KNOWAtlanta 2021-22 Education Guide

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Education Guide

Excellence in Education • Private School Choices • Metro Atlanta’s Colleges and Universities • Public School Spotlight




PRE-K THROUGH 12TH GRADE With the most cocurricular and athletic opportunities of any private school in Atlanta.


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Contents Publisher

2021/2022 EDITION




4 It’s Elementary Metro Atlanta private schools put a distinctive spin on the K-5 experience

15 Public School Spotlight Unique facts about metro Atlanta’s county-wide school systems

9 Meet Me in the Middle Metro Atlanta’s private schools make a difference during the middle grade years

16 Choosing a Private School KNOWAtlanta’s guide to select private schools in metro Atlanta

35 The Freshman Experience Metro Atlanta’s colleges and universities pave the way for first-year students

34 Private Schools Map Find out where select metro Atlanta private schools are located


AMY MEADOWS Art Director

JACK SIMONETTA Advertising Coordinator MEGAN WILLIS Circulation Manager AMY FINE Controller


9040 Roswell Road, Suite 210 Atlanta, GA 30350 (770) 650-1102, (800) 536-5669 Direct all advertising, circulation and editorial inquiries to, (770) 650-1102, ext. 145. KNOWAtlanta’s 2021/2022 Education Guide is designed to help parents, realtors and employers relocating to Atlanta become familiar with the metro area’s educational choices. From analyzing a school system to choosing a continuing education program, our Education Guide provides new Atlantans with the tools they need to meet each one of their educational goals successfully. KNOW®Atlanta Education Guide, published annually by New South Publishing Inc., 9040 Roswell Road, Suite 210, Atlanta, GA 30350. Direct all advertising, circulation and editorial inquiries to (770) 650-1102, ext 145. All information herein has been checked for accuracy to the best of the publisher’s ability. No responsibility is accepted for deletions, omissions, errors and/or inaccuracies. Unless special placement within the magazine is specifically purchased, the publisher reserves the right to place any ad on a first-come, first-serve basis. No materials contained herein may be reproduced without the exclusive written permission of the publisher. ©Copyright 2021 by New South Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.


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Cover: (left to right, top to bottom) Mount Paran Christian School, Pace Academy, Lyndon Academy, Annunciation Day School

Where authentic Christian mission and academic excellence aren’t mutually exclusive E XPLOR E WE SLEYA N SCHOOL AT WW W. WESL EYAN SCHOOL. ORG/A DMI S S I ONS

It’s Elementary Metro Atlanta private schools put a distinctive spin on the K-5 experience By Ken Abramczyk


or parents who want a unique educational experience for their children, private schools offer interdisciplinary studies and variety while emphasizing values, character building, community and environment. These are essentials for any student, but they are particularly important for young children who are just beginning their educational journeys. That’s why metro Atlanta’s private schools work so diligently to provide this crucial foundation for students in kindergarten through fifth 4  KNOWAtlanta

grade. From schools that offer elementary education exclusively to those that have elementary grades as part of their K-8 or K-12 systems, these schools offer flexibility in their programs and a chance for students to experience a unique education, captivating them as they grow and develop throughout their school years.

A Distinctive Approach For many parents, the educational environment itself is what draws them to metro

Atlanta’s private schools. So many local schools pride themselves on featuring small student class sizes and promoting an education based on individualized learning and teaching flexibility. Additionally they tout their strong relationships among teachers, students and family and how they work to connect students with the community and the world. For instance, Springmont Montessori School promotes engaged learning, environmental stewardship, creativity, authenticity,

Trinity School

Westminster Schools

the gift of time, global awareness and mutual respect. “Diversity of thought and a global perspective are valued, and students are empowered to become inquisitive, independent, compassionate and effective,” says Nikki Torres, associate head for Elementary and Middle Learning. Joe Marshall, head of Trinity School, says families choose the institution for their children because they like Trinity’s unique and balanced approach. “That (approach) allows students the opportunity to savor

their childhood while acquiring a deep academic foundation and developing responsibility, leadership and a strong sense of self,” he says. Additionally, Trinity maintains high standards of mutual respect and positive discipline, touting itself as the first racially integrated private independent elementary school in Georgia. The school, Marshall states, “continues to make diversity, equity and inclusion an ever-present integrated part of the school day as we develop in each and every student a strong sense of self and identity and a sincere care and concern for others.” The Westminster Schools’ teachers “honor the uniqueness of each learner,” according to Whit McKnight, head of the Lower School. “In the Lower School, we introduce bright, curious thinkers to the joys of problem solving,” he says. “We explore leadership and service to others.” Lisa Mirsky, admissions director at The Davis Academy, notes that the school’s teachers “strive to enrich the mind, body and spirit,” creating a learning environment that both nurtures and challenges children. “From kindergarten prep (4- and young 5-year-olds) through middle school, we use a hands-on experiential approach and innovative teaching methods that promote collaborative, active learning.” Atlanta Academy can “move the teaching needle” quicker than public schools or other larger independent schools, and the academy “truly rivals” other preschool through Grade 8 schools, says Shannon Dishman, head of

school. “I love the fact that independent schools have the ability to quickly shift when we identify a curriculum, faculty or student need,” she says. The depth of Atlanta Academy’s curriculum and programming combined with the variety of enrichment options, she adds, is “remarkable.” Atlanta International School educates students through a program grounded in full language immersion. “Our approach to education builds cultural competency, giving our students a global outlook that prepares them to move through the world with confidence, wherever they choose to make a difference,” says Maria Voutos, head of primary school. In fact, the school is one of the few international baccalaureate schools in the United States that offer the IB curriculum at every grade level, 3K through Grade 12. The Primary Years Program focuses on conceptual understanding, transdisciplinary connections and higher order thinking skills. “Our French, Spanish and German programs are dual immersion (5K through Grade 5), which is 50 percent English and 50 percent French, German or Spanish,” Voutos says. “Our Chinese program is partial immersion with 70 percent English and 30 percent Chinese. In every case, the students are taught by teachers who have the target language as their mother tongue.”

The Classroom Experience From the curriculum to the day-to-day structure of the classroom, metro Atlanta’s private schools often take a unique KNOWAtlanta  5

Woodward Academy

approach to learning. Rather than relying on a traditional classroom model, Woodward Academy prioritizes opportunities for creativity and movement. “Opportunities to discover, collaborate, explore and experiment are woven throughout our curriculum at every grade level from pre-kindergarten to 12th grade,” says Amy Morris, director of strategic marketing and communications. “We employ techniques such as design thinking so that students learn critical thinking while broadening their abilities and competencies. Students in kindergarten through 5th grade have access to makerspaces filled with resources on building and designing.” Westminster’s Lower School’s interdisciplinary curriculum develops the whole child. “Our tradition of academic excellence combines with a unique daily schedule that rotates over seven days, one that engages learners and inspires creativity even as it builds a sense of community,” McKnight says. The entire Westminster community “benefits from a school culture that prioritizes health growth in all areas of a student’s life — academic, social-emotional, spiritual and physical.” The Lovett School designs a “best practices” curriculum using a backwards-design model. With that, teachers model goals and skills for all subjects. “They help create goals for each child individually through a variety of assessments while providing continual feedback to the child as they work toward the goals,” says Amy Darsey, 6  KNOWAtlanta

Davis Academy

director of teaching and learning for K-2. “Our teachers also create small groups to facilitate growth across areas.” What’s more, she adds, Lovett engages and exposes students to the arts and sciences while ensuring students are valued as individuals. “They have opportunities to play an instrument or perform,” Darsey explains. Additionally, Jen Tatasciore, director of teaching and learning for 3-5, says students visit natural settings to explore and connect with real experiences related to what they are learning in their classes. Springmont works hard to help students make a connection with their teachers, who

The Lovett School

give them age-appropriate freedom with accompanying responsibilities. “Students spend three consecutive years in the same class, allowing teachers to get to know each child, his or her family and how best to support, challenge and connect with each child,” Torres says. Students evolve into leadership roles, starting as followers in their first year, moving into helper roles in their second year and growing as leaders in their third year. She continues, “Students actively participate in class meetings and create class agreements and are guided to develop internal self-control rather than being motivated by rewards and punish-

Atlanta Academy

ments.” What’s more, students learn at their own individual pace. “All subjects and skills are taught in an integrated curriculum, rather than in isolation,” says Torres. Students recognize strengths and weaknesses, how subjects interrelate and the world around them. “Multiple entry points to subject matter entice learning, and students use skills and knowledge to solve problems and answer curiosities independently,” Torres says. Students take overnight class trips to Springmont’s 86-acre Landschool campus in North Georgia. An outdoor science education teacher guides students in the care of the school’s many gardens and farm animals, including chickens, pairs of turkeys, goats, rabbits and a sheep. Art, music, Spanish and physical education are also part of the curriculum and not electives. Dishman reveals that Atlanta Academy allows students to gradually adjust, build on positive teacher-student relationships and develop a deep feeling of belonging. “For our 4th and 5th grade, we offer a unique ‘mini-middle’ model that teaches students to manage themselves through executive functioning techniques, such as organization, study skills, self-direction and self-advocacy,” she notes. “These critical skills help build a launching pad to middle school, sending students with a foundation of preparation.”

