Volume 23 Issue 11
Dine Or Dash? Both Can Be Delicious!
May 23, 2015
See Neighborhood Magazine!
Named The 2014 ‘Small Business Of The Year’ By The Wesley Chapel Chamber Of Commerce! The Direct-Mail News Magazines Serving New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Since 1993! For the complete list of the neighborhoods that receive this publication by direct mail in New Tampa (zip code 33647), see page 58!
Former Tampa Palms Mom Doesn’t Regret Killing Her Teenage Kids By Matt Wiley
It’s been more than a year since the verdict was read for convicted killer Julie Schenecker, who murdered her two teenage children (one at their Tampa Palms home and the other in their car) in 2011. The story and trial both received national attention as the community tried to understand what could drive a seemingly “normal” mother to commit such a horrific crime. Four years later, Schenecker said that she doesn’t regret killing her kids in an exclusive interview with reporter Sarina Fazan that aired on ABC Action News (WFTS-TV) in April. Speaking with Fazan inside the Lowell Correctional Institute outside of Ocala, Schenecker, 54, gave her first interview since her arrest on January 27, 2011, when she was removed from the grisly crime scene in her family’s Ashington Reserve home. It was during her husband Col. Parker Schenecker’s 10-day U.S. Army deployment to Qatar that she drove to the Lock N’ Load gun store in Oldsmar to purchase the gun she used to shoot her 13-year-old son Beau in the head and mouth on the way to soccer practice in the family’s van, before shooting her daughter Calyx the same way as she sat in front of a computer while she was
home doing her homework. Schenecker left Beau in the van, but moved Calyx to her bed, covering both in blankets. She even tried to arrange Calyx’s mouth into a smile. Schenecker wrote about her actions explicitly in her journal, which was referenced throughout the case, especially by expert witness psychiatrists and psychologists who had worked with her in the past and knew about her struggles with severe mental illness. It took a jury only two hours to convict Schenecker of two counts of first-degree murder on May 8, 2014, and she was sentenced to life in prison immediately after. State prosecutors pushed for the death penalty, but decided against it because Schenecker pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity, which ultimately can make it more difficult to carry out the death sentence. In fact, a spokesperson for State Attorney Mark Ober’s office said that, “After being provided overwhelming evidence of mitigation due to the mental health issues of the defendant, it was determined that the imposition of the death penalty in this case would not withstand the scrutiny of the Florida Supreme Court.” “I know you hate me,” Schenecker
In an exclusive interview with ABC Action News, former Tampa Palms resident Julie Schenecker spoke from prison about the day she murdered her two teenaged children in 2011.
told Fazan. “Everyone here hates me. But, it’s okay because Calyx and Beau love me. I told them that I love them every day. You know that? Every single day...and they told me that they loved me. You know I heard that all my life, that I was a good mom. Nobody said that during the trial.” Schenecker said that it was her “love for her children” that led to the gruesome crime. “I think the fact that I love them so much that I had to pro-
tect them,” she said. Schenecker also told Fazan that she saved Beau from sexual abuse, but did not name who was abusing him, and that she saved Calyx from rape and mental illness. Fazan also asked if Schenecker regretted pulling the trigger. She shook her head no. “Because I saved them,” she said. Schenecker also told Fazan that See “Schenecker” on page 37.
Second Wesley Chapel Jazz Festival Rescheduled For May 23! Tyme Productions, LLC, originally tried the successful first WC Jazz FesBy Gary Nager
Despite a disappointing day-of cancellation due to intense morning rains back in February, the organizers of the second Wesley Chapel Jazz Festival are proud to announce that the event has been rescheduled for Saturday, May 23, noon-9 p.m., at the Wesley Chapel District Park (7728 Boyette Rd.). Organizer Tim Hancock of Jazz
to get the second Jazz Fest rescheduled for March, but now has finalized plans for the festival for the day after this issue reaches your mailboxes. Among the groups scheduled to appear at the Festival are Hancock’s own Abnique & Friends, Apt9, NJ Ladyfingers, Nick Dukas, Corrina Olivia and saxophonist extraordinaire Marlon Boone (photo), who also performed at
Also Inside This Issue!
Local News, Business & Education Updates
Neighborhood Magazine
New Tampa Rotary Dog Park Opens, We Salute Our Local Valedictorians, Local Volunteer Honored, Plus Lots Of Great Business Features!
The Summer Movie Season Is Here, Hunter’s Green Golf & Country Club Is For More Than Just HG Residents & More Neighborhood Nibbles & Business Bytes!
Pages 3-42
Pages 43-60
tival (also held at the WC District Park) in August 2014. Hancock also promises there will be even more food vendors, more family-friendly activities (including bounce houses for the kids) and more at this exciting second event than there was the first time around. “People have been begging me to get this done again,” says the always-enthusiastic Hancock, who plays the drums and sings in Abnique. “Bring the whole family out for a day of great music.” For additional information, visit WesleyChapelJazzFestival. com or call Tim Hancock at 609-2531. All of us here at the Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News are proud that we will again be sponsors of this awesome Jazz Fest!
My Big Fitness Push...To Do Two Thirds Of A Triathlon? An editorial by Gary Nager I first lost nearly 50 pounds between eight and nine years ago, but I haven’t ever really worked too hard at getting back down to my original goal weight since then. I was therefore a little dismayed in March of 2014 when I realized I had gained back a little more than half the weight (about 28 lbs.) I had lost in 2006-07 and resolved to get back into good enough shape to do at least two thirds of a sprint triathlon (half-mile-to-one-mile swim, 10-20 miles on the bike and 3-6-mile run). Why only two thirds? Well, after having completed six of seven “sprint” triathlons I entered in my 30s, I had both knees arthroscoped 13 years ago (by Dr. Ira Guttentag of Florida Medical Clinic, 979.0440, who has been the head team physician for the Tampa Bay Lightning since 2002; Go Bolts!) and immediately gave up not only running, but also all other types of impact exercise. I was trying to avoid the knee replacement surgery Doc Ira told me I was definitely heading towards within just 5-10 years if I didn’t lose the weight. For example, even if I get to 10 lbs. or more lower than my 2007 low, I still won’t subject my knees to the kinds of impacts people who do the popular “Cross Fit” training subject themselves to multiple days per week, no matter how great the results may be. As I have almost throughout the more than a dozen years the studio has been open in New Tampa, I have continued to work with the awesome personal trainers at Fit 4 Life Personal Training & Physical Therapy (in the Tampa Palms Professional Center off Commerce Park Blvd.; 907.7879; see page 54) two days per week and I also have consistently continued to mix in the other physical activities I can safely do — walk (especially
New Tampa Neighborhood News 29157 Chapel Park Dr., Suite B Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 Phone: (813) 910-2575 Fax: (813) 423-6533 Advertising E-mail: Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Editorial E-mail: EditorialDept@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Publisher & Editor Gary Nager General Manager Nikki Bennett Assistant Editor / Photographer Matt Wiley Correspondents
Celeste McLaughlin • Meaghan O’Neal • Anu Panchal
Advertising Sales Representative Mary Dorey Office Assistants Erica Everett • Jillian Reilly Graphic Design Georgia Carmichael • Nate Ciurla
Nothing that appears in New Tampa Neighborhood News may be reproduced, whether wholly or in part, without permission. Opinions expressed by New Tampa Neighborhood News writers are their own and do not reflect the publisher’s opinion. The deadline for outside editorial submissions and advertisements for Volume 23, Issue 13, of New Tampa Neighborhood News is Monday, June 8, 2015. New Tampa Neighborhood News will consider previously non-published outside editorial submissions if they are double spaced, typed and less than 500 words. New Tampa Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit and/or reject all outside editorial submissions and makes no guarantees regarding publication dates. New Tampa Neighborhood News will not return unsolicited editorial materials. New Tampa Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit &/or reject any advertising. New Tampa Neighborhood News is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the actual cost of the advertising space itself, nor for the validity of any claims made by its advertisers.
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on the beach, but also on a treadmill and a gorgeous path where I live in Wesley Chapel), swim, ride a bike, etc. — so it took me a while to even gain back half of the weight I had lost. But, even Fit 4 Life owner Travis Monday will tell you that two days a week at his studio alone isn’t enough for most people to lose weight. Travis and my nutritionist friends also told me that unless I was burning more than, say, 2,000 calories a day with my exercise regimen (which some people do, but I don’t), I’d still also have to reduce my caloric intake (including food and alcohol) and eat healthier and smarter in order to see real results. As the primary dining reviewer for this publication and a certified “foodie” (although I hate the term) who enjoys good wine and good whiskey, reducing my consumption isn’t easy, but I’ve done it before and I knew I could still do it again. I just needed a goal. The key for me was adding in enough other physical activity to still eat and drink most anything I want (within reason) in order to still take off pounds. My goal last year was 30 lbs., but if my own brand of Cross Fit continues to work for me, I plan to keep at it. I came by the first additional activity almost by accident. While I was visiting my mom (who, as I reported a couple of issues ago, fractured her pelvis and tail bone in a fall ten weeks ago as I’m writing this) in Sarasota, I heard two people sitting next to me at a bar talk about how much they loved kayaking. I hadn’t been in a kayak since summer camp at Camp Scatico in Elizaville, NY, about 40 years ago, but I remembered I liked it better than canoeing or rowing a boat. My mom lives less than a mile from the downtown Sarasota marina, where there’s an outdoor O’Leary’s Tiki Bar & Boat Rentals (941.953.7505). Jet Skis may be more fun, but the marina there also rents kayaks every day for $20 for a half-hour and just $25 for a full hour. So, I went probably six times the first four weekends my mom was in the Smith Care Center (also in Sarasota) rehabbing her injuries — and I’ve been hooked ever since. Since then, I also have rented kayaks on St. Pete and Indian Rocks Beach and I don’t think I can get a better full upper body workout than I can sitting comfortably (not like standing or kneeling on a paddleboard) in this small boat, where the breeze always blows, no
matter how hot it is outside. I even planned to do my first three-mile kayak race in St. Pete the weekend I’m going to press with this issue. But, I’ve probably lost ten lbs. the last four weeks alone because I also went back to riding a bicycle. I had owned a great triathlon bike that a friend sold me for a lot less than it was worth, but the tires were really thin and no matter what weight I am, I’m still kind of a big guy (with a lot of wind resistance) on a bike, so I need a lightweight frame but with thick enough tires to really support me. In other words, I gave up riding 2-3 years ago. I therefore was happy to donate that bike and another I had when Kelly Mothershead, the president of my Wesley Chapel Rotary Club, asked our club members if they had bikes they could donate to a family in need. And, I also live very close to the Kona
Swim Bike Run (9073355) shop on S.R. 56 and fell in love with a bike there when I went to talk to owner Bruce McCarthy. So now, I’m back to 20-30 miles a week on the bike, plus starting to swim again, too. I may even finally check out the Masters swim program at the New Tampa Family YMCA in Tampa Palms (866-9622). In other words, my body doesn’t know what’s hit it — and people I haven’t seen in a while are asking me what I’ve been doing, so I decided to share my story (and “selfie”) here.
