Wesley Chapel

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Gary’s 2013 Local Dining Favorites!


See Neighborhood Magazine!

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Pasco Administrator, Clerk Address Community In Respective Meetings By Gary Nager & Matt Wiley

Although I had never formally met Pasco County administrator Michele Baker before my January 8 Wesley Chapel (Noon) Rotary Club meeting at Ciao! Italian Bistro in the Shops at Wiregrass mall, I actually had two opportunities to hear the former longtime assistant to former administrator John Gallagher speak in two days. At the Rotary Club meeting, Baker, who replaced Gallagher (first as interim administrator, later taking the top job) in June 2013, was talking about the new printed Strategic Plan 2013-17 (for more info, visit PascoCountyFL.net). she and the county staff prepared. The printed material was informative, but the plan didn’t offer specifics as to what changes we could expect to see in the year(s) to come in Wesley Chapel. So, of course, I had to ask — what is on the horizon in Wesley Chapel? Baker, who also spoke to the Pasco Alliance of Community Associations (PACA) on Jan. 9 at the Land O’Lakes Community Center, told the Rotary Club members in attendance that the Cypress Creek Town Center developers will soon be widening the last two-lane section of Wesley Chapel Blvd. (S.R. 54 between its junction with S.R. 56 and I-75). The expansion of Wesley Chapel Blvd. is part of the transportation impacts required to finally build the longawaited outlet mall project, which has final-

ly gotten past its legal hurdles and can begin going vertical soon. Speaking of transpor tation impacts, Baker also noted that although there has been a lot of Wesley Chapel Rotary president Eric Johnson & discussion about Pasco County administrator the possible 33mile elevated toll Michele Baker. road along S.R. 54 between U.S. 19 in New Port Richey and S.R. 56, “that project is still in the infancy stage. The county responded as it should to an unsolicited bid, but it takes us 5-7 years to build a major roadway. It’s possible that we may only start with a first phase of the elevated project, stretching from the failed intersection of Collier Pkwy. and 54 to S.R. 56, which is the busiest section of the road today.” The good news is that the Florida Department of Transportation has given its initial approval for the elevated roadway to begin lease negotiations with International Infrastructure Partners, LLC, which could close on the project as early as 2015. If it moves forward, the corridor would be

the first privately designed, constructed, operated and maintained elevated tollway in the state.

Paula O’Neil Addresses Pasco Republican Club

Pasco County clerk of court and comptroller Dr. Paula O’Neil, who was elected Pasco’s first female clerk in 2008 and again in 2012, stopped by the January 9 meeting of the Wesley Chapel Republican Club (held at Wesley Chapel Hyundai) to speak to local Republicans about what exactly it is that she oversees across Pasco County. Not only is O’Neil the clerk and comp- Wesley Chapel Republican Club president Mike Moore welcomes Pasco County clerk of court/ troller for Pasco, but she also was elected comptroller Paula O’Neil to the club’s Jan. meeting. president of the Florida Court Clerks & Among those are official court records, Comptrollers last June, serving as the face of applications for passports, marriage licenses that professional association. O’Neil also recently has been known as and weapons, mortgage and deed records the face of Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel and especially traffic citations. In fact, all (FHWC)’s “Pink Army,” a breast cancer Civil court documents have been filed elecawareness group. The popular clerk was tronically since April 2013. “As we get more electronic, more is able to proudly begin the meeting by telling members about her recent victory over expected of us,” O’Neil explained. “We’re the deadly disease, having undergone her last getting your tickets processed much more quickly now.” chemotherapy treatment in December. Currently, O’Neil is in charge of 350 “(Getting breast cancer) is not a path I would have chosen, but I’m thankful for the employees working in six buildings across experience,” she told the club. “It was un- the county. However, although the Wesley Chapel area may presently be the fastestcomfortable, but not intolerable.” O’Neil said that she was blown away by growing region of Pasco, don’t expect to see the loving embrace and support she received a clerk of court office opening in the area from the community after publicly announc- anytime soon. O’Neil explained that even though the area is rapidly expanding, 68 pering her diagnosis. She also gave a rundown of the clerk’s cent of the county’s population still resides office’s tasks, which have become almost en- west of U.S. 41. However, she said that she hopes to add Saturday hours to her offices by tirely electronic. “We are now electronically filing almost April, the closest to Wesley Chapel being in Dade City. — Matt Wiley all of our documents,” she said.

Wesley Chapel Rotarian’s Company To Appear On ‘Shark Tank’ Tonight! By Gary Nager

Although there are a lot of successful local business people who are members of the Wesley Chapel Rotary Club (which meets Wednesdays at noon at Ciao! Italian Bistro in the Shops at Wiregrass mall), we’re pretty sure that no local Rotarian had ever had his or her business featured on the hit

ABC-TV show “Shark Tank” before club member Ben Alexander and his company Balloon Distractions’ appearance on the program, which actually is being shown tonight — Friday, January 17, 9 p.m. But, even though I told Ben I would agree to not reveal whether or not the show’s “sharks” agreed to invest in his bal-

Also Inside This Issue! News, Business, Sports & Education Updates Our Exclusive Tour Of The PHCC Porter Campus, Our Editor Pays Some Respects, Road Rage Leads To Gunshots, Lots Of Local Business Features & More!

Pages 1-30

Neighborhood Magazine Full Circle Pizza Brings Chi-Town Home, Our Editor’s 2013 Local Dining Favorites, Vallarta’s Does Mexican Right, Plus More Neighborhood Nibbles & Biz Bytes!

Pages 31-40

loon entertainment franchising company and national talent agency that sends entertainers out to restaurants and other venues in 30 cities across the U.S., all I can say is that the promo for the show, which had billionaire Dallas Mavericks owner and media superstar Mark Cuban yelling at Ben to “Shut up!,” is reason enough to watch. And, plenty of Ben’s fellow Rotarians and other friends are expected to be in attendance to actually watch the “Shark Tank” episode together at 8 p.m. at PrimeBar in the Shops at Wiregrass. It should be a packed house for this unprecedented event. Even though he obviously already knew whether or not the group of sharks were going to invest in his company after the taping of the episode, Alexander himself, always the pragmatist, has worked hard to ensure that his website would have

enough capacity to handle all the hits — an average of about 500,000 — every “Shark Tank”-featured business’ website receives, whether the sharks invested in them or not. For additional information, visit BalloonDistractions.com or ABC.Go. com/shows/shark-tank.





Editorial — Saying Goodbye To Two Men I Grew Up Respecting By Gary Nager As I celebrated another birthday earlier this month, I reflected back on another year filled with joy, excitement and, unfortunately, some tragedies. Although neither was a member of my family, I wanted to share my feelings about two men who were positive influences on me during my “early years” growing up in Woodmere, Long Island, NY. The first, chronologically, was Roy Goldfarb. Roy and his wife Bobbie were among my mom and dad’s best friends and their daughters Lori and Joann were close in age to my sister Bonnie and me, respectively. Roy was a successful business owner, but he was also one of the few friends of my parents who actually was interested in what I had to say about sports, the world, politics, school and even the stupid stories about whatever trouble the “geniuses” in our school had gotten themselves into. Roy was a true man’s man — he loved good Scotch, a good cigar, gambling and talking about business, sports and life. He always made me feel welcome in his house — equipped with one of the earliest versions of a “man cave” I had ever seen. His den featured an eight-foot-long aquarium built into the wall, like a living big-screen TV (before such things existed) and his sweet, playful terrier dog, Kelly. I remember one vacation our families took together in Paradise Island, The Ba-

Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News 15345 Amberly Dr., Tampa, FL 33647 Phone: (813) 910-2575 Fax: 910-2483

Advertising E-mail: Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Editorial E-mail: EditorialDept@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Publisher & Editor Gary Nager General Manager Nikki Bennett Assistant Editor / Photographer Matt Wiley Correspondents Bonnie Mason • Lauren Saslow Senior Graphic Designer Porsha Lemos Sales & Marketing Assistant Antwon Gildon Nothing that appears in Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News may be reproduced, whether wholly or in part, without permission. Opinions expressed by Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News writers are their own and do not reflect the publisher’s opinion. The deadline for outside editorial submissions and advertisements for Volume 22, Issue 4, of Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News is Monday, February 3, 2014. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News will consider previously non-published outside editorial submissions if they are double spaced, typed and less than 500 words. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit and/or reject all outside editorial submissions and makes no guarantees regarding publication dates. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News will not return unsolicited editorial materials. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit &/or reject any advertising. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the actual cost of the advertising space itself, nor for the validity of any claims made by its advertisers.

