TNR 3.8.12

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A temporary compromise in the free speech lawsuit filed against the University of Cincinnati has been reached. The agreement allows the Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) to petition in most outdoor open spaces on campus without having to reregister with the university’s scheduling office, said Maurice Thompson, executive director of the 1851 Center for Constitutional Law, the firm representing YAL. YAL filed the lawsuit and asked for an immediate injunction against UC’s public speech policy after the group’s petitioning efforts were restricted to the free speech zone in McMicken Commons in late February. The recent compromise does not settle the lawsuit. It does, however, allow YAL put their original plan into action to gather signatures for the Ohio Workplace Freedom Amendment ballot initiative. The agreement also allows the group to petition in most outdoor spaces on campus,

Since engineering professor Herman Schneider’s invention of the cooperative learning programs in 1906, the University of Cincinnati has been home to one of the most prolific, successful co-op program in the country. Last year, a total of 4,646 students were placed in a co-op, an experience-building program that has students alternating quarters between taking classes and working in his or her field of study. Last year’s number brought the placement rate to 95.6 percent, a 7.4 percent growth from 2010. The College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning and the College of Engineering and Applied Science require students to take a co-op. The Carl H. Lindner College of Business offers a co-op program, but does not require students to participate. Co-op programs are exclusive to these three colleges, said Kettil Cedercreutz, associate provost and director of professional practices. But that might not be the case for the future. “One of the goals of UC2019 — an initiative to accelerate UC to take place as one of the elite institutions of the country — is to expand the internship program to the point that every UC student can participate in some kind of experiential learning,” Cedercreutz said. More than 1,500 companies employ co-op students at UC, including local powerhouse General Electric Aviation, the top employer of UC co-op students. GE employed 280 students in 2011. “In the 2011 fiscal year, coop students collectively earned $43 million, which averages at $7,800 per co-op term worked,” said M.B. Reilly, assistant director of UC public relations. “Financial considerations also

including the high-traffic areas in front of TUC and on MainStreet. It does not, however, stretch to cover all UC students. “We don’t like that, but it’s a compromise on our part that we are willing to live with for a few months,” Thompson said. Why the group was restricted to the free speech zone are not fully known, but factors regarding scheduling for campus space might have been a contributor, said UC spokesperson Greg Hand. The description of the events UC scheduled for YAL are broad enough to essentially allow the group to petition in the allowed public forums on any given day, Hand said. “It has always been our position that free speech activities are very easily accommodated on campus, and the assertion that it is difficult to schedule activities, we believe, is just not the case,” Hand said. “So we demonstrated this by showing how easy it is to accommodate this activity.”

This is not the first time UC’s free speech policy has been criticized. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) first condemned UC’s free speech policy in 2008 in a letter to then-President Nancy Zimpher, warning that the university’s policy was unconstitutional. A response letter from a legal representative for UC all but dismissed the claims of unconstitutionality, citing case law in defense of UC’s free speech zones. The lawsuit filed by YAL has brought the issue of free speech back to FIRE’s attention. “The fact that it took a federal lawsuit to get UC to open up more of its campus to free speech — even temporarily — is shameful,” said Robert Shibley, senior vice president of FIRE. The hearing for a permanent injunction against UC’s free speech policy is set for May 30 and the judge has guaranteed a final decision by June 15, Thompson said.

CITY ON THE RISE Results from a recent report suggest economic growth within Cincinnati’s manufacturing business is on the up-and-up. The University of Cincinnati’s Economics Center compiled data from local businesses surveyed by the Institute for Supply Management (ISM), the world’s first supply management institute dedicated to educating through research and surveys. The ISM Report on Business, released March 1, measures the economic growth of different businesses in Ohio, Northern Kentucky and Southeastern Indiana using the Cincinnati Purchasing Management Index (PMI), an indicator of financial activity reflecting purchasing managers’ acquisition of goods and services. By the end of February, the PMI was measured at 51.4, down from 57.5 in January, “representing fragile economic growth in the Cincinnati area,” according to the report. The employment index dropped to 5, and, according to the report, “represents the lowest value the index has achieved since the fall of 2010.” Only 16 percent of the businesses surveyed reported an increase in employment from January, while 74 percent of respondents reported

no increase or decrease in employment rates. “Manufacturing is something that saw a much steeper ride down as a result of the recession, and then had a really nice climb back up,” said Ben Passty of the Economics Center and a research assistant professor at the University of Cincinnati. “Out of the new jobs that have been added since the worst part of the recession, one-fourth of those jobs in Cincinnati were in manufacturing.” The report was multilayered and encompassing, Passty said. “The way we design the report was really to measure all of the processes that go into an economic recovery,” Passty said. “So every economic recovery that we have seen since World War II has been demand driven. Firms will sell additional goods out of their inventories, and inventories will drop enough that they realize they need to start making more. People can only be overworked for so long, so [the companies] need to hire.” The index of inventories of manufactured — but not yet distributed or sold — goods rose from negative 37 to negative 10. “A positive value for this index would indicate lower sales of finished goods postproduction,” according to the report. More than 50 percent of businesses reported no increase or decrease in finished goods,

Both Ohio Gov. Kasich and President Barack Obama received failing grades in public opinion, according to results from the most recent Ohio Poll. The poll of 1,154 adults, conducted by UC’s Institute for Policy Research (IPR), found

but 16 percent said there was an increase. “In 2003, they figured out they could outsource the report, and it would save them time and money,” Passty said. The reports are considered to be leading indicators of economic trends and are valued by different organizations around the world. The Institute for Supply Management has been polling and surveying businesses since the 1920s.

