THURSDAY | MARCH 29 | 2012
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Trustees approve tuition increase Public safety emphasized in 3.5-percent hike for 2012-13 year
RYAN HOFFMAN | SENIOR REPORTER A combination of spending cuts and increases in student costs will be implemented as part of the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2012-13, following unanimous approval by The University of Cincinnati Board of Trustees Tuesday. The budget for the upcoming 2012-13 school year and public safety were the main topics of discussion during a Board of Trustees meeting at the Russell C. Myers Alumni Center. Undergraduates and graduate students at UC’s Main Campus and its two satellite campuses in Blue Ash and Batavia will see a 3.5-percent increase in tuition. For undergraduate students who live in Ohio this translates to an additional $365 per year for Main Campus, $199 for UC Blue Ash and $176 for UC Clermont. UC tuition has been raised approximately 3.5 percent each of the past five years. During one of those years, the state mandated a zero-percent tuition increase, but that was made up the following year by a 7-percent increase,
according to Robert Ambach, senior vice president for the Department of Administration and Finance. “I think growth in enrollment and growth in tuition prices is probably not a sustainable model,” Ambach said. Several people in the meeting were concerned by the continual growth of tuition rates. “This is unsustainable, and every time we look to increase tuition, there will be the bucket of students who will look to require gap aid and the bucket of AMBACH students who fail to matriculate because of financial matters,” said Nicholas Hertlein, an undergraduate student trustee member. Student leaders voiced their opinion of the increases as well. “I’m not happy that tuition is going up,” said Alan Hagerty, undergraduate student body president, who attended the trustees meeting. “It’s almost a fact of life, almost. Looking
Pell Grant money fading
at the federal environment right now with the Pell Grant … less state support, less federal support. There’s going be a breaking point in higher education in the next few years, I think.”
OTHER SCHOOLS FACE SIMILAR INCREASES UC will not be alone in experiencing tuition increases. It is assumed that all public universities in Ohio will raise their tuition the maximum 3.5 percent allowed by the state, with the exception of Central State University, whose tuition will increase 3 percent, Ambach said. UC students will also see 4-percent increases in room and board costs, as well as increased parking garage fees across the board. While many programs at UC will experience budget cuts in one form or another, public safety will not be one of those programs, Ambach said. This contradicts SEE TUITION | 4
PRICE FOR COVERAGE The Affordable Care Act, which would extend students’ health insurance under their parent’s policy until the age of 26, might not be appealing for graduates.
Fewer University of Cincinnati students will see Pell Grant awards this academic year due to large deficits in the federal budget. The Department of Education changed eligibility requirements for the grant — taking effect July 2012. Approximately 145,000 lowincome college students across the United States will be affected by the newly narrowed eligibility requirements for the Pell Grant — a grant rewarded on financial needs, which does not have to be repaid. The new requirements were enacted by the U.S. federal government back in December 2011 — including reducing the annual income that automatically qualifies a student for the full award from $30,000 to $23,000. More than 26 percent of students at UC’s Main Campus and 54 percent of students at UC’s regional campuses receive some Pell Grant funding. “It’s harder to get the minimum Pell Grant award and more difficult to receive the full award due to the raising of criteria for eligibility,” said Caroline Miller, senior associate vice president of enrollment management. “Most concern for students is, if selected for verification, students will now be required to log into the federal website [to complete the verification process],” Miller said. With the lessening of grant money, the trend is for students to take out loans, Miller said. “Anytime there is a change, it ripples,” Miller said, noting the changes could affect future enrollment. “The concern is for students with the greatest economical need,” Miller said. More than 70 UC students will be affected by a new provision to limit the number of semesterequivalent terms for which a student can receive the Pell Grant, Miller said. SEE GRANTS | 4
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COSTLY ULTIMATUM Affordable Care Act could add to financial stresses of recent graduates KYLE STONE | SENIOR REPORTER As the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), is being weighed in the United States Supreme Court this week, some students are considering the benefits and pitfalls of the legislation. The law, which rules that every American must have health insurance by 2014, has sparked controversy over the past two years and is particularly relevant to people in their early 20s — often times, college students — because at age 26, individuals would be required by law to vacate their parents’ health insurance policy and adopt their own. The law is under heavy scrutiny at the moment, as some have pointed out possible issues that could arise. “There is no real incentive to conserve and no way to control costs,” said Benjamin Passty, a research assistant professor of economics at the University of Cincinnati. “Economists point to that to being a big problem.” One student said Obama’s plan is misguided. “The ACA fails to take on the true problem of healthcare in the U.S.,” said Abdul Mouneimne, an international affairs student. “At 20, I already find myself faced with thousands of dollars in
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health care debt from a trip to the hospital in the spring of 2011.” Mouneimne said the worst part about his heavy burden is, at the time, he had health care insurance. Like many Americans, he “became a victim of fine print and bureaucratic jargon no college student, let alone working-class parent, would have time to comprehend.” Mouneimne continued by saying the core problem is the way the American health care system operates. “Our health care system places all its emphasis on profit and forgets that the product being is not some subterranean natural resource, but [rather] humans; our neighbors, friends and families become the exploited commodity,” Mouneimne said. Some students, however, have found the ACA to be particularly helpful in their current situation. “I was working full time before I came to grad school,” said Amanda Lynch, a health education graduate student. “Then, I got cut to part time, so I lost my health insurance at my job.” “To continue the health insurance that I had would have been about $430 a month, and I can’t afford that,” Lynch said. SEE ACA | 4
Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky patients in need of heart transplants might be able to undergo procedures at University Hospital by 2013. If approved by the nationwide registry of donors and recipients, University Hospital will be reinstituting its heart transplant program. Gaining accreditation and instituting these programs helps University Hospital rise in national ranks and attract top surgeons. If successful, these would be the first heart transplants doctors at University Hospital have performed since 2008, when the hospital suspended its heart transplant program. Many University Hospital doctors are confident they have the resources and talent to perform heart transplants now. However, gaining the approval of the nationwide registry of donors and recipients is a long process, said Dr. Louis Louis, a cardiac surgeon at University Hospital who works specifically with the hospital’s heart failure program. Approximately 24 Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky patients need to seek heart transplants per year, and those patients must go to Indianapolis, Columbus, Cleveland or Lexington for their operation. “Essentially for 100 miles in any direction there are no transplant programs, so we would be the only hospital able to offer a transplant to people in the area,” Louis said. Heart transplants are only a part of what a heart failure program at a hospital offers. In 2011, University Hospital began using the Left Ventricular Assist Device, a pump that keeps the SEE TRANSPLANT | 4
Technology helps stroke team branch out DYLAN MCCARTNEY | STAFF REPORTER
Opinion Crossword Spotlight Classifieds Sports
Hospital considers transplant program
The University of Cincinnati Neuroscience Institute and University Hospital are commencing an initiative to bring the knowledge of the UC Stroke Team to partner hospitals in the Greater Cincinnati area. They are doing so through telestroke — the use of telemedicine technology for stroke care. In the event of a stroke, each second counts. So when technology is introduced to UC Health neurologists and emergency physicians that can save precious time while still providing state-of-the-art care, it is ground breaking, said Dr. Opeolu Adeoye, an assistant professor of emergency medicine and neurosurgery and director of the Telestroke Program at University Hospital. “The UC Neuroscience Institute and University Hospital believe that the launch of this technology will save lives and reduce the devastating impact of stroke on patients that have access to it,” Adeoye said. The UC Stroke Team, founded in 1987, is a collective of UC physicians and health professionals whose goal is to provide expeditious diagnosis and treatment to stroke patients. The Stroke Team serves as a community
resource to all Greater Cincinnati hospitals and manages the stroke treatment program at University Hospital. Their newest development is the telestroke robot. It has already been placed in University Hospital’s emergency department and neuroscience intensive care unit and is expected to go live in the coming weeks. A third unit is bound for UC Health’s West Chester Hospital’s emergency department, and a fourth is planned for UC Health’s first official telestroke partner, Dearborn County Hospital in Indiana. These robots, in addition to their two-way video and audio capability, can also transmit a patient’s medical data to the off-site physician, who can manipulate the robot to interact with the patient, referring physicians, nurses and family members. This technology has been launched successfully in other parts of the country and has demonstrated positive results, including reduced time for treating acute strokes and allowing patients to stay closer to home at partner hospitals while still receiving premium care. University Hospital has committed funding to the launch of this telestroke program in coordination with its effort to bring premium stroke care the region. The project will bring numerous benefits
FACE TO FACE Through the use of telestroke technology, the UC Stroke Team utilizes video and audio communication with off-site physicians and family members. to partner hospitals and their patients, including 24-hour consultations with UC Stroke Team physicians and the ability to facilitate care close to home for patients who do not absolutely need to be transferred. Additionally, it enables partner hospitals to pursue Primary Stroke Center design. “This is an important advance for us, and, more importantly, our patients,” Adeoye said. “This will allow them to stay closer to home at partner hospitals while still receiving the most advanced care available.”
March 29 | 2012
OPINION Massacre shows leadership faults
Authority exists for a reason
For a moment, let’s forget hoodies and racism. Let’s forget the legitimacy of Florida’s “Stand your Ground” law. Disregard the multiple marches and strong rhetoric surrounding the death of Trayvon Martin. Let’s separate the wheat from the chaff and see how this tragedy truly happened. The simple act of someone not following instructions from authority is what caused this tragedy to occur. Martin, for those who might not be familiar with the case, is the 17-year-old who was shot and killed Feb. 26 in Sanford, Fla., by George Zimmerman. Zimmerman, a 28-year-old neighborhood watch volunteer in a gated community in Sanford — one which had suffered a recent rash of burglaries — was on patrol when he observed Martin walking through the neighborhood. Deeming Martin to be suspicious, Zimmerman dialed 9-1-1 to report Martin’s activity. Zimmerman reported what Martin was wearing, how he was acting and what direction he was travelling — exactly what a neighborhood watch is supposed to do. It was what Zimmerman did next — or failed to do, actually — that led to this preventable tragedy. The 9-1-1 dispatcher informed Zimmerman that police were on the way to his location. The dispatcher then asks Zimmerman, per the tape of the 9-1-1 call: Dispatcher — “Are you following him?” Zimmerman — “Yeah.” Dispatcher — “We don’t need you to do that.” At that moment, Zimmerman was given an instruction from an authority — the 9-1-1 dispatcher — to not follow Martin. Had he, we wouldn’t be talking about this incident and Trayvon Martin would be alive. Instead, Zimmerman followed, and Martin is now dead. For some reason, we have become a culture that deems instruction from authority to be nonsensical. What has led to this mindset is unknown, but we have evolved into a society that feels it knows better than the authorities we entrust with the power to make decisions in situations such as the Trayvon Martin shooting incident. How many instances, for example, have individuals been shot and killed by police in our country for not following instructions, such as “Don’t move, or I’ll shoot”? How many have died because people didn’t listen to dispatchers’ attempts to instruct callers on CPR? See, when people don’t listen, we are suddenly dealing with death, tragedy and a host of other issues. Much like the Trayvon Martin case currently at the forefront of public discourse. The National Neighborhood Watch Institute, in its Participants Handbook, clearly states, “Always remember that your responsibility is to report crime. Do not take any risks to prevent a crime or try to make an arrest. The responsibility for apprehending criminals belongs to the police/sheriff.” Their website even proceeds to drive home that message in stating, “Neighborhood Watch participants act as additional eyes and ears for law enforcement. They do not take the law into their own hands.” The National Crime Prevention Council echoes the same sentiments, in stating on their website that, “Watch groups are not vigilantes and should not assume the role of the police. Their duty is to ask neighbors to be alert, observant, and caring — and to report suspicious activity or crimes immediately to the police.” Zimmerman did that in calling 9-1-1 and reporting Martin — whether Martin was in fact being suspicious or not. That is where it should have ended. But Zimmerman, like many before him, refused the instructions of authority
