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Where authentic Christian mission and academic excellence aren’t mutually exclusive

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KNOWAtlanta’s 2023/2024 Education Guide is designed to help parents, realtors and employers relocating to Atlanta become familiar with the metro area’s educational choices. From analyzing a school system to choosing a continuing education program, our Education Guide provides new Atlantans with the tools they need to meet each one of their educational goals successfully.
KNOW®Atlanta Education Guide, published annually by New South Publishing Inc., 9040 Roswell Road, Suite 210, Atlanta, GA 30350. Direct all advertising, circulation and editorial inquiries to (770) 650-1102, ext 145. All information herein has been checked for accuracy to the best of the publisher’s ability. No responsibility is accepted for deletions, omissions, errors and/or inaccuracies. Unless special placement within the magazine is specifically purchased, the publisher reserves the right to place any ad on a first-come, first-serve basis. No materials contained herein may be reproduced without the exclusive written permission of the publisher. ©Copyright 2023 by New South Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. @knowatlanta @knowatlanta


From Pre-K through 12th grade, creating opportunities for each child to thrive is
100% of our students earn acceptances to four-year colleges and universities.

Private Schools in Metro Atlanta: A Primer for Relocating Families
By Alexandra McCrayThe process of relocating comes with a bevy of important tasks, and finding the right school for your child is surely at the top of the list. If you are interested in sending your children to one of the metro area’s independent schools, this primer will help you begin to get acquainted with the metro Atlanta private school market and shares some essential details to consider as you begin exploring the options.
Timing is Everything

The first step you’ll likely want to take is determining your timeline for researching and applying. According to Rebekka Whitehead, founder and CEO of Whitehead Learning Group, an education consultant company that supports families through the process of finding and applying to private schools in metro Atlanta, “We partner with families June to June—a full year—to ensure that parents are getting an appropriate feel of the private school landscape, navigating their non-negotiables when it comes to identifying their child’s next school home and finalizing their school list.” She sug-
gests, if possible, that parents relocating to Atlanta also start looking at schools about a year out from the summer leading into their children entering a grade at the new private school.
In addition to your move date, application deadlines can also affect your research and preparation timeline. Whitehead says it’s common for schools to open applications for the following school year from the start of October to early or mid-December and require outside documentation and other processes such as interviews to be submitted and completed by February. “Notifications are always sent out the first Saturday in April,” she says.
Not all private schools in metro Atlanta follow this admission schedule, and some offer rolling admissions. More than 70 schools in the region are members of the Atlanta Area Association of Independent Schools (AAAIS). According to the organization’s Principles of Best Practice, schools that are members follow set common admission calendar dates. After admission notification at the end of March or the start of April for general purpose schools (not focused on special needs), parents have about
a two-week period to contemplate their final decision, and member schools do not reach out to them during this time. There are situations that allow AAAIS schools flexibility outside the set common admission calendar dates, including if a family is relocating from out of the country.
Bracing for Competition
High competition is a reality of the metro Atlanta private school market. “Atlanta is a unique learning microcosm because our city offers schools that cater to grades K-5, K-6, K-8, 6-12, 7-12 and K-12,” Whitehead says. “There are ‘feeder schools’ and general placement trends that contribute to high application numbers and low attrition values.” She explains that, as expected, application rates and openings are higher for the grades schools consider to be “traditional entry points” for new stages, such as the beginning of upper school, which may combine what is usually thought of as middle and high school. “The ‘nontraditional entry points’ are those years in between—1st, 2nd, 3rd—and while there are historically less applicants, there are also [fewer] spots,” she says.

Because private school acceptances can be hard to come by, Whitehead says there are two strategies parents sometimes adopt. One, she explains, is that they’ll go the public education route for elementary school and apply to private schools for middle school. Whitehead explains that parents like to use the time before middle
school in different ways, but mainly to help their children discover what they’re passionate about. “We’ve seen a myriad of things. Overall, it’s about students being exposed to different interests— sports, extracurriculars, academic—before learning what to specialize in for middle school. This strategy also helps with the interview process and student personal statement,” she says.
The other plan involves parents working to get their children accepted to the private school of their choice from kindergarten.
Considering Finances and Location
Whitehead says that parents may also decide to pursue the first option as part of a financial strategy to offset the cost of a private school education. Based on data from schools her firm works with, tuition costs for kindergarten through middle school can range from slightly under $10,000 and go as high as more than $32,000, while high school can start at $13,500 and also go to over $32,000. Families’ religious affiliation and the number of children attending the school also can affect tuition pricing.
School location can be as important a factor when considering a private education as it can be if you were enrolling your child in public school. Of the four most populous counties in the metro area, the biggest, Fulton, also has more private school options than its smaller counterparts, according to data from the Georgia Department of Education and the 2020 Census. Fulton, which includes
popular cities such as Atlanta, Alpharetta and Johns Creek, has 91 private schools, while the next three largest—Gwinnett, Cobb and DeKalb—have 36, 42 and 60, respectively.

Numerous counties make up the metro Atlanta area, and the Georgia Department of Education makes it easy for parents coming to the area to see a complete list of private schools available. It provides an online database of all the private schools in the state, plus a few in Alabama and Florida, that you can sort by city, zip code or county.
Other resources Whitehead recommends looking into as you begin to explore the metro Atlanta private school market include the Georgia Independent School Association (GISA) and the Georgia Association of Christian Schools (GACS). You may also want to refer to the Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS), Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), Cognia (formerly known as AdvancED|Measured Progress) or another accrediting organization, to confirm school accreditation as you do your research.
Getting a Grasp on Testing and Virtual Resources
As you begin to inquire about testing, the Joint Admissions Testing Program (JATP) or Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT) will likely quickly come up. The JATP is unique to Atlanta and is a standardized evaluation for children in kindergarten through 5th grade that is sometimes part of the application process. For children in 6th through 12th grade, some schools may require them to take the SSAT, also a standardized assessment. Whitehead says, “Not all schools require the JATP or SSAT. Rather, some schools elect to implement their own evaluations. And in some cases, schools require both—a standardized test, JATP or SSAT, depending on the child’s grade, and an on-campus evaluation to assess academic and

social readiness.”
To keep track of the entire application process, it’s important to use a variety of resources at your disposal. If your child already attends private school, you may be familiar with Ravenna, which private schools can use as a catch-all digital portal for admission materials and notifications, along with important information such as school records and parent contact details.
The software is not the only way some metro Atlanta schools have begun to incorporate more virtual resources, explains Whitehead. Due to the pandemic, many began hosting online tours and offering virtual ways for prospective parents and students to get to know their school and campus.
Whitehead concludes, “One of the silver linings of COVID-19 is that the admissions processes have become much more equitable to out-of-state and international applicants with access to virtual tours, campus events, coffee chats and online programming that equips parents with an understanding of a school’s curriculum, community and culture—without stepping foot on the campus.” n
• Atlanta Area Association of Independent Schools: aaais.org
• Cognia: cognia.org
• Georgia Association of Christian Schools: gacs.org
• Georgia Independent School Association: gisaschools.org
• Southern Association of Colleges and Schools: sacscoc.org
• Southern Association of Independent Schools: sais.org
• Whitehead Learning Group: whiteheadlearninggroup.com

Something Special
Metro Atlanta is home to a diverse range of schools designed for students with special needs