Illuminating Instructors At the heart of each school’s success are the faculty members, who are dedicated not only to helping their students advance

and thrive, but also to enhancing their own members are viewed as educational leaders, professional capabilities. who present at local, state and national conMore than 70 percent of Trinity’s lead ferences, discovering strategies to integrate teachers hold an advanced degree. Furtherdigital citizenship into the curriculum and more, the school’s Learning Team provides develop a culture of reading. specialized one-on-one and small group instruction for students with learning differCreative Programming ences, adding another layer of individualized Private schools work to ensure students support. It also partners with parents and receive an education well beyond core teachers to ensure the best instruction for programs to deliver a well-balanced founstudents. “These specialists often work in the dation, increasing opportunities for them classroom to support teachers, help with difto succeed as adults. Options both within ferentiated instruction, review accommodaand beyond the classroom allow students to tions and identify additional ways to teach concepts to students with varying learning needs,” Marshall says. Mirsky calls The Davis Academy’s faculty “our greatest investment.” Davis offers them fluid professional development and unique learning opportunities. “Our faculty leverages the power of social media platforms to learn, grown from other educators around the world and create learning opportunities for students,” Mirsky says. “With connections made through Twitter, our students re-enact the Second Continental Congress, interact with renowned authors and conduct mystery Skype sessions with same-age learners throughout the country.” According to Springmont Montessori School Mirsky, Davis Academy faculty KNOWAtlanta  7

follow their passions and pursue their personal interests. For example, Woodward Academy offers specialized programs and areas of study, as well as a variety of co-curriculars. “Students can build robots in STEAM workshops or they can visit the working farm at the Lower School and help tend to chickens,” Morris says. Woodward also offers co-curriculars in animation, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, chess, fencing, piano, TV production and yoga. And the academy offers graduation distinctions in sustainability, global studies and service learning. Trinity School offers an education technology program focusing on digital citizenship, including access, literacy and security. Students there develop Atlanta International School creativity and technological skills in the Idea Lab and makerspace. An outdoor education program includes multi-day trips, and learning, the Glenn Institute is a vital part students learn appreciation and respect for of our school’s mission of creating leaders themselves, others and the Earth. Trinity’s of conscience.” afterschool programs, called Extended ProThe Lovett School offers a “whole-child” grams, have more than 60 offerings. approach and balanced foundation, STEAM Westminster students are encouraged to classes, resource classes, fine arts, foreign push beyond absorbing information and to language and guidance through its programs. ask questions, such as “what if,” “what’s next” Morning meetings, a growth mindset, a selfand “what about,” McKnight says. “Morning serve lunch, the Leadership Council and the meetings in Lower School teach students Student Services Council assist students in how to name their emotions and teaches building their confidence and teach life skills the importance of fostering community. to students, according to Tatasciore. “KnowStudent support at Westminster is holistic ing the students as individuals, providing and wellness-oriented. Our Equity and them opportunities to engage in problem Inclusion curriculum and programs foster solving and collaborating in small groups are cultural competence.” Westminster’s Glenn a few ways we encourage creative and critical Institute for Philanthropy and Service thinking,” she says. Learning gives students opportunities to Atlanta Academy’s STEAM program address community and environmental allows students to explore a broader range needs through immersive service experienc- of interests. “Some may naturally lean es. McKnight adds, “Through philanthropy towards science and technology, and others education, community service and service may have more of an artistic side, and that’s

For more information, visit: Atlanta Academy: Atlanta International School:

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what makes our integrated program so successful,” says Dishman. Students can explore and expose their creativity in the Visual Arts Program, reflecting their personalities, passions and interests. The academy’s Performing Arts program encourages “our students to take the lead,” says David Shore, performing arts teacher. “By giving them the chance to perform or create, write and record music, we help encourage them and build their confidence. If they do not feel musically inclined, they might find their passion behind the scenes.” The Davis Academy offers courses in foreign languages (Hebrew and Spanish), coding, physical education and athletics, visual arts, performing arts and music. “Students can further explore their passions through electives in advanced theater, film, music, video production, robotics, programming, design thinking and entrepreneurship and digital art studio,” Mirsky says. The Atlanta International School offers afterschool clubs, language classes, music lessons, robotics, sports and activities. “Our faculty includes STEAM coaches, a Digital coach, Learning Support teachers, personal counselors and ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) teachers,” Voutos says. The school’s Primary Years Program fosters the development of the whole child, encouraging creativity, independence and critical thinking. This is the goal for the private schools of metro Atlanta. For so many elementary students, the experience is unparalleled and provides the type of solid footing they need to succeed in their academic pursuits and as they grow into thoughtful and flourishing adults. n

The Davis Academy:

Trinity School:

The Lovett School:

The Westminster Schools:

Springmont Montessori School:

Woodward Academy:

Meet Me in the Middle

Metro Atlanta’s private schools make a difference during the middle grade years

Atlanta International School

High Meadows School

Atlanta Academy

By Amy Meadows


o often, we hear about the importance of early education and how impactful the elementary years can be for children. We also focus quite a bit on those all-encompassing high school years, when college is right around the corner and key life decisions are being made by our teenagers. However, in many cases, the middle school years get lost in that discussion. But these pivotal grades, during which tweens and early teens are trying to find their footing and adapt to new educational and individual challenges, are equally as important as the ones that come both before and after them. Fortunately, metro Atlanta’s private

schools have risen to the challenge, making those middle grade years as welcoming and meaningful as possible. Here, KNOWAtlanta Magazine offers a glimpse of the various approaches taken and opportunities provided by some of the area’s most renowned independent schools.

Atlanta Academy Location: Roswell Grades: 6 through 8 The Middle School Difference: Atlanta Academy strives to support students as they

emerge from their elementary years. The cornerstones of the middle school experience are achievement, leadership, organization, creativity, self-discipline and social responsibility, and there are high expectations surrounding these tenets. Unique Academic and Extracurricular Offerings: The Innovation Center provides state-of-the-art tools and a place for students to bring technology and design together in areas like photography, augmented reality, virtual reality and more. A Stock and Finance class teaches students how the market economy works and how to invest KNOWAtlanta  9

in the stock market. And students may join the award-winning debate team, which has won the North Metro Middle School Debate Championship the past 12 of 15 years.

High Meadows School Location: Roswell Grades: 6 through 8

Atlanta International School Location: Atlanta Grades: 6 through 8

The Middle School Difference: Students are viewed as individuals and honored for what they contribute to the class and school each day; their voices are valued and fostered. Middle school is seen as a notable time of transition from childhood to young adulthood where both academic and personal foundations are developed one-onone and within the context of a responsive community. The aim is to help students understand themselves better as learners and as human beings who can affect positive change. The school takes a whole-child approach, tending to students’ intellectual and social emotional sides.

The Middle School Difference: The goal of Atlanta International School’s middle school program is to help students link classroom learning to the world beyond so they can see its relevance in a global context. Teachers present concepts and issues and use students’ questions and observations to move the conversation forward; it is a student-driven approach that is both engaging and an ideal preparation for the next stage of learning, the intellectually rigorous International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. Unique Academic and Extracurricular Offerings: Numerous opportunities connect students with others from many different countries to provide an appreciation of global issues and an intercultural awareness. The “personal project” allows students to demonstrate what they have learned over the course of a one-year project based on a topic of global importance that excites them. The school also offers award-winning Mock Trial and Model United Nations programs and student-led CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) groups, including an investment club that won the Stock Market Game.

Unique Academic and Extracurricular Offerings: Sixth and 7th grades are combined into a two-year rotating cross-curricular program that focuses on big guiding questions and themes, including “How do societies balance the needs of the individual with the needs of the community?” and “What does it mean to be human?” Students select two Mini courses every six weeks from topics like animal care, the history of Rock n’ Roll, cooking, debate, stock market, technology, theatre arts, visual arts and more; they also participate in volunteer opportunities in the community.

Holy Spirit Preparatory School Location: Atlanta Grades: 6 through 8 The Middle School Difference: At Holy Spirit Prep, Middle School is seen as a time of tremendous growth and change—intellectually, emotionally, physically, socially and spiritually. The Classical Catholic approach helps students learn and develop reason and judgment in light of the truth of the faith. In partnership with parents, the faculty and Campus Ministry work with each middle school student to develop a personalized Formation Plan. Students set goals and objectives in four key areas: Academic, Spiritual, Personal Development and Service. Students also have opportunities to serve in leadership roles on campus.

Lyndon Academy 10  KNOWAtlanta

Unique Academic and Extra-Curricular Offerings: The school’s comprehensive educational and formation program includes

rigorous offerings in core areas of math, science, English/Language Arts, social studies and Theology, as well as PE, art, music and band. It encourages independent, critical thinking through the use of the Socratic method and Latin and Logic (in 8th grade), as well as participation in student-focused programs that promote personal responsibility. An Advanced Math track for students ready to excel is offered, and STEAM objectives are incorporated throughout the science and math curriculum. Additionally, a majority of the student population participates in extracurricular sports and/or clubs.

King’s Ridge Christian School Location: Alpharetta Grades: 5 through 8 The Middle School Difference: Students in 5th and 6th grades follow a model that eases the transition from lower school to middle school by having one teacher for Math and Science and one teacher for English and History; the 7th and 8th grade model is a more traditional model where students have different teachers for each subject. The goal is for every student to receive a rigorous, academic experience while still focusing on their spiritual and emotional well-being. The focus is not to have kids regurgitate information, but to think critically and understand the “why” behind the information they are learning. Unique Academic and Extracurricular Offerings: The Middle School offers Upper School credit for courses in foreign language, math and science; all middle school students are eligible to earn up two Upper School credits, and middle school students who are enrolled in Honors classes are eligible to earn up to four Upper School credits. Eighth grade students can become Middle School Student Representatives, who lead committees comprised of students from all grades in the areas of Service, Student life, Admissions and Publicity. Additionally, teachers lead elective classes varying in interest from Servant Leadership to Cooking.

Lyndon Academy Location: Holly Springs Grades: 6 through 8 The Middle School Difference: Students do not fade into the background at Lyndon.

With a maximum of 18 students in a classroom, and the average being 12, all students have a voice in the classroom and in their education. The school wants students to enter high school prepared to take on continued rigorous courses with the confidence to be fully engaged and successful. Unique Academic and Extracurricular Offerings: Fifth graders take many courses at the middle school level to get early exposure to the world of middle school. High school credits are offered in the foreign languages; there are electives spanning all curriculum areas, technology and the fine arts; and small class sizes offer more oneon-one teacher interaction. The school also offers an array of extracurricular activities, from band, drama, LEGO Robotics and the Science Olympiad to cross country, volleyball, golf, softball and more.

