$200.00 to be WON!
Thursday, 19 September 2019
Shop 7a Myall Quays Shopping Village
Tea Gardens (02) 4997 9149
Dentists With Heart Caring for Your Smile
CLINICIANS Dr Peter Hubbard BDS Dr Sharyn Primrose BOH
Children Bulk Bill Child Medicare Benefit Government Vouchers Accepted Cosmetic Dentistry
General Dental Preventative Dental Oral Surgery Special Needs Orthodontics
c NOTA Graphics - TGCDC_M11_120919_NENI
Of The Area
See Inside
Tea Gardens Tea Garden Complete Dental Complete Dental Care Care
Tea Gardens ~ Hawks Nest ~ Bulahdelah ~ Karuah ~ Stroud ~ Booral ~ Pindimar ~ Nth Arm Cove ~ Bundabah ~ Nerong
Page 3
Myall Region
Page 6
Fire Survival Plans
Page 8 Weekend Pennant
Planter Boxes on the list for Shed
Page 11
Greg Mutton’s Exciting Book Launch By Ann SCULLY FAMILY, friends and writing colleagues were out in force to support Bundabah writer, Greg Mutton, launch his first book, 'Reunion', at the Tea Gardens Hotel on Sunday, 8 September. “Writing is a solitary task,” Greg, a member of the North Arm Cove branch of the Fellowship of Australian Writers NSW Inc told guests, “but I have received great help from my fellow writers, especially Olly Griffin, Gail Rust and my Wife, Debbie.” Debbie told guests that she was proud of Greg’s writing achievement and
Low Water q
MODERATE water restrictions are in force across the MidCoast region with the likelihood that tighter restrictions could follow soon even after this week's showers. Council is asking everyone across the MidCoast to ensure they are complying CONTINUED Page 3
Lower GREAT LAKES Region - “It’s the People’s Paper”
Tea Gardens auTo elecTrics & Mechanical ►new car servicinG ►Mechanical repairs ►auTo elecTrics
Michelle Aitkin and Greg Mutton.
Hawks Nest
List your property with us today!
►air condiTioninG
PHONE: 4997 0262
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$430,000 LAND 1066sqm $299,500
02 4997 2560 Thursday, 12 September, 2019
9 yandala sT Tea Gardens
MVRL NuMbeR: MVRL55720
NOTA Graphics - Ref: TGAM_220819
LAND 1031sqm $220,000 PINDIMAR
$395,000 HAWKS NEST 2
© NOTA Graphics - Ref: TGCC_M81_190419_NENIA
Phone: 4997 0250
2a Yalinbah Street, Tea Gardens
Whats on at the Club?
Friday - Tickets on sale 5pm Draw Starts 6.30pm Sunday - Tickets on sale 4pm Draw Starts 5pm Wednesday - Tickets on sale 5pm Draw Starts 6.30pm
JACKPOT $5300.00
All Live on Big Screen Happy Hour All Day on Final Days 4X GOLD And Tooheys Schooners and House Wines
News Of The Area CONTACT US: News Of The Area, EDITORIAL TEAM
Courtesy Bus Available 7 days FREE Coffee & Tea all day every day Phone 49970911
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Heather SHARP
0402 402 166
0414 521 180
0408 153 134
WANTED: Tea Gardens / Hawks Nest WRITER/REPORTER
The NOTA is looking for a local person to contribute 3-5 local news stories each week. You must demonstrate good writing skills and be active within the community. Also, you need to be handy taking photos and understand how to email high resolution photos. If you or someone you know may be suited, please email your enquiry and application to us today. media@newsofthearea.com.au
Greg Mutton’s Exciting Book Launch
enjoys being part of the process and further informed guests who after surviving bowel cancer in 2012, Greg was forced to retire a few years later due to complications after failed eye surgery and that is when he started writing in earnest four years ago. 'Reunion' is the first in the trilogy Chronicle of the 12th Realm and the story centres on the Abraham family and a feud between Brothers, Aaron and Jeff. After a thirty-year estrangement from his
family, Aaron is invited to a reunion and leaves his home on Argos for the trip to Earth with his new First Officer, Petra. A strange encounter, an unprovoked attack and an explosion in hyperspace turn their routine trip into a nightmare. Filled with action, drama and love, 'Reunion' is an exciting inter-dimensional adventure. Since starting to write seriously, Greg has completed all three books in this trilogy, a prequel and two stand-alone novels with the second book in the trilogy, 'Sedition Rising', due to be released in the next couple of months. Greg and North Arm Cove resident, Elizabeth Hall, read short passages from
AT this year’s Myall River Festival, the local fundraising Group of “Pearls” will again be selling pre-loved clothes at ”Buy My Wardrobe” in the Dolphin Room, Tea Gardens Hotel. Last year it was fortuitous that the Country Women’s Association (CWA ) held their National Conference in Newcastle just after the BMW event, allowing a representative Pearls group to join them,
giving them the opportunity to directly present a cheque for $3,200 of monies raised. “The CWA has their finger on the pulse of local communities that are now in an even tighter grip of the drought. That is why this year’s funds will also go directly to local drought affected farmers.” Sandra Clark told News Of The Area, “Clothes can still be donated so if you are spring cleaning your wardrobe, give us a
FROM Page 1
Pre-loved clothes ready to go
2 Fat Bakers “We have been bakers for 30 years”
Great coffee Great pies, Cakes, Pastries, Not just your ordinary bakery “Eat in with Barista Coffee. Or Takeaway on the run!” 7/205 Myall Street, Tea Gardens |
0467 201 114
Fishing & Leisure
call.” “As an inclusion in this year’s Festival the Pearls will also participate in a number of pop up fashion parades under the guidance of Carol Richards.” “Clothes not sold on the day are distributed back into our community through local charity shops, so it is fundraising with a purpose and re-cycling at its best,” Ms Clarke said. For more information contact Kerry on 0422 909 517.
Reely good deals on Fishing Tackle and Live Werms
Fishing * Camping Beach Supplies * Ice * Firewood * 55 Booner St Hawks Nest
'Reunion' prior to the official launch by Sydney-sider and avid reader, Michelle Aitkin who said she particularly loves sci-fi literature. “I am glad that people keep writing books so that I can read them,” Michelle said. “I commend the book to everyone as it is well written, exciting and a page turning novel.” Michelle concluded by saying that she couldn’t wait for the second book to be released. 'Reunion' is available from Amazon, Tea Gardens Post Office and Hawks Nest Newsagency and may also be purchased at the Myall River Festival, 26 October 2019. Greg is also available to speak about his writing by contacting him on 0459 997 399.
Like us on
(02) 4997 0241
Myall Quays Shopping centre, Myall Road, Tea Gardens - Phone 4997 2112
Please support the advertisers within the Myall Coast News Of The Area as they are bringing you your local news each week.
Bulahdelah Bowling Club 50 Jackson Street Bulahdelah Phone 49974365
Mixed Bowls 9am Tuesdays Mixed Jackpot Bowls 1pm Sat
KENO. TAB. 4Mtr TV Screen for all sport cover
Live Entertainment
KRISTO & KING DUO Saturday 21st September at 8.30pm to 11.30pm QUEEN OF THE MOUNTAIN Ladies Bowls Tournament Wednesday, 25th September
Thursdays at 1pm
Meat Raffle 20 Prizes Barefoot Bowls 5pm
The Greens Bistro
Open for lunch Thurs - Sunday Open for dinner 7 nights per wk Function packages available Takeaway available c NOTA Graphics - Ref: BBCL_190919_NENI
c NOTA Graphics - Ref: Frybros_070319
Thursday, 19 September, 2019
News Of The Area
MYALL COAST News Of The Area covers local news, events, sport and happenings throughout the Lower Great Lakes Region and includes the township of Karuah, Port Stephens. We distribute 4000 copies FREE every week by way of bulk drops to over 100 outlets. Our distribution model means that this publication is freely and conveniently available for residents and ratepayers, as well as the visiting population/tourists who come to this region throughout the year. News Of The Area publications also circulate throughout other areas of Port Stephens and Great Lakes. Other publications include, Bay News Of The Area, Raymond Terrace News Of The Area and Medowie & Tilligerry News Of The Area. Further information regarding all our publications can be found on our website: www.newsofthearea.com.au
Low Water FROM Page 1
with these restrictions, which are mandatory. The weather forecasts and predictions of water usage indicate that Council may need to increase restrictions. Moderate restrictions mean that you can water outside using hand-held hoses, for one hour every second day, before 9am or after 4pm. Garden irrigation systems may only be used for 15 minutes as part of the one hour allocation. If your house number is an even number, water on the even days of the month. For houses with odd numbers, water on the odd days of the month, and there's no watering at all on the 31st day of any month. This includes topping up home pools. Hunter Water has also declared Level 1 water restrictions across the Lower Hunter from this week, helping to conserve the region’s precious drinking water supplies. The severe drought affecting NSW has had a significant impact on dam levels, prompting the introduction of water restrictions in this
region for the first time in 25 years. Hunter Water’s Acting CEO Graham Wood encouraged the community to follow the water restrictions and continue to 'Love Water'. “It’s more important than ever that we all play our part and save water, particularly as we head into the warmer months. “Level 1 water restrictions apply across our entire region, meaning outdoor watering is only permitted before 10am and after 4pm and all hoses must have a trigger nozzle. The use of sprinklers is no longer allowed” “We’ll have six Community Water Officers monitoring compliance across the region. While we’re confident our community will do the right thing, these Officers will be working to educate people on what water restrictions mean and fines may apply to those who choose not to comply after a three month grace period. “Our teams will be working one-onone with large customers and commercial operators to prepare and implement Water Efficiency Management Plans to identify water savings and ensure the continuity of their operations. “Hunter Water will also continue to
prioritise leakage to reduce water losses across its water network. While we are making improvements, we will continue to invest in this area,” said Mr Wood. Hunter Water’s Executive Drought Lead Darren Cleary said water restrictions played an important part in Hunter Water’s drought response. “The severity of this drought is being felt across much of our State, including in the Lower Hunter. The last time water restrictions were introduced was in December 1994. “With the region’s dams continuing to fall, water restrictions will help reduce demand on the water supply as we head into what’s likely to be a very hot and dry summer. If the dry conditions persist, Level 2 water restrictions may be introduced by the end of the year. “We know that water is critical to people’s lives, which is why we are working closely with all of our customers, both residential and businesses, to help them be as water efficient as possible, and conserve our precious resource,” said Mr Cleary.
Fire Survival Plans
OCT 11
$5 for 1yr / $12 for 5yr
Check your card and see if you are due to pay this year - expiry date is 30th September
Devil in the detail – What does your rent review clause say?
“We come to you!”
by Michael McGrath
Book in today by calling
0402 283 316
Tea Gardens
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02 4928 7300
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Thursday, 19 September, 2019
7pm - 11pm
Sonja's Sonja's Split Split Enz Enz
C NOTA Graphics- Ref: TGHTS_27619_NENIA
Chicken or Veal $10 with Chips and Gravy Add $2 for Vegetables Lunch and Dinner
Please support the advertisers within the Myall Coast News Of The Area as they are bringing you your local news each week.
CALL JOHN 0426 101 851 www.riverfrontlogistics.com
www.karuahrsl.com.au for all the latest club info
q Noel Quince, Les Reynolds, Jet Krohn, Ralph Clark, Maurice Leembruggen and Don O’Brien.