Although tragic, killings could have been avoided JASON HOFFMAN | OPINION EDITOR In the middle of the night, a man walks off a minute military outpost and kills 17 innocent civilians — however, the blame extends beyond the man allegedly pulling the trigger. Staff Sergeant Robert Bales, the accused lone shooter in the massacre of Afghan civilians earlier this month, now sits in a maximum-security cell in Kansas; however, he should have never been in Afghanistan. Reports about what happened that night in the Panjwai district of Kandahar, Afghanistan, vary depending on the source, but the fact that innocent women, children and men are now dead is indisputable. Whether Bales, a supposed happily married father of three, got drunk on post, walked off the patrol base by himself and commenced to slaughter people while they slept is left for a court of martial law to decide. The people who should be on the stand next to him, however, will never be forced to admit to their collective roles in the slaughter. Bales allegedly suffered a brain injury when his vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb during his third tour of duty in Iraq and was being observed for potential symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), his lawyer, John Henry Browne, said in a statement. As a veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan, I understand the strain four deployments put on a person and have several friends afflicted with PTSD who can no longer lead
normal lives. Additionally, I know how lackadaisically the military treats its members who are being deployed overseas — during the involuntary recall to active duty phase of 2006-09, many Marines were recalled, and abruptly sent home because they were amputees. Given this knowledge, it’s not hard to see how a man, as Bales’ attorney claims, who suffers from PTSD and was worried about being sent back into a war zone could have been thrust back into harm’s way. This is why it’s so difficult to fault just the man who allegedly killed innocent civilians. I am not saying what Bales did is justifiable — every service member who puts on a uniform is expected to live up to a standard of professionalism and conduct above reproach, regardless the situation — rather the personification of a chain of events put in motion more than ten years ago. Service members have been deploying to some of the most chaotic locales, and many have done so more than twice. The scheduling of those deployments, until recently when the Department of Defense instituted mandatory “dwell time” between tours, has been hectic, to say the least. The schedule for most deployments would be something in the range of: six months training, six months or one year overseas, six months training and another deployment. That calendar doesn’t leave much room for soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines to do all
the necessary steps to mentally prepare to go back into a war zone: decompress, spend time with family, grieve and prepare to leave the safety of home once more. Bales’ alleged actions, while extremely regrettable and disgraceful if true, should not be viewed as some one-off action that should result in the loss of another life in this long war; rather, it should be seen a cautionary tale to those in higher echelons of the Department of Defense and elected office who think it’s wise to continually expose men and women to the rigors of war and expect those folks will simply be just fine. Bales should never have stepped foot in Afghanistan. Whether medical officers want to blame his foot, follow-on effects of his concussion or his desire to go into recruiting, someone should have kept him from getting on the plane. Unfortunately, nobody did. Now, 17 civilians in a nation we had hoped to usher into the modern era are dead, and people are calling for Bales’ death as a result. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said the government will seek the death penalty against Bales. That’s the swiftest action I can remember any politician taking in response to a tragedy since 9/11. It’s a shame the higher ups in Washington, D.C., couldn’t be so fervent in seeking an effective strategy for a war that lost its way long ago.
Mick, Butch bringing Bearcats to forefront
Athletics rebounding despite head coach departures
Loss is an inevitable — and often times unavoidable — part of life. It’s never easy. It’s doubtful that many of us enjoyed losing to Ohio State in the Sweet Sixteen. It wasn’t easy losing the Sugar or Orange bowls either — neither were the 19-plus-hour drives home from New Orleans and Miami for some of us. It was even harder for most of us to accept that the dream of having former Bearcats basketball coach Bob Huggins and former head football coach Brian Kelly lead our school into the ranks of national contention could come to an end — especially with how their respective tenures at the University of Cincinnati ended. But knowing what we know now, or rather having what we have now, we can collectively come to the realizations that we can handle any loss and come back with more pride, and more excitement than any previous Bearcat generation, and we can look back on what we had and either laugh, as in “Huggy Bear’s” case, or deeply appreciate it, in regards to what Kelly did for our football program. Kelly seemed flawless as general of the undefeated Bearcats during the 2009 season, but we soon found that his avarice was the one fault we missed. He left us with a flat-out lie for Notre Dame — his dream job. But Kelly did what many in his position would have, and we can’t blame him for pursuing his dream. That’s why most of us came to UC in the first place, right? UC is as much a stepping-stone for us in pursuit of our desired careers as it was for Kelly. So Kelly was gone, and we got word that
another Central Michigan Chippewa was going to try to fill his shoes. Most of us were skeptical of Butch Jones at first, especially when he abandoned the nation’s best spread offense for a 50-50 split of run-pass and the Bearcats finished Jones’s first season with a 4-8 (2-5 BIG EAST) record. But the following season, Jones turned some guy named Isaiah Pead into one of the nation’s elite STAFF running backs. Then the chants started. EDITORIAL Not for Jones — No, not yet. But you know the chant we’re describing. UC football was back. The Bearcats went on to win the Liberty Bowl in impressive fashion. They showed shades of Kelly’s Bearcats, but it was Jones’s Bearcats who got the postseason win. What the future holds for Jones’s Bearcats remains to be seen, but at this point, there is no question that we can be confident in Jones and in our football program again. Kelly’s departure was unpleasant, but what happened to our basketball program seven years ago was much more profound. Bob Huggins was an expert recruiter, snatching up Kenyon Martin, who could have brought a national championship to UC if not for an injury that ended his collegiate career. But Huggs was more menacing off than on the court. He dishonored UC by making the decision to drive while impaired under the influence of alcohol, only to be arrested and inevitably offered a $3 million buyout of his contract by former UC President, Nancy Zimpher.