© 2014 JM2 Communications, Inc.


hamas (long before The Atlantis was built), when Roy came late for the after-dinner show. He had good reason, as he was riding a lucky streak the likes of which he (nor many other people) had ever experienced. I can’t tell you exactly how much money he won that night at the craps table (because I don’t think he even knew himself at that point), but there were four full boxes of chips, many of $100 and higher denominations. For the purpose of this story, let’s say it was about $50,000. The 14-year-old version of me got dollar signs in my eyes and the kind of smile I usually only beamed at 14-year-old girls back then. “Mr. Goldfarb, do you always win like this?,” I asked. “Kid, no one always wins like this,” he replied. “I lost about a third this much yesterday, so I was just trying to get even and happened to hit a major lucky streak.” “You lost that much money yesterday?,” I said, wide-eyed. “How can you afford it? And, how much gambling is too much gambling?” “How much money did you bring on this trip, Gary?” “I don’t know. $20 maybe?” “How much do you have at home in your piggy bank?” “I don’t know...maybe $100?” He handed me a $100 chip and said, “Even if I double your money, how much do you think you can afford to lose that you won’t miss it?” “Ummm.” “The answer is if you don’t know the answer, you can’t afford to lose any of it. And, there are too many people in every casino who are losing money they can’t afford to lose. Don’t ever be one of them.” Roy may not have been related to me, but he showed me that the good life didn’t come without a lot of hard work and was indeed worth working for and savoring. And then, there was Stan Brooks. Those of you who are from the New York metro area know my high school friend Bennett Brooks’ father as the gravelly, but somehow dulcet voice of NewsRadio1010 WINS-AM. Stan already was entrenched for many years as the WINS news update anchor when I first started to drive and his amazing voice was equalled only by his ability to condense major news stories into a few seconds each and still make sure you

had all the details you needed to get the full story every time. “And, even after 50 years, he was still getting to the scene of a story before reporters half his age,” said WINS news director Ben Mevorach. Bennett and I weren’t best friends growing up, even though he lived just a few blocks from me in Woodmere, but I did love going to his house to hear his dad talk about the gas crisis, civil rights, women’s lib and the state of the media in our country’s #1 media market. In other words, he was one of the first people who got me thinking about a job in the information business — and my degree from the University of Florida actually was in broadcast, not print, journalism, in some

small part because perhaps I saw myself as Mr. Brooks’ replacement if he ever decided to retire. But, after more than 50 years, Stan Brooks never did retire. He filed his last report on Nov. 21 and passed away, after a cancer diagnosis, on Dec. 23, at age 86. Although I always have been comfortable writing to fill space in print, I definitely preferred the idea of being able to tell a story the way I talk and Stan was someone worth modeling myself after. But, after 20 years (as of next month) of doing this job, I still know that I’m still not even in the ballpark of being the guy to replace him. Rest in Peace, Stan and Roy — you were two of the good ones.

!"#$%&'(&)'*+%*+, Local News Updates.............................4-11

Our Exclusive Tour Of Wesley Chapel’s First College................4 Wesley Chapel News Briefs..........................................................6 Road Rage Reported In Wesley Chapel Wesley Chapel Man Dies In S.R. 52 Crash Deputy Injured In New Year’s Hit & Run Crash Wesley Chapel Man Arrested In Stabbing Death Wesley Chapel Community Calendar...........................................10

Local Business Updates.......................12-30

Rebecca Does Hair — New Styles For The New Year...........................12 Dr. B.K. Parasher Is Wesley Chapel’s Caring Dentist...................16 Essentials Massage & Facials Of New Tampa ...............................20 KONA Multi Sport Has Everything A Triathlete Needs ..............24 New Tampa Plastic Surgery Can Help You Look Your Best.........28

Neighborhood Magazine Full Circle Pizza Brings Some ‘Windy City’ Flavor Home..... 31 Our 2013 Dining Survey & Contest Results!...........................32 Vallarta’s Opens In Tampa Palms.................................................34 ‘Neighborhood Nibbles & Biz Bytes’.....................................36

WESLEY CHAPEL COLOR CLASSIFIEDS........................38




An Exclusive First Look Inside Wesley Chapel’s First College Campus! By Gary Nager; Photos by Matt Wiley

Wow, assistant editor Matt Wiley and I were overwhelmed by our recent tour of what is still today called Pasco Hernando Community College (PHCC)’s Porter Campus at Wiregrass Ranch. However, as explained to us by high-energy Provost Stanley Giannet, Ph.D., the brand-spankin’-new campus located off S.R. 56 at Mansfield Blvd. will soon officially have a new name — as will all five PHCC campuses. Although classes began Jan. 13, or just after we went to press with this issue, Dr. Giannet says the beautiful, 60-acre campus will unveil its new sign and new name — Pasco Hernando State College, Porter Campus at (Clockwise from top left) Part of the beautiful “Piazza” where students can gather at the new Pasco Hernando Community College Porter Campus at Wiregrass Ranch — during a public ceremony Wiregrass Ranch. One of the many state-of-the-art computer labs. Provost Dr. Stanley Giannet loves showing off the technology in the Porter Campus’ on Wednesday, January 22, 9 a.m., following nursing classroom, designed to look like and be like a real hospital setting. Dr. Giannet shows how all of the monitors in the classrooms are LED TVs, a vote at the Jan. 21 Board of Trustees meeting instead of overhead projectors. For more of assistant editor Matt Wiley’s awesome pics of the new campus, visit WCNeighborhoodNews.com. to finally approve the change. All I can tell you is that the campus is beautiful, functional, state-of-the-art in terms of technology and, as Dr. Giannet says, it will be, “part of the community. We may change our name to Pasco Hernando State College, but our commitment to the local community won’t change.” At our press time, PHCC-Porter already had 1,500 students enrolled, all 50 faculty and staff members hired and the campus will be home to the first-ever four-year degrees — Bachelors of Science in Nursing and Applied Sciences — offered by the new state college. From its biology lab equipped with technologically advanced models of the human heart, lungs, brain and more, and nursing “classrooms” designed to look like hospitals, complete with “working” simulated human patients (“sims”), Dr. Giannet promises that the new college will prepare students for rewarding careers in many science- and business-related fields. For more info, visit PHCC.edu.










News Briefs

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Sparkling Beauty Red Hatters — The Sparkling Beauties, a chapter of the Red Hat Society (a global networking group of women age 50 & older), are enjoying life to the fullest in the pursuit of fun, friendship, freedom and fulfillment. For info, call Queen Diamond at 907-1431 or email IamretJudy@aol.com.

Masters Club meets on the first and third Monday of every month, 6:15 p.m., at Hyundai of Wesley Chapel (26944 Wesley Chapel Blvd.). Club meetings are open to all interested parties. For more information, call David West at 610-1650 or visit WesleyChapel Speaks.ToastMastersClubs.org.

January 2014

Thursday, January 23

Monday, January 20

Experienced Networking Professionals (ENP) — ENP meets Monday mornings at 8 a.m. for breakfast and networking at Quail Hollow Golf & Country Club (6225 Old Pasco Rd.). For more info, call Brad Benson at 973-1814.

Networking For Your Success — The Networking For Your Success group meets Thursdays, 8:30 a.m., at Lexington Oaks Clubhouse (26133 Lexington Oaks Blvd, off S.R. 54). For more information call 973-1657.

Friday, January 24

Free Networking International (FNI) — FNI, a group of area business owners, meets Mondays for networking and discussion at Lexington Oaks Golf Club (26133 Lexington Oaks Blvd., off S.R. 54). For info, call Stacy Dalton at 469-5499.

WC Sunrise Rotary Club — The WC Sunrise Rotary Club meets every Friday, 7:15 a.m., at Quail Hollow Country Club (6225 Old Pasco Rd.). For info, call Lynne Morgan at 695-6466.

Professional Business Connections (PBC) — PBC meets Mondays at 8 a.m. at Lexington Oaks Golf Club (26133 Lex. Oaks Blvd.). Call Chris Thurow at 546-6860.

February 2014

Tuesday, January 21

Florida Writers Association — The Florida Writers Association (FWA) of New Tampa/Wesley Chapel is a FREE group that meets the first Saturday of each month, 10 a.m., at the New Tampa Regional Library (10001 Cross Creek Blvd.). Presentation topics include editing, marketing, options for publishing, navigating social media and more. For more information, email Cindy at Cindy.Campbell@OmnificPublishing.com.

Business Networking International (BNI) — BNI, a group of business professionals who work to support each other through qualified referrals, meets Tuesdays, 7:30 a.m., at Heritage Church (1854 Oak Grove Blvd., off S.R. 54, in Land O’Lakes). For info, email Tim at Tim@TampaHomes24-7.com. ‘Networking On The Nines’ — “Networking on the Nines,” put on by Insurance New Tampa, is a great way to meet new friends and clients or strengthen existing relationships, while playing a 9-hole scramble on the third Tuesday of every month at Lexington Oaks Golf Club (26133 Lex. Oaks Blvd.), 3 p.m. Call Susan at 4356350 for additional info.

Wednesday, January 22

Wesley Chapel Rotary Club — The Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel meets every Wednesday, 12:15 p.m., at Ciao! Italian Bistro (2001 Piazza Ave., in the Shops at Wiregrass mall). For more info, call 862-8989 or 391-3895. FHWC Breast Cancer Support Group — Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC) introduces a new breast cancer support group that meets in the FHWC Wellness Plaza’s Center for Women’s Health (2700 Healing Way, Ste. 102) at 5 p.m. the third Wednesday of each month. The group helps give those fighting the deadly disease answers and resources, survivor stories, guest speakers and in-depth discussions in a positive environment. To register, please visit FloridaHospital. com/Wesley-Chapel or call 929-5432. ‘Wesley Chapel Speaks’ ToastMasters — The “Wesley Chapel Speaks” Toast-


Saturday, February 1

Friday, February 7

Women-N-Charge - Join the vibrant ladies of Women-N-Charge at 11:30 a.m. at Pebble Creek Country Club. Share your talents, build relationships, and share your resources with other women in business. The cost is $15 for members (Tuesday before the meeting) and $18 for all guests (and members paying Wednesday and after). For additional information, visit WomenN-Charge.com or e-mail Admin@ Women-N-Charge.com. If your organization has any upcoming events you’d like to promote in this space, email Matt@NTNeighborhoodNews.com.