Table of Contents
Local News Updates.....................................4-21
New Tampa Rotary Dog Park Officially Opens..............................4 ‘Go Hillsborough’ Wraps Transportation Meetings.........................6 State Rep. Shawn Harrison Addresses WCCC..................................8 New Tampa News Briefs........................................................10 Burning Bush Causes Brush Fire At St. Mark’s Accident Causes Power Outage On Cross Creek Blvd. LA Fitness Breaks Ground In Tampa Palms New Growth In Tampa Palms Professional Center Tampa Premium Outlets Hires First GM Hammerfist Patrons Stop KONA Burglary..................................12 Tampa’s First Female Police Chief Retires, Successor Named........14 Shops At Wiregrass Developer Prepping Phase II Development.....16 Hockey Rink Named ‘Florida Hospital Center Ice’ In WC.............17 New Tampa Relay For Life Again A Success...................................18
New Tampa Community Calendar....................................20
Wiregrass March Of Dimes Walk Raises $200K............................21
Local Business Updates.......................24-33 Like A Good Neighbor, Ray Mathews State Farm Is There............24 Totalscape Solutions Will Transform Your Lawn..........................28 Our Exclusive 2015 Summer Camp Guide!.........................30 You Do The Dishes Keeps Kids Creative This Summer................32
Local Education Updates.....................38 NT Eagle Scout Earns National Volunteer Award
Local Sports Updates...............................39 Former New Tampa Teammates Now University Of Miami Walk-Ons
Neighborhood Magazine
Summer Movies Smash Onto The Big Screen.......................43-45 Hunter’s Green Country Club Is Not Just For Residents Only......48 Dine Or Dash For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner...........................50 ‘Neighborhood Nibbles & Business Bytes’...........................54
NEW TAMPA COLOR CLASSIFIEDS........................56
Tampa Palms Girl Competes In State Beauty Pageant..................58
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 11 • May 23, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
City & Chamber Officially Open The New Tampa Rotary Dog Park! By Gary Nager; Photos by Bob Thompson
Our heartfelt congratulations go out to the Rotary Club of New Tampa (which meets Fridays at 7 a.m. at Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club) and the City of Tampa for seeing an important public-private-partnership plan through to fruition. It may not be the long-awaited EastWest Connector Rd. for New Tampa, but on May 2, the city and New Tampa’s first and still (by far) largest Rotary Club are thrilled that ribbons have now been cut at the New Tampa Rotary Dog Park (located just off Commerce Park Blvd. in Tampa Palms, near the New Tampa Recreation Center & Community Park.) — giving dog owners and their curious canines alike an opportunity to socialize in a truly beautiful, tree-lined 0.64-acre setting. The ribbon-cutting ceremony was hosted by the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce and featured Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn, Dist. 7 Tampa City Council member Lisa Montelione (who represents New Tampa on the Council), Dist. 63 State Rep. Shawn Harrison and many members of both the New Tampa Rotary Club and the WCCC. Among those representing the New Tampa Rotary at the ribbon cutting were the club’s Dog Park Committee chair, Joyce Gunter, and her husband Gary (who is a past president of the club and the current Governor of Rotary District 6890), as well as the club’s immediate past president, Peter Gambacorta, who started the Dog
Park campaign two years ago. Buckhorn said he was proud of the city’s partnership with the club, as each side contributed $25,000 for the construction of the park that the city will be responsible for maintaining. Gunter was thrilled that more than 100 people — many who happily brought their furry best friends, large and small, along with them, were on hand for the opening of the park. She thanked the Mayor, Montelione, the city staff, the WCCC, the architects, Gambacorta and everyone else who helped make the
Dog Park a reality — including those who purchased the sold-out supply of 251 customized bricks that provided much of the Rotary Club’s half of the funds. Montelione, who owns multiple dogs, reminded everyone in attendance, “how important socialization is for our canine
companions and for their owners.” And, whether your dog is large or small, there’s a separate fenced-in area (21,887 sq. ft. for large dogs, 5,259 sq. ft. for smaller pups) to keep your dog safe at the park. For more info about the Dog Park, visit NewTampaRotary.org.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 11 • May 23, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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‘Go Hillborough’ Wraps Up Community Transportation Meeting Series By Matt Wiley
The murmur of conversation echoes around the Omar K. Lightfoot Senior Recreation Center on N. 56th St. in Temple Terrace on May 12. People sit around at folding tables, discussing transportation topics with Hillsborough County officials. While one county employee guides the conversation, another takes notes on an oversized notepad on an easel. The gathering is the fourth (and final) round of more than 30 public meetings, part of the “Go Hillsborough” transportation initiative, an ongoing study to find a consensus of the county’s transportation needs, possible funding options and how best to allocate that funding for desired transportation projects. The overall goal is to create a “Community Transportation Plan” that will help determine future transportation projects, based upon community consensus. More than 1,500 people from around the county attended the meetings, two of which were held in our area during the past two months — at the New Tampa Rec Center (located off Commerce Park Blvd.) on March 9 and at the New Tampa Regional Library on Cross Creek Blvd. on April 27. Each meeting had a different topic. “This is a multi-phase project,” said Hillsborough County’s director of strategic planning Eric Johnson at the April 20 meeting at the New Tampa Library. “We started out getting a sense of the types of transportation improvements that people are interested in, whether it’s related to roads
or related to transit” (or both). In the second round of meetings, Johnson said that the county brought back presentation boards outlining what people had reported at the first meeting. “We started to look at consistencies across the communities,” Johnson explained. Hillsborough County is about 1,000 square miles and he said that construction, maintenance, new intersections and transit were strongly supported throughout the public meeting process. The third round of meetings showed the public what the types of projects people requested at previous meetings could cost and how they could be paid for. “Part of helping people understand what these projects cost is showing them,” Johnson said, pointing at a presentation board outlining the cost for a new multiuse trail. “For example, for just a multi-use trail, the cost is more than $400,000 per mile. Why does it cost that much? We have to buy the land and build the trail. Plus, we’ve got to install signs, lighting and the surface itself. We’re acclimating people to what these projects cost, based upon the elements of them. Next, we’re going to try to acclimate people to the way we can pay for these things.” Johnson explained that the county continues to be aggressive about going after state and federal transportations grants, but they typically require matching funds. He noted that to raise those funds, there are several options available. Johnson broke down the four types of options available to raise significant money
for transportation, including the existing Community Investment Tax that’s been in place for nearly 20 years “We’ve spent half of every dollar we’ve taken in on transportation, but we’re still (falling behind),” he said, adding that an up-to-five-cent gas tax potentially could generate up to $25 million per year; raising Members of the public discuss transportation issues with Hillsborough the property tax by one County officials during the “Go Hillsborough” transportation meeting dollar per every $1,000 on May 12 at the Omar Lightfoot Rec. Center in Temple Terrace. of taxable value (which important to people to widen the roads or could raise about $70 add more buses,” Dyson said. “A lot of peomillion per year); or raising the county sales ple that live in my neighborhood take the tax by one percent for a period of time, bus downtown for work.” which could raise up to $200 million per Tom King said that he’s been driving year, but requires a voter referendum. through road construction in New Tampa “People seem to like the gas tax and since he moved to the area in 2006. sales tax ideas because of their equality,” “I think transportation improvements Johnson explained. “Everybody pays them.” will slowly come to fruition,” King said. According to public comments, John“It’s taken a while just to get to this point. son said that 70 percent of survey particiI’ve always felt that public transportation in pants showed support for a gas tax and 67 Hillsborough County is horrible. We need percent were in favor of the one-cent sales to see the implementation of a better transit tax, with road maintenance as the most system. Light rail could take you to downdesired allocation. town Tampa and then another rail could After reviewing the various presentatake you to St. Pete. Connect the hubs.” tion boards at the April 20 meeting, Easton The county is still collecting Park resident Cyndi Dyson said she was transportation comments. To check out skeptical about widening more roads. presentations from each step in the study “I know a lot of people are interested and leave your own “two cents,” visit in widening roads, but I think that the GoHillsborough.com. county needs to look at whether it’s more
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 11 • May 23, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
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Shawn Harrison Gives Legislative Update At WCCC Biz Breakfast By Matt Wiley
If you follow politics, you know that Florida is a little “out there.” So much so that the Florida House of Representatives decided to pack up the 2015 Legislative Session and leave Tallahassee three days early this year due to disagreements over the state budget. New Tampa’s representative in the Florida House is aware of how it looks, but Dist. 63 Rep. Shawn Harrison (R–New Tampa) told the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC) during its May 5 Monthly Business Breakfast at the Pasco Hernando State College Porter Campus at Wiregrass Ranch in Wesley Chapel that he thinks the state House and Senate will be able to resolve their differences and pass a budget when they return to the state capitol on June 1 for a Special Session. “I can tell you that it’s good to be home and out of Tallahassee,” Rep. Harrison told WCCC members. “It has been an ‘interesting’ few months up there.” Harrison gave a short primer on how the session ended, and the reasoning for heading home early. “Everything looked like we were going to have a fantastic session and come up with some great things for the folks in Florida,” Harrison said of the $1-billion budget surplus going into the session in January. “But, there became a very heated and bitter dispute between the two chambers about the concept of Medicaid
expansion in the state of Florida. That caused everything to grind to a halt. The leadership basically decided we should all go home and cool down.” Rep. Harrison explained that the House Shawn Harrison at the passed a $76.2 May 5 Wesley Chapel billion budget Chamber breakfast. and the Senate passed a $80.4 billion budget, the difference being that the Senate’s budget included $4 billion in Federal funding to expand Medicaid coverage, or coverage for the state’s uninsured who require medical care. “This was a difference in ideology,” Rep. Harrison said, explaining that the state can accept the funding from the Federal government, but that the additional funding doesn’t last past 2016 and the bill then falls onto the taxpayers. “You hear a lot about the House refusing to take up Medicaid expansion,” Rep. Harrison said. “Not one single legislator in the House or Senate filed a bill regarding Medicaid expansion. The only time that issue ever came up was when it was included in the
Senate budget and wasn’t included in the House budget.” He added, “It’s always been my philosophy that you vote for budgets because of what’s in the budget, not what’s left out of it.” Rep. Harrison broke down some of the things that the House budget included. “We had a communications services tax rate cut by four percentage points,” he said. “That’s on everyone’s cell phone bills.” He also described sales tax exemptions for agricultural items, irrigation equipment, farming equipment, school books and supplies and even college textbooks. He said that the House also added a small business tax holiday for businesses purchases under $1,000, as well as a Fourth of July sales tax holiday for guns, ammunition, camping and fishing supplies. The budget set a new record for education spending, Rep. Harrison said, noting that the budget had set aside the highest average spending per student in the state’s history. “We set aside $21 billion for public education,” he said, adding that the average amount spent per student was $7,129, up from $20 billion and $6,937 per student last year. The budget also invested $9 billion for Florida’s transportation network, set aside $742 million into the Land Acquisition Trust Fund (which purchases environmentally-sensitive lands for conservation), invested $480 million for workforce education, $185 million into economic development, put $51 million into the child welfare system and allocated $16 million to the state’s Department of Corrections. Rep. Harrison said that of the six bills he was allowed to file, four were passed, including HB 305, which seeks to assist property owners with removing unwanted guests. The property owner files an affidavit with the sheriff’s office, which then questions the legitimacy of the guest’s residency. If the person doesn’t have a legit reason to remain at the residence, the agency can charge that person with trespassing. “Have you ever let someone stay
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 11 • May 23, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
with you, maybe a boyfriend or girlfriend, but the relationship sours and the other person doesn’t want to leave?” Rep. Harrison asked. “Right now there are no options besides going through the eviction process. It takes time, it takes money and it’s convoluted. This bill created a simplified procedure for removing unwanted guests.” He also described HB 309: “Patient Admission Status Notification,” a bill of which Rep. Harrison said he was particularly proud. He explained that if you’re in the hospital for three days or more and will need longterm recovery in medical facility, you can qualify for Medicare. However, only if you are formally admitted. Instead of patients getting stuck with a huge bill after a month at a recovery facility because they thought they qualified, the bill requires that a notation be made on discharge papers, so patients will know if they qualified. Although he’s New Tampa’s representative, Rep. Harrison said he also helped sponsor with Florida Senator Wilton Simpson (R–New Port Richey) a new 10-year pilot program for the Epperson Ranch Development of Regional Impact in Wesley Chapel, where the country’s first Crystal Lagoons mega pool will be built on Curley Rd. “It takes the state development review function and brings it down to the county commission level for approvals to help speed it up,” Rep. Harrison explained. “The state review could take up to two years. We created a pilot for rest of state to see if we can streamline that process and bring the project online faster.” In addition to talking Tallahassee, Rep. Harrison also expressed his approval of the WCCC’s recent absorbing of the WCCC and New Tampa Chamber of Commerce. “The merger of the New Tampa Chamber of Commerce and (WCCC) is a great thing for our region,” he said. “Wesley Chapel today is what New Tampa was 20 years ago.” For more information about Rep. Harrison and his bills, please visit MyFloridaHouse.gov. You also can call his local District 63 office at 910-3277.
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New Tampa
New Tampa Y director Monica Mirza declined to comment about the new LA Fitness location. “We’re just going to keep doing what we’re doing and serving our community,” Mirza said. LA Fitness moved into the space previously held by Lifestyle Family Fitness, but moved out of the building on Amberly Dr. late last year; that space since has been filled by Crunch Fitness. The site plan for the new LA Fitness was approved last December. An expected opening date has not yet been released.
News Briefs
Burning Bush Causes Brush Fire At St. Mark’s
LA Fitness Breaks Ground In Tampa Palms
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Months after its weights were packed up in the Shoppes of Amberly plaza on Amberly Dr. in Tampa Palms,, LA Fitness has broken ground on a new facility a couple of miles to the north (see map, right). According to documents filed with the City of Tampa, LA Fitness has broken ground on a new, two-story, 35,000-sq.-ft. facility across Compton Dr. from the New Tampa Family YMCA. The new gym is located immediately behind the Chase Bank.
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Power has been restored, following a traffic crash that caused a power outage that lasted for several hours in New Tampa. According to the Tampa Electric Company (TECO), a truck struck a power pole
at the intersection of Cross Creek Blvd. and Morris Bridge Rd. at around 3 p.m. on May 5, causing extensive traffic delays in the area. TECO spokesperson Cherie Jacobs says that the truck tore down the service line to one customer and that power was not restored until about 11 p.m. The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office and Tampa Police Department responded and directed traffic, but neither agency investigated a crash. No additional information was available at our press time.
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Accident Causes Power Outage On Cross Creek Blvd.
Tampa Palms Prof. Center Still Growing
The Burning Bush is a symbol of faith in the Judeo/Christian tradition. It was also the cause of a brush fire recently near St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church on Cross Creek Blvd. in New Tampa. According to Tampa Fire Rescue (TFR), the agency responded to a report of a brush fire at St. Mark’s at 1:52 p.m. on May 6. Brush Truck units and engines from TFR Stations 20, 21 and 22 in New Tampa were able to get the blaze under control by 2:30 p.m. TFR reports that the fire scorched about 1.5 acres of brush on the edge of St. Mark’s property. The fire was determined to be an accident caused by the hot muffler of a lawn mower (photo, right) and occurred when a worker was mowing grass in a field behind the church that is closely bordered by brush. TFR reports that the worker said that he turned around, saw a bush ablaze and immediately ran to the church to call for assistance. Flames spread rapidly, reaching heights of 40 feet. TFR spokesperson Jason Penny says that the flames came as close to 75 yards from the church’s buildings, but no structural damage or injuries were reported. The St. Mark’s property is home to two large sanctuaries: the current worship space, measuring 28,000 sq. ft., as well as a new 35,000-sq.-ft. building which will feature a massive sanctuary capable of seating 1,325 people, as well as a 225-seat daily chapel that church members will have access to 24 hours a day. Although separated by a removable glass partition, during holidays, that area can be opened up as overflow seating, expanding the sanctuary’s seating capacity to 1,550. The new sanctuary will include a 13-ft. sculpture of the Crucifixion that will be secured to a massive 35-foot, 40-ton cement cross positioned overlooking the altar. The new worship space also will feature sculptures of the “Prodigal Son” and, coincidentally, the “Burning Bush.”
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Tucked away between I-75 and Commerce Park Blvd., the sounds of construction can be heard again in the Tampa Palms Professional Center (TPPC), part of the Tampa Technology Park West Development of Regional Impact (DRI) off Commerce Park Blvd. in Tampa Palms. Tampa Palms Professional Center, LTD, developer Garrison Urette says that the local economy bouncing back has resulted in growth in the 10-year-old office park. The current expansion can be seen along the north side of Primrose Lake, where a new office building currently is under construction. The office park has grown to a total of 26 buildings, comprising 140,000 sq. ft. of office, commercial and medical space, with more land for sale that includes multiple acreage sites. Urette explains that the 18,000-sq.-ft. building should be completed with occupancy by this winter. However, although TPPC is in negotiations with the future tenant, Urette says that the tenant’s name cannot yet be announced. “The building is a twin to the twostory office building on the south side of the parking lot, also on the lake (where Acti-Kare, Inc., and other small businesses featured in this publication are located),” Urette says. “This project has been in the works for quite some time.” In addition to the new office building, Bonita Springs-based assisted living facility developer Discovery Village owns the 5.47 acres of land north of Primrose Lake Cir., along Brookside Trace Ct., with plans for a four-five story, 60-unit assisted living facility, 30 of which would be set aside for memory care. Urette says Discovery Village still is in the permitting process with Hills-
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borough County. County property records show that Discovery Village purchased the land for $1.5 million in 2013. A representative from Discovery Village did not return calls for comment before we went to press with this issue.