The News Record, an independent, student-run news organization of the University of Cincinnati’s Communication Board, is printed during the school year every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, except holidays and examination periods, from its office located in 509 Swift Hall and is distributed to the UC community. The News Record distributes to more than 80 locations and has a weekly circulation of 22,500. One copy per person is free. Additional copies can be picked up at The News Record office for $1.
But Huggins didn’t kill our faith with this sole incident — he did it slowly over his 16-seasons at UC. He did it by allowing his student athletes to underachieve academically. The player-graduation rate while Huggins was at the helm never exceeded 40 percent. In fact, one year, he failed to graduate a single player. But it’s been seven years since Huggins left town, and the wounds are about healed. Mick Cronin has put Bearcat basketball back into the national spotlight, and he’s doing it with athletes who understand that basketball is fun, but a diploma is better. The academic standing in the basketball program is higher than it’s been in decades, and we’re also winning games — big games. Our guys are knocking off the No. 2 team in the country; they’re giving the Buckeyes a run for their money — no matter how short-lived; and they’re doing all this while actually trying to earn degrees — with a genuine guy who has high expectations coaching them. Did we mention Cronin is a Cincinnati native, and this is his dream job? Don’t be dismayed by loses in BCS bowl games and in Sweet Sixteen appearances, because that’s not what’s most important. What is important is having leaders who are invested in more than themselves — leaders who are invested in their followers. And we guess it doesn’t hurt that they’re winning games and helping our school gain respect from the nation’s elite. We wouldn’t have lost if Ohio State didn’t respect our ability.
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Monday March 29 | 2012 NEWSRECORD.ORG
from Transplant | 1
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heart working and is a bridge to a heart transplant. Other procedures offered by a heart failure program include bypass grafts, coronary angioplasty, coronary stenting and implanting cardiac defibrillators. “You have to think of heart transplantation and mechanical support as being the apex of a therapeutic pyramid that extends all the way down to — at the base of the pyramid — lifestyle and the administration of different medications so you can get up to the more advanced procedures,” Dr. Louis said. Less than 64 percent of adults in the 22 counties surrounding Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky are overweight or obese, according to a 2011 poll from the University of Cincinnati’s Institute for Policy Research. The growing obesity epidemic has been creating a higher demand for heart failure programs in hospitals across the country. “If this was a virus, we’d be quarantining people,” Dr. Louis said. “We’re eating ourselves to death.”
Some additional Pell Grant benefits will be stripped for the 2012-2013 academic year, including a provision that allowed students to receive two grants in one year. But federal-grant funding cuts are not the only cut college students are facing for the coming academic year. Without Congressional action before July 1, Stafford Subsidized Loan interest rates will double for nearly 8 million college students from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent — unsubsidized and graduate loan interest rates will stay at 6.8 percent for the coming academic year. House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan R-Wis., argued in support of the U.S.
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Jay Ludden, 21, a fine art and geology student at UC, also shed light on how this will effect students. “Coming to UC, I had to get health insurance because it’s a required policy here,” Ludden said. “But, I probably wouldn’t have paid for health insurance if it weren’t a required policy.” “I think that basic human necessities — health care, food, water, shelter — those things really ought to, in our modern world, be possible for everyone,” Ludden said. “While I believe the ACA bill had very good intentions, it doesn’t really help out people who come from financial backgrounds that aren’t as good as middle-class.” It is uncertain when a verdict from the Supreme Court will be reached. The Supreme Court has until June — the end of the current session — to reach a decision on the case.
previous claims Department of Administration and Finance made during the March 7 Student Government meeting, but Ambach assured public safety would not be cut. “Public safety is one of those areas that reports to me,” Ambach said. “I have been given a target of 7 percent [in cuts], but I’m going to find a way to buffer those cuts.” Tuesday’s meeting marked the first time UC Director of Public Safety and UC Police Division Chief, Michael Cureton — who officially took the position on Nov. 21, 2011 — was invited to speak to the trustees. Cureton gave a brief presentation on his plans for the public safety department, including using technology and a more visible police presence to
from SPRAGUE | 2 than the police and 9-1-1 dispatchers, and look what resulted. There is a reason we, as a society, give power and authority to such institutions as police, fire, emergency medical services — including 9-11 dispatchers — and the military. This is done because society, as a whole, has judged itself not as knowledgeable, experienced or capable of making the decisions that those people representing those institutions make. Part of that pact society has with those in authority is that we’ll listen to and abide to the lawful orders and instructions given to us in such cases. Because authorities deal with it every day, and because a vast majority of the time the instructions they give saves lives and prevents tragedy. When we don’t want to listen to the subject matter experts, we can’t be surprised when all hell breaks loose and lives are lost. The investigation of Zimmerman’s shooting of Martin is still ongoing, and could result in Zimmerman facing criminal charges. Other unsavory aspects as to why he shot Martin might also surface, such as he has already been accused of. Or, he may be exonerated completely and walk away. Zimmerman is definitely guilty, however, of ignorance, stupidity and the ever-pervasive knowit-all attitude our society has succumbed to. A teenager would still be alive, if someone had listened to authority. Remember that the next time someone such as a cop or dispatcher instructs you to do something.