Rebecca Does Hair Can Make You Look & Feel Like A Superstar, Too! By By Lauren Saslow Superstars like Lady Gaga, Nikki Minaj, Christina Aguilera, Madonna, Pink and Cher have all been nearly as well known for their outrageous hairstyles as they have for their singing careers. But, how can the average modern lady switch up her look without doing permanent damage to her hair or making a longterm commitment to a new hairstyle? Many celebrities use hair extensions with natural color and/or fantasy colors (such as bright pinks, purples, blues and reds), to achieve desired looks. However, one local salon offers not only maintenance haircuts and styles for men, women and children, but also extensions, fantasy colors, highlights, lowlights, perms, “updos” for special events (weddings, proms, etc.), Keratin treatments, facial waxing and even special effects make-up designs. Rebecca Weeks, a Tampa native who now lives and works in Wesley Chapel, opened Rebecca Does Hair (located in the Summergate Professional Center behind Sam’s Club in Seven Oaks) in September 2013 as an independent business inside the Lady Grace Beauty Spa. As a 2010 graduate of Paul Mitchell The School Tampa, she holds a Cosmetology and Business License through the State of Florida’s Department of Business and Professional Regulation’s Board of Cosmetology. Weeks has been trained to cut all hair types (wavy, curly, extra curly and straight) and textures (fine, medium, coarse). She also has completed a twoday, 16-hour course to become a certified stylist for Cinderella Hair Extensions®, qualifying her to apply hair extensions and educate clients about how to maintain those extensions. Weeks also attends continuing education courses regularly, including Organic Color Training and the Paul Mitchell Advanced Cutting Class with artistic director Lenny King. Her previous salon experience includes Cuts & More, Inc. (Wesley Chapel), and SmartStyle Family Hair


Salon inside the New Tampa Walmart Supercenter. Because Rebecca Does Hair is only a few months old and is still building a client base, Weeks currently services all of her clients without the assistance of subcontractors, offering a truly individualized experience. While Weeks originally went through nursing school and later completed certification in Digital Publishing and Design through the Erwin Technical Center in Tampa in 2001, she says that she was continually playing with hair during her free time. Her mother Sarah King suggested that she take her passion to the next level and become certified in the field. Now, Rebecca uses her digital design background to run her business’ website, where clients can view a list of services, prices, detailed directions to the salon and a photo gallery of her previous work, including before-and-after photos. Because the business is simply a oneseat salon inside of an upscale spa, Weeks is able to offer a uniquely client-based experience in a comfortable environment with appointment availability during hours when most salons are closed. She explains, “I want my clients to feel comfortable in their surroundings.” The salon has wood laminate flooring, a cutting chair in front of a three-way mirror and vanity, a hair-wash sink, one chair for a waiting client (or a client’s friend or family member), and Paul Mitchell home hair care products for purchase. Amenities include a well-decorated and clean restroom, free Wi-Fi access and client-controlled music selections. Because the salon was created for only a single client on an appointment-only basis, individuals may feel less rushed. Sarah Hughes — a Licensed nurse practitioner, pharmaceutical sales representative and New Tampa resident — has been one of Weeks’ regular customers for four years, setting appointments every three weeks. “I like the way she does my color and cut, and the hours and location are convenient,” Hughes explains.

In addition, when Weeks recently gave Hughes a Keratin treatment, Hughes says she received compliments from her work partner, who indicated that her hair, “looked natural and smooth.” Hughes also purchased Cinderella Hair Extensions® from Rebecca Does Hair because her Rebecca Weeks, of Rebecca Does Hair, gives Wesley Chapel resident Shannon natural hair is so Hargis a “cut-n-style” at her salon inside the Lady Grace Beauty Spa in Wesley Chapel. Hargis has been one of Weeks’ customers for more than two years. fine; she says the Studio (the other independent hair stylist finished product made her hair appear located in the Lady Grace Beauty Spa), more full-bodied and thicker. Weeks adds that she is able to, “work has been a loyal client of Rebecca Does Hair for four months. around my clients’ schedules and will Terry insists, “As a hair stylist myself, sometimes schedule a midnight appointit’s hard to get someone to cut my hair ment for a nurse just getting off work, the way I like it. I’m particular about then return to the salon at 6 a.m. the following morning to meet another client how it’s cut — it’s very fine — and you need to be precise.” before their flight out of town.” Terry and Weeks enjoy working in Jeremey Terry, a Temple Terrace resident and owner of Jeremy’s Hair the same building and consult with each




No matter the occasion, Rebecca Weeks of Rebecca Does Hair in Wesley Chapel will have you turning heads with your eimpressive new hair style.

other regularly, especially for hair color tones for clients. They will oftentimes combine both of their opinions on a hair treatment option and agree that the results have always been positive.

Standard & Unique Services

Rebecca Does Hair offers a competitive rate for standard wash, cut, blow-dry and style services for new clients, starting at $25 for women, $15 for men and only $13 for children under 13 years old, while teachers receive 20-percentoff any service year-round. Weeks also offers up-dos for special events either on- or off-site, as well as various color treatment options. She is skilled with the trendy Ombré color technique, in which the locks are two-toned, usually (but not always) brunette on top with blonde tips.


The salon uses Redken professional hair products and hair color, in addition to Organic Colour Systems hair dye and Organic Keratin that has a nonformaldehyde formula. The Cinderella Hair Extensions® offer 100-percent Remy Hair, meaning the entirely human hair pieces have cuticles all facing in the same direction, which prevents tangles and matting problems. Remy hair blends seamlessly with the client’s own natural hair to create an appearance of natural, healthy looking hair. The process of applying Cinderella Hair begins with a free initial consultation. The client discusses the desired look with Weeks and selects from one or more of the 76 color options, with lengths ranging from 8-24 inches. Hair texture options include fine, medium and coarse


while hair types includes straight, body wave or Euro wavy. Weeks then orders the client’s selection, which generally takes less than a week to ship. During the second appointment, Weeks applies low levels of heat to soften and contour the Organic Classic Bond around the hair shaft. She says that the extensions, with proper care, can last 4-6 months and can be applied to all hair types. When the client is ready to remove the extensions, Weeks can apply a “bond remover” to each bond in order to soften it. Applying gentle pressure allows the bond to slide off the client’s hair along with the extensions. Weeks says that any residual bond may be removed with a gentle shampoo without damaging the client’s natural hair. Several other services are offered at Rebecca Does Hair, including facial waxing of the eyebrows, upper lip and chin, as well as special effects make-up applications. While Weeks learned some make-up techniques through her cosmetology training, she says she has perfected her art over time. “Halloween is a busy day,” Weeks explains. “I’m usually booked beginning in the morning for everything from vampire bites to dead pirates (which also might come in handy for the annual Gasparilla Pirate Festival on Saturday, January 25, in downtown Tampa) with prosthetic bones exposed on the face.”

Weeks says that she even replicated a design of the character Pinhead from the horror flick “Hellraiser.”

Community Involvement

Rebecca Does Hair is scheduled to donate time and services to the American Cancer Society (ACS) Relay for Life of Wesley Chapel/Wiregrass at Watergrass Elementary School in May 2014, a popular overnight fund-raising event to benefit ACS. Weeks will be on-site at the Relay for Life event where she will cut the hair of willing participants according to the Locks of Love (LoL) donation guidelines. Long-locked volunteers can donate eight inches of hair or more to LoL, which is a public non-profit organization providing hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada who suffer from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. Cancer constitutes the second highest percentage of LOL recipients (the largest number of recipients being children suffering from the auto-immune disorder, alopecia). For more info, call 943-4023 or email RebeccaDoesHair@hotmail. com to make an appointment. Rebecca Does Hair is located inside the Lady Grace Beauty Spa, at 27551 Cashford Cir., Unit 101, off S.R. 56. Clients can also ‘Like’ her page, Rebecca Does Hair, at Facebook.com.











Dr. B.K. Parasher — Wesley Chapel’s Caring Dentist — Adds Dr. Kelly Phelps By Bonnie Mason A smile can instill confidence and even melt away sadness. A smile is priceless. And, B.K. Parasher, D.D.S., P.A., of A Caring Dentist, located in the Windfair Professional Center off Bruce B. Downs Blvd., is dedicated to restoring and enhancing the natural beauty of your smile. Using conservative, state-of-the-art procedures, Dr. Parasher and his staff help patients achieve beautiful, long lasting smiles! The doctors and professional staff at the busy local practice believe in educating their patients about the importance of preventive oral health to assist them in leading healthy lives. Diseases of the mouth and teeth can be avoided or quickly managed when detected early through routine dental exams and regular teeth cleaning. “We are patient-focused and committed to building a trusting relationship with our patients through comprehensive education and communication,” says Dr. Parasher in his cheerful British accent. “Our goal is to help patients understand and learn about dental health so that we can create an individualized care plan that will help each of our patients to achieve his or her dental goals.” Dr. Parasher lives up to the name


of his practice, as he carries a belief that you treat others as you want to be treated. And, his patients can attest to that fact. “I have been Dr. Parasher’s patient since the early 1990s,” says A Caring Dentist patient Zeb. “Over the years, Dr. Parasher and his staff have provided me with excellent and professional services. If I am in pain, Dr. Parasher and his staff are empathetic and will do their best to accommodate an office appointment for me as soon as possible. And Dr. Parasher has a delightful personality, which takes the ‘sting’ out of your dental pain.” Dr. Parasher received his Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree in 1980 from the University of Sheffield, U.K., and received his post-graduate education and training from The School of Dentistry Medical College of Georgia in Augusta. Dr. Parasher also studied implant dentistry at the U.S. Institute for Orthodontics and Orthopedics and is certified as an Invisalign dentist. Dr. Parasher has been practicing dentistry in the Tampa area since 1988. He opened his first practice location in Carrollwood in 1990 and in 2007, he opened the Wesley Chapel location. In January 2014, Kimberly

The friendly, professional staff at A Caring Dentist in the Windfair Professional Center off Bruce B. Downs Blvd. in Wesley Chapel includes (l. to r.) Dr. Kimberly Phelps, D.M.D., dental assistant Treva, dental hygienist Mallory, dental assistant Tina, office manager Stacy and Dr. B.K Parasher, DDS.

