TNR - 9.24.09

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THE INdependent student news organization at the university of cincinnati

Vol. CXXVIV Issue 2

thursday , sept . 24, 2009 uc vs fresno state

back to school Check out the photos for familiar faces and hackey sack page 7

arlis perry Local metal heads assault listeners with hard rockin’ page 3

The undefeated Bearcats look to continue their streak Saturday page 12

Jewish Hospital to leave Health Alliance Sara Maratta the news record

The Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati recently agreed to sell Jewish Hospital to Catholic Partners, leaving the Health Alliance at risk to dissolve. In the Health Alliance contract, if two or more hospitals leave the Alliance within a six-month period, it says the Alliance will be dissolved; Jewish Hospital is the second of two, following suit with Fort Hamilton Hospital. This leaves only University Hospital, West Chester Medical Center, Alliance Primary Care and the Drake Center within the Health Alliance. Fear swept Alliance workers as well as the University of Cincinnati Board of Trustees and the College of Medicine. “These actions will do great harm to the safety-net health care services on which our community relies, and to the teaching and

Report: student satisfaction up from last year Eric Johnson the news record

research programs of UC,” wrote Buck Niehoff UC chairman of the Board of Trustees in a letter to the Jewish Foundation and Jewish Health Systems boards. “[University Hospital] can stand on its own, and we’ve developed scenarios where that can happen, but it wouldn’t be as able to perform its current missions in the community if it were alone,” Niehoff said. “What we will not do is ‘roll over’ and allow hard-earned assets of the university and the state of Ohio to flow to a private organization to the detriment of the university.” The protracted search by the Jewish Foundation for new ownership ended after a devout 18-month quest. Mercy has taken possession of Jewish Hospital for approximately $180 million. Catholic Healthcare Partners is Ohio’s largest health system and one of the largest nonprofit health care systems in the United States. “Jewish Hospital must be aligned with

a clinically sound and financially strong healthcare system to ensure its long-term vitality in an increasingly complex healthcare environment,” said Gary Heiman, president of the Jewish Foundation. Throughout the hospital’s 159 years of service, it remained in the hands of members of the Cincinnati Jewish community. The sale will allow the Jewish Foundation to pursue other charitable endeavors within the local Jewish community. In addition, Mercy aims to respect the traditions of the hospital. “Our mission is excellent patient care and Jewish does the same thing,” said Jim May, president and CEO of Mercy Health Partners. With the acquisition of Jewish Hospital, Mercy’s sphere of influence will expand to the Kenwood area. Mercy already owns hospitals in Batavia, Anderson Township, Fairfield, Mount Airy and Westwood. “We’re trying to keep people in their

communities to get their care,” May said. Mercy aims to provide services that once were not available to their patients through the addition of Jewish’s unique services. Jewish Hospital’s oncology department offers the only bone-marrow transplant center in the region, along with the largest center for joint-replacement services and a well-known cardiac program. Not only are the services of Jewish attractive to Mercy, it is financially viable as well. Last year Jewish Hospital ended the year with a surplus of around $27 million. The details of the deal are still being determined and the sale will not be finalized until the end of the year after a government review. This new combined system of Mercy and Jewish Hospital will become one of the region’s largest, with a budget of almost $970 million. Jewish Hospital will retain its name and employees. Services at Jewish Hospital will not be disrupted during the transition period.

UC welcomes historic number of freshmen Welcome to the Big time

Student satisfaction rose more than 5 percent since 2008’s UC|21 report card, according to the report presented Tuesday, Sept. 22, at the University of Cincinnati’s Board of Trustees meeting. Interim-President Monica Rimai started the session with a presentation of the UC|21 plan report card, which has been presented to the board since the plan’s implementation in 2003. She covered the six areas* in which the plan is focused. Student retention rates also rose 1 percent compared to 2008’s report card. Vice President for Student Affairs Mitch Livingston and his team gave a comprehensive overview of how the university will disperse aid this year. Split between need-based aid, merit awards and special talent scholarships, UC plans to award approximately $34.2 million this year to undergraduates. The primary focus of Livingston’s report was to highlight the narrowing gap between the education of white and black students. The Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Plan is also a part of Livingston’s strategy to combat the difference. In collaboration with Cincinnati Public Schools, UC has successfully opened the second center at Hughes Center High School. The STEM center’s aim is to prepare students from urban neighborhoods for the challenges that will meet them at higher academic levels. Jeff Williams, chairman of the UC Foundation reported that this was the fourth most successful year in fundraising for the university. More than 32,000 donors, up approximately 22 percent from the previous year’s report card, gave almost $91 million.

*UC|21’s Interests 1 2 3 4 5 6

Scholarship Citizenship Stewardship Leadership Partnership Cultural competence

Head football coach, Brian Kelly, made an appearance to celebrate Saturday’s victory over the Oregon State Beavers and encourage students to attend the Sept. 26 game. “Usually our motto is ‘Come early. Be loud. Wear black.’ but Saturday is a whiteout game so we’ll see if you really are the smartest freshman class if you can all wear white,” Kelly said.


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Coulter Loeb | the news record

University leaders welcome incoming freshmen at the convocation event Sunday Sept. 20.

Local police streamline patrols

see convocation | page 6

UCPD and CPD begin collaboration to increase efficiency


Amanda Woodruff the news record

1 News 3 Entertainment 5 Opinion 7 College Living 11 Classifieds 12 Sports briefs

hoxworth: life saving luau when Thursday, Sept. 24. 4-6 where McMicken Commons

The new student convocation kicked off Welcome Week for incoming freshman class Sunday, Sept. 20, in Fifth Third Arena. Leaders of the ceremony welcomed students to the University of Cincinnati community by encouraging them to connect with their new campus, provide information about college life and start off their college careers. Fifth Third Arena was packed with eager students, their families and new mentors. UC’s band, dance team, cheerleaders and Bearcat pumped up the crowd before Marla Hall, faculty chairperson, began the introductions. All present UC faculty and administrators dressed in full academic regalia, including interim president, Monica Rimai. “Today we are here to celebrate your entrance into the UC community, discuss tools for success and offer advice to ensure a well-rounded, satisfying college experience,” Rimai said. “Really enjoy yourselves this year. Pursue experiences outside of class, but don’t forget why you came here in the first place – please go to class. Above all else, pursue balance,” Rimai said. The incoming freshman class is the largest in UC history with more than 6,000 students bringing the university total to approximately 38,700 – the highest since 1981. The class also represents 945 Cincinnatus Scholars, 28 National Merit Scholars, 34 states, 36 countries and 58 valedictorians. The large class size worries some of the incoming students. “Being a member of the biggest and smartest class makes me afraid that I won’t find a job when I graduate,” said Therese Nagengast, a first-year biology student. Others favored UC because of the size. “I chose UC because it was close to home and I liked the big, urban campus,” said first-year business student Zak Stewart. “But I’m kind of afraid of getting jumped. I’ve heard stories about crime that happens around campus.”

Support for sports


80° °

Carly Tamborski the news record


The Hoxworth Blood Center is hosting a luau to augment their regular blood drive. Expect to see grass skirts and tropical drinks. The Hoxworth Blood Center staff will attend the party and address any student questions and concerns about giving blood. Contact Eric Schmaltz for more information. 513-558-1200 or visit

The University of Cincinnati Police Department joined the City of Cincinnati Police Districts in a joint-car system to patrol the surrounding campus areas. This collaborative effort began Sept. 13, as the only program of its kind in Cincinnati. The objective is to place one UCPD officer in the same patrol car as a city police officer in order to reduce crime. It also alleviates the down time in situations where students are involved and UCPD must be called to the scene. WEB EXCLUSIVE

Old Chem is Falling Down The 600 and 700 levels on the north section of the building are off limits to students and faculty until next summer.

“We were looking for a way to get better use of our resources,” said Capt. Karen Patterson of UCPD. “We decided to try the joint-car idea and the city was wiling to buy into it.” The decision came after a high number of reported crimes last academic year and during the summer months. The dividing line between Districts 4 and 5 aligns with Jefferson Avenue. Yet, student housing permeates those boundaries, therefore, the responsibilities and presence of UCPD officers overlap with those of CPD. The joint-car system with

District 5, respectively, will encompass areas west of Clifton Avenue, South of McMillan Street and Martin Luther King Drive, and east of Highland Avenue. The cars will run in the evening hours, when crime is statistically more probable. The joint-car is different than a see ucpd | page 6 Justin Tepe | the news record

in combining patrols, the UCPD and CPD Districts 4 and 5 aim to reduce crime by overlapping jurisdictions

online @ Slideshow Audio slideshow of students along MainStreet on the first day of classes. | 513.556.5908

Photos of the Week A showcase of the TNR photo staff’s best pictures of sports and current university news.


Thursday Sept. 24, 2009 Weekend Edition

from soccer | page 12



Mc Millan

miscommunication,” “Players get Dayes said. “It certainly was a soft emotional, especially goal and there was some fault there, in a game as because it should have been a routine frusterating as this.” ball that we were Hylton Days, able to clean up.” Head coach, men’s soccer Matt Behner received his second yellow card of the game after a hard tackle and was ejected by referee Kelly Ross with 10 seconds remaining in the game. “Players get emotional especially in a game as frustrating as this,” Dayes said. “Certainly the referee saw it one way and unfortunately he has to make the call based on what he sees.” Next up, the Bearcats go on the road for two games, where they are scheduled to play at Marquette Friday, Sept. 25, and Notre Dame Sunday, Sept. 27.


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Thursday Sept. 24, 2009 Weekend Edition

covering campus and beyond


nick grever

Zakk Wylde gets canned by Ozzy Ozzy Osbourne is a dick. There, I said it. And it’s true. Whether you love him, hate him, haven’t heard of him since his reality show or couldn’t care less about him, it is hard to deny Osbourne is anything other than a jerk. A filthy rich jerk, but jerk nonetheless. You want an example? Then an example you shall receive. Over the summer, Osbourne announced he was searching for a new guitarist and he was close to announcing whom it was. Nothing too odd here, solo acts like Osbourne (and Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, etcetera) replace their supporting bandmates with regularity. But shortly after Osbourne’s announcement, a slight wrinkle to the story emerged. Apparently Osbourne didn’t bother to tell his long time guitarist and close friend, Zakk Wylde, of his plans. Great way to treat a friend there, Osbourne. After Osbourne’s initial interview, Wylde responded with a few Tweets, basically saying, “I have no clue what’s going on, I think I still have a job.” As time went on, Wylde went from supportive, to confused, to angry. He responded in several media outlets regarding the situation, even calling Osbourne a “pussy” in one radio interview. All of this mess culminated in a trip to the hospital for Wylde. Yes, Zakk Wylde was admitted to the emergency room during this whole ordeal, for blood clots. Sure, it could be argued that it is a separate case that happened to occur at a stressful time. But you can also say that Danzig is never angry, only misunderstood. In other words, possible, but not probable. I mean, Zakk Wylde isn’t the healthiest person in the music industry today. It’s rare to see Wylde without either a guitar or a bottle of Jack Daniel’s, or both, because that’s just metal. But honestly, imagine how you would feel if your good friend and boss told a random interviewer you were being replaced. You weren’t informed mind you, you heard this second hand. And after this crazy event, your friend dodged you, not answering phone calls and leaving you to stew in confusion and uncertainty. Not a healthy state of mind for anyone, and Zakk Wylde probably isn’t in tip-top shape. And what reason did Osbourne give for the replacement? He claimed that his music began to sound too much like Wylde’s band, Black Label Society. Maybe it’s just me, but isn’t that Osbourne’s problem? Sure, Wylde may be writing riffs he’s known for. But he was with Osbourne far before he formed Black Label. So in actuality, wouldn’t Black Label sound like an offshoot of Osbourne’s work? Semantics? Perhaps. A weak reason to fire a longtime friend, confidante and band mate? Hell yes. And really, looking at the big picture, will Osbourne’s signing of Gus G., a talented guitarist, make any sort of difference in the grand scheme of things? Osbourne still can’t sing (hell, he can’t even talk), he has no stage presence and his best music was written almost 40 years ago with a little band called Black Sabbath. No amount of new blood will replace Tommy Iommi and company. See Black Sabbath with Ronny James Dio instead of Osbourne, going by the name of Heaven and Hell, as proof of the magic. And for the record, Osbourne recently released a statement regarding Wylde’s firing. He stated, “I haven’t fallen out with Zakk; he’s a very good … he’s got his own career — he don’t need me anymore.” A very reasonable statement to be sure. But that statement was made on Sept. 22, the initial statement regarding Wylde’s replacement was made in July. More than three months passed before Wylde got closure. With friends like that Wylde, it’s no wonder you drink. Do you want to take Ozzy’s side? E-mail me at

