Safety committee continues to educate students, raise awareness Group considers new initiatives to improve fire safety in off-campus residences, UC community ELIZABETH DEPOMPEI STAFF REPORTER
DAN SULLIVAN STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Daniel Cummins listens as members of the Safe Housing Committee discuss ways to improve safe housing initiatives around campus.
SG candidates discuss diversity as election nears
The University of Cincinnati Safe Housing Committee met Wednesday to discuss how to better educate students about fire prevention in off-campus housing. The committee formed after two UC students died in a house fire on Digby Avenue and is working to expand on its previous efforts to make students safer. “What we’re trying to do is change the culture of fire safety and that’s going to take every effort possible,” said Rod Garner, whose daughter, Ellen Garner, died in the house fire on New Year’s Day. In 2012, Garner and the committee worked with Cincinnati city officials to establish a program that helps students find housing that has been inspected by the Cincinnati Fire Department. Members of the committee said potential fire hazards range from faulty smoke detectors to grilling where there isn’t a sprinkler system, something Cincinnati District Fire Chief Fred Prather said most students don’t know is illegal. “There’s a whole lot to it,” Prather said. “But the bottom line is it’s the little things that kill people, not the big things.” So far, 14 different rental properties have voluntarily
undergone fire inspections and registered with the program’s database. Daniel Cummins, assistant dean of students, leads the committee and spoke to Prather about organizing a “burning building” class where UC leaders and students would experience a controlled building fire alongside the Cincinnati Fire Department. “That experience changes things because they never forget it,” Prather said. “It changes people’s lives.” In January, the UC Student Wellness Center hosted its first Student Safe Housing Fair. About 250 students came out for the event. “Students realized there was a lot of information they didn’t know,” said Erica Forrest, assistant director at the Student Wellness Center. Forrest and student body president Joe Blizzard, who also serves on the committee, pointed out that students look for housing and sign leases at different times throughout the year. They think changing the date of the next fair could make for a better turnout. Garner said freshmen orientation is the first and best opportunity to educate students and parents about safe housing. He said most parents never consider fire safety. The fire that killed Garner’s daughter was caused by a space heater in an overcrowded house, and Ellen Garner, who was sleeping in a converted attic bedroom, wasn’t able to get out. At a Parents Association meeting on campus in October, SEE HOUSING PG 2
After a tumultuous Fall semester dominated by racial tension, topics of diversity and inclusion have become key platforms in the 2014 University of Cincinnati Undergraduate Student Government campaigns. University of Cincinnati Undergraduate Student Government candidates convened at the African American Cultural & Resource Center for the third annual diversity debate Monday. “It’s important to come up with ways, whether it’s through initiatives or programing, to make diversity a more ubiquitous topic,” said Alfred BurneyAllen, United Black Student Association president who helped organize the debate. “Especially since it is not only an issue on campus but it’s an issue abroad and impacts all of us.” One challenging issue candidates face is how to retain and promote diverse students in the UC community. As of fall 2013, only 8.3 percent of students are African American, 3 percent are Asian, and 2.5 percent are Hispanic. Only eight of the 11 candidates for senate were present to field questions from the audience and MC Abdine Lewis, United Black student political action chair, less than two weeks before voting starts. Of the 11 candidates, only eight will win office. Incumbent senator Jessica Gearhart, a fourth-year biomedical engineering student, said she wanted more actions, rather than words, to make campus more inclusive. “I want to walk away next year having created something tangible,” Gearhart said. “I want to be able to point to something and say ‘I did that, I started that.’” First-year candidate Mitchell Phelps also hopes to create something tangible by proposing a mid-college diversity scholarship. “I believe if we had a mid-college diversity scholarship it would motivate students of color, or any diversity, to really strive and achieve,” Phelps said. Phelps said the scholarship would help increase retention rates by giving students a goal to work toward. Presidential and vice presidential candidates took the stage after the debate between hopeful senators. Both slates were asked how they would combat diversity issues and prejudices on campus. President candidate Christina Beer and vice president candidate Shivam SEE DIVERSITY PG 2
MADISON SCHMIDT CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER The University of Cincinnati Board of Trustees approved $46 million for a new student information system Tuesday. The current system, which manages everything from class registration to managing financial aid, is outdated. Unlike the current system, the new system is being created by an outside firm. Officials hope to have it operational in two years.
Trustees approve $46 million to replace outdated student information system BRYAN SHUPE CHIEF REPORTER
A $46 million investment could help make students’ lives at the University of Cincinnati easier when it comes time to register for classes and a whole host of other online campus services. The new student information system, which the UC Board of Trustees approved Tuesday, compiles and facilitates data ranging from grades to financial aid. The board’s approval of the funding is going to drastically improve students’ access to services, such as Onestop, from the current student information system, which was created by the university years ago, said Nelson Vincent, vice president for Information Technology and chief information officer. Administrators said they hope the system — a long-overdue upgrade — will be fully implemented in the next two years. “It’s incredibly important,” said UC President Santa Ono.“It has a lot of functionality that the current, antiquated homegrown system doesn’t have.” Of the $46 million needed to fund the project, $35 million will be funded through
the issuance of debt. “We’re going to be amortizing the cost of this investment over 15 years, but it really is the cost of doing business,”Vincent said.“Our existing system for UniverSIS is well beyond its useful life and we really just need to get the system updated so we can do our basic business.” According to the proposal, the university’s current core SIS is running on software that was originally created in the 1970s. It also stated that the current SIS did not meet the current “demand for functionality, usability, capacity and accessibility by students, staff and faculty.” The university first became aware of the need to upgrade around 10 years ago, said Greg Hand, UC spokesman. Semester conversations in 2012 increased the sense of urgency. Hand said many administrators weren’t sure if the old system would be able to handle the transition into a different academic calendar. Earlier in the academic year, the board of trustees approved the initial funding to conduct research on how to go about its implementation. “We’re moving to the Oracle family of products from Peoplesoft,”Vincent said.“The new system will be a non-mainframe system, which means it’ll be functioning 24/7.”