Phelps, D.M.D.. joined the practice to offer more available office hours at the Wesley Chapel location. Dr. Phelps earned her Doctor of Medical Dentistry. degree from the University of Florida College of Dentistry in Gainesville in 2012 after earning her B.S. degree in Biochemistry from Lenoir-Rhyne University in Hickory, NC, in 2007. The Wesley Chapel resident had been working at another dental practice in Zephyrhills, but says she was thrilled to move closer to home — and to get to work with Dr. Parasher. “I am excited to have Dr. Phelps join me,” Dr. Parasher agrees. “I am confident our patients will find that she really lives up to our A Caring Dentist name.”



The Wesley Chapel office is comfortable and inviting and offers the latest in technology, complementing the talented and skilled staff which strives to provide excellence and is committed to quality and safety for every patient. Dr. Parasher is a family dentist, treating patients ages 6 to 96 years old. In addition to caring for the health and maintenance of your teeth and gums, teeth cleaning, repairs, and disease prevention methods, Dr. Parasher has years of experience and is up-to-date on the latest cosmetic dental procedures to help patients improve their smiles. According to an American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry survey, virtually all adults (99.7-percent) believe that a smile is an important so-


your smile. A Caring Dentist offers the Phillips Zoom whitening system, which includes desensitizers to help minimize tooth sensitivity and protect your enamel. The dentist-supervised, in-office procedure is safe, effective and clinically proven to whiten your teeth up to eight shades. In recent years, Dr. Parasher says the Dr. Kimberly Phelps, DMD, checks one of Land O’Lakes increased interest in resident Michael Resina’s molars during a checkup at A cosmetic dentistry has Caring Dentist’s Wesley Chapel office. sparked new techniques and technocial asset. And, 74% of adults feel an logical advances that enable us to unattractive smile can hurt a person’s chance for career success. To that end, improve our teeth and smiles quickly, efficiently and often with no pain. He Dr. Parasher says that over the past adds that there are many techniques decade, teeth whitening has become and options to treat teeth that are one of the top cosmetic dental procediscolored, chipped, misshapen or dures patients seek. missing. From composite fillings to Teeth whitening (or bleaching) is porcelain crowns and bridges, porcea simple, non-invasive dental treatment that changes the color of natural lain veneers and dental implants, Dr. tooth enamel. Surprisingly affordable, Parasher has many years of experience to reshape your teeth, close spaces, teeth whitening can provide a person restore worn teeth, or alter your smile with a whole new look by erasing to achieve outstanding results. discoloration of the teeth that often Dr. Parasher is a certified Incauses people to smile less and is an visalign dentist who has helped his ideal way to enhance the beauty of



patients correct overbites, underbites, and crowding in the mouth. A popular alternative to braces (although not designed to replace conventional braces for more serious tooth alignment problems), Invisalign uses a custom-made, invisible plastic aligner tray that gradually and gently shifts your teeth into place. Dr. Parasher explains that a typical Invisalign patient takes about a year from start to finish. You’ll visit the office every month or two to see how you’re progressing. Every few visits you’ll be given additional aligners to continue treatment. Commonly, Dr. Parasher says, the number of aligners worn during treatment is between 18 and 30, but the treatment time and number of aligners will vary from case to case. Dr. Parasher is married to Dr. Kanchan Parasher, M.D., a family practice physician, whom he met in 1984 in London. The Parashers have a son and daughter, both in their 20s, who each graduated from the University of Miami. “My son is studying to be an ENT (ear, nose and throat) physician and my daughter currently is deciding between dentistry and optometry,” says Dr. Parasher, who says he and his wife are proud that their children also are passionate about health and the

well being of others. Every year between 2007-11, Dr. Parasher was named one of “America’s Top Dentists” by the Consumers Research Council of America. He also is a member of the American Dental Assn., Florida Dental Assn. and the West Coast Dental Assn. A Caring Dentist is located at 2641 Windguard Cir. in Wesley Chapel. To make an appointment call 907-3333. The Carrollwood office is located at 11017 N. Dale Mabry Hwy. in Tampa (968-7228). To learn more about the staff and services available at A Caring Dentist, visit Caring-Dentist.com.











Essentials Massage & Facials Of New Tampa Can Relieve Your Holiday Stress! By Bonnie Mason

Winter holidays are wonderful, but let’s face it — they can be extremely stressful, too. With the hours we’ve spent the past few weeks shopping for the perfect gifts, preparing a delicious holiday feast, baking Santa’s favorite cookies and even travelling across the country to visit with family and friends, the holiday stress can leave you with knots in your shoulder muscles and kinks in your neck. Essentials Massage & Facials of New Tampa in Wesley Chapel may be just what you need to de-stress and start the New Year right! Conveniently located in the Seven Oaks Professional Park off S.R. 56 (next to the Sam’s Club in Seven Oaks), Essentials has been rejuvenating and invigorating Wesley Chapel and New Tampa residents for nearly three years. Tom Stavro purchased this Essentials location (one of 16 in Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco, Manatee and Sarasota counties) from its previous owners last year and says he is excited to offer an extensive menu of unique services to pamper everyone who visits in a luxurious fashion — all at truly unbeatable prices. Yes, even with all of those holiday bills, a luxurious and affordable spa day at Essentials is still within your reach. The 2,500-sq.-ft. oasis of stress relief boasts 11 private treatment rooms, all


with the same calming and tranquil environment. Plus, Essentials has a “party room,” which can be used for birthday celebrations, bridal parties, or Ladies Night Out gatherings. “Our goal is for our clients to leave Essentials completely relaxed and feeling fabulous,” Stavro says. “Whether the service they receive is a massage, facial, body wax, body wrap, eyelash extension, manicure or a spa pedicure, our mission is always the same.” The spa’s well-trained concierge staff is happy to assist you to determine the best service or services to fit your needs and budget. “If you’re not sure what you’re looking for, the front staff is well-versed in the available treatments and is ready to recommend the best fit for each client’s needs,” explains Stavro. “They can answer questions like which massage will be the best choice -— hot stone, deep tissue, or our popular hour-long relaxation massage. Or, if you’re not sure if an anti-aging facial, a microdermabrasion treatment or a chemical peel is best for your skin, (our staff’s) experience and product service knowledge is key to keeping you satisfied and wanting to come back to us.” Stavro adds that there are three main components to the spa — skin care, massage therapy and nail services. Essentials has four licensed aestheti-

cians on staff who are ready to help customers achieve the soft, smooth skin they desire and all of them are available to provide skin analyses for free. Essentials offers basic facials, as well as customized facials based on each client’s individual needs. Among the treatments available include a clinical, Evelyn Hoyt, one of four licensed aestheticians at Essentials Massage one-hour European facial, anti-aging and & Facials of New Tampa (located near Sam’s Club in Wesley Chapel), acne facials, as well as applies one of the spa’s signature exfoliants to a customer’s face. microdermabrasion. which is complimentary with all services The facials are all at the spa. performed using Atzen, Glo Therapeu“This amazing formula contains the tics or the Academy Award-winning GM natural-occurring pineapple fruit enzyme Collin products. Bromelain, which aids in the natural Among the GM Collin skin treatexfoliation of the skin,” Stavro says. ments are the Algomask, PurAcne “Unlike many products on the market, Oxygen Treatment, Hydrolifting TreatPineapple Essentials™ exfoliates without ment, Sea C Spa (all 60-minutes) and a dehydrating the skin.” 90-minute Collagen 90-II Treatment. The products developed by CircaStavro says that a high-quality, dia, also available at Essentials of New affordable skincare product line also is Tampa, are designed to work in har“essential” to achieve glowing, healthy mony with the body’s natural systems skin. Pineapple Essentials™ exfoliant to defend the skin from environmental is Essentials’ signature product and is insult during the day, and repair during combined with a hot towel treatment,




the night. Stavro says that Essentials clients have told him that both Pineapple Essentials™ and Circadia are quite effective and affordable to purchase for home use.

Eyelash Extensions & More!

“In addition to providing facials, we also offer body wraps, waxing, microdermabrasion and peels, and one of our aestheticians even specializes in eyelash extensions,” Stavros says. “Women who desire fuller eyelashes don’t need to look any further. An Essentials consultant works with you to determine which lash is the best fit for your desired look, synthetic or mink. Eyelash extensions come in a variety of lengths and are adhered to the eyelid to get a fuller effect. Stavros says that lash extensions last approximately 3-5 weeks and fall out with original eyelashes during the specific eyelash cycle, which varies with each individual.” Massage therapy is one of the most important component of Essentials’ services and all fourteen licensed massage therapists (LMTs) serving the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel location are very experienced, and offer flexibility in scheduling, as well as a wide spectrum of therapies to choose from, including therapeutic, neuromuscular, reflexology, hot stone, deep tissue, relaxation and pre-natal. And, the signature hot towel treatment with the Pineapple Essentials exfoliant mentioned earlier also is included in any massage. Stavro explains that


the hot towel treatment applied before the therapy helps clients relax and allows the muscles to loosen quicker during the massage. And, aromatherapy can be added to any service to further enhance and complete your total relaxation. Manicures and pedicures are the final component that Stavro explains is key to making sure customers leave relaxed. Regular, Shellac, or gel manicures and basic or spa pedicures are available. Again, clients can expect the soothing hot towel and Pineapple Essentials™ treatment! Generally, luxury comes at a high price, but the spa services at Essentials are affordable and easy on the wallet. “No one can beat their prices,” says Wesley Chapel resident and Essentials client Megan. “I’m paying a fraction of what I used to pay!” For $30, customers can get a onehour facial or massage any day of the week. And, on Tuesdays, clients pay only $25 for either a one-hour massage, a European facial, or a mani/pedi! “But, the best package we offer is our Spa Day package, which includes all three of our spa components,” Stavro says. Essentials’ Spa Day package consists of a one-hour massage, one-hour facial, basic manicure and pedicure — all for only $95! If you don’t have that much time, or you’re looking to spend less, $65 will get you a “Mini Spa Day” that includes a one-hour massage and a one-hour facial. Both spa day packages include a complimentary glass of wine