Rainy day cuts Launch short Sean peters the news record

The second annual Launch Music Festival on the University of Cincinnati campus was cut short due to rain. Put on by Bearcast, it was originally slated to feature The Harlequins, Enlou and The Seedy Seeds. Only The Harlequins were able to perform before the storm hit — it’s as if the clouds were kept from collapsing by The Harlequins’ excellent performance of psychedelic garage rock. “We’ll be playing the Inner Peace Holistic Center,” said the band’s front man, Michael Oliva, “So come by if you want to get a massage … or a Jello shot.” Their set begins at 9 p.m.. Oliva describes their music as “a little psychedelic, a little dirty and a little catchy.” While Enlou and The Seedy Seeds were unable to play Launch, you can catch them both at the Midpoint Music Festival. Enlou will be playing at Know Theater, at 8 p.m. Sept. 25. The Seedy Seeds will play the Contemporary Arts Center 8 p.m.,Thursday, Sept. 24. While nothing is finalized, Bearcast is interested in rescheduling the Launch Music Festival. Maybe they’ll call it the “Re-Launch Music Festival.”

Kareem elgazzar | the news record

The harlequins are one of Cincinnati’s premiere rock and roll acts, with a sound that defies standard classification. Check them out at Also, go to and to hear the other bands that were not able to play Launch.

justin tepe | the news record


photo courtesy of Arlis perry

This band doesn’t have to try to look like they’re having a good time, it just happens. From left to right: Nate Wells, Ryan McAllister, Adam Sievering and Vergil Roesell. Check them out Saturday, Sept. 26 at The Mad Hatter in Covington when they open for Beneath the Sky.

Newcomers leave listeners feeling all sorts of good Sean peters the news record


dismembered torso hangs from the wall behind a stacked Ampeg guitar amplifier, bloody stumps, where the limbs should be. I’m thankful it’s only made of foam, or else the stench of rotting flesh would be unbearable — surprisingly enough, Arlis Perry’s practice space smells pretty good. They’re playing through their set for Saturday’s upcoming show, trying to figure out where songs should go, how to best

present the music they’ve worked hard to write and perform. Even during practice, the four-piece band plays with such tenacity and brutal enthusiasm you’d think they were doing something illegal. Arlis Perry took their name from a 1974 murder victim who was found dead on the church grounds of Stanford University. Her corpse was posed in a ritualistic arrangement with altar candles forcefully inserted into her sex organs. The murder remains unsolved. Their song “Snake Night”

photo courtesy of Arlis perry

This band likes to get wet. You should keep your eyes open for Arlis Perry. Listen to them at

features double-guitar licks in meticulous harmony, musical passages Iron Maiden would have loved to create. For those who haven’t heard them, Arlis Perry has combined the riff power of Led Zeppelin, the vocal threat of The Misfits and the rhythmic drum frenzy that could only come from Adam Sievering, a 2009 Arts and Sciences English graduate. Arlis Perry is a startlingly tight, professional band of musicians, though not in the crystal clean, dance-synchronization that you’d expect from Disney Channel’s favorite boy bands. Not even close. “It’s raw,” said lead guitarist Vergil Roesell, who graduated from the College-Conservatory of Music in 2003 with an electronic media degree. Vergil’s brutal guitar playing seamlessly weaves with the bass lines of Ryan McAllister, a 2008 UC graduate in digital design. The two share the responsibility of driving songs with their heavy riffs and melodic phrasing. Nate Wells, the band’s vocalist and occasional second guitarist, has a voice that would make Danzig uncomfortable, if that were even possible. During the band’s first show, he wore a T-shirt with Charles Manson’s face emblazoned on the front, so it’s only appropriate that

they played “Helter Skelter,” The Beatles’ recognition of the slayings that essentially ended the hippy era. If you think the original version was heavy, imagine putting it into the hands of such accomplished musicians who not only attain pop-credibility with their tight songwriting, but also are able to make even The Beatles sound metal as hell. With song titles such as “Hunted, Stalked and Slain” and “Mongolian Beasts of War” (a clever title referring to Chow Chow puppies), Arlis Perry effortlessly integrates the macabre into their collective persona without coming off as depressing or jaded. “Yes! You’ve just found the groove channel!” McAllister said to Roesell during an impromptu jam. They’re working on transcribing the classic pirate-jig “Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum” into a heavily distorted and evil sounding movement. Sievering pounds his drums, fooling me into thinking that Brann Dailor of Mastodon was filling in. Saturday, Sept. 26, Arlis Perry will play The Mad Hatter in Covington, K.Y. where they’ll support Beneath the Sky, so expect plenty of rough housing and mosh pits. Tickets are $8.

Brand New’s brand new CD satisfies paul kreiner the news record

Brand New’s latest album, Daisy, hit stores Tuesday, Sept. 22, after a three-year gap from their most recent album, The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me. For some, like myself, this was the most anticipated album release of the fall season. Brand New is an alternative rock group from Long Island, N.Y.. Daisy is their fourth album and plays for just under 41 minutes. If there is one thing I’ve learned from listening to Brand New albums, it’s that it takes a few listens through to get into the music. Daisy is no exception. Again Brand New takes quite a turn from their previous album to bring fans a new sound. Fans who thought the last album played a bit too slowly will get their just reward as Daisy’s songs play louder and faster, though fans may not think so by some of the introduction music. “Vices,” for instance, starts with a woman singing what sounds like an old tune from the 1940s before kicking into the hardest song Brand

New has ever played. The song does contain some screaming from lead singer Jesse Lacey, something I hoped they would never turn to. However, the two songs that stuck out to me had a slower tempo. “Daisy,” the song the album was named for, also has some odd-choice audio clips to begin it and in the middle as well. But the lyrics are smooth and the tempo shakes the core of listeners as the bass kicks in. The other song that stuck out was “You Stole,” which plays softer than even Daisy. Not to leave you hanging, the song “Noro” ends with the same woman that began Vices. I have been a huge Brand New fan since Deja Entendu came out and I have heard the opinions of many different fans. Some have said that after the first album, Your Favorite Weapon, the band went downhill, and now some are saying that they are going too mainstream with Daisy. I see things quite differently. The past three albums since Your Favorite Weapon have been an evolution of the band’s capability to manifest new sounds and write better lyrics. The first album | 513.556.5913

sounded like Taking Back Sunday; Daisy sounds like no other band. While there are the softer songs, Brand New has completely cut any acoustic songs from the album. This is a real disappointment for fans of Soco Amaretto Lime or Play Crack the Sky. Don’t count out Lacey’s vocals just yet; there is plenty of fine writing and singing to back it up on this album. I wouldn’t call this the best Brand New album ever, but I also wouldn’t count it out. After all the list to choose from is still small and there is no telling which direction the band will turn for their hopeful next release. I recommend that any fan who has stuck with the band so far listen to the album, and if you are just looking for a new sound that is more than just random noise, well this is it. Brand New is currently on tour promoting their album, but Cincinnati is not currently listed as one of the stops.



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Sept. 24, 2009 Weekend Edition

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opinion CUF redevelopment still stalled Thursday

Sept. 24, 2009

discussion board for all walks of life




Opinions sizzle as health care debate heats up

In the last several months, the debate surrounding health care reform flared the spirits of many. A string of summer tea parties and heated, tension-filled town hall meetings divided lines among supporters and opponents of the health care reform proposals. With accusations of rationed health care, death panels, major tax increases and “pulling the plug on Grandma,” the Obama administration is fighting back against criticisms amid an increasingly hostile political environment. Political mudslinging was at its finest from those on all sides of the issues; we’ve heard and seen almost all of it in this debate. But one issue we haven’t heard enough of is why the government should be involved in the first place. Throughout this debate, the majority of the talking has only been focused on how government should be fixing health care, instead of why government should be fixing health care. Questioning the government’s involvement and the means at which they intend to fund such a massive overhaul of health care is what drives these concerns. Many believe that current health care plan proposals are based on economic fallacies and would become a massive and unnecessary burden on an already economically weakened nation. “As bureaucrats take over medicine, costs go up and quality goes down because doctors spend more and more of their time on paperwork and less time helping patients,” said Rep. Ron Paul in his weekly column, Texas Straight Talk. “As costs skyrocket, as they always do when inefficient bureaucrats take the reins, government will need to confiscate more and more money from an already foundering economy to somehow pay the bills.” The underlying reality that proponents of a virtual government takeover of health care tend to ignore is the government simply doesn’t have the funds to pay for such a massive public health care reform. As the economy continues to grumble through a recession, the nation can’t afford to add billions more on top of drastically increasing deficits which reached $485.2 billion earlier this year. Where would the money come from? More borrowing? Higher taxes? Would they resort to just printing more? Sure, that’s all worked well before. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the health care plan may cost around a trillion dollars over a period of 10 years. Whew, only a trillion? It’s been said that government bureaucrats never seem to view any existing government programs as failed ones, but rather as underfunded ones. Both democrats and republicans always believe throwing heaps of cash at less-than-functional programs will somehow make everything all better. “The government, like any household struggling with bills to pay, should prioritize its budget,” Paul said. “If the administration is serious about supporting health care without contributing to our skyrocketing deficits, they should fulfill promises to reduce our overseas commitments and use some of those savings to take care of Americans at home instead of killing foreigners abroad.” Another unfortunate aspect of the debate is the accusations of racial intolerance. The race card, a touchy, yet popular tool for the media is used when they can’t substantially debate the opposition, so they resort to the same old tricks. “They can’t stand the president because he’s black,” they say. Most TV talking heads, pundits and the politically ignorant have attempted to characterize most of the opposition to President Obama’s policies as being strictly fueled by overt racism. It’s a weak argument at best made by those who want to marginalize any opposition, and it is the easiest way to quickly discredit dissenters. It’s an argument of last resort, when all other avenues of deflecting criticism have failed, and it slaps the opposition with a label that is hard to peel off. And despite even the president himself rejecting this argument by stating race was not the cause of all the fierce criticisms and that concerns and distrust in government are what motivates dissenters, many still attempt to divide the debate based on racial lines. So the debate will continue, with concerned grannies clutching their plugs, keeping them un-pulled. Let’s just hope that sanity enters this debate sometime soon. Sick of health care discussions? Want to continue the debate? Let Jeremy know at

