Volume 21 Issue 12
June 8, 2013
Local High Schools Graduate Nearly 800! See page 27!
The Direct-Mail News Magazines Serving New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Since 1993! THIS INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY NEWS MAGAZINE IS DIRECTLY MAILED TO: WESLEY CHAPEL: Aberdeen • Belle Chase • Bridgewater • Brookside • Chapel Pines • Country Walk • Lexington Oaks • Meadow Pointe • New River • Northwood • Pinewalk • Pine Ridge Saddlebrook • Saddleridge Estates • Saddlewood • Seven Oaks • The Lakes at Northwood • The Villages of Wesley Chapel • Watergrass • Wesley Pointe • Westbrook Estates • Williamsburg NEW TAMPA: Arbor Greene • Cory Lake Isles • Cross Creek • Easton Park • Grand Hampton • Heritage Isles • Hunter’s Green • Hunter’s Key • K-Bar Ranch Lake Forest • Live Oak Preserve • Pebble Creek • Richmond Place • Tampa Palms • The Hammocks • West Meadows
S.R. 54 Widening (E. Of Curley Rd.) Project Gets Mixed Public Reaction By Matt Wiley Despite the recent widening of S.R. 54 between I-75 and Curley Rd., traversing S.R. 54 can be a challenge once the busy roadway slims down to two lanes east of Curley Rd. However, what poses an even greater challenge right now is widening the two-lane portion of 54 to a four-lane divided highway, while appeasing public opinion in communities where access could potentially be restricted by medians. Inside the sanctuary of Atonement Lutheran Church, located on S.R. 54, on the evening of May 9, Wesley Chapel and Zephyrhills residents crowded around large boards displaying aerial views of the future of this portion of S.R. 54: a four lane divided road stretching 4.5 miles from Curley Rd. east to Morris Bridge Rd. The 1.4-mile section from Curley Rd. to Foxwood Blvd. also will include an auxiliary lane in each direction, expanding S.R. 54 to a six-lane divided road. The project, which is estimated to cost about $37.8-million and funded by the Florida Department of Transportation
(FDOT), also will include four-foot-wide bike lanes, as well as a five-foot-wide sidewalk on one side and an eight-foot-wide paved walking path along S.R. 54 from Curley Rd. to Morris Bridge Rd. The FDOT public meeting was the first glimpse for most residents of the potential design of this section of the widened road. The design of the roadway, which is about 60-percent complete, provided a first-hand look for residents at how access to communities and businesses along S.R. 54 could be affected by the project. “We do these meetings for the public every so often to get their input,” said FDOT District 7 spokeswoman Kris Carson. “Tonight, the biggest issue has been medians and access. We’re just trying to let the public know what the design looks like. We can accommodate some requests, especially for businesses, but there are median spacing rules for safety.” While access to some communities and businesses may become more convenient, with turn lanes and breaks in the median, the opposite also is true for others, as access could become more difficult, in many cases
requiring a U-turn for traffic heading in one direction to be able to head the other way. In the current plans, on the south side of S.R. 54, communities that will experience a change in access include Ashley Pines at Smith Rd.; Country Crossings at Foxwood Blvd.; the Brookshire Estates at Brook Manor Dr.; the neighborhoods at Linda Dr. and Ernest Dr. and the new Ashton Oaks community at Ashton Oaks Blvd. This section of FDOT’s design of the widening of S.R. 54 between The change in access Curley Rd. and Morris Bridge Rd. demonstrates the right-turnoptions will restrict residents in, right-turn-out that Ashton Oaks and many other residents to a right-turn-in, right-turn- will be faced with when medians are installed. Photo: FDOT out onto eastbound S.R. 54. However, left turn lanes are included into tion bidding until the summer of 2015, the communities from westbound S.R. 54. with construction potentially beginning Although FDOT is showing plans to that fall. Zephyrhills resident Arthur Glennon the public for the project as it continues to said was neither surprised by the design, nor work to finalize those plans during the next several months, Carson says that the project isn’t expected to be put out for construcSee “S.R. 54” on page 34.
Tomas ‘Tommy’ Gonzalez To Be Pasco’s New County Administrator
Stacie Lenners Is Leukemia Society’s ‘Woman Wesley Chapel & Wiregrass Ranch High Classes Of The Year,’ WC Honorary Mayor Races Of 2013 Walk The SunDome Stage, Happy Kick Off, Weightman PTSA Treasurer Arrested Cow (Soft) Serves Up Smiles, Plus More For Embezzlement & More! Neighborhood Nibbles & Biz Bytes!
Pages 1-26
Pages 27-40
See “Gonzalez” on page 34.
didn’t want it renewed or if it was the Irving City Council that decided not to renew it. Gonzalez currently is set to serve as interim city manager until October. “I just want to make sure he’s committed,” Mulieri said. Tomas (“Tommy”) Gonzalez “New ideas are good and new people can be good,” Mulieri also said later in the meeting. “And I do think we need a bridge. Gallagher is leaving. I think there has to be someone there who
Also Inside This Issue!
County, FL’s administrator, before his contract was terminated last October. “I think this process has been one that has been extremely transparent to the public,” said BOCC chairman Ted Schrader. “We’ve made every effort to distance ourselves from the internal candidate (Baker). I think that demonstrates the openness of this Board to make sure that our search led us to who we all feel like is the right person for this job. Procedurally, we obviously have never done this before.” Although Gonzalez, 46, was chosen by a unanimous 5-0 vote, several commissioners raised concerns and it seemed as though it would be a tough choice between Baker, who has worked for Pasco for 20 years (the past six years in administration) and Gonzalez. Johnson and Oliver were ruled out early in the meeting. District 2 Commissioner Pat Mulieri expressed concern that Gonzalez’s city manager contract in Irving had not been renewed and that it wasn’t clear whether he
Postal Customer
The debate is over and the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) has chosen a replacement for retiring administrator John Gallagher: Tomas “Tommy” Gonzalez, who currently is the city manager of Irving, TX (near Dallas). Current Pasco chief assistant county administrator Michele Baker is serving as interim administrator until a contract is negotiated with Gonzalez.
On May 28, the BOCC met for a special meeting in Dade City with one order of business to discuss: replacing Gallagher, who has been Pasco’s county administrator for the last 31 years. A list of more than 60 applicants had been narrowed down to four, each of whom interviewed individually with the BOCC on May 25. Among the final four were Gonzalez, Baker, Hillsborough County director of strategic planning Eric Johnson and Randy Oliver, who previously served as Escambia
Dated Material Please Rush!
By Matt Wiley
Delivering Deli iveerriingg A World Woorrld l Class Exp Experience... erriiencce... e One Client A Att A T Time ime i MEADOW POINTE
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A Adorable doraable 2 story story home home w with ith 1st 1st flo floor or master master ssuite. uite. 2180 SgF SgFt, t, 3 B Bed ed w with ith loft, loft, 2.5 B Bath. ath. L Large arge ffenced en e ced b back ack yard yard on on wooded wooded conservation. conservation. Front Front Porch. Porch. Ga Gated. ted. SShort hort Sa Sale. le. Offered Off ffeered at at $189,900. Please Please ccall all JJennifer enniffer e Kibiger Kibiger at at 813/469-1481 -1481 for for more more details. details.
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This uniq This unique que u p property roperty lo located cated in the the gated gaated Preakness Preakness Village V illage within within Lexington Lexington Oaks Oaks Community Community has has 4 beds, beds, 3 ffull ull baths, batths, 2 half half baths, batths, a three three car car garage gaara r ge plus plus a p pool, ool, bonus b onus room room and and home home o office. ffice. Y You ou w will ill love love the the custom custom cchef hef ’’ss kkitchen itchen and and conservation conservation view. view. Contact Contact the the H&H tteam eam ffor or a sshowing. howing. C Call all Kim Kiim or or Tammy Tamm m y 813-453-5657 813-451-8159 for for more infformation. more information.
SStunning tunning B Brand rand N New Westbay ew W Wes e tbay E Executive xecutive H Home ome w with ith 5B Bedrooms, edrooms, B Bonus onus R Room, oom, D Den, en, 4 B Baths aths w with ith 12’ C Ceilings, eilings, Crown Crown Molding, Molding, Gourmet Gourmet K Kitchen, itchen, E Exxttended ended Lanai, Lanai, D Deep eep Homesite Homesite o on nC Cul ul D Dee Sac sstreet. treet. C Contact ontact C Cynthia ynthia Filippi Filippi 813-784-1634.
SStunning tunning aand nd imm immaculate aculate 4/3/3 in ga gated ted co community. mmunity. B Bamboo amboo ceramic ceramic ttile ile floors, floors, gourmet gourmet kitchen kitchen open open to to o oversized versized Family Family Room, Room, impressive impressive master master b bedroom edroom ssuite uite w with ith llarge arge wa walk-in lk-in closet. closet. C Call all Vicki Vicki Derbes Derbes for for m more ore inf information formation 813-924-3191
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JUST RED JUST REDUCED UCED - 3298 ssq q ft, 4/3/3 + office office + over over sized size d bonus bonus room, room, w/private w/private conservation conservation lot! lot! Beautiful B eautifful kitchen kitchen overlooking overlooking fa family amily rroom oom w/s w/soaring oaring ceilings. cei lings. First First level level owner’s owner’s suite, suite, second second level level secondsecondaary ry beds, beds, sspacious pacious ttheatre/bonus heatre/bonus rroom oom - iit’s t’s a m must ust ssee! ee! En Enjoy joy entertaining entertaining family family and and friends friends w with ith this this home’s h ome’s aamazing mazing o outdoor utdoor rretreat; etreat; featuring featuring a custom custom pebble-tec p ebble-tec saltwater saltwater pool pool w/stone w/stone wa waterfall terfall & 12 person p erson spa! spa! Off Offered ffeered at at $469,900. Call C all Natalie Natalie Miller Miller TODAY TODAY 813-758-8020
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UNDER C UNDER CONTRACT ONTRACT - 5 Bed, Bed, 4 Bath, Bath, B Bonus onus R Rm, m, &3C Car. ar. Q Quality uality upgrades upgrades thru-out: thru-out: 42”cabinets 42”ccabinets w/ crown cr own molding, molding, stainless stainless steel steel aappliances, ppliances, granite, granite, sstone tone ffront, ront, ttile ile on on the the diagonal, diagonal, Frieze Frieze carpet, carpet, upgraded u pgraded lighting, lighting, security security system. system. Extended Extended lanai lanai with w ith insulated insulated roof roof and and brick brick p pavers. avers. Vinyl Vinyl fence, fen e ce, extensive ext ensive landscaping, landscaping, custom custom co concrete ncrete ccurbing urbing & outdoor o utdoor lighting. lighting. Offered Off ffeered at ff at $325,000. Debbie Debbie and and Robert R obert M Marvin arvin 813-892-3917.
