TNR - 10.12.09

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THE Independent student news organization at the university of cincinnati

Vol. CXXVIV Issue 9

monday , oct . 12, 2009 take a bite out of this Four area grocery stores, four different receipts. page 2

practice facility

just a pynch Thomas Pynchon’s new novel is a twist on the detective genre. page 4

Thomas hopeful complex will be completed Sept. 1, 2010. page 6

UC stroke research to receive $3.6M grant randi taylor the news record

A University of Cincinnati team is set to receive a multimillion-dollar grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to fund a study on using mental practice as a form of stroke rehabilitation. Stephen Page, an associate professor in the College of Allied Health Sciences’ rehabilitation sciences department, is the principal investigator for the study. Page and his research team plan to study the benefits of mental practice – a method for rehearsing or enhancing a physical

skill, on the recovery of specific body movements in stroke patients. Page and his team will work closely with the Cleveland Clinic to complete the research, which began Tuesday, Sept. 1. The Cleveland Clinic visited Page’s research lab, located at the Drake Center, known for its stroke recovery center. “The NIH grant is super-duperduper competitive,” Page said. “We competed with the best scientists in the country.” So far, most of the team’s efforts are spent in preparation for the study, Page said. Mental practice is not a new

University doctors search for cause of breast cancer


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Page conducted a decade-long study on the effectiveness of mental practice in stroke patients to improve motor skills. He was also part of the first steam in the world Stephen page to implement this practice. The grant money allows for the continuation of his research and will pay for the resources, time and manpower. The funding for the study ends see grant | page 3

DAAP international

Justin Tepe | the news record

Greta Gunther, a second-year fashion design student, takes the afternoon to work on a tote bag in a DAAP studio, Sunday, Oct. 11.

Design program places in top 30 worldwide Emphasis on business aspects sketches outline for success in arts curriculum carly tamborski the news record

The University of Cincinnati College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning’s design school was recently named one of the top 30 design programs in the world. “BusinessWeek” interviewed graduates, professors and heads of several leading programs to determine which areas excel in promoting design’s critical role in business and emphasize the relationships between design, business and technology. DAAP’s school of design offers a general Master’s of Design degree to students who have a bachelor’s degrees in either industrial, fashion, graphic or digital design. “Design holds a huge role in business, that’s why our professors constantly take the role of a client and not the traditional professor,” said Joey Howell, a fourth-year graphic design student. “This gives students the chance to practice client-relationship strategies and appropriate business behavior and design approaches.” While “BusinessWeek” focused on DAAP’s relationship between business and design, it is not the first to place UC among elite rankings. Design Intelligence, a national college ranking survey focused on design, also placed UC in its top three for the 2009 rankings. “BusinessWeek” doesn’t rank numerically, they just select and feature the 30 best programs. We are in that group,” said Robert Probst, dean of DAAP. “But in my book we are clearly numero uno.” For 2009 alone, UC’s undergraduate interior design program placed No. 2 in the nation, second to Kansas State University. Until this year, UC held the No. 1 spot for nine years. DAAP’s graduate architecture program also placed second in the nation, behind Harvard University. The undergraduate industrial design program ranked third while the graduate industrial design program ranked eighth. DAAP also participates in the Live Well Collaborative, a product-design company that caters to those 50 years and older.By joining a studio or going on co-op, students can earn academic credit for business or design while working with company leaders to develop products. “The Live Well Collaborative gives students the opportunity to transfer what they have learned in studies into professional practice,” Howell said. A 2007 $10 million donation by UC alumni Myron and Cathy Ullman has providedrecent opportunities for DAAP students. “The Myron E. Ullman Jr. Endowed Fund is used in a number of ways: For endowed professorships, for faculty and student development and excellence, for a series of master classes and for new technology,” said Nancy Brinker, assistant director of DAAP’s School of Design. “Support from the fund allows us to avail ourselves of many opportunities that would not exist without this special gift. These opportunities factor into our success.” Several international trips, seminars, workshops, lectures and guest speakers for DAAP faculty and students used the donation as funding. “It’s obvious why UC has earned repeated international attention. It’s a great school that’s continually growing,” Howell said. “The possibilities are truly endless when you combine the teaching power of great professors with the will power to succeed that many have here in DAAP.”



they can use at home as guidance. Repetition of small movements to facilitate brain rewiring is the concept behind stroke rehabilitation mental practice. Those who participate in mental practice rehabilitation recover better than those who go through inpatient treatment and are able to integrate back into their communities more successfully, Page said. Ideal candidates for the study must already have the ability to perform small movements. The small movements can then be developed and patients may eventually be able to write with a pen or drink from a cup.