Former inhabitants mocked by empty lots, missed deadlines Maria bergh the news record

Clifton Heights, University Heights and Fairview Heights (CUF), as a whole is good, solid and substantial. Through the summer – and mostly empty of students – the area is deliciously satisfying. During the school year, the frothy excitement and volume of University of Cincinnati affiliates transforms Clifton’s contented character until the neighborhood, which can only be described as occupied territory, becomes simply a delivery mechanism –­ like a donut – for its filling. To take this another ludicrous step further, university-driven, off-campus developments are added frosting and sprinkles, external efforts at masking the less savory segments of ­­Clifton with a flashy sugarcoating. These include the university’s attempts at off-campus housing at Stratford and University Park Apartments. Both projects annihilated large stretches of local homes, apartments and businesses, and it is now clear the good intentions have fallen far short of their projections, particularly on the redevelopment of McMillan Park – the empty stretch of grass between Calhoun and West McMillan streets. This is due, most obviously, to a lack of funding that prompted former President Nancy Zimpher, in January 2007 to pledge to “take a hoe out there” herself if the project took longer

It is now clear the good intentions [of the university] have fallen far short of their projections, particularly on the redevelopment of McMillan Park than two years. Time’s ticking, and while she has moved on, UC (and the neighborhood) is left with a swath of parking and unusable grass that was to become apartments, upscale chain dining and retail: a generally shiny, safe and recognizable corridor of entertainment between campus and the greater community. It is insult added to injury that the ousted local businesses lie vacant where they stood. Students returning to campus are largely indiscriminate: loudly supporting whichever establishments, be they local or national chain, are able to supply cheap and good food, drink, and entertainment, and absorb silently the cost of noise, population and trash. Students did not take responsibility for the demolition of neighbors then, and now the lack of a diversity of local storefronts is taken for

granted. This is not neighborly, but when have we, as a student population, been aware of that responsibility? Students are, admittedly, more likely to park on the sidewalk than shovel it; students, like the university, owe Clifton some serious attention and perhaps an apology. Perhaps it is time to change that. Generating the funds necessary to complete McMillan Park is more than a bit beyond students, as are the homey, over-the-fence relationships recalled in sitcoms and Sunday comics, where the characters swap recipes and parenting tips with neighbors. There are other kinds of neighbors, though. Respect is the first step. A simple acknowledgment is a start. A full-blown conversation might get you a new recipe or a bucket of tomatoes that might otherwise go to waste. Imagine if time were spent on Calhoun and McMillan not only partying but also cleaning, tutoring at Hughes Center High School, mentoring the kids that loiter here and planning events that benefit both CUF and UC; all of these gestures are bigger change than the completion of a second sparkling UPA shopping strip (and yes, most of them count for Cincinnatus hours, too). But really, this more than just the superficial service hours or prettier block, this is an opportunity to remember what the real world is, what challenges our neighbors face and to take the rare opportunity to make a real difference.


Peter springsteen | the news record

Williams takes the reins New UC president has fancy shoes to fill Gregory Williams was officially announced as the 27th University of Cincinnati president Wednesday, Sept. 9. He took to the podium to give his acceptance speech to a standing ovation. But what do we really k n o w a b o u t Presidente l e c t Williams aside from the things we were told at the event? Williams started his tenure at the City College of New York in August 2001. Williams increased its enrollment by 15 percent, according to CCNY statistics. As of fall 2008, full-time students enrolled at CCNY rose to more than 9,000. Nine-thousand is a big number, but in Fall 2008, 26,800 students were enrolled at UC. Williams wants to continue to increase enrollment at UC like he had in New York. In fact, Williams’ list of achievements in New York matches fairly well with what UC has been pushing for: more rigorous admission standards, higher enrollment numbers and fundraising. More students mean more money, which, in the end, gives students the professors and

Staff Editorial



to say?

administrators that make this establishment what it is. Conversely, UC has seen a backlash due to the large number of students. McMicken’s adviserto-student ratio remains a constant reminder as to just how thick things can get when figures are higher in importance than efficiency. We have yet to see what sort of strategy Williams has in terms of increasing enrollment without jeopardizing the integrity of the academics at the university. The Presidential Search Committee stressed in their summer meetings that one of their greatest concerns was adding diversity to the university’s administration. Williams wrote a bestselling memoir about diversity. But Buck Niehoff, chairperson of the Presidential Search Committee, contends that the deciding factor about Williams was his education: He has five degrees, three of which are honorary doctorates. Before Zimpher left, it seemed as though everyone talked with her and she was ubiquitous in the press; it was the students who felt a disconnect. There is still a deeprooted bitterness because of unpleasantness still surrounding the Huggins incident. Williams, though,

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Williams’ list of achievements in New York matches fairly well with what UC has been pushing for: more rigorous admission standards, higher enrollment numbers and fundraising. seemed more approachable in terms of in-person conversation, kind of like a university principal. Although Williams will be busy, it may be in his best interest to get to know some of the students and, in turn, let the students get to know him. With Gov. Ted Strickland’s tuition freeze lasting to the end of the year, and a cap of 3.5 percent on any prospective tuition hikes for the 2010–11 academic year, it will be interesting to see how Williams handles the situation several years into his term. What will the money be used for if an increase is signed? Perhaps revamping the diminishing scholarship opportunities? Once again, the academic versus business aspect of overseeing such a large establishment (compared to CCNY in terms of student body) will be a thing to watch in the future. Williams also joked at the final Presidential Search Committee meeting that he believes that UC stands for “under construction,” which is actually true. Just take a look at the rear façade of the Old Chemistry building. When the university resorts to holding the outside wall of one of its buildings up with large metallic beams,

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it is not exactly the image of a campus shining in structural brilliance. Even faculty members stood on the walkway near the entrance to Rievschl Hall’s sixth floor wondering what was going on. UC’s official news feed has no mention of it whatsoever. Although there may still be some dissenting voices, it would be hard to argue with a tuition increase that would ultimately guarantee that a giant brick wall wouldn’t come crashing down from above and end your life. Williams is the new kid – just as the 4,400 freshmen to attend Main Campus are. Let’s hope the tide of budget problems and lost freshmen won’t be too strong to pull him back to New York, the new home to UC veterans former President Zimpher and former Vice Provost of UC International Mitch Leventhal. As a final note, it was nice to see how presidential Williams looked at his ceremony. Black suit, red tie (Windsor knot, to boot) with the lapel pin. Very classy. But let’s face it; the real question about Williams’ future is whether or not he can pull off the tie-less suit like another president around these parts.

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Thursday Sept. 24, 2009 Weekend Edition


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Thursday Sept. 24, 2009 Weekend Edition

uc life and those living it

JUSTIN TEPE | the news record

Moranda Stahmer, a second-year education student, relaxes with her laptop on MainStreet while The Harliquins play to the crowd.

Coulter Loeb | the news record

The manager at the new Burger King on campus hands a customer his food in TUC.

KAREEM ELGAZZAR | the news record

students relaxing in front of the Steger Student Life Center on MainStreet, Sept. 23.

KAREEM ELGAZZAR | the news record

Third-year students, Danielle Jurich (left) and Tani Bhathagar hang out before the start of classes.

coulter Loeb | the news record

WILLIAM LANG helps Monica Cortez, a prepharmacy student, get her books in the UC bookstore.

KAREEM ELGAZZAR | the news record

byran reynolds, a second-year student, plays hacky sack in front of TUC, Wednesday, Sept. 23.

KAREEM ELGAZZAR | the news record

UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI’S student population is at 37,800, the highest it’s been since 1981. | 513.556.5913


Thursday Sept. 24, 2009 Weekend Edition



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Thursday Sept. 24, 2009 Weekend Edition

From convocation | page 1

From UCPD | page 1

car is likely to be called off of its route and brought to the scene of concern. Because the patrol car must leave the area, the levels of safety and surveillance decrease. Because the safety of the students is of major concern, they take priority over incoming calls. “It will eliminate other responsibilities,” said Capt. David Bailey of Cincinnati Police, District 5. “The car can stay and not be bothered by radio dispatch.” One joint patrol car is dedicated to each district. The UCPD officer can apply the student code of conduct, if necessary, and take all relevant information. Both Districts 4 and 5 share the same aspirations as UCPD in giving students the right information to protect themselves as well as looking out for them. “We urge all students to lookout and be aware of what is going on around them,” Bailey said. “If you’re by yourself, find a friend, use the

Research Anthony Perzigian, senior vice president for academic affairs and provost, told the new students their decision to come to a research university puts them ahead. “You have the rich opportunity to be at the cutting edge of new knowledge,” Perzigian said. “Take advantage of the world-class faculty and UC as one of the three research extensive colleges in the state.” Faculty demonstrated how to follow UC Research on Twitter, and a slideshow of students conducting research around the world was shown.

Stretching comfort zones Students were quizzed about the many alumni UC has helped shape, including Sarah Jessica Parker, William Howard Taft, Neil Armstrong, Albert Sabin, Joseph Strauss, George Rievschl, George Sperti, Haruki Nakamura and Anthony Buford. Success tips such as reading and writing extensively, testing ideas, stretching comfort zones, seeking out the best mentors, exploring beyond the classroom and making use of research and scholarly works were offered by Ronald Millard, professor of pharmacology. Most found the event to be very informative. “The ceremony made me feel welcome and inspired,” Nagengast said. “I’m excited to start college.”

“We urge all students to lookout and be aware of what is going on around them. If you’re by yourself, find a friend, use the Bearcat Express, [Night Walk], anything.” —CAPT DAV D BA LEY C NC NNAT POL CE D STR CT 5 Bearcat Express, [Night Walk], anything.” Officers are aware that students have late-night responsibilities on campus, like night classes or meetings, and they are watching out for them. There is no additional cost to this effort. Instead, UCPD rearranged its working hours and extended the time between the second and third shifts – the time when the double patrol will occur.

UCPD and CPD are also joining forces to give students and local residents tips to protect oneself from crime, especially robbery and information on H1N1. Approximately 40 volunteers are needed to help distribute the door-hangers. Community service hours will be applied. Contact Capt. Karen Patterson at 513-556-4906, and report all crimes and disturbances to UCPD.