Mount Paran Christian School Location: Kennesaw Grades: 6 through 8 The Middle School Difference: The school understands the developmental age, needs and interests of its students and is very intentional with nurturing relationships and embracing a culture of family, faith and fun. The goal is to grow the whole child. MPCS is a safe place, both mentally and physically, for tweens and teens to explore and discover their God-given gifts. Unique Academic and Extracurricular Offerings: The school provides great variety for students to select exploratory classes with a menu of more than 20 courses from which to choose. The Directed Studies program is unique in Christian education, as instruction is tailored to meet the needs of students with various learning challenges. Accelerated and advanced courses are offered in math, language arts and science, and Bible is an academic class in every grade. Every sport that is offered in high school also is available in the middle school; MPCS also boasts a robotics team, Black History Bowl, service opportunities, Murray Arts Academy after-school music lessons and more.

Mount Pisgah Christian School Location: Johns Creek Grades: 5 through 8

The Middle School Difference: Students at MPCS are known. The school prioritizes connecting with students and creating authentic relationships with them that allow staff and faculty the right to speak into a child’s life. Those relationships are leveraged inside the classroom—knowing when to push, when to let something go, when it is time to celebrate progress and when it’s time to speak difficult truth in love. The school wants children to feel safe—emotionally, physically, spiritually, intellectually—so that they can grow towards independence and be strong participants in their community. MPCS believes that middle school isn’t something students should survive—it is a place where they deserve to thrive. Unique Academic and Extracurricular Offerings: MPCS feels that middle school should be about trying new things—trying cross country for the first time, taking an Improv class or picking up a cello or drumstick to see how it feels to play. In the fifth grade, students have two different rotations throughout the year, rotating through band, chorus and orchestra, as well as drama, visual art and bible. Sixth grade students choose two different fine arts classes, each for an entire semester. And 7th and 8th grade students get to choose both a “major” and a “minor” elective; majors meet three times a week, and minors meet two times a week, giving students a chance to specialize in areas that interest them while allowing them to try new things.

The Mount Vernon School Location: Atlanta Grades: 6 through 8

children to observe and question everything, build empathy muscles, experiment with prototypes and iterate—then do it again. Unique Academic and Extracurricular Offerings: Understanding that identity, innovation, legacy and impact are core developmental milestones of the middle school experience, students engage in thematic humanities experiences such as the hero’s journey in Grade 6, the human story through the lens of freedom in Grade 7 and conflict and resolution throughout history in Grade 8. The integrated study of STEM emphasizes application and real-world contexts which engage students in their learning through critical and creative thinking, innovation and problem solving. Additionally, middle schoolers participate in daily sessions devoted to mind and body, such as skills-based physical education, executive function, foundational and study skills and project management. Students also experience arts and design courses each year, including music, dance/movement, maker, design and engineering, visual arts, digital and graphic media and more.

North Cobb Christian School Location: Kennesaw Grades: 5 through 8 The Middle School Difference: A multidisciplinary approach is foundational to the middle school program at NCCS, developing students into authentic, well-rounded Christian leaders. The instructional approach utilizes a balance between academics, athletics, fine arts and student life and combines a robust curriculum with challenging learning environments to achieve student mastery through knowing,

The Middle School Difference: The Middle School program was developed to make school more reflective of real life, to empower students to be seekers and explorers and to inspire all learners—and the larger world. The framework is intentionally focused on the development milestones of middle schoolers: identity, independence, freedom-responsibility balance and leadership. Engaging in learning through student-centered approaches, students are guided by teachers, external experts and their peers to identify, research and solve real-world problems or The Walker School challenges. The school teaches

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age while knowing that their teachers, their principal and the people that they deal with everyday truly enjoy them. The vulnerability of a middle school student is truly looking for acceptance and being valued, and Notre Dame Academy offers an environment that enriches that child while also making him or her feel loved. The middle school experience strives to provide a safe haven where students that are in this vulnerable age are safe—emotionally, physically and socially. King’s Ridge Christian School

understanding and doing. The cornerstone of the program is the dedicated faculty, the “living curriculum,” who purposefully invest in each student’s well-being. Unique Academic and Extracurricular Offerings: Through the One-To-One Technology Initiative, each student in grades 5 through 8 is issued their own Chromebook, which allows students to become technologically literate as 21st century learners while also practicing digital stewardship and personal responsibility. Many 7th and 8th graders participate in Duke TIP (Talent Identification Program), which offers above-level testing, recognition and ceremonies, enrichment, educational programs and college prep. Also, the Pathways Program is an innovative middle school program that involves a series of assessments, evaluations and personal reflections compiled by middle school students with the goal of helping students know themselves from the inside out. NCCS middle school students also can participate in 14 sports and more than 30 clubs.

Notre Dame Academy Location: Duluth Grades: 6 through 8 The Middle School Difference: Notre Dame Academy approaches the middle school experience with love. The school believes that it is an honor to have a young person experience the fragility of that middle school 12  KNOWAtlanta

Unique Academic and Extracurricular Offerings: Notre Dame Academy is Georgia’s only K-12 Marist Catholic International Baccalaureate school. The IB Middle Years Programme focuses on the development of inquisitive and internationally minded learners and encourages students to step outside of the classroom to apply the concepts in a way that challenges them to think about the effects in their local, national and global communities while maintaining a level of empathy and compassion to those around them. Courses range from the language arts and math to design, photography and language courses. In addition to a variety of clubs, sports and service learning opportunities, there are numerous field trips, including an 8th grade field trip to Rome, Italy.

The Walker School Location: Marietta Grades: 6 through 8 The Middle School Difference: The goal of the middle school is to provide developmentally appropriate opportunities for students to form identity and purpose. The connection to students and interpersonal relationships, a dedication to finding and developing the passions of students and an engaging and challenging curricula that channels the ideas of discovery and wonder are the foundation of the pillars of the middle school. Students are given space to try new things, make mistakes, solve problems, feel supported and be celebrated. With an average class size of 16 students, every child is known and every voice is valued.

Unique Academic and Extracurricular Offerings: Dynamic English and writing instruction, dedicated science labs, four world languages and five levels of math instruction are just the beginning. Unique courses range from a host of science, math and history courses to Digital Technology, Digital Media, Computer Science Principles, Engineering and Robotics. The school also offers single-gender math, daily 30-minute recess, state-of-the-art science and technology building and a comprehensive advisory program that includes a focus on executive functioning skills and leadership training. Extracurricular activities include athletics, fine and visual arts, an aerospace club, a debate team and more.

Wesleyan School Location: Peachtree Corners Grades: 5 through 8 The Middle School Difference: Wesleyan School believes faith and intellect are great partners with each other. Leadership and faculty work to provide students with an atmosphere that is challenging, reinforces the value of hard work and emphasizes character and integrity above accomplishment. The middle school is intentional in allowing students to begin taking responsibility for their own learning and actions while developing independence in a nurturing environment; faculty begins the process by meeting students where they are and then pushing them to grow from there. The campus, courses and extracurricular opportunities are designed to help each child navigate their strengths, interests and passions in an encouraging and supportive setting during these formative years. Unique Academic and Extracurricular Offerings: In grades 5 through 7, Wesleyan offers gender-differentiated classes in math and English. Students benefit from an advanced math program at every grade level, and every student takes classes in Spanish, French and Latin in 5th and 6th grades before choosing a language to focus on in 7th and 8th grades. STEM offerings continue to expand each year, and a new Academic Resource Center assists students with learning differences in becoming independent learners while successfully meeting the demands of Wesleyan’s academic standard of excellence. Students may participate in a wide range of athletics, arts and service op-

portunities in middle school, and a mission trip is offered in 8th grade.

middle school student chooses an arts elective in the visual or performing arts arena.

The Westminster Schools Location: Atlanta Grades: 6 through 8

Whitefield Academy Location: Smyrna Grades: 5 through 8

The Middle School Difference: The Westminster Middle School focuses on the development of the whole child through a rich and challenging curriculum that balances traditional and innovative teaching methods. Cultivating creativity, enhancing skill development and supporting personal growth, teachers build study strategies as they incorporate technology, experiential learning and critical thinking skills into the daily curriculum. The goal is to prepare students for a seamless transition to the Upper School and for their lives beyond.

The Middle School Difference: Whitefield Academy engages in studying the latest information on brain-based learning specific to middle school students and strives to teach and encourage spiritual formation of students as they form new synapses that will last a lifetime. The school believes strongly in growth mindsets, restorative discipline and Christ-centered frameworks for decision making. The middle school experience is unique in that it integrates faith learning into all of the classrooms and focuses on metacognition, pushing students to “think about their thinking.” If students spend quality time reflecting on their decisions and academic passions, they naturally build strong executive functioning skills that grow their self-confidence.

Unique Academic and Extracurricular Offerings: In addition to all of the standard academic offerings, Westminster offers such unique classes as Journalism; Creative Writing; Economics for Entrepreneurs; Future City (a national challenge that has students answer the question “How can we make the world a better place?” and requires them to imagine, research, design and build cities of the future); Imagine, Design, Create: Explore the World of Coding; Architectural Design: Building for Community; Leadership 101; Serve ATL (a place-based service learning course that focuses on exposing students to Atlanta’s areas of greatest need and teaching skills to address those needs effectively); and Endangered Earth—We Can Meet the Challenge. Additionally, every

Unique Academic and Extracurricular Offerings: Middle school students participate in a variety of academic opportunities, all integrating faith learning. Bible, foreign language, history, English, math, science and physical education classes are complemented by STEM lab and library opportunities. The school also offers first week retreats and orientations, bookend grade-level trips (for 5th and 8th grades), 8th grade academic coaching and the Middle School J-Term Experience, during which teams spend a week dedicated to community exploration of a subject and real-world

learning application. Extracurricular activities include leadership options like student council, as well as clubs, arts and athletics.

