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Moore Tutoring
Local company helps students get more from their education
By Cory Sekine-Pettite
Many of us know from experience that even the most successful, academically inclined students can see the future of their education derailed by a poor exam score. Grades alone do not assure students access to their preferred university or graduate school. Good entrance exam scores (SATs, ACTs, LSATs, etc.) are crucial. That is where a company, such as Moore Tutoring, can be of service.
Moore Tutoring (mooretutoring.com) is an elite tutoring boutique with one mission: to connect the most driven students with the best tutors. Founded by Marietta natives Preston Moore and Mary Lauren Moore, the company says that its students can expect more. While, yes, it is a play on the name of the company, it’s also how Moore Tutoring operates. The company’s tutors are in college or recently graduated, they have recent experience with the exam they tutor, and can give other students the edge they need to get into their dream schools and reach their dream scores.
“We wanted to offer tutoring from the absolute best schools. We know there are a variety of other tutoring companies around the country, but we wanted to offer students the best of the best. This is why we only hire the top 1 percent of tutors,” said Mary Lauren.
“Our goal isn’t to be the biggest tutoring company in the nation — our goal is to be the best,” added Preston.
The couple started their company in July 2020, continuing a service Preston first started while attending Harvard Law School. Throughout school, Preston, who also is a practicing attorney for Jones Day Law Firm, tutored the LSAT (law school entrance exam) and found fulfillment in helping others succeed. From starting with the LSAT, Moore Tutoring has grown to also offer SAT and ACT tutoring. As the company continues to grow, the couple says they will expand to help students with the GRE (graduate school entrance exam) and
MCAT (medical school entrance exam). All sessions are taught via Zoom. Moore Tutoring’s tutors and students are located throughout the United States, Canada, and various countries in South America, Asia, Africa, and Europe.
“You don’t have to want to go to Harvard, but you deserve the education and service from people who know the test like the back of their hand to help you reach your goals and start your law school journey,” said Preston.
Aside from the obvious advantage of having a Harvard-educated lawyer and an educated marketing professional (Mary Lauren) at the helm, what other benefits can you expect from employing Moore Tutoring’s services? Well, the Moores say good tutoring companies hire tutors that scored in the top 10 percent of all test takers. Great tutoring companies, on the other hand, hire tutors that scored in the top 1 percent of all test takers. Moore Tutoring hires only tutors who have graduated from, or are currently attending, the top colleges in the country. Every tutor they hire — currently, they have 17 on staff — has exhibited excellence on the LSAT, SAT or ACT and ultimately, in his or her law school or post-secondary career.
The company has three principles that it says sets it apart. 1. Moore Tutoring plan better. Students are assessed from the beginning of their time with the company. 2. Moore Tutoring has a better method. Most companies will send every student the same books and materials when they sign on. That means, regardless of if a student’s goal is a 140 or a 175 on the LSAT for example, they all receive the same “boxed” approach to studying. Moore Tutoring, however, helps students diagnose and develop a realistic path for where they are to where they want to be. 3. Moore Tutoring hires the best tutors. Its tutors have a dedicated history of success on the test to which they tutor, whether that be LSAT, SAT or ACT.

“As an educator for the past 16 years and former Dean of a post-secondary institution, I understand the need for all students to have a custom fit in their educational paths,” said Dr. Marian Muldrow, COO for Moore Tutoring. “However, in a typical classroom setting, that isn’t always possible. But, with an organized and individualized approach in tutoring and consulting with students, such is possible.”
So, what are the advantages of seeking out exam assistance from Moore Tutoring? The couple says they regularly have students who already are scoring in or near the 99 percentile, but they come to Moore Tutoring because they want to score a little bit higher. Sometimes it’s because they are great test takers but might have a lower GPA, or they are not comfortable with their admissions writing sample. They want to focus on one area where they do excel and push further to stand out from the competition. Students don’t have to be struggling on either test to ask for help, the Moores say; they just need to want more.
Here is how it works: Moore Tutoring offers packages from 3-30 hours with 10 hours of tutoring being the most popular option. Some students will purchase by the hour, as well as purchase multiple packages over the course of several months. Once students purchase a package (pricing is available at mooretutoring.com), they receive a welcome email with a student intake form. The purpose of that form is to get background information about the student’s experience, or lack thereof, with the test they want to take. From there, they are paired with a tutor who will schedule a consultation and begin working on their individualized study plan. The student and tutor also will establish a session schedule. During and after each session, the tutors update the study plan and share it with the students.
Currently, the company averages about 50 students tutoring each month; and its services are offered year-round. If you or a family member want to get a leg up on your upcoming SAT, ACT, or LSAT, Moore Tutoring could help.
“We cannot offer test score guarantees as testing situations are different for every student. What we do guarantee is a quality tutor who will give students the tools they need to succeed,” said Muldrow. n
Photo by LaRuche Creative “We know there are a variety of other tutoring companies around the country, but we wanted to offer students the best of the best. This is why we only hire the top 1 percent of tutors.”
–Mary Lauren Moore
Photo by LaRuche Creative “You don’t have to want to go to Harvard, but you deserve the education and service from people who know the test like the back of their hand to help you reach your goals and start your law school journey.”