Airport Transport Newcastle & Sydney Social Trips & Shopping Medical Appointments Wheelchair Passengers
436 Tarean Road, Karuah NSW
THE volunteers from Pindimar / Tea Gardens Rural Fire Brigade will be back again this coming weekend, setting up in the car-park at Tea Gardens shopping village. The Brigade assisted many members of the community with their Fire Survival Plans during the Get Ready Weekend. Further information is available on the RFS website http://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/newsand-media/get-ready
Office: 4997 5297 Restaurant: 4997 5960
Appointments Fridays 9am-5pm
191 Myall Street
Tea Gardens
It is common for a commercial or retail lease to provide for a market rent review to occur, particularly on exercise of an option to renew. Usually the parties will attempt to negotiate an agreed rent however, failing agreement the lease will generally then provide for an independent valuer to be appointed to determine market rent on behalf of the parties. A recent decision of the NSW Court of Appeal delivered on 21 August 2019, highlights the importance of understanding the market rent valuation clause contained in a lease and ensuring the valuer has complied with the terms of the lease in determining market rent. In Strike Australia Pty Ltd v Data Base Corporate Pty Ltd (2019), the subtenant of a bowling alley exercised an option to renew its sublease and a valuer was appointed to determine market rent. The
sublease required the valuer to “have regard to … market rents … for comparable premises in the vicinity of the premises.” The valuer examined the rents of other bowling alleys in Macquarie Park (17km away) and Bondi Beach (10km away). The landlord argued that such premises were outside the vicinity of the bowling alley and therefore resulted in the valuer determining a lower rent than other tenants in the Darling Harbour precinct were paying. The landlord was successful in having the valuation struck out by the Supreme Court. This decision was upheld by the Court of Appeal which held the terms of the lease required the valuer to have regard ‘only’ to premises in the vicinity of the bowling alley and therefore the valuer did not comply with the instructions contained in the sublease and the valuation was invalid.
Tuesdays 10am Thursdays 10am Sunday Funday 10am
Names must be in 1/2 hours before play
Tuesdays 6:30pm: Meat worth $250 Thursdays 6:30pm: Meat worth $250 Fridays 6:30pm: $1100 of prizes Sundays 12:30pm: $1300 meat & vouchers
FREE COURTESY BUS Come to the RSL this week!
Tea Gardens: Thursday to Sunday - Please Book. Limited Numbers North Please support theArm Cove to MEDOWIE Road Fire Station: Thursday to Sunday advertisers Local area: Daily Ph: 4997 5297 for bookings
Swipe card between 10am – 4.30pm Drawn at 4.45pm. Conditions apply
THE BRIDGEVIEW RESTAURANT Ring direct 4997 5960 $9.90 Lunches everyday Non Members $10.90
Open every day from 11.30am-2.30pm & 5.30pm-9pm. Bookings essential Friday & Saturday nights.We cater for all Special Occasions. Party menu available on request. c NOTA Graphics - KARUAH RSL_M81_190919_NENI
News Of The Area
Advertising within the Myall Coast News Of The Area reaches your local customers. Connect with them from next edition. Print media has never been as affordable for your business. Call (02) 4981 8882 or email ads@mcnota.com.au c
TO ENTER: Simply complete the Puzzle, then POST it to us. INCLUDE: You must include your NAME, Address, Phone and EMAIL. DRAWN: All CORRECT weekly entries of NOTA Puzzle #1 received will go into a draw, which will occur at the end of each month. ALL AGES: Everyone, children and Adults are able to Enter. AUGUST Winner WINNERS: Winners will be notified by email and published the paper. Michael Buckpitt ANSWERS: If you would like answers; these can be supplied Mail To: NOTA PUZZLES: PO Box 1000, Raymond Terrace NSW 2324 after WinnersGRID are announced. Email us the E edition date/s you would like anwsers for. NAME:......................................................................... media@newsofthearea.com.au
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GOLD STAR CROSSWORD ....................................................................................
17570 Crossword Goldstar 1
9 11
18 19
Pilates Mat & Equipment
Beginners/ intermediate/ advanced
25 Call Clare WattS tOday
0405 441 983
Ferodale Shopping Centre, Medowie
2 3
9 1
17 19 would like to thank their sponsors, Tea Gardens Hotel, 20 21 Tea Gardens Engineering , Tradie Ladies and Anthony 22 23 Grant Carpentry. 24 We hope next year to
0422 070 333
was a fantastic effort put in by you and your team. We also saw the first ever Ladies Tag Competition on field Marriage Proposal with Dallas Taylar getting down on one knee and ©Auspac Media go all the way to the grand No. 152 Down final, so see you all next year proposing to our very own Susan Rickard after our and thanks for your support. q Shannon Markham and Taylah Cook. team’s last Finals game. Junior Puzzler 077 Please support the advertisers within the News Area CrossworD solution no.Of The 17570
Across: 3. Triangle, 8. Yelp, 9. Entering, 11. Eremites, 13. Mete, 15. 2733 Wandered, 18. Retained, 19. Asps, 21. (02) 4987 Pureness, 25. Devoured, 26. Zebu, 27. Desolate. 2209 Pacific Hwy, Heatherbrae Down: 1. Pyre, 2. Alee, 4. Rant, 5. Apes, 6. Grime, 7. OPEN: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Eagle, 9. Eider, 10. Tenet, 12. Reads, 14. Tress, 16. Recur,Sat 17.9am-12pm Dared, 19. Added, 20. Paves, 21. Pull, 22. Rest, 23. Even, 24. Soul.
lassiC sudoku
© NOTA Graphics - Ref: NBCarpetCourt_140917
4 5 6 7 9 10 12 14 16
Stepdowns Palindrome P Funeral pile On lee side Rave Mimics Dirt B kkeeping Bird Duck Dogma Small Business Bookkeeping Peruses Long lock Solutions Come round at your business! Ready to assist intervals office@perpetualbookkeeping.com.au Ventured Appended Covers with slabs Haul Remainder Uniform Spirit 4 9 3 6 7 2 8 1 5
Bark Going in Hermits We believe the answer was Measure out ‘YES’. Congratulations from Roamed all of the Tea Gardens Lady i i Kept Hawks players and support Serpents staff, we hope your lives Chastity are filled with love and Ate happiness. Humped ox season With another Lay waste wrapped up the ladies
2 6 7 5 8 1 4 9 3
Can you find the hidden meaning in the picture puzzles below?
8 9 11 Taylah Cook. Shannon took out this 13 season’s Award for being 15 Highest Points Scorer and 18 19 Taylah took out the for 21 scoring the Highest Number 25 of Tries, in ladies tag B 2. 26 Grade Competition. Congratulations ladies, 27 it
WARNING !!!! Note to Editor: Solution to this puzzle should not appear on the same page.
8 5 1 3 9 4 6 2 7
WHAT a year for the Tea Gardens Lady Hawks Tag team. They finished as Minor Premiers and played some strong competition in the Finals, but unfortunately, they didn’t make it to the Grand Final. Through the season there were many achievements accomplished by the team as a whole and all of the players deserve individual recognition, but the two that need mentioning here are Shannon Markham and
1 EXPLORAWORD 3 Geometrical figure 2
Explorawords Across 1.
5 1 8 2 3 6 9 7 4
A & B Foley 12396 Gaynor Noel
4 6
What a Year for our Lady Hawks Created: Creator No: Qxpress: Checked:
Fitness ~ Massage ~ Pilates ~ Personal Training
To solve the puz numbers from 1 each row, colum
Across Down 6 7 3 Relationship 1 Thick slice 8 Noisy 2 Chasm 9 Drowsy 4 Simpleton 11 Happened to 5 Persia 13 Employed 6 Images 15 Astonishes 7 Give up 18 In good taste 9 Hit 13 14 19 Affirmatives 10 Repairs 21 One who 12 Composition undresses 14 Evade 25 Spread out 16 Unpleasant 26 Submerge 17 Sedate Pleases 27 19 Appended 20 Force out 23 24 21 Ballad 22 Recline 23 Suffering 26 24 Garden tool
6 3 4 7 1 9 5 8 2
Check Us Out on Facebook Medowie Pilates Fitness and Massage
Classic Su
PH:............................................ EMAIL:........................................................................................
9 7 2 8 4 5 1 3 6
Created in QUARK XPRESS 3.3. Items not needed for publication can be erased as each is in a separate text box.
7 2 9 4 5 8 3 6 1
Note to Editor:
12 X 12
3 8 5 1 6 7 2 4 9
Eat-in or PHONE 4997 9156 Take-away - Shop 3, 41 Booner BYOG Street, Hawks Nest
1 4 6 9 2 3 7 5 8
“AuthenticGOL100 Chinese and other Asian Cuisine”
www.nelsonbaycarpetcourt.com.au solution no. 17570
P A Y E l P r E E r E M E w A n D D A s P s D A D E V o E E D E s o
t r A E n i t D E r r E C P u u r l l A
i A P t E E s n E D t A r r E E D s t E
n G l E r A r i n G M l M E t E r i n E D s n E s s V o Z E B u n l
Must mention this advertisement
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ece. 3. 1812.
Australia 4217 www.AllSteelSheds.net.au
Fax:Phone:(07) 3201 (02)5553 4089 6070 | Email: newcastle@airtravelparking.com.au
Website: www.airtravelparking.com.au Email: auspac@auspacmedia.com.au Visit ourNewsOfTheArea.com.au site: www.auspacmedia.com.au Thursday, 19 September, 2019
M Radandt
Mail To: NOTA PUZZLES: PO Box 1000, Raymond Terrace NSW 2324
Puzzles and pagination © Auspac Media
Explorawords 1. Eye to eye. 2. Black Friday.
ClassiC sudoku
Transform 3. Triangle, 8. Yelp, 9. Entering, 11. Eremites, 15. Wandered,your 18. Retained, 19. Asps, 21. home , 25. Devoured, 26. Zebu, 27. Desolate.
ossworD solution no. 17570
. Pyre, 2. Alee, 4. Rant,Luxaflex 5. Apes, 6. ®Grime, 7. with Eider, 10. Tenet, 12. Reads,Fashions 14. Tress, 16. Window 7. Dared, 19. Added, 20. Paves, 21. Pull, 22. Even, 24. Soul.
solution no. 17570 P A Y E l P r E E r E M E w A n D D A s P s D A D E V o E E D E s o
t r A E n i t D E r r E C P u u r l l A
i A P t E E s n E D t A r r E E D s t E
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Store Name Call David 0408 680 835 123 Example Road, Exampleville STATE W: simplysmarterblinds.com.au Call 1234 5678 E: simplysmarterblinds@gmail.com
ANSWERS: ANSWERS: 1. Bluebird. 2. Greece. 3. 1812.
8271 Qld ia 4217
No. 152
Palindrome Puzzle NAME:.........................................................................
stEpdowns Strokes, stores, roses, sore, ore, or, r.
palindromE puzzlE Pose as Aesop.
Stepdowns Funeral pile dden meaning in the picture puzzles below? On lee side k 4 Rave ng in 5 Mimics mits 6 Dirt q Les Beggs, Staff Member, Steve Hepple, asure out Vic Logie, Jill 7 Humphries Bird and John Price. amed 9 Duck t i i 10 Dogma pents 12 Peruses astity 14 Long lock 16 Come round at mped ox intervals waste 17 Ventured 19 Appended 20 Covers with slabs 21 Haul 22 Remainder 23 Uniform 24 Spirit
4 9 3 6 7 2 8 1 5
LORAWORD 21 ometrical figure
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2 6 7 5 8 1 4 9 3
8 5 1 3 9 4 6 2 7
20 Force out 21 Ballad 22 Recline 23 Suffering 24 Garden tool
8 2 5 6
4 7 6 2 3 5 4 1 7 9 2 3 1 4 3 8 9 1 6
5 1 8 2 3 6 9 7 4
6 3 4 7 1 9 5 8 2
To solve the puzzle, all the blank cells must be filled in using numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and in the nine 3x3 blocks.
9 7 2 8 4 5 1 3 6
Classic Sudoku
7 2 9 4 5 8 3 6 1
DRAWN: All CORRECT weekly entries of NOTA Puzzle #1 received will go into a draw, which will occur at the end of each month. ALL AGES: Everyone, children and Adults are able to Enter. WINNERS: Winners will be notified by email and published the paper. ANSWERS: If you would like answers; these can be supplied after Winners are announced. Email us the edition date/s you would like anwsers for. media@newsofthearea. com.au
TO ENTER: Simply complete the Puzzle, then POST it to us. INCLUDE: You must include your NAME, Address, Phone and EMAIL.