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Serving Ser viing N New eew T Tampa aampa am & W Wesley eesley Chap Chapel peel
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Editorial — Two Friends Step Up To Compete For Honorary Mayor An editorial by Gary Nager There’s no doubt that our lives as Americans (and Wesley Chapel residents and business owners), are pretty hectic and that there are plenty of things you can do with your time that don’t include helping other people. So, in this observer’s humble opinion, anyone who spends any of their precious available free time to help others in need is praiseworthy and deserves to receive at least some of that praise in the pages of this publication — even though, most of the time, these helpful folks are too busy to worry about or are truly not interested in “publicity” for their generous acts. A case in point is the title of “Honorary Mayor of Wesley Chapel,” which is bestowed each year by the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC) on the person who raises the most money (of anyone “running” for the title that year) for a charitable cause (or causes) each “candidate” selects for his or herself. The second place candidate in terms of fund raising earns the title of “Deputy Honorary Mayor.” Now, there have been some years that there have been more than two people running for this “honor,” which “allows” you to attend and “preside over” ribbon cuttings and make appearances wearing a sash (if you so choose) at WCCC events. And yes, there probably is some business benefit to being seen in pictures in this and other local publications every time you hold a piece of ribbon at these events, but you could just attend the events, get your mug in every picture and not “have” to raise any money for anyone or “have” to be anywhere in an official capacity for the Chamber. So, to this year’s candidates — both of whom have become friends of mine through
Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News 15345 Amberly Dr., Tampa, FL 33647 Phone: (813) 910-2575 Fax: 910-2483 Advertising E-mail: Ads@NTNeighborhoodNews.com Editorial E-mail: EditorialDept@NTNeighborhoodNews.com
Publisher & Editor Gary Nager General Manager Nikki Bennett Assistant Editor / Photographer Matt Wiley Correspondents Bonnie Mason • Kathleen Schiop Senior Graphic Designer Porsha Lamos Advertising Sales Rep Taylor Gardner Nothing that appears in Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News may be reproduced, whether wholly or in part, without permission. Opinions expressed by Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News writers are their own and do not reflect the publisher’s opinion. The deadline for outside editorial submissions and advertisements for Volume 21, Issue 14, of Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News is Monday, June 24, 2013. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News will consider previously non-published outside editorial submissions if they are double spaced, typed and less than 500 words. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit and/or reject all outside editorial submissions and makes no guarantees regarding publication dates. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News will not return unsolicited editorial materials. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit &/or reject any advertising. Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the actual cost of the advertising space itself, nor for the validity of any claims made by its advertisers. © 2013 JM2 Communications, Inc.
Correction From Last Issue!
In our last issue, we mistakenly reported that a Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC) nurse named Bethany White was arrested for DUI with her kids in the car. However, White is not, nor ever was, employed by FHWC. The mistake was the result of an unverified fact reported in a Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) report. — MW
Wesley Chapel Honorary Mayor candidates Mary Anny Yaney (third from left above) and Cathy Bickham (right, with hat, in not only the WCCC but also other commu- front) will each be holding fund-raising nity organizations and businesses — events the next few months. Check these pages VP/branch manager Mary Ann Yaney of & WCNeighborhoodNews.com for details. Central Bank and market strategist Cathy Bickham of Florida Hospital Zephyrhills’ Chapel Home Health — I say thanks for stepping up yet again for the Wesley Chapel community and the WCCC. Yaney is raising money to help the Wesley Chapel Noon Rotary Club and Tampa Leads & Philanthropy (TLP), as well as the Chamber itself (as all candidates do). She kicked off her “campaign” on May 28 at Central Bank on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. Mary Ann was the first president of the New Tampa Chamber of Commerce, has twice chaired the New Tampa Relay for Life and is a member of the Wesley Chapel Noon Rotary, which meets Wednesdays at noon at Ciao Italian Bistro at the Shops at Wiregrass. Bickham, whose campaign will help Support our Troops, Wesley Chapel Lions Club and the WCCC, began her “run” with an event on May 30 at the new Happy Cow Frozen Yogurt in the Shops at New Tampa of Wesley Chapel on BBD (see separate story on page 28). She also is an incoming director of the Wesley Chapel Lions Club and current Ambassador co-chair for the WCCC. She also worked on the campaigns of 2013 Honorary Mayor Troy Stevenson of Wesley Chapel Nissan, 2012 winner John Negley of Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel and 2011 winner Debbie Yoerg. Stevenson was on hand at Cathy’s kickoff event and, even though I never saw him actually wear the sash, he will hand it over to the 2014 winner at the end of this year, as will 2013 Deputy Honorary Mayor Kenneth Stewart of Integrated Security Consultants to the 2014 runner-up. Good luck, ladies!
Table of Contents
LOCAL NEWS, BUSINESS & EDUCATION UPDATES................................................Pages 1-26
Stacie Lenners Is LLS’s Suncoast Chapter ‘Woman Of The Year’........4 Arbor Woods Community Coming To Wesley Chapel........................5
Wesley Chapel News Briefs........................................8
Man Crashes Stolen Car, Returns To Resist Arrest Pedestrian Killed In I-75 Accident Yield To Pedestrians...Or Else! Weightman PTSA Treasurer Arrested For Embezzlement I-75 Dump Truck Collision Kills One, Injures Two Woman Steals, Sells $13K Of Jewelry In Wesley Chapel Wesley Chapel Community Calendar.............................10
Local Business Updates.................................12-23
Ifasi Financial Can Help You Retire In Style.............................12 Dr. Duga, Dr. Feeney & Associates Keep Kids Smiling............14 FHWC Opens New Concussion Treatment Center.................16 Christian Bros. Automotive: Car Care You Can Trust.............18 American Wood Flooring–Exceptional Flooring & Value........20 Premier Psychology Will Help You With Your Issues...............22
Neighborhood Magazine
Congratulations To Our 2013 WCH & WRH Graduates!......27 Happy Cow Frozen Yogurt, Gelato and Sorbet.......................28 ‘Neighborhood Nibbles & Biz Bytes’...............................30
WESLEY CHAPEL COLOR CLASSIFIEDS.......32-33 For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 •
Volume 21, Issue 12 • June 8, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Stacie Lenners Is Named LLS’s 2013 ‘Woman Of The Year!’ By Matt Wiley
Congratulations to Stacie Lenners, the Suncoast Chapter of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) 2013 “Woman of the Year!” Each year, to help raise funds for research, the many chapters of the LLS across the U.S. and Canada hold a 10week contest to see who can raise the most money, crowning the victors during a ritzy grand finale. On May 18, during the contest’s grand finale at the downtown Tampa Hilton, in front of a crowd of 600 people, Lenners was crowned “Woman of the Year,” after raising nearly $38,000 for LLS. “I was shocked,” Lenners says. “Up until the announcement, it was anyone’s game. Fund-raising is still going on at the gala.” Lenners, a residential mortgage loan processor at NorthStar Bank, located in the Sykes building in downtown Tampa, was one of eight women and three men who together raised more than $253,000 during the contest, which began on March 7. Lenners husband Greg, the general manager of the Shops at Wiregrass mall, was crowned LLS “Man of the Year” in 2011. At the May 22 Wesley Chapel Rotary meeting, Greg, who also is the Rotary Club’s president, joked, “Yes, Stacie and I have been told we’re now LLS Royalty.”
Lenners explains that she got involved with LLS with Greg about three years ago. “My mother, Marilyn, is in remission from lymphoma, so it’s personal to me.” To help raise funds, Lenners hosted several events inStacie Lenners: The 2013 cluding several Suncoast chapter of LLS “Movies on the ‘Woman of the Year!” Lawn,” “Concerts on the Circle” and a car show at the Shops at Wiregrass mall, as well as a golf tournament. Lenners says that some of her friends even made teams and raised funds for her; the team that raised the most was given a mall gift card. During the grand finale gala, companies also donated gift packages for auction. Whichever attendee won each item could decide to which candidate to donate the funds. Some of the items included in the live and silent auctions included a stay at Wesley Chapel’s Saddlebrook Resort & Spa, Busch Gardens tickets, a $500 Shops at Wiregrass gift card and a New York Yan-
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 12 • June 8, 2013
kees prize package (including tickets to a game) valued at $5,000. “This was a great experience,” Lenners reflects. “Anyone looking for a charity to help, LLS is a great one. You meet great people and it’s very rewarding. The money raised stays local, as well.” With more than 750,000 people affected by the two blood-borne cancers annually, funding for research to find a cure for the many types of blood cancer is extremely important. For more information about the Suncoast chapter of Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, please visit LLS.org and search “Suncoast Chapter.”
• www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Arbor Woods Developing On S.R. 56 On the constantly expanding S.R. 56 corridor in Wesley Chapel, another development has broken ground and soon will offer even more homes to area in a community called Arbor Woods. Located on the south side of S.R. 56 at Arrowgrass Dr., between Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. and I-75, Arbor Woods is set to bring 222 single-family homes to the already-developed Northwood Master Planned Unit Developemtn (MPUD). Arbor Woods is being developed by Scottsdale, AZ-based Taylor Morrison. The national home builder has developed communities in five states and
is no stranger to the area, having already developed Tuscany at Tampa Palms, as well as several other communities in nearby Lutz and Land O’Lakes. Arbor Woods, which has not yet begun home sales, or released any home sizes or floor plans on its website, will be a gated community on 423 acres of land south of S.R. 56, 338 acres of which will be conservation land that will include parks and walking trails for future residents to enjoy. For more information, please visit TaylorMorrison.com and search “Arbor Woods.” — MW
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Volume 21, Issue 12 • June 8, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 12 • June 8, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
W ESLEY C HAPEL Man Crashes Stolen Car, Returns To Resist Arrest
A Land O’ Lakes man remains in custody at our press time after allegedly stealing and crashing a vehicle, attempting to carjack another vehicle and resisting arrest with force, while in the process attempting to take a deputy’s weapon and radio. According to the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO), Paul Jeremiah Brock, 29, of 4511 Land O’ Lakes Blvd., was arrested just after 4 p.m. on May 26, after stealing a grey Toyota Camry from a home on Jam Ln. in Odessa and crashing the vehicle on Woodsman Dr., north of Mangrove Dr., in the Angus Valley area of Paul Brock Wesley Chapel. The PCSO report says Brock returned to the vehicle as a passenger in a green Ford truck while deputies were investigating the crash of the stolen vehicle. Brock was identified and the truck was pulled over. However, when instructed by deputies to show their hands, only the driver cooperated. Brock attempted to hit the gas, but the truck was turned off, at which point he repeatedly attempted to start the ignition while struggling with the driver. The report says attempts to subdue Brock with a Tazer failed, but one deputy was able to get him out of the vehicle. Brock then wrestled with the two deputies on scene and attempted to obtain one deputy’s firearm. While attempting to restrain Brock, a deputy sprayed pepper spray into Brock’s face. The suspect dislodged one deputy’s radio before being handcuffed and shackled at the ankles. Brock was still being held at our press time on a $120,001 bond at the Land O’ Lakes Detention Center and was charged with battery on a law enforcement officer, attempted robbery with a deadly weapon or firearm, depriving an officer of means of communication, attempted carjacking, resisting an officer with violence, driving
News Briefs with a suspended or revoked license and grand theft of a motor vehicle. The report says the incident could be drug-related.
Pedestrian Killed In Accident On I-75
Details have emerged about the May 23 accident that killed a pedestrian standing next to her broken down car on I-75. According to the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), 22-year-old Kerry Ruiz, of Tampa, was killed when she was struck by an Isuzu truck towing a 29-foot boat, driven by Sarmad Joseph Jamil, 36, of Gilbert, AZ, who was traveling north on I-75 near mile marker 282, three miles north of S.R. 54, at 3:25 p.m. The report says that, for unknown reasons, Ruiz, who was standing on the east shoulder of the interstate next to her car, which had its emergency flashers on, ran out in front of Jamil’s truck. Jamil was unable to avoid hitting Ruiz and his truck struck the pedestrian and then ran into the right side of a 2009 Acura RSX being driven by 26-year-old Ashley Fields of Largo. The Acura spun off the northwest side of I-75 before coming to rest. Ruiz died at the scene and northbound I-75 was closed at S.R. 54 for about three hours. No other injuries were reported and no further information was available at our press time. The crash is still under investigation.
Yield To Pedestrians...Or Else?