UC compared notes with hundreds of other universities who have made similar changes in their information systems and the return on the dollar is worth the investment, Vincent said. While the investment is a costly one, it’s a needed one, Vincent said. The investment is even more important when considering students’ frustrations with the current system. “I feel like that’s a smart move,” said Eli Rouse, first-year pre-medical student.“If it’s helping students who have issues with things like registering for classes and getting their grades, it’s worth it.” Complaints with the current system aren’t uncommon, said Joe Blizzard, student body president. “There’s been a lot of complaints on one specific issue that the current UniverSIS system covers and that’s the registration of classes and the ability to access Onestop between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m.,” Blizzard said. “It’s also going to work with Blackboard so they’ll be able to integrate together on different things. But the new information system is really going to be focused on everything that happens in the outside of the academic world, so anything you find on Onestop right now will be covered under the new SIS.”
Student government tables bill to partially fund fall concert SG votes to save limited end-of-year funds for initiatives directly impacting students NATALIE COLEMAN STAFF REPORTER
MADISON SCHMIDT CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER Joe Blizzard, student body president, listens as members from Red and Back Bash organization make their case for funding.
The University of Cincinnati Undergraduate Student Government tabled a bill Wednesday that would have given $2,000 to this year’s Red and Black Bash concert. “It would just be transferring money, and at the end of the day the colleges don’t see any of it,” said Andrew Griggs, a tribunal senator from the College of Engineering and Applied Science. “I think that we can find a myriad of ways to spend this money that will more directly impact students in their colleges.” The Red and Black Bash organization has sponsored the free, outdoor concert for both students and the general public every fall since 2002. Last year, the concert drew a crowd of nearly 10,000 — the largest attendance to date — for the Cincinnatibased, indie rock band Walk the Moon. The event costs $67,000 — $55,000 of which are covered by the university. CHIEF.NEWSRECORD@GMAIL.COM / 513.556.5908
“To have the same kind of concert experience, we have to raise $12,000,” said Sean Cox, marketing manager for the Red and Black Bash group. “Right now, we are at square one.” SG has $3,000 left to spend from its co-sponsorship budget and $7,000 to spend from its programming budget. All tribunal funding must be spent by March 26. “This bill is time sensitive because we need to be able to spend this money before the year is done and we restart at zero,” Cox said. “If this isn’t accepted by [SG], we will probably propose a bill.” Cox and his team hope to further collaborate with student government to increase awareness of their group. “We have no connections outside of our group,” Cox said. “A huge entity like student government has a web of connections which we could really use. One of the things that we’ve been trying to do is establish an identity for ourselves.” SG members said they want to focus more on directly impacting the university with their leftover funds “This is actually my first SG meeting,” Cox said. “It’s a learning curve.”
2 / NEWS Ukraine uprising erupts in killings, arson, raids THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 2014 / NEWSRECORD.ORG
PROVIDED A protester hurls a cobblestone as police forces and civilians clash in Independence Square in central Kiev where as many as 19 are dead Wednesday.
World watching as eastern Europe uprising turns violent, reports peg death toll as high as 19 MCCLATCHY NEWSPAPERS
KIEV, Ukraine — The 3-month-old uprising against Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich flared to a deadly crescendo Tuesday with anti-government protesters setting fire to the ruling party headquarters and security forces storming their tent camp in what officials labeled “an antiterror operation.” The Interior Ministry reported that at least nine people were killed: two police officers, an official of the ruling Party of Regions and six protesters. Opposition lawmaker Oleksandra Kuzhel said the death toll had grown to 15 after security forces moved against the encampment with stun grenades and water cannons. Other reports put the number as high as 19. Even the lower death toll would represent the worst one-day loss of lives in the battle over this former Soviet republic’s future as a nation tied more closely to Russia or the West. Live television coverage in Russia and video from nine cameras streaming over Ukrainian opposition media showed fiery explosions illuminating the grimy tent city in Kiev’s Independence Square after protesters ignored a warning to clear out and police in riot gear stormed the area about 8 p.m.
Officers set fire to tents and lobbed tear-gas canisters into the crowds of defiant protesters. Clouds of smoke wafted over the chaotic scene, eerily back-lit by an orange glow from the blasts, burning sandbags and smoldering debris ignited by police trying to drive away the protesters. Despite the caustic fumes, thousands of people remained on the embattled front line on the square, also known as Maidan. Authorities reported that unrest also had broken out elsewhere in western Ukraine, with protesters attacking local government offices in a number of areas. Ukrainians in favor of closer ties with the West, most of them urbanites, have been demanding Yanukovich’s resignation since he unilaterally decided in November to scrap an association accord between Ukraine and the European Union in favor of maintaining economic integration with Russia. Opposition leaders told journalists in Kiev, the capital, that they had requested negotiations with the government to defuse the escalating violence and that the nation’s leadership had agreed to meet with them Wednesday. However, police continued to set fire to tents and barricades well into the night. Protest leaders remained defiant. Opposition politician Arseny Yatsenyuk, an economist and former foreign minister, appealed to Yanukovich to spare Ukraine from becoming “a country covered with blood” by pulling back security forces and adhering to a
cease-fire if he wanted dialogue with his opponents. “This is an island of freedom and we will defend it,” another opposition leader, former world heavyweight boxing champion Vitali Klitschko, vowed while urging the protesters to hold their ground against the police onslaught. The government also held its hard line against the unrest. “Today we were able to see that only the government is interested in peaceful resolution of the situation,” Prosecutor General Viktor Pshonka told state-controlled television. “Opposition leaders should take the responsibility for everything happening in the street of Kiev today. It is the opposition who announced a peaceful rally that turned into (a) violent standoff.” In Washington, White House press secretary Jay Carney called on Yanukovich to restart negotiations with the protesters “to immediately de-escalate the situation and put an end to complications on the Maidan.” U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon also urged the Ukrainian government and opposition to show restraint and resume “sincere dialogue,” Ban spokesman Martin Nesirky said. The surge in violence followed a short-lived amnesty agreement fulfilled over the weekend when authorities released the last 234 detained protesters and promised to drop criminal charges against them. In exchange, the opposition vacated Kiev City Hall and removed some barricades blocking streets around the Supreme Council, the national parliament. Still intent on pressing their demands for Yanukovich’s resignation and parliamentary action to curb presidential powers, protesters marched toward the parliament building Tuesday afternoon. They called for restoration of the 2004 constitution, which was amended to reduce legislative authority after Yanukovich was elected in 2010. The demonstrators turned more belligerent when Yanukovich’s Party of Regions postponed debate on the legislative changes sought by the opposition and police tried to block a procession of about 20,000 people who attempted to enter the parliament. Some managed to penetrate the security cordon around the building as well as the Party of Regions headquarters, Kiev’s Channel 5 news reported. Marchers pulled cobblestones from the streets to hurl at police, who tossed tear gas back at the protesters, Associated Press photos and BBC video showed. Russia-24 television news, which like other Kremlincontrolled media has blamed radicals for the unrest, showed Tuesday’s violence under headlines proclaiming “revolution” and “massive disorder.” The short-lived easing of tension during the weekend apparently fell victim to renewed concern on both sides that the fight over the future of Ukraine remains unresolved. Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov announced Monday that Moscow would buy an additional $2 billion in Ukrainian bonds, part of a promised aid infusion of $15 billion in loans and energy subsidies. Protesters see the Russian bailout as an attempt to buy Yanukovich’s allegiance to the Eurasian Union, a Moscowdirected economic alliance that Russian President Vladimir Putin has been touting as an alternative to the European Union.
