly Ed & Barbara Culpepper Anita Garrison Barbara Gingrich Bill & Phyllis Hodges Gary Keegan Fred Kroog Uta Kuhn John & Sue Lee Jerry Mahoney Janet McRee Jim & Cheryl Sari Judy Schings HOLIDAY WALK Ann Marie Leblanc, Chair Martha Alderman Rachel Bancroft Dave & Jan Bartku Bunny Blackstone Mary Boyes Barbara Brulport Ed Dowdy Loraine Engquist Dick & Eleanor Follin Norma Farrell Jim & Janie Fisher Marian Grover Frank & Peggy Hein Helen Kasinder Joe & Marcy Kuhn Uta Kuhn Pay Layton Chuck McGervy Loren & Nancy Mercer Anna Minor Theresa Phillips Helen Phillips Clara Rafinski Karen Jean & Vince Renzi Dee Raimondo Judy Schings Janet Selavka Joan Shinsky Ted & Melba Verzino Tommy & Elaine Wardlow Cliff Wideadham GOLF CART PARADE Anne Cross, Chair Lannie Cardwell Paul Courter Don Renwick Judy Schings GOLF CARTS TO WALMART Walt Cawein - Co-chair Paul Courter - Co-chair Anne Cross Martin Hurwitz Don Renwick Karen Ryan SUN CITY CENTER WEBSITE Tom Schmitt, Web Master


The News of Sun City Center


January 2011

No Matter Where You Live,

Comfort Keepers® provides the kind of trusted, in-home care that helps people maintain full and independent lives, right in the comfort of their own home. Our Comfort Keepers® are special people. They are carefully screened and trained to provide compassionate care and companionship. To find out how Comfort Keepers can provide the kind of care to make a real difference in your home or your loved one’s, give us a call. We would be happy to S e rv i C e S arrange a free in-home visit. • Companionship

Photo by John Smucker

• Light Housekeeping 813-649-8191 • Incidental Transportation 918 Pebble Beach Blvd. N. • Laundry Sun City Center, FL 33573 • Grooming & Dressing Guidance • Medication Reminders • Meal Preparation • Grocery Shopping • Personal Care Each office independently owned and operated. © 2010 CK Franchising, Inc. HCS#228899 HHA#299992773

Phil Lange died on December 13, 2010, at the age of 96. After earning his Ph.D. at the age of 23, he began an extensive career in foreign and domestic educational programs and service in the military as a training officer in the U.S. Navy. He chaired Education and Psychology Departments at Arizona State College and SUNY Fredonia before accepting a professorship at Columbia University Teachers College for 29 years. In retirement, Phil contributed to the lifestyle of Sun City Center for more than 30 years after moving here with his wife Irene in the late 1970s. He served on the Board of the Sun City Center Civic Association before it was re-organized as the Community Association in 1986. In 1988, Phil introduced and hosted an educational and awareness program called “Issues and Ideas” with over 900 programs from 1988 to 2007. In 2001, to honor his many contributions to the community, the date of February 26 was named “Phil Lange Day” by the Sun City Center Community Association. He is survived by his daughter Dee Kelly and her husband Robert who live on Vincennes Drive, and two grandsons. A Memorial Service is planned for a later date.

Protection for your favorite mode of transportation. Talk to me about Golf Cart Insurance. Did you know that you can get a policy for about $5 a month? Call me and I can help you select the right coverage to fit your needs and your driving preference. Debbie Bates CIC, LUTCF, CLTC (813) 633-0006 837 Cypress Village Blvd. Sun City Center

Average monthly premium based on Florida customer data for policies written in 2008. Actual premium will vary based on amount of insurance purchased and other factors. Insurance subject to terms, conditions and availability. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company.

Start 2011 Off Safely Deputy Chris Girard, HCSO

Hey folks. As a new year dawns I wanted to take a moment to remind you of some rules that will go a long way toward helping you stay safe in the coming year. In recent weeks there have been some reports of drifters moving through our community. Several of these people have been causing our residents some trouble. One of the most recent reports tied to these drifters is the “emergency scam.” Here’s how that works: A stranger,

sometimes two, will come to the door and ask for your help. They will often appear panicked or desperate. They will claim an emergency of some kind and ask the resident to come help or ask to use the phone. While they are distracting the resident an accomplice will slip into the house and rob the resident. They take jewelry, electronic goods and anything they believe to be valuable. This scam is especially effective if they can convince the resident to follow them out of the house, but it also works if they can keep the resident in one room while the accomplice sneaks into the house. A similar scam does not require the perpetrator to enter your home at all. Perhaps you or a neighbor has been approached by an alarm company going door to door asking residents to place a company sign in their yard to receive a free alarm installation. The first question these people ask is nearly always: “Do you have an alarm system in your home?” When they ask you that question, ask yourself this: “Do I know who that person is who just asked me if my home was secure?” Just because they are

wearing company identification, that • Never allow a stranger to use doesn’t make them trustworthy. your cell phone for any reason. That gives them access to your Another example of this occurring phone number and the numbers in our community has been several of everyone in your phone book. instances of door-to-door salesmen • In case of an emergency, get asking residents for their social the individual’s name and offer security numbers or other personal to dial 911 for them, but do information. Again, ask yourself: not give them your phone, “Do I know the person who just even outside the house, for any took down my most personal reason. information?” • If you are approached but the person refuses to allow To avoid this and other dangers you to call 911 for them or posed by drifting scam operators, leaves abruptly, call the HCSO follow these simple rules: immediately and report the situation. • Never open your door to a stranger. These may seem like simple rules, • Never allow a stranger into your but in the stress of the moment, these home for any reason. scammers are very accomplished at • Ne v e r g i v e a “c o l d c a l l” appealing to your emotions to get salesperson – on the phone or you to go along. at your door – any personal or contact information. Happy New Year and have a fun and • Never tell anyone, for any reason, fulfilling 2011. whether or not you have an active alarm on your home. Be safe out there. • If you receive an unexpected package delivery ask the delivery Deputy Chris person to leave it on the porch or front stoop.

January 2011

The News of Sun City Center


Photos taken by Judy Stimson during Minto’s Grand Opening at Siena

Update as of 12/15/2010 •

Minto Grand Opened our Siena and Oakley Green models to over 650 people during the weekend of December 11. Thank you to all Sun City Center residents who made the event such a huge success.

The intersection of Pebble Beach and SR 674 has been re-landscaped.

Additional landscape improvements along South Pebble Beach and Kings Blvd are complete.

Landscape improvements to the Kings Blvd-SR 674 intersection are planned for early 2011.

Minto is in the process of establishing open model viewing hours and will post the hours at the models and Welcome Center. During non-open viewing times, the models will be locked and residents and customers are asked to schedule an appointment through the Welcome Center.