approval ratings for Kasich and Obama below 50 percent. Participants were asked if they approve of Kasich and Obama’s overall job performance, their handling of the economy and the president’s handling of foreign affairs. “The most interesting aspect about this poll is that, A, neither is above 50 percent,” said Eric Rademacher, co-director of the IPR. “And, B, while Ohio recently ‘elected’ a Republican governor and a Democratic president, that doesn’t necessarily mean that either receives universal approval today.” Kasich received a 44-percent approval of his job as governor, while 42 percent disapproved and 14 percent neither approved nor disapproved. Keeping with party lines, 65 percent of Republicans approved of the governor’s performance. Democrats, however, overwhelmingly disapproved of Kasich’s job as governor. Results found 57 percent of Democratic respondents did not approve of the first-term governor. Independent Ohioans approved Kasich’s work in office more than they disapproved,



In addition to the drama brought on by the dead heat in Ohio’s Republican presidential primaries Tuesday night, local doctor and Army Reserve Lt. Col. Brad Wenstrup added to the political commotion, upsetting incumbent Second Congressional District, Rep. Jean Schmidt. Wenstru topped Schmidt 49 to 43 percent in a district Schmidt has represented since 2005. The district, which has been represented by Republicans since 1982, spreads from the east side of Cincinnati to the west edges of Portsmouth. Wenstrup first ran for political office in a 2009 campaign for Cincinnati mayor, but ultimately lost to current Mayor Mark Mallory. “I am honored that the voters heard our message of change — change that includes strong, ethical leadership, change that also includes reforming government, cutting spending and unleashing small business owners so they can create jobs,” Wenstrup said. Campaign for Primary Accountability — a Texasbased super PAC focused on accountability of incumbents — supported Wenstrup’s campaign and ran numerous ads accusing Schmidt of ethical violations. “[The strategy was] to get [Wenstrup] in front of as many likely voters as possibly,” said Brian Shrive, Wenstrup’s campaign manager. “He gave them his vision and the voters responded.” Campaign for Primary Accountability created a perfect storm as well, Shrive said. Wenstrup’s campaign challenged Schmidt on the grounds of conservative principles and national debt, something Schmidt voted to increase. Clermont Liberty PAC supported Wenstrup’s campaign and helped disperse more than 20,000 newsletters in Clermont County. “So many workers worked hard for him,” said Dory Perkins, a

with results showing 39 percent and 32 percent, respectively. The governor’s approval rating regarding the economy largely paralleled his overall numbers coming in at 43 percent. Obama received slightly better numbers, garnering a 47 percent approval rating of his overall performance. Despite that, Ohioans were also more vocal in their dissatisfaction, responding with a 49 percent disapproval rating. Keeping loyal with party affiliation, 77 percent of Democrats approved of Obama’s performance, while only 13 percent of Republicans approved. Kasich’s numbers regarding his handling of the economy, however, came in with staunchly polarized results: 57 percent of Democrats disapproved of his performance, whereas 61 percent of Republicans approved. Independent Ohioans were somewhat split, with 36 percent approving and 43 percent disapproving.


The more things — or faces — change, the more they stay the same. I’m coining the above phrase as the unofficial mission statement of the University of Cincinnati Undergraduate Student Government Association. What’s staying the same? Agendas of a select few which are hoisted upon the university administration as the “voice” of the students. The only things changing are the faces leading SG — faces such as Tim Lolli, Drew Smith and, currently, Alan Hagerty. Last week, The News Record published a staff editorial questioning the recent measures our student government has taken in supporting what is — in essence — the micro managing, parenting and infringement on the adult student body at UC. I’ve covered SG for the past three years as a TNR reporter, in one aspect or another. I’ve seen student representatives — former Sens. KD Miller and Shy Ruparel, as well as speaker Lane Hart — who have truly taken the entire student body into account when proposing legislative action to the university. Those three were instrumental in many efforts to improve diversity and student transportation on campus, among other issues. To give credit where credit is due, SG was also instrumental in bringing the Rent-a-Text program to campus as well. These occasions benefiting the student body, however, have been few and far between in those three years. Instead, I’ve seen bills proposing funding for a laptop for former Vice President Mark Rooney, funding for polo shirts and fleeces for SG members to become “visible” on campus, funding for election balls and dinners at Catskeller for the SG — all using our UC general fee in some way. It sounds like a group for whom we’ve bought clothing, food and electronics while throwing them a party. It’s almost sounds like professional politicians have infiltrated our midst. It doesn’t really sound, however, like a group “committed to enhancing the college life of students who attend this institution,” as is their charge per the office of UC President Greg Williams. True commitment would be SG channeling the collective voice of the student body and expressing our extreme displeasure about increasing tuition rates and fees. After all, $123,208 of the total general fees we will pay in 2011-12 goes to SG, while the organization’s executives rake in roughly $40,000 in honorarium from the Student Activities and Leadership Board to pay for tuition, fees, parking and meal cards. The least they can do is a little work on our behalf, right? Instead, the student body is represented with nonsensical trans-fat-free initiatives and no-tobacco-oncampus crusades. A tandem of campaigns to rid UC of harmful Grippo’s potato chips and tobacco — both items, mind you, which UC’s MainStreet Expressmart doesn’t mind charging exorbitant prices for. Yes, I know 58.6 percent of respondents in an October 2011 Blackboard poll supported a tobaccofree campus. That number is skewed, however, when roughly only 6 percent — 2,530 individuals out of more than 42,000 — of the UC community responded. I agree, even as a smoker, that tobacco is bad. Tobacco does kill. Last I checked, however, UC was a public research university — meaning taxpayer-funded — and tobacco was allowed in public places in our country, albeit with some restriction. The elimination of transfat on campus is just as inane. Most people on this campus are a legal adult. If we want to eat Grippo’s, we should have that right, but it seems our general fee funding SG really funds an extension of our parents, telling us to eat our fruits and vegetables.


