Volume 22 Issue 13
See Neighborhood Magazine!
June 21, 2014
Branchton Farms: Fresh Produce & More!
The Direct - Mail News Magazines Serving New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Since 1993! THIS INDEPENDENT COMMUNITY NEWS MAGAZINE IS DIRECTLY MAILED TO: NEW TAMPA: Arbor Greene • Cory Lake Isles • Cross Creek • Easton Park • Grand Hampton • Heritage Isles • Hunter’s Green • Hunter’s Key • K-Bar Ranch Lake Forest • Live Oak Preserve • Pebble Creek • Richmond Place • Tampa Palms • The Hammocks • West Meadows WESLEY CHAPEL: Aberdeen • Belle Chase • Bridgewater • Brookside • Chapel Pines • Country Walk • Lexington Oaks • Meadow Pointe • New River • Northwood • Pinewalk • Pine Ridge Saddlebrook • Saddleridge Estates • Saddlewood • Seven Oaks • The Lakes at Northwood • The Villages of Wesley Chapel • Watergrass • Wesley Pointe • Westbrook Estates • Williamsburg
New Tampa HART Route To Change In November, Public Hearing July 8 New Tampa commuters who utilize our area’s lone Hillsborough Area Regional Transit (HART) bus route — Route 51X — should consider attending an upcoming formal public hearing, as the route that connects Pasco County to downtown Tampa is scheduled to change this November. Following two community open-house meetings, during which HART representatives revealed three revision options for the route that connects New Tampa and Wesley Chapel to downtown Tampa, a formal public hearing to record public opinions is set for Tuesday, July 8, at the New Tampa Regional Library (10001 Cross Creek Blvd.). During the first meeting held on June 10 at the New Tampa Regional Library, the HART staff heard a mixed bag of opinions from 22 attendees regarding the three route change options. While some saw a possible change as good for the area, others saw the proposed options as a threat to their way to work. A second open-house meeting was held on June 17 at the New Tampa Rec Center off Commerce Park Blvd. in Tampa Palms, but that meeting was after our press time. HART spokesperson Sandra Morrison says that some rider backlash is understandable. “People don’t like change,” Morrison says. “This meeting was dominated by current users (most of whom) find the current route meeting their needs.”
HART announced on June 5 that it would be proposing revisions to the New Tampa express route to adjust to ridership trends and improve its cost-efficiency. Currently, the 51X route runs weekday mornings from 6 a.m.-8 a.m. at a Park-nRide stop at Victorious Life Church on Old Pasco Rd. in Wesley Chapel, before heading south and west on S.R. 54 to S.R. 56 and then cutting east along County Line Rd., where the buses pick up at CrossRoads Community United Methodist Church, opposite Grand Hampton. Route 51X then heads east towards Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. and then heads south, making a stop at Lowe’s Home Improvement in Tampa Palms. The buses then take I-75 south to I-4 westbound, when they head south on I-275 to downtown Tampa to make three drop-offs. In the evenings, the buses make four pickups downtown and head north on I-275 to Bearss Ave. and then drop off at the three New Tampa/Wesley Chapel Park-n-Ride stops. HART reports that Route 51X averages about 67 riders per day, or about 17 passengers per bus ride. Three alternative options (see page 14) are being considered for 51X. The first of those options continues the express service between Wesley Chapel and downtown but would add up to three stops along BBD. HART also would add hourly “midday” service (roughly 8 a.m.-4 p.m.) in between the
By Gary Nager Mark your calendars now, because you don’t want to miss all the fun when the Wesley Chapel Rotary Club (which meets Wednesdays at noon at Ciao! Italian Bistro in the Shops at Wiregrass Mall) hosts the third annual Florida Hospital Wesley Chapel Freedom Festival & Fireworks Show at the Shops at Wiregrass on Thursday, July 3, 5 p.m.-9 p.m., where you can celebrate your love for not only our country,
but also for the local community. This year’s activities again include the Bicycle Decorating Contest, Little Miss & Mr. Firecracker Pageant (presented by Parks Ford of Wesley Chapel), as well as a new Watermelon Eating Contest, plus Wesley Chapel’s biggest and best fireworks show. and so much more. And of course, big events like these don’t happen without lots of wonderful sponsors and this year’s Freedom Festival is
Local News, Business & Education Updates
Neighborhood Magazine
By Matt Wiley
HART service planning manager Steve Feigenbaum fields questions during a public meeting at the New Tampa Regional Library on June 10 about the proposed revision options for New Tampa’s Route 51X bus that connects New Tampa & Wesley Chapel with downtown Tampa.
express hours, between HART’s University Area Transit Center (UATC, off 131st Ave. in Tampa, north of the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital) and Wesley Chapel using BBD. “We expect most will favor Option 1,” said Steve Feigenbaum, manager of service planning for HART, at the June 10 meeting. “It keeps the service similar to the current route. We’re trying to respect the riders who have been our patrons for years.” Feigenbaum said that Option 1 also would lower the current monthly fare for
Route 51X riders from $95 to $65. The second option includes discontinuing the direct express service between Wesley Chapel and downtown Tampa in favor of continual hourly midday service (approximately 6 a.m. - 8 p.m.) between the UATC and Wesley Chapel along BBD, also with bus stops along the way. Patrons desiring to go downtown would have access to other services, including the new MetroRapid service, to get downtown.
See ‘HART” on page 14
Freedom Festival To Be Held July 3 At The Shops At Wiregrass Mall!
Also Inside This Issue!
Hillsborough County Issues Request For BBD Segment A Widening Proposals, New Tampa’s FCAT Scores Are In, Plus Lots Of Local Business Features & More!
Branchton Farms Has Freshest Produce, Taste Delicious At Stonemill Artisan Bakery & ColdStone Creamery; Plus More Neighborhood Nibbles & Biz Bytes!
Pages 1-44
Pages 45-60
no exception. In addition to FHWC and Parks Ford, this year’s Freedom Festival sponsors include “White” sponsors McIlwain Family Dentistry and “Blue” sponsors Pasco Hernando State College; Barbizon Modeling & Acting Careers; Mike Moore for Pasco County Commissioner; Ken Chase of Home Buyers Marketing II, Inc.; Habitat for Humanity of East & Central Pasco; Cash for Gold of Wesley Chapel and SmartHealth, Inc., Licensed Health & Life Insurance Agency. For more information, including info about sponsorships (there are still a few available), visit FreedomFestivalWesleyChapel.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 13 • June 21, 2014 •
Neighborhood News
The 2014 Political Season Is In Full Swing; Why Should You Care? An editorial by Gary Nager
Years of frustration have made me believe that even if I could stand on my head and make political balloon animals (like a fellow Rotarian friend of mine), I still wouldn’t really be able to inspire New Tampa residents to vote, especially in a non-Presidential Election year. But, while I know it’s hard to care about local government (especially local politics) or about voting in local elections, I can’t even begin to tell you how important it is to participate (that means get registered, if you’re not, and vote) in the upcoming 2014 August 26 Primary & November 4 General Elections. I have said this many times before, to little avail, but it has always boggled my mind when I hear people say that they only vote in the “big” elections — all while complaining about the lack of adequate roads, parks, schools, business opportunities, politicians who care about “us,” etc. — in our area, most of which has little to do with who is the President of our stillgreat republic. To those who run for and are ultimately elected to public office, it has always seemed that the people of New Tampa only care when our schools are overcrowd-
New Tampa Neighborhood News Please note our new address: 29157 Chapel Park Dr., Suite B Wesley Chapel, FL 33543 Phone: (813) 910-2575 Fax: (813) 423-6533 Advertising E-mail: Editorial E-mail: Publisher & Editor Gary Nager General Manager Nikki Bennett Assistant Editor / Photographer Matt Wiley Correspondents Amy Gutierrez • Celeste McLaughlin Kelly Miller • Lauren Saslow Advertising Sales Representative Mary Dorey Graphic Design Georgia Carmichael • Christa Stuart Erica Everett • Chelsie Rosatone Sales & Marketing Assistant Antwon Gildon
Nothing that appears in New Tampa Neighborhood News may be reproduced, whether wholly or in part, without permission. Opinions expressed by Wesley Chapel Neighborhood News writers are their own and do not reflect the publisher’s opinion. The deadline for outside editorial submissions and advertisements for Volume 22, Issue 15, of New Tampa Neighborhood News is Monday, July 7, 2014. New Tampa Neighborhood News will consider previously non-published outside editorial submissions if they are double spaced, typed and less than 500 words. New Tampa Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit and/or reject all outside editorial submissions and makes no guarantees regarding publication dates. New Tampa Neighborhood News will not return unsolicited editorial materials. New Tampa Neighborhood News reserves the right to edit &/or reject any advertising. New Tampa Neighborhood News is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the actual cost of the advertising space itself, nor for the validity of any claims made by its advertisers.
© 2014 JM2 Communications, Inc.
Neighborhood News
ed or have to have portable classrooms, or when it seems that Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. won’t be widened from Pasco County to Bearss Ave. in our lifetimes, or when there’s no place for our kids to play football, lacrosse, do gymnastics or have any type of cultural experience in their own neighborhoods. Therefore, I don’t see how anyone can really say out loud, “I only vote in Presidential Elections,” and expect the officials who make decisions virtually every day that affect whether or not we get the services we need to make life a little more livable in our city, our county, our school district and our state to care about us. Although it became my job (and my pleasure) in 1994 to report the news of our area, I attended so many governmental meetings when I started out in this business as a relatively young (35-year-old) father and family man that the law enforcement personnel at these events would take one look at me and say, “Not this guy again” (and not always to themselves). Too many of those times there would be only a handful (or fewer) of other hardworking people from New Tampa in attendance, so I had the pleasure of not only having to report the news from these events, but also of being told by these politicos what was wrong with the people in our area — that we don’t vote, don’t attend governmental meetings or public hearings and don’t call or even write emails (unless, usually, something we don’t like is being built in our backyard), but that we still expected to have everything our hearts desire without participating in the process. Twenty years into this job, I still don’t have a fully widened BBD or Cross Creek Blvd., an East-West Connector to I-275, a New Tampa Cultural Center or enough parks, library space, buses, etc., to meet the needs of our still-growing community. So, if I can inspire even one of you to get yourself registered (if you’re not already) by this year’s deadline — which is Monday, July 28 (or only five+ weeks away as you’re receiving this issue), and
take a look at the names and amendments that are on this year’s ballot (unfortunately, sample ballots for our New Tampa voting precincts aren’t yet available online at our press time at, but they should be soon), I’ve at least done my duty as the publisher and editor of the primary source of news and information for people in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel. From now until our October 11 New Tampa issue, we’ll try to provide as much coverage as we can about upcoming local races — including two Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners seats, the State Legislature races we’re eligible to vote for, a School Board seat, multiple Community Development District
Correction From Last Issue:
We need to correct (and apologize for) a the following mistake from our last issue: In our “Business Spotlight” feature , the correct name of the plaza is the “Cory Lake Professional Center.” We apologize for our error and any inconvenience or confusion it may have caused. — GN
elections and even some important Circuit Judge races and state amendments. It’s so easy to register and vote these days, there’s really no excuse. And of course, the New Tampa Regional Library on Cross Creek Blvd.) is still an early voting site, too, which adds to the ease and convenience of being part of the solution. Get out and vote, New Tampa!
The most advanced age-fighting skin care from Mary Kay is here!
Table of Contents
Local News Updates....................................4-17
Rep. Danish Gives New Tampa Chamber A Legislative Session Recap....4 Hillsborough County Requests BBD Widening Proposals..............6 New Tampa News Briefs.........................................................8 State Budget Allocates $10M For WC Perf. Arts Center Gun Reported At Wharton, Lockdown Ensues City Adds Utility Bill Pay To Mobile App Rotary Dog Park Officially Announced Are Two Ice Skating Facilities Coming To Wesley Chapel?...........12
New Tampa Community Calendar.....................................16
Local Business Updates......................18-39 McIlwain Dentistry Can Treat All Of Your Family’s Dental Needs...18 Engel & Völkers’ Lessie Reyes Can Put You In The Perfect Home...24 It Works! Body Wraps Can Help You Tone & Tighten..............26 Vintage Estate Homes Opens New Model In Grand Hampton....30 Grace Episcopal Church Invites You To A Worship Service...........32 Bright Eyes Kids Optical Helps Kids See Clearly........................36 Tampa ENT Has Ears, Noses & Throats Covered...................38
Local Education Updates.........................41 New Tampa Schools Score Well On Final FCAT Tests
Neighborhood Magazine
Branchton Farms Has New Tampa’s Best Produce........................45 Stonemill Artisan Bakery Brings Baked Goods & Desserts To WC...50 Cold Stone Creamery Keeps You Cool All Summer Long.............52 ‘Neighborhood Nibbles & Business Bytes’.............................54
NEW TAMPA COLOR CLASSIFIEDS.......................56 Congrats To New Tampa’s Graduating Class Of 2014...............58
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 13 • June 21, 2014 •
Rep. Danish Offers Florida Legislative Update At New Tampa Chamber Lunch By Matt Wiley While the Florida legislative session is a wrap, District 63 Rep. Mark Danish (D-New Tampa) is gearing up to begin campaigning for re-election and recently was the guest speaker at the New Tampa Chamber of Commerce’s monthly luncheon to provide a legislative session recap. Inside the conference room of the Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites off Highwoods Preserve Pkwy. on June 10, Rep. Danish gave New Tampa Chamber members the lowdown on some of the highlights of the 2014 legislative session, which came to a close on May 2. This session brought Danish’s first term as a legislator to a close, but he is set to defend his seat against former Dist. 63 Rep. Shawn Harrison (R-New Tampa) in the November General Election. Rep. Danish, a former science teacher at Benito Middle School, told the Chamber that the biggest accomplishment this session (which has been making headlines, especially in Wesley Chapel [see page 10], since Governor Rick Scott signed off on it on June 2), was the passing of Florida’s largest budget to date at $77 billion, which included increased funding for education. “(Based on the budget), you could say we’ve turned the corner with the economy,” Rep. Danish said. “For those in the business world, that’s good news. If education is going to prosper in this state, business has got to prosper, as well.” However, while Rep. Danish acknowl-
edges that there is increased funding for education, it’s still not as much as would’ve liked to have seen. “It’s the biggest education budget we’ve ever had,” Rep. Danish explained. “But, we also have more students at public schools than ever before, so it’s important to look at the amount of per capita spending (the amount appropriated per student).” Rep. Danish said that while serving on the State House’s Education Committee, he learned that the new budget spends $6,937 per student throughout Florida’s public school system. Although that figure is better than last year, he says that before the economy fell apart in 2007-08, the state was spending more than $7,100 per student. “I was really pushing for us to break that $7,000 barrier (again),” Rep. Danish said. “Some northeastern schools spend more than $12,000 per student.” He added that he also fought to bring down the percentage increase on tuition for the state’s public universities after four years of increases of 15 percent per year. “I was excited when I helped get the (tuition) increase down from six percent to three percent, and then Gov. Scott vetoed it and said no increase. You could say I lost the vote, but won the argument.” In addition to serving on the Education Committee, Rep. Danish also served on the Economic Affairs Committee and the Government Operations and Agriculture & Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittees. While serving on Appropriations, Rep. Danish says that he was able to help
secure increased funding for the University of South Florida (USF) in Tampa, MOSI (Museum of Science & Industry on E. Fowler Ave.) and the Moffitt Cancer Center (on USF’s Tampa campus), all of which are in New Tampa’s legislative district. This session Rep. Danish sponsored six bills, all of which technically died in committee. However, he says that he found a loophole to get some things passed, as he also co-sponsored 19 other bills. “They told me I wouldn’t pass a bill on the floor this session,” Rep. Danish told the New Tampa Chamber attendees. “But, I found a way to get around that. I just embedded my bill in someone else’s bill.” As part of a transportation package of bills (HB 7005), Rep. Danish was able to help get a bill passed that requires self-serve gas stations to display a blue sticker on pumps, indicating that if you are disabled and can’t pump your own gas, a station attendant will come out and pump it for you. It’s already an ordinance in Hillsborough, but now will be a law statewide. Another bill Rep. Danish says that he is proud of helping get passed is HB 225, which raises the age of children who must ride in “booster seats,” or safety seats in automobiles. “Florida was the only state in the country where children above the age of three could ride without a booster seat,” Rep. Danish said. “We’ve been trying to pass that bill for five years. I co-sponsored it last year, but it didn’t get past committee. Now the age is raised to five. Child safety
Dist. 63 State Rep. Mark Danish speaks to members of the New Tampa Chamber of Commerce at a luncheon on June 10. seats also are tax free. I think that’s going to save lives.” Although this was Rep. Danish’s second legislative session, he says that it still was a learning experience. “You have to learn things fast to get things done,” he says. He also says that his stance on not strictly voting along party lines didn’t earn him any extra popularity points, either. “I don’t like to vote for things that are political,” Rep. Danish says. “I like to vote for things that are right and best for the people in my community. (Legislators) get mad at me on both sides of the aisle. I don’t always follow party lines on every vote. It’s not easy.” For info about Rep. Mark Danish, visit We also will feature Danish’s opponent Shawn Harrison (see page 39) in an upcoming issue.