Ask her

amanda woodruff the news record

Statistically, more women are aware of the risks for breast cancer each year, and although they might take the recommended steps to protect their health, researchers have yet to pinpoint the exact cause of the cancer. Common factors in the onset of breast cancer include having children before the age of 20, or after 30, as well as premature pubescence in which the menstrual cycle begins earlier than age 10, said Dr. Kathy Havlin, associate professor of chronic medicine at the University of Cincinnati. “The longer there is unopposed estrogen, the higher the risk becomes,” Havlin said. Although a woman cannot control her age and the risks that follow, she can outline a family tree to test the genetic possibilities. “Pure heredity is responsible for only 10 percent of all breast cancer cases,” Havlin said. “We look at two genes, specifically, BREA1 and BREA2.” Aside from contributing factors, doctors are responsible for customized treatment dependent on the patient’s age, lifestyle, medical history, the size and stage of the tumor, Havlin said. “One breast cancer is not like another breast cancer,” Havlin said. “There is a different makeup of tumors and the treatment depends on that makeup. We gather more genetic information, look at the reoccurrence risk by performing an Oncotype DX.” Oncotype DX is a diagnostic test on the tumor used to assess the likelihood of the tumor’s return. This test is used when a patient must consider chemotherapy in addition to hormone therapy since the majority of breast cancer is rooted in estrogen, according to the Breast Cancer non-profit organization. As it is an isolated problem, the cancer does not necessarily affect other areas of a woman’s body. The effects depend on the treatment and some women experience fertility issues, Havlin said. Tamoxifen, raloxifene and tibolone are drugs noted to decrease the chances of developing the cancer and help control it, especially in postmenopausal women. Nationwide studies are still underway to confirm the results. The Charles M. Barrett Cancer Center at University Hospital is also taking part in the research. “It is a multidisciplinary cancer,” Havlin said. “We are always doing radiation studies and clinical trials as an attempt to improve.” Instead of drug, chemical and hormonal treatments, there are two surgical options. One type is a lumpectomy, or removal of the affected area while the second type of surgery is a mastectomy, either a complete or partial removal of the breasts. Every year, one in eight women are diagnosed with breast cancer. Doctors recommend a balanced diet, regular exercise, vitamins and annual mammograms or physicals to stay up-todate with personal health. “We don’t know exactly what causes it,” Havlin said. “Women can eat right and exercise and still experience the inevitable.”

concept. Athletes use a similar method to improve their performances during games. The difference is recovering stroke patients are working on small movements rather than running or other physical activities, Page said. “The best part is that mental practice has a 50-year track record in the cognitive psychology and exercise literature,” Page said. “[It] is noninvasive and is easy for patients to use.” A total of 100 stroke patients will be accepted to participate. Every patient receives 10 weeks of therapy and access to audio and videotapes, which

Justin Tepe | the news record

DAAP is renowned for its design programs.

DAAP Facts There are no right angles in the building, which was designed by James E. Allen in 1958. Cincinnati’s design programs are ranked among those in London, Milan, Hong Kong and New York.

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Check out photos of the CCM Philharmonic’s concert in commemoration of the falling of the Berlin Wall.

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Monday Oct. 12, 2009

college living uc life and those living it


&BUTTER emily lang

Meatless days good idea for healthy life

Everyone has beef with meat nowadays. One of the hottest trends in food is all about celebrating a lack thereof (a certain something) and puts omnivores in direct opposition with their favorite forbidden protein. Everyone who’s anyone is going meatless. But fear not, they’re only asking you to do it one day a week. Say hello, my friends, to Meatless Mondays. Most trends have historical roots. Voluntary days of meatlessness are no different, although for unrelated, if not equally legitimate, causes. During their respective presidencies Wilson, Truman and good ole Teddy Roosevelt all called for their own version of the meatless day throughout both World Wars. In those days, though, it was to redirect food supply to troops and to help alleviate worldwide food shortages. Now, it’s less about people suffering without and more about suffering from too much. Which is why organizations like the Monday Campaigns, in association with John Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health, are championing the non-profit initiative of spending our Mondays feasting on something other than animal protein. It’s no secret that America has long been a glutton for punishment, especially when it comes to our insatiable appetite for meat (and the red variety in particular). In the last 50 years, U.S. meat consumption has more than doubled and is expected to double again by 2050. Studies show it’s killing us as well as the planet. Those who ate large amounts of red and processed meats (steak, cold cuts, bacon, sausage) have an increased risk of death from cancer and heart disease, according to a decade-long study published in March by the “Archives of Internal Medicine.” Not a terribly shocking revelation by any stretch of the imagination. But just how great a risk? “Newsweek” magazine analyzed the study and concluded that men who ate just five ounces of meat a day (putting themselves on the high end of consumption) had a 31 percent higher risk of death in a 10-year period than those who ate less than 1 ounce of meat per day (the lowest end of consumption). Women who ate the same amount had a 36 percent higher risk of death over the same time period, compared to those who ate an ounce or less of meat per day. So that means choosing a salad or another veggie-friendly option (at least once a week) instead of making that daily lunchtime trip to Burger King could help save your life – reducing your risk for obesity and obesity linked illnesses such a heart disease. Other studies, such as the European Prospective Investigation Into Cancer and Nutrition, also began to correlate instances of prostate and colon cancer with meat consumption. Carcinogens are formed on the surface of meat when cooked at high temperatures and may be harmful when consumed and contribute to cancer. But eating less meat is not only proving to be healthier for us but also for the planet. It turns out being “green” can be as easy as eating a little less red. Estimates from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization say 30 percent of Earth’s land is devoted to cattle growing and that meat production makes up nearly one-fifth of global greenhouse emissions. If we were to reduce meat consumption by 20 percent, it would be as if everyone went from driving a sedan to a hybrid – considerably reducing greenhouse gas emissions, according to geophysicists Gideon Eshel and Pamela A. Martin, referenced in a “New York Times” article. The Meatless Mondays movement continues to gain momentum as celebrities, school districts and even entire cities get on board. In September, Baltimore City Public Schools embraced and instituted a Meatless Monday program, offering healthier vegetarian options once a week. Ghent, Belgium, became the first to declare a municipality wide meatfree day on Thursdays. Even Paul McCartney has thrown his weight behind a Meat Free Monday campaign in the UK. So skip the burger once a week and save yourself, save the planet and maybe a cow, too. Do you plan on going meatless? E-mail us at