3 8 5 1 6 7 2 4 9
“The boxes are made from recycled spotted gum,” said Vic Logie from the Men’s THE Men’s Shed at Tea Gardens received a Shed. request some months ago from Peter Sinclair ar Crossword 17606 “We rescued some decking.” Gardens to make planter boxes forthe home. Across“They have come upDown beautifully and the 2 3 4 5 6 7 The staff felt the addition of the planter timber is really special. They look great.” 3 Relationship 1 Thick slice boxes would enhance the residents’ The staff at Peter Sinclair were ecstatic to lives. 8 Noisy 2 Chasm After a month’s preparation and planning, receive them. 9 Drowsy 4 wanted,” Simpleton work began with four men taking two months “They are just what we said Jill 9 10 Happened to 5 Persia (two days a week) to complete the project.11 Humphries. Les, Vic, John and Steve are very proud of their “Two will be used in 6 theImages home’s lounge 13 Employed work. They have used their skills to produce15 room. Two will be used as divider Astonishes 7 aGive up for the something very special. special care ward. 18 In good taste 9 Hit 13 14 The result was four professionally made “Now I just need to get the plants to fill 19 Affirmatives 10 Repairs planter boxes. them.” 16 17 who Composition Casters were an addition to make it easier21 One A really worthwhile 12 project for the Tea undresses 14a Evade to move the boxes around once filled with Gardens Men’s Shed and great result for 18 25 Peter Spread out Gardens. 16 Unpleasant plants. Sinclair 26 Submerge 17 Sedate 20 Pleases 27 19 Appended
News Of The Area
1 4 6 9 2 3 7 5 8
Planter Boxes on the list for Men's AR CROSSWORD 12 X 12 Shed
Goldstar Crossword across: 3. Affinity, 8. Loud, 9. Comatose, 11. Befallen, 13. Used, 15. Astounds, 18. Tasteful, 19. Ayes, 21. Stripper, 25. Deployed, 26. Sink, 27. Delights. down: 1. Slab, 2. Gulf, 4. Fool, 5. Iran, 6. Ikons, 7. Yield, 9. Clout, 10. Mends, 12. Essay, 14. Elude, 16. Nasty, 17. Staid, 19. Added, 20. Expel, 21. Song, 22. Rest, 23. Pain, 24. Rake.
Telephone: (07) 5553 3200 Toll Free: 1 800 652 284 selected Fax: (07) 5553 3201
Email: auspac@auspacmedia.com.au Visit our site: www.auspacmedia.com.au
Thursday, 19 September, 2019
Luxaflex Window Fashions
Luminette® Privacy Sheers, Silhouette® Shadings, Pirouette® Shadings, PolySatin® Shutters, Evo Awnings†, Folding Arm Awnings, Timeless Awnings, Roller Blinds
# 20% discount off Manufacturer’s List Price. Excludes installation and motorisation. Not available in conjunction with any other offer. Offer starts on 13/09/2019 and ends on 29/10/2019. Conditions apply, see in-store or visit luxaflex.com.au for details. † Excludes Evo MagnaTrack Awnings. ® Registered Trade Marks of Hunter Douglas Limited. © Copyright 2019 Hunter Douglas Limited [ABN 98 009 675 709]. 09/2019
News Of The Area
Finalists in Five Categories R&R Property were nominated as Finalists in this year’s Midcoast Business Awards.
1 EXPLORAWORD 3 Geometrical figure 2
Explorawords Across
Can you find the hidden meaning in the picture puzzles below?
8 9 11 13 15 18 19 21 25 2. 26 27 1.
Bark Going in Hermits Measure out Roamed i i Kept Serpents Chastity Ate Humped ox Lay waste
FRIDAY ©Auspac Media
4 5 6 7 9 10 12 14 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24
8 2 5 6
4 7 6 2 n 3 the ouch7 5 4 1 9 with 2 3 Jasminda 1 4 Email Jasminda: edit@mcnota.com.au o3you 8 have a pressing problem, annoying anxiety or community conundrum? Jasminda Featherlight, resident 9 our 1 6 roving Agony Aunt, is here to help. Jasminda will be responding to questions
Denise Haynes, R&R Property.
from readers throughout
the circulation
of our FOUR News Of The Area papers Stepdowns Palindrome area Puzzle Funeral pile on a rotating basis. SEND your concerns to On lee side Jasminda care of media@newsofthearea.com. Rave au and include your title, initials and suburb. Mimics Dear Jasminda, Dirt Bird I have a raft of symptoms including Duck dizziness, hot flashes, heart palpitations, tingling sensations of Dogma and shortness Peruses breath. I went to my GP and he said I am probably having a funny turn or going Long lock Puzzles and pagination © Auspac Media It doesn’t feel Solutions through perimenopause. Come round at very funny. intervals Ventured Mrs KD, Lemon Tree Passage. Appended Covers with slabs News Of The Area would love to hear your Dear Mrs KD, Haul Advertising within the News Of The Area OPINION and VIEWS on issues and topics Remainder reaches your local customers. Connect Boy, do I know those sensations. They affecting our area. Keep Letters to the Editor Uniform with them from next edition. Print media has happen to me whenever I watch Dave under 250 words for its best chance of Spiritnever been as affordable for your business. Le’aupepe gyrate to Let Me Down Easy.
No. 152
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TO ENTER: Simply complete the Puzzle, PLUS - INCLUDED are Online adverts. Junior then Puzzler POST it to077 us. You get website and social media advertising INCLUDE: You must include your NAME, all included within your print advertising when Address, Phone and EMAIL. solution no. 17570 using News Of The Area. CrossworD solution no. 17570 DRAWN: All the CORRECT (and only A t r i A n G l E Across: Correct) 3. Triangle, Yelp, weekly8. entries of 9. Entering, 11. Eremites, Please P support the advertisers within the News Of The Area Y E l P A P r A #3 received 13. Mete,NOTA 15. Puzzle Wandered, 18. Retained, 19. Asps, 21. r E E n t E r i n G will go into a draw, which Pureness, 25. Devoured, 26. Zebu, 27. Desolate. E r E M i t E s M l will occur at the end of each E D n M E t E Down: 1. Pyre, 2. Alee, 4. Rant, 5. Apes, 6. Grime, 7. month. w A n D E r E D r Eagle, Eider, 10. Tenet, 12. Reads, 14. Tress, 16. ALL AGES:9. Everyone, children and Adults D r E t A i n E D Recur, 17. 19. Added, 20. Paves, 21. Pull, 22. areDared, able to Enter. A s P s C r s
NAME:.................................................................. ADDRESS:...........................................................
...in the community D
P u r E n E s s
D E s o l A t E
Hunter Quarries are proud supporters of:
Bulahdelah Soccer Club. ............................................................................. Bulahdelah Show. Bulahdelah Golf Club. Tea Gardens Baptist Church. PH:.............................. Karuah Pre-School. TheKaruah Feature People Primary School. EMAIL:................................................................... Karuah Bowling Club. Karuah Golf Club. ANSWER Bundabah Telephone: (07) Tennis 5553 Club. 3200 P O B o1:........................................................... x 8271 Toll Free: 1 800 Football 652 284Club. Clarencetown Bundall Qld Fax: (07) 5553 3201 ANSWER A u s t r2:........................................................... alia 4217
Auspac Media
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NOTA PUZZLES: PO Boxwww.auspacmedia.com.au 1000, Visit our site: Raymond Terrace NSW 2324 6 NEWS OF THE AREA MYALL COAST
E V o u to r supporting E D V o local community Hunter Quarries isDdedicated the E B uhistory of doing so. wherever possibleEand Ehas al longs andZ proud n
Hunter Medical Research Institute East Gresford Showground. The Crime Prevention Review. Hunter Medical Research Institute (HMRI) The 43rd & 44th Solo Hunter region local Government Golf Day. Myall Coast News of the area Bulahdelah Soccer Club. Bulahdelah Show. Bulahdelah Golf Club. Tea Gardens Baptist Church. Karuah Pre-School. Karuah Primary School.
ANSWERS: ANSWERS: 1. Bluebird. 2. Greece. 3. 1812.
Rest, 23. Even, 24. Soul.
It’s uncanny. Seriously, though, you have gone to a doctor describing what you think is a medical emergency and they have downplayed it by using a term that doesn’t adequately describe your suffering. A funny turn gives off casual and comical connotations. It sounds like what you’d experience after going on The Rotor at Luna Park, or drinking a couple of glasses of champagne on a whale watch cruise. Type your symptoms into Google, though, and it’s a different story – you could have anything from sinusitis to Supraventricular tachycardia. Those conditions don’t sound funny at all. The problem with ‘a funny turn’ diagnosis is it is too understated. It doesn’t go anywhere near explaining the vertiginous rocking, overheating, breathing difficulties and pins and needles you describe. The same with term perimenopause, which has an almost exotic sound to it: Peri: a Spanish-inspired feast; men: yes, please; o-pause: take a little rest. No, what you describe is more like a ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ breakdown accompanied by self-combustion. You are literally in the midst of your own climate change wars.
ClassiC sudoku
Explorawords 1. Eye to eye. 2. Black Friday.
Yasmin M
stEpdowns Strokes, stores, roses, sore, ore, or, r.
palindromE puzzlE Pose as Aesop.
To solve the puzzle, all the blank cells must be filled in using numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and in the nine 3x3 blocks.
4 9 3 6 7 2 8 1 5
Classic Sudoku
2 6 7 5 8 1 4 9 3
Dorin’s Draws
8 5 1 3 9 4 6 2 7
5 1 8 2 3 6 9 7 4
6 3 4 7 1 9 5 8 2
18 In good taste 9 Hit 13 14 19 Affirmatives 10 Repairs 21 One who 12 Composition By Paul DORIN undresses 14 Evade 25 Spread out 16 Unpleasant 26 Submerge 17 Sedate Pleases 27 19 Appended 20 Force out 23 24 21 Ballad 22 Recline 23 Suffering 26 24 Garden tool
9 7 2 8 4 5 1 3 6
Win 15
12 X 12
At the Awards
7 2 9 4 5 8 3 6 1
3 8 5 1 6 7 2 4 9
R&R Property was nominated as a Finalist in this year’s Midcoast Business Awards. The agency hit a high in achieving Finalists in five categories; Excellence in Customer Service, Excellence in Business, Excellence in Professional Services, Outstanding Business Leader and People’s Goldstar Choice Awards. Crossword 1With each2 category 3 boasting 4 an extensive list of questions, 8 nominating isn’t for the fainthearted. Answering each 9 question requires the business owner to dive 11 into12 deep self-examination. Denise Haynes said this
Dinner, against a stellar field, R&R shone bright. Denise received a Highly is especially so as her local Commended in the Outstanding communities play a pivotal role in Business LeaderGRID category, E her business. acknowledging her role as an “The Awards are a means for me employer who encourages and to reflect, analyse and plan” Denise empowers her team as well as her said. role as a community leader. “Our focus is providing R&R Property was also selected exemplary customer service in all as a Finalist in both the Excellence facets of our business to our current in Small Business and Professional 17606 community members and those Services and the People’s Choice Across Down 5 6 to our 7 seeking to move gorgeous Award; acknowledgements at the 1 Thick slice region. I detail our challenges and3 Relationship highest level. everything we’ve undertaken and8 Noisy Chasm “While I’m thrilled 2with the with such a vested interest in our9 Drowsy acknowledgement, we 4can’t be Simpleton 10communities, I look to how we can complacent,”toMs Haynes said. 11 Happened 5 Persia aim higher going forward both in “We aim to always be6the very 13 Employed Images business and in strengthening our q best at everything we do,” 7 sheGive said.up 15 Astonishes communities.”
1 4 6 9 2 3 7 5 8
Goldstar Crossword across: 3. Affinity, 8. Loud, 9. Comatose, 11. Befallen, 13. Used, 15. Astounds, 18. Tasteful, 19. Ayes, 21. Stripper, 25. Deployed, 26. Sink, 27. Delights. down: 1. Slab, 2. Gulf, 4. Fool, 5. Iran, 6. Ikons, 7. Yield, 9. Clout, 10. Mends, 12. Essay, 14. Elude, 16. Nasty, 17. Staid, 19. Added, 20. Expel, 21. Song, 22. Rest, 23. Pain, 24. Rake.
!!!! r: this not the age.
ADDRESS: Just off the Pacific Highway Andersite Road Karuah NSW 2324. PHONE: 02 4997 5966. OPENING TIME: Mon-Fri: 7am to 4pm. Sat 7am to 12pm.
Mrs KD, if these symptoms continue, perhaps seek out a second or third opinion. After all, you know your body better than anyone else and it seems to be giving you a particularly rough time at the moment. Carpe diem, Jasminda.