Tampa Premium Outlets Names First GM
While we may still be several months from the planned opening date of the Tampa Premium Outlets at the Cypress Creek Town Center Development of Regional Impact (DRI) on both sides of S.R. 56 between Lutz and Wesley Chapel, the mall’s parent company Simon Property Group has named the shopping destination’s first general manager. According to a May 5 press release, Simon has announced that the outlet mall’s first general manager will be Stacey Nance (photo), who has worked for the company for more than 17 years. The release says that Nance — who holds a B.S. degree in Marketing & Management from Ball State University in Muncie, IN — has previously served as the manager of the Muncie Stacey Nance Mall. She began her new position at the local outlet mall on May 18. “Stacey is a motivated and detailoriented individual with years of leadership experience,” said Mary Spaulding, regional vice president for Simon’s South Region in the release. “Her priorities include creating a positive shopping experience for customers by establishing and maintaining Simon’s operating standards, and we are thrilled to welcome her to Tampa Premium Outlets.” Nance will be responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the new outlet mall on the southwest corner of the S.R. 56/I-75 interchange, as well as management of the maintenance, budgeting and tenant and community relations. She also will oversee the security and marketing of the new mall. The administrative office will employ between 5-10 Simon workers. Tampa Premium Outlets broke ground in December and is expected to open in October. The mall is expected to create about 800 new jobs and a job fair is tentatively planned for August, although an exact date has not yet been set. For more information, please visit Simon.com. — MW
KONA Swim Bike Run Burglary Thwarted By Martial Artists By Matt Wiley
KONA Swim Bike Run in Wesley Chapel is known for its high-end bicycles and other triathlon equipment. A Tampa man recently stole a vehicle to load up bicycles he was trying to steal from the popular fitness store (located on S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel, just a few miles north from its original New Tampa location on County Line Rd. (next to ). According to the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO), just before 7:30 p.m. on May 7, David Robert Menzies, 30, of Tampa, parked a Jeep that he was test driving from the Ferman Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram Tampa dealership (located on S.R. 54 in Lutz) behind KONA. He had left his driver’s license with the dealer, who reported the Jeep stolen after Menzies went missing with the vehicle for several hours. PCSO reports that the store was closed and unoccupied at the time of the burglary, so Menzies walked around to the front and broke a glass window with a cinder block, causing at least $1,000 damage to the store. Once he was inside, the arrest report says that Menzies gathered several triathlon bikes valued at a total of $15,000 and began loading them into the Jeep. While he was loading the bikes, the report says several witnesses (who had been attending a class at Hammerfist
Krav Maga next door during the burglary) approached him. The witnesses, who were actually taking a Krav Maga (the Israeli Armed Forces self-defense system) class at the time of the burglary, were able to detain Menzies until PCSO deputies arrived a few minutes later. “We were very surprised that someone would choose to burglarize us with the Hammerfist guys next door,” says KONA owner Bruce McCarthy. “Jason (Carrio, the co-owner of Hammerfist) actually was able to subdue (Menzies) until the cops showed up.” McCarthy says that in the surveillance video, Menzies can be seen waiting in the Jeep for employees to leave, before he began trying to smash the window. Menzies actually had come by the store the day before with a friend, McCarthy explains. “He said that his buddy was thinking about getting a bike. (Menzies) just wandered around the store the whole time, apparently casing the place.” McCarthy says that Menzies tried to load up to two Quintana Roo bikes, each valued at more than $5,000, into the truck before he was subdued by Carrio. Following his arrest, the report says, Menzies confessed to the crimes. He was charged with grand theft of bicycles, business burglary with forced entry and grand theft auto. At our press time, he remained in the Land O’Lakes Detention Center in lieu of a $6,000 bond.
David Menzies (above) was arrested and charged with burglary, after smashing a window (right) at KONA Swim Bike Run and attempting to steal a number of triathlon bicycles.
President of the Florida Podiatric Medical Association
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Tampa’s First Female Police Chief Officially Retires, Successor Announced By Matt Wiley
After more than 30 years in the Tampa Police Department (TPD), the city’s first female police chief — Jane Castor — has officially retired and her successor has been announced. During her time in the agency’s top job, Castor replaced former Chief Stephen Hogue and ushered in an era of a dramatic drop in crime throughout the city, including parts of New Tampa. TPD statistics show that, during Castor’s tenure, the areas of New Tampa within the city limits experienced a 22-percent drop in “Part 1” crimes, which include murder, robbery, burglary, auto theft, violent sexual assault, aggravated assault and other serious crimes. According to an April 30 press release, Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn appointed 27-year TPD veteran Eric Ward as Castor’s successor. Her last day in her job was May 8. “The position of police chief is one of the most important appointments a mayor can make, and for our city, Eric Ward is the right person to lead the Tampa Police Department,” said Mayor Buckhorn in the release. “Eric grew up in this community, and he has a unique understanding of the challenges and opportunities that exist as we continue to make Tampa a better
nal Intelligence Bureau, K-9, Gang Suppression, Firehouse Program, Street Anti-Crime Squad and Selective Enforcement Bureau units. The release says that before becoming part of the department’s command staff, Ward also was a member of TPD’s Tactical Response Team, Honor Tampa Police chief Jane Castor (left) officially retired Guard and its Hostage Negotiaon May 8 and has been succeeded by Eric Ward (right). tion Team. Castor, whose contract was place to live, work, and raise a family. renewed for one year last May, has Within the department, Eric is known announced that she now will serve as as a quiet force, and his methodical demeanor and certitude will serve him, the department and our city.” Chief Ward, who will make $156,000 in the top TPD position, holds a B.A. degree in Criminal Justice from St. Leo University in Dade City. Ward is married with two children and lives in West Tampa. “I never thought that I’d be Chief of Police,” Ward said in a video announcing his appointment to the position. ”But, I believe that in this position I can do a lot of good and bring the community together with law enforcement.” Ward joined the department in 1988 and previously served as the agency’s assistant chief of operations. Ward also served in the Patrol, Crimi-
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the head of a new nonprofit organization that will benefit TPD called Rise Tampa — Our Police Foundation. According to the organization’s website, the group will, “start its work where the city budget stops.” The site says that Rise Tampa will raise money to help ensure that officers are receiving the latest training, safety equipment and are using cutting edge technology, “to keep our citizens safe while providing growth opportunities to our most underprivileged children.” For more information, please visit RiseTampa.org.
Shops At Wiregrass Developer Moving Forward With Adjacent Phase II By Matt Wiley
With just short of a decade of being the central hub for dining, entertainment and shopping in Wesley Chapel under its belt, the Shops at Wiregrass mall is about to get started on its second phase of development. Following an April 7 pre-application meeting with Pasco County, Clevelandbased Forest City Enterprises (which developed the 646,000 sq.-ft. mall) is getting ready to launch the second phase of development on a 34-acre parcel of land within the Wiregrass Ranch Development of Regional Impact (DRI), immediately to the east of the mall, with additional frontage on S.R. 56. The expansion will bring not only about 120,000 sq. ft. of additional retail stores and restaurants to the area, but also more luxury apartments that will be developed concurrently by NRP Group, LLC, also based in Cleveland. “For the past few years, the economy wasn’t in anyone’s favor,” says Forest City’s manager of planning & development Abbas Hasan. “But, it’s coming back. The Shops at Wiregrass are doing well and there’s growth in the area.” Hasan says that about a year ago, Forest City started looking at the parcel of land next to the existing mall and having discussions about what could be done with it. He says that the company decided to chop it into two pieces and develop it into
both retail and residential space. “We’re working on our application for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,” Hasan explains, adding that only about 22-25 acres of the parcel are developable because of wetlands. Any plans for development therefore must be approved by the Army Corps to make sure that there won’t be any negative environmental impacts. “Getting the application in and approved will determine the timing for the project. It’s our biggest wild card.” Hasan says that he hopes to see movement on the project within a year of submitting the application to the Army Corps. “We’re looking at a 2017 timeframe,” he says. “We hope it’s earlier in that year than later.” No tenants can be named at this time, Hasan says, also due to the application process. What the Army Corps approves will ultimately determine the size of the buildings that can be built on the site. “We’re looking at the needs in the market and what would be complementary,” Hasan says. “We want to make it all work together.” Hasan also says that Forest City knows what sorts of tenants the company wants and is starting to approach some, which could include a large retailer (either a bigbox store or specialty grocer like Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s), a movie theater concept, restaurants and other retail stores. NRP Group also currently is working on the Army Corps application for the
planned residential segment, says NRP Group’s VP of development Kurt Kehoe. “We’re hoping to submit a formal application sometime in the middle of this year,” Kehoe says. “We’re working hand-in-hand with Forest City.” Kehoe says that NRP Group has a vision for 248 luxury apartments in three- and four-story buildings. Apartments would feature wood floors and granite countertops, as well Although extremely conceptual, the new site plan for “Phase II” of the as other amenities Shops at Wiregrass mall includes a possible movie theater (in red), spethat Kehoe says would cialty grocery store (green), other retail & restaurants (orange), as well as exceed anything nearly 250 luxury apartments (purple) surrounding a pond. else in the Wesley Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Chapel apartment market. NRP currently is Commerce executive director Hope Allen developing The Beacon, a 430-unit luxury says the Chamber leadership is excited complex in downtown St. Petersburg. about the expansion.“While I haven’t NRP would be the developer, owner formally been briefed on this project, I am and builder of the Wiregrass multi-family excited to hear about the concepts proproject, which Kehoe says is in a perfect posed,” Allen says. “From what I underlocation. “In our minds, if you want to be stand, this project has been in the works for in Wesley Chapel, this is one of the best a long time.” pieces of real estate,” he says. New Tampa Neighborhood News & Hasan adds, “We really like this Wesley NTNeighborhoodNews.com will proChapel area,” he says. “That’s why we’re vide updates about this exciting project. starting this project now.”
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Wesley Chapel Ice Rink Officially Named ‘Florida Hospital Center Ice’ By Matt Wiley
Dirt has been turning on the site of what will be the largest ice hockey facility in the state for the past several months, but the complex finally has a permanent name: Florida Hospital Center Ice (FHCI). The name was revealed during an announcement at the site on May 14. Z Mitch, LLC, developer Gordie Zimmermann and Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC) CEO Denyse Bales-Chubb unveiled the new sign that stands outside of where the future four-story, 150,500-sq.-ft. building will soon rise along Cypress Ridge Blvd. in Wesley Chapel, on the northeast corner of the I-75/S.R. 56 interchange. The name is the result of an online naming contest that has been going on since ground officially was broken on the facility during a well-attended ceremony in February. Zimmermann said that more than 200 entries were submitted, but Florida Hospital Center Ice ultimately was chosen. He said the winning name was first submitted by an unnamed local hockey player, “but the names Center Ice and Ice Center were submitted by several people.” He added, “When you want to change things up in hockey, you say, ‘Let’s regroup at center ice.’” He added that vertical development will soon begin at the site. Unlike most other developments in the area (specifically the future Tampa Premium Outlets on the south side of S.R. 56 on the other side of
On May 14, Z Mitch, LLC, developer Gordie Zimmermann (2nd from left) & Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel CEO Denyse Bales-Chubb (3rd from left) unveiled the future four-pad ice rink’s name — Florida Hospital Center Ice, which will feature a restaurant overlooking all four rinks (right).
the interstate), Center Ice will be constructed primarily out of structural steel, rather than cement. And, with the special refrigeration and ice-making pipes that had to be built below the four ice surfaces before vertical construction could begin, FHCI will rise slowly and could take until just before this winter’s holiday season to complete. “The building basically is steel with siding on it,” Zimmerman said, adding that next, the bases of the ice pads will have to be installed before the walls go up. To do so, Zimmermann said that crews will have to map out exactly where the ice pads and walls will go and dig out nine inches of dirt in their shape. “We’re still looking at (opening
around) the holidays,” Zimmermann said. “We’re really busy. We’re just about there.” New Tampa Neighborhood News editor Gary Nager thought he came up with the winning name — The Ice Chapel — but the father of two former high school hockey players said he was still excited to finally have the largest ice complex in Florida built right here within minutes of so many rabid hockey fans. For more info, including a virtual tour of the facility, please visit Florida HospitalCenterIce.com.
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‘Nations’ Unite For The 2015 Relay For Life Of New Tampa! By Gary Nager
I have recounted my personal connection many times, but it seems that most everyone has been touched by the scourge of our time — cancer. If you haven’t had a family member or friend who has been victimized by this disease — which affects men, women and children of all ages, races and from every country of the world (see below) — consider yourself lucky. I, meanwhile, consider myself lucky to have been able to attend many of the American Cancer Society (ACS) Relay for Life events in New Tampa & Wesley Chapel the last 21 years and report about them here. So, once again, I felt fortunate to be on hand for the 2015 Relay for Life of New Tampa — held May 15-16 around the track at Paul R. Wharton High on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. — which was again a celebration of not only the lives of those who lost their battles with the many forms this dreaded illness, but also of the ongoing battle for the two dozen or so survivors (whether they first contracted the disease 25 years or three months ago) who took the ceremonial first lap around the quarter-mile track at Wharton, followed by a lap with their respective caregivers. At our press time, which was midevent (so the stats may vary), there
were 615 participants on 44 New Tampa Relay teams — each of which represented a different country for this year’s event — who already had raised $61,560. The biggest fundraising team at our press time was the Wharton National Honor Society (Sweden) team with $10,740 and the largest individual fund raiser being Jennifer Colon of the third-highest-fund-raising “Fun Friends Footin’ it for a Cure” (Greece) team, with $2,070. Colon said she was participating in honor of her close friend Audrey Wagner, who recently lost her battle with cancer.
Congratulations to Erin Stokes, the 2015 ACS coordinator for the New Tampa Relay, and to the event’s entire amazing committee and all of the teams, participants and sponsors who made the overnight event at Wharton
another resounding success! For more information or to make a donation to the 2015 New Tampa Relay, visit Relay.ACSEvents. org and search “New Tampa.”
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MOMS Club Of New Tampa The MOMS (Moms Offering Moms Support) Club of New Tampa is currently open to new members in the New Tampa area. The MOMS Club offers a variety of daytime activities for mothers and their children, opportunities for Moms’ Nights Out & many more benefits. For info or to join the club, email MomsClubNewTampa@gmail.com.
May 2015 Tuesday, May 26
New Tampa Tri Club
The New Tampa Tri Club is open to runners, swimmers, cyclists & triathletes across the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area. The club hosts group bike rides/runs leaving from Flatwoods Wilderness Park (13330 Morris Bridge Rd.; not from the BBD entrance) every Tues., Thur. & Sat. at 7:30 a.m. For more info, join the Facebook group or e-mail NewTampaTriClub@gmail.com.