No quick solution to payment card hacking Magnetic strips enable card hacks, shoppers need improved technology MCCLATCHY NEWSPAPERS
Consumers shell-shocked by the escalating size and frequency of payment card hacks like the one that recently struck Target aren’t likely to get much relief any time soon. If anything, security experts say, the situation will worsen for American shoppers before it improves, if it ever does. The U.S. relies largely on payment cards with magnetic strips — described by one retail trade group as “antiquated” and especially prone to fraud — instead of more secure systems already in place in most other countries. The vulnerability makes the United States a prime target for hackers. A belated switch to credit cards with encrypted chips is set to kick in next year, but security experts are skeptical of its ability to keep cybercriminals at bay. And despite the growing costs of payment card hacks, the retailers, card companies and banks responsible for safeguarding consumers’ financial information continue to butt heads over how best to stem the losses. Amid the finger-pointing, politicians are weighing whether the government needs to get involved in ensuring greater payment card security. President Barack Obama took a step in that direction last week by unveiling guidelines aimed at prodding companies that oversee essential services such as banking to
Shah, stressed the importance of openness and transparency when faced with these issues. Beer proposed hosting town hall meetings next year to address diversity issues with students. “All too frequently we say diversity and only regard that as race, but it’s not. It’s so much more,” Shah said. The town hall meetings would provide outlets to discuss diversity issues and empower students to take action on campus, Beer said.
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better protect themselves from cyberattacks. Security experts fret that failure to act could threaten consumer trust in the plastic cards that drive the national economy. “This has the potential for people to question the viability of our payment system,” said Venky Ganesan, a venture capitalist with Menlo Ventures, who focuses on cybersecurity investments.“If people lose faith in the payments system, you’re going to have the economy gum up.” Though e-commerce is a fast-rising sector, sales in bricks-and-mortar stores still account for 94 percent of all U.S. retail purchases, according to Javelin Strategy & Research. Credit and debit cards are used in half of those transactions. Last year, nearly 70 billion payments, worth about $4 trillion, were made with credit, debit and prepaid cards in the U.S., according to industry tracker Nilson Report. The Target breach was a stark reminder of just how vulnerable those plastic cards are. Cybercriminals accessed credit and ATM card numbers of about 40 million customers and also stole personal information from up to 70 million shoppers by hacking the card readers. Soon after, major breaches were also discovered at Neiman Marcus and Michael’s. The information was then sold on the black market and used for fraudulent charges, the amount of which investigators are still trying to determine. Credit card consumers are not liable for the fraudulent charges made with the stolen information, but some are having to spend hours repairing dinged credit scores or clearing up a transaction. “I strive to make sure everything I do is not only leading with integrity but empowering other people to do so as well,” Beer said. On the other slate, presidential candidate Vincent Coleman and vice presidential candidate Andrew Pfriem, said they would enact a plan that would engage the student body to promote an inclusive campus. “I can’t represent everybody, but Pfriem and I can take the initiative to engage the student body in such a way that we are including them … and actively listening,” Coleman said.
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The Target hack alone has cost credit unions up to $30 million to reissue cards and staff up call centers to handle consumer inquiries, according to the Credit Union National Association. Member banks of the Consumer Bankers Association have reissued more than 17.2 million payment cards, at a cost of $172 million. A report from Jefferies & Co. calculated that Target could face penalties of $400 million to $1.1 billion from the payment card industry because of the breach. These thefts are just the tip of a very large iceberg. The Secret Service cybercrime investigations team has arrested more than 4,900 suspects associated with $1.37 billion in fraud losses in the last four years. Banks managed to stop about $13 billion in attempted fraud last year, according to the American Bankers Association. But there were still more than 600 breaches during that period, a 30 percent year-over-year increase, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center. The U.S. is an island when it comes to plastic cards with personal financial information stored on magnetic strips _ a tool in use since the 1960s. Most other countries ditched the cards years ago in favor of a version known as EMV, a chip-based means of securing payment transactions developed by Europay, MasterCard and Visa. “All the issues we are seeing are the result of the legacy systems we have in place,” said Alphonse Pascual, a senior analyst for Javelin.“This information can be stolen by anyone.”
Voting for starts Feb. 26. Garner spoke about the loss of his daughter and the dangers of unsafe housing. One parent approached him after the meeting and thanked him for sharing his story. “It’s important to take what I’ve learned and share it with others,” Garner said. “I don’t want to see this happen to anybody else.” The Safe Housing Committee will meet again March 12.
Poll shows Arizonans want legalized pot CRONKITE NEWS SERVICE
Nearly four years after Arizonans narrowly approved medical marijuana, a poll suggests that a slight majority favors following the lead of Colorado and Washington by legalizing the drug for general use. Fifty-one percent of those responding to the Behavior Research Center’s Rocky Mountain Poll said the sale of marijuana should be legal, while 41 percent were opposed. Eight percent were unsure. Two groups are trying to collect enough signatures to put the issue on the ballot in Arizona, with one aiming for this year and the other for 2016.
Man pleads guilty to state terrorism charge LOS ANGELES TIMES
A man accused of building homemade bombs to wage jihad in New York City against U.S. military personnel and others has pleaded guilty to a state terrorism charge, officials announced Wednesday. Jose Pimentel, also known as Muhammad Yousuf and as Yusuf, pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of attempted criminal possession of a weapon as a crime of terrorism — a state law passed after the Sept. 11, 2001, attack in New York. He is expected to be sentenced to 16 years in prison but could have received 15 years to life if convicted on the original charge, a high-level weapons possession offense as a crime of terrorism.