PAGE 4 | THE NEWS RECORD | wEdnEsdAy, junE 3, 2009

discussion boArd for All wAlks of lifE


Media belittles North Korea nukes amaNDa WOODRuff thE nEws rEcord

[ nick GrEVEr ]

Conservative radio host finds truth

opinion d scuss on board for all walks of l fe

PAGe 6 | tHE nEWS rECOrD | wednesdAy, nov. 26, 2008

coverInG ALL Uc sPorts


Controversy surrounds BCS system

Wa k e

! up

Once again there is a Bowl Championship Series nightmare scenario on the horizon, and after this year more people than ever before will be calling for a college football playoff. Here is how I see the BCS playing out. Penn State won the Big Ten championship and it will play Oregon State in the Rose Bowl if the Beavers defeat Oregon Nov. 29. Cincinnati is one win away from the Big East championship and with a win against Syracuse, I have UC going to the Orange Bowl. The ACC is still wide open, but I think Florida State will come out on top and face the Bearcats in Miami. With the Orange Bowl and the Rose Bowl now decided, that leaves the Sugar Bowl, Fiesta Bowl and the national championship to be determined. Alabama is undefeated and sits atop the BCS standings but has two games remaining. The Crimson Tide will face Auburn and then Florida in the SEC championship game. Alabama plays Auburn at home this week, so I will give them the win. But I have the Crimson Tide losing to Florida in the SEC championship game. If Florida wins the SEC championship game, then they would have the head-to-head advantage over Alabama, and the Gators would play in the national championship. Alabama would then go to the Sugar Bowl where they will most likely play undefeated Utah. So who will play Florida in the national championship? Texas, Oklahoma and Texas Tech all have one loss and assuming they all win out, the highest ranked BCS team will play Missouri in the Big 12 championship. Texas is currently ranked No. 2 in the BCS standings, but if No. 3 Oklahoma beats Oklahoma State this weekend, then I have the Sooners jumping over Texas, setting up an Oklahoma vs. Missouri Big 12 championship game. Oklahoma should beat Missouri in the Big 12 championship, and if the Sooners can do that, they will play Florida in the national championship, which would mean Texas would go to the Fiesta Bowl and most likely play the one-loss USC Trojans. If you think that seems complicated, you’re right. If that scenario plays out, Texas Tech (11-1), Boise State (12-0) and Ball State (12-0) would all be left out of the BCS. Texas Tech’s only loss came against Oklahoma on the road, and even though they were defeated handily in that game, I think it’s absurd that they wouldn’t even have a chance to play in a BCS bowl game. Boise State and Ball State will both be undefeated at the end of the season and for what? If my predictions hold true, it means three undefeated teams and five one-loss teams wouldn’t have a chance to play for a national championship. A playoff is the only way to determine which team is the best in the country. University of Texas head coach Mack Brown, who could miss out on the national championship this year, told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram that he is in favor of the playoff system. “Send the best eight teams and let them play it off,” Brown said. “There’s a lot of good teams that are going to be left out of the BCS this year. In most years, there are going to be six to 10 teams better than the others and it’s tough to say who is best without a playoff.” The BCS could easily be changed to a playoff system, and it could still keep its bowl games. All they would have to do is turn two other bowl games into BCS bowls. They could pick from the Capital One Bowl, the Gator LANG ] or the Bowl, the[ EMILY Outback Bowl Cotton Bowl and make two of those bowls first round playoff games. The other four major bowls (Orange, Sugar, Rose and Fiesta) would rotate every year and serve as the first and second rounds while the championship game would remain the same. The top eight teams in the As gas, energy would and food BCS standings make the prices (not toand mention, playoffs, finally,global we could temperatures) have champion soared to allhave a clear-cut at the time highs in season the pastwithout few years, end of the the a global market desperate for controversy. alternatives hasingiven the Are you favorrise of atoplayoff? green movement. E-mail Pete at From hybrid cars to alternative fuels and recycled products, the average American has become infatuated with all things ecofriendly. But green products and ideals are no longer limited to simply what we drive and wear, or even to the air we breathe because going green has even crept into the food we eat (and I don’t just mean of the veggie variety). In the last few years on the foodie front, the green craze has led to greener eats, as organic practices have begun infiltrating the shelves of the grocery store and, inevitably, our pantries. Green-conscious has finally begun to mean food-conscious as well. Greening any part of our lives is not simply about what we buy but even more about what we do. And it seems the latest trend - in the face of an economic crisis, global warming and growing health concerns - that greening your diet might in part be a solution to all three. Chefs, foodies and consumers alike are thinking outside the box to come up with ways to be thriftier, healthier and more Earthfriendly when it comes to what we eat. Making simple changes in your food preparation is one step toward greening your diet. You could start off simple, like using less water to boil your pasta. In stemming your water use per box of pasta by half, from the recommended 4 quarts of water to more like 2 or 2.5 quarts, you not only conserve water, but reduce the amount of energy needed to bring that pot to a boil. Harold McGee, who wrote an article in The New York Times about using less water for pasta, contends that if Americans, who boil “like a billion pounds of pasta a year” embraced more carbon conscious pasta cooking methods, they could save anywhere from 250,000 to 500,000 barrels of oil a year. While some are now curbing their pasta-water wasteful ways, others are curbing their intake of meat. Now, don’t get scared, I didn’t say giving up meat, just eating less. The meat production industry has grown leaps and bounds to keep up with the insatiable industrial world demand. There are few industries period, much less food-related, that bring more dire consequences to the environment than the meat industry. Meat factories worldwide generate enormous amounts of water pollution, consume endless amounts of energy, release high quantities of greenhouse gas into our atmosphere and produce an outrageous demand for animal feed (corn and soy), for which the world’s rainforests are razed in order to grow. And now with a recent study, which was published in The Washington Post on March 24, daily red meat intake increases your risk for early death, it has never seemed like a better time to reduce, reuse and recycle. And if you’re lucky enough to own a patch of green, why not cultivate it into a money-saving, earth-loving, personal produce aisle in your own backyard? While people are ready to tighten their proverbial financial belts in the face of fiscally tough times, they’re not necessarily willing to have to tighten the ones holding up their pants to do it. When faced with having to cut their grocery spending, they’ve decided to hoe it up; not on a street corner, but in their own backyards. Garden advocates are thrilled with the development and the renewed interest in the art of cultivating and they, along with media outlets, have dubbed the veggie plots spurred by the sad state of the economy as “recession gardens.” Environmentalists, on the other hand, are lauding the effect this will have on reducing a household’s carbon footprint. Like those who choose to buy locally, or those who grow a garden will also play a part in helping to reduce the amount of produce being shipped thousands of miles by some form of polluting transportation. But those who decide to jump on board with the home garden movement, take it even a step further by potentially reducing their own trips to and from the grocery store.

16 Goodman Senior wideout hopes to be next entry in Ring of Honor

“Dominick Goodman is pretty much a go-to receiver on every down.” —Tony Pike, UC qUarterbaCk

spotlight h ghl ght O ng the best of uc




Green your diet; save your life, planet

karEEm Elgazzar (tOP, bOttOm lEft) | THe newS RecoRd

Emily lang (bOttOm CEntEr, bOttOm rigHt) | THe newS RecoRd

DOminiCk gOODman is on pace to break nearly every receiving record at Uc. In his last three games, Goodman has 23 catches for 316 yards.

bO jESSEE the news record

n 3rd-and-goal with 3:33 to go in the second quarter of the biggest game he’s ever played, senior wide receiver Dominick Goodman caught a 4-yard touchdown pass from quarterback Tony Pike, giving his team a lead and breaking Jim O’Brien’s school record for career touchdown receptions. Goodman will go down as arguably the greatest receiver ever to play at the University of Cincinnati. Four years ago, however, he nearly gave up football to pursue a career in basketball at the University of Findlay. Before accepting a football scholarship at UC, Goodman originally signed a National Letter of Intent to play basketball at the University of Findlay in Ohio. Findlay is currently the No. 1-ranked men’s basketball team in Division II. “I thought I was better at basketball,” Goodman said. “That’s what a lot of people were telling me, that I had more of a shot playing basketball. I was a slasher, you know, I’d get to the cup, but if you need me for the three, I’d stroke the three.” Although Goodman’s father, Don, played fullback at UC and went on to have a career in the NFL, he didn’t push his son to pick football over basketball. “I told Dominick ‘Do things that make you happy,’ ” said Don Goodman. “Whatever you feel, if football or basketball makes you happy, you do what it takes to make you happy.”

After playing wide receiver during his junior for Michigan State before the end of Goodman’s year at Colerain High School, head coach Kerry sophomore season and the school brought in Brian Coombs decided to move Goodman to quarterback Kelly to coach the team for the 2007 International for his senior year. The move paid off as Goodman Bowl. rushed for more than 2,000 yards and 30 “When I got on board here I was looking for touchdowns, leading Colerain to an Ohio Division some of those, what I consider championship-level I State Championship and a No. 5 national ranking players,” said head coach Brian Kelly. “[Goodman] by USA Today. brought a work ethic to the first practice I had here, In the Ohio state championship game, Goodman and I said ‘That’s a guy that we can build this thing rushed for 259 yards and four touchdowns, earning around,’ and what happens is, as a sophomore, he MVP honors for the game. becomes the MVP of the International Bowl. He’s “As the football season started to go on and been an MVP since I got here.” [Goodman] became a very prominent player in Goodman caught seven passes for 109 yards Cincinnati and recruiters started to come in, I had and two touchdowns in the Bearcats’ 27-24 victory to have a conversation with him to make sure he over Western Michigan in the International Bowl. was secure in his commitment,” said Coombs, who Over the next two years Goodman earned a is now the defensive backs coach at UC. “As the reputation as a clutch possession receiver with a season continued, he came in and said, ‘Coach, I great pair of hands. might like to think about playing football.’ ” “Ask Mike Mickens or DeAngelo Smith,” Goodman’s father had to call Findlay head Coombs said. “We can have him covered like an coach Ron Niekamp to ask if he would release absolute blanket and he can stick one hand out Dominick from his commitment. The school there and catch the ball. He does it day after day. eventually agreed, and he turned his attention to Sometimes he’ll even tap it to himself. He’s as football. good as anybody we have seen or played against.” “The first people I contacted were the people at Goodman’s ability to make spectacular catches Cincinnati because I knew so many of them and his on poorly thrown balls earned him the nickname dad had played here,” Coombs said. “They jumped “the Wizard.” all over it, and I think because they did, and they “My dad told me I always had good hands,” were so eager, so early, they kind of snuck one out Goodman said. “Growing up, he would always of there.” take me out to the front yard and make me do Goodman switched positions back to receiver routes and he wouldn’t throw little pitty pats. He when he began playing at UC. He had just 163 would throw rockets and lasers, so he kind of got receiving yards in his freshman season, but by me while I was young.” AprIL 6, 2009 | THE NEWS RECORD | pAGE 5 the end of his sophomore year, he had establishedMoNdAY,As a junior, Goodman led his team in receiving himself as the team’s best wideout. with 869 yards and eight touchdowns on 68 Former head coach Mark Dantonio left UC See gOODman | Page 2

the initial contact to set up meetings and even debates to ease the tension and settle some fears. But Obama is not shaken. He was seen playing golf that Monday, for more than four hours, according to the Taipei Times. So it is not that the United States ought to be anxious or upset, but reminded and well educated on what people can expect in the upcoming months. Since the first missile test in July 2006, followed by the first nuclear test launched in October 2006, Pyongyang has accelerated its agenda. The ultimate goal is anyone’s best guess. With the high level of media censorship in North Korea, reporters are not able to gather anything more than what they can find out from dialogue between countries and written reports on activity originating from the country. In addition, Obama continues to play the cool-cat card and for what? To ride out the storm? To see if North Korea fizzles out? The demands and noncompliance

of North Korea are only developing into something much bigger. Obama has the opportunity now to take responsibility for his role in the situation and, if he succeeds in talking them out of nuclear testing, more power to him. But like an attention-starved child, Pyongyang and Kim Jong-il, probably won’t back down. So far, the media has reported on what it can, but the apathetic response of Americans is similar to the “Boy Who Cried Wolf” scenario. North Korea is moving quickly this time and now Obama is cutting $1.2 billion from the Pentagon budget for missile defense, which seems to be the opposite of logic at this point. Should the government wait until Alaska and California become a scene of nuclear destruction? How would they respond, if at all? Yes, Kim Jong-il appears physically weaker since rumors of a stroke, but the worst situation is to underestimate or, in this case, nearly ignore the underdog.