As University of Cincinnati Undergraduate Student Government co-directors of Health and Fitness, we co-authored the trans-fatfree initiative bill. This bill solely aims at the removal of artificial trans-fats, not all transfats on campus. The bill also is uniquely a showing of support on behalf of Student Government. We will now begin working with Campus Services and the university to explore implementation of a trans-fat-free campus. With regards to fast-food chains on campus (Taco Bell, Burger King, etc), there are naturally occurring trans-fats in various types of foods we get from animals (e.g. meats, dairy). However, these companies have voluntarily removed artificial trans-fats from their foods already. In 2006, Taco Bell switched to trans-fat-free soybean oil in an effort to remove artificial trans-fats from their meals due to adverse health effects brought on by these oils. In August of that same year, Wendy’s switched to oils with little or no trans-fat by using a non-hydrogenated blend of corn and soy oil. The items sold at the fast-food restaurants on campus that do have trans-fats are naturally occurring in the meat and therefore will not have to change.

Finally, following roughly four years of rebuilding, it’s finally safe to say that University of Cincinnati basketball is back. It’s been a long road, and the Cincinnati faithful had to suffer through a few painful seasons, but, at long last, it appears that the Bearcats are once again a name called annually on Selection Sunday. While it’s unclear how Cincy will fair in the Big East tourney, it’s pretty much a certainty that they’ll make March Madness for the second straight season, and you know who’s to thank for the Bearcats’ resurgence? Two words: Mick Cronin. Many in Cincinnati don’t give the man the love he deserves — read the comments on any UC basketball article if you don’t agree —

Studies have shown a direct relationship between human consumption of artificial trans-fats and heart disease — the No. 1 cause of death in America. There have been no studies to this point showing a relationship between natural transfats and disease. Also, there is no such thing as “liking” or “disliking” the taste of items with trans-fats. The only ingredient that makes an item have trans-fats or not is hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil. There are chips that contain trans-fats, such as Grippos BBQ, and chips like Lays BBQ that do not. Likewise, there are cookies that contain trans-fats (Uncle Al’s Vanilla Cremes) and cookies that do not (Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies). Trans-fats are also used as a preservative, meaning that food items containing hydrogenated oils have a longer shelf life. Please keep in mind that the longer an item can sit on your shelf, the more difficult it is for your body to break it down and digest it, which can lead to a plethora of diseases. As members of SG, our aim is to enhance the well-being of UC students, and this bill is directly aimed at enhancing the health and well-being of our students. There are many similar bills banning trans-fats in America, as well as the world.

but he’s nearly single-handily rebuilt a program sent straight back to the drawing board in 2006. When Nancy Zimpher played Godzilla to the school’s basketball program and fired Bob Huggins — essentially ruining a potential championship contender — and failed to hire Andy Kennedy, the program was in shambles with players transferring just as the school was prepping to join the notoriously tough Big East. In his first two seasons, Cronin finished with losing records, but there wasn’t a coach in the NCAA that could have inherited that mess and instantly turned it into a top-25 team. To think otherwise is idiotic.

We do not believe in a smoking ban, and if you believe in civil liberties, you should not either. Yet, for too long have we stood along the sidelines only to watch more and more civil liberties fall at the hands of politicians who merely wish to add another achievement to their resume in the name of “progress.” We all know there are many things about the University of Cincinnati that could be changed to improve the overall health and well-being of students (removal of fast food restaurants, cafeteria food with Genetically Modified Organisms, drinking on campus, etc.). Smokers are just the most easily targeted group. What would actually be beneficial to the student body would be a Student Government that respects our right to make our own choices just as they did when they invoked our freedom of choice to vote them into office. In other words, you asked us for our vote and we gave it. Now you must give us our right to freely make our own adult and legal decisions. We recognize the non-smoking population on campus should not be subjected to secondhand smoke.

For example, California, New York City, Philadelphia and the countries of Denmark, Puerto Rico and Switzerland are all transfat free. Additionally, many companies and hospitals are also trans-fat free. The Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, is 100 percent artificial trans-fat-free. Their campus also contains fast food and restaurants such as McDonalds, Au Bon Pain, Starbucks and more, all of which use trans-fat free oils and cooking methods. Food services at UC is already 100 percent trans-fat free and cooks with trans-fat-free cooking oils in the dining halls. All national restaurant chains on campus already cook with trans-fat-free cooking oils. Therefore, there will not be any major changes to the food offered on campus. The main changes will be the replacement of a few select items in vending machines and campus stores, like TUC’s ExpressMart and Market on Main. Most restaurants and other food companies are making the switch to use trans-fat free oils and so are other universities. Since we have already phased out trans-fat oils, why not be the leaders and set an example for other colleges and universities to phase out artificial trans-fats? Matt Strohhacker and Natalia Holmes-Lau are co-directors of health and fitness for the

Despite losing some of the program’s reputation, Cronin recruited well year in and year out, grabbing ESPN top-100 players as well other highly touted recruits. Sure enough, four years later, the Bearcats found themselves back in March Madness, and will be dancing for a secondstraight season in a few weeks. Sure, Cronin’s made some bad calls at times, but what coach doesn’t screw up? Do you think Huggins or Ed Jucker didn’t make mistakes? Of course they did. When it comes down to it, just look at the stats: Cincinnati during Cronin’s tenure has put together four straight winning seasons in arguably the toughest conference in college basketball. How can anyone not say Cincinnati basketball is back?