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 13 • June 21, 2014 •
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Hillsborough County Issues RFP For BBD ‘Segment A’ Widening By Matt Wiley
As crews work to finish the widening of Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. underneath I-75 in New Tampa, Hillsborough County has sent out a Request for Proposals (RFP) for contractors to see who will win the contract to widen New Tampa’s main drag from Palm Springs Blvd. south to Bearss Ave. The next segment of BBD widening — known as “Segment A� — will continue the process of transforming New Tampa’s congested main artery from a four-lane divided highway into an eight-lane divided highway. The next segment spans about 3.5 miles. According to county documents, the bidding period for contractors is tentatively scheduled to open on Thursday, June 26. From then until mid-October, contractors can submit bids for the project. Currently, construction is scheduled to begin in November (after the contract is finally awarded), but that estimate is subject to change, depending upon how long the bid process takes to complete. The project is estimated to take about 815 construction days from start to finish, with a very tentative completion date scheduled for February 2017. In addition to widening the road, the contractor who is awarded the project also will be responsible for a 5-6-ft.
sidewalk on the west side of BBD, as well as a 10-ft.-wide multi-use path on the east side of the road. The project also involves widening the southbound side of the small bridge that crosses over Cypress Creek, located between the Landmark at Grayson Park apartments and Amberly Dr. in Tampa Palms, as well as construction of a new four-lane bridge on northbound BBD. Minor construction also will be required at the Tampa Palms Blvd. and Amberly Dr. intersections with BBD, and four storm drainage ponds also will be created. Pond locations are planned at the northwest corner of Bearss Ave. and BBD, north of 42 St. on the west side of BBD, on the southwest corner of the intersection of BBD/Tampa Palms Blvd. (on land previously owned by Grace Episcopal Church) and south of Cypress Preserve Blvd. on the west side of BBD. New traffic signals also will be installed at the seven intersections along the length of the project, as well as five Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) poles, identical to the ones already installed in the median of BBD approaching I-75 from both directions.
Prince Contracting also continues underneath I-75 to complete the widening to eight lanes from Pebble Creek Dr. south to Palm Springs Blvd. (BBD Segments B & C). Work on the one-mile stretch under the interstate (between Doùa Michelle Dr. and Tampa Palms/Commerce Palms Blvd.) had to be delayed until the new I-75 overpasses were completed as part of the project to widen I-75 to six and eight lanes from Fowler Ave. in Tampa to S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel. Florida Department of Transportation spokesperson John McShaffrey says that, based on Prince’s current schedule,
New Tampa drivers can expect to finally enjoy an uninterrupted four lanes in each direction on BBD Segments B & C by late September or early November. This work, he says, will include reconstruction of the road, as well as drainage installation, I-75 ramp tie-ins and the sidewalk and multi-use trail on either side of BBD. Also, in the next two months, McShaffrey says that the ramp from northbound I-75 onto northbound BBD should be open in its final configuration. For more information, please visit
Work Under I-75 Update
As preparations continue for the next section of BBD widening, work by
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 13 • June 21, 2014 •
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 13 • June 21, 2014 •
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New Tampa State Budget Allocates $10M For WC Perf. Arts Center
As part of the State of Florida’s 2014 budget (see page 4), several million dollars have been set aside for what could become the first convention center and performing arts education center in Pasco County. While that alone is monumental, the project likely will be constructed in nearby Wesley Chapel. On June 2, Florida Governor Rick Scott signed the state’s record $77-billion budget. Pasco County received some significant budget allocations, including millions for a performing arts center tied to PascoHernando State College (PHSC), which opened its Porter Campus at Wiregrass Ranch off S.R. 56 in January. According to the Florida House of Representatives’ General Appropriations Act for 2014-15, PHSC is set to receive $10 million in Public Education Capital Outlay (PECO) funds, or funds raised through the levying of utility taxes. “This year’s budget demonstrates the Florida Legislature’s continued commitment to giving back to hard-working Floridians, providing a quality education for every child and growing Florida’s economy,” said Florida Speaker of the House and District 38 Rep. Will Weatherford (R-Wesley Chapel) in a press release regarding the balanced budget. “We have once again balanced the needs of the state with the responsibility to plan for the future and produced a budget that will benefit all Floridians.” Weatherford says that the planned performing arts center is perfect for the changing needs of the growing area. “The PHSC arts and convention facility will be a game-changer for our community,” Weatherford says. “This facility will provide more convention space and new opportunities for PHSC to provide its students with a world-class education in the arts.” The performing arts center, which is estimated to cost about $60 million and be able to seat between 2,500-3,000, would be a joint-use facility between PHSC, the county and the Pasco County School District, says PHSC spokesperson Lucy Miller. “We’re still probably 5-6 years out on the project,” Miller says. “The land will be in Wesley Chapel, but we don’t have the room at the (PHSC) Porter Campus. We’re still in the ground stages (of the project).”
News Briefs Miller explains that the joint-use facility could establish strong collaborative education programs to prepare students for careers in performing arts and to offer sophisticated cultural opportunities for residents. “The facility would provide us with the opportunity to expand our performing arts offerings and develop new programs,” Miller explained. “Several other Florida College System institutions provide drama programs along with related degrees and certificates such as music, dance, stage design and light and audio engineering.” Stay with the New Tampa Neighborhood News as we follow this exciting development.
Gun Reported At Wharton, Lockdown Ensues
Rumors can be devastating in high school, especially when they concern a weapon on campus. According to the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO), just after school started on May 29, a student reported to a staff member at New Tampa’s Paul R. Wharton High that he had seen another student in possession of a handgun at the school’s Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. campus. Once the School Resource Deputy (SRD) was notified, Wharton went on full lockdown so that HCSO deputies could search the school. HCSO reports that the student who reportedly had a firearm was located and identified by the witness, but was uncooperative. The classroom-by-classroom search went on for the rest of the day and lasted more than an hour past the normally scheduled 3 p.m. dismissal time. Deputies searched not only the school itself, but also the school’s athletic fields and a nearby wooded area. No weapon was found and students were dismissed just past 4 p.m. The strong HCSO presence caused traffic congestion along southbound BBD to back up past County Line Rd. in Wesley Chapel. No further information about the incident was available at our press time.
City Adds Utility Bill Pay To Mobile App Paying utility bills can be a chore and sometimes can easily be forgotten about on a busy day. Luckily, the City of Tampa is making it even easier to take care of com-
mercial and residential bill payments by adding a “Utility Bill Pay” feature to its mobile application, which is now available. In a press release on May 27, the City announced that utility customers now are able to pay their bills right from their smartphones. “I want to make it as easy as possible for residents and those who use city services to stay connected with local government,” said Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn in the release. “This app (see screen shot above) will give our utility customers an easier, more accessible way to pay each month. We are continuing to work to make City Hall more technology-oriented and by extension, more customer-friendly.” In addition to paying bills through the app that first was launched in January and is available for both Android phones and tablets, as well as iOS (iPhone and iPad) devices, the press release says that additional features also soon will be available, including “push” notifications for utility customers to remind them when their bills are due, as well as for emergency alert notifications. Developers also are working on a “find my park” tool to allow residents to search nearby city parks and recreational facilities. The app also will allow for mobile web tours of both the Tampa Riverwalk and the city’s public art collection. The app can be downloaded in the Google Play store on Android devices and in the Apple App Store. For more information, please visit
Rotary Dog Park Officially Announced
It’s been rumored for the past several months, but New Tampa dogs may finally soon have their own place to run free and mingle. On May 15, the Rotary Club of New Tampa (which meets Friday mornings at 7:30 a.m. at the Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club) officially announced its partnership with the City of Tampa and fund-raising plans to build the area’s first dog park, which will be constructed next to the New Tampa Rec Center on Commerce Park Blvd. in Tampa Palms. Currently, dog owners who aren’t original Tampa Palms residents have to travel as far as Land O’Lakes or Temple Terrace to let their pups run around without a leash in an actual dog park. “Our goal is to raise the money by September so that we may have a ground-
breaking in October and have the dog park open in time for Thanksgiving,” said club president Peter Gambacorta in a press release. “We need the help of all New Tampa dog lovers.” Gambacorta says that he hopes to raise $25,000, adding that the club already has raised more than $5,000 without any publicity. The city has agreed to match any funds raised by the Rotary Club. The park will have a paved entrance and be lined on each side with bricks that the club is selling to help raise funds and allow the dog-loving New Tampa community to participate in the park. Available in 4”x 4” or 8”x 8” options, the bricks will be engraved with each donor’s name, along with the option to include a message or symbol. The Rotary Club also is offering sponsorship opportunities for the park, ranging from $1,000-$10,000. For more information, please visit — MW
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Zimmerman Closes On Ice Rink Land; Another Rink On The Way? By Matt Wiley
It seems that Wesley Chapel is going to be an even cooler place to live in the coming years, as two ice hockey rinks now are in the works for just a few miles north of the New Tampa area, although one of the two is significantly closer to becoming a reality. On May 29, Seven Oaks resident Gordie Zimmerman of Tampa-based Z Mitch, LLC, held a press conference after closing on the 13 acres of land adjacent to American Consulting Engineers in the Cypress Creek Development of Regional Impact (DRI), located adjacent to I-75 off S.R. 56. “To have a good hockey team, you need the right players,” Zimmerman said during the conference before unveiling conceptual renderings of the ice rink. “The county, King Engineering and everyone else (involved) have been terrific (in helping make this happen).” The 150,500-sq.-ft., two-story rink will feature four ice pads, one Olympicsized and one arena-style, with 450 seats for spectators, as well as a canopied entrance because, Zimmerman noted, “it rains a lot in Florida.” One pad will have removable ice and can will be able to be used for other sports or events, even high school graduations that currently take place at the University of South Florida Sun Dome in Tampa. The conference, held inside American Consulting Engineers, was a packed house of Pasco County and Tampa Bay-area officials, including State Senator Wilton Simpson, Pasco County Commissioners Jack
Mariano, Ted Schrader and Pat Mulieri, the Cypress Creek Group’s Chip Skinner and several Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce (WCCC) members, as well as former Tampa Bay Lightning Stanley Cupwinning (in 2004) captain and long-time New Tampa resident Dave Andreychuk, who is now the Lightning’s “Vice President of Fans.” Currently in the site plan stages, Zimmerman says that the building itself should take between 8-9 months to build and that investors for the nearly $20-million project are all already in place. Despite the fact the Brandon Ice Sports Forum (which Zimmerman says he helped bring to the Tampa market) is just more than 20 miles south on I-75, he says that he doesn’t see other rinks as competition. “It’s more ice for the kids,” Zimmerman said at the press conference. Jeff Novotny, the president of both the Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce and American Consulting Engineers, said at the press conference, “My daughter and I can’t wait to lace up our skates.” For more info, visit
Seven Oaks resident Gordie Zimmerman (left) unveiled his plans for Wesley Chapel’s first ice hockey facility that will feature four ice pads and space for other sports within the building during a press conference on May 29. six years,” Delorenzo explains. “I’ve got from any other rinks,” Delorenzo explains. everything ready to go. We’ve just got to “That hurts the bigger picture. All of these rinks can feed off of each other.” get it built.” Delorenzo says that he plans to keep it Delorenzo adds that he is set to close on the land for the $10-million, 80,000-sq.- low-key at his facility for all to enjoy. “I don’t like seeing expensive ice ft. dual pad rink in July. He explains that his Another Ice Rink In WC? plan is for more of a community center than time,” he says. “I want to make it affordA few miles to the north and west, just a hockey rink. Depending upon the suc- able for everyone. I want the kids to have adjacent to Lexington Oaks on Wesley cess of the initial concept, Delorenzo says fun and learn to play hockey or figure skate. Chapel Blvd. (S.R. 54), former National that he plans to expand to up to 115,000 It builds self-confidence. These sports are Hockey League official Pat Delorenzo is working to build a two-rink ice facility that sq. ft. with a 3,000-seat arena that also can great for kids.” For more information about this othhe says also could serve as a future conven- serve as convention, performing arts or coner planned ice hockey facility, please visit cert space. tion center for the Wesley Chapel area. “(My concept is) not trying to steal “I’ve been working on this for the past
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Neighborhood News
Continued from page 1 The third option is almost identical to Option 2, but also adds service to the University of South Florida campus. Reactions were varied at the June 19 meeting. “Option 1 is best, I think,” said Jerry, a West Meadows resident. “It’ll keep my wife happy, who rides the bus downtown each day.” However, not everyone at the meeting shared Jerry’s opinion, as several HART riders voiced concerns and some outrage at the all of the revisions s, including Option 1. “You can’t add stops without adding time,” said New Tampa resident and Hillsborough County employee Beth Derby, who rides the 51X downtown to work each morning. “We’re concerned mainly because
we feel like they’re going to keep adding additional stops and changing the route. We won’t be able to get to work on time.” Derby and fellow riders Rosa Timoteo and Michelle Linakis say that they have been using New Tampa’s HART service since 2005 and plan to help get the word out about the public hearing, in hopes that HART representatives will see that regular riders do not want the route to change. “We’re the ones on the bus each day because it’s the only option,” Derby explains. “Even with the lowered fare, if you alienate us, where does that put (HART)?” A public hearing about the possible Route 51X revisions is scheduled for Tuesday, July 8, 5 p.m. at the New Tampa Regional Library (10001 Cross Creek Blvd.). Comments can be submitted to
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 13 • June 21, 2014 •
Neighborhood News
June 2014
MOMS Club Of New Tampa - The MOMS (Moms Offering Moms Support) Club of New Tampa is currently open to new members in the New Tampa area. The MOMS Club offers a variety of daytime activities for mothers and their children, opportunities for Moms’ Nights Out and many more benefits. For more information, or to join the club, email
Sunday, June 22
Zen Meditation Group - Enjoy meditation? Looking for a new way to relax? Check out the FREE Zen Meditation Group that meets Sundays at 10 a.m. in the Arbor Greene Community Center (18000 Arbor Greene Dr., off Cross Creek Blvd.) Aerobics Room. People of all faiths are welcome. You only need an interest in meditation and a more peaceful and relaxed mind and life. For more info, call Jeremy at 528-6285.