Couch surfing easy way to travel Taylor Dungjen the news record

After Andrew Warner graduated from the University of Cincinnati, he scored a freelance blogging gig for “CinWeekly” and took off in a van to perform street magic from Florida to California. Instead of paying for hotel rooms, he and a friend took to the Internet to find available couches. They found strangers to stay with, anywhere from one to four days. “It’s like the new hostel,” said Warner, who graduated in 2007. “It’s kind of better though.” Using a couch surfing Web site (, Warner contacted people who offered to host surfers. They were on the road for approximately three months. Sometimes people hosting Warner would suggest other hosts in different cities. Most times, they didn’t know what they were walking into. “People would ask, ‘aren’t you afraid of getting murdered while you sleep?’” Warner said. The thought is inevitable, but there is a system in place to keep surfers and hosts safe.

Verifying your account or only accepting visitors with verified accounts is the first step in taking precautions. Approved accounts must have addresses on file and verify the address. That way, if anything goes wrong, the Web site has the means to contact involved parties. “It puts you in the system so if you murder someone you wouldn’t get away with it,” Warner said. Travelers can also stay with people who have similar interests. Profiles allow people to list ideological preferences and thoughts on drugs, smoking, drinking, partying and hours. Get referrals. The couch surfing community is based somewhat on a hierarchal system. If people say good things about a surfer or host – kind of like eBay – potential surfers or hosts will be more willing to work with that person. Despite taking precautions, Warner and his travel buddy still ran into different characters. “We ran into some people that were weird to us,” Warner said. “There was one really religious couple, and this guy was in some type of seminary school and they were irking us so we

Photo courtesy of

THe Couch Surfing Web site offers a way for students to travel for less, providing lists of people willing to allow surfers to crash on their couch. kind of lied and said we were going to move onto the next town. We went down the street and slept in the van.” The couch surfing project was founded in 2003 – since then, there have been more than 1.5 million successful surfs, according to the Web site. The couch surfing craze started in Europe, but has made its way to the U.S., which is now the number one couch-surfing country in the world with 330,801 surfers, approximately 23 percent of all couch

surfing. (Germany and France follow with 9.6 percent and 8.6 percent couch surfing, respectively.) Warner, who now lives in Columbus working as a magician, has not hosted anyone on his couch yet, although he says he would. “I totally recommend it for college-age people,” Warner said. “It’s the most interesting way to travel, not the most comfortable, but it’s good for social people.”

Comparing Groceries around UC Grocery tips shopping

Be sure to check Web sites for online coupons. Signing up for the Kroger Plus card is a great money saver. Packaging can be deceiving: Check for net weight and make sure you’re getting your money’s worth. While store brands are often cheaper, sometimes it’s because you’re getting less. The easiest way to tell if fruit is ripe is by smelling it. Make sure to make a grocery list before you shop to avoid impulsive spending Try to avoid shopping on an empty stomach. Edit. Walk around for a bit and make sure you really need what you have.

St. Corry W. Plaza 1 y it rs e iv n fewer U the had g n r, yout. in te eu n h ce ttered la varied lu g c Ariel Cs record in p re p o o sh a m also the new the ns and two Krogers with . optio y e , la h s p T e m less to ti e g m n a t ri g a e off nati n easy prices Kroger and carrots. t’s not a iversity of Cincins to in Plaza l y a to it re rs e e As Un arch for way c Univ counts meat, se pest offer dis rd, a free rs pensive e students nding the chea ge. x g e en , fi Both Kro Kroger Plus ca plied for w bucks f a chall with a be ap t save a fe can be a bit o as compared e p shop rs card that can comparing eigh w s s e o ri m e e tw c it , t : ro 0 s n g rd n 1 u a e re f o c h o c to s W is e s c d a Plu The pri rent grocery t on Main. Kroger. . at any iscounted with with the card diffe e Marke 4 d $ eli t at four a Meijer and located on th , d s s o r m e e lm y it a a e , , save scar M Krogers arket on Main most expensiv . shoppers und chuck, O a frozen pizza, M .08 e 9 th 3 ro , $ G d s a a tural to pus, w e of Na ing up ms af of bre UC cam 10 items add Ave., sold the ite rs at, a lo a 30-pack cas bite-sized e m e nd ice, with the r, 4825 Marburg hile both Krog 8. apple ju eer, store bra d store brand w e n b a l, t ard a h The Meij 9 less ($25.29), items at $21.7 m Lig e Plus c eat cere o e for $13.7 least expensiv t you expect fr na sted wh included on th items cost o fr a e ere had the prices are wh re,” said Dean nt coffee w out the card, th e Plus card. to e s d t th h tu “The n it s h ie it r y W n g w list. at Meije s conve $31.18 thropolo it.” .12 and e items found f $5.21. a campu second-year an I try to avoid s 5 3 $ The sam a difference o 1.80 for Rowe, a et on Main. “ t included item n 6.39, ost $ of Mark e shopping lis lar basis: froze t cost $3 -Tarts, which c ther stores, u o Th g H re , p s a o P at at the o buy on tato chip f eight re expensive ilk o students soft drinks, po , milk, apple x o b o a m m a f , . z o s s iz e 9 p 1.7 llon -Tart waffl were $ n Main. A ga $1.59 at nd Pop , frozen at o to Pockets ereal, coffee a located t d e re rk a a p M Kroger. , com juice, c Kroger h Road, near s $4.69 $2.18 at each brand a w The it d e nd tore . Galbra e, open Meijer a any of the s d Meijer 5575 E d Towne Centr e largest M n a r o th e o g w s Ken at Kro ensive than and wa as also a r s a n e o y ti xp op w last less e ducts. While There mples. were store. ro free sa econd p f d o n ra variety The s name-b at ated c lo see Apple | page 3 Kroger,