Parents of special needs children require very specific environments and knowledgeable teachers to address their particular challenges. They also want their kids to obtain a top-notch education, giving them the best opportunities that will position them to lead productive lives. Fortunately, metro Atlanta is home to a variety of schools that are designed for special needs students. And those institutions are as diverse as the children themselves, focusing on distinct issues and conditions, from autism and dyslexia to a range of other learning differences. Here, we look at several schools that truly stand out within Atlanta’s impressive education system: GRACEPOINT School, The Howard School and The Cottage School.
The GRACEPOINT School specializes in educating students with dyslexia. Students receive a comprehensive, high-quality educational program that combines remediation with enrichment and acceleration. GRACEPOINT’s mission is to equip dyslexic students with the skills needed to develop into independent and confident learners through sequential and multisensory instruction, helping each child develop “a lifelong desire for growing in wisdom and gaining knowledge of the Lord.” The school has enrolled 132 students in first through eighth grades.
GRACEPOINT’s Orton-Gillingham (OG) instructional program is one of only 19 accredited programs in the nation by the Academy of Orton-Gillingham Practitioners and Educators. Orton-Gillingham is a diagnostic, prescriptive and multisensory approach to reading and spelling. “Our teachers are trained to use this approach when teaching reading and to reinforce the approach throughout the day in all subject areas,” says Susan Spruill, director of mar-
keting and communication. Students receive 75 minutes of reading instruction daily. Spruill adds, “While remediating their academic weaknesses, GRACEPOINT identifies and exploits students’ strengths, viewing dyslexia as a gift to embrace and celebrate. The school helps foster their self-confidence and self-advocacy skills while creating positive work habits and study skills.”
GRACEPOINT also created a unique program that increases the students’ understanding of morphology—the study of words, their meanings and how they are built. “Morphemes are the smallest unit of meaning (bases, prefixes and suffixes). One common strength of the dyslexic learner is their ability to see these patterns, or morphemes, in words,” Spruill says. Morphology and OG are intertwined from the beginning in remediation and continue in advanced morphology classes. Angie Strack, director of morphology, created special characters, including Dr. Morphology, to introduce morphology to the students. “GRACEPOINT School’s schoolwide morphological initiative empowers, enriches and equips its students to attack vocabulary, which strengthens reading
comprehension and develops a deeper understanding of word meaning.”
GRACEPOINT administrators expect the school will be able to serve up to 50 percent more dyslexic students with the purchase of a building at 1407 Cobb Parkway. The building will be renovated throughout the current academic year, with completion slated for a fall 2023 opening. The school is currently on the campus of Piedmont Church, and the renovated building will provide students and staff with larger classrooms, an indoor gym, a GRACEPOINT news-technology lab, a designated lunch area and two science labs. And the school has plans for continued growth.
As Spruill concludes, “With limited options in our area for a fully immersive program to serve dyslexic learners, GRACEPOINT has steadily grown due to word-of-mouth testimonials.”

The Howard School howardschool.org
The Howard School focuses on language-based learning differences. Nestled into more than 17 acres on the west side of Atlanta, the school serves approximately 350 students in grades K through 12 and is the only school of its kind in the city, says Marci Mitchell, director of marketing and communications.

Marian Howard founded the school in 1950. Mitchell notes that Howard was “an amazing woman who changed the landscape of education in Atlanta by creating an educational world with no boundaries, labels or diminished expectations.”
Howard offers a full school experience with many opportunities to succeed in academics, the arts and athletics. “Teams of highly qualified and dedicated teachers and specialists—including speech-language pathologists, psychologists, literacy and math specialists—work with students to provide individualized instruction and learning plans,” Mitchell says. The nationally certified speech-language pathologists work with teachers on the language of instruction in every classroom, acting as a catalyst for listening, understanding, speaking and writing; they also engage with teachers in planning, observing and reviewing to optimize the impact of the language in the classroom.
Additionally, The school’s STEAM initiative is intended for all students, focusing on student growth and experiences directly related to students’ needs. The program prepares students with lifelong learning skills, a necessity in the rapidly evolving workplace.
In terms of extracurricular activities, students have the opportunity to participate in self-selected clubs, including Animal Community, Amine and Manga, BattleBots, Hawk Talk (a student-run news broadcast) and many others. What’s more,
Howard’s All-In policy serves as the core of the athletic program, as students are encouraged to join the athletic community. The program balances participation and competition and educates students on the importance of good sportsmanship, respect and common decency.
In early 2020, the school expanded with two new state-of-the-art spaces, the Young High School and the Marifred Cilella Student Center. Today, students travel to attend The Howard School from nearly 70 different metro Atlanta zip codes, and graduates are accepted every year at a wide variety of colleges, universities and specialty trade schools.
The Cottage School cottageschool.org
The Cottage School (TCS) offers a comprehensive academic college preparatory curriculum for students in grades 3 through 12 with mild to moderate learning differences. The 23-acre campus gives students an experiential learning environment, and the school recently added a new high school building that includes not only additional classrooms, but also a beautiful visual arts studio and project management lab.
“All students are smart and learn differently,” says Dr. Steven Palmer, head of school. “The secret is to teach them differently. That is what The Cottage School does best. TCS meets the students where they are, helps them see and believe they can, and they achieve great things.”
The school currently has 260 students, and students are admitted throughout the school year. TCS’s one-of-a-kind, business-based model prepares students for real-world experiences, according to Kim Weber, director of special events and alumni coordination. To better serve students, the student-teacher ratio is 10-to-1. “With small class sizes, our students are able to forge a strong relationship with teachers and counseling staff and are encouraged to advocate for the tools they need to succeed,” Weber says,
Experiential classes and clubs can include drama, computer literacy, yoga, chess, photography, journalism and yearbook, art, horseback riding, mountain biking, bowling, weight training and culinary skills. Through the sports programs, student can learn discipline and foster teamwork and sportsmanship. And each student is encouraged to participate in clubs or sports. “We are especially proud to have an awesome esports program,” Weber says. “Relationships made while attending The Cottage School can last a lifetime, and many of our alumni return during each year to visit favorite teachers and staff. TCS is a family and, to so many, it is home.”
TCS meets Georgia high school graduation standards and HOPE scholarship requirements.
Atlanta Speech School: Serving the Community
Atlanta Speech School’s mission is to help each person develop their full potential through language and literacy. Its three preschools and Wardlaw School for elementary-aged children with dyslexia pursue this goal with joy, a deeply held commitment to connection with each child and a research-based focus on brain and social science. This level of individualized academic attention and dedication to constructing the deep reading brain for each child is not only accessible to students of the Speech School, but also by the community-at-large. To start, children attending other schools can attend the Clinic for assistance. And beyond the campus, through the Rollins Center for Language & Literacy and the online Cox Campus, Atlanta Speech School holds long-standing partnerships with researchers and organizations to pursue “literacy and justice for all” through school systems across the world. In every endeavor, the Speech School weaves the science of constructing deep reading brains with the art and soul of masterful teaching so that each child has the tools to decide their own future confidently, empathetically and thoughtfully. For more information, visit atlantaspeechschool.org.
Every graduating senior leaves The Cottage School with a post-secondary plan, whether they expect to attend college or technical school or seek a gap year as they enter the workforce. Weber concludes, “We help the students fill a toolbox with everything they need to move confidently into the future: self-advocacy, leadership skills, financial literacy and so much more.” n