Essentials Massage & Facials of New Tampa customers Lindsay & Megan enjoy a glass of wine in Essentials’ party room, while taking a look at the spa’s extensive menu of services.

and a light lunch. Brides can create memories of a lifetime at Essentials and rival any five-star resort spa. Stavro says bridal parties and Ladies Night Out events are extremely popular at the spa. Parties can be booked with a minimum of four people and include a one-hour massage, one-hour facial in a private setting with wine, cheese and crackers, plus all gratuities, for only $95 per person. On Thursday, February 13, Essentials of New Tampa will host Tampa Bay’s celebrity skincare guru Anthony Loren in a “Love Your Skin” event, featuring his signature skincare product line. Guests will experience skin care demonstrations and wine and cheese will

be served from 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Please call the phone number below to reserve your space at this exciting event and take advantage of all of the evening’s specials! Call Essentials Massage & facials of New Tampa (License ##MM30617) today to schedule your luxurious spa massage, facial or mani/pedi at 527-6979! The Wesley Chapel spa is located at 2230 Ashley Oaks Cir. in the Seven Oaks Professional Park and is open 10 a.m.-8 p.m. on Mon., Tues. – Sat., 9 a.m.-9 p.m., and 11 a.m.-6 p.m. on Sun. Gift certificates are available. For a complete list of services and fees, visit EssentialsWesleyChapel.com.











Kona Multi Sport Has Everything Every Triathlete Will Ever Need! By John Majeski

If you’re looking for running gear, you go to a running store. If you want cycling gear, you’ll likely visit a bike shop. But, where do triathletes and other multi-sport enthusiasts go for a truly one-stop experience? A good number of local triathletes already go to KONA Multisport on County Line Rd., located next to L.A. Fitness just south of Wesley Chapel in northern New Tampa. The shop’s employees are all triathlon veterans who bill themselves as “swim-bike-run experts” who truly know the high-end products they sell. “We can handle everyone from the novice triathlete all the way to the pros,” says general manager Bruce McCarthy. The 4,000-sq.-ft. store carries everything required for you to cross that finish line. KONA carries a broad mix of apparel, running shoes, bikes, other gear and even protein supplements to stay energized during training or a race. Bicycling is a particularly serious business in the triathlon world and McCarthy says the bikes KONA sells cost anywhere from $800-$12,000, but the majority of offerings are in the $2,500 range. How can two wheels cost so much? McCarthy says triathlon bikes are not your neighborhood cruisers, but are instead sleek racers that feature space-


age carbon fiber frames and aircraft aluminum components. McCarthy also says that a high-end bike should feel just right. Therefore, shop employees properly fit riders by using 3-D motion-capture technology, customizing rides for individuals right in the store. Brands include Bianchi, Scott and QR, but the newest brand that KONA stocks is Felt, an international bicycle manufacturing company that produces some of the most technologically advanced triathlon bikes on the market. “We’re very excited about (carrying Felt) for 2014,” McCarthy explains. “We’re planning to showcase (Felt) and have the brand be a big part of our focus.” Broke a gear? Need a tweak? KONA can fully service your bike(s), too. When it comes to swimming, the shop carries various wetsuits, goggles, fins, and other accessories for both training and races. One training tool that caught this reporter’s eye was the Finish Swimsense performance monitor. It’s worn like a watch, but can capture and analyze performance with “pace times, distance (in yards or even laps), stroke count, stroke rate, distance-perstroke and calories burned across all four major strokes,” according to the online description.

Finally, brands such as Saucony, Newton, Mizuno, K-Swiss and Pearl Izumi round out the selection for those needing shoes for the running component of a triathlon. Of course, you don’t have to be a triathlete to shop at KONA. “We’re set up so if you’re a runner, you’re welcome,” McCarthy notes. “If you’re a swimmer, Bruce McCarthy, the general manager of KONA Multisport next you’re welcome and if to LA Fitness off County Line Rd. in New Tampa, promises that you’re a cyclist, you’re the store has everything you need to train for/compete in triathlons. welcome.” St. Petersburg: one duathlon and three A Business & A triathlons. Lifestyle “It’s pretty much a year-round The name KONA apparently is a thing,” McCarthy says of the events, nod to the world championship Ironwhich he adds draw about 1,000 man Triathlon held each year in Kailuaparticipants each. “That’s the beauty of Kona, Hawaii, and the shop prides itself living in Florida.” on knowing the multisport world. The In addition to connecting triathKONA website states: “If you have letes with quality products, KONA questions like, ‘Which wheel set should also connects triathlon enthusiasts with I use on the Bee Line Hwy.?’ or ‘What other enthusiasts. McCarthy, who has is Kona really like?, call us! We have the been a triathlete for about 20 years, answers.” says, “We meet over at Flatwoods Park KONA Multisport employees, on (in New Tampa) on Saturdays to bike, behalf of the shop, sponsor a series of and Sundays at Sand Key Park (in races each year in Fort De Soto Park in Clearwater) for swimming and running.




ing sports in the country. According to a 2012 report from USA Triathlon, the official governing body of triathlons in this country, the number of registered members has roughly quadrupled in the past decade. Although Texas has the highest number of USA Triathlon members in the U.S. (with more than 16,700), Florida isn’t far behind with nearly 13,400, the secKONA Multisport has as many bikes to choose from as many ond highest number of bike-only shops, as well as everything you need for the swim- members in the country. KONA Multisport ming and running legs of any triathlon. is in sync with the We encourage our customers to come sport’s upward trajectory – and with its and hang out.” customers, too. The shop’s service has McCarthy notes that KONA Multibeen lauded on the internet. sport is owned by New Tampa residents “Thanks Bruce (again) for setJames Tedesco and Gary May, both of ting me up on a sweet QR Kilo bike. I whom have other jobs, but enjoy the took 3rd in my (age group) at the FIT multisport lifestyle. triathlon (my first!) and it was my bike “The two owners were looking for that put me there!” — Ash Ryczek Price triathlon gear,” McCarthy says, explainwrote on KONA’s Facebook.com page. ing KONA’s origins. “They were into And, Barbara Benedict raved, the sport. There were many bike shops “Great shop and great team sponsor.” and running stores around, but nothing KONA Multisport is located at specifically that catered to triathletes. 6417 E. County Line Rd., Ste. 104. They wanted a central place.” For more info, visit SwimBikeRun. And so, because of the need, McCa- com or call 751-1255. The shop rthy says, KONA opened five years ago. is open Monday–Friday, 10 a.m.-7 A Race To Popularity p.m., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on Saturday and Triathlon is one of the fastest-grow- noon-5 p.m. on Sunday.













New Tampa Plastic Surgery – Expertise & Artistry To Help You Look Your Best By Bonnie Mason New Tampa Plastic Surgery, a premier cosmetic surgery “boutique,” has been helping Wesley Chapel and New Tampa residents look and feel their best since 2011. Specializing in the aesthetic plastic surgery of the face, breasts and body, Board-certified plastic surgeon Peter Fakhre, M.D., rejuvenates and enhances the natural beauty of his patients with the latest cutting-edge surgical and non-surgical procedures. Located in the Windfair Professional Park off Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., across from Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC), New Tampa Plastic Surgery sees patients from all across Pasco and Hillsborough counties. Dr. Fakhre and his staff help everyone who walks through their doors feel welcome; their primary goal being to make the patient feel comfortable while exploring his or her best options for plastic or reconstructive surgery (and non-surgical alternatives, in some cases) in a highly professional and confidential environment. You can see the results of Dr. Fakhre’s work when you visit NewTampaPlasticSurgery.com. Although his work definitely speaks for itself, he also is highly recommended by his patients. In a physician review written on Vitals. com (a medical review forum for consumers) Dr. Fakhre’s patient Jane Gibbons says, “Plastic Surgery? More accurately— Surgical Artistry! Dr. Fakhre is a master of his craft. He not only is an accomplished surgeon, (he also) is a man of integrity who listens, counsels and guides his patients toward the goals they are seeking. (He) then satisfies those goals with skill and precision! “Dr. Fakhre works with his patients to determine the best surgical and non-surgical options that will achieve


the desired outcome. As a bonus, his office staff is compassionate, efficient and share his philosophy that everyone deserves to look their best. Unquestionably, Dr. Fakhre is the best that Tampa Bay has to offer!” Dr. Fakhre, who is one of the few plastic surgeons in the Tampa Bay area to be double-Board-certified by both the American Board of Plastic Surgery and by the American Board of Surgery, explains, “There are many things that are important in achieving successful outcomes in plastic surgery: an understanding of the patient’s desires, their physical examination, realistic goals, sound surgical technique, attention to detail and outstanding postoperative care, all of which contribute to success in cosmetic plastic surgery.” He earned his Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of South Florida in Tampa, graduating summa cum laude. He then elected to attend the University of Florida College of Medicine. It was at UF that Dr. Fakhre’s surgical talent, aesthetic eye and love for plastic surgery were realized. Dr. Fakhre then completed a general surgery residency at the world renowned Mayo Clinic, where he scored in the 98th percentile in the American Board of Surgery in Training Exam, the highest among all residents in his program. He was involved with numerous publications and research projects, which have been presented at numerous scientific meetings, including the distinguished American Society of Plastic Surgeons. During his surgical training, Dr. Fakhre was awarded the Excellence in Teaching Award by the Mayo Clinic Medical School and served as Chief Resident in Surgery in his final year of surgical training. Dr. Fakhre was then privileged to