GriefShare Support Group
This video-seminar-support group is for anyone who is grieving the death of a loved one. The cost is $20 for a workbook and 13 sessions, begin any week to find healing and hope. The group meets Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. at Lake Magdalene Methodist Church (2902 W. Fletcher Ave., Rm. 310). For more info, call 963-1555.
English As A Second Language (ESL)
This group meets Tuesdays at Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church (19911 BBD Blvd.), 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Classes are taught by a native English speaker using several ESL and Bible study resources. The cost is $40 each semester, for the workbook & class materials. For info, call Heather at 753-8567. Wednesday, May 27
BNI Millionaire Makers
The BNI Millionaire Makers chapter meets every Wednesday at Heritage Isles Country Club (10630 Plantation Bay Dr.) at 7:15 a.m. The $13 meeting fee includes a hot breakfast. Call Lisa Jordan (621-6015) for info. 20
Business Networking International (BNI)
BNI, a group of business professionals dedicated to helping their respective businesses grow through qualified referrals, meets every Wed. morning at 7:30 a.m. at the Cory Lake Isles Beach Club clubhouse (18630 Plantation Bay Dr., off Morris Bridge Rd.). Call Steve Hopper at 918-8609.
New Tampa Noon Rotary Club
The New Tampa Noon Rotary Club meets every Wed. for lunch at noon at Café Olé (10020 Cross Creek Blvd., in the Cross Creek Center plaza, behind the Shell gas station). Guests are always welcome.
New Tampa Evening Rotary Club
The New Tampa Evening Rotary Club meets every Wednesday at 6:15 p.m. at Hunter’s Green Country Club (10101 Longwater Run Dr., inside the BBD Hunter’s Green entrance gate). New members are always welcome. Call Liz DeAmbrose at 956-6487 or email homenet@gte.net.
9-12 Toastmasters
Great speeches & great topics. Come hone your public speaking skills. Tampa Toastmasters meets Wednesdays, 7 p.m., at the New Tampa Family YMCA (16221 Compton Dr., Tampa Palms). Guests are always welcome. Call 264-2171 for info. Thursday, May 28
Christian Business Connections (CBC)
The Christian Business Connections (CBC) networking group meets every Thur. at 7:30 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church (5338 Primrose Lake Cir., off Commerce Park Blvd. in Tampa Palms). For info, email Shawn@TPACorp.com. Friday, May 29
New Tampa Rotary Club
The original New Tampa Rotary Club meets every Friday for breakfast at 7 a.m. at Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club (TPGCC, 5811 Tampa Palms Blvd.). For info, call Connie Bladon at (813) 505-6515 or visit NewTampaRotary.org.
Join the ladies of Women-n-Charge, 11:30 a.m.-1:15 p.m., at Pebble Creek Country Club (10550 Regents Park Dr.), for lunch, speakers & networking. The cost is $15 for members & $18 for guests. The guest speaker will be Stephanie Eukovich of the Tampa Bay Business Journal, speaking about how to grow business and connections, as well as sharing the free TBBJ tools/events which are catered to women in business. Register at Women-N-Charge.com. Or, call Judy at 600-9848. Saturay, May 30
BayChapel Food Pantry
BayChapel will be opening its FREE food pantry to the New Tampa community at Christian Brothers Automotive (20303 Trout Creek Dr.), 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. for anyone in need. The pantry is open the second and fourth Saturday of each month. For more info, call Lee at 731-4040.
June 2015 Monday, June 1
Zen Meditation Group
Enjoy meditation? Looking for a new way to relax? Check out the FREE Zen Meditation Group that meets Sundays at 10 a.m. in the Arbor Greene Community Center (18000 Arbor Greene Dr., off Cross Creek Blvd.) Aerobics Room. People of all faiths are welcome. You only need an interest in meditation and a more peaceful and relaxed mind and life. For info, call Jeremy at 528-6285.
Community Acupuncture & Discussion Group
A Monday night community acupuncture and discussion group is meeting at Ion Medi-Spa (8903 Regents Park Dr., Suite 130), 6:30 p.m. Topics include needle-free acupuncture, facial rejuvenation and stop smoking and customized weight-loss programs. For more info, call 960-8833 or visit IonMediSpa.com. Saturday, June 6
Hanaq Prana Yoga Brunch
Join Hanaq Prana Yoga Studio director Lorena for a FREE “Balance and Brunch & Yoga” on the patio at Ciccio Cali Restaurant (17004 Palm Pointe Dr. in Tampa Palms). Bring your own yoga mat! For more info, call 333-1026. Wednesday, June 17
GFWC New Tampa Junior Woman’s Club
GFWC New Tampa Junior Woman’s Club is a small group of women that meets the third Wednesday of each month, noon-1 p.m., at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, (5340 Primrose Lake Circle in Tampa Palms). Contact Kay Lehmer at KLehmer@verizon.net for more info.
If your organization is sponsoring an event that is open to the general public, please submit your info at least 3-4 weeks in advance to Matt@NTNeighborhoodNews.com.
Infinite Edge Learning Center The Infinite Edge Learning Center Inc. in Tampa Palms provides academic support (Grades K-12) in Mathematics, Language Arts, Reading, Science, Foreign Languages, AP Courses, FCAT, SAT, ACT & GRE
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$200K Raised At March Of Dimes Event By Matt Wiley Each year, hundreds of thousands of babies are born prematurely and researchers are hard at work to figure out why. It’s with the help of fund-raising organizations like the March of Dimes — which recently held its annual Pasco “March for Babies” at the Shops at Wiregrass mall in Wesley Chapel — that help make that important research possible. More than 1,000 people (photo below) came out to support the March of Dimes on April 25 by taking part in the walk along Paseo Dr. in the Shops, which raised about $200,000. This was the first year that the March was hosted by the mall, as it had been held in New Port Richey in previous years. “This year’s March for Babies at the Shops at Wiregrass was a terrific family event for an amazing cause — helping babies!,” said 2015 March for Babies chair Joseph Munier, of Wells Fargo, one of the event’s sponsors. “I was excited to chair the event this year to help support the March of Dimes and the babies in our community. I also was very excited to see the increased participation and support this year compared to last year,” adding that the March events help provide critical services for babies in need. Shops at Wiregrass marketing director Debbie Detweiler said that the mall was thrilled to be chosen as the host for this year’s March. “It was a great day for families that attended and a wonderful opportunity to partner with March of Dimes and Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel to raise funds to
support programs in our community that help moms have healthy full-term pregnancies,” Detweiler said. Wesley Chapel resident Dylan Cofini, 8, was this year’s March for Babies Ambassador. His mother Jennifer (of event Silver Sponsor Parks Motor Group) explains that Dylan, as well as his younger sister Madison (photo above) actually were both born prematurely. “As a mother of two premature children, the March of Dimes is near and dear to my heart,” Cofini explained. “I experienced first-hand the uncertainty mothers face with having premature babies. It’s a very long and scary journey that you can only take one day at a time. There are so many questions, so many ‘what ifs,’ and all you can do is sit and pray that everything will be ok. I was lucky to have a happy story. Both of my children are healthy and happy today. Unfortunately, not all of the stories end up this way.” Cofini and her family alone helped raise more than $3,000 for the Parks Motor Group team. But, Cofini says she’ll be setting her goal even higher for next year. “The March of Dimes was a huge resource and supporter for me, when I was going through uncertain times, so I feel compelled to continue to help so more babies are given hope and a chance to have a healthy start in life. For more information about the March of Dimes, please visit MarchofDimes.org.
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Ray Mathews Can Help Find The Right State Farm Policy For You By Anu Varma Panchal
“Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there,” goes the ubiquitous refrain. Every once in a while, the subject of an advertising campaign lives up to its slogan, and when you’re sitting in an office shooting the breeze with a State Farm agent like Raymond Mathews, it’s hard to forget that you’re not hanging out with someone you know well — a courteous gentleman who surprises you with the occasional sly, self-deprecating joke and who takes a serious interest in getting to know the person with whom he’s engaged in conversation. Mathews is not just a State Farm Agent, he’s also a LUTC (Life Underwriting Training Course) graduate, which means he has graduated from an American Insurance Institute program that gives advanced training for life products and retirement programs. Today, the 30-year insurance veteran operates out of his office off Amberly Dr., in the Somerset Professional Park in Tampa Palms. Mathews is that rare New Tampa business owner — he’s a bonafide Tampa native. He was born and raised in Ybor City, the son of a welder and a seamstress, in the days when 7th Ave. was lined with department stores, rather than with the nightclubs and restaurants of today.
“It was a neat experience,” Mathews says. “I got to grow up in a melting pot (of cultures).” He grew up as the middle kid between two sisters (today, one is a retired nurse and the other is a retired teacher). Education was not taken lightly in their household, and all three kids knew when they should get their work done. Mathews graduated from Middleton High School in East Tampa and went on to get his B.S. degree in Biology, with a minor in Chemistry, from Florida A&M University in Tallahassee in 1966. He subsequently worked for IBM in sales and marketing for 11 years, living in Charleston, SC, and Washington DC, and undergoing IBM’s rigorous sales training program. He had moved back to Tampa and was working on a cleanup project in his subdivision when a neighbor, who was then a State Farm agent, suggested he look into the field, especially as the industry was on the brink of diversifying. “At that time, I thought insurance was boring,” Mathews admits. “But, out of respect for my neighbor, I went to the interview.” His diffidence did not go unnoticed to his interviewer, who stopped talking and instead pulled out a stack of forms to show Mathews exactly how successful he could become — and what he could do for his clients. “When I saw those numbers, that
got my undivided attention,” says Mathews. “Thirty years later, I’m still here and really have no designs on retiring.”
More Than Just Insurance
What Mathews enjoyed about insurance then has remained unchanged over the years. All State Farm agents operate as independent contractors, and Mathews likes being his own boss and making his Ray Mathews, whose Raymond Mathews State Farm Insurown decisions. He coun- ance agency is located in the Somerset Professional Park in sels clients and organizes Tampa Palms, is eagerly awaiting your call. their automotive, life and health insurance for cial affairs. Her husband handled all of them. But, State Farm also offers the that. But, when her husband died in facilities of a full-service bank, includ2008, it was Mathews who came to her ing offering credit cards. aid, having handled the family’s insur“We want to be your one-stop soance matters since the 1980s. lution for all of your financial services,” “I was very grateful to have the says Mathews. “When you come here, service of Raymond Mathews,” Singh you’re going to find somebody who’s says. “When [my husband] died, I relied going to listen, try to find solutions on Mr. Mathews to help me through the that fit your needs, economically, and struggles. [With] policies and insurance, in the long term.” I pretty much put myself in his hands Somebody who listened was and have never been disappointed.” exactly what Chandra Singh needed — Singh is grateful for the time and found — in Mathews. An airline Mathews has spent guiding her through employee and Westchase resident, the thicket of finances, painstakingly Singh paid little attention to her finanexplaining all of the paperwork and call-
2 06/30/15
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 11 • May 23, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
ing others to clarify any details. He even tactfully began to schedule meetings with Singh for lunch at a Jason’s Deli instead of at his office, aware that in her grief, she was hardly eating anything. “That spoke volumes,” Singh says. “He’s very compassionate. He’s nothing but professional and would never go outside the boundaries, [but he] maintained a personalized relationship that was customized to me. Now we no longer do lunch, but he has helped me to come a long way and [set me up with] insurance policies best suited for my needs. I’ve (put) a lot of trust in him as an insurance agent.” When you ask Mathews about his career highlights, he points to his son, Rich Mathews, who has followed in his father’s footsteps to become a State Farm agent and is now in the prestigious Chairman’s Circle, having led the state of Florida in auto protection. Ray’s other son has a successful business providing cleaning services to Florida A&M Universities. Both are Florida A&M alums, as is their mother and Mathews’ wife Delores, who studied drama and English there and taught high school for 35 years. Mathews now serves on the Booster Club and President’s Athletic Advisory Board at Florida A&M (where he played baseball), is past president of the Dads Club at Middleton High School, a deacon at First Baptist Church of Progress Village and on the chair of the advisory committee of Visit Tampa
Bay. He also says he plays golf every chance he gets. Mathews and his staff of five have worked out of offices along Amberly Dr. since 1989, two in the Shoppes of Amberly and one across the street in the Palm Lake at Tampa Palms office building. Before that, he worked out of South Tampa, where he says business was good, but transient. When he heard about plans to develop this area, he decided it was time to move and become a part of the growth in Tampa Palms. In those days, he says BBD was one lane in each direction, and there was nothing beyond Pebble Creek. “I’ve seen tremendous growth,” he says. In his time here, his clients have grown, too, their toddlers growing up and graduating from college since they first signed off on policies with Mathews. “When you come here, we are in the relationship-building business,” he says. “We want to be thought of as your extended family. When you think about securing your family’s future, we want to be the person you think of. The greatest compliment you can give me is a referral.” Raymond Mathews’ State Farm is located at 15271 Amberly Dr. The office is open Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and by appointment any time or day. For additional information, call 978-1898, see the ad on page 41 of this issue or visit RayMathewsInsurance.com.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 11 • May 23, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Totalscape Solutions Can Transform Your Commercial, Residential Landscaping By Celeste McLaughlin
With the trees showing off new, fresh leaves and bright flowers blooming, spring is in full swing in New Tampa. But, you may have noticed your lawn and landscaping still has the winter blues. It’s that time of year when homeowners should take stock of their lawn and refresh it with new landscape design or much-needed maintenance. Don’t know where to start? Totalscape Solutions can help. With more than 12 years in commercial landscaping in the Tampa Bay area, Totalscape Solutions added residential landscaping about two years ago. President and owner Mark Gonzales says the company ventured into residential service when he and his employees kept turning people away. “We do a lot of common areas for homeowners associations, such as Covington Estates in Cross Creek, and people kept asking us to do their homes, too. We had to say no, because we only did commercial. We decided that since we’re out at these neighborhoods anyway, it made sense to serve the residents who want us, too.” For residents throughout New Tampa, Totalscape Solutions provides lawn maintenance and irrigation service, but specializes in landscape redesigns (see below). “When someone has a sprinkler that won’t shut off, a geyser in their front yard, or standing water, that’s when we get calls,” Mark explains. “We are bringing commercial qual-
ity to residential service.” He explains that Totalscape Solutions’ processes are what set them apart from other residential services. “With the yards we maintain, we do the same thing on every lawn consistently,” he explains. “We have processes that everyone follows for both duplicity – the idea of “next man up” – and simplicity. We keep a binder on every property that includes an irrigation map, property map and service records.” He says these binders are maintained meticulously, so records are available whenever clients have questions or whenever he meets with them. “The best model in business today is the franchise,” says Mark. “The reason it works so well is because everything (about the business) has a process.” Although he says he isn’t interested in setting up his business as a franchise, he wants Totalscape Solutions to be run as efficiently as any national chain. Mark explains that his full-service company handles, “everything in your yard, or nothing.” This includes mowing, edging, trimming, pest control, fertilization and a quarterly run-through on your irrigation system to be sure your lawn is watered properly. “Our goal is the same guys, on the same truck, servicing the same properties on the same days,” says Mark. “Of course, some days Mother Nature intervenes, but that’s still the goal.” And, he says that same truck will pull up to your home with employees wearing
a uniform and a neat appearance. “Image is important to us,” Mark says. “So, our employees keep their shirts tucked in, and they don’t smoke on your property.” “We’re not looking to be the cheapest,” he adds. “But, we want to provide the best service on the block.” Audrey, a Totalscape Solutions owner Mark Gonzales (left) gives instructions about how Tampa Palms to improve the landscaping at the entrance to The Sanctuary subdivision, loresident, as well as cated off Livingston Ave. in Lutz. her daughter and cently re-sodded her entire yard.“I’ve been son-in-law who live next door to her, have here for 10 years and my grass got real been using Totalscape Solutions for lawn bad,” says Audrey. “Now that the new sod maintenance for the last couple of years. is in, there’s a dramatic difference.” “We switched to Totalscape because She says she likes working with Tothey do everything,” says Audrey. “If talscape Solutions and recommends them anything goes wrong with my lawn, such as insects, they take care of it. Plus, they do to others. “They’re good,” she says. “Any concern I have, they handle it.” things throughout the winter when they don’t need to mow as often, such as trimDesigning Landscapes ming the trees.” Totalscape Solutions also specializes in When she first hired Mark and his landscape redesigns for both commercial and team, they suggested moving some plants residential customers. around and added a few shrubs to improve “Over the last 12 years, we’ve learned a the look of her landscaping. They also relot, as far as knowing what plants to plant in
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w -
did and didn’t want, and he and his team were accommodating. “They have very nice taste, and they did exactly what I wanted,” Lois says. “And I didn’t pay as much this time as I did twice before.” Mark and his team, she adds, “are, without a doubt, the nicest people to work with, too.”
