November 2009 The News of Sun City Center

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The News of November 2009 - ISSUE #16 official publication of the Community Association

Check out the CA web site:

November Dates to Put on Your Calendar

Hi, Neighbor!


6:30 p.m. Community Hall Meet the Candidates



7 p.m. Community Hall

CA Board Meeting


9 a.m. Rollins Theater

Set aside November 5th after dinner It’s like a “Club Expo”

Once a year, each club and service organization in town puts its best foot forward in Community Hall to tell its story for all residents. The best part of this free program is that there are no speeches, no organized entertainment, nothing but display tables with representatives of over 100 clubs there to tell what they’re all about. The public is invited to come in starting at 6:30 that Thursday evening, enjoy some light refreshments served by the Sew ‘n Sews Club members, and walk around the room to see the vast array of activities that are here for any resident of Sun City Center. Nothing is sold during this event. It’s the place to be that evening. Information from Linda or John at 633-1427.

December 5 Holiday Walk Planning Continues






The CA office and Library will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, November 26 and Friday, November 27. The campus facilities will be open until 1 p.m. on November 26 and will be open as usual on Friday, the 27th. On the Inside CA President’s Report.. 2 CA Schedule................. 3 Entertainment Corner... 3 Club Happenings....... 6-8 CARE........................... 9 Atrium Update.............11 Golf........................ 14-15 Consumer Affairs........ 22 Fitness Corner............ 22 Movies........................ 23 Newcomers................ 23

Leigh Waters (L), president of the China Painting Club, chats with Ann Marie Leblanc about items the club will make for Holiday Walk shoppers on December 5. By Phyllis Hodges “The CA Holiday Walk is a community celebration to give residents an opportunity to gather and smile,” said Ann Marie Leblanc, event chair. On December 5 on the Central Campus, the Florida Room doors will open at 7 a.m. for breakfast. At 9 a.m., entertainment begins and the club rooms will open for browsing and shopping. Any profit from the Holiday Walk $4 breakfast will go to the SCC Community Association Hardship Fund said Leblanc. “Last year we priced the breakfast modestly to just b r e a k e v e n . We n e v e r expected to make a profit; but since we did net $1,000,

we used it to spruce up the Caper Room. Any profit made this year will go to the Hardship Fund.” The Fund helps pay CA dues for members who are financially unable to pay and is funded entirely by individual and group donations. Using last year as a guide (700 people), breakfast plans this year include a second serving line and using the adjacent Armstrong Room as an additional eating area. “We need 15 more volunteers to reach the magic number of 40 that is needed to cook and clear tables,” Leblanc said. Call her at 6422006 to offer help. Members of the Organ and Keyboard Club will again

Three Candidates Vie for the SCCCA Board of Directors

Three SCC residents met the deadline for submitting applications for the three vacancies on the CA Board of Directors. One, Ann Marie Leblanc, is an incumbent. The other two are familiar to the Board as they have attended the open board meetings on a regular basis. Chuck Collett and Martin Hurwitz are the other candidates. See page 13 for more information on each of the candidates. O n We d n e s d a y,

November 11, CA members will have a chance to meet the candidates, hear them talk about their interest in serving, and ask them questions. Written questions will be collected prior to and during the meeting by the Elections Committee. Voting for the 2010 budget and the Board positions will take place November 30 and December 1 and 2. See notice on page 5.

Mini Book Sale November 16

A mini book sale under the old Oak tree next to the library will be held Monday, November 16 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Hardcover books, VHS tapes, audio cassettes, and puzzles will be priced at 50 cents each. Paperback books will be 20 cents each. be serving up music to add to the pleasure of breakfast diners. Entertainment in the Rollins Theatre will include singers from the German American Club, Performing Arts Club and South Shore The News of Sun Sound. The Front Porch City Center needs Pickers will add to the fun by performing outside at the your help! We could use assistance with bandstand. Want to see what the writing articles and Holiday Walk is all about? even taking photos. You can see the recorded Contact Karen at 634version on the web at http:// in 4556 if you would be the SCCCA Special Events willing to help. section.

Writers! Reporters!


The News of Sun City Center

From the Desk of

President Ed Barnes It always amazes me how some people in our community of really fine people think that the rules are made for everyone else and not for them. A prime example - on October 8 there was a club function at the Community Hall. Around 5 p.m. there was a two-tone Cadillac or Lincoln parked on the grass next to the circular driveway. When I came back 10 minutes later there was a blue Smart Car parked in front of this same car - also on the grass and right next to the NO PARKING sign. Just out of curiosity I drove to the back of the Community Hall and there were numerous parking spaces in the parking lot. Do these people think that the rules are made just for the other guy? Not only do these people damage the landscaping and sprinkler systems, they also encourage others to do the same. The rules apply to everyone, please observe them. Hospital Ruling We made a major stride forward in keeping South Bay Hospital. On October 6th, three judges from the 1st District Appeals Court upheld the Office of Health Care ruling that St. Joseph’s could build a new hospital at Big Bend Road. The hearing was held September 23rd and the decision rendered October 5th – 12 days after the hearing!! We had been led to believe this process would take 6 – 9 months. We are not totally home yet on this issue but it looks like the next step is to await the re-issuing of a final order from AHCA. The 2007 CON is still hanging around but we don’t believe that AHCA would let South Bay or another hospital in the Big Bend Road area. So this is good news on this front. Golf Carts to Walmart Issue Things are indeed moving forward on getting golf cart access to Walmart. We learned that the County Transportation Department is negotiating with the developer Rick Whitcomb to secure an easement for a path through his property to the

November 2009

From the Desk of

Director Anne Cross Keeping You Informed Board Policy V. Clubs & Organizations Following are the changes that will be presented for a vote on November 11th. CODE: Words stricken are deletions/Words in bold are additions.

traffic signal at Cape Stone Avenue. When that is obtained, work on the path will begin. Actual construction of the path won’t take long. We owe a round of thanks to Commissioner Kevin Beckner who has been a strong supporter of this project and has been pushing the county bureaucracy to get this done. Hardship Donations As many of you know, we have members in the Community Association who live on the edge of poverty particularly with the economic downturn which has driven interest rates to near zero. According to the bylaws, membership dues cannot be used to pay the dues for people who cannot afford to pay them. The Hardship Fund was created for this purpose only and is an entirely contribution-driven fund. A Hardship Panel, consisting of three Directors or Officers, uses a very rigorous process to determine the real needs of the applicants. These funds are used only after approval by the Panel. This year we used essentially all of the monies in the Hardship Fund. In 2010 we expect that there will be at least as many applicants as we had this year. Recently we have had two very sizeable donations to the Hardship Fund from the Men’s Club and the Duplicate Bridge Club. These funds are very much appreciated. In the future we hope to generate some funds from the Christmas Walk and the Golf Cart Parade. In addition, I would like to appeal to the membership for contributions to the Hardship Fund – these contributions are tax deductible. You would be helping a very worthy cause with a contribution to the Hardship Fund.

ABSENTEE BALLOTS Absentee Ballots are available at the CA Office from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. beginning November 2, 2009 until December 1, 2009. For those members unable to pick up Absentee Ballots in person during the above hours, please complete the Request Form below and mail to the CA office or drop in the mail slot in front of the CA office. An Absentee Ballot will be mailed to you. ABSENTEE BALLOT REQUEST FORM December 2, 2009 Membership Vote (Please print) NAME:


MAILING ADDRESS: ______________________________________ _____________________________________ CA NUMBER: ______________________ SCCCA, 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd., Sun City Center, FL 33573

5.01 A. ORGANIZATION The CA President shall, annually, appoint a CA Director to administer and oversee Club affairs. and to represent the CA Board in all matters pertaining to Clubs. He/she shall be designated the Club Liaison Director (CLD). 1. Clubs may become an Affiliate of the CA, and may utilize CA facilities, only after affiliation has been officially approved by the CLD, CA Board. 2. An initial Club membership of ten (10) is required, unless a lesser number is approved by the CLD CA Board. 3. Club Bylaws shall include: a. Name of the Club b. Purpose of the Club c. Criteria for the membership (see 5.01C) d. Requirements for removing members (see 4. below) d. Titles and Duties of Club Officers e. Time and method of electing Officers f. Term of office for Officers g. Schedule of meetings and quorum requirements h. Procedure for amending bylaws i. A statement that the Club will adhere to all CA rules and procedures j. If a club is dissolved, dispensation of cash will go to another 501(c) (3) organization such as the CA. 4. A “Removal of a Member” provision must be in the club bylaws. (Exhibit 5.01.A) (example available at CA Office) 6. A club’s President and Vice President must be residents and members in good standing of the CA. B. OPERATION 3. When changes are proposed to Club bylaws, the changes shall be submitted to and approved by the Club’s members, in accordance with Club bylaws. A copy of the revised bylaws shall then be furnished to the CA Reservation Clerk. A copy of the Club’s new or revised bylaws shall be submitted to the CLD to be approved, signed and dated. The original to be put on file with a signed copy sent to the club for their records. The club must operate under the approved bylaws. (A sample of suggested bylaws is available in the CA office.) 6. b. Any club hiring an employee/consultant must sign a contract (see Exhibit 5.01.B) stating the time, duties, compensation/salary, social security number and method of payment with a copy sent to the CLD. This will be required to maintain compliance with our 501 (c) (3) status. (example available at CA Office) 7. Clubs shall ensure the lights and music are turned off when closing rooms. 8. For safety reasons, a minimum of two members must be present in club rooms at any one time. 9. No sale of liquor may be permitted (F.S. 562.12). The cost of liquor may be included in the cost of tickets. C. CRITERIA FOR MEMBERSHIP 2. Clubs may, at the discretion of the Club, also admit as members, persons who reside in Kings Point and such communities which provide reciprocal club memberships and facilities for CA members. Reciprocity need not be based upon a totally equal facility or club existence in both communities; but in the sprit of cooperation. The CLD and the Board will determine whether a community meets these requirements. 3. Clubs that wish to open their activities to participants outside of those permitted above may make written application to the CLD for a waiver. When such a waiver is granted, the Club may be subject to fees to cover the additional costs of accommodating such participants. The waiver will be approved or denied by the CA President and the CLD. D. OBLIGATIONS OF CA-AFFILIATED CLUBS 2. Each Club shall provide the CA with the following information by January 31 each year or such other time(s) as the CA may request. b. A list of current Club officers and members with their CA number. If a club has a non-CA member (Kings Point or Waiver), that information must also be included. A complete copy of Policy V with proposed changes along with Exhibits A & B is available on our web site:

November 2009

The News of Sun City Center

From the Desk of Treasurer Neil Rothfield

The 2010 budget requires an increase in the dues of $4 per person for a total annual dues amount of $256. This is a 1.6% increase or 33 cents per month. The increase is $3 for the Operations Fund and $1 for the Hurricane Deductible Reserve. The expenses for the 2010 budget are $9,000 more than the 2009 budget. The dues increase is the result of reduced revenues for the 2010 budget. We are only projecting dues for 11,000 residents this year, since that is the approximate number that we have had for the past year. Last year we projected a higher number of dues paying residents which was never attained for the year 2009. Interest Income is also projected to be down substantially, and we expect donations to be down due to current economic conditions. We applied a surplus of $30,000 to the 2010 budget to help reduce the dues increase. In order to keep our costs down we have also tightened up the budget for 2010 and there might not be a surplus to apply to the 2011 budget. If there is a hurricane, the CA has a deductible of 2% which amounts to approximately $300,000.