Thursday, 19 September, 2019
Win $25
Myall River Festival PUZZLE #4 less than a month out EXPLORAWORD
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Rest, 23. Even, 24. Soul.
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We have 20 flamingos, and you just need No. 152 ©Auspac Media Down to be able to swim a short distance. And if music and dance is more TO ENTER: Simply complete the Puzzle, then POST it to us. Junior Puzzler your thing, there’s a bucket load, from 077 INCLUDE: You must include your NAME, Ad dress, Phone and EMAIL. the Fleetwood Mac Running Show, DRAWN: All the CORRECT (and only Correct) weekly entries of NOTA Puzzle #4 Driftwood Trio, LineCrossworD Dancing, Young Dance solution no. solution no.at17570 received will go into a draw, which will occur the end of each month. 17570 performances and Ukulele group. ALL AGES: Everyone, children and Adults are able to Enter. P A t r i A n G l E Across: Triangle, 8. Yelp, 9. Entering, 11. Eremites, The Pearl’s organising3. ‘Buy My Wardrobe’ Y E l P A P r A Mete, 15. Wandered, 18. Retained, 19. Asps, 21. will be doing 13. pop up fashion shows r E E n t E r i n G throughout the day. Pureness, 25. Devoured, 26. Zebu, 27. Desolate. E r E M i t E s M l NAME:......................................................................... PH:.............................................. There willDown: be camel rides, petting and 4. Rant, E D n M E t E 1. Pyre, 2. zoo Alee, 5. Apes, 6. Grime, 7. face painting. w A n D E r E D r Eagle, 9. Eider, 10. Tenet, 12.ADDRESS:................................................................................................................................................. Reads, 14. Tress, 16. Save the date, Saturday 26th October, D r E t A i n E D 17. Dared, 19. Added, 20. Paves, 21. Pull, 22. Marine Drive,Recur, Tea Gardens. EMAIL:........................................................................................................................................................ A s P s C r s
WARNING !!!! Note to Editor: Solution to this puzzle should not appear on the same page.
2 6 7 5 8 1 4 9 3
Stepdowns Funeral pile On lee side Rave Mimics Dirt Bird Duck Dogma Peruses Long lock Come round at intervals Ventured Appended Covers with slabs Haul Remainder Uniform Spirit
8 5 1 3 9 4 6 2 7
Explorawords Across 1 Created: A & B Foley Can you the hidden meaning in the picture puzzles below? 3 findGeometrical figure 2 Creator No: 12396 8 Bark 4 We’re just over a month out1.from the Myall River Qxpress: Gaynor 9 Going in 5 Festival and the Chamber’s Festival Committee Checked: Noel 11 Hermits 6 is ramping up its preparations the big out day on 13for Measure 7 15 Roamed 9 Saturday 26 October. i i 18 Kept 10 19 Serpents 12 By Graham LANG The ‘Pink Flamingo Race’ will get you 14 paddling on the 21 riverChastity for just $2 and the 25 Ate 16 WE’RE just over a month out from the Myall chance of some great prizes. 26Pink Humped River Festival and the Chamber’s Festival We supply2.the Flamingoox Floaties, all Lay waste 17 Committee is ramping up its preparations for you have to do is27 turn up on the day, register 19 the big day on Saturday 26 October. at the Ticket Stall opposite on the corner of 20 This year the Festival has attracted more Marine Drive and Maxwell Street before 1pm 21 than 90 stall holders and still counting, as our then take to the water off Anzac Park. 22 Stallholder volunteers finalise the paperwork We’ll be running paddles for 3 age groups, 23 and vast amount of organisation needed to from 10 to 12 year olds, 13 to 16 year olds, 16 24 ensure that everything runs smoothly on the and over.
Kelly Johnson
5 1 8 2 3 6 9 7 4
day, from bunk in to bunk out. We also call on the residents and businesses along Marine Drive to help out, taking note of parking and traffic closures on the day. We’ll be doing a letter drop to all those affected, confident that as in the past, everyone knows what’s involved to ensure the thousands of locals and visitors to the Festival get to appreciate the beauty and fun of the festival and it’s riverside location. This year we’ve got some exciting new attractions to add to our all-time favourites, like the Green-paws Dog Show, Duck Derby and Prawn Eating Competition.
News Of The Area
20 21
6 3 4 7 1 9 5 8 2
10 Repairs 21 One who 12 Composition undresses 14 Evade 25 Spread out 16 Unpleasant 26 COAST Submerge 17 Sedate MYALL Pleases 27 19 Appended 20 Force out 23 24 21 Ballad 22 Recline 23 Suffering 26 24 Garden tool
9 7 2 8 4 5 1 3 6
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News Of The Area
Weekend Pennant Tea Gardens Women’s Bowls By Lynda RICHARDS
TUESDAY 10th September: Social bowls plus Round 3 of the Open Consistency Competition. Weather conditions not conducive for good bowling strong south westerly winds, gusting to 45km/h. Due to the number of bowlers competing in the Consistency Competition and other members marking ,social bowls was a game of Fours with Dawn Jones playing "swinger lead". Dawn, Lesley Kibble, Deyonne Page and Jenny Shepherd (visitor) v Dawn, Dawn May, Dale Cameron and Liz Kelly. Just 9 ends bowled, then a shower of rain ended play for these ladies the result 8 all draw. On rink 1 Maynie Roberts led all the way against Bette Saillard winning on the 26th end 150 v 110. A similar tale on the next rink, 26 ends bowled Robyn Webster 150 v Julie Kennedy 110. Lorraine Murphy proved too strong for Kathie Rimmer claiming victory on the 25th end 151 v 99. Pat Baker took an early lead against Dot Dallas and never looked back, 27 ends bowled 154 v 116. A very tough contest on rink 5 Carol
Hayden v Sandra Leisemann. Sandra having a lead of 14 shots on the 19th end but by the 22nd end Carol had reversed this situation. On the 24th end Carol led by 16 shots but Sandra fought back on the 27th end the score was 135 all. The winner of this contest on the 30th end was Carol 151 v 149. Newcomer Jan Coomer bowled well but went down on the 23rd end to Lynda Richards 75 v 155. Judi Polak battled Maureen Campbell for 25 ends, Maureen winning 151 v 99. Thanks to Darryl Martin for umpiring and the Markers Ingrid Luck, Jill McBride, Jeanette Emmett, Lynne Green, Leona Clissold, Jean Glover and Loretta Baker. Thursday 12th September: Round 3 Open Consistency Competition, thankfully weather conditions perfect. Robyn Webster had a 30 shot lead against Maureen Campbell on the 13th end 80 v 50 but in this competition you never "give up". By the 25th end Maureen had reduced this difference to 10 shots. Robyn scored a 10 on the next end and ultimately won on the 30th end 154 v 146. Lynda Richards v Pat Baker had a fairly even contest Lynda winning on the 29th
end 150 v 139. Jeanette Emmett won on the 26th end defeating Carol Hayden 151 v 109. Lorraine Murphy v Maynie Roberts, this contest was "even Steven" all the way. On the 28th end the score was 140 all. Maynie winning on the 30th end 155 v 145. Thanks to Kathie Rimmer for umpiring and Dot Dallas, Julie Kennedy, Bette Saillard and Jan Coomer for Marking. The semi final of this competition will be held on Tuesday 24th September. Results for social bowls Ingrid Luck and Lynne Green 13 v Anne Remmant 9. Sue Morris and Liz Kelly 19 v Jo Younghusband and Dale Winter 6. Margaret Wigman, Marie Reinhard (swinger second) and Judi Polak 11 v Trish Ward, Marie and Deyonne Page 8. Weekend Pennants: Post sectional finals were held on
Bulahdelah Golf Club weekly results
Schlenert r/u - W Coleman Jackpot - G Harvey Sunday Darts winner G Buck r/u J Graham Next Saturday 21st, 3rd Round Championship
Bulahdelah Golf Club By Allan BENSON
WEDNESDAY Ladies Golf 2nd round Championship winner B Gordon Thursday Vets Golf winner R Winter r/u D Brown Saturday Golf Mens 1st round Championship winner J Graham r/u c/b - J Barry Jackpot - D Johnston Ladies winner stableford T L Smith Sunday Golf Mens, 2nd round championship winner M
Progress Report Southern Area Reference Group report by Gordon Grainger
Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th September. Just 3 teams involved in this Final Tea Gardens, Lambton Park and Soldiers Point. The following members of our club all bowled in this weekend Pennant Team Robyn Beaumont, Jeanette Emmett, Lynne Green, Liz Kelly, Karen McPhie, Kayelene Pearson, Lynda Richards, Maynie Roberts and Robyn Webster great bowling ladies, to get TGWBC to the finals. Lambton Park lost to Soldiers Point in the morning. Our ladies had a bye Saturday morning, unfortunately they had a loss in the afternoon to Lambton Park. A win on Sunday v Soldiers Point meant that the winner of this competition would be decided by margins, Tea Gardens were Runners Up, Soldiers Point the winners. A great effort by all our members who participated in this event. Good luck to our 3 teams competing in NDWBA Spring Carnival, 16th, 18th & 19th September. The semi final of the Open Consistency Competition will be held on Tuesday 24th September and the final on Thursday 26th September.
THE Southern Area Reference Group (SARG) met on Friday 6 September and attended by representatives from Council Engineering, Bulahdelah, North Arm Cove, Pindimar-Bundabah, HN/TG Progress and MRAG. Apologies were received from The Chamber and Winda Woppa Assn. Many subjects and requests were discussed, among them, the following will be of interest. North Arm Cove residents are concerned of illegal timber taking in the area. Apparently, a commercial operation is removing mature trees, with consequential impact on wild- life. This is a tree preservation area and residents are urged to contact Council when these activities are observed. Pindimar-Bundabah residents have responded positively to the recent questionnaire and the Progress Assn. has begun direct discussions with MCC Engineering. A list of 18 items has been submitted and include concerns of roads, drainage, fire risks and debris clearance. It is expected that this new dialogue will result in faster conclusions. Bulahdelah Chamber is applying for grants to provide a digital sign at the Rural Transaction Centre to assist promotion of businesses and events. They are also seeking additional water tanks at the Bowling Club to assist in drought proofing the facility. HN/TG Progress are concerned that no apparent action has been taken regarding sight restriction on the corner of Penn Drive and Myall St. Council have undertaken to discuss the situation with the owner soon. Letters of support regarding the wharves naming has been submitted to council, who will shortly ask for public opinion, then to be ratified by the NSW Naming Bureau. The plans for the public car park in Myall St. have been drawn, however there is no provision for public toilets. Council have been asked to reconsider. In view of limited parking availability during busy periods, Council will consider line marking along Marine Drive. Council have been asked to reassess the continuation of a pathway along Marine Drive to link with Budgeree St. The lack of a path is accident prone, particularly to wheelchair traffic. We are no further advanced re upgrading of boat ramps in Tea Gardens and Hawks Nest and must take our turn dependant on finance availability. Dogs are excluded from Jimmys Beach, whereas horses are permitted. We understand they are considered a vehicle, however, do not attract a beach permit fee. Perhaps the answer may be because they are only one horsepower?
Hawks Nest Ladies Golf Hawks Nest Ladies Golf By Sue FORDY SATURDAY LADIES. MONTHLY STROKE. 1. Petrina Wicks. 2. Janet Moore. -
Myall Coast Vets Myall Coast Vets By Tony SMITH 2 PERSON Ambrose. 12/9/2019. A Grade. 1. Kevin Marr & Tony Ward 66.75 2. Mark Hill & Andrew Watson 68 c/b 3. James M Slater & Damien Ward 68 4. Tony Danks & Ross Clissold 68.25 5. Maxwell Stephens & Colin Bagnall 68.5 NTP. 10th A. Bob Peters B. Richard Kemp C. Keith Beards 16th A. Mark Hill C. Erik Lindtrom Balls To, 73 c/b
7/9/2019. 13 PLAYERS. 73. 77C/B.
N.T.P. Hole 10. Jackie Rees. GROSS OTF. Carolyn Affleck. 96. GOLDEN SHOT. (10th Hole) N.T.P. over the field. Congratulations to; Angela Clipperton.
