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Author Morry David

making indelible mark on the world


Morry David is a bestselling author, business owner, mentor and natural-born teacher, who has always had the tenacity and engaging personality to make things happen.

In fact, the successful entrepreneur, and accomplished pianist at age 16, decided to start his own music school to teach his peers how to play his favorite instrument.

The frustrated parents he met told him that their teens hated to practice the piano, so how was David going to teach them differently?

His plan was to find out what music each of them enjoyed listening to and cajole them into playing the songs, and even practicing.

The confident and passionate David says that he never had one student who didn’t develop a lifelong love of playing the piano, one of the accomplishments of which this dynamic local resident is extremely proud.

“I have always had the penchant to take something apart and make it better,” explains David, who has been living in Huntingdon Valley since 1985. “I had my own recording studio at age 21 in which I recorded the music of Stevie Wonder, and then I worked with most of the discos in the area.”

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MORRY continued from page 6 Alarms Plus since 1972, David is an ambitious man who sees solutions where others merely see problems. He and his wife, Sharon, are proud of their two grown children, helping to raise money for local breast cancer charities, and their years as members of the board of the Huntingdon Valley Athletic Association, where they were able to use their contacts, fundraising and marketing expertise to affect positive change.

When his son Justin was 13 years old, the boy was having nightmares and his involved father wanted to know what books his son was reading that were working on his subconscious.

When David could not find books that When David could not find books that young adults young adults would enjoy, he started writing his own. The result, that he shared with his son and daughter, Brooke, is The Chase is The Chase and the sequel and the sequel The Ghost of The Ghost of Sheppard’s Inn, Sheppard’s Inn, both young both young adult fiction.

Not being Not being daunted by the daunted by the difficult pubdifficult publishing business, lishing business, David received David received some 600 rejecsome 600 rejection letters from tion letters from publishers advispublishers advising him that they ing him that they didn’t take unsodidn’t take unsolicited manuscripts licited manuscripts and feedback and feedback from agents that from agents that they don’t reprethey don’t represent unpublished sent unpublished authors. Caught in authors. Caught in a catch-22, he didn’t a catch-22, he didn’t give up. His supportgive up. His supportive wife urged him to ive wife urged him to find another way, and find another way, and he did.

Soon entered Dan Vega, the owner of Indigo River Publishing in Pensacola, Florida, which is affiliated with Simon & Schuster, and The Chase (written under his pen name M. David) became a bestseller in three hours. Much to his delight, David’s second book became a bigger hit.

David has several future books, as well as many other projects, in the works. One of them is a nonfiction book entitled Why Some People Can Fly, which looks at the lives of 44 remarkable people on the autism spectrum – including Einstein, Mozart, Steve Jobs, Nikola Tesla and Elon Musk, and how each of them has used their gifts, talents and vision to change the world.

“It is about how an ordinary person can do extraordinary things, basically how to achieve the American dream,” he explains. “There dream,” he explains. “There are a tremendous number are a tremendous number of people out there who of people out there who have the ability to look have the ability to look at a situation differently at a situation differently and not allow anyone or and not allow anyone or anything to detract them anything to detract them from their focus.”

For David, teaching For David, teaching golden retriever puppy with an ET vibe, change lives. In that book, his love for teaching comes shining through, and it’s soon to be made into a major movie, with filming expected to begin soon in Nashville.

He hopes that his movie will show Hollywood that there is a family audience out there and that filmmakers can pro-

and mentoring are always paramount.

“I want to show young adults that no matter what the circumstances, things are not as bad as they seem,” he explains. “There is always an opportunity to calm down and think things through.”

Beyond his love for writing, David says the books, including his upcoming tale of Cosmo, about an alien in the form of a vide children with entertainment other than movies filled with cursing and violence.

His current and future books, he says, have to be entertaining, but this dedicated teacher says they always need to have major underlying life lessons.

“When you are younger you think that fancy clothes, cars and vacations – the materialistic things are important – but when you get older you realize it has to do with relationships and loving people who touch your heart,” he explains.

“I am trying to introduce children to what they are going to learn from pivotal relationships,” says David. “It is about how you affect people and how you make a difference. This is what my books are all about.” ••

For information about his books, go to M. David – Best Selling Author on Facebook. 

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