November 5 Board Workshop* Board Room – 9 a.m. 5 Hi Neighbor Community Hall – 6:30 p.m. 11 Meet the Candidates Night Community Hall – 7 p.m. 12 Board Meeting* Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. 17 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room - 9 a.m. . 18 Welcome Newcomers Lawn Bowling Room - 7 p.m. 23 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room - 2 p.m. 30 Membership Vote Sandpiper Room - 9 a.m.noon

Please note that the November Workshop and Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, the 5th and on Thursday, the 12th, rather than the first and second Wednesday of the month.

December 1 Membership Vote Sandpiper Room - 9 a.m.noon 2 Membership Vote Community Hall - 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Board Workshop* Board Room – 9 a.m. 9 Board Meeting* Rollins Theater – 9 a.m. Welcome Newcomers Lawn Bowling Room - 7 p.m. 15 Community Leaders Meeting Florida Room - 9 a.m. 28 CO-AP Meeting Caper Room - 2 p.m.

Every Wednesday: Orientation for new members in the Board Room starting at 1 p.m.* Proposed agendas for monthly Board meetings are discussed at the Board workshops and posted on Official Bulletin Boards the Friday before. They will also be posted on our web site ( under “Association”).


2009 BUDGET Board Approved - 10/14/09

(A detailed copy of the budget is available in the Community Association Library.)

CA Treasurer Neil Rothfeld presented the 2010 budget plan to an audience in the Florida Room on September 30.

The Budget Committee, the CA board and I believe that it is our fiduciary responsibility to continue to fund this additional reserve. Therefore, $1of the increase is for the hurricane deductible insurance. This budget will continue the high standards of maintenance and repair that our residents are accustomed to. I urge you to vote for the dues increase that is associated with the budget. I want to thank the Budget Committee, the Community Manager and the Association’s accountant for all their time and effort that went into the preparation of the budget.

OPERATING BUDGET: 2010 Projected Income Members Dues $2,387,500 ($215 per person) Directory 95,000 Entertainment 114,200 Interest Income 10,500 Miscellaneous 113,100 Total Income $2,720,300 2010 Projected Expenses Wages, Taxes & Benefits $1,161,200 Maintenance & Supplies 176,700 Maintenance Contracts 150,600 Utilities 399,500 Insurance 209,400 Administration 112,800 Professional Services Legal, Audit, Computer 67,000 Management Contract 239,500 Library 16,700 Entertainment 103,700 Miscellaneous 83,200 Total Expenses $2,720,300 CAPITAL BUDGET: Projected Balance 1/1/10 Projected Transfer Fees

$322,938 288,000

Projected Balance 12/31/10 $610,938 REPLACEMENT RESERVE FUND: Projected Balance 1/1/10 $1,043,000 Funds Needed per Replacement Study: Projected Disbursements (456,300) Estimated Interest Income 5,000 Members Dues ($33 per person) 363,000 Projected Funds Available 12/31/10 $954,700 Replacement Reserve for Furniture & Equipment Projected Balance 1/1/10 $71,135 Members Dues ($5 per person) 55,000 Projected Disbursements (106,700) Projected Balance 12/31/10 $19,435 Reserve for Hurricane Deductible Projected Balance 1/1/10 $33,144 Member Dues ($3 per person) 33,000 Projected Balance 12/31/10 $66,144 NOTE: 1. Goal for the Hurricane Fund is approximately $300,000. Total 2010 Dues per member - $256

Hear ye! Hear ye! Come one, come all… Christmas – Hanukkah – Holiday Parade Saturday – December 12th – 10:30 a.m.

Parade Route: Far end of North Pebble Beach parking lot, a right onto LaJolla, a right onto Cherry Hills Drive ending at Shuffleboard/Bandstand area. Awards will be given from the Bandstand by Santa. Come celebrate our Community in the spirit of good will to all. One grand prize each will be awarded in five categories for the best decorated golf cart. All judging will be done by residents who live outside of SCC. Categories: Business Homeowners Association Church Individual Club Registration will begin November 5th and end on December 5th. Application forms may be picked up at the Atrium, CA and Church Offices, Club Rooms, and the Community Hall or on-line registration at: www. To ensure that carts are decorated for the enjoyment of the audiences there are a few rules: • Only one cart per category. • Signage on cart is limited to two (2). • Signs can be no larger than standard size poster boards, roughly 20”x30”. • Carts with only signs and a few decorations such as a wreath, a bow, or a strand of garland are not showing the spirit of the holiday. To participate in the parade and be eligible for judging, at least 50% of the cart should be decorated.

Remember this one from the 2006 Christmas Parade? Courtesy of John Bowker. • The parade will go on.. Rain or good grief… (snow)! • Only one cart per registered entrant. All members of clubs and other organizations are encouraged to participate, but only one cart may represent the group for the categories listed.

ENTERTAINMENT CORNER A Ferocious Showcase of Talent: Tickets on sale at Kiosk, $5/person. Wm. Clare Entertainment will debut nine acts for three action-packed hours (similar to Showcase in January each year). Show will be held Sunday, November 1st, 2-5 p.m. Sponsored by C.A. at Community Hall. No food available. Entertainment Shows: Series tickets ($65/person) and individual tickets are on sale now at the Kiosk, MondayFriday, 9 a.m.-noon. See brochure for prices. All performances are at the Community Hall. A Holiday Spectacular: Tickets on sale now at the Kiosk for this December 20th performance sponsored by the C.A. and presented by the Sarasota Concert Band at the Community Hall, 1-3 p.m.. Tickets $12/person. New Year’s Eve: Please note that the Community Association will NOT be sponsoring a New Year’s Eve party this year. There will be several other parties in town if you are looking for somewhere to go. –Judy Schings (642-2001)


The News of Sun City Center

November 2009

November 2009

We Want to Know!!!

(Answers to frequently asked questions at the CA) “What are the rules for animals in my home?” The Community Association has no rules about animals in your home, but Hillsborough County says that all animals shall be under “direct control of the owner or keeper. Direct control is the immediate, continuous physical control of an animal such as a leash, cord or chain of such strength to restrain the animal at all times. No animal shall be allowed to stray, run, or go at large upon any public street, sidewalk or the private property of another without the consent of the property owner.” Voice control is NOT direct control! All animals must be on leashes when not on the owner’s property. All dogs and cats over four months old must be vaccinated and have current Hillsborough County license tags. “No animal shall be allowed to unreasonably annoy humans such as: –consistently and/or constantly making excessive noise, –causing damage to or destruction of another’s property, –causing unsanitary, dangerous or offensive conditions, including the fouling of the air by offensive odor emanating from excessive excrement.” The County tells us that any feces left on public property, walks or recreation areas (which includes the golf cart path along 674 by St. Andrews Estates as well as the median strip on Pebble Beach Blvd.) or the private property of others must be IMMEDIATELY removed by the person who has custody or control of the animal. These rules also apply to visitors to our homes who bring their darling pets with them. Please make sure they know what to do when taking their darlings for a walk in our lovely community. If you wish to report violations or get other information, you can call the County Animal Services office at 744-5660. You can view the complete Animal Ordinances by going online to animalservices/ordinance/. Remember that many of us also have homeowners associations with additional restrictions concerning h o u s e h o l d p e t s a n d o w n e r ’s responsibilities. Make sure to check with your association if you have one. The Community Association now has a rule that no animals are allowed on CA property other than licensed service animals and dogs using the dog park.

The News of Sun City Center



Monday, November 30, 2009, 9:00 a.m. to 12 Noon Sandpiper Room in the Atrium Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 9:00 a.m. to 12 Noon Sandpiper Room in the Atrium Wednesday, December 2, 2009, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Room 3, Community Hall Membership dues for 2010 shall be $256.00 per member consisting of: General Operating Fund Replacement/Reserve Fund Replacement/Reserve for Furniture & Equipment Hurricane Deductible Reserve

$215.00 $ 33.00 $ $

5.00 3.00


VOLUNTEERS Have you volunteered your services this year on a Community Association Committee or Task Force? Have you volunteered at the Community Information Center, Library, or Fitness Center? Have you been involved with TPO, Bingo, Entertainment Series, Monday Movies, The NEWS, Hi Neighbor, FunFest, etc.? In appreciation of your hard work, dedication and support given to the CA, the Board of Directors cordially invites you to attend a picnic lunch with music for your listening pleasure on: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Noon to 2 p.m. OUTDOOR POOL AREA

Absentee Ballots are available at the CA Office beginning November 12 until 3:00 PM, December 1, 2009 CA membership card or photo ID required to vote.



As a matter of policy, this newsletter does not accept Letters to the Editor. But we do want to learn about matters of interest to our readers. Please let us know of issues of concern (or delight) to you. Each month your comments to us and to the CA Board of Directors will be summarized here. You can reach individual Board members at their telephone listing shown on page 15 of your Membership Directory. You can tell us what concerns you by email ( or by dropping a note to us by mail or in person at 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd, Sun City Center, FL 33573. There is also a mail slot in the door to the Newsroom in Old Town Hall (960A Cherry Hills Drive).

ATTENTION 2009 Community Association


Years! Have you submitted your idea for a slogan for our 50th Annivarsay celebration? Sun City Center, Florida “.........” What’s our slogan going to be? Festivities here in Sun City Center will start on May 10, 2011, to celebrate 50 years of fun in Florida. That’s the date Del Webb broke ground for our little bit of paradise here. Ann Marie Leblanc, who is heading up the SCC 50th anniversary celebration, is asking you to put on your creativity hat to suggest a slogan to be used for the celebration. Planning is already underway so she needs your input quickly. Email her at or call 6422006 to talk about your idea.


