Terry Sacka Discusses The Upcoming Shemitah, The Jubilee And The Four Blood Moons On The Wealth Transfer
Cornerstone Asset Metals 601 Heritage Drive, Suite 104 Jupiter, FL 33458 (888) 747-3309
An upcoming synchronous event in September 2015 regarding The Shemitah, The Jubilee and The Four Blood Moons was recently addressed and put into perspective with our current economic cycles by financial analyst Terry Sacka. Feb 23, 2014 – Raleigh, NC. – Terry Sacka AAMS of Cornerstone Asset Metals made a recent appearance on The Wealth Transfer Show to help explain the ongoing and upcoming topic of the Shemitah, the Jubilee, and the four blood moons, all coming due around this September 2015 and how it ties with the ancient mysteries of Moses on Mt. Sinai. Dr. Charles Vance and Terry Sacka, AAMS also tied together these biblical prophecies with the greatest market crashes in U.S. history and explain how these events will impact the current state of economic affairs. In a new Shemitah Series on The Wealth Transfer Show, Mr. Sacka opened the show by explaining, "The whole concept of this here is getting into a 3000 year old ancient mystery known as the Shemitah (Shmita in Hebrew). It goes back to Moses on Mount Sinai and it's a prophecy within Isaia - you're hearing a lot about it right now. This new series will be covering how the Shemitah is combining with the four red blood moons which are unbelievable as their time coming together. They're both coming in September 2015". The Shemita is the sabbath year also called the sabbatical year or sheviit which literally means "to release" in seven year cycles. Terry Sacka explained how people living at that time would farm the land for six years and on the seventh year give the land rest and forgive all debts. If they were in God and obedience they would have so much food and wealth stored up they would not have to do anything the seventh year and have sufficient resources to even open the land to the poor. If they were not, that seventh year would be a time of judgment and they would literally become wiped out as explained in the video below. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXkTpPgnmO8
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Terry Sacka also explains how these concepts tie into our economic cycles such as The Great Depression and how it impacts our stock market, 401K's and IRA retirement account (the crash of 2008 almost wiped out half our IRA). Terry Sacka has recently been quoted by some of the most respected financial publications such as Investor's Business Daily, Institutional Investor and even on the Wikipedia page "Silver as an Investment". About The Wealth Transfer Show: The Wealth Transfer is a weekly program airing Thursdays at 10pm and Saturday at 10am (EST) on the Christian Television Network (CTN) with host Dr. Charles Vance and featured speaker Terry Sacka, AAMS discussing global economics, biblical & financial principles, and the protection and preservation of wealth & hard assets. The Wealth Transfer Video archive for more shows at http://www.cornerstoneassetmetals.com/wealth-transfer/
About Terry Sacka Terry is a financial analyst and accredited asset management specialist (AAMS) at Cornerstone Asset Metals, a private bullion dealer located in Jupiter, Florida. The company enables investors, both large and small, to use metals such as gold, silver, platinum and palladium as an effective hedge for their retirement accounts against inflation. The company mission is to put people back in charge of their wealth through tangible assets that have been used as a medium for exchange since the dawn of civilization. Investors can receive a free information packet at Terry Sacka's corporate website for Cornerstone Asset Metals at http://www.cornerstoneassetmetals.com Cornerstone Asset Metals 601 Heritage Drive, Suite 104 Jupiter, FL 33458 (888) 747-3309 Additional Resources About Terry Sacka Cornerstone Asset Metals
About Cornerstone Asset Metals Cornerstone Asset Metals is a private bullion dealer located in Jupiter Florida. The company enables investors, both large and small, to use metals such as gold, silver, platinum and palladium as an effective hedge for their retirement accounts against inflation. The company mission is to put people back in charge of their wealth through tangible assets that have been used as a medium for exchange since the dawn of civilization. Contact Information www.cornerstoneassetmetals.com
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Cornerstone Asset Metals Terry Sacka 601 Heritage Drive, Suite 104 Jupiter Florida, 33458 Phone : (888) 747-3309
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Tags : future of petrodollar, petrodollar collapse, wealth preservation, currency wars, brics, Russia Iran, terry sacka, wealth transfer show Visit Cornerstone Asset Metals Website
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