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Thursday, 19 September, 2019
News Of The Area
Hawks Nest Vets
Hawks Nest Vets By Tony SMITH
3. Ross Weightman 36 c/b Vouchers to 39 Back 9 1. Les Davies 35 c/b 2. Paul Fordy 35 c/b 3. Gordon Morrison 35 Vouchers to 39 c/b NTP. A B 3rd. Mick Hoban Tom Gallagher 5th. Dennis Casey Neil Clifton 10th. Breton Gibbs Peter Campbell 16th. John Reynolds Paul Fordy
STROKE. 10/9/2019. Final Round of 2019 Championship. Scratch winner Graeme Bramley, 180, R/u Ross Weightman 182. Front 9 1. Dennis Casey 35 2. Gregory Blyton 36 c/b
August WINNER:
Imogen Drew (11)
We will now alter the EACH WEEK for Picture you!
q Front nine winner Dennis Casey.
q Back nine winner Les Davies.
q 2019 Champion Graeme Bramley.
Lady Vets Golf
Place 1st 2
3rd 4th Chip Ins: Birdie:
By Fran HENDERSON Lady Veterans Golf Competition for today below: Name
M. Bonney
S. Pearson
6 C/B
P. Williams H. Haslam
P. Williams – 7th
2 6
S. Kovacs – 7th
Eight cash prizes totalling $1100.
$10 fee for first entry & $5 for other entries.
TO ENTER: Simply complete the Puzzle, then POST it to us. INCLUDE: You must include your NAME, Address, Phone and EMAIL. DRAWN: All Monthly ‘COLOUR-IN Comps’ received will go into a draw, which will occur at the end of each month. AGES: 1-15 Years are able to Enter this Comp.
2000 word limit on any subject. No entry form needed.
Closing date 30 September 2019.
All details see
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Thursday, 19 September, 2019
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News Of The Area
Pro-Am an outstanding success ASK THE
Craig Perry and Peter Lonard about their extensive experiences on both the Australian and international golfing circuits. At the completion of the Pro-Am, a par 3 shootout involving the professional golfers and a selected number of amateur golfers was conducted under lights and this spectacular event, sponsored by Ray White, Tea Gardens, attracted a large group of onlookers and proved to be a fitting end to a wonderful Pro Am. For the record, Mark Gilson won the professionals shootout while the amateur prize was won by Craig Parry’s son, Brendan Parry. q Stuart Sinclair, Rodney Moran, Ian Leggatt & Lincoln Tighe In a positive gesture Stuart Sinclair, Principal of Ray White, Tea Gardens, actually By Ann SCULLY On Friday, the men’s amateur winners won the amateur section of this contest but were Thomas Dafter (38 pts), Gary Foster donated his prize back to enable Brendan’s THE Hawks Nest Beachside Pro-Am which (37 pts) and John Rumble (40 pts) in A victory. was held for the first time over two days on Grade, B Grade and C Grade respectively and GOL100 GRIDsaid, E Club spokesperson, David Gilbert, Friday 13 and Saturday 14 September, was on Saturday, the winners were Jim Rutter “The two day Pro-Am had been a major an outstanding success with the President of (40 pts), Luke McCarthy (41 pts) and Harry success for the Hawks Nest Golf Club and this “I love where I live, but my house no longer fits Hawks Nest Golf Club, Stephen Gately, saying, Leggatt (39 pts) in A, B and C Grades. my needs. Is it better to renovate or rebuild? was a positive boost for the club and for next “The overall recognition received from the In the Ladies event, the winners on Friday year’s Pro-Am.” sixty professionals playing in the event, in were Robyn Richardson (38 pts), Francis YOU love your area, but not your house. Mr Gilbert repeated the Club’s gratitude to relation to the condition of the golf course, Maclean (35 pts) and Mary-Anne Macklinshaw all the sponsors That’s not unusual. Needs change. Unless of this year’s Pro-Am: Hawks 17606 Classic Sudoku 152 was particularly pleasing and bore testimony Goldstar (35 pts) in A,Crossword B and C Grades and on Saturday, Nest Beachside, Burtons Automotive, Ray your house takes ‘renovator’s delight’ to new To solve the puzzle, all the blank cells must be fi Across Down 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Note to Editor: to the hard work of Course Superintendent, Tamara Johansen (36 pts), Dawn Wiggins (36 White Tea Gardens, Tile Rescue, Palm Lake depths, especially if there’s damage, numbers fromstructural 1 to 9. Each number can only ap 3 Relationship 1 Thick slice Created in QUARK Ben Mills and his team. pts) and Denise Atkinson (34 pts) won A, B Resort, at first glanceeach renovation would to 3x3 blocks. row, column andappear in the nine Yamaha, Toro Australia, Supercharge 8 8 Noisy 2 Chasm XPRESS 3.3.profile professionals, and C Grades respectively. be the default position. Demolishing and “Feedback from high Batteries, RSL LifeCare and Wakeford 9 Drowsy 4 Simpleton Items rebuilding however is not without its perils. Craig Parry and not Peterneeded Lonard,forwas that the The overall winners of the 9 10 Men’s event Securities. 11 Happened to 5 Persia publication can tobe Firstly, find out whether you’re permitted greens were pure and equal any that they over the two days in the Men’s amateur event 13 Employed 6 Images to demolish in your area. If so, erased as each is in atour. then compare 11 have played on in the Australian were12 Luke McCarthy (76 pts) from Harry 15 Astonishes 7 Give up your renovating versus rebuilding costs; the separate texttobox. Mr Gately went on say, “During the two Leggatt (74 pts) and Stephen Gately (74 pts), 18 In good taste 9 Hit 13 14 timeline and your living arrangements for both. days, the professionals were very obliging this being an outstanding result for both Luke 19 Affirmatives 10 Repairs If you rebuild, you’re obviously going to need to and supportive of the amateur golfers 15and Harry who are both junior members of 16 17 21 One who 12 Composition somewhere to live. And if you have a mortgage, and indicated that they looked forward to Hawks Nest Golf Club. undresses 14 Evade it’s smart to keep your lender appraised of your returning to next year’s Pro-Am and it was In the Ladies event, 18 Dawn Wiggins (68 pts) 25 Spread out 16 Unpleasant plans. Reducing a large part of your lender’s also pleasing to see that female golfers (40) was the overall winner from Sommai Slade, 26 Submerge 17 Sedate security to rubble 19 – without their knowledge – made up 25% of the total amateur field.” (Mudgee 20 65 pts) and Mary-Anne Macklinshaw Pleases 27 19 Appended may not go well for you. Plus, your lender is the Winner of the 2019 Hawks Nest Beachside (The Longyard 64 pts). 20 Force outbest placed party to develop a loan product that 21 22 23 24 Pro-Am was Ben Clementson who shot rounds Another major highlight of the event was 21 Ballad better matches your current and future needs. of 66 and 70 for an 8 under par score of 136 25the Pro-Am Dinner on Friday evening where 22 Recline There are so many factors at play here and to win by 1 stroke from Peter Lonard on 137 150 attendees were entertained by a question 23 Sufferingall can be highly emotive: Council approval, q Craig Parry and Greg Acret 26 with Jordan Zunic finishing one further shot and answer panel, chaired by Club General 24 Garden tool at the Dinner your neighbours, budget, time-frame, lifestyle, back on 138. Manager Greg Acret where he interviewed 27 emotions and return on investment. Research thoroughly, consult professionals and you have Beth Williams Handicap Winners – Gordon Morrison & all the necessary tools to make an informed Handicap Winners – Bea Treharne & Sue Peter Baily decision. Palindrome Puzzle Stepdowns Explorawords 1 Funeral pileFriday 13th September Created: A & B Foley MathesonAcross Can you find the hidden meaning in the picture puzzles below? 3 Geometrical figure 2 On lee side Hawks Nest Bridge Creator No:Club 12396 Sunday 8th September N/S 1. Jim & Trish Thatcher 2. John & Jo Denise 8 Bark 4 Rave 1. By Sally HUNTER N/S 1. Chez Rands & Leslie Falla 2. Jim & Younghusband 3. Chez Rands & Leslie Falla Qxpress: Gaynor 9 Going in 5 Mimics Email questions to Denise: Trish Thatcher 3. Charlie & Sandy E/W 1. Jeanette Whalan & Carol Richards 2. Checked: Noel 11 Hermits 6 Shuetrim Dirt denise@randrproperty.com.au MONDAY 2nd September E/W 1. Angela Tilling & Lynette Fitzhenry 2. Pat Marr & Sue Bowen 3. Mike Parfait & Bea 13 Measure out 7 Bird 1. Carol Richards & Sue Matheson 2. Davina Bea 15 Treharne Roamed & Sue Matheson 3.9 Nikolaus Duck & Treharne Whalan O’Brien & Elizabeth Buckpitt 3. Jim Thatch 18 Kept 10 Dogma Eric White i i Handicap Winners – Jeanette & er & Jeanette Whalan 19 Serpents 12 Peruses Handicap Winners – Charlie & Sandy Shuet- Carol Richards 21 Chastity 14 Long lock Correction: Peter Baily, Handicap Winners – Davina O’Brien & rim Gary Melrose, Puzzles and pagination © Solutions 25 Ate 9th September 16 Come round at Elizabeth Buckpitt Christina La Ponder and Gordon Morrison Monday intervals 2. 26 Humped ox Friday 6th September N/S 1=. Jim Thatcher & Jeanette Whalan 1=. representing Hawks Nest Bridge Club won 27 Lay waste 17 Ventured PH: 02 4994 5766 N/S 1. Jim & Trish Thatcher 2. Chez Rands Liz Caro & Trish Thatcher 3. Chez & the Port Team Bridge Competition, not the 19 Rands Appended & Leslie Falla 3. Elke Greenhalgh & Gary Leslie Falla Macquarie-Hastings Bridge Associa20 Covers withPort slabs Melrose E/W 1. Gordon Morrison & Peter tion September Teams event as stated last 21Baily Haul2. C NOTA Graphics- Ref: R&RDH_120919_NENIA E/W 1. Bea Treharne & Sue Matheson 2. Remainder Bea Treharne & Adrian Ryan 3.22 Carol Richreport. 23 Uniform Pat Marr & Sue Bowen 3. Shirley Pearson & ards & Sue Matheson
12 X 12
4 7 6 2 3 5 4 1 9 2 3 1 3 8 9 1 6
ClassiC sudoku
n G l E r A r i n G M l M E t E r i n E D s n E s s V o Z E B u n l
Explorawords 1. Eye to eye. 2. Black Friday.
i A P t E E s n E D t A r r E E D s t E
stEpdowns Strokes, stores, roses, sore, ore, or, r.
TO ENTER: Simply complete the Puzzle, then POST it to us. INCLUDE: You must include your NAME, Address, Phone and EMAIL. DRAWN: All the CORRECT (and only Correct) weekly entries of NOTA Puzzle #5 received will go into a draw, which will occur at the end of each month. ALL AGES: Everyone, children and Adults are able to Enter. NAME:.................................................................. ADDRESS:........................................................... .............................................................................
PO Box 8271 Bundall Qld NEWS OF THE AREA MYALL COAST Australia 4217
Telephone: (07) 5553 3200 Toll Free: 1 800 652 284 NewsOfTheArea.com.au Fax: (07) 5553 3201
Email: auspac@auspacmedia.com.au Visit our site: www.auspacmedia.com.au
ANSWERS: 1. Bluebird. 2. Greece. 3. 1812.
Auspac Media
1:................................................................ 2:............................................................... The Feature People
3:................................................................ 4:................................................................ 5:............................................................
t r A E n i t D E r r E C P u u r l l A
palindromE puzzlE Pose as Aesop.
4 9 3 6 7 2 8 1 5
P A Y E l P r E E r E M E w A n D D A s P s D A D E V o E E D E s o
Chantee Neculman
2 6 7 5 8 1 4 9 3
solution no. 17570
CrossworD solution no. 17570
8 5 1 3 9 4 6 2 7
Across: 3. Triangle, 8. Yelp, 9. Entering, 11. Eremites, 13. Mete, 15. Wandered, 18. Retained, 19. Asps, 21. Pureness, 25. Devoured, 26. Zebu, 27. Desolate. Down: 1. Pyre, 2. Alee, 4. Rant, 5. Apes, 6. Grime, 7. Eagle, 9. Eider, 10. Tenet, 12. Reads, 14. Tress, 16. Recur, 17. Dared, 19. Added, 20. Paves, 21. Pull, 22. Rest, 23. Even, 24. Soul.