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Club Happenings

The News of Sun City Center

November 2009

Swim Dancers Begin New Season

Art Club New Art Show at SCC Gallery November 9

next to the Art Room, and the show will be there through January 6, 2010. Admission to the show is free. The Gallery is open to visitors each Monday and Wednesday from 1 to 3 p.m. for those unable to attend the opening. All members of the Art Club are eligible to submit a painting for hanging, but due to space limitations the number of paintings that can be accepted will be 17 to 20, depending upon the size of the individual pieces submitted. Therefore, acceptance for hanging will, of necessity, be on a first come, first served basis. The SCC Swim Dancers are using the outdoor pool to work on conditioning Those hoping to have their work in and strength until the inside pool is reopened. the show are encouraged to contact in earnest for their spring show. By Phyllis Hodges Eunice Agnello, Gallery Director, at Members of the SCC Swim Practices will be Monday and 634-6003 as early as possible. Dancers are looking forward to Wednesday evenings at 7:30 and some serious practice for their new Friday mornings at 7:30. Artist of the Month / November 2009 They encourage interested new season. They have some practice Fran Hubicki has been named as the November 2009 Artist of the Month time to make up and are anxious to women to join in and take advantage by the Art Club of Sun City Center. Although Fran attended workshops get back to the inside pool. It has of the knowledge and assistance of sponsored by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and by the Philadelphia been closed most of the summer as the experienced swimmers. Prior Department of Recreation, she considers herself self-taught. After moving part of a major renovation on the synchronized swimming experience to Sun City Center six years ago, she began formal art lessons with some CA’s Main Campus. isn’t necessary, but being comfortable of the community’s artist-instructors. Now 89 years young and with failing C l u b P r e s i d e n t Ve r l e e in the water is. The front and back eyesight, Fran continues to paint, creating primarily impressionistic works in Clinefelter said they were fortunate crawl, side stroke and breast stroke both watercolor and acrylic media. Favorite subject matters include nature, to be able to work on conditioning are the basic needs. The team and portraits and still-lifes, using newly learned techniques with various media and strength in the outdoor pool, but coaches will help with the rest, with a goal of mastering the art of watercolor painting. the ability to practice routines has i.e., the figures, the routines and Fran’s artworks will be on display during November at SCC Library, been limited. Also, their allotted time choreographies. SCC Chamber of Commerce, Wachovia Bank, Sun Trust Bank, A-1 is Tuesday and Thursday evenings The Swim Dancers are the Connection Realty, South Shore Bank, Information Center on Cherry Hills and it is getting dark earlier now. community’s only synchronized Drive and in the showcase at the front of the Art Room. They have been able to use the lap swimming group. Members get their pool at Kings Point, for which they workouts while swimming to music, News of other Art Club activities can be found at: are grateful; but, again, they can’t to numbers choreographed by the club’s members. For information on practice routines there. When the inside pool is the club, call 634-5497. available, they will start preparing The Art Gallery at Sun City Center will present the opening of a new art exhibition at 1 p.m. on Monday, November 9. The show is entitled “Red & White All Over” and, as the show’s name implies, any work submitted for hanging is expected to feature a ‘red & white’ format, regardless of the work’s subject matter or medium. The show will also feature works done by the Potter’s Wheel Club, and refreshments will be served. Visitors to the show, who might be so inclined, will have the opportunity to ‘donate blood & save a life’ at the Blood Mobile which will be standing by at the opening. The ‘Red & White’ reception and show will be held in the Gallery, located

(Left to right) Nell Elliott, Jean Rideout, Cheryl Benton, Mary Jane Brown. Picture courtesy of Nell Elliott. Several members of the GFWC provide resources and opportunity Sun City Center Woman’s Club, to women. “The Oprah Winfrey Inc. attended the Girls Game Day Show” recently featured a segment Fundraiser in Tampa recently. Jean on Heifer International. The State Rideout, Sun City Woman’s Club, of Florida has a membership of Inc. president presented a check in over 11,000 with 233 clubs in 14 the amount of $500 as a donation Districts. The Sun City Center club to Heifer International District 7 is in District 8. The meetings are held Chairman, Cheryl Benton. Heifer each third Thursday of the month International is a special project at Community Hall at 12:30 p.m. of Woman’s Clubs throughout for refreshment and 1 p.m. for the Florida. Its mission is to work with meeting from September to May. communities to end hunger, poverty All Sun City Center and Kings Point and care for the earth. Its work is women are invited to attend. Contact a central part of a movement to Nora Nelson at 381-1255.

Please send your club news to The News of Sun City Center at the following email address:

CA President Ed Barnes accepts a donation to the Hardship Fund from the Men’s Club at a ceremony on September 29. Club President Jay Sparkman makes the presentation with CA Director Bob Black at left.

Night in Italy on November 7

Do you enjoy a good vintage Las Vegas show? Do you enjoy Italian wine and desserts? Well, you are in for a treat on Saturday, November 7, when the GFWC Sun City Center Woman’s Club, Inc. presents “NIGHT IN ITALY” featuring “CARME,” pictured here, along with the Charley Raymond Band. “CARME” is an all time favorite performer who will entertain you with songs, impressions, comedy as you sip wine and enjoy delectable Italian desserts. Doors open 6:30 p.m. Show starts 7 p.m. Tickets are $25 per person and are on sale at the Atrium Kiosk Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9 a.m. to noon. Call Angela Wallace, Fund Raising Chairman at 642-0212. Proceeds dedicated to local philanthropic causes.

November 2009

Club Happenings

The News of Sun City Center

Sew n’ Sews Club Makes Pillows for Soldiers

Barbara Paugh (right) President of the Sew n’ Sews Club discusses final arrangements with project coordinator Deanna Montes de Oca for proper handling of the more than 250 small pillows the club has constructed for servicemen overseas. The alternative for the soldiers, when trying to sleep at night, is rolled up uniforms.


Pickleball Club Hosted Tampa Bay Senior Games in October

The Sun City Center Pickleball Club hosted the Tampa Bay Senior Games Pickleball Tournament on Wednesday, October 7, with more than 90 participants playing same sex pairs and mixed pairs games from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. in record-breaking heat that exceeded 100 degrees. This event draws the largest number of participants of all the events in the Senior Games. Players came from Sun City Center, Kings Point, The Villages, Fort Myers, Citrus Hill, The Plantations, Leesburg, Spruce Creek, Bradenton, Solivita and Tanglewood. Paula Jory and the staff of the Hillsborough County Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department worked tirelessly to guarantee a first class event including T-shirts, pastries, a delicious lunch and refreshing bottles of cold water. Seven Sun City Center Pickleball Club members did a wonderful job as Court Monitors: Fred Burnett, Marie Burnett, Theo Council, Kathy Smith, Claire Jacobs, Chris Jacobs and Ken Whitfield. Another member, Brenda Perkins, arranged the morning coffee service that greeted participants as

they arrived. The Sun City Center Community Association did a fantastic job setting up our court area, including canopies, seating and numerous other support services. Nine Sun City Center Pickleball Club Members participated: Mike Carlini, Nancy DeWilde, Chris Golik, Ron Golik, Don Grazano, Judy Lamb, DeeDee Montana, Sam Montana and Mike Perkins. Congratulations to the winners: Nancy DeWilde & Sam Montana (Mixed Pairs, Gold Medal [70-74]), Sam Montana & Will Logue (Men’s Pairs, 2nd Place [70-74]), Nancy DeWilde & Chris Golik (Women’s Pairs, 2nd Place [65-69]), Judy Lamb & DeeDee Montana (Women’s Pairs, 3rd Place [60-64]), and Chris Golik & Ron Golik (Mixed Pairs, 3rd Place [65-69]). The Sun City Center Pickleball Club is proud to host the Tampa Bay Senior Games “Pickleball Event” each year. The many participants were impressed with our facility and grateful for the many canopies that provided some relief from the penetrating rays of the sun.

New officers were installed in the SCC Registered Nurses Club for the 200910 season. Co-President: Jan Shangraw; second Vice President: Eileen Robbins; First Vice President: Chris Zewin, Co-President: Anne Paik; Secretary: Anise Tuma; Assistant Secretary: Dorothy Turner; Treasurer: Ginny Turczyk; Assistant Treasurer: Terry Jacoby. Monthly meetings occur the first Thursday from October through May. Meetings include a social time and business meeting and monthly programs related to health issues. For information, call Anise Tuma at 633-0499.

Boom Ba Dance Club Dance on November 22 The Boom Ba Dance Club will hold a dance on Sunday, November With the Duplicate Bridge Club’s new dealing machine, Dorothy Eveleigh 22, in the Florida Room from 5 to 8 p.m. Dance, dance, dance prepares cards for the next game in seconds. to the music of Bryan Ashley. Cost is $3 per person. Snacks and Technology Makes Bridge Dealing a Snap set-ups will be provided. BYOB. All CA members and Kings By Phyllis Hodges open to bridge players outside the Point residents are welcome. For more information, call Norma This year the SCC Duplicate area and is expected to draw 850Hanrahan at 633-2768. Bridge Club stepped into the future 900 people.

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by purchasing a dealing machine that deals a random deck in seconds. It produces hand records with analysis to print and records to send to the club’s web site. Along with the dealing machine, the club purchased wireless bridge pads for each table. Players enter information during play and the results are transmitted to the computer by wireless radio. A special receiver picks up the data and stores it in a database where it can be processed by a scoring program. With 300 members, it’s a busy club; games are played Tuesday through Saturday. It also holds special tournaments throughout the year and hosts a Sectional Tournament in the spring. The Sectional, scheduled for March next year, is the club’s major fundraiser. The three-day event is

The club has an education program offering fall and winter bridge classes for all levels as well as a series of mini-lectures. A mentoring program was started last year for players interested in improving their game. Those familiar with bridge players know they take their game seriously, but this club takes time out for fun, too. There is an annual Christmas dinner party where prizes are awarded, and potlucks are held in the summer. The Swiss Team games include a light supper, and there are other special celebrations as the occasion arises. For information on the club, visit http://www.sccduplicatebridge. com or call the club manager, Ron Golik at 633-6162.


Club Happenings LAFF*A*LOT To Meet November 13

The club will meet in the Caper Room at 1:30 p.m. in the Atrium Building. We get together on the second Friday of every month. Join us for laughter and light refreshments. No dues, and all SCC and KP residents are welcome. Laughter is FREE 'MEDICINE'! It reduces stress and lowers your blood pressure in a natural way. It increases those 'feel-good' endorphins in the brain and fights against depression. Endorphins work as natural pain relievers, and help create a sense of well-being. Many of our snowbirds will be back; so come and make new friends! For questions, call Helen at (813) 401-9901.