A Culture
In addition to residential landscaping redesigns, Totalscape Solutions specializes in commercial landscaping (left). Of Caring Totalscape owner Mark Gonzales (center in photo on right) makes sure to reward his employees with unique perks, like this recent And that’s annual offshore fishing trip. Nice catch, people! exactly the kinds of comments Mark New Tampa,” Mark says. “For example, eve- keep it looking nice.” wants to hear. He says his vision for his In the 10 years that current Totalsryone wants palm trees, but there are certain company has always been about happy cape customer Lois has lived in her Lutz ones you don’t put in because we typically clients and happy employees. “In the corhome, she says she has had her landscaping have a couple of freezes each winter, and porate world, you can go from hero to zero professionally designed twice before, but she quickly, and you’re only as good as what those types of palm trees will freeze.” has never quite been happy with the final He also emphasizes the importance of you did last month,” he says. “I wanted to product. putting the right plants in the right places, create a company that people want to work “I was ready to have it redesigned too, so sun plants are planted and remain in for and are proud to work for, a place where sunlit areas, and shade plants are planted and again, and someone recommended TotalsI would want to work.” cape Solutions to me,” she explains. maintained in the shade. Also, Mark says it’s Totalscape Solutions has 26 employees, She says that now she is thrilled with important not to mix irrigation zones, so which includes four maintenance trucks, a the results. “I’ve never had compliments like Totalscape doesn’t put plants that need a lot detail crew to trim hedges and trees, a fullI have now,” Lois says. “One of my neighof water next to ones that don’t. bors told me my yard had been looking like time technician who handles pesticides and “We give people a landscape design two technicians who handle the inspecting that will be as low-maintenance as possible,” a jungle. Now, that same neighbor says I and maintenance of irrigation systems. have the nicest landscaping on the block!” says Mark. “That’s what everyone wants: “I treat my employees well and have She says she gave Mark a list of exactly high-profile and low-maintenance, so it what colors she wanted and what plants she guys who have been with me for all 12 looks nice and doesn’t take a lot of work to
SR 56 Bruce B. Downs Blvd.
County Line Rd.
years,” says Mark. He adds that the employees receive fun perks, such as an annual fishing trip. “The guys are paid for the day, but they spend (the time) on a fishing trip that’s provided by the company.” He also encourages his employees to make both their families, and serving their communities, top priorities. “We put our families first,” Mark says. “I expect you to take care of your family, just like I take care of mine.” His family includes Amber, his wife of 21 years and their children, ages 15, 4 and 2. Mark says he also encourages his guys to look for ways to perform acts of service. “Like, if they see a car on the side of the road, they can stop and use our gas to help,” Mark says. “We’ve also mowed yards for free for people in need.” He explains his motivation for this: “Better employees make a better company. How can you not be a better person if you’re (always) looking to help others?” Mark and his staff are certified in Green Industry Best Management Practices, a science-based educational program for lawn care and landscape maintenance professionals, offered through the University of Florida Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences’ “Florida-Friendly Landscaping” program. Mark also is certified to teach this course to his employees and to others. For more information, or for a complimentary consultation on landscape redesign, lawn maintenance or irrigation services, call Totalscape Solutions at 348-0960, see the ad on page 53 or visit TotalscapeSolutions.com.
Exp. 06/30/2015. New patients only. Valid weekdays only. Cannot be used with insurance. Coupon needs to be presented at time of service.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 11 • May 23, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
2015 Summer Camp Guide Welcome to what is already our biggest-ever Summer Camp Guide! If you dont know what you’re going to do with your kids this summer, there are plenty of options! From sports, science or music to art and dance programs, there is something for everyone. Enjoy! -GN
You Do the Dishes
TeenMax Leadership Camps
Ages 7-13
Ages 12-15
If your child loves art then this is the camp for you! Workshops include experienced expert instruction. Students will be offered projects like watercolor, acrylics,pastel, drawing, print-making, sculpture, pottery painting and clay molding. Weekly sessions go from June through August. $245 per session, which includes all materials. Must sign up in advance so give us a call today!
Your child will learn about and define their values and what they stand for, develop their own mission statement, understand their role in relationships by learning about personal responsibility and trust, learn how to make good decisions, learn how to avoid bullies and what to do when getting bullied, participate in team building activities, practice self defense with a focus on escaping attacks, practice stressreducing activities such as fitness, yoga and breathing exercises, and create their own vision board! 813-563-2267
STEM, Lego
Lego Bricks and STEM
USF STEM for Scholars
Ages 5-12
9th-12th Grade
Our week long Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) based camps are a fun and high-energy experience! There are plenty of popular themes to choose from such as Jr. Robotics, Super Hero Academy, Mining & Crafting (Minecraft® theme), Pocket Brick Monsters (Pokemon® theme), Space Adventures, Movie Making, Bricks 4 Girlz and much more! We will use our proprietary models using batteries and motors. There will be plenty of building, challenges, art and creative building.
Through a diversity of courses the four-week program, seeks to expand student horizons, challenge them to become critical thinkers, prepare them for exciting careers in STEM fields, and inspire them to be creative problem-solvers. Through hands on experiences the participants will learn the art of mathematical and scientific research and discovery. Importantly, they will learn to appreciate the interdependence of the various STEM fields and the role mathematics plays in all these disciplines, including 3D-visualization, computer science, and legged robotics.
PROtential Sports Camp Ages 5-15
Our action-packed, full-day Summer Camps rotate between multiple sporting activities including swimming which is offered daily. Your child is given the opportunity to participate in many engaging and fun-filled field trips including, but not limited to, laser tag, roller skating, bowling, water skiing, horse back riding, and much more! We also offer a children’s favorite, a trip to Busch Gardens theme park which always promises a full day of excitement and entertainment.
Rockstar Baseball Academy Ages 7-14 A complete instructional development academy for youth baseball players to improve their performance. Whether preparing for fall rec ball, travel ball, all-stars or an 8th grader high school prep player we can help! Games are covered with our professional facilities and equipment as used by the Phillies spring training. We invite parents to participate and learn with the players they can repeat the process at home for even quicker results. 4 week academy starts June 8th with Early Gate Special a week before April 30th. Come learn and play like a ROCKSTAR!
Join Martial Arts at Benito Rec Center located next to Benito Middle School to learn Authentic Okinawan Karate-Do. Location: 10065 Cross Creek Blvd, Tampa 33647 Coed classes offered from June 15th to August 13th at $160 for two months. Monday-Thursday 6 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Ages 5-9 Monday-Thursday 6:40 p.m. to 7:20 p.m. Ages 9-14
Contempo School of Dance
New Tampa Dance Theatre
Ages 3-Teen
Ages 3-Adult
Ballet Intensive & team camp for advanced dancers Summer classes on Thursday evenings or Saturday mornings. Family discounts for class tuition. 813-948-3262
Ages 5-15
Join our summer activities camp ages 5-12 that includes daily swimming, weekly field trips and plenty of daily activities to choose from at unbeatable member and guest rates. Counselor-In-Training Program for kids ages 12 to 15. Exciting TENNIS CAMPS!! USPTA Certified Tennis Pros! Half day ages 4-6 & Full day ages 7+. Campers enjoy daily instruction, swim, on court games, tournaments, contests and weekly awards. Weekly sessions begin June 8th. ASK about discounts too!
Princess Camp (age 3-5) July 6-10 9-11am Girls Rock Camp (age 5-13) July 20-24 9am-12pm Musical Theater (age 7-16) July 27-31 9am-12pm
Benito Rec Center Martial Arts
Ages 4-15
813-631-4710 x230
Hunter’s Green CC Camps
2nd-8th Grade
2015 marks the 18th year for this outstanding coed basketball camp! Four weekly sessions offered. Beginner to advanced players welcome. The camp emphasizes fundamental skills, team play, and sportsmanship. Campers participate in daily 3 on 3 and 5 on 5 team play. Daily shooting competitions include free throw shooting, “hot-spot” and Mikan lay-up. All campers receive a Wharton Wildcats Basketball T-shirt.
MB Sports Camps NIKE USSC is offering Day, Extended Day and Overnight week-long camps for tennis, golf, volleyball, softball, baseball, lacrosse, basketball, soccer and ultimate frisbee! We are the only NIKE USSC that hosts multiple sports at a given location. Check the site for our specific locations at UT-Tampa, UCF-Orlando, FIU-Miami, Curry CollegeBoston and Lewis University-Chicago and for sports offered and pricing.
Wharton Basketball Camp
Ages 8-18
MB Sports Camps NIKE USSC
NTDT offers exciting half-day/full-day camps with 1,2, or 3 week options held Monday to Friday, June 8th -26th, Beginners to Advanced students. Campers explore Classical Ballet, Modern, Jazz, Tap, Hip-hop & costume design. Each week culminates with a performance celebration including pizza, cookies & costumes! 813-994-NTDT
Camp IDS~PK3-High School 3 years-High School
Campers can try their hand at archery or broadcasting in the morning and dabble in painting or French cooking in the afternoon. More than 60 half- and full-day camps ensure everyone has a great time! Academic camps include math, science, reading, writing, and technology. Chinese, French and Spanish language camps available. Drama, dance, sports, STEM, and more! Camps run June 15 through July 31. Free morning drop-off at 7:15 am. After-care (3-6 pm) and bus transportation available for a fee. 813-961-3087
You Do The Dishes Keeps Kids Busy & Creative All Summer Long By Matt Wiley
It seems unusual that kids would be excited about doing the dishes. After all, it’s a household chore, and unless there’s an allowance or some TV time involved, who wants to do that? That’s not the case at You Do The Dishes, where kids can take part in creative camps (see below) all summer long, learn new art techniques and even put their own artistic touch on all kinds of pottery. Located just a few doors down from our previous office in the Shoppes of Amberly shopping plaza on Amberly Dr. in Tampa Palms, You Do The Dishes is a “paint your own pottery” studio owned by Pebble Creek resident Cindy Kozlowski that just celebrated its 18th anniversary. The studio also features a great specialty coffee and tea bar that serves light desserts, as well. You Do The Dishes is a great spot for birthday parties for all ages, wedding showers and even business “team building.” Cindy says that the studio started as an idea from her daughter Julie, who was visiting Miami with a friend and went to a similar studio on South Beach. The two left discouraged that the studio didn’t ship finished pieces of pottery, since they take a few days to dry. “On the way back to Tampa, they got to brainstorming about how they’d do it, and how it would be better,” Cindy explains. The idea of shipping for out-oftowners who were visiting and adding a coffee bar were tossed around. “It started as a dream and evolved from
there,” Cindy says. “We knew we had to do it before someone else did.” For a flat rate of $8 (which includes materials, although prices are lower during different specials) per hour, patrons get to create their own works of art in an intimate environment. “You come in and the pottery is white and ready to paint,” Cindy says. “You get to paint it however you’d like. Then we glaze it and fire it. When it comes out of the kiln, it’s just like a regular dish.” She continues, “We have all kinds of tools to help you — stamps, stencils, sponges, tape and more. We also have a lot of samples to look at, as well as people who will help you one-on-one with different techniques. You can come in and take your time. The pieces make unique gifts, too, because they can be personalized and then actually used.” Pieces range from traditional cups, plates and bowls to more versatile offerings that even can be used as different storage containers. Salt & pepper shakers, business card holders, lawn gnomes… if you can name it, you can probably paint it. “We’re always trying to get new pieces in,” Cindy says, adding that most finished pieces can be picked up within 24-48 hours.