Large parking lots are tricky places to drive, especially near grocery stores, where pedestrians constantly are crossing in front of vehicles. One Wesley Chapel pedestrian, unhappy that a car did not yield to her, has been arrested after taking matters into her own hands. According to the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO), 23-year-old Natasha Myers, of Wesley Chapel, was arrested on May 21, after keying a vehicle on April 17 in the Publix parking lot, located in the Shoppes at New Tampa shopping plaza on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. The report says that Myers even left a note. The PCSO report says that Debra
Streets, 63, returned to her car in the parking lot after shopping at Publix on April 17. When she was pulling out of her parking space, she noticed a yellow note on her windshield. Streets exited the vehicle and read the note. “Hey, I keyed your car,” the note said, according to the report. “You didn’t yield to pedestrians as is law. Since no cop to enforce a ticket, this should cover the cost of your fine. Have a nice day. P.S. Don’t be a d—k next time.” The report says that Street’s car was scratched down to the metal along the passenger side of the vehicle, with scratches in the shape of a penis on the hood. In an interview, Streets told PCSO Natasha Myers deputies that she did not recall having any altercations with anyone in the parking lot before entering the Publix. A deputy obtained video surveillance from a Publix customer service staff member, who also recalled a customer asking for a piece of paper to write a note at the time of the incident, the report says. PCSO was able to identify the suspect using the video. Streets was instructed to call the deputy after getting a quote on how much repairs to her vehicle would cost, which surpassed $1,000. Once the damage was assessed, PCSO arrested Myers, who has been charged with one count of criminal mischief and was being held at our press time at the Land O’ Lakes jail on a $5,000 bond.
Weightman PTSA Treasurer Arrested For Embezzlement
A Wesley Chapel woman, who also is the treasurer of the Thomas E. Weightman Middle School PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association), has been arrested on charges of embezzlement. According to the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO), Jocelyn Ann Severson was arrested on May 21 at her home on McKendree Rd. in Wesley Chapel for embezzling nearly $5,200 from the school’s PTSA fund between September of 2011 and February of this year.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 12 • June 8, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
By changing the mailing address for the group’s bank account, Severson was able to have the PTSA bank statements sent directly to her home, where she allegedly deleted evidence of her transactions and changed the balances accordingly, the report says. The report also states that when asked for the bank statements for an annual audit by the PTSA president in January, Severson turned in all but three statements, but couldn’t come up with the missing statements on multiple Jocelyn Ann occasions that followed, Severson spanning the next several weeks into March. The PTSA president became suspicious and decided to go to the bank and retrieve the statements on her own. While at the bank, she discovered thousands of dollars less in the group’s account than what Severson had reported. Working with the bank, it was discovered that the statements provided to the PTSA had been altered and that the organization’s mailing address had been changed to Severson’s home address. Following interviews with PTSA and Weightman Middle School officials, it was determined that Severson had been using the group’s funds to pay her phone, cable and car insurance bills. Severson was contacted by a PCSO deputy and admitted over the phone that she stole the money and would turn herself in when she returned to Wesley Chapel on May 20, which, the report says, she did not do. The deputy saw her car and arrested her at her home. She said in an interview that she was using the funds due to “financial hardship.” Severson was charged with scheming to defraud and was released on a $5,000 bond.
I-75 Dump Truck Collision Kills One, Injures Two
A man is dead and his wife and granddaughter are in serious condition at our press time, following a collision with a dump truck on I-75. According to the Florida High Patrol, at 10:42 a.m. on May 21, John Porter, 61, of Wesley Chapel, was travel-
ing southbound on I-75 south of S.R. 56 with his wife Mary, 58, and three-year-old granddaughter in his 2012 Hyundai sedan, when a dump truck, driven by Critobal L. Cepero, 49, hauling dirt from the I-75-widening project, pulled onto the interstate, directly in the path of the Porters’ vehicle. Unable to avoid a collision, the report says, the Porters’ Hyundai struck the back of Cepero’s truck and came to rest on the inside shoulder of the interstate. The Porters and their granddaughter, who was in a child seat, were airlifted to St. Joseph’s Hospital. John Porter died at 12:30 p.m. Mary and the child remained in serious condition at our press time. Relatives have since been notified. Seatbelts were worn and alcohol is not thought to be a factor in the collision. No additional information was available at our press time, although PCSO says the accident remains under investigation. All lanes of the interstate were reopened as of 12:45 p.m. that day.
Woman Steals, Sells $13K Of Jewelry In Wesley Chapel
A Zephyrhills woman has been arrested after attempting to sell thousands of dollars in stolen jewelry to the Cash for Gold pawnshop, located on Eiland Blvd. in Wesley Chapel, in February. According to the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO), Angela Christine Helton, 28, of Zephyrhills, was arrested
around 2 p.m. on May 14, after it was discovered that she had sold stolen jewelry to Cash For Gold. The PCSO report says that Helton was staying with a friend, 51- Angela Helton year-old Grazyna Kowalska, also of Zephyrhills, “to help her out.” Unbeknownst to Kowalska, Helton removed $13,000 in jewelry, including gold and silver necklaces, charms, bracelets and earrings. On February 21, which the report says was the same day that she stole the property, Helton took some of the jewelry to the Cash For Gold location just east of Wesley Chapel and sold it as her own, using her ID, thumbprint and signature when filling out the secondhand dealer receipt. She received only $101 for the jewelry, which was discovered to be stolen and was reported as such to the Zephyrhills Police Department (ZPD), who interviewed Helton. After being read her Miranda rights, Helton admitted to stealing and selling the jewelry. Helton has been charged with 14 counts of false verification of ownership, 12 counts of dealing in stolen property, three counts of grand theft and one count of burglary. She was still being held at the Pasco County Jail in Land O’ Lakes in lieu of a $78,100 bond at our press time. — Matt Wiley
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Sparkling Beauty Red Hatters — The Sparkling Beauties, a chapter of the Red Hat Society (a global networking group of women approaching the age of 50 or beyond), are enjoying life to the fullest in the pursuit of fun, friendship, freedom and fulfillment. For more information, call Queen Diamond at 907-1431 or email IamretJudy@aol.com.
Monday, June 10
Experienced Networking Professionals (ENP) — This networking group meets Monday mornings at 8 a.m. for breakfast and networking at Quail Hollow Golf & Country Club (6225 Old Pasco Rd.). For more info, call Cindy at 505-3065. Free Networking International — Free Networking International (FNI), a group of area business owners, meets each Monday for networking and discussion at Lexington Oaks Golf Club (26133 Lexington Oaks Blvd., off S.R. 54). For more info, call Stacy Dalton at 469-5499.
ment.” New members are welcome. This month’s speaker is Florida Dist. 17 State Senator John Legg (R-Port Richey). For more info, please contact Mike Moore at 777-6171, or email WCRepublican@ATT.net.
Wesley Chapel Business Forum & Networking (WCBFN) — WCBFN meets Mondays at 8 a.m. at Lexington Oaks Golf Club (26133 Lexington Oaks Blvd., off S.R. 54). For more information, call John Roth at 377-2622, email John.Roth@IBuilderz.com or visit the group’s Facebook page.
Friday, June 14
‘Wesley Chapel Speaks’ ToastMasters — The “Wesley Chapel Speaks” ToastMasters Club meets on the first and third Monday of every month, 6:15 p.m., at Hyundai of Wesley Chapel (26944 Wesley Chapel Blvd.). Club meetings are open to all interested parties. For more information, call David West at 610-1650 or visit WesleyChapel Speaks.ToastMastersClubs.org.
Inaugural WCCC Golf Tournament - The Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce presents its inaugural scramble-style golf tournament to benefit the Lions Club of Wesley Chapel at the Lexington Oaks Golf Club (26133 Lexington Oaks Blvd.). Registration begins at 11 a.m. with a shotgun start at 1 p.m. The cost is $85/player or $320/4 players. For more info, call 994-8534.
Tuesday, June 11
Wednesday, June 19
Business Networking International — Business Networking International (BNI), a group of business professionals who work to support each other through qualified business referrals, meets Tuesdays, 7:30 a.m., at Heritage Church (1854 Oak Grove Blvd., off S.R. 54, in Land O’Lakes). For more info, email Tim at Tim@TampaHomes24-7.com. East Pasco Networking Group — The East Pasco Networking Group meets every Tuesday, 9 a.m., at Beef O’Brady’s (1660 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., in the Shops at New Tampa of Wesley Chapel plaza). For more info, call Frankie Ammons at 479-7997 or e-mail Frankie@studioglory.com. Mothers Of Preschoolers — Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) is a non-profit group which meets to build friendships between mothers of infants to kindergarteners in the local community. MOPS meets the second Tuesday of each month, 9:30 a.m., at Victorious Life Church (6224 Old Pasco Rd.). For more information, email Debbie at VLCMops@yahoo.com. Wesley Chapel Networking On The Nines — Networking on the Nines, put on by Insurance New Tampa, is a great way to meet new friends and clients or strengthen existing relationships, while playing a nine-hole scramble at Lexington Oaks Golf Club (26133 Lex. Oaks Blvd.), beginning at 3 p.m. Call Susan at 435-6350 for more info.
Wednesday, June 12
Wesley Chapel Rotary Club — The Rotary Club of Wesley Chapel meets every Wednesday, 12:15 p.m., at Ciao Italian Bistro (2001 Piazza Ave., in the Shops at Wiregrass mall). Call 862-8989 or 391-3895.
WC Sunrise Rotary Club — The Wesley Chapel Sunrise Rotary Club meets every Friday, 7:15 a.m., at Quail Hollow Country Club (6225 Old Pasco Rd., off S.R. 54) For more info, call Lynne Morgan at 695-6466.
Josh Freeman Football Camp - The Josh Freeman Football Camp, hosted by the Tampa Bay Bucs QB will be held at Wesley Chapel High (30651 Wells Rd.) at 9 a.m. Boys and girls grades 1-8 are invited to come out and learn the basics. The two-day camp costs $149 per camper. For more info, visit ProCamps.com/JoshFreeman.
Wednesday, June 26
FHWC Ladies Night Out - Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC) invites women of all ages to come out and tour the new Center for Women’s Health at the FHWC Wellness Plaza. The event begins at 5:30 p.m. and includes screening mammograms, quick peek 3D ultrasounds, chair massages, refreshments and door prizes. Space is limited, so please reserve your spot today by calling 929-5554.
Friday, June 28
Women-N-Charge — The ladies of Women-N-Charge will have their monthly lunch meeting at Pebble Creek Country Club (10550 Regents Park Dr., in New Tampa). This month’s meeting will feature Lori Bainum, director of corporate training at Pasco-Hernando Community College. Tickets cost $15 (at Women-N-Charge.com) up until Tuesday, June 25, then go up to $18. For more info, contact Judy at 600-9848 or email Info@Women-NCharge.com.
Saturday, July 6
Florida Writers Association — The Florida Writers Association (FWA) of New Tampa/Wesley Chapel is a FREE group that meets the first Saturday of each month, 10 a.m., at the New Tampa Regional Library (10001 Cross Creek Blvd.). Presentation topics include editing, marketing, options forpublishing, navigating social media, and more. For more information, email Cindy at Cindy. Campbell@OmnificPublishing.com.