Residents are reminded that homes under construction are designated construction sites and private property. Residents are not allowed access to these units without specific Minto supervision and approval. This is done for resident as well as worker safety. Thank you.

Minto wishes all Sun City Center residents a safe and happy holiday and prosperous New Year.



The News of Sun City Center

Club Happenings 1

January 2011



Dr. Victor Peppard, Professor of Russian and chair of World Languages at USF, will be the featured speaker at the January 8 meeting. His topic will be “World Languages Today.” He will discuss the trends and their place in US education. Dr. Peppard has published many works on the Russian language. He has a passionate interest in the correlation of language and culture. AAUW meets monthly on the second Saturday of the month at 11:15 a.m. in the Florida Room. Guests and prospective members are always welcome. Please call Maryellen Thomas at 634-5659 for lunch reservations.

Rev your engines and join the British Connection for a night at the car races on Wednesday, January 19 from 6 to 9 p.m. in the Florida Room. Doors open at 5:45 p.m. All residents of Sun City Center and Kings Point are welcome. BYOB and a main course dish to share for six. Salad, tea, coffee, dessert and setups will be provided. After dinner, tables will sponsor a simulated Formula One car in a racing event as at Brands Hatch, England. Cost for the event will be $5 per person for members and $7 per person for non-members. Contact Helen Roberts at 6336008 for reservations NO LATER THAN Friday, January 14, 2011. Mail your checks payable to The British Connection to Helen Roberts, 206 Stonehouse Court, Sun City Center, FL 33573.

ART CLUB Art Club Trip to New Dali Museum

The Art Club is sponsoring a trip to the new Dali Museum on Monday, January 24, 2011. The bus to the museum will leave from the SCC Library at 9 a.m. to arrive at the museum for a 10 a.m. tour. Tour participants will be on their own for lunch at the Columbia restaurant on the St. Petersburg Pier. Return to SCC is scheduled for 3 p.m. Membership in the Art Club is not required for this trip; all are welcome. Reservations must be made with checks received by January 15. Mail checks for $30 per person, payable to Art Club in Sun City, to Marsha Lucidi, 2328 Platinum Drive, Sun City Center, 33573. For additional trip information, call Marsha at 813-938-5100.


The Sun City Chapter of the American Association of University Women is very pleased to announce the recipients of the 2011 Women of Distinction Award. The three outstanding women are professional leaders and community achievers. The honorees are Jane Castor, Chief of Police, Tampa Police Department; Karen Mincey, VP Information Technology and CIO, TECO; and Barbara Mainster, Executive Director of Redlands Christain Migrant Association (RCMA). The presentation will occur at a luncheon on Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2011, at Community Hall at 11:30 a.m. Tickets are available for $20. Contact Sandy Zeligman at 634-5959 for information and tickets. This event supports the scholarship fund for mature women.

The Hope Fund Receives a Grant from the Community Foundation of Greater Sun City Center

The Board of the Hope Fund for Children is pleased to announce that a grant of $4,000 has been received from the Community Foundation of Greater Sun City Center to aid in financing the Daily Snack Program for the children who attend the afterschool programs at Bethune Park in Wimauma. When the children arrive at the Park at the end of their regular school day, they are treated to healthy snacks such as fruit or crackers and drinks. The Hope Fund, an all- volunteer, nonprofit organization, applauds the C ommunity Foundation’s commitment to bettering the lives of the citizens of South Hillsborough County. Volunteers usually spend an hour a week with the children. All the children speak English. To volunteer or donate (All donations are tax deductible.) or to find out more about the Hope Fund, call Carla Miles at 634-4268 or check out the Fund’s website at -Robi Jackson, Hope Fund Publicity Chairwoman

Kevin Johnson prepares snacks for the other children at Bethune Park.

(Left to right): Rich and Marsha Lucidi, Angela and Richard Wallace and Jan and Gordon Bassett. Photo by Patty Carroll. Members of the GFWC Sun City Center Woman’s Club’s Monte Carlo Night committee practice their dancing skills for the February 19, 2011, event at Community Hall. The gala includes appetizers, dancing, entertainment, Monte Carlo activities and auction. Proceeds will benefit Sun City Center charitable projects. Suggested donation is $25 and tickets will be available January 3, 2011, in the Atrium. For information contact Jan Bassett at 6420691.

Panama Canal Topic for International Forum The International Forum of Sun City Center announces a panel discussion on the Panama Canal on Friday, January 14. The program will focus on the change of Canal ownership and operations pursuant to the Panama Canal Treaty of l977, the current program to build a third set of locks to accommodate larger vessels, and the impact of the expansion program on the port of Tampa and other Atlantic and Gulf ports. All Forum programs are from 9:30 to noon in the Florida Room of the Atrium on SCC’s Central Campus. The typical program begins with initial remarks by each of four or five panelists. After a short break, panelists respond to questions and comments from the audience on the day’s topic. Forum programs are open to all residents of Sun City Center. Each of the four Januar y panelists was a senior officer of the Panama Canal Commission for more than 20 years. Robert

H. Rupp spent 24 years with the Commission, retiring in 1999 as the Executive Director of the Panama Area Personnel Board. Robert T. Russell, Jr. was born and schooled in the Canal Zone and spent 26 years of military and civilian service in Panama, including eight years as Special Assistant to the Executive Director of the Panama Area Personnel Board. Tony Espino spent 22 years in management positions with the Commission, the last as Accounting Manager. He later held financial management positions with a World Bank agency in Columbia and the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna. Richard Wainio, who was with the Commission for 23 years, was a primary advisor to the Commission’s Board of Directors and is now Chief Executive Officer of the Tampa Port Authority. Tony Espino was coordinator for this program. Moderator for the panel will be Forum vice president Dean Mahin.

“Welcome the New Year” Square Dance The Sun City Center Swingers Square Dance Club is looking for ward to spring and all the great square dancing it brings. To celebrate the New Year, the club will hold a “Welcome the New Year” Mainstream/Plus Square Dance on Friday, January 21. To appease those with a sweet tooth, members will supply delicious homemade cookies and the club will provide beverages. These Special Dances, along with the club’s regular Friday night Mainstream/Plus Dances are held in Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Pre-Rounds 7 - 7:30 p.m.; Mainstream/Plus Dance 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Gary Brown calls on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Friday of the month; Art Springer calls on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. Pat Hagen cues.

A Square Dance class for beginners and a Plus workshop are held every Tuesday night in Room 3 of Community Hall, 7 - 9 p.m. Van Coble is the instructor. Club members donated Christmas gifts to the guests of the Mary and Martha House of Ruskin. The Mary and Martha House provides safe shelter to abused women and their children. The gifts were very much appreciated. NOTICE: No dance will be held Friday, January 7 or Friday, January 14, 2011. The club invites all square dancers to join them for this Special Dance and every Friday for great dancing, fellowship and refreshments. For further information, call Sue at 633-8780 or Gail at 633-1297.