match at his first choice of Plastic Surgery fellowship programs at the prestigious Methodist Hospital in Houston, TX, where he again excelled, scoring the highest in-service exam score among all plastic surgery residents in his program and serving as Chief Resident Dr. Peter Fakhre of New Tampa Plastic Surgery in Wesley Chapel in his final year (just north of S.R. 56) has the education, experience and skills of plastic surgery necessary to help you look and feel your best. training. “I had the wonderful opportunity who may have otherwise never received to train with members of the original treatment. group of plastic surgeons that invented Dr. Fakhre says that he was happy the breast implant, as well as facial and to return to the Tampa Bay area after body plastic surgeons whose surgeries his training and currently lives in Seven have been featured on The Discovery Oaks with his wife of 10 years and their Channel,” Dr. Fakhre says. “Working 14-month old son, who keeps them in such an environment provided great busy and entertained. exposure to a large volume of primary So Many Surgical Options as well as revision cosmetic surgery cases. This experience was priceless and So many of us have things we I’m happy to bring this type of training would like to change about our bodies. to the New Tampa and Wesley Chapel Time, age and weight changes take a area.” toll on the body and these factors can This training and his own expertise affect your appearance and self-image. helped Dr. Fakhre earn the highest score Cosmetic plastic surgery is a way to help possible, in the 99th percentile among you look and feel better. “When we Plastic Surgeons, in Plastic Surgery of are happy with our appearance, we feel the Breast, on the American Board of more confident,” says Dr. Fakhre. Plastic Surgery Written Examination. New Tampa Plastic Surgery offers In addition to refining his surgical a plethora of cosmetic surgery proceskill and technique during his plasdures for women and men, including tic surgery training, Dr. Fakhre also breast enhancement (augmentations, volunteered his time with Operation lifts and reductions), tummy tucks, face San José and traveled to Guatemala on and neck lifts, eyelid surgery, liposuction a cleft lip and palate surgical mission. and more. Known for his technical skill, There he helped deliver plastic surgical eye for beauty and superior aesthetic care to many cleft lip and palate patients practice, Dr. Fakhre will work with you




to develop a personalized treatment plan to achieve your desired outcomes and to make the “new you” a reality. “Cosmetic plastic surgery allows the surgeon to combine artistry with sound surgical techniques to produce superior results,” says Dr. Fakhre. Breasts, for instance, are often at the core of a woman’s femininity and self-confidence. Dr. Fakhre explains that breast surgery is one of the most personal decisions a woman can make. “Breast augmentation surgery can increase your self-confidence and satisfaction with your body,” says Dr. Fakhre. “By increasing or restoring breast volume, we can help patients achieve a better-proportioned body.” Dr. Fakhre’s breast augmentation patients are educated about implant size and types so they can make informed decisions about which would be the best to satisfy their personal goals. The two main implant types available are still silicone and saline. The implant selected depends on a variety of factors. Currently, the most common implants that Dr. Fakhre uses are silicone implants, which look and feel more natural than their saline counterparts. Breast lift surgery removes excess tissue and repositions the breast and/ or nipple to a more youthful position. This procedure is often chosen by women desiring to restore form to their breasts or reclaim their “before-baby” appearance. And, although breasts are intertwined with the feminine profile, women are not the only ones who have breast surgery. In fact, Dr. Fakhre says that he has helped many men feel better about their appearance with male breast reduction surgery (also known as Gynecomastia). Another popular cosmetic surgical procedure is liposuction, which can improve the body’s contour by removing


fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. Liposuction restores proportionality and minimizes problem areas. Dr. Fakhre says that if you find yourself shopping for clothes that hold your tummy in or slim your thighs, liposuction may be your answer. He adds that liposuction offers significant results with minimal downtime. “In fact, many (liposuction) patients recover over a weekend and return to work on Monday,” he says. A full “Mommy Makeover” also is a popular procedure sought by women who want to get back to the body they had before they had children. Dr. Fakhre says that the most common “Mommy Makeover” combines a breast lift (with or without breast augmentation for reshaping), a tummy tuck to tighten the midsection that was stretched during pregnancy and liposuction to remove unwanted fat deposits. Dr. Fakhre, who has surgical privileges at Florida Hospital Tampa and Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel, says that he performs most of his surgeries at the New Tampa Surgery Center, located nearby (off S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel), although he says he does perform minor procedures in his office as well. Wherever he performs his artistry, however, his satisfied patients are a testament to his experience and training. “From the moment I walked through the door in his office I was always greeted by first-name basis, which made me feel like I wasn’t just another patient to get in and out,” Christina Vargas wrote in her patient testimonial about her experience with New Tampa Plastic Surgery. “The whole process — from scheduling my appointments to the day of the procedure, even my recovery — went so smoothly. I highly recommend Dr. Fakhre. I give him 10 stars!”


natural state — often provide the results a patient is looking for, and are less “invasive” than surgical options. Board certified nurse practitioner Christina Ahrens has seven years of experience in Dermatology and Plastic Surgery and performs all of the non-surgical procedures at New Tampa Plastic Surgery. “We are fortunate to have Christina as part of our team,” says Dr. Fakhre. “she does an outstanding job in the treatment of our patients.” For your free cosmetic Liposuction at New Tampa Plastic Surgery can surgery consultation, call to help transform your body, too. make an appointment with Dr. Non-Surgical Options, Too Peter Fakhre at New Tampa Plastic But, New Tampa Plastic Surgery Surgery at (813) PLASTIC (752also is a true cosmetic boutique, offer7842). The office is located at 2541 ing skin and other non-surgical cosWindguard Cir., Wesley Chapel. metic procedures, in addition to plastic For a full menu of services, surgery. Many of these non-surgical visit NewTampaPlasticSurgery.com. cosmetic procedures — such as BoAnd, be sure to hit the ‘Like’ buttox and dermal fillers, Latisse eyelash ton on New Tampa Plastic Surgery’s lengthening and thickening, fat injecFacebook.com page so that you can tions, chemical peels that rejuvenate be notified of the office’s monthly and energize the skin to beautify your promotions on various services.







Full Circle Pizza & Grill — A True Taste Of Chicago & Much More! By Gary Nager

I’ve been telling you about my friend Ron Chase and his Full Circle Pizza & Grill since even before the place opened in the Pebble Creek Collection in New Tampa (just a mile or so south of County Line Rd.) in June 2012. We did our first full-length feature about Full Circle in July of that year and Ron says the relationship between our publications and his restaurant has been outstanding for him. “We’ve always had people from Chicago who would try us just because we said we were Chicago style,” Ron says. “But, without the New Tampa and Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News, we’d never have the number of intensely loyal followers we have today.” In fact, Ron says that even the small “Neighborhood Nibbles & Biz Bytes” items we run whenever he gets a new menu item get more response from the public than ads in any other publication. “And, the feature stories always bring in more than all of our other marketing combined,” Ron says. “I knew this is when the snowbirds would all be here, so I asked Gary if my story could run in this Wesley Chapel issue and the

Another favorite at Full Circle is the delicious stromboli. Try it with a big salad.


Feb. 1 New Tampa issue. And, because I’ve been advertising consistently, I was able to get the story when I wanted and needed it most.” Of course, Ron has built that following with great food, including plenty of authentic Windy City-style choices. “I do both thin-crust and deep-dish Chicago-style pizza,” Ron says, noting that the deep-dish pies are only available Sun.-Thur. “Plus, we also have Chicago-style Vienna beef hot dogs and Chicago-style Italian beef sandwiches.” Although Ron understands that I’m still going to prefer New York-style pizza to either Chicago style when I publish my list of local favorite restaurants (see page 32), he is proud that his loyal fans, many of whom are originally from the Chicago area or the Midwest — and even those who had no prior pizza “affiliation”— swear by his heavy layer of heartier tomato sauce and thick layers of amazing sausage and pepperoni lurking under that sauce, whether you choose to enjoy them in his thin or deep dish pizza. In fact,I’ve often seen former Chicagoan and local hotel owner David Larson and his father Dick in Full Circle, enjoying Ron’s pizza. “It’s the best in the area,” David has told me more than once. Assistant editor Matt Wiley and I were both blown away by the Chicago Italian beef sandwich, which Ron says traditionally comes without cheese or toppings other than the delicious au jus “sauce” that soaks the bottom of an otherwise crusty, authentic Chicagostyle roll. We ordered ours with melted mozzarella and the flavor and tenderness of the beef and the juicy bread were all absolutely outstanding. You can even combine Chicago beef and Ron’s yummy


sweet Italian sausage on one sandwich. We also agreed that the Chicagostyle hot dogs, served with sweet pickle relish, tomatoes and cucumbers on a seeded, soft bun were also delicious. And, even though I prefer my hot dogs New York deli-style, with brown mustard and hot sauerkraut, Full Circle’s Kosher-style beef dogs are definitely worth having. I’ve never been a big fan of strom- Among our editor’s favorites at Full Circle Pizza & Grill in Pebble Creek are (clockwise from top bolis or calzones (usually too much bread and not enough “stuff” inside), left) the deep-dish Chicago-style pizza & the Chicago-style hot dogs and Italian beef sandwiches. but I have to say that Full Circle’s stromboli — which comes with pepperoni, ham and mozzarella and a side of that zesty tomato sauce — is among my favorites in the area. Ron didn’t balk when we added his unbeatable sweet Italian sausage and even bacon to the usual. Full Circle. which also has been recently remodeled, also has great shareable salads, a few delicious pasta dishes, from spaghetti and meatballs to fettuccine Alfredo with grilled chicken, eggplant parmigiana, delicious veggie pizzas, a great lunch menu and Peroni and Yuengling beers on draft and more. Full Circle Pizza & Grill (19651 Bruce B. Downs Blvd.) is open every day for lunch and dinner. Call 9943700, visit FullCirclePizza-Grill.com or see the ad on page 37 for a great 20-percent-off coupon!