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3 / COLLEGE LIFE Diversity lectures explore health risk factors, deaths THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 2014 / NEWSRECORD.ORG
Presenters visit campus to discuss short life expectancies in Cincinnati, substantial infant mortality rates PALOMA IANES STAFF REPORTER
Local speakers came to Kresge Auditorium on East Campus Tuesday, divulging risk factors that frequently contribute to early deaths – an occurrence that is of particular concern in Cincinnati. A pair of lectures titled “Diversity and Inclusion: Education, Collaboration and Transformation,” explored the causes of pressing health-related issues in Cincinnati and what can be done to combat them. The first, Stephen Wilson, internal medicine and pediatrics physician at Mercy Health, presented Health Disparities, and James Page, vice president in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Center, presented the second lecture, Culture and Environment. Health Disparities focused on two primary topics: the difference in life expectancies of residents in surrounding neighborhoods and infant deaths. Wilson explained factors that attribute to relatively early deaths of many Cincinnati residents. These factors include: health insurance, nutrition, homicide, education, employment and the socioeconomic standing of a neighborhood, Wilson said. Wilson emphasized the need for medical institutions and professionals to engage themselves in the neighborhoods in
which residents are suffering shorter life expectancies. “We need to have more outreach in the community,” Wilson said.“We have world class institutions in some of the neighborhoods with the lowest life expectancies in the city. Somehow, there’s a disconnect in their feeling of access to [medical care].” When it came to infant care, Wilson showed shocking statistics; approximately 25,000 infants die each year in the U.S., according to the CDC, and Cincinnati has the highest infant mortality rate out of any city in Ohio, Wilson said. Wilson presented research that attributes many of these
“If we can establish better health habits earlier, then perhaps we won’t have these bad health outcomes that many people fall victim to.” - Karen Bankston, associate dean for Clinical Practice, Partnership, Community Engagement
deaths to lack of infant care knowledge among mothers. He emphasized the importance of the program Women, Infants and Children, which provides nutrition education and counseling, breast-feeding support, nutritious foods and infant formula for women who are expecting or for mothers with children under the age of 5. Addressing women with these issues before conception is considered extremely beneficial in the medical community. “Pre-conceptual counseling is an outstanding service for
young women shown to prevent some of the pregnancy complications that we see,” Wilson said. Audience members and presenters at the event generally agreed pre-conceptual education and sex education need to be more widely available in schools and universities. Page’s presentation continued on the topic of healthcare awareness, addressing issues of communication and understanding between different cultures and medical institutions. “I think that as Cincinnati grows, and we bring more people from different parts of the world to our community, it is important that we adjust our form of providing care so we can engage these patients more,” Page said. Page also focused on the topic of trust. Medical institutions need to gain trust of communities through trust-centers such as churches or local businesses in order to spread their messages of health education, he said. “Spreading the world of medical science, the only way you’re going to achieve that is by addressing these trust centers,” Page said. Afterthoughts were exchanged once the lecture ended. Karen Bankston, associate dean for Clinical Practice, Partnership and Community Engagement at the College of Nursing, ended the discussion on a progressive note. “If we can establish better health habits earlier, then perhaps we won’t have these bad health outcomes that many people fall victim to,” Bankston said.“I do think that because there’s more talk about it, college students are more aware.”
Students relax, Event illustrates arts within black LGBTQ community rejuvenate during PAC Zen event LYDIA WEIGEL CONTRIBUTOR
Sweet-smelling aromas, lucky bamboo and massage chairs created an alternate reality for stressed students Wednesday during the University of Cincinnati Programs and Activities Council’s Zen Day. The free event, which incorporated three distinct stations in the Tangeman University Center, was intended to give students the opportunity to relax in the midst of approaching midterms and winter weather. Those sitting in the colorful, bedazzled massage chairs experienced a massage accompanied by a video, calming music, scented spray and mints. A soothing song was played about imagination and Disney clips and a colorful light show were shown. To Yasmin Chilton, special events program director of PAC, the chair was the best part of the event because it was able to put one in a “no gravity zone… truly a full state of relaxation.” At a second station, PAC members wished students luck on their exams by giving out lucky bamboo. Students were instructed to select three pieces of bamboo, tie them together and surround them with a mix of colorful rocks. Lucky bamboo is meant to be an idyllic example of balance and the three stocks of bamboo are meant to bring happiness. The tie around the bamboo is meant to create a positive flow of energy around the room. “I saw people carrying [the bamboo] and had to get some,” said Amanda Harrison, a third-year psychology student. “I’ve had bamboo in the past and am excited to get some more.” A final station exhibited a plethora of aromas to choose from. Students chose a scent and mixed it with colorful water. Reeds were given out to put in the mixture and fragrant an entire room. More than ten scents were offered. Hui Chen, a first-year information technology student, and Ivan Lim, a first-year psychology student, agreed that the aromas were their favorite aspect of the event. “The aroma scents are very relaxing,” Lim said. The event was simply meant to provide students “an environment to relax,” Chilton said, providing an atmosphere in which students revitalized themselves.
Author and LGBTQ and race activist Doug Cooper Spencer addresses audience members during Behind the Scenes, a Black History Month event focusing on the history of the arts within the black LGBTQ community. The speaker detailed how opportunities have changed from the time he came out as a gay man in 1972 to present day.
Black History Month event Behind the Scenes highlights history, achievements PALOMA IANES STAFF REPORTER
University of Cincinnati organizations banded together Tuesday to present a Black History Month event striving to broaden students’ knowledge on the vividly artistic past and present of the black LGBTQ community. The event, hosted in the African American Cultural & Resource Center, was created through the collaboration of the AACRC, LGBTQ Center and UC Blue Ash Multicultural Affairs. It included presentations by Kalilah Montgomery, president of Gender Bloc and vice president of Colors of Pride, and Doug Cooper Spencer, esteemed author and LGBTQ and race activist. Behind the Scenes included a compilation of spoken narrative and history, movie clips and thought-provoking questions. Spencer kicked off the event by giving a brief summary of his life experiences, proudly stating that he has been openly gay for 42 years. He compared the time
during which he came out to the LGBTQ community today. “In 1972, you had no one to talk to,” Spencer said.“Now you have so many allies, so much support.” His story of self-acceptance serves as inspiration for today’s youth. Spencer talked students through a history of gay and lesbian black literary figures that spanned from the early 1900s through the Harlem Renaissance and present day. He highlighted the revolutionary intellectual movement that individuals such as Langston Hughes, James Baldwin and Anita Cornwell spurred. Throughout the presentation, students were informed about the painful double lives that many gay and lesbian black artists had to experience in order to succeed in their field, due to the mentality of society. When the presentation was complete, students watched several visually impactful trailers and movie clips of films including “The Color Purple,” “The Women of Brewster Place,” “Pariah,” “Paris is Burning” and “Change.” Montgomery brought up various questions, including why African-American LGBTQ films rarely become mainstream.