UC blood drive reinvents student volunteer group Ariel Cheung the news record

Kareem elgazzar | the news record

David Meister’s designs were previewed Thursday, Oct. 8, at Saks Fifth Avenue. Meister is a graduate of the College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning.

The University of Cincinnati and Hoxworth Blood Center are hosting an all-campus blood drive this week as part of their “100,000 Donors, 100,000 Heroes” campaign. From Monday, Oct. 12, through Thursday, Oct. 15, people can donate blood, plasma and platelets from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Tangeman University Center. On Friday, Oct. 16, the drive will be on McMicken Commons from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The goal is to reach 140 donations per day, said Alecia Lipton, Hoxworth community relations manager. Last year, UC donated 682 blood products during the fall drive; the goal is 700 units this year, Lipton said. “There’s a constant need for blood,” Lipton said. This week, everyone who donates during the drive is automatically entered in a contest to win a year’s supply of VitaminWater. “It’s open to students, faculty, staff and friends,” Lipton said. “Tell them to come over and donate.” To schedule an appointment, donors can visit, but walk-ins are also welcome. “Donating blood is a selfless act,” said Eric Schmaltz, Hoxworth donor recruitment and community relations consultant. The blood donated last year during the fall drive helped to save more than 2,000 people, according to Hoxworth. “It’s just 45 minutes to roll up your sleeves and save three lives,” Schmaltz said. | 513.556.5913

“The rarest blood type is the one that’s not on the shelf when someone needs it.” -Alecia Lipton, community relations manager Last year, Cincinnati hospitals received 93,000 units of blood product, Lipton said, but there was still a 6,500 unit shortage. All types of blood are needed, not just those that can be used by more than one blood type, Lipton said. “The rarest blood type is the one that’s not on the shelf when someone needs it,” Lipton said. This autumn, Hoxworth started Care Cats, a volunteer organization based at UC. “It’s another way to give back and get involved,” Schmaltz said. Care Cats has more than 100 members and gives students a way to earn volunteer hours by helping during the blood drive. The group is being brought back after a more than five years on hiatus, and eventually will offer volunteer opportunities for a variety of events, Schmaltz said. “It’ll be a lot more than just blood drives,” Schmaltz said. Care Cats is scheduled to meet later this week, and those interested in joining can get more information at the drive. Hoxworth was founded in 1938 and collects more than 90,000 units of blood every year.

from grant | page 1

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“This is the culmination of a decade of work by our team in this area, and will help a lot of people,” Page said. The study is open to participants who sustained a stroke more than one year ago.

Tweetle Dee!


from Apple | page 2

2-liter of Coca-Cola cost $1.49 at Meijer, the store brand Encore cola was 75 cents. But some students factor in more than price when choosing a grocery store. “[I shopped at Market on Main] on occasion when I lived on campus last year,” Rowe said. “The selection is really good.”

Others look for ways to make the task more exciting. Cameron Hoerig, a secondyear electrical engineering student, enjoys shopping at the University Plaza Kroger for several reasons. “Nowhere else am I going to run into a bunch of old women still wearing curlers,” Hoerig said.