The News of Sun City Center

Ohio Club Plans Football Viewing on November 21

The Ohio Club of SCC will watch the Ohio State/Michigan F o o t b a l l g a m e o n S a t u r d a y, November 21st at Community Hall. We will have the large screen satellite television for game watching. Cost $10. BYOB. There will be all-youcan-eat pizza, salad, dessert, popcorn & coffee at halftime. Game time has yet to be decided. Doors open one hour before the game. Usually it is around 12:30 p.m. Please send checks made out to Ohio Club to: Jane Foppe, 1206 Emerald Dunes, SCC or call: 642-8129. Anyone with connections to Ohio or Michigan is welcome. –Jo Smalley 633-3848

CA President Ed Barnes accepts donation for the Hardship Fund from the Duplicate Bridge Club. Shown above is Club Treasurer Ronda O’Farrell who is also Director of Bridge Education, Club President Jerry Harter, and CA Director Bob Black.

Lawn Bowling Club to Hold a Yard Sale November 6 and 7

The Lawn Bowling Club is hosting a gigantic yard sale at the lawn bowling clubhouse on November 6 and 7 from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. For more info, contact club president Sue Bellerose at 633-6874.

Duplicate Bridge Club Resumes Play

The SCC Duplicate Bridge Club resumed Monday evening games beginning October 26 in the Horizon Room. Play begins at 7 p.m. and refreshments will be served. Call 813-633-6162 for information.

Computer Club Foils Swine Flu

The Computer Club has installed special Kensington keyboards to ward off H1N1 flu and other viruses. According to Club spokesman, Jack Fischer, “These keyboards have a special antimicrobial protection to prevent the spread of viruses. They are washable, so they can be readily cleaned, and we spray them each evening with an alcohol-based sanitizer. These steps should help reduce the spread of germs that are transferred by contact. We may not prevent all cases of flu, but we are doing our best.” These special keyboards are installed on all the Club’s computers in the Lab/Classroom.

November 2009

Free Lawn Bowling Classes in November and December

Sign up for free lawn bowling classes on the bulletin board in the clubhouse (behind the Library). Classes in November are scheduled for November 9-13 at 9:30 a.m. December classes will be on December 7-11, also at 9:30 a.m. The signup for these classes is also on the bulletin board in the clubhouse.

Computer Classes Scheduled to Start Mid-November

The Computer Club has announced its fall schedule of classes. Each course will consist of four, 2-hour long classes, beginning in mid-November Tuition is $20, payable upon registration. Sign up at the Computer Club classroom in the Atrium Building, daily except Sunday from 12:30 - 5:00 p.m. EXCEL - will be taught on Tuesdays starting November 16. I N T R O D U C T I O N TO COMPUTERS - will be scheduled on both Wednesday and Friday starting November 18. WORD - classes will be on Thursday starting November 20. Sign up early, since classes are limited to 10 students.

Women’s Club Presents “Night in Italy” on November 7

Holiday Open House on November 27

The Model Railroad Club of SCC will be hosting a Holiday Open House from 1 to 4 p.m. on Friday, November 27. All visiting Junior Engineers will be offered an opportunity to run a train and earn a certificate! Please visit our web site: for directions or call 634-1414.

Academy to hold Dance on Nov. 22

The Academy of Ballroom Dance is planning a dance on Sunday, November 22 at Community Hall, 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. Members free, guests $5.00. Coffee, cookies and door prizes at intermission. Dressy Casual, BYOB. A rumba lesson by Ms. Bernice Dubro-May at 6:15 p.m. for $2.50 per person. Info: Charlie Brown 642-9817.


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L to R- Jan Bassett, Kathy Mahoney, Jean Rideout, Angela Wallace, Aine Paik, and Mary Jane Brown,. lucky members of the GFWCC Sun City Center Woman’s Club, are shown getting ready to taste some of the delectable desserts to be served at “NIGHT IN ITALY,” the fundraiser being presented on November 7 at Community Hall 7 p.m. Enjoy Italian desserts such as cannoli, raspberry cheesecake and tiramisu provided by Mr. Cheesecake of Bradenton, Fla. and sip the popular Italian sparkling Spumante. Entertainment by Las Vegas popular performer CARME and the Charley Raymond Band. Tickets are $25 per person BYOB and are on sale at the Atrium Kiosk Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9 a.m. to noon. Call Angela Wallace 642-0212.

Big Band Club Dance on November 28

Saturday, November 28, the SCC Big Band Club is sponsoring a dance from 7-10 p.m. at Community Hall. Guest $9 at the door. Info call Charlie Brown, 642-9817. Get dressed up (gentlemen in jackets and ties) and come enjoy the best deal ever. BYOB.

November 2009

The News of Sun City Center


Franklin Franklin is a male Chihuahua who was found abandoned in someone’s front yard. The best way to describe Franklin is Mr. Magoo with the body of a mini linebacker. He has a stance that says, “I mean business!” Don’t worry though, behind that stance is a loveable, easygoing pup. As part of Franklin’s adoption, he will be neutered and brought up-todate on his shots.

John Moore Flooring would like to thank Sun City Center for their support through the years for our small business. At John Moore we have always strived to bring you the most innovative products at competitive prices and provide top notch customer service. Your friends at John Moore Floor Covering THIS MONTH’S SPECIAL SmartStrand Carpet by Mohawk @2.29 sq ft installed with pad

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C. A. R. E.

Polly Polly was turned in to the shelter because her owner passed away. She is a gray and white adult cat with the Hemingway extra toe on both front feet. She is about 5 years old. Polly is spayed, up-to-date on her shots and FeLV negative. Please come see this great girl and take her home.

C.A.R.E. is open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday For directions visit or call 813-645-2273



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Military Affairs Veterans Day Ceremony

On Wednesday, November 11th, Sun City Center will again observe Veterans Day at the Community Association’s Community Hall located at 1910 South Pebble Beach Boulevard. The program will start at 10 a.m. but it is suggested that all guests be seated by 9:45 a.m. The ceremony is sponsored by the Sun City Center combined military veterans organizations in recognition of our many community veterans. The guest speaker will be from Headquarters, United States Special Operation Command, MacDill Air Force Base. A musical interlude will be presented by the Trinity Singers directed by James Feist, and there will be a special appearance by Lily Marlane. The Color Guard will be composed of JROTC Cadets from East Bay High School. Many local and Tampa Bay dignitaries are expected to attend. Put this date on your calendar and plan to attend. Please feel free to invite your neighbors and friends. This ceremony is complemented by the efforts of the Sun City Center Patriots Club which has, through its fundraising efforts, ensured that the flags will continue to fly along SR 674 during this special period of recognition to our veterans and active military forces. For additional information call 634-7777. –Paul Wheat

The News of Sun City Center

Sun City Center LEATHERNECKS Club Meets on Third Tuesday of Each Month The SCC LEATHERNECKS Club’s purpose is to support local Marine veterans, deployed Marine units with phone cards, and MacDill military families with coupons, as well as participating with other local veteran groups during remembrances and other community activities. The LEATHERNECKS Club meets at 6:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month in the Sandpiper Room in the Atrium Building off North Pebble Beach Boulevard. Refreshments are provided during business and social activity. Membership eligibility is open to all SCC and Kings Point Marine veterans and Navy Corpsmen having served with Marine units. For more information, call Jim Glass at 633-4298.

Leathernecks Sponsor Ball on November 9 The Sun City Leathernecks are having a Marine Corps Ball to be held on November 9 in the Florida Room of the Atrium building in Sun City Center. The doors will open at 5 p.m. After a buffet dinner catered by Mary Stewart, there will be a cake cutting ceremony celebrating the 234th birthday of the Marine Corps. After-dinner entertainment will be provided by the Pelican Players and John Cortese. The price for this historic evening is $30 per person. Tickets may be obtained by calling Jim Glass 813-633-4298. Semper Fi!

Answer on page 22.

November 2009

The Military Order of the World Wars

“Dining Out”

The Sun City Center Chapter of The Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) announces its annual formal military “Dining Out” dinner party. All with an interest in our veterans and patriotic education for our youth are invited. The event is at Club Renaissance on 2121 Pebble Beach Blvd South, SCC in the Baccus Room on Thursday, November 19, 2009. Social hour begins at 5:00 pm. The program, “A Salute of Our Veterans”, includes an opening flag ceremony, toasts to the Armed Forces, POW/MIA ceremony, a Patrick Henry Award and comments by the National MOWW Commander in Chief. “Patsy Cline”, performed by Barbara Van Eycken, is our featured entertainment. Cost is $35 per person and includes dinner (Prime Rib or Chicken Baroni), toasting wine and entertainment. Proceeds support the Chapter’s Patriotic Education Fund. (MOWW is a 501-c-19 charitable organization.) Attire is formal: military uniform, tuxedo or business suit –evening dress for our women. (The wearing of military decorations is encouraged.) For reservations, contact Dr. Ernst Rose at 813 642-9050 or Gordon Bassett, Chapter Commander, at 813 642-0691. Seating is limited.

Cell Phones for Soldiers Collection Box in Atrium In an effort to help the troops serving overseas stay in touch with their families back home, members of the Patriots Club are providing a box for dropping off used and old cell phones in the Atrium. The box will be there during the month of November. This is in conjunction with the Hillsborough County Security Services Department effort that has set up collection boxes at the regional service centers in Brandon and South Shore. Donated phones are sent to ReCellular, which then pays Cell Phones for Soldiers for each phone. The money is used to provide

one hour of talk time per prepaid calling card to soldiers abroad. Last year the county collected more than 2,000 phones resulting in 2,000 calling cards for deployed troops. The Cell Phone for Soldiers program was founded in 2004 by two teenagers from Massachusetts. Since then, the non-profit organization has raised more than $2 million in donations and distributed more than 500,000 prepaid calling cards to soldiers overseas. If you would be willing to assist with this project, contact Don Renwick at 634-1794.

November 2009

The News of Sun City Center


What’s going on in the Atrium? Construction Photos by Lyn Reitz

The new 12-person spa is installed.

New showers installed with plumbing.

Getting the Lap Pool ready for filling.

View of new locker room entrances from across the Lap Pool.

New counter and sinks in one of the Atrium restrooms. One of two Saunas installed in the locker rooms.