Once again, here is my list of favorite eateries in New Tampa & Wesley Chapel for 2013 and again, my list looks very different from the list compiled through the votes of our readers. Of course, one reason for the differences between my “survey” and yours each year is that I get virtually all of that calendar year to look back on, while we start asking you to submit your favorites in September or October, and there are always newcomers that catch my eye that either weren’t open long enough to register with you or didn’t open until after your votes were already submitted. Three of my absolute new favorites this year that didn’t open until December, for example, are City Grill and D’Alessio’s Ristorante in Wesley Chapel and Sushi Raw in Tampa Palms. The restaurants in bold on the first two lists include my five favorites each in new Tampa & Wesley Chapel, as well as those which opened in 2013 that made my list. I also once again want to remind you that although only the top 25 of my favorites in each area are listed, I actually genuinely like closer to 40-50 restaurants in each of our distribution areas, so finishing 25th is still far from finishing “last.”— GN 6. Thai Ruby Gary’s 2013 Favorite 7. Stonewood Grill & Tavern Restaurants In New Tampa 8. Liang’s Bistro Asian Cuisine 1. Café Olé - The combination of 9. Takara Sushi & Sake Lounge the closing of several of my other favorite 10. Sushi Raw (see page 36!) restaurants in New Tampa and the 11. The Little Greek continued amazing mastery of sauces, 12. Sushi Café especially for pork and fresh fish entrées, 13. Oakley’s Grille has moved Café Olé up to my #1 favorite 14. Petra Mediterranean in New Tampa for the first time. Owner 15. Woodfired Pizza (Bearss Ave.) Frank Aliaga is getting ready to open his 16. La Cubanita Café third dining room (in the former Pizza 17. Casa Ramos Kitchen location) in February, which 18. Toast Fine Wine & Café means Café Olé is now also an even bet19. Taste of NY Pizza ter place for even larger parties than it 20. Las Palmas Spanish Café was before. 21. Sushi Ko 2. Acropolis Greek Taverna - Also 22. Fushia Asian Bistro moving up a notch this year, Acropolis 23. Peabody’s still has delicious fresh fish and great 24. Full Circle Pizza lamb chops, plus all the traditional 25. Mulligan’s Irish Pub Greek and Mediterranean dishes (gyros, souvlakis, hummus, etc.) and evening Gary’s 2013 Favorite entertainment.

3. Koizi Endless Hibachi Grill - Moving up three spots this year, the best value in fresh sushi, hibachi grill entrées and more in New Tampa continues to improve and is one of the most popular lunch locales in our area. 4. Ciccio’s Cali 5. Sukhothai


Restaurants In Wesley Chapel

1. Dempsey’s Steak House — Until someone in Wesley Chapel comes up with a better bone-in cowboy ribeye steak, a better gourmet salad bar or a better atmosphere, Dempsey’s will continue to be #1 in Wesley Chapel for me. 2. City Grill — Owner Gerry Ma-

21. PizzaMania 22. Outback Steak House 23. Quail Hollow Country Club 24. Bonsai Sushi 25. Ker’s WingHouse

Gary’s 2013 Favorite NEW Restaurants In NT/WC

lynowsky and Chef Kasia have created a true winner (no pun intended) in Wesley Chapel. The hangar steak and fresh grouper (photo above) are top-notch and we love City Grill’s small plates, too. 3. D’Alessio Ristorante Italiano — Last year, Wesley Chapel had no restaurants serving homemade pasta. Today, there are two and both scored high on my scorecard. D’Alessio has some of the best penne a la vodka (photo, above), authentic pizza and veal parmigiana in the entire Tampa Bay area 4. Ciao! Italian Bistro — With new chef/owner Justin serving different variations of his homemade pasta every week at my Wesley Chapel Rotary Club meetings, Ciao! jumped up ten slots from last year. 5. Bonefish Grill 6. The Hungry Greek 7. La Prima Pizza 8. Cantina Laredo 9. Hibachi Express 10. Wolf’s Den 11. Best NY Pizza 12. Yamato Japanese Steakhouse 13. GrillSmith 14. Taste of Boston 15. NY NY Pizza 16. Vallarta’s (Village Market) 17. Fine Thai Express 18. 900º Woodfired Pizza 19. Café Fresco 20. Amici Pizza



We had such a great crop of new restaurants this year that pretty much every place on the list below will continue to draw me in, as long as the quality of the food continues. If you still haven’t tried any of these, you’ve been missing out. 1. City Grill 2. D’Alessio’s Ristorante Italiano 3. Ciccio’s Cali 4. Sushi Raw 5. The Little Greek 6. Petra Mediterranean 7. Hibachi Express 8. Best NY Pizza 9. Casa Ramos 10. (tie) NY NY Pizza & Lanna Thai

Gary’s 2013 Favorite Chinese Food In NT/WC

A tough category because we have a lot of decent Chinese takeout restaurants, but not many great sit-down ones. Liang’s consistently has my favorite egg rolls and sautéed green beans in our area, Sushi Ko has the best spare ribs and great sushi, to boot, and Fushia has my favorite combination fried rice and spicy beef with Chinese broccoli. 1. Liang’s Bistro 2. Sushi Ko 3. Fushia Asian Bistro 4. China Taste 5. Ho Wok

Gary’s 2013 Favorite Sushi/ Japanese In NT/WC


This may be the toughest category for me this year because we just have so much great sushi. Newcomer Sushi Raw may eventually overtake Takara, but you really can’t go wrong with any of the places on this list. 1. Takara Sushi & Sake Lounge 2. Sushi Raw 3. Sushi Café 4. Sukhothai 5. Soho Sushi 6. Sushi Ko 7. Koizi Endless Hibachi Grill 8. Hibachi Express 9. Bonsai Sushi 10. (tie) Yamato & Kobe

Gary’s 2013 Favorite Thai Restaurants In NT/WC

Sukhothai beats out Thai Ruby by a hair every year because I can enjoy delicious sushi as a prelude to outstanding Thai entrées, but Thai Ruby has the best duck with ginger sauce and equally delicious fried rice — and Fine Thai Express in Wesley Chapel is owned by the same people, while Saffron (our only Indian restaurant) has the best sizzling lamb chops in our area. 1. Sukhothai 2. Thai Ruby 3. Fine Thai Express 4. Saffron Indian Cuisine 5. Lanna Thai

Gary’s 2013 Favorite Pizza Places In NT/WC

Another toughie. La Prima’s cheese pizza most reminds me of the pizza I loved in New York City, but NY NY has got a non-traditional “Grandma’s pizza” with dollops of a garlicky tomato sauce, 900º Woodfired has both excellent NY- and delicious woodfired Neapolitan style. Best NY (photo above) may be just a cut below the top three pizza-wise, but is such a great sit-down restaurant that it finished above NY NY in my list of overall Wesley Chapel favorites. And, I obviously still prefer NY-style places to any Chicago-style pizzerias. 1. La Prima Pizza 2. NY NY Pizza 3. 900º Woodfired Pizza (Wiregrass) 4. Best NY Pizza (photo) 5. Taste of NY Pizza 6. Amici Pizza 7. Woodfired Pizza (Bearss Ave.) 8. Full Circle Pizza 9. Biagio’s II 10. (tie) PizzaMania & Cappy’s

Gary’s 2013 Favorite Steak Restaurants In NT/WC

No one can touch Dempsey’s, but the hangar steak from City Grill is a scrumptious newcomer at a great price. Stonewood is a little pricey compared with everyone except Dempsey’s, or it might have finished higher on the list. 1. Dempsey’s Steakhouse 2. City Grill 3. Texas Roadhouse 4. Stonewood Grill & Tavern 5.. Outback Steakhouse 6. Café Olé 7. GrillSmith 8. Quail Hollow CC !"#$%&'(%'')*!"+,

9. Bonefish Grill 10. Koizi Endless Hibachi Grill

Gary’s 2013 Favorite Hamburgers In NT/WC

Oakley’s continues to hold the top spot and I have to give Five Guys its due, too, especially for the money. You really can’t go wrong with Burger 21 (great selection), Peabody’s or Hunter’s Green Country Club either. 1. Oakley’s Grille (photo) 2. Five Guys Burgers & Fries 3. Burger 21 4. Peabody’s 5. Hunter’s Green Country Club 6. City Grill 7. Wolf’s Den 8. Red Robin 9. Stonewood Grill & Tavern 10. Mulligan’s Irish Pub

14. PrimeBar 15. Back 9 Cafe 16. City Grill 17. Hunter’s Green Country Club 18. GrillSmith 19. Skinny’s Sports Bar 20. (tie) The Brass Tap & Linkster’s Tap Room

Gary’s 2013 Favorite Ice Cream In NT/WC

With all of the frozen yogurt places now open in our area, I find it too hard to rank them because, in my opinion, they’re all too similar in taste, so it’s more a matter of which toppings they offer for me. But, I still prefer ice cream to frozen yogurt or gelato and I can (and do) enjoy an occasional cone or hot

fudge sundae from all of the places on this list. 1. Bruster’s Real Ice Cream 2. Cold Stone Creamery 3. Baskin-Robbins 4. DQ 5. Twistee Treat 6. Sprinkles Ice Cream Parlor

