On the Move BUSINESS
t’s no secret that Georgia has been recog-
headquarters, global material handling and
nized for its exceptional business-friend-
logistics company Vanderlande Industries,
ly environment. In fact, Site Selection
Inc. will invest $59 million in its Cobb County
magazine has named it the number one state
location. The expansion will create 500 jobs in
for doing business for eight consecutive years.
Marietta, where the company has resided for
That kind of reputation undoubtedly attracts
more than 20 years. The company will move into
companies of all sizes to settle in the area every
a newly constructed 152,000-square-foot facility
year, establishing headquarters, distribution
and begin hiring for positions in engineering,
centers, customer service operations and more.
operations, supply chain, software development
And many of those organizations have found
and sales. With the expansion, Vanderlande will
a home right here in metro Atlanta. Here are
employ a total of 1,250 people in Georgia.
some of the most recent big business moves to our fair city and its surrounding areas.
Intuitive Medical technology company Intuitive, which is a pioneer in robotic-assisted surgery and a
A world leader in digital payments, Visa has de-
global leader in minimally invasive care, plans
cided to open a new hub in Midtown Atlanta. The
to invest more than $500 million to expand
company expansion, which will take advantage of
its current campus in Gwinnett County. The
Atlanta’s Transaction Alley resources, will com-
development will bring 1,200 jobs to the
prise a 123,000-square-foot office off Peachtree
Peachtree Corners location, which will expand
Street that is expected to open in 2022. The office
in phases through 2024. More than 750,000
will house a variety of teams and functions with a
square feet will be added to the campus for
particular focus on technology and client service.
manufacturing and engineering operations,
The hub will bring 1,000 new jobs to the region
as well as state-of-the-art training facilities for
over the next several years.
surgeons and hospital care teams. Positions
MBS Equipment Company MBSE, the largest studio-based equipment company in the world for film, television and
available will be in everything from manufacturing and production distribution to sales, training and customer service.
events, announced that it will open a new East
Coast headquarters in Georgia. The headquar-
SUNGDO ENG USA, an industrial plant con-
ters will take up residence at Trilith Studios
struction company, recently opened a corporate
in Fayette County, which has become one of
U.S. headquarters in Gwinnett County. The or-
Atlanta’s most prolific film production areas.
ganization, which is a subsidiary of Korea-based
The 100,000-square-foot space will be the com-
Sungdo Engineering & Construction, boasts
pany’s largest global hub and serve a growing
an 11,735-square-foot office and warehouse in
list of clientele, including more than 75 Atlanta
Suwannee, which will create 30 jobs in the me-
area stages and a satellite facility in Savannah,
chanical, electrical and process engineering fields.
with a 100-member onsite team.
SUNGDO provides highly technical construction
Vanderlande Industries, Inc. With a need to expand its North American 22 KNOWAtlanta WINTER 2022
services to many Georgia-based clients and wanted to have a high-tech facility that could serve a range of innovative companies.