Thursday, June 13
Networking For Your Success — The Networking For Your Success group meets Thursdays, 8 a.m., at Quail Hollow Golf & Country Club (6225 Old Pasco Rd.). For more info, visit NetworkingforYourSuccess.com or call Shawn Clark at (888) 7112032. Wesley Chapel Republican Club — The Wesley Chapel Republican Club meets the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at Wesley Chapel Hyundai (27000 Wesley Chapel Blvd.). The club is open to Republican men and women who are interested in “good govern-
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 12 • June 8, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Ifasi Financial Owner Asks, ‘Who Says There Are No Guarantees In Life?’ By Gary Nager I’ll admit it. Even though I worked as a research editor for a major Wall Street investment firm 30 years ago, I still know precious little about investments. And, even though I’m a whole lot closer to retirement age than Derek Ifasi of Ifasi Financial Group (an independent financial firm located in the Tampa Palms Professional Center off Commerce Park Blvd., just south of the Bruce B. Downs Blvd. exit of I-75), the difference between what Derek knows about how to successfully plan for retirement and what I know on the same subject is like the difference between night and day. Although he looks even a little younger than his 27 years (“I know I have a baby face,” he admits), I promise that if you spend even five minutes with this very personable and obviously very knowledgeable Certified Long Term Care (CLTC) specialist, you’ll end up at least wanting to know more about everything from the many different types of annuities you can set up to Social Security benefits, IRAs, Roth IRAs, life insurance and so much more. But, I’m telling you, if you do end up meeting Derek, you’ll probably end up wanting to hire him to handle your retirement planning. “Our goal is to provide individuals with the knowledge and understanding about how to protect their current and future retirement income. We have the skills and experience required to help meet our clients’ established goals. Our company goal is to
become a resource for each and every client. We abide by a strict code of ethics to ensure our social responsibility. We believe that every financial product is equivalent to an individual tool in a tool belt.” Ifasi Financial Group specializes in deferred compensation planning and retirement income planning. “We understand that each client’s interests and needs vary, and offer products to help them maximize their goals,” Derek says. Ifasi uses a variety of phone, face-to-face and internet-based tools to ensure that each client is comfortable speaking with a representative. “Being a younger man in this business hasn’t really been a problem for me,” Derek says. “I’ve been involved with financial planning for seven years and all of my professional training has been in this business. In this profession, some people who have worked in other businesses first decide to get into retirement planning in their 40s or 50s, as they near retirement age themselves.” Ifasi is a native of Bethpage, Long Island, NY, who graduated from USF with a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing. He started his career at age 20, when he worked with his brother Anthony and the financial advisors at an Allstate Insurance office in Brandon while still in school. Then, after he graduated from USF, he worked with Northwestern Mutual and then MetLife for a couple of years. “But, I saw I could offer more value as an independent than I could working for
someone else,” he says. “I specialize in all types of retirement income planning. Most of clients start looking into retirement options about 10-15 years before they retire.” Derek adds that his average client is about age 55, “although my oldest is 98 and my youngest is in his mid 20s.” Among the products and services Derek handles/offers are different forms of life insurance, investing rollovers of existing IRAs (individual retirement accounts), Roth IRAs, Keogh plans and annuities (investment plans which offer fixed sums of money paid to someone each year, typically for the rest of their lives) and many more. “In other words, I can help you create your own pension plan, even if you never had one at work, or I can rollover your existing pension or retirement plan into an annuity that will guarantee you a fixed income for the rest of your life that you literally can not outlive.”
Different Types Of Annuities
Most people know how life insurance and even IRAs work, but there are several basic types of annuities you (and I) may not fully understand, only one of which Derek says he and his staff of retirement planning pros do not recommend for their clients. Deferred - An annuity which begins with an accumulation or savings phase, but then enters the income phase on its annuity starting date, when it is converted into a stream of income for the beneficiary. Immediate - An annuity with only an
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Derek Ifasi of Ifasi Financial Group in Tampa Palms income phase, which generally starts with a single premium that is converted immediately or shortly after it is purchased into an income stream for the beneficiary. Fixed Interest - A fixed interest annuity pays a fixed rate of interest on the premiums invested in the annuity contract. Variable - During the accumulation phase of variable annuities — which are the only types of annuities that Ifasi says he does not offer to his clients — the premiums paid on the contract, less any applicable charges, are placed in a separate account of the insurance company, where the annuity owner can invest them in one or more stock and bond “subaccounts. During the income phase, the amount of each income payment may be fixed and “guaranteed” (all guarantees referred to in this article are based on the claims-paying
ability of the issuing insurance company) or variable, changing with the value of the investments in the separate account. “I tell my clients that most people planning for retirement don’t want that much risk associated with their annuities,” Derek says. Indexed - Indexed annuities combine characteristics of both fixed interest and variable annuities. Like a variable annuity, the insurance company pays a rate of return based on a stock market index (such as the Standard & Poors 500), but only the interest earned on the annuity is based on the fluctuations of the market, not your principle. “Hybrid” annuities - “Hybrid” annuities are the same as indexed annuities, but with an income rider, also offering the benefit of no risk to the principle. “Hybrid annuities go up when the market goes up, and flatline if the market goes down. In other words, a hybrid annuity has a floor, but no ceiling.” Derek adds that when the market is solid, a hybrid annuity can earn 20 percent or more a year, and that he gets business referred to him by other retirement providers because, “I have access to the highest income riders in the business for hybrid annuities, with a guaranteed floor of 7-8 percent per year.” He adds that you can even have an annuity as your IRA or roll over your existing IRA into an annuity with a guaranteed income rider. “I can find you the best way to roll over your IRA, no matter what type of IRA it is now.”
Education Is The Key
If all of this sounds as confusing to you
as it is to me, don’t sweat it. Derek’s website has more than 70 free, educational videos on a variety of retirement subjects that walk you through the complex world of IRA rollovers, annuities and more, as well as a radio show on NewsRadio WFLA-AM (540) & FM (104.5) Orlando. The show airs Tuesdays, 7 p.m.-8 p.m., & Sundays, 7 a.m.-7:30 a.m. His website (RetireSharp.com) is divided into four sections — one that focuses strictly on annuities, one for those who are at retirement age or already retired, one for those who are pre-retirees and one for those who have changed jobs. “I’m open to hosting seminars for a company or even an entire family looking for different retirement investment plans,” he says. “The most important products we offer are myself and my staff.” Ifasi Financial, which is accredited by the Better Business Bureau and the National Ethics Assn., can and does sell education funding plans and life insurance, too. “We have access to many great life insurance companies and can get the best policies to suit your needs,” he says. In addition to being a CLTC, Derek has his Series 6 and Series 63 licenses and also is certified to sell life and health insurance and annuities. He and his fiancée, Jenna, a teacher with Hillsborough County Public Schools, live in Tampa Palms. Ifasi Financial Group is located at 17427 Bridge Hill Ct., Suite J, in the Tampa Palms Professional Center. For info, including your free initial consultation, call 600-5285 or visit RetireSharp. com and tell Derek we sent you.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 12 • June 8, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Dr. Duga, Dr. Feeney & Associates Keep Kids Smiling Through The College Years By Bonnie Mason Nowadays, many children in the New Tampa area actually look forward to going to the dentist — something most of their parents can hardly imagine. From the underwater treasure décor in the reception area and the video game stations located in the waiting room to the flat-screen televisions above playing favorite shows as patients lay in the dental chair, Paul Duga, DDS, (Doctor of Dental Surgery) and Shawna Adams-Feeney, DMD (Doctor of Dental Medicine), of Dr. Duga, Dr. Feeney & Associates Pediatric Dentistry in Tampa Palms are helping children adopt healthy dental habits, while having fun in a kid-friendly environment. Dr. Duga explains that the entire office’s mission is to provide a good experience at a young age so that children feel comfortable and identify a trip to the dentist’s office as one of excitement and fun — not fear or dread. Dr. Duga always has had an affinity for kids, even though he first practiced adult dentistry before he found his calling in early orthodontia and pediatric dentistry. “I found my passion,” Dr. Duga explains. “I enjoy going to work where there is fun and silliness; where you can be relaxed. When I came here from Louisiana, I saw a real need for children’s dental care.” Conveniently located in Tampa Palms in the Somerset Professional Park on the corner of Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. and Amberly Dr. (only 10-15 minutes south of the Pasco County line), Dr. Duga, , who earned his un-
dergraduate degree from the University of Wisconsin at Madison and his DDS degree from the Marquette University School of Dentistry in Milwaukee, WI, opened his practice at the Amberly Dr. location in 2003 and Dr. Feeney joined the practice as a full partner in 2005. “We work so well together,” says Dr. Duga, who earned his Pediatric Dentistry Specialty Certificate from Louisiana State University School of Dentistry/Children's Hospital of New Orleans and was a faculty member at the LSU School of Dentistry and is president of the Tampa Bay Pediatric Dental Association. Dr. Feeney earned her Bachelor’s degree from the University of Florida, Gainesville, and her DMD degree from the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in Boston, MA. Her general practice residency was at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in Long Island, NY, and her Pediatric Dentistry Specialty Certificate from the University of Connecticut in Farmington.
A Shared Mission
Both dentists wholeheartedly believe in the mission of their pediatric dental practice, which is to provide a special environment for infants, children, teens and even children with special needs to assure they receive the highest standard of care. Pediatric dentistry services available include routine cleanings, sealant protection, extractions, teeth whitening/bleaching and fillings, all while using the latest dental equipment for all ages from infants to college-age young adults. Drs.
Duga and Feeney also assess a young patient’s need for braces and may perform orthodontic work at the office, or for specialty cases, refer patients to a local orthodontic dental specialist. The patients and their families have the opportunity to actively participate in acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to practice effective dental care, resulting in lifelong dental health. “I always loved to go the dentist growing up,” says Dr. Feeney. “And I love having the chance to work with kids before Dr. Paul Duga of Dr. Duga, Dr. Feeney & Associates Pediatrc they have any preconceived ideas Dentistry in Tampa Palms works closely with Meadow Pointe about visiting the dentist. We resident Leslie Mellin, explaining to her what is happening have the opportunity here to prowith her son Benjamin’s teeth as he grows. vide positive experiences that will create a foundation children can build on for given for home care and correct use of tooththe rest of their lives. We recommend that brushes and fluoride toothpaste. Dr. Feeney your child see a pediatric dentist by 12-18 says that parents who help their children folmonths of age. According to the American low this routine can detect and take care of Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, we should problems before they lead to serious and start cleaning a baby's mouth even before the costly types of treatment. Parents are a valued partner in the care teeth start coming in.” Also, Dr. Feeney advises to start early of the patients at Dr. Duga, Dr. Feeney & Asand be consistent. “Young children really sociates. Traditionally, dental offices don’t need parental assistance with caring for their allow the parents of patients beyond the pateeth,” Dr. Feeny explains. “They do not have tient room door. However, Dr. Duga and Dr. the manual dexterity to do an appropriate job Feeney encourage parental involvement, even while the child is in the chair. In other words, on their own.” The child’s first appointment is for eval- the office has an “open patient door” policy. The staff takes the time to explain each uation and education. At this visit, a complete exam is performed and recommendations are diagnosis and treatment option and always
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works at the pace of each child — and his or her parents. Dr. Duga explains that he and his staff present available treatment options to the patient and parent so they can make an educated decision on the care of their child. “I think parents help so much when they are involved and in the patient room,” he says. “It helps to instill confidence in the kids; it’s a real benefit to our patients.” “(Dr. Duga) is wonderful,” says Leslie Mellin, a Meadow Pointe resident who has been bringing her two sons, Josh, 12, and Benjamin, 9, to Dr. Duga for more than 10 years. “I recommend him to everybody.” Pediatric dentistry does not stop with young children. Dentistry for teens is a part of the advanced education pediatric dentists receive. Drs. Duga and Feeney are trained to deal with adolescent behavior, to restore and guide teeth, and teach preventive dental health care with your teen in mind. When they follow your child from early youth into the teen years, Dr. Duga and Dr. Feeney also change the approach to your child’s own special needs in a sensitive, caring and professional manner. The office environment is even designed with teens in mind. Younger patients enjoy the larger-than-life décor, while the older kids like the popular video games, and the opportunity to choose age-appropriate movies, listen to music with headphones or sit and read in a quiet, comfortable area. The idea behind routine visits in a comfortable environment is to increase the chance that the patients will continue their dental care as adults. “They won't be afraid of the dentist the
way many adults are now due to unpleasant experiences in their past," Dr. Duga says. Dr. Duga is no stranger to teenagers. He and his wife Sue live in Tampa Palms and have three teenagers, two sons, 17 and 12, respectively, and a 16-year-old daughter. Dr. Feeney and her husband Jack live in South Tampa and have two young children, a boy and a girl. “Most pediatric dentists cut their patient population after the patients graduate from high school,” Dr. Duga says. “We see Dr. Shawna Adamsmany of our kids Feeney, DMD through their college years. Often, college kids don't take the time to get their teeth cleaned, especially if they are away at school.” The staff reminds their college student patients to schedule appointments when they plan their visits home from school. Not having to change dentists is one less concern for college kids and their parents during what is often a stressful time. This helps foster a lifelong healthy attitude toward dental health. Emergency dental care is another way that Dr. Duga and Dr. Feeney carry on their mission of providing their patients with a lifetime of beautiful smiles. “We’re always available for our patients,” says Dr. Duga, who recently was called to the emergency room by a young male patient who fell and injured his mouth and teeth. The boy was happy to see the
friendly face of his dentist and happy to go to Dr. Duga’s office after he was discharged from the hospital's emergency room. Not many children can brag to their friends that they had a dentist appointment at midnight! Dr. Duga and Dr. Feeney share emergency calls outside of regular office hours. Dr. Duga, Dr. Feeney & Associates Pediatric Dentistry is located at 15293 Amberly Dr., three miles south of the BBD exit off I-75. The office is open Monday-Wednesday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m., 8 a.m. -5 p.m. on Thursdays, and 8 a.m.-3 p.m. on Fridays, but vary depending upon school holiday schedules. For appointments and more information, visit PediatricDentistTampa.com or call 631-1100.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 12 • June 8, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel Opens News Concussion Treatment Center By Matt Wiley With the passing of every NFL football season, it seems that concussions continue to make even more headlines. Luckily for local athletes, no matter the sport, Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel (FHWC) is now a certified concussion treatment center, the only one of its kind in Pasco County. The concussion center is part of the hospital’s new Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute. According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC), more than 1.7 million traumatic brain injuries occur each year, 75 percent of which are concussions. Whether it’s from sports, a car accident or a fall, identifying concussions can be difficult, as the symptoms of some concussions can be milder than others, even though the condition still exists. Enter Dr. Jonathon Phillips, MD, CAQSM (Certificate of Added Qualification in Sports Medicine), and founder of the FHWC Concussion Center, which is located on the first floor of the recently opened FHWC Wellness Center. Dr. Phillips is educating parents and athletes, alike, on the dangers and proper treatment of concussions. “It’s very important for parents and kids to get educated about concussions because they don’t always consider (every minor brain injury to be) a concussion,”
Dr. Phillips explains. “It’s not always the concussion that knocks someone out that is the bad one. There are a lot of little things that can happen. A player may come to a coach or parent with a headache or an inability to concentrate, but there wasn’t a major incident on the field. Those are the kinds of concussions that can last one to two months instead of 5-7 days.” Dr. Phillips explains that knowing where to go to get treatment for a concussion also is important. “There isn’t really a wide range of physicians you can see to get the appropriate concussion management,” he says. “Most folks aren’t educated about which providers to visit. You have to go to a place that is known to manage the condition. Imaging capabilities are not always necessary, just the proper training. Usually, the doctors with the proper training are primary care physicians who also specialize in sports medicine, or neurologists, pediatricians and physiatrists (physical rehabilitation physicians). However, not every one of those types of physicians is always trained, which is why it’s good to go a certified concussion center, like we have here.”