Summer Art Workshops
In addition to regular pottery painting, You Do The Dishes also offers several options for summer camps to give your kids a break from the heat outside — and from the TV or computer screen — as well as a great
Marketing director & art educator Herb Pinder and owner Cindy Kozlowski will again help keep creative minds stimulated all summer long with weekly Summer Art Workshops at You Do The Dishes, located for 18 years in the Shoppes of Amberly plaza in Tampa Palms.
way for them to flex their creative muscles. You Do The Dishes marketing director & art educator Herb Pinder, who says he used to come to the studio as a patron, teaches the summer classes. A Wesley Chapel resident, Herb says that he used to spend a lot of time in South Tampa selling his own artwork, but would stop at the studio to grab a cup of coffee and relax on his way home. He started as the studio’s bookkeeper and then began teaching classes.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 11 • May 23, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Neighborhood News
“The whole idea behind the summer camps is to expose the kids to different artistic media,” Herb explains. “They all like pottery painting, but we try to show them watercolors, drawing, soft pastels and clay sculptures, too, so that they can get exposed to all of those media.” Herb says that he has been an artist all of his life, but decided not to pursue a degree in it because he didn’t want anyone else’s influence or style to shape his own
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At You Do The Dishes in Tampa Palms, you get to pick out a piece of pottery to paint (left). When you’re done, Cindy glazes and puts your new dish in one of the two on-site kilns (center) to fire-dry them. Once the pieces are dry, they’re ready for use. The studio’s Summer Art Workshops (right) also are a great way to keep your kids busy this summer. Register now!
artistic style, even going so far as to turn down an art scholarship. But, he says that he later went back to school and studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and then at the University of South Florida, where he discovered his love of printmaking. Herb says that many of the kids who were first introduced to art during You Do The Dishes summer camps also have gone on to study art in college. “They’ll come in after graduating from an art school and you’ll just barely recognize them because it’s been so long,” Herb explains. “But then, they start telling you their stories about being in school in Brooklyn. That’s my whole purpose. Each year, I try to make (the workshops) more intriguing. You can see the kids’ artistic appetites grow.”
Herb adds that during camp, he’ll explain each artistic medium, demonstrate it and then let the kids apply it. Summer Art Workshops cost $245 per week (includes all materials), are offered for children ages 7-13 and run June 15-19 & 22-26, July 6-10 & 20-24 and August 3-7. Workshops fill up fast, so get your child registered today at YouDoTheDishes.com.
Special Days, Special Rates
In addition to Summer Workshops for kids, the studio also offers special rates for holidays and on different nights each week. For example, Monday is “Ladies Night,” with a $6 per hour flat rate from 7 p.m.-10 p.m.; Tuesdays only cost $6 between 10 a.m.- 3 p.m. On Wednesdays, seniors 55
or older pay just $6. Thursday is “College Night” with $6 flat rates for students with valid IDs between 7 p.m.–10 p.m. On Fridays, kids ages 13 and under paint for $4 per hour after 5 p.m. If you bring a friend on Saturday after 5 p.m., you both paint for just $4 per hour. Plus, the first Saturday of each month is “Midnight Madness,” when the studio is open an extra two hours. You Do The Dishes also always offers a Military discount (with ID) of a $6 flat rate. “The best part is the people,” Cindy says. “For me, this is an extension of my house. I want people to feel comfortable. I keep it clean and friendly. It’s my home away from home. What’s special about the business is that you can take your kids to a movie and you sit there and stare at a screen.
Here you can actually interact. That’s hard these days with all of this technology. You can come here and put it to the side.” That’s just what Mia and her mother Dee did for Mother’s Day, even though they were celebrating a day after the “official” holiday. “It’s my first time and I’m having a blast,” Dee says, while painting a ceramic butterfly. “It’s so relaxing. We actually get to spend some one-on-one time together.” You Do The Dishes is located at 15357 Amberly Dr. and is open Monday – Saturday, 10 a.m.–10 p.m., and 1 p.m.–10 p.m. on Sunday. For more information, see the ad on page 54, call 975-1700, visit YouDoTheDishes.com or check the studio out on Facebook.com.
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Continued from page 1 she wanted to be punished for what she did, but not with life in prison. “Death,” she said. “I wanted the death penalty.” She also told Fazan that, if she could go back to that day and time, she she’d still do the same thing again. “I would save them and protect them,” Schenecker said. “I do not know if there is another way to protect them, but that was the only thing that I could think of doing to protect them. I can’t think of another way to save them and now they’re in heaven, so they are saved. That is the only thing that I think could be good for them because now they don’t have to live the life I lived.” Schenecker explained that she grew up the victim of sexual abuse, molested at age six and raped as a virgin at 17. “My whole life has been a mess,” she said. “I don’t know how a person is to survive. How do you survive all that?” During the initial interrogation and in her diary, Schenecker referred to her kids as “mouthy,” and that she shot them in their “mouthy mouths,” but she told Fazan that’s not why she killed them.
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“Yeah, they are mouthy,” she said, adding that it was because they were teenagers. “I don’t think that was a motive. That was absolutely not a motive to shoot my kids.” Schenecker said that the decision to kill her kids wasn’t pre-meditated. “I was only going to kill me,” she said. “The whole plan was to kill me. I was just going to kill me. And, if they would have let me bought the gun on Saturday…take the gun home…it would’ve been over on Saturday. But, I had to wait and wait.” Schenecker tried to explain her mental illness to Fazan. “I understand that I do not think right,” Schenecker said. “I understand that I have a mental illness, okay? I understand that I have a difficult time with recognition of situations and reactions to situations. And...I don’t know...maybe inappropriate reactions to situations, but I only know that after it happens...most of the time. I think normal people...most of the time...
they know what to do prior.” She commended prosecutor Jay Pruner for convincing the jury that she was not insane and referenced previous moments in her life when she snapped, chasing down kids for touching her Christmas wreath and head-butting an Army commander’s wife at a function. Schenecker also told Fazan that she wishes Parker would have institutionalized her, which she had asked him not to do in the past. “Our pride kept us from addressing (my) mental health,” Schenecker said. “So, when I was sick, I did not travel, when I was sick I did not come out of the house. When I was sick, he knew it was just that ‘my wife is sick.’
That’s what we called it. I was stuck in bed. I would go weeks without showering, stuck in bed. Yeah, but I would not leave that house if I was not feeling and looking good. So, I hid it. I did not want anyone to know and it was our pride and for him it was probably embarrassment.” Schenecker continued, “I have ruined way, way, way more lives than I would ever ruin (if it was) just me being mentally ill. If I had just come out and said I am mentally ill, and I’m dealing with it and I need help… The secret put me here and everyone who survived is ruined.” To watch the full interview, please visit ABCActionNews.com.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 11 • May 23, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
New Tampa’s N’Jhari Jackson Earns Eagle Scout, National Volunteer Award By Matt Wiley N’Jhari Jackson loves to help people. So much so, in fact, that the 12-year-old soon-to-be New Tampa Eagle Scout and volunteer’s efforts have helped earn him recognition as one of the country’s top youth volunteers. He also just wrapped up his culminating Eagle Scout project at the tender age of 12. Jackson is an active Boy Scout in Troop 142, which meets at St. James United Methodist Church (located off Bruce B. Downs {BBD} Blvd. in Tampa Palms). On May 13, Jackson completed and submitted his Eagle Scout project, entitled “NJ’s Love To The Rescue.” According to the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA), today only about five percent of all Boy Scouts go on to become Eagles. To do so, a Scout has to earn 21 merit badges, as well as plan, develop and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to his religious institution, school or community. Jackson says that, for his project, he raised money to donate an AED (automated external defibrillator) device and a First Aid kit to his school. “As a competitive swimmer and student athlete, I’ve heard stories of other student athletes suddenly collapsing on the court or the field and being saved by AEDs,” Jackson explains. “Since I go to a private school (The Paideia School of Tampa Bay, located on N. 56th St. in Tampa), we don’t have the same funding as public schools, and I thought that our school should have one.”
Jackson has only been a Boy Scout for three years and says he is looking forward to his Eagle Scout ceremony this September. Although he already will have earned his Eagle Scout designation, he says that he plans to continue to help young scouts reach their Eagle goals.
calm my fear,” Jackson says. “It worked and everything went well!” Another time, when he was hospitalized in Georgia from a football injury, Jackson says, his friend Bryce also was in the hospital. Jackson says he went to visit him, but only was allowed to wave ‘Spirit of Community’ at him through the window. Finishing his Eagle Scout project isn’t “You could just tell that he all Jackson has been up to lately. He also was really scared,” Jackson explains. was recognized at the 20th annual Pruden- “So, I was like, ‘Well, every kid tial “Spirit of Community” Awards cershould have something to help emony, held May 3 at the National Museum them get through these hard of Natural History in Washington DC. times.’ That’s what inspired Pajama According to a May 4 press release, Buddies.” New Tampa resident & Eagle Scout N’Jhari Jackson Jackson — along with 101 other youth So, Jackson decided to empty volunteers from around the country — were his piggy bank to buy his friend a (right) was honored by “Good Morning America” co-anchor Robin Roberts as one of the nation’s top youth volunteers at honored on stage at with a $1,000 award, stuffed animal. the Prudential “Spirit of Community” Awards ceremony on an engraved silver medallion and a personal Jackson told his mother May 3 in Washington DC. “Congratulations” from “Good Morning LaShina that he would find a way America” co-anchor Robin Roberts. Each at the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital to get a “buddy” to every kid who honoree also received an all-expense-paid (located off Bruce B. Downs [BBD] Blvd., was without their real buddies. trip to the ceremony. “I feel that, in the hospital, when every across from USF) and has raised $1,500 to Jackson was honored for his “Pajama help cover the medical expenses of Hailey kid is going through stress or sickness, that Buddy Drab Bags,” a program that delivers they should have some animal or friend to Bankhead, an Atlanta girl battling Wilm’s stuffed animals to children in hospitals all cancer (advanced kidney cancer). help get through their time (in the hospiover the world. So far, Jackson has delivHe also recently started another protal),” Jackson explains. ered more than 4,000 stuffed animals and With help from the community, friends gram, so far collecting and delivering 1,200 backpacks filled with supplies to hospitals pairs of “kool sox” (colorful, fun socks) for and family, Jackson has been able to raise in eight states, Germany and China to help a number of organizations, including the money to purchase stuffed animals and ease the fear and loneliness that comes with backpacks that have been filled with eChildren’s Home of East Tampa and the being a hospitalized child. readers, books, iPods, snacks and other gifts Joshua House in Lutz. It all started when Jackson needed “I volunteer because I just love helpthat he started delivering to the Shriner’s surgery on his vocal cords in 2007. ing people,” Jackson explains. “When I see Hospital for Children (located on the Uni“On my way into the operating room, versity of South Florida’s Tampa campus). someone going through a hard time, I want to help them out as much as I can and make a nice nurse handed me a stuffed Clifford He also delivers blankets and other (the Big Red Dog) to hold onto to help their stress go away as much as possible.” items to wounded soldiers and veterans
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New Tampa Childhood Teammates Are University Of Miami Walk-Ons By Matt Wiley
Young football players dream of playing in college for a chance to make it to the NFL. While it’s common for friends to play on the same team in recreational leagues and in high school, it’s not nearly as likely that those same two friends will walk on to the same college team — but that actually is the case for two New Tampa athletes who both have walked on to the University of Miami football team. Jake Romp and Heath Grady, both Tampa Palms residents, grew up playing competitive soccer together in the Blackwatch program and then football together on the New Tampa Sharks and Patriots Pop Warner football programs. Years later, the two began attending Tampa Catholic High (TCH, located off N. Rome Ave. in Tampa) in 2011 and played together on the school’s junior varsity football team, Romp as a slot receiver and Grady as the team’s punter and kicker. After one year, Heath transferred to Freedom High (located off Commerce Park Blvd. in Tampa Palms), where he continued punting and kicking for the Patriots’ varsity football team through his senior year. Grady wrapped his high school career 10-16 in field goals, including one from 49 yards out, and 18-23 in PATs (points after touchdown). Romp remained at TCH, where he joined the varsity football team his sophomore year. During his three varsity seasons,
Romp racked up 265 total receiving yards with 31 catches and four touchdowns. Romp averaged 14.7 receiving yards per game in his 18 games played. He also earned the prestigious 2014 “Heart of Champions” $1,000 scholarship, which only is presented to one male and one female student-athlete in each of the county’s 33 private and public high schools. Romp and Grady played together once again on December 7, 2014, during the Hillsborough County Senior New Tampa residents and life-long teammates Heath Grady (left) and Jake Romp (in green) both will be attending All-Star Football Game, repre- the University of Miami in the fall, as well as playing together as walk-ons on the school’s prestigious football team. senting East Hillsborough. In a As for playing on the same college incoming freshmen was 1331, according to few months, they’ll begin working out and team as his lifelong friend, “It’s pretty statistics from the college’s website. Miami practicing together again at the collegiate crazy. We’ve known each other forever. also was named number 48 on U.S. News level for the Division 1 University of Miami It’s awesome that I’ll have someone that I & World Report’s 2014 annual list of “Best (U-M) Hurricanes, of the Atlantic Coast know there.” Colleges.” Conference. Grady says he thinks playing for FreeRomp says that he plans on bringing “Miami saw something (in me) and new energy to UM’s offense, as well as a dom was a big key to his being offered the offered me a preferred walk-on,” Grady positive attitude. walk-on at UM. explains, adding that he also received offers “That just me,” Romp explains. “I’m “Transferring to public school defifrom the University of Massachusetts in a leader on the field. I plan on showing nitely got me more exposure and playing Amherst (also a Division 1 school in the time (than I was getting at TCH),” he says. people that I may not be on scholarship, Mid-American Conference), as well the Dibut I’m there to play hard.” Romp says that he also is excited vision 1 University of Missouri in ColumRomp also says that he never expected about the chance to play as a Hurricane. bia (part of the Southeastern Conference). that he’d be playing on the same team as “It’s a blessing,” Romp says. “Obvi“I wanted to stay in Florida. It’s a little someone he knew from New Tampa, let ously, it’s a huge privilege to play at such cold at UMass. alone someone he grew up with. a prestigious school.” U-M has won five Grady says his kicking could play a “It’s a cool feeling,” he explains. “I national football championships, and major role in boosting UM’s defense. never would have imagined it.” the average SAT score of this past year’s
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Summer Movie Season Set To Heat Up New Tampa Theater Screens By Matt Wiley
and sand, directed by the helmer of the 1979 original, George Miller.