Calling all
C’mon, babies. We need you.
make students feel safer. While admitting that there is a perception of campus as being unsafe, Cureton explained that much of the crime takes place off campus. “Compared to other large urban campuses, this is one of the safest,” Cureton said. To combat off-campus crime, Cureton said it would take strong coordination with the Cincinnati Police Department. Several CPD officials, including District Four commander Capt. Eliot Isaac and District Five commander Capt. Paul Neudigate, accompanied Cureton in his presentation to the board. Districts Four and Five make up UC and its surrounding neighborhoods which are home to an estimated 10,000 students, an estimate that Cureton
believes to be extremely low, saying there could be as many as 20,000 students living in the surrounding offcampus areas. CPD is currently looking into possibly redistricting its neighborhoods so that the Clifton area would be one district, which would make communication between the UCPD and the CPD easier and more direct. This possibility got the attention of UC President Greg Williams, who said such a redistricting would be necessary for a university of this size. “I know there is a lot of cooperation but I would urge consideration for combining us into one district,” Williams said.
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House budget proposal in a recent statement released by his office, claiming federal funding for student aid has made tuition less affordable for students because federal aid is absorbed into tuition increases. Eighty-five percent of students at UC receive some federal aid, Miller said. “I rely on the Pell Grant to pay the majority of my schooling,” said Alex Brunner, a second-year accounting student at UC. Without the grants Brunner said he would need to take out more loans. “I’m not looking forward to graduating with tons of student loans,” Brunner said. “A graduating college student does not need to be overwhelmed with debt.”
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The News Record needs editors for the 2012-13 academic year. Visit 509 Swift Hall for more information.
CROSSWORD ACROSS DOWN 1 Actress __ Daly 5 Network for Diane Sawyer 8 Word in some Hope/Crosby titles 9 Bullwinkle, for one 12 Sightseeing trips 13 Long-running primetime serial about the Ewing family 14 Youngest on “The Cosby Show” 15 “Promised __”; Gerald McRaney drama series 16 Whitney and McKinley: abbr. 18 Dined 19 Adams and Ameche 20 Pitcher 21 Robe for Indira Gandhi 23 “X-Men: First __” 24 Arden and Plumb 25 Blockhead 26 Threaded fastener 28 Comedian Martha __ 29 Dallas hoopsters, for short 30 “__ the Clock” 32 Record speed letters 35 Take advantage of 36 Shredded cabbage dish 37 “__ dead people”; Cole’s line in “The Sixth Sense” 38 Character in “Winnie the Pooh” 40 “__ Attraction”; Glenn Close film 41 “Enemy of the __”; movie for Will Smith and Jon Voight 42 Run __; go wild 43 Drug that causes hallucinations, for short 44 Sunbathes CHIEF.NEWSRECORD@GMAIL.COM | 513.556.5912
1 Rainbow __; food and game fish 2 Game show hosted by Chris Harrison 3 __ a soul; no one 4 Sullivan and Bradley 5 “__ home is his castle” 6 Courageous 7 Potter’s title on “M*A*S*H”: abbr. 10 Actor on “Law & Order” 11. Actor Rob __ 12 Refrain syllable 13 Rather or Aykroyd 15 “__ & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman” 17 Yrbk. section 19 “The Price Is Right” host 20 __ May Clampett 22 5th and Pennsylvania: abbr. 23 Winter garment 25 “Win, Lose or __” 26 Dallas school, for short 27 Throws 30 Lose vital fluid 31 “A Flea in Her __”; movie for Rex Harrison and Rosemary Harris 33 Mountaintops 34 Diner owner on “Alice” 36 Friday and Bilko: abbr. 37 “__ Rock”; Simon & Garfunkel hit 39 “For Me and My __”; Judy Garland film 40 “My Big __ Greek Wedding”
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March 29 | 2012
GAGGLE OF GALS The C-Ring nominees gather for a pizza party honoring their achievements as University of Cincinnati students. The C-Ring awards recognize outstanding senior women within the UC community who have succeeded as students as well as volunteers and community advocates.