January 2011

Club Happenings 2

The News of Sun City Center



Ohio Club Black Tie Evening With a Twist

Deadline for reservations for The Ohio Club Annual Dinner Event is January 8. It promises to be a fun evening since it is “A Black Tie Affair*” but not a traditional black tie affair. The asterisk says “You must wear a black tie somehow/some way???” and there will be prizes for the most traditional and most creative wearing of a black tie. The affair takes place Saturday, January 15, at the Community Hall on Pebble Beach South. Doors open at 5 p.m., with a deluxe dinner buffet (chicken picatta, salmon—BYOB) and grand dessert bar served at 6 p.m. and show at 7 p.m. Music by Renaissance for listening and dancing pleasure will be from ‘50s, ‘60s and ‘70s. Party planners invite all members and guests to a fun-filled evening where “you’ll clap your hands…tap your feet and remember the good ole times.” Since this is the annual meeting, the evening includes general elections and installation of new officers. Cost per person is $25 with assigned tables seating eight to ten. Mail or take your check to Marianne Turman, 1954 Wolf Laurel Drive (634-7770). Deadline is January 8 so hurry!

SCC Dance Club

SCC Dance Club welcomes you to its dance on Wednesday, January 19, at Community Hall, 7:30-9:30 p.m. Music by: “DJ” Darlene with a variety of music. Attire: Dressy Casual. Guests $5 per person. Singles always welcome. BYOB and Snacks For more info call: 633-7173

“Decorate Your World” is the title of the new art exhibit at the SCC Gallery. Opening reception for the show will be on Wednesday, January 5, 2011, from 2 to 4 p.m. All are invited to attend. The Gallery is located adjacent to the Art Room. The new show will feature those type of artworks that best challenge artistic creativity, providing the opportunity to exhibit works that make use of subtle nuances of color and design to produce pieces that are sometimes whimsical, sometimes startling but always a refreshing addition to any art collection or display, pieces that “Decorate Your World.” This exhibition will be in the Gallery until February 25. Those who cannot attend the opening reception can see the show any Tuesday or Thursday when the Gallery is open from 10 a.m. to 1p.m. For more information about the new exhibition or about The Gallery, contact Gallery director, Eunice Agnello at 634-6003. For more news of Art Club and Gallery events, visit

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Art Swallow was one of the club members providing organ music during the Holiday Walk on December 4. The Organ/KeyBoard Club members provided all the Christmas music for the Holiday Walk on Dec 4, 2010. The Breakfast was a huge success, and we were glad to be a part of it, donating our club’s talents with holiday carols and songs. Come join us every Thursday at 9 a.m. in the Florida Room for a group lesson. Beginners through advanced, music included. No instrutment is needed for class, only a pencil to take notes. $3 per person at the door. More information, call Barb Carlini at 633 2022.

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The News of Sun City Center

Club Happenings 3

January 2011

FunSquad Calendar January 28, 2011, 4th Friday Party

5 p.m. at the Atrium Pool-Central Campus cost $3. Hot Dogs, chips and cookies. Suzy will be there for your dancing and listening pleasure ... Sit with your favorite people or get to meet new friends by the warmth of the firepit.

Judy Stimson Photo

Woman’s Club Holiday Luncheon Combines Fun & Service

Come Dance With Us The GFWC Sun City Center Woman’s Club combined fun and friendship with service at its holiday luncheon in December at the Renaissance Club. A festive gourmet lunch, complete with pomegranate champagne, was ser ved to 86 members and 23 guests. Adding to the excitement were members’ donations of 28 gifts used as door prizes and purchases of opportunity tickets from Linda Smith, with winners of the drawing receiving cash. A “celebrity” guest, Brenda Lee, as portrayed by Mary Culliton, provided an element of surprise and enjoyment with her performance of two songs. All joined in singing holiday carols,

with Claire Hadley providing piano accompaniment and led by Janet Cardulla, president, Barbara Brtva, Jeanne Nenarella, Nan Russell, and Connie Williams. The December charity involved sponsoring the “Angels for Hope” project, part of the Hope Fund initiative to provide clothing and needed items for Wimauma school children who receive scholarships to programs at Bethune Park. Carla Miles, Education Chair and founder of the Hope Fund Foundation, reported that 37 “Angels” brought 45 appropriate gifts for children identified by name and age, and $80 in cash was donated for the project.

Academy of Ballroom Dance Club January dance:

Saturday, January 8,2011 at Community Hall, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Members free, guests $6 that includes a free West Coast Swing lesson at 6:15 p.m. prior to the dance. Coffee and cookies and door prizes at intermission. Dressy casual, BYOB. Everyone welcome! Info: Call Jean Kostka at (813) 634-1235. Classes for January 2011 SOCIAL DANCE CLASSES Sponsored by the Academy Dance Club. Classes are held in the Dance Studio in the Atrium building. Open to all Sun City Center and Kings Point Residents. Couples and Singles welcome. $5/per class. For information call Bernice May at 634-3205. TUESDAY EVENING CLASSES (January 4,11,18,25) Beginning - Waltz 5:30 p.m. Intermediate - Swing 6:45 p.m. Beginning/Intermediate - Merengue 8:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY DAY CLASSES (January 5,12,19,26) Beginning - Cha Cha 12:45 p.m. Intermediate - Tango 2:00 p.m. Advanced - Rumba 3:15 p.m.

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Oldies But Goodies Dance Club Music from the 50s, 60s, and 70s Sunday – January 16, 2011 Community Hall 7 – 10 p.m. Entertainment: Tony & Tricia Cost: $5 per person Members Free BYOB For more info call: 633-5649

Sun City Center Radio Club’s Communication Center has relocated to the Mainte nance Building conference room. The old Radio Club’s location is being incorporated into an expanded and updated Palm Room, due to reopen in January.


The Laff-A-Lot Connection will meet on January 14 at 1:30 p.m. in the Heritage room, Atrium Bldg. For more info contact Ivan at 633-9835. The club meets every second Friday all 12 months. There are never any dues, and all SCC and KP residents are welcome. If you can’t tell jokes, just come and meet new friends. See you there.

Club Happenings 4 THE COMPUTER CLUB

The January 5 meeting of The Computer Club will be its semi-annual “Q & A” session, where members bring their PC problems and questions for a solution by a panel of “gurus.” This meeting is an opportunity to obtain qualified help and solutions. All Sun City Center and Kings Point residents are invited to attend. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Florida Room, preceeded by the HELP DESK at 7 p.m. For membership and meeting information, contact Bob Wehrle at 633-4516.