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The News of Sun City Center

Fitness Center Expands Training Opportunities

Dondre Williams, who volunteers at the Fitness Center, talks to Juanita Butte (center) and Mary Kay Miller about the benefits of rowing. By Phyllis Hodges CA members who use the Fitness Center now have an additional resource to turn to for advice. In October, Dondre Williams started volunteering nine hours a week to offer fitness counsel. His hours are staggered (Monday 1 to 4 p.m.; Wednesday 4 to 7 p.m.; Friday 8 to 11 a.m.) to reach people who exercise at different times. Dondre is a personal trainer/ strength coach at the University of South Florida. He is a selfproclaimed people person. “A lot of trainers shy away from seniors,” he said, “but I’m excited about it. These are obviously motivated people or they wouldn’t be here. I hope to help them see that at any age they can go to new levels of fitness, mental as well as physical.” He also sees a personal benefit since he doesn’t encounter this age group much in his work and social interactions. “I loved hearing my grandfather’s stories, and I hope the people here will share stories with me so I will learn more about life,” he says. Juanita Butte moved to SCC from New York four years ago but just recently started working out at

the Center. She regrets that she didn’t start sooner, and it’s her view that the Center alone is worth the money she pays in CA dues. “It’s great having someone like Dondre to get advice on a routine that is best for me,” she says. Last year the Center started offering free group training sessions. According to Jim Blackstone, who chairs the Fitness Committee, that program has been well received as well. Over 240 people have gone through the program. Registration for the twice weekly training (Tuesday and Saturday) is required since the sessions are limited to six people. Two trainers from a cadre of 12 volunteers lead each session. “New people often think the attendants are trainers, but they aren’t,” said Jim. “They are familiar with the equipment and can answer questions, but their primary focus is on verifying membership and to handle emergencies and minor equipment repairs. Dondre lives in Ruskin with his wife Brittany and two children; they moved to Florida 18 months ago. In addition to working at USF, he operates a personal training business, Fitness by Dondre.

Tennis Fun Day November 21 Our SIXTH Tennis Association Mixed Doubles Fun Day will be Saturday, November 21. Morning play will begin at 9:30 a.m., catered lunch by Danny Boy’s at 11:30 a.m. and afternoon play at 12:30 p.m. For more information call Event Coordinator Nancy Williams at 642-9121. Deadline for sign up is Friday, November 13, at the Tennis Banquet.

November 2009

Sun City Center Emergency Squad Celebrates 45 Years

First Responders in accordance with DOT guidelines that involves taking 40 hours of classroom and hands on work. EMTs attend Hillsborough Community College for course, lab and clinical work. The Squad has a close working relationship with Hillsborough County Fire Rescue and, when requested, will respond with the County outside the greater Sun City Center area. We are only one of two all volunteer Basic Life Support (BLS) units in the State of Florida and we handle more than 6,000 runs per year. Hillsborough County Fire Rescue (HCFR) estimates that our services save them approximately $5,000,000 per year. In addition to running four ambulances, the Squad has three wheelchair vans and transports wheelchair bound residents to doctor or clinic visits. The Squad gratefully acknowledges all those who have contributed both time and money to making the Squad what it is today and cordially invites the community to our Open House. Light refreshments and beverages will be served.

On Wednesday, November 4, the Sun City Center Emergency Squad will celebrate its 45th Anniversary with an Open House reception from 1500 to 1800 hours (3 to 5 p.m.) at Squad headquarters located at 101 Ray Watson Drive, Sun City Center, Florida. The Squad was formed in 1964 when a group of 28 volunteers recognized a need for medical services in the then new and growing area of Sun City Center. The Squad is licensed by the State of Florida as a Basic Life Support unit (BLS). It is composed of 375 volunteers who provide emergency medical services to the residents of the greater Sun City Center Community on a 24hour basis, 365 days a year. Our services are free of charge. Support for the Squad comes from voluntary donations from the community and does not receive any public funding. All training is paid for by the Squad and is conducted under the guidelines issued by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and the State of Florida. Members must take and pass a CPR course in accordance with American Heart Association guidelines. All members in direct patient care must be certified

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Phosphate is START topic on November 9th

The Phosphate Industry in Florida is the topic that will be presented at the S.T.A.R.T. (Science, Technology, Active, Round, Table) meeting on November 9th at 7:30 p.m. in the Caper Room in the Atrium. The speaker will be Joe Schneider, Engineering Manager with the Mosaic Company in Bartow. Phosphate production is a timely subject since the phosphate mines are in our backyards, so to speak, but more importantly, global supplies may start running out by the end of this century. Phosphate is a key ingredient in fertilizer. Scientists and engineers as well as the general public are invited. For more information, call Bob Johnson at 634-7236.

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November 2009

The News of Sun City Center


Meet the Candidates Chuck Collett

How long have you been a resident of SCC and why did you select SCC as your place of residence? I began coming to SCC in 2005 when I met my wife, Kris. We married in 2006 and started coming here regularly. In January of 2008 we moved here fulltime. I moved here because my wife already owned a home here (since 2003). From where did you move? The Eastern Shore of Maryland. What was your profession prior to retirement? I was an attorney and an owner of a marina.

Ann Marie Leblanc

How long have you been a resident of SCC and why did you select SCC as your place of residence? I have lived here since February of 2003. We moved here because we were impressed with the lifestyle the community offered. From where did you move? White Lake, Michigan.

Martin Hurwitz

How long have you been a resident of SCC and why did you select SCC as your place of residence? I have lived most of my life in Florida. I grew up in Miami, graduated from the University of Florida and married a girl from Tampa. We lived in Apollo Beach for twenty three years and came to understand firsthand the vibrancy and life style of Sun City Center. We moved to this delightful community four years ago and have found it to be all we were looking for.

What was your profession prior to retirement? I was a teacher followed by Customer Relations From where did you move? Manager for a large travel corporation. Apollo Beach, 12 miles north of Sun City Center.

What clubs/associations do you belong to? I am active in bridge groups; started and Do you participate in any community service/ continue to play in a Bridge Marathon to benefit volunteer organizations? the Security Patrol; drive for the Security Patrol I have served on two advisory panels appointed three hours per month. by the CA president, both dealing with the golf courses. Do you participate in any community service/ volunteer organizations? Why do you want to serve on the Board? I am a Community Information Center volunteer, Vice President of the Community Association, With the closing of North Lakes by WCI, I Club Liaison Director, FunFest Chairman, started believe the residents of SCC will face several issues regarding that open space. In my capacity the Holiday Walk, raised funds for Community Hall chairs, liaison for Hospitality Committee, as chairman of the Golf Advisory Panel, I have club rooms, co-chair of Leaders Meetings, learned a great deal about the concerns of all of chair of the volunteer Count for SCC for 2008 our citizens and feel I can help to navigate these and currently chair of the 50th Anniversary uncertain waters. Committee. What do you feel you can contribute to the Board? In addition to bringing to bear my legal training and business background, I have served on three condominium boards and the board of a 4,500 home second-home community in Western Pennsylvania.

What was your profession prior to retirement? I practiced as a Certified Public Accountant in Miami, then served twenty years in the U.S. Army ultimately retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel. After retiring from the Army I had a career with the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, the last five as Director of the Fiscal Division where I was in charge of Budgeting, Accounting, Purchasing and Payroll for the $100 million, 2,000 person law enforcement agency. What clubs/associations do you belong to? I am active in the Men’s Golf Association Division of the Sun City Center Golf and Social Club and Temple Beth Israel, and the Jewish Congregation of Sun City Center. I maintain membership in many national veterans’ organizations including the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Association of the U.S. Army.

Why do you want to serve on the Board? Because I have found it a way to serve my community and I would like to continue. Do you participate in any community service/ volunteer organizations? What do you feel you can contribute to the I am currently a member of the Board of Directors and Treasurer of the Laurel Wood Board? Property Owners Association; an active member A continued sense of leadership. of Team Nine of the Sun City Center Security Patrol; a member of the Steering Committee for the “Golf Carts to Wal-Mart” effort; a member of the Community Planning Committee for the Greater Sun City Center Community; a member of the President’s Advisory Panel for golf in Sun City Center; and a member of the Board of Directors and Treasurer of the Beth Israel Men’s WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2009 Club. I have previously served on the Board of Directors and as Treasurer of Congregation Beth COMMUNITY HALL - 7 p.m. Israel.


(Refreshments served at 6:30 p.m.)

Candidates for your Board of Directors:

Chuck Collett Martin Hurwitz Ann Marie LeBlanc

Written questions from the audience will be collected prior to and during the meeting by the Elections Committee.

Why do you want to serve on the Board? Over the many years I lived in Apollo Beach I came to admire the people and organization of Sun City Center. Now that I have lived here for four years I find it even better close-up than it was from a distance. I want to be part of the body which represents our community and carries on the traditions of our life style as we meet the new challenges of an evolving economy and society. What do you feel you can contribute to the Board? I believe I will bring a lot of experience in management and problem solving to the Board. I believe my expertise in budgeting and cost analysis will help ensure that resources are properly allocated and the financial burden on each CA member is kept to the minimum.


Golf League Results, Pictures and More

SCC Men’s Golf -18Hole Sept. 24th: 2 Man Team – Chicago: 1st Place Team (+10) - Ed Weber, Robert Black; 2nd Place Team (+6) - Michael Gomes, Ronald Chaban; 3rd Place Team (+5) – James Rottman, Charles Schindler; 4th Place Team (+4) – Chul Kim, Carl Lingertot; 5th Place Team (+2) - Jim Cosgrove, Michael Sharpe. Oct. 1st: 4 Man Scramble: 1st Place Teams -Tie (-5): King Slater, Ralph Wilson, Phil Dirosario, Chuck Roth & Ed Weber, Tom Williamson, James Harkins, Bud Tolley; 2nd Place Teams - Tie (-4): Chul Kim, Ed Muller, Chuck Schindler, Tom Bennis & Tom Edge, Ron Pelow, Les Easton. Oct. 8th: Individual Chicago: Flight A: 1st Place (+10) – Bill Pachler; 2nd Place (+6) - Ed Weber; 3rd Place (+3) – Chul Kim; Flight B: 1st Place (+5) – King Slater; 2nd Place (+1) – Ralph Wilson; Flight C: 1st Place Tie (+2) – Walter Wight, Bud Tolley; 2nd Place (0) – Martin Hurwitz; Flight D: 1st Place (0) – Chuck Roth; 2nd Place (-1) –Butch Fletcher.

SCCWGA Sept 25th: Shamble tournament: 1st: Jan Huber, Bette Mannon, Susan Wyckoff, Mildred Kolb 110; 2nd: Judie Schafers, Pat Jones, Mick Milano 116; 3rd: Ruth Kramer, Lois Scoppettuolo, Carolyn Fry, Jean Mooney 122. October 1st and 8th: Fall Fantasy Eclectic Tournament: OVERALL WINNER: Pat Jones 61. A Flight: 1st: Jeanie Shively 62, 2nd: Ruth Kramer 64, 3rd: Jan Huber 65; B Flight: 1st: Lois Gluntz 64, 2nd(tie): Laura Hammaker and Connie Holl 65; C Flight: 1st: Susan Torre 67, 2nd(tie): Bev Hines and Jean Mooney 69; D Flight: 1st: Anne Dean 74.

Fall Fantasy organizers Pat Jones and Lois Gluntz.