Gary’s 2013 Favorite Coffee In NT/WC

1. Caffé Nove (BBD, so. of Tampa Palms) 2. You Do The Dishes 3. Toast Fine Wine & Café 4. Season’s Fresh Café 5. Café 365 6. Barnie’s Coffee Company 7. Dolce Gelato & Crepes

Gary’s 2013 Favorite Latin/ Mexican Food In NT/WC

It’s still hard to group “Latin” (or Cuban/Spanish food) with Mexican cuisine, because they’re all so different, but since we have limited numbers of each, I have to group them together. Obviously, Café Olé (my #1 overall in New Tampa) is my favorite in this category, but all of the Mexican and Cuban places on the list have good food, too. 1. Café Olé 2. La Cubanita Cafe 3. Cantina Laredo 4. Vallarta’s 5. Casa Ramos 6. Las Palmas Spanish Café 7. La Fuente (photo) 8. Latin Twist Café

Gary’s 2013 Favorite Greek/ Mediterranean Food In NT/WC

Acropolis continues to be the clear winner for me, but the other three on this list all have their outstanding attributes, including Little Greek’s steak kabobs, Hungry Greek’s gyros and Petra’s beef shawarma. 1. Acropolis Greek Taverna 2. The Little Greek 3. The Hungry Greek 4. Petra Mediterranean Grill

Gary’s 2013 Favorite Bars/ Taverns In NT/WC

For eye candy rivaled only by the new WingHouse in Wesley Chapel and convenience to my office, plus the fact you can no longer smoke inside keeps Peabody’s at my number one spot. Beyond the scenic locales, my favorites all offer high-end, premium alcohol in a more upscale setting. Beer-only bars and smoking bars all finish lower on my list. 1. Peabody’s 2. Dempsey’s Too Lounge 3. Acropolis Greek Taverna 4. Cafe Ole 5. Ker’s WingHouse 6. Casa Ramos 7. PJ Dolan’s Irish Pub 8. Stonewood Grill & Tavern 9. Bonefish Grill 10. Toast Fine Wine & Cafe 11. Mulligan’s Irish Bar 12. Cantina Laredo 13. Tampa Palms Golf & CC -!./0!"+,



Vallarta’s Opens The Newest Link In A Family Chain In Tampa Palms! By Gary Nager

For those of us who have lived and/ or worked in and around Tampa the last 10-20 years, the name “Vallarta’s Restaurante Mexicana” is synonymous with delicious Mexican cuisine at very fair prices. The family-owned “chain” of Tampa-area restaurants started with its first location, on N. 56th St. in Temple Terrace, in 1989, and today has successful restaurants under the Vallarta’s “umbrella” in Carrollwood, Town & Country, Land O’Lakes and in the Wesley Chapel Village Market off S.R. 54 at Bruce B. Downs Blvd. But, the newest link in the Vallarta’s chain is probably the most ambitious for my buddy Fabian, who also owns the Wesley Chapel location. A little more than a month ago, Fabian opened his newest Vallarta’s in City Plaza at Tampa Palms, in the space most recently occupied by Ciccio’s Lodge, although this prime location next to Publix also has been home to The Lime, Winners Grill and the Boston Cooker. In other words, it may seem like a great location, but some of the other restaurants in the space may have not been able to maintain their respective successes in the space because they couldn’t offer what Vallarta’s has been able to do to not only survive, but to thrive at all of its locations — offer the best possible value for your money. That means you shouldn’t bet against this popular Mexican restaurant ending up a long-term winner in Tampa Palms, too. The newest Vallarta’s may also be the


prettiest of the group, with a revamped tile bar with flat-screen TVs, full liquor, including frozen margaritas in a variety of flavors, premium tequilas and rums, ice cold Dos Equis, Modelo, Pacifico and other favorite imported and domestic beers on draft and in bottles. The steak a la Mexicana (left) and the combo Fajitas Vallarta are addictive at both the Vallarta’s in And of course, Wesley Chapel and the newest Vallarta’s location in the City Plaza at Tampa Palms shopping center. most folks start their meal with Vallarta’s and I usually enjoy a combination of beef with Valllarta’s vegetarian menu, which (sliced flank steak) and chicken, although includes veggie fajitas, potato and bean signature (and addictive) puréed salsa and homemade tortilla chips. I also can new sales and marketing assistant Antwon burritos and a unique vegetarian combo recommend the lighter-than-most cheese Gildon also raved about his fajitas Vallarta, — a burrito with squash, tomatoes, onions dip, the spicy Mexican chicken soup, huge which adds sizzling shrimp to the combo. and jalapeños, plus one cheese enchilada, nachos supreme and fresh pico de . And, if I could eat the shrimp, I would served with rice and beans. Lunch combos are hugely popular at definitely try the ultimate fajita combo And yes, all Vallarta’s locations offer all Vallarta’s locations, and cost only $5at Vallarta’s (certainly big enough for an outstanding kids menu, with everything $8, with only the steak or chicken fajitas two), the Parrillada, which combines beef, from hamburgers and hot dogs to tacos lunch costing that much. Whether you like chicken, pork, chorizo sausage and shrimp and enchiladas and all costing just $4.50, tacos, enchiladas, chalupas, chile rellenos, fajitas, with pico de gallo and all the sides. including a drink, for kids 12 and under. burritos, quesadillas or ehuevos Rancheros But, I also love Vallarta’s ribeye steak There’s even churros (like the ones sold at (ranch-style eggs), you can enjoy any com- choices, including the nicely spicy steak fairs, only better), fried ice cream and flan bination of those items for as little as a fast a la Mexicana, which is grilled with fresh for dessert. food lunch Mon.-Sat., 11 a.m.-3 p.m. jalapeños, tomatoes and onions and is my The new Vallarta’s (16023 Tampa But, even at lunch (and certainly new favorite entrée at Vallarta’s, the batter- Palms Blvd.) is open every day for for dinner), I still prefer Vallarta’s more dipped steak Milanesas (although I don’t lunch and dinner. Happy hour is every upscale steak, chicken and pork dishes. need the nacho cheese dipping sauce that day, 2 p.m.-7 p.m. For more info, call The carnitas (pork tips) are delicious and comes with it), and the Vallarta’s special, 978-3761, visit VallartasTampa.com tender and you can even add red or green which is like the steak Mexicana, without or see the ad on page for great coupon sauce. the jalapeños. specials. For Wesley Chapel (5335 VilThe fajitas always come out sizzling Vegetarians also have to be impressed lage Market), call 907-5161.








The Latest & Greatest News About Dining, Shopping, Retail & More In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel! Florida RV SuperShow At The Fairgrounds Through Jan. 19!

restaurant in our area, Sushi Tsu, since it closed and became the new Casa Ramos Mexican If you’ve ever even thought about Restaurant earlier this year. So, taking a cross-country trip or taking a we were thrilled to hear that a year off to travel, you should definitely new sushi place was coming to visit the 2014 Florida RV SuperShow, the other end of our plaza. the signature annual event of the Florida And, I know I wasn’t the RV (Recreational Vehicle) Trade Associaonly one who was even more tion which has been helping RV dealers excited to find out that Feng, throughout Florida since 1979. The everyone’s favorite sushi chef SuperShow — the largest RV show in the from Sushi Tsu, was the one U.S. — is being held through Sunday, January 19, at the Florida State FairSampling kumquats at the 2013 Kumquat Festival in Dade opening the new Sushi Raw (15311 Amberly Dr.). And, I grounds off I-4 at U.S. 301 in Tampa, City. The 2014 Festival will be held Jan. 25. was even more psyched to know minutes from New Tampa. Come enjoy live music, delicious that original Sushi Tsu owner There will be 1,100 RVs on display Jay (and several other former Sushi Tsu (including all-new 2014 models) and more food, family fun and the “little gem of the citrus industry” — the kumquat — with employees) were all helping Feng so he can than 350 booths to explore and admission kumquat pies and products, arts & crafts, a do what he does best — make the freshest is just $10 for a two-day pass (kids under great car show, a health & wellness section, and most creative sushi in our area. 16 get in free). children’s activities, a farmers market and Jay, who is now a sous chef at Ruth’s For more info, visit FRVTA.org. much more. Chris Steak House in the Westshore area For more info, call the Dade City Kumquat Festival® Jan. 25! Chamber at (352) 567-3769, visit DaThe Dade City Chamber of ComdeCityChamber.org or see page 8. merce is proud to once again present the unique, quaint and family fun of “old Sushi Raw Now Open In Florida” during the Chamber’s 17th anTampa Palms! nual Kumquat Festival® on Saturday, Those of us whose offices are located January 25, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., in historic downtown Dade City — it’s truly a one-of- in the Shoppes at Amberly plaza in Tampa Palms have been missing the original sushi a-kind experience. The Greater Dade City Chamber of Commerce has established a flagship event that celebrates everything that makes the Dade City area unique, while encouraging visitors to participate in the fun! Since the nearby town of St. Joseph was already known as the “Kumquat Capital of the World,” the Dade City Chamber decided that this little fruit with the funny name could be the focus of an annual festival.




of Tampa, has been focusing on creating unique hot appetizers and entrées for Sushi Raw, including the amazing Crispy Lobster pictured above (photo by Matt Wiley). Think Bonefish Grill’s Bang-Bang shrimp, only better — and with lobster. When you visit Sushi Raw, which is open for dinner every day and for lunch every weekday, check out some of my new favorites I’ve sampled there so far — including the spicy ahi tuna poki appetizer, seared mahi-mahi sashimi and Korean-style BBQ beef, among others — and please tell Feng and the crew that we sent you. For more info, call Sushi Raw at 977-3838. — GN In our next issue, we’ll tell you about more new restaurants coming soon to our area, including Chuck E. Cheese’s, O.T.B. (Only The Best) Café, Stonemill Artisan Bakery & more!










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