Public School Spotlight
Metro Atlanta is fortunate to be home to exceptional public schools, which can be found throughout the area’s county-wide and city-specific systems. These award-winning school systems focus not only on fostering academic success, but also on allowing students to flourish both inside and outside of the classroom. A great way to learn more about them is to peruse their websites, which are listed below.
Did you know? The Bartow County School System, along with the Bartow County business and faith communities, have united for a first-of-its-kind 10-month mental health campaign called Everybody has a Story and Somebody Cares…in Bartow County.
Cherokee cherokeek12.net
Did you know? The Cherokee County School District is raising the bar with the inaugural School Nutrition Team of the Year initiative, which gives cafeteria teams the opportunity to win prizes by achieving specific goals related to improving their service.
Clayton clayton.k12.ga.us
Did you know? The Clayton County Board of Education and Clayton County Public Schools recently opened the newly constructed Morrow High School in Ellenwood. It is the largest and most expensive high school in Clayton’s history, with a 350,000-square-foot facility sitting on 125 acres and costing $80 million.
Cobb cobbk12.org
Did you know? In an effort to ensure that all students had what they needed for the 2022-23 academic year, local Publix stores participated in the Tools for Back to School program, which allowed shoppers to donate at checkout. Last year, the program raised more than $125,000.
DeKalb dekalbschoolsga.org
Did you know? The DeKalb School of the Arts (DSA) is ranked as the eighth best in Georgia and 284th nationwide. DSA was specifically lauded for its graduation rate (100 percent), AP testing participation rate (85 percent) and reading proficiency (93 percent).
Douglas dcssga.org
Did you know? The Douglas County School System has built a state-of-the-art performing arts center at Alexander High School. It features seating for 600 guests, an orchestra pit, a large lobby for intimate gatherings, a gallery to showcase student artwork and space for grade-level meetings and presentations.
Fayette fcboe.org
Did you know? Fayette County Public Schools offers the REACH Georgia Scholarship program, which is a statewide, needs-based mentorship and scholarship program that provides academically promising students who have demonstrated financial need with
academic, social and financial support for their college plans.
Forsyth forsyth.k12.ga.us
Did you know? Forsyth County Schools serves 54,000 students and is the largest employer in Forsyth County with more than 8,000 full- and part-time employees. The district is home to 42 schools, including 23 elementary, 11 middle, seven high and one college and career academy.
Fulton fultonschools.org
Did you know? The Fulton County Schools Community-Based Vocational Instructional program allows students to receive training in the South Transportation facility; students work in the department a few hours each week ordering vehicle parts, assisting with custodial duties and more.
Gwinnett gcpsk12.org
Did you know? Four Gwinnett County Public Schools graduates were named to the inaugural class of the Georgia High School Football Hall of Fame: Jeff Francoeur and Matt Stinchcomb from Parkview High School, David Pollack from Shiloh High School and George Rogers from Duluth High School.
Hall hallco.org
Did you know? The Hall County School District offers a Virtual Program of Choice for students in third through 12th grades. The program connects a community of teachers, staff, families and students who desire a virtual choice, demonstrate success in a virtual environment and can work independently.
Henry schoolwires.henry.k12.ga.us
Did you know? The Henry County Schools Board of Education has established a new safety partnership with the Henry County Government and the Henry County Police Department to operate the School Resource Officer program.
Paulding paulding.k12.ga.us
Did you know? The Paulding County School District topped the State of Georgia in 19 of 20 subject areas for scores of 2, 3 and 4 on the 2021-22 Georgia Milestones Assessment. Across elementary, middle and high school, Paulding students also beat the state average for reading.
Rockdale rockdaleschools.org
Did you know? The Rockdale Career Academy offers more than 25 career pathways, many
of which are industry certified in culinary arts, broadcast video production, early childhood education and marketing and manufacturing.
Atlanta Public Schools
Did you know? The Atlanta Public Schools Office of Intervention and Support provides each school with at least one full- or parttime counselor, nurse, psychologist, SST/RTI intervention specialist and social worker who provides services to students who may be struggling with grief, trauma and/or stress.
Buford City Schools
Did you know? The Buford Arena, housed within Buford City Schools, is a multipurpose facility that offers 130,000 square feet of flexible meeting space to accommodate groups of 50 to 5,000 for concerts, sporting events, meetings, conferences, trade shows and banquets.
Cartersville City Schools cartersvilleschools.org
Did you know? The Georgia School Boards Association recently recognized the Cartersville City School Board (CCSB) as a recipient of the Leading Edge Award; the award highlights districts and school boards that are leading the way in ensuring students are competitive in an ever-changing global market.
City Schools of Decatur
Did you know? City Schools of Decatur teachers are among some of the most educationally trained professionals in the field. More than 70 percent of teachers hold advanced degrees, and many have multiple years of classroom experience and numerous certifications.
Gainesville City Schools
Did you know? Gainesville City Schools is a charter school system featuring eight charter schools, including five elementary schools: Centennial Arts Academy, Enota Multiple Intelligences Academy, Fair Street International Baccalaureate School, Gainesville Exploration and New Holland Core Knowledge Academy.
Marietta City Schools
Did you know? The Marietta High School student council recently received the school’s first National Gold Council of Excellence recognition. It affirms that the council reached the highest levels of commitment to ensuring a positive student climate and culture and fostering the academic and social growth of all students.
Georgia School Glossary
The following school-related terms are often used throughout the state’s public schools.
Accelerated and Gifted Education: Programs that challenge students academically and that stress various areas including research and reference skills, accelerated learning and communication skills.
Alternative Education Program: A state program designed to give local school districts flexibility in various areas including in-school suspension, a school/community guidance center and a communitybased alternative education program.
Attendance Zones: Areas in which students attend certain public schools based on their home address.
Blue Ribbon School: School enrollments must include at least 40 percent of their students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Additionally, these public schools must meet their state’s annual objectives in each of the two years prior to receive a nomination for this designation, then again the year in which a school is nominated.
Charter School: A public school that operates with freedom from several regulations that apply to traditional, sectarian public schools in Georgia.
College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI): The Georgia Department of Education’s accountability system. Public schools are graded on a 100-point scale in three major areas: achievement, progress and the achievement gap.
Georgia School of Excellence: Every year, one public school from each district ranked in the top 10 percent of Georgia schools with the greatest gain in student achievement is selected by the Department of Education to be a Georgia School of Excellence. In addition to these criteria, the schools must meet Adequate Yearly Progress for a minimum of three consecutive years, offer at least two Advanced Placement courses and be in existence for five years.
IB Program: International Baccalaureate strives to help students develop multiple skills, including intellectual, personal and social, to live and work in our globalizing world.
Magnet School: A public school that offers students a distinctive curriculum. Magnet schools may emphasize a variety of subjects including visual and performing arts, math, science and technology.
Move On When Ready: A program that allows students to complete high school on a college campus while earning college credit.
Special Education and Psychological Services: Programs that focus on providing services and meeting needs of special education students.
Virtual Campus: Gives students the opportunity to take online courses that can be accessed anywhere at any time.
Independent School Accreditations and Memberships
It is important to know that the independent school you choose has been evaluated and endorsed by one or more accreditation agencies and/or member organizations committed to holding private educational institutions to high standards. In Atlanta, you’re likely to come across several of the following terms in your search. Use this guide as a reference and look up these organizations via their websites for more information.
The Atlanta Area Association of Independent Schools aaais.org
The Association of Christian Schools International acsi.org
AdvancED/SACS Advanc-ed.org sacs.org
Georgia Accrediting Commission coe.uga.edu/gac
The Georgia Private School Accreditation Council gapsac.org
The Georgia Independent School Association gisa-schools.org
The Joint Admissions Testing Program jatp.org
The National Association of Independent Schools nais.org
The Southern Association of Independent Schools sais.org
Choosing a Private School
The search for a new school for your child begins here. On the following pages, you’ll find a sampling of private schools in metro Atlanta. Each miniprofile features a description of the school, its location, contact information, accreditations and tuition prices. Please note that tuition prices are for the 2023–24 school year and are subject to change. On page 34, you’ll find a helpful private schools map.