To protect these students, we are not allowed to smoke indoors or within 25 feet of a building. In our view, this is a fair compromise. However, what harm is done to the student population when someone is smoking a cigarette alone in the middle of Sigma Sigma Commons, provided the butt is properly disposed of? The answer is none. No harm is done to anyone other than the student smoking the cigarette, but it is legal. Secondhand smoke was taken care of when smoking indoors was banned, but you still allow such addictive habits to continue or to be fostered on campus. Fast food and alcohol consumption both have ample evidence supporting their detrimental health effects. Essentially, what we are saying is that you are taking the easy way out in trying to make a difference — and you are also taking the wrong route. We hope to the very bottom our hearts at least a part of you recognizes that. You must understand that we say all of this because we care. Things are being taken away from us, whether it’s the right to have a non-tapped telephone conversation or the right for the president to commit troops to war without the consent of the people. For example, this past December, the president signed into law the NDAA, allowing the military to detain anyone for



The News Record, an independent, student-run news organization of the University of Cincinnati’s Communication Board, is printed during the school year every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, except holidays and examination periods, from its office located in 509 Swift Hall and is distributed to the UC community. The News Record distributes to more than 80 locations and has a weekly circulation of 22,500. One copy per person is free. Additional copies can be picked up at The News Record office for $1.


Sure, it took him a few years to get back to the NCAA tourney and please the Cincinnati masses with a winning record the fans were accustomed to seeing, but again, how many other coaches could have rebuilt a team from the ground up right after they joined the Big East? Even then, the team has been rolling ever since he took control of our sacred program and would likely have ran through Conference USA. Simply put, cut the Cronin hating, Cincinnati. Unless you were alive during the championship seasons in the early ’60s, you have nothing to even complain about. Just sack up and enjoy Cincinnati basketball, because it’s back, baby.

an undetermined amount of time without a lawyer or trial. We have seen the peak of freedom and liberty it seems, so long as decisions like the one you are about to make continue to be made. Based on your actions now, it is our hope that none of you in support of this ban make any plans to enter real-world politics. We can think of a crime no more severe and an insult no more jarring to the ideals that our nation was founded upon than that of voting against the freedom and civil liberty of American citizens. We will protest your smoking ban by smoking in the free-speech zone on campus. After all, it is a protest, and invalidating the right to protest is breaching our First Amendment right. Since there is a pending legal case against your free-speech zone, we will continue smoking anywhere on campus, again, while being protected by our First Amendment right. You can marginalize smokers today, but beware: It only takes a group of politicians a few minutes before you as well are marginalized. Landon Gray is a third-year history student at the University of Cincinnati and non-smokler. Aaron Johnson is a graduate student studying mechanical engineering at UC and is a smoker.



The Supreme Court of Colorado voted Monday to allow students with concealed carry permits to bring firearms onto the University of Colorado campus — and the world is now a safer place. The Mile High State’s flagship institution now joins the likes of Colorado State University and the University of Texas among others in the ranks of institutions of higher learning that must allow students to carry weapons. For those unaware, concealed carry permits exist in some capacity in 48 of the 50 states in America, excluding Illinois and Michigan. Proponents of the measure claim allowing students to conceal carry on campuses would have prevented the

tragedy at Virginia Tech, where 33 students died in April 2007. Opponents say allowing weapons at colleges and universities increases the possibility of such massacres and decreases the general safety of everyone. Here’s the problem with logic on both sides: There is not a large enough sample size to say whether concealed carry permits lead to or prevent violence. The National Rifle Association and other gun advocacy groups tout the safety provided by properly trained gun owners carrying weapons in public places, while groups like the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence disagree. CSU has allowed concealed carry owners to exercise their issued privilege for more than eight years and nothing bad has happened there. There have been instances during

which concealed carry permit holders have committed homicide — the Fort Hood, Texas, shooting was committed by Nidal Malik Hasan, and Richard Poplawski shot and killed three policemen in Pittsburgh. Hasan’s circumstances are a little different than most, given that he committed mass murder on a military installation, a surprisingly easy task given few service members actually loaded carry weapons while working on stateside bases. But that’s a discussion for another time. The fact is that whether a person has a concealed carry permit or not, if he/she wants to kill someone — and is willing to die in the process — it’s virtually impossible to stop. So, let’s take a step back and see how this situation unfolds. After all, visceral reactions have become too common in our modern society.