[ piCk ONE alREaDY ]



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pETER SpRiNgSTEEN | tHe newS recOrd

Letter: Flags meant to represent all Dear Editor, foreigners could In a May 28, News Record letter distinguish to the editor titled “Black flag between George demonstration misleading,” Jordan W. Bush and Arnold made some erroneous and the American slanderous claims regarding the goals people, these of the black flag demonstration, the students can differentiate between nature of the groups involved and the Jews and Zionists. These students beliefs of a certain community member. are opposed to Zionism as a political Arnold claimed that the group of ideology, which, by its very nature, students responsible for this display discriminates against and oppresses an – who represent many different entire people – the Palestinians. organizations, beliefs and backgrounds Finally, Arnold quotes a Palestinian– intended “to provoke outrage” and American as saying “I don’t believe “aimed at building anger” against a in peace anymore.” He did say this, nation, which in this case is Israel. As but Arnold has taken it completely one of those students, I can confidently out of context. While this man still say that this was never our intention. desperately wants peace, he doesn’t We wanted to remind people about believe it will happen when Israel’s the terrible loss of life on both sides words are so contradictory to their of the conflict that occurred Dec. 28, actions: bulldozing Palestinian homes, 2008, through Jan. 18. Nine of the establishing illegal settlements on 1400 black flags represented Israelis Palestinian land, building an apartheid who were killed. These flags were not wall and blockading the Gaza Strip. designated in any way because, for the While Arnold tries to paint Israel purposes of this demonstration, any as a victim, this is a card that Israel no life lost, regardless of nationality, was longer holds. A nation cannot flaunt tragic. The point of this demonstration violations of international law, ignore was to raise awareness and remind the UN resolutions and deny people basic student population about the continuing human rights, all while expecting the crisis in Gaza. rest of the world to avert their eyes. Arnold also denounced several hIghLIghtINg Despite thethE rosybESt description in Arnold’s of UC student groups, including the article, Israel’s government is racist, International Socialist Organization fanatical and corrupt. Above all it is (which he referred to as UC Socialists), hypocritical – one Holocaust does not as anti-Israel. We would like to clarify. justify another. These groups are not anti-Israel. They do not hate the Israeli people and they do not hate Jews. Just as many ISO – Cincinnati branch

Letter to the Editor


founded in 1880

509 And 510 swift hAll uniVErsity of cincinnAti 45221-0135

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The News Record, an independent, student-run publication of the University of Cincinnati’s Communication Board, is printed during the school year every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, except holidays and examination periods, from its office located in 509 Swift Hall and is distributed to the UC community. The News Record distributes to more than 80 locations and has a weekly circulation of 22,500. One copy per person is free. Additional copies can be picked up at The News Record office for $1.

EDiTOR iN CHiEf tAylor dunGjEn maNagiNg EDiTOR kArEEm ElGAzzAr

BuSiNESS & aDvERTiSiNg maNagER nick schnEidEr DiRECTOR Of STuDENT mEDia lEn PEnix


JuSTiN TEpE | tHe newS recOrd

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cover ng campus and beyond

aDvERTiSiNg REpRESENTaTivES Anshul mAnGlA Eric fritz

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Bearcats seek Big East Championship


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New online way to gossip

Syracuse Orange last obstacle in UC’s quest for first BCS berth


Syracuse junior defensive tackle Arthur Jones was named the Big East Defensive Player of the Week for his performance against Notre Dame. With a win against Syracuse University Saturday, Against the Irish, Jones recorded a game-high 15 Nov. 29, the STEPHaNiE University ofFUHR Cincinnati football teamWhile will browsing Kiss and Dish, users tackles, including four tackles for a loss. clinch the Big East title and secure a Bowl Championship thE NEws rEcord Syracuse ranks third in the Big East in turnover margin, will find that all staff writers and Web site Series berth. and have forced 14 turnovers in 11 games this year. members have code names and crafty pictures, Thereis isa anew scenario, however, where UC could lose the posts are anonymous, the people UC will look to throw the ball to take pressure off the There Web site dedicated to the and while to Syracuse the Big title.atIf Pittsburgh running game. dirty kiss and and tell, still and win get this: It isEast aimed are definitely real. defeats Weststudent. VirginiaThe University Senior quarterback Tony Pike is coming off a theUniversity ever-curious college site is on Friday, “Most of the posts are anonymous, because UC would be Dish, in a four-way for first holds 309-yard, three touchdown performance against Pittsburgh called Kiss and and it is tie waiting forplace, your butnoit one wants their mom to know that they are tie-breakers over the other three teams. University last week. latest gab. having sex,” Ricordati said. “Also it’s easier to Headand coach Brian however, isn’t counting on your guard down if you are writing Offensively the Orange rank last in the Big East, “Kiss Dish is Kelly, a socially-interactive let down that scenario. averaging 275.5 yards per game. relationship Web site dedicated to discussing stories anonymously. I wanted to create an “We are more closer,” biggest Freshman running back Curtis Brinkley is Syracuse’s the highs andone lows of step dating and Kelly love,”said. said“The environment where it is safe and fun, and game isRicordati, Syracuse;co-creator we have to of winkissanddish. this football game. main threat on offense. Emily lang | THe newS RecoRd Kristen whereThe anything goes.” next step for us is to play our very best; we have a well Brinkley has rushed for more than 100 yards in six com. “It is a virtual kiss and tell for the jaCOb a defender to the ground Kiss and Dish ramSEy is a good stiff-arms place to share rested football teamThe going into weekend.” younger generation. Web sitethis was created personal stories and28-21 laugh victory at others trials and saturday, nov. 22. different games this year and has rushed for 1,104 yards in Uc’s over Pittsburgh The Bearcats face a Syracuse team that started and seven touchdowns on the season. with college kids in mind, but the members tribulations. “Readers get to walk right into the season 1-6 but has won two of its last four games, young and inexperienced in the back-end of the defense; “They have two outstanding running backs,” Kelly range from all ages.” people’s when they are reading the posts; including wins against the University of Louisville andlives said. “They played a true freshman this weekend who has much improved football Like Dame swapping spit, Kiss and Dish is a it’s like beingthey a flyare onathe wall,” Ricordati said. team.” Notre University. Orange are coming off a one-point win against great speed. It’s a solid football team that is going to play way “I to feel share areThe really interested in human likeyour they latest are twohookup, differentbreakup teams,” Kelly“People said. Notre with reckless abandon.” Dame last week, when Notre Dame missed a and everything in they between. It isto afindsafe interaction; they like to talk about their sex “Starting the year were trying themselves for time expired. place for members tell their Defensively, tales while they and were dating field lives,goal andasrelate to others. The the new offensive to coordinator. See OrangE | Page 2 remaining undercover. But if you don’t Web site is not all sex all of the time, but very SPOrtS.nEWSrECOrD@gmail.COm | 513.556.5909 have a juicy story to tell, you are free to ask heartfelt and vulnerable. A lot of our members advice from the Love Doctor or follow the give advice to each other.” writer’s sexscapades. Some members log on daily, if possible. The advice ranges from how to be a “I was introduced to Kiss and Dish by a better couple to the best way to deal with friend, and I find myself checking it as often breakups. The Love Doctor explores dating as I do my Facebook,” said Becky Lovins, 20, styles, cheating, holiday breakups and dating of Cincinnati. patterns. Not to mention, if a user has a private “The stories that the writers and members issue, no worries, the Love Doctor is in for write are so relatable, like my favorite TV private e-mails. shows, I go back to the same writers for the weekly dish,” Lovins said. “I love reading Sexpot’s hilarious tales of her two favorite things, sex and pot. She writes scandalous stories of her love life and never-ending need PHOTO COURTESY OF Bill HOgaN | ChiCago Tribune to be high; I laugh at every new addition.” KiSS aND TEll has been the protocol for gossiping girlWith 14 staff writers at all different stages friends since the time of Adam and Eve. Now both sexes of relationships and new members registering can anonymously talk about last night’s events and read up daily, it is easy to find something that you too —KrisTen riCordaTi, on the next person’s tales of love and disaster. can relate with. CO-CreatOr Of kissanddish.COm Pat Strang the news record