Behind the Scenes stirred emotions and ideas, revolving around issues that must be faced as a community, surrounding LGBTQ individuals of all races. A general agreement was formed among the audience that the best way to raise awareness is to talk frequently about the subject at hand. “We have to watch and talk about these films, even if they are outside of our comfort zone. We need to speak openly without fear,” Spencer said.
Students discuss influential African Americans in the LGBTQ community. The event included spoken narrative, movie clips and questions.
Poet presents emotional works inspired by personal experience the tone for the rest of the event. After a brief introduction stating Williams’ background, the poet took to the podium, books in hand. With an extensive collection of poetry that goes back to his early beginnings as a poet in his late teens, Williams decided to take a more contemporary route by reading from his more recent works.
“He incorporates a lot of humor in his poems and puts a lot of personality into them.” - Katie Snyeer, first-year anthropology student
Audience members file into the Elliston Poetry Room during a previous installment of the creative writing department’s Visiting Writers Series.
C.K. Williams engages audience during Visiting Writers Series installment NICK THOMPSON CONTRIBUTOR
The atmosphere inside the Elliston Poetry Room ebbed and flowed Wednesday during a Visiting Writers
Series installment featuring C.K. Williams, a Pulitzer Prize-winning poet who has authored an extensive range of works. Before the readings began, the room was filled with conversation and laughter, giving a sense of lightheartedness and community that set
The audience stayed respectfully silent as the poet read his selections. Immediately, one could realize that these were not your average poems. They were written and read in ways that were more similar in structure and narrative to a short story rather than a poem. In addition, they were poems that touched on a variety of subjects and topics. The poem “Weight” touched on aging, and was read and articulated in a way that made one feel just how fast time truly flies by. On the subject of loss, his poem “Wood” was read with such somberness and sincerity that by the end of the poem, one could hear a pin drop. A few in attendance wiped away tears as he read some of his tragic poetry, only later to find themselves laughing at his
comedic pieces. Two students in attendance were very impressed with the variety and passion in Williams’ works. Emily Musselman, first-year accounting student, originally came as part of a class assignment, but was thoroughly impressed by the selections and the ways the poems were read. “I really liked the way that he put emphasis into the poems that he read,” Musselman said. “It was cool to hear him read the poems in the way that he intended them to be read.” Katie Snyeer, a first-year anthropology student, was also impressed by the event. “I really enjoyed his poem ‘On the Metro,’” Snyeer said. “He incorporates a lot of humor in his poems and puts a lot of personality into them.” As the event came to a close, the poet finished by reading his more personal poems based on certain parts of his life and people he has met. Williams, after reading one of his personal poems, took a sip of water and jokingly remarked, “You know, sometimes I read these poems and think ‘Where did all these people go?’” The Visiting Writers Series continues with author Erin McGraw coming to Langsam Library on Friday, followed by Joseph Bates and David Poissant on March 7. C.K. Williams will return to UC on March 28 for his poetry lecture Influences.
4 / ARTS
Bayside keeps classic sound on ‘Cult’
Bogart’s becomes Dogg house
Punk alternative rockers, Bayside, has an extremely loyal cult following, so their sixth studio album, “Cult,” is appropriately named. Hailing from Queens, N.Y., the group is very fan oriented and has released a definite fan-pleasing album by sticking to the archetypal elements of Bayside. Opening the album, “Big Cheese” is classic Bayside with catchy lyrics and driving guitars. This track is definitely an anthem for those who take their lives in their own hands and push to succeed. Singer and guitar player Anthony Raneri sings out his frustrations about being respected and loved, as he’s been doing and will continue doing if they put out another album. “Time Has Come” is a positive tune about remembering the missed opportunities and taking a stand for moving forward in life. “This is the calling I’m waiting for,” Raneri sings triumphantly. This album takes on the theme of conquering the obstacles in life, whether it be from a toxic relationship or a missed opportunity. Bayside has figured out the perfect formula for a long lifespan, and over the 14 years the band has been in existence the additions and subtractions of their sound has grown by leaps and bounds. “Cult” is a testament to the band’s talent and passion as a group of musicians. The album touches on a wide range of personal topics from toxic relationships that seem to suck the life out of those involved, to growing as a person and learning self-love. Bayside tells the fans they are not alone in their struggles in life, and it becomes apparent the band members have been in these situations before. “Cult” is an impressive album that shows the band is not losing steam in the creative process. Every song is an anthem the fans will all be singing along to and this album truly lives up to the expectations that the diehard fans have developed for Bayside. Raneri’s vocals have grit in the sound that shows the emotions of frustration, something perhaps not typical of the singer. The subtly of the grit and growl in his voice is a perfect addition to the Bayside sound and helps deliver the message of this album. The message of overcoming past and current struggles in life and being happy with this place in life is a comforting notion, and one that is undeniably strong in “Cult.” “I’m so proud of where I am.”These lyrics tell listeners that they too can be proud of where they are at, and they have to be proactive to take control of life. Bayside should be proud of this album, and when fans pick it up, it will be sure to make them happy with wherever they are.
Contrived, outlandish plot makes film
PROVIDED Snoop Dogg is known for his infatuation with marijuana. Maybe he’ll bring a little bit of that love to the stage on Friday, but probably not considering the Ohio laws. Either way it should be an intoxicating show.