A Full Gamut Of Tests
As Dr. Phillips explains, there are a multitude of tests that you have to do to
come up with the clinical concussion diagnosis, One of the most simply administered, but actually most complex, tests — called an ImPACT evaluation — is actually done completely on the internet. “It’s a very visual, spatial test that challenges memory, reaction time and a couple of other parameters done completely on a computer,” Dr. Phillips explains. “It takes about 25 minutes to do.” I actually took the test to get a better idea of what Dr. Jonathon Phillips works with a patient at FHWC’s new Dr. Phillips meant. It’s a Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Institute. Photo: FHWC good thing it wasn’t for a athlete does end up suffering from a head grade because it turned out to be much injury on the field and takes the test more complex than I expected, which is again. By comparing the numbers, the the point. doctors at the FHWC concussion center The tests vary from remembering a series of numbers, shapes or words to de- can determine how severe a concussion an athlete has suffered and take the nectermine if the color spelled out inside a essary steps to treat the condition. shape matches the color of the letters. “This whole idea of prevention, diHowever, for the best results, athletes are agnosis and treatment of concussions is encouraged to take the test before ever so critically important,” says Tracy stepping onto the field Clouser, director of marketing for By taking the test before a concusFHWC. “We know that the schools and sion can occur, doctors, such as Dr. athletic associations and youth leagues Phillips, can establish a baseline with are strapped for resources, so if we can which to compare the test results if the provide some of those resources through
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 12 • June 8, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
education and training, we’re really excited about that.” In addition to being the official orthopedic and sports medicine and outpatient rehabilitation provider of the Tampa Bay Storm Arena Football League team, FHWC also is the lead sponsor of this summer’s Josh Freeman Football Camp, which is being held June 19-20 at Wesley Chapel High on Wells Rd. During the camp, hosted by the Tampa Bay Bucs’ starting QB, on Thursday, June 20, Dr. Phillips will be giving a lecture for parents about concussions, including how to identify signs and symptoms, the next steps to take for treatment and the importance of ImPACT evaluations. FHWC’s Dr. Christopher Baker, MD, an orthopedic surgeon, also will be on hand to speak with parents about sports injuries. The concussion center is just one part of FHWC’s new Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute, which also offers other orthopedic services and specializes in treating injuries to the musculoskeletal system sustained from playing sports. Due to its location on FHWC’s campus, the Institute is able to provide diagnostic digital imaging using the hospital’s state-of-the-art imaging technology, such as its 128-slice CT scanner, to determine treatment options. Depending upon the severity of an injury, the Institute also can offer surgical intervention, as well as extensive therapy
and in-patient or out-patient rehabilitation, in the FHWC Wellness Center’s new rehab center to help athletes get back in the game faster. The rehab center even features an “Alter-G” (or anti-gravity) treadmill, which can support up to 80 percent of a patient’s body weight, allowing patients to walk on lower-body injuries much sooner than normal. From personal experience, I can say, “it’s almost like running on the moon.” For more information about the FHWC Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Institute, please visit FHWesleyChapel.org. For info about the Josh Freeman Football Camp visit ProCamps.com/JoshFreeman.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 12 • June 8, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Christian Brothers Automotive — Quality Auto Service You Can Trust By Matt Wiley Honesty, integrity, leather couches. None of those things are exactly what comes to mind when thinking about getting your car serviced. But, these are just a few of the many “amenities” that separate the recently opened Christian Brothers Automotive franchise on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. in New Tampa (less than a mile south of the Pasco County line) from the usual greasy car shop. “Notice anything about our waiting room?,” asks Marty LaBarbera, owner of the New Tampa Christian Brothers Automotive franchise on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. behind Auto Zone auto parts store in the Trout Creek area next to Burger 21. “There’s no one sitting in it, but the garage is full.” LaBarbera says that the garage has been pretty full since the shop — which services nearly every make and model across the automotive spectrum (including BMW, Mercedes, Lexus, Porsche, Nissan and most other European, Asian and American makes and models) opened on January 2. Whether it’s a “check engine” light, brakes, A/C or transmission service, or just scheduled maintenance, Christian Brothers has New Tampa and Wesley Chapel covered. “This is retirement for me,” LaBarbera explains, after a long career in the
prison system in Texas. “About six years ago, I was planning ahead to retirement, knowing that I wanted to get into something else. Cars have always been a hobby for me. I knew I wanted to get into some kind of automotive business for retirement. I stepped into a Christian Brothers in Austin, TX, near where I lived. I was amazed by the appearance and the cleanliness of the place. I knew I had found what I wanted to do.” LaBarbera says that he was instrumental in bringing a Christian Brothers franchise to New Tampa when company officials decided to expand to Florida from Texas. When company officials expressed interest in the Tampa Bay area, LaBarbera scouted for locations and suggested New Tampa since it is a modern and still-developing community. New Tampa is the 111th location for the auto shop franchise, which has a separately-owned location on S.R. 54 in Land O’ Lakes. “It took about two years to get everything worked out, to purchase the property and get the construction done and all those things,” he explains. “So it’s been kind of a long process, but it just takes that long, I guess.” In the time it took to open the New Tampa location, Christian Brothers already had opened two other locations in the Tampa area, one in Westchase and the S.R. 54 location. Each shop is built ex-
(L. to r.) Christian Brothers Automotive’s New Tampa master technicians Doug Rathmann and Mark Evison, service manager Greg Langford and owner Marty LaBarbera are open to service your vehicle at their sparkling new location on Bruce B. Downs Blvd. (near Burger 21), regardless of make or model.
actly the same and is run the same way. “They learn as they build and collect best practices,” LaBarbera says. “Their operating protocol is consistent. As franchisees, we have to agree to that entire protocol. My attitude is that, if there were 110 shops before me and not one has failed since 1983, why would I not want to run it according to that plan?” Besides the iconic brick look to the
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outside of the shop, the first thing that catches most customers’ eyes is the waiting area, which is void of the stereotypical TV playing the usual daytime programming and uncomfortable chairs. Instead, the waiting area offers a clean environment, leather couches and coffee that a Christian Brothers employee will make fresh just for you. And it’s usually empty. “Every shop has a courtesy car,”
Master tech Doug Rathmann looks over a car in Christian Brothers Automotive’s clean, full-service garage. Drop your car off & they’ll even give you a ride.
LaBarbera explains. “The mindset is this: ‘Why don’t you drop your car off, I’ll take you to work and pick you up when we’re done.’ And now your Saturday is free. Don’t you have something you’d rather be doing on a Saturday than sitting at an auto repair shop for a few hours? So, I’m on the road most of the day most days.” LaBarbera says that what really sets Christian Brothers apart from other auto repair shops is its foundation as a Christian organization. “The auto repair industry has developed a bad reputation because it’s easy to take advantage of people since we’re working in an area that most people are unfamiliar with,” LaBarbera explains.
“You have to trust us. We’re just honest. We may not tell you what you want to hear (about your car), but we’re still truthful with you.”
Another Factor Is Quality
“I don’t apologize for our prices,” LaBarbera says. “We’re not competing to be the lowest cost repair shop in the area. You can get things done cheaper; even we could do things cheaper. We could use cheap oil, cheap filters and hire inexperienced workers for low wages. But, we believe it’s the quality that really sets us apart. When you drive out of here, I want you to be confident that a good job was done on your vehicle.” LaBarbera, his service manager and
two technicians share more than 50 years of combined experience in the auto repair industry. Each technician holds a Master certification from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence. “On a typical day, customers will come in and tell us their car is making a noise,” LaBarbera explains. “Greg, my service manager, will ask questions and focus the issue down to something more specific and give the info to the technicians. Then, they spend about 60 percent of their time on diagnostics. They plug a computer into a customer’s vehicle that reads all of the vehicle’s system computers to see where a problem may be occurring. When a check engine light, or other notification, appears on your dashboard, it provides the computer with a code, which serves as a clue as to what could be causing a problem.” But, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Christian Brothers’ master techs do additional extensive diagnostics research to see what problems other people have previously had with whatever vehicle is being worked on to see if a similar problem could be occurring in your vehicle. “The old school way is part-swapping,” says LaBarbera. “A shop will look at symptoms, and tell the owner, ‘It could be this,’ and replace that part. Then it doesn’t fix the problems and you’ve spent the money on that new part.” Instead of “swapping,” LaBarbera says that when it comes to parts, Christian
Brothers works as a value shopper for you. “When we put a part in your car, we make sure we get the right part from the right vendor for the right price–and that probably isn’t the cheapest one,” he explains. “So, bargain hunters may not want to come here, but if you’re value-conscious, and you want something done well and are willing to pay for quality and longevity, without paying the sun and the moon, we’re here for you. We make the recommendations for you and then you make the decisions.” New Tampa resident Sherry Laursen is happy to speak to the quality of Christian Brothers. “I’m a local real estate agent with Coldwell Banker and people always are asking me where a good place would be to take their car,” Laursen explains. “There really isn’t a place in New Tampa except for those quick shops that have bad reputations. My 17-year-old son, Dylan, took his 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix there after school recently. They gave him ‘above and beyond’ customer service. I was super impressed with them. They easily could have taken advantage of him, but didn’t even try.” Having car issues? Stop by Christian Brothers Automotive, located at 20303 Trout Creek Dr. behind AutoZone, or give them a call at 402-1262. For more information, please visit CBAC.com and search “New Tampa” in the store locator.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 12 • June 8, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Increase The Value Of Your Home At American Wood Flooring Andy speaks from years of experience working in the family business. “This is an independent, family-owned company that has been selling and installing floors in the Tampa Bay area for about 20 years.” Andy’s family’s first store, started by his father and stepmother 20 years ago (on U.S.19 in New Port Richey), moved to the corner of Mitchell Blvd. and Little Rd. in 2005 in what is now called the Trinity area. The Wesley Chapel/New Tampa location has been open for almost six years now, and offers a wide variety of tile, wood flooring and carpeting to add extra appeal to any home. “A few of the newer items we’ve added in the past few months are woodlook ceramic tile, which combines the rich, beautiful look of wood and the durability of tile, and hand-scraped, or ‘distressed’ finish hardwood flooring.” He also notes that wood-look tile has the advantage of being water resistant (“which can be important in flood situations,” he says) and that the pre-scratched wood also is a great floor in homes with kids, since any “accidents” that may happen just add more “character” to the look of the flooring. Andy says that American Wood Flooring specializes in both real hard-
By Kathleen Schiop & Gary Nager With the positive upsurge in the economy, more and more homeowners are considering adding improvements to not only increase the value, but also the esthetic appeal, of their residences. One of the ways many homeowners choose to add such value is to install new flooring, whether it be carpeting, tile or wood. And if you’ve ever had flooring installed in your home, apartment or even your business, you know that it can be a stressful experience. Between the cost, having to tear out the existing carpeting, tile or floor and having to move your furniture, you know you want the job done right the first time. That’s one big reason why you should visit our friend Andy Dunning of American Wood Flooring, located in the SuperTarget-anchored Northwood Shopping Center (next to Marshall’s) in Wesley Chapel, if you’re planning to take the plunge and replace those old, pet-stained carpets or cracked tile with a new hardwood, laminate or tile floor. “We are the only flooring vendor in Wesley Chapel,” says Andy, “and we have better prices than most and with quality installation you can trust.”