The sun is out and it’s already hot...way hot. So, even though the calendar only says mid-May as we go to press with this issue, it must be already summer here in the Tampa Bay area. While it’s scalding outside, your local movie theater is always cool — and so are the movies headed to New Tampa’s Muvico Starlight 20 movie theater (located off Highwoods Preserve Pkwy.) and Cobb Theatres Grove 16 (located in The Grove shopping plaza off Oakley Blvd.) in Wesley Chapel. Grab the popcorn and strap in, this summer’s lineup is a doozie! Superheroes, futuristic dystopian desert pillagers, dinosaurs, an entourage, a pothead teddy bear, reboots, cyborgs, impossible missions (and stunts), minions and more superheroes all will be trying to cash in on the 2015 “summer blockbuster” movie season. So, here’s a breakdown by month of the movies we have our eyes on this summer.
“Pitch Perfect 2” (now showing, PG-13): The follow-up to the 2012 original that hit a high note with “Glee” and other high school musical fans, finds the Barden Bellas in an international a capella competition that they have to win to get their groove back. Comedic actress Elizabeth Banks (“Zack & Miri”) directs Anna Kendrick and Rebel Wilson.
May Releases
“Entourage” (June 3, R): It’s been four years since we last saw young movie star Vinny Chase (Adrian Grenier) and co. on HBO. Well, they’re back, agent Ari (Jeremy Piven) is still annoyed and series creator Doug Ellin is in the director’s chair.
“Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron” (now showing, PG-13): Joss Whedon directs Marvel’s finest, together again to battle Tony Stark’s rogue smart robot. Ironman, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow and the Hulk star in what our editor Gary Nager is calling, “the best superhero movie to date, although with a story line only fellow Marvel geeks can truly follow.” After raking in $191.3 million its opening weekend (the 2012 original grabbed $207 million) the film is sure to smash records on screen and at the bank.
“Tomorrowland” (May 22, PG): “Imagine a place where nothing is impossible,” says George Clooney in the trailer for Disney’s new flick about a teen and a jaded, older inventor who travel to a fantasy world in their collective memory. Far out. Brad Bird directs his first live-action picture since 2011’s “Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol.”
June Releases
“Jurassic World” (June 12, PG-13): The park is open. But, not for long. In “Jurassic World,” scientists genetically engineer the resurrection of the dinosaurs and stick them in a theme park, surrounded by humans (read: food). Oh, and they invented a big, extra-smart T-rex. Nothing could ever go wrong. Wink, wink. It’s not the original, but it’s still Jurassic Park. I plan to go. Funnyman Chris Pratt (“Guardians “Mad Max: Fury Road” (now showing, R): It’s not Mel Gibson and it’s not the of the Galaxy”) carries the classic ‘90s franchise reboot, set 22 years after the events 80s, but Mad Max is back and played by Tom Hardy (Bane from “The Dark Knight of the original, directed by Colin Trevorrow (“Safety Not Guaranteed”). Rises”). The “Road Warrior” reboot looks full of intense action sequences, lots of fire See “Summer Movies” on page 45.
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‘Summer Movies’
Continued from page 43 “Inside Out” (June 19, PG): Pixar can do no wrong. The animation studio regularly plays with audience emotions and this time, these tech wizards have created a film that literally is about the emotions inside our brains, voiced by Amy Poehler (“Parks & Recreation”) and Bill Hader (“Saturday Night Live”). “Ted 2” (June 26, R): At this point, you either love director Seth MacFarlane (“Family Guy”)’s brand of humor or you hate it. But, everyone loves fuzzy, foulmouthed, pot-smoking teddy bears, right? The sequel finds the title character fighting for his right to make a baby with his wife, using Mark Wahlberg’s... well, you can probably guess where this is going.
July Releases
“Terminator: Genisys” (July 1, R): The Governator (“Ahnold” Schwarzenegger) told you he’d “be back,” and he returns in multiple forms in a franchise reboot of the fight between the human race and self-aware computers and cyborgs, with enough twists and timetraveling turns to make Einstein go crosseyed. “Come with me if you want… to be confused.” “Minions” (July 10, PG): Let’s be honest, the best part of the two animated “Despicable Me” movies were the strange, adorable, little yellow minions. Well, now they’ve got their own origin story about working for super villain Scarlet Overkill. Sandra Bullock (“Miss Congeniality”) plays Scarlet and Jon Hamm (“Mad Men”), who plays Scarlet’s also-evil husband, lend their voices. “Ant-Man” (July 17, Not Yet Rated): Comic actor Paul Rudd (“Anchorman II”) suits up as Marvel’s Ant-Man, in a suit that makes him microscopic and as strong as the Hulk when he’s small. It’s Marvel. It’ll be fun. Peyton Reed (“Yes Man”) directs. “Trainwreck” (July 17, R): Amy Schumer, who has proven her comedic chops with her Comedy Central sketch
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TV show “Inside Amy Schumer,” makes her starring, big-screen debut as a woman who’s really good at being single, but feels butterflies when she hangs out with sports doc Bill Hader (“Saturday Night Live”). Judd Apatow (“Knocked Up”) directs. “Vacation” (July 29, R): The last time Clark Griswold (Chevy Chase) went to Wally World, he punched Marty Moose in the nose and shot the late, great John Candy with a bb gun. He’s not going with the Griswold family this time around (that we know about), but grown up Rusty (Ed Helms) and his family are. Don’t worry, Chevy and Beverly D’Angelo are confirmed cameos in the film directed by John Francis Daley and Jonathan M. Goldstein, the guys behind “Horrible Bosses.” “Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation” (July 31, PG-13): Tom Cruise keeps going on impossible missions full of insane stunts that he won’t let a stunt double do. This time, he straps himself to the outside of a plane as it takes off. No, really, he did it. For real.
August Releases
“Fantastic Four” (August 7, PG-13): Marvel’s cosmic-powered foursome (photo) is back to round out the summer’s superhero smorgasbord, with different takes on Mr. Fantastic, the Invisible Woman, Human Torch and the Thing (all played by different actors than in the two previous FF films) and even a different origin story, directed by Josh Trank (“Chronicle”). Check out the trailers for all of these at NTNeighborhoodNews.com. Which movies are you most looking forward to seeing this summer?
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Hunter’s Green Country Club Is NOT For HG Residents Only! By Gary Nager When I moved to Hunter’s Green in 1995, Hunter’s Green Country Club (HGCC) was already a few years old and the centerpiece of an exciting new community in an area which was first referred to as “New Tampa” only a year or so earlier. My family first bought a membership at HGCC in ‘95 and it was always a beautiful, 6,900-yard, Tom Fazio-designed golf course with “environmental integrity.” (Note-Fazio has 40 years in the golf course design business, and his website, FazioDesign.com, says that “no living golf course designer has more courses listed on Golf Digest’s top-100 courses than Fazio does). The club also features an elegant clubhouse, a great pro shop, driving and practice area, wonderful golf pros (led by head golf pro Doug Brown, plus an amazing array of 17 championship-caliber Har-Tru (clay) tennis courts and lots of outstanding benefits and amenities for its members. The only problem back then, in my opinion, was that it never really had great food, at least not the kind of top-quality chef-created cuisine you’d expect at an upscale, private country club inside an elegant, gated community. Well, if it’s been a while since you’ve checked out HGCC, you owe it to yourself to check it out again — even if you don’t live in the Hunter’s Green community! HGCC membership director Ann Pereira and member relations director Ashley Allen-Nelson stress that although HGCC is a private club owned by Club Corp. of
Membership director Ann Pereira (left) and member relations director Ashley Allen-Nelson invite you to check out Hunter’s Green Country Club’s recently redesigned Fazio’s Grill (top right) and impressive pro shop. America (CCA), “the largest owner and HGCC and he promises operator of private clubs worldwide,” Ann that new menu items and says, membership in the club is available to specials are in the process everyone, regardless of where you live. of being added. We’ll talk In fact, Ann adds, “Today, fewer than more about the food after 50 percent of our members actually live in running down the benefits Hunter’s Green, although more than 80 of membership at HGCC. percent of our members live in New Tampa, Your HGCC membership allows you to Wesley Chapel and the surrounding complay golf and enjoy privileges at more than munities.” 300 top-quality CCA-owned-and-operated The club recently completed major im- (and allied) clubs and resorts in more than provements to the restaurant and bar area, 20 countries around the world, including known as Fazio’s Grille, and although curnearly 40 right here in Florida (including rent executive chef Ed Steinhoff (who previ- Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club, Carously was with the Temple Terrace Country rollwood Country Club, the Tampa Club Club) didn’t create the current menu, he has and the Centre Club, right here in Tampa, definitely upgraded the dining experience at plus Feather Sound, Countryside and East
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Lake Woodlands Country Clubs in Clearwater). HGCC membership also provides you with special access and privileges at more than 1,000 CCA-affiliated hotels and restaurants, including more than a dozen hotels and 20 restaurants (including The Capital Grille and Roy’s) in Florida alone. And, if you upgrade to a Tampa Bay Society membership, you’ll get complimentary and discounted golf and fitness, dining
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Among our favorite dishes so far at HGCC are the (clockwise from above) the crab cakes appetizer, the gnocchi pasta in pesto sauce topped with grilled chicken, the prime rib special, the caprese pasta with grilled chicken and the rainbow trout special. and access to social and networking events, members-only benefits at local restaurants and retailers and Ticketline (a premium ticket service with VIP seating for concerts, theatre and sporting events and more. But, even if you only plan to spend your time at HGCC, you won’t be disappointed with the Tennis Athletic Center (TAC), which has a great pool, those amazing tennis courts, spinning, personal training and other group and individual exercise opportunities and a playroom for kids. Plus, you’ll receive bar code access to get inside the entrance gates, like an HGCC resident, when you join. And speaking of kids, HGCC offers excellent children’s programming including after-care, kids movie nights, parents nights out, a Kids Club, summer day camps, junior tennis and golf camps and clinics, a swim team and lots of great holiday events. And, you parents can enjoy amazing Club Wine Dinners, trivia nights, karaoke, bingo, “Yappy” Hours and more. HGCC will host its annual Memorial
Day party at the TAC on Monday, May 25, an End-of-School-Year Party on Friday, June 12, a Father’s Day BBQ on Sunday, June 21, and more.
So, About The Food...
I can honestly say that I have been pleasantly surprised by the food the last few times I have eaten at HGCC. I always loved the great grilled hamburgers, but I also recently enjoyed Chef Ed’s outstanding overstuffed (with real crab) crab cakes (with roasted corn salsa and a semi-spicy creamy sriracha sauce) and spicy Buffalo wings when I brought some of our Neighborhood News employees out to try it. My favorite dish so far was a thick, 14oz. prime rib special, which was served with excellent homemade horseradish sauce and au jus. We also had a chance to sample the homemade gnocchi with pesto sauce, sundried tomatoes and pine nuts, and we added grilled chicken. Office and marketing assistants Jill Reilly and Erica Everett both loved
the caprese pasta, which had fresh tomatoes, mozzarella and tomato sauce topped with grilled chicken. Assistant editor Matt Wiley also was impressed with the pan-fried rainbow trout special and the jalapeño martini, although the daily signature drink at Fazio’s is the “Filthy” Black Cherry Manhattan. I also look forward to trying the grilled NY strip steak, the flat iron steak with pommes frites, the grilled mahi-mahi and the chicken fried chicken. Chef Ed also offers Wing Night on
Tuesdays, special chef features and wine specials on Fridays, a la carte breakfasts on Saturday mornings, Pasta Nights and more. In other words, if you’re like me, it may have been a while since you’ve visited HGCC. If so, you should definitely give Ann a call at the club (contact info below) and arrange a tour. HGCC is located at 18101 Longwater Run Dr. For more information, visit ClubCorp.com/Clubs/Hunter-s-GreenCountry-Club or call 973-1000.
19062 Bruce B Downs Tampa, FL 33647
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 11 • May 23, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Dine Or Dash — For Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & So Much More! By Gary Nager
If you’re looking for a casual mom & pop kind of place to eat with fast, friendly service and truly delicious food for breakfast, lunch or dinner — all at great prices — you definitely should try the new Dine or Dash. Located in the space in the Publixanchored New Tampa Center plaza (about two miles south of the Pasco County line on Bruce B. Downs {BBD} Blvd.) previously occupied by La Cubanita Café, Dine or Dash owners Andrew and Becky Kail have retained (and upgraded) many of the former owners’ Cuban dishes, but also have added a great variety of Italian and American favorites, as well as a complete breakfast menu available throughout the day.
Becky, who previously owned her own successful restaurant in her native Detroit, and Andrew, who says he has spent most of his adult working life with a variety of national chain restaurant concepts, are excited about the prospects for Dine or Dash. “We love the look of the restaurant, the design of our menu and the reactions so far to the food and the place itself,” Becky says. “We hope everyone who reads the New Tampa Neighborhood News will come in, tell us they read about us and give us a try.” I definitely plan to help with that, Becky. The first dish I knew I had to sample for breakfast was the challah French toast, which features some of the tastiest, fluffiest French toast ever, with a hint of
cinnamon. It’s served with two eggs (I had them over easy), and your choice of bacon, sausage links or patties. I substituted Becky’s unique hash brown casserole, which includes not only a layer of delicious melted cheese but also a unique flavor twist with a hint of sour cream. Yum! And yes, it came out extra crispy, as I ordered it. I’ve also enjoyed Dine or Dash’s tasty bacon, egg and cheese Dine or Dash owners Becky and Andrew Kail invite you to check sandwich on grilled out their unique new restaurant on BBD in New Tampa, where you Cuban can enjoy homemade Cuban sandwiches (below left) , ropa vieja and toast some truly awesome challah French toast (below, far left). and look fice assistant Jill Reilly loved the combo of forward to trying the three-egg omelets, ham, pulled pork, salami, Swiss cheese and ribeye steak & eggs, blueber- pickles on the Cuban). I’ve also enjoyed the breaded whitery or chocolate chip pancakes fish entrée, the Mediterranean chicken and breakfast burritos. and the breaded steak Siciliano at Dine For lunch or dinner, or Dash and graphic artist Nate Ciurla I don’t think you can go wrong at Dine or Dash. With raved about the chicken parmigiana dinner, which (like many of Dine or Dash’s great Cuban specialties like ropa vieja, roast pork in mojo entrées) is available in small or large sizes. My favorite dish so far, however, is sauce, empanadas, deviled the pasta with broccoli, which was served crab, ham croquettes and al denté in a light garlic butter sauce great Cuban sandwiches (of-
(Off Bruce B. Downs)
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& h p g a
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and served with garlic bread. I added perfectly grilled chicken to mine and demolished the entire meal, after promising myself to take half home for later. I haven’t sampled any of the sandwiches other than the steak Siciliano, but there’s everything from a Cuban BLT to breaded or grilled whitefish, a chicken club and a Kosher-style Boar’s Head hot dog served in what Becky calls a Michigan Original Coney Island dog, served with no-bean chili, onions and mustard. The children’s menu (for ages 12 & under) includes everything from homemade chicken strips and fries to pasta with marinara sauce, a Cuban grilled cheese and fries, mac & cheese and more, all for just $4-$5 each. As for desserts, Dine or Dash still has great items in a bakery display — many of which are house-made, like the authentic trés lechés, cakes, flan and more and Andrew also let us sample the unique and decadent waffle ice cream sandwich. And, all of the dessert items go great with Dine or Dash’s delicious café con leché, espresso or American coffee.