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Monday Oct. 12, 2009

covering campus and beyond


SOLUTIONS sean peters

Venture Bros. season four one week away

Go team Venture! On Oct. 18, “The Venture Brothers” will premiere season four of their wildly successful cartoon, featured on Adult Swim. For those who’ve not yet had the chance to enjoy “The Venture Brothers,” think of what would happen if a boy adventurer, akin to Johnny Quest, were to grow up as a jaded, bitter scientist (Dr. Venture) who fathers two dimwitted Hardy Boy-rip offs (Hank and Dean). They’re aware of how audacious super villains are, something not prevalent in many comicbased works. Speaking of insane costumed villains, the main antagonists The Monarch and Dr. Girlfriend (now known as Dr. Mrs. The Monarch) will hopefully play as heavy a role as they have in the earlier seasons. Fans of the show can rejoice in knowing that, even though he quit his job as Dr. Venture’s bodyguard, the blond-haired behemoth, Brock Samson, will be back to maliciously kill as many evil henchmen as you can stomach. The show, created by Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer, is a hit at comic conventions all over the country where fans take great pleasure in running questions past the creative minds. Much information on season four has been disclosed in tidy little bundles we call “spoiler alerts.” Going back to the Johnny Quest comparison, “The Venture Brothers,” although a blatant homage to the Quest family’s likeness, features several cameo appearances by Johnny Quest and his father’s silver-haired bodyguard Race Bannon. It’s funny, when “The Venture Brothers” features the Quest family, Johnny is a heroin addict and Race is killed while parachuting after being hit by the airplane he just destroyed with a grenade. This show is twisted and clever. Without giving away too much of the show’s delightful secrets, here’s a rundown of what’s going on in the show: There are two organizations dedicated to feeding the flames of an ongoing war between good and evil. The Office of Secret Intelligence (OSI) supports protagonists, such as super scientists who work toward peace and not devastation. The Guild of Calamitous Intent (GCI) is comprised not of “bad guys,” but antagonists. They feel “bad guys” is too harsh a phrase. Here’s a treat, in the OSI is a secret operative who goes by the name Hunter Gatherer, who is really a satire of infamous Gonzo-journalist pioneer, Hunter S. Thompson. At the head of the notorious GCI is the supreme sovereign, who, in season three, we discover is none other than David Bowie. I couldn’t make this stuff up, though. Thankfully, Publick and Hammer have. Do you like to dress up as a malicious butterfly and hurl insults at scientists? Are you a super-scientist who is sick and tired of foiling diabolical plans? E-mail me, and we can figure out what to do with your latest, brand new death ray design.

“Inherent Vice,” Pynchon’s joint Andrew freitas the news record

I remember squinting my eyes and scrunching my nose when I heard about Thomas Pynchon’s new book, “Inherent Vice,” a detective novel with a psychedelic twist. Not out of rage nor disappointment, though. In fact, the feeling was akin to confusion. There was just something so strange about hearing what could quite possibly be Pynchon’s last novel is just so different from his others. But, despite any apprehensions lovers of his other works might have, something felt relaxed and downright good, even soothing about the novel, especially while simultaneously imagining ‘The Dude’ from The Big Lebowski doing the narration for you. If you never read Pynchon before, this is as good of a place to start as any. If you’ve read his work before, don’t worry, what you’ve come to love about his writing is mostly intact. Even in a genre that is admittedly new to him, the typical “Pynchonesque” lineup is still there: slapstick humor (think of a pimp slipping on an ice cream cone carefully placed by one of his clients), the obscure references and Pynchon’s ability to remember the ’60s better than I, at 23 years old, remember the ’90s. Comparisons to others who already mastered the genre of detective fiction such as Raymond Chandler or Dashiell Hammett, show how Pynchon developed an answer to those giants in the

protagonist, Larry “Doc” Sportello. One might imagine while Doc was busy getting his head stuffed into a locker in high school, detectives Marlowe and Spade were the ones laughing, wondering if they could fit him all the way inside. What has been replaced with the tenured sense of cool that Marlowe phoito courtesy of and Spade have is an unending supply penguin press publishi n g of marijuana and a surprising amount of acumen. Doc’s abilities seem more instinctual as well. He relies less on brawn and more on his acute ability to read people and use reefer as some sort of truth serum. Doc is a man who does things his own way, using other characters’ idiosyncrasies against them, smoking grass with them and meeting with the local deadbeats, hookers, millionaires-turnedphilanthropists and ex-girlfriends. Doc’s style of investigation lands him in the middle of a convoluted plot that balloons from an unexpected visit from Shasta, one of his ex-lovers

who is convinced that her current lover’s wife is attempting to gain control of her husband’s fortune by committing him to an insane asylum. One colorful character after another joins Doc on his journey and, ultimately, there are so many names and motivations that it can be challenging to keep track of them. We are also introduced to a mysterious entity known as the ‘Golden Fang,’ whose gradual arrival in the novel stirs up memories of the mute horn in “The Crying of Lot 49,” one of Pynchon’s acclaimed earlier works. Someone should be assigned the task of counting the number of times Pynchon wrote the words “lit up a joint” or something to that effect. Sometimes one has to write off a scene as a hallucination or, at the very least, raise an eyebrow in suspicion as Pynchon’s imagination takes off. It might be futile to pinpoint what this book is about; is it a book about the end of the ’60s, some sort of political and cultural statement, as Sauncho says, “And don’t forget ... that Charles Manson and the Vietcong are also named Charlie,” a simple attempt at exploring a different take on an aging genre, or, probably, a combination of all three? If I were to remark about one serious defect the novel has, it’s that there is seemingly never anything at stake. There are no rockets moving faster than the speed of sound or secret underground post offices. Perhaps worst of all, a protagonist whose stoned apathy is so pronounced it might just rub off on the reader. Maybe that’s the point after all.

Get away from “Couple’s Retreat” Ariel cheung the news record

photo courtesy of mct campus

Malin ackerman with Vince Vaughn as they enjoy delicious drinks during the film “Couple’s Retreat,” which hit theaters Friday, Oct. 9.