Monday, June 23
Community Acupuncture - A Monday night community acupuncture and discussion group is meeting at Ion Medi-Spa (8903 Regents Park Dr., Suite 130), 6:30 p.m. Topics include needle-free acupuncture, facial rejuvenation and stop smoking and customized weight-loss programs. For more info, call 960-8833 or visit
Tuesday, June 24
New Tampa Tri Club - The New Tampa Tri Club is open to runners, swimmers, cyclists and triathletes across the New Tampa/Wesley Chapel area. The club hosts group bike rides/runs at Flatwoods Wilderness Park (13330 Morris Bridge Rd.) every Tues., Thur. and Sat. at 7:30 a.m. For more info, join the Facebook group or e-mail GriefShare - This video-seminar-support group is for anyone who is grieving the death of a loved one. The cost is $20 for a workbook and 13 sessions, begin any week to find healing and hope. The group meets Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. at Lake Magdalene Methodist Church (2902 W. Fletcher Ave., Rm. 310). For info, call 963-1555.
Wednesday, June 25
BNI Millionaire Makers - The BNI Millionaire Makers chapter meets every Wednesday at Pebble Creek Golf Club at 7:15 a.m. (10550 Regents Park Dr., off BBD Blvd.). The $13 meeting fee includes a hot breakfast. Call Lisa Jordan (621-6015) for info. Business Networking International (BNI) - BNI, a group of business professionals dedicated to helping their respective businesses grow through qualified referrals, meets every Wed. morning at 7:30 a.m. at the Cory Lake Isles Beach Club clubhouse (18630 Plantation Bay Dr., off Morris Bridge Rd.). Call Steve Hopper at 918-8609. New Tampa Noon Rotary Club- The New Tampa Noon Rotary Club meets every Wednesday for lunch at noon at Café Olé (10020 Cross Creek Blvd., in the Cross Creek Center plaza (behind the Shell gas station). Guests are always welcome. New Tampa Evening Rotary Club - The New Tampa Evening Rotary Club meets every Wednesday at 6:15 p.m. at Hunter’s Green Country Club (10101 Longwater Run Dr. inside the Hunter’s Green entrance gate). New members are always welcome. For more info, call Liz DeAmbrose at 956-6487 or email 9-12 Toastmasters - Great speeches & great topics. Come hone your public speaking skills. Tampa Toastmasters meets Wednesday, 7 p.m., at the New Tampa Family YMCA (16221 Compton Dr., Tampa Palms). Guests are always welcome. Call 428-6356.
Compton Dr., Tampa Palms). For info, visit
July 2014
Tuesday, July 1
NAMI Support Group Meetings - The Pasco County Chapter of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) offers a support group for friends & family of those with mental illness the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at North Tampa Behavioral Health (29910 S.R. 56). For more info, call (727) 992-9653.
Thursday, July 3
Wesley Chapel Rotary Club’s ‘Freedom Festival & Fireworks Show’ - See pg. 1!
Thursday, July 10
Northeast Tampa Women In Business (NETWIB) Meeting - The NETWIB group meets the second Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. at Hunter’s Green Country Club (18101 Longwater Run Dr.). For more info, visit or call 843-2354.
New Tampa Singles Invited To ‘Singles For A Cause!’
In conjunction with City Dog Cantina and The Pour House at the Grand Central Shops in the Channelside district of downtown Tampa, Tampa Bay MatchMakers, Pre-Dating Speed Dating and Lock & Key Events are joining together to aide in the fight against cancer by donating proceeds collected from this “Singles for a Cause” event to the Leukemia &Lymphoma Society of Tampa Bay. The cost to attend is $20 per person and includes food and beverage specials from City Dog Cantina and The Pour House! Not only will singles who attend be donating to a good cause, they also will be entered to win more than $10,000 worth of incredible door prizes, donated by local businesses, including Lash On/ Wax Off, Tampa Bay MatchMakers, Timeless Med Spa, BCJ Entertainment and ItWorks! Global (for information about It Works! & a local It Works! distributor, see page 26). For more information about attending Singles for a Cause, email
Thursday, June 26
CBC Networking - Come together with like-minded professionals at the Christian Business Connections (CBC) Networking group, which meets every Thursday at 7:30 a.m. at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church (located at 5338 Primrose Lake Cir., off Commerce Park Blvd. in Tampa Palms) for a “meet & greet,” followed by a meeting of the group. For more information, please send an email to English As A Second Language (ESL)- This group meets Thursdays at Tampa Bay Presbyterian Church (19911 BBD Blvd.), 9 a.m.-11:45 a.m. Classes are taught by a native English speaker using several ESL and Bible study resources. The cost is $20 each quarter, for the workbook & class materials. For info, call Heather at 753-8567.
Friday, June 27
New Tampa Rotary Club - The original New Tampa Rotary Club meets for breakfast at 7 a.m. at Tampa Palms Golf & Country Club (TPGCC, 5811 Tampa Palms Blvd.). For more info, call Eric Longphee at 202-1105 or visit
Saturday, June 28
New Tampa Dog Pack - Do you have a dog? Enjoy scenic nature walks? Join the New Tampa Dog Pack on Saturday mornings at 9 a.m at Flatwoods Wilderness Park (at the 18205 BBD entrance) and on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. at Compton Park (16101 16
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Call (813) 235-0315 TODAY for more information and to see if you are a candidate for this alternative treatment which is covered by many medical insurance plans. Neighborhood News
McIlwain Dentistry Can Treat Your Entire Family’s Dental Needs By Kelly Miller
Why juggle multiple dentists and orthodontists when you can fulfill all of your family’s dental needs in one local practice? McIlwain Dentistry offers pediatric, general and even orthodontic dentistry for all ages at its nearby Wesley Chapel office off S.R. 56 in the Cypress Ridge Professional Center. Cory Lake Isles resident James McIlwain, DDS, MSD (aka “Dr. James”), has been practicing dentistry for 36 years, first in the U.S. Air Force. He then opened his own South Tampa office in 1978 (which is still going strong to this day). He also ran a thriving dental practice in the Pebble Creek area of New Tampa for ten years, but eventually closed that location when he opened the Wesley Chapel office in 2007. Dr. McIlwain received his DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery) and Master of Science in Dentistry degrees from Emory University in Atlanta, GA. He is Board-certified by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Orthodontic Society. In his practice, he specializes in pediatric dentistry and pediatric orthodontics. Although he started in private practice as a sole practitioner, today, Dr. James has several other dental professionals on his staff, including two
members of his family, as he shares his love of dentistry and his office with his daughter and nephew. Dr. Leigh Ann McIlwain, received her DMD (Doctor of Dental Medicine) degree from the Tufts University College of Dentistry in Boston, MA, and completed her pediatric specialty training at the University of Florida College of Dentistry in Gainesville. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry and was named the first female president of the Florida Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Dr. Michael McIlwain also received his DMD from the University of Florida College of Dentistry. He is a Diplomate of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and has extensive training in sedation and general anesthesia procedures. He also is on the second of three levels needed to earn his Diplomate in the American Orthodontic Society. In addition to the three McIlwains, McIlwain Dentistry also features Michael Chiaramonte, DMD, who earned his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Maine in Orono and earned his DMD degree from the Tufts University College of Dentistry. His extensive training encompasses all aspects of general and aesthetic dentistry, utilizing the latest, state-of-
the-art techniques and materials. Robert Hart, DDS, a Plant High graduate, received his DDS degree from Emory University. He specializes in general and aesthetic dentistry. In June, McIlwain Dentistry welcomed its newest specialist to the practice, Pete Weber, DMD, MS. A Florida native, Dr. Weber also earned his DMD degree from he (L.-r.) Dr. Michael McIlwain, Dr. James McIlwain and Dr. MiUniversity of Florida chael Chiaramonte, are avilable to treat youe entire family’s dental College of Dentistry. needs at McIlwain Dentistry, located off S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel. He graduated at the Dr. Weber on board as he brings his top of his class, magna cum laude, and extensive knowledge of adult orthoreceived multiple awards, including dontics to the practice, including a new recognition from the American Associoffering of Invisalign®, the popular ation of Orthodontists. While in dental alternative to standard braces which school, Dr. Weber served as a dental asuses clear plastic aligners. sistant at a clinic which treated patients With all of these outstanding with developmental disabilities. dentists on staff, McIlwain Dentistry Dr. Weber also has continued his is able to offer a full gamut of dental education, receiving his Master of Sciservices, from at-home or in-office ence in Orthodontics degree from the teeth whitening, fillings, sealants and University of North Carolina in Chapel tooth grinding treatments to bridges, Hill, one of the most respected orthocrowns, implant dentistry, root canals, dontic programs in the world. oral cancer treatment, wisdom tooth Dr. James says he is excited to have
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 13 • June 21, 2014 •
Neighborhood News
Families with special needs children and adults with physical and developmental handicaps can count on McIlwain Dentistry for a gentle touch. With the help of visiting anesthesiologist Dr. Hector Vila, Jr., MD, the appropriate level Michael Dawson, now 14, has been seeing Dr. Leigh Ann McIlwain at of IV anesthesia is administered, the McIlwain Dentistry office in Wesley Chapel for years. based on the age removal, veneers, bonding, standard and weight of the patient. There are braces and Invisalign®. no side effects and no memory of the Helen Dawson of Tampa Palms dental work. Dr. James explains, “This comes to McIlwain Dentistry for all ensures patients have a pleasant experiher family’s needs. “I don’t have time ence with no qualms about coming for three different dentists — a pediatback.” In fact, any patient can request ric dentist, an orthodontist and a denanesthesia for their procedures. tist for me and my husband,” Dawson A Lifetime Of Care & Caring says. “At McIlwain, we can all come to Dr. James also suggests introthe same practice.” She adds that she ducing children to the dentist when has been bringing her teenage kids to they are around a year old, once they see Dr. James since they were little and have some of their front teeth. If the that she really appreciates how proacchild visits the office before there’s a tive the practice is about treating her problem, he/she will be more comfamily’s dental problems. When her fortable with the process. Then, when daughter Kristen was seven, she got a a procedure needs to be done, the palate expander that she wore for four child won’t be as fearful. He notes that months. This device moved her teeth regular checkups should start around gradually without pain, and with this age three. “The goal is to help kids preventive procedure, Kristen avoided grow up and be healthy, and to learn the need for braces. responsibility for taking care of their “That’s the advantage of seeing own dental health,” says Dr. James. the children as they grow up,” Dr. Giving back to the community James explains. “We can spot potential is important to McIlwain Dentistry. problems on the horizon and avoid The practice regularly sponsors youth them.” Dr. McIlwain enjoys educating baseball, football, and soccer teams parents and children about a variety of in Hillsborough and Pasco Counties, good dental health topics, including as well as charity events like local golf how to prevent cavities, the hazards of tournaments, including the recent persistent thumb sucking, consuming annual golf tournament for Academy the right levels of fluoride and how at the Lakes in Land O’Lakes and the a child’s diet affects his or her teeth. upcoming Wesley Chapel Freedom Every member of the knowledgeable Festival (see page 1). staff is happy to spend as much time Dr. James and his wife, Patricia, as needed to make sure every patient’s also founded the ministry “Jesse’s Chilquestions are fully answered. dren,” a dental outreach to the DoDr. James knows the importance minican Republic. Since 1988, they’ve of staying abreast of changes in techtaken more than twenty teams of physinology. “We strive to not only be the cians, dentists, nurses, dental assistants, best but to keep getting better,” he educators, technicians, youth, builders, says, adding that his practice was one and even trade, craft, and construction of the first in Tampa Bay to use dental workers to impoverished areas of the lasers. Dr. James says the Waterlase Laser now available at McIlwain Dentistry Caribbean country. Find out why McIlwain Denis a more comfortable and convenient tistry was voted “Best Dentist” of alternative to the needle and drill. It Tampa Bay by Parenting Magazine. fixes most cavities and soft tissue problems using laser light and a gentle spray Make your appointment today at eiof water. Not only does the laser have a ther of the two offices. The local office is at 26908 Foggy Creek Road, gentler sound (described by Dr. James as a soft, popcorn-popping sound) that Building 23, Suite 101, in Wesley is preferable for nervous patients to the Chapel, which can be reached at 991-9893. The South Tampa office whirring of a drill; its use also lowis located at 4710 N. Habana Ave; ers the need for anesthesia (up to 90 percent), reduces the trauma to healthy Suites 203 & 207, in Tampa. For more information about the practooth structures, increases bonding tice, visit strength and allows for fewer visits. Neighborhood News
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 13 • June 21, 2014 •
Lessie Reyes Of Engel & Völkers Can Help You Buy Or Sell Your Home By Lauren Saslow Photos by Frank Edmondson
Each year, many people in the New Tampa area move out of their homes at the end of the school year and have to go about finding a new place to live. With all of the real estate brokerage houses and agents in the New Tampa and greater Tampa Bay area, how do you find the agent best suited for your personal needs rather than the personal agenda of a pushy agent? Independent real estate agent Lessie Reyes, of the Engel & Völkers (E&V) Tampa brokerage, can offer you international cash buyers and a concierge-style approach to sellers as part of an international circuit of brokerage firms. Although her office location is in South Tampa on S. MacDill Ave., Reyes caters to clients in Pinellas, Pasco and Hillsborough counties. As a resident of Cory Lake Isles, Reyes also works more specifically with many clients in both New Tampa and Wesley Chapel. Since earning her real estate license in 2006, Reyes says she has received much of her new business through referrals from satisfied former clients, which she considers, “a great compliment.” This includes her first listing with E&V clients Bob and Donna Angelo of Tennessee, formerly of Westwood Estates, an equestrian subdivision in the Wesley Chapel area. “Lessie sold our house in 15 days to buyers from Belgium,” Bob says. “The buyers were very impressed by her professionalism and loved the home.”