SCC Big Band Dance Club

Saturday, January 29 7-10 p.m. Community Hall Come join us for a fun-filled evening dancing to the music of Sun City Center’s own live 18-piece Swing Band playing the “Music Of Your Life” from the 1940s, 50s and 60s. Non-season ticket holders $9 at the door. Dress code: Dressy attire for the ladies and jackets (ties optional) for the men. For information, call Charlie Bostick at 642-8172.

The News of Sun City Center


The Metaphysical Society of SCC—January Programs

The Many Healing Modalities The C omputer C lub has of Naturopathic Medicine announced its winter schedule of January 12 classes. The beginning class dates are: Yvonne Courtney, Naturopathic January 17 INTRODUCTION Health Educator with a nursing TO COMPUTERS background, and proprietor of the January 18 INTRODUCTION Natural Health Resource Center TO COMPUTERS in Palmetto for over 15 years. She January 19 WORD will discuss the modalities used in January 21 INTRODUCTION her office to help people identify TO COMPUTERS the cause of their problems and not O n e m a y e n r o l l i n t h e just treat the symptoms as many Computer Club Classroom in the health practitioners do. Come to Atrium, Monday through Saturday from 12:30 – 5 p.m. Tuition is $20. the Heritage Room in the Atrium, Each course consists of four sessions, SCC Central Campus at 10 a.m. on 10 a.m. to noon, one week apart. For Wednesday, January 12. Admission further information, contact Bob is free. For information, contact Ed Wehrle at 633- 4516. Leary 383-7594. Life in the Later Years:

MEN’S CLUB The Januar y 19 luncheon meeting of the Men’s Club will feature John Foster, as he brings his humorous poetry for the members to enjoy. John is a 20-year resident of SCC. He has written several books and conducts poetry workshops. This luncheon meeting ($12) will be held in Community Hall (1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd), beginning at 11:30 a.m. This is a “Members only” event. Membership information may be obtained from John Armstrong at 634-6434. Reservations are required.

The Power & The Passion January 19

Dr. Ed Carlson is the author of five self-assist books and a results-based researcher in Human Energy for 30 years. Retire younger, live longer, healthier and have more fun. Dr Ed creates a NEW Model for living fully and richly beyond the age of 60. Dr. Ed is now in his 70th year. Come to the Heritage Room in the

Weaving Review Workshop A one-day workshop will be offered on Tuesday, January 4, 2011, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for all past or present weavers. Areas to be covered are planning a project, selection of yarns, dressing the loom and finishing your project. Cost is $3. Lunch on your own. Contact: Charlene Roberts 634-2651.

tips Linda will provide. Classes will be in the Art Room, Tuesday mornings, 10 a.m. to noon. A signup sheet and list of supplies needed for the classes is available in the Art Room. Tuition is $40 for a four-class series, payable in advance. Membership in the Art Club is required for attendance in these classes. For additional class information, call Virginia Laudano, 633-6042.

Call me today to hear about these optional features: New Car Replacement, Accident Forgiveness and Deductible Rewards. RACHEL A WEISSMAN, CIC, LUTCF (813) 634-7100 955 Del Webb Blvd. E. Ste 102 Sun City Center RWEISSMAN@ALLSTATE.COM

Your life in the 5th Dimension January 26 Carl & Ortrun Franklin international speakers, Metaphysical Researchers. Carl holds a Masters degree in Theology and Psychology and is a Minister of Coptic Fellowship International (a spiritual/ metaphysical organization embracing all faiths, beliefs and philosophies). Carl is able to tap into the Akasic record of individuals helping them to remember their life’s plan. They will talk about The Ascension Process, The Spiritual Realms, Our multi-dimensional selves, and 5th Dimensional Christianity. Come to the Heritage Room in the Atrium, SCC Central Campus at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, January 26, to hear Carl share his wisdom on the coming 5th dimension. Open to the public and admission is free. For information, contact Ed Leary 383-7594.

Cat Fanciers Club

Oil Painting Class Starting January 11, 2011, Linda Scola will be conducting classes in ‘all a prima’ oil painting which involves a wet-into-wet technique. These paintings work up quickly from a thin under-painting with loose edges, to an application of color that makes improvements, then on to the final stages of adding thick paint, light highlights and surprise endings! Learn new techniques, ask questions and share in the painting

Atrium, SCC Central Campus at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, January 19. Admission is free. For information, contact Ed Leary 383-7594.

Photo by Judy Stimson

Cat Fanciers Club is meeting on Monday, January 10, from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Armstrong Room. Educational topic is pet insurance for cats, and the 2011 committees will also be meeting. If you are not yet a registered club member, please email or bring your CA card and register at the meeting. The purpose of the club is to provide and promote education and activities for cat owners and lovers in Sun City Center. FREE. However, an annual contribution of $15 per member is suggested for 2011 club operations.

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January 2011


The News of Sun City Center

Club Happenings 5

January 2011



reading small print and completing daily activities difficult.

Low vision ehabilitation services, low vision aids and technology are


available in Sun City Center at the: Members of the Jazzmatazz Club were dressed for Santa when they performed a jazz dance to “The Man with The Bag” at the Wall to Wall Christmas show by the Performing Arts Club of SCC. Pictured left to right are: Margo Gunther, Ann McKenzie, Janet Cardulla, Instructor Diane LeFrancois Resseguie, Kathy Thomas, and Sue Sussman.

Donors needed!

“Kids Against Hunger” has lost part of its funding and is need of money donations for their food packaging event on January 22. Please consider helping. There are a lot of hungry people visiting our six food pantries. We are a 501(c)3 organization, so your gift is tax deductible. Please send your donation to: “Kids Against Hunger” c/o Denny Hanson, 1805 Wedge Court, Sun City Center, FL 33573. For more information, call Denny at 633-7733.






January 2011

The News of Sun City Center


Lost in the 50’s/60’s Night

Music by Del & Gary featuring a variety of songs from the greats of Doo Wop, 50’s, 60’s, Old Time Rock ‘n’ Roll, Disco and Country stars

When - Sunday January 30, 2011

Time: 6 to 10:00 PM

At Borini Theatre, Kings Point Main Clubhouse

Price: $10.00 BYOB and Setups


For tickets please call: Sandi at 813-298-9632 or Sheila at 813-642-9871 or Kiosk at Atrium or KP Box Office Table reservations available for parties of 6

Proceeds to benefit the SCC Emergency Squad Answer on page 26.


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The News of Sun City Center

January 2011

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Stryker’S new Mobile bearing Hip™ SySteM is designed to allow your doctor to more closely match the implant to your anatomy and to promote greater range of motion1, which may allow you to maintain your more active lifestyle. So don’t wait, talk to a Stryker doctor today. To find a doctor, visit or call 1-888-STRYKER.