From Kindergarten prep through eighth grade, The Davis Academy teaches to the whole child, creating compassionate leaders and equipping them with skills they will use for the entirety of their academic careers and beyond. We teach life skills, instill Jewish values and provide diverse experiences so that our students become well-rounded and self-confident individuals. Students learn amongst a warm and supportive community that shares common values and visions. We celebrate both the ways our diversity makes our school vibrant and the individual differences that make our school community so unique. With a retention rate of 97 percent, The Davis Academy community is comprised of families from across the globe, nation and 31 metro Atlanta zip codes. Davis graduates attend the most prestigious public and private high schools in Atlanta; they know who they are and continuously make a difference in their communities and the world.
Location: Dunwoody/Sandy Springs
Phone: (770) 671-0085
Website: davisacademy.org
Accreditations/Memberships: AdvancED/ SACS, SAIS, AAAIS

Tuition: Contact school for pricing.
From the moment your children enter our doors, they will be nurtured, loved and provided one of the best educations in Atlanta. Our mission is to provide an education grounded in respect, compassion and academic excellence within an Orthodox Christian environment. ADS serves an internationally diverse community of students representing over 25 different nationalities. ADS offers small classroom sizes averaging 16 per class with lead and assistant certified teachers. The small classroom sizes offer more individualized learning between the teacher and student. Come be a part of this thriving school community centered in Christ, Children and Community.
Location: Atlanta
Phone: (404) 565-2850
Website: annunciationdayschool.org or adsatlanta.org
Accreditations/Memberships: Cognia, SACS, AAAIS, GISA
Tuition: Preschool tuition ranges from $300 - $475/month; K-8th tuition ranges from $970 - $1,215/month
Founded by teachers in 2000, Atlanta Academy serves 375 preschool through eighth grade students in the North Fulton communities of Roswell, Alpharetta, Dunwoody, Sandy Springs and more. Atlanta Academy encourages active learning and engagement inside the classroom. Fostering leadership opportunities and executive functioning skills helps students build confidence and grow into well-educated, independent problem solvers prepared to excel in high school and beyond.
Location: Roswell
Phone: (678) 461-6102
Website: atlantaacademy.com
Accreditations/Memberships: AAAIS, SAIS, GISA, NAIS, Bright from the Start Tuition: Visit website for pricing information.
Metro Atlanta’s Private Schools
Atlanta Girls’ School was custom built for one purpose: to prepare girls to lead lives of purpose. For more than 20 years, AGS has offered girls in grades 6 through 12 an exceptional education infused with real-world experiences, challenging and engaging academics and a tight-knit community. Graduates attend prestigious liberal arts colleges, leading Southeastern universities, Ivy League schools and respected research institutes. Girls attending AGS learn to lead with courage and confidence, take risks and give back to their communities.
Location: Buckhead
Phone: (404) 845-0900
Website: atlantagirlsschool.org
Accreditations/Memberships: AdvancED/ SACS, GAC, GISA, ICGS, NAIS, SAIS Tuition: $31,350
Atlanta International School offers the International Baccalaureate curriculum to all of its students, from preschool to grade 12. By delivering this rigorous academic opportunity, combined with our worldclass language acquisition program for all in an inclusive, intercultural environment, AIS prepares students to succeed in a globally connected world.

Location: Buckhead/Garden Hills
Phone: (404) 841-3840
Website: aischool.org
Accreditations/Memberships: AAAIS, COGNIA, SACS, CIS, IB, SAIS Tuition: Visit aischool.org/admissions/ tuition-financial-aid
Uniquely focused on comprehensive literacy, the programs of the Atlanta Speech School are dedicated to the construction of the reading brain. The campus encompasses four schools, including three preschools: The Katherine Hamm Center, a listening, spoken language and literacy program for preschool children who are deaf and hard of hearing; Stepping Stones, a preschool for children who are experiencing speech and language delays; and the Anne & Jim Kenan Preschool for children exceptionally prepared for academic settings. In addition, the Wardlaw School serves school-age children with dyslexia in grades K through 6 with a short-term, individualized and intensive approach

Galloway students confidently embrace challenges while developing the knowledge, skills, and cultural competence to thrive as enlightened contributors in their chosen pathways.
designed to return them to traditional school settings. The Speech School’s reach extends beyond the campus through the Rollins Center for Language and Literacy, which, with more than 100 partners including healthcare agencies and school districts, furthers literacy through coaching, professional learning and, with the free Cox Campus, online learning.

Location: Buckhead
Phone: (404) 233-5332
Website: atlantaspeechschool.org
Accreditations/Memberships: AdvancED/ SACS, GISA, NAIS, SAIS Tuition: Contact school for pricing.
Building a sense of self for students with special learning needs through academic and experiential programming, The Cottage School (TCS) prepares individuals for fulfillment of their true potential as confident, productive and independent adults. Through The Cottage School’s unique work-based model for grades 3 through 12, our students pursue a high school degree through rigorous academic standards with a strong emphasis on emotional/social learning. Students
experience educational success while learning vocational skills that will help them thrive in the world beyond graduation, be that in continuing education or a career. Our beautiful 23-acre campus offers small class sizes, open spaces and fresh air and state-of-the-art technology to provide individualized instruction to our diverse student population. Every student learns differently, so we teach differently. Please contact us for more information about

our rigorous standard of care to keep our families healthy.
Location: Roswell
Phone: (770) 641-8688
Website: cottageschool.org
Accreditations/Memberships: Cognia / SACS, SAIS, AAAIS, GAC, GAPSAC, GISA, IDA, NAIS, North Fulton Chamber of Commerce, and The National Association of Independent Schools
Tuition: $21,000 - $27,000
Metro Atlanta’s Private Schools

Located in beautiful Chastain Park, The Galloway School is a community where learning is joyful, individuals are valued and self-discovery is encouraged. Galloway students in grades PreK3 through 12 confidently embrace challenges while developing the knowledge, skills and cultural competence to thrive as enlightened contributors in their chosen pathways.