Ray Alexander —a Westchase resident who owns three E&V franchises, including the South Tampa office where Reyes works alongside more than 20 other agents — explains the appeal of listing through E&V. “We train all of our agents with a concierge approach to business,” Alexander says, noting that these concierge services are lifestyle-oriented and include catering to international clients’ conveniences. This means that Reyes sometimes even will pick up clients from the airport or hotel and drive them all the way to New Tampa and Wesley Chapel property listing sites in her own vehicle. She also will research information about the area’s 24 elementary, middle and high schools for clients with children to help them find the best fit. As a New Tampa resident, Reyes can attest to the quality of the area’s schools and has the knowledge of the surrounding communities to accommodate almost any client. “Even our offices are not stereotypical,” Alexander continues. “They are preeminent luxury-style boutiques with a contemporary and open feel, which we refer to as ‘property shops.’” While E&V, named after founder Dirk C. Engel and CEO Christian Völkers, has only been in the U.S. for the last six years, the company originated in Hamburg, Germany, in 1977, and has grown to include 600 offices that span 38 countries on five continents. Alexander even hinted at Wesley Chapel as a target area for a future property shop, although there was no defi-
nite plan at our press time. E&V’s international advertising allows agents like Reyes to bring in foreign buyers, who often pay cash for the properties, which can, in turn, expedite the closing process. “Cash buyers are king,” says Reyes emphatically, in contrast to the sometimeslengthy process involved with buyers who require financing. Reyes has not always worked in real estate. She earned her B.S. in Mathematics degree with a major in Computer Sciences from the University of Santo Tomas in Manila, The PhilipLessie Reyes of Engel & Völkers can help you get the best valpines. She also spent nearly ue for your home or even put you in a new one at the right price. a decade overseeing Inforfeel comfortable about the process and mation Technology (IT) in with their purchases. consulting work for large companies such “I never push people for any type as Consolidated Analysis Centers Internaof sale,” Reyes explains. “I provide the tional (CACI) Inc. from 1998-2000 and information so they can make a decision. Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) between 2000-06, before obtaining Information is key.” Reyes adds that her advanced her real estate license in 2006. computer skills with both Windows- and “I didn’t want to talk to computers Macintosh-based computer systems have anymore,” Reyes explains. “I wanted to aided in her real estate business, by allowtalk to people!” ing her to handle and facilitate real estate To that end, Reyes says that she has transactions quickly and efficiently. Before always placed a tremendous emphasis on that happens, however, Reyes says that she building strong and trustworthy relationuses her analytical skills to provide buyships with clients in order to make them
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 13 • June 21, 2014 •
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for ESRI from home. She says her friends thought she was making a mistake relinquishing her lucrative IT consulting work in order to focus solely on residential real estate during a time when the housing bubble burst. Her response to them? “I told them if I could survive in that market, I could learn so much,” she explains. “It also allowed more flexibility to work around my son’s high school schedule.” Reyes has been a Top Producer among Tampa Bay residential real estate agents every year since 2007, when she began to work in real estate full-time until 2013 with her Reyes (right) utilizes the skills she learned in the In- former broker, Keller-Williams at formation Technology industry before she became a real Michael Green & Associates South estate agent to research markey trends and better assist Tampa office. During that time, her clients who are either buying or selling a home. Reyes says she had a volume of, ers and sellers with accurate comparative “close to $4 million in transactions market analyses and sales figures to ensure each year.” She joined E&V in November clients aren’t paying more or selling for less 2013 and plans to become a Top Producer than they should. within her new brokerage, too. She adds “I love to research and do marketing that she treats all clients with the same reanalyses,” Reyes says. In fact, she notes spect and attention, regardless of the dollar that 90 percent of marketing for real estate value of their listing. today is completed on the Internet. But, Lessie Reyes’ office at Engel & she says her relationships with her clients Völkers is located at 2605 S. MacDill are what wins them over. She says her Ave., Suite B, in Tampa. To schedule an goal is always, “to provide superior service appointment call the office at 258-9000 through passion for hard work, integrity, or you can call her cell at 298-5541. diligence, extensive real estate knowledge, Reyes also can be reached by email at a positive attitude, attention to detail and For informagreat organizational and analytical skills.” tion about her current listings, visit Initially, Reyes began working in real or ‘Like’ her estate part-time, while continuing to work page.
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Celebrating our sixth year serving the New Tampa & Wesley Chapel Communities!
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A WOMAN’S BEST CHANCE FOR BEATING CANCER Moffitt’s Center for Women’s Oncology utilizes the latest research, technology and treatments if you or someone you love has a cancer concern. Our multispecialty team works together to provide you with the highest level of personal care for cancers including breast and gynecologic – all in an elegant, comfortable environment.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 13 • June 21, 2014 •
To Tone & Tighten Your Body, Try It Works! Body Wraps! Hitting the gym and working on your image are activities that most people wish they could find the time to do each day. However, between managing jobs and families, managing your fitness and taking care of your body can often get put on the back burner. However, with It Works! Body Applicators, you can tighten, tone and firm without having to give up quite as much of your free time. If you haven’t heard anything about the It Works! Ultimate Body Applicator, more commonly known as the It Works! Wrap, you’re in for a real treat! It Works! was founded in 2001 and is driven by independent distributors. The company has experienced unheard-of growth – reaching 1,047 percent during the last three years alone. Heather Goodloe and Maricela Cardenas are two such distributors who met at the Shapes Fitness For Women on S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel. Heather had been researching It Works! and mentioned it to Maricela, a personal trainer at the local office of this fitness center for women only. “I knew if I could get Maricela on board, I was on to a great product,” Heather explains. “Maricela is gener-
ally highly skeptical because of her physiology background, but she did her research and was sold on It Works! integrity and product line.” The two ladies formed a team and these days, they can often be found at health expos, spas, fitness centers and even home parties. “We’re always looking to add to our team,” Maricela says. “This is an excellent business opportunity for anyone, but particularly for busy moms. Your income potential is only dependent upon how much time and energy you invest. There is no such thing as too little or too much.”
How It Works!
Basically, the It Works! wrap is a cloth wrap that is applied to the skin with an exclusive It Works! cream. Applied for 45 minutes at a time, It Works! body contouring applicators offer a botanically-based solution to take you from flab to fab! While applied, the wraps continually hydrate the skin for firmer, smoother and younger-looking skin, while also reducing the appearance of cellulite and skin slackening. The wrap’s fantastic effects can be felt as soon as it is applied to the
skin. Satisfied customers report experiencing a slight tingling, and a cool, soothing sensation. Applicators can be applied once every 72 hours and It Works! ingredients continue to work for 72 hours after the wrap is removed. Easily concealable under a shirt or pants, these wraps use a unique, botanically based body contouring cream formula to help tighten, tone and firm whichever area of the body you choose to apply them. With Maricela Cardenas (left) & Heather Goodloe of It Works! Body ApIt Works! Global can help you look better, too.. plicators, you can see Cynthia, another It Works! instant results in as little as 45 minutes customer from Lacombe, Alberta, and progressive results 72 hours after Canada, also had success with the being applied. exclusive It Works! Body Applicators. “After having twins a year and a “After my first (application), there half ago, I never thought my stretch was definitely a big improvement,” marks and skin would feel tightened Cynthia says. “Much to my surprise, again,” says one It Works! Global it works! I was a bit skeptical at first, customer from Comstock Park, MI. but now I am fully committed to this “Now, my stretch marks are have product.” faded drastically.”
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It is worth noting that the above testimonials are not necessarily representative of all those who use It Works! products and are not intended to make claims that these products can be used to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease. These product claims also have not been clinically proven or evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. Even so, It Works! is committed to creating naturally-based products that are both safe and effective. The It Works! product literature states that each product is formulated by leading scientists, herbalists and researchers to combine the highest quality natural, active ingredients with cutting-edge science. The exclusive Body Applicators contain no mineral oil, lanolin, propylene glycol, isopropyl alcohol, artificial colorants, synthetic fragrances
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or animal byproducts. “People interested in joining our team can do so for just a $99 investment and they’ll get four Ultimate Body Applicators to sell or use for themselves!,” Heather explains. Heather and Maricela are having weekly wrap parties at Shapes Total Fitness (26240 Golden Maple Loop, behind Texas Roadhouse on S.R. 56) every Saturday from 9 a.m.-noon. You do not have to be a Shapes member to attend and wraps during the parties cost only $25 each! To learn more about purchasing product, hosting a home party or joining Heather and Maricela’s team, call 300-2502 today to find out more about It Works! or by emailing Info@HeatherWrapsFL. com or visiting HeatherWrapsFL.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 13 • June 21, 2014 •
Free PANDORA Bracelet with $100 purchase July 10-21 (Closed Sunday & Monday)* *See our store for details.
16053 Tampa Palms Blvd West Tampa, FL 33647 • 813.972.4653
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 13 • June 21, 2014 •
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Integrity. Passion. Excellence. Teamwork. WEST MEADOWS VILLA
2 Bed + Study | 2 Bath | 1,990 Sq Ft Robert Marvin & Highest Quality Upgrades | 2 Car Garage Debbie Marvin Conservation | Offered at $219,000 813-892-3917
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Cynthia Filippi 813-784-1634
4 Bed | 3 Bath | 3,456 Square feet 3 Car Garage | Pool | Wooded View Offered at $375,000
Cynthia Filippi 813-784-1634
4 Bed + Office | 3 Bath | 3,500 Sq Ft Jennifer Kibiger 3 Car Garage | Bonus Room 813-469-1481 Oversized Lot | Wooded Conservation
3 Bed + Study | 2 Bath 2,347 Square feet | 2 Car Garage Pool | Offered at $299,000
Robert Marvin & Debbie Marvin 813-892-3917
When the most respected brand in the world, Bershire Hathaway, puts its name on a real estate sign, that’s a good sign for the market and a great sign for you. Prudential Tropical Reality is proud to join them as Bershire Hathaway Homeservices Florida Properties Group. Find experienced, knowledgable sales professionals at Good to know.
4 Bed | 3 Bath | 3 Car Garage Completely Remodeled | 3,051 Sq Ft Offered at $319,900
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6 Bed | 4.5 Bath | 3,296 Square feet 3 Car Garage | Open Plan and Spacious | Offered at $214,900
3 Bed + Office | 2 Bath | 1,700 Sq Ft 1 Car Garage | Open Plan w/ Large Kitchen/Family | Offered at $219,900
Natalie Miller 813-758-8020
Ronnie Preusch
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NEIGHBORHOOD PROPERTY MANAGEMENT & RENTALS Tenants- are you looking for a condo, townhouse or house to rent? Call Sonia at (813) 690-5427 Owners- do you own a property that needs to be rented out and managed Terry Hill by the best management company in Terence M Hill PA New Tampa and Wesley Chapel? (813) 956-2383 Contact Terry Now! (813) 956-2383
“New name, same outstanding service from the company which has been locally owned and operated for more than 50 years.” Your Full Service Real Estate Provider (813) 907-8200 Residential - Commercial - Property Management - Mortgage - Title - Insurance - Home Warranty - Building and Maintenance Serving New Tampa & Wesley Chapel of New Tampa, 1830 Bruce B. Downs, Wesley Chapel, FL Neighborhood News The Shoppes @NTWCNews For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 13 • 33544 June 21, 2014 • Additional Languages Spoken: English - Portugese - Tagalog - Hindi - Pelugu - Mandarin Chinese
Vintage Estate Homes Opens Luxurious ‘Torrence’ Model In Grand Hampton By Celeste McLaughlin
Anyone who has shopped for a new home knows what it’s like to walk into home after home and think of changes that would make each one just perfect for them. But, when a home is already built – or even if it’s new construction based on a model – those changes are often difficult or impossible to have. But, that’s not the case with Vintage Estate Homes, now building in the New Tampa community of Grand Hampton, located off of County Line Road, a mile or so west of Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. Vintage Estate Homes specializes in complete customization. The builder sells high-end, luxurious homes that are tailored to each family’s exact needs. Each home features beautiful finishes throughout the entire residence, from floor to ceiling, and gorgeous details in every room of the house. “Our buyers can make changes to our floor plans or they can completely redesign our floor plans with the assistance of an architect,” says Kirk Malone, Tampa division president of Vintage Estate Homes. “They can even come in with their own blueprint, and we’ll still build their home.” Malone says Vintage Estate Homes jumped at the chance to build homes on 10 lots that were recently released by the developer of Grand Hampton. He explains that these homes are
likely the last new construction opportunities in this highly-sought-after neighborhood. Grand Hampton is known for its incredible amenities and programmed activities, featuring an impressive community center and resortstyle pool with beach entry and water slide. The community is close to the Shops at Wiregrass Mall and other shopping, and features easy access to I-75. Malone says Grand Hampton is a great fit for the luxurious customized homes that Vintage Estate Homes offers, and expects that they will be snapped up quickly. “We expect to be sold out in a maximum of six months,” he says, adding that two homes already have been sold, two new lot deposits and that there are two inventory homes currently under construction that will be ready in September, as well as a new, furnished model home which opened during a Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting ceremony and Realtor event on May 29. The Torrence model is a stunningly beautiful home with 3,226 square feet of living space, including four bedrooms and a study. It features an open floor plan, great for entertaining, and 12 – 13-foot-high ceilings throughout. Its massive kitchen includes a large island and glass range hood, with stainless steel appliances. Its outdoor space also is ideal for entertaining, with a pool
Vintage Estate Homes’ ‘Torrence’ model opened in New Tampa’s Grand Hampton community during a Greater Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce ribbon-cutting ceremony and Realtor event on May 29. Photo: WCCC and spa, fire pit, and summer kitchen. A She adds that during the Grand unique feature of the home is an in-law Opening of the model, all she heard suite with private bathroom and sitting from Realtors and local residents was, room. The model home is for sale for “How beautiful the home is, how mod$610,000, although the Torrence model ern it is and how much they loved the starts at just $475,990. open plan and high ceilings.” “What you immediately notice in The homes available for sale in this home is the incredible attention to Grand Hampton are in two different detail,” says sales manager Tiffany Maxareas of the community. Five home sites well, while pointing out the intricately are in The Hamptons neighborhood, detailed trim work on the dining room (including the Torrence model), where ceiling and adds, “Our houses sell them- lots are 85 feet wide and all homes selves. People walk in and fall in love.” feature tile roofs, paver driveways, and
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L o
home completely the way they want it, although they didn’t feel that they needed to make a lot of changes because they liked what they saw. In addition to the homes available in Grand Hampton, Vintage Estate Homes also will open a model in the Watergrass community off Curley Rd. in Wesley Chapel in September. The builder also can build on your lot, within a large geographical area that includes all of Hillsborough County and some of Pasco County. Vintage Estate Homes, a division Looking to build a new home? Consider the luxurious ‘Torrence’ model by Vintage Estate Homes. The model is now open inside the Grand Hampton community of Mercedes Premier off County Line Rd. in New Tampa and features more than 3,200 sq. ft. of living space, including four bedrooms plus a study and a lavish outdoor lanai area. Homes, has had its side or courtyard entry garages. The come true,” says Maxwell. “Everyone is at resale homes all over North Tampa, corporate headquarters in they came back to the neighborhood to other five home sites are on the oppodifferent and has different needs, so if Melbourne, FL, since its inception four site side of the community, on a private you tell us what you want in your dream view the Vintage Estate Homes model. years ago. Right when they stepped in the home, cul-de-sac sometimes referred to as the home, we’ll make it happen.” And, if you check out the ad on Wasserberger says her clients knew they Heron Crossing enclave. On this street, Janet Wasserberger is a Grand page 11 of this issue, you can find out each home site is 70 feet wide and has a Hampton resident who loves the active, wanted to build it for themselves. how to win $500 just for touring the “They loved the lightness and conservation view. social community. She also is a RealTorrence model. brightness of the home,” says WasVintage Estate Homes in The tor with the Sper Group of Berkshire The sales office and Vintage serberger. “It’s such an inviting home, Hamptons range between $450,000 Hathaway Homes Services and has Estate Homes Torrence model are -$600,000 and up, based upon the been working with clients who recently with a lot of natural light and a unique located at 8434 Dunham Station Dr. hand-carved maple bench just inside customizations the homeowners desire. bought a Vintage Estate Home. The model is open Monday-Friday, the rotunda that overlooks the brickHomes in the Heron Crossing enclave When Wasserberger first started 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m., and 11 a.m.-5 pavered courtyard.” start at $330,000 and go up to about working with the couple, she showed p.m. on Saturday & Sunday, For info, She says her clients are excited $450,000 or more. them a resale home in Grand Hampcall Tiffany at (321) 749-2601 or about the opportunity to make the “We want to make people’s dreams ton. After several months of looking visit
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Grace Episcopal member Gary Crayton, IV (center), donates a soccer ball to a village school during a past Grace mission trip to Father Ben’s native Uganda. for the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless in our community through services that alleviate suffering, promote dignity and instill self-sufficiency as an ongoing ministry of Jesus Christ. In addition, mission trips to the Dominican Republic and Uganda are organized in efforts to better the lives of those outside of our local community. Grinnell is extremely passionate about Sustainability Management, which creates the ability to keep a system running indefinitely without depleting resources, while maintaining economic viability and also nourishing the needs of present and future generations. She describes this as her calling —
caring for the planet and the people. “We operate on needs-based evangelism,” says Father Ben. “Not necessarily budget evangelism.” Grinnell agrees, “When you look at the Bible, Jesus wasn’t funding the local synagogue. He was ministering to the people who were hungry and hurting. That is the heart of Grace Episcopal.” Grace Episcopal Church (15102 Amberly Dr.), holds services each Sunday at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m., but also has a number of other ministries available. For more info, please visit or call 9718484. Visitors are always welcome to attend services at Grace Episcopal.