Maybe it’s one of those movies you have to see more than once. Maybe I was distracted by the obnoxious cluster of pre teens sitting in my row. Maybe it was because I don’t enjoy those awkward moments when a 20-year-old floozy drips candle wax on a naked, middle-aged divorcé. Either way, “Couples Retreat” was not my cup of tea. The story begins when Jason, played by Jason Bateman (“Juno”) and estranged wife, Cynthia (Kristen Bell of “Forgetting Sarah Marshall”), convince their friends to accompany them to a tropical-island resort that focuses on couples, assuring them that the therapy sessions are optional. Once they arrive at Eden, it is discovered that everyone must go through the therapy sessions, which unleash years of built-up tension in some and total insanity in others (Bateman, here’s lookin’ at you). From there, the movie slips into the surreal world that writers Jon Favreau, Vince Vaughn and Dana Fox apparently call marriage. From an arousing scene with masseurs to Dave and Ronnie’s overbearing therapist, the situations are often creepy and rarely believable. In fact, the entire movie felt like an attempt to merge the offbeat humor of movies like “Dodgeball” and “Anchorman” and typical romantic comedies. And while this can be managed (“Knocked Up” is a worthy example), “Couples Retreat” did not pull it off. Thankfully, this wasn’t the fault

of the cast. Vince Vaughn (“Dodgeball,” “The Break-Up”) as the leading man, Dave, keeps several scenes from tanking with his easy-going attitude and comfortable companionship with wife Ronnie, played by Malin Akerman (“Watchmen,” “27 Dresses”). Faizon Love as the exhausted, recently divorced Shane is mildly amusing and did the best he could with such a creepy storyline. I mean, being depantsed in front of everyone by squeaky-voiced, barely-legal girlfriend, Trudy (Kali Hawk) just wasn’t really funny and couldn’t have been that fun to do. Meanwhile, Bateman somehow managed to turn the straight-edged, neurotic Jason into a creepy, clingy nut job. You can’t help but hope a coconut will fall on his head and put us all out of our misery. Surprisingly, next to Vaughn, Colin Baiocchi has the best comedic timing in the cast. It’s surprising because Baiocchi, who plays Vaughn’s son Kevin, is a toddler. While his scenes are few and far between, the times he practiced his potty training skills in the hardware store are classic Eden’s staff only adds to the creepy factor, or at least when you can actually understand them with their strange accents. Stanley (Peter Serafinowicz), who serves as the resident watchdog, has a great scene with Vaughn; a saloon-style battle royal, “Rock Band” style. The movie is somewhat redeemed in the second half with the arrival of Jennifer (Tasha Smith), Shane’s ex-wife. While her explanation of “I wanted you to come after me” as a justification of the divorce was half baked, it was just a relief to be rid of Trudy and her constant whines of “Daddy” (which she apparently calls all her boyfriends). When it comes to “Couples Retreat,” I think Akerman puts it best while trapped in a crazy singles beach party: “A couple more minutes and I’ll just roofie myself.”

photo courtesy of mct campus

The cast of “Couple’s Retreat” spent a month in Bora Bora for filming. For more information on the movie, go see it in theaters now, if you dare.

CCM hosts festival for future art students Jeremy davis the news record

The University of Cincinnati is set to host the Cincinnati Performing and Visual Arts Fair and a special panel discussion hosted at the College-Conservatory of Music Tuesday, Oct. 13. The fair is presented by the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), a group founded to help students prepare for the switch to higher education. Students in artistic fields are invited to the events to gain an overview of everything they might want to know regarding the pursuit of a graduate or undergraduate degree in a wide range of arts programs, including

writing, dancing, music, visual arts, theater, art and graphic design. The NACAC’s Cincinnati Performing and Visual Arts Fair aims to provide college-bound high school students and those interested in earning a degree in the arts with a one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn information that assists in their transition to college. Those who attend are able to learn about various educational opportunities at a variety of different schools, audition and entrance requirements, financial aid, admissions process, student life and the ins and outs of a college career centered on the arts. Students will also have the chance to meet administration officials and representatives from various colleges, universities, studios,

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festivals, conservatories and many other academic institutions that are specifically designed to focus on visual and performing arts programs. These representatives will answer questions students may have on how to go about achieving their college goals. The NACAC is an education association based out of Arlington, Va., and includes more than 11,000 primary and secondary academic personnel equipped to assist students as school counselors, college admission and financial aid officers and enrollment managers to help students make the transition from high school to postsecondary education smoother. Each year, the NACAC sponsors numerous performing and visual arts fairs around the country, including events in

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Washington, Los Angeles, New York City, Chicago, Dallas, Boston, Philadelphia and Las Vegas. More than 20,000 students attend the fairs annually. In addition, CCM is scheduled to host a special pre-fair panel discussion, “Choosing the Right Music School for You – The Fit Factor,” which features a number of presentations by admission representatives from various schools. The fair will be hosted from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and will be located in Tangeman University Center ’s Great Hall. Prior to CCM’s fair, a panel discussion will begin at 6 p.m. in Mary Emery Hall, Room 3250. Admission to both events is free and open to the public.

