3 minute read
Girls Sat. 1:30 p.m Boys Sat. 3:30 p.m. Registration runs July 1-Aug. 15

Teaching More Than Tennis
And you thought ALTA was just a tennis program!
As our junior spring season comes to an end, it is always nice to reflect on what we learned and recognize things for which we are grateful. Sometimes, people are brought into our lives who have a great impact on us, encouraging us to reach our fullest potential. Many times, this person enters our lives as a coach. ALTA’s junior tennis program nicely sets up this opportunity for our junior players. I’ve been a volunteer for the ALTA Junior League for 15 years and have seen this impact happen over and over. This life-changing opportunity that ALTA provides is one of the many reasons I have stayed as a volunteer, long after my children have aged out of the junior program.
As VP, I have the opportunity to speak to our youth tennis coaches. Many not only coach our teams, but also organize and manage these teams. Each and every one of them has an amazing ability to teach tennis while somehow turning that into learning life skills, all while being outside and having fun. Thus, I thought I’d highlight some of our awesome coaches who were instrumental in making our season great. When asked what junior tennis means to them, this is what they told me:
Bill DeMartini, Crooked Creek Tennis: Junior tennis provides an incredible opportunity for kids to build self-confidence, learn how to handle their emotions, how to problem solve, how to interact socially with peers and adults/teachers, as well as staying physically fit and learning the building blocks of a sport that can be enjoyed for their entire lives. I am grateful that my job allows me to be a part of the growth process of so many different kids.
Desmond McLennon, Wellington Tennis: Tennis is truly the sport of a lifetime. When you start tennis at a young age, you learn so many life lessons. This goes beyond winning or learning. ALTA junior tennis teaches dedication, problem solving, and working with others to achieve goals. This all helps to foster sportsmanship and a strong component to loving and serving the community throughout the whole region.
Jim Richards, Smoke Rise Country Club: There is more to tennis than just perfecting techniques. The Junior Leagues provide that essential, healthy balance between skill development and play, along with many psychological and motivational benefits. Having coached across America and in Europe, there is no question that it is hard to imagine a better cornerstone for junior development than the ALTA Junior Leagues.
Jonathan Lockeretz, Harrison Tennis Center: It is rewarding to teach the sport, which has been such a huge part of my life, to kids of all ages and levels. Tennis teaches them life lessons in sportsmanship, self-esteem, and confidence, as well as providing a positive social experience.
Randy Hancock, Harrison Tennis Center: For me, teaching juniors to play tennis has been more than just a job. It has been a way of life. I realized years ago that the lessons I teach on court transcend well beyond the tennis court. I enjoy teaching as much now as when I started years ago.
I’d like to give a big thank you to ALL of the coaches who participate in the ALTA Junior Leagues. Thank you for teaching, motivating, inspiring, encouraging, and helping our kids learn and enjoy a sport they can participate in for many years to come. Our program would not be as successful without your commitment and your dedication. You’ve somehow made ALTA a life-coaching course cleverly disguised as a tennis program. We are better because of you, and our juniors are better because of you. Thank you for being part of our ALTA team.