The presidential electoral process in the United States is a curious mutation of democracy: Political parties spend billions of dollars on political ads for elections in which less than two-thirds of eligible adults participate. We select our presidents not through popular vote, but through the electoral college process. Most curious of all, however, is the complex and confusing process through which the two major political parties in this country nominate their candidates. The primary process theoretically provides a vetted, electable candidate who satisfies the will of the members of a party. In the 2008 Democratic Primary, this process strengthened both Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton’s campaigns, even as their fight was dragged into June. Both campaigns built formidable operations and left the eventual nominee ready for the general election. In contrast, Republican nominee John McCain cruised to victory on Super Tuesday through winner-take-all state wins and cascading endorsements from vanquished opponents. For the 2012 cycle, the GOP revised its primary process to allow for more proportional delegate distribution, hoping to encourage a better fight and a stronger nominee. This has backfired dramatically, with allegations of mishandled elections in Iowa and Maine and a lack of voter enthusiasm for the current leader, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. Instead of screening their candidates for strengths and weaknesses, the GOP has allowed Romney and several also-ran candidates to try to outmaneuver each other in a mad dash to the far right of the American political spectrum. As of this point, the only conclusion available is that the process is still not over — and will not end soon. Romney is spending tens of millions of dollars to hold off his main opponent, Sen. Rick Santorum, who, in stark contrast, is running a scant operation. Romney can scarcely go a day without a verbal gaffe. His proposed economic plan would increase the national debt by $250 billion, and his foreign policy experience consists of two years in France as a missionary and making sure athletes were pampered in the Olympic village in Salt Lake City. Santorum, not to be outdone, proclaims Obama to be a “snob” for wanting young adults to have the opportunity to attend college between inflammatory remarks on immorality of contraception. The GOP cannot find its way out of its own primary process with a viable plan for America and the campaign to make it happen. How could anyone possibly suggest they would run the White House any better? Patrick Gauding is a fourthyear history student and vicepresident of the University of Cincinnati College Democrats.

For more on the GOP race and political happenings in America and around the world, visit

Russia’s “managed democracy” led to the victory of Vladimir Putin in Sunday’s election. Despite the documented cases of ballot stuffing, Putin’s use of a lavish amount of government funds to run his campaign and the preselected candidates running against him, no international ire, or citizen protest will stop Putin from regaining control of Russia. Putin has attempted to rally the country around nationalistic ideals by supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in an effort to undermine any and all involvement by the U.S. and NATO. With prevalent communistic tendencies, and bitterness toward the Western world, the Russian government will surely

IRAN continue to undermine the Western countries’ – i.e., the U.S. and Europe’s — attempts to intervene around the world. Putin recently stated that the European Union was an “economic basket case,” and has openly voiced criticism toward the United States’ involvement in the Middle East, specifically with Syria and Iran.

As Election Day draws nearer, the same old issues are pounded into our heads. Candidates have been trying to convince us they have what it takes to run this country while we’re forced to listen to the carousel of words we’ve all heard before. One of the biggest issues in the minds of all Americans is the struggling economy. I can’t tell you how many different solutions I’ve heard from both the hopeful presidential candidates and the occasional drunk philosopher at a party. The bottom line, however, is that no matter who you are, money is always something that is on your mind. It’s something that’s easy to love when you have it and quickly cursed when you don’t. Everything revolves around this cruel beast. It is nearly impossible to go through a day without being reminded how important money is to this society. Billboards, commercials, newspaper ads all tell us to spend money on things we “need.” Have to love good advertising, right? The really frightening thing is that money problems and spending issues obviously don’t stop with consumers. We’re simply following the example given to us by those who control

The Iranian elections have been reported — not officially — by Iranian media as gaining hard-line loyalists of Ayatollah Khamenei 75 percent of the parliamentary seats. Though this would show an aversion to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, it may not be good news for the Western world. Although the U.S. and Europe have consistently labeled Ahmadinejad as a “supporter of terrorism,” the results of the Iranian elections could herald the upsurge of more anti-Western sentiments. The situation touches on historical aspects, as it is very similar to the opposition to the Shah of Iran and the support for Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979. coulter loeb | the news record

own — unless a winning lottery ticket is in the where our money really goes. near future. It’s funny how such a small thing The federal government accumulated $2.5 million in debt per minute in 2010, can cause so much lost sleep and gray hairs. It’s quite obvious the economy is going to according to facts from continue to struggle. There’s no way around Using these numbers, by the time an average reader finishes this piece, the great it. Until our government figures out how to fix problems by saving money and not “US of A” will be more than $12 million deeper spending it, we’ll be stuck in in debt than they were before the same old circle of strife. it was began. Until our It would be nice when we The rate of spending is staggering, yet the government figures head to the polls to only have to pick a candidate based on government acts like it’s no out how to fix his views of family, foreign big deal. problems by saving policy and war, but I’m sure The American public if the worry of money was no follows its guiltless leaders’ money and not longer an issue, human nature spending examples. It’s not spending it, we’ll be would give us something else uncommon for us to go out to worry about just as much. and buy a car we can’t really stuck in the same afford or drop cash on things From these tough old circle of strife. we don’t need. We all do it. We economic times we might be all know we’re doing it, but able to take a lesson in being the “want” factor always screams louder than content with what we have. It’s not easy, but good judgment. it’s certainly better than breaking the bank. As college students, not a single day goes Here’s to the “root of all evil.” Love it or by that we don’t worry about money. We need hate it. money to pay for school, rent, books, food and Sleep easy tonight. The government will be the list goes on and on. spending at least $1.2 billion while you rest. The frustrating thing is that it will all Ben Williams is a third-year journalism worsen when we hit the real world on our student at the University of Cincinnati.

