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Downtown Revival

Downtown Revival

Detailed information about City of Litchfi eld ordinances is available by visiting the city’s website at www.ci.litchfield.mn.us. Some common issues affecting residents are addressed in this list. Direct any questions about ordinances or permits to City Hall at 320-6937201.

General Residential Setbacks


All residential structures and accessory structures, which include sheds, outbuildings, play structures and gazebos, are subject to specifi c setbacks from a lot line based on the zoning district. All structure setbacks are taken from the property line. The setback from a front, rear or side yard may vary based on the zoning district. To fi nd out what a property is zoned for and what the required setbacks are, call City Hall.

Building Permits

Building permits are required for many types of projects. A permit application is available on the city’s website under the Code Enforcement department page. City Hall staff can assist and complete permits for small utility sheds, fences, reroofing, siding, central air/furnace installation or replacement and other such maintenance permits.

Rental Property Registration

All rental properties are to be registered with the City of Litchfield by June 30, 2016, to avoid registration fees. The city intends to use the information collected to quantify the amount of rental housing available in the city, and to track the needs and availability of rental housing. This information is also intended to be used to enforce city ordinances that relate to the safety and condition of the rental units.

Lawn Maintenance

All grounds in a residential zoning district not covered by a building, patio or driveway must be covered in grass or ornamental landscaping including rock material. Ground cover may grow to a height of 6 inches. Once growth exceeds 6 inches, city code requires cutting. Should you identify a property in which grass is over 6 inches in height, contact the city’s code enforcement officer at 693-7201, ext. 1012.

Snow Removal

There are no hourly restrictions on the operation of snow removal equipment. Property owners are required to keep all snow and ice on their property. City code prohibits placing snow or ice in any right-of-way, roadway, street, sidewalk, walkway, bike or trail way, easement, park or other public property. The city of Litchfield is responsible for the removal of snow and/or ice from sidewalks or trails abutting some streets, but the majority of owners or occupants of one- or twofamily dwellings that are abutting a sidewalk or trail are responsible for removing the snow and ice. This removal must be accomplished within the first 24 hours after the cessation of the precipitation. Yard Waste

All yard waste must be disposed of within one week unless it is being composted in an approved composting area/container. Yard waste is solid waste generated from landscaping and lawn care activities, such as mowing, trimming, gardening or raking. Yard waste materials consist of grass clippings, twigs, tree and brush clippings, straw, pine needles, tree branches, soft vegetative garden waste and leaves. City residents may take yard waste to the city’s compost site on 615th Avenue. Hours of operation during the spring, summer and fall are Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. — 4 p.m. It is closed on Sundays and holidays. The site closes Dec. 1. Acceptable materials include leaves, grass clippings, brush, trees, dirt (small amounts only, must be clean with no sod).

Household Garbage

Waste Management, a commercial hauler, provides garbage pick-up services for Litchfield residents. Garbage must be stored in durable containers with with close-fitting, fly-tight covers. Garbage cannot be stored on public or private property for more than 2 weeks without written approval from the city of Litchfield. Waste that is suitable and sorted for recycling may be stored for up to 30 days, so long as recyclables are stored in an appropriate manner.

Parking At Residences

No more than four vehicles per dwelling unit may be parked or stored anywhere outside on residential property, except otherwise permitted or required by the city because of nonresidential characteristics of the property. The maximum number does not include vehicles of occasional guests who do not reside at the property. It is illegal to keep any vehicle not in operating condition or partly dismantled, except if that vehicle is enclosed in a building and/or kept from view and does not foster complaints from neighbors.

Litchfi eld City Hall is the place to go for information abtout city ordinances, to apply for a permit, or even to pay your utility bill. City Hall is located at 126 Marshall Ave. N.

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