Location: Atlanta
Phone: (404) 252-8389

Website: gallowayschool.org

Accreditations/Memberships: AAAIS, AdvancED/SACS, GHSA, NAIS, SAIS
Tuition: $19,125- $32,725

GRACEPOINT School is a private school located in Marietta dedicated to bringing out the brilliance of the dyslexic learner in a Christ-centered environment. Since August 2012, the philosophy of GRACEPOINT has been to provide an instructional environment where approaches to learning are multi-sensory and prescriptive. This technique addresses reading deficits and allows for enrichment in the areas where students are gifted. Students in first through eighth grades are taught using the OrtonGillingham method, and this multi-sensory approach is woven into all subject areas. The student-teacher ratio is 5:1 in reading classes and 8:1 in all other core subjects.
Mill Springs Academy tailors our college preparatory curriculum to meet each student’s individual needs, teaching self-advocacy, social skills, and how to forge their own path.
Website: gracepointschool.org

Accreditations/Memberships: GAC, GAPSEC, AOGPE, IDA, SAIS, GISA, AAAIS

Tuition: $26,500
Since 1973, High Meadows School has inspired children to think critically, learn creatively, act globally and live compassionately. Located on 42 acres of historic farm property, our students experience a school environment where adventure and play go hand-in-hand with extraordinary academic preparation and exemplary student outcomes. From an outstanding faculty and breathtaking campus to small classes and an acclaimed International Baccalaureate curriculum, High Meadows is an exceptional place to learn and grow.
Location: Roswell
Phone: (770) 993-2940
Website: highmeadows.org
Accreditations/Memberships: AAAIS, AdvancED/SACS, GISA, International Baccalaureate (IB), NAIS, SAIS
Tuition: $7,646 - $23,342

Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School is the largest Episcopal parish day co-ed school in the country serving over 1380 students in PK3 through 12th grade. We are a Christian school that serves and welcomes families of all faith traditions developing ethical leaders, global citizens, and today’s change-makers for tomorrow’s world. Our
Metro Atlanta’s Private Schools
challenging academic curriculum not only prepares students for college and beyond but provides an array of experiences to discover their artistic, STEM-oriented, athletic, and global passions at every grade level starting with our 3-year-olds. With the guidance of our stellar college counseling team, 100% of our graduates matriculate to prestigious colleges and universities across the nation.

Location: 805 Mount Vernon Highway, NW Atlanta, GA 30327
Phone: 404-255-402604) 255-4026
Website: https://www.hies.org
Accreditations/Memberships: National Association of Episcopal Schools (NAES), National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), Atlanta Area Association of Independent Schools (AAAIS), Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS); Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS); Center for Spiritual and Ethical Education (CSEE), Georgia Independent School Association (GISA).
Tuition: $19,000 - $33,590

Holy Spirit Preparatory School is an independent, Catholic college preparatory school serving Preschool-12th grade students with a profound educational vision. Our curriculum combines the best of classical pedagogical traditions in a joyful, engaging, and thoroughly Catholic environment. This curriculum includes STEM-based coursework, fine and performing arts, and a very active

Every day, we connect bright, curious students with a community of support and opportunities that awaken their aspirations so that they can lead positive change in the world. Learn more at westminster.net
Tomorrow calls for a new kind of leader.
athletic program. Through these means, we seek to enkindle in students the desire to pursue excellence in every endeavor they undertake and provide them with all the tools necessary to lead successful, rewarding lives in a manner consistent with the sublime end for which they have been created: eternal life with God.
Location: Atlanta
Phone: (678) 761-7992
Website: holyspiritprep.org
Accreditations/Memberships: AdvancED/ SACS, GISA, NAIS, NCEA, SAIS Tuition: Call for information.
Since 1950, The Howard School has offered an exceptional educational program for students with language-based learning disabilities and learning differences. Teams comprised of highly qualified and dedicated teachers and specialists, including speechlanguage pathologists, psychologists and math and literacy specialists, work with students to uncover and foster each child’s strengths and provide individualized learning plans for every student. The school has a rolling admissions process, which allows it to accept students whenever

openings are available.
Location: Atlanta
Phone: (404) 377-7436
Website: howardschool.org
Accreditations/Memberships: SAIS, AdvancED/SACS, NAIS, GISA, AAAIS, IDA (International Dyslexia Association), LDA (Learning Disabilities Association) Tuition: Contact school for pricing.

Situated on 93 sprawling acres in Alpharetta, King’s Ridge Christian School provides a PreK through grade 12 college preparatory education, equipping students to know, to serve and to believe. This is a multi-denominational, Christ-centered community where students are loved, nurtured and truly known. Students are

Metro Atlanta’s Private Schools

encouraged to seek a personal relationship with Jesus Christ to reveal all that they were created to be. Safety, spirituality and integrity are emphasized to reinforce the healthy development of the whole child through rigorous academics, competitive athletics, award-winning fine arts and a commitment to community service. KRCS invites you to discover how excellence is achieved while Christ is glorified. Contact our Admissions Office for a tour at (770) 754-5738 or admissions@kingsridgecs.org.
Location: Alpharetta
Phone: (770) 754-5738
Website: kingsridgecs.org
Accreditations/Memberships: CESA, SAIS, GISA, GHSA, NACAC, Cognia, EdTA, NAES, North Fulton Chamber of Commerce, Alpharetta Chamber of Commerce, Milton Business Council Tuition: Contact school for pricing.


Lakeview Academy is a dynamic and nurturing day school for PreK3 through grade 12 off I-985 in Gainesville. Known as a leading independent college-preparatory day school, our students and families describe Lakeview as a family and a learning community that challenges children to reach further than they thought possible. This strong sense of community and spirit sets us apart from other schools in Northeast Georgia. Our students’ curiosity is sparked through a rigorous curriculum, and interpersonal relationships

are developed through extensive extracurricular activities, including awardwinning fine arts, athletics and robotics. Bus routes are available from Buford, Chateau Élan, Cumming, Dahlonega and Suwanee.
Location: Gainesville
Phone: (770) 532-4383
Website: lakeviewacademy.com
Accreditations/Memberships: SAIS, AAAIS, GISA, NAIS. Lakeview’s PreK program is fully licensed by the State of Georgia, Bright From the Start Tuition: Varies by grade; Upper School is $19,640.

Landmark Christian School, which serves students in grades K3 through 12, provides a rich, relevant, and rewarding education by teaching academic excellence with Biblical truth. With low student-teacher ratios, students thrive through personalized learning, discovering their passions, and developing their talents. Beginning in K3, students are loved and nurtured, enjoying Imagination Stations, TED, world languages, Spotlight Theater, art, core and athletic offerings encompassing 67 teams. Students
study Bible daily and enjoy weekly chapel with grade-appropriate service/missions projects. Vertical educational alignment prepares lower school students for learning in arts, aviation, music, fashion, engineering, and leadership. The new high school offers AP/Honors courses, on-campus dual enrollment, and superior college guidance. Graduates are excellent
candidates for college with a 99 percent college acceptance rate and $11,679,989 in scholarships from the 80 seniors of the Class of 2023.
Phone: (770) 306-0647
Website: landmarkchristianschool.org
Accreditations/Memberships: AdvancED, SAIS, ACSI
Tuition: $9,000 - $20,700
Personalized Instruction
Interdisciplinary Team of Experts
State-of-the-Art Assistive Technology

Spacious 17-acre campus in the heart of Atlanta’s vibrant Westside district
70+ years, The Howard School has been providing
A DIFFERENT APPROACH makes all the differenceWood Acres
The Cottage School has served students with learning differences in the metro and surrounding areas since 1985. TCS changes

Metro Atlanta’s Private Schools

Founded nearly 100 years ago, The Lovett School is a community of belonging that develops students of honor, faith and wisdom with the character and intellect to thrive in learning and life. Lovett is a leader of whole child education, embracing a multifaceted approach where intellectual rigor, social-emotional learning and character development are purposefully cultivated. Every day, we welcome more than 1,600 students from 78 different zip codes and 11 counties in the metropolitan area to our campus beautifully located on the banks of the Chattahoochee River. As a nationally renowned college preparatory institution, Lovett encourages students to also discover themselves outside of the classroom through the arts, athletics, global studies and community engagement.
(404) 262-3032 lovett.org