Andy Dunning of American Wood Flooring, located in the SuperTarget-anchored Northwood Plaza on BBD, has the latest in pre-scratched wood flooring...and so much more! wood and laminate flooring and has access to literally hundreds of colors and styles from all of the major manufacturers, including Armstrong, Bruce, Tarkett, Beaulieu and Columbia, to name a few, and higher-end companies like Mirage, Indus Parquet and Robbins, which provide a variety of exotic hardwoods, such as Brazilian cherry, Santos mahogany and amendoim (also known as Brazilian oak).
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Noticeable Differences
“We’re not the only local company you can find that carries the major manufacturers,” he admits. “But, not only are our prices at least competitive with other companies, we also offer a lot of extras most of the others don’t.” For example, all of the prices per square foot quoted at American Wood Flooring include delivery, installation,
fully to do it themselves. I would say at least once or twice a month we do fixes on installation mistakes made by the national chains and do-ityourselfers. ” He adds that no matter how expensive your flooring may be, you still need it installed properly for it to look its best. “You can buy the finest wood flooring for $20 a square foot, but if the installation isn’t done properly, it Whether you’re looking to create a floating hardwood staircase (left) or you want to transform can still look like junk, so your bathroom with ceramic tile that looks like wood (right), American Wood Flooring in Wes- you’re not really getting the best value. It’s a good idea to ley Chapel has got you — and your floors — covered! check us out before going moving all of your furniture for you, reyou have American Wood Flooring install elsewhere. We have a wide variety of moval of your old carpeting, tile or floorit. “We also warranty all of the floors we prices to fit most budgets, from just $3.99 ing (with no charge for disposing of it) install for as long as you own your per square foot for laminate, real hardand, “all of our installers are in-house and home,” Andy says. “Unlike the major wood starting at $5.99 a square foot, carhave been certified to install Armstrong, home store retailers, the warranty is with peting from $1.99 a square foot, and tile Bruce and the other major manufacturus. At Lowe’s or Home Depot, the warfrom $5.50 a square foot. And, all of ers’ flooring. We also give you a free ranty is from the installer, not the store.” those are installed prices, so you never cleaning kit and free felt pads to keep That can lead to unexpected probhave to worry about your bill inflating your furniture from scratching the floor. lems. Those warranties can be important, from charges you were never told about A lot of places charge extra for many of especially with laminate floors, which (un- beforehand.” those same services, so our prices really like hardwood floors) are not glued to And if that isn’t enough, Andy says are even better than they seem.” your concrete slab. there are always bargains to be had at Oh, and there’s never sales tax “Yes, gaps can easily develop in your American Wood Flooring, because, charged on the floors (because the govlaminate floors,” he says. “Usually, all it “We’re always being offered specials by ernment doesn’t collect sales tax for takes is a trained installer to fix those the different manufacturers.” major home improvements), as long as gaps, but a lot of people try unsuccessPart of the reason Andy is so knowl-
edgeable about all aspects of the business is that he also spent some time (in 2007 and 2008) as a territorial sales manager for a flooring distributor covering Alabama, South Carolina and Georgia. “It was a great experience for me to be on the distributor side,” he says. “I really learned a lot about which floors sell and why.” And yes, American Wood Flooring does carry and install both carpet and tile, as well as wood and laminate floors. Andy says that many of the jobs the store does are from referrals from satisfied customers. Bhavana, a resident of Richmond Place, installed cherry wood flooring, and was so satisfied with the results that she referred American Wood Flooring to several of her neighbors. Another happy customer is TammyHellman, a realtor at Prudential Tropical Realty. Tammy hired American Wood Flooring to install her laminate floor and has since referred all of her real estate customers to Andy. “We’ve probably gotten at least 15 or 16 jobs from her alone in the past three years. We love it when our customers love our work.” American Wood Flooring’s WesleyChapel location is at 1285 Bruce B. Downs Blvd.. The store is open Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m., and 11 a.m.-4 p.m. on Sunday. For more info, visit AmericanWoodFlooringFL.com or call 991-7999.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 12 • June 8, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Premier Psychological Services—Helping You Cope With Life’s Ups & Downs By Bonnie Mason Do you ever get out of bed in the morning and think that you just can't face another day? Or, maybe you are able to make it through the work day, but by the end of it, you’re exhausted and all you want to do is go home and get some sleep? Life in general can be overwhelming and in the mobile, multi-tasking, instant society we live in, stress, anxiety and depression can come too often. “Take time for you” is the advice of Dr. Brad Palermo, Psy.D. (Doctor of Psychology), licensed psychologist and owner of Premier Psychological Services, located on W. Bearss Ave. near I-275, 8 miles south of the S.R. 56 exit off I-75. Dr. Palermo explains that, at one time or another, everyone experiences stress, anxiety and depression, to varying degrees. Generally, he says, most people are able to work their way through these low or anxious periods by themselves. But, the times when you feel overwhelmed or helpless and defeated, Dr. Palermo says he recommends you seek the help of a psychological professional. “When you can’t seem to figure things out or things are not getting better – that’s when you should call our office," he says. “It’s all about balance; you have to have a balance between your work, your home and your family.”
He adds that there are things you can do on your own to create better balance in your life. For example, Dr. Palermo says you have to leave work at work — don't bring problems at work home or let your job become your identity. “Learning to separate yourself from your place of employment is key,” he says. Other steps he recommends when trying to achieve a good life balance include getting enough hours of uninterrupted sleep, eating healthy nutritious foods and living a more active life. For example, he says a walk in the early morning or after dinner is a good way to gain new perspective. And, be sure you have someone in your life you can talk with when life presents challenges — and realize that family members and friends may not always be the best people to talk to about important personal matters. A male teenage client recently told Dr. Palermo, “Thanks for putting up with me when I decided to let it all out. Wow, that was intense. Felt good though.” The clinicians at Premier Psychological Services have been helping New Tampa and other area residents get back their balance for more than three years. The practice’s licensed and certified clinicians offer 90 years of combined practical experience. In addition to Dr. Palermo, other clinicians available for clients include Licensed Mental Health Counselors
Psychologist Dr. Brad Palermo’s door always is open to those seeking help from Premier Psychological Services, located on W. Bearss Ave. near I-275. (LMHCs) Pam Baker, and Tracy Crowe, M.S.; Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), Heidi Petracco, MSW (Master of Social Work); as well as psychologist and neuropsychologist, Carmine Pecoraro, Psy.D., CAP (Certified Addiction Professional), NCGC (National Certified Gambling Counselor)-II. Dr. Palermo received his undergraduate degree from the University of Florida in Gainesville and his Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology from Nova Southeastern in
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Fort Lauderdale. “I fell in love with the ideas and concepts in learning and studying why people do what they do and why people behave how they behave,” Dr. Palermo says. “I’m personable and I want our clients to walk away with having had a personable, successful experience. Working with people is something you fall in love with, so I get to do what I love to do every day.” Each clinician has his or her own specialties and Dr. Palermo is proud to be
hand, has been proven to have long-term success.” So, even if PPS refers you to a psychiatrist to evaluate your need for medication, he says you should still meet regularly with a therapist to give yourself the best chance at long-term results.
Finding The Best Fit
(L. to r.) Carmine Pecoraro, Psy.D., CAP, NCGC-II; Heidi Petracco, MSW, LCSW; Tracy Crowe, Dr. Palermo says that it’s MS, LMHC; and Pam Baker, LMHC, of Premier Psychological Services. best to give yourself a “trying able to offer New Tampa residents help in “I doubted the whole therapy thing out” period of 2-4 sessions before deterpractically all areas of behavioral and psyat first and thought our marriage was mining whether or not you’re comfortchological therapy. Whether you have a done,” said a recent client of the practice. able with your clinician. The good news is young child who is having difficulty adThis concerned husband, father and local that most clients report an improvement justing to a school setting, a teenager business owner told Dr. Palermo, in their symptoms after their first session, who needs some guidance and help deal“Thankfully you were able to open my despite some clients who feel a little uning with peer pressures, a new mother eyes. I don’t know what I would have comfortable. Dr. Palermo strongly bewho is feeling overwhelmed, a couple done if I lost (my wife) and the kids. I lieves in a positive therapeutic relationship who has lost their way, or an older person know we still have some work to do but I with the clinician. “Each person is differwho is dealing with memory loss, Premier wanted you to know how grateful I am.” ent; there is no definite time frame within Psychological Services has a clinician who Therapy helps many people, but not which therapy will or will not show results can help. everyone. Dr. Palermo explained that for you,” he says. Besides general therapy, services there are clients who have specific mental If you would like to explore the opavailable also include group therapy, couhealth illnesses and/or behavioral disortions available at Premier Psychological ples therapy, psychological testing for ders that do require medication. For Services, you can have a free initial phone learning disabilities and disorders such as those types of clients, Dr. Palermo and his consult with Dr. Palermo within 24 hours attention deficit hyperactivity disorder fellow clinicians at Premier will refer the of contacting the office. The initial con(ADHA) or attention deficit disorder client to a psychiatrist who may subscribe sultation will help him determine if you (ADD) and substance abuse counseling. the appropriate medication to combine are a good candidate for the therapy servSome people, unfortunately, still bewith therapy. ices offered at the practice, as well as lieve psychological and behavioral therapy “We don't prescribe medication,” he which of the five clinicians in the office are taboo. But, Dr. Palermo says that says. “Medication alone only puts a might be the best fit for your individual once a person finds the right therapist, Band-Aid on the problem — it is not a needs. Your first appointment will be that negative perception will dissipate. long-term fix. Therapy, on the other scheduled at your convenience, usually
within one week the initial consultation.
Skype Or Phone, Too?
