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Public School Spotlight
Metro Atlanta is fortunate to be home to exceptional public schools, which can be found throughout the area’s county-wide and city-specific systems. These award-winning school systems focus not only on fostering academic success, but also on allowing students to flourish both inside and outside of the classroom. A great way to learn more about them is to peruse their websites, which are listed below.
Bartow bartow.k12.ga.us Did you know? The Bartow County School System has been named a Model Professional Learning Community for its sustained success in raising student achievement.
Cherokee cherokeek12.net Did you know? Assuming that each AP exam equals one college course for which students and their parents avoid tuition costs, CCSD students annually earn $4.4 million in Georgia in-state tuition by passing AP courses. Clayton clayton.k12.ga.us Did you know? During the summer, Clayton County Public Schools partnered with the Clayton County Public Library to provide free ebooks and audiobooks to students in grades kindergarten through 12 for its Clayton Reads 30 Minutes Every Day This Summer program. Cobb cobbk12.org Did you know? Cobb County’s Schools Food & Nutrition Services dished up 3.5 million breakfasts and 5.8 million lunches to students last year, and more than 500,000 pounds of that fare was comprised of locally grown food. DeKalb dekalbschoolsga.org Did you know? The Georgia Department of Education selected six DeKalb schools as recipients of the Graduates Ready to Attain Success in Postsecondary (GRASP) Grant: Clarkston High, McNair High, Stone Mountain High, Towers High, Cross Keys High and Miller Grove High. Douglas dcssga.org Did you know? Ten students from Douglas County were among 323 Class of 2021 seniors from across Georgia who were recognized as Georgia Scholars for achieving excellence in school and community life. Fayette fcboe.org Did you know? Fayette’s governance team was awarded the 2020 Governance Team of the Year award from the Georgia School Boards Association for demonstrating its commitment to maximizing student achievement and enhancing trust and support for public education in the community. Forsyth forsyth.k12.ga.us Did you know? In 10 years, Forsyth County Schools has grown 43 percent to more than 51,500 students; the system in now the sixth largest district in Georgia and larger than Truist Park’s seating capacity. Fulton fultonschools.org Did you know? Fulton County Schools opened three new schools this year: Fulton Academy of Virtual Excellence (FAVE), Fulton County Schools’ Innovation Academy and the Global Impact Academy. Gwinnett gcpsk12.org Did you know? In partnership with the Gwinnett County Public Library, the Gwinnett County School System offers Tutor.com as a daily tutoring resource for students of all ages. Hall hallco.org Did you know? Hall County is home to 12 Magnet Schools and 20 Programs of Choice, which have been designed to provide innovation in programming and technology to emphasize student’s individual strengths and interests. Henry henry.k12.ga.us Did you know? Six Henry County schools earned Title 1 Reward School Status from the Georgia Department of Education to honor the progress they made in improving the performance of all students over the most recent two years of statewide assessment.
Paulding paulding.k12.ga.us Did you know? Paulding County High School became the 11th Georgia high school to earn Georgia Department of Education STEM certification for its course offerings and curriculum; the school is home to the Academy of Science, Research and Medicine. Rockdale rockdaleschools.org Did you know? Rockdale Career Academy, a college and career academy, received a $50,000 grant from the Development Authority of Rockdale County as part of a commitment to education and economic development in Rockdale County.
Atlanta Public Schools atlantapublicschools.us Did you know? Through a partnership between Atlanta Public Schools and Achieve Atlanta, the school system offers the Match & Fit List Builder to help students begin their college search by building a balanced college list. Buford City Schools bufordcityschools.org Did you know? The 2021 BHS Literary Team earned the 6A State Championship, with the team excelling in competition categories like Argumentative Essay, Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking and Humorous Interpretation. Cartersville City Schools cartersvilleschools.org Did you know? The Georgia School Boards Association recognized the Cartersville City School Board with the Leading Edge Award, which honored the organization for leading the way in ensuring that students are competitive in an ever-changing global market. City Schools of Decatur csdecatur.net Did you know? In partnership with the Decatur Education Foundation, three schools invested in the Grounded Kids Yoga methodology, which promotes mindfulness, wellness and socialemotional maintenance and well-being. Gainesville City Schools gcssk12.net Did you know? Gainesville City Schools is boosting the GHS Alumni Scholarship Fund with a legacy bricks program that allows individuals to purchase bricks that will be placed at the entrance to the new media center and cafeteria on the Gainesville High School campus. Marietta City Schools marietta-city.org Did you know? Marietta City Schools partnered with Vision to Learn to provide vision screening for all K through 5 students and will give free glasses to Marietta students who need them. n