A Cosmic Rock Experience

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bass in a local industrial band. the city, at least in my opinion.” JaC KERN thE NEWS RECoRD “I have always had a passion for the bass,” Practicing almost every other day each Wiley said. week doesn’t seem to hurt their distinctiveness, The members of Lunapollo have racked up As most up-and-coming bands do, either. Buonsante explained that meeting for tons of credentials as a band: from drawing Lunapollo learned a few covers to play when band practice two or three times every week in audiences at The Mad Hatter and Madison they started out, including hits by bands like may seem like a lot, but it pays off. Theatre, to winning air time on 97.3 The Sound The Cranberries and Led Zeppelin. While they “Being tight and playing a lot makes a big to opening for alternative rock band SafetySuit, enjoy playing covers, Lunapollo’s members difference,” she said. all in just over one year. remain committed to focusing on original music. Sometimes getting four people’s schedules Led by bold vocalist Francesca Buonsante, Burress noted that a year ago about 75 percent to coincide can be difficult. Taking into account Cincinnati-based Lunapollo formed in January of the music they performed was original and that Buonsante is a full-time student, Burress 2008. Buonsante, a 21-year-old pre-nursing now that figure is about 95 percent. is a paramedic and all the band members have student at the University of Cincinnati, has “If someone comes to see you because of the other jobs, they agree that life right now is just pursued musical ambitions since high school. way you play ‘Zombie,’” Dudley said, “you’ll plain chaotic. As a member of show choir she was hailed as get labeled as a cover band soon enough and “We give and take,” Burress said. “There is best female vocalist and soloist. She honed her then you’re [screwed].” Lunapollo currently a lot of sacrifice but none of us would change it talent with classical voice lessons at Cincinnati’s performs six original tunes, but the band mates for the world.” oldest private music school, Toedtman School of are considering learning a song by Rage Against Buonsante agrees. Music. Though her confident stage demeanor the Machine. “Everyone is on a different page,” she said, makes it hard to believe, she was reluctant to While Lunapollo has attracted fans with “but it all comes together somehow.” join a different type of band at first. their original music and no longer need to rely The stars truly aligned for Lunapollo when “We had to change her a little so she could on covers, it has not been an easy or inexpensive they got the chance to open for the hit altplay with a band and rock out,” said 24-year- road to success. The band members own rockers of SafetySuit last fall. Opening for a old Tommy Dudley, Lunapollo’s guitarist. all of their own equipment, including popular touring band gave Lunapollo a lot of Buonsante met Sean Poe (no longer a member Buonsante’s signature self-decorated, zebra- exposure, and the band mates have other ideal of Lunapollo) at UC when they first decided to striped microphone. musicians they’d love to tour with. form a band. Poe created a juxtaposed, cosmic Burress said he would like to jam with Travis band name. Dudley explained that “luna” is Barker or Tom DeLong. Wiley wants to open Latin for moon and Apollo is the Greek god of for Placebo. As a band, though, they agreed sun. The two words are opposite, but share the that they would love to play for anyone who is letter “a” when placed together. interested and they enjoy playing with bands “It’s a symbol of struggle and classic that are down to earth and love making music. —JusTIN BurrEss, contrast,” Dudley said. When it comes down to categorizing DruMMEr FOr LuNAPOLLO Poe and Buonsante placed an ad for a Lunapollo, listeners might not want to bother. drummer and met Justin Burress, a 27-year Just as each of the members differs from one old firefighter paramedic. Burress played in his “We are completely self-funded,” Burress another, their sound is very diverse. high school marching band where he learned to said. “Buying equipment is investing in a “We are all so different and a lot of people read music. He later began playing drums at chance that you might do something later on.” don’t believe we are in a band together,” an open mic night with a cover band but felt Burress went on to explain that all the profits Buonsante said. “It’s kind of funny.” unfulfilled. After playing at a few shows with Lunapollo makes from playing out goes to With each of the band mates bringing a Poe and Buonsante, Burress was officially promotional items like T-shirts, sticker, buttons unique personal and musical perspective to MONDAY, NOV. 24, 2008 | THE NEWS RECORD | PAGE 5 invited to join Lunapollo. and, of course, recordings. Lunapollo, the result is a truly distinctive sound “I’m twice as good of a drummer since I For some local bands, it can takes years of that Dudley describes as “energetic rock.” joined,” Burress said, “but [Lunapollo] is 10 writing music, practicing, saving money and While the four members of Lunapollo are times the band it was a year ago.” replacing band members before they even very different people, they mesh well. Tommy Dudley was the next to join Lunapollo, get a gig. Lunapollo has already played at “Even the best musicians can be put into a as a self-taught guitar player. After three months popular local venues including The Mad Hatter room together and not sound that great because of begrudgingly taking lessons, Dudley decided in Covington (their favorite place to play), the chemistry and the understanding aren’t to learn by watching and listening to others Southgate House in Newport, Madison Theatre sEE lUNapOllO | PAGE 6 play and by collecting guitar tabs to practice. in Oakley and Mad Frog in EMPLOYMENT Clifton. While EMPLOYMENT TRAVEL SERVICES Dudley also taught himself to play piano but, it wasn’t easy, the members of Lunapollo unlike Burress, cannot read sheet music. He insist that it has all worked out with joined different bands throughout highCLIFTON school, good timing and lots of practice. issued greater than the cost of the ad. 1 All ads must be prepaid. AREA FOR QUICKBOOKS EXPERT SPRING BREAK 2009. QUARTERLY PARKING To receive studentwith discount, 2 Out-of-town advertisers must send checkbut 6 did not stick anycurrent of them like he has “We were fortunate to put verification must be shown. with copy. mustspot,” have verifiable Sell Trips, Earn Cash and available. On Ohio RENT bedrooms with7Lunapollo. When hemay is not practicing with 3 one ourselves in the right Students or student groups not use 3 NIU’s must be signed and filled out before display or classified discounts nonacceptance of ads. the band three times eachforweek, Dudley plays Buonsante Go Free. Call for Group Avenue. Park and walk available for wintersaid. coop training experience and university, for profit businesses. 4 All ad changes are due two days prior to guitar at home while watching with Dudley insists that Lunapollo’s 8 Advertisers should check their ads the movies publication. 3 bedroom plus available expertise apply in person Discounts. Best Prices to class. $75/month. Buy day of printing. The News Record is 5 No refunds unless a mistake by just first subtitles. success can really be attributed immediately 6 bedroomherself, only! Cole Furniture 710 Guaranteed! Best Parties! 3 months get 1 free. Call not responsible for more than one incorrect The News Record’s staff occurs in “My girlfriend puts up with a lot,” Dudley said. to Buonsante with her insertion. the advertisement. Refunds are not Jamica, Cancun, Acapulco, 505-5551. available demanding soon contact Rounding out reserves Lunapollo lead vocals: North High Street Mt. 9 The News Record the right tois 21-year-old granted for ads placed, then cancelled. reject any ads discretion, with Buonsante, or Adjustments are limited to the portion Mikewithout Wiley onat its bass. Like Wiley “A or lot of our success Orab, is because Bahamas, S. Padre, Florida. 513-535-2154 OH 45154 notification to the advertiser. of the ad which is incorrect. Under no participated in his high school’s show choir of Fran,” Dudley said, “because you 10 These policies are not negotiable. circumstances will an adjustment be 513-732-2432 Information/Reservations and took four years of bass lessons at Toedtman can have a good band with a terrible Choose a variety of categories to sell everything/anything. Students may not use UC PART TIME 1-800-648-4849 or www. School ofcard Music. side project, Wiley plays singer. She is one of the top singers in OFFICE rates for non-UC, for profit businesses. Valid ID requiredAs for a discount.

college living

“It is a virtual kiss and tell for the younger generation.”

Irish Monument Finds Home

Holliday took much of his using stones. personal time to research the site of The project in total will cost the memorial as well as to handle approximately $250,000. communications with the city. “We hope that some of the wealthy During his research, he discovered individuals of the city will come a metal plate that was dated forward to support their heritage and July 4, 1921, and traced back to the their city’s,” Holliday said. “That’s sponsorship of a German and Irish where the bulk of the money will come company. Across the way was the from and then from the purchases original landscape of St. Mary’s of pavers with family names on Irish Catholic Cemetery. them as well as local businesses and “It was as if by a miracle we corporations. None of it will come found this location in Devou Park,” from the city’s taxpayers.” Holliday said. In the next “It is right smack few months, in between the a professional two locations. It rendering will be couldn’t be more developed and perfect.” the evaluation of In the past few soil samples of years, Kenton the site will be County Library finalized. By then teamed with the committee —MiKe holliday, local archivist hopes to start COmmittee memBer Tom Ward, to making calls and help The Great eventually start Hunger Memorial digging. Project Committee finish the historical “It’s heritage,” Holliday said. research on the area. “You don’t know where you’re going The memorial will include 32 unless you know where you’ve been. stones shipped overseas from Ireland History isn’t taught like it used to be to represent the 32 counties of the in schools today. This memorial will country. Each will hold a brief story or be a reminder to the success of the bit of information about the location. Irish who came here with nothing In addition, the design will be that of and an example of opportunity a Dolmen, which is an ancient tomb in America.”

Northern Kentucky local park to host Great hunger Memorial amaNDa WOODRUFF thE NEws rEcord

A location for an Irish Potato Famine memorial project, 10 years in the making, has finally been placed in Covington, Ky., and is awaiting final approval. In the late 19th century, Irish immigrants traveled to America seeking jobs, freedom and, most importantly, food. The potato famine in Ireland at the time caused many to say goodbye to their homeland; however, many of them would disagree with the term “famine” because it was the British that historically took the harvested food and shipped it out of the country. In Gaelic, it is known as “An Gorta Mor,” or the great hunger. A local assembly of Fenians, a group that was established in the 19th century as a fraternity against the

British, still meet today to support local Irish heritage. Tom McGovern, president of the group, is working closely with city authorities and local historians to commemorate the Irish immigrants who came to Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati. “We foster the ideals and history of the Irish people and promote the culture, literature, food, sports, genealogy, among others, to the community,” McGovern said. “We work closely with professors at the University of Cincinnati, among other schools, to give class presentations or guest speakers. We’re always looking for younger members and interest.” The Irish worked hard for their earnings in America and have left their marks throughout the area. “They came here with nothing,” said Mike Holliday, project committee member and West Chester resident.

“You don’t know where you’re going unless you know here you’ve been.”


Pyongyang is trying to rile up some activity and responses, then the media is doing the right thing by reporting the news and moving forward. But the problem with that is the fact that Americans have a tendency to forget rather quickly. For example, on April 5 North Korea launched a three-stage rocket, Taepodong-2, referring to it as a “successful satellite launch.” That is when they pulled out of the UN agreement, and South Korea asked, with the help of the United States, to seize all material shipments to the North. Of course, the North’s response to that was, “Do it, I dare you.” Now, Pyongyang may carry out another test this month. The missile tested in April could have reached all the way to Alaska and the underground nuclear test May 25 could have produced the same level of destruction as seen in Hiroshima and Nagasaki (and registered at approximately a 4.5 – 4.7 earthquake). Other world leaders are making

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How to promote your cause follow protocol using twitter, facebook (without being annoying) BRiDgET CaREY MccLAtchY NEwspApErs

A reader recently posed this question: I’m training for the NYC Triathlon with a group that raises money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. What is the etiquette on soliciting people through Twitter or even Facebook to get donations? Is there a way, without breaking any major etiquette rules or harassing people, to help with my fundraising? We like that you’re asking, because we often come across people who are shameless marketers/self-promoters. On Facebook, we suggest using the Causes application, which allows fundraising for any registered 501c(3) nonprofits. Send out ONE initial invitation to your Facebook network. For the friends who accept, we wouldn’t send more than one message a week; less is better. It’s OK the day before the event though, to ramp it up. On Twitter, we would send out occasional tweets, or posts, to followers about how your training is going. Every now and then, include a link back to a site where they can donate. How often should you send out messages? That’s up to you, but don’t drown people with donation guilt. We would suggest spreading it out, a few times a week, at different times. Business hours have the highest traffic. Also, don’t forget to send private direct messages to thank those who do donate. But you can also reach out to new people. Use sites like http://search. to find people near to you who might share an interest in your event. For example: search “marathon” and “Miami.” Another site we use is If you want to go farther and promote an event, here’s how we would do it: First, create a separate account apart from your personal account. That way, it’s a clear line of communication between people who want to follow the event versus people who are following you. By all means, you can and should cross-promote from your personal account about the event. But having one name that’s strictly about your philanthropic efforts makes the branding crystal-clear.