Indications: Total hip replacement is indicated for joint disease resulting from degenerative, rheumatoid and post-traumatic arthritis; avascular necrosis and correction of functional deformity. Contra-Indications: It is not indicated for those with infection, compromised bone stock, skeletal immaturity, mental or neuromuscular disease. Common Side Effects of Hip Replacement Surgery: Like any surgery hip replacement surgery has risks which include and but are not limited to: bone fracture, bone loss, change in the length of the treated leg, pain, hip stiffness, excessive bleeding, hip joint fusion, nerve damage, infection, blood clots, amputation, heart attack, pneumonia, decrease of bone mass.Implant related risk which may lead to a revision of the hip implant include wear of the implant, reaction to particle debris in the joint, dislocation, fracture, loosening, audible sounds during motion and metal sensitivity. The information presented is for educational purposes only. Speak to your doctor to decide if joint replacement surgery is right for you. Individual results vary and not all patients will receive the same postoperative activity level. The lifetime of a joint replacement is not infinite and varies with each individual. Your doctor will help counsel you about how to best maintain your activities in order to potentially prolong the lifetime of the device. Such strategies include not engaging in high-impact activities, such as running, as well as maintaining a healthy weight. Stryker Corporation or its divisions or other corporate affiliated entities own, use or have applied for the following trademarks or service marks: Mobile Bearing Hip and Stryker. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners or holders. 1

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January 2011

The News of Sun City Center


Solution on page 26.

Military Affairs 2011 Antique Adventure Scheduled for January 26

L to R: Pat Fricke, Jan Bassett, Mary McIntyre, Beverly Engles, Jody Masterson, Carol Acosta, Elizabeth Richner, Priscilla Chase, Jo Prater, Amber Telleria. Col. George Mercer Brooke Chapter, DAR in Sun City Center is holding their 2nd annual Antique Adventure on January 26, from 5 to 9p.m. in Community Hall. Net proceeds will go to “Paws for Patriots”, Southeastern Guide Dogs’ Program for Wounded Veterans. There will be a Guide Dog demonstration. Donation $20 includes Gourmet Hors d’oeuvres and appraisal of one item. The appraiser will be Roger Wilson, renowned Sarasota Antique Dealer. For reservations, mail check payable to CGMB Chapter to Jo Prater, Treasurer PO Box 5544, Sun City Center, FL 33571-5544. For additional information call Jan Bassett - 642-0691 or Mary McIntyre - 634-3818.

L to R: Ronika Anderson, Hospital, Jody Masterson and Carol Acosta, DAR and Julia O’Neal, Hospital. DAR Photo. Col. George Mercer Chapter, DA R d e l ive re d t h e i r an nu a l Christmas donations to the James A Haley Veteran’s hospital. In addition to members donations, there were donations from the Rays, Buccaneers, Sew ‘n’ Sews, and numerous local businesses.

The News of Sun City Center

January 2011


Van Drivers Needed for DAV Van

Sun City Center has a DAV van that was donated to Tampa’s James A. Haley Veterans Hospital by the local DAV Chapter 110. Veterans are transported Monday through Friday, departing SCC at 6:30 a.m. and returning at 1 p.m. This van is for all veterans to use but is NOT wheelchair accessible. To schedule a ride, call 634-0302. A seven-day advance notice is needed. The DAV is in need of volunteers to drive this van. This is a sevenpassenger van and does not require a commercial driver’s license to drive. If you can spare at least one day a month, it will surely help out the veterans of our community. If interested, please contact the chapter commander, Tom Williams, at (813) 777-0914 or email Helmut Haberl at The DAV meetings are held every fourth Thursday of the month in the Caper Room. Lunch is served at noon; meeting starts at 1 p.m.

MOAA Florida Council of Chapters President Addresses Local Chapter

Fisher House Manager to Address MOAA Paula Welenc, who manages the Fisher House at James A. Haley Veterans Hospital, will be the featured speaker at the Sun City Center Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America luncheon on 11 a.m. Wednesday, January 5, in Atrium Florida Room on SCC’s Central Campus. Welenc joined the staff of the hospital specifically to develop its Fisher House program and open the house. It accepted its first guests in July 2007. The Fisher House program is a unique private-public partnership that supports America’s military in their time of need. The program recognizes the special sacrifices of our men and women in uniform and the hardships of military service by meeting a humanitarian need


Capt. Don Freese, USNR/RET, president of the MOAA Florida Council of Chapters, was the featured speaker at the Sun City Center Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America luncheon held December. The Florida Council of Chapters, an affiliate of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA), is a dynamic organization of more than 10,000 active, retired and former officers of the uniformed services. It was chartered on November 18, 1970, with 20 chapters and clubs and now includes 44 organizations from the Florida Panhandle to the Florida Keys. Capt. Freese discussed the current status and activities of the national MOAA organization. In addition to his presentation, he installed the newly elected MOAA officers for the coming year. Colonel James Shumway will be the 2011 MOAA president, replacing this year’s president Major Kirk Faryniasz. Photo provided by Frank Kepley


(L to R) James Shumway, incoming president; Maj Kirk Faryniasz, immediate past president; and Capt. Don Freeze, president of the MOAA Florida Council of Chapters.

beyond that normally provided by the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs. Because members of the military and their families are stationed worldwide and must often travel great distances for specialized medical care, Fisher House Foundation donates “comfort homes” built on the grounds of major military and VA medical centers. These homes enable family members to be close to a loved one at the most stressful times—during the hospitalization for an unexpected illness, disease or injury. Reservations ($14) for the luncheon can be made by calling 1-877-332-3016 no later than Sunday, January 2.

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January 2011

The News of Sun City Center


Feline Folks receives $7,500 grant from SCC Community Foundation The Community Foundation of Greater Sun City Center “William and Dorothy Bruse Fund has awarded a $7,500 grant to Feline Folks to continue its Humane Feline Management program. The program involves sterilizing free roaming and community cats, thereby controlling the population growth in the South Shore area of Hillsborough County. On the third Saturday of every month, in partnership with C.A.R.E., Feline Folks utilizes the spay/neuter services of A.C.T. & the Humane Society of Tampa Bay at a Spay/ Neuter Clinic. The cost for spay/ neuter, rabies vaccination, ear tip & flea control charge is $10 per

cat or kitten. Feline Folks absorbs the remaining cost. They also lend humane cat traps to area residents who wish to participate in the control program. Trap depots are in Riverview and Sun City Center. Feline Folks is a 50(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in 2007 to help control the feline population growth explosion and to eliminate the need for a euthanization program. Since its inception, Feline Folks has spay/ neutered over 1,726 cats and kittens, while socializing and fostering out to forever homes over 506 Cats & kittens. For more information, call 813-944-7651 or visit the website:

Solution on page 26.

Finally, free yourself from back pain.

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The News of Sun City Center

January 2011

We Want to Know!!!

