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Solve the Problem
As tennis players, we are all probgo to plan B or plan C. Look objectively at lem solvers. Every time we play why you are missing your shots. Are you a match we are trying to find a hitting balls long or in the net? Figure out way to win against an opponent or oppowhat you can do to correct the issue. Top nents who have the same objective. How players will hit with more spin and net many times have you lost a match that clearance to increase consistency. Conyou feel you (and your partner) should sistency is your most effective weapon. have won? Often, you will find yourself Many issues can be resolved by insuring having a match going by so quickly, but that your footwork and body are in the not with the desired end result. All match right place to execute your shots. When wins and losses can be attributed to all your balance is good, the shot becomes or one of the following: tactic, technique, much easier. Some of the most common or mental. You have to be able to make mistakes in tennis are caused by reaching changes when behind to be competitive for the ball and/or having your body too consistently. Everyone has played the opclose to the ball at contact. Go back to ponent who seems weak initially but albasics with good preparation and you ways seems to find a way to win. There is will see your shots become more steady a well-known saying by Albert Einstein: and reliable. “Insanity is doing the same thing over Everyone knows how the importance and over again and expecting different of the mental aspect of tennis. It’s easy results.” Hoping to “start to play better” to be positive when winning and nega to pull out a match will seldom prove tive when behind. Your mental state will successful. In order to overcome an opaffect your shot selection and execution. ponent, you have to be able to figure out Encourage your partner and think pos what you can do differently. itively in a match. Avoid the thoughts of
The easiest aspect of your game that “don’t,” “can’t,” and “sorry.” The great you can change is your tactic. You have to part of tennis is that you always have time ask yourself, “What can I do differently,” to come back in a match. Success produc as well as “What does my opponent not es confidence. When you get more balls in like to see from me?” The answers can play, you will continue to feel better about include: the type of serve you are hitting, your game. Play the percentages and be where you hit your serve, where you repatient for your opportunity. Most points turn serve, lobbing, poaching, are your are won from your opponent’s mistakes targets too small, et cetera. The more and not by an outright winner. tools you have at your disposal, the more When you are ready to do whatever it potential solutions you will have to solve takes to come out ahead in your matches, the problem. If the only tool you have is a your winning percentage will improve. “hammer,” then every problem will look Every time you hit a tennis ball you are like a “nail.” Many players don’t like to making a decision. Being a good problem change tactics, but if you are not winning solver requires looking at the situation the match, you have nothing to lose by and deciding what is the necessary cause trying something different. of action. The next time you are down in a
Putting in the practice before the match, look at what you can do differently match will develop your strokes to be — whether it be tactically, technically, or dependable on game day. When you are mentally — to reverse your fortunes and having an off day, you have to be able to come out on the winning end! USTA GEORGIA-GPTA TEACHING PROFESSIONAL SPOTLIGHT: GEOFF BROWNE
Hometown (City/State):
Detroit, MI
How did you get involved
in teaching tennis? When playing for Hugh Thomson in college, I assisted him in clinics and was hooked!
Diehard fan of what sports team?
Anything Detroit
Best part of your game? Backhand
Dream doubles match would be me
and… Roger Federer vs Pete Sampras and Vitas Gerulaitis
When I’m not teaching tennis, I’m…
Stringing racquets for Dave Dvorak (seriously, trying to spend time with my wife and daughters).
My favorite tennis memory is: I have been very blessed to have many great memories in tennis. Most memorable include time that I have spent with legends of the sport — Harry Hopman, Tony Palafox, and Bill Tym who have made me the tennis professional that I am today.
My favorite professional player is:
Roger Federer, who else?
#1 reason why I enjoy teaching &
coaching tennis: The joy that students have when they improve and are having fun.
What important tennis message do
you want to promote? Tennis is a sport that you can play, compete, and improve your entire life no matter your age and level.