After setting up the charity account, make several tweets about the event before you start marketing the account. Make sure its profile is filled out, including a logo. Then you’re ready to let your personal followers in on the other account. (This assumes you already have a personal account with a following. To grow our followers, we try to send out twe

uc l fe and those l v ng t “ ... Lunapollo is 10 times the band it was a year ago.”




marX’S [ Pete MArX ]

It appears that torture can create strange bedfellows. On May 22, Chicago-based, conservative shock jock, Erich “Mancow” Mueller, agreed to be waterboarded. He said the act was a radio stunt, meant to prove definitively that pouring water down a person’s nose and throat was not torture. Liberal MSNBC host, Keith Olbermann donated $10,000 to the charity, Valor for Veterans, after the event. On Olbermann’s program he said that he thought the entire process was a joke beforehand. Having some water poured on a person’s face couldn’t be that bad. His reaction after experiencing waterboarding can be summed up with two direct quotes. “Absolutely torture, absolutely.” Mancow said, “That’s drowning.” He went into the event expecting to prove once and for all that waterboarding was not torture. He was proven wrong. Since Mancow’s experience, he has appeared on Olbermann’s program twice. He has spoken to a member of the opposite political spectrum, talking about the effects of his experience and the long-term implications of his declaration. Mancow received flak from both sides of the political spectrum. His conservative compatriots are angry that he has gone against the party line. And the liberals have, in Mancow’s words, always been angry at him. But, while talking with Olbermann, another issue was raised. Sure, the argument of whether or not waterboarding was torture is still raging, but Mancow and Olbermann questioned what place the truth has within the constrictions of party lines. Mancow explained, “The truth has been lost here … What about the truth? What happened to Americans able to debate?” It’s a fair question. With America’s political climate being dominated by two political parties, how can debate grow? And not what passes as debate these days, but honest, well thought out debate based on fact and not on political affiliation. “Land of the free? I give you the land of the lemmings,” Mancow said. All too often, the political pundits form their opinions that follow the party line unerringly. And who can blame them, it gets them viewership and gets them paid. But what effect does this have on the political process in general? What does it say about our government when decisions are not made based on the good of the people but on the good of the party, or when our representatives vote, not representing their constituents, but the party of which they are affiliated? If people want to debate waterboarding, they have the right. But questioning a man’s veracity, merely because his opinion does not fall in line with party platforms is not only stupid, it’s dangerous. The political parties are there for a reason, they enable people of like minds to come together and work toward their goals. But it does not mean that minds must be carbon copies. We have a responsibility as American citizens to create our own opinions by gathering evidence, looking at all sides of an issue and then working to accomplish our goals. Falling down a party line – merely because it’s easy and safe – is lazy, damaging and unAmerican. Mancow perhaps put it best: “I believe red, white and blue. I don’t care about your political parties.” This conservative talk show host had the bravery to come out and say he was wrong. But more than that, he did the research, experienced waterboarding firsthand and put himself inside the story. I’m not implying that we should all be tortured. What I am saying is, as Americans, we have a duty to make decisions that affect this country based on our own observations and understandings. To do otherwise will ultimately harm our country. And whether you’re republican or democrat, everyone wants a stronger America. Want to waterboard Grever? E-mail him at

The recent nuclear weapons test in North Korea Monday, May 25, was what President Barack Obama referred to as an indecent display of “blatant defiance,” and the smallscale reaction from the American media is simply inadequate. With the latest acts of disobedience from North Korea in conducting nuclear tests – after the United Nations and President Obama placed a ban on the country – the city of Pyongyang began a game of catch me if you can. Although North Korea did pull out of the ban agreement more than a month ago, they are still looking for ways to press buttons. And that is exactly what experts say is the reason for Pyongyang’s underground missile tests on Memorial Day. They want to see Washington do a little dance. With that said, some might think that the underdeveloped attention from the media is a good thing. If

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FOR RENT 731 Riddle Road. 1 bedroom apartment for rent. Spacious, in house washer/dryer, quiet area, $425/month, small pets okay. 2 bedroom apartment in same house for rent, $525/ month. Call 513-257-1647.

255 Hastings Street. OPEN SUNDAY 9/27, 3-4pm. Contemporary 2BR EDEN AVENUE – Apartment townhome on cul-de-sac near for rent. 2 bedrooms. 1 ½ shops & restaurants. 2 decks bath. Heat and water included. w/fabulous city views. Large Washer and dryer included. rooms, hdwd flrs, master w/ 5 minutes from UC campus, walk-in closet & updated downtown, and various hospi- bath, fireplace, and 2-car tals. Quiet and safe. garage. $199,000. S on W Rent $795 per month. Clifton, R on Hastings. Alison Call 513-375-8794. Moss, 518-1140. Comey & Shepherd Realtors. EHO. Charming two bedroom house for rent near Northside. $800 EMPLOYMENT per month. Five minutes from campus, 10 minutes from downtown. Large rooms Part-time help wanted $8/hr. with hardwood floors. Living High volume liquor and wine room, family room, full basestore in Covington, KY. Only ment with washer and dryer. 5 minutes from campus. Large backyard with privacy Call Greg at 859-743-9831. fence and deck. Central air. One year lease. Application BARTENDING. $250 / required for rental history. DAY POTENTIAL. No Showing Sunday, Monday, experience necessary, Tuesday with appointment. training provided. Call Call 513-310-0515. 1-800-965-6520 ext 225. One and two bedroom apartments near UC. Movie Extras, Actors, Call 513-616-3584. Models Wanted - Up to $300/day! All Looks Needed! Call NOW Rooms for rent in a fully 1-800-458-9303 furnished house includes high speed internet, cable, ALL PART TIME UTILITIES, fully equipped WORK/FLEXIBLE kitchen, gardner and HOUSE- SCHEDULES: KEEPING service for comEntry level customer mon areas. Newly remodeled, sales/service. Great upgraded and painted. Great Pay. No experience location, nice neighborhood. necessary, training 1 mille from UC Campus. provided. Internships & Available early September. scholarships possible. $300 to $425, depending on Ages 18+, conditions size of bedroom and floor. Off apply. Call Mondaystreet parking. Porch. DriveThursday 9am-5pm way. Backyard. 513-874-4172 or apply Call (513) 288-1189 or @ for appointment. HYDE PARK WINE & SPIRITS. Part time help wanted 15-20 hrs per week. Flexible schedule. Apply in person at 2719 Madison For Rent 1-5 bdrms and houses Rd. available. Visit merlinproperCincinnati, OH 45209. or contact Call 513-678-6783 Cleaning,painting NOW LEASING! One 4-5 bedrm house. Call 513-616-3584.

Efficiency 1-4bdrm. $375-850. Call 513-300-4550. 4/5 Bedroom just remodeled/ carpeted house. Walk to UC, large rooms, patio, porch, move-in ready. Call 513-745-8900 or e-mail 2 and 3 bedroom apartment available. Updated, equipped kitchen, laundry. Call 513-307-6510.

$7.50-9/hr. Call 513221-5555.

Flexible Hours National Liftgate Parts is looking to hire full or part time students for six months to one year. This individual needs to be organized and detail oriented with mathematical and mechanical aptitudes. Positions are available now. The work shift can begin early morning and work hours are flexible. Duties are concentrated in Finance and Operations. Training provided. Our Company sells replacement and electrical components for liftgates and snowplow parts, nationwide. Work hours are flexible. E-mail resume to

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Play it Again Sports needs part time sales clerks flexible schedule fun job call Mary at 513-310-3933.

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All of my tasty sub sandwiches are a full 8 inches of homemade French bread, fresh veggies and the finest meats & cheese I can buy! And if it matters to you, we slice everything fresh everyday in this store, right here where you can see it. (No mystery meat here!)




Real applewood smoked ham and provolone cheese garnished with lettuce, tomato, and mayo.

Any Sub minus the veggies and sauce

slim slim slim slim slim slim


Medium rare choice roast beef, topped with yummy mayo, lettuce, and tomato.



Fresh housemade tuna, mixed with celery, onions, and our tasty sauce, then topped with alfalfa sprouts, cucumber, lettuce, and tomato. (My tuna rocks!)

1 2 3 4 5 6

Ham & cheese Roast Beef Tuna salad Turkey breast Salami, capicola, cheese Double provolone


Low Carb Lettuce Wrap ®

#5 VITO®

Same ingredients and price of the sub or club without the bread.


Fresh sliced turkey breast, topped with lettuce, tomato, alfalfa sprouts, and mayo. (The original) The original Italian sub with genoa salami, provolone, capicola, onion, lettuce, tomato, & a real tasty Italian vinaigrette. (Hot peppers by request)



Layers of provolone cheese separated by real avocado spread, alfalfa sprouts, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato, and mayo. (Truly a gourmet sub not for vegetarians only . . . . . . . . . . . peace dude!)


DELIVERY ORDERS will include a delivery charge of 25¢ per item (+/–10¢).


Bacon, lettuce, tomato, & mayo. (The only better BLT is mama's BLT)


★ Real potato chips or jumbo kosher dill pickle ★ Extra load of meat ★ Extra cheese or extra avocado spread ★ Hot Peppers

freebies (subs & clubs only) Onion, lettuce, alfalfa sprouts, tomato, mayo, sliced cucumber, Dijon mustard, oil & vinegar, and oregano.

Printed: None Final Output At: 100%

GIANT club sandwiches My club sandwiches have twice the meat or cheese, try it on my fresh baked thick sliced 7-grain bread or my famous homemade french bread!

#7 GOURMET SMOKED HAM CLUB A full 1/4 pound of real applewood smoked ham, provolone cheese, lettuce, tomato, & real mayo!


Choice roast beef, smoked ham, provolone cheese, Dijon mustard, lettuce, tomato, & mayo.


Real genoa salami, Italian capicola, smoked ham, and provolone cheese all topped with lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo, and our homemade Italian vinaigrette. (You hav'ta order hot peppers, just ask!)


A full 1/4 pound of fresh sliced medium rare roast beef, provolone, lettuce, tomato, & mayo.


Fresh sliced turkey breast, applewood smoked ham, provolone, and tons of lettuce, tomato, and mayo! (A very traditional, yet always exceptional classic!)


Fresh baked turkey breast, provolone cheese, avocado spread, sliced cucumber, sprouts, lettuce, tomato, and mayo! (It's the real deal, and it ain't even California.)

#13 GOURMET VEGGIE CLUB® Double provolone, real avocado spread, sliced cucumber, alfalfa sprouts, lettuce, tomato, & mayo. (Try it on my 7-grain whole wheat bread. This veggie sandwich is world class!)

THE J.J. GARGANTUAN® This sandwich was invented by Jimmy John's brother Huey. It's huge enough to feed the hungriest of all humans! Tons of genoa salami, sliced smoked ham, capicola, roast beef, turkey & provolone, jammed into one of our homemade French buns then smothered with onions, mayo, lettuce, tomato, & our homemade Italian dressing.

Roast beef, turkey breast, lettuce, tomato, & mayo. An American classic, certainly not invented by J.J. but definitely tweaked and fine-tuned to perfection!


The same as our #3 Totally Tuna except this one has a lot more. Fresh housemade tuna salad, provolone, sprouts, cucumber, lettuce, & tomato.


Fresh sliced turkey breast, bacon, lettuce, tomato, & mayo. (JJ's original turkey & bacon club)


Real applewood smoked ham and bacon with lettuce, tomato & mayo, what could be better!


513.751.9555 CINCINNATI


513.621.9555 CINCINNATI


Copy Writer: None Previous User: Kate Hanson


★ sides ★ ★ Soda Pop

ok, so my subs really aren't gourmet and we're not french either. my subs just taste a little better, that's all! I wanted to call it jimmy john's tasty sandwiches, but Live: 4.28” x 9.5” my mom told me Project None to Manager: stick with gourmet. Trim: 4.78” x 10” She thinks whatever Studio Artist: Kate Hanson I do is gourmet, but Bleed: 4.78” x 10” i don't think either Accountof Manager: Nonewhat it us knows Scale: 1”=1” means. so let's stickArtwith tasty! Director: None

Document Path: ...9 Fifth Third Bank:5060_5466_Student_Banking_Print_Ads_CR:Studio-Final Production:5466_Stu_PayBack_3.indd Used Fonts: GothamCondensed (Book), GFY Jeanna (Regular), NeNe_WeNo Reliev (Regular) Linked Content: Paper_k.tif (330 ppi; 90.91%), Title_Sketch_k.psd (560 ppi; 53.56%), cooler cling_0053_bw_clipped.psd (881 ppi; 34.02%), Logo_Sketch_k.psd (407 ppi; 73.57%), 53_1c w-tag-GothamBOOK.eps

None None None None

★ Giant chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin cookie

Caregiver wanted in Mason for active, physically disabled 51-year-old. No experience, flexible hours. 10+/hour. Call 513-381-2800 #7778.