5 1 8 2 3 6 9 7 4
Junior Puzzler
6 3 4 7 1 9 5 8 2
9 7 2 8 4 5 1 3 6
WARNING !!!! Note to Editor: Solution to this puzzle should not appear on the same page.
No. 152
7 2 9 4 5 8 3 6 1
24 Spirit
©Auspac Media
3 8 5 1 6 7 2 4 9
1 4 6 9 2 3 7 5 8
ssword ity, 8. Loud, 1. Befallen, Astounds, . Ayes, 21. ployed, 26. s. 2. Gulf, 4. 6. Ikons, 7. 10. Mends, Elude, 16. , 19. Added, ng, 22. Rest, e.
Bridge results EXPLORAWORD
8 5
NOTA PUZZLES: PO Box 1000, Raymond Terrace NSW 2324 Thursday, 19 September, 2019
Bennett Street Beauty 2/16 Bennett Street HAWKS NEST PRICE: $395,000
garage. Selling fully furnished, this is an affordable holiday property for the family to enjoy and with its location, would be popular on the holiday rental market.
THIS stylish townhouse in a group of three features upstairs living area with polished floors, sunny north facing balcony and a modern kitchen. Located only one street back from main beach this property has two bedrooms with built-in robes and ceiling fans. Downstairs is tiled and has a second bathroom/ laundry combined along with courtyard and single lock up
For further information contact John Rumble at Hawks Nest First National Real Estate on (02) 49970262.
Around the Area
65 Leeward Cct, TEA GARDENS PRICE: $640,000
Property Inside, the home offers four large bedrooms, mirrored built in wardrobes, with an ensuite and walk in robe off the master room. A study nook is also a feature of this fine home. A formal lounge room has just the right amount of privacy before the home opens up into open plan living with a stunning kitchen offers indulgence appliances, pendant lighting,
A wonderful family home located in the Myall Quays Estate that offers the lifestyle you deserve. Enjoy a private bushland outlook from your own backyard with gardens and lawn easily maintained with room to kick a ball and a spear point to help you keep everything green.
stone bench tops and a walk in pantry overlooking the family and dining areas. Glass sliding doors open out to an undercover patio area positioned to maximize the bush land views. This property is currently tenanted and commands a good rental return. The tenants are immaculate and are interested in staying on should an investor purchase the property. Contact Stuart Sinclair at Ray White Tea Gardens Hawks Nest on (02) 4997 9022 or 0488 133 998.
A Home To Call Your Own
Please support the advertisers within the News Of The Area
Established 1956
New To The Market
Mobile: 0488 133 998 Tel: 02 4997 9022 Fax: 02 4997 0106 E: teagardeshawksnest.nsw@raywhite.com $370,000 - 1,422m2
$399,000 - 723.3m2
$349,000 - 487m2
• 3 bed, 1 bath, open plan lounge room, dining • Air con, combustion heater, modern kitchen • Bathroom with shower & bath, separate WC • Front porch, covered back verandah to entertain • Single garage, laundry, room for caravan or boat • Rear & side lane access, centrally located
• 3 bedroom + office, 3-way bathroom with bath • Sunken lounge, ducted air, wood fire, family room • Formal dining area, modern kitchen, internal laundry • L-shaped rear balcony overlooking fenced grounds • Side lane access to backyard, 2 x garden sheds • Easy care 723.3m2 block, DLUG with remote
• 3 bed, 2 bath home, formal dining area • Sep lounge, combustion heater & air con • Large Country style kitchen with island bench • High ceilings, wide hallway, enclosed sunroom • Enclosed BBQ area, sunny front porch • Good sized carport, low maintenance block
19 Motum Ave
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Buying, Selling, Investing? Call your LOCAL agent today!
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WonDerful VieWS
GreaT inVeSTMenT
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9/31-33 Marine Drive Tea GarDenS
2/13 Jacob Street Tea GarDenS
48 Windward Circuit Tea GarDenS
Call your friendly local real estate for sales holidays and permanent rentals.
83 Marine Drive, Tea Gardens NSW 2324 Thursday, 19 September, 2019
4997 1300 c
2 $640,000 65 Leeward Cct
An Acre On The Waterfront
5 $1,150,000 19 Church St
2 6 $990,000 14 Wombourne Rd
Wonderful North East Aspect On The Water
2 $699,000 55 Admiralty Ave
W: raywhiteteagardenshawksnest.com A: 1/166A Myall Street, Tea Gardens NSW 2324
NOTA Graphics - Ref: RWHI_190919_NENI
© NOTA Graphics - Ref: EDES_190919_NENI
NOTA Graphics - Ref: TGRE_290819
Place your ad in the News Of The Area classifieds - THEY WORK!
Death Notice
Return Thanks
Lola Harvey
98years. Died 14 Sept. Wife of Frederick (dec). Mother of Graham (dec), Faye & Neil. Mother-in-Law of Kerrie & Robyn. Grandmother of Justine, Rebecca, Natalie & Mitchell. Great Grandmother of their Childern.
Public Notices Clothing Alterations From $10.00 Ph: 0409 296 348 Tea Gardens Hire Cars 0426 101 851
Dorothy Abraham and Gwen and Peter Mostyn and families wish to thank everyone for their condolences, cards, flowers, cooking and catering following the loss of our dear mother JUNE HOLDEN. Special thanks to staff at Cedar Wharf Lodge and Dr. Hussain for their loving care. Please accept this as our personal thanks. CLASSIFIEDS in the News Of The Area ads@mcnota.com.au Email for Price & Proof
Public Notices
c NOTA Graphics - Ref: MCCO_120919 PO BOX 450 (02) 6591 7222 FORSTER NSW 2428 council@midcoast.nsw.gov.au
Property For Sale
For Sale
ENTERTAINMENT UNIT give away free 0430 363 046
AXLE stands (2), extend toO410mm, $5 LD S 144 766. . each. 0419
ALUM colourbond gate, 1200Hx950W. Self closing with latch, screws. Never installed. Primrose. $180. 49872338. CLASSIFIEDS ads@mcnota.com.au ALUM pullies, dbl V belts, 1 x 3inc diam. 1 x 6inc diam, $20 each. 0419 144 766 ANTIQUE doll cane basinet, & pram, cup saucer, plate Queen Anne made in Eng $150 0406185362
Special “RUN TIL SELL” options too!
BBQ 4 burner plus side burner LD with gas SObottle and cover. $100ono. T/ Gardens.0488662877 BEALE Pianola plus rolls. Very good condition, plays well. GreatLDfun for O would parties. S Piano suit keen pianist or beginner. $800. ph.49971110.
SELL Locally with NOTA
For Sale
BoatAccessories For sale – Specials for RV Owners 1 x RHINO - Boat roof rack, for tinnies up to 75kG 1 x EZYGO - O/B motor transporter S/S – Up to 25HP 1 x Portable boat trailer M/S- Up to 3.5M Tea Gardens NSW – Ph: 0437 776 828
FRONT door fly screen, heavy duty fancy shell motive, with key. $220 0427 704592
HEATER, burns wood or coke, makeDof cast L iron. $120. SO0425 254 612.
MAKITA power D 19008 planer, model L SO$80. 0419 80mm cut 144 766
RINNAI 400 Convection Gas fire. LPG. $450. 0414 718 586.
GARDENING tools, various types, cheap. 49872338
HUSQVARNA LC19SP mower. Briggs & Stratton 4stroke,700series, ready LD start, self-propelled. As SO new. Approx 2 hrs of use. $495 ono. 0419329905.
MATERIAL for curtains White. Good quality. Make an offer. 49972317
For Sale
For Sale
BEDROOM suite, king size, Corinthian white gloss. Incl: base, head, two bedside tables, tall boy & chest of drawers.Exc. cond. $950 0419219485
CIGTransarch Welder Handy Charger $80. ONO 49872338
BELT sander, Makita model 9924NB. LD 76mm cut, SO $65. 0419 144 766 BILLIARD Snooker table. Full size with all acc. $5000 0409496795
CYCLONE rotary turf edger, new, hand operated $30. 49872338. DINING table solid wood seats 6. no chairs $200. ono. 0414561372 CLASSIFIEDS in the News Of The Area ads@mcnota.com.au
BILLETS of some Email for Price & Proof large Oak, Moranti, Ironwood and Rosewood. Suitable for wood-turning. DINING table - Antique Price according to Oak, $150 Antique Oak sideboard with quantity 49872338 mirror, $300.Both in good cond. 49828689 BOLT cutters, record 924 $25 49872338 1209
BOSCH Biscuit Joiner as new, little use cost $525, sell $250 4987 2338
BRAND new 2 bedroom home 55m2 located in the fast growing over 50's residential village in Bulahdelah. $175,000. Contact Dee 4997 4565 btwn 9am – 6pm. 2908
DOORS legend brace type. (1) 1725H x 760W. (1)1725H x 430W, suit garden shed $40. 49872338. CLASSIFIEDS ads@mcnota.com.au DRAWER runners, (4) 700mm $20 each. (1) 500mm $10. 0419 144 766 ELECTRIC drill, 1 B&D 10mm (3/8” chuck) made in USA $10. 1 KBC 6.5mm (1/4” chuck) 1950 model, suit collector. $10. Others avail. 49872338. CLASSIFIEDS in the News Of The Area ads@mcnota.com.au Email for Price & Proof
FOOD warmer Maxim Kitchenpro, new in box. $60 49841127
BRAND new boys joggers and school shoes sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. $5.00 - $25.00 4982 8922 BRICK elevator, gd cond.LD $500. SO 0419562678 CLASSIFIEDS in the News Of The Area ads@mcnota.com.au Email for Price & Proof
CARDBOARD house moving boxes 30 large 30 small, used once $50 0423 228 700
G CLAMPS, dawn brand (2) 4” $5 each. (2) 8” $10 each. MPM brand (2) 12” $15 each. 49872338. GALVANISED handy mesh, 2000mm x D OLnew $20 1200mm S (2), each. 4987 2338. GALAVANISED bird netting 150mmW x5mL. $10. Ph 49872338.
FREEZER, Teco 172ltr upright, 13 months old, LD ex cond. SOPickup only. Raymond Terrace. $220 ono. 0435 919 400.
KAYAKS. Horizon Ekko and Horizon 510 with paddles and life jackets. Each $800 ONO. Tea Gardens 4997 2705 or 0457322417.. CLASSIFIEDS in the News Of The Area ads@mcnota.com.au Email for Price & Proof
KAYAK Spirit Ocean, Scope Paddle, Excellent Stability, Rudder easy steering. Back rest cap 100kg. L4m W61cm. $550 0400708179
GOLF Clubs, Brosnan, l/hand, complete set, Woods & Irons & Putter. Incl 2 Wilson Deep Red Maxi Drivers. Bag & buggy, $300 0424609065
CLASSIFIEDS in the News Of The Area ads@mcnota.com.au
CLASSIFIEDS in the News Of The Area ads@mcnota.com.au
KITCHEN setting, VG cond, laminated table 1.2m round , 4 chairs $100 0407915768.
Email for Price & Proof
Email for Price & Proof
GOLF buggy Par Maker electric with battery and LDcharger. SOT/Gardens. $100ono. 0488662877 GOLF Buggy electric $250. Set LH clubs $150, RH $150 . Ph 49810798 HANDYMAN retiring: Masonite, ply wood, pyn & mdf board. Offcuts, small to large. From $2. Also soft wood timber, ring for details. 0419 144 766. CLASSIFIEDS in the News Of The Area ads@mcnota.com.au Email for Price & Proof
GRAMOPHONE wind up, good working cond, needles available. $500. Phone 0427704592
HAFCO Wood Lathe 900mm bed cast iron FRIDGE, Westinghouse mount on heavy duty As new, perfect D cond. cast iron base chistles $600. OL 442 115 included $290. PhS0417 49872338 0407
FRIDGE Samsung, Side by side 594L good condition $300 0439662037
HARON dowling kit, model H7200, inc drill, dowl, glue etc. Never used. $40. 49872338.