(Answers to frequently asked questions at the CA) By Susan Muise

“I never use the facilities. Why do I have to pay the dues?” Ever yone who lives here (including owners as permanent or temporary residents and long-term renters) are required to be a member of and pay dues to the Community Association. Dues for seasonal renters are the responsibility of the homeowner. Whether or not you choose to use the facilities is entirely up to you. It’s hard to believe that there is nothing here that you would enjoy doing. $256 a year is such a bargain when you consider that we have: - three pools with a spa and two saunas, - a state-of-the-art fitness center, - first-run movies, all kinds of shows, musical productions and singing and dancing which you can watch or participate in, - our very own library, - a wonderful dog park, - many types of card and game rooms, -art and craft rooms for ceramics, pottery, weaving, painting, needlework, sewing and photography, - sports facilities including top-rated tennis, pickleball and volleyball courts, a softball complex, horseshoes, shuffleboard, billiards and lawn bowling courts,

- woodworking shops, model railroad, amateur radio and computer clubs, - garden plots and RV and boat storage areas, - rooms for your own, your club’s or your homeowners association’s private parties, - clubs you can join which do not have their own rooms such as military organizations, bingo, golf groups, regional clubs, reading, writing and laughing clubs, women’s and men’s clubs, - and much, much more! As a CA member in good standing, you have the right to run for and vote for the Board of Directors which creates the budget each year and makes the decisions about our Community Association. There are many other ordinary communities without any facilities or dues where you could have chosen to live. There are communities with much less than we have with dues which are much higher than ours. It hard to undertstand that you would intentionally choose not to be involved in anything here, but again, with the exception of paying your dues, that choice was and still is yours.


In appreciation of your hard work, dedication and support given to the CA throughout the year, the Board of Directors cordially invites you to attend a picnic lunch in your honor on:


Call 813.633.8517 to schedule a complimentary plimentary hearing screening


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January 2011

The News of Sun City Center


C. A. R. E.

MAC Mac is a Retriever/Hound mix who survived off McDonalds handouts for over two weeks before a regular patron brought him to C.A.R.E. He arrived as a very frightened dog that didn’t seem to know what a collar or leash was. Mac has been coming out of his shell more and more every day, walking on a leash and learning to trust again. He also seems to like the company of other dogs. Mac is a handsome and gentle dog with a lot of love to give. Although Mac does like chicken nuggets, he is willing to give them up for a forever home. As part of his adoption, Mac will be neutered, brought current on his shots and microchipped. Estimated DOB: September, 2009

NOEL Bigger is better!. Noel is a longhaired beautiful Grey cat with pretty white markings. Noel is adjusting to people, thanks to our volunteers. She allows people to pet her and seems to enjoy it. The screened-in lanai is her favorite place to be. Please give her a forever home. Noel is spayed and up-to-date on her shots. DOB March 2005

C.A.R.E. is open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday thru Saturday For directions, visit www. or call 813-645-2273


A Little Advice from Consumer Affairs ... By Susan Muise

Heating & Air Conditioning Workshop “How do I know when I really need my A/C fixed or repaired?” “I don’t want to be scammed!” “I’m so easily intimidated by high-pressure technical people!” “I believe whatever professional people tell me!” “How do I know what I should be paying?” These are really good questions. We hear them all the time and mostly after it’s too late! The Consumer Affairs Committee has written lots of articles warning residents about some A/C contractors and has now decided to present a workshop where you can ask questions and get information before your need their help. It will be held on February 16 at 11 a.m. in the Sandpiper Room of the Atrium. Our guest speaker will be Kean Bismarck, Executive Director of the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Contractors Association, Inc. in Tampa. We would like to not have the problems with air conditioning

contractors that we had last year. In order to stop contractors from trying to take advantage of us, we need more education. Even if you feel you can totally trust your own A/C contractor, we will have useful information for you. Air conditioners are ver y expensive items, and we really, really need them most of the year. With the winters we have been having lately, we need heat the other part of the year. That puts us at the mercy of contractors who can charge whatever they want, and we don’t know how to say “No” or how to find what we do need. If you are not interested in protecting your pocketbook ahead of time, it will be hard to protect it later. We hope you will mark your calendars now for this very special workshop.

HEATING & A/C WORKSHOP, FEBRUARY 16, 11 a.m., Sandpiper Room

The Consumer Affairs Register is available online at -click on Consumer Affairs on the left side of the page -click on Directory Listing of Registered Contractors and Vendors on the left side of the page The Observer News • Sun City Center Observer • Riverview Current • November 12, 2009 • WELCOME BACK m 11

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League Results, Pictures and More

SCC Men’s Golf

The News of Sun City Center

Hogans League of Sun City Center and Kings Point

January 2011

Caloosa Golf & Country Club’s Couples Champions

12/1/10: Bloomingdale, h-Skins:Twoway tie for 1st place @ 9 skins each – Jay Sparkman & Paul Maki. Low-net: Jay Sparkman, 65; Low-gross: Jay Sparkman, 88.

12/4/2010: Sandpiper, h-Skins & lo net/gross: 1st : four-way tie @ 4 skins each – Rich Lucidi, Bob Layer, Paul Maki & Dave Briton. Low-net: tied @ 65’s – Jenice Taylor & Dave Briton; Low-gross: Dave Briton, 80. 12/8/10: Apollo Beach, h-skins: 1st : three-way tie @ 4 skins each – Bob Oler, Jim Sari & Syl Amos. Low-net: Bob Oler, 64; Low-gross: Jim Sari, 89.

SCC WGA 18-Hole

11/27/2010: Sandpiper, nco-Skins: Three-way tie at 8 skins each: Jenice Taylor, Rich Lucidi & Fred Mayes. Low-net: Bill Poirier, 62; Low-gross: Tom Kirchen, 79. Tied course record with Chip Wood (1/16/2010).

12/3/10: Buffalo Creek, h-Skins: 1st : Syl Amos, 10 skins; 2nd : two-way tie @ 5 skins each – John Schachte & Bob Oler. Low-net: Don Mowry, 60; Low-gross: Ed Reich, 80.

Tom Ritenour,PGA, Director of Golf, Head Golf Professional with SCC Men’s Club Champion Chul Kim. Photo provided by Jim Cosgrove. Dec. 2 and 8: Club Championship: Champion: Chul Kim, 160; White Tees: 1st Flight: 1st place: Robert Arendt, 138 net; 2nd place: William Pachler,142 net. 2nd Flight: 1st place: Herman Weston, 138 net; 2nd place: James Rottman, 144 net. Senior Champion: James Click, 172. Green Tees: 1st place: Harold Goldback, 138 net; Ronald Chabon, 145 net. 2nd Flight: 1st place: Les Easton, 142 net; Don Marlborough, 144 net. Dec. 16: Two-man Scramble: White Tees: 1st place: Chul Kim and Den Defreeuw, 58.5; 2nd place: David Ransbury and James Rottman, 59.5. Green Tees: 1st place: Harold Gelback and Peter Brock, 54; 2nd place: Michael Prach and Carol Lingertot, 54.5.