Woodward Academy Location: College Park and Duluth Grades: 7 and 8 The Middle School Difference: Woodward believes that middle school should provide strong structure and high expectations, along with the opportunity for students to practice independence. Middle school should be a time to explore interests and allow students to have fun while they’re doing it. Students learn not only academics, but also how to be a student, how to learn their own strengths and challenges and how to apply that knowledge to their own education. Middle school students have a unique opportunity to have their own space but also be able to participate with upper school students and classes. Unique Academic and Extracurricular Offerings: Woodward is one of the few independent schools that offers multiple academic levels and a completely personalized schedule. Within the school day, students have the opportunity to explore not only their core academics, but also performing and fine arts options such as band, orchestra, choir, dance and visual arts options like 3D printing, sculpture, photography, ceramics, drawing and painting, as well as options such as STEAM, engineering, robotics and film/video. The school offers a multitude of club and athletic opportunities, including academic clubs, art clubs and fun clubs like Anime and chess. n



iddle school inherently has its challenges. Of course, for students who have additional learning needs or require additional help or a non-traditional educational setting, those challenges can be even more pronounced. Fortunately, metro Atlanta is home to an array of schools that focus on everything from dyslexia and ADHD to hearing loss and executive function, allowing students to truly thrive during the formative middle school years.

The Cottage School Location: Roswell Grades: 6 through 8 Area of Focus: Students who have mild to moderate learning difficulties and can benefit from a unique work-based model that simulates real-world experience. The Middle School Difference: TCS approaches the middle school experience as

a whole-child approach, striving to develop the student not only academically but also social-emotionally. The school wants the student to experience the things they love and take risks on the things they may not love or have never tried. Small class size and a unique approach to learning allows the student to find their strengths and capitalize on them. TCS notes that the middle school years are a challenge as students are going from kids to young adults; it provides an environment that allows the students KNOWAtlanta  13

to stumble, fall and learn how to get up so they can develop themselves into the people that want to become. A smaller environment lets students know everyone and take chances, and they can develop into young ladies and gentlemen without the fear of being ostracized if they do not fit into a mold. Unique Academic and Extracurricular Offerings: In addition to traditional core academics, TCS offers activities such as rock climbing, movie making, gardening, year-round sports, ukulele and many more. On the extracurricular side, the school features everything from soccer, volleyball, cross country, basketball, cheerleading and archery to drama, student council, diversity club, culinary arts and fashion design.

Cumberland Academy of Georgia Location: Atlanta Grades: 6 though 8 Area of Focus: Students with Asperger’s Syndrome, ADD, ADHD, high-functioning autism and other learning disabilities. The Middle School Difference: Being a special needs school, Cumberland Academy embraces a whole-child educational approach and infuses social skills into the curriculum. The school focuses on individualized learning and preparing middle schoolers for high school and the next steps. Students enter the Creating Futures program as early as 8th grade to assist them in their journey to becoming independent adults and prepare them for college or a career. Middle school is traditionally more challenging for typical learners with new social pressures and self-discovery; Cumberland supports students with full-time counseling support and focuses on strengthening social and executive functioning skills. Unique Academic and Extracurricular Offerings: Cumberland is the first special needs school to receive a Google Apps for Education certification. Computer skills and learning how to navigate the Web become a necessity. All middle school students, both in-person and distance learners, use 14  KNOWAtlanta

jects. Morphological structure helps students with word meaning and improves their vocabulary, which leads to stronger reading comprehension. Finding patterns is a strength for many dyslexics; by teaching the patterns, faculty can utilize this strength to remediate weakness in spelling. Orton-Gillingham-trained teachers address the needs of students with a low student-to-teacher ratio, incorporating multi-sensory and kinesthetic learning. On the extracurricular side, the middle school offers programs such as “Middle School Late Nite” several times per year; students enjoy fellowship, games, bible study and team building exercises while learning leadership skills. Cumberland Academy of Georgia

Chromebooks to access the Google Apps for Education suite daily. Students are also immersed in a social skills curriculum led by the counseling team; topics include self-awareness, resolving conflict, managing emotions and more. Students are offered traditional electives in the arts, including drama, PE, technology skills, coding and construction, and also have opportunities to participate in a variety of clubs that range from Art Club to Girl Talk and in-house sports.

GRACEPOINT School Location: Marietta Grades: 6 through 8 Area of Focus: Shaping the dyslexic learner’s brilliance by meeting their needs with a unique teaching style. The Middle School Difference: GRACEPOINT’s goal is for students to become independent and confident learners while being strong advocates for themselves. The school strives to help students move from seeing their dyslexia as a disability to seeing it as a gift that God uses to fulfill His purpose for their lives. Students thrive in a multi-sensory environment, where classes are small, allowing teachers to differentiate the needs of each student. Unique Academic and Extracurricular Offerings: At GRACEPOINT, morphology is intentionally integrated into all sub-

Mill Springs Academy Location: Alpharetta Grades: Middle: 5 and 6; PreUpper: 7 and 8 Area of Focus: LD and ADHD students. The Middle School Difference: In grades 5 and 6, MSA acknowledges and supports the students’ needs to begin exploring independence both academically and socially. In grades 7 and 8, students are supported in their exploration of understanding how he or she learns best. Both sections motivate and empower students to become self-advocates and independent learners. Middle addresses the unique needs of students through learning modifications tailored to each individual student; PreUpper students are invited to actively engage in their environment by starting a club with a teacher sponsor or proposing a trip linked to a program. Breaking the grades into two sections allows students in each section to create a sense of community as they enter into new experiences, and smaller class sizes and sections help prepare students for the greater independence they will experience in grades 9 through 12. Unique Academic and Extracurricular Offerings: In Middle, students begin to participate in competitive sports and delve deeper into the school’s fine arts program. In PreUpper, students are introduced to unique electives, including Coral Lab, Composition and Learning Lab. n

Public School Spotlight Metro Atlanta is fortunate to be replete with exceptional public schools, which can be found throughout the area’s county-wide and city-specific systems. These award-winning school systems focus not only on fostering academic success, but also on allowing students to flourish both inside and outside of the classroom. A great way to learn more about them is to peruse their websites, which are listed below. And for more information, including SAT and Georgia Milestones scores, read KNOWAtlanta’s latest issue or visit COUNTY SCHOOLS Bartow Did you know? Bartow County School System has been named a Model Professional Learning Community for its impressive improvement of student achievement data within the last three years. Cherokee Did you know? All high schools have been named AP Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and AP STEM Achievement Schools, and Creekview HS and Etowah HS additionally were named AP Merit Schools. Clayton Did you know? Clayton County has a thriving K-12 Fine Arts program and a state-of-the-art Performing Arts Center that provides a stage for the community and schools and provides a venue for the performance of our Fine Arts Magnet programs and M.E. Stilwell School of the Arts. Cobb Did you know? Cobb is home to 27 National Blue Ribbon Schools and is the 2nd largest school system in GA. DeKalb Did you know? DeKalb County School District is Georgia’s third largest school system and is a leader in STEM curriculum with 10 certified schools and programs in more than 90 schools. School choice options are available in nearly 50 schools to include theme, magnet, IB, charter, and Montessori options. Douglas Did you know? All high schools in Douglas County earned a spot on the U.S. News & World Report’s List of Best High Schools in America, which was released April 2021. Fayette Did you know? In addition to English, Fayette County has 40 different languages represented among its 2,267 students, with Hispanic, Chinese and Japanese leading the list.

Forsyth Did you know? In addition to having the highest CCRPI score, highest county graduation rate and highest ACT score in metro Atlanta and among large districts, Forsyth County Schools also has the highest SAT score in Georgia. Fulton Did you know? AdvancEd, an organization that accredits primary and secondary schools throughout the United States and internationally, has certified Banneker High School’s STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) program. Gwinnett Did you know? Five Gwinnett County schools earned grants from the Bosch Community Fund for their unique STEM projects. Central Gwinnett High School, Jackson Elementary School, Mill Creek High School, Osborne Middle School and Paul Duke STEM High School received a combined total of more than $49,000. Hall Did you know? Hall has been approved as a Common Sense Certified District: Digital Citizenship, an honor that recognizes their efforts in teaching digital citizenship to young people and engaging the entire community. Henry Did you know? A total of nine Henry County Schools have been recognized with honors for their AP coursework and student performance as announced by the Georgia Department of Education. The designation as an AP Honor School is based on testing data for the 2020 senior class. Paulding Did you know? The Paulding County School District was named a first-time recipient of the Georgia Department of Education’s Literacy for Learning, Living and Leading in Georgia Grant.

Rockdale Did you know? Rockdale County Public Schools middle and high school students competed and won nearly 30 awards at the 2021 Georgia Science and Engineering Fair, held virtually this year. CITY SCHOOLS Atlanta Public Schools Did you know? Nine Atlanta Public high schools made the list of Advanced Placement Honor Schools for 2021. The schools were among those high schools statewide that were lauded for achievement, high levels of participation, access, support and more in AP coursework. Buford City Schools Did you know? Out of Georgia’s 182 school districts, Buford City Schools has been named as the best district overall and has been ranked #1 in several other categories including safest district, best place to teach, best district for athletes, and best public elementary school. Cartersville City Schools Did you know? Cartersville City Schools ranked number 10 out of 183 school districts according to Niche’s 2020 Best School Districts in Georgia. City Schools of Decatur Did you know? City Schools of Decatur is a charter system, which means that the district has a charter, or contract, with the State of Georgia to increase student achievement. Gainesville City Schools Did you know? Gainesville City School System is a charter system serving approximately 8,000 students from Pre-K through Grade 12 in eight specialty charter programs open to parental student choice. Marietta City Schools Did you know? MCS is ranked nationally as among the Top 10 U.S. School Districts in Digital Technology.

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Mount Paran Christian School

Choosing a Private School The search for a new school for your child begins here. On the following pages, you’ll find a sampling of private schools in metro Atlanta. Each mini-profile features a description of the school, its location, contact information, accreditations and tuition prices. Please note that tuition prices are for the 2021–22 school year and are subject to change. On page 34, you’ll find a helpful private schools map.

