Cobb In Focus Jan Feb 2022

Page 31

A rts & Recreation

Hanging Around At Studio Bungee It’s core, cardio, and fun all in one. By Cory Sekine-Pettite


fter three back surgeries and more than a decade of dealing with constant pain, physical therapy, and decreasing mobility, Christal McNair decided she had enough. She went searching for a way to stay healthy and active that wouldn’t also lead to more strain on her body, particularly her back. In her quest, she found bungee fitness. “After surfing on Facebook, I saw bungee fitness out of Canada and it appeared to be fun,” McNair wrote in a testimonial on her website. “I worried that I may not be able to do this type of activity with all my back issues, but I decided to see if there was somewhere I could go in Georgia to give this new exercise a try. Unfortunately, I was unable to locate anywhere in Georgia, but was lucky to find the home of ASTRODURANCE Total Body Bungee System in Cape Coral, Florida.




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