12/9/10: Renaissance, h-Skins: 1st : two-way tie @ six skins each – Jenice Taylor &Dave Briton. Low-net: Jenice Taylor, 67; Low-gross: Dave Briton, 86. 12/11/10: Sandpiper, h-Skins: 1st : fiveway tie: Dave Briton, Joe Dispenziere, Paul Maki, Jay Sparkman & Jenice Taylor. Low-net: Jay Sparkman, 61; Low-gross: Dave Briton, 79 (ties course record with Chip Wood & Tom Kirchen). 12/15/2010: Bloomingdale, Match: 1st : Dan Stephens, 93; 2nd : Jim Sari, 104. 12/17/2010: Buffalo Creek, h-Skins: 1st : two-way tie @ 4 skins each – Dave Briton & Woody Nelson. Lownet: Chip Wood, 69, 2 skins (Terry Upson, 67, new member - honorable mention); Low-gross: two-way tie @ 80’s – Chip Wood & new member Ed Riech.

12/18/10: Sandpiper, Match: 1st : Don Mowry, 69; 2nd : two-way tie @ 73’s – December 16: Santa Scramble: Paul Maki & John Schachte. Winners: Linda Scarbough, Ilene Hogans League Hemingway, Judie Schafers, Helen Joseph, Karen Stanhope, Suzanne January Schedule White, Jackie McDow, Carolyn Clark, and Pat Jones. Hole-in-one re- Date Day Course cipients Emily Rohner, Beverly Heil 1/1 Sat Apollo Beach and Connie Toussaint. Most Fes- 1/4 Tue Riverside tively Dressed as Granny Santa: Judie 1/6 Thur Diamond Hill Schafers. Judie Schafers won the 27 1/8 Sat Apollo Beach Birdies prize. Jeanie Shivley, winner 1/10 Mon Summerfield of President Cup 2010, was presented 1/12 Wed Bloomingdale by Joanne Brennan, president. 1/14 Fri Buffalo Creek 1/15 Sat Apollo Beach 1/18 Tue Riverside 1/20 Thur Diamond Hill 1/22 Sat Apollo Beach 1/24 Mon Summerfield Connie Toussaint accomplished her 1/26 Wed Bloomingdale first “Hole in One” on November 29 on 1/28 Fri Buffalo Creek the Sandpiper Golf CourseHole #5, 1/29 Sat Apollo Beach Reservations are required to 90 yards. Her playing partners who play with the Hogans. witnessed this memorable moment: Contact Nadi Bennett, Annetta Pucci, and or visit Karen Gibson.

A two-day tournament to determine Caloosa Golf and Country Club’s Couples Champions, was held on December 4 and 5. Vin and Shirley Coniglio were Low Net Champions. The Low Gross Champions were Cheryl and Jerry Karpinski.

Sportswriters needed!

If you are interested in any of the sporting activities going on in and around Sun City Center, The NEWS could use you as a staff writer. Please contact Karen Jones at

Photo provided by Anne Skinner


January 2011

The News of Sun City Center


SCC Takes Sports to Hillsborough Correctional Institution


Williams Wins Silver Medal in Senior Games

Qualifiers from the Women’s Single’s Tennis ages 65-69, Carolyn Brown gold medalist from Lake City and Nancy Williams, silver medalist Sun City Center. Not pictured is Susan lsen, bronze medalist from St. Augustine. S C C ’s N a n c y W i l l i a m s participated in the Florida Senior Games State Championships and came home a winner. The Games were held December 4-12 in Lee County and the City of Cape Coral on Florida’s Southwest Coast. There were 16 local qualifying venues during 2010 offering athletes 50 and over a chance to compete in their sport. Earning a top five finish in your age group advanced you to the 19 Annual Florida Senior Games State Championships. With 23 sports and activities to choose from, each of the sports and activities provides a physical, strategic or mental challenge.

The sports offered are archery, badminton, basketball shooting, basketball (3-on-3), billiards, bocce, bowling, cycling, golf, horseshoes, pickleball, powerlifting, race walk, racquetball, road race, shuffleboard, softball, swimming, table tennis, tennis, track & field, volleyball and beach volleyball. Once the competition ends, the Games become an opportunity to create or renew friendships and share experiences. Ever y t wo ye ars t he top qualifiers advance to the National Senior Games. In June 2011 the games will be held in Houston, Texas; in 2013, they will be held in Cleveland, Ohio.

Occasionally we see articles about our people volunteering at the Hillsborough Correctional Institution for women. Did you know that over 400 people volunteer there and many of those come from Sun City Center? A recent tennis event, a Women’s Doubles Tennis Tournament and Fun Day with the lady inmates was organized and participated in by four SCC volunteers. (Far left) Nancy Williams and Mary Pat Kirchen; (far right) Barbara Gingrich and Janet

Smith. Williams and Smith also teach a weekly tennis clinic. Inmates Lela and Laura won the tournament this fall as well as one held last spring. Janet Smith also monitors pickleball weekly. The SCC Vintage Babes softball team and Volleyball Club have regular games at the prison. An SCC volunteer leads yoga classes weekly. For more information about the sports ministry at HCI, contact volunteer Nancy Williams at 642-9121.

THE CRYSTALS With Rocky and the Rollers

Remember Da Doo Ron Ron, Then He Kissed Me, He’s a Rebel, Uptown, He’s Sure the Boy I Love, and more

Friday, January 7, 2011 – 7:00-10:00 p.m. Community Hall, 1910 S. Pebble Beach Blvd.

Tickets: $20/person On sale starting Monday, September 13 at the Atrium Kiosk ** Tables of 10 Info: Judy Schings, 813-642-2001

** On sale at Kiosk 9-11 a.m. September 13-14, 20-21, then Monday thru Friday 9-noon starting October 11* thru show date (if available). *Changed from October 4th (Atrium Closed)


The News of Sun City Center

January 2011

Published Authors Residing in SCC

(A continuing column by News staff writer Marie Wood.)

Rosie Clifton

Sun City Center author Rosie Clifton has a keen sense of humor evidenced in her two books: ‘Kissing Lots of Frogs’ and ‘Mild, Wild and Wacky’ and her columns in a local newspaper … Rosie takes an upbeat look at life in all of her writing and even in her serious moods offers a light in the tunnel. Rosie was born in Indianapolis, Indiana and is a graduate of Butler University. She taught for a few years but spent most of her business career as a systems engineer for IBM. When Rosie moved here eleven years ago she thought she might like to try her hand at writing something that was not technical. She thought first of doing some memories of her family but decided she didn’t have enough information to do a complete family genealogy. She joined the Sun City Center and Kings Point writing clubs and was encouraged to start

her first book. Rosie has completed another book but is revising it before publication. When she’s not writing, Rosie keeps active in many volunteer ac t ivit ies in her church and community. She is a member and past president of the Sun City Center Woman’s Club and has worked with the Hope Fund that has helped to buy children’s books for a children’s reading room in Wimauma. She has also worked with Comforts for the Aging and other volunteer groups in the community. Rosie thinks now she might try her hand at writing short stories. She is also interested in color and design and may try to add quilting to her other interests. But writing is her passion and there will soon be another book on everyone’s reading list.