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All of our providers are currently accepting new patients. Make an appointment or get more information today! (813) 929-5432 Find specialty physicians throughout Hillsborough and Neighborhood News @NTWCNews For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 13 • June 21, 2014 • Pasco County at
Bright Eyes Kids Will Help Brighten Your Child(ren)’s Vision By Celeste McLaughlin
Until the grand opening of Bright Eyes Kids in early May, parents in New Tampa and Wesley Chapel who were looking for a pediatric eye doctor had to settle for general practices that include a pediatric optometrist. But now, for the first time in the New Tampa and Wesley Chapel area, there is an office dedicated completely to kids’ vision. Nathan Bonilla-Warford, FAAO, is a Doctor of Optometry (O.D.) who earned his undergraduate degree at the University of Florida in Gainesville, and his O.D. degree from the Illinois College of Optometry in Chicago. While there, he completed his residency in children’s vision. Dr. Bonilla-Warford, whose patients know him as “Dr. Nate,” says opening his office in the Palm Villa Centre on Amberly Dr. in Tampa Palms, minutes south of Wesley Chapel, grew from his love of treating kids in the office he runs in Westchase, which is called Bright Eyes Vision. He and his wife Cristina, who is the office manager, opened that office, a family practice that treats patients ages 6 months and older, in 2006. “There are plenty of places you can take a child for vision care,” Dr. Nate says. “But, there are no facilities in this part of the state that are exclusively for kids.” He adds that his patients tell him that it’s hard to know if these practices
are really kid-friendly or “if they just ‘kind of’ see kids.” In their new practice, Dr. Nate and Cristina wanted to focus completely on kids, ages six months-18 years, and provide one place for kids to receive many different services related to vision care. “We know we’re taking a risk with our business by excluding adults,” says Dr. Nate. “But, we believe it’s the most important way we can signal that, in this office, kids are number one.” Bright Eyes Kids provides more than just eye exams and corrective eyewear. While some kids are helped immensely with glasses, others benefit from treatments that include vision therapy or an innovative procedure called orthokeratology. With Ortho-K, as it’s also called, kids wear specialized contacts at night to eliminate the need to wear corrective eyewear during the day. It also reduces the chances that vision will worsen over time. Dr. Nate explains that many of the kids that he helps have symptoms that may not be easily recognized by their parents or even their pediatrician. Perhaps a child is struggling in school, either in reading or possibly even with their behavior. They may or may not have blurry vision, and may have other symptoms including headache and fatigue. In general, they avoid work that requires them to look closely, such as
reading. Sometimes a parent may notice a wandering eye, especially when kids are tired and distracted, but a problem still may not be detected in a vision test. Dr. Nate explains how his office helps these kids in a way that differs from a more typical optometrist. “Our clinical process starts the Dr. Nathan Bonilla-Warford (back row, 2nd from right) and the staff of Bright Eyes Kids, a new pediatric eye care office in Tampa Palms. same as any other eye doctor, with and exercises to improve the coordinaan exam to ensure the eyes are healthy, tion of the patient’s eyes. With vision with no disease or injury,” he says. therapy, patients learn how to control “Then we check vision to see if kids their eyes and actually help eliminate are seeing blurry or are near-sighted, their own vision problems. far-sighted, or have an astigmatism. If “Vision therapy is even fun,” says so, we prescribe glasses. Once the child Dr. Nate. “We keep our patients challenged and motivated using hula hoops, has 20/20 vision, perhaps with the astrampolines, a white board, computer sistance of glasses, then we assess if the software and much more. It’s very serieyes move appropriately, focus approous because we’re actually affecting a priately and line up together approprichild’s visual development, but it’s also ately.” If they don’t, Dr. Nate says that fun for them.” he often recommends vision therapy. Many patients who have been seeVision therapy is customized for ing Dr. Nate at his Westchase office for each patient, using a series of activities
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and you do what you have to do for your kids, but this is much easier.” She calls the improvement she’s seen in her son’s vision, “dramatic and definable.” Bright Eyes Kids accepts several vision insurance plans, but not medical insurance. Specialty testing and treatments are paid out of pocket. “Our costs for vision therapy are similar to what you might pay for a special“Dr. Nate” checks the vision of a young patient at Bright Eyes ized tutoring program, and less than orthodontics,” Kids, located off Amberly Dr. in Tampa Palms. explains Cristina. Therapy is weekly vision therapy are now being typically once a week for six months, seen at the New Tampa office. with “homework” to practice at home “We have parents who are bringwhat is taught during therapy sessions. ing their kids to us once a week from “I love working with kids,” says Winter Haven, Bradenton, Sebring and Dr. Nate. “I try to find ways to let kids even Gainesville,” says Dr. Nate. “We know that I understand them and can decided to open Bright Eyes Kids in a be on their level.” This is the philosophy location that would have easier access behind the bright, colorful art in the to I-75 for our patients who travel to us lobby and Dr. Nate’s signature LEGO from around the state.” minifigure toy trading. He encourages Valerie McDaniel, who lives in the kids to bring their own LEGO minifigLake Forest community on Bruce B. ure toys and swap with the ones he has Downs (BBD) Blvd. south of Tampa in his office. Palms, has been bringing her son Mi“If we make the exam fun, we’re chael, who is 10, to Dr. Nate for vision going to get better results,” he says. therapy for about six months. Before Bright Eyes Kids is located at Bright Eyes Kids opened, she says she 15303 Amberly Dr., Suite C. It is would take what could be an hour to open Monday-Tuesday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. drive to the Westchase office. For more information or to make an “I love the new location,” she says. “It’s five minutes from my house. I used appointment, call 792-0637 or visit to make the drive because it’s a priority
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Tampa ENT Will Help Change The Way You Hear The World Around You By Amy Gutierrez
There’s something really comforting about going to a physician’s office that first opened for business 30 years ago. Confidence, experience and commitment come with more than three decades of serving a community at Tampa Ear, Nose & Throat Associates (Tampa ENT), which has offices in North Tampa and Wesley Chapel. Tampa ENT first opened on E. Fletcher Ave. before relocating to a larger office off of Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd., next to what is now called Florida Hospital Tampa. With a thriving practice in place for decades, a second office was opened in 2007 to meet the needs of the expanding population in Pasco County. Not surprisingly, the practice has grown steadily in Wesley Chapel, as well, and a larger building was soon necessary in Tampa ENT’s newest service area. Now, with the Pasco office located near S.R. 56 and I-75 in the Cypress Creek Professional Center, both offices are fully equipped and convenient to New Tampa, Wesley Chapel and the surrounding areas. Tampa ENT is comprised of a group of physicians and audiologists dedicated to sharing their expertise in the field of ear, nose and throat disorders. Audiograms, adult ear tube placement, balance testing, allergy skin testing, allergy injections, ear and sinus surgeries, tonsillectomies, hearing aids
and issues related to sleep apnea, as well as biopsies of skin or oral lesions are just a handful of the types of conditions that Tampa ENT is equipped to provide. All three audiologists on staff are healthcare professionals who have obtained Doctoral degrees in Audiology. With these advanced degrees, they exceed qualifications to test for all types of hearing loss, diagnose and manage hearing loss and recommend the most suitable treatment for each individual patient’s lifestyle and budget. Dr. Amy L. Charrier earned her Au.D. (Doctor of Audiology) degree from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry School of Audiology (now called Salus University in Elkins Park, PA) and the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, MA. Dr. Sierra MacDonald earned her Au.D. degree and CCC-A (Certificate of Clinical Competence in Audiology) from the University of South Florida in Tampa, and Alyson Hoffman Sc.D. (Doctor of Science), CCC-A, FAAA (Fellow of the American Academy of Audiology) received her degree from Montclair State University in Montclair, NJ. “There are at least a few things that set Tampa ENT apart — and, specifically, the audiology portion of Tampa ENT — from other practices,” Dr. Charrier says. “Working so closely with our four experienced Board Certified Otolaryngologists (Ear, Nose & Throat
Physicians - Drs. Peter F. Agnello, Yoon C. Nofsinger, Nalin J. Patel and Janet L. Seper), our audiology staff really is able to accommodate each patient’s needs. Many times, hearing issues are symptomatic and attributable to other health issues. Our ENTs can effectively diagnose and treat those issues, while the audiologist focuses specifically on the hearing problems.” Dr. Hoffman adds, (L.-r.) Audiologists Amy L. Charrier, Sierra MacDonald and Alyson Hoffman of Tampa ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat), which “We also work closely has two offices — one on BBD Blvd., north of Fletcher Ave., and with all of the major hearing aid manufactur- one in the Cypress Ridge Prof. Ctr. off S.R. 56 in Wesley Chapel. ers. We offer three-year to severe hearing loss. Her thorough warranties and roughly a year’s worth of diagnosis and complete attention to my batteries. We can sometimes repair hear- hearing needs have been an ongoing ing aids on site, too, because we keep testimony to her total care. Thanks to many parts in stock, solely to reduce the her, I can hear!” waiting time for our patients.” The Tampa ENT audiologists do Through the month of June, not exclusively treat those with hearing Tampa ENT will be offering exclusive loss, however. In fact, patients come to hearing aid specials. Committed to the practice for a wide variety of needs. providing patients with convenience and Custom swim plugs, custom noise high quality care, the physicians, audiprotection plugs and custom iPod or ologists and support staff consistently cell phone ear molds also are happily go the extra mile. provided. Kathy, a Tampa ENT patient from Vital to our overall health and Carrollwood, says, “I have been going well-being, basic hearing evaluations to Dr. Charrier for several years, due should be part of every person’s routine
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Lastly, the audiologist will place a soft probe tip up to the ear canal to determine the movement of the eardrum and to see if the middle ear system is working correctly. Other services offered at Tampa ENT include treating post-nasal drip, sinusitis, deviated septums, nasal obstructions and rhinitis, among other nose ailments. Throat services include treating tonsillitis and adenoids, swallowing dysfunction, snoring and even allergy testing. The staff of Tampa ENT Dr. Alyson Hoffman of Tampa ENT performs a doesn’t only provide quality care in hearing test on Clayton, a patient from Seffner. the office, they also are committed to giving back to the community, and they are involved with multiple preventive care. At a basic hearing evalucharity events. Tampa ENT participates ation with Tampa ENT, the audiologist in Relay for Life in support of the Amerwill first examine your ears to make sure ican Cancer Society and Paddle for the the ear canals are clear of any debris or Cure to help raise money for multiple cerumen (wax). Next, pure tone-testing myeloma research done by the Stewards using earphones will be performed. You will listen to a series of tones at frequen- Foundation. Additionally, for Christmas in 2012, the office was able to collect cies ranging from 250 Hz to 8000 Hz, a van full of toys that was donated to a so that the audiologist can plot the softest sounds you can hear on a graph Wesley Chapel-area school. called an audiogram. The audiologist To schedule your appointment at will determine the softest level at which Tampa ENT, call 971-7466 or visit you can hear two-syllable words well either Tampa or Tampaenough to repeat them. You then repeat The practice is acceptwords back so they can determine your ing patients at the North Tampa understanding ability of speech at a location at 3000 Medical Park Dr., comfortable listening level. This is called Suite 200, and at the Wesley Chapel your “word recognition score.”As most office at 26853 Foggy Creek Rd., of us know, the understanding of speech Suite 101. Most major health insurand hearing can be very different. ance plans are accepted.