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Monday Oct. 12, 2009


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Monday Oct. 12, 2009

sports covering all uc sports


ANTICS sam elliott

United Football League is here to stay

One of fall’s most monumental events took place Thursday, Oct. 8, and no, I’m not talking about Jim and Pam’s wedding on “The Office.” I’m talking about what took place in Las Vegas, and it had nothing to do with poker, boxing or gambling. The Las Vegas Locomotives beat the California Redwoods 30-17 in the first game of the inaugural season of the United Football League. “The what?” you ask. The UFL, a new professional football league, fields four teams that will play a six-game season before a championship game during Thanksgiving weekend. The New York Sentinels and Florida Tuskers round out the league. By the way, a tusker is a wild boar. Who knew? UFL’s web site ( proclaims the league as “where future stars come to play!” The UFL seems content to be a sort of developmental league for the National Football League. Teams will allow players to seek NFL contracts after each season, but the league insists the UFL won’t be a “minor” league of any kind. The league’s mission statement includes being a “high-quality, traditional football league comprised of world class professional football players.” Of the UFL’s 200 players, 48 percent have NFL experience, more than half (109) played at a BCS university and 27.8 percent were selected in the first three founds of the NFL draft, according to an story. Notable UFL players this season include Super Bowl XXXVII MVP Dexter Jackson, Tatum Bell, Brooks Bollinger, Simeon Rice and J.P. Losman, the starting quarterback for Las Vegas. The UFL could also be a great destination for college football players whose NFL chances are unclear. They can earn a paycheck while still working toward an NFL career. The UFL secured a respected foursome of head coaches to start the upstart league. Former NFL Coaches of the Year, Jim Fassel and Jim Haslett, are the head coaches in Las Vegas and Florida, respectively. Former Minnesota Vikings and Arizona Cardinals head coach Dennis Green is in charge in California and New York has Ted Cottrell at the helm. Cottrell has more than two decades of NFL coaching experience and served as a defensive coordinator on four different NFL teams. While the league consists of solid players, coaches and executives, history doesn’t deliver optimism to the UFL. Professional football outside of the NFL hasn’t exactly flourished. You might remember, or not remember, the short-lived Xtream Football League (XFL), that founder Vince McMahon brought to the world in 2001. Believe it or not, the league folded after just one season do to its everchanging rules and overall lack of quality play failed to hold a significant television audience. After being founded in 1987, playing 22 seasons and gaining in popularity in recent years, the Arena Football League was forced to cancel the 2009 season and later declare bankruptcy. The AFL’s padded walls, eight-on-eight style of play, 50yard field and overall quirkiness found a niche audience, but the league just couldn’t pay its debts. The league is working toward a 2010 return. Before the AFL was formed there was the United States Football League, which in 1983 began playing pro football in the spring and summer. After three seasons the USFL aimed to compete directly with the NFL by moving their schedule to the fall and even filing a lawsuit against the NFL for being a monopoly. Long story short: the USFL won the case but sill lost and never played another game. The UFL will be different, and not just because of its minor rule changes (no tuck rule, touchdown celebrations and 25-second play clock, for example). This is a legitimate league that will put a quality product on the fields of cities left out by the NFL. With a strong executive team with significant NFL experience and TV deals in place to be financially successful, the UFL should be around for a long time. And if not, oh well. We’ll always have the NFL. And hey, the New United States Football League, another new league, is currently slated for a spring 2010 inaugural season.

Bearcats hold off Villanova sam weinberg the news record

The University of Cincinnati men’s soccer team is back in contention for a Big East Championship after a 2-1 victory against Big East foe Villanova Saturday, Oct. 10. The win was important for the Bearcats as the top-six teams in the division play in the Big East tournament. UC was in seventh place before the game after losing back-to-back games to DePaul and the University of South Florida. “I’m proud of our guys,” said UC head coach Hylton Dayes. “We’ve been on a two game losing streak and winning a home Big East match is a great way to bounce back.” The Bearcats (8-5, 3-4 Big East) currently sit in sixth place in the Big East Red Division. Both teams played aggressively the entire game with a combined 34 fouls and six cards. “This was a typical Big East match, hard fought and physical,” Dayes said. “Our guys battled very well against a good Villanova team.” Thirteen minutes into the game, the Bearcats struck first with a scorcher from the top of the box by junior Mark Konitsch.

The Bearcats finished the first half up 1-0, giving up five shots and zero shots on goal. “The first half we played some pretty good soccer,” Dayes said. “I thought we deserved to be in the lead based on the fact that we were carrying the game.” Matters got worse for Villanova 10 minutes into the second half, when senior forward Adam Amann was ejected from the game with a red card, forcing the Wildcats to play a man down the rest of the match. “Honestly it looked like [Villanova] started to play better down a man,” Dayes said. “We knew we were going to get more chances because not only were they playing a man down, but they were chasing the game too.” One of those chances came 32 minutes into the second half with a goal off the head of sophomore Matt Bahner assisted by junior Nick Weightman on a free kick giving the Bearcats a 2-0 lead. Despite being a man down the Wildcats managed to get a goal with seven minutes left, however, the goal by Bahner proved to be the nail in the coffin as the Bearcats took the match 2-1.

thomas e. smith | the news record

judson mckinney AND the UC men’s soccer team are 5-0 all-time against Villanova. “I think Matt got a great second goal and it gave us a little breathing room,” Dayes said. “At the end, Villanova got the one back and made it a scramble.” Bahner is playing well and has scored a goal in three out of the last four games. Next up, the Bearcats play Michigan Wednesday, Oct. 14, at Gettler Stadium and then finish the season with four Big East teams starting at Rutgers Saturday, Oct. 17.


