How To Start A Low-Cost Web Business
You might have heard a lot from others that starting a business is a tough thing if you do not have the right capital to start with. But that concept of capital is a thing of the past. Yeah, it is not an easy thing to start a business if you do not have an innovative business idea which is unique. But you have something in mind which you know is going to be different and it can be easily implemented on the web platform, you can start with as little investment as needed. By now, you must be still thinking how you are going to do it, so let us get started… Step 1–Build upon your idea It is fine to have a great idea for your business, but is it viable and sustainable for you? This is a question that you have to ask yourself before starting the project. If you know perfectly that this is the one where you can use the resources you have in hand to make the most out of it, build upon the idea and the business will take shape on its own. Step 2 – Finding the gap in the market If you have a tight budget it is no use starting an online business which already has a competitive market. It will be difficult to keep up with the competition present in that field. So find the gap in the market where your business will fit in uniquely. This will put a lot of ease on your marketing budget. Step 3 – Choosing your virtual address
Your first step on the online world is going to be a name for your website and a domain name. There are a number of domain name registration sites in the web which provides cheap domain names, which will cost you as low as $10 per year. Make sure that you get the right domain name related to your website name and business. Step 4 –Making your presence online What you will need next is a web hosting service. Without web hosting, no one will be able to access your website. There are some web hosting sites which will also provides great offers for domain names, so it will be a good deal for you. Web hosting services cost anything between $10 and $100 depending on the type of services. Some of the webs hosting sites are GoDaddy and Dot.Inc Solutions. Step 5 –Designing the website and logo This one of the major steps that will give your website the face it requires. If you are a good web designer then it is a great thing because you will be able to save a lot of cost. If you are not, do not try as it will do more harm than good. You can check out for students who are willing do it for free; check out communities or portals that list web designing jobs for freshers and interns; and add your requirements. If you do not find anyone who can do it for free better try some freelancer as they cost lower than professional ones. The web designer can also make a good logo for you. Step 6 –Content to make it complete A website is incomplete without the content. Make sure, that you work out with your designer how you are going to put up your content for the business; according to the type whether it is an e-commerce or service based one. If you are good at creating content you can do it yourself, or you will find someone who can do it for a reasonable price. Step 7 –Set up a payment gateway Setting a payment gateway has become way easy. Get a good low budget, which is secure, payment gateway service and they will provide all the details on how to add the service, which you or the designer can do it in some simple steps. Step 8 –Making your website more visible After creating your website it all comes down to sales and without any visibility on the internet it will be difficult to get customers. You are going to use some of the marketing tools that are available in the web and get started with it according to your website. Also make your presence well covered in the social media networks. You can go for affiliate marketing also, where a certain website provide ad spaces for you and earn commission on your sales. There are many other things that are needed to get the perfect start for your business, but here are the basic things that will make it going. You can in the future look for a co-partner who will
provide the economic platform you need or approach various venture firms that may like your business idea and possibly invest. You have to measure each step you take with great diligence and make sure that any risks are avoided in the starting.