The News of Sun City Center

SCC LGA -18 Hole Oct. 2nd: Low Net: Flights A/B: 1st Place (71) – Shirley Stammen; 2nd Place (72) – Lois Pelow; 3rd Place (73) – Patti Ducharme; 4th Place (74) – Alice Friedlein; 5th Place (77) – Cecile Young; Flight C: 1st Place (67) – Suzy White; 2nd Place (76) – Linda Anderson; Flight D: 1st Place (70) – Eleanor Sauret; 2nd Place (78) – Betsy Sands; 3rd Place (79) – Carol Burgess. Oct. 8th: Revert to Par – 2 Par 4 Holes: Flights A/B: 1st Place (68) – Annetta Pucci; 2nd Place (69) – Marcia Karp; Flight C: 1st Place (63) – Phyllis Hall; Flight D: 1st Place (66) – Jeanne Simonini.

Caloosa Women’s 18-Hole Sept. 9th: Select score: Flight 1: 1st place (Tie) Pearl Ashe, Beverly Valentine and Mary Lou Underwood 72. Flight 2: 1st place: Jeanne Kolls 69, 2nd: Shirley Coniglio 76. Flight 3: 1st Place: Terry Cox and Ruth Ann Phelan 72. Flight 4: 1st place: Germaine Dufresne 70, 2nd place (Tie): Sue Develer and Timi Pratt 72. Sept. 30th: ABC-2 Best Ball: 1st place: Jeanne Kolls, Karen Buono and Nancy Cleary 1st 128; 2nd place: Rose Huggard, Elizabeth Rodriguez and TimiPratt 135; 3rd place (Tie): Barbara Struble, Ruth Ann Phelan and Jackie Wrigley 136 and Valerie Pelkowski, Lolita Johnson and Karla Pia 136; 4th place: Viki Franks, Terry Cox and Laura Horwath 137. Oct. 12th & 14th: MemberMember Low Gross-Low Net: Flight 1: Pearl Ash/Carol Tubbs 1st Gross 161; Joyce Stafford/Mary Lou Underwood 1st net 125. Flight 2: Carmen Fields/Jerry Ramsey 1st gross 178; Jana Roberts/Ruth Ann Phelan 1st net 131. Flight 3: Sue Habblett/Honey Lu Sack 1st gross 203; Pat Hersey/Hazel Winklmann 1st net 137. Flight 4: Germaine Dufresne/Karla Pia 1st gross 206; Laura Horwath/Judy Oesterle 1st low net 137.

Member-Member golf tournament at the Caloosa C.C. October 12&14. Low gross: L to R: Low gross:Flight 1 standing Pearl Ashe/seated Carol Tubbs 161.Fight 2 standing Carmen Fields/seated Jerry Ramsey 178. Flight 3 standing Honey Lu Sack/ Seated Sue Habblett 203and Flight 4 absent Germaine Dufrane/seated Karla Pia 206.

Hogans League Of Sun City Center and Kings Point Sept. 23rd: Summerfield, Match play: 1st : Don Mowry 75; 2nd : Chip Wood 78; 3rd : Rich Lucidi 80; 4th: Art Swallow 82. Sept. 26th: North Lakes: K-Skins: 1st : tied at 4 skins each – Art Swallow & Paul Maki; 2nd : threeway tie at 2 skins each – Big Diehl, Frank Carlin & Denny Wintersteen. Low-net: Paul Maki, 2 skins, with a 67. Low-gross: tied with 2 skins each Dave Domrose & Denny Wintersteen at 90. Oct. 1st: Cypress Creek: Match play:1st : Fred Mayes 70, 2nd : Rich Lucidi 77, 3rd : Sharlene Peter 80. 4th: Art Swallow 86. Oct. 3rd: North Lakes: Match play: Low-net: 1st : Howie Morrel 62 (10 skins), 2nd : Rich Lucidi 63 (8 skins), 3rd: Big Diehl 64 (6 skins). Low-gross: 1st : Dave Domrose 83 (5 skins), 2nd : Terry Seipelt 84 (4 skins), 3rd : Howie Morrel 89 (3 skins). Oct. 7th: Summerfield: Match play: Low-net: Fred Mayes 78 (8 skins). Low-gross: Terry Seipelt, 92. Oct. 9th: Imperial Lakewoods: K-Skins: 1st : Judie Schafers 12 skins; 2nd : three-way tie at 3 skins each – Bob Harris, Paul Maki & Don Mowry. Low-net: Judie Shafers 67; Low-gross: Judie Shafers 80. Oct. 13th: Renaissance: Skins: 1st : Rich Lucidi, 9 skins; 2nd: three-way tie @ 3 skins each- Fred Mayes, Ron Kingston & Tom Kirchen. Low-net: Fred Mayes 68; Low-gross: Tom Kirchen 89.

November 2009

Oct. 15: Cypress Creek: Skins: 1st : three-way tie @ 2 skins each – Tom Kirchen, Paul Maki & Wayne Velten; 2nd : Fred Mayes, 1 skin. Low-net: Tom Kirchen 73; Lowgross: Tom Kirchen 90. Oct. 17th: Sandpiper (Oaks/ Lakes: Low Net: Fred Mayes 69, Don Mowry and Chip Wood (Tie) 70, J. Kirkland 71, Joe Dispenziere, Bob Harris, Paul Maki, 73 (Tie).

L-R: Paul Maki, Bob Harris, Chip Wood, Fred Mayes, Don Mowry & Joe Dispenziere (Missing from the picture: J. Kirkland).

SCCWGA Fantasy Five winners: (L to R) Lois Gluntz, Susan Torre, Pat Jones, Anne Dean, Jeanie Shively.

November 2009

The News of Sun City Center

The Hogans Hogans info (membership application, bylaws, detailed schedules) may be found at

Hogans November Schedule


Black Friday... The Golfers’ Version

Diamond Hill: Mondays 11:30 a.m.

11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/23, 11/30

Riverside: Tuesdays 11:30 a.m.

11/3, 11/17

Imperial Lakewoods: Tuesdays 11:30 a.m.


Summerfield Crossings: Wednesdays 11:30 a.m.

11/4, 11/11, 11/18, 11/25

Renaissance: Thursdays 11:00 a.m.

11/12, 11/26

Cypress Creek: Fridays 11:40 a.m.

11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 11/27

Sandpiper: Saturdays 11:30 a.m.

11/7, 11/14

Reservations are required to play with the Hogans. Contact Art Swallow at email:

Memorial to an Old Friend By Patti Ducharme

The Ladies Golf Association (LGA) dressed in black on Friday, October 2nd, as they played their last weekly event on the North Lakes Course in Sun City Center. She has been a good old friend over these many years. She was the golf course where I learned to play in an organized league when I arrived in this fun community back in Feb 2003. The North Lakes Course was our meeting place every Friday morning for league play. By 8 a.m. the parking lot was filled with carts as the women signed in and readied for their round of the week. After play, we would gather with our soda, beer and popcorn in the clubhouse as we laughed over the holes that got away from us. None of us will forget that tricky Hole #1 with her berm hiding the creek. Even if one were to clear the creek, the right green-side sand trap was there waiting for the ball. We salute the old girl. And we thank her for the memories of those Friday mornings and the dear friendships formed over the many years of her service. (Note: WCI closed the North Lakes Golf Course on October 5th. In a letter to SCC golfers on September 26th, “Continuing to operate the facility any longer could negatively affect the other golf operations in Sun City Center.” The leagues have moved to the Sandpiper course on Thursdays, with the men playing in the morning and the women in the afternoon.)


The News of Sun City Center

November 2009

Tampa Area Home Prices are still


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November 2009

The News of Sun City Center


Putnam reacts to citrus estimate

BARTOW, Fla. – Congressman Adam Putnam made the following statement in response to the US Dept. of Agriculture estimate that Florida’s citrus production would fall by 16 percent compared to last season. “The low estimate should help growers by lifting cash market prices, but this number reflects a long-term loss of acreage due to development and disease,” said Putnam. “This is troubling, and all the more reason to press forward with aggressive research to meet the existential threat posed by citrus greening. A continued decline in acreage will impact processing and the economy of scale throughout the industry. A robust, homegrown citrus industry is better for the grower and the consumer.” The forecast for all Florida oranges is 136 million boxes, down 16 percent from last season. Early, midseason, and navel varieties in Florida are forecast at 69 million boxes, 18 percent lower than last season. And Florida Valencia oranges are projected to yield 67 million boxes, a drop of 14 percent from the 2008-09 crop. Since 2001, Putnam has represented Florida’s 12th Congressional District, which includes most of Polk County, the largest citrus producing county in Florida, and portions of Hillsborough and Osceola counties. –Keith Rupp

Florida fresh citrus can ship to all states

WASHINGTON – Congressman Adam Putnam praised rule changes that will permit Florida citrus to be shipped to all 50 states once more. The US Department of Agriculture published the rule change today. It takes effect immediately. “This is a victory for science-based regulations, a victory for Florida fresh fruit growers and shippers, and a victory for consumers all over America who look forward to receiving fresh citrus from Florida in the winter,” said Putnam. “This comes not a moment too soon, as this marks the beginning of the Florida fruit shipment season.” The USDA decision will allow citrus fruit to go to all U.S. states, as long as it has been treated with approved decontamination measures, is packed within a facility having a compliance agreement with USDA, and meets other USDA revised rules. The previous requirement that fruit be inspected and found free of citrus canker has been eliminated for fruit destined to the interstate market. The USDA says that scientific evidence proves that commercially packed and treated fruit does not spread citrus canker. USDA’s action could affect more than 50 citrus packinghouses within the state. Florida packinghouses had shipped nearly 1.5 million cartons valued at $10 million annually to the affected markets in the past. Reaction from Florida’s fresh fruit growers and shippers has been extremely positive. Some overseas export restrictions still remain be in place by importing countries, but discussions among USDA and major trading partners, such the European Union, are on-going regarding revised export rules. The citrus industry, directly and indirectly, generates roughly 76,000 full-time and part-time jobs. In addition to jobs, the industry makes an important contribution to economic activity within Florida each year. The total impact of citrus in Florida’s economy is approximately $9 billion a year. –Keith Rupp

Call me today to hear about these optional features: New Car Replacement, Accident Forgiveness and Deductible Rewards. RACHEL A WEISSMAN, CIC, LUTCF (813) 634-7100 955 Del Webb Blvd. E. Ste 102 Sun City Center RWEISSMAN@ALLSTATE.COM

Feature is optional and subject to terms, conditions and availability. Safe Driving Bonus won’t apply after an accident. Patent pending. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company; Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company

Answer on page 22.