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New Tampa Schools Score Well On State’s Final FCAT 2.0 Tests 2014 FCAT 2.0 Scores By School (% Proficiency By Grade)
Reading Math Science Writing Grade 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 8 Mean 4 8 10 State Average 57 61 61 60 57 57 53 55 58 63 56 53 56 47 54 49 3.3 53 56 64 Dist. Avg. 59 61 61 57 53 53 49 55 56 59 55 52 57 53 56 46 3.6 70 68 66 73 81 77 69 81 71 75 3.6 71 Turner Elem. 79 83 87 77 81 80 83 4.3 95 Chiles Elem. 70 73 78 71 84 61 74 4.1 88 Clark Elem. 57 58 69 71 49 68 61 3.6 71 Heritage Elem 55 57 60 54 55 59 48 3.4 68 Hunter's Green Elem. 79 81 85 74 82 77 81 4.0 82 Pride Elem. 81 83 75 78 86 73 73 4.0 87 Tampa Palms Elem. 55 57 56 51 64 57 52 3.8 73 Liberty Middle 65 55 55 48 63 52 48 3.8 75 Bartels Middle 55 59 67 62 67 64 62 3.7 69 Benito Middle 45 55 3.5 66 Freedom High 48 55 3.5 67 Wharton High By Matt Wiley achievement according to “Next Genera- New Tampa Writes Well (located on Tampa Palms Blvd.) again tion Sunshine State Standards,” which Now that the 2013-14 school year scored the highest of New Tampa’s According to a report released by are more rigorous than those tested on has come to a close and New Tampa schools, averaging a 4.3. Among the FDoE on May 23, New Tampa’s 4th, the original FCAT test. students are now on on summer break, school’s 128 students who took the test, 8th and 10th graders all averaged at or Next school year, a new assessment preliminary FCAT 2.0 (Florida Compre95-percent scored a 3.5 or higher. above both the state and HCSD averhensive Assessment Test) Reading, Math, test based on the new, more rigorous “We’re very proud of our student’s ages. And, overall, the students across “Florida Standards” will replace the Science and Writing scores have been scores,” says Chiles principal Terri Evthe state performed better, as well. FCAT 2.0 for the first time. The Florida released and, once again, New Tampa’s ans. “It’s all due to the hard work of our “These impressive gains are the Standards for math and English language result of district leaders providing teach- entire staff. It’s really attributable to an schools have performed well. arts stress a broader approach for student According to the FCAT 2.0 test ers with the tools and training they need amazing faculty, supportive parents and learning, including an increased emphasis score reports released by the Florida Deour students, who really work hard.” to succeed,” said Florida Commissioner on analytical thinking, the FDoE reports. partment of Education (FDoE) on June Evans says that the Chiles faculty of Education Pam Stewart in a press New Tampa students, for the most 6, the Hillsborough County School Disis excited to move into next year and release. “I am confident that with new trict (HCSD) performed well on the tests part, tested higher than the state averfor the possibilities that will come with ages. In math, reading and science, scores standards and assessments next year in reading (grades 3-10), math (grades a new standardized testing format, but replacing the FCAT, our students will are measured on a five-level scale with 3-8), science (grades 5 & 8) and writing a little concerned about not knowing continue to succeed.” level three demonstrating proficiency. (grades 4, 8 & 10), which provides stuwhat exactly to expect. This year, New Tampa’s students In reading, Lawton Chiles and Tamdents with either a narrative, persuasive “Next year will be a big adventure,” scored highly when responding to pa Palms Elementary schools performed or expository writing prompt. Evans says. prompts that required them to answer highest in all grades, while Tampa Palms Overall, HCSD students showed At the eighth grade level, Bartels, questions with either a narrative, persuaand Pride Elementary schools led the improvement in 14 of 16 areas (readLiberty and Benito middle schools each sive or expository essay. The students’ way in math. Chiles and Pride also scored ing, math & science subject areas at each also surpassed both the State (3.4) and work is then scored on a 1.0-6.0 scale, the highest in science. Benito Middle grade level), when compared with averwith a 3.5 considered to be “proficient.” District (3.6), averaging 3.8, 3.8 and outperformed both Bartels and Liberty age scores from across the state. 3.7, respectively. At Bartels, 75 percent HCSD 4th and 8th graders aver“This is tremendous news on the last in math, reading and science. Although of the 335 students who took the test Freedom and Wharton High ninth grad- aged a 3.6, compared with the State day of school,” said HCSD superintenscored above a 3.5. average of 3.3 for 4th grade and 3.4 dent MaryEllen Elia. “Congratulations to ers performed both the state and district Tenth graders at Freedom and for 8th grade, while the District’s 10th in reading, tenth graders at both schools our students and teachers, and everyone graders and the State both averaged 3.5. Wharton both averaged a 3.5. Of the scored the same as the state and district. who works so hard to increase student 497 who took the test at Freedom, 66 The New Tampa area’s fourth For the FCAT scores for each achievement. It’s gratifying to see imgraders led the charge, averaging a 3.86, percent scored above a 3.5, while 67 individual school in New Tampa and provement in all areas – reading, writing, the State and District averages on each while the District averaged a 3.6 and the percent of Wharton’s 498 test-takers math and science.” scored above the same level. tested subject, please consult the chart State received a mean score of 3.3. The FCAT 2.0 test was put into Lawton B. Chiles Elementary Congrats again, New Tampa! at the top of this page. practice in 2011 and measures student
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Branchton Farms — New Tampa’s ‘First Family’ Also Sells Its Best Produce! By Gary Nager
Whether you live in New Tampa or Wesley Chapel, I strongly urge you to visit Branchton Farms — the amazing fresh produce-and-so-much-more stand located on Morris Bridge Rd., south of Cross Creek Blvd., in the New Tampa area (just a few miles south of the Pasco County line). Now, I consider myself to be something of a long-time resident of both of our distribution areas — having moved to Saddlebrook in Wesley Chapel in 1993 and to Hunter’s Green in New Tampa in 1995 (a year or so after I became the owner and editor of Neighborhood News). Even so, I’m like a total newcomer compared with Mikele Branch and her father Wayne. In fact, before the area from Morris Bridge Rd. west to what is now Bruce B. Downs (BBD) Blvd. and north to the county line was called “New Tampa,” it was known as Branchton, which was named for Mikele’s and Wayne’s ancestors, who first settled in the area in 1888! Mikele (a fifth generation local resi-
dent), Wayne and their family still live on the eleven acres they own on Morris Bridge Rd., but a little less than two years ago, the experienced farmers, who already had been buying and selling produce — much of which they grow themselves on four of those eleven acres — started their first produce stand with just a few tents. Then, in October 2013, the Branch family completed the 2,000-sq.-ft. structure which today keeps their expanded stand protected from the elements, and Mikele says expansion plans are in the works. “We definitely have room and plans to grow here,” she says. “We want to add more items, a small café and anything else there’s a real demand for here.” There certainly already seems to be a lot of demand for the Branch family’s produce — the sizable parking lot around the stand was packed the Friday we went to press — and Mikele says that Friday is now her busiest day of the week. “We bring in farm-fresh, free range
eggs every Friday morning and we have popular when this article comes out.” customers who come every week — or at Mikele also notes that although her least, every other week — to stock up on family grows a lot of the produce (especially the veggies) sold at her stand, even more them. They’re bigger than most jumbo is grown by other local farmers. eggs you buy in the grocery store, many of “We do bring in a lot of produce from them have double yolks and our customers outside of Hillsborough and Pasco countell us they can really taste the difference. ties and a lot of the fruit we sell, especially We sell hundreds of them every week and in the summer, is from California (plums, some regular customers even call ahead to grapes, etc.), Georgia (peaches), Washingmake sure they don’t miss out on ‘em.” ton state (apples) and beyond,” she says. One of the things that impressed And, speaking of fruit, she adds that yours truly and assistant editor/photographer Matt Wiley almost immediately was the Florida citrus season is about over, not just how clean and neat all the produce although I did buy some amazing “last is arranged at Branchton Farms, but how of the season” (and huge!) Florida navel attractive the entire open “store” is. oranges that are so sweet that the room “It really is a perfect place for people smells for quite a while after you eat them, who live in this area,” said one New Tampa like a natural citrus air freshener. “We just customer who also reads and loves his New stop carrying oranges and grapefruits in the Branchton Farms owners Wayne and his daughter Mikele Branch are not only lifelong Tampa Neighborhood News. “I bet this summer, rather than bring in those perfectlooking ones from California,” she says. “I residents of the Branchton/New Tampa area along Morris Bridge Rd., they also sell a whole place is going to become even a lot more See “Branchton Farms” on page 48. lot of farm-fresh, free range eggs and the freshest produce to local residents and restaurants.
(excludes online cake orders)
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Talk to your neighbors, then talk to me. Ardeshir K Khorsandian Ins Agy Ardeshir Khorsandian, Agent Bus: 813-991-4111 Fax: 813-994-9411
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‘Branchton Farms’ Cont. from pg. 45
prefer and support Florida citrus.” She also notes that her incredibly delicious veggies — including some beautiful, firm Immokalee (FL) tomatoes, the biggest, most delicious cucumbers and jumbo carrots I’ve seen in recent memory and more — are grown in and around our area and our state and that’s the way Mikele says it will stay. “It seems everyone is getting into locally grown, fresh produce these days,” she says, “Even chain restaurants are starting to visit the Farmers Markets and we definitely do restaurant deliveries, as well as sell at the Shops at Wiregrass mall’s Fresh Markets and more. So, if anyone reading this owns a local restaurant, I hope they’ll come see us first because I know we have the best produce in the area. And, because we don’t have to pay rent to be here, I know we have some of the best prices, too.” And, there’s certainly more than “just“
fresh produce available at Branchton Farms. “We sell delicious Queen Kathleen honey, which is grown just up the road in Dade City,” she says. “We also stock a complete line of Mrs. Cannon’s Country Gourmet cheeses (the Colby Jack really rocks; it’s so creamy), fruit preserves (I’m crazy for the strawberry-banana preserves), jellies, jams, syrups, pickles, BBQ sauce, salad dressings, apple and other butters, relishes and other country snacks. We even carry a big assortment of real-fruit-flavored honey sticks for coffee, tea and cold drinks.” There really is a difference in fresh produce and that difference is the basis for Branchton Farms’ motto, which appears in every one of the produce stand’s ads in this publication — “Buy local, eat fresh!” Branchton Farms (15320 Morris Bridge Rd.) is open Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-7 p.m., and 9 a.m.-6 p.m. on Sat. & Sun. For more information, including a coupon for a free pound of bananas (with the ad on page 51 of this issue), call 504-5524.
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Stonemill Artisan Brings Authentic Baked Goods & Gelato To Wesley Chapel By Gary Nager; Photos by Matt Wiley
Artisan - (of food or drink) made in a traditional or non-mechanized way using high-quality ingredients. One of the things I have been missing since I lived on E. 63rd St. in Manhattan a thousand years ago is the smell of freshly baked, authentic French breads and real, all-butter croissants (more on them below) wafting through the air. Like Bugs Bunny to a carrot, some days — when the ovens were firing at Hot & Crusty Bakery (still a popular, local-to-NYC chain) and the bakery’s vents were aimed down E. 63rd from 2nd Ave. (which was all the time, of course) — I could just float my way a half a city block to grab a still-steaming sourdough roll, French baguette or the flakiest croissants I had ever experienced (probably because I’ve never been to Paris). Well, although I can’t actually smell the bread and more baking up hot and fresh from outside of the new Stonemill Artisan Bakery & Desserts (located in the Wesley Chapel Village Market plaza, next to Vallarta’s, on S.R. 54 at Bruce B. Downs {BBD} Blvd.), I have already become one of owner and artisan baker par excellence Honor Brandao’s best customers in the few short months he’s been open, as our new office is less than a mile from his place. Stonemill Artisan’s tiny corner storefront in the Village Market isn’t
Owner Honor Brandao of Stonemill Artisan Bakery & Desserts in the Wesley Chapel Village Market plaza, gave the New Tampa Neighborhood News a tour of his kitchen. He even had us photograph him making authentic sourdough bread from scratch. much to look at (most real bakeries ences immediately, I’d wait until they operation is 100-percent of our busiaren’t), but I can assure you that Honor ness and that’s good because I have resuscitated you. lol — is very tender and his staff not only have the New inside, but should have a definite flaky everyone in training for when we kick Tampa (trust me, it’s worth the 15- or crispness outside. Stonemill’s croissants off the wholesale operation. We all have 20-minute trip) and Wesley Chapel are anything but “burnt,” as one local to be at our best to handle that type of areas covered in terms of freshly baked resident suggested in an email to me, volume. And, we will be.” breads and homemade desserts (includthey’re perfect. If I could limit myself to ing gelato), he says the plan is for the just one a day, I’d probably visit every Les Croissants Authentique! store itself to one day only represent day — they’re that good and the closest Now, before we go any further, I about 30 percent of Stonemill’s busithing to Hot & Crusty’s I’ve had here. just want to say that for those of you ness. That plan also calls for the 70-per- who think local supermarkets have But Honor, who will be happy to cent portion of the biz in the future to give you a tour of his uniquely modern great bread, you need to broaden your be wholesale — selling his delicious and horizons. Those “croissants” you get baker’s kitchen, doesn’t only make the decadent wares to restaurants, for large best croissants in town. Mais non, mes at your favorite coffee shop are actually corporate events and more. amis! He also walked me through the poorly Americanized “crescent rolls” “We’re even considering having process of creating authentic sourdough that bear almost no resemblance to ‘bread runs’ in the local neighborbread. He showed me everything from authentic French all-butter croissants. hoods,” Honor says. “Submit an order the sourdough cultures (which are aged A real croissant — some authenwhen we’re going to be in your neighin large tubs) to the formed, unbaked tic French bakeries in the Tampa Bay borhood and we’ll deliver fresh baked loaves of bread. Then, he has to cut the area actually bake both French and goods right to your door.” American-style croissants; if you were to slits in each loaf that not only give the He adds, “Right now, the retail sourdough its distinctive look, but also try both and not recognize the differ-
Monday - Thursday
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(L.-r.) Our editor says Stonemill Artisan has the best authentic French croissants in our area. Homemade Gelato fans can choose from a wide variety of flavors, all made in-house. allows each loaf to expand as it bakes in his incredible multi-tiered oven (which can bake literally dozens of croissants, sourdough “demis” and other fresh breads at once). The expansion is necessary to create the golden brown outside crispness, and dense, soft-and-delicious sourdough inside. Take home one of these loaves — or his rye, multigrain, brioche or other fresh breads, pre-soften some butter and see how long they last on your family’s table.
More Than Just Bread!
But, Honor and his crew aren’t only hitting on all cylinders when it comes to bread. I haven’t sampled all of his fresh-baked desserts, but I can tell you that I’m not usually the biggest fan of scones. They’re usually too crumbly and dry for me to even enjoy with a great cup of coffee (like Stonemill’s). But, at Stonemill Artisan, the authentic Italian (Honor and his wife, Ana Paula, were both raised in Brazil, by Italian parents, although he credits his “sainted Nona” {grandmother}, who made her own pasta and breads, for raising him and inspiring him as a baker) scones still crumble outside, but are definitely moister inside, than any I’ve had in this area. And, with varieties ranging from cheese to decadent chocolate chip and cinnamon crunch scones, I’m betting you’ll find one you love. Honor also makes these authentic, melt-in-your-mouth French cookies called macarons (not to be confused with the traditional coconut macaroons popular during the Jewish Passover season) in a variety of colors and flavors, as well as whole cakes (the chocolate layer cake has a layer of chocolate-hazelnut ganache) and pies (he was featuring
much-thicker-than most pecan pies the day I went to press with this issue), some of the most decadent home-baked chocolate truffles ever in a variety of flavors, delicious mini banana breads, muffins, cupcakes and many more. Even the authentic Italian gelato is made in-house. Of course, those who know me are aware that I still prefer ice cream to gelato, but all I can say is that I have tasted and enjoyed several different flavors at Stonemill Artisan and the gelato already is pretty popular among Honor’s customers. You big gelato fans can feel free to give me your feedback on it anytime. “To me, the motto of the artisan is ‘Know thy process, know thy ingredients, know they tools,’” Honor says. “I hope everyone who reads this will come in and try the homemade, hand-made difference in everything we do!” Stonemill Artisan Bakery & Desserts (5325 Village Market) is open Mon.-Sat., 7:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. For more information, call 994-7300 or stop in and please tell Honor and his crew that the New Tampa Neighborhood News sent you!
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Cold Stone Creamery — Celebrating 10 Years Of 10-Minute Vacations! By Gary Nager; Photos by Matt Wiley
As a certified (certifiable?) chocoholic and dessert lover who is trying to stay below 500 pounds, I don’t eat ice cream as much as I once did, but I still love a dish or a cone of super-premium ice cream every now and then, so I’ve been an ongoing, occasional customer of the Cold Stone Creamery located in the Highwoods Preserve section of New Tampa (just off Bruce B. Downs {BBD} Blvd.) since it opened nearly a decade ago. Co-proprietors Chip and Cathy Byrne opened New Tampa’s only Cold Stone location in July of 2004 (they also own two other stores, in Lakeland and in Carrollwood), so the Byrnes have seen a lot of young New Tampa kids grow into adulthood over the years — many of whom started their careers in the local ice cream shop.
“It’s gratifying to know that we were the first job for so many kids who have or are going on to be successful in life,” says Chip. “Many of them still stop in to say hi.” Cold Stone’s website (ColdStone bills a visit to any of the company’s more than 1,100 locations nationwide as the “Ten-Minute Vacation®,” as happy, singing crew members mix in your favorite toppings — from different varieties of chocolate chips to real Butterfinger and Kit Kat bars, sprinkles, fresh fruit, hot fudge and so many more that allow you to “Create Your Own Creation” — all on Cold Stone’s signature frozen granite mixing stone. I chose to mix my new favorite Cold Stone flavor, fudge truffle ice cream, with peanut butter ice cream, and mixed-in white chocolate chips and a Reese’s cup — I even added hot fudge topping, in a desperate effort to have my en-
At Cold Stone Creamery, you get to take a Ten-Minute Vacation® with smiling servers who will mix in your favorite toppings to your favorite ice cream flavors — and sing for tips.
tire day’s worth of calories and fat in one five-minute sitting. But, it was worth it. Honestly. For those who don’t want to work that hard figuring out what to add to their favorite flavors, Cold Stone always has more than a dozen ice cream flavors on hand and a variety of “Signature Creations” cones with cute names like “StrawberryBanana Rendezvous,” “Cookie Doughn’t You Want Some” & “Mud Pie Mojo.” For those who enjoy lighter Cold Stone Creamery of New Tampa co-proprietor Chip tastes, I personally suggest go- Byrne and his wife Cathy (not pictured) have been serving ing elsewhere (just kidding), but up delicious ice cream & more on BBD for a decade. They Cold Stone always has at least invite you to find out more about Cold Stone’s awesome one frozen yogurt flavor and event catering, ice cream cakes, smoothies & shakes, too. two or more tasty sorbets, which your own favorite flavors with just 24 are among the newer options on the menu. I hours notice before you need the cake. found the raspberry sorbet to be pretty deli“Customers find our cakes to be a cious, but this ice cream lover still prefers the delicious and convenient way to celebrate “real deal.” almost any occasion,” Chip says. “The Signature Cakes are really popular.” Cakes, Catering & More! Chip adds that Cold Stone’s catering Chip says that ice cream cakes are among his top sellers, and that his and also is becoming more and more popuCathy’s goal is always to have a full ice lar these days, as the store has a luxuricream cake display case, which offers an ous, impressive-looking van that actuawesome variety of “Signature Cakes,” ally doubles as a mobile ice cream shop, including the “Cake Batter Confetti” complete with its own mixing stone (for on the next page, “Midnight Delight,” an additional fee). Or, you can just save “Strawberry Passion” and more. These the extra cost of the stone and offer your signature cakes are virtually always on choice of toppings to your guests. “You need about 50 people minihand at the New Tampa store (and can be reserved online), but Chip notes that mum to make bringing the van to your you also can custom-order a cake with location worthwhile,” says Chip. “But,
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it’s perfect for weddings, corporate events, fund raisers, school and other private parties. We can even roll a smaller version of our in-store ice cream display right into your location from the van. People really love it!” ‘Signature Cakes,’ like the ‘Cake Speaking of Batter Confetti’ pictured above, are “Loving It,” Cold always available in Cold Stone’s Stone hasn’t al- in-store cake display case (right), as ways been able to are ice cream cookie sandwiches and have smoothies at other novelties. If you prefer sorbets the New Tampa (below) or frozen yogurt, Cold location (because Stone has got you covered, too! of a non-compete agreement in the plaza), but now also serves hand-spun smoothies and shakes in a variety of delicious flavors. Cold Stone Creamery’s New Tampa store (17519 Preserve Walk Lane, next to Jimmy John’s) is open every day. For more info, call 977-0024 or visit
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The Latest & Greatest News About Dining, Shopping, Retail & More In New Tampa & Wesley Chapel!