Still riding long successful career, Snoop to make stop in Cincinnati MONROE TROMBLY STAFF REPORTER
One of the most omnipresent, wellknown and successful rap artists of all time, Snoop Dogg, or rather, Snoop Lion has forever been part of the hip-hop world since his introduction and arrival onto the scene thanks to long-time friend and frequent collaborator, Dr. Dre. Ever since the preeminent release of “The Chronic” in 1992 Snoop Dogg has cemented his place in the history of rap in a short but all-encompassing time of about 20 years, showcasing a wide variety of styles and talent. Having released 11 studio albums and hundreds of singles throughout his time, Snoop Dogg is of course best known for his renowned solo debut in 1993, with “Doggystyle,” featuring the classic songs of “Gin and Juice,” and “Who Am I (What’s My Name)?” On his career-starting work, he coined himself as Snoop Doggy Dog. Bogart’s will host Snoop Dogg (Lion) Friday. Although Snoop Dogg has gone through many changes, both as a rap artist and his subsequent musical style, he is most frequently cited as one of the pioneers and groundbreakers of the West Coast style of rap that combined elements of both “g-funk” and “gangsta rap.” Characterized with deep, synth-heavy bass, samples of p-funk and a highpitched saw wave synthesizer keyboard run, Snoop Doggy Dogg popularized “g-funk” rap in California, contrasting with the East Coast’s hardcore, gangsta rap. Performing and existing alongside other fellow rappers in the realm of Death Row Records, were Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, Tupac, Warren G and Nate Dogg. While artists such Ice Cube and Tupac seemed to flourish in the gangsta lifestyle and genre, which relished in violence-filled lyrics, Snoop always seemed to have a softer side. His rapping is characteristic to only him in the way he raps with a quiet delivery. His smooth drawl, simplistic lyrics and accessible, syncopated rhyming were of course filled with boastful idioms, but Snoop Dogg seemed to advocate a milder temperament of rapping and thus he became the preeminent pimp rapper. In the ’90s, he was both critically, and commercially loved. The pimp lifestyle has always seemed to suit Snoop, and when he left Death Row Records, signing to No Limit, he dropped the Snoop Doggy Dogg
moniker, becoming simply, Snoop Dogg. As of late he has undergone a new transformation since his trip to Kingston, Jamaica in 2012. With the release of “Reincarnated,” Snoop has reinvented and given himself another new name, Snoop Lion. With this name he has attempted to rebrand his name, image, and style of music, pledging to never make a rap album again. Needless to say, Snoop set out to make a strictly reggae album by going to Jamaica, traveling to Trench town and meeting the likes of Bunny Wailer and Damian Marley. In his early days of the ’90s, Snoop Dogg made great music that successfully reflected the hardship, strife, struggle, poverty, economic disenfranchisement and direct prejudice that black Americans were subjected to. Realistic
and honest, Snoop rapped about the despondency of what he faced while also giving his songs fighting, positive words, in order to impart people with the courage to face such undeserved racism. Although Snoop adopted the pimping and gangsta lifestyle after his songs charted and proved incredibly successful, in his earlier works he attempted to provide a voice for the subjugated and disadvantaged. Even with his forays into increased materialism and commercialism in the last 10 years, Snoop Dogg, now reaching the age of 42, was and still is one of the most preeminent rappers of not just the West Coast but the whole of the rap genre. The legendary man will be at Bogart’s Feb. 21 and the Midwest will get a little West Coast.
PROVIDED Snoop Dogg has played all kinds of venues. He’s played big festivals like Coachella and he played at the Riverbend Music Center with 311.
Beck gets emotional, delivers meditative album ‘Morning Phase’ builds on sensitive conversion of ‘Sea Change’ KATIE GRIFFITH MANAGING EDITOR
There are many qualities to Beck Hansen that make him and his music what it is. Call him funky, rebellious, experimental, electronic, dark, mysterious or playful. No matter what it is, his work is always complemented by his casually cool, mellow voice. Because of this, listeners have always been able to unquestionably say, “yeah, that’s Beck.” Although his unmistakable voice never leaves room for contemplation, Becks latest album “Morning Phase” requires a special investment to find and grasp that Beck-ness to which listeners are so accustomed. Listeners were acquainted with a new, more serious and sensitive side of Beck on his 2002 album “Sea Change.” This serious conversion from fun and funky to somber and slow is explored again on “Morning Phase.” Beck has been making a brand out of his name since 1993, one that is appreciated and respected, not shallowly used as a pedestal for fame or propaganda. He has earned an artistic license that can get him in and out of anything, which is why he can have a claim to fame that labels him a “Loser” and still be taken seriously. That’s why we forgive him for making
one of the most depressing albums we’ve ever heard. That’s also why we’ll listen impartially and extract whatever we can from “Morning Phase” because any Beck fan knows that there will be plenty to take away. “Morning” introduces the album with lone guitar strums and a faint piano and doesn’t get much more complex than that. But complex isn’t what matters here. It’s a slow-paced song with lingering vocals in which Beck lays it all out and prepares the listener for the emotionally-driven material that ensues. As a whole, “Morning Phase” is like a theatrical production. In this grand creation Beck is prophetic in the most subtle yet influential way. Each song is executed with passion and heaving orchestrations. He has a story to tell that relies heavily on the instrumentals, most songs begin simply and work their way into masterpieces that are remarkably void of commotion. “Unforgiven” looms with soaring synths and echoing vocals while the prominent baseline booms deeply over various instruments and although sound seems to be the focus in this song and the album, the lyrics are not to be ignored. “Drive to the night/Far as it goes/Away from the daylight/Into the afterglow /Somewhere unforgiven time will wait for you,” Beck sings in a painfully slow manner, an asset to the already woeful tune.
Even in the down-tempo pace that it thrives, this album is more meditative than anything. It demands not just a listen but contemplation. With 13 tracks
full of heavy sentiment and intricate sound, one might conclude that it poses a test of endurance, but it’s really just the opposite.