The University Cincinnati Women’s Center honored female seniors with its first C-Ring Award Nominee Recognition Pizza Party on Tuesday. The nominee social was created so that nominees could be recognized in a setting where they could socialize and start a conversation about their successes, said Barbara Rinto, director of the University of Cincinnati Women’s Center. “All of the nominees are truly incredible women,” Rinto said. The Athletics Department awarded the first C-Ring Award to the “best all around gal” in 1922. The award transitioned into an alluniversity award given to an outstanding woman who shows commitment to academics, extracurricular activities and the betterment of campus and women. Nominees must maintain a 3.4 grade point average while demonstrating personal excellence. “I’ve done a lot of different work at UC, but what really excites me is inspiring other people to do what they’re really passionate about,” said fourth-year communications and urban studies student and nominee Kaitlin Dauner. Among a group of elite graduating women, Dauner was recognized for her achievements throughout her career as a UC student. From mentoring underclassmen through her sorority to leading college orientation, Dauner embodies what it means to be an empowered female leader at the University of Cincinnati. She is one of 22 top-notch women acknowledged for her campus contributions this year. While finalists will undergo rigorous interview sessions conducted by the C-Ring committee members in the next couple of weeks, the nominee recognition party highlighted the influential work contributed by each senior. The 2012 outstanding senior nominees included Rachel Berman, Monica Bloom, Ariel Cheung, Kaitlin Dauner, Heather Elefante, Alicia Hope Fidder, Naomi Fitter, Lauren Guban, Kaylee Jacob,
Alexandra Kissling, Krista Kirievich, Lauren Magrisso, Julie Marzec, Brittany Moore, Sweta Patel, Kelli Pawelko, Hailey Robinson, Jessica Sarko, Samantha Stewart, Katherine Talbott, Diana Welch and Alyna Williams. From mastering biomedical engineering to graphic design, the diverse compilation of senior women excels not only in academics, but also with community outreach pursuits and leadership roles. Monica Bloom’s academic career has spanned the duration of 10 years as she worked to complete her degree in early childhood education. After working as a bus driver and having a family and two children, Bloom excelled as a UC student while completing extensive volunteer work as an education junior activities director. “My goal is to be excited and having fun so that kids want to come to school,” Bloom said.
It’s important for everyone to be a leader, but it’s especially important for women. —RACHEL BERMAN C-RING AWARD NOMINEE
Bloom isn’t the only outstanding senior woman who focused on helping others during her time as a student, however. Several leaders used their time at UC to emphasize encouraging and supporting other women. “It’s important for everyone to be a leader, but it’s especially important for women to become leaders because not enough women are,” said Berman, who is graduating with degrees in women’s, gender and sexuality studies and political science. “It’s important to lessen that gap of representation so it’s closer to what is real.” As a mechanical engineering student, Fitter is committed to encouraging more women into the engineering field through her presidency with the UC Robotics Team. “It’s not an adverse environment, but
C-RINGO BINGO C-Ring nominees participate in a game of Bingo as part of the first C-Ring Award Nominee Recognition Part on Tuesday. The pizza party acted as a nominee social so that all nominees could be recognized in a group setting and socialize. it’s not always supportive,” Fitter said. “The idea is to attract more women to study engineering and to make it more comfortable for them to do so.” While biomedical engineering senior Patel is working on starting up a biomedical engineering company that improves medical compliance in children, her work on campus varies from Student Government to working with CONNECT Conference, an annual conference that connects first-year to upper-class women in leadership on campus. “Working with the CONNECT Team allowed me to get women who are coming in as freshmen and sophomores to be more enthusiastic about joining student organizations,” Patel said. “We want them to take on more leadership positions in whatever they’re doing.” While Patel is making strides through biomedical engineering innovations, middle childhood education student Guban focuses
on empowering girls to reach their full potential. “I worked with Girl Scouts to get girls excited about advancing their education and becoming leaders in middle school and high school,” Guban said. Graduating in three years with a degree in Sociology, Kissling mentored African American and Hispanic girls in Bond Hill where there is a high percentage of immigrants. By helping to create an arts program for the girls, Kissling took action for an issue that needed solving. “I’m trying to turn outrage into activism because I’ve always felt very passionate,” Kissling said. “I’ve always asked, ‘Why is this happening and what can we do to change it?’” The C-Ring finalists will be announced later this week. The UC Women’s Center will host a banquet to honor this year’s C-Ring recipient in May.
RECEIVING UNIVERSITY RECOGNITION Each C-Ring nominee received a certificate honoring
her work as a University of Cincinnati student at the first C-Ring Nominee Recognition Pizza Party. The event was hosted as a means of allowing the students to get to know each other.
Want to learn more C-Ring is an award given each spring to an outstanding graduating senior woman at UC. Selected by a diverse committee of UC faculty, staff, students and alumnae, the winner is announced at an annual event. First given in 1922 by the Athletics Department to the best “all around gal,” the C-Ring has evolved over time to become an all-university award based on several rigorous criteria. In order to be eligible for nomination, a woman must have a minimum 3.4 grade point average. The nominees must demonstrate a commitment to the campus, community and the advancement of women. Nominations may come from any faculty, staff or alumni. The selection committee reviews the nominations and an essay by each nominee and then conducts a personal interview before making its
Horoscopes Nancy Black | MCT Today’s Birthday (03/29/12) Follow your heart this year. This doesn’t mean to just throw caution to the wind. You’re starting to sense your true calling. Take note of that, and keep truing your course. Sudden changes can capsize the boat, so keep a steady hand on the line, rely on your mates and take it slowly. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) — Today is a 7 — Store away extra provisions. Domesticity calls for the next two days, and a full pantry is a treat. Besides, you can feed those who help with a home project. Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Today is an 8 — Disregard an impertinent suggestion. The more you learn, the more you value true friends. Your family’s there for you, too. Explore and study an area of passion. Gemini (May 21-June 21) — Today is an 8 — Don’t get stuck in silly arguments (even if tempted). They’re time-wasters. Check
your lists, and spend any extra minutes on fun. Gather up love and riches today. Cancer (June 22-July 22) — Today is a 9 — Give in to talk of love. Your self-discipline is impressive, but you could allow yourself to be swayed. You’ve got it all going on, and besides, it’s for a worthy cause. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — Today is a 7 — Get into the research, and figure out the very best method. Quality ingredients matter. Review the plan, and go over the recipe twice. Add a whimsical touch. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Today is an 8 — Don’t let anyone coax you off track. You’re creating a positive buzz. Learn from a friend’s mistake. A creative endeavor launched could be lucrative. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — Today is a 6 — You may be more emotional than usual. Don’t sweat the small stuff, really. Don’t be afraid to apologize if you mess things up. You can do it. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Today is a 7 — Search for a
forgotten buried treasure. Find clues all around you, and write down your thoughts. Listen to your intuition; you know where to find it. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — Today is an 8 — Find a beautiful spot to replenish your batteries and grow your selfesteem. You may get into a potentially unpleasant discussion about money. Be respectful. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Today is a 7 — Reconsider a method or idea that isn’t working. Don’t alienate your team. Instead, acknowledge their talents. Develop an outline, and divide up responsibilities. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Today is an 8 — Relax while you can before things get busier. Update your to-do list and prioritize. Balance what you love and what brings in the bacon. No gambling. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Today is a 7 — A loved one helps you regain trust and self-respect. Kindness, consideration and good manners are standards. Practice standing in the shoes of others.