Repairing Last Issue’s Café Don José Misinformation
In our last issue, we told you about the new owners of Café Don José, the legendary, authentic Spanish restaurant located at 12350 N. 56th St. in Temple Terrace. Well, we left out some important info you should know. Yes, Café Don José was purchased by local Realtor Mehdi Belhassan and his brother, whose correct name is Karim Benmansour. Karim has previously opened 17 restaurants on three continents over the past decade, in addition to two different five-star hotel restaurants in Spain and Morocco. Karim says he is excited to bring that depth of experience back to Tampa, where he graduated from USF with an MBA. And, don’t forget, you can watch every match of the World Cup in Café Don José’s awesome new tapas bar! For more info about Café Don José, call 985-2392.
Cody’s Opens On S.R. 54 & Pinchers Is Coming Soon
It seems to have taken a while, but the new Cody’s Original Roadhouse, located in the former location of Remington’s Steakhouse at 27405 Wesley Chapel Blvd. (S.R. 54), did open to the public earlier this month, with the same reasonably priced steaks and more (and lots of peanuts) as the other Cody’s locations around the Tampa Bay area. For info about Cody’s, call 513-9200. Speaking of new eateries, Pinchers Crab Shack will open within a few weeks (perhaps in time for the Freedom Festival on Thursday, July 3; see page 1) in the former location of the Aja night club in the Shops at Wiregrass mall. Aja fans won’t recognize the place, but fresh seafood fans (like yours truly) are excited that Pinchers is getting close to opening. Visit PinchersCrabShack.
com or
As the youngest concept Full Circle Pizza & Grill of the top 10 Adds Great Coffee & Dessert brands, Burger My buddy, Ron Chase, always has 21 ranked No. 5, something new and delicious cooking up from No. 22 up at Full Circle Pizza & Grill (19651 last year, based on BBD Blvd., in the Pebble Creek Collec- its double-digit tion), so it should come as no surprise increase in averthat Full Circle now has a great new age unit volume coffee menu and new dessert items, all and recent expanbeing offered at a gotta-try-it price for sion. In addithe summer. tion, Burger 21 Now, you can enjoy your choice President Mark of a great espresso, cappuccino, latte or “Sea of Smiles,” the pediatric dental office of Dr. Lisa LaPrestsi (with scisJohnston was other coffee drink and your choice of recognized in the sors), hosted a Wesley Chapel Chamber ribbon-cutting ceremony on June 3. a chocolate fudge, lemon cello mascarpublication as one Mercedes Benz of Wesley Chapel on pone or Belgian chocolate mousse cake of the “Top 25 People” for his continS.R. 56 (nearly adjacent to I-75, west of for only $5, a savings of $1.50! ued strategic leadership in the growth Goodwill). Designed by Thomas EngiI’ve always appreciated Full Circle’s and development of the brand. neering Group on seven acres in the Cygreat lunch specials, but Ron says that as For more information, visit press Creek Development of Regional of Tuesday, July 1, he’ll be closing for or call the New Tampa Impact, the $17-million, 45,000-sq.-ft. lunch, probably until after the 2014Burger 21 location at 501-4910. dealership (with 21,000-sq.-ft. show15 school year begins in late August, room) is affiliated with AutoNation. Chili’s To Begin Building although it will still be open every day On S.R. 54 for dinner throughout the summer. Sea Of Smiles Cuts A Ribbon Freeland and Kauffman, Inc., So, try Full Circle’s great Chicago Sea of Smiles, the pediatric dental has announced plans to demolish the thin-crust pizza and Italian beef sandoffice of Dr. Lisa LaPrestsi, D.M.D. 6,142-sq.-ft. building that previously wiches for lunch while you still can and (located at 3737 Maryweather Lane, off had been home to Super Buffet (and don’t forget to check out Full Circle’s BBD in Wesley Chapel), held a Greater before that, Johnny Carino’s), in order Wesley Chapel Chamber of Commerce great new $5 coffee & dessert special and tell Ron and crew that we sent you! to construct a new 6,090-sq.-ft. Chili’s. ribbon cutting ceremony (photo above) No timeframe for the demolition or on June 3 to welcome the local commuFor more info, call 994-3700 or nity to this outstanding new office. the construction had been announced visit Sea of Smiles provides specialized at our press time, although the plans dentistry for children and adolescents in for the new Chili’s were under review Burger 21® Wins Fast a “child-friendly” environment. As pediby Pasco County. We also should Casual Honors atric dentists, we focus on preventive have another update on the Walmart Burger 21®, a new better burger care to help each child have a healthy planned on S.R. 54, just east of BBD in franchise (with a Bruce B. Downs smile that will last a lifetime. an upcoming issue. {BBD} Blvd. location at 20304 Trout Dr. LaPrestsi also has another office Mercedes Benz Of Wesley Creek Dr. in New Tampa), which was which serves infants, children and teens founded by the owners of The Melting Chapel Breaks Ground in the Bradenton/Lakewood Ranch/ Pot® Restaurants, Inc., franchise comWesley Chapel already is something Sarasota area. To reach the Wesley pany based in Tampa, has been named of a new car dealership headquarters and Chapel Sea of Smiles office, call 528one of Fast Casual’s Top 100 “Movers that reputation can only be enhanced 8717 or visit SeaofSmilesChildrensand Shakers” of 2014. by the recently announced plan to open — GN & MW
FREE kid’s scoop with the purchase of one scoop. Expires 7/31/14. With coupon. Not valid with any other offer. Limit 1 free per coupon.
813.406.4870 1219 Bruce B Downs - corner of County Line Rd. and Bruce B Downs, next to Target
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 13 • June 21, 2014 •
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Summer is the BEST time to catch-up or get ahead!
Full Premium Liquor Bar, Beers on Tap & Fine Spanish Wines
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For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 13 • June 21, 2014 •
New Tampa & Wesley Chapel HELP WANTED Award-winning Real Estate team with an overflow of serious buyer leads is seeking to hire talented experienced and motivated full time real estate agents. Who desire is to earn more money, expand their horizons and have a fulfilling life. Great training available. Keller Williams Tampa Properties. Contact Annette with Team Bohannon 813-431-2840. ROUTE SALES, MEDICAL Fills customer orders by driving to customer accounts within Florida; unloading and shelving product, inventory verification, order retrieval. Increase sales volume by providing customer service and suggestive selling techniques. Fills order by verifying inventory; loading vehicle. Monthly overnight travel requirement 2 nights a month. Retrieves damaged/ defective products from customer locations; keeps vehicle operating by following operating instructions; troubleshooting breakdowns; scheduling maintenance and PHYSICAL THERAPIST (PT) — An established New Tampa outpatient clinic is hiring a part-time PT to provide customized, one-on-one care. Fax resume to (813) 994-3080. HAIRSTYLIST. Looking for hairstylists with established clientele! - Relaxing contemporary environment in busy New Tampa shopping center. Booth rental available, $175/week. Newly furnished private suite with shampoo bowl for $225/week - First week free! Contact Ms. Johnson at (813) 994-2393 or email johnson. Weekend Pool Supervisor Wanted at New Tampa Community Pool. Saturday and Sundays 12 to 6PM. $10 - $12 per hour, must have CPR. Send resume to or call 813977-1160
Spanish-speaking Medical Biller wanted for New Tampa Medical Equipment Company Duties: Gathers billing information by reviewing patient records; checking for completeness. Bills insurance carrier by inputting billing info to database; initiating electronic transmissions. Resolves disputed claims by gathering, verifying & providing additional information; following up on claims. Resolves discrepancies by examining and evaluating data; selecting corrective steps. Skills/Qualifications: Data Entry Skills, Microsoft Office Proficiency, Time Management, Organization, Professionalism, Customer service and Attention to Detail. Please forward your resume to: BAKER(S) WANTED - Stonemill Artisan Bakery is looking for early morning bakers with expertise in the position. We are starting our wholesale operations soon and need someone to join our growing team. Duties include breads, pastries and baked donuts, among others. FT position with some weekend shifts. Food handler safety certification a plus. Please email contact@stonemillartisan. com with the words “Baker Position” in the subject line and we will email you an application form. Stonemill Artisan is an equal opportunity employer.
CAR SERVICES Don’t Have a Ride? Don’t Want to Leave Your Car? Shouldn’t Drive? We Drive You and Your Car Home! Night Clubs, Corporate Events, Sporting Events, Concerts, Appointments, Airport or Stranded. Call Jay at (813) 966-1530.
POOL SERVICES TRANQUILITY POOL SERVICE — New Tampa owned and operated. Great Pricing with outstanding customer service! Licensed, bonded and insured. See why we are New Tampa and Wesley Chapel’s #1 Choice!! New customers get ONE MONTH FREE! Call Chris Today at (813) 857-5400 or visit Monster Pool Cleaning. Summer Special 50% off your 1st 2 months of service. Family owned and operated. 20+ Years Experience. Competitive rates! Same service tech each week. *Our 15 point weekly full service will keep your pool looking great! Refer a customer and get ONE MONTH FREE Call Today 813-489-9967.
TAI CHI CLASSES — Benefits: Strength, flexibility, balance, focus and reduced stress! New Beginner 6-week courses starting every few months. Adults Course: Thursday evenings, 7-8 pm. Seniors Course: Tuesday afternoons, 12-1 pm. Space is ltd.! Also private instruction in Tai Chi Chuan, Kempo, Chin-Na, plus Boot Camp Fitness training & more. More than 35 years of training and teaching experience. Please contact Peter at (813) 787-7560 for more details or visit or e-mail
LICENSED MOBILE MASSAGE THERAPIST Available seven days a week, 9am -9pm. $55 for 1 hour! Types of massage available: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Aroma Therapy, Hot Stone, Corporate Seated, Pregnancy, Sports & Injury Rehab. References available. Visit or call (727) 372-6389. Lic #MA47546.
L.I.F.E Academy for Learning, LLC, is a licensed home daycare located in New River Township. The daycare is managed by Nora Dudley, an experienced elementary FL-certified teacher also certified in infant/child CPR and First Aid. Nora is a loving mother of two who is passionate about helping children. Call Nora at (813) 395-8487 or for more info, visit today to enroll your child & mention this ad to waive your registration fee! Refs. available. Lic. #F06PA361
Private Music Lessons- State, National and International Award winning studio. Piano, Voice, Cello, Violin, Viola, Guitar, Percussion. All concert-trained, experienced musicians. Structured curriculum. Royal Conservatory of Music Affiliate. Summer Sampler lessons available- an 8 lesson camp, tailored just for you. Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced Students. 5- Adult. Fun atmosphere, professional results. Our students stand out from crowd! For more information, check out our website at or call for an interview (813) 978-1771 Infinite edge is located in Tampa Palms and offering all subjects tutoring in Math and English and, SAT, ACT, FCAT from first grade to 12 grade.We also offer AP classes and our students got last year 5 on any subject that they got help. Please call 813-971-6500 Lead Montessori Teachers (Wesley Chapel, Tampa) - Join a winning team! Seeking Lead Montessori Teachers (AMS/AMI certification) to staff a brand new Montessori School in Wesley Chapel, FL. Competitive Salaries; Flexible Schedules; Professional Working Environment. Enthusiastic, nurturing candidates who have a passion for teaching should apply by calling (813) 737-7517 or by sending your resume to
INDIVIDUAL & COUPLES COUNSELING Over 90 years of personable and experience. therapy and testing services. Better Business Bureau-Accredited. With 6 clinicians, we’ll find the best therapist for you. Call (813) 418-7188, email or visit
Attention 6-12th graders and college students! Very cool, very experienced, and educated (Master’s Degree in English Ed.) Language Arts Teacher located in New Tampa can help you with all of your Writing needs. Whether facing that Research Paper, the FCAT, the SAT, or the ACT, I can help. Reasonable Rates/One on One or Small Group Instruction available. Please call 813-4803273 for more details.
Introducing Healthy Weight Loss of Tampa. Free body analysis, blood type consultation and weekly food diaries. Join our supportive environment guaranteed to enable you to lose weight, get healthy, HAVE FUN! Increase your metabolism, lower blood pressure, control diabetes with our ground breaking techniques. New classes starting each month. Space is limited. Call Cece Hall for more information at 813-210-6454.
Cats are happiest in their own home, surrounded by familiar sights, sounds, & smells. When you are away, we feed, cuddle, & play with your kitties & clean & dispose of litter. Insured, bonded, & Red-Cross certified in pet first aid/CPR. Submit a service inquiry at or call 994-9449
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 13 • June 21, 2014 •
Neighborhood News
CLEANING SERVICES ANNA’S HOUSEKEEPING, A BBB-Accredited Business Servicing Florida since 1991. Cleaning, Laundry, You Name It! $74 introductory special, Mon-Wed. Make your list, put us to work! We have private housekeeper rates with agency backup coverage! Licensed and all housekeepers are background checked. Call 813.985.1150. WHITE TOUCH CLEANING SERVICES a professional, reliable, and affordable company. We have been in business for more than 11 years.With over 80 satisfied clients throughout Tampa. Customers are our first priority. References are provided. Please contact Cristina or Francisco at (813) 325-6917. TAMPA CLEAN MAID SERVICE - a residential cleaning service with a flexible scheduling, offering basic and custom cleaning weekly,by-weekly and monthly service. For more information, Call 813 502 9452. M.Y. CLEANING SERVICE — Offering residential cleaning, complete bath & kitchen cleaning, plus dusting and polishing furniture. We have our own supplies. Your satisfaction is our priority! With 5 years of experience, we guarantee meticulous cleaning! For a free estimate, call Mila at (813) 516-3554.
SQUEAKY CLEAN HOME SERVICES is a residential cleaning company offering weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly services. We also specialize in move-in/move-out cleanup. All supplies and equipment provided. We are an Owner Operator company with over 20 years of experience. “If it needs to be clean, we’re your team!” Call 813-625-6045 for a free in-home estimate today! D-ULTRA CLEANING SERVICE — We have our own supplies amd more than 300 clients in New Tampa! For more info, Call 758-9710. Give yourself the Ultimate Cleaning that you deserve. Responsible, Reliable, and Honest with references. Call 727-6457779 for FREE estimates. Ask for Ybonne. Squeaky Clean Home Services - is a residential cleaning company offering weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly services. We also specialize in move-in/move-out cleanup. All supplies and equipment provided. We are an Owner Operator company with over 20 years experience. "If it Needs to be Clean, We're your Team! Call us for your free in home estimate today! 813-6256045
Our team offers house and office cleaning services on a weekly or monthly basis. We also offer move-in/move-out cleanup. Reliable team and flexible schedule. Free estimate and all supplies provided! Be our guest! For more informations call or text: 813-760-0531.