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6 / SPORTS Kilpatrick moves into second on UC scoring list THURSDAY, FEB. 20, 2014 / NEWSRECORD.ORG
Bearcats dominate UCF as Kilpatrick nears 2,000 career points JOSHUA MILLER SPORTS EDITOR
In a dominant 23-point performance, University of Cincinnati senior guard Sean Kilpatrick moved into second place on UC’s all-time scoring list Wednesday night. With 14 minutes and one second remaining in UC’s 77-49 domination of the University of Central Florida, Kilpatrick scored his 20th point of the night — a layup after an assist from fellow senior Justin Jackson — and the 1,987 of his career, passing Steve Logan (1998-2002) for second place. He now trails only UC legend Oscar Robertson. “It means a lot, being able to pass legends like that and people that I look up to at this university,” Kilpatrick said.“I came in here not highly recruited and who knew that I was going to be this good, so it’s something I keep striving for.” For UC head coach Mick Cronin, who recruited both Logan and Kilpatrick, the moment was bittersweet. He continued to emphasize that he believes Kilpatrick belongs on the All-American list. “He’s not done yet, 2,000 is in his sight,” Cronin said.“But he cares about none of it. He wants to win. I told you guys, I want to know who is better than him.” Jackson paced the Bearcats in the early going, notching four of UC’s first six points
and pulling down three early rebounds, as UC took a 6-4 lead into the under-16 minute media timeout. UC (24-3, 13-1 American Athletic Conference) utilized a 10-0 run to jump out to an early 12-4 lead with 12 minutes remaining in the half. UCF (10-14, 2-11 AAC) made just one of its first 12 shots, while the Bearcats started off the game 8-for-15 from the field. After taking a 4-2 lead, the Knights went more than seven minutes without scoring before Justin McBride briefly stopped the bleeding with a pair of free throws. Things quickly worsened for the Knights, with an emphatic Shaq Thomas Dunk and a 3-pointer from Sean Kilpatrick pushing the Bearcats’ advantage near the 20-point mark, 24-6, heading into the under-eight timeout. UC was on a 22-2 scoring run at that point. Jackson made it 20 on the ensuing possession, banking in a jump shot after an assist from Kevin Johnson. It was not until Justin Jackson headed to the bench with his second foul with six minutes left in the half that UCF finally converted its second field goal, a layup from Isaiah Sykes. Despite Jackson’s absence, UC furthered its lead before the half. Sean Kilpatrick knocked down 3-pointers on three consecutive possessions to end the half, sending the Bearcats into the break with a 40-18 lead. Kilpatrick finished the half with 14 points, while Jackson neared a double-double with
eight points and six rebounds. Sykes poured in half of UCF’s effort with nine points, as the Knights were a dismal 4-for-23 from the field in the half. After back-to-back uncharacteristic defensive performances, UC was focused on returning to their usual stifling ways. The Bearcats held UCF to just 16-of-53 shooting from the field. “We had some team meeting this week talking about our slippage on defense,” Cronin said.“We spent a lot of time trying to work on our offense, but defense is all about heart hustle, commitment, character. Teams that play it win, teams that don’t lose.” Kilpatrick opened the scoring for UC in the second half with his fourth-straight 3-pointer, but the Knights cut UC’s lead down to 17, 45-28, with an early 10-5 run. Kilpatrick headed to the bench for an extended stay after his historic basket, with Cronin likely resting his leading scorer ahead of Saturday’s matchup with No. 11 Louisville. But UC didn’t miss a beat in his absence, and Ge’Lawn Guyn’s 3-pointer with 10 minutes remaining pushed UC’s lead to 25 points, 57-32. Promptly after returning to the game, Kilpatrick knocked down his sixth 3-pointer of the night, pushing the Bearcats lead to 27, 64-37. UC led 66-44 at the final media break, as Kilpatrick, Jackson and fellow senior Titus Rubles checked out for the final time. Led by an efficient five assist, zero turnover performance off the bench
UC women tripped up by South Florida
UC guard Kayla Cook loses the ball during UC’s 62-43 loss to USF Wednesday at Fifth Third Arena.
Bearcats fail to overcome slow start in uneventful home defeat CHARLES GROVE SPORTS EDITOR
A sluggish start in their second game in a row doomed the University of Cincinnati women’s basketball team (11-15, 4-11) as they fell to the South Florida Bulls (14-11, 9-5) 6243, snapping their two-game winning streak. After UC jumped out to an early 2-0 lead, the Bulls sparked their offense going on an 8-0 run, taking control of the first half. The
Bearcats never found a way to recover. “We took 12 threes in the first half and that was over half our shots,” said head coach Jamelle Elliott.“Historically when we’re playing well and we’re fluent on offense, it’s usually when we get some touches inside to Jeanise (Randolph). I thought we settled for threes way too much in that first half. We weren’t making them and long rebounds lead to quick fast break points.” The Bearcats came into the game ranked third in the American Athletic Conference and 30th in the nation in scoring defense
but that same defense failed to show in the first half against the Bulls as poor offensive possessions led to easy opportunities at the other basket. “It was hard for us to match up,” Elliott said.“We settled down a little bit more in the second half and only got outscored by four but at that point we had built too much of a hole for us after that first half, especially the way we were shooting the ball with those quick shots.” In their last performance on the road at Temple, the Bearcats countered a disappointing first-half performance, in which they only scored 11 points, with 44 second-half points en route to a 55-53 win. That second half performance needed to be duplicated Wednesday night but the Bearcats only shot 39.3 percent after halftime and never closed the gap by more than 14 points. The UC offense ran through junior Alyesha Lovett nearly each possession. The New Jersey native attempted more shots than any Bearcat player this season shooting 9-of-21 from the floor, racking up 20 points while also pulling down six rebounds. Senior Jeanise Randolph reached double figures with 11 points but only snagged two total rebounds. The Bulls were led by sophomore Courtney Williams and senior Inga Orekhova, who were each in double figures by the half and ended with 17 and 13 points respectively. Williams recorded a double-double pulling down 10 rebounds as well. “[Williams] made tough shots today,” Randolph said.“Her team set screens for her and got her open. They knew she was hot and so they just kept going to her over and over. We just need to make sure we do a better job as a team to shut her down.” The Bulls dominated UC in nearly every statistical category, including rebounding (4728), fast break points (19-7), second chance points (14-2) and bench points (19-0). “We knew going into the game the key was going to be their transition defense,” Elliott said.“Another key was that we needed to make it a half court game as much as possible and I thought we didn’t help ourselves with their transition offense with our quick shot selection that we had in the first half.” Despite scoring 20 of the team’s 43 points in the paint, the Bearcats failed to get to the free throw line consistently shooting only 3-of-4 from the foul line while the Bulls enjoyed a strong performance from the charity stripe hitting 11-of-14. Despite the disappointing result, neither the players nor the coaches felt like the team came out unfocused or unprepared to play. “We did a lot of things that we don’t do usually,” Lovett said.“First pass shots and stuff like that. I think as a team we were really focused stopping the ball and stopping the people that we needed to stop it just wasn’t working for us today.” The next matchup on the calendar for the Bearcats is against the University of Central Florida Knights in Orlando Saturday at 4 p.m.