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Weekend Edition March 29 | 2012 NEWSRECORD.ORG
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SECOND-STRAIGHT LOSS The University of Cincinnati lacrosse team dropped its second straight game Tuesday night, falling to UofL 18-7.
Tiger will rise again at Masters When the 275th stroke of Tiger Woods’ week fell into the proverbial jar last Sunday, the golfing world was put on notice: The man was back in town. Woods didn’t simply walk through the Bay Hill Invitational in Orlando, Fla. and stroll down the fairways with a comfortable 10-plus shot lead, trying to look sincere about putting his name on yet another trophy — he had to work for this one. The tournament started out like many others Woods has won for more than a decade. He finished the first and second rounds within two shots of the lead and made his charge to a three-shot lead on Saturday; “moving day,” as they call it on the tour. This was where things got sticky. Ever since losing the 2009 PGA Championship, Woods has been unable to close much. Woods seemed unable to hold a lead — then came the Thanksgiving dinner heard ’round the world. Whatever happened that night — possible nine iron to the face, car wreck, sex addiction or anything else that might have occurred — it degraded the mindset of the most dominant player in the world. Woods barely sniffed the top of the leaderboard, let alone won a tournament that counted for world ranking points. Then, he switched coaches. Later, he had an Achilles tendon issue and all kinds of kinks in his neck, hip and wrist. Now, he suddenly walks, talks and looks the part. Woods strolled the fairway Sunday afternoon, shoulders back, chest puffed out and a coy smile as he shook hands with competitors en route to a five-shot victory. When you look at guys like Woods playing golf on your big screen, you need to understand that, in their minds, there is nothing they do wrong during the course of a competition round. If a shot comes up short, it’s the caddie’s fault for picking the wrong club and distance. Arrant shots are the result of some distraction from the gallery or a piece of mud that found its way onto the ball — they need that; pro golfers have to feel invincible to be the best at chasing a ball around a golf course for hours at a time. All of that mental attitude was gone following his public disgrace when his affairs with waitresses and an adult film actress came to light, and he had to admit fault on worldwide television — the man who could do no wrong suddenly had to stare in the mirror and realize he wasn’t perfect. That realization, the inability to get away with anything you want, can be a dangerous thing. Just look at a couple of former athletes who dominated for decades. Jack Nicklaus and Michael Jordan both needed to fall from grace to once again dominate their field. Nicklaus went through hard times on the course, rumors of financial troubles and career-threatening injuries before coming back to win the final four majors of his illustrious career. Jordan left the game for a stint because of “family issues,” which may or may not have been related to his gambling problems; but when he came back, he led the Bulls to three more titles and the most dominant season in NBA history. What will become of Woods remains a mystery, but we will get a good look at the future one-week from now when he tees it up in the 2012 Masters. My guess is this Masters will look a lot like Bay Hill. Woods will struggle on Thursday, but stay in the hunt. Friday will come and go with a couple of runs before Woods goes ’97 on the field Saturday. Lastly, Sunday will require a lot of good putting and scrambling from the pine straw, but Earl Woods’ most famous son will eventually win by a couple of shots and the hype will begin anew. Enjoy the show, because you’re about to see the prodigy chase his destiny once again.
Cats fall in Big East opener
Lacrosse team drought continues in conference DAN PILAR | TNR CONTRIBUTOR The Lady Bearcats’ lacrosse team opened up Big East play against the Louisville Cardinals Tuesday night at Nippert Stadium, but failed to secure the win, 18-7. The Cardinals (3-6, 1-0 Big East) began Tuesday’s game coming off of a three-game losing streak after having fallen to Vanderbilt, Jacksonville and Notre Dame; but they got on the scoreboard quickly to take a commanding 4-0 early lead against the Cats, enabling them to snap that streak. Cards’ sophomore midfielder Nikki Boltja received possession on the right wing 20 yards from the net and made a quick move past a defender, bouncing past sophomore goalie Jennifer Walsh to score the Cardinals’ first goal.