HOME IMPROVEMENT DRY WALL SPECIALIST. Not just a ‘handyman.’ Affordable Quality Work repairing water damage, ceilings and walls, retexturing, popcorn removal, room additions, cracks, holes, plaster and stucco repair. 26 years of experience Wesley Chapel resident. State-Certified. Call Ron for a free estimate at 784-5999. NEED HOME MAINTENANCE? Almost any job, large or small, exterior or interior, fencing, screening, small concrete, sprinklers, painting, repairs, interior doors, locks, sheet rock, windows, paint, caulk, grout, trim, shelving, garages organized. Installations, removals, pressure washing, wood restoration and more. Call Dale’s Home Maintenance at 973-0194 or 727-2582. DAVID BRIDGES PRESSURE CLEANING Complete exterior cleaning of your home or business with a professional and personal touch. Pool decks and screen enclosures, all fencing, driveways, walkways, roofs, gutters and downspouts. Find your happiness in a fresh, bright clean home. Your neighbors will love you for it! All work guaranteed. Licensed & insured. Call (813) 215-1177. GREG’S PAPERHANGING — For all of your wallpapering needs. Licensed and insured, clean, quick and reasonable. Call 973-2767 for a free estimate.
Raymond Painting. Exterior & Interior Services. Exterior: Painting, pressure washing, clean & seal pavers, stucco, roofing, leaks and wood rot repair. Interior: Painting, plastering, ceiling & wall repairs, & tiles. Licensed & Bonded. References available. Free estimates. YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD ARBOR GREENE RESIDENT. We work 7 days. Call (813) 994-5124. HOME RENOVATIONS & PAINTING Firm Realistic Budget Remodeling; Installations: Backsplash, Cabinets, Closets, Countertops, Drywall & Windows. Flooring Installation:Ceramic,Po rcelain,Granite,Marble,Travertine,Stone,Sl ate,Laminate Flooring, Engineered & Solid Hardwood. Interior & Exterior Painting: Pressure Washing, Repair small cracks & holes. Roofing : Complete Installation and Removal of any Asphalt Shingles. Wesley Chapel Licensed & Insured Company. ALICOR HOME RENOVATIONS INC; Call Michael at 813-758-0245 or at
CASH NOW Turn your clutter into cash!" Garage and estate sales, inventory liquidation,& appraisal services. We'll sell it for you online! We evaluate and appraise your products then get you top dollar. We do the work you get the cash. Ask me how, contact Mary at 813-428-5793
Call SMILESALWAYS at 813-263-4244 for Errands- Airport Rides/ Car Transportation Services- Doctor Appointments- Grocery Shopping Assistance- House Sitting- Girl Friday/ Office Support and Personal Concierge Services- Event Planning. Hourly, Daily & Long Term Rates: Tampa Palms/New Tampa Area. Friendly, Trustworthy, Responsive, Reliable. STYLIST BOOTH SPACE AVAILABLE If you’re a local, experiences stykist (wiht already-established local following or ready to build one) looking for outstanding booth rental rates in a elegant salon with top-notch amenities, located in the heart of New Tampa (minutes from Wesley Chapel), please stop in to see Jacpuie at Urban Renewal Hair (19651 BBD Blvd., Suite C-4) or call 978-9292. Neighborhood News
JASMINE’S LANDSCAPING — Complete lawn maintenance, Tree, palm and hedge trimming, Planting, mulching, stones, Sod replacement, Pressure washing, Gutter cleaning and more. Cited by your HOA for violations? Need to comply for: Pressure washing, Trimming, Mulching, Sod replacement, Sprinkler repair or Mailbox repair or replacements? Ask about our HOA SPECIAL! FREE ESTIMATE! Call (813) 420-4465.
AMERICAN PRIDE LAWN CARE SERVICE, LLC — Our services include weekly lawn maintenance with mulching decks on all mowers, precision edging, string trimming, hedge, shrub, palm, and tree trimmimg. We also offer landscaping, pruning, sod replacement, and pressure washing. Free estimates. Licensed and Insured. We are an Owner/Operator Company built on service and trust. References available. For more info, call (813) 458-4778. TAMPA LAWN SALON, INC. has been providing New Tampa & Wesley Chapel residents service for over 10 years! We not only provide weekly landscape maintenance but are also licensed in pest control. Our services include: Lawn and Ornamental Fertilization, Pest Control, Landscape Design, Landscape and Sod Installation, Lawn and Landscape Maintenance, Landscape Lighting, Irrigation, Pressure Washing. Please call us for an estimate at 813.417.7301 & ask us about our FREE irrigation inspection!
COMPUTER / BUSINESS SERVICES PROFESSIONAL TECH SUPPORT — in your home or small business. A+, Certified computer tech with 20 years of exp. Maintenance & repairs, upgrades & tutoring. More affordable than the large chains! Friendly, personalized svc. Technical jargon explained in plain English. Remote assistance available. References available upon request. Call (813) 957-8342 for a free estimate. DO YOU HATE YOUR COMPUTER?!? WE CAN HELP YOU! Troubleshooting, installation, networking & virus removal. WE COME TO YOU! Servicing residential & businesses, w/ more than 25 years of experience. Contact Jeffrey Blank at (813) 973-4507, visit WSICA.COM or email today! BASIC QUICKBOOKS TRAINING Washington Woods Accounting & Tax Services, LLC For $75.00 Learn About: -Setting Up A Company -Creating Invoices -Receiving Payments -Creating Bills From Vendors -Paying Bills -Understanding Your Financial Statements -Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Statement of Cash Flows Add Ons-$50 each -Payroll Setup and Processing -Making Journal Entries and More. Call for an appointment today! 813482-2123
Private suite in busy upscale Salon / SPA available for Hairstylist / Esthetician / Massage Therapist / Tatoo Artist or Makeup Artist Located Behind Sam’s club on SR 56 / Bruce B. Downs, near Wiregrass Mall. Equipped with wireless internet, wash/dryer, wheelchair access washroom, reception area. 24 x 7 accesses to your suite. Few equipment provided Utility, maintenance included in rent. Lowest rent in the Area. If you have established cliental, opportunity to work on commission basis as well. Call at 813-997-3414 for more information
ALL SEWN UP LLC. Custom alterations & tailoring Services. Free pick up and delivery...No Alterations too big or too small. Will also do fittings so all your clothing fit perfect! We Specialize on Alterations on prom and wedding wear. Hems, take ins, zippers, let outs, etc... Will beat any tailor or dry cleaners prices... guauranteed! Call SARAH: 813-476-3085 or email Mention this ad and receive 20% off your entire order. @NTWCNews
$5 Off Any Size Comforter $1.99 Press Only* $2.75 Drycleaning & Press* $1.49 Men’s Business Shirts * Some garments incur additional charge.
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 13 • June 21, 2014 •
Congratulations To Our New Tampa Class Of 2014 Graduates! By Matt Wiley
Congratulations to the Class of 2014 from Freedom High (FHS) in Tampa Palms and Paul R. Wharton High (WHS)! On the morning of June 2 inside the Expo Center at the Florida State Fairgrounds, 532 Wharton Wildcats seniors crossed the stage to become high school graduates. “Four years ago, I welcomed this group of students as ninth graders to (Wharton),” said principal Bradley Woods. “One thing I can say for certain is the students sitting here today continue to make positive choices and learn from their mistakes.” Woods also announced that the WCH Class of 2014 had collectively taken more than 1,000 Advanced Placement (AP) exams and that 233 of the seniors seated in the auditorium were graduating with weighted grade point averages (GPAs) of 4.0 or higher, 125 of which graduated with above a 5.0 and 34 with above a 6.0! “In addition, this group of students has accumulated more than $10 million in scholarship offers,” Woods said. The Class of 2014 also racked up more than 5,000 community service hours. While many of the Wildcats are continuing their educations at the University of Florida, Dartmouth College, Florida State University, Duke, Notre Dame and the University of South Florida here in Tampa, six Wharton grads were recognized for enlisting in our country’s armed forces. “In order to not be successful, you have to make a conscious effort not to try,” Woods said. Instead of a speech, salutatorian Kiana Outen, who graduated with a 6.68 GPA and who will attend Ivy League Dartmouth College in Hanover, CT, entertained the crowd with a Dr. Seussinspired rhyme. “There are some important things you should know,” Outen said. “Our journey’s not over, we still have to grow.” Outen was followed up by valedictorian Earl Bell, who graduated with a 6.88 GPA and who will be attending the University of Florida in Gainesville. “You’re only just about to start this journey called life,” Bell told his class-
mates. “There’s so much more ahead of you, many more trials and triumphs. Truthfully, we’re only about 20-percent of the way through.” A few days later (June 6), it was the 490 graduating seniors from Freedom’s turn to collect their diplomas, also at the Fairgrounds. “We live in unprecedented times, defined by unique experiences,” said (Top left): Freedom principal Sharon Morris (left) shares a laugh while distributing a diploma, following her address and (top valedictorian Marc right) valedictorian Marc Berson’s speech on June 6. (Below): Wharton principal Bradley Woods (left) and valedictorian Earl Berson, a recipient Bell addressed the crowd on June 2 before the school’s grads walked the stage to collect their diplomas. of the Coca-Cola scholarship (awarded to students for demonstrating academic excellence, positive leadership and dedication to service), who graduated with a weighted 8.12 GPA and will attend Bowdoin College in Brunswick, ME, in the fall. “We are the ‘sharing generation,’ tech-savvy innovators who prize access to knowledge and seek out inspiration.” We wish we had space to list them all, but Berson and his fellow graduates have racked up more than 25,000 hours of community service hours in their four years as Patriots, as well as more than $5 million in scholarships, principal Sharon Morris told the crowd during her first graduation speech as Freedom’s head administrator. “I hope you all will look back at your years at Freedom High with fond memories,” Morris said. “I would like to wish each and every one of you the happiness of a productive life, the respect of your fellow human beings and the love of your family. Now, let’s distribute some diplomas.” Congratulations to New Tampa’s Class of 2014 and best of luck! Jacquie If your child received an award or accolade that you want us to know about, send us an email ( or post a picture and info on our website — NT
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19651 Bruce B. Downs Blvd Pebble Creek Collection (behind Kobe Steakhouse)
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All inventory homes include elegant stone finishes at no charge.
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New 50' lot phase GRAND OPENING. Reserve your lot before it's gone!
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Due to continual innovations, all Mobley Home designs, pricing and promotions are subject to change without notice. Copyright 2009 Mobley Homes.
5016 Givendale
17826 Green Willow Drive
20215 Heritage Point
6417 E. MacLaurin Drive
3 Bed | 2 Bath |2,351 SF | 2 Car Garage | Granite, Wood Floors, Upgraded Throughout | Pavered Lanai| Pool/Waterfall Offered for $299,000
4 Bed + Office + Exercise Rm + Bonus Rm | 4.5 Bath | 5,773 SF 3 Car Garage | Built 2002| Custom Hannah Bartoletta, Wine Refrigerator, Granite, Upgraded Throughout | Conservation, Cul-de-sac | Pool, Outdoor Firedplace | Offered for 1,275,000
3 Bed +Loft | 2.5 Bath | 2,939 SF | 2 Car Garage | Built 2006 | Upgraded Granite, Tile, Maple Cabinets | Oversized Conservation Lot Offered for $289,000
17349 Emerald Chase Drive
16320 Burniston Drive
16326 Heathrow Drive
17802 Arbor Greene Drive
4 Bed + Bonus Rm | 3.5 Bath | 4,005 SF | 3 Car Garage | Built 2004 Two Sided Conservation | Immaculate! Offered for $499,000
5 Bed + Exercise Rm + In-Home Theater | 6.5 Bath | 6,269 SF | 3 Car Garage | Built 2002 | Pool/Spa |Conservation Offered for $1,175,000
4 Bed + Study + Game Rm | 4 Bath | 4,292 SF | 3 Car Garage | Built 2001 Pool/Heated Spa Package | Upgrades Throughout | Conservation/Pond Views Offered for $769,000
4 Bed + Den + Bonus Rm | 3 Bath | 3,266 SF | 3 Car Garage Built 2001 | Pool/Spa | Outdoor Kitchen Offered for $365,000
6420 Renwick Circle
5014 Givendale Lane
4916 Londonderry Drive
18143 Regents Square Drive
5 Bed +Theater Rm | 5.5 Bath | 4,842 SF | 3 Car Garage Exquisitely Remodeled | Outdoor Kitchen /Fireplace Pool /Heated Spa | Offered for $998,000
6 Bed + Bonus | 5 Bath | 5,436 SF | 3 Car Garage | Custom Hannah Bartoletta | Large Lot | Gated Village | Pool/Spa Package Offered for $1,000,000
4 Bed + Study + Game Rm | 3.5 Bath | 4,815 SF | 3 Car Garage | Built 2001 Pool/Heated Spa Package | New Roof June 2014 | Upgrades Throughout Conservation/Pond Views | Offered for $699,000
4 Bed + Den | 3 Bath |2,502 SF | 3 Car Garage |Tile Roof | Granite, Maple Cabinetry, Hardwood Floors | Pool Offered for $339,900
20120 Shady Hill
15837 Dawson Ridge Drive
17207 Keely Drive
17884 Arbor Greene Drive
5 Bed + Bonus Rm | 4.5 Bath | 5,222 SF | 3 Car Garage | Built 1997 Pool/Spa | Outdoor Kitchen | Over 1 Acre | New Roof June 2014 Offered for $889,000
4 Bed + Den | 2.5 Bath | 2,951 SF | 3 Car Garage| Built 2005 Pool | Conservation/Pond View Offered for $375,000
4 Bed + Den + Bonus Rm | 3 Bed | 3,375 SF | 3 Car Garage | Built 1998 Pool/Spa | Outdoor Kitchen | Conservation Offered for $439,000
5 Bed +Loft +Media Rm | 3 Bath | 3,973 SF | 3 Car Garage Built 2006 | Granite, Wood Floors | Oversized Conservation Lot Offered for $459,900
4 Bed | 3 Bath | 3,052 SF | 3 Car Garage | Granite, Wood Floors, Remodeled | Heated Pool/Spa | Conservation Offered for $450,000
16170 Colchester Palms Drive
8413 Fenwick Avenue
8337 Old Town Drive
17822 Hickory Moss Place
SALE PENDING 4 Bed +Bonus Rm | 3.5 Bath | 3,069 SF | 3 Car Garage | Built 2005 Upgraded Throughout, Granite | Heated Pool Offered for $400,000
SALE PENDING 3 Bed + Loft | 2.5 Bath | 2,321 SF | 2 Car Garage | Built 1997 Pool | Conservation | Pond Offered for $250,000
SALE PENDING 4 Bed + Office + Game Rm | 3.5 Bath | 3,447 SF | 3 Car Garage Heated Pool/Spa | Conservation | Granite, Upgraded Throughout Offered for $386,500
For Advertising Information Call 813-910-2575 • Volume 22, Issue 13 • June 21, 2014 •
Neighborhood News
4 Bed +Office | 3 Bath | 2,827 SF | 3 Car Garage | Granite, Remodeled Throughout | Heated Pool/Spa | Cul-de-sac, Conservation & Golf Course View | Offered for $429,900