Cronin talks Kilpatrick, handling success
UC head coach credits senior leader for team success, consistency CHARLES GROVE STAFF REPORTER
Live on the Mick Cronin Radio Show on 700 WLW, the University of Cincinnati head basketball coach gave some insight Monday into why his team’s been successful this season and how he plans to keep winning The Bearcats currently sit atop the American Athletic Conference standings with a 13-1 record to go along with a 24-3 record overall. It’s difficult to talk about the success of this season without mentioning senior Sean Kilpatrick, who Cronin called “the best guard in the country.” Kilpatrick is averaging more than 25 points per game in the team’s past six games and Cronin believes that makes him the best guard playing college basketball at the moment. “Right now he can beat you with the three-point shot, he can beat you with the drive to the basket, mid-range shot and his passing,” Cronin said.“When people are overhelping on him is the area he’s improved the most and that’s a big, big key for us.”
Kilpatrick was instrumental in the team’s offensive outburst in the second half against Houston Saturday when the Bearcats scored 44 points in the final 20 minutes and averaged 1.3 points per possession, a staggering feat for a team that has relied so heavily on their defense. “If you averaged 1.3 points per possession you would be number one in the country in offensive efficiency,” Cronin said. “We had worked all week on trying to be more efficient on the offensive end. That’s what we spent a lot of our time on [because] we struggled so mightily at SMU in the half court.” While Cronin was happy to discuss his team’s offensive outbursts of late, he was also quick to point out his team has been winning games by grinding teams down with solid man-to-man defense. “In our wins we’ve made our opponents play five-on-five offense against our halfcourt defense,” Cronin said.“That’s the biggest reason why our defense has been so efficient all year.” While the Bearcats are sitting pretty in the top 10 and have slipped up only once in conference play to Southern Methodist
University, most games within the conference have been close. UC’s average margin of victory in conference play is roughly nine points with five games won by five points or fewer. Essentially, every team in the league is gunning for them. One of the ways to combat the target on their back is to get more production out of sophomore Shaquille Thomas. Cronin said after the Houston game the team needs Thomas to score around 12-15 points per game. To become that type of player, Thomas needs to look no further than Kilpatrick. “[Kilpatrick] went from a redshirt, to a non-starter to the best guard in the country,” Cronin said.“[He] plays hard in every play and every drill. He takes everything personal. And Shaq is so happy-go-lucky that it goes against him. His personality goes against him.You can’t be a nice guy as a competitor. He’s got to up his competitive spirit and take ownership in his own game.” Cronin said Thomas is not all the way there yet, but neither are the Bearcats. There’s still a minimum of six games to play, and maybe only a few weeks for players to learn firsthand from teammates like Kilpatrick.
UC senior Sean Kilpatrick celebrates after defeating UConn 61-56 at Fifth Third Arena on March 2, 2013.
from freshman guard Troy Caupain, UC committed just seven turnovers en route to its second 70-point performance in a row. It was the type of offensive output UC must continue to display into the month of March. “We’ve go to continue to grow and play with a calm,” Cronin said.“But all in all, our offensive efficiency is improving because we’re playing a more intelligent game offensively.”
UC baseball falls twice against Elon EMILY WITT STAFF REPORTER
The University of Cincinnati baseball team began its season against Elon University in North Carolina during the weekend, two days later than scheduled due to the massive winter storm that took over the East Coast. With a 6-5 extra inning loss Sunday and a 3-1 setback Monday afternoon, things didn’t go how first-year UC head coach Ty Neal would’ve hoped to open his career. “Overall our guys competed,” Neal said. “They were into it, but you look at Sunday’s loss and a play in the bottom of the tenth, and we lose the baseball game. I tell the guys it’s not the solo home run we gave up earlier in the game, it’s not that double, it’s the little things.” Trailing 5-2 heading in to the ninth inning Sunday, the Bearcats rallied to force extras. Redshirt sophomore Will Drake singled to left field and senior Matt Williams reached on a throwing error, setting the stage for preseason All-American Sophomore Ian Happ to drive in two runs with a double to left center field. The Bearcats were down by one. Senior Justin Glass was hit by a pitch on the ensuing at bat and sophomore Colin Hawk singled him home to tie the game. All three runs came with the Bearcats down to their final out. But the Bearcats came up short in the 10th inning, as Elon catcher Danny Lynch singled to center field to score Chris King from second base and secure the 6-5 victory for the Phoenix. Prior to the ninth inning, Elon’s pitching staff had only given up three hits and had recorded eight strikeouts. Michael Elefante picked up the win for Elon (1-0) while sophomore Grant Walker took the loss for Cincinnati (0-1). Walker otherwise threw a strong outing, going 3.0 innings with four hits and only one earned run. UC starter Matt Ring completed 4.0 innings and allowed three earned runs on seven hits with no walks. Elon jumped out to the early lead with a three-hit, two-run first inning. The first inning, in both games, would prove to be UC’s demise, as the Bearcats pitched strongly otherwise. “I thought both starters, Matt and Mitch, both of their first innings were poor,” Neal said.“You could chalk that up to first-game jitters, but other than our first two innings, other than our first inning of both games, I thought we threw the ball pretty hard all weekend.” Glass knocked in the Bearcats’ first run with a double in the fourth, driving in Williams from second and Ryan Quinn scored UC’s second run after an Elon fielding error in the seventh. UC failed to exact revenge on the Phoenix Monday, despite taking an early lead. Williams started the first inning with a double and quickly moved to third after Hawk flew out. Williams scored on a throwing error and the Bearcats led 1-0 after the first. Elon immediately answered, scoring two runs in the bottom of the first. Sophomore pitch Mitch Patishall surrendered two firstinning walks, both of which resulted in runs for the Phoenix. “In the second game during that first inning, we walked two guys right away to start the game, and those guys both scored and that was the game,” Neal said.“The game was over after the first inning. We didn’t give ourselves a chance.You never know how many runs you’re going to score, how good the other pitcher is. I thought we did some things well but it was a few of the little things that you work on all the time that cost us.” Elon added to the lead in the fourth inning with a sacrifice fly by Danny Crowe for the final score of 3-1. The Bearcats attempted another lateinning comeback with two runners on base and no outs in the top of the eighth, but failed to drive in runs. Overall, UC left nine on base and recorded seven hits, while Elon only recorded all three runs off of Patishall, who went 4.0 innings pitched and threw three strikeouts. The 0-2 Bearcats will travel back to North Carolina for a three-game series at Wake Forest University February 21 to 23.