Dr. Palermo says he still believes that most of Premier’s clients are best served through traditional one-on-one, face-toface therapy. However, he also recognizes that lack of accessibility can hinder a potential client’s ability to get the help they need. For those clients who travel a lot and can't get to the office for their therapy, or for clients who are experiencing extreme anxiety, as well as physically disabled people who cannot leave their homes, therapy sessions can be conducted by telephone or videoconference through Skype.com. While these are not ideal options, they do work for some clients. Premier Psychological Services accepts most insurance plans , as well as selfpay clients. Each therapist in the practice charges a different fee. “Ultimately, we all strive to work out a fee that’s affordable for you,” Dr. Palermo says. “Our goal is to help you get your life back in balance.” Premier Psychological Services is located at 324 W. Bearss Ave. in North Tampa. To schedule an appointment or to speak with Dr. Brad Palermo or any of the clinicians at the office, call 4187188, or send an email to: DrP@Phone Premier.com. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-8 p.m., and 8 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturday. To learn more about the practice and services available visit Tampa-Therapy.com.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 12 • June 8, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 12 • June 8, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Nearly 800 Graduate From Wesley Chapel & Wiregrass Ranch High! By Matt Wiley & Gary Nager
Congratulations to the Class of 2013 at Wesley Chapel High (WCH) and Wiregrass Ranch High (WRH). On the evening of May 31, at the newly renovated University of South Florida Sun Dome, 336 Wildcat seniors crossed the stage to become high school graduates. “(Graduating) is a pretty huge change,” said WCH valedictorian (Above, l. to r.) WCH principal Carin Nettles & valedictorian Michael Giannazzo, former WRH principal Michael Giannazzo (4.62 weighted Ray Bonti & WRH co-valedictorians Hannah Eder and Nikita Shah. (Right) Some of the 26 WRH grads GPA), who will attend the Ivy League entering the U.S. military. (Below, l. & r.) The 2013 WRH & WCH grads get ready to walk the walk. Brown University. “There’s going to listed in several branches of the U.S. military. to the world to make it a better place.” be a transition period. But, just like any To their credit, both of WRH’s co-valeWe also congratulate this year’s salutatorians good book, you have to give it a chance.” dictorians (with 4.674 GPAs) Hannah Eder — Emily Payne (4.667; will attend U-F)) at The next day, Ray Bonti, who was the (Univ. of Florida, or U-F) and Nikita Shah WRH and Miroslav Sanader (4.55; Florida State)) principal at WRH since it opened seven years (Harvard) departed from the usual “marchfrom WCH — and all 766 graduates at both ago but is now working as the executive diing into the future” speeches a little. I partic- schools and their families! rector of support services for Pasco County ularly enjoyed Eder’s admitting to “rocking Schools, was invited to give the principal’s a Barbie backpack” in elementary school and message for his last WRH graduating class Shah’s plea to her fellow grads to “give back by new principal Robyn White. Bonti thanked those in attendance for their support of him and the school and his last “and most talented class” of 430 WRH grads “to be unleashed on the world,” including the 26 WRH seniors who have en-
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 12 • June 8, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Happy Cow — Frozen Yogurt, Sorbet, Gelato & Fresh-Baked Treats! the area has, in a brightly-colored, comfortable setting and add truly fresh-baked, decaIf you’ve been reading this publication dent brownies (Ray says the brownies, photo the last year or so, you know just how many right, are intentionally not cooked all the way frozen yogurt places already have opened in through, so they New Tampa and Wesley Chapel — and that retain that perfect, there are still more on the way. moist chewiness), So, how does a new frozen yogurt place cookies and waffle separate itself from its competition? Well, for cups — and more University of South Florida grad (and Marthan 60 toppings! keting major) Ray Perez and his aunt and If that still uncle, Connie and Bill Rogers — the owners doesn’t sound ‘different enough’ to you, of the new Happy Cow Frozen Yogurt, Sorcheck out what keeps calling a certain pubbet & Gelato located between First Watch lisher back to Happy Cow. At the far end of and Bonefish Grill in the Shoppes at New the huge toppings bar, you’ll find four large Tampa plaza just north of the Pasco County containers with pump tops that allow you to line on Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. — the add your choice of hot fudge, hot marshmalanswer is pretty easy: low sauce, hot peanut butter and hot caramel You come up with a cute cartoon logo fudge to your frozen creation. I can even and serve a brand of frozen yogurt (plus soft- now put my choice of those hot toppings on serve gelato and sorbets) that no one else in yogurt flavors like the new Rocky Road, as well as favorites like cappuccino, birthday cake, peanut butter and tangy fruit flavors like margarita fatfree sorbet and even Italian biscotti gelato. “We have our oven right up front, so when we bake fresh brownYou can fill your freshly made waffle cup (left) at Happy Cow with fresh-baked ies, cookies or waffle cups, peobrownies, cookies our editor’s favorite hot toppings (right) and more.
By Gary Nager
(Front, l.-r.) Honorary Mayor of Wesley Chapel Troy Stevenson (left) joined Happy Cow Frozen Yogurt, Sorbet & Gelato owners (l. to r.) Connie Rogers, Ray Perez & Bill Rogers at the store’s Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting on May 10.
ple walk in and tell us they just love the aroma in here,” Ray, the former manager of the Burger Monger (located just a few doors down in the same plaza), says. “And it only takes 10-13 minutes to bake a new batch if we’re out when you arrive.” And Happy Cow, which celebrated its Grand Opening with a Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting on May 10, also has frozen quarts of their always-rotating flavors, as well as Tshirts, cooler bags and other cool gear, plus a great loyalty program where you can win free “stuff” and franchising opportunities. For more information about Happy Cow Frozen Yogurt (1646 BBD), call 428-5929 or visit and “Like” the shop’s page on Facebook. com. You also can get $1 off any purchase of $4 or more with the coupon on page 31 of this issue.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 12 • June 8, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 12 • June 8, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
The Latest & Greatest News About Dining, Shopping, Retail & More In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel! By Gary Nager
Best NY Pizza Now Open
We know, we know. Wesley Chapel is suddenly being overrun by true New Yorkstyle pizza places, but the new Best New York (NY) Pizza, which just opened at 27429 S.R. 54 less than two weeks ago in the former Drake’s Place spot in the Pinebrook at the Grove shopping center (on S.R. 54 between I-75 and Old Pasco Rd.), is definitely worth checking out. With delicious true NY-style pizza made famous at a Carrollwood location on N. Dale Mabry Hwy. and two adjoining dining room concepts (one with counter service and the other with a little more formallooking dine-in area), Best NY Pizza also has one of the best meatball parmigiana heros (photo) and chicken parmigiana dinners (served with salad, pasta and garlic knots) I’ve had in our area. Please call 994-2200 or stop by and tell Greg, the owner, and his staff that we sent you. And, see the ad on the next page (31) for great coupon specials on a truly FREE lunch or dinner at Best NY!
WingHouse Should Be Open Although its original scheduled opening was delayed by a week or so during the remodeling of the former Buffalo’s SW Café on S.R. 54 (at 5510 Post Oak Blvd.), Wesley Chapel’s Ker’s WingHouse should
be open by the time you receive this issue in your mailbox. At our press time, the opening of the WingHouse was scheduled for June 6, but visit WCNeighborhoodNews.com for updated details.
Hibachi Japanese Express To Open In Village Market Meanwhile, in the same building as the China Wok restaurant in the Wesley Chapel Village Market at S.R. 54 and Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., just east of I-75, Hibachi Japanese Express restaurant is getting ready to open at least by shortly after you receive this issue. A spokesperson for the company says the sit-down restaurant will feature hibachi/teppanyaki tables, fresh sushi and Japanese and other Asian fare in a comfortable dine-in location. Visit WCNeighborhoodNews.com for more info as the restaurant gets closer to opening.
Buddy’s Hot Dogs Opens Next To Baja Fresh
Ciccio’s In Tampa Palms
Although we still couldn’t “officially” confirm whether or not Ciccio’s Lodge was going to move into the former World of Beer location in the Shoppes at The Pointe in Tampa Palms, we do know what restaurant will replace Ciccio’s in the Publix-anchored City Plaza at Tampa Palms shopping center. Vallarta’s, which of course, has a very successful location in Wesley Chapel, as well as locations in Land O’Lakes, Temple Terrace and two in Tampa, is planning to move into the former Ciccio’s slot and Wesley Chapel Vallarta’s owner Fabian Jimenez promises the Tampa Palms location will feature a similar menu, full liquor bar and a great place to bring the family or hang out to watch a game. For more info about Vallarta’s, call
A little south of S.R. 54, at 2653 BBD, Buddy’s Hot Dogs (600-3138) has opened between the Baja Fresh and the also new Brewhouse Café (all owned by the same people), which opened in the former iCream location. The good news, for Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel staffers (the hospital is directly across BBD from this plaza) and other local business folks looking for different ideas for lunch, is that this same plaza also already is home to the very popular Dickey’s BBQ, Hungry Greek and Latin Twist Café restaurants. The even better news is that Buddy’s offers crispy hand-cut fries.
Vallarta’s To Replace
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 12 • June 8, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
the Wesley Chapel location at 9075161 or visit VallartasTampa.com.
Cappy’s Pizza Also Coming To City Plaza
We also had to post a shot on our Facebook.com page last week announcing that a new location of Tampa Bay area mini-chain Cappy’s Pizza is opening in the original, smaller Ciccio’s location in City Plaza by the end of the summer. Cappy’s already has locations in St. Pete, South Tampa, Riverview and one near to New Tampa at 4910 N. Florida Ave. in Old Seminole Heights and is known for both New York- and Chicagostyle deep dish pizzas, calzones, salads and beer and wine. Call 238-1516 for the Old Seminole Heights Cappy’s Pizza, or visit CappysPizzaOnline.com for more info.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 12 • June 8, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
PHYSICAL THERAPIST – An established New Tampa outpatient clinic is hiring a part-time PT to provide customized, one-on-one care. Fax resume to (813) 994-3080 HELP WANTED - Looking for licensed hairstylists. full time or part time looking for the right person to work in a fun, family atmosphere. If interested call (813) 973-1514 and ask for Bonnie. HELP WANTED - Medical Billing Personnel, part-time, flexible hours, Local PT Clinic. Fax resume to (813) 994-3080. HELP WANTED - Hiring housekeeper, with car and valid driver’s license. Spanish a plus. Call: 813.758.9710 or 813.758.9745 NOW INTERVIEWING - Experienced Family Medicine Nurse Practitioner & Medical Assistant position. F/T or P/T. To inquire please email resume to bobbie@fwctampa.net or call (813-994-0611 opt.1) and ask for Bobbie. HELP WANTED - Direct sales fashion jewelry company now hiring! Full time or part time. Bilingual a plus. No experience required. Will train. Commission paid weekly. Earn free jewelry and free trips. Reward for qualified referrals. Get paid to help women accessorize one on one or with a girls night out. Call 813.504.5788. HELP WANTED : LPN - part time/weekdays (2 to 3). 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Allergy/asthma experience a plus. Call (813) 971-9743, extension 108.
BRIDGE PLAYERS WANTED - Daytime. Weekdays. Once, twice, or more per month for three hour sessions in selected homes of members in New Tampa or Wesley Chapel. Actual schedule depends on availability of players. One-two tables maximum. Party bridge, not Duplicate. Intermediate level. Enjoyable, warm, casual people. Free. No frills. For details call Harry at 813-9072541 or Jane at 813-355-3665.
CAR SERVICES – Don’t Have a Ride? Don’t Want to Leave Your Car? Shouldn’t Drive? We Drive You and Your Car Home! Night Clubs, Corporate Events, Sporting Events, Concerts, Appointments, Airport or Stranded... Call Jay at (813) 966-1530.