Boltja led Louisville in scoring with a total of four goals. Shortly after its initial score, Louisville struck again, after freshman attacker Faye Burst worked her way toward the middle of the field and tossed one in low enough to reach the back of the net. The Bearcats played a solid defensive game, but they dug their own grave with penalties, including critical mistakes around the eight and 12-meter arcs that eventually led to the Cards’ offense regaining possession with a direct opportunity toward the goal. UofL had a balanced scoring attack, attempting 23 total shots in the first half — 17 more than the Bearcats. After Louisville scored the first four goals of the game, the Bearcats were able to strike eight minutes into the half, when freshman midfielder Megan Bell gained possession and
rocketed one home. After a few mistakes by the Cats and goals by the Cardinals, however, UC was able to get back on the scoreboard when Laura Simanski cashed in on the penalty shot she received with 14 minutes remaining in the half. At halftime, the Cats trailed 13-2. The Lady Bearcats struggled offensively and were never able to string together enough passes to gain momentum. The Cats also racked up penalties at a staggering pace, committing 39 total. Though UC picked up its offense in the second half, adding five additional goals to its total, the Cats were unable to stop the Cardinals’ offensive attack. The Lady Bearcats (3-4, 0-1 Big East) will travel to Maryland Friday when they face off against Loyola at 7 p.m.
Heads or Tails Louisville vs OSU JOSH MILLER | SPORTS EDITOR
Those of you who read my bracket predictions a few weeks ago are well aware that I wasn’t exactly spot-on with my picks. I originally had Kansas beating Marquette in the finals. Well, I’m contradicting myself now and picking Louisville and Ohio State to meet in the national championship. Although Kentucky is clearly the best team in the country, I truly believe that a team of all freshmen will eventually choke. In my opinion, the Wildcats will do so — in the battle for the state of Kentucky — against Louisville. The Cardinals — much like Connecticut last year — have the look of a team destined to reach the finals, after running through the Big East Tournament and the first four rounds of the NCAA championship. The other reason I’m picking Louisville is very simple: Rick Pitino is a far better coach than John Calipari. Pitino has won far bigger games with far less talent than Calipari ever has. As for the Ohio State and Kansas game, I’m going against my original pick and going with the Buckeyes. Kansas won the early season matchup between the two teams, but OSU standout Jared Sullinger missed that game with a back injury. His void allowed Kansas standout Thomas Robinson to dominate the inside, while also allowing for more defensive focus on OSU standouts William Buford and Deshaun Thomas. Sullinger demands attention, and I believe Thomas — who devastated the beloved Bearcats with 24 points — will continue his outstanding NCAA tournament play. The combination of Sullinger and Thomas on offense, coupled with the absolutely infuriating defensive work rate of Aaron Craft will lead the Buckeyes to victory over the Jayhawks. In the final, I honestly think that O S U would have an advantage at all five starting positions, but for some reason I can’t explain, I’m picking Louisville to complete their improbable late season run.
Kentucky vs Kansas
I said it in my bracket, and I’ll say it again: The Kentucky Wildcats will defeat the Kansas Jayhawks in the national championship. While both Final Four matches should be good games, I don’t see the Wildcats falling to the Cardinals, or Kansas getting bumped out by Ohio State. The UK-UofL game will be an awesome rivalry game to watch, but John Calipari and his group of one-and-dones are going to blast past the Cards, just like they did earlier in the year. How do you beat a team that has the likely first two picks in this year’s NBA draft and a hell of a supporting cast to boot? The only two teams to come up with an answer to that question this season were Indiana and Vanderbilt, but the way Anthony Davis, Michael Kidd-Gilchrist and Doron Lamb have been playing lately, I can’t see Louisville, Kansas or OSU solving that tough equation. As for Kansas and OSU, I would love nothing more than to watch the Jayhawks crush the Buckeyes, but giving credit where credit is due, OSU is a great team — no doubt about it. Unfortunately for them, they’re going to have to be better than great to defeat Kansas. The Buckeyes are carried by likely future first-round draft pick Jared Sullinger, who is extremely dangerous in the paint, but also capable of dropping 3-pointers. While Sullinger might be OSU’s superman, however, Kansas’ Thomas Robinson will be his kryptonite. Standing at 6 foot 7 inches, Robinson can do everything Sullinger can do, except better. Besides Robinson, the Jayhawks also have dangerous senior guard Tyshawn Taylor, who’s shooting nearly 50 percent from the field and 40 percent from behind the arc. As I said earlier, both will be good games, but when the dust clears, it will be a KUUK final.
UC names new defensive backs coach BRITTANY YORK | SPORTS EDITOR
University of Cincinnati head football coach Butch Jones announced the addition of Shannon Morrison to the coaching staff Tuesday, following the Cats’ Spring practice. Morrison is a 16-year coaching veteran with experience as a defensive coordinator at five different institutions and will join the Cats as the new defensive backs coach for the 2012-13 season. Jones said he is excited to welcome Morrison to UC’s “football family.” “Shannon brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our football staff,” Jones said. “In addition to his knowledge, he is known as an
effective communicator who has the knack for getting the most out of his players. He has also established himself as a top recruiter along the various stops throughout his career.” Morrison joined the Bearcats prior to the opening of Spring football, following his time at the College of Holy Cross where he served as defensive coordinator. Prior to his time with the Crusaders, Morrison spent two seasons at the University of Memphis, where he served as the cornerbacks coach. Morrison’s also coached at Bowling Green, Lehigh, Southeast Missouri State, Sam Houston State, Hampden-Sydney and Marshall — his alma mater.
While at Bowling Green in 2009, Morrison was co-defensive coordinator in addition to the safeties coach. During this time, BGSU ranked first in the Mid-American Conference in pass defense, allowing only 204 total yards per game on average. Morrison was an All-Southern Conference and honorable mention All-America selection in 1994, in addition to a four-time letter-winner during his college career at Marshall. During this time, he intercepted 11 passes and still ranks sixth on the Thundering Herd’s all-time interceptions list. He helped lead Marshall to its first-ever Division 1-AA national title in 1992 and will look to put the Cats on a similar path next season.