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Metro Atlanta’s Private Schools THE ALFRED & ADELE DAVIS ACADEMY From Kindergarten prep through eighth grade, The Davis Academy teaches to the whole child, creating compassionate leaders and equipping them with skills they will use for the entirety of their academic careers and beyond. We teach life skills, instill Jewish values and provide diverse experiences so that our students become well-rounded and self-confident individuals. Students learn amongst a warm and supportive community that shares common values and visions. We celebrate both the ways our diversity makes our school vibrant and the individual differences that make our school community so unique. With a retention rate of 97 percent, The Davis Academy community is comprised of families from across the globe, nation and 31 metro Atlanta zip codes. Davis graduates attend the most prestigious public and private high schools in Atlanta; they know who they are and continuously make a difference in their communities and the world. Location: Dunwoody/Sandy Springs Phone: (770) 671-0085

Website: Accreditations/Memberships: AdvancED/ SACS, SAIS, AAAIS Tuition: $15,750 - $27,970 ANNUNCIATION DAY SCHOOL From the moment your children enter our doors, they will be nurtured, loved and provided one of the best educations in Atlanta. Our mission is to provide an education grounded in respect, compassion, and academic excellence within an Orthodox Christian environment. ADS serves a diverse community of students with small classroom sizes not exceeding 16 per class. Along with our lead and assistant certified teachers, the small classroom size ratio offers more individualized learning between teacher and student. Come be a part of this thriving school community centered in Christ, Children and Community. Location: Atlanta Phone: (404) 565-2850 Website: or

Accreditations/Memberships: Cognia, GAC, AAAIS, GISA. Tuition: Preschool tuition ranges from $300 - $450/month; K-8th tuition ranges from $915 - $1,145/month ATLANTA ACADEMY Founded by teachers in 2000, Atlanta Academy serves 375 preschool-8th grade students in the North Fulton communities of Roswell, Alpharetta, Dunwoody, Sandy Springs, and more. Atlanta Academy encourages active learning and engagement inside the classroom. Fostering leadership opportunities and executive functioning skills help students build confidence and grow into well-educated, independent problem-solvers prepared to excel in high school and beyond. Location: Roswell Phone: (678) 461-6102 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: AAAIS, SAIS, GISA, NAIS, Bright from the Start Tuition: Please visit website

the courage to explore | the drive to discover

Visit to take a virtual campus tour The Lovett School practices a nondiscriminatory admission policy. Financial aid is available.

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Metro Atlanta’s Private Schools ATLANTA GIRLS’ SCHOOL At Atlanta Girls’ School, we inspire girls (Grades 6 through 12) to find their own unique voice and use it in leading a life of purpose. Our curriculum and culture emerge from a distinct vision of what girls must learn individually and collectively to become thoughtful and capable leaders and world-class problem solvers. Girls attending AGS learn to take appropriate risks, be courageous leaders, give back to their communities and project personal confidence and competence in all they do. Location: Buckhead Phone: (404) 845-0900 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: AAAIS, AdvancED/SACS, GAC, GISA, NCGS, NAIS, SAIS Tuition: $26,990 ATLANTA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Atlanta International School offers the International Baccalaureate curriculum to 1,320 U.S. and international students, preschool through Grade 12. By delivering a rigorous academic program combined with world-class standards in language acquisition in an open-minded, intercultural environment, AIS prepares students to succeed in a globally connected world. Location: Buckhead Phone: (404) 841-3840 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: AAAIS, AdvancED/SACS, CIS, IB, SAIS Tuition: Contact school for pricing. ATLANTA SPEECH SCHOOL Uniquely focused on comprehensive literacy, the programs of the Atlanta Speech School are dedicated to the construction of the reading brain. The campus encompasses four schools, including three preschools: Katherine Hamm Center, a listening, spoken language and literacy program for preschool children who are deaf and hard of hearing; Stepping Stones, a preschool for children who are experiencing speech and language delays; and the Anne & Jim Kenan Preschool for children exceptionally prepared for academic settings. In addition, the Wardlaw School serves school-aged children with dyslexia in grades K through 6 with a short-term, individualized and intensive approach designed to return them to traditional school settings. The Speech School’s reach extends beyond the campus

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The Wood Acres School

through the Rollins Center for Language and Literacy, which, with more than 100 partners including healthcare agencies and school districts, furthers literacy through coaching, professional learning and, with the free Cox Campus, online learning. Location: Buckhead Phone: (404) 233-5332 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: AdvancED/ SACS, GISA, NAIS, SAIS Tuition: Contact school for pricing. THE CHASTAIN SCHOOL AT ST. JOHN The Chastain School at St. John is a non-profit, full-day, year-round educational mission of St. John United Methodist Church. Our emphasis is on children’s developmental needs; we nurture them as they grow mentally, physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually. Our focus is children learning through play. The Chastain School staff strives for excellence in everything we do, mindful that the time we have with children shapes their future success. Our bright classrooms, community spaces and outdoor play areas provide multiple venues for learning during play. Manipulatives, books, music, movement, science, art and outdoor time are integrated into the daily schedules. Our curriculum provides age-appropriate activities, and our low teacher/child ratio allows individualized attention for each child’s developmental needs. Operating under the auspices of the St. John United Methodist Church Council, The Chastain School Board of Governors is composed of members of the church congregation

Leading with Love. Every day, we connect bright, curious students with a community of support and opportunities that awaken their aspirations so that they can lead positive change in the world. Learn more at

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Centered in Christ, Children and Community

Serving Preschool thru 8th Grade

Conveniently located to Emory & CDC

• Accredited by by Cognia & The Georgia Accrediting Commission

• Affordable tuition ranging from $915 - $1,145/month for K-8th and $300 - $450 for Preschool

• No more than 16 students per class

• Competitive League Sports in basketball, soccer, volleyball and cross country

• 70% of teachers hold master’s degrees or higher

• Morning & After Care starting as early as 7:15am until 6:00pm

Schedule a private tour today to learn more. or (404) 565-2850 KNOWAtlanta  19 770.754.5738 PreK – 12

In His Hands Isaiah 41:10

and parents of children at the school. The Chastain School is licensed by Bright from the Start, the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning, and is accredited by the National Association of Education for Young Children. Location: Sandy Springs Phone: (404) 843-8375 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: Quality Rated and NAEYC Accredited Tuition: Contact school for pricing THE COTTAGE SCHOOL Building a sense of self for students with special learning needs through academic and experiential programming, The Cottage School (TCS) prepares individuals for fulfillment of their true potential as confident, productive and independent adults. Through The Cottage School’s unique work-based model for grades 4 through 12, our students pursue a high school degree through rigorous academic standards with a strong emphasis on emotional/social learning. Students experience educational success while learning vocational skills that will help them thrive in the world beyond graduation, be that in continuing education or a career. Our beautiful 23-acre campus offers small class sizes, open spaces and fresh air and state-of-the-art technology to provide individualized instruction to our diverse student population. Every student learns differently, so we teach differently. Please contact us for more information about our rigorous standard of care to keep our families healthy. Location: Roswell Phone: (770) 641-8688 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: SAIS, SACS, NAIS, GISA, AAAIS, GAPSEC, IDA, AAC, APAC, GISL, AATE, GNFCC Education Committee, National Council for the Social Studies Tuition: $21,000 - $27,000

FOR COLLEGE FOR LIFE FOR ETERNITY Holy Spirit Prep’s 21st-century classical approach combines the latest in academic excellence with authentic Catholic teachings that enrich students’ hearts, minds and souls.

COME SEE WHAT’S NEW! Schedule your Private Tour today.

20  KNOWAtlanta

Metro Atlanta’s Private Schools

CUMBERLAND ACADEMY OF GEORGIA For over 14 years, Cumberland has served students in grades 4 through 12 with high-functioning autism, Asperger’s, LD, ADD and ADHD and other learning differences. The mission of the academy is to provide a safe, supportive, educational environment in partnership with faculty, staff, students and parents. Students are

challenged academically with a rigorous college prep curriculum following Common Core standards with social skills integrated into the curriculum. After graduation, students continue on to college or a career. Students also participate in science labs, music therapy, culinary class, physical education (special needs-based), art, drama and a variety of sports and afterschool clubs. Location: Sandy Springs Phone: (404) 835-9000 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: SACS/CASI, GAC, AAAIS, GISA, GAPSEC, AAC, APAC Tuition: $26,100 THE GALLOWAY SCHOOL Located in beautiful Chastain Park, The Galloway School is a community where learning is joyful, individuals are valued, and self-discovery is encouraged. Galloway students in grades PreK3-12 confidently embrace challenges while developing the knowledge, skills, and cultural competence to thrive as enlightened contributors in their chosen pathways. Location: Atlanta Phone: (404) 252-8389

Wesleyan School

Website: Accreditations/Memberships: AAAIS, AdvancED/SACS, GHSA, NAIS, SAIS Tuition: $17,500 - $29,950 GRACEPOINT SCHOOL GRACEPOINT School is a private school located in Marietta dedicated to bringing out the brilliance of the dyslexic learner in a Christ-centered environment. Since August

2012, the philosophy of GRACEPOINT has been to provide an instructional environment where approaches to learning are multi-sensory and prescriptive. This technique addresses reading deficits and allows for enrichment in the areas where students are gifted. Students in first through eighth grades are taught using the Orton-Gillingham method, and this multi-sensory approach is woven into all subject areas.




I feel lucky to be back at school where I can get help from my teachers and learn about God every day.



KNOWAtlanta  21

18 MON T H S – 8T H G R A DE

Metro Atlanta’s Private Schools The student-teacher ratio is 5:1 in reading and math classes and 8:1 in all other core subjects. Location: Marietta Phone: (678) 709-6634 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: GAC, GAPSEC, OGA, IDA, SAIS, GISA, AAAIS Tuition: $24,000

Springmont’s authentic Montessori experience balances academic learning with social/emotional well-being. Highly experienced and caring teachers guide individualized learning that inspires students to become creative, independent and globally-minded. EXTRAORDINARY BY DESIGN. Contact or call 404.252.3910 for more info or a virtual tour. ATLANTA’S F I R ST MONTE S SOR I SCHO OL

Unpack Your Child’s Education First!