Classifıeds I M P R O V E M E N T
DRY WALL SPECIALIST - Not a handyman. Affordable Quality Work repairing water damage, ceilings and walls, retexturing, popcorn removal, room additions, cracks, holes, plaster and stucco repair. 26 Years Experience. Wesley Chapel resident. State Certified. Call Ron for free estimate (813) 784-5999 NEED HOME MAINTENANCE – Almost any job, large or small, ext/int, fencing , screening, sm. concrete, sprinklers, painting, repairs, int. doors, locks, sheet rock, windows, paint, caulk, grout, trim, shelving, garages organized. Installations, removals, pressure washing, wood restoration & more. Call Dale’s Home Maintenance @ 973-0194 or 727-2582. GREG’S PAPERHANGING – For all of your wallpapering needs. Licensed & insured, clean, quick & reasonable. Call 973-2767 for free estimate. RAYMOND PAINTING – Interior & Exterior pressure washing, paper hanging, plaster, stucco, tiles, clean & seal pavers, roofing leaks, etc. Licensed & Bonded. References available. Free Estimates. Your Neighborhoond Arbor Greene Resident. We work 7 days. Call 994-5124. DAVID BRIDGES PRESSURE CLEANING Complete exterior cleaning of your home or business with a professional and personal touch. - Pool decks and screen enclosures - All fencing/ driveways and walkways/roofs - Gutter and downspouts. Find your happiness in a fresh, bright clean home. Your neighbors will love you for it! All work guaranteed. Licensed and insured. (813) 215-1177 WEST COAST FLOORING INC - Hardwood, Laminate, and Carpet; Over 25 years experience in sales and installations; Repairs: Large and small jobs; We even do exterior pavers; Free estimates - Call Doug at (813) 215-4817 HANDYMAN SERVICES - Handyman Services, Disposal and fan installations. Painting, dry wall repair, calking, tile and wooden floor installations, gutter cleaning, and much more. Great prices! Call 813.907.6994. D & D PRESSURE WASHING - licensed and insured. We clean driveways, sidewalks, homes, pool decks, screen enclosures, fences and other items. Free estimates. Call Dina or Doug 813-949-5131
RENTAL - Short-term rental in prestigious golf community. Fully furnished. July/August. Wesley Chapel. 3 br/2bath/2 car garage. Call Sharon at 813.967.5677
FIND YOUR DREAM HOME FROM YOUR CELL PHONE! - Wish you could see home details while you are driving around looking at homes? NOW YOU CAN! With Team Bohannon's Mobile MLS Search application, you can search for any home in the area on your cell phone. Check out price, beds/baths, details, maps, even photos – all from the convenience of your cell phone. SEARCH PROPERTIES WHENEVER AND WHEREVER YOU WANT! GET IT NOW - Text: MLS4YOU to: 87778 Compliments of Doug, Annette and Dale Bohannon Coldwell Banker (813) 979-4963 EXECUTIVE OFFICES - from $375-$525/mo. New Tampa Professional Park located in Pebble Creek Behind Chase Bank off Bruce B. Downs Blvd. and Regents Park Drive. Call Gail Lynch today at 813973-4155 WAREHOUSE/OFFICE COMBO - 920 S.F. of A/C space - $1150.00/mo. Plus electric, no CAMS. Great for Shipping/Receiving/Storage or just need a large open area with attached office and overhead garage door. Located in Pebble Creek off Bruce B Downs Blvd. and Regents park Drive. Call Gail Lynch today at 813-973-4155
COMPUTER SERVICES PROFESSIONAL TECH SUPPORT – in your home or small business. A+ certified computer tech with 20 years of exp. Maintenance & repairs, upgrades & tutoring. More affordable than the large chains! Friendly, personalized svc. Technical jargon explained in plain English. Remote assistance available. References available upon request. Call 957-8342 for free estimate. DO YOU HATE YOUR COMPUTER?!? - WE CAN HELP YOU! Troubleshooting, installation, networking & virus removal. WE COME TO YOU! Servicing residential & businesses, w/ over 25 years experience. Contact Jeffrey Blank (813) 973-4507 today! www.WSICA.COM; Wsica@wsica.com
TRANQUILITY POOL SERVICE - New Tampa owned & operated. Great Pricing with outstanding customer service! LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED. See why we are New Tampa and Wesley Chapel’s #1 Choice!! New customer’s ONE MONTH FREE! Call Chris Today @ (813) 857-5400 or visit www.TranquilityPoolService.com AQUATEC POOL SERVICE - keeping pools clear & swim safe since 1994. WE DO POOLS RIGHT! Commercial & Residential. CPO #33-303052 Licensed & Insured. Service guarantee. Call (813) 312-5694 TODAY and get 1 MONTH OF QUALITY SERVICE FOR FREE. www.aquatecpool.com
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 12 • June 8, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
TAI CHI CLASSES - open to the public at the Club Tampa Palms. Benefits: Strength, Flexibility, Balance, Focus and reduced stress. New Beginner 6 week courses starting every few months. Adults Course: Thursday evening’s 7-8 pm. Seniors Course: Tuesday afternoons 12-1 pm. Space is limited! Also personal instruction in Tai Chi, Kempo Karate, Boot Camp Fitness training and more. With more than 30 years of training and teaching experience. Please contact me for more details or go to: chuan-fa.org. Peter #787-7560 or E-mail peter@chuan-fa.org LICENSED MOBILE MASSAGE THERAPIST Available seven days a week, 9am -9pm. $55 for 1 hour! Types of massage available: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Aroma Therapy, Hot Stone, Corporate Seated, Pregnancy, Sports & Injury Rehab. References available. www.barkdollmassagetherapy.com CALL (727) 372-6389 Lic #MA47546. GROUP THERAPY CLASSES – 4 groups starting: 1) Adult Stress Management, 2) Children’s Social Skills, 3) Parenting Skills, and 4) Mind-Body Wellbeing. Cost: $20-$30 per week. Conducted by licensed therapists with over 10 years of experience. Limited Space, Call Today. We also provide individual therapy for children, adolescents, and adults. Call Dr. Brad Palermo, Licensed Psychologist – (813)-666-5885 www.Tampa-Therapy.com SENIOR CARE HELP - Homemaker, Companion, and Personal Care Services. Light Housekeeping, Transportation, Wellness Checks Meal Preparation, Respite Care. Alzheimer's Care, Licensed Bonded and Insured Acti-Kare Responsive In-Home Care. 813-319-9143
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TAMPA CAT LADY- Professional Cat-Sitting Service. Cats are happiest in their own home, surrounded by familiar sights, sounds, & smells. When you are away, we feed, cuddle, & play with your kitties & clean & dispose of litter. Insured, bonded, & Red-Cross certified in pet first aid/CPR. Call 994-9449 or visit www.TampaCatLady.com. NEW TAMPA PET SITTING SERVICES Under New Ownership! Please call Larisa at (813) 5463887. Thank-you for your business over ALL these years! Please call Marina at (813) 416-5301 for references!
D-ULTRA CLEANING SERVICE - We have our own supplies & more than 300 clients in New Tampa! For more information, Call 758-9710. M.Y. CLEANING SERVICE - Offering Residential cleaning. We offer complete bath & kitchen cleaning, as well as dusting and polishing furniture. We provide our own supplies. Free estimates! Your satisfaction is our priority! With 5 years of experience, we guarantee meticulous cleaning! Call Mila: (813) 516-3554. DISCOUNT JUNK REMOVAL!!! - No job to big or to small! Same day service. Senior discount. Servicing the New Tampa & Wesley Chapel, as well as surrounding areas for over 11 years. Furniture, yard debris, garage clean out, and any other items. Call Lamar Today – 813.285.4674.
PROFESSIONAL TENNIS LESSONS - Recently relocated USPTA/PTR teaching professional available for private/group/team tennis lessons. Former Head Tennis Professional at the #2 and #3 Tennis Resorts in the U.S. Past coach of former #1 singles player at the University of Florida. Call Steve Brady at (843) 422-3993 or email sbrady@hargray.com AFTER SCHOOL CARE - Drop off/pick up, Help with Homework, Transportation to after school activities. Age appropriate recreational activities. Snack/ Meal Preparation. Licensed, Bonded and Insured Acti- Kare Responsive In-Home Care 813-319-9143
Call The Neighborhood News
To Place Your Listing Today
V&J CLEANING SERVICES, LLC. Residential-Commercial cleaning. Quality service. Affordable rates. Reliable, flexible scheduling. Supplies & equipment provided. Call Elizabeth for free estimates - 813.454.3082. CLEAN FIRST TIME - Let Clean First Time of Hillsborough serve you! We offer office cleaning, new home/renovation construction cleaning, Community Center cleaning, window cleaning and more, at times and intervals to suit you! We are fully insured and can provide current references. If a good work ethic and attention to detail are important to you, give us a call! 813.313.8468 BELLA’S CLEANING SERVICES - Reliable, affordable, professional, detail oriented. I have references. Free estimates. I have many satisfied customers in New Tampa, with five years experience. Call: 941-5447451.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 12 • June 8, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
Continued from page 1 holds the fort together. I think that if we had (Baker) and someone from the outside, it would be a perfect fit.” Schrader said he was skeptical of Gonzalez’ passion for Pasco County. “When you run for public office, people ask if you have the ‘fire in the belly,’” said Schrader. “I didn’t sense from Mr. Gonzalez that he was really passionate about coming here. But, I could be completely wrong about that.” Dist. 5 Commissioner Jack Mariano said that he was “very impressed with (Gonzalez) from the get-go. I liked his energy and his tempo. He’s looking for something great to do. I wanted to make sure that he wanted to come here.” Mariano also said that he sensed that Gonzalez was a “results-driven” person and took notice of his confidence. Like Mulieri, Dist. 3 commissioner Kathryn Starkey also appeared torn between the two candidates. “I’m a big fan of Michele’s,” she began. “I think that the opportunity that we have in front of us with Tommy is extraordinary and he has a track record that I just can’t ignore. I think his strengths play to some of our weaknesses, but I would not want to lose Michele. Tommy and Michele together would be extraordinary.” Dist. 4 commissioner Henry Wilson also expressed interest in the team of Baker
and Gonzalez, but ultimately decided with the latter for the job. “I believe (Baker) is a great asset we have in the county,” he explained. “She has a lot of historical knowledge that is very beneficial for the county. I think Mr. Gonzalez presented well, just like the other three. I do believe that Mr. Gonzalez could take us to the next level.” Schrader said that he wanted to play “Devil’s advocate” during the meeting because he thinks that Gonzalez will expect financial incentives to come in and get things accomplished. Whether or not Baker will continue with the county after Gonzalez takes over the administrator’s job, at our press time, had not yet been determined. While deciding to offer Gonzalez a three-year contract, which will automatically renew for one-year unless notice not to renew is given, commissioners asked Gallagher, who had remained silent throughout the meeting, about his initial contract. “I didn’t come here for the money,” Gallagher said. “Don’t pay any attention to what you did with (my contract). I loved (being administrator) and I would’ve worked for a lot less.” Gonzalez will still have to pass an extensive background check and, if he accepts the job, won’t take over until at least September 1, as he will have to give Irving a 60day-notice of departure. Schrader will begin negotiations with Gonzalez, while Baker began serving as interim administrator at a salary of $150,000, as of June 1.
“S.R. 54”
Continued from page 1 disappointed. “(S.R. 54) is just like other roads,” he said. “The widening has been a long time coming. It should’ve been done a long time ago. The medians will make driving safer. It might take a little longer to make a turn, but that’s the price of safety.” However, not everyone in attendance shared Glennon’s opinion. “They don’t have many answers,” said Stacy Obney, an Ashton Oaks resident who will potentially have to make a U-turn after leaving her community to head west toward I-75 on S.R. 54. “I don’t understand how they can use traffic numbers
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 21, Issue 12 • June 8, 2013 • www.WCNeighborhoodNews.com
from 2009 for a 2015 project.” Carson explains that the traffic-projection numbers come from years of traffic data collection from past and present that allow FDOT to plan for projects as far in the future as 2035. Many businesses may experience access changes, as well, including Trinity Church, located on the north side of S.R. 54, just east of the Hamilton Park community. The church also will fall victim to the right-turn-in, right-turn-out access change. “We’ll have to wait and see what happens,” said Dave Huff, a Trinity Church member. “Getting into the church will be easy, but getting out will be more difficult. Either way, the road definitely needs (to be widened).”