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January 2011

The News of Sun City Center


MOVIES at the Rollins Theater January 3 “Mrs. Miracle”

90 min. NR

January 31 “The Wronged Man” 89 min. NR

E x te nd you r Hol i d ay To p - r a t e d m o v i e Season with this goodbased on the true hearted winter tale that story of Calvin Willis looks at single parents and (Mahershalalhashbaz some of their problems. Ali), who spent over Overwhelmed widower – 20 years in prison after Seth Webster – is searching being wrongly convicted for a housekeeper to help of raping a 10-yearhim with his rambunctious old girl. Certain of her six-year-old twin sons. Mrs. client’s innocence, legal Meerkle (Mrs. Miracle) secretary Janet Gregory mysteriously appears & quickly becomes a (Julia Ormond ) works tirelessly to see that combination of TV’s Nanny and Mary Poppins. justice is finally served in this gripping true story. Actors: Erin Karpluk, James Van Der Beek, Doris Actors: Julia Ormond, Mahershalalhashbaz Ali. Roberts, Michael Strusievici, Valin Shinyei . January 10 “Eat Pray Love” 133 min. PG-13 Liz Gilbert (Julia Roberts) is a modern woman on a quest to marvel at and travel the world while rediscovering and reconnecting with her true inner self in Eat Pray Love. At a crossroads after a divorce, Gilbert takes a year-long sabbatical from her job and steps uncharacteristically out of her comfort zone, risking everything to change her life. Eat Pray Love proves that there really is more than one way to let yourself go and see the world. Actors: Julia Roberts, Javier Bardem, Viola Davis, Billy Crudup, I. Gusti Ayu Puspawati. January 17 “Knight & Day” 109 min. PG-13 Big screen superstars Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz come together in this fun, action-packed thrillride that will keep you on the edge of your seat. When a small-town girl named June (Diaz) meets a mysterious stranger, she thinks she’s found the man of her dreams. But she soon discovers he’s a fugitive super-spy, who thrusts her into a thrilling cat-andmouse chase that spans the globe. As the bullets and sparks fly, June must decide if her “Knight” in shining armor is a dangerous traitor or the love of her life. Actors: Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz .

NOW is the time to upgrade your air conditioning system and take advantage Federal stimulus money, power company rebates and manufacturer’s promotions are available IMMEDIATELY. In addition to these savings, The Cool Team discounts through the end of January.

These movies have English subtitles for the hearing impaired. Monday Movies are for Sun City Center Community Association members ONLY. A 2010 membership card must be presented for admission.

One showing only @ 1 p.m.

NEWCOMERS November 2010

List prepared by Linda Bowker from CA staff data. Report corrections, additions to CA at 633-3500.

Last First Num Glaser Philip 238 Cone Neil & Diane 1007 Stanlake Joseph 1770 Worsham Vicky 727 Kautzman Oscar 708 Michalski Thomas & Frances 710 Hicklin Joyce 309 Mulvoy Kathleen 317 Thoman Kenneth 317 Ventrone Richard & Nancy 711 Williams Beth 1706 Cobleigh Donald 1706 Brenner Robert & Jennifer 1625 Lockwood Mona 1624 David Evelyn 235 Holston Walter & Eugenia 265 Kramarsky Cynthia 1514 Eikeland Marion & Rosa 2312 Polovoy John & Jeanne 2457 Farrant Cliff & Linda 1250 Seagrave Richard & Margaret 1404 Warman Paul & Ruth 1751 Reich Edward 1102 Kovello John & Cynthia 711 Dolan John & Sharon 1338 Tristano Eleanor 2415 Hines Thomas & Patricia 2429 Sims Darrell & Sandra 717 Depinet James & Margaret 1219 McKeehan Gary 2315 Thomson-McKeehan Vallery 2315 Landrum James & Wilma 828 Stanton Harry & Annette 701 Alves Jorge 705 Carney-Talley Sandra 705 Brown Marjorie 305 Madison Vincent 1016

Local street Hometown St Amesbury Cir Coram NY Athens Wy Williston VT Atrium Dr Kalamazoo MI Bel Air Ave Hopkinsville KY Brockton Pl E Chicago IL Brockton Pl E Houghton Lake MI Caloosa Woods Ln Caloosa Woods Ln Parsippany NJ Caloosa Woods Ln Williamsport PA Camellia Green Dr Jamestown RI Coco Palm Cir Monroeton PA Coco Palm Cir Monroeton PA Costa St Florence KY Council Dr St Marys PA Courtyards Blvd Apt 107 Schenectady NY Courtyards Blvd Apt 204 Augusta GA Danbury Dr Delphi NY Del Webb Blvd E Brevard NC Del Webb Blvd E Brooklyn NY Del Webb Blvd W Dolton IL Del Webb Blvd W Middletown CT Del Webb Blvd W New York City NY Desert Hills Dr Desert Hills Wy Eastlake OH Emerald Dunes Dr Libertyville IL Emerald Lake Dr Apt 107 New Port Richey FL Emerald Lake Dr Apt 111 Memphis TN Fox Hills Dr Alpena MI Hacienda Dr Willard OH Lyndhurst Dr Kansas City MO Lyndhurst Dr Kansas City MO Oakmont Ave Ashland KY Reading Pl Webster NY Riviera Dr Mississauga Ont Riviera Dr Annapolis MD Stoneham Dr Augusta GA Warwick Ct Cleveland OH


Phone 904-910-8968 941-661-6078 804-350-2410 260-3982 633-5925 938-3395 938-3395 401-474-2255 570-637-3448 570-637-3448 634-5765 633-3001 260-3033 828-577-1747 917-501-6854 633-9914 610-506-2781 724-272-1726 518-222-8782 260-3984 847-946-5998 260-3977 938-1959 601-1993 938-1715 938-1715 606-232-6244 938-1980 301-325-1405 301-325-1405 585-683-2432 216-225-2236

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*see details below expires 1/31/11



Toll Free: 877-348-1343 Pinellas/Pasco: 727-894-4900 Hillsborough: 813-933-1000

The Monday Movies has added additional movies to the schedule for 2011. Please note the dates and times for movies as scheduling may vary because of scheduling conflicts in the Rollins Theater. Please come early as seating is LIMITED.

*A combination of federal tax credit, power company rebate and manufacturer’s promotion. Check with your

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The News of Sun City Center

January 2011

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