Make The Wood Acres School part of your family’s move! A Wood Acres private school education is open to students in Early School - 8th grade. • Achievement Student achievement beyond expectations

• Affordability Tuition within most families’ grasp

• Atmosphere Educating students since 1969

• Admissions Schedule a campus tour today

Prospective Families Open House Nov. 7, 2021 Jan. 23, 2022 Call for more information 1772 Johnson Ferry Rd., Marietta, GA 30062 • (770) 971-1880 Accredited by the Georgia Accreditation Commission

22  KNOWAtlanta

HIGH MEADOWS SCHOOL Since 1973, High Meadows School has inspired children to think critically, learn creatively, act globally and live compassionately. Located on 42 acres of historic farm property, our students experience a school environment where adventure and play go hand-in-hand with extraordinary academic preparation and exemplary student outcomes. From an outstanding faculty and breathtaking campus to small classes and an acclaimed International Baccalaureate curriculum, High Meadows is an exceptional place to learn and grow. Location: Roswell Phone: (770) 993-2940 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: AAAIS, AdvancED/SACS, GISA, International Baccalaureate (IB), NAIS, SAIS Tuition: $7,070 - $21,580 HOLY SPIRIT PREPARATORY SCHOOL Holy Spirit Preparatory School combines a Classical education with an orthodox Catholic environment for children 6 months through the 12th grade. We joyfully embrace the traditions of Catholic education to form students of deep faith, advanced intellect, and heroic virtue. Learn more about how we prepare our students for college, for life, and for eternity by visiting holyspiritprep. org or calling (678) 761-7992. Location: Atlanta Phone: (678) 761-7992 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: AdvancED/ SACS, GISA, NAIS, NCEA, SAIS Tuition: $6,400 - $24,780 KING’S RIDGE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Situated on 80 sprawling acres in Alpharetta, King’s Ridge Christian School provides a PreK through 12, college preparatory education, equipping students to know, to serve and to believe. This is a multi-denominational, Christ-centered community

where students are loved, nurtured and truly known. Students are encouraged to seek a personal relationship with Jesus Christ to reveal all that they were created to be. Safety, spirituality and integrity are emphasized to reinforce the healthy development of the whole child through rigorous academics, competitive athletics, award-winning fine arts and a commitment to community service. KRCS invites you to discover how excellence is achieved while Christ is glorified. Contact our Admissions Office for a tour at (770) 754-5738 or Location: Alpharetta/Milton Phone: (770) 754-5738 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: CESA, SAIS, GISA, GHSA, NACAC, Cognia, EdTA, NAES, North Fulton Chamber of Commerce, Alpharetta Chamber of Commerce Tuition: $6,500 - $22,600 THE LOVETT SCHOOL Founded nearly 100 years ago by progressive educator Eva Edwards Lovett, The Lovett School is a community of belonging that develops students of honor, faith, and wisdom with the character and intellect to thrive in learning and life. Lovett embrac-

Mill Springs Academy

es a multifaceted approach to educating the whole child, where intellectual rigor, social-emotional learning and character development are purposefully cultivated. With more than 1,600 students from 78 different zip codes and 11 counties in the metropolitan area, we welcome students of many different faiths and backgrounds. Lovett enjoys a national reputation as a college preparatory institution, encourag-

ing students to also discover themselves outside of the classroom through the arts, athletics and community service. Location: Atlanta Phone: (404) 262-3032 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: NAIS, AAAIS, Global Online Academy, CSEE, SACS, SAIS Tuition: $27,675 - $32,130

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Metro Atlanta’s Private Schools


UNAPOLOGETICALLY Inspiring Girls to Lead Lives of Purpose

Accepting application for the 2021-22 school year. Contact us today.


t ap d A





WE EQUIP YOUR STUDENT TO MEET THE CHALLENGES OF A CHANGING WORLD WITH INTENTION TCS’s intentional approach addresses the whole student by working with their social & emotional needs, in addition to their educational goals.


Visit COTTAGESCHOOL.ORG for more information. 24  KNOWAtlanta

LYNDON ACADEMY Lyndon Academy is an accredited international college preparatory school with an extraordinary teaching system that combines proven methods of learning from the most successful schools in the country. It offers a rigorous and rich curriculum designed for motivated and academically talented students that are accustomed to higher standards of learning. Mandarin and Spanish are also a part of the core academics starting as early as Pre-Kindergarten, and the instruction is daily. Arts, athletics, technology and an abundance of electives are available in addition to the multilingual core curricula. AP courses and college course opportunities are available as well. Location: Holly Springs Phone: (770) 926-0166 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: Cognia, GISA, GAPPS, Duke TIP, International University Alliance, Georgia Futures and Georgia HOPE Tuition: $10,900 - $15,000 MILL SPRINGS ACADEMY Mill Springs Academy supports students by raising expectations and developing self-advocacy while providing a college preparatory curriculum to students in grades Kindergarten through 12 with ADHD and learning differences. The school’s 85-acre campus in North Fulton County is nestled in Alpharetta’s beautiful rolling hills, where it serves families from 50 zip codes. A broad range of fine arts and competitive athletic programs foster interests and hidden talents. Small classes and individualized instruction help to capitalize on students’ strengths while learning compensatory strategies. Mill Springs Academy meets students where they are in order to help them grow, providing academic rigor, support and community online and in the classroom. Location: Alpharetta Phone: (770) 360-1336 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: COGNIA, SAIS, NAIS, GISA, AAAIS, GAPSEC Tuition: $20,888 - $26,780 MOUNT PARAN CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Mount Paran Christian School exists to provide a stellar academic experience in a Christian environment. It’s crucial to guarantee a moral and faith-based foundation through everything your child

learns at school. Through curricular Bible classes, weekly chapel, discipleship groups and service, faith becomes integrated into who the students are. Within small class sizes, MPCS offers 56 AP/honors courses, instructional support, robotics, STEAM/ Spanish starting in PK3 and a 1:1 device program. Our job is to prepare servant-leaders in the classroom, on the ball field, on the stage and ultimately in our community. As a PK3 through 12th grade private Christian, non-denominational, college preparatory school, MPCS is committed to excellence in academics, award-winning arts and championship athletics. Founded in 1976, MPCS is fully accredited and located in the shadow of Kennesaw Mountain on a 68-acre collegiate-like campus. MPCS unites with home and church to prepare servant-leaders to honor God, love others and walk in Truth. Location: Marietta/Kennesaw Phone: (770) 578-0182 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: AdvancED/ SACS, CESA ACSA, GISA, SAIS Tuition: Please visit website MOUNT PISGAH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Mount Pisgah Christian School provides an outstanding college preparatory education grounded in Christian faith and values. This independent school is nondenominational, co-educational and serves children Preschool through 12th grade. The school is known for an exceptional faculty, proven performance in personalized instruction, comprehensive AP, Honors and STEM curriculum, 46 Athletic teams, Fine Arts, a

“Our classroom changed during quarantine. Our commitment to Education standards did not.”

• The largest class is 18 students & no more than 16 up through 5th grade • Superior Air Quality Control with Reme Halo UV Lighting • Real-time online schooling that works concurrently with on-campus education • Face shields provided to all students & staff Pre-K through 12th Grade •, 770-926-0166

Curiosity Sparked. No Limits.

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Annunciation Day School

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KNOWAtlanta  25

Metro Atlanta’s Private Schools

Be Amazed.

By and Beyond the Education. Guided by core values that define Community who we are Respect and who we Spirit aspire to be. Wisdom Righteousness


6:1 31

Davis Academy students reside in

Student to Faculty Ratio

ONE individualized learning experience for every child.

Routes Starting August 2021! FREE Expanded


different metro Atlanta zip codes.


of students are exposed to Hebrew, Spanish and Coding.

97 %

student retention rate, which surpasses national average (90%) for independent schools.

Alpharetta, Johns Creek, Sandy Springs, Buckhead Chastain, Morningside, Brookhaven, Dunwoody East Roswell, Sandy Springs.

8105 Roberts Drive, Atlanta, GA 30350 | 770-671-0085 |

26  KNOWAtlanta

college placement program and is growing as one Atlanta’s best educational choices in North Fulton. Location: Johns Creek/North Fulton Phone: (678) 336-3400 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: ACSA, GHSA, GISA, NAIS, SAIS Tuition: $15,800 - $22,750 THE MOUNT VERNON SCHOOL At The Mount Vernon School students are empowered to discover, explore, learn, design, create, and effect change. The School provides a platform for possibilities with limitless paths for impact where learning is amplified through real world problem solving. We recognize how important it is for children to be challenged academically while developing character. This personalized approach has led students in every grade level to pursue passion projects, collaborate with nonprofit organizations and work hand-in-hand with Fortune 100 corporations. At Mount Vernon, we believe that your child should love school. We believe that relationships are foundational to establishing a love of learning and that when teachers truly know and understand their students’ curiosities and passions, incredible things can happen. In just 14 short years, MV alumni are expanding their footprint by being accepted to schools such as Harvard University, Stanford University, United States Military Academy West Point, Barnard College, American University, Dundee University, University of California - Santa Barbara, Georgetown College, Swarthmore College, University of Colorado, Auburn University, Georgia Tech, and University of Georgia. Beyond rigorous core academics, students have access to more than 56 sports teams, over 90 arts performance opportunities and global travel. In August of 2019, Mount Vernon opened the doors to its new Upper School building. The nearly 60,000-squarefoot Upper Campus addition includes an industry-grade recording studio, a glasswalled cafe, a college counseling suite, STEM and maker spaces, community spaces and a wing dedicated to the arts. Location: Sandy Springs Phone: (404) 252-3448 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: NAIS, NAEYC, AdvancED/SACS, Ashoka Changemaker Schools Network, GHSA, IDEO Teachers Guild, SAIS, Folio Collaborative,