itself, and it caused no harm to the rats. However, when the two were combined, as is done in the production of GMOs, he The umbrella of government shielding the Monsanto corporation was openly announced found much to be concerned about: The rats displayed several types of damage after in May 1992 by former Vice President Dan ingestion of the GMO, including sterilization, Quayle when he stated genetically modified organisim-based (GMO) foods need neither to miscarriages, cancer, new allergies, seizures and even death. be labeled nor safety tested. Another study in March 1999 by UK When members of government regulatory agencies voiced concerns regarding GMOs researchers at York Laboratory discovered and the lack of “real science” surrounding that reactions to soy had soared by 50 percent compared to the previous year, in correlation them, they were fired, silenced or moved to with the introduction of other sectors. GMOs from the U.S. into The extensive measures their markets. Similarly, to silence people about the Aspartame has been shown potential dangers of GMOs to cause eye, ear, neurologic, even extended to firing those psychologic-psychiatric, in media covering the issue. chest and gastrointestinal In Tampa, Fla., after problems, as is shown in the an investigative report on FDA’s own “reported cases.” Monsanto’s Bovine Growth Many farmers have Hormone — rBGH — two reported when they give investigative journalists were their animals a choice fired for refusing to “water between GMOs and natural down” their story. corn, the animals will Steve Wilson, a 26-year refuse to eat the GMOs. journalist with four Emmy Similarly, the American awards for investigative Academy of Environmental reporting, and Jane Akre, a Medicine said “ … several 20-year-long reporter and news anchor with animal studies indicate serious health risks an Associated Press award for investigative associated with GM food” in a 2009 statement. reporting, were both fired after Monsanto In the same policy paper, it cited “infertility, sent two letters to Fox TV executives arguing immune problems, accelerated aging, insulin against airing the series. regulation and changes in major organs and As food-related illnesses doubled the gastrointestinal system” among animals between 1994 and 2001 — correlating with that ingested GMO foods. the increase in GMOs in the food supply — For those who are adamant that GMOs will independent studies were conducted on the feed the hungry people of the world because entire process of introducing genes from one of their advertised “high yields,” be aware organism into another. the yields of most GMOs are actually the Dr. Arpad Pusztai, an internationally same — or less than — the highest producing renowned expert on lectins, researched GM natural varieties. potatoes containing the GNA lectin gene from In a 1999 review of Roundup Ready the snowdrop plant. soybean crops by Charles Benbrook of He fed rats the lectin by itself, and it caused Benbrook Consulting Services, it was found that, compared to the top conventional no harm to the rats. He fed rats the potato by OPINION.NEWSRECORD@GMAIL.COM | 513.556.5913

We have heard the “safe for consumption” side of the argument by Monsanto, the EPA and FDA for long enough.

varieties, crops actually had a 6.7 percent lower yield. Though other GMO crops haven’t shown this particular “yield drag,” they also don’t show that they produce any evidence of significantly higher yields than natural varieties of the crop. With the patenting of seeds — i.e., the patenting of a living organism – public sector research has inevitably been inhibited. Of the studies done involving GMOs, it is interesting to note that most of the independent studies show dangers in GMO products, whereas the biotechnology industry’s studies don’t hint upon any possible dangers. I am not against technology, nor am I against corporations. What I do have an issue with is corporations that peddle dangerous — even deadly — products while simultaneously being promoted by government bureaucrats and politicians as “safe,” regardless of the scientific evidence to the contrary. We have all been told that these products are “safe for consumption,” despite the fact that no longterm safety studies have been performed on GMOs. The fact that those inside the government and media who have brought scientifically based issues to their superiors and the public have been placed under gag orders, been de-funded or fired, should concern all consumers. We have heard the “safe for consumption” side of the argument by Monsanto, the EPA and FDA for long enough. I suggest looking into the other side of the argument, and then make an informed opinion based on all of the information available. That is how intelligent people weigh the costs and benefits of important life decisions, such as “what do I choose to put into my body on a daily basis?” Since far too few read anything anymore, I would suggest watching these documentaries for starters: “Food, Inc.,”“The World According to Monsanto,” “The Future of Food,” “Seeds of Deception,” “Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World” and “Seeds of Destruction.” Then, perhaps, you might obtain a further spark of intellectual curiosity on the issues.



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volunteer for the Clermont Liberty PAC. “Not many people knew him, but once they met him, they loved him He listens to the voters’ needs.” Voters liked that he was a doctor and wore our nation’s uniform, Perkins said. “If you want to know what type of man he is, just look at what he is doing today,” Perkins said. “He is seeing patients. I know we need him as a leader, and I never stopped believing in him, he is what our district and country needs.” Schmidt was not the only Ohio incumbent representative to lose Tuesday. In northern Ohio, Rep. Marcy Kaptur defeated longtime Rep. Dennis Kucinich after being forced to face off after new congressional lines combined their districts.

“There does appear to be some tepid optimism about the state and national economy right now,” Rademacher said. “However, that optimism is not high enough to pull either the president or the governor’s approval rating above 50 percent.” Obama’s ratings regarding his economic policy are even further divided. Despite a somewhat lopsided approval to disapproval rating — 43 percent and 53 percent, respectively — party affiliation differences proved to be a large decider. Democrats overwhelmingly favored Obama’s economic policy, with 74 percent responding with an approval, while 90 percent of Republicans disapproved. The survey is estimated to be accurate to plus or minus 2.5 percent. The IPR called a random sampling of across Ohio between Feb. 16-26. The Ohio poll prior to this took place in July 2011.

help in terms of students getting real experience.” It would take $1 billion in endowments to produce the same amount of money in scholarships, Reilly said. Third-year chemical engineering student Alex Hoffman said he experienced the benefits first-hand during his co-op at Dow Corning in Kentucky. “In addition to [assigned] projects, I got the chance to talk to other engineers about their work, sit in on company meetings, watch maintenance projects out in the plant and develop professional relationships with my co-workers,” Hoffman said. “All of these things have helped me grow as an engineer.”