CLASSIFIEDS in the News Of The Area ads@mcnota.com.au
HAIER 422lt fridge/ freeze $175 ono Whirpool 220lt fridge/ freezer $90 ono 0402 309 584
Email for Price & Proof
GALVANISED hot dipped bolts (37) 125x10 hexagon head. $75. (36) 100x10 cuphead, never used $45. Other sizes avail. 49872338.
BAR Solid walnut with canopy. $400ono. 2 Stools $20. Phone 0430 363 046
For Sale
BOSCH detail sander. PDA180DE LD model SO $15. 49872338.
Weatherboard home with a large back deck that takes in BUSH WATER VIEWS. Move in now, ready for Summer. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, polished floors & open plan living,1200sqms block. Price: POA reasonable offers considered. Ring 0408 341 056
Or Place the Classified via our Website www.NewsOfTheArea.com.au
For Sale
BLINDS Roller. As New. 2x Beige Width 2079 x Drop 2310 meters. 2x Roller Blinds Beige Width 996 x Drop 2310 meters. 5xLD Roller Blinds SO Beige Width 1486 x Drop 1460 metres. $90 for the lot or less individually. 0427 307 580
Phone us: (02) 4981 8882
For Sale
Team Member – Operations
(Stroud) These positions are responsible for undertaking the operation of plant and equipment in road, bridge and drainage construction and maintenance tasks. For full details visit Councils website at https://www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/ Careers-with-Council Closing date: Tuesday 24 September 2019 at 11.30 pm.
Very Low Rates!
DEADLINE for Ad Placement: 6pm Mondays Email us: ads@mcnota.com.au
For Sale
For Sale
SELL? or TELL? Ensure your NOTICE is in the N.O.T.A. The weekly community paper locals look!
Got something to
KITE Surfer, Naish.
Kite with harness & directional board. Used once. $450 Ph 0402290498
LADDER Mot D extension,OL 10-18ft Gd S 49872338 cond $50
MERANTI boards (3) 3.0 x 250 x 19, $15 each. Other sizes avail. 0419 144 766. . 2908
CLASSIFIEDS in the News Of The Area ads@mcnota.com.au Email for Price & Proof
MOUNTAIN bike Nomarch Dragonfly, As new, Alloy frame, DX3000 hydraulic forks, $150 49875234 1209
OMRON elect nerve stimulator HB-F28 handheld GC $50. Hairdryer, GC plus travel size curling wand, never used $30 for both. S/Bay. Ph 49846079. OUTDOOR setting. table & chairs (8). Table also extends $500 ono 0430 363 046 PANASONIC FX600 55 Inch LED TV New In Box Unwanted Exchange $900 ONO 49970051 PETROL leaf blower STIHL BR200 backpack very good condition $250 ph 0416 214 087
LOAD binder $30 various pieces of chain/ length 49872338
PRAM, Mamas & Papas Urbo. Purple. 4 yo. HiddenLinsect net. D O Adjust. Shandle. $150 ono. Medowie. 0422 070 333.
LADDERS alum. 1 x Bailey 900mm, single sided, $30. 1 x 900mm Rhino dbl sided $50. 4987 2338.
PRIDE new scooter, paid $3100, sell for $2500ono. Also, 1 wheel chair $100 gd cond 49818613 0407044372
LEDGERSTONE Veneer Stone. Sandstone Collection. 4 sq. mts $200. Ph 0409 042 489
PLY wood sheets, (1) 2400x1200x3mm $20. (2)2700x1200x4mm. $30 each. 49872338.
CLASSIFIEDS in the News Of The Area ads@mcnota.com.au
POOL table slate $1300. GC, balls, cues. 0418275298.
Email for Price & Proof
LUFKIN 10m measuring tape, 25mm blade. $7. 0419 144 766 MASSAGER imported large handheld 2080 chi turbo, as used in chiro rooms. Perfect cond. $300. Older type WALKER, push down to stop no brakes, GC $50. S/Bay. Ph 49846079.
PULLEY blocks, double. 100mm diameter, (2) $30 each. 49872338. RADIATA Pine mostly 70x35, various lenths. Some other sizes avail. Price according to length 49872338 RED Cedar and Rosewood various sizes and lengths, price on application. 49872338
ROLLER & Bkt set, brand new $10 49872338 1209
ROLLER support stand as new. $35 49872338 ROUND timber antique. Table 740cm $200. 0429485169 Nelson Bay ROUND tile table, large. 4 chairs. Indoor/ outdoor. Bought for $1,300 but will sell for $500. 49819926. SAFETY respirator, twin filters, as new $20 49872338 1209
SASH clamps, pipe construction. 900mm, 1100, 1500mm. $10 each. 49872338. SASH Clamps, 9001800mm. F clamps 300-800mm. Price according to lengths. 4987 2338. SIMPSON 7.5kg top loader w/mach. LDReluctant sale Perfect SO cond $175 0448460499 1107
CLASSIFIEDS in the News Of The Area ads@mcnota.com.au Email for Price & Proof
STAND Up Paddle
Board 11ft x 31”x 5” comes with paddle, leash and board bag. $900 0429920840 STAR posts black x 20. $5 each. 0419144766. STILLSONS 18” Walworth, Made in USA. $25. Stillsons. 4987 2338. TABLE Glass, with 4 chairs. As new. 0477624600 TABLE extendable, 900 x 900, extendable + 4 padded chairs, all as new. teak colour $300 ono ph 49849147 1909
TEE hinges, galv, heavy duty, (2) 300, (2) 250, used $4 each. 49872338
More Classifieds OVER the PAGE
Thursday, 19 September, 2019
11 Hermits 6 Dirt 13 Measure out 7 Bird 15 Roamed 9 Duck i i 18 Kept 10 Dogma out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should 19 Serpents 12 Peruses READING: Philippians 2: 3 & 4 - “Do nothing newsofthearea.com.au look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Blessings from Lynnelock Miles 21 Chastity 14 Long Puzzles and pagination © Auspac Media Solutions 25 Ate 16 Come round at intervals 2. 26 Humped ox 27 Lay waste 17 Ventured 19 Appended 20 Covers with slabs 21the Haul Fortunes in finals were not as good, Remainder going down to22 West Wallsend in an epic 23 Uniform qualifying semi by 4 points to two in extra 24 Spirit AUGUST Winner time. They didn’t come back from that loss, No. 152 ©Auspac Media Hawks Rugby League Downbeing knocked out in the Final by 14 point to By Neil REYNOLDS eight against Wangi. Junior Puzzler 077 Shannon Markham won the League’s THE Hawks will wrap up their season on highest point scorer award, while Taylah solution no. 17570 CrossworD no. try 17570 Friday Sept 20 with!!!! a Presentation night at Cooke solution received the highest scorer award. WARNING P A t r i A n G l E the Tea Gardens Hotel. Across: 3. Triangle, Yelp, 9. Entering, 11. Eremites, They8. were presented the trophy at Grand Y E l P A P r A Note The to function Editor: will get underway from 15. Wandered, 13. Mete, 18. Retained, 19. Asps, 21. Final day last Saturday at Lakeside sporting r E E n t E r i n G 6:30. The Myall Juniors 17’s squad 25. Devoured, Pureness, complex. 26. Zebu, 27. Desolate. E r E M i t E s M l Solution toRiverthis gets things underway with awards at 7pm, E D n M E t E Down: 1. Pyre, 2. Alee, 4. Rant, 5. Apes, 6. Grime, 7. The Hawks season had highs and lows. r puzzle not andEagle, followedshould by the lady hawks, opens.9. Eider, 10. 12. for Reads, 14.was Tress, 16. the w A n D E r E D The Tenet, team’s goal the year to make D r E t A i n E D The 17’s were outclassed for the major Recur, 17. Dared, 19. Added, 20. Paves, 21. Pull, 22. semi-finals. A s P s C r s appear on the Rest, part of the season, with fracture injuries 23. to Even, 24. They Soul.achieved their goal with an D A P u r E n E s s key players. Jyson Wolfram broke a wrist same page. undefeated run home in the last four rounds. D E V o u r E D V o E E l s Z E B u in round six, the Kobi Watt and Rex Shelton This included a nail biting draw against the D E s o l A t E n l broke bones in round 9. With these players minor premiers at Clarence Town. out, the side lost a majority of experience. The “Graham Hayward Memorial” Younger players, Will Markham, Billy Watt, award for player of the year will be hotly and Paddy Nickle all played up an age group. contested. Ryan Saunders, Nathan Ruse, and Ben Woolard and Lucas Barry tried hard. In Pat Maloney, were leading in round eight, but most games the side was strong in the first they will need to survive late season charge The aFeature People half, but couldn’t maintain application for the by Luke Perry. The “Jack Grace Memorial” full game. The Club is confident a 17’s squad rookie of the year award will be contested by Telephone: (07) 5553 3200 P O B o x 8 2 7 1 a number of young can be formed next season. TO ENTER: Simply complete the Puzzle, then POST it to us. guns, including Jreaytaine Toll Free: 1 800 652 284 Bundall Qld INCLUDE: You must include your NAME, Address, Phone and EMAIL. Davis, Kye Cotterill, and Zac Atkins. Fax: (07) 5553 3201 Australia 4217 DRAWN: All the CORRECT (and only Correct) weekly entries of NOTA Puzzle #6 The Lady Hawks held the banner high Supporters are invited with a small cover Email: auspac@auspacmedia.com.au received will go into a draw, which will occur at the end of each month. charge. for the Hawks this season. Coming down Visit our site: www.auspacmedia.com.au AGES: All Ages. For additional details, phone 0417 from “A” Grade as wooden spooners, 226619 or email: nreynolds.2@bigpond.com they lead the field to capture the minor
palindromE puzzlE Pose as Aesop. stEpdowns Strokes, stores, roses, sore, ore, or, r.
Explorawords 1. Eye to eye. 2. Black Friday.
3 8 5 1 6 7 2 4 9
7 2 9 4 5 8 3 6 1
9 7 2 8 4 5 1 3 6
6 3 4 7 1 9 5 8 2
5 1 8 2 3 6 9 7 4
8 5 1 3 9 4 6 2 7
2 6 7 5 8 1 4 9 3
4 9 3 6 7 2 8 1 5
Carter Stanislas
1 4 6 9 2 3 7 5 8
ClassiC sudoku
Auspac Media
Goldstar Crossword across: 3. Affinity, 8. Loud, 9. Comatose, 11. Befallen, 13. Used, 15. Astounds, 18. Tasteful, 19. Ayes, 21. Stripper, 25. Deployed, 26. Sink, 27. Delights. down: 1. Slab, 2. Gulf, 4. Fool, 5. Iran, 6. Ikons, 7. Yield, 9. Clout, 10. Mends, 12. Essay, 14. Elude, 16. Nasty, 17. Staid, 19. Added, 20. Expel, 21. Song, 22. Rest, 23. Pain, 24. Rake.
Season End for Rugby FRIDAY League
ANSWERS: ANSWERS: 1. Bluebird. 2. Greece. 3. 1812.
NOTA PUZZLES: PO Box 1000, Raymond Terrace NSW 2324
premiership in “B” Grade.
ADDRESS:............................................................................................. PH:.......................................................................................... EMAIL:.....................................................................................
SELL? or TELL? Ensure your NOTICE is in the N.O.T.A. The weekly community paper locals look & trade!
Got something to
For Sale TENT poles, wooden two piece, 5 x 1900mm, 2 x 2100mm, $4 each. 0419 144 766 TIMBER lounge solid 3 piece - 3 seater and 2 armchairs. $500 0428970662 TRADIES Spitfire LPG Space Heater. As seen on the block. $350. 0439507704 TTI Scroll saw, as new. $125. 0419144766. CLASSIFIEDS in the News Of The Area ads@mcnota.com.au Email for Price & Proof
TRITON mk3 work centre with extension & Ryobi saw $225 ono 0414718586 1209
TRITON router table with stand, ½” Triton router Oand LD finger jointer Ssetup as new, cost $850 sell $400. 0419144766.
Lady Hawks.
(02) 4981 8882
For Sale
For Sale
TROLLEY jack, hydraulic, 1800kg cap. $20. 0419 144 766.