The News of Sun City Center

November 2009


12th Annual “Rally for a Cure” Golf Tournament Sponsored by the SCC Women’s Golf Leagues

The 12th Annual Rally for a Cure tournament raised nearly $27,000 and their awareness message and mission. The format was in flights so there were three flights and three possible winning teams. 125 women golfers participated with small prizes (and bragging rights) to winning teams as follows: Palms #1 Carolyn Avett, Linda DesLondes, DeLoris Durm, Barbara Murphy. #2 Judie Schafers, Ann Nolan, Muriel Warren, Mick Milano; #3 Jan Huber, JoAnn Kinsley, Patt Persons, Elfi Nolden. Oaks #1 Pat Eytcheson, Lois Gluntz, Mary Klopp, Mary Ann Vinci. #2 Yvonne Kelly, Mary Houston, Betty Anne Bauman, Judy Linn. #3 Dolores Stieper, Carol Murtinger, Nancy Birkett, Barb Mellon. Then on the Lakes: #1 Liz Lewis, Kathy O’Connell, Betty Rollins. #2 Laura Hammaker, Wally McIntosh, Flo Iannazzi. 3rd: Louise Caulfield, Mary Jo Miller, Chris Harkins, Marian James. Many pink ribbon Titleist golf balls were given for ‘on the green in one swing,’ and the three Cleveland Rally Golf Bags that were awarded for closest to the pin went to Judie Schafers, Sandpiper; Syl Olivera, Renaissance; and Alice DeSchryver, Falcon Watch.

The SCC Women’s Golf Associations Presidents. Left to right, Jeanne Nenarella, Jan Huber, Elaine Van Der Baan. Photo by Linda Scarborough

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November 2009

The News of Sun City Center



Breast Cancer Survivors Received Pink Roses

The Rally for the Cure Golf Tournament was held October 23, 2009 at the Sandpiper Golf Course in Sun City Center, FL. The event donated close to $27,000 to the Susan G. Komen Foundation for the cure of breast cancer. Brandon Honda provided lunch and was a Gold sponsor. Other Gold sponsors were Center of Radiation Oncology John Price & Rick Toberosa, Ameriprise Advisor Services, Royal Doulton Estates of Sun City Center HOA,Walmart of Gibsonton, FL, Fox & Friends Dr. Steven Fox, and M&M Printing Co-Observers News. All of these sponsors donated $1,000. Many thanks to the Silver, Bronze, and Base sponsors and cash donations without all of you, this wonderful event wouldn’t be a success. Special thanks to the many golfers who participated, for all the volunteers and the committees that worked so hard for the Rally of the Cure. Many of the golfers were survivors of breast cancer.

Answer on page 20.



Presented by Suncoast Dixieland Jazz, Inc., a 501 (3) Corporation making possible scholarships in music education for our local youth


from all over the U.S. including local favorites Paulette Pepper, the Dixie Chaps, Sonny LaRosa’s Youth Band.

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The News of Sun City Center

Community Church College Offers Six More Walk-in Lectures

November 11: Cardiology 2010: New Frontiers in Cardiac Care. November 18: Minimally Invasive Innovations for Knee Osteoarthritis. The College collects a $5 fee per lecture, payable at the door. All fees benefit the Community Church College. The College began the fall semester in October with over 700 enrolled in a variety of classes. For more information, call 634-8607.

H1N1 Advice

The only portals of entry are the nostrils and mouth/throat. In a global epidemic of this nature, it’s almost impossible not coming into contact with H1N1 in spite of all precautions. Contact with H1N1 is not so much of a problem as proliferation is. While you are still healthy and not showing any symptoms of H1N1 infection, in order to prevent proliferation, aggravation of symptoms and development of secondary infections, some very simple steps, not fully highlighted in most official communications, can be practiced (instead of focusing on how to stock N95 or Tamiflu): 1. Frequent hand-washing (well highlighted in all official communications). 2. “Hands-off-the-face” approach. Resist all temptations to touch any part of face (unless you want to eat, bathe or slap). 3. *Gargle twice a day with warm salt water (use Listerine if you don’t trust salt). *H1N1 takes 2-3 days after initial infection in the throat/ nasal cavity to proliferate and show characteristic symptoms. Simple gargling prevents proliferation. In a way, gargling with salt water has the same effect on a healthy individual that Tamiflu has on an infected one. Don’t underestimate this

November 2009

simple, inexpensive and powerful preventative method. 4. Similar to 3 above, *clean your nostrils at least once every day with warm salt water. *Not everybody may be good at Jala Neti or Sutra Neti (very good Yoga asanas to clean nasal cavities), but *blowing the nose hard once a day and swabbing both nostrils with cotton buds dipped in warm salt water is very effective in bringing down viral population.* 5. *Boost your natural immunity with foods that are rich in Vitamin C (Amla and other citrus fruits). *If you have to supplement with Vitamin C tablets, make sure that it also has Zinc to boost absorption. 6.* Drink as much of warm liquids as you can. *Drinking warm liquids has the same effect as gargling, but in the reverse direction. They wash off proliferating viruses from the throat into the stomach where they cannot survive, proliferate or do any harm.

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Tampa General Hospital and South Bay Hospital are offering three more lectures each during the month of November through the Community Church College on Pebble Beach Blvd. North. All lectures are from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. with a questions and answers session from 11:30 until noon. The Tuesday dates and topics being presented by South Bay are listed here: November 3: Atrial Fibrillation—New Treatment Methods. November 10: How to Know When it’s Time to go to the Emergency Room. November 17: Everything You Need to Know about Varicose Veins and Treatment Options. The Wednesday dates and topics being offered by Tampa General are listed below: November 4: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA): Prevention and Treatment of the Silent but Deadly Condition. (Note: From 8:30 a.m. until noon, TBH is offering a free AAA screening by appointment only. Call 1-800-822-3627 to register.)

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Hearing Screening


Eye Surgery

With Bud Waldmann, MA

Left to Right: Roman Pravak, MD; Julia Carter, MD; Prabin Mishra, MD, PhD; Edwin Detweiler III, OD; Michael Manning, MD; Richard Hector, MD

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Michael Manning, MD

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Julie Carter, MD

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Fellowship Trained Retina Specialist

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Edwin Detweiler, OD

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November 2009

The News of Sun City Center


Clubs and Organizations from A to Z First Installment: Groups beginning with A-C

CLUB NAME/Meeting Day(s)/ Times(s)/Place “A” *ACADEMY OF BALLROOM DANCE: Contact the club president for club information. *ACCORDION CLUB: Contact the club president for info. *AMATEUR RADIO CLUB: Contact the club president for info. *AMERICAN LEGION POST #246: Contact the club for info. AEROBICS (FLEXERCISE AND AEROBIC DANCE): Flexercise meets Mon/Wed/ Fri from 8 - 8:45 a.m. Aerobic Dancemeets from 8:50 - 9:20 a.m. Both meet in Community Hall. AEROBIC (LOW IMPACT) EXERCISE: Mon/Wed/Fri from 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. in the Dance Studio. AEROBICS--TRIMNASTICS: Mon/Tue/Thur year round starting at 9:30 a.m. in the outdoor plaza next to the Rollins Theater. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN: Each month there is a luncheon. Contact current president. *AQUASIZERS: Monday through Saturday from 10 to 11 a.m. in the outdoor pool. ART CLUB: Second Thursday, October through May (except

February) at 1:30 p.m. in the Little Theatre. *ASTRONOMY CLUB: First Friday of each month from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Armstrong Room. AUDUBON SOCIETY: First Saturday, October through April, in Community Hall (December meeting held in Florida Room) 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. “B” BIG BAND DANCE CLUB: Sponsors eight dances to the music of the 18-piece Sun City Center Big Band. BILLIARDS: Members of the club may use the Billiard room from 9 9 p.m., Mondays through Saturdays. BINGO: Every Monday evening from 7:30 p.m. to about 10 p.m. at Community Hall. Doors open & card sales at 6:30 p.m. BOOM BA DANCE CLUB: Contact the club president for dates. BRIDGE ASSOCIATION: Mon/ Tue at 7 p.m.; Tue/Wed/Fri/Sat at 12:30 p.m. in the Horizon Room. *BRIDGE EDUCATION: Contact club president for info. BRITISH CONNECTION: Contact the President of the club for dates.

BUNKA ARTS: Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Arts and Crafts Building. TAI-PAN BUNKA: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. - noon in the Art and Crafts Building. *BUNKA STITCHES: Contact club president for info. “C” *CABARET DANCE CLUB: Contact club president for info. *CALOOSA GREEN MEN’S GOLF: Contact president for info. *CALOOSA GREEN LADIES’ GOLF: Contact president for info. CALOOSA TRAVEL CLUB: Contact the President of the club for dates. CERAMICS: Daily from 8:304 p.m. in the Ceramics Room. *CERT: Contact president for info. CHESS & CHECKERS CLUB: Wednesday afternoons in the Game Room (across the foyer from the indoor Swimming Pool). CHINA PAINTING: Mon/ Wed/Fri from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. in the Arts and Crafts Building. MEN’S CHORUS: Rehearsals Wednesdays from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Little Theater. *COALITION FOR MENTAL HEALTH AND AGING: Contact Dr. Ken Barringer for info.

*COMPETITIVE TENNIS CLUB: Contact club president for info. COMPUTER CLUB (IBM Compatible PC):First Wednesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the Community Hall. COMPUTER CLUB (Macintosh): Fourth Tuesday of every month in the Caper Room. *COUNTRY CLOGGERS: Contact club president for info. *COUNTRY MUSIC CLUB (FRONT PORCH PICKERS): Contact club president for info. CRAFTS & THINGS: The first and third Wednesday of the month at 1 p.m. in the Sandpiper Room. CYGNET YACHT CLUB (Model boats): Monday and Thursday mornings starting at 8 a.m. at Swan Lake on the lawn. *Note: Information for all of these clubs should be available online on the CA web site: suncitycenter. org. If your club has an asterik before it, your club is not listed there. Your president should contact Millie in the CA office with the information so your club can be added. All club presidents are listed even though their club might not be found in the alphabetical listing.

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Fitness Center Machines Of The Month

This month’s focus will be on our new, state-of-the-art aerobic equipment. These new, feature-rich machines were recently installed to replace aging, out-of-warranty units. They will help you burn calories, increase lung capacity and improve your overall cardiovascular efficiency. *True CS3.0 Treadmills— These machines feature a low, 7” step–up height and dual machine mounted fans for user comfort. *True CS8.0 Recumbent Bike—This unit has a walk-through design making it safe and easy to use for people with hip, knee and balance problems. The seatback reclines for optimum comfort. *Concept 2 Indoor Rower— These rowers offer the ultimate in

The News of Sun City Center

total body workout. Arms, legs, back and shoulders are all employed with this easy to use machine. * Tr u e C S X E l l i p t i c a l Trainer—This device allows the user to isolate the upper body, or the lower body, or exercise the upper and lower in tandem to provide a complete body workout while burning calories at a maximum rate. All of these machines have “quick start” controls as well as custom programs for the more experienced user. Grip sensors on many of these units monitor heart rate to indicate the intensity of your workout. Combining aerobic (cardiovascular) and resistance (muscular) training will accelerate progress toward your fitness goals.