Accreditations/Memberships: NAIS, SAIS, AAAIS, Global Online Academy, CSEE, SACS $30,110 - $34,950

Lyndon Academy is an accredited international college preparatory school with an extraordinary teaching system that combines proven methods of learning from the most successful schools in the country. It offers a rigorous and rich curriculum designed for motivated and academically talented students who are accustomed to higher standards of learning. Mandarin and Spanish are also a part of the core academics starting as early as Junior-Kindergarten, and the instruction is daily. Arts, athletics, technology and an abundance of electives are available in addition to the multilingual core curricula. AP courses and college course opportunities are available as well.
Location: Holly Springs
Phone: (770) 926-0166
Website: lyndonacademy.org

Accreditations/Memberships: Cognia, GISA, GAPPS, Duke TIP, International University Alliance, Georgia Futures and Georgia HOPE
Tuition: $12,500 - $17,000; Tuition includes activity and athletic fees.
Success in School…Success in Life. Mill Springs Academy is a Cognia-accredited independent school dedicated to the

academic, physical and social growth of students who have not realized their full potential in a traditional classroom setting. Founded in 1981, Mill Springs provides a college preparatory curriculum teaching self-advocacy and social skills to students with ADHD and/or learning differences.

In addition to Mill Springs’ broad range of college preparatory options, the school also offers award-winning fine arts and a competitive athletic program to foster interests and hidden talents. Small classes and an individualized curriculum help students capitalize on strengths while learning compensatory strategies. Our 85-acre campus is nestled in the beautiful rolling hills of Alpharetta. “If a student can’t learn the way we teach, we should teach the way a student can learn.” ~Tweetie L. Moore, Founder
Location: Alpharetta
Phone: (770) 360-1336
Website: millsprings.org
Accreditations/Memberships: COGNIA, SAIS, NAIS, GISA, AAAIS, GAPSEC
Tuition: $31,212
Mount Paran Christian School exists to provide a stellar academic experience
in a Christian environment. It’s crucial to guarantee a moral and faith-based foundation through everything your child learns at school. Through curricular Bible classes, weekly chapel, discipleship groups and service, faith becomes integrated into who the students are. Within small
12:1 class sizes, MPCS offers 56 AP/ honors courses, instructional support, robotics, STEAM/Spanish starting in PK3 and a 1:1 device program. Our job is to prepare servant-leaders in the classroom, on the ball field, on the stage and ultimately in our community. As a
Metro Atlanta’s Private Schools

PK3 through 12th grade private Christian, non-denominational, college preparatory school, MPCS is committed to excellence in academics, award-winning arts and championship athletics. Founded in 1976, MPCS is fully accredited and located in the shadow of Kennesaw Mountain on a 68-acre collegiate-like campus. MPCS unites with home and church to prepare servant-leaders to honor God, love others and walk in Truth.

Location: Marietta/Kennesaw
Phone: (770) 578-0182
Website: mtparanschool.com

Accreditations/Memberships: Cognia, CESA ACSA, GISA, SAIS, NAIS Tuition: Check website for pricing.
Mount Vernon is a school of inquiry, innovation and impact. We know students have big ideas. When their teachers cultivate curiosities and passions, the possibilities are limitless. As a coeducational day school for more than 1,250 students in preschool through grade 12, Mount Vernon is a destination for students who want to design a better world. The school sets the conditions for learners at all ages to excel by creating and providing access to real-world applications through design thinking and routine access to subject matter experts, many from Fortune 100 companies. Mount Vernon seeks to establish the skill sets needed for the workforce of the future, a competitive college admissions environment,
technological transformations and global interconnectivity. Students have achieved some of the highest academic honors, receiving recognition through scholarships and awards, including National Merit, Morehead-Cain, QuestBridge, Stamps, Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship, Jefferson Scholarship and the Robertson Scholarship. Mount Vernon students have been accepted to some of the most prestigious colleges and universities in the United States, including Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Brown, Cornell, Columbia, Dartmouth, UPenn, Duke, US Naval Academy, USC, NYU, UNC Chapel Hill, University of Virginia, and many more.
Location: Sandy Springs
Phone:: (404) 252-3448
Website: mountvernonschool.org
Accreditations/Memberships: NAEYC, SAIS, Cognia Tuition: Visit website for pricing information.
Discover your child’s unique genius at NCCS! Whether it’s through robotics or mountain biking, on a stage or on a pitcher’s mound, students are challenged
to discover their God-given gifts. Through small class sizes (10:1), over 50 athletic teams, 16 performing arts ensembles, five Academy magnet programs, RISE gifted programs, the Moving Forward Program for academic support, dozens of AP/ Honors/dual enrollment opportunities
and foreign language at every grade level, NCCS students in preschool K3 through 12th grade soar. Daily Bible class, annual retreats, weekly chapel, mentor programs and global spring term trips further expand student horizons while firmly planting their identity in Christ. It’s no surprise that

ROSWELL CAMPUS Grades K - 8 Marc Weiss Director of Admissions mweiss@sfschools.net 770.641.8257 x51

Grades 9 - 12
BrandonBryan High School Admissions bbryan@sfschools.net 678.339.9989 x33
• Accredited Cognia (AdvancEd, SACS), SAIS
•No Religious Affiliation
• SB 10 Scholarship Funds Accepted
• Small Class Size
• Low Student/Teacher Ratio
•Challenging College Preparatory Curriculum
•AP/Honors, Traditional, Support and Academic Enhancement Courses
•Study and Organizational Skills
•Google Apps for Education
• Intensive Writing Approach
• Wilson Reading System®
• Computer Science, Engineering, STEM, Robotics, Broadcasting, and Video Production
•Laptops Required Grades 4 - 12
•After School Homework Hour
•GHSA Sports Program Football and Equestrian

• Bus Service Available
Saint Francis Elementary and Middle Schools 9375 Willeo Road | Roswell, GA 30075 Saint Francis High School | 13440 Cogburn Road | Milton, Georgia 30004 www.saintfrancisschools.com
Metro Atlanta’s Private Schools

NCCS feels like family—because it is. And in today’s world, that truly matters.

Location: Kennesaw
162 STUDENTS Preschool & K-8
Competitive SPORTS

Phone: (770) 975-0252
Website: ncchristian.org
Accreditations/Memberships: Cognia, ACSI, GHSA, Metro10, SETC, ASCA Tuition: $7,600 - $17,720


Springmont’s authentic Montessori experience balances academic learning with social/ emotional well-being. Highly experienced and caring teachers guide individualized learning that inspires students to become creative, independent and globally-minded. EXTRAORDINARY BY DESIGN.