WOODEN Jigsaw organizerOnew LD in box S 1856 $150 4919 WORKCRAFT 14” LD bandsaw, SO little use. $150. 0419144766.
JAYCO Designer 14ft Pop top, twin beds Full annex, rego, Tare weight 850kg Ready to go. $6,000 Ono 49923302
AVAN Erin Mk11 pop top, 2006 17ft air con, solar, HWS, microwave, tv/video, cd/radio, OLDintegrated S blinds/screens, island bed, privacy screens, roll out awning, many extras, VG cond.
TV large 50inch Panasonic, like new, $245 ono 49972442
2008 Golden Eagle Delux, 21'6", Semi off-rd, qu bed, full ens, cafe dinette, 2-dr 3-way fridge, 400W solar, 200 amp agm batteries, full annex used once, rollout awn, 6 stud wheels off-road tyres, +2spares, portable grey watertank, A/cond, 12/240v TV CD DVD, 12mth rego to buyer. $33,000 with blue slip 0428686122.
Geist LV660
TWO single swivel recliners, g/cond, LD beige leather,SO$200 ono 0418426286
OZITO Bench Saw $100. RYOBI Bench Grinder $60. RHINO Pedestal Drill $80. OZITO Cordless Drill & Battery $30. 2hp Tank Compressor $100. Stud Finder $20. Planer $80. Orbital Sander $40. Power Master Angle Grinder $60. Phone: 02 4981 0681
CLASSIFIEDS ads@mcnota.com.au VACUUM, as new, Bosch Pro-animal sensor bagless selfclean air-turbo w/ turbo pet brush. $400 Ph 0409302793 WALLABY jack double purchase $100 49872338 1209
WHEEL Chair, Powered, Invacare TDXSP. Tilts, reclines & elevates. GC. 3 y/o. No longer needed. $3,500ono. Phone 0427 974 136. WOODEN gate leg D New in table 2 sideLfold SO4919 1856 box $250
Thursday, 19 September, 2019
MAHOGANY High quality dining table with six refurbished chairs and matching sideboard Make an offer. Light brown elegant Lounge suite - 2 armchairs and one 3 seater Matching Lamp and Oak Coffee table Sell as a set - make an offer. Also grey metal filing cabinets, 3 drawers $40 each. 2x bookshelves timber $50 each. 49972294 Hawks Nest
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ROOF racks $100. Aluminium platform s (x2)120kg capacity $150 Hand tools $10. Two wooden planes $20. each 3 in 1 red spotlight $30. 2 rollaway beds $50 each. 6 power boards best offer. 49973143
CLASSIFIEDS in the News Of The Area ads@mcnota.com.au
SINGLE 2 Single bed and mattress $40. Electric recliner $350. Must sell. 49845586
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TV unit (incl TV). Make an Offer. Double sink. Make an Offer. 49972317
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5.7m 2002 Evernew Caravan, Ideal long range touring. Tare 1880kgs, GVM 2700kgs, dual axles, 2x95L water, 2x9kgs gas, 2x20L diesel. 2 D spare wheels, OL 2 x 20L diesel. S3-way fridge, air-condit. Dual 12V & 240V power. New awning & side panel. 1 owner, non-smoker. Note: hail damage to one side. $8,000 with accessories. Phone: 0403 070 519 1107
BOROMA 21’ Caravan 2000 Ensuite, 3 way fridge, w/mach, awning, annexe, Solar, aircon, ledlights,dualaxle,GVM 2.500kg, many extras, Ex Cond $26,000 ono 0428658165 1209
CAMPERVAN Ford Transit 6 Speed Manual Turbo Diesel 89,000kms LD Rego, No Rust 12mths SO Excl mech Many Extras. condition. $31,000 ono 0437603274 or CUB Camper Super Max Escape 2011 full annex, twin beds. Rego Aug 2019 $10,700 49872651 GOLDEN Eagle Grand Tourer 2005, rego 2/20 ex cond, complete with covered annex, 16,500. Ph 0429 617 664.
2005 23ft Luxury Caravan - $26,500 LD
Large dining/lounge, Island Bed, separate toilet, shw, vanity. A/c, heating, more. 0422 070 333 GAZAL 16ft Poptop caravan. Rear door island bed, toilet/shower, hot water, full stove, 3 way fridge, extra awnings. $17,500. Ph 0408 654 263.
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MILLARD Horizon 2003 16ft full van. 90L 3 way fridge, a/c, full oven, toilet/shower, 4 seasons hatch, roll out awning, tare weight 1245kg. $19,500 neg. 0402254805.
JAYCO Eagle 2013 Pop up camper. Roll out awning, annexe, innerspring mattress plus loads of extras. $19,000 0413950744 JAYCO Heritage 2004 22ft roll out awning, solar panels, ensuite, Lfull D annex, O w/mach., tv, airScon VG cond. Rego 5/19. $25,800 0433128949
VISCOUNT Grand Tourer 22ft, dual axle, island bd, bunks, a/c, tv, rollout awn, full stove, gd tyres, rego 9/2020 $12,000 ono 0414 864 159 2908
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Boats 12FT boat trailer, LD rego 5/20. $250. Ph SO 0417412161. CLASSIFIEDS ads@mcnota.com.au 39FT Steel boat fitted out as Trawler or use for Pleasure boat. 4 bunks, shower, toilet. $70,000. 0407 777 592
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Special “RUN TIL SELL” options too!
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BOAT 4.20m, fibreglass runabout, 75hp Suzuki motor, includes trailer. Rego - Boat 3/19. Trailer 11/19. Marine radio and sounder. $3,000 ono 0458385315
QUINTREX 475 Bay Hunter Caprice boat and trailer 12/99 both in good condition, new D OL re built, canopy,Strailer 2018 Honda 60 h.p 4 stroke motor
STACER Sea horse 4.55 X 2m side console, deep hull, wide decks, 40hp yamaha XWT, 6 hp aux, vg cond, $7500 ono 0249877354
FORD Focus ‘12 blue, man, hatch, one lady owner,D68,700 km, reg toS06/19, OL excell cond, dealer logs, CQ86JO, $7,500 ono. Contact 0420400791
KIA RIO 2013 hatch only 40,000klms manual, 1 lady owner 5 months rego. CPI04H. $8,000. 0402 218 666.
MITSUBUSHI Mirage, 2014. 49,000km, rego 1/20 new tyres, log books, manual, GC. CI87NF. $6,800. 0437 146 123
QUINTREX Fredom Escape 2010, 4.7m, 191hrs. Yamaha 60HP 4stroke. Garmin Sounder chart/plot, bimini, spare wheel, one owner, always garaged, rego till March 2020. Will sell for $21,900. Call 0410 458 007
TINY 14ft, plus trailer, 30hp Merc, + extras $5250 ono 49875238
HOLDENCOLORADO LX 2014 Auto Diesel Cru Cab. Canapy, clear view mirrors, nudgeDbar, new OLrego. VGC. tyres, May S20 167,000klm. $25,000. Ph 0434191487 BYO5ZY.
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HYUNDAI Excel 2000 2 dr, auto/air, L 144,383km D SO factory rego 23/2/20,
2002 Land Rover Discovery TD5. 1 owner; always garaged, Ideal towing, Engine ECU upgrade; Poly airbags in rear coil springs, Supplementary oil cooler on transmission Cooper A/T3 tyres – near new, Factory-fitted tow bar, Tekonsha brake controller, Full service history & manuals, Rego 9/20, YGE317 $7500 0403 070 519
FORD Explorer 2000 model, 200,000kms D OL GC, Sunregistered. $1500 ono. Ph 0429380101.
HONDA CR-V Sports Wagon 1999. Rego 12/2/20. GC, goes well, reliable, 5 speed manual, replaced motor 12/2017. Replaced clutch, cylinders, master and slays. New drive belts. CK64ZK. $2,800. 0497152733.
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BRU Baker Tri-hull. 2000 mod, custom trailer, solid stable fishing vessel built to survey, 200HP Yamaha, 140hrs, 2007, extra, all reg, $20,000 ono 0425243360 DINGHYS 2 x 8ft dinghys, 1 alum $350, 1 ply wood $300. 0425 254 612
CARAVAN vinyl folding D awning L 180x31x27 SO brand new $350 4982 1706
HALF Cabin 4.9m 75hp Marina no rego. many extras. $6000 0431 751 651
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HAINS Hunter SLC 5.2 Half cabin. 115 hp Yamaha Motor. GPS, LD fish finder SO & lots of extras. $10,500 ono. 0414 737 347
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Machinery TRACTOR Allis Chalmers B 1948 on Beaver tail trailer, both reg, $3000 49817721
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Boats ALUM tinny 4.3 Clarke abalone on good trailer 25hp mercury sea pro. ex cond low hrs plus extras. Needs paint. $2,800 ONO 49975756
ROB LEGG 28ft yacht f/glass, swing keel with 10hp merc + dingy moored in Salamander Bay. A1 cond. Many extras. $26,900. Ph Kevin 0418682806. CLASSIFIEDS in the News Of The Area ads@mcnota.com.au Email for Price & Proof
SAVAGE 28 Flybridge 2x180hp diesels. Very economical, low hours. D 2x GPSOLSounders, S of extras. toilet, loads $46k ono
SONATA 7 Sleeps 4 HOBIE 16 catamaran adults, 2 children. New on gal trailer. $800 0B 6HP 4 stroke, dingy and mooring. Lots of 49817721 a/h extras. $10,000 ONO PUNT, alum. 12ft, 0407620320 oars, sand anchor. CLASSIFIEDS In good condition, reduced to $800 ono ads@mcnota.com.au Pindimar 0439919526
AUDI Q5 2011 70,000kms, Like New, Nov 19 Rego. NBN72R $21,500. Ph 0478147049 DAIHATSU Charade 1997. Rego 10/19 Manual 5 speed. 204,241km. $800 WWU695 0421400351 2908
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HOLDEN Commodore 2003. 10mths rego. LD 311,000k’s. SO $1,200ono YPS481 0431026622
MERCEDES SLK230, auto, Kompressor coupe/convertible (metal folding roof) just 60,900klms, 2000 LD model, top cond, SOall books, careful lady owner. DCJ79Z. $15250ono 0417821805.
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SUZUKI Liana, 2001. 4 dr sedan, 255,000klms LD 1586cc rego 6/9/19, SO petrol motor. Good tyres, asking $1200. Lady driver. . 1807
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Courtesy Bus 7 Days
ON Monday, 29 August three teams from Bulahdelah Central School (BCS) travelled and compete at the State Futsal Champion of Champions. The U/16s girls team were excited to compete and performed very well. They were matched up against some very impressive teams from Northern NSW Football. It came down to the last game where the girls needed a win to advance to Nationals. They were winning 1-0 most of the match, but a last minute goal from the opposition saw the game end 1-1. On Thursday, both the U16s and U/19s boy’s teams had their turn to show off their team work. In the first few games inconsistency got the better of both teams. They held their lead for the better part of the game, but went behind 1 goal in the dying minutes. Tyson Oakley, Sports Co-ordinator for BCS said,
Perpetual B kkeeping Small Business Bookkeeping
0422 070 333
State Futsal Champions
Ready to assist your business! office@perpetualbookkeeping.com.au
q Back Row LtoR: Tyson Oakley (Teacher), Blake Richardson, Bailey Middleton, Angus Devon, Dane Pope, Jake Kinnear (Teacher). Front Row LtoR: Tyler Manefield, Harry Cole, Saxon Bramble, Camran Bailey, Brayden Ford.
“They finished with a couple of strong wins of 8-0 and 9-3 which progressed both teams to Nationals to be held on the Gold Coast in November.” The Northern NSW Football association were very impressed with how the boys played and the following players were selected to play in the 2019 Far NNSW State Futsal Team: Saxon Bramble, Blake Richardson, Bailey Middleton, Angus Devon and Tyler Manefield. They will have the opportunity to compete at the National School Futsal Championships at Brisbane in October. Jake Kinnear was also asked to coach a team at the Football Federation Australia Cup in January 2020. Congratulations to all students who participated. “We are looking forward to our future Futsal endeavours in the coming events later in the year,” Mr Oakley said.
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Thursday, 19 September, 2019