EdLeader21, MISBO, MODA, MTC (Mastery Transcript Consortium), GISA Tuition: Please visit website NORTH COBB CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Discover your child’s unique genius at NCCS! Whether it’s through robotics or mountain biking, on a stage or on a pitcher’s mound, students are challenged to discover their own God-given gifts. Through small class sizes, over 50 athletic teams, 16 performing arts ensembles, five Academy magnet programs, the RISE gifted program, the Moving Forward Program for academic support, dozens of AP/Honors/Dual Enrollment opportunities, and foreign language at every grade level, NCCS students in Preschool K3 through 12th grade soar. Annual retreats, weekly chapel, mentor programs and global Spring Term trips further expand student horizons while firmly planting their identity in Christ. It’s no surprise that NCCS feels like family—because it is. And in today’s world, that really matters. Location: Kennesaw Phone: (770) 975-0252 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: Cognia, ACSI, GHSA, Metro10 League, Southeastern Theatre Conference (SETC), ASCA Tuition: $4,090 - $17,000


NOTRE DAME ACADEMY Rooted in our Marist, Catholic tradition, Notre Dame Academy is a Kindergarten through Grade 12 International Baccalaureate community that fosters individual academic growth, moral responsibility and global mindedness. At NDA, we nurture and challenge students at all levels of learning to strive for excellence through our Marist values and faith incorporation in all we do, and our students from Kindergarten through high school who are intellectually

challenged to discover who God created them to be are critical and global thinkers formed through our IB program. Location: Duluth Phone: (678) 387-9385 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: International Baccalaureate (IB) and SAIS Tuition: Visit tuition-fees

LOVING EARLY LEARNING A Private Christian Preschool in Sandy Springs that focuses on the whole child and the child’s family. We provide full day, high quality care for infants through school age and our teachers are our greatest assets. We strive to create a love for learning from birth and beyond…  404.843.8375

Quality Rated and NAEYC Accreditation

KNOWAtlanta  27




Schedule a tour: 770.975.0252 | | 4500 Eagle Drive, Kennesaw

PACE ACADEMY In 1958, an interfaith group of community leaders envisioned an inclusive learning environment open to fresh ideas and founded Pace Academy. Today, Pace serves 1,115 students in pre-first through 12th grade. Pace develops children’s passions and strengths through academics, athletics and the arts while providing global perspectives inside and outside the classroom. Location: Atlanta Phone: (404) 262-1345 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: AdvancED/ SACS, ACCIS, College Board, Cum Laude Society, Educational Records Bureau, NACAC, NAIS, SAIS, Global Education Benchmark Group (GEBG) Tuition: $28,460 - $32,760 RIVERSIDE MILITARY ACADEMY For over 113 years, Riverside Military Academy has remained one of the nation’s preeminent military boarding schools. Our beautiful 200-acre campus in northern Georgia is a place where young men in grades 6 through 12 can reach their full potential. Home to a Corps of Cadets that averages over 500 cadets from 30 nations and 30 states, our military school offers a diverse and welcoming environment. Renowned for exemplary academics, competitive athletics and adherence to the honor code, our military academy has been transforming its students into future

Mount Pisgah Christian School 28  KNOWAtlanta

leaders since 1907. A Military School for Teens Unlike the Rest: Riverside Military Academy isn’t just a military high school— it’s a private school, all-boys school and boarding school all in one. Riverside Military combines the challenging education of a private school with a safe, structured environment of a military school and the limited distractions of an all-boys boarding school. Every aspect of life as a cadet at Riverside Military is designed to encourage exceptional academic achievement and personal growth. Location: Gainesville Phone: (877) MY-CADET Website: Accreditations/Memberships: SAIS and SACS Tuition: $25,000 - $51,000 SAINT FRANCIS SCHOOLS Saint Francis Schools is an independent, fully accredited school with no religious affiliation, providing an exceptional college preparatory program since 1976. Two campuses are available: Grades K-8 in Roswell and Grades 9-12 in Milton. The school’s commitment to small class sizes, low pupil-to-teacher ratio and a strong emphasis on structure and organization allow

A Christ-Centered College Preparatory School for PreK - 12th Grade

Offering virtual and on-campus tours.


KNOWAtlanta  29

Metro Atlanta’s Private Schools At Galloway, students are inspired to be fearless learners, to embrace challenges, and to discover more about themselves and the world around them.


“If a student can’t learn the way we teach...we should teach the way a student can learn.” - Tweetie L. Moore Founder

Mill Springs Academy meets students where they are, providing academic rigor, support, and community so our students thrive in school and in life. Serving students in grades K-12 with learning differences 13660 New Providence Road • Alpharetta, GA 30004 • 770-360-1336 30  KNOWAtlanta

students to enjoy academic success and develop the self-confidence to be successful in college. Curriculum offerings include AP, Honors, traditional, support classes and specialized reading programs, including the Wilson Reading System®. A full sports program is offered in Grades 5 through 12, including football and equestrian. Location: Roswell / Milton Phone: (770) 641-8257; (678) 339-9989 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: Cognia accredited (AdvancED, SAIS / SACS) Tuition: $14,000 - $24,000 SPRINGMONT SCHOOL Springmont School delivers an authentic Montessori learning experience to students 18 months through 8th grade. Individualized, hands-on lessons and activities are designed to inspire students to become creative, independent thinkers and lifelong learners. Highly experienced and caring teachers offer opportunities for independent study and collaboration, and social/ emotional development is interwoven with robust academics, Art, Music, PE, Spanish and Outdoor Science instruction. Diversity, equity and inclusivity are at the heart of our core values and are evident in our strong, supportive school community. Recognized by AMI and accredited by Cognia/SACS, Springmont meets the highest standards for independent schools. Springmont graduates are confident, collaborative, engaged learners prepared for success in Atlanta’s premier high schools, as well as life beyond academics. Springmont—Extraordinary by Design. Location: Atlanta Phone: (404) 252-3910 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: AAAIS, AMI, Cognia/SACS, AMI, GISA, NAIS, SAIS Tuition: $10,770 - $23,420 TRINITY SCHOOL Atlanta’s only private elementary-only school, Trinity School is known for its inspiring academics, amazing arts program, state-of-the-art indoor and outdoor learning spaces and community that cares like no other. Everything Trinity does is designed to help children age 3 through 6th grade flourish. Location: Atlanta Phone: (404) 231-8100

Website: Accreditations/Memberships: AdvancED/ SACS, NAIS, SAIS, AAAIS, GISA, The Enrollment Management Association Tuition: $19,350 - $28,550 THE WALKER SCHOOL Walker is metro Atlanta’s top Pre-K3 through Grade 12 school open to all faiths. We provide a safe atmosphere for students to discover who they are and how to successfully navigate an ever-changing world. At Walker, you are challenged, supported and engaged. Most of all, you are known. You belong here! Location: Marietta Phone: (770) 427-2689 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: AdvancED/ SACS, SAIS Tuition: $11,280 - $25,940 WESLEYAN SCHOOL Wesleyan School is a Christian, independent K-12 college preparatory school located in Peachtree Corners. At the start of the 2019-2020 school year, Wesleyan enrolled 1,179 students from throughout the metropolitan Atlanta area.

North Cobb Christian School

Location: Peachtree Corners Phone: (770) 448-7640 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: NAIS, CESA, SAIS, GISA Tuition: Contact school for pricing.

WESTMINSTER Westminster is a coeducational Christian, independent day school, which seeks to serve students who are bright, motivated, curious and nurtured by challenge in an environment that develops leaders of conscience who will be a positive force in the world. The school was founded in 1951 and

JOIN US FOR A WORLD-CLASS EDUCATION • AIS offers the rigorous International Baccalaureate curriculum from Preschool to Grade 12 • Ours is a welcoming community with local roots and a global reach • 3K to Grade 5 programs are full or part immersion in Chinese, French, German or Spanish depending on the child’s age and language skill • In Secondary School, our exceptional STEAM, Arts and Athletics programs are taught alongside languages for all levels

Photos taken before March 2020

2021_AISAd_KnowAtlanta_7.25x4.875_MAY.indd 1 @aischool 5/10/21 9:46 AM KNOWAtlanta   31

Metro Atlanta’s Private Schools

Your child will

thrive at Trinity

High-quality, multi-sensory differentiated learning in a safe, inclusive, and nurturing environment. Small class sizes and low student-to-teacher ratios. Early childhood and elementary education experts.

Learn more about why your child will thrive at Trinity, Atlanta’s only private elementary-only school that serves children age three through Sixth Grade. Established 1951

4301 Northside Parkway NW, Atlanta


By Building Character

During this time of uncertainty, we are even more committed to empowering students as they design a better world. Schedule a virtual visit or call today.

Photo Taken Fall 2019

32  KNOWAtlanta

guided by a mission to prepare students for college and life. With a current enrollment of approximately 1,890 students in grades pre-first through 12th, Westminster fulfills its mission through a dynamic collaborative, interdisciplinary and experiential curriculum that engages children across the key dimensions of their growth—academic, physical and spiritual. Location: Atlanta Phone: (404) 355-8673 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: SAIS, NAIS, GISA, WLSA, NACAC, SACAC Tuition: $28,520 - $32,700 WHITEFIELD ACADEMY Located in Smyrna, Whitefield Academy is a Christ-centered, college preparatory school serving more than 850 students in Pre-K4 through Grade 12. Whitefield seeks to serve families looking for academic excellence augmented by authentic relationships with Christ and each other. The rigorous, college prep curriculum with numerous AP and honors courses sets the framework for 100 percent of graduates to attend colleges and universities of their choice. A full range of athletic programs, visual and performing arts, STEM lab and college/career planning complement the strong academic offerings of this well-rounded school. Location: Smyrna/Vinings Phone: (678) 305-3000 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: AAAIS, ACSI, AdvancED/SACS, SAIS Tuition: Contact school for pricing. THE WOOD ACRES SCHOOL Established in 1969, The Wood Acres School is an independent, highly respected school for students ages 2 through eighth grade. The school is well known for its academically advanced curriculum, small class sizes, internationally accredited Spanish program, affordable tuition and uniquely pristine 10-acre campus. Wood Acres graduates go on to attend the best private, public and magnet high schools. Location: Marietta Phone: (770) 971-1880 Website: Accreditations/Memberships: GAC, ISA-Embassy of Spain Tuition: $4,700 - $13,000

WOODWARD ACADEMY Woodward Academy represents the very best of Atlanta. Diverse in every way, it offers abundant academic, athletic, artistic and co-curricular offerings. Students create their own paths under the guidance of caring faculty, coaches, counselors, mentors and advisors—blending the resources and opportunities of a college, but with the intimacy and attention of home. Woodward’s Main Campus in College Park (Pre-K through Grade 12) and our Woodward North Campus in Johns Creek (Pre-K through Grade 6) prepare students not just for college, but also for their whole lives. A typical graduating class attends more than 100 different colleges and universities, earns upwards of $15 million in scholarship awards and goes on to successful, meaningful lives. Location: Main Campus: College Park; Woodward North: Johns Creek Phone: (404) 765-4001 Accreditations/Memberships: AdvancED/ SACS, CEEB, GISA, NAIS, NACAC, SACAC, SAIS Tuition: $18,300 - $28,800 n


“At Cumberland, I’ll study college prep academics or prepare for a vocational career, try a sport or a club for the first time-ever. I’ll learn I’m not so different after all.”


