KNOWAtlanta Relocation Magazine Winter 2022

Page 20

GET TO KNOW BUSINESS Georgia’s Business Momentum

BUSINESS TRENDS FOR 2022 ARE POWERED BY INNOVATION AND DIVERSITY By The Georgia Department of Economic Development

ties—continue to diversify the state’s

Tech and Talent

population and economy, producing

In Atlanta, a variety of factors helped the

record results. Georgia now enters 2022

city achieve back-to-back titles as the

with the same foundation of assets and a

number one tech hub. Investments in

great deal of promise for generating new

education, targeted industry growth and

jobs and investment in metro Atlanta and

seamless partnerships led to this achieve-

every corner of the state.

ment from Business Facilities in 2020 and

New economic development projects

2021. Furthermore, Georgia startups in

and expansions resulted in a five percent

the metro Atlanta area alone raised nearly

increase in job creation above previous

$3 billion over the past year, according to

state economic development records,

PitchBook, the National Venture Capital

n 2021, Georgia achieved a banner

while investments increased by 46 per-

Association’s Venture Monitor report, for

year for economic development

cent between July 2020 and June 2021.

the third quarter of calendar year 2021.

despite a global pandemic. Georgia’s

By the numbers, this means the Georgia

Additionally, in 2020, the Partnership for

foundation of strong assets—including

Department of Economic Development

Inclusive Innovation was launched as a

the state’s highly skilled and educated

(GDEcD) and local communities secured

first-of-its-kind public-private partnership

workforce, existing logistics infrastruc-

nearly $11 billion in new investments in

to lead coordinated, statewide efforts to

ture and strong partnerships with other

projects that will create more than 33,400

encourage growth, entrepreneurship and

agencies, companies and communi-

direct jobs.

innovation across the state. These assets


18  KNOWAtlanta   WINTER 2022

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