Tours by Appointment. 404.252.3910
In 1958, an interfaith group of community leaders envisioned an inclusive learning environment open to fresh ideas and founded Pace Academy. Today, Pace serves 1,150 students in pre-first through 12th grade. Pace develops children’s passions and strengths through academics, athletics and the arts while providing global perspectives inside and outside the classroom.
Location: Atlanta
Phone: (404) 262-1345
Website: paceacademy.org

Accreditations/Memberships: AdvancED/ SACS, ACCIS, College Board, Cum Laude Society, Educational Records Bureau, NACAC, NAIS, SAIS, Global Education Benchmark Group (GEBG)

Tuition: $31,970 - $36,800

Paideia, a school of just over 1,000 children ages 3 through grade 12, is located near Emory University in Atlanta. In addition to advocating intellectual, civic, artistic and physical development, the school

seeks to cultivate the development of a child’s ethical self. Paideia strives for racial, cultural and economic diversity and works hard to be a place that embraces families from all backgrounds.
Location: Atlanta
Phone: (404) 270-2312
Website: paideiaschool.org
Accreditations/Memberships: SACS, NAIS, SAIS

Tuition: $13,143 - $30,378
Saint Francis Schools is an independent, fully accredited school with no religious affiliation, providing an exceptional college preparatory program since 1976. Two campuses are available: Grades K-8 in Roswell and Grades 9-12 in Milton. The school’s commitment to small class sizes, low pupil-to-teacher ratio and a strong emphasis on structure and organization allow students to enjoy academic success and develop the self-confidence to be successful in college. Curriculum offerings include AP, Honors, traditional, support classes and specialized reading programs, including the Wilson Reading System®. A full sports program is offered in grades
5 through 12, including football and equestrian.
Location: Roswell / Milton
Phone: (770) 641-8257; (678) 339-9989
Website: saintfrancisschools.com
Accreditations/Memberships: Cognia accredited (AdvancED, SAIS / SACS)
Tuition: $15,000 - $25,000
Springmont School delivers an authentic Montessori learning experience to students 18 months through eighth grade. Individualized hands-on lessons and activities are designed to inspire students to become creative, independent thinkers and lifelong learners. Highly experienced

At Atlanta Girls’ School,
girlstake the lead.
Metro Atlanta’s Private Schools
and caring teachers offer opportunities for independent study and collaboration, and social/emotional development is interwoven with robust academics, art, music, PE, Spanish and outdoor science instruction. Diversity, equity and inclusivity are at the heart of our core values and are evident in our strong, supportive school community. Recognized by AMI and accredited by Cognia/SACS, Springmont meets the highest standards for independent schools. Springmont graduates are confident, collaborative, engaged learners prepared for success in Atlanta’s premier high schools, as well as life beyond academics. Springmont— Extraordinary by Design.
Location: Atlanta
Phone: (404) 252-3910
Website: springmont.com
Accreditations/Memberships: AAAIS, AMI, Cognia/SACS, GISA, NAIS, SAIS Tuition: $12,475 - $27,000

Atlanta’s only private elementary-only school, Trinity School is known for its inspiring academics, amazing arts program, state-of-the-art indoor and outdoor learning spaces and community that cares like no other. Everything Trinity does is designed to help children age 3 through sixth grade flourish.
Location: Atlanta
Phone: (404) 231-8100
Website: trinityatl.org
Accreditations/Memberships: Cognia/ SACS, NAIS, SAIS, AAAIS, GISA, The Enrollment Management Association
Tuition: $20,750 - $31,750
The Walker School is metro Atlanta’s top Pre-K3 through Grade 12 school open to all faiths. We provide a safe atmosphere for students to discover who they are and how to successfully navigate an ever-changing world. At Walker, you are challenged, supported and engaged. Most of all, you are known. You belong here!

Location: Marietta
Phone: (770) 427-2689
Website: thewalkerschool.org
Accreditations/Memberships: AdvancED/ SACS, SAIS
Tuition: $12,710 - $29,210
grades 6–12
Every girl at Atlanta Girls’ School learns to use her voice and lead a life of purpose, surrounded by a caring community. Visit us to see how your daughter could thrive.
Wesleyan School is a Christian, independent K-12 college preparatory school located in Peachtree Corners. At the start of the 2022-2023 school year, Wesleyan enrolled 1,207 students from throughout the metropolitan Atlanta area.
Location: Peachtree Corners
Phone: (770) 448-7640
Website: wesleyanschool.org
Accreditations/Memberships: SAIS/ Cognia, CESA, GISA Tuition: Contact school for pricing.
Westminster is a coeducational Christian, independent day school that seeks to serve students who are bright, motivated, curious and nurtured by challenge in an environment that develops leaders of conscience who will be a positive force in the world. The school was founded in 1951 and guided by a mission to prepare students for college and life. With a current enrollment of approximately 1,890 students in grades pre-first through 12th, Westminster fulfills its mission through a dynamic collaborative, interdisciplinary and experiential curriculum that engages
children across the key dimensions of their growth—academic, physical and spiritual.
Location: Atlanta
Phone: (404) 355-8673
Website: westminster.net
Accreditations/Memberships: SAIS, NAIS, GISA, WLSA, NACAC, SACAC Tuition: $31,650 - $36,289
Located in Smyrna, Whitefield Academy is a Christ-centered, college preparatory school serving more than 950 students in Pre-K4 through grade 12. Whitefield seeks to serve families looking for academic excellence augmented by authentic relationships with Christ and each other. The rigorous college
Where each child finds their voice…
Katherine Hamm Center is for children who are deaf or hard of hearing, and develops language and pre-literacy through written and spoken language in familycentered programs for children from birth through pre-K.

Anne and Jim Kenan Preschool is for preschoolers who are ready to form a pre-literacy foundation. Kenan teachers prepare children for all subjects in a setting that is at once engaging and rigorous.
Stepping Stones is for preschool aged children who have early speech and language delays.
Stepping Stones focuses on ensuring each child has access to literacy and the chance to experience their full potential.
Wardlaw School serves K-6 elementary aged children with dyslexia through individualized, science-informed language and literacy instruction. Wardlaw students advance to excel in other accelerated schools.

…so they are free to become who they are meant to be.
Metro Atlanta’s Private Schools
prep curriculum with numerous AP and honors courses sets the framework for 100 percent of graduates to attend colleges and universities of their choice. A full range of athletic programs, visual and performing arts, STEM lab and college/career planning complement the strong academic offerings of this well-rounded school.

Location: Smyrna/Vinings
Phone: (678) 305-3000
Website: whitefieldacademy.com

Accreditations/Memberships: AAAIS, ACSI, AdvancED/SACS, SAIS, GISA
Tuition: Contact school for pricing.
Established in 1969, The Wood Acres School is an independent, highly respected school for students age 2 through eighth grade. The school is well-known for its academically advanced curriculum, small class sizes, Spanish program, affordable tuition and uniquely pristine 10-acre campus. Wood Acres graduates go on to attend the best private, public and magnet high schools.

Location: Marietta
Phone: (770) 971-1880
Website: woodacresschool.org
Accreditations/Memberships: GAC
Tuition: $5,200 - $14,300
in rearing young people who go on to college and life with a passion for learning, for others ahead of self, and for the living and active Jesus.
With 2,568 students across two campuses spanning 133-acres, complemented by the intimacy of a 7:1 student-teacher ratio, Woodward offers the vast resources and opportunities of a college or university coupled with the intimacy and attention of home. Students learn how to think about and engage in the world outside of themselves, making a commitment to do their best and gaining the confidence to make a difference. This shared purpose is something we call The Woodward Way. Woodward challenges its students to explore new academic frontiers and reach their fullest potential. What does success look like? Look no further than the 25 AP classes, renowned Transition Program for students with mild learning differences, 86 student clubs, 75 yearly arts performances and 18 varsity sports. Woodward’s Global Connections Program offers extensive international study abroad programs, and its innovative STEAM programs are woven into the curriculum—from coding for kindergarteners to the Independent Scientific Research program, which pairs juniors and seniors with university professors to work on real-world problems. Location: Main Campus: College Park; Woodward North: Johns Creek Phone: (404) 765-4001
Accreditations/Memberships: AdvancED/
Tuition: $20,600 - $32,400