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An exceptional college preparatory education


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MILTON CAMPUS Grades 9 - 12

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FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN! • Cognia Accredited (AdvancEd) (S.A.I.S. / S.A.C.S.)

• No Religious Affiliation • SB 10Eligible • Challenging College Preparatory Curriculum • Intensive Writing Approach • S.T.E.A.M., Robotics, Broadcasting, • AP/Honors, Traditional, Support and Video Production and Academic Enhancement Courses • Laptops Required Grades 4 - 12 • Small Class Size • After School Homework Hour • Low Student/Teacher Ratio • GHSA Sports Program Football and Equestrian • Study and Organizational Skills • Bus Service Available from Alpharetta, Buck • Google Apps for Education head, Sandy Springs, Dunwoody, and Milton • Wilson Reading System® Saint Francis Elementary and Middle Schools 9375 Willeo Road | Roswell, GA 30075 Saint Francis High School | 13440 Cogburn Road | Milton, Georgia 30004

KNOWAtlanta  33


Select Metro Atlanta PrivateDAWSON Schools CHEROKEE








17 Buford


15 Alpharetta 27

Woodstock Acworth 22 Kennesaw

9 12

Powder Springs



Sandy 21 Springs 10






Norcross Dunwoody Doraville 31



8 28 Chamblee










34 Marietta





JACKSO Suwanee


33 Mableton

29 32

24 14 11 Buckhead 4 5 6





Stone Mountain











East Point 35



College Park Forest Park



Union City











Peachtree City

1. The Alfred & Adele Davis Academy Newnan

14. Holy Spirit Preparatory School

27. Saint Francis High School

2. Annunciation Day School

15. King’s Ridge Christian School

28. Springmont School

3. Atlanta Academy

16. The Lovett School

29. Trinity School

4. Atlanta Girl’s School

17. Lyndon Academy

30. The Walker School

5. Atlanta International School

18. Mill Springs Academy

31. Wesleyan School

6. Atlanta Speech School

19. Mount Paran Christian School

32. Westminster

7. Brandon Hall School

20. Mount Pisgah Christian School

33. Whitefield Academy

8. Chastain School at St. Johns

21. The Mount Vernon School

34. The Wood Acres School

9. The Cottage School

22. North Cobb Christian School

35. Woodward Academy Main Campus

10. Cumberland Academy of Georgia

23. Notre Dame Academy

36. Woodward Academy North Campus

11. The Galloway School

24. Pace Academy


25. Riverside Military Academy

13. High Meadows School

26. Saint Francis School

34  KNOWAtlanta

The Freshman Experience Metro Atlanta’s colleges and universities pave the way for first-year students

By Susan Finch


tlanta’s wealth of higher institutions attracts an eclectic mix of students from all walks of life, interests and backgrounds. With thousands of students enrolled in a single college or university, navigating the journey can feel overwhelming. That’s why Atlanta’s local universities and colleges offer programs, initiatives and opportunities designed with freshmen in mind.

Life University Life University’s orientation program welcomes rising freshmen with a comprehensive look at the campus and areas of study. A university advisor is assigned to individual Life students during the orientation program to maximize their potential during their college career. Incoming students are also encouraged to join Engage, an online portal connecting students to campus calendars, organizations and opportunities for social and academic enrichment. Life University is focused on student success and says that supporting data shows that students who live on campus benefit from all the resources available. In an effort to bolster their success, first-year students are required to reside in University Housing for one academic year. In return, students develop a greater sense of belonging and more reliable connections to students, faculty and staff.

Agnes Scott College Agnes Scott knows that college can be a difficult transition for many and prioritizes introducing students to the community before their college career kicks off. The entire campus, which is located in Decatur, also works together on move-in day to help students get their

items into their residence halls. New students take part in Orientation and Legacy, a two-part immersive leadership experience for incoming students. Activities during these two periods include a trip to the Center for Civil and Human Rights, a community fair that helps students get to know community spots in both Decatur and Atlanta and optional activities such as Braves games, tubing down the Chattahoochee River and more. “This is a huge transition time in your life, so don’t be afraid to use the support available to you,” says Faith Rashidi-Yazd, an Admission Experience Fellow. “There may be many different emotions that come up during this process, but there are others who are going through or have gone through the same experience. Be sure to reach out to others and ask for help if you need it!”

University of Georgia The University of Georgia (UGA) kicks off summer with a Freshman College Summer Experience to help bridge a successful transition from high school to college. Students enroll in two credit-bearing courses that include an academic discipline-based course and a service-learning course. At their completion, students also fulfill the University’s experiential learning requirement for most majors. During the Freshman College Summer Experience, students live in Russell Hall with their peers. The immersive, intimate experience allows students to get to know the campus and the city of Athens, KNOWAtlanta  35

as well as receive guidance from the faculty, graduate students and staff for the year ahead.

Morehouse College Morehouse’s First Year Experience focuses on helping students succeed academically and personally during their first year. The required course, which is offered as a collaboration between the Division of Student Development and the Office of Academic Affairs, emphasizes the idea that students assume personal responsibility for their own learning and development. Through a variety of carefully chosen course topics, students learn more about the resources and tools available to them at Morehouse and set clear expectations for their college journey. Morehouse’s First Year Experience also focuses on building integrity and making positive contributions inside and outside of the classroom. Keeping the legacy of Brotherhood alive, the program encourages the idea of Brotherhood by fostering unique friendships based upon mutual respect and love for the Morehouse Community.

Kennesaw State University Kennesaw State University’s (KSU) First-Year Convocation is an annual tradition for incoming students. The graduation-style ceremony features faculty dressed in caps and gowns with the University President and top administrators welcoming new students and discussing the importance of a college education. In addition to this event, freshmen enjoy access to first-year seminar courses, which are designed to help students transition seamlessly into higher education. Seminar classes are limited to 25 students to allow students to get to know each other and their professors well. What’s more, many students enroll in a first-year learning community (LC), through which students co-enroll in two or more courses that are linked with a common theme; each community focuses on either a subject area or a specific student population and help students develop a sense of belonging within KSU. The university also offers a unique First-Gen Initiatives program, which focuses on the school’s large population of students who are the first in their families to enter college. A First-Gen Owls group offers support and resources, as well as mentorship opportunities.

Georgia State University Georgia State University offers several Freshman Learning Communities (FLC) to connect peers with similar academic and personal

For more information, visit: Agnes Scott College: Georgia Institute of Technology:

36  KNOWAtlanta

interests. Groups are designed as a built-in support team, with study buddies enrolled in similar courses to explore their interests while offering support. In addition to FLC, incoming students enjoy a wealth of resources, including orientation and academic coaching through the University Advisement Center’s Freshmen Office. For instance, the Success Academy is a three-semester extended learning community that connects all first-year students with programs, activities and services to ensure success; offerings include academic skills workshops, peer mentoring, leadership development, social networking events and more. Additionally, all freshmen are required to participate in Mandatory Advisement, which connects each student with an academic advisor to discuss course scheduling and address any academic challenges faced throughout the first year.

Georgia Institute of Technology Incoming freshmen to the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) may self-select the Freshman Experience Program to help build a personal and academic foundation. Students taking similar courses are assigned to live together in a residence hall, share meals and utilize free programs like tutoring, leadership skills development, networking opportunities and more. First-year students also have access to Peer Leaders who live on the same floor along with freshmen and share their experiences while helping guide newcomers in the right direction. Those involved in the program also have access to the First-Year Activities Board (FAB), which is a Department of Housing student organization that plans and promotes social events for students in their first year at Georgia Tech.

Savannah College of Art and Design Who better to look to than students who have been there before and succeeded? The Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) connects Student Success Advisors to incoming freshmen in a First Year Experience (FYE) course. The extended orientation course is pass/fail and covers success strategies, college policies, choosing a major, career options and more. At its core, FYE offers more clarity to the various SCAD majors and resources available to enhance their success; it meets for one hour once per week and is free for SCAD students. The course must be completed before declaring a major and is designed to help students make genuine connections with both instructors and fellow students. n

Georgia State University: Kennesaw State University: Life University:

Morehouse College: Savannah College of Art and Design: University of Georgia:

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No one prepares a child for school and for life like the Atlanta Speech School. At the Atlanta Speech School, we believe every child has the right to be a reader and to know and exercise the power of their own voice. The four schools of the Atlanta Speech School are all uniquely focused on literacy and construction of the reading brain. With that focus, each of our programs provides the strongest possible foundation for learning through language and literacy. From our youngest student in Hamm to our oldest student in the Wardlaw School, teachers with unmatched credentials customize the latest cutting-edge research to meet each child’s specific needs. We help children discover who they are, so they can go on to make the most difference in the lives of others.

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Katherine Hamm Center A listening, spoken language and literacy program for children ages birth to 6 who are deaf or hard of hearing and their families Anne & Jim Kenan Preschool An early education program that develops engaged learners who are exceptionally prepared for school Stepping Stones A preschool and transitional kindergarten for children with speech and/or language delays Wardlaw School An elementary school for children with dyslexia and other language-based learning disabilities

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