Some of our other Dine or Dash favorites include (clockwise from above) he pasta with broccoli (and added grilled chicken), the decadent waffle ice cream sandwich, the tender chicken parmigiana dinner and savory ropa vieja.
Catering & ‘Dash Meals To Go!’
Dine or Dash also can handle just about any size catering order, even for up to 100 people or more. From sandwich and salad box lunches to buffet-style meals with everything from Swedish (or Italian) meatballs to chicken cacciatore and picadillo, pasta trays and so much more, you definitely should call when planning your next party. Becky and Andrew also are proud of their new “Dash Meals to Go,” where you can get up to an entire week’s worth of delicious meals prepared for you to pick up on
Monday and serve to your entire family. All you do is send an email to DashMeals@dine-or-dash.com to get each week’s weekly specials. Then, place your order by Friday and you can pick up your selections on Monday.
Dine or Dash (19040 BBD Blvd.) is open Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-9 p.m., 7 a.m.-4 p.m. on Saturday and 8 a.m.4 p.m. on Sunday. For more info, call 632-9100, visit Dine-or-Dash.com or see the ad on page 55 of this issue.
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The Latest & Greatest News About Dining, Shopping, Retail & More In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel!
Holiday Inn Express Coming To S.R. 56, Near Ice Rink
Photo by StephenZane.com
As work continues on the Florida Hospital Center Ice complex (see page 17), there could soon be even more construction along Cypress Ridge Blvd. (off S.R. 56, near I-75) in Wesley Chapel, as a Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites (photo, right) will border the ice rink to the south, right across Cypress Ridge Blvd. from the existing Hampton Inn & Suites. According to documents filed with Pasco County, the four-story, 13,036-sq.-ft. Holiday Inn Express will be built on 2.57 acres in the Cypress Creek Development of Regional Impact, located at the northeast corner of the S.R. 56 and I-75 interchange. The hotel will feature 82 rooms, 83 parking spaces, a patio and a pool. We’ve also heard that a Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott is planned for the south side of S.R. 56 (also east of I-75), although no further details were available at our press time.— MW
“We couldn’t be happier with the turnout,” Travis said afterward. “Every-one really seemed to enjoy the silly photography (provided by Stephen Zane of StephenZane.com), especially after a martini or two.” Wine and soft drinks also were available for those (like me) who don’t do martinis (or, in my case, any kind of white alcohol). For more information about Fit 4 Life, see the ad on page 52, visit MyF4L.com or call 907-7879.
Fit 4 Life Crew Celebrates Again With Clients
Chipotle & Cantina Getting Ready To Open
My friends Travis and Fiona Monday, the owners of Fit 4 Life Personal Training & Physical Therapy Studio, located at 17419 Bridge Hill Ct., in the Tampa Palms Professional Center; see this issue’s page 3 editorial & photo, top right), have again held a wonderful event (on Apr. 22, catered by Stonewood Grill & Tavern) for the studio’s annual Open House & Martini Party for its existing and prospective clients. At least 100 people, including many long-time clients like yours truly, came through the big doors at Fit 4 Life, which also gave prospective clients a chance to check out the studio and Travis and Fiona’s awesome staff of trainers and therapists.
Despite the ongoing proliferation of Mexican and “Southwestern” restaurants already in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel, our area is about to add two more such restaurants, another link in a popular chain we first reported about back in January and another we knew very little about at our press time. The former Bed Pros location on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. (in the same plaza as Panera Bread in front of Best Buy in The Walk at Highwoods Preserve) is getting very close to becoming the New Tampa area’s first-ever Chipotle (photo, right), the international chain with more than 1,700 company-owned locations (no franchises) in the U.S., Canada, United
Kingdom, Germany and France. Although Chipotle’s corporate unit hasn’t yet announced an official opening date for the New Tampa location, a manager at the Chipotle on N. Dale Mabry in Carrollwood said that he expects it to be open by August or September of this year. He also said that his store had not yet been contacted by the corporate office to see if their employees could help out with the opening. For more info and an opening date announcement, visit Chipotle. com or any of the ten locations in Tampa and Brandon. Meanwhile, in the Cross Creek Center plaza on Cross Creek Blvd. at
Kinnan St., the former location of La Fuente Mexican Restaurant will again be home to a Mexican restaurant to be called Cantina (below right). We had no further information about Cantina — who the owners are, what the menu will be like,when it will open, etc. — at our press time, but stay tuned to NTNeighborhoodNews.com for updates.
Wesley Chapel Chamber Calendar Still Busy
The Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber
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of Commerce (WCCC) is finally winding down from its busiest season, but that doesn’t mean that there still aren’t multiple ways to get involved with this dynamic Chamber this month — and most of the events are free to attend. First, to recap just a few of the great events that the Chamber has hosted/sponsored since our last issue include ribboncutting events for Bricks 4 Kidz on Apr. 23 (photo top left on this page), as well as at Florida Aesthetics & Medical Weight Loss (FloridaAesthetics.com, 345-4046; see the ad on pg. 21), located in the Oak Ramble shopping plaza on BBD south of Tampa Palms, which cut a ribbon with the WCCC on Apr. 28 (photo above center). Bricks 4 Kidz owner Ayesha Rodriguez says Bricks 4 Kidz classes, camps and even birthday parties provide an extraordinary atmosphere for children, where, “We learn, we build, we play… with LEGO® bricks.”
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The programs are built around Bricks 4 Kidz’s proprietary model plans, designed by engineers and architects, with exciting themes such as space, construction, superheroes and amusement parks. “At Bricks 4 Kidz, we believe that kids learn best through activities that engage their curiosity and creativity,” Rodriguez says. For more info, call 841-2120; visit Bricks4Kidz. com/florida-wesleychapel, or see the ad in our Summer Camp Guide on pg. 30). “This is our second location,” said Florida Aesthetics managing director Abida Saleh, before cutting a Chamber ribbon at the new locale. “We’ve been established in the Brandon area for years. We’ve already had a very warm welcome and this place will only grow.” Florida Aesthetics offers a comprehensive portfolio of skin care and weight loss programs to help people look and feel their best, under the medical direction of Mo-
hamad Saleh, M.D., Abida’s brother-in-law. We also attended a WCCC ribbon cutting at the New Tampa Family YMCA (located on Compton Dr. in Tampa Palms), which officially opened a new outdoor conditioning area (photo above right) on April 30. The Chamber also contributed a ribbon and scissors to the opening of the New Tampa Rotary Dog Park in Tampa Palms on May 2 (see story & photos on pg. 4). Sadly, we weren’t able to attend the WCCC’s third annual golf tournament (which was held on May 15, the day we went to press with this issue) at Lake Jovita Golf & Country Club in Dade City. Among the upcoming events scheduled before our next New Tampa issue reaches your mailbox are the Chamber’s “Meet & Greet Mixer” at Grow Financial in Wesley Chapel (2579 BBD) on Thursday, May 28, 9 a.m.; and a ribbon cutting at the new Wesley Chapel location of
Tampa Bay Jaw & Facial Surgery (29164 Chapel Park Dr.), also on Thursday, May 28, but at 4:30 p.m. Dr. Michael Barbick, MD, DMD, of Tampa Bay Jaw & Facial Surgery, has an existing location on N. Dale Mabry in Carrollwood, and he will be joined at the new Wesley Chapel location by Dr. Neeraj Nagella, MD, DMD, DDS. For more info about the practice, visit TBJAFS.com. The Chamber also will host yet another “Final Friday” free networking event on Friday, May 29, 4 p.m.-6 p.m., at Pebble Creek Country Club (10550 Regents Park Dr., off BBD). There’s also a free Monthly Chamber Coffee Social on Tuesday, June 16, 8 a.m., at the McDonald’s at 34367 S.R. 54 in Wesley Chapel. For more info about these and other upcoming Chamber events, or for membership info, call 994-8534 or visit WesleyChapelChamber.com.
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New Tampa & Wesley Chapel HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE AGENT - Award-winning Real Estate team with an overflow of serious buyer leads is seeking to hire talented experienced and motivated full time real estate agents whose desire is to earn more money, expand their horizons and have a fulfilling life. Great training available.. Keller Williams Tampa Properties. Contact Annette with Team Bohannon (813) 431-2840. PHYSICAL THERAPIST (PT) - An established New Tampa outpatient clinic is hiring a part-time PT to provide customized, one-on-one care. Fax resume to (813) 994-3080. MEDICAL BILLER - Spanish-speaking Medical Biller wanted for New Tampa Medical Equipment Company. Duties: Gathers billing information by reviewing patient records; checking for completeness. Bills insurance carrier by inputting billing info to database; initiating electronic transmissions. Resolves disputed claims by gathering, verifying & providing additional information; following up on claims. Resolves discrepancies by examining and evaluating data; selecting corrective steps. Skills/Qualifications: Data Entry Skills, Microsoft Office Proficiency, Time Management, Organization, Professionalism, Customer service and Attention to Detail. Please forward your resume to: Richard.Jones@solarusmedical.com. WING ZONE IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR POSITIONS - Including shift leader, cooks, cashiers and delivery drivers. Wing Zone offers flexible scheduling, competitive pay wages, advancement opportunities and much more. Come join out team of flavorholics and wing lovers at Wing Zone. Applications are available at store location: 19062 Bruce B Downs. Corner of Cross Creek in the New Tampa Center. NOW HIRING STYLIST - Upscale hair salon seeks hairstylist. Please inquire within... 6431 Country Line Road, Suite 107 Tampa, FL 33647 Contact (813) 994-9455 ROUTE SALES, MEDICAL Fills customer orders by driving to customer accounts within Florida; unloading and shelving product, inventory verification, order retreival. Increase sales volume by providing customer service and suggestive selling techniques. Fills order by verifying inventory; loading vehicle. Monthly overnight travel requirement 2 nights a month. Retrieves damaged/defective products from customer locations; keeps vehicle operating by following operating instructions; scheduling maintenance and repairs. Send resumes to: richard.jones@solarusmedical.com
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SPACE AVAILABLE - Private suite in busy upscale Salon / SPA available for Hairstylist / Aesthetician / Massage Therapist / Tattoo Artist or Makeup Artist Located Behind Sam’s club on SR 56 / Bruce B. Downs, near Wiregrass Mall. Equipped with wireless internet, wash/dryer, wheelchair access washroom, reception area. 24 x 7 accesses to your suite. Few equipment provided Utility, maintenance included in rent. Lowest rent in the Area. If you have established clientele, opportunity to work on commission basis as well. Call 813-997-3414 for more information.
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TUTORING - Infinite Edge is located in Tampa Palms & offers tutoring in all subjects, including Math, English & SAT, ACT & FCAT tests, 1st-12th grade. We also offer AP classes and last year, our students scored a 5 on any AP subject in which we helped. Please call (813) 971-6500. Great Hope Preschool - We offer preschool for ages 6 weeks to 12 years. We accept the ELC School Readiness program, offer FREE VPREK and offer multi child discounts. New owner and renovated classrooms. Now enrolling all age groups. Infants-Afterschool. Mention this ad and receive 1/2 off enrollment fees. TOUR TODAY!!! 30126 State Road 54 Wesley Chapel, FL 813-929-6276 or 813-323-8030.
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Tampa Palms Girl To Compete In ‘Miss Florida Princess’ Finals By Matt Wiley
The winner of the annual National American Miss beauty pageant could be a girl from right here in New Tampa. Lilly Jo Rosson (photos), 5, of Tampa Palms, has been selected as a state finalist in the National American Miss Florida pageant’s “Princess Division,” which is comprised of about 80 girls, each competing for the title of “Miss Florida Princess” during the weekend of July 17-18 in Orlando at the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress. “It’s going to be so much fun,” Lilly says. Lilly’s father John says that the family was contacted by the National American Miss company, urging them to have Lilly try out at the Tampa Convention Center in February. “This is all new to us,” he says. “They reached out to us.” John says that the he thinks a parent of a previous contestant suggested them for the competition and passed along the family’s contact info. He says that they received both a flier in the mail and a message on Facebook.com. Lilly’s mother Heather says that, since Lilly found out that she would be part of the competition, she has been practicing around the house with a plastic microphone, reciting her full name, where she’s from (Tampa), her favorite food (spaghetti) and what she wants to be when she grows up (“an animal doctor”). The Q&A will be part of the interview portion of the competition. She also will be performing a
tap-dance/ballet routine. “Our goal is to prepare them with life skills for the future,” says National American Miss spokesperson Lakeisha Edwards. “We teach them self-confidence, poise and interview skills. Every aspect of the competition relates back to a life skill.” The pageant consists of four competitions: formal wear, a personal introduction, an interview and community involvement. The formal wear section encourages young ladies to walk and stand before crowds with confidence, the personal introduction is meant to introduce the girls to public speaking and the interview section helps the girls learn to make good eye contact and answer questions with confidence at a young age. Contestants in Lilly’s age bracket will be asked to name their favorite color, book, movie, TV show and animal, as well as what they want to be when they grow up and why they want to be named “Princess” for the state. Contestants also take part in a community project during the weekend. Lilly and the other contestants also will be bringing children’s books and school supplies to donate to local charities. “The competition will help me not be afraid to talk in front of a lot of people and to make new friends,” Lilly says, adding that she’s excited to get to dress up like a princess. She says she wants to make it to the national competition, but really just wants to do her best locally and have fun. “We want (the girls) to know that
they can do anything,” Edwards says. “We try to help them learn the confidence to step out from behind mom’s skirt.” For more information, please visit NAMiss.com, or to help sponsor Lilly, visit GoFundMe.com/Lilly Rosson. Funds raised will go towards paying the competition’s sponsor fee, purchasing her evening gown and interview attire, as well as helping to pay for the trip. At our press time, she had already raised $790 of her $1,000 goal.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 23, Issue 11 • May 23, 2015 • NTNeighborhoodNews.com
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