Trinity School serves children age three through Sixth Grade and cherishes childhood while preparing students for the future. Small class sizes, innovative programming, and early childhood and elementary education experts are just some of the reasons your child will thrive at Atlanta’s only

Select Metro Atlanta Private Schools
Show Me the Money
Finance your college education with scholarships, grants, loans and work programs
By Ken AbramczykAs young metro Atlanta residents pursue their dreams to land well-paying jobs, rewarding careers and worthwhile fulfillment as adults, many will pursue college degrees. And many will struggle with the age-old question of how to pay for their education. Fortunately students have several options, namely
scholarships, grants, loans and even work programs, and they have access to an array of help to navigate the myriad options.
For instance, colleges and universities house financial aid offices to assist students to examine various options to address the challenges of financing tuition, room and board and more. Even

before that, high school guidance counselors can direct students to resources, such as scholarships available from local civic organizations, workplaces and religious organizations. Additionally, the Georgia Student Finance Commission, which is the State of Georgia’s higher education finance agency, administrates more than 20 state and lottery-funded scholarships and grants, along with service-cancelable loans, providing an array of financial aid information via its website.
Statewide Options
Thirty years ago, Gov. Zell Miller recognized that families needed assistance funding their children’s college education. The Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally (HOPE) scholarship program was launched in 1993 in Georgia under Miller’s supervision, funded through the Georgia Lottery for Education and directed toward high-achieving students. In his 1992 State of the State address prior to the program’s launch, Miller called the program “the single best way to help our middle-income families,” adding, “For them, it is a pocketbook issue of major proportions.” That holds true today, as thousands of students benefit from HOPE scholarships and Pell grants, the latter of which are awarded to undergraduate students who display exceptional financial need and have not earned a Bachelor’s degree.
Outside of those popular statewide opportunities, federal workstudy programs provide part-time employment to undergraduates and graduate students who need financial help; the program encourages work related to the student’s field of study and community service.

The Power of Financial Aid
Financial aid is critical for students and may make a life-changing impact for them. “Financial aid is so important for our students because it aids in the affordability of their education,” says Jessica Magazu,
director of financial aid at Life University. “Through financial aid opportunities like community federal work-study, students can contribute to their community and public sector services in a way that adds value and context to their education and their social impact. Education is the gateway to many skilled career paths that, without financial assistance, students wouldn’t be able to actualize.”
In fact, the experience of applying for financial aid itself can be a benefit to students of all ages, as education is the entry point to most career opportunities. According to Magazu, “Through the process of obtaining and maintaining financial aid, students learn the critical skills of interviewing, essay writing, meeting and maintaining eligibility criteria and managing their finances. These are all skills that easily transfer into real work practical application.”
Make a Plan
Peachtree College Planning, a full-service college planning firm, highlights strategies on how to finance higher education and provides resources for students and parents. The organization’s website encourages parents to help their students choose a college that is the right fit financially, academically, professionally and socially. It touts its ability to locate scholarships and applies strategies to maximize the rewards students can receive, as well as encourages parents to compute the four-year cost of a school before their student even applies.
Of course, the listed cost of college is only a “sticker price,” Peachtree College Planning notes on its website. “One of the most important facts is that the cost of college is dependent on your expected family contribution, not the listed price on a college’s website. Every family will pay something different depending on their financial situation. It is similar to walking on an airplane. You know everyone has paid something different, and it was based on the situational variables at the time of their ticket buying decision.”
“Through the process of obtaining and maintaining financial aid, students learn the critical skills of interviewing, essay writing, meeting and maintaining eligibility criteria and managing their finances. These are all skills that easily transfer into real work practical application.” — Jessica Magazu, Director of Financial Aid at Life University
Metro Atlanta Options
With metro Atlanta being home to so many universities and colleges, there are plenty of options not only academically, but also when it comes to their financial options. Here is just a sample of the possibilities for students as they begin to consider higher education opportunities across the area.
Life University
At Life University, some coveted scholarships award students 50 to 100 percent of their tuition for four quarters of attendance. “Life University communicates early and often to perspective and continuing students, both on-campus and online, in all degree programs,” Magazu says. “We encourage students to research and apply for all types of financial assistance to help fund the cost of their education.” This includes the school’s robust institutional fund offering for academic and athletic scholars. She continues, “Through each step of the student’s journey, we provide education on responsible borrowing and opportunities for additional assistance if needed.”
Students can visit life.edu/financialaid and life.awardspring.com for information; they also can browse external scholarships that are provided by private donors, foundations, businesses and other sources outside of Life University at life.edu/financial-aid/external-scholarships. From there, Life University students can apply for student loans at studentaid.gov where they must submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The application asks for demographic information and financial situations and circumstances. “The FAFSA will also walk you through which schools you would like this information to be sent to so those schools can review your eligibility for aid if you attend,” Magazu says. Additionally, tuition discounts are offered to international students, while
married couples and family members who are enrolled concurrently at Life University may receive a tuition benefit of up to $14,000.

Students, including those still in high school, are encouraged to apply for scholarships between March 1 and May 1, with recipients of awards ranging from $500 to full tuition being selected in June. Students qualify based on degree program, financial situation, academic merit and extracurricular activities.
Georgia State University
Georgia State University (GSU) offers top academic scholarships for exceptional incoming first-year students through the Stamps and Presidential scholarships. Students also can search a database of scholarships available to GSU students and apply for merit scholarships. The school’s Student Financial Management Center also hosts FAFSA workshops and information sessions. Students can apply for a federal work study program that will provide them with jobs in community service or their field of study if they exhibit financial need. Visit admissions.gsu.edu/tuition/financial-aid/#merit-scholarships for more information.
Georgia Institute of Technology
The Georgia Institute of Technology offers the Zell Miller and HOPE scholarships, along with 850 institutional-named scholarships. When students apply for scholarships, they will be considered for all of them. Criteria includes, but is not limited to, academic achievement, athletic ability, geographical location, departmental and community involvement, areas of study and/or financial need and other factors. Some examples are the Gold Scholars program, offered annually to the top two percent of first-year students, and the G. Wayne Clough Georgia Tech Promise program, which provides a debt-free degree for low-income Georgia families and covers a student’s full cost of attendance. Scholarship recipients often are required to maintain a 3.0 GPA and demonstrate financial need, and the award may depend on the field of study. Interested individuals can find more information at finaid.gatech.edu.
Kennesaw State University
Kennesaw State University (KSU) offers similar grants and scholarships as other institutions (including the Zell Miller and HOPE scholarships and Pell grants), along with those funded through local community groups, corporate donors and the university. Scholarship Universe allows students to search and apply for thousands of scholarships. This system matches students with their best scholarship opportunities and the best fit for them. Students are also alerted to new scholarship opportunities through the system. For further information, student applicants can visit financialaid.kennesaw.edu.
Morehouse College
At Morehouse College, many institutional scholarships require students to have a FAFSA completed. Students can review opportunities at the Morehouse Scholarship portal and apply. They can also look at external scholarships offered through the United Negro College Fund and the Thurgood Marshall College Fund. Current and admitted students with questions can attend a virtual financial aid session on Thursdays; they also can join others who are successfully financing their college educations through an understanding of financial assistance. More financial aid information is available through Morehouse College’s Office of Financial Aid at morehouse. edu/financial-aid-and-scholarships.