Weekend Edition



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Sept. 24, 2009



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"YOUR MOM WANTS YOU TO EAT AT JIMMY JOHN'S!" ® © 1 9 8 5 , 2 0 0 2 , 2 0 0 3 , 2 0 0 4 , 2 0 0 7 , 2 0 0 8 J I M M Y J O H N ’ S F R A N C H I S E , L L C A L L R I G H T S R E S E RV E D . We R e s e r ve T h e R i g h t To M a k e A n y M e n u Ch a n g e s .


Thursday Sept. 24, 2009 Weekend Edition




How not to be ‘that guy’ So summer’s over, huh? Well, at least nobody died, right? Oh wait, too soon? Now we’re back for another year of giving it the ol’ college try. But at least the end of summer brings along the start of football (now in full swing because we start so late). It is the best time of the year by far, so, as we trudge along this season I have come up with a little list of what I hope you do not partake in. We all know the people I’m talking about. Most of us have a friend or two that do the exact thing I speak of. If you do, please do us all a favor and keep that friend quiet. 1. Premature play predictor. ‘Deep to Chris Henry right here, watch this.’ I think we all know the guy that says this. OK, I guess I’ll watch this play more intently since you told me what was going to happen. Their guess is wrong 49 of 50 times but you only hear them when they called the right play that one time. We’ve all been around the guy that thinks he’s a genius when he gets the play right. The problem is that no one cares and your guess was just that, a guess, a shot in the dark if you will. It’s been played dude, you’re not the offensive coordinator for the Bengals, so just watch the game. 2. Fantasy football expert. I’m in a league right now with one of these types. You know the guy that always talks about how many straight years he has won his league. I like to play fantasy football as much as the next guy, and even though there is money on the line, I don’t talk about it constantly. And don’t act like you knew off the top of your head how many interceptions Tom Brady has thrown in the last eight seasons. Rolling out those kinds of stats makes it obvious that you are a fantasy addict. 3. Bengals Basher. Yes, the Bengals suck. Yes, they need a general manager that isn’t Mike Brown. No, they won’t beat Pittsburgh this weekend. Even with all the humor surrounding the Cincinnati Bengals organization, we shouldn’t make fun. The reason? Because the jokes made about the team are painstakingly awful. ‘Ocho Stinko,’ for example, is less funny than the show “Yo Momma” with Wilmer Valderrama aired on MTV in 2006. Please spare us all from having to fake laugh at your awful joke. 4. The superfan. A lot of people like the Bengals. I even like the Bengals. There are those people that apparently like the team way more than anyone else. To express their excessive fan behavior they feel it necessary to tell you how they own season tickets and how they have been going to games since they were born. It’s like the superfan is trying to convince me how much he likes the team. I’m not saying you can’t be a fan and cheer for your team, I’m all about that, but you don’t need to convince me you’re a fan. 5. Bandwagon jumper. Again, I have a friend with a bandwagon jumping disease. Every week he’s rooting for someone else saying things like, ‘that’s my boy’ or ‘they’re my team.’ They usually jump on board because a particular player is playing well or has 98 speed on the new Madden game. The good thing is that a select few have the problems that I mentioned. Just be sure to politely tell the offenders next time you have to watch a three-hour long game with them. E-mail Garrett at briefs

cronin’s contract extension approved University of Cincinnati men’s basketball head coach Mick Cronin received a two-year contract extension Tuesday, Sept. 22. “Under Coach Cronin’s leadership the past three years, the men’s basketball program has improved on the court and in the classroom,” said UC director of athletics Mike Thomas. “I look forward to the continued development of the program to once again attain national prominence and compete for Big East championships on an annual basis.” This is Cronin’s first contract extension since being hired in 2006. In three seasons at UC, Cronin holds an overall record of 4252 and 18-34 in the Big East.

sports UC takes 3rd in season-opener covering all uc sports

The Cats finished the invitational with a three-round total score of 861, five strokes behind second-place Ball State University. Bowling Green State University won the tournament with a three round total of 350. The third place finish at the Yestingsmeier is the best finish UC recorded in Muncie, Ind., since placing seventh last season. Martin says he is very excited and optimistic about what his team is capable of accomplishing this season. UC had a total of three players finish in the top-10, which included freshman Desmarais, David Tepe and junior Joe Kastelic. Kastelic and Tepe both finished tied for eighth after they each posted a 215 in the Invitational. “[Kastelic] just needs to continue to do the things he has done in the past,” Martin said. “Joe is a very solid player who is hard on his game and is very hard on himself.” Freshman Zach Bates and Matt

Pat Strang the news record

In his first collegiate event, freshman Andrew Desmarais led the University of Cincinnati men’s golf team to a third-place finish in the Earl Yestingsmeier Invitational in Muncie, Ind., Tuesday, Sept. 22. “Anytime you get freshmen to come in with no college experience and finish in the top-10 of a tournament, it’s big,” said head coach Doug Martin. Desmarais finished tied for fourth, shooting three strokes over par with a three round total score of 213. Desmarais finished only four shots behind the individual leader. “I expect Desmarais, as well as the other freshman here, to have very solid careers at UC,” Martin said. “They are very motivated and passionate about getting better. It always excites a coach when you have players come in who are excited about getting better and not being afraid to succeed.”

Ledom ended the tournament in 31st and 57th place, respectively. “Fortunately, the four freshmen that I have right now are very talented individuals,” Martin said. “They don’t act like freshmen, they don’t play like freshmen, which is really good. As long as they continue to stay hungry and want to get better, the future is very bright for each of them.” Since the loss of senior Alberto Fernandez, the UC golf team is very young. The team consists of three juniors, three sophomores and four freshmen. “We are going to have ups and downs because we are young,” Martin said. “Hopefully we have more ups than downs.” UC was also big on the green, sinking over 45 birdie putts throughout the invitational according to coach Martin. Next up, the Bearcats are set to participate in the Cleveland State Invitational starting Monday, Sept. 28.

file art | the news record

the uc men’s golf team placed third in the Earl Yestingsmeier Invitational Tuesday, Sept. 22.

who let the cat out of the bag?

kareem elgazzar | the news record

jacob ramsey (left) runs for a touchdown against SEMO.

Dogs look to rain on Cats’ parade jordan staugler the news record

The University of Cincinnati football team (3-0) seeks to avoid an upset when they face off against the Fresno State Bulldogs at noon Saturday, Sept. 27, at Nippert stadium. “Yes, they lost two football games,” said UC head coach Brian Kelly. “But if you look at it, they lost against Wisconsin in overtime, then almost beat Boise State before giving up big plays late against them.” Fresno state (1-2) enters the week ranked fourth in the nation in rushing offense, 10th in total offense and 20th in scoring offense averaging 38.7 points per game. “We will be challenged against Fresno State defensively,” Kelly said. “Their running game, their ability to throw the ball deep, big plays, are what they’re about.” Junior running back, Ryan Mathews, leads the NCAA in rushing, averaging 149 yards per game. So far this season Mathews has posted three straight 100-yard games and is averaging 9.12 yards per carry. “We are preparing just like any other week and any other running back,” senior linebacker Andre Revels said. “He obviously presents different

challenges because he is bigger, he’s faster and he knows how to run the ball really well. So, it’s going to be a great challenge.” Despite entering the 2009 season with only one starter, the Cincinnati defense is holding its own and ranks in the top-25 in all four major defensive categories: rushing defense (69.33 ypg/12th), scoring defense (12.0 ppg/15th), total defense (271.0 ppg/23rd) and pass efficiency defense (98.27/24th). The defense is also excelling at forcing turnovers. Through the first three games, the defense has picked off seven passes and forced five fumbles. UC leads the Big East and ranks fifth nationally forcing an average of two turnovers per game. “The biggest thing about defense is you have to be able to trust the man next to you,” Revels said. “[During] summer and winter conditioning, we built a great brotherhood, now we’re able to communicate with each other and play fast.” On the other side of the ball, the Bearcat offense is being recognized as one of the best in the nation. So far this season, Cincinnati’s offense is ranked fourth in scoring offense averaging 48.3 points a game. Though the Bearcats’ offense seems to be hitting

“The biggest thing about defense is you have to be able to trust the man next to you.” andre revels,

Senior linebacker

on all cylinders, Kelly still feels that the offense is too inconsistent. “We’re not concerned with anything else but playing consistent and that is what Fresno State is about,” Kelly said. “From an offensive stand point, we had more mental errors against Oregon State than we had the first two games, that is the consistency I am talking about.” Senior quarterback Tony Pike is UC’s leader on offense and is off to a great start. Pike has completed 70.8 percent of his passes and is ranked 13th nationally with a QB rating of 165.03. Saturday’s game will be the first meeting between the two teams, the Bearcats however are 17-18-2 all-time versus the Western Athletic Conference (WAC) teams.

Mountaineers take down Bearcats, 2-0 michael vest the news record

On a wet and overcast afternoon, the University of Cincinnati men’s soccer team wrapped up its six game home stand with a 2-0 loss to West Virginia University Sunday, Sept. 20. The Bearcats (5-2-0) were able to generate opportunities throughout the game, especially in the second half, but couldn’t capitalize on their scoring chances. UC outshot the Mountaineers 9-5 and 6-2 in the second half. “It was a frustrating day, this is the most adversity we’ve had to face so far this season,” said UC head coach Hylton Dayes. “We didn’t make the critical plays at the key moments.” Cincinnati and West Virginia started the game playing tentatively and were unable to generate any organized attack. Both teams struggled to control the midfield throughout the game. “When you play Friday then Sunday, the Sunday games always start a little slow,” Dayes said. “The players legs are a

little heavy from playing Friday, so I think that’s what you saw early on.” Late in the first half, the Mountaineers strung together a few passes, which led to WVU’s first goal of the game. The Mountaineers took a 1-0 lead with 13:32 left in the first half, when Uwem Etuk received a pass at the top of the box and slipped past the last defender shooting the ball in the lower left corner just passed junior goalie Miguel Rosales, marking the first goal Rosales has given up this season. At the beginning of the second half, UC kept possession and started to put together an organized attack, but couldn’t manage to put the ball in the back of the net. “We wanted to be more attacking oriented, so we tweaked the system a little bit and tried to get forward more,” Dayes said. Cincinnati’s best chance to score came late in the second half. Scotland native Nick Weightman was surrounded by three West Virginia

defenders in the box and found Branden Stelmak with a pass. Stelmak shot to the near post, but goalie Zach Johnson made a reaction save clearing the ball out of danger.

West Virginia’s second goal came with 11:44 left in the game. Alex Silva received a headed pass that sprung him, Rosales charged on Silva leaving an open goal, which Silva tapped in under Rosales. “I think there was a little see soccer | page 2


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kareem Elgazzar | The News Record

tristan watson dribbles past a defender during UC’s home loss to No. 1 ranked Akron Sept. 13.

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