Showing employers in person, as opposed to reading it from a resume, also helps boost prospects of employment, Reilly said. UC’s co-op program, however, could have never happened. The university’s Board of Trustees was reluctant to allow Schneider to start the program in 1906, Reilly said. Schneider started by sending 27 engineering students into turn-of-the-century mines for learning experience, and, by 1908 there were 2,000 applicants to the program. “Now, 100 years and 43 countries later, generations of students worldwide have followed our lead,” Reilly said.



LOCAL Students Bring Attention tO Global HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUES blah bkdsngkl kfsdfnslk klfksdf

Students across the University of Cincinnati are using their creativity and performing skills to surge human rights activism on campus. On February 24, an African American student casually stood in Tangeman University Center. Without warning, another individual swiftly threw a cup of water in his face for entering a “white diner.” Following the insulting act, a barrage of students infiltrated the area and stood frozen for approximately 10 minutes. As curious students looked on, the demonstration conveyed what an authentic sit-in during the Civil Rights era was like.

We must continue to have a voice and we can’t have a voice if we don’t understand the issues. —ABDINE LEWIS


Organized by the United Black Student Association (UBSA), the reenactment flash mob was organized in order to increase awareness for Black History Month. “We wanted to pay respect to those individuals who helped to pave the way for civil rights,” said Abdine Lewis, a UBSA organizer and second-year arts and sciences student. “Sit-ins were protests to help African Americans achieve the equality that was desperately need during the

Get involved. UC student activism organizations:

time of segregation.” While students of all ethnicities participated in the flash mob demonstration, the goal was to emphasize the sacrifices that African American activists made to secure equality for all citizens, Lewis said. “As African Americans, we need to show that we still understand what people did for us,” said flash mob participant and second-year exploratory student Trevor Smith. “Our civil rights are a blessing.” The flash mob movement worked as an empowerment tool for students to grow beyond themselves and to embrace an issue bigger than them, Lewis said. “As time progressed, a lot of people participated and grew in character,” Lewis said. “Some of them were shy individuals and we them begin to open up and blossom.” With the end of Black History Month, UBSA strongly urges everyone to recognize that the celebration of African Americans should happen every month of the year. Beyond applauded activists like Martin Luther King Jr. and Harriet Tubman that fill the pages of history textbooks, people should commemorate all citizens who fought for civil rights, Lewis said. “There’s still a lot of racism, and we should remember that sit-ins began right on college campuses,” Lewis said.“To understand the issues, you have to understand the history.” While the UBSA activists emphasize the need to reflect on historical events, other UC students are protesting to change the future. On February 27, a group of concerned activists filled TUC yet again to illustrate the inhumane acts occurring in Syria. Holding signs that read “Peace Now” and “Over 7,000 Syrians killed,” the students played dead to represent the atrocities occurring abroad in the war-torn country. The demonstration was presented to illuminate what the news media is neglecting to represent to the American public, said second-year student Farheen Asif. “I wanted students to ask questions about what we were doing, and I believe we got the idea across,” Asif said. “We handed out a lot of flyers to give more information.” While the media has illustrated the unwarranted attacks on civilians and journalists in Homs, the reports aren’t always enough, Lewis said. “When you see it from the lens of the media, you don’t really see how the devastation affects individuals,” Lewis said. “It’s the difference between looking at it from the perspective of the oppressor verses the oppressed.” For flash mob participants, relating to the Syrians is imperative for Americans. “I have friends that have family members

back home that have passed away,” said Amanda Osman, a protest participant and UC alum.“They weren’t participating in rallies and they just died from attacks in their homes.” Osman wants to send a call to action beyond just media reports. The government and the United Nations should be working vigorously at bringing justice to the Syrian people, Osman explained. “Aid is taking too long,”she said.“Many people are dying, and each day it gets worse.” From remembering the civil rights movement to taking a stand on regime cruelty, UC students are fighting against the injustices of the world by informing and creating a discussion. “We must continue to have a voice, and we can’t have a voice if we don’t understand the issues,” Lewis said.