Coulter loeb | the news record

The Jefferson avenue sports complex will consist of a 100-yard field and a 50-yard field located between Daniels Residence Hall and the Edwards Center. UC Director of Athletics Mike Thomas hopes the facility will be complete by Sept. 1, 2010. tiffany george the news record

University of Cincinnati Director of Athletics Mike Thomas anticipates having enough funding to break ground on the new indoor practice facility in the next several months. Thomas is hopeful the complex will be completed by Sept. 1, 2010. With an estimated cost of $13.5 million, the complex will include a 100-yard practice field, a 50-yard practice field, grandstands, concession stands, lights and an inflatable bubble over the 100-yard field for winter months. Thomas would not say how much money is still needed, but did say the university is getting closer to the amount every day. While an official start date for the project has yet to be set, architects and contractors have a rough schedule mapped out for the completion of the new complex, Thomas said.

“The start date right now is a little bit of a moving target,” Thomas said. The most likely time to start the project is December or February. Thomas would not elaborate on exactly how much the new facilities are directly related to keeping head football coach Brian Kelly at UC, but said he has every intention of keeping Kelly as the coach of the Bearcats’. “People should enjoy the moment and enjoy the ride and not lose sleep over, or worry about what’s going to happen a couple months down the road,” Thomas said. “A couple of months down the road is going to come and I think people should enjoy what’s happening today.” Currently, UC’s football team is one of two teams that practice on the same field they play games on. The Marshall University Thundering Herd also practice on its game field. The necessity of separate practice fields has been a subject of conversation for a while, but

the recent success of the UC football team has helped to accelerate the process. “This is about a BCS Division I football program not having the basic day-to-day facilities that it needs to function,” Thomas said. Donations to fund the complex are from corporat contributors and private contributors. Larry Sheakley of the Sheakley Group offered to match every dollar the university raises, up to $1 million. Once the goal was reached, Sheakley offered to match an additional $1.5 million. An official name has not yet been set for the new complex, which will also serve as a home venue for the women’s lacrosse team. The name will most likely come from a corporation or individual who is linked to the funding of the project, Thomas said. “Let me put it this way: If it ends up being called the Jefferson Avenue Sports Complex,” Thomas said, “that means we probably didn’t do a very good job raising money.”

Cincy sweeps Blue Demons, 3-0 pat strang the news record

Freshmen Emily Hayden and Jordanne Scott led the University of Cincinnati volleyball team in games against Notre Dame University and DePaul University Saturday, Oct. 10,

and Sunday, Oct. 11. The Bearcats (13-8, 4-1 Big East) fell to Notre Dame 3-2 on Saturday and defeated Depaul 3-0 on Sunday. Hayden came off the bench to record a career-high 18 kills, with a hitting percentage of .561 against Notre Dame.

kareem elgazzar | the news record

stephanie niemer spikes the ball past two University of West Virginia players during UC’s 3-0 sweep Sunday, Oct. 4.

Scott led Cincinnati with 13 kills and a hitting percentage of .600 against DePaul. “That is why we recruited [Hayden and Scott],” said UC head coach Reed Sunahara. “We knew they had the potential and that’s what we were waiting for.” Sophomore Missy Harpenau and junior Stephanie Niemer also played well for the Cats against the Irish. Niemer had 19 kills, while Harpenau recorded a career-high 21 digs and 10 kills after a slow start. “[Harpenau] started out hitting negative, but she came back with a bunch of kills,” Sunahara said. “When she is scoring points for us, we are pretty dangerous.” Against Notre Dame, the Cats got off to a slow start, but kept it close with the Irish. UC lost sets one and two, 2522 and 25-19 respectively. “I just said, ‘hey, we are better than what we are showing,’” Sunahara said. “‘What we need to do is just go out there and play our game, we have got nothing to lose.’” Cincinnati battled back and won the next two sets 25-20 and 25-23, forcing a fifth set. UC fell behind 5-1 in the fifth set, | 513.556.5913

but scored the next seven out of nine points, taking an 8-7 lead. After trading a few points, the Irish put the Cats away with three straight service aces and won the fifth set 15-10. The loss was the first the Cats sustained in Big East play this season. UC came out against DePaul with more energy and swept the Blue Demons in three-straight sets. DePaul hung with UC keeping the score close at 10-9. The Cats began to pull away winning nine of the next 13 points and took a 19-13 lead. Cincinnati went on to win the first set 25-15. The Bearcats kept the pressure on in sets two and three and faced a deficit only once in the third set. The Cats won set two 25-18 and set three 25-11, completing the sweep of DePaul. UC held the Blue Demons to a low .04 hitting percentage, while the Cats dominated DePaul at the net hitting .356. Six different Bearcats recorded at least three kills in the win against DePaul. Next up, UC is scheduled play Rutgers University in Piscataway, N.J., at 2 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 17.

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