8 minute read

The Legacy of Domenic Graziano Flowers & Gifts

The Enduring Legacy

of Domenic Graziano Flowers & Gifts


When new and long-timers walk into Domenic Graziano Flowers & Gifts, they are reminded of a time when shop owners knew your name, and exemplary customer service was at the forefront of every transaction.

For nearly 45 years, this mom-and-pop operation has been providing customers in Bucks County and surrounding areas with memorable floral arrangements for a myriad of special occasions, rites of passage and memorable events. It is reassuring that husband-and-wife owners Domenic and Joanne Graziano, who admit that they are still madly in love with flowers, clearly have no plans for slowing down anytime in the future.

When he was 12 years old, Domenic started working at a neighborhood floral business, and in 1978 the 19-year-old opened his first shop. Joanne worked in her sister’s flower shop for five years, and after that, she opened her own shop in Horsham. In addition, her father, Thomas, grew roses for 56 years and always had that fragrant

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continued from page 6 page 6 smell on him; so, it appears to be fate that his daughter continues fate that his daughter continues his legacy. his legacy.

Domenic and Joanne have been Domenic and Joanne have been working together for many years working together for many years and have been married for six. and have been married for six. They have 11 grandchildren, who They have 11 grandchildren, who understand their strong work understand their strong work ethic. As such, they take great ethic. As such, they take great pride in offering “high quality, pride in offering “high quality, good prices and exceptional cusgood prices and exceptional customer service.” tomer service.” Joanne can usuJoanne can usually be found ally be found in the front of in the front of the shop, with the shop, with Domenic putting Domenic putting orders together orders together in the back. The in the back. The Southampton store Southampton store is the largest of the is the largest of the three locations at 10,000 three locations at 10,000 square feet, 2,500 of them square feet, 2,500 of them under refrigeration. The under refrigeration. The

Grazianos also have stores in Grazianos also have stores in

Warminster and Doylestown. Warminster and Doylestown.

“Sending flowers makes peo“Sending flowers makes people happy and makes people ple happy and makes people smile,” explains Domenic. “We smile,” explains Domenic. “We are here for the special occaare here for the special occa-

please see GRAZIANO, page 9 GRAZIANO, page 9 19006

sions – weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and new arrivals -- those points that they want to mark in their life. We are arranging flowers for people now whose parents we helped with their weddings; it seems to come around full circle.”

Holidays are the most hectic time for the business, from Thanksgiving through Christmas, but the one big day for floral arrangements of all sizes is Valentine’s Day.

Throughout the year this family-owned and operated business has built an extremely loyal following for its floral arrangements, gift baskets and corporate gifts.

When it comes to ordering flowers, specialized arrangements or gift baskets for any occasion, Joanne advises, “The sooner the better; a lot of our orders come in two or more weeks ahead.”

For this husband-and-wife team, their passion for flowers endures. “I like the way the business is constantly changing with the holiday and the seasons,” Joanne says. “It is definitely hard work, but it is so rewarding to work with people during their happy occasions like weddings and bar/bat mitzvahs as well as their time of need when they are planning a funeral.”

In April 2012, the couple expanded the business to include an Artisan Marketplace

GRAZIANO continued from page 8 with 100 vendors of Made-in-America gifts. Today, the marketplace boasts a total of 400 vendors with representation from all 50 states. Among the popular handmade gift items that catch the eyes of customers as they walk around are shelves filled with cutting boards, bowls and other wood products, jewelry, candles, baby items, men’s gifts, blown glass, frames and plaques with clever sayings. “The quality of the workmanship that comes out of the artisan’s kitchen tables and sheds is but the one big day truly remarkable,” for floral arrange- says Joanne. “Our ments of all sizes is customers say they know they can always find that perfect gift because of the varieties of unique products that we carry.” The three stores are open seven days a week, and same-day delivery is available in Philadelphia and its suburbs if you call before 3 p.m. For more information, go to www.domenicgraziano.com or call 800-3521550. ■

ness is constantly changing with the holiday and the

that catch the eyes of customers as they walk around are shelves filled with cutting boards, bowls and other wood products, jewelry, candles, baby items, men’s gifts, blown glass, frames and plaques with clever sayings. the workmanship that comes out of



When other dentists seek high-quality care forthemselvesandtheirfamilies,theyturntoDr. JosephB.BreitmanatProsthodonticsLimited.