Round and round the rumors go, where will they stop nobody knows. During last year’s NFL offseason, the topic nobody would shut up about was the looming lockout. The Peyton Manning situation is this season’s equivalent, so why not jump on the bandwagon? This past Wednesday, the Indianapolis Colts announced their bold decision to release Manning. The release sends a clear message that he’s not their quarterback of the future — or even the immediate future. Personally, I was hoping the Colts would pull a Green Bay Packers and draft a young quarterback that has time to learn and develop into an elite quarterback (since I think we all know how well that turned out) but I digress. Jim Irsay — the Colts’ owner — is a smart guy; he wants a winning season, every season, so Andrew Luck is the more attractive option for a number of reasons. The first being he is young and healthy. Luck’s last live snap was only a few short months ago, and he’s a much more mobile quarterback than Peyton is. The second reason being the simple fact that Luck is cheap. Irsay doesn’t have to worry nearly as much about their salary cap problems with a rookie contract as he does with Manning’s $28 million bonus. As much as Irsay wants to say, “it was never about the money,” that is a lot to spend in hopes that someone can stay healthy and consistently play at a high level. We all know Manning is a talented guy — he was the first pick of the 1998 draft, the only four-time NFL MVP ever, Super Bowl XLI MVP and an 11-time pro bowler. No one is questioning his talent, especially after seeing how the Colts crumbled without him. The questions are how much does he have left in the tank, and how long can be a successful quarterback. Despite the fact that he’s 35 years old, he’s fresh off neck surgery, and he hasn’t seen a live snap in more than one year, myself along with many others, still think that he’s more than capable of being an elite quarterback. Old and banged up, Manning is still a better quarterback than a handful of other teams’ starters, such as Kevin Kolb, Josh Freeman, Alex Smith, Matt Cassel, Rex Grossman and/or John Beck, just to name a few. No one knows where he’ll go, but he’ll go somewhere, because teams with mediocre quarterbacks or no quarterback at all are often looking for the shortterm answer until they can figure out a long-term solution — like when Donovan McNabb went to the Redskins and Vikings, or when Brett Favre went to the Jets and Vikings. Following this pattern, my hypothetical money is on him going to the Vikings. He could have a successful few years there and then some, because the Vikings love to keep veteran quarterbacks on the field when they’re past their prime. He would have young and talented receivers and a good running back to make his job a little easier. Not to mention, the Vikings really have no one on their current roster that is capable of quarterbacking a team. Skip Bayless thinks he should go to the 49ers, but let’s be honest, pretty much the only reason that Alex Smith had a good season is because Jim Harbaugh is an outstanding coach. Still, I find it hard to believe that kind of success can be duplicated. Arizona Cardinals’ defensive lineman Darnell Dockett has also started his own campaign to bring Manning to Arizona, taking to his twitter page and to SportsCenter to voice admiration for the quarterback. Manning is one of the most respected players in the league. Even if, for whatever reason, you’re a Peyton-hater, you should re-watch Wednesday’s press conference, because it was one of the best displays of class I’ve ever seen. It was nothing like when Farve left Green Bay, or when McNabb left the Eagles. Manning was humble, appreciative, classy and heartfelt — something rarely seen from NFL players. No matter where he goes, I just hope he goes somewhere with a solid offensive line that can keep the pressure far away from his neck — especially if they’re playing a Gregg Williams’ defense.

When the University of Cincinnati men’s basketball team takes the court for their first Big East tourney game Thursday, players will be sporting some new swag. For both the Big East Tournament and NCAA Tournament, the Bearcats were one of three teams in the country to be selected by adidas to wear the new, ultra-lightweight adizero uniforms.

“It’s a compliment to the growth of our program that Cincinnati gets to take part in this unveiling,” said UC head coach Mick Cronin. “The post-season uniforms are something the players are really going to enjoy.” The new adizeros are claimed to be 40 percent lighter than the Bearcats’ old uniforms, as the jersey eliminates unnecessary weight to create a tighter, more comfortable fit. They also feature a ClimaCool Zone meant to move heat and moisture away from the body to help increase durability. Adidas has been Cincinnati’s sponsor since 2006. Big East rival Louisville and No. 12 Baylor of the Big 12 conference are the other two schools alongside UC to don the new uniforms this post season. In addition, the Bearcats will also wear the new Team Crew basketball socks, which reduces extra weight in the foot created by sweat. “It’s a smart idea to get the chance to play wearing a lighter jersey and it will bring a

new look to the Bearcats,” said UC sophomore guard Sean Kilpatrick. “It gives us more recognition and shows that our hard work throughout the year is paying off. To be one of only three schools in the nation to wear these uniforms is unbelievable.” Artistically, the adizeros feature a new pixilated pattern meant to represent teamwork. The bold team colors represent the intensity of March Madness and the high-octane play associated with the tournament. “We are excited to be a part of an elite number of schools that adidas chose to promote on a national stage during March Madness,” said UC athletic director Whit Babcock. “While the unique uniform color scheme is temporary for the Bearcats, it certainly will draw attention and a younger demographic to our C-Paw logo and our energetic brand of basketball. The technology and new lightweight design of the uniforms is very impressive as well.” The Bearcats are set to play their first Big East tournament game at 2 p.m. Thursday, March 8.

Although it might be cold outside, the action is heating up down at Marge Schott Stadium as the University of Cincinnati baseball team begins its 2012 campaign. The Bearcats (4-6) are scheduled to host Chicago State this weekend in a four-game series. Cincinnati is 3-1 at home, following a four-game series against the Oakland University Golden Grizzlies. Entering the series against Chicago State, UC head coach Brian Cleary expects the fans to keep coming out to support his team. “We have sold almost 1,000 season tickets — far and away more than ever before,” Cleary said. “I would anticipate the crowds and the atmosphere at Marge Schott Stadium this spring to be more electric than ever before.”

So far this season, UC sophomore and pre-season All-American Justin Glass is off to a strong start, hitting .372 from the plate. Following his explosive performance in UC’s first 10 games, Cleary said he expects Glass to have an outstanding 2012 season. “[Glass] hits in the middle of our lineup,” Cleary said. “We are certainly anticipating that he will contribute significantly to our success — specifically, offensively.” Cincinnati junior right-handed pitcher Andrew Strenge (1-1, 2.20 ERA) will take the hill in game one of the series. Bearcats freshman Zach Morris (4.82 ERA) will start game two for Cincinnati, while sophomore Matt Ring (10.97 ERA) will take to the mound for game three. The Cats will conclude their series with Chicago State at 1 p.m. Sunday, where Clearly has yet to name the starting pitcher. Game one is set to begin at 4 p.m. Friday.

Games two and three are scheduled to start Saturday, with the first tilt of the doubleheader starting at 1 p.m.

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