Get Fit–Stay Fit! Translating Miles and Tires into Dollars and Cents

November 2009

A Little Advice from Consumer Affairs ... Wanted……Responses from you!!! By Susan Muise It would be a great help to everyone if we could hear from you about any experiences you have had, good or bad, with businesses registered with us. As we hope you know, you can make a complaint against any of these businesses by filling out a complaint form available in the CA Office and allowing us to make copies of your supporting paperwork (estimate, contract, any correspondence, cancelled check, etc.). Businesses are always contacted for their side of the story, and often complaints are settled quickly just by doing this much. Complaints are kept in that company’s file for four years. Folks can come in and read the complaint and form their own opinion about that business. We do receive many accolade letters or letters of good work, as well. If you have had a good

experience, or even a mediocre experience, we encourage you to write it down for other residents to read. It’s a good way for people to get a feel for that company and the type of work they do. The Consumer Affairs Committee does not rate or recommend any of the businesses listed with us. Having your comments in the files is an excellent way to share your experiences with others looking for a company to hire. Even though our Consumer Affairs Register is available online, you do have to come into the CA Office to look at the individual files. We cannot give out this type of information over the phone.

The Consumer Affairs Register is available online at -click on Consumer Affairs on the left side of the page; -click on Directory Listing of Registered Contractors and Vendors on the left side of the page.

Notice: Symposium on Chinese Drywall

On November 5-6, there will be a Technical Symposium on Corrosive Imported Drywall at Mainsail Suites Hotel and Conference Center in Tampa. More information is available CorrosiveDrywall/. The NEWS of Sun City Center A publication of the SCC Community Association 1009 N. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center, FL 33573 813-633-3500 News Office: 813-642-2070 (located at 960A Old Town Hall) Editor-in-Chief: Karen Jones

Al Hamm busy at work monitoring the Patrol budget. When you try to figure out your family budget, it certainly helps if you can project your income and expenses. The same is true of an organization such as the Security Patrol. “Fortunately, we know pretty much ahead of time what our numbers will be,” says treasurer Al Hamm. “A family may not.” Like a family member, Hamm shudders when the constant stopand-go-and-turn of driving around Sun City Center takes a toll on vehicle tires. He also groaned when after the 9/11 terrorist attacks liability insurance increased 30 to 40 percent. Then he smiles as the year’s auto insurance bill arrives with little increase. After all, he notes, in the past ten years, the Patrol has only recorded two accidents serious enough to warrant an insurance claim – and that’s true even though during that decade the Patrol has logged some 1.8 million miles.

In addition to finding Hamm adding up figures or paying bills, you might also discover him researching the best rates for accounts. Not only does he seek the best return on the dollars contributed to the Patrol by residents and businesses, the current economy has also underscored his practice of diversifying the accounts at various financial institutions. Although the budget remains fairly stable from year to year, Hamm is keeping an eye on next year’s expected income. Contributions went down slightly this year as residents and businesses reined in spending. As for next year, “We’ll see when our letters seeking funds go out in November,” he says. But he isn’t complaining. “I find it all so worthwhile,” he declares.

If you’re a member of the Patrol, be proud. If you’re not a member, come join us. 642-2020.

Reporters: John Bowker, Phyllis Hodges, Uta Kuhn Contributors: CA Board of Directors and Staff, Linda Bowker, John McRee, Susan Muise, Lyn Reitz, Judy Schings CA Board Liaison: Ann Marie Leblanc Advertising: John Wolf 813-938-8721

Flu Shots Schedule 9 to 11 a.m. Sandpiper Room Monday, November 2 Wednesday, November 18 Thursday, December 3 Monday, December 7 Medicare B: No charge for flu or pneunomia Others: $25 Flu $45 Pneumonia Cash, Check, Visa or MasterCard

Publisher: Sun City Center Community Association Monthly deadline:

15th of each month Advertising: The NEWS is not liable for errors in advertising; it does not endorse and cannot verify the accuracy of representations made by advertisers who are solely responsible for advertisement contents. The NEWS welcomes announcements, articles, photos and stories about our community.

November 2009

The News of Sun City Center

MOVIES at the Rollins Theater

NEWCOMERS September 2009

List prepared by Linda Bowker from CA staff data. Report corrections, additions to CA at 633-3500. Last Rizzotti Ruthig Oltz Mace Godfrey Klos Molina Rodriguez Toussaint Hamilton Ferramisco Sands Anderson Gluck Browning Browning Mariani Mills Wolgamuth Illig Stoffels Clukey Takacs Inglis Failing Springer Lowther Quinn Rayburn Tams Deery

First Num Stephen 1504 Thomas & Leslee 2017 Donald & Theresa 812 Iva 1214 Howard & Patricia 1202 Stanley & Martha 329 Grecia 303 Angeles 303 Roger & Carolyn 1607 Kenneth 259 Rosalie 2429 Mary 324 Denise 1708 Marty 1708 Renée 1726 William 1726 Connie 1526 Alan & Patricia 1812 James & Laura 720 Leon 803 Nancy 1936 Herbert 1212 Michael 1212 Richard & Oleksandra 2105 Robert & Laurie 1907 Clayton & Margaret 2045 Randall & Cynthia 305 Robert & Darlene 1704 Stephen 1906 Sandra 1906 Eileen 1819


Local street Hometown St Phone Belle Glade Ave Haynesville ME 860-836-5283 Berry Roberts Dr Miami FL 633-2438 Bluewater Dr New Bern NC 252-636-2905 Bluewater Dr Stafford VA 633-1529 Caloosa Creek Ct Mexico NY 938-1256 Caloosa Woods Ln Erie PA 938-1267 Club Manor Dr 727-215-6912 Club Manor Dr 727-215-6912 Comfy Ct Wyoming MN Courtyards Blvd Apt 207 Sarasota FL Emerald Lake Dr Apt 206 Dix Hills NY 516-376-1586 Faircross Cir Columbia Falls MT 633-1825 Flamingo Ln Gainesville FL 941-284-4612 Flamingo Ln Queens NY 941-294-4612 Flamingo Ln Summerfield FL 690-4319 Flamingo Ln Scranton PA 770-0275 Fort Duquesna Dr Atlanta GA 634-8811 Fort Duquesna Dr Gorham ME 938-4965 Fox Hills Dr Stow OH 938-1327 Fox Hills Dr Orchard Park NY 784-4396 Grand Cypress Ln E Stroudsburg PA Lakehouse Ct Plattsburgh NY 938-1261 Lakehouse Ct Oberlin OH 938-1261 Meadowlark Ln Troy NY 633-0930 Pebble Beach Blvd S Plymouth MI 941-645-0477 Prestancia Ln Van Wert OH 938-3432 Stroll Ln Middletown NJ Wedge Ct New Brunswick NJ 856-649-5195 Wedge Ct 938-3881 Wedge Ct 938-3881 Wolf Laurel Dr Lisburn Ire 633-7549

Monday Movies at the Rollins Theater For the past six years, John and Janet McRee have presented a movie experience for the Sun City Center community in the Rollins Theater. With support from Dotty Hull and Chris Golik, movies have been shown every second and fourth Monday afternoon at 1 p.m. The Monday Movies have become very popular and have a loyal following. The Monday Movies have greatly benefited from recent improvements in the projection system installed by the Performing Arts Club. A generous grant from the Community Foundation of Greater Sun City Center was garnered though the efforts of Lew Resseguie. This grant was used to purchase a stateof-the-art projection system. A separate grant was received from the Interfaith Council for the purchase of a new screen. In addition, the Performing Arts Club put in a little over $2,000 from its renovation fund for technical assistance in putting everything together in the theater. The Sun City Center maintenance crew mounted the projector in the ceiling of the theater. The system features a Blue-Ray DVD disc player, the latest technology available for movie delivery. This disc player coupled with the dynamic sound system in the Rollins Theater provides a top-notch movie experience. You no longer have to drive to Brandon and spend 10 dollars to see a current movie. A preview showing of a Walt Disney Blue-Ray motion picture documentary has been scheduled for November 19th. The movie “EARTH” was chosen to give community theater-goers an excellent introduction to movies at the Rollins Theater. This movie has a very simplistic title “EARTH,” which understates its absolutely stunning cinematic storytelling with crisp detailed images of our planet and its magnificent animals. The movie is narrated by James Earl Jones Authorized and has received outstanding reviews from entertainment critics. E-Z-Go “EARTH” will be shown at three different times (1 p.m., 3 p.m., & and 5 p.m.) on Thursday, November 19th. Tickets are required as Western seating is limited in the Rollins Theater. Dealer TICKETS will be available in the Sun City Center Community Association office from Monday, November 16th through Thursday (noon), November 19th. A donation will be collected at each showing to defray licensing costs.

November 9th “State of Play” 128 min. PG-13 Academy Award®-winner Russell Crowe leads an all-star cast, including Ben Affleck, Rachel McAdams & Helen Mirren in the blistering thriller about deception, manipulation & corruption. When D.C. Reporter Cal M c C a ff r e y ( C r o w e ) i s assigned to investigate the murder of an assistant to an up-and-coming politician (Affleck), he uncovers a conspiracy that threatens to bring down the nation’s power structures. In a town of spin-doctors and wealthy power brokers, he will discover one truth: when fortunes are at stake, no one’s integrity, love or life is safe. November 23rd “Wizard of Oz -70th Anniversary” 102 min. Rating: G When it was released during Hollywood’s golden year of 1939, The Wizard of Oz didn’t start out as the perennial classic it has since become. Young Dorothy Gale (Judy Garland), her dog, Toto, and her three companions on the yellow brick road to Oz– the Tin Man (Jack Haley), the Cowardly Lion (Bert Lahr), and the Scarecrow (Ray Bolger)–have become pop-culture icons and central figures in the legacy of fantasy for children. As the Wicked Witch who covets Dorothy’s enchanted ruby slippers, Margaret Hamilton has had the singular honor of scaring the wits out of children for more than six decades. The film is still as fresh, frightening, and funny as it was when first released and it’s required viewing for kids of all ages.–Jeff Shannon Each of these movies has English subtitles for the hearing impaired. Monday Movies are for Sun City Center Community Association members ONLY. A 2009 membership card must be presented for admission.

One showing only @ 1 p.m.

Sales Service Parts Accessories

120 South Pebble Beach Blvd.• 813.634.6671


The News of Sun City Center

November 2009

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