Since1979,Dr.Breitmanhaspracticedaunique specialtyat8021-BCastor AvenueinRhawnhurst–a specialtyavailableatonly20locationsthroughout theDelaware ValleyandPhiladelphia.

Dr.Breitmanisaboardcertifiedprosthodontist. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Prosthodontics and a Fellow of the American CollegeofProsthodontists.Aprosthodontistisa dentistwhospecializesinrestoringandreplacing damagedandmissingteeth.

Working alongside Dr. Breitman are implant surgeonandperiodontist,Dr.NatalieAmoa,dental technicalspecialistJerry Turano,o icemanager RachelLafontant,receptionistPatKellam,dental assistants Freda Borecki, Linda Selinsky and expandedfunctionsdentalauxiliaryRitaZeitone. Hygieneandmaintenancecareareprovidedby KarenStanford,RDH.

“Quality restorationsarethehallmarkofmy practice,” said Dr. Breitman. “We specialize in painfree prosthetic and restorative dentistry.” State-of-thearttechnologyproducesthefinestand longest-lastingbonding,veneers,goldonlaysand inlays,crowns,bridges,dentures(partial,complete, and precision), and implant-borne restorations. A broad variety of treatment options ensures maximumoralhealthineverypatient.Dr.Breitman states “Absolutely everything is sterilized with state-of-the-artequipment.”Dentalrestorationsare createdinDr.Breitman’sin-houselaboratoryand hesays“manydentistsuseoutsidelabs,butthey takemoretimeandthereisnocontrol.Thein-house labletsmecontrolthequalityanddetailsofeach patient’streatment.”

X-rays are made via a computer and digital sensorsthatreduceradiationasmuchas95percent and make the study available for immediate diagnosis.

The Northeast’s extensive senior citizen population benefits by having an o ice of this specialty in this area. Since people are living longerandretainingmoreoftheirnaturalteeth, techniquesareavailabletoimproveappearance. Whitening, bonding, color matching, veneers to reshapeteethandplacementoffixedprostheses, like crowns and bridges, will enhance smiles. Beforedecidingonatreatment,Dr.Breitmanweighs eachpatient’sneeds.Dotheyneedafixedbridge, implants,crowns,completeorremovabledentures?

Dental implants have become the procedure ofchoiceamongpatientswhoaremissingallor someoftheirteeth. Implantsattachartificialteeth directlytothejaw.Theycanreplaceoneormore teeth,providesupportforapartialdentureorattach afulldenture. We canhelpyoumakethechoicethat isbestforyou.

Prosthodontics Limited, P.C. also provides treatment for patients who need work to align teeth and jaws for proper bite. Restoration is available for people with conditions including temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ) and birthdefectssuchascleftpalateandcongenital malformations.Thosewhohavesustainedtraumatic injuries, and patients who have undergone surgical or radiation treatment for cancer may alsobehelpedbyDr.Breitman.Inaddition,sports injuriestotheteethcanveryoftenbetreatedwith restorativeandprosthetictherapy.Forpatientswho havesleepapnea,anoralappliancemayhelpifa C-PAPcannotbewelltolerated.

“Fiftypercentofourpatientscomefromother dentists,” Dr. Breitman said. “The other half is referredbypatientswhohavebeenhere.”Butarea residentsarenottheonlypatientshetreats.His outstandingreputationreachesasfarasEurope. “Patientscomefromallover,”hesaid.“Wealso treatmanyotherdentistsandphysicians.”

Dr.BreitmangraduatedfromtheUniversityof PennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicinein1977. Hecompletedathree-yearpost-doctoralspecialty training residency in Prosthodontics at Temple UniversitySchoolofDentistry.Hehascompletedthe arduousfourpartcertificationprocessconsistingof writtenandoralexamstobecomeboardcertified. HehasbeenafacultymemberattheUniversity ofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicineandis currentlyaClinicalAssociateProfessorat Temple UniversitySchoolofDentistry.

Ifyoufeelthatyoucanbenefitfromrestorative dentistry,visitProsthodonticsLimited, P.C.

Formoreinformation,call215-728-1696. O ice hoursareMondayandThursday1:15p.m.to9:00p.m and Tuesdayand Wednesday8:30a.m.to5:00p.m.

You can visit Dr. Breitman’s